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Emotional Intelligenceas Correlatesto Work Values Among Employees Basisfora Proposed Mental Health Program

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Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 176-203
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8403106
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-10-03 16:17:45
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Emotional Intelligence as Correlates to Work Values Among Employees: Basis for a

Proposed Mental Health Program
Donnalyn Alpas*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


This study is done during the second year of the global pandemic, COVID-19. Health workers in a private hospital located in
Region IVA-Calabarzon, Philippines, specifically, the existing relationship between their emotional intelligence and work
values are the focus of the study. Through purposive sampling techniques, 105 respondents were identified. Both descriptive
and inferential statistics were utilized to determine the level and relationship between the variables presented. The needed data
to measure the variables were gathered through the Know Your EQ: Emotional Quotient Test developed by Dr. Dalip Singh
and Dr. NK Chadha and; the Work Values Inventory (WVI) developed by Donald Super. The hypothesis was tested by
analyzing the relationship among the variables by utilizing the Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r). Results reveal that
respondents’ overall emotional intelligence was measured to be extremely high; in terms of its domains, they were likewise
assessed as extremely high in emotional competency, and high in their emotional maturity and sensitivity. Healthcare workers
scored high among the 15 domains of work values; whereas altruism, achievement, and surroundings scored the highest while
management, independence, and variety scored the lowest yet still interpreted as high. The emotional sensitivity as a domain of
emotional intelligence has a positive moderate and significant relationship with work values domains of supervisory relations,
altruism, and achievement, and way of life. Emotional maturity as a domain of emotional intelligence, has a significant
positive moderate to weak relationship with variety and management domains of work values. Emotional competency, as a
domain of emotional intelligence, has a positive moderate, and significant relationship with variety, achievement, management,
surrounding, creativity, security, prestige, and altruism domains of work values.

Keywords: Altruism, Emotional Intelligence, Work Values, Emotional Competency, Mental Health

Introduction Virus-19 (COVID-19), which has been identified as a

global pandemic.

Once an individual gets a college diploma and lands a When the Coronavirus (COVID- 19) pandemic hit the
job, the immediate concern is how to succeed in their Philippines in early March 2020, healthcare workers
chosen career. Today, the world has become so were not prepared to deal with an invisible enemy. A
competitive, doing well in one’s job and moving study showed that the COVID-19 pandemic had a
forward with their career is more important. They need psychological impact on the majority of Filipino
to take initiative, be ready to learn, and communicate healthcare workers. According to this study, 70.74% of
well. This also includes attitude, good education, healthcare workers in the Philippines had anxiety
social network, and financial support, but even with all symptoms, while 50.97 % had depressive symptoms
of these, there can be a failure into success. Like most all because of COVID-19 (Abarca, 2022). The
other careers, a career in the healthcare industry COVID-19 pandemic has introduced additional
demands a lot partly because it is firmly rooted in in- elements of fatigue, strain, stress, loss, and grief for
patient care service. They have implicitly agreed to healthcare workers. Many healthcare workers
accept its risks by willingly entering this profession. experienced increased workloads in the face of short
Although a career in this field can be challenging, it staffing and shortages in critical personal protective
can also be extremely fulfilling. There is no denying equipment. Aside from this their families also worry
the significant impact on patient’s lives and their about their welfare because during that time, being in
families, whether the healthcare workers work at the the hospital is a more unsafe environment for the
bedside or behind the scenes. Healthcare careers are employees and the patients (Blackburn, 2020). This
some of the most rewarding careers by working to led to increased anxiety and the risk of personal harm.
save lives and get people back on their feet.Similar to Some healthcare workers report symptoms consistent
most work environments, there are drawbacks to with post-traumatic stress disorder and others reported
working in a hospital setting. It may include the residual symptoms due to personal infection with
demands of the patients' families, office politics, and COVID-19. Healthcare workers often report out-of-
challenging colleagues. The greatest challenge that control emotional reactions, dealing with intense
tested the healthcare force is the rise of the Corona emotions and vast levels of anxiety (Graffigna, 2020).

