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Quectel EC200U Series QuecOpen CSDK Quick Start Guide V1.0.0 Preliminary 20211209

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EC200U Series QuecOpen

CSDK Quick Start Guide

LTE Standard Module Series

Version: 1.0.0

Date: 2021-12-09

Status: Preliminary
LTE Standard Module Series

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About the Document

Revision History

Version Date Author Description

- 2021-12-09 Neo KONG Creation of the document

1.0.0 2021-12-09 Neo KONG Preliminary

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About the Document .................................................................................................................................. 3

Contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Table Index .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure Index ................................................................................................................................................ 6

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 7

2 CSDK Directory Structure .................................................................................................................. 8

3 Compilation Environment Setup ..................................................................................................... 10

3.1. Host System ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2. Application Compilation Environment ...................................................................................... 10

4 Application Development ................................................................................................................. 11

4.1. Application Demo Description ...................................................................................................11
4.2. Add Application Feature Component ....................................................................................... 12
4.2.1. Create a Directory of Application Feature Component ................................................. 12
4.2.2. Create an Application Thread ....................................................................................... 12
4.2.3. Modify Configuration File .............................................................................................. 13
4.2.4. Add Compilation Task ................................................................................................... 13
4.2.5. Link Application Feature Component ............................................................................ 14
4.2.6. Feature Component Compilation Switch ...................................................................... 14

5 Application Compilation................................................................................................................... 17
5.1. Compilation Description ........................................................................................................... 17
5.2. Compilation Procedure ............................................................................................................ 17
5.3. Compilation Result ................................................................................................................... 19
5.4. Compiled File Clearance.......................................................................................................... 19

6 Feature Removal ............................................................................................................................... 20

6.1. Feature Removal in Kernel ...................................................................................................... 20
6.2. Feature Removal in BootLoader .............................................................................................. 23

7 Preset File .......................................................................................................................................... 25

7.1. Enable Preset File Package..................................................................................................... 25
7.2. Preset File Configuration ......................................................................................................... 26
7.3. Preset File Download and Upgrade ......................................................................................... 26

8 Flash Partition Adjustment .............................................................................................................. 28

9 Firmware Burning ............................................................................................................................. 29

10 FAQ ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
10.1. Common Compilation Error in Linux .................................................................................... 30

11 Appendix References ....................................................................................................................... 32

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Table Index

Table 1: CSDK Directory Structure .............................................................................................................. 8

Table 2: The Removable Libraries in Kernel .............................................................................................. 21
Table 3: The Removable Libraries in BootLoader...................................................................................... 23
Table 4: Related Documents ...................................................................................................................... 32
Table 5: Terms and Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 32

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Figure Index

Figure 1: CSDK Directory Structure ............................................................................................................. 9

Figure 2: Application Entry ..........................................................................................................................11
Figure 3: Directory Example of Application Feature Component .............................................................. 12
Figure 4: Create Feature Component Application Thread ......................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Modify Configuration File ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 6: Add Compilation Tasks................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 7: Link New Application Feature Component and Add Option Switch Control............................... 14
Figure 8: Configure Compilation Switch..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9: Add Macro Control ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10: CSDK Original Firmware .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11: Compile Application................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 12: Compilation Results .................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 13: Removable Libraries in Kernel.................................................................................................. 20
Figure 14: Feature Removal in Kernel ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 15: Feature Initialization Function ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 16: Preset File Package Compilation Configuration ....................................................................... 25
Figure 17: Add a Feature Switch for Preset File ........................................................................................ 25
Figure 18: Preset Package Configuration File ........................................................................................... 26
Figure 19: Ignore the Preset File in FOTA ................................................................................................. 27

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1 Introduction
Quectel EC200U series module supports QuecOpen® solution. QuecOpen® is an embedded development
platform based on RTOS, which is intended to simplify the design and development of IoT applications.

This document introduces CSDK directory structure, compilation environment setup, application
development and compilation process, feature removal, partition adjustment, firmware download and FAQ
of EC200U series module in QuecOpen® solution.

