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L-lIT-I/MME Date: 08/08/2016: Section - A

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L-lIT-I/MME Date: 08/08/2016


L-lIT-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub : PRY 103 (Waves and Oscillation, Optics)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) Can two independent light sources (eg. Candles) produce observable interference

pattern on a screen? (5)

(b) Explain the formation of coherent sources in the case of Fresnel's biprism. How can
the separation between such coherent sources be measured in the experiment with a

biprism? (20)
(c) If a parallel beam of light of wavelength 589.3 nm is incident at an angle of 45° on a
glass plate of refractive index 1.5, calculate the smallest thickness of the glass plate for a

fringe of minimum intensity. (10)

2. (a) Distinguish between interference and diffraction oflight. (7)

(b) Define resolving power of an optical instrument. Discuss the Fraunhofer diffraction of

light at a circular aperture. (3+ 15)

(c) In a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern due to a circular aperture, the screen is at a distance
of 1.5 m from a convex lens. The aperture is illuminated by sodium light of wavelength
589.3 nm. The diameter of the aperture is 0.2 x 10-3 m. Calculate the separation between

the central disc and the first minimum. (10)

3. (a) What do you mean by positive and negative uniaxial crystals? (10)
(b) Explain the phenomenon of double refraction in a uniaxial crystal. (15)
(c) Two polarizing sheets have polarizing directions parallel so that the intensity of the
transmitted light is maximum. Through what angle must either sheet be turned if the

intensity is to drop by half? (10)

4. (a) What do you mean by simple harmonic motion? Briefly discuss the impact of

oscillation in our daily life. (7)

(b) While studying spring-mass system we consider the spring to an ideal spring having
point-mass. But in reality the spring has a finite mass and it affects the motion of the
spring-mass system. With a detailed mathematical analysis show that the time period of

oscillation for spring-mass system is 21l ~ M + M S if the springs have a finite mass Ms. (20)

Contd P/2

PRY 103
Contd ... Q. No.4
(c) A load M is attached to two spring having spring constant kl, and k2 respectively as

. shown in the following figures. (8)

--- '------------

.- I

If the spring is considered massless, what would be the period of oscillation?

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

5. (a) What do you mean by damped harmonic motion. Write down a general expression for
the displacement of damped oscillation and from this show how the energy of a damped

oscillator decays with time. (12)

(b) Define 'Q-factor' for an oscillator and briefly explain the physical significance ofS of

an oscillator. (8)
(c) According to the classical electromagnetic theory an accelerated electron radiates
energy at the rate ke2a2/c3, where k = 6 X 109 N-m/c2, e = electronic charge (c),

a = instantaneous acceleration (m/sec2), and c = speed 0 light (m/sec). (15)

(i) If an electron oscillating along a straight line with frequency v(Hz) and amplitude
A, how much energy would it radiate away during 1 cycle. (Assume that the motion
is describe by x = A sin 2nvt)
(ii) What is the Q function of the oscillation?

6. (a) Consider that a one-dimensional oscillator of mass m is subjected to periodic force

and a resistive force is present during oscillation. Set up an expression for the differential

equation of motion of the system. (8)

(b) Using the differential equation you write in (Question 6a) derive an expression for the

displacement of the oscillator for steady state condition. (17)

(c) Consider a damped oscillator of mass m = 0.2 kg, b = 4 N-m-I sec and k = 80 N-m-I.

Suppose that the oscillator is driven by a force F = Fo cos rot with Fo = 2 Nand

ro = 30 sec-I. (10)
Contd P 13

PRY 103
Contd ... Q. No. 6(c)

(i) What are the value of the amplitude and phase for steady state response?
(ii) How much energy is dissipated against the resistive force in one cycle?

