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Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. crime B. admit C. instance D. influence
2. A. skive B. skill C. skip D. skit
3. A. knit B. hide C. tide D. site
4. A. liable B. vivid C. revival D. final
5. A. find B. think C. drive D. mind
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1.A. laundry B. household C. create D. healthy
2.A. routine B. problem C. lonely D. hygiene
3.A. laundry B. punish C. depend D. reason
4.A. install B. study C. decide D. improve
5. A. admit B. obey C. propose D. struggle


1.Independent learners become ______ adults who have faith in their abilities to succeed, achieve
and overcome challenges.

A. confident B. over-confident C. confidential D. reluctant

2.Breaks provide valuable rest ______ you to think creatively and work effectively.

A. able B. enable C. enabling D. to enable

3.Is it ______ for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon?

A. certain B. difficult C. popular D. necessary

4.Do you think it’s true that teenage girls are less ______ than their male peers?

A. self-motivated B. self-aware C. self- confident D. self-appointed

5.A single parent should try to balance work and family ______?

A. experiencesB. opportunities C. responsibilities D. inventions

6.Paul is directly ______ for the management of the football competitions between schools in our

A. decisive B. responsible C. reliable D. independent

7.There’s no point in trying to stop her- it’ll only make her more ______.

A. self-motivated B. comfortable C. dependent D. determined

8.A good leader should have a talent for quick ______ action.

A. independent B. confident C. decisive D. organised

9. The programme makers reject the notion that seeing _______ on television has a harmful effect
on children.
A. bullying B. violence C. overpopulation D. crime
10. There are many risks attached to social media sites, and _______ is one of the largest risks.
A. appearance B. survey C. depression D. cyberbullying
11.______________ my neighbors who rescued me from the fire.

A. It is B. It was C. That is D. This is

12.______________ me how to play the drum.

A. It was my uncle who taught B. My uncle who taught

C. It was my uncle taught D. It is my uncle teaching

13.______________ I bought the golden fish.

A. It was from this shop that B. It was from this shop where

C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that

14.______________ gave me that picture book.

A. Mary B. It was Mary whom C. It was Mary who D. It was Mary whose

15.It was Tom ______________ to help us.

A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came

16.______________ the police had rescued from the fire.

A. The baby B. The baby that C. It was the baby who D. The baby whom

17. She denied ________ her sister not to go to university.

A. to have told B. having told C. has told D. have told
18. My mother didn't remember ……… about her childhood dream.
A. tell B. told C. tells D. having told
19. _______ my parents for advice, my sister decided to go to a teacher training college after
A. Asking B. Asks C. Having asked D. Asked

20. My father was proud of ________ many beautiful places in Viet Nam.
A. having visited B. visited C. have visited D. has visited
21. Youth in the behavioural risk group were more likely to report negative _______ than were
youth in the optimal group.
A. self-confidence B. peer pressure C. body shaming D. social issue
22. Ageing is simultaneously an academic problem, a pressing _______ and an urgent personal
A. social issue B. peer pressure C. awareness D. body shaming
23. I can’t come out tonight ___________I’ve got too much homework.
A. but B. while C. because D. although
24. Three nuclear power stations were built ___________ widespread opposition.
A. so B. whether C. in case D. despite
25.He is an excellent student. His recent behavior, ___________, has been terrible.
A. despite B. while C. however D. even though
26.I think he’s telling the truth. ___, I don’t trust him.
A. so B. when C. therefore D. nevertheless
27. _________ the Asian crisis, the company’s profits fell by 15% during 1997.
A. In case B. Because of C. In spite of D. Even though
28. _____ it was raining, we decided to go for a walk.
A. While B. Whether C. Although D. Therefore
29. _____it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
A. Despite B. Although C. Due to D. In spite of
30. ________ there was no electricity, I was able to read because I had a candle.
A. Unless B. Until C. Because D. Even though
31. I managed to get to sleep____ a lot of noise.
A. Although B. because C. because of D. in spite of
32. He went to work early this morning _________he had to translate an urgent letter into English
for his boss.
A. although B. because C. in spite of D. because of
33. Last summer, we went our holiday by the sea. __________it rained a lot, we enjoyed ourselves.
A. In spite of B. Although C. Because D. Because of
34. We didn’t go anywhere yesterday____the rain.
A. in spite of B. Though C. Because D. because of
35. _____ what she said yesterday, he still loves her.
A. In spite of B. Though C. Because D. Because of
36. Houses are very expensive nowadays. ___________, they have managed to buy one.
A. So B. However C. But D. Therefore
37. Studying in the USA is good for your son. __________, I think you should let him go.
A. Therefore B. But C. And D. However
38. My sister didn’t get the job____________she had all the qualifications.
A. therefore B. although C. however D. in spite of
39.We didn’t remember __________ a competition for teenagers to find out more about our world

heritage sites.