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2 CSDK Directory Structure

The directory may differ depending on the actual released versions in the QuecOpen CSDK. The
QuecOpen CSDK directory is shown in Figure 1, with details in the following table.

Table 1: CSDK Directory Structure

Directory Name Description

cmake, prebuilts, tools Includes compilation tools, configuration files and compilation scripts.

components/appstart Includes source files of Kernel start program.

components/bootloader Includes source files of boot loader.

components/hal Includes partitions and Flash configuration files.

Includes the default Kernel firmware, original application firmware and

preset files of the current version.

components/ql-kernel Includes all open API header files and library files.

Includes application reference routines and demos that implement various

components/net Includes header files and library files required by the application.
⚫ Windows:
Compile the application in Windows CLI according to the configured
parameters. See Chapter 5 for details.
⚫ Linux:
Compile the application in Linux CLI according to the configured
parameters. Administrator mode is required during compilation in Linux.
And the script should be executed by bash. See Chapter 5 for details.

CmakeLists.txt Top-level compilation configuration file.

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cmake compilation
cma ke
app start

bt Bluetooth(BLE) demo
boo tloa der

dev Device information demo


Internal header fs File application demo

files and libraries
ftp/http/mqtt FTP/HTTP/MQTT demo

init App entry


nw Network, data call demo


osi OSI appliction demo

Peripheral hardwares, such as

componen ts peri pheral

ql-app lica tion power Turn-on/off demo

sim (U)SIM application demo

CSDK ...

CMake Lists.txt
configuration files,
ql_app_feature_config.cma ke ql_app_feature_config is
the switch of App
feature compilation

ql-config buil d Includes kernel libraries, nvitem and target.config

downlo ad pack Kernel and App default firmware

prep ack Preset files

boo t_ex Boot library file

drivers Kernel configuration and drivers

ql_at Custom AT command

CMake Lists.txt Compilation configuration file

out Files generated during compilation

preb uilts Compilation environment and software

tools Compilation script and tool

Directories/files generated
by compilation
target Firmware
Original directory
Windows/Linux compilation script with parameters.
buil d_all.bat/buil
The script is executed on command line.
Original file

CMake Lists.txt Top-level compilation configuration file

Figure 1: CSDK Directory Structure

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3 Compilation Environment Setup

3.1. Host System

If the host system running the compilation environment is Windows, ensure that the host system is 32-bit
or 64-bit Windows 7/10 and install the following software:

⚫ Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or above (32-bit Windows)
⚫ Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x64 or above (64-bit Windows)

If the host system running the compilation environment is Linux, ensure that the operating system is
Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 and the language is Python 3.5 or above, and execute the following
commands to install the required components:

sudo apt install build-essential python3 python3-tk qtbase5-dev

sudo apt install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 zlib1g:i386
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler

3.2. Application Compilation Environment

The application compilation tool chain of EC200U series QuecOpen module adopts gcc-arm-none-eabi,
which is the GCC tool chain of ARM bare metal system. The gcc-arm-none-eabi with version 7.2.1 is
integrated in the QuecOpen CSDK in the directory of prebuilts.

When compiling an application, only the gcc-arm-none-eabi tool chain integrated in the QuecOpen CSDK
is supported and the gcc-arm-none-eabi tool chain installed on the host system is not supported.

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4 Application Development

4.1. Application Demo Description

QuecOpen CSDK provides application demos to which users can refer in the directory of components\ql-
application in CSDK for application development.

The application entry, appimg_enter(), is contained in the ql_init.c file in the directory of components\ql-
application\init in the QuecOpen CSDK. Start an initialization thread in this function, and then call the
initialization interface of each feature component in this initialization thread. Each feature component is
divided according to folders, and you can refer to the following figure to add feature component.

Figure 2: Application Entry

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4.2. Add Application Feature Component

This chapter takes the audio Application provided in QuecOpen CSDK as an example to introduce how to
add an application feature component.