7. (a) What do you mean by cardinal points of a thick lens? Indicate each cardinal point

with suitable diagram. (10)

(b) Show that the equivalent power of two coaxial thin lenses separated by a certain
distance (d) can be expressed by the equation: P = PI + Pz - dPIPZ, where the symbols

have their usual meanings. (17)

(c) Two coaxial thin convex lenses of focal length 20 cm and 10 cm are 3 cm apart.
Calculate (i) the value of equivalent focal length of the combination and (ii) find the

distance (a, ~) of the principal points from the individual lenses. (8)

8. (a) What do you mean by distortion in lens? Briefly describe the ways of minimization of

spherical aberration. (10)

(b) Show that a single lens can not produce an image free from chromatic aberration. (17) .
(c) Two lenses have dispersive powers in the ratio of 2:3. The lenses are used in the
manufacture of an achromatic object of focal length 20 cm. What are the focal lengths of

the lenses? (8)

L-lIT -lIMME Date: 18/07/2016
L-l/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: MATH 171 (Calculus and Differential Equations)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Symbols have their usual meaning.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

X when x:::;0
1. (a) A function f(x) is defined as follows: f(x) = : when 0<x<1
I-x when x~1

Discuss the continuity and differentiability at x = 0 and x = 1. Also sketch the graph of

the function. (17)

" x2 -xlog x+log x-I ("")I" xtan2x-2xtanx

(b) Evaluate (i) I1m -------- 11 1m 2 . (18)
x~l x-I x~o (l-cos2x)

2. (a) Find (yJo' where y = cos(2 cos-l x). (13)

(b) State Euler's theorem and verify this theorem for the function

u == sm"-l( x) + y tan -l(Y)-:;. (11)

(c) Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the curve y(x - 2 Xx - 3)- x + 7 = 0 at

the point where it cuts the axis of x. (11)

3. (a) Find the maximum and minimum values ofu where u = 4 + 36 and x + y = 2. (13)
x y

(b) A wire of length 20 metre is bent so as to form a circular sector of maximum area.

Find the radius of the circular sector. (11)

(c) Find the angle of intersection of the curves rn = an cos nB and rn = bn sin nB . (11)

4. Find the following:

(a) f (
t dx (12)

(b) fX +1 dx (13)
x +1

(c) f eX 2-sin2x dx (10)


Contd P/2


MATH 171

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Evaluate f sec 2
2xdx by the process of summation. (15)

(b) Evaluate the following f(

o 1 x
~ l-x .
2 2

I . 2
szn X 1t
(c) Prove that f01 ..+ sznxcos x
dx = r::; .

6. (a) Find the area between the curve r = a(sec e + cos e) and its asymptote. (15)
(b) Find the volume and the surface area of the sphere formed by the revolution of the

circle x2 + y2 = r2 about its diameter. (20)

7.. (a) Detennine whether or not the following differential equation is exact. If possible,

solve it. (192 + 1)cos r dr - 219sin r d 19= 0 . (15)

(b) The population x of a certain city satisfies the logistic law dx = _1_x_ ( 1)8 x2 ... (*). (20)
dt 100 10

where time t is measured in years. Given that the population of this city is 100,000 in
1980, detennine the population as a function of time for t > 1980. In particular, answer
the following questions:
(i) What will be the population in 2020?
(ii) In what year does the 1980 population double?
(iii) Assuming the given differential equation (*) applies for all t > 1980, how large
will the population ultimately be?

8. Solve the following:

(a) (xtan: + y )dX-XdY = O. (10)

d3y d2y dy
(b) --5-+7--3y=0.
3 2
dx dx dx

(c) (15)
L-lIT-l/MME Date: 30/07/2016
L-l/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: CHEM 107 (Inorganic and Physical Chemistry)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) What are photons? What role did Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect
play in the development of the particle - wave interpretation of the nature of

electromagnetic radiation? (9)

(b) What do you mean by Eigen values and Eigen functions? (6)
(c) An electron in the hydrogen atom makes a transition from an energy state of principal

quantum numbers nj to the n = 2 state. If the photon emitted has a wavelength of 434 nm,

what is the value ofnj? (8)

(d) State and discuss Heisenberg uncertainty principle? How this principle goes against

Bohr's theory? (6)

(e) Give the values of four quantum numbers of an electron in the following orbitals

