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As Far As Till / Until Up To As Far As Up To As Far As Till / Until Up To Till / Until As Far As

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Nama: Imas Pupah

Nim: 2123010252


1. Could you drive me as far as the post-office please?

2. John cried till / until he fell asleep.

3. He was covered with mud up to his neck.

4. I take the dog for a walk as far as the bridge.

5. This cottage may cost up to €800 a week if you want to spend

your holidays there.

6. We wanted to go as far as the church but Marie was too tired.

7. My brother lived with us till / until last July.

8. The policemen found up to 75 weapons in his garage.

9. This premature baby must stay in the hospital till / until he

grows up.

10. His house is surrounded by fields as far as the eye can see.

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(10 points / question)
1. We usually book our holiday through the web.

2. They are always fighting.

3. Never open from e-mails strangers. Never open e-mails from


4. She always walks quickly home.

5. I have been often to London. I have often been to London.

6. Jan works at a computer shop on Saturday morning.

7. We rarely see rugby on TV these days.

8. She will win probably the race. She will probably win the race.

9. I ordered a new computer a few weeks ago.

10. She was very beautiful in her wedding gown last week.

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Your mark: 70 /100

(10 points / question)
Find the corresponding adverbs: bad badly

clear clearly
different differently

sad sadly

simple simply

calm calmly

Insert these adverbs into these sentences. Rewrite the full


1. I like this wine. (very much) i like this wine very much

2. We will go to the cinema tonight. (probably) we will probably

go to cinema to night We will probably go to the cinema tonight.

3. I lost my temper. (nearly) I lost nearly my temper I nearly

lost my temper.

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(11 points / question)
1. He is a wonderful cricketer. He always plays wonderfully

2. She sings in a melodious manner indeed. She sings

very melodiously whatever be the number at hand.

3. She is an amazing cook. amazingly whatever she cooks is a

mouth-watering delight.
4. He can be extremely ridiculous. He behaves so ridiculously
that one wonders if he isn't mad after all.

5. This is a sensational piece of news.Little wonder because he

does things so sensationally

6. He becomes miserable for no reason at all. So miserably does

he behave that one might feel he is the unluckiest soul alive.

7. This is an attractive piece of art. That painter paints his pieces

quite attractively .

8. He is such a callous person that I have seen him always

behave callously and never kindly.

9. He is quite a brilliant fellow. He does things very brilliantly

and efficiently indeed.

10. This is indeed highly atrocious. He has atrociously denied his

subordinates the rights they are supposed to have and enjoy.

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(10 points / question)

1. I don't live in the village anymore . My family and I have

moved to the city.

2. We arrived in the city seven years ago and we are still here.
3. My parents bought this big house, so we don't live in that small
one anymore .

4. I have two brothers and one sister.They haven't got

married yet .

5. My sister is only fifteen, but she already speaks four


6. She always goes to school at seven o'clock.

7. My brothers like swimming. They always go to the swimming

pool on Fridays.

8. My grandparents are still alive.

9. They've been married for 60 years (a long time) and they still
love each other.

10. My grandparents live not far from us. They always visit us
on Sundays.

11. I am having a holiday but I haven't decided yet where to go.

12. I have always wanted to go to Paris. I have never been to


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(8.5 points / question)
1. I have never tried (never - try) sleeping pills up to now!

2. I tried (try) it once when I was in Australia.

3. Where did they spend (they - spend) their holidays last year?

4. You're late my boy! We have already had (already - have)


5. I have not had

Several answers are accepted here: "haven't had", "have not
had" (not - have) notification yet.

6. I have just lost (just - lose) my key! Can you help me to find
it, please?

7. He has not been

Several answers are accepted here: "hasn't been", "has not
been" (not - be) to the doctor's yet.

8. We saw (see) her in Chicago five months ago.

9. He still has not found

Several answers are accepted here: "hasn't found", "has not
found" (not - find) the answer.

10. Last week, they went (go) to London.

11. I have not ever been

Several answers are accepted here: "haven't ever been", "have
not ever been" (ever - not - be) to Paris, have you?

