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Biology 11 Year

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Strugglers’ | Livingstone Academy Gulistan-e-Sajjad Qasimabad

Biology First Year
Name: _____________ Date: ____________
Practice Questions a. 574 amino acids b. 287 amino acids
c. 141 amino acids d. 146 amino acids
Assessment 1 3. A chain containing two amino acids is
1. The richest source of energy is: known as:
a. Glucose b. Fructose c. Fats d. Proteins a. Dipeptide b. Peptide c. Amino-peptide d.
2. Examples of structural lipids are: Di amino acid
a. Phospholipids b. Glycolipid c Sterols d. all 4. The simplest amino acid is:
of these a. Alanine b. Lysine c. Glycine d. aspartic acid
3. Which one is odd? 5. The essential amino acid means:
a. Glucose b. Fructose c. Galactose d. Lactose a. formed within the body b. enter from
4. Which is nitrogen base? outside the body
a. Choline b. ethanol amine c. serine d. all of c. can change from one to another kind of
these amino acid d. 20 kinds of amino acids
5. The viscosity of protoplasm is 6. The simplest fatty acid is:
comparable with that of: a. acetic acid b. butyric acid c. Palmitic acid
a. Glycerol b. Glycerin c. Light machine oil d. d. oleic acid
all of these 7. The Nucleotide with single ring is:
6. The property of contraction and a. Adenine b. Guanine c. Cytosine d. both a
relaxation of cytoplasm is attributable to and b
special type of: 8. Histone present in:
a. Carbohydrates b. Lipids c. Proteins d. a. DNA b. RNA c. Chromosome d. glycolipids
nucleic acids 9. Number of Nucleotides in ATP:
7. Amount of water in living cells varies a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
from: 10. Most diverse macromolecules in a cell:
a. 75 – 89 b. 70 – 89 c. 60 – 89 d. 65 – 89 a. Carbohydrate b. Protein c. Lipid d. DNA
8. Histones are:
a. Single protein b. Different kinds of
Assessment 3
1. Choline is _____:
c. Conjugated molecules d. carbohydrates
a. Monosaccharide b. Disaccharide c.
9. 3-D proteins are due to:
Nitrogenous base d. Nucleotide
a. Primary structure b. Tertiary structure
2. Number of Nucleotides in NADP:
c. Secondary structure d. Both A and C
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
10. Primary product of photosynthesis:
3. Which one is conjugated molecule?
a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins c. Lipids d.
a. Protein b. Carbohydrate c. Glycoprotein d.
4. Amylopectin not abundant in:
Assessment 2 a. Wheat b. Maize c. both a and b d. Pulses
1. Total number of amino acids in insulin is: 5. Most abundant fruit sugar is usually:
a. 61 b. 41 c. 71 d. 51 a. Glucose b. Sucrose c. Maltose d. Lactose
2. Amino acids of hemoglobin are arranged 6. Example of vitamin/nucleotide/co-
in two dimmers, contains enzyme is:
Strugglers’ | Livingstone Academy Gulistan-e-Sajjad Qasimabad
Biology First Year
Name: _____________ Date: ____________
a. FAD b. NAD c. NADP d. All of these 8. Generally all the organic compounds
7. Base pairs in E. coli: contain the elements except:
a. 4288 b. 14000 c. 4639221 d. Four a. iron and oxygen b. carbon and oxygen
8. What is unique of DNA? c. carbon and hydrogen d. Carbon and
a. Replication b. Organic c. Has nitrogenous nitrogen
bases d. all of these 9. Potential source of energy for cell
9. Reverse of Dehydration synthesis is: activities:
a. Hydrolysis b. Oxidation c. Reduction d. a. C – H b. H – H c. C – O – C d. C – C
Oxidation-Reduction 10. At 25° C the concentration each of H+
10. Phospholipids are: and OH ions in pure water is about:
a. Polar b. non-polar a. 10 –7 ml/litre b. 10 –7 mole/litre c. 10 –7
c. Polar on one end and non-polar on the mg/litre d. 10 –7 moles/ml
other end
d. Sometimes polar and sometimes non-

Assessment 4
1. Glyceraldehyde is:
a. Tetrose b. Triose c. Heptose d.
2. Glycerol is the backbone molecule for:
a. disacchardies b. DNA c. triglycerides d.
3. All the information for the structure and
functioning of a cell is stored in:
a. DNA b. tRNA c. mRNA d. rRNA
4. Basic unit of DNA is:
a. nucleotide b. amino acid c. nucleic acid d.
double helix
5. Second most abundant compound in
living organisms is:
a. protein b. lipids c. DNA d. Carbohydrate
6. Tetroses are rare in nature and occur in:
a. Some bacteria b. Few bacteria c. Bacteria
d. Most Bacteria
7. Evaporation of only two ml out of one
liter of water lowers the temperature of the
remaining 998 ml by
__________ o
a. 0.01 b. 0.1 c. 1.0 d. 2.0

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