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Ecuadorian Legends

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How do Ecuadorian legends shape and reflect the cultural identity of our society,

and what impact do they have on the beliefs

Autors: Cordero Denjoy Arianna José; Farinango Paredes Alison Salet; Pilar Quintuña
Gisel Marjorie; Pullas Moreno Edison Santiago; Villareal Soto Doménica Naomy; Vivas
Huanca Gianella Fernanda;

Professor: Marcos Narváez

Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences

Multilingual Mayor

English II

Quito, 2023
Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences


The cultural identity of a country is preserved in many ways, one of them are the

legends. “Legends are narrations that reflect the culture inherited by our ancestors”

(Leyendas Ecuatorianas - Relatos - Videos - Cultura Popular, 2023, para.1). In Ecuador,

legends are a treasure of the cultural diversity, because they have involved traditions of

Ecuadorian communities.

It is important to know how legends influence the thoughts of ancient and modern

groups. That will allow us to understand the ideologies, the cosmovision, the beliefs, the

history, the moral and the geographical knowledge of a specific epoch. On the other hand,

for knowing more about the culture of the country, the historical conventions have been very

helpful. That’s why the oral transmissions have been very useful for the new generations to

know more about the culture that surrounds them.

Nowadays, Ecuadorian society has left die a lot of popular stories that were not just

about fantasy, they also left messages about values. These stories have a very interesting

way to preserve the national identity of Ecuador. In fact, a lot of Ecuadorian legends are

based on historical facts and real characters. So, to revive a little bit of the traditions, it will

be presented a model that will show, in a didactic way, one of the many legends that the

country has.
Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences
General objective

To recognize the value that the legends have in the development of the cultural

identity of Ecuador, and its influence in the Ecuadorian thinking.

Specific objectives

To inquire about the fantastic and real relation that Ecuadorian legends keep

understanding their importance in preserving traditions.

To transmit the importance of legends in the country through a physical representation

of an Ecuadorian legend, such as a book or a comic.

Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences

Theoretical Framework


This investigation emphasizes why legends are important for the Ecuadorian culture

and identity. These stories have been transmitted from generation to generation through oral

and written language, in that way legends have had temporal importance and they also have

become an important part of the national tradition. Conversely, these narratives can be

presented in different genres such as fantasy, romantic, thrillers, mystery, etc. Therefore, they

sometimes leave lessons that could motivate people to investigate more about ancient beliefs.


Legends are stories that have their origins in the past, they can tell any anecdote. They

can show variations in their content, but that depends on the geographical zone of the events.

Rodriguez (2022) says “Legends are the subject of wisdom, history, and cosmorama of

primitive cultures” (p.1). It is also a narrative genre that is used for communities to express

their beliefs and cultural experiences. In addition, the moral value has relevance to make

these tales kind of entertaining.

The origin of Ecuadorian legends goes back to the pre-Columbian myths that

belonged to the indigenous communities. Indigenous groups such as “cañaris” and “quitus”

had a deep connection with nature. They believed in the existence of supernatural beings that

lived in mountains, rivers, and woods. These beliefs merged with the Spanish colonization

and the incorporation of Christianism, creating in that way an authentic mix of indigenous

and Spanish myths.

Some of these events have happened in the current century, and they are told for

elderly people who claim to have witnessed some situations. These chronicles have
Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences
been captured in the memory of Ecuadorian people and even in many of their literary

works. (Ortega, 2020, p. 14)

The collective imagination of the communities has had an important relevance in the

origin of legends. Meanwhile, others are based on real events, but there is a middle point

where the interpretation cannot be precise. That is because of the lack of evidence, but oral

transmission has an important force to preserve and enhance the cultural value of the

chronicles. However, they can change a bit due to the relaying of information.

Their importance is related to the union between the past and the cultural roots. They

allow to have a connection with history and crank up the sense of belonging. The difference

between communities of other countries can be manifested through legends as well. And that

is why Ecuadorians are characterized as having one of the richest cultures in all of South


Ecuadorian legends are important because they allow us to rescue the folklore and the

variety of existing traditions in the country, we can also know the cultural variety and

their geography since each story needs a physical space to exist. (Rivadeneira y

Chicaiza, 2010, p. 53)

Communities keep alive the narratives through oral communication, their objective is

simple, to spread the tradition.

The identity is part of the self-concept of a person, that concept precedes the

knowledge of belonging to a social group, along with the meaning of sentiments and

values that this entails. In addition, this notion is associated with a social movement in

which a social group promotes the right to cultural differences between other groups.