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(9 points / question)
1. The young student gladly followed the instructions of his
teacher. gladly

2. The lifeguard noticed that the little girl was almost in the
water. almost

3. The ugly portrait had been frantically painted by a frantic

student. frantically

4. The very pale plant wasn't getting sunlight. very

5. The basketball player rather easily scored the first three points
of the game. rather easily

6. Ideally, the tourists will all make the choice to see Big
Ben. ideally

7. The teacher fulfilled her assignment admirably. admirably

8. The young child hardly ever does what he is told. hardly ever

9. Would you rather go to Scotland or to Ireland? rather

10. He fulfilled his assignment instinctively. instinctively

11. His younger sister sat at the hockey game, behind the glass,
just off center ice. just

12. The homely, little puppy quickly ate his doggy

biscuit. quickly

13. Although he failed his calculus test, he had really hoped for a
better score. really

14. The war hero is a never forgotten figure in the nation's

history. never
15. The younger of the two brothers patiently waited for the
arrival of the bus. patiently

16. Now, here's the rest of the story. Now

17. Rather few men qualified for acceptance, based on their poor
eyesight. Rather

18. The dancer always gets good marks in competition. always

19. Choosing not to pay the high tuition of Harvard University, the
student elected to study locally. locally

20. Adverbs are often misunderstood, while easily learned with

minimal effort. often easily

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(5 points / question)

1. I really hope you like cakes.

2. My grandmother actually is a famous writer. My grandmother

is actually a famous writer.

3. I am completely calm!

4. They never wanted to go to Italy.

5. You take many tests before the holidays.

6. I don't really feel good because I'm sick.

7. I am pretty kind with my brother.

8. We're very sorry you lost your pencil.

9. My mother is almost years 37 old. My mother is almost 37

years old.

10. I usually bake cookies on Wednesdays.

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(10 points / question)

18. personal pronouns

1. I am with my dog.

2. (Sarah) She has got a yellow dress.

3. Is your TV beautiful? Is It large?

4. The schoolboys work, so they are here.

5. You have got a new car, is It beautiful?

6. I love Mick because he is funny!

7. Your house is big. It is nice.

8. 'Peter! Mary! Do you want some chocolate?'

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19. personal pronouns

1. I can't find my ticket. I think I must have lost it .

2. My grandparents live in Dublin. They often come and see me .

3. Where is Jenny? Have you seen her today?

4. I saw them at the restaurant. they were having lunch.

5. Both my sister and I would love to visit New York one day.

6. I don't think the shop is open. It usually closes at 6.00.

7. I have to go. If anyone phones, please tell them I'm out.

8. Neither my sister nor I have been to New York.

9. Can you remind me to buy some tea when we go out?

10. Paul is on holiday. I received a letter from him yesterday.

11. Jenny, there's someone on the phone for you! 'What do they

12. He and I were right, but no one believed us .

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20. personal pronouns possesives

1. 'Jennie's? No this isn't her car !

Jennie's car: the possessive adjective agrees with the possessor
(feminine in the singular!= "her car".)

Hers is red and this one’s blue.

"Hers" is red. = "her car is red" the pronoun agrees with the
possessor = feminine in the singular.
ItsIt’s Devon’s, I think!
"It's Devon's car" = The subject (car ) is neutral. => It's Devon's

His car is blue and powerful.

"Blue" is an adjective qualifying the neutral object "car". Yet, the
possessor is in the masculine, and in the singular=> "his car".

I'm sure
This is merely the simple present, first person singular, of the
verb "to be".

this one’s his!'

"His" is here the possessive pronoun (in the singular and

masculine). It replaces "his car".

2. 'Can you lend me

In "Can you lend me", "me" is the first person complement.

your sun glasses please?

"Your" sun glasses, indicates who owns the sun glasses. "Your" is
placed before a noun; it's a possessive adjective.

I forgot mine
"I forgot mine" is a possessive pronoun; it replaces the
possessive adjective in front of a noun => "I forgot my glasses".

and I can’t do the race

"I can't do the race" is the first person singular used with the
modal "can't', to express an impossibility.

without them!'
"I can't do the race without them"; "them" is the 3rd person
personal complement pronoun. It replaces "my glasses".

' Thanks a lot, I promise

"I promise" is a mere simple present, in the affirmative form, first
person singular where "I" is the subject of the verb "to promise".

I 'll give
"I'll give" is the simple future of the verb "to give", in the first
person singular. "It" is, of course, a subject.

them back to
"Them" is the complement form of the personal pronoun. It
replaces the word "sunglasses" which is a third person plural.

you after my race …'

"You" is the complement form of the personal pronoun used in the

second person singular.