(i) 3s, (ii) 4p, (iii) 3d. (6)

2. (a) Explain Why, for isoelectronic ions, the anions are larger than the cations. List the

following ions in order of increasing ionic radius: N3-, Na+, F-, Mg2+, 02-. (4+5=9)
(b) Ionization energy is usually measured in the gaseous state. Why? (7)
(c) What are the limitations of Valence Bond Theory of complexes? (5)
(d) Write balanced equations for the reactions ofCr and Cu metals with HCI(aq). (4)
(e) When water ligands in [Ti(H20)6]3+ are replaced by CN- ligands to give [Ti(CN)6]3-

the maximum absorption shifts from 500 nm to 450 nm. Is this shift in the expected

direction? Explain. What color do you expect to observe for this ion? (10)

3. (a) Discuss the basic features ofthe VSEPR model. Predict the geometry of the following

molecules or ions, using the VSEPR method: (i) BeCh, (ii) NO;: ,(iii) SiCI4. (7+6=13)
(b) Explain the significance of Bond Order. Can bond order be used for quantitative
comparisons of the streangths of chemical bonds? Explain why the bond order of N2 is

greater than that ofN; but the bond order of O2 is less than that of 0; . (4+4+4=12)
(c) Give the IUPAC name for each of the following: (i) [Fe(CO)5] (ii) [Rh(CNh (enht

(en = ethylene diamine) (iii) [Cr(NH3)4 S04]CI (iv) [Mn04r. (4)

Contd :.. P/2

CHEM 107
Contd ... Q. NO.3

(d) Do any of the following stable octahedral complexes have geometric isomers? If so,

draw then (i) [Co(NH3)sCl]z+ (ii) Co(NH3)4(HzO)z]3+. (6)

4. (a) Define hexagonal close-packed structure and cubic close-packed structure. (8)
(b) Tungsten has a body-centered cubic lattice with all atoms at the lattice points. The
edge length of the unit cell is 316.5 pm. The atomic mass of tungsten is 183.8 amu.

Calculate its density. (8)

(c) What do you mean by Buffer solution? Whichof the following solution can act as a

buffer? (i) KCN/HCN, (ii) NazS04/NaHS04, (iii) NH3/NH4N03 (iv) NaI/HI. (3+4=7)
(d) Define coordination number. What is the coordination number ofCs+ in CsCl? ofNa+

in NaC1? ofZnz+ in ZnS? (3+9=12)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

5. (a) Describe the factors that affect the solubility of an ionic solid in liquid. The
hypothetical ionic compound XBz is very soluble in water. The lattice energies for these
compounds are about the same. Provide an explanation for the solubility difference

between these compounds. (10)

(b) Define Raoult's law. Define each term in the equation representing Raoult's law, and

give its units. What is an ideal solution? (10)

(c) Each of the following substances is dissolved in a separate 10.0 L container of water:
1.5 mol NaCl, 1.3 mol NaZS04. 2.0 mol MgCh and 2.0 mol KBr. Without doing
extensive calculations, rank the osmotic pressure of the solutions from highest to lowest.

Justify your answer. (7)

(d) A solution of 2.50 g of a compound of empirical formula C6HsP in 25.0 g of benzene
is observed to freeze at 4.3°C. Calculate the molar mass of the solute and its molecular

formula [Use the attached data sheet]. (8)

6. (a) Briefly explain the Clausius-Clapeyron equation plotting the logarithm of vapor
pressure versus liT. Carbon disulfide, CSz, has a normal boiling point of 46°C and a heat

of vaporization of 26.8 kJ/mol. What is the vapor pressure of CSz at 35°C? (6+7=13)
(b) Use graph paper and sketch the phase diagram of Argon (Ar) from the following
information: normal melting point. -189°C; normal boiling point, -186°C; triple point,

-191°C, 0.68 atm; critical point, -122°C, 48 atm. Label each phase region on the

diagram. (8)
Contd P13
CHEM 107
Contd ... Q. No.6
(c) Describe how you could liquefy the following gases: (i) Methyl chloride, CH3CI

