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State of Matter Yr 9 Assignment2

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1 Bromine liquid turns into a gas very easily at room temperature.

Choose the word which best describes a substance that evaporates easily.

Draw a circle around your chosen answer.

conductor flammable malleable volatile


[Total: 1]

2 Name the changes of physical state when:

oxygen gas is converted to liquid oxygen ................................................................................

solid sulfur is converted directly to sulfur gas........................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

3 Use the kinetic particle model to describe the differences between liquid lead and lead gas in terms

• the separation of the particles ............................................................................................



• the motion of the particles ..................................................................................................


.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

4 The changes of state of lead are shown.

melting B
solid liquid lead
lead lead gas
A condensing

Name the changes of state represented by A and B.

A .............................................................................................................................................

B ............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

5 Use the kinetic particle model to describe the differences between solid sulfur and sulfur gas in
terms of:

the arrangement of the particles ..............................................................................................


the motion of the particles ........................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

6 The table shows some properties of four halogens.

melting point boiling point density of liquid at

halogen 3
/ °C / °C boiling point in g / cm

fluorine −220 1.51


chlorine −101 −35


bromine −7 59 3.12

iodine 114 184 4.93

(a) Complete the table by predicting:

• the boiling point of fluorine
• the density of liquid chlorine at its boiling point.


(b) Predict the physical state of chlorine at −105 °C.

Give a reason for your answer.


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 4]

7 Z is a covalent substance. In an experiment, a sample of pure solid Z was continually heated for
11 minutes.

The graph shows how the temperature of the sample of pure Z changed during the first 9 minutes.






/ °C 120






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
time / minutes

(a) What is the melting point of pure Z?

........................... °C [1]

(b) The sample of pure Z began to boil at 9 minutes. It was boiled for 2 minutes.

Use this information to sketch on the grid how the temperature of the sample of pure Z changed
between 9 minutes and 11 minutes. [1]

(c) The sample of pure Z was continually heated between 2 minutes and 5 minutes.

Explain, in terms of attractive forces, why there was no increase in the temperature of the
sample of pure Z between 2 minutes and 5 minutes.



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Describe how the motion of particles of pure Z changed from 0 minutes to 2 minutes.


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 6]

8 Limonene is a volatile substance which smells of oranges.

The melting point of limonene is –74 °C.

The boiling point of limonene is 176 °C.

What is the physical state of limonene at – 80 °C?

Explain your answer.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

9 Complete the table about solids, liquids and gases.

particle particle type of

separation arrangement motion

solid regular vibrate only

liquid touching random

gas apart random


[Total: 3]

10 Ammonia gas is prepared at the front of a laboratory.

The pungent smell of ammonia spreads throughout the laboratory slowly.

(a) Name the process that occurs when ammonia gas spreads throughout the laboratory.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Explain, using ideas about particles, why ammonia gas spreads throughout the laboratory.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Explain why carbon dioxide gas, CO2, will spread throughout the laboratory at a slower rate
than ammonia gas, NH3.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]

11 Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature.

Describe the motion and separation of the particles in ethanol.

motion .....................................................................................................................................

separation ............................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

12 A bottle of liquid perfume is left open at the front of a room.

After some time, the perfume is smelt at the back of the room.

Name the two physical processes taking place.

1 ..............................................................................................................................................

2 .............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

13 The changes of state of water are shown.

A boiling
ice water steam
freezing B

Give the names of the changes of state represented by A and B.

A .............................................................................................................................................

B ............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

14 When a piece of solid carbon dioxide is placed in a warm room, it undergoes sublimation.

What is meant by the term sublimation?


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

15 A teacher placed some highly-scented flowers at the front of the class.

At first, the students at the back of the class could not smell the scent. After two minutes they could
smell the scent.

Use the kinetic particle theory to explain these observations.





.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

16 A student took two identical syringes.

He filled one with water and the other with helium gas and sealed the end of both syringes. He then
pushed the syringe plungers with equal force.
The diagram shows what happened.



water helium

Describe and explain these results using ideas about particles in liquids and gases.







.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

17 Copper(II) sulfate is heated strongly. The products are copper(II) oxide and sulfur trioxide.

CuSO4 CuO + SO3

The diagram below shows the arrangement of sulfur trioxide molecules at 30 °C.


SO3 molecules

What is the state of sulfur trioxide at 30 °C?

Use the information in the diagram to explain your answer.



.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

18 A teacher placed a few drops of liquid bromine in the bottom of a test-tube containing a solvent.

After 10 minutes, the brown colour of the bromine had spread a little way through the solvent.

After 2 hours, the brown colour had spread throughout the solvent.



at the after after

start 10 minutes 2 hours

Use the kinetic particle theory to explain these observations.






.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

19 Different gases diffuse at different speeds.

What is meant by the term diffusion?


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

20 Blue ink was placed at the bottom of a beaker containing water.

After 2 days, a blue colour had spread throughout the beaker.



at the start after 6 hours after 2 days

Explain these observations using the kinetic particle model.





.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

21 Name the element, from the first 30 elements in the Periodic Table, which is the gas with the slowest
rate of diffusion at room temperature.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

22 When nitrogen is cooled to below −196 °C it changes state from gas to liquid.

(a) Name the change of state from gas to liquid

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Use the kinetic particle theory to describe the differences between nitrogen gas and liquid
nitrogen in terms of:

the separation of the particles ..........................................................................................



the motion of the particles ................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 5]

23 Hydrogen chloride is an acidic gas produced when concentrated hydrochloric acid evaporates.

(a) Describe the arrangement and separation of the molecules in hydrogen chloride gas.

arrangement ....................................................................................................................


separation .......................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) A long glass tube is set up as shown.

long glass tube

cotton wool soaked in damp blue litmus paper

concentrated hydrochloric acid

At first, the blue litmus paper does not turn red.

After a short time, the litmus paper turns red.

Explain these observations using the kinetic particle model.





........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 5]

24 Gallium and aluminium are in Group III of the Periodic Table.

The melting point of gallium is 30 °C.

Use the kinetic particle theory to explain what happens when a spoon made of gallium is put into
a cup of tea at 40 °C.

In your answer, refer to:

• the change of state which occurs,

• the change in the arrangement of the particles,
• the change in the motion of the particles.





.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

25 Use ideas about the movement and arrangement of particles to explain why:

• solids have a definite volume and shape,

• liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape,
• gases have no definite volume or shape.






.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

26 The changes that occur when a substance changes state are shown below.

Which process, W, X, Y or Z, is occurring in the following four situations?

1 Butter melts on a warm day.

2 Water condenses on a cold surface.

3 The volume of liquid ethanol in an open beaker reduces.

4 Ice forms inside a freezer.

1 2 3 4



[Total: 1]

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