3. “Look! Here’s Peter! Go and speak to him, Lucy!

"Him" here, is the personal pronoun in the 3rd person singular.

He ’s with
"He" is the personal pronoun, here a subject, 3d person singular,
in the masculine.

his sister and

Let's remember that, in English, the possessive adjective agrees
with the possessor. Here, it's in the masculine, 3d person singular
and the adjective is placed before a noun.

I don’t know them.'

"Them" is the complement personal pronoun, 3rd person plural
replacing Peter and his sister.

They ’re with

Peter and his sister are the plural subjects of the sentence.
They're here replaced by the personal pronoun plural: them.

their Mum and

Peter and his sister are with their mum: the subjects are in the
plural and the personal pronoun is placed before a noun.

you know her, Mum…

"You know her, Mum" : "her" is here the object complement of
the verb "to know". It replaces "Peter and his sister's mum". The
word "her" is an adjective which is placed before the noun

Can you invite them both

"Both" is clearly showing that the preceding pronoun will be in
the plural. "Them" is the complement pronoun, replacing "Peter
and his sister", third person plural.

to my birthday party, please?”

"My birthday" : the possessive adjective, in the first person
singular, is placed before a noun.

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21. possesive adjectives and pronouns
1) Is this your phone,
'Is this your phone'? ; here, 'your' is a possessive adjective, in the
2nd person singular, placed before the noun 'phone'.

Dad's or mine? They all look the same ...

'Is this Dad's or mine?'. 'Dad's' is used for 'Dad's phone', and
'mine' is a possessive pronoun, in the first person singular,
replacing 'my phone'.

My phone case is red,

'My phone case' = 'my' is a possessive adjective in the first person
and it applies to the noun 'case'.

yours is white, Dad's is black and Mom's is red too...

'Yours' is a possessive pronoun in the second person. It replaces
the noun 'cover'.

That's why I've put that sticker to make a difference

between my i- phone
´to make a difference' between my i-phone' ; 'my' i-phone'=
possessive adjective placed before the noun 'i-phone' .

and hers .

...'difference between my i-phone and hers'. ´Hers' is the

possessive pronoun replacing 'Mom's i-phone'.

2) ' Kevin, Sandy, Mike are with me! They're very thirsty! Which
ones are their glasses? '
´Which ones are their glasses?´Here, 'their' is a possessive
adjective in the third person plural and placed before the plural
noun ´glasses'.

' Kevin's is blue, mine is purple.

'Mine' is a possessive pronoun replacing ´my glass'.

Sandy's? Hers is orange and the baby' s little plastic one is pink.
´Sandy's glass?´ ´Her glass'= ´Hers' is the possessive pronoun
The yellow one must be your glass, then ...'

´The yellow glass must be your glass'. ´Your' is a possessive

adjective placed before the noun 'glass'.

3) 'Mommy, Patrick has used my toothbrush again...

'Patrick has used my toothbrush again!' 'My' is a possessive
adjective placed before the noun 'toothbrush'.

And I don't want to take his ...

'I don't want to take 'his''. 'His' is the possessive pronoun
referring to 'his toothbrush'.

Do you have a guest's to give me for now, please?

'A guest' is a person you have invited or a friend staying when it
wasn't planned. For this kind of circumstance, we have little kits
including some lotions, and a toothbrush, and here, the kid wants
to use one, as his brother has used his own toothbrush, which, of
course, shouldn't be done! 'A guest's' here refers to 'a guest's

Mom, you'll have to buy new ones and we'll stick to the same
colours. Please, Patrick, remember that yours will always be blue
and Mom's red,
'Yours' = Patrick's toothbrush. It's a possessive pronoun referring
to 'Patrick's toothbrush'.

Dad and I will know how to find ours ...'

Dad and I will agree to 'which is mine, and which is his!' We'll
decide about the colour together and will stick to it.

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22. possesive pronous

1. Must I sign here? Oh, I've forgotten my pen, may I

borrow yours ?

2. A friend of mine lives in China. I live in France. Her country is

bigger than mine .

3. We've missed the train by a narrow margin, look at this train, it

must be ours !

