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CU Electrical Installation Level 6

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P.O BOX 15745-00100
First published 2019
Copyright © TVET CDACC

All rights reserved. No part of this curriculum may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods without the prior written permission of the TVET CDACC, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by
copyright law. For permission requests, write to the Council Secretary/CEO, at the address

Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100 Nairobi, Kenya

©TVET CDACC 2019 i

The provision of quality education and training is fundamental to the Government’s overall
strategy for social economic development. Quality education and training will contribute to
achievement Kenya’s development blue print and sustainable development goals.

Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030 and
meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector had to be aligned
to the Constitution and this resulted to the formulation of the Policy Framework for Reforming
Education and Training. A key feature of this policy is the radical change in the design and
delivery of the TVET training. This policy document requires that training in TVET be
competency based, curriculum development be industry led, certification be based on
demonstration of competence and mode of delivery allows for multiple entry and exit in TVET

These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to ensure the
curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that this Curriculum has
been developed.

It is my conviction that this curriculum will play a great role towards development of competent
human resource for the Electrical sector’s growth and sustainable development.



©TVET CDACC 2019 ii

©TVET CDACC 2019 iii
Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform the country into a newly industrializing, “middle-income
country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030”. Kenya intends to create
a globally competitive and adaptive human resource base to meet the requirements of a rapidly
industrializing economy through life-long education and training. TVET has a responsibility of
facilitating the process of inculcating knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for catapulting
the nation to a globally competitive country, hence the paradigm shift to embrace Competency
Based Education and Training (CBET).

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 on Reforming
Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the need to reform curriculum development,
assessment and certification. This called for a shift to CBET to address the mismatch between
skills acquired through training and skills needed by industry as well as increase the global
competitiveness of Kenyan labor force.

TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC), in

conjunction with Electrical Engineering Sector Skills Advisory Committee (SSAC) have
developed this curriculum.
This curriculum has been developed following the CBET framework policy; the CBETA
standards and guidelines provided by the TVET Authority and the Kenya National Qualification
Framework designed by the Kenya National Qualification Authority.

This curriculum is designed and organized with an outline of learning outcomes; Suggested
Methods of Instruction, training/learning resources and methods of assessing the trainee’s
achievement. The curriculum is competency-based and allows multiple entry and exit to the

I am grateful to the Council Members, Council Secretariat, Electrical Engineering SSAC, expert
workers and all those who participated in the development of this curriculum.


©TVET CDACC 2019 iv

©TVET CDACC 2019 v

This curriculum has been designed for competency-based training and has independent units of
learning that allow the trainee flexibility in entry and exit. In developing the curriculum,
significant involvement and support was received from various organizations.

I recognize with appreciation the role of the Electrical Engineering Sector Skills Advisory
Committee (SSAC) in ensuring that competencies required by the industry are addressed in the
curriculum. I also thank all stakeholders in the Health sector for their valuable input and all
those who participated in the process of developing this curriculum.

I am convinced that this curriculum will go a long way in ensuring that workers in Electrical
Sector acquire competencies that will enable them to perform their work more efficiently.


©TVET CDACC 2019 vi

ACRONYMNS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................vii
BASIC UNITS OF LEARNING...................................................................................................1
COMMUNICATION SKILLS.....................................................................................................2
DIGITAL LITERACY..................................................................................................................5
ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS..................................................................................................7
EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS.....................................................................................................10
ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY.............................................................................................14
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES..................................................17
COMMON UNITS OF LEARNING.........................................................................................19
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS..........................................................................................20
WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY.................................................................................................28
ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES....................................................................................................31
TECHNICAL DRAWING..........................................................................................................36
CORE UNITS OF LEARNING.................................................................................................39
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK PLANNING.........................................................40
PERFORMING ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION................................................................45
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SITE MANAGEMENT....................................................51
TESTING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION....................................................................55
COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION...................................................58
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE..............................................................61

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©TVET CDACC 2019 viii
ENG Engineering
IEE Institute of Electrical engineers
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
KEBS Kenya Bureau of Standards
EPRA Energy and petroleum regulatory Authority
NCA National Construction Authority
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
WIBA Work injury benefits Act
IBMS Integrated Building Management System
EHS Environment, Health and Safety
CDACC Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
CAD Computer Aided Design
HAVC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

IBMS Integrated Building Management System
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
CU Curriculum
BC Basic Competencies
CC Common Competencies
A Control Version

©TVET CDACC 2019 ix



Industry or sector


Occupational are

Type of competency

Competency number

Competency level
Control Version

©TVET CDACC 2019 x

Description of the course
This course is designed to equip electrical technicians with the competencies required to
plan, install, manage sites, test and commission, and maintain and repair different types
of electrical installations. The activities involved include the installation types ranging
from domestic, commercial, industrial, horticultural, agricultural electrical installations
and can include generator, motor, water boiling, solar, HVAC (Heating Ventilation and
Air Conditioning), IBMS (Integrated Building Management System), and security.

The course consists of basic, common and core units of learning as indicated below:
Basic Units of Learning
Unit Code Unit Title Duration Credit
in Hours Factors
ENG/CU/EIT/BC/01/6/A Communication skills 60 6
ENG/CU/EIT/BC/02/6/A Digital Literacy 40 4
ENG/CU/EIT/BC/03/6/A Entrepreneurial skills 100 10
ENG/CU/EIT/BC/04/6/A Employability skills 80 8
ENG/CU/EIT/BC/05/6/A Environmental literacy 40 4
ENG/CU/EIT/BC/06/6/A Occupational safety and health 40 4
Total 360 36

Common Units of Learning

Unit Code Unit Title Duration Credit
in Hours Factors
ENG/CU/EIT/CC/01/6/A Engineering Mathematics 150 15
ENG/CU/EIT/CC/02/6/A Electrical principles 150 15
ENG/CU/EIT/CC/03/6/A Workshop Technology 150 15
ENG/CU/EIT/CC/04/6/A Technical Drawing 150 15
Total 600 60

Core Units of Learning

Unit Code Unit Title Duration Credit
in Hours Factors
ENG/CU/SPV/CR/01/6/A Electrical Installation work 140 140
ENG/CU/SPV/CR/02/6/A Perform Electrical 200 200
ENG/CU/SPV/CR/03/6/A Electrical Installation Site 120 120

©TVET CDACC 2019 xi

ENG/CU/SPV/CR/04/6/A Testing of Electrical Installation 100 100
ENG/CU/SPV/CR/05/6/A Commissioning of Electrical 130 130
ENG/CU/SPV/CR/06/6/A Electrical Installation Maintenance 140 140
ENG/CU/SPV/CR/07/6/A Electrical Installation Breakdown 140 140
Industrial Attachment 480 480

Total 1450 145

Grand Total 2410 241

The core units of learning are independent of each other and may be taken independently.
The total duration of the course is 2,410 hours (80 weeks at 30 hours per week) inclusive
of industrial attachment.

1. Entry Requirements

An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum
a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.) with a minimum mean grade of C-
(C minus)
b) Level 5 certificate in a related course with one year of continuous work experience

c) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority


2. Industrial attachment
An individual enrolled in this course will be required to undergo an industrial attachment
in an Electrical firm for a period of at least 480 hours. Attachment will be undertaken
upon completion of the course or the unit of learning.