A.held B.hold C.having held hold

40.Lan is the most self-motivated student in our class ___________ all assignments from our


A.complete B.completing complete D.completed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. She became deeply depressed when her exam results were not as good as she expected.
A. upset B. cheerful C. happy D. disappointing
2. She's always the odd one out at school. She doesn't have many friends.
A. warm-hearted person B. a good person C. an excellent person D. a distinct person
3. He is truly a reliable friend. He will always be with me and never let me down.
A. mean B. independent C. decisive D. dependable
4. At last, Thanh made a determined effort to get a scholarship so that he could have a chance to
study overseas.
A. tenacious B. serious C. unresolved D. necessary
5. John is an admirable person as he isn't influenced by other people's opinions when making a
decision to do something.
A. relied B. impacted C. decided D. assigned
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Two million people are living in abject poverty.
A. wealth B. misery C. difficulty D. hardship
2. The maintenance of this company is dependent on international investment.
A. affective B. self-reliant C. self-restricted D. reliant
3. At first, he was reluctant to help us. However, after persuading him for a long time, he agreed to
play the guitar at our tea shop.
A. hesitate B. willing C eager D. keen
4. Peter may look a bit fierce but actually he's fairly harmless.
A. damaging B. funny C. humourous D. cheerful
5. We encouraged him to express his emotions and attitudes to that issue. He usually kept quiet.
A. persuaded B. inspired C. discouraged D. restored
Choose the correct responses
1. Jane is talking to Sue.
Sue: Have a nice holiday! Jane: ____________
A. Same to you. B. Thanks for your compliment.
C. You're welcome. D. Thank you for what you've done.
2. Sue is asking Jane.
Sue: I wish you best luck in your new position. Jane: ____________
A. You too. B. You are the best.
C. Thank you for your wish. D. Thanks. I will not forget you.
3. Jane and Sue are talking to each other.
Jane: Hope you feel better soon. Sue: ____________
A. I see. I'll do my best. B. Never mind.
C. You are welcome. D. I'll take some aspirin. Thanks.
4. Jane is talking to Jack.
Jack: Hi, Jane. Happy birthday! Jane: ____________
A. How are you? B. Thank you. C. Do you know that? D. You are right.
5. Rose is talking to Jane.
Rose: Happy New Year! Wishing you a great year ahead! Jane: ____________
A. I know it's true. B. A new year comes.
C. I have some ideas about that. D. Thanks. Hope your wishes come true.
Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
Teenagers should (1) ___________ to become independent as it is a crucial part of their personal
growth and development. Independence equips teenagers (2) ___________ valuable life skills and
prepares them for the challenges and responsibilities of adulthood. By becoming independent,
teenagers learn to make their own decisions, take responsibility for their actions, and develop a
sense of self-reliance. It allows them to explore their interests, pursue their goals, and shape their
own identity. Independence also fosters resilience, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking
skills, (3) ___________ are essential for navigating the complexities of life. (4) ___________
becoming independent empowers teenagers to have a greater sense of agency, autonomy, and
control over their own lives, enabling them to (5) ___________ fulfilling and meaningful lives.
1. A. strive B. pay C. have D. get
2. A. for B. by C. about D. with
3. A. where B. which C. who D. when
4. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise
5. A. get B. turn C. lead D. head
Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
When teens want to live independently, they need to develop (1) ________ skills for
First, they need to know how to do their own laundry. A good way to care for their clothes is to
break things down into steps, (2) ________ sorting dirty clothes, washing, folding to storing them
after they're dry.
Second, they need to be able to manage a budget. This may be not easy for those who have (3)
________ with math. There are lots of apps that can help with money management and budgets.
Third, preparing and storing food safely is (4) ________ to good health. They need to know
how to plan meals in advance and how to shop for groceries. This includes buying items that will
last a few days or longer. It also includes knowing which foods can't be stored for very long.
Fourth, they have to know how to get around town. Teens who plan on using public transportation
should practice taking the bus. Those who drive also need to understand directions. It's also
important to know when and (5) ________ to fill the gas tank and how much gas costs. Their
budget should also account for motorbike care, such as repairs and oil changes.
Independent living is a serious decision. It's important that both parents and teens feel ready for
this step.
1. A. care B. life C. study D. work
2. A. about B. for C. from D. to
3. A. difficulty B. hardship C. lesson D. struggle
4. A. balanced B. nutrient C. next D vital
5. A. what B. who C. where D. which
Exercise 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
Overpopulation refers to a situation (1) ___________ the number of people in a particular area
exceeds the available resources and infrastructure to support them adequately. It is a (2)
___________ issue that can have significant social, economic, and environmental consequences.
Overpopulated areas often face challenges (3) ___________ strained healthcare systems, inadequate
housing, increased competition for resources, and environmental degradation. These issues can lead
to poverty, unemployment, overcrowding, and a decline in (4) ___________ of life. Addressing
overpopulation requires a comprehensive approach that includes family planning, sustainable
development, and (5) ___________ distribution of resources to ensure a balanced and sustainable
future for all.
1. A. where B. which C. who D. when
2. A. in-house B. local C. global D. glocal
3. A. for example B. such as C. consisting D. comprising
4. A. standard B. cost C. quantity D. quality
5. A. equality B. equitably C. equitable D.equity
Exercise 4: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet
to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
Crime is a prevalent issue (1) ____________ affects societies worldwide, and it encompasses a
wide range of illegal activities. From theft and vandalism to more serious offenses like robbery and
assault, crime can have significant consequences for individuals and communities. One of the main
causes of crime is socioeconomic factors. Poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to basic
resources can push individual' s towards criminal behavior as a means of survival or 2)
____________ of desperation. Additionally, societal factors such as inequality, discrimination, and
social exclusion can contribute to feelings of frustration and resentment, leading to an increased
likelihood of criminal activity.
Effort to combat crime involve various straggles, (3) ____________ law enforcement,
prevention programs and community engagement. Law enforcement agencies work to uphold the
law, investigate crimes, and apprehend offenders. Prevention programs aim to address the root
causes of crime by providing support and resources to at-risk individuals and communities. These
programs focus on education, job training, and mentorship to empower individuals and steer them
(4) ____________ from criminal behavior. Community engagement plays a crucial role in reducing
crime by fostering strong social connections, promoting (5) ____________ watch programs, and
encouraging citizens to report suspicious activities.
1. A. that B. where C. when D. who
2. A. as a matter B. as a result C. in spite D. in conclusion
3. A. for example B. comprising of C. consisting D. including
4. A. about B. aside C. away D. afar
5. A. neighbor B. neighborhood C. neighboring D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
1.Making use of social media is one of the most convenient ways promoted our culture.
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________
2. Seeing the beautiful scenery at this time , Hoi An Ancient Town seems to be the best choice for
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________