(critical point, 144°C, 66 atm) (ii) Oxygen, O2 (critical point, -119°C, 50 atm) (6)
(d) Given the following hypothetical thermochemical equations:
A +B ~ 2C;,1H = - 447 kJ
A +3D ~ 2E;,1H = - 484 kJ
2D +B ~ 2F ; ,1H = - 429 kJ
Calculate,1H for the equation: 4E + 5B ~ 4C + 6F. ,(8)

7. (a) Briefly discuss the factors that affect the rates of chemical reactions. Which of the
factors affect the magnitude of the rate constant? Which factor(s) do not affect the

magnitude of the rate constant? Why? (10)

(b) The decomposition of H202 is a first order reaction: (4+7+7=18)
H202(aq) ~ H20(l) + ~ 02(g). The halflife of the reaction is 17.0 minutes.

(i) What is the rate constant of the reaction?

(ii) If you had a bottle of H202, how long would it take for 86.0% to decompose?
(iii) If you started the reaction with [H202] = 0.100 M. What would be the H202
concentration after 15.0 minutes?
(c) Draw a potential energy diagram for an uncatalyzed exothermic reaction. On the same

diagram, indicate the change that results on the additions of a catalyst. (7)

8. (a) What is reaction quotient? What are the uses of it? The following reaction has an

equilibrium constant Kc equal to 3.07 x 10-4 at 24°C. (5+7=12)

2 NOBr (g) ~ 2 NO(g) + Br2 (g)
For each of the following compositions, decide whether the reaction mixture IS at
equilibrium. If it is not, decide which direction the reaction should go.
(i) [NOBr] = 0.0720 M. [NO] = 0.0162 M, [Br2] = 0.0123 M
(ii) [NOBr] = 0.121 M. [NO] = 0.0159 M, [Br2] = 0.0139 M
A standard electrochemical cell is made by dipping an iron electrode into a 1.0 M Fe2+
solution and a copper electrode into a 1.0 M Cu2+solution. Use the attached data sheet.
(i) What is the spontaneous chemical reaction, and what is the maximum potential
produced by this cell?
(ii) What would be the effect on the potential of this cell if sodium carbonate were

added to the Cu2+ half-cell and Cu2+is precipitated as CuC03? (8)

(c) Construct a pH meter using the following cell:
Zn I Zn2+ (1M) II H+ (test solution) I H2 (1 atm) I Pt

What is the pH of the solution when the cell potential is 0.475 V at 25°C? (8)
(d) Explain the electrochemical process of the rusting of iron. How does iron itself can

act as anode as well as cathode during this process? (7)


Appendixes - Chern 107

Appendix A. Boiling-Paint-Elevation Constants (Kh) and Freezing-Paint-Depression Constants (Kj).

Solvent Boiling Point (DC) Freezing Point (DC) Kb(DC/m) KtrC/m)

Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) 118.5 16.60 3.08 3.59
Benzene (C6H6) 80.2 5.455 2.61 5.065
Camphor (CIOH160) 179.5 40
Carbon disulfide (CS2) 46.3 2.40
Cyclohexane (C6H12) 80.74 6.55 2.79 20.0
Ethanol (C2HsOH) 78.3 1.07
Water (H2O) 100.000 0.000 0.512 1.858

Appendix B. Standard Reduction Potentials in Aqueous Solution at 25 DC

Cathode (Reduction) Standard Potential,

Half-Reaction P (V)