3. Trainer qualification
A trainer for this course should have a higher qualification than the level of this course

4. Assessment
The course will be assessed at two levels: internally and externally. Internal assessment is
continuous and is conducted by the trainer who is monitored by an internal accredited
verifier while external assessment is the responsibility of TVET/CDACC.

©TVET CDACC 2019 xii

5. Certification
A candidate will be issued with a Certificate of competency in a unit of competency. To
attain the qualification Electrical Installation technician Level 6, the candidate must
demonstrate competence in all the units of competency as given in qualification pack.
These certificates will be issued by TVET CDACC in conjunction with training provider.

©TVET CDACC 2019 xiii


©TVET CDACC 2019 1



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate communication skills

Duration of Unit: 60 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to use specialized communication skills to meet
specific needs of internal and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate discussion with
groups and contribute to the development of communication strategies.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues
2. Contribute to the development of communication strategies
3. Conduct interviews
4. Facilitate group discussions
5. Represent the organization
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Utilize specialized  Communication process  Observation
communication skills  Modes of communication  Oral
processes  Medium of communication  Written tests
 Effective communication  Practical tests
 Barriers to communication
 Flow of communication
 Sources of information
 Organizational policies
 Organization requirements for
written and electronic
communication methods
 Report writing
 Effective questioning
techniques (clarifying and

©TVET CDACC 2019 2

 Workplace etiquette
 Ethical work practices in
handling communication
 Active listening
 Feedback
 Interpretation
 Flexibility in communication
2. Contribute to the  Dynamics of groups  Observation
development of  Styles of group leadership  Oral
communication  Openness and flexibility in  Written tests
strategies communication  Practical tests
 Communication skills relevant
to client groups
3. Conduct interviews  Types of interview  Observation
 Establishing rapport  Oral
 Facilitating resolution of issues  Written tests
 Developing action plans  Practical tests
4. Facilitate group  Identification of  Observation
discussions communication needs  Oral
 Dynamics of groups  Written tests
 Styles of group leadership  Practical tests
 Presentation of information
 Encouraging group members
 Evaluating group
communication strategies
5. Represent the  Presentation techniques  Observation
organization  Development of a presentation  Oral
 Multi-media utilization in  Written tests
presentation  Practical tests
 Communication skills relevant
to client groups

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Interview
 Role playing
 Observation
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources

©TVET CDACC 2019 3

 Desktop computers/laptops
 Internet connection
 Projectors
 Telephone

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate digital literacy

Duration of Unit: 60 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes competencies required to use a computer and other digital devices for the
purposes of communication, work performance and management at the workplace.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify computer software and hardware
2. Apply security measures to data, hardware, software in automated environment
3. Apply computer software in solving tasks
4. Apply internet and email in communication at workplace
5. Apply desktop publishing in official assignments
6. Prepare presentation packages
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Identify computer  Concepts of ICT  Written tests
hardware and software  Functions of ICT  Oral presentation
 History of computers  Observation
 Components of a computer
 Classification of computers
2. Apply security  Data security and control  Written tests
measures to data,  Security threats and control measures  Oral presentation
hardware and software  Types of computer crimes  Observation
 Detection and protection against  Project
computer crimes
 Laws governing protection of ICT
3. Apply computer  Operating system  Oral questioning
software in solving  Word processing  Observation
tasks  Spread sheets  Project
 Data base design and manipulation

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 Data manipulation, storage and
4. Apply internet and  Computer networks  Oral questioning
email in  Network configurations  Observation
communication at  Uses of internet  Oral presentation
workplace  Electronic mail (e-mail) concept  Written report
5. Apply desktop  Concept of desktop publishing  Oral questioning
publishing in official  Opening publication window  Observation
assignments  Identifying different tools and tool  Oral presentation
bars  Written report
 Determining page layout  Project
 Opening, saving and closing files
 Drawing various shapes using DTP
 Using colour pellets to enhance a
 Inserting text frames
 Importing and exporting text
 Object linking and embedding
 Designing of various publications
 Printing of various publications
6. Prepare presentation  Types of presentation packages  Oral questioning
packages  Procedure of creating slides  Observation
 Formatting slides  Oral presentation
 Presentation of slides  Written report
 Procedure for editing objects  Project

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos
 Project
 Group discussions

Recommended Resources

 Desk top computers

 Laptop computers
 Other digital devices
 Printers

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 Storage devices
 Internet access
 Computer software



Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate communication skills

Duration of Unit: 100 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients and
colleagues and developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and strategies. It
also covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group discussion and
representing the organization in various forums.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues
2. Develop communication strategies
3. Establish and maintain communication pathways
4. Promote use of communication strategies
5. Conduct interview
6. Facilitate group discussion
7. Represent the organization

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Meet communication  Communication process  Interview
needs of clients and  Modes of communication  Written
colleagues  Medium of communication
 Effective communication
 Barriers to communication
 Flow of communication
 Sources of information
 Organizational policies

©TVET CDACC 2019 7

 Organization requirements for
written and electronic
communication methods
 Report writing
 Effective questioning techniques
(clarifying and probing)
 Workplace etiquette
 Ethical work practices in handling
 Active listening
 Feedback
 Interpretation
 Flexibility in communication
 Types of communication strategies
 Elements of communication
2. Develop  Dynamics of groups  Interview
communication  Styles of group leadership  Written
strategies  Openness and flexibility in
 Communication skills relevant to
client groups
3. Establish and maintain  Types of communication pathways  Interview
communication  Written
4. Promote use of  Application of elements of  Interview
communication communication strategies  Written
strategies  Effective communication
5. Conduct interview  Types of interview  Interview
 Establishing rapport  Written
 Facilitating resolution of issues
 Developing action plans
6. Facilitate group  Identification of communication  Interview
discussion needs  Written
 Dynamics of groups
 Styles of group leadership
 Presentation of information
 Encouraging group members
 Evaluating group communication

©TVET CDACC 2019 8

7. Represent the  Presentation techniques  Interview
organization  Development of a presentation  Written
 Multi-media utilization in
 Communication skills relevant to
client groups

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Discussion
 Role playing
 Simulation
 Direct instruction
 Practice by trainee

Recommended Resources
 Desktop computers/laptops
 Internet connection
 Projectors
 Telephone

©TVET CDACC 2019 9

Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate employability skills
Duration of Unit: 80 hours
Unit Description
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It involves
competencies for exuding self-awareness and ability to deal with everyday life challenges;
demonstrating critical safe work habits and leading a workplace team; planning and organizing
work activities; applying learning, creativity and innovativeness in workplace functions;
pursuing professional growth and managing time effectively in the workplace.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Develop self-awareness and ability to deal with life challenges
2. Demonstrate critical safe work habits for employees
3. Lead a workplace team
4. Plan and organize work
5. Maintain professional growth and development in the workplace.
6. Demonstrate learning, creativity and innovativeness in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Develop self-  Self-awareness  Observation
awareness and ability  Formulating personal vision,  Written
to deal with life mission and goals  Oral interview
challenges  Strategies for overcoming life  Third party report
 Managing emotions
 Emotional intelligence
 Asserting one-self
 Assertiveness versus
 Expressing personal thoughts,
feelings and beliefs
 Self esteem

