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Water Pollution

Water is essential tolife. We need water every day. However, water pollution can be
found everywhere. It is one of the most ecological threats we face today as more than 70% of
the Earth surface is water-covered.

Water polution is the contaminationof a strean, river, lake, ocean, or any other stretch
O Water, depleting water quality and making toxic for the environment and humans. What

the sourcesof water polution? Unsurprisingly, human activity is primarily responsiblefor water
even ifnatural phenomenon
pollution, -
such as landslides and floods can also Contribute to -
degrade the water quality.
What kinds of
activities can cause water pollution? Inadequate sewage collection and
treatment are sources of water pollution. According to the United Nations, more than 80%%
of the worldwide wastewater goes back in the environment without being treated or reused.
Agricuiture also has an impact on water pollution due tothe use of chermicals such asfertilizers,
pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or insecticides running off in the water, as well as livestock
excrement, manure and methane (greenhouse effect). Industries also produce a lot of waste
containing chemicals and pollutions. A huge amounts of industrial waste is drained in the
Tresh water which the flows into canals, rivers, and eventually in the sea. The other cause is
marine dumping. Every day, garbage such as plastic, paper,aluminum, food, glass, or ruboer
are deposited into the sea. These items take weeks to hundreds of years to decomp0se, and
thus they are a major cause for water
Water polltion is dangerous on environmentand human health. truly harms biodiversity It
and aquatic ecosystems. The toxic chemicals can change the color of water and increasethe
amount of minerals also known as eutrophication -which has a bad impact on life in water.
Thermal pollution, defined by a rise in the temperatureof water bodies,
contributes to global
warming and causes serious hazard to water organisms.
Water pollution also has very negative effects on public health. A lot of diseases result
from drinking or being in contact with contaminated water, such as diarrhea,
cholera, typhoid,
dysentery, or skin infections. In zones where there is no available drinking water, the main risk
is dehydration obviously.
a In conclusion,water pollution is mostly caused by human activities. However, the effects
of water pollution return to humans. Therefore, we should prevent it by doing wastewater
treatment, green agriculture, plastic waste reduction, and water conservation.

Source: https://solarimpulse. com/water-pollution-solutions#

B. Find the meaning of the following words! Use your dictionary!

Essential (Adj,):\myorkOnt necesary 6. Primarily (Adv.) Utamo
2 Threat (N) dncaman 7. Degrade (V) Man/vn
3 Stretch (N) :alran 8. Manure (N)
4. Deplete (V) : hah torwuras 9. Hazard (N)
5. Toxic (N) :Lacun 10. Obviously (Adv.) :MUtau
C. Answer the following questions based on the text!
1. What is water pollution?

of awato
(onaminaton o atreafS CCaaUl, or any Otner Strerd
2. can degradethe water quality?Explainyour answer!

16bive 3
Why does aarTG inorvUOT
have an impact on water pollution? floods

turgicdes, hoicds, orlyisectdes ruming of (ntMe watu. aš tuelas

22 Belajar Praktis Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas XI Semester2
Cqreun huuse
4. Based on the third paragraph, what are the causes of water pollution?

wdeqvate Stuoqe coMeclOn and treat men re Sourcos of uatr poiyton

5. Why does water polution harm environment? the toxic chemicak can change te
(uly 0f waer ard increas,a the amMQUt of MIneras -which has Jha

6. What diseases are caused by water pollution?

sdarhca chaltra, t'yohaud, dystnity. or Kkn nfecton

7. What are the solutions of water pollution? ong
uastewato treatMONt reen cgnkuttur

[\atte Aste reducdin, unter (onscration

8. What tense does the text mostly use? Give an example!

9. How is the organization of the text? Why do you think so?

Ahe teus Uses 10dh orcani sa Daiton, (ayse fect
10. Write sentences using signal word to show cause and effect relationship found in the text!


Activity 2: Matching the Cause and Effect Nilai

Match the following causes with the suitable effects!

1. (.) Many villagers throw rubbish into the river.

2. (,d.) There are many people who litter at the park.

3. (a.) Most local televisions' programsare boring.

4. (.4.) There was no report aboutthe robbery.
5. (t.) The school has some strict regulations.

6. () There are many e-commerce platforms.

7. (1.)The school does not have any students.

8. (9.) The plants did not getenough water and sunlight.
9. (. ) Someparents allow their underage children ride motorcycle.

10. (..) The local government does not repair and renovate the road condition.

la. Most people subscribe a cable TV. The students look more disciplined.

b The students get fined. g The plants withered.

The police took no action. b: Most people choose online shopping.
LdrThe park becomes unpleasant to see. i The school is closed indefinitely.
Le. There are many accidents on the bad road. The flood often hits the village.

Activity 3: Identifying Cause and Effect Nilai

Decide if thefollowingstatement in each pair is a cause (C)or effect (E)!

1. a. The schoollets the studentsstay at home.

b. The pandemic hits the country.

2. a. The learning must continue no matter what.
b. The teachers arë asked to prepare the
lesson and deliver it
3.a. The school holds a training about technology for the teachers.aso (a.)
Some teachers

are not technology literate.
The students do not have smartphonesor laptops.
I e/ta o w)
D No (C.)
b. 98146
The students cannot participate in online learning. (E)
5. a. The
Db. teachers provide printed materials for the students to take.
Somne parents protested to the school about online learning.
Cause and effect

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2 detbrtaton-)anslhde
hemg hungry
to0+hache tat tardves
Ldtyiy foad
-)rve (arlessy

EKE dit b ng tat

-) te bus


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