4. He 's borrowed a hat which isn't his ! This one is too small for

5. Their friends have played a bad trick to them! All their shoes
had been hidden and changed for other shoes, while they were
swimming. These shoes are not theirs ! They are laughing all
together, now.

6. When the teacher asked for her exercise book, she answered
that it wasn't hers , so that she 's got a zero.

7. In summer, the tree, in front of the kitchen, has lost all its
leaves: it must be dead or had been eaten by insects.

8. In winter, coat-hangers are full of coats, gloves, scarves, caps :

children struggle to find theirs .

9. Tom's dog is running after its his ball.

10. This bird incubates in its nest an egg that wasn't its own: a
cuckoo has laid there.
11. She asked her husband whose this piece of hair was, because
it wasn't hers ...

12. ... He answered to her: "My colleague had put his jacket
on mine , for lunch time with our boss."

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23. pronouns

1. What did you do that for?

2. They are so much alike that I never know which is which .

3. He never listens to what I say which makes me angry.

4. We were held up in a traffic-jam which meant we would be


5. What are you going to call the baby?

6. My husband says that she will come soon.

7. I don't remember what he was talking about.

8. I saw no reason why we should get up so early.

9. What did you say you reproached them with?

10. Who lives in that house now?

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24. question words

1. I really love this spy story! Do you know who wrote it?

2. why did you come out of the theme park so fast?

3. I saw you in the shopping centre. what were you actually


4. Please don't forget when we are going to the movies. It is on


5. I didn't see you on Saturday, it's as if you completely

vanished. where did you go?

6. when can I go and play video games with Kyle? Can I go on

7. Tell me at what time you heard the scream or I will have to
tell your parents about your attitude young man.

8. who did this to you? You are full of bruises and cuts. Did you
get into a fight?

9. why do I have to go to school today? I am very sick and my

body is aching.

10. where are you? I will find you if it's the last thing I do. I
never lose at hide and seek.

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25. questions:how to ask them

1. She likes going to the restaurant. Where does she like going?

2. Yes, he is a handsome man. Is he be a handsome man? Is he

a handsome man?

3. Yes, she speaks English fluently. Does she speak English


4. Yes, he worked all night. Did he worked all night? Did

he work all night?

5. She bought a marvellous dress. What did she buy?

6. They talked to Jim yesterday. Whom did they talk to?

7. They must do their homework. What must they do?

8. She ate a big hamburger. What eat she did? What did she eat?

9. He will go to England. Where do will go he? Where will he go?

10. Peter wrote a letter. Who wrote a letter?

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26. reflexive and mutual pronouns

1. He hurt herself himself falling from the ladder.

2. You always think about yourself , dont' you ? How selfish you

3. When they got married, they swore themselves love and


4. We enjoyed ourselves very much at Paul and Marie 's

5. They quarrel x all the time.

6. My little daughter goes to school by herself .

7. Both of you should be ashamed of each other

8. I will call your parents myself to explain the reason for your
eight days suspension.

9. I couldn't make myself understood in such a din.

10. Stop blaming each other ! We have several witnesses who

saw the scene.

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27. reflexive or reciprocal pronouns

1. 'Look, Lucy, I've dressed myself!' ' You have! You're a big boy, but
your sweat-shirt's inside-out, and your left shoe's on your right foot,
Leo! I'll help you...'

Leo is very proud to announce he has dressed "himself", which means

"he did it alone". Yet, mischievous Lucy tells him that not everything is
perfect in what he did, and offers her help...
2. 'Have you seen your hair? Go and look at yourself in a mirror before
we can go out.'

The kid's hair isn't properly done and he can't go out before "looking at
himself" in a mirror...

3. At first, Paul and Jenny were dumbfounded, looked at each other and
then both started laughing.

Paul is looking at Jenny and Jenny is looking at Paul => They're looking
at each other.

4. 'You know what? Michael repaired his bike himself after falling down
and damaging his brakes...'

Michael didn't get help. He fixed his bike himself after falling down.

5. 'It's strange to listen to oneself speaking or singing with a recorder.'

Hearing the recording of your own voice speaking or singing is really a

strange impression.

6. Little Tom has hurt himself when he fell down in the playground.

Tom hurt himself alone when falling. Nobody has hurt him.