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 Developing and maintaining high
 Developing and maintaining
positive self-image
 Sharing personal feelings
 Setting performance targets
 Monitoring and evaluating
 Articulating ideas and aspirations
 Accountability and responsibility
 Stress and stress management  Observation
2. Demonstrate critical
 Time concept  Written
safe work habits for
 Punctuality and time consciousness  Oral interview
 Leisure  Third party report
 Integrating personal objectives into
organizational objectives
 Resources mobilization
 Resources utilization
 Setting work priorities
 Developing healthy relationships
 HIV and AIDS
 Drug and substance abuse
 Dealing with emerging issues
 Leadership  Observation
3. Lead a workplace
 Influence  Oral interview
 Team building  Written
 Determination of team roles and  Third party report
 Team parameters and relationships
 Individual responsibilities in a team
 Forms of communication
 Business communication
 Complementing team activities
 Gender and gender mainstreaming
 Human rights protocols
 Developing healthy relationships
 Maintaining relationships
 Conflicts and conflict resolution
 Planning  Observation
4. Plan and organize
 Organizing  Oral interview
 Schedules of activities  Written

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 Developing work plans  Third party report
 Developing work goals/objectives
and deliverables
 Monitoring work activities
 Evaluating work activities
 Resource mobilization
 Resource allocation
 Resource utilization
 Decision making
 Problem solving
 Negotiation
5. Maintain professional  Avenues for professional growth  Observation
growth and  Training and career opportunities  Oral interview
development in the  Assessing training needs  Written
workplace  Mobilizing training resources  Third party report
 Licenses and certifications for
professional growth and
 Pursuing personal and
organizational goals
 Managing work priorities and
 Recognizing career advancement
6. Demonstrate learning,  Managing own learning  Observation
creativity and  Mentoring  Oral interview
innovativeness in the  Coaching  Written
workplace  Networking  Third party report
 Variety of learning context
 Application of learning
 Safe use of technology
 Taking initiative/proactive
 Flexibility
 Identifying opportunities
 Generating new ideas
 Workplace innovation
 Performance improvement

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Instructor lead facilitation of theory
 Demonstrations

©TVET CDACC 2019 12

 Simulation/Role play
 Group Discussion
 Presentations
 Projects
 Case studies
 Assignments

Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio sets
 TV sets
 LCD projectors

©TVET CDACC 2019 13



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate environmental literacy

Duration of Unit: 40 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to control environmental hazard, control
environmental pollution, comply with workplace sustainable resource use, evaluate current
practices in relation to resource usage, identify environmental legislations/conventions for
environmental concerns, implement specific environmental programs and monitor activities on
environmental protection/programs.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Control environmental hazard
2. Control environmental Pollution
3. Demonstrate sustainable resource use
4. Evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage
5. Identify Environmental legislations/conventions for environmental concerns
6. Implement specific environmental programs
7. Monitor activities on Environmental protection/Programs

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Suggested Assessment
Learning Outcome Content

1. Control environmental  Purposes and content of Environmental  Written questions

hazard Management and Coordination Act 1999  Oral questions
 Purposes and content of Solid Waste Act  Observation of
 Storage methods for environmentally work procedures
hazardous materials
 Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
 Types and uses of PPE in line with
environmental regulations
 Occupational Safety and Health
Standards (OSHS)

©TVET CDACC 2019 14

2. Control environmental  Types of pollution  Written questions
Pollution control  Environmental pollution control  Oral questions
measures  Observation of
 Types of solid wastes work procedures
 Procedures for solid waste management  Role play
 Different types of noise pollution
 Methods for minimizing noise pollution
3. Demonstrate  Types of resources  Written questions
sustainable resource use  Techniques in measuring current usage  Oral questions
of resources  Observation of
 Calculating current usage of resources work procedures
 Methods for minimizing wastage  Role play
 Waste management procedures
 Principles of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
 Methods for economizing or reducing
resource consumption
4. Evaluate current  Collection of information on  Written questions
practices in relation to environmental and resource efficiency  Oral questions
resource usage systems and procedures,  Observation of
 Measurement and recording of current work procedures
resource usage  Role play
 Analysis and recording of current
purchasing strategies.
 Analysis of current work processes to
access information and data
 Identification of areas for improvement

5. Identify Environmental  Environmental issues/concerns  Written questions

legislations/conventions  Environmental legislations /conventions  Oral questions
for environmental and local ordinances  Observation of
concerns  Industrial standard /environmental work procedures
 International Environmental Protocols
(Montreal, Kyoto)
 Features of an environmental strategy
6. Implement specific  Community needs and expectations  Written questions
environmental  Resource availability  Oral questions
programs  5 s of good housekeeping  Observation of
 Identification of programs/Activities work procedures
 Setting of individual roles  Role play

©TVET CDACC 2019 15

 Resolving problems /constraints
 Consultation with stakeholders
7. Monitor activities on  Periodic monitoring and Evaluation of  Oral questions
Environmental activities  Written tests
protection/Programs  Gathering feedback from stakeholders  Practical test
 Analysing data gathered  Observation
 Documentation of recommendations and
 Setting of management support systems
to sustain and enhance the program
 Monitoring and reporting of
environmental incidents to concerned
/proper authorities

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 ISO standards
 Ccompany environmental management systems (EMS)
 Montreal Protocol
 Kyoto Protocol

©TVET CDACC 2019 16



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate occupational safety and health practices
Duration of Unit: 40 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to comply with regulatory and organizational
requirements for occupational safety and health.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify workplace hazards and risk
2. Identify and implement appropriate control measures to hazards and risks
3. Implement OSH programs, procedures and policies/guidelines

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Identify workplace  Identification of hazards in the  Oral questions
hazards and risks workplace and/or the indicators of  Written tests
their presence  Observation of
 Evaluation and/or work trainees identify
environment measurements of OSH hazards and risks
hazards/risk existing in the
workplace is conducted by
 Authorized personnel or agency
 Gathering of OHS issues and/or
concerns raised
2. Identify and implement  Prevention and control measures,  Oral questions
appropriate control including use of PPE (personal  Written tests
measure to hazards and protective equipment) for specific  Practical test
risks hazards are identified and  Observation of
implemented implementation of
 Appropriate risk controls based on control measures
result of OSH hazard evaluation is

©TVET CDACC 2019 17

 Contingency measures, including
emergency procedures during
workplace incidents and
emergencies are recognized and
established in accordance with
organization procedures
3. Implement OSH  Providing information to work team  Oral questions
programs, procedures about company OHS program,  Written tests
and policies/guidelines procedures and policies/guidelines  Practical test
 Participating in implementation of  Observation
OSH procedures and policies/
 Training of team members and
advice on OSH standards and
 Implementation of procedures for
maintaining OSH-related records

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g.
 Mask
 Face mask/shield
 Safety boots
 Safety harness
 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
 Hard hat
 Face protection (mask, shield)
 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit

©TVET CDACC 2019 18

 Anti-static suits
 High-visibility reflective vest


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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply engineering mathematics

