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ข้อสอบปลายปี ฉบับที่ 2

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ขอสอบปลายป ภาษาอังกฤษ ป.

4 ฉบับที่ 2

ตอนที่ 1 ปรนัย
คําชี้แจง เลือกคําตอบที่ถูกตองที่สุดเพียงคําตอบเดียว
1. คําใดออกเสียงพยัญชนะตน แตกตาง 3) sense
ไปจากกลุม 4) cheese
1) who 5. คําใดออกเสียงสระ แตกตาง ไปจาก
2) write กลุม
3) whom 1) mice
4) whose 2) bike
2. คําใดออกเสียงพยัญชนะตน แตกตาง 3) pipe
ไปจากกลุม 4) chick
1) guy 6. Who works in the school?
2) gold 1) doctor
3) game 2) teacher
4) gentle 3) cleaner
3. คําใดออกเสียงพยัญชนะตน แตกตาง 4) business
ไปจากกลุม 7. Who works in the office?
1) hour 1) farmer
2) honor 2) dancer
3) hobby 3) gardener
4) honest 4) secretary
4. คําใดออกเสียงพยัญชนะทาย แตกตาง 8. David Beckham is a .
ไปจากกลุม 1) fruit seller
1) nurse 2) shopkeeper
2) course 3) dressmaker
4) football player 1) Is
9. We are going to the hospital to see a 2) Do
. 3) Are
1) doctor 4) Does1
2) teacher 14. There are in the cage.
3) secretary 1) hen
4) policeman 3) potato
10. ขอใดเปนคํานามรูปพหูพจน 2) knife
1) thief 4) wolves
2) teeth 15. five girls in the room.
3) goose 1) There is
4) butterfly 2) There be
11. ขอใดเปนคํานามรูปเอกพจน 3) There are
1) mice 4) There want
2) child 16. an elephant near the river.
3) monkeys 1) Is there
4) mangoes 2) There is
12. My aunt and I going to the 3) Are there
movies.34. My aunt 4) There are
1) is 17. That postman and his daughter
2) do here every week.
3) am 1) came
4) are 2) come
13. A: your younger sister in 3) comes
the house? 4) has com
B: Yes, she is.
At the clothes shop 3) How long does it take to get there?
Seller: Hello. ( 18 ) 4) When are you going on your
Customer:Yes, please. I want to buy a holiday
dress. 22. A: Are you and Ben going to the
Seller: (19 ) party tonight?
Customer: Pink. B: No, .
18.1) Can I help you? 1) I’m not
2) What do you want? 2) he’s not
3) Do you like a dress? 3) we aren’t
4) What are you doing? 4) they aren’t
19.1) How much does it cost? 23. A: When your
2) What colour do you like? father in Bangkok?
3) Do you like a pink dress? B: Tomorrow morning.
4) How often do you buy a dress? 1) do, arrive
On the phone 2) is, arrive
Pang: (20) on your holiday 3) will, arrive
next week? 4) shall, arrive
Nisa: I’m going to Phu Ket. 24. A: What will happen if we cut down
Pang: (21) . trees?
Nisa: By plane. B: Our world hotter.c
20. 1) Are you going 1) is
2) Do you like to go 2) do
3) When are you going 3) are
4) Where are you going 4) will be13
21. 1) How do you go there? 25. A: ?
2) What time do you go there? B: I want to be a teacher.
1) What does he? 2) wants
2) What do you do? 3) wanted
3) What are you doing? 4) wanting
4) What do you want to be? 30. I’m tired. I to lie down.
26. My aunt and I going to the 1) like
movies.34. My aunt 2) likes
1) is 3) want
2) do 4) want
3) am 31. She always to school early
4) are 1) go
27. A: your younger sister in 2) goes
the house? 3) went
B: Yes, she is. 4) going
1) Is 32. There is sugar in the bottle.
2) Do 1) any
3) Are 2) some
4) Does1 3) more
28. That postman and his daughter 4) many
here every week. 33. His brother doesn’t have
1) came money.
2) come 1) a
3) comes 2) no
4) has com 3) any
29. The scouts to attend the 4) some
camp next week. 34. A: ?
1) want B: No, he’s not. He’s playing
tennis. 38.
1) Is he playing tennis
2) Isn’t he playing tennis
3) Is he playing badminton A: Is her sister doing homework?
4) Are they playing badminton B: .
35. A: Are you cooking? 1) Yes, she is
B: No. . 2) No, she isn’t
1) I cook 3) She is doing homework
2) I’m cooking. 4) No, she isn’t. She’s reading a book.
3) I do the dishes.
4) I’m setting the table.
36. ประโยคใดตรงกับภาพ