Li+(aq) + e- ~ Li(s) - 3,()4

K+(aq) + e- :;:::=:= K(s) -2.92

Ca'2+(aq) + 2e - .....:.-::Ca(s) -2.76
Na+(aq) '+ e-- ~ Na(s) -2.71
Mg2+(aq) + 2e- ~ Mg(s) -2.38
AI)-t (aq) + 3e -- :;:::=:= AI(s) -1.66
2HzO(l) + 2e- == Hig) + 20H-:(aq) -0.83
Zn'2+(aq) + 2e- == Zn(s) -0.76
Cr3+(aq) + 3e- :;:::=:= Cr(s) -0.74
Fe2+(aq) + 2e- ~ Fe(s) -0.41
Cd'2+ (aq) + 2e '-. Cd(s) > -0.40
Ni2+(aq~ + 2e- == Ni(s) -0.23
Snz+(aq) + 2e- == Sn(s) -0.14
Pb2+(aq) + 2e- == Pb(s) -0.13
Fe3+(aq) + 3e- == Fe(s) -0.04
2H+(aq) + 2e- == Hz(g) 0.00
Sn4+(aq') + 2e- == Snz+(aq) 0.15
Cu2+ (aq) + e - :;:::=:= Cu + (aq) 0.16
CI04 -(aq) + HzO(l) + 2e- == CI0) -(aq) + 20H-(aq) 0.17.
AgCl(s) + e- :;:::=:= Ag(s) + CI-(aq) 0.22
Cu +(aq) + 2e- == Cu(s) 0.34
CI03 -(aq) + HzO(l) + 2e- == CIOz -(aq) + 20l{-(aq) 0.35
ro-(aq) + HzO(l) + 2e- ..---:. I-(aq) + 20H-(aq) 0.49
Cu+(aq) + e- ~ Cu(s) 0.52
12(.1') + 2e- == 2r-(aq) 0.54
ClOz-(aq) + HzO(l) + 2e- == ClO-(aq) + 20H-(aq) 0.59
Fe3+(aq) +e- ==
Fez+(aq) 0.77
Hgzz+(aq) + 2e- == 2Hg(l) 0.80
Ag + (aq) + e- == Ag(s) 0.80
Hgz+(aq) +2e'c ~ Hg(l) 0.85
CIO-(aq) + HzO(l) + 2e- == Cl-(aq) + 20H--(aq) 0.90
2Hg2+(aq) + 2e- == Hg/+(aq) 0.90
N03 -(aq) + 4H+(aq) + 3e- -:--'" NO(g) + 2HzO(l) 0.96
Brz(l) + 2e- == 2Br-(aq) 1.07
Oz(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e- :;:::=:= 2HzO(l) 1.23
Cr20/-(aq) + 14H+(aq) + 6e- == 2Cr3+(aq) + 7HzO(l) 1.33
CI2(g) + 2e - :;:::=:= 2Cl- (aq) 1.36
Ce4-I(aq) + e- ~ Ce~H(aq) 1.44
MnO,! -(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e- == Mnz+(aq) + 4HzO(l) 1.49
H20Z(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- == 2HzO(l) 1.78
Co3+(aq) + e- :;:::=:= CoH(aq) 1.82
S20/-Caq) +2e- ~ 2S0/-(aq) 2.01
03(g) + 2H+(aq) + 2e- == 02(g) + HzO(l) 2.07
P2Cg) + 2e'- ~ 2P-(aq) 2.87
L-l/T-l/MME Date: 03/08/2016
L-l!T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: EEE 155 (Electrical Engineering Fundamentals)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Symbols have their usual meaning.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) A resistance of 10 n is in series with a 303 ~F capacitor. If the voltage drop across the

capacitor is 150 sin(220 t - 60°) volts, find the expression of the voltage drop across the

entire series circuit. Also find the expression of the current flowing through the circuit. (17)
(b) A 110-V rms, 60 Hz source is applied to a load impedance Z. The apparent power

entering the load is 120 VA at a power factor of 0.707 lagging. (18)

(i) Calculate the complex power.
(ii) Find the current supplied to the load.
(iii) Determine Z.
(iv) Assuming Z = R +jcoL, find the values ofR and L.