Duration of Unit: 150 hours

Unit Description

This unit describes the competencies required by an Electrical Technician to apply a wide range
of Engineering mathematics in their work. This includes applying algebraic functions,
trigonometry and hyperbolic functions, complex numbers, coordinate geometry, binomial
expansion, calculus, ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms, power series, Statistics,
Fourier series, vector theory, matrix, numerical methods, probability, commercial calculations,
estimations and measurements in solving problems
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Apply Algebra
2. Apply Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions
3. Apply complex numbers
4. Apply Coordinate Geometry
5. Carry out Binomial Expansion
6. Apply Calculus
7. Solve Ordinary differential equations
8. Apply Laplace transforms
9. Apply Power Series
10. Apply Statistics
11. Apply Fourier Series
12. Apply Vector theory
13. Apply Matrix
14. Apply Numerical methods
15. Apply concept of probability for work
16. Perform commercial calculations
17. Perform Estimations, Measurements and calculations of quantities

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Electrical Curriculum

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Apply Algebra  Base and Index  Written tests

 Law of indices  Oral questioning
 Indicial equations  Assignments
 Laws of logarithm  Supervised exercises
 Logarithmic equations
 Conversion of bases
 Use of calculator
 Reduction of equations
 Solution of equations reduced
to quadratic form
 Solutions of simultaneous linear
equations in three unknowns
 Solutions of problems involving
AP and GP
2. Apply  Half -angle formula  Written tests
Trigonometry and  Factor formula  Oral questioning
hyperbolic  Trigonometric functions  Assignments
functions  Parametric equations  Supervised exercises
 Relative and absolute measures
 Measures calculation
 Meaning of hyperbolic
 Properties of hyperbolic
 Evaluations of hyperbolic
functions Hyperbolic identities
 Osborne’s Rule
 Ashx+bshx=C equation
 One-to-one relationship in
 Inverse functions for one-to-one
 Inverse functions for
trigonometric functions
 Graph of inverse functions
 Inverse hyperbolic functions

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3. Apply complex  Meaning of complex numbers  Assignments
numbers  Stating complex numbers in  Oral questioning
numbers in terms of conjugate  Supervised exercises
argument and  Written tests
 Modulus
 Representation of complex
numbers on the Argand diagram
 Arithmetic operation of
complex numbers Application
of De Moivre’s theorem
 Application of complex
numbers to engineering
4. Apply Coordinate  Polar equations  Written tests
Geometry  Cartesian equation  Oral questioning
 Graphs of polar equations  Assignments
 Normal and tangents  Supervised exercises
 Definition of a point
 Locus of a point in relation to a
 Loci of points for given
5. Carry out Binomial  Binomial theorem Power series  Written tests
Expansion using binomial theorem Roots  Oral questioning
of numbers using binomial  Assignments
theorem.  Supervised exercises
 Estimation of errors of small
changes using binomial
6. Apply Calculus  Meaning of derivatives of a  Written tests
function  Oral questioning
 Differentiation from fist  Assignments
principle  Supervised exercises
 Tables of some common
 Rules of differentiation
 Rate of change and small
 Stationery points of functions of
two variables
 Meaning of integration
 Indefinite and definite integral

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 Methods of integration
application of integration.
 Integrals of hyperbolic and
inverse functions
7. Solve Ordinary  Types of first order differential  Written tests
differential equations  Oral questioning
equations  Formation of first order  Assignments
differential equation  Supervised exercises
 Solution of first order
differential equations
 Application of first order
differential equations
 Formation of second order
differential equations for
various systems
 Solution of second order
differential equations
 Application of second order
differential equations
8. Apply Laplace  Meaning of Laplace transforms  Written tests
transforms deriving Laplace transforms  Oral questioning
from first principles  Assignments
 State properties of Laplace  Supervised exercises
 Determination of inverse LT of
simple transforms and partial
 Solution of differential equation
by LT
 Solution of simultaneous
differential equation by given
initial conditions
9. Apply Power  Meaning of the term power  Written tests
Series series  Oral questioning
 Taylor’s theorem  Assignments
 Deduction of Maclaurin’s  Supervised exercises
theorem to obtain power series
 Application of Taylor’s
theorem and Maclaurin’s
theorems in numerical work
10. Apply Statistics  Classification of data  Assignments

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Grouped data  Oral questioning
Ungrouped data  Supervised exercises
 Data collection  Written tests
 Tabulation of data  Simulation
Class intervals  Data modelling
Class boundaries
Frequency tables
 Diagrammatic and graphical
presentation of data e.g.
Frequency polygons
Bar charts
Pie charts
Cumulative frequency
 Measures of central tendency
mean, mode and median
 Measures of dispersion
Variance and standard
 Definition of probability
 Laws of probability
 Expectation variance and S.D.
 Types of distributions
 Mean, variance and SD of
probability distributions
 Application of probability
11. Apply Fourier  Determination of the Fourier  Assignments
Series series as a periodic function of  Oral questioning
the period 2π and extend to π  Supervised
 Determination of Fourier series exercises
of non-periodic functions over a  Written tests
given range
 Determination of Fourier series
for even and odd functions and
the half-range series for a given
12. Apply Vector  Definition of dot and cross  Assignments
theory product of vectors  Oral questioning
 Solution of problems involving  Supervised exercises

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dot and cross production of  Written tests
 Definition of operators
 Definition of vector field
 Solutions of problems
involving vector fields
 Definition of Gradient,
Divergence and curl
 Solutions of involving
Gradient, Divergence and curl
 Application of vectors
13. Apply Matrix  Matrix operation  Assignments
methods  Determinant of 3x3 matrix  Oral questioning
 Inverse of 3x3 matrix  Supervised exercises
 Solutions of linear  Written tests
simultaneous equations in
three unknowns
 Application of matrices
14. Apply Numerical  Meaning of interpolation and  Assignments
methods extrapolation  Oral questioning
 Application of interpolation  Supervised exercises
 Application of interactive  Written tests
methods to solve equations
 Application of interactive
methods to areas and volumes
15. Apply concepts of  Meaning of probability  Written tests
probability in work  Types of probability events  Assignments
 Dependent  Supervised exercises
 Independent
 Mutually exclusive
 Laws of probability
 Counting techniques
 Permutation
 Combination
 Tree diagrams
 Venn diagrams
16. Perform  Product pricing  Oral questioning
commercial  Average sales determination  Written tests
calculations  Stock turnover  Assignments
 Calculation of incomes  Supervised exercises

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 Profit and loss calculations
 Salaries
 Gross
 Net
 Wages
 Time rate
 Flat rate
 Overtime
 Piece rate
 Commission
 Percentage
 Bonus
 Conversion of one currency to
 Exchange rates calculation
 Devaluation
 Revaluation
17. Perform  Units of measurements and  Assignments
estimations, their symbols  Oral questioning
measurements and  Conversion of units of  Practical tests
calculations of measurement  Observation
quantities  Calculation of length, width,  Supervised exercises
height, perimeter, area and  Written tests
angles of figures
 Measuring tools and equipment
 Performing measurements and
estimations of quantities

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Exercises by trainee

Recommended Resources
 Scientific Calculators
 Rulers, pencils, erasers
 Charts with presentations of data
 Graph books
 Dice

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 Computers with internet connection

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Perform workshop process

Duration of Unit: 150 hours

Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to manage an electrical workshop. It includes
applying workshop safety, use of workshop tools, instruments and equipment, preparation of
workshop tools and instruments for an electrical installation practical, storage of electrical tools
and materials after practical and troubleshooting and repair/ replacement of workshop tools and