4.2.1. Create a Directory of Application Feature Component

First, create a feature directory under the directory of components/ql-application in the QuecOpen CSDK.
Then store the source files, header files, and compilation configuration file CMakeLists.txt in the feature
directory. Taking an audio application as an example, the directory structure is as follows and the inc folder
is used to store header files:

Figure 3: Directory Example of Application Feature Component

4.2.2. Create an Application Thread

Use ql_rtos_task_create() to create the application thread of the feature component in ql_audio_app_init(),
the initialization function of the feature component source code file, as shown in the following example:

Figure 4: Create Feature Component Application Thread

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4.2.3. Modify Configuration File

Modify the application configuration file, components\ql-application\audio\CMakeLists.txt, as needed, with

the following three modifications:

Library name

Header file path

Source file list, supporting relative path

Figure 5: Modify Configuration File

4.2.4. Add Compilation Task

Modify the configuration file, components\ql-application\CMakeLists.txt to add the application feature

component directory to the file so as to compile the directory when compiling the firmware package, as
shown in the following example:

Figure 6: Add Compilation Tasks

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4.2.5. Link Application Feature Component

Modify the configuration file CMakeLists.txt in the directory of components/ql-application/init to add the
name of the library that links the new application feature components. If a feature component compilation
switch is added for the application, the option switch control needs to be added to the file CMakeLists.txt
as well, as shown in the following example:

Figure 7: Link New Application Feature Component and Add Option Switch Control

Compile the firmware according to Chapter 5 when the application feature component is added and the
relevant configuration files are configured.

4.2.6. Feature Component Compilation Switch

QuecOpen CSDK provides ql_app_feature_config.cmake and under the

directory of components/ql-application to facilitate App side to configure or remove features.
ql_app_feature_config.cmake configures the feature components to be compiled by the compilation script.;

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LTE Standard Module Series generates macro used to enable component. The generated macros will be
used in the code. Configuration or removal of required feature requires simultaneous modifications in both
files (see Chapter 6 for details on the feature removal).

The content of ql_app_feature_config.cmake is shown in the following figure. If a feature component is set
to "ON", it indicates that the feature component will be compiled when the compilation script is executed;
If it is set to "OFF", it indicates that the feature component will not be compiled when the compilation script
is executed.

Figure 8: Configure Compilation Switch

The content of is shown in the following figure. After adding the compilation
switch of feature components in ql_app_feature_config.cmake, refer to the following figure to add a macro

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of the corresponding feature components:

Figure 9: Add Macro Control

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5 Application Compilation

5.1. Compilation Description

In the directory of components\ql-config\download\pack in QuecOpen CSDK, a folder named after a

module model is included, which holds the default Kernel firmware of the current module version, the
original application firmware stored by Quectel, and the relevant .map and .elf files, as well as the merged
firmware with Kernel and application.

//Kernel firmware and

debugging files

//The merged firmware with

Kernel and App

//Original App firmware and

debugging files

Figure 10: CSDK Original Firmware

The source code of the application is located in directory of components\ql-application and is compiled by
using the compilation script file build_all.bat (the host system is Windows) or (the host system
is Linux) in the root directory of QuecOpen CSDK. Both script files use the same command parameters,
but should be executed by bash command, that is, bash The following sections
take Windows host system as an example to introduce the application compilation process.

5.2. Compilation Procedure

1. Open CLI or PowerShell (only Windows 10 supports PowerShell) and execute build_all.bat -h to
query the usage. The common commands are as follows:

⚫ Compile command: build_all <r/new> <Project> <Version>[VOLTE] [DSIM] [debug/release]

<r/new> Compilation type. r indicates incremental compilation and w indicates new

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<Project> Quectel module model in use. This parameter must be the same as the folder
name in the directory of components\ql-config\download\pack.
<Version> The name of the compiled application firmware, which can be customized.
[VOLTE] VoLTE feature (optional). VOLTE or NOVOLTE. Default: NOVOLTE.
[DSIM] Single/dual card (optional). SINGLESIM: single card. DOUBLESIM: dual card.
[debug/release] Version (optional). A debug firmware is generated if you choose debug and an
official releasable firmware is generated if you choose release. Default: release.