3.If you want to know more about the historical event,you should go to the library asked for more
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________
4.This is the last cultural fair be organized in our city this year.
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________
5.The second group was required to come into the classroom earlier preparing for their practical


Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________

6.We started a campaign against bullying in our school. However, we organised classes for teens to

try new things and become more confident.

Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________

7.She bought the book because of she had heard it was good.
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________
8. Because of the post office was closed, I couldn't mail my package.
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________
9. In spite of I was dead tired, I walked all the way home.
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________
10.She missed her flight because a traffic jam on the way to the airport.
Error: _____________________________ Correction _________________________________

Rewrite these sentences using “ although,inspite of, despite,because, because of ”

1. Despite her dislikes for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm. (although)
2. Mary will take a plane, even though she dislikes flying. (in spite of)
3. In spite of Marcy’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile. (although)
4. We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy. (despite)
5. Despite her poor memory, the old woman told interesting stories to the children. (even though)
6. Though he has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. (in spite of)
7. Nancy told me the secret despite having promised not to do so. (though)
8. He ate the chocolate cake even though he is on a diet. (in spite of)
9.We didn’t want to go out because of the heavy rain.
 Because ...........................................................................................................................................................
10.Although he had much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine.
 Despite ............................................................................................................................................................
11.In spite of the darkness, they continued to work.
 Though ............................................................................................................................................................
12.We postponed our trip because the driving conditions were bad.
 Because of .......................................................................................................................................................
13.The water in most rivers is unsafe to drink because it is polluted.
 Because of ........................................................................................................................................................
14.We all have received the best of everything because of our generous parents.
 Because ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Rewrite the following sentences using cleft sentence “ It is/was… that/who….”
1. The children played football in the garden yesterday afternoon.
 It
2. My sister got a present from her uncle last week.
 It
3. My uncle taught me how to play the guitar.
 It
4. My little brother admires my teacher very much.
 It
5.The police asked the man a lot of questions.
 It
6.Jack sent some flowers to me when I was in hospital.
 It
7.The company will send a large number of notebooks to poor children in this area.
 It
8.People speak English in many countries in the world.
 It
9.They leant English in that foreign language center.
 It
10.I took these photographs in the countryside.
 It
11.Linda is going to spend her summer vacation in Vietnam.
 It
12.Many children like to play in the schoolyard.
 It

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