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Apply workshop safety
2. Use of workshop tools, Instruments and equipment
3. Prepare workshop tools and instruments for an Electrical installation practical
4. Prepare the workshop for an Electrical practical
5. Store Electrical tools and materials after practical
6. Troubleshoot and repair workshop tools and equipment

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods:

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
1. Apply workshop  Meaning of PPE  Oral questioning
safety  Standard operating procedure  Written tests
in PPE
 Workshop rules
 Electrical hazards e.g.
 Electric shock.
 Fire
 Classes of fire
 Causes of fire
 Various methods of fire
 First Aid

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2. Use of workshop  Meaning of workshop tools,  Oral questioning
tools, instruments and equipment  Practical tests
Instruments and  Uses of workshop tools, Instruments  Written tests
equipment and equipment
 Classification of workshop tools and
 Care and Maintenance of workshop
tools and Instruments
3. Prepare  Tools and instruments for an  Observation
workshop tools Electrical practical  Oral questioning
and instruments  Preparation of a list of tools  Practical tests
for an Electrical and instruments for an  Written tests
installation Electrical practical.
practical  Issuing and confirmation of
tools and instruments before
and after practical
 Testing of practical tools and
4. Prepare  Practical stations  Observation
workshop for an  Interpretation of a list of practical  Oral questioning
Electrical material  Practical tests
practical  Written tests

5. Store Electrical  Classification of workshop tools and  Observation

tools and instruments.  Oral questioning
materials after  Storage of workshop Tools and  Practical tests
practicals equipment  Written tests
 Waste disposal
6. Troubleshoot  Meaning of troubleshooting  Observation
and  Common faults in Electrical  Oral questioning
repair/replace equipment  Practical tests
workshop tools Fault diagnosis procedure  Written tests
and equipment  Repair/Replace of components in
Electrical equipment

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 On-job-training
 Discussions

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Recommended Resources

Tools Materials and supplies

 Set of screw drivers  Stationery
 Pliers  Cables
 Phase testers  Lubricants
 Multimeter  Service parts
Equipment Reference materials
 PPE –hand gloves, dust coat, dust masks  IEE regulations
 Multimeter  Organizational procedures manual
 Clamp meter
 Earth electrode resistance meter
 Phase sequence meter

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply Electrical principles

Duration of Unit: 150 hours

Unit Description

This unit describes the competencies required by a technician in order to apply a wide range of
electrical principles in their work. Which includes; use of the concept of basic electrical
quantities, use of the concepts of D.C and A.C circuits in electrical installation, use of basic
electrical machine, use of power factor in electrical installation, use of earthing in electrical
installations, apply lightning protection measures, apply electromagnetic field theory , apply
electrodynamics, apply energy and momentum in electromagnetic field, apply transient in
electrical circuit analysis, use two port network, demonstrate understanding of refrigeration and
air conditioning
Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Use the concept of basic Electrical quantities

2. Use the concepts of D.C and A.C circuits in electrical installation
3. Use of basic electrical machine
4. Use of power factor in electrical installation
5. Use of earthing in Electrical installations
6. Use of earthing in electrical installation
7. Apply lightning protection measures
8. Apply Electromagnetic field theory
9. Apply Electrodynamics
10. Apply Energy and momentum in Electromagnetic field
11. Apply Transient in Electrical circuit analysis
12. Use two port networks
13. Demonstrate understanding of Refrigeration and Air conditioning

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Use the concept of  The meaning of SI unit  Written tests

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basic Electrical  SI unit of various types of Electrical  Oral questioning
quantities parameters  Assignments
 Ohm’s law  Supervised exercises
 Calculations involving various
Electrical parameters e.g. Power,
Current, Voltage, Resistance
 Instruments used in measuring
various types of Electrical
2. Use the concepts of  Meaning of terms  Written tests
D.C and A.C  AC and DC, parallel and series  Oral questioning
circuits in electrical circuits  Assignments
installation  AC and DC network theorems  Supervised exercises
 AC to DC and DC to AC
 Basic solar photovoltaic
3. Use of basic  Types of Electrical machines  Assignments
electrical machine  DC machines,  Oral questioning
 AC Single and three phase motors,  Supervised exercises
generators and Transformers  Written tests
 Motor starting methods e.g  Practical tests
 Star-Delta
 Auto-transformer
 Resistance starter
 Shaded pole
 Split phase
 Capacitor start
 Capacitor Start and run
 Face plate Starting
 Application of AC and DC machines
 Special machines and their
 Electric Drives
4. Demonstrate  Meaning of Terms  Assignments
understanding of  Three phase power supply  Oral questioning
three phase power connection  Practical tests
supply  Star connection  Observation
 Delta connection  Written test

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 Voltage, Current and power
 Measurements of power
 Wattmeter methods
 Interconnection of three phase
power supply
 Star- Delta and Delta- Star
5. Use of power  Meaning of power factor  Assignments
factor in electrical  Meaning of terms  Oral questioning
installation  Power triangle  Practical tests
 Power factor correction  Observation
 Supervised exercises
 Written tests
6. Use of earthing in  Terms in Earthing  Assignments
Electrical  Earthing points in Electrical  Supervised exercises
installations installation  Written tests
 Methods of earthing  Practical test
 Factors to consider in selecting an
earthing method
 Testing an earthing system
7. Apply lightening  Meaning of lightening  Assignments
protection  Lightening strokes and their types  Oral questioning
measures  Lightening protection components  Supervised exercises
 Testing a lightening system  Written tests
 Application of lightening system
 Maintenance of lightening system
8. Apply  Meaning of Electromagnetic Field  Assignments
Electromagnetic Theory  Oral questioning
field Theory  Sources of Electromagnetic Fields  Supervised exercises
 Detectors of Electromagnetic  Written tests
 Application of Electromagnetic
 Electromagnetics Laws
 Faraday’s Law
 Lenz’s law
 Fleming’s Laws
 Properties and Effects of
Electromagnetic waves
 Wave Characteristics and Shielding

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 Skin Effect
9. Apply  Meaning of Electrostatics
Electrodynamics  Identification of Electrostatic terms  Assignments
and their meaning  Oral questioning
 Meaning of terms in magnetostatics  Supervised exercises
 Electrodynamics laws  Written tests
Faraday’s law
10. Apply Energy and  Energy conservation theorem:  Assignments
Momentum in  Poyntings’ Theorem  Oral questioning
Electromagnetic  Momentum Energy Flow  Supervised exercises
field  Electromagnetic Energy flow  Written tests
11. Apply transients in  Meaning of Growth and decay in R-  Assignments
Electrical Circuit L & R-C circuits  Oral questioning
Analysis  Calculations involving R-L& R-C  Supervised exercises
circuits  Written tests
 Application of Growth and decay in
R-L & R-C Circuits
12. Use Two Port  Meaning of passive networks  Assignments
networks  Types of Passive network  Oral questioning
 Characteristic impedance in T & pie  Supervised exercises
networks  Written tests
 Design of T & pie networks
 Transmission lines
 ABCD Constants
 Network in cascade
13. Demonstrate  Meaning of Refrigeration and Air  Assignments
understanding of Conditioning  Oral questioning
Refrigeration and  Operation of Refrigeration and Air  Supervised exercises
Air conditioning conditioning  Written tests
 Plant layout of Refrigeration and Air
conditioning system