2. (a) Determine io in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No. 2(a). (25)

(b) Find the value of parallel capacitor needed to correct a load of 140 kVAR at 0.85

lagging p.f. to unity p.f. Assume the load is supplied by a 110 V (rms). 60 Hz line. (10)

3. (a) Which ofthe two periodic current waveforms, i\(t) and i2(t), in the Fig. for Q. No. 3(a)

will deliver more average power to a resistor? (15)

--~~=.,_._~~ . ,.----=-.~-~--
-----~--- -- - ---------
_______ ~l (4::), A jl_(~>.L_A :

t, s 0 2.' '1 6 8 lO -t,.s

i . --\-r "0.'1'\0,"f'


Contd P/2

EEE 155
Contd ... Q. No.3

(b) For the circuit in Fig. for Q. No. 3(b), find the value of RL, for which the reading of

the wattmeter will be maximum. (20)

_____ ~ __ ~~,..._".. __ -.-..~r,
--------- N
---~--i---.--;""O-++ni~"(l ~i
LtO.n. '+ c.e. I ,
1- _-!:..-

I ~ . 1
\ I

_-_L_~~~L--- -~

4. (a) For the circuit in Fig. for Q. No. 4(a), find the wattmeter reading. (12)

--.--i I
111...C"L !

F{~~~e~~c . Z\ ~CA_~_~ __._~_~==


(b) (i) For the series-parallel magnetic circuit of Fig. for Q. No. 4(b) (see page-5), find the

value of I required to establish a flux of <1>g = 2 x 10-4 Wb in the air gap. (18)
(ii) Refer to the question in the part (i). "To increase the air gap flux twofold, the value of

I has to be doubled." - Do you agree? Why or why not? (5)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE questions.
Please box your answers.

5. (a) Find the equivalent resistance Rab in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No. 5(a). If a voltage
source of 50 V is connected between a and b, what will be the voltage across the

resistance R) = 2 kD.? (20)

-R(;\b '---e:t-.~-'--~---'" ----

:{;:-S- ~' ~~_l<~-:-15 .l<JL _"_

1.01<..Q.. I

_- ~._.._2.Q ~&_ __. 10k.Q..

, 30Jc.12..
Contd P/3

EEE 155
Contd ... Q. No.5

(b) Derive the corresponding equations to transform a general 'Delta (~) resistive

network to 'W ye' (Y) resistive network. (15)

6. (a) Use nodal analysis to find the voltages V A, VB and Vc in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No.
6(a). (20)

, ... ' 4.n. '
GA l:t~' .,
. . . ~~

. - -- .~-
. fij., ~'(62.
b(~~_, ~_,_~_

(b) Use mesh analysis to find the power dissipated in the resistance labelled R( = 500 n
in Fig. for Q. No. 6(b). (15)
, - ~
, 1<1:: SOOJt.
- ,- '"

+ Vx. -

V'3' 4oo..Q.

. F1j.,:P~. 6<~6(~)_,'_
- --_ .... - - --- ----~---

7. (a) Use source transformation to find ix in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No. 7(a). (18)

5o.n.. 40JL

Contd P/4

EEE 155
Contd ... Q. No.7
(b) Determine va in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No. 7(b) using the superposition principle. (17)


3J2. I '2..Q.

8. (a) Find the value ofRL for maximum power transfer in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No. 8(a).

Also find the maximum power. (20)



.. -fo~.. 6l.. g(Ol) ~_

(b) Find the Norton equivalent circuit at terminals a - b in the circuit of Fig. for Q. No.

8(b). (15)


9kjL bl<;fL

Contd P/5
·J f/ .' .'
_,:•• s __w ••••••
JJ ._
••• ~"'.,1i••••
-••••••••""". ).n_
•••.__ ._ .._,,-
_.-""j~i_J! ••__ ---~--
-~ =-_~_._--c~---------_\ \.

;j \.~?-'E I55 ==== ~

. -t h ' ..:.f'
. _J j'if;, Y;ifF~' Sheet steel throughout

0.002 ill

, 1-
Area for sections other than bg = 5 x' 1.0-4 In
lab = lbg = 19h = lha = 0.2 ill
lbc =, lig = OJ ill, led .~ le.f = 0.099 ill

R- ' -:fo-n 0u.~s. No. L\Cb)







o 300 ClOO 900 1200 .1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 39(X) 4200 4500

"...• f.~,\;. '.

:.:... '

.' i

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