(Moro, 2009, p. 9)

In that way, it is understandable how the self-concept is created thanks to the

interaction between people of the same group. On the other hand, Ecuador is known for being
Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences
a pluricultural and multiethnic country, due to the next reason: it is a continuous country,

traditions belong to the past and they are told like that because they need to have coherence

with the present.

Legends stay alive in the collective memory; they have even been able to adapt to

modern times. Many stories have been modified for different media such as books, movies,

television series, and theater plays. In consequence, actual generations still have access to

these narratives, because they keep being transmitted in such an entertaining way.

According to Martínez (2006), "Literature is an expressive discipline, a linguistic

technique that represents valuable psychic contents in written to convey them to an indefinite

number of receptors" (p. 50). Moreover, these stimulate the imagination, contribute to

entertainment, and foster the cognitive and critical development of the person. Therefore,

having a multitude of legends in our environment can be used as a didactic and creative

resource to stimulate those skills.

When working with these narratives, the stimulation of the imagination focuses on

writing and creative expression. On the one hand, writing skills can be developed based on a

narrative, creating reinterpretations set in a current time or the recreation of characters. On

the other hand, theatrical interpretations may be linked to the development of public

expression. Another way to preserve legends in the present day would be through graphic

representation, such as comic or 3D stories, to make them more appealing to new

Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences


Thanks to the research, it was found that legends have an important value to the

culture. The old generations and the new ones are part of the cultural knowledge. Legends

have demonstrated that they can build a person's self-concept and give people the sense of

being part of a cultural group. In addition, Ecuadorians can connect with traditions and crank

up the concept of folklore that our country has.

It is said that legends have a real part, but the rest is just fiction. First, these stories are

transmitted thanks to oral communication. By the way, the story can be distorted thanks to the

lack of evidence, but the teaching of traditions is the main result. Preserving culture with

legends is one of the best methods that teachers have, having the opportunity to make a

special class dedicated to Ecuadorian values.

Creating a physical representation is an effective way to teach something. If teachers

want to transmit Ecuadorian legends entertainingly, they can show them through didactic

material such as songs, comics, videos, and theater plays. This material has the facility to

stimulate children's imagination, and they also could find enjoyment in learning something

Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences


Our project was centered around creating a theoretical framework for Ecuadorian

legends to highlight their cultural value. We researched to demonstrate the importance of

these tales. However, we encountered a bit of difficulty in finding comprehensive information

online, which made constructing a solid framework a bit challenging.

As part of our creative idea, we bring the legend of Father Almeida to life in a

distinctive manner. Opting for innovation, we chose to present this captivating tale through a

rotating structure. We faced some hurdles in perfecting the intricate design of the rotating

legend. Despite these challenges, we engage a visually appealing representation of the


Reflecting on our project, we not only wanted to emphasize the significance of

Ecuadorian legends, but we also wanted to contribute a tangible and artistic element through

the handmade representation of Father Almeida. Through our unique interpretation of this

legendary tale, we aspire to offer a deeper appreciation for Ecuadorian folklore to everyone.
Central University of Ecuador
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences

Bibliographical References
Chinchín Rivadeneira, N. K., & Moromenacho Chicaiza, M. P. (2010). Guía para animar a la

lectura a través de leyendas ecuatorianas dirigida a docentes de primero de básica

[Bachelor 's thesis].

García Calavia, A. (12 de julio de 2018). Las leyendas como recurso didáctico y creativo en

2º curso de Educación Primaria. [Tesis de grado]. Universidad de Valladolid.

Leyendas ecuatorianas - relatos - videos - cultura popular. (2023, June). Ecuador Mi


Magán, P. M. (2016). Las leyendas y su valor didáctico. Centro Virtual Cervantes, 400, 392-


Muñoz Gómez, C., & Sandes Pérez, J. (2020). IDENTIDAD Y AUTONOMÍA Orientaciones

Técnico-Pedagógicas para el nivel de Educación Parvularia. División de Políticas

Educativas Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia. (P. 13)

Ortega Parrales, K. L. (2020). Leyendas ecuatorianas.

Rojas Guanoluisa, S.A. (2019). Leyendas Ecuatorianas en el Desarrollo de la Identidad en

niños de 5 a 6 años. [Bachelor's thesis]. Repositorio Digital UDLA. (P. 14-19)

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