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Exercises by trainee

Recommended Resources

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 Scientific Calculators
 Relevant reference materials
 Stationeries
 Electrical workshop
 Relevant practical materials
 Dice
 Computers with internet connection

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Prepare and interpret technical drawings

Duration of Unit: 150 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical drawings. It
involves competencies to select, use and maintain drawing equipment and materials. It also
involves producing plain geometry drawings, solid geometry drawings, pictorial and
orthographic drawings of components and application of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Use and maintain drawing equipment and materials

2. Produce plane geometry drawings
3. Produce solid geometry drawings
4. Produce pictorial and orthographic drawings of components
5. Apply CAD packages
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods:
Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
 Identification and care of drawing  Observation
1. Use and maintain
equipment  Oral questioning
drawing equipment
 Identification and care of drawing  Written tests
and materials
 Reference to manufacturer’s
instructions and work place
procedures on use and maintenance
of drawing equipment and
 Reference to relevant
environmental legislations
 Use of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPEs)

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
 Types of lines in drawings  Oral questioning
2. Produce plane
 Construction of geometric forms  Practical tests
geometry drawings
e.g. squares, circles  Observation
 Construction of different angles
 Measurement of different angles
 Bisection of different angles and
 Standard drawing conventions
 Interpretation of sketches and  Observation
3. Produce solid
drawings of patterns e.g. cylinders,  Practical tests
geometry drawings
prisms and pyramids  Oral questioning
 Sectioning of solids e.g. prisms,
 Development and interpenetrations
of solids e.g. cylinder to cylinder
and cylinder to triangular, prism
 Meaning of pictorial and  Observation
4. Produce orthographic
orthographic drawings  Practical tests
 Meaning of sectioning  Oral questioning
 Meaning of symbols and
 Drawing and interpretation of
orthographic elevations
 Dimensioning of orthographic
 Sectioning of views
 Assembly drawing
5. Produce pictorial  Meaning of pictorial drawings  Observation
 Drawing objects in isometric view  Oral questioning
 Drawing objects in oblique view  Practical tests
 Electrical symbols and  Observation
6. Produce electrical
abbreviations  Oral questioning
 Meaning of electrical drawings  Practical tests
 Drawing of electrical diagrams e.g.
block, schematic, circuit, line and
 Identification of CAD packages  Observation
7. Apply CAD packages
e.g. AutoCAD, circuit maker  Oral questioning

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
 Use of CAD packages in drawing  Practical tests
 Plane geometry
 Solid
 Orthographic
 Pictorial
 Electrical e.g. block,
schematic, circuit, line and
Suggested Methods of Instruction
 Projects
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Discussions
Recommended Resources

 Drawing room
 Drawing instruments e.g. T-squares, set squares, drawing sets
 Drawing tables
 Pencils, papers, erasers
 Masking tapes
 Computers installed with relevant CAD packages

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Plan Electrical Installation
Duration of Unit: 140 hours
Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required for planning an electrical installation, ranging
from surveying the site to determining the system size to preparation of materials, tools, and
drawings, and establishing the team required to prepare the work site.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Conduct site survey

2. Perform system sizing

3. Prepare list of tools, equipment and materials

4. Arrange logistics

5. Obtain installation drawings

6. Prepare installation work plan

7. Establish installation team

8. Raise necessary permit and licences

9. Prepare work site

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
1. 1. Conduct site survey  Type of installations  Written tests
 Domestic installations  Oral questioning
 Industrial installations  Observation
 Commercial installations  Practical tests
 Type of building e.g.
 Permanent building
 Semi-permanent buildings
 Utilities available
 Water
 Electricity
 Communication e.g. Phones
 Installation conditions e.g.
 Temperature
 Humidity
 Moisture
 Taking measurements on site
 Length e.g. conduits size
 Total area
 Temperature
2. Perform system  Introduction to standards e.g  Written tests
sizing  IEE regulations.  Observation
 Kenya bureau of standards  Oral questioning
(KEBS)  Practical tests
 British standards
 KPLC by-laws
 ERC regulations
 County by-laws
 National Construction
Authority (NCA)
 Reference to relevant IEE regulation
 Determining cables:
 Types
 Ratings
 sizes
 Insulation type
 Protective devices
 Types
 Ratings

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
3. Prepare list of tools,  Identification of tools and materials  Written tests
equipment and e.g.  Observation
materials  Cutting tools  Oral questioning
 Measuring tools  Practical tests
 Measuring equipment
 Cables and conductors
 Crimping tools
 Conduits
 Trunking
 Consumables
4. Plan for logistics  Transport for:  Written tests
 Materials and their safety  Observation
 Personnel  Oral questioning
 Storage of materials on site
 Site security
 Human resource
 Skills required
 Communication
 Purpose
 Modes
5. Prepare installation  Identification of scope of installation  Observation
work plan work  Oral questioning
 Preparation of work schedules  Written tests
 Bar charts
 Gantt charts
 Critical path networks
6. Establish installation  Team building  Observation
team  Team members  Oral questioning
 familiarization  Written tests
 Collaboration
 Task distribution
 Communication protocol
7. Raise the necessary  Meaning of terms  Observation
permit and licences  Permit to work  Oral questioning
 Types e.g. gate pass, name tag  Written tests
 Sources
 Application procedure
 Classes of ERC licences
 C2, C1, B, A2, A1

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Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
8. Prepare work site  Identification of hazards and safety 
requirements for the site
 Reference to relevant regulations e.g.
 Occupational Safety and Health Act
 County by-laws
 Utilities
 Access roads
 Water
 Electricity

9. Prepare tenders and  Sources of law 
service contracts Law of tort
Laws of contract and tendering
 Types and forms of contract
 Types of tenders
 Tender estimation and Sources of law
 Law of tort
 Laws of contract and
 tendering
 Types and forms of contract
 Types of tenders
 Tender estimation and costing
 Statutory documents in contracts and

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 On-job-training
 Discussions

Recommended Resources

 Measuring tools

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 Cutting tools


 PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment)

 Measuring equipment

 Communication equipment

Materials and supplies

 Stationery

 Assorted Cables

 Assorted protective devices

Reference materials

 Standards

 County by-laws

 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

 National Environmental Management Authority ( NEMA)


 National Construction Authority (NCA) regulations

 IEE tables

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Perform Electrical Installation
Duration of Unit: 200 hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to perform electrical installation work for single
phase and three phase systems. It focuses on the application of health, safety and environmental
standards, preparation of working drawings, communicating with other service providers and
maintaining housekeeping during the installation process.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Apply health, safety and environmental standards
2. Prepare working drawings
3. Assemble tools, equipment, materials and drawing instruments
4. Perform electrical installation
5. Facilitate other service providers
6. Maintain housekeeping
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
1. Apply health, safety  Relevant clauses in appropriate Acts  Written tests
and environmental e.g.  Oral questioning
standards  Occupational safety and health act  Observation
(OSHA)  Practical tests
 Work injury benefits act(WIBA)
 Environment management and
coordination Act (EMCA)
 Relevant regulations:
 IEE regulations
 KPLC by-laws
 County by-laws
 Causes of accidents and sources of
danger e.g. burns, cuts, electric shock,