⚫ Clears files generated during the previous compilation: build_all clean.

2. In CLI or PowerShell (only Windows 10 supports PowerShell), enter QuecOpen CSDK root directory
and execute build_all <r/new> <Project> <Version>[VOLTE] [DSIM] [debug/release] to start

After the command is executed, the compilation script first checks whether the directory of
components\ql-config\download\pack in QuecOpen CSDK contains a directory named <Project>, and
if so, the compilation script continues compiling; If not, an error is reported and the compilation fails.
The execution results are shown in the following figure:

Figure 11: Compile Application

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5.3. Compilation Result

During the compilation process, an out directory is generated in the QuecOpen CSDK root directory to
store the generated compilation files.

After a successful compilation, a target directory is generated in the QuecOpen CSDK root directory, which
stores the compiled Kernel firmware, target application firmware, and firmware containing Kernel and
application. If only the application firmware needs to be updated, burn the newly generated application
firmware; If both the application firmware and the Kernel firmware need updating, burn the newly generated
firmware package containing the Kernel and the application.

App firmware
Compilation output file

Kernel firmware
Firmware containing Kernel and App

Figure 12: Compilation Results

5.4. Compiled File Clearance

Open a CLI or PowerShell (only Windows 10 supports PowerShell) and execute build_all clean to clear
the compiled files in the out directory in QuecOpen CSDK but will not delete the target firmware in the
target directory. When the compilation command parameters are the same, the firmware generated in the
previous compilation version stored in the target directory will be automatically cleared before the current
compilation operation is successful. If the compilation command parameters are different, the firmware
generated in the previous compilation version stored in the target directory will not be cleared.

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6 Feature Removal

6.1. Feature Removal in Kernel

QuecOpen CSDK opens all feature components by default, and the removable libraries are listed in
CMakeLists.txt in the root directory. Each library is removed according to the macro control of kernel
feature components, but the basic libraries are not allowed to be removed. You can remove the required
feature in components\ql-config\build\{project model}\8915DM_cat1_open\target.config. A new
compilation is required after removal, and Kernel firmware uses the files generated after compilation. See
the following table for the removable libraries.

Figure 13: Removable Libraries in Kernel

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You can see the following modification configuration file target.config for feature removal:

Figure 14: Feature Removal in Kernel

See the following table for the removable libraries in Kernel.

Table 2: The Removable Libraries in Kernel

Feature Macro Feature Dependency

USBnet -
Virtual AT port -
Voice call -

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Ping -
I2C -
Matrix keyboard -
BT -
Camera -
SPI4 Flash
SPI4 NOR Flash

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File compression -
_SPI6_EXT_NOR (file system)
_FILE_AT command
Audio -
Wi-Fi Scan -

6.2. Feature Removal in BootLoader

The following features in BootLoader are removable. If a feature is not required, disable it in target.config;
If a feature is required, enable the feature intarget.config and then call the feature initialization function in
boot2_start_8910.c. New compilation is required after feature removal.

Table 3: The Removable Libraries in BootLoader

Feature Macro Feature Dependency

Boot LCD
Boot FAT file system -

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Boot NAND Flash

Figure 15: Feature Initialization Function

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7 Preset File
A preset file is a specified initial file packaged in a firmware package, which is written directly to the module
file system during firmware downloading. Preset files take up file system space, and the maximum size of
a single preset file is currently limited to 512 KB. If the file size exceeds 512 KB, the file will be skipped
when it is downloaded.

