PRS Ob Ward
PRS Ob Ward
PRS Ob Ward
Instructions: Indicate your rating to the item by checking appropriate cell for each task:
(5) Excellent: Performs task effectively and correctly without Clinical Instructor's supervision
(4) Very Satisfactory: Performs task effectively and correctly with minimal Clinical Instructor's supervision
(3) Satisfactory: Performs task effectively with full supervision
(2) Needs Improvement: Finds difficulty in performing task
(1) Poor: Initiated to do task but failed
11. Adheres to policies, procedures, and protocols on prevention and control of infection especially to clients in Critical Care.
12. Observes proper waste disposal.
III. Legal Responsibilities (LR) (10%)
1. Secures informed consent in all procedures related to labor and delivery procedures
2. Reports accurately and honestly related data
3. Ensures proper identification of the mother and newborn
Clinical Instructor Signature over printed name student's signature over printed name