©TVET CDACC 2019 45

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
falling from heights, falling objects,
noise, dust, chemicals
 Meaning of term PPE
 Purpose of PPE
 Types of PPE
 Safe and correct handling, use,
maintenance and storage of different
types of PPE
 Classes of fires and fire fighting
 First aid procedures
 Rescuing electric shock victim
 Methods of resuscitation
2. Prepare working  Working drawings  Written tests
drawings  Meaning of working drawings  Observation
 Identification and care of drawing  Oral questioning
instruments and equipment  Practical tests
 Identification of drawing paper sizes
 Drawing various types of lines
 Drawing title block
 Drawing standard e.g. Electrical
 Conversion of scales
 Interpretation of orthographic
 Dimensioning of drawings
 Drawing of electrical diagrams
 Block, Circuits, Schematic, Wiring
and Line
 Reading and Interpretation of
architectural drawings
 Reading and Interpretation of
electrical drawings
 Use of Computer Aided Design
(CAD) applications e.g. AutoCAD
3. Assemble tools,  Types, application, care, maintenance  Written tests
equipment and and storage of: Tools e.g.  Observation
materials  Cable strippers  Oral questioning
 Pliers  Practical tests

©TVET CDACC 2019 46

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Screw drivers
 Hammers
 Chisels
 Allen keys
 Electrician knives
 Crimping tools
 Bending springs
 Steel tapes
 Draw wires
 Hack saws
 Drills
 Equipment e.g. Stock and die, Vice
 Materials e.g.
 Cables
 Fittings
 Accessories
 Inventory management
4. Perform electrical  Single phase and three phase systems  Written tests
installation  Cables and cable joints  Observation
 Wiring systems and accessories  Oral questioning
 Meaning of terms
 Types and applications e.g. Conduits,
Cable trays, Cable ducts, Trunkings
 Preparation of wiring systems
 Marking out, cutting, bending,
threading, chiselling, trenching
 Laying of cable routes
 Installation of final circuits
 Lighting circuits
 One way, two way, intermediate
 Looping in methods at ceiling rose,
joint boxes, switches
 Power circuits
 Radial circuits, ring circuits
 Water heating circuits
 Electric cooker circuits
 Call and alarm circuits
 Bell circuits

©TVET CDACC 2019 47

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Intruder alarm circuits
 Fire alarm circuits
 Electrical machines
circuits e.g. Direct online (DOL),
star-delta, forward
and reverse
 Relevant technical standards e.g.
 IEE regulations
 British standards
 Kenya bureau of standards
5. Facilitate other  Communication with other service  Observation
service providers providers e.g. Plumbers, Air  Oral questioning
conditioning technicians, Carpenters,  Written tests
Masons, Fitters, Welders etc.
6. Maintain  Housekeeping  Observation
housekeeping  Meaning of terms  Oral questioning
 Safety considerations  Written tests
 Sufficient lighting in work place
 Proper tools storage facility
 Clean workplace
 Proper waste disposal

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips
 On-job-training
 Discussions

Recommended Resources
Tools and equipment

 Cable Strippers

 Pliers

 Screw drivers

©TVET CDACC 2019 48

 Hammers

 Chisels

 Allen keys

 Electrician knives

 Crimping tools

 Bending springs

 Bending machine

 Steel tapes

 Draw wires

 Hack saws
 Drilling tools
 Stock and die
 Bench vice
 Machine vice
 PPE – hand gloves, dust coats, dust masks, helmets, ear muffs, industrial boots
Materials and supplies

 Stationery
 Cables
 Light fittings
 Accessories
 Conduits and fittings
 Cable trays
 Cable ducts
 Trunkings
 Computers
 Drawing instruments
 Screws

Reference materials

©TVET CDACC 2019 49

 IEE regulations
 Occupational safety and health act (OSHA)
 Work injury benefits act (WIBA)
 Manufacturers’ catalogues
 British standards
 KEBS standards

©TVET CDACC 2019 50



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Manage Electrical Installation Site
Duration of Unit: 120 hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to manage sites where electrical installation work
is undertaken. It covers the competencies in leading and monitoring activities, applying working
drawings and EHS standards, preparing reports, establishing work relationship, and organizing
site meetings.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Assign and monitor specific site activities
2. Monitor Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Standards
3. Oversee implementation of working drawings
4. Prepare installation reports
5. Establish work relationship
6. Organize site meetings
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
1. Assign and monitor  Identification of site activities  Observation
specific site  Interpretation of working drawings  Oral questioning
activities  Confirmation of specifications and  Written tests
quality of materials  Practical tests
 Preparation of wiring systems
 Laying Conduits/trunks/ducts
 Wiring
 Fitting
 Testing and inspection
 Duties and responsibilities of:
 Supervisors
 Technicians

©TVET CDACC 2019 51

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Store keepers
 Assistants e.g. attaches,
 Interns, apprentices
 Security officers
 Preparation of site activities
 Monitoring checklist
 Timelines
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Yearly
 Parameters to be monitored
 Type of materials
 Quality and quantity of
 materials
 Tools and equipment
 Timelines
 Workforce
 Safety
 Site progress report
2. Monitor  Meaning of terms  Observation
implementation of  EHS standards  Oral questioning
Environment, Health  Relevant laws and standards:  Written tests
and Safety (EHS)  EMCA  Practical tests
standards  OSHA
 County by-laws
 KPLC by-laws
 Energy Act
 Safe and correct handling, use,
maintenance and storage of different
types of PPE
 Organizational safety rules and
3. Oversee  Verification of drawings against  Observation
implementation of installation  Oral questioning
working drawings  Editing of drawings to accommodate  Written tests
changes  Practical test

©TVET CDACC 2019 52

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Generation of reports from records  Observation
4. Prepare installation
 Records  Oral questioning
reports and records
 Meaning  Written tests
 Importance  Practical tests
 Types and formats
 Reports
 Meaning
 Formats as per the contract
 Filing
5. Establish work  Organization structure  Observation
relationship  Reporting relationships  Oral questioning
 Written tests
 Practical tests
6. Organize site  Procedure of holding meetings  Observation
meetings  Meeting notification  Oral questioning
 Agenda  Written tests
 Quorum  Practical tests
 Minutes
 Report writing

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Discussions
 Site visits
 On-job-training
 Charts and Audio-visual presentations
 Templates

Recommended Resources

 Computers

 Printers

 Cameras
 Phones
Materials and supplies
 Stationery

©TVET CDACC 2019 53

Reference materials
  Manufacturers’ catalogues
  Working drawings
  EMCA Act
  OSHA
 County by-laws

©TVET CDACC 2019 54

Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Perform Testing of Electrical Installation

Duration of Unit: 120 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to carry out inspection and testing of an electrical
installation. It covers testing activities starting from verifying the installed fittings and
accessories, identifying the type of tests, carrying out the tests and issuing test certificates.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Conduct physical inspection
2. Identify the test to be carried out and test equipment
3. Perform the test, record test results and compile a report
4. Issue installation test and wiring certificates
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods:
Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Conduct physical  Inspection  Written tests
inspection  Reasons for inspection  Oral questioning
 Physical and visual check  Practical tests
 Firmness  Observation
 Loose connections
 Damaged accessories and
 Colour coding

2. Identify the test to be  Meaning terms  Written tests

carried out and the  Testing  Oral questioning
test equipment Purpose and reasons  Practical tests
 Types of tests  Observation
Effectiveness of earthing
Insulation resistance

