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X Maths Standard

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Pre- Board -2 Class- X

Exam - 2023-24
Mathematics - Standard

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :
1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.
2. Section A has 20 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 02 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 questions carrying 03 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 questions carrying 05 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with sub-parts.
7. All Questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 2 Qs of 5 marks, 2 Qs of 3 marks and 2 Questions
of 2 marks has been provided.
8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π = 22 7 wherever required if not stated.

Section - A
Section A consists of 20 questions of 1 mark each.

1. A letter of English alphabet is chosen at random, what is the probability that the letter so chosen is a consonant?
(a) 5 (b) 21 2
(c) 13 (d) 137
26 26

2. What is the HCF of smallest primer number and the smallest composite number?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

3. If A ^5, 2h, B ^2, - 2 h and C ^-2, t h are the vertices of a right angled triangle with +B = 90º, then the value of t
will be
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

4. The sum and product of zeroes of a quadratic polynomial are 6 and 9 respectively. The quadratic polynomial
will be
(a) x2 + 9x − 6 (b) x2 + 6x + 9 (c) x2 − 6x + 9 (d) x2 + 6x − 9

5. Half the perimeter of a rectangular garden, whose length is 4 m more then its width, is 36 m. The dimensions of
garden will be
(a) 20 m by 16 m (b) 36 m by 10 m (c) 16 m by 30 m (d) 20 m by 16 m

6. The quadratic equation x2 + x − 5 = 0 has

(a) two distinct real roots (b) two equal real roots
(c) no real roots (d) more than 2 real roots

7. Which of the following equations has 2 as a root?

(a) x2 − 4x + 5 = 0 (b) x2 + 3x − 12 = 0 (c) 2x2 − 7x + 6 = 0 (d) 3x2 − 6x − 2 = 0
8. What happens to value of cos θ when θ increases from 0º to 90º.
(a) cos θ decreases from 1 to 0. (b) cos θ increases from 0 to 1.
(c) cos θ increases from 1 to 1 (d) cos θ decreases from 1 to 1
2 2

9. The times, in seconds, taken by 150 athletes to run a 110 m hurdle race are tabulated below

Class 13.8-14 14-14.2 14.2-14.4 14.4-14.6 14.6-14.8 14.8-15

Frequency 2 4 5 71 48 20
The number of athletes who completed the race in less than 14.6 second is :
(a) 11 (b) 71 (c) 82 (d) 130

10. For what value of k , the pair of linear equations kx − 4y = 3, 6x − 12y = 9 has an infinite number of solutions ?
(a) k = 2 (b) k C 2 (c) k C 3 (d) k = 4

11. The top of two poles of height 20 m and 14 m are connected by a wire. If the wire makes an angle of 30c with the
horizontal, then the length of the wire is
(a) 12 m (b) 10 m (c) 8 m (d) 6 m

12. Which term of an AP, 21, 42, 63, 84, ... is 210?
(a) 9th (b) 10th (c) 11th (d) 12th

13. The perimeters of two similar triangles TABC and TPQR are 35 cm and 45 cm respectively, then the ratio of
the areas of the two triangles is .........
(a) 2 (b) 79 (c) 49 (d) 34
9 81

tan2θ + cot2θ = ?
1 + tan2θ 1 + cot2θ
(a) 1 (b) 2 tan2θ (c) 2 cot2θ (d) 2 sec2θ

15. It is proposed to build a single circular park equal in area to the sum of areas of two circular parks of diameters
16 m and 12 m in a locality. The radius of the new park would be
(a) 10 m (b) 15 m (c) 20 m (d) 24 m

16. If two solid hemispheres of same base radius r are joined together along their bases, then curved surface area of
this new solid is
(a) 4πr2 (b) 6πr2 (c) 3πr2 (d) 8πr2

2, then the value of a is

17. If zeroes of the polynomial x2 + 4x + 2a are a and
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

18. If radii of two concentric circles are 4 cm and 5 cm, then the length of each of one circle which is tangent to the
other circle, is
(a) 3 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 1 cm
In the question number 19 and 20, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the
correction option.

19. Assertion : Pair of linear equations : 9x + 3y + 12 = 0, 8x + 6y + 24 = 0 have infinitely many solutions.

Reason : Pair of linear equations a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 have infinitely many solutions, if
a1 = b1 = c 1
a2 b2 c2
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

20. Assertion : If n th term of an AP is 7 - 4n , then its common differences is -4.

Reason : Common difference of an AP is given by d = an+1 − an .
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Section - B
Section B consists of 5 questions of 2 marks each.

21. If two positive integers p and q are written as p = a2b3 and q = a3b, where a and b are prime numbers than verify
LCM(p, q) # HCF(q, q) = pq

22. If the nth term of an AP - 1, 4, 9, 14, ...... is 129. Find the value of n.
Write the n th term of the AP 1 , 1 + m , 1 + 2m ,.....
m m m

23. If the mid-point of the line segment joining the points A (3, 4) and B (k, 6) is P (x, y) and x + y − 10 = 0, find the
value of k .