7.1. Enable Preset File Package

In the ql_app_feature_config.cmake file, you can configure whether to package the preset file through
QL_APP_PACK_FILE, as shown in the following figure:

Pre-set file switch

Path of the pre-set file to be packaged

Figure 16: Preset File Package Compilation Configuration


The preset files package compilation configuration is affected by the GNSS in SDK. When GNSS is
enabled, the GNSS chip firmware (currently with the size about 238 KB) will be packaged into the APP
firmware as a preset file by default. For details about the GNSS supported by the EC200U series
QuecOpen module, see the hardware design documents corresponding to each module.

If other feature files need to be preset, you should add the corresponding feature switch. For example, if
you want to preset audio file, add a switch for audio.

Figure 17: Add a Feature Switch for Preset File

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7.2. Preset File Configuration

QL_APP_PACK_FILE_JSON_PATH in ql_app_feature_config.cmake file specifies the path of the specific

configuration of the preset file. The script packs the preset file according to the specified json file. The json
file in CSDK specifies the path of the GNSS chip firmware, which is represented by a relative path, that is,
it is located in the same path where the json file is stored. You can refer to this format in the json file to add
and modify in the "files" node in the figure below. Be careful not to preset too many files to avoid taking up
too much file system space.

Path and name of the specified file

The path where the file is located

Figure 18: Preset Package Configuration File

The preset files usually are downloaded to the directory of user. which is convenient for you to query
through the FILE API of module. Note that the total length of the file path and file name to be written cannot
exceed 192 bytes.

7.3. Preset File Download and Upgrade

The preset file can also be downloaded, upgraded or deleted by FOTA.

⚫ Upgrade the preset file in the old firmware version to that in the new firmware version.
⚫ If the old firmware version does not have a preset file, you can add a preset file by FOTA.
⚫ If the old firmware version has a preset file and the new firmware version does not have a preset file,
the preset files will be deleted after FOTA upgrade;

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⚫ If the preset files need to be ignored in FOTA upgrade, you can modify the value of method to “ignore”
from “diff” in <paccpio id="PREPACK" method="diff"> </paccpio> of xml configuration file. See
document [2] for details.

Figure 19: Ignore the Preset File in FOTA

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8 Flash Partition Adjustment

Quectel EC200U Series QuecOpen module supports adjusting embedded flash partitions, including Kernel,
application and file system partition size. See document [3] for specific implementation.

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9 Firmware Burning
Quectel EC200U Series QuecOpen module supports burning firmware with QFlash. See document [1]
for QFlash usage.

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10 FAQ
10.1. Common Compilation Error in Linux

1. If the error shown in the following figure occurs, it indicates that the required software is not installed
on the host system. Just reinstall the software and see Chapter 3.1 for details.

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2. If there is an error message "dtools: error while loading shared libraries:
openShared object file:No such file or directory. Ninja:build stopped:subcommand failed", it indicates
dtools is missing a component. You can install the component by executing the following command in

sudo dpkg -i libicu55_55.1-7_amd64.deb

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11 Appendix References
Table 4: Related Documents

Document Name

[1] Quectel_QFlash_User_Guide

[2] Quectel_EC200U_Series_QuecOpen_FOTA_API_Reference_Manual

[3] Quectel_EC200U_Series_QuecOpen_Embeded_Flash_Partition_Adjustment_Guide

Table 5: Terms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

(U)SIM (Universal) Subscriber Identity Module

A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile

ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter

API Application Programming Interface

App Application

BLE Bluetooth Low Energy

BT Bluetooth

CLI Command-line Interface

FOTA Firmware Over-The-Air

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GCC GNU Compiler Collection

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GPIO General-Purpose Input/Output

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HFP Hands-free Profile

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit

IoT Internet of Things

LBS Location Based Services

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

MMS Multimedia Messaging Service

MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport

NTP Network Time Protocol

OSI Open System Interconnection Reference Model

PBK Phonebook

PWM Pulse Width Modulation

RTC Real Time Clock

RTOS Real-Time Operating System

SDMMC Secure Digital/MultiMediaCard

SMS Short Message Service

SPI Serial Peripheral Interface

SSH Secure Shell

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

USB Universal Serial Bus

VoLTE Voice (voice calls) over LTE

Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity

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