©TVET CDACC 2019 55

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
Ring circuit continuity
 Test equipment care, storage
and maintenance
3. Perform identified  Reading and interpretation of  Written tests
tests appropriate manuals  Oral questioning
 Identification of test equipment  Practical tests
e.g.  Observation
 Continuity tester (ohmmeter)
 Insulation resistance tester
 Earth loop impedance tester
 Test lamp
 Procedure of conducting
identified tests
 Polarity
 Effectiveness of earthing
 Insulation resistance
 Ring circuit continuity
 Recording and verification of
results against appropriate
 Rectification of any anomalies
 Safety precautions to be
 Meaning of terms  Written tests
4. Issue installation test
 Installation test results  Oral questioning
results and wiring
certificate  Practical tests
Importance  Observation
 Wiring certificate
 Meaning
 Importance
 Types
 Issuing authority

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Projects
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Field trips

©TVET CDACC 2019 56

 On-job training
 Discussions

Recommended Resources

 Test instruments
 Continuity tester (ohmmeter)
 Insulation resistance tester
 Earth loop impedance tester
 Test lamp

Materials and supplies

 Stationery
 Wiring certificates

Reference materials
 Manufacturers’ manuals
 Relevant catalogues
 IEE regulations

©TVET CDACC 2019 57



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Commissioning of Electrical Installation
Duration of Unit: 130 hours
Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required for commissioning of electrical installation. It
includes preparing commissioning schedules, notifying client, preparing as-built drawings and
preparing handover procedures. It also includes conducting end-user education and preparing
completion and handover documents.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Prepare commissioning schedule and procedures
2. Assemble commissioning team
3. Prepare handover procedures
4. Conduct end-user education
5. Prepare as-built drawings
6. Prepare completion documents
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Meaning of terms  Observation
1. Prepare
 Commissioning  Written tests
 Importance  Oral questioning
schedule and
 Formulation of Commissioning  Practical tests
procedure with representatives of
organization, consultant and
 Meaning of terms  Observation
2. Assemble
 Identification and briefing of the  Written tests
commissioning team  Oral questioning
 Practical tests
 Meaning of terms  Observation
3. Prepare handover
 Handover  Written tests
 Handover documents  Oral questioning

©TVET CDACC 2019 58

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Practical tests
4. Prepare as- built  Meaning of terms  Observation
drawings  As-built drawings  Written tests
 Meaning of terms  Oral questioning
 As–built drawings preparation  Practical tests
5. Conduct end- user  Meaning of terms  Observation
 End-user education  Written tests
 Operation manuals and brochures  Oral questioning
 Safety precautions  Practical tests
 Basic installation maintenance
6. Prepare completion  Meaning of terms  Observation
documents  Completion certificate  Written tests
 Importance  Oral questioning
 Components  Practical tests
 Handover documents
 User manuals

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Discussions
 Projects
 Demonstration by trainer
 Field trips
 On-job training

Recommended Resources

 Drawing instruments
Materials and supplies

 Computer

 Stationery
Reference materials

 Manufacturers manuals

©TVET CDACC 2019 59

 IEE regulations

 KPLC by-laws

 County by-laws

©TVET CDACC 2019 60

Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Maintain Electrical Installation
Duration of Unit: 140 hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to maintain an electrical installation, which
includes servicing and scheduled maintenance activities using safe methods.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Prepare maintenance schedule
2. Inspect electrical installation
3. Perform installation servicing
4. Conduct installation tests

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Meaning of terms  Observation
1. Prepare
 Maintenance  Written tests
 Types and procedures  Oral questioning
 Periodic service  Practical tests
 Preventive
 Breakdown
 Corrective
 Scheduling maintenance based on
service manuals
 Safety precautions to be observed

2. Inspect electrical  Meaning of terms  Observation

 Identification and documentation of  Written tests
maintenance tools, materials and  Oral questioning
equipment  Practical tests
 Specifications of identified tools,

©TVET CDACC 2019 61

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
materials and equipment against safety
 Inspection procedure
 Recording of inspection findings
 Meaning of terms  Observation
3. Perform installation
 Fill in maintenance checklist  Written tests
 Performance of maintenance activities  Oral questioning
and updating of necessary records  Practical tests
 Disposal of waste materials e.g.
 Old batteries
 Oils
 Lugs and screws
 Tapes
 Cable sheaths
 Off cuts
4. Conduct system  Meaning of terms  Observation
tests  Identification of test points and  Written tests
parameters  Oral questioning
 Safe test procedures  Practical tests
 Test results documentation

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Discussions
 Projects
 Demonstration by trainer
 Field trips
 On-job training
Recommended Resources
 Set of screw drivers

 Set of spanners and wrenches

 Power tools

 Cutting tools

©TVET CDACC 2019 62

 Pliers

 Lifting and tensioning tools

 Tool box

 Phase tester

Materials and supplies

 Stationery

 Cables

 Lubricants

 Service parts

Reference materials
 Service manuals

 IEE regulations
 Organization procedures manual

©TVET CDACC 2019 63



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency and meets the requirements specified by the
Occupational Standards: Conduct Electrical Installation Breakdown Maintenance
Duration of Unit: 140 hours
Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to conduct breakdown maintenance of an electrical
installation. It includes fault identification, repairing, testing and generating maintenance report
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Identify system failure

2. Troubleshoot cause of failure

3. Prepare list of tools, equipment & materials
4. Repair the installation
5. Test the repaired system

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Meaning of terms  Observation
1. Identify installation
 Gathering information  Written tests
 Principle of operation  Oral questioning
 Visual inspection  Practical tests
 Interview of users
 Types of failures
 Partial
 Total
 Referring to as-built drawings, Manuals
2. Troubleshoot cause  Meaning of terms  Observation
 Identification of tools, equipment and  Written tests
of failure
materials for repair  Oral questioning
 Conducting fault diagnosis e.g.  Practical tests

©TVET CDACC 2019 64

Learning Outcome Content Suggested
Assessment Methods
 Open circuit
 Short circuit
 Earth fault
 Mechanical fault
 Recording of installation failure results
 Parameters e.g.
 Voltage
 Current
 Resistance
3. Prepare list of  Safety in use of maintenance tools 
tools, equipment &  Maintenance tools, equipment and
 Specification of maintenance tools and
 Meaning of terms  Observation
4. Repair the
 Repair/Replace  Written tests
 Isolating the installation  Oral questioning
 Conducting repair activities  Practical tests
 Recording repair activities
5. Test the repaired  Meaning of terms  Observation
system  Identification of test and test points  Written tests
 Test parameters e.g.  Oral questioning
 Voltage  Practical tests
 Resistance
 Current
 Testing, documenting results and
maintenance report writing

Suggested Methods of Instruction

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Discussions
 Projects
 Demonstration by trainer
 Field trips
 On-job training
Recommended Resources

©TVET CDACC 2019 65

 Set of screw drivers
 Pliers
 Phase testers
 Multimeter
 PPE –hand gloves, dust coat, dust masks
 Multimeter
 Clamp meter
 Earth electrode resistance meter
 Phase sequence meter
Materials and supplies
 Stationery
 Cables
 Lubricants
 Service parts
Reference materials
 IEE regulations
 Organizational procedures manual

©TVET CDACC 2019 66

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