24. In figure, AP , AQ and BC are tangents of the circle with centre O . If AB = 5 cm, AC = 6 cm and BC = 4 cm,
then what is the length of AP ?

Two chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at E such that AE = 2.4 cm, BE = 3.2 cm and CE = 1.6 cm. What
is the length of DE ?
25. Two coins are tossed together. Find the probability of getting both heads or both tails.

Section - C
Section C consists of 6 questions of 3 marks each.

26. Find HCF and LCM of 378, 180 and 420 by prime factorization method. Is HCF × LCM of these numbers equal
to the product of the given three numbers?

27. In Figure, in TABC , DE z BC such that AD = 2.4 cm, AB = 3.2 cm and AC = 8 cm, then what is the length
of AE ?

1 + cotθ
28. Prove that : cotθ + cosec θ − 1 =
cotθ − cosec θ + 1 sin θ

29. From a point P , which is at a distant of 13 cm from the centre O of a circle of radius 5 cm, the pair of tangents
PQ and PR are drawn to the circle, then the area of the quadrilateral PQOR (in cm2).

30. In the given figure, a chord AB of the circle with centre O and radius 10 cm, that subtends a right angle at the
centre of the circle. Find the area of the minor segment AQBP . Hence find the area of major segment ALBQA
. (Use π = 3.14)
Find the area of shaded region shown in the given figure where a circular arc of radius 6 cm has been drawn with
vertex O of an equilateral triangle OAB of side 12 cm as centre.

31. A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting a number which (i) is a prime number (ii) lies between 2
and 6.
A die is thrown twice. Find the probability that
(i) 5 will come up at least once.
(ii) 5 will not come up either time.

Section - D
Section D consists of 4 questions of 5 marks each.

32. Solve the following pair of linear equations graphically:

x + 3y = 12, 2x − 3y = 12
Also shade the region bounded by the line 2x − 3y = 2 and both the co-ordinate axes.
For what values of a and b does the following pair of linear equations have infinite number of solution ?
2x + 3y = 7, a^x + yh − b^x − yh = 3a + b − 2

33. Show that A ^-1, 0h, B ^3, 1h, C ^2, 2h and D ^-2, 1h are the vertices of a parallelogram ABCD.

34. Sides AB and AC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively proportional to sides PQ and PR and
median PM of another triangle PQR. Show that TABC~TPQR.
Find the length of the second diagonal of a rhombus, whose side is 5 cm and one of the diagonals is 6 cm.

35. A solid iron pole consists of a cylinder of height 220 cm and base diameter 24 cm is surmounted by another
cylinder of height 60 cm and radius 8 cm. Find the mass of the pipe, given that 1 cm3 of iron has approximately
8 g mass. (Use π = 3.14)
Section - E
Case study based questions are compulsory.

36. Auditorium, the part of a public building where an audience sits, as distinct from the stage, the area on which the
performance or other object of the audience’s attention is presented. In a large theatre an auditorium includes a
number of floor levels frequently designed as stalls, private boxes, dress circle, balcony or upper circle, and gallery.
A sloping floor allows the seats to be arranged to give a clear view of the stage. The walls and ceiling usually
contain concealed light and sound equipment and air extracts or inlets and may be highly decorated.

In an auditorium, seats are arranged in rows and columns. The number of rows are equal to the number of seats in
each row. When the number of rows are doubled and the number of seats in each row is reduced by 10, the total
number of seats increases by 300.
(i) If x is taken as number of row in original arrangement, write the quadratic equation that describes the
situation ?
(ii) How many number of rows are there in the original arrangement?
(iii) How many number of seats are there in the auditorium in original arrangement ? How many number of seats
are there in the auditorium after re-arrangement.
(iv) How many number of columns are there in the auditorium after re-arrangement?

37. Drawbridge : A drawbridge is a bridge that can be moved in order to stop or allow passage across it. Modern
drawbridges are often built across large, busy waterways. They can be lifted to allow large ships to pass or lowered
to allow land vehicles or pedestrians to cross.

A drawbridge is 60 metre long when stretched across a river. As shown in the figure, the two sections of the bridge
can be rotated upward through an angle of 30c .
(i) If the water level is 5 metre below the closed bridge, find the height h between the end of a section and the
water level when the bridge is fully open.
(ii) How far apart are the ends of the two sections when the bridge is fully opened, as shown in the figure?
38. Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer or assurer, where the insurer
promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the death of an insured person (often the policy
holder). Depending on the contract, other events such as terminal illness or critical illness can also trigger
payment. The policy holder typically pays a premium, either regularly or as one lump sum.

SBI life insurance agent found the following data for distribution of ages of 100 policy holders. Calculate the
median age, if policies are given only to persons having age 18 years onwards but less than 60 years.

Age (in years) Below Below Below Below Below Below Below Below Below
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Number of 2 6 24 45 78 89 92 98 100
policy holders
(i) What is the median value of age ?
(ii) What will be the upper limit of the modal class? What is the mode value of age ?
(iv) Find the mean value of age using empirical relation.

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