A: What are they doing?
1) She is drying the clothes.
B: .
2) She is folding the clothes.
3) She is ironing the clothes. 1) They are talking
4) She is sewing the clothes. 2) They are playing
3) They are watching TV
37. ประโยคใดตรงกับภาพ
4) They are playing video game
40. A: ?
B: He is telephoning.
1) They are feeding their pets.
1) Is he working?
2) They are bathing their pets.
2) Is he telephoning?
3) They are walking their pets.
3) What is he doing?
4) They are playing with their pets.
4) Who is he telephoning
41. Listen! The teacher the 3) sleeping
answer to us. 4) is sleeping
1) explain 46. A: .
2) explains B: No, you may not.
3) explained 1) May I play games on Friday?
4) is explaining 2) I should play games on Friday.
42. They basketball now. 3) You must play games on Saturday.
1) play 4) You may not play game on Friday.
2) played 47. There are on the table.
3) are playing 1) vase
4) was playing 2) bottle
43. His wife a baby. 3) glasses
1) have 4) newspaper
2) is going 48. There are some in the
3) will have field.
4) is going to have 1) rice
44. I a policeman when I 2) book
grow up. 3) oxen
1) am 4) butterfly
2) will be 49. an elephant in the picture.
3) will go to 1) The
4) am going to 2) Have
45. Niwat usually listens to the radio, 3) There is
but at this moment he . 4) There are
1) slept
2) sleeps
50. They are . 55. What kind of drink is it?
1) doctor It is .
3) teacher 1) salad
2) farmers 2) soup
4)businessman 3) omelette
51. I have got a . 4) orange juice
1) pen ขอ 56–57อานเนื้อเรื่องและเลือกคําตอบ
2) sons ที่ถูกตอง
3) apple Today is very cold. My sister doesn’t
4) mangoes feel well. She has got a fever. My father
52. Please turn the light. I want to read take her to the doctor at Hospital.
the newspaper. “You should take this syrup after
1) in meals and take a rest for 2 days,” the
2) up doctor says.
3) on 56. What’s the matter with the sister?
4) off 1) She is ill.
53. go alone. It’s dangerous. 2) She is cold.
1) Be 3) She feels well.
2) Do 4) She takes a rest.
3) Isn’t 57. What does the doctor say?
4) Don’t 1) She should eat pizza.
54. I don’t know how to this word. 2) She should go shopping.
1) spell 3) She should sleep all day.
2) spelt 4) She should take syrup and take a
3) spelled rest.
4) spelling
ขอ 58–60 อานบทสนทนาและเลือก
คําตอบที่ถกู ตอง 58. Why was Susan tired?
At the office 1) She played tennis.
Bob: Good morning, Susan. 2) She went to the field.
Susan: Good morning, Bob. 3) She worked for many hours.
Bob: What’s the matter? You look 4) She read many English books.
tired. 59. Why is Bob frightened?
Susan: I did my work for 10 hours last 1) He stays alone.
night. 2) He walks alone.
Bob: Oh! You did! Are you bored? 3) He sees the ghost.
Susan: Yes, I am. I am surprised to 4) His boss is calling him.
meet you here. 60. Who is surprised to meet Bob?
Bob:…I am frightened. 1) Bob
Susan: Why are you frightened? 2) Jacky
Bob: Because I haven’t finished my 3) Susan
work and my boss is calling 4) The boss
me now.

อัตนัย 2 ขอ
1.นักเรียนพบปายหามถายภาพในพิพิธภัณฑ จะพูดกับเพื่อนเปนภาษาอังกฤษวาอยางไร
Don’t take a photo in the museum.
2. นักเรียนตองการบอกใหเพื่อนขามถนนโดยใชสะพานลอย จะพูดกับเพื่อนเปนภาษา
Please walk on the crossing bridge.
เฉลยขอสอบปลายป ภาษาอังกฤษ ป. 4ฉบับที่ 2
ตอนที่ 1
1.2 2 4 3. 3 4 4 5. 4 6. 2 7. 4 8. 4 9. 1 10. 2
11. 2 12. 4 13. 1 14. 4 15. 3 16. 2 17. 2 18. 1 19. 2 20. 4
21. 1 22. 3 23. 3 24. 4 25. 4 26. 4 27. 1 28. 2 29. 1 30. 3
31. 4 32. 2 33. 3 34. 3 35. 4 36. 3 37. 1 38. 1 39. 3 40. 3
41 4 42 3 43 4 44 2 45 4 46 1 47 3 48 3 49 3 50 2
51 1 52 3 53 4 54 1 55 4 56 2 57 4 58 3 59 4 60 3

ตอนที่ 2
ขอ 1 Don’t take a photo in the museum.
ขอ 2 Please walk on the crossing bridge.

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