7. It's a pity people can't see themselves as others see them!'

People often lack realism. They're generous and kind towards


8. No, I won't go and get some ice cream for Josie... She'll go herself if
she wants some.

Josie should go and help herself. She won't be waited on by a servant.

9. To go to the south, my brother and I will drive each other's cars on

different days. I'll drive my nephews in their Dad's car...
Because of the size or speed of the cars, my brother and I are going to
take each other's cars. I'll take my nephews in my brother's car, and
he'll drive mine.

10. With your foreign in-laws, are you speaking English or French to one
another ?

When a part of your family is from abroad, it may be difficult to

remember what language you should use with one member of the family
or another one. Sometimes three different languages are used.

11. Paul and Sylvia were each looking at a series of photos

of themselves when they were very young.

Paul and Sylvia are looking at their own pictures when they were very
young. Each was looking at himself or herself, and criticising their own

12. Please, students... Let some of you speak and listen to one another.
In a "form", there are, of course, more than two students. When one, or
a small group are speaking, the rest of the group must listen carefully
and not intervene.

Then, get your answer ready, and stop grumbling to yourselves.

28. reflexives pronouns

1. The door opens itself when someone comes near it.

2. Look at your umbrella! You should buy yourself a new one.

3. There was so much noise, I couldn't make myself heard.

4. '- Who taught you Latin?' || '- I taught myself .'

5. They lost the match and were ashamed of themselves .

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29. reflexive pronouns

1. I slipped on the wet floor yesterday, and I hurt myself .

2. The children went to the movies by themselves .

3. She made a new dress for herself , but she didn't make one for
anyone else.

4. Car racing is so dangerous. please take care of yourself .

5. He studied by himself . He likes to study alone.

6. The little bird injured itself when it fell out of the tree.

7. I hit myself on the door.

8. I can't carry anything else. This box itself must weigh a

hundred pounds!

9. When did they hurt themselves ?

10. Let's get ourselves some ice cream.

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30. reflesive pronouns

1. Come on Jane! You’re supposed to look after Tony. Look at him,

«Look at him». Jane is asked to look at Tony, an "object" in the
third person, masculine=> "him".

instead of looking at yourself in the mirror!

Jane's looking at hersef in the mirror. She can see her own image.

'2. Pamela can’t do this exercise ! Can you help her?'

"Can you help her?", here the question is about Pamela, third
person in the feminine.

' Well, I tried but she wants to do it by herself.'

Pamela is claiming the right to do this exercise without being

helped=> "by herself".

3. Mom cleans our house herself because

My Mum refuses the help of a cleaning lady. She prefers to do the
cleaning herself.
she doesn’t trust others to do it for her.

"To do it for her"= not to let her do it for herself.

4. 'Tom's not lying. Paul himself admitted it to me.'

"Paul himself"= Noun + reflective pronoun; this construction is

used to focus and insist on "Paul", "even Paul...".

5. Trevor, make yourself at home

"To make oneself at home" is to make oneself comfortable, to get

and help yourself to anything you fancy.

"To help yourself"= to serve yourself, to take whatever you want.

6. 'Sorry, I have no car today, you’re going to have to

drive yourself to school for once!'

"To drive yourself" means that the young person won't have a
"chauffeur", but will have to drive themselves to school... or go by

7. My father woke up so late that it took him only 10 minutes

to wash and dress.

"To wash and dress" can be both transitive and intransitive,

depending on the context and the meaning they have in the
sentence. "My father" is an adult who doesn't need to be helped
when doing these daily tasks. Here, they are intransitive.

8. Finally, we've lost the match and are really ashamed

of ourselfourselves.
"To be ashamed of ourselves"= a reflexive pronoun used as the
direct or indirect object of a verb or the direct object of a
preposition when the subject is we.

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31. relatif pronoun that

1. This is the only film that scares me.

2. This handsome man, who drives the red car, is my boss.

3. This is the most gorgeous evening whom that I could spend

with him!

4. He can guess everything that you are thinking.

5. When I see Mike next Monday I'll tell him all that I think of

6. The house that has such a beautiful garden is my son's.

7. Mrs Smith, who is very rich, has bought a castle.

8. Sorry, I can't give you the only thing that I haven't got.

9. Oh, Tommy, this is the best idea that you've ever had!

10. His old car, which is being repaired, will soon be mine.

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Your mark: 90 /100

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