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The COVID-19 pandemic raises various challenges healthcare workers have always been challenging
faced by health workers in hospitals. Razu et al., because it often involved intensely stressful and
(2021) identified seven themes that healthcare workers emotional situations in caring for those who are sick,
experienced during the heightened pandemic. they are also exposed to human suffering caring for
According to them, healthcare workers experienced those who are sick, they are also exposed to human
higher workloads, psychological distress, quality suffering and death, they experience pressures from
personal protective equipment (PPE), social the patient family members and employers. Healthcare
exclusion/stigmatization, lack of incentives, absence of workers experience demanding physical work and long
coordination, and proper management during their scheduled hours of work.
service. These healthcare professionals, including
hospital administration, faced inconvenience coping Mental health matters in many ways. In the
with these challenges due to situational and Philippines, mental health remains a misunderstood
organizational factors. These barriers require support topic. People with mental illness are often
work from the government, and public and hospital discriminated and this stigma only shows that a lot of
managers. That is why emotional intelligence (EI) has Filipino lack proper information about mental health.
been an important topic in healthcare business and There are numerous variables that discourage people
organizational leadership. In every organization, high- from seeking treatment. One of the reasons is due to
performance leadership plays a vital role in order to cultural beliefs emphasizing family and community,
ensure that employees are able to help and contribute many Filipinos are more comfortable seeking help
to the organization. This is also an opportunity for from family or friends before they seek out a
companies and leaders to embrace emotional professional. People who need help often try to hide
intelligence in order to reengage people at work and in their symptoms instead of discussing them, which
life. actually causes their mental health to get worse. A
major contributing factor preventing people from
According to Overby (2020), the recent COVID-19 seeking treatment in the Philippines is the cost of
pandemic has highlighted the importance of a leader’s treatment. It can be difficult to find an affordable
emotional intelligence. Because in times of counselor, psychiatrist, or therapist because of the lack
uncertainty, the ability to understand and better of mental health professionals in the Philippines. Base
manage your own emotions will help you to be on the article published in 2019 reports that 14% of
grounded and centered. You will be more open to how Filipinos with disabilities have identified mental
others feel. As a result, you will be in a good position disorders. The Philippines is recognized that mental
to effectively manage other people confidently, firmly, illness is the third most common cause of death. The
and with compassion. In addition, emotional year 2018, the Mental Health Act was passed, through
intelligence adds meaning to the lives of workers and this act mental health was established as a basic right
helps reduce healthcare worker burnout (Cao et al; of all Filipinos and aims to provide a more balanced
2022). approach to mental healthcare by addressing needs in
both hospitals and communities. The act also seeks to
Work values are also found to be an important conquer the stigma surrounding mental illness and
protecting factor for healthcare workers. Work values reduce discrimination against people with
are the subset of one's beliefs and ideas related to psychological and psychiatric concerns. In addition to
one’s occupation or job (Clarifying Your Work Values efforts made by the Filipino governme nt,
Leads to Job Satisfaction, n.d). According to McKay improvements in mental health have been at the
(2018), these core principles are an essential part of a forefront of the Philippine Mental Health Association.
person, which include talents, motives, values, and It also works to raise awareness about mental illness,
attitudes that provide stability and direction for an provide treatment, and conduct research related to
individual's chosen career. Schein (2010) also stated mental illness to continue expanding knowledge about
that work values serve as drivers or motivators for these issues (Reyes, 2020).
one's work. It's important that your one’s personal
workplace values align with the organization’s. These March 16, 2020, when President Duterte announced
set the tone for the company's culture, and pinpoint the imposition of Enhanced Community Quarantine
what the organization, as a whole, cares about. (ECQ) over Luzon, including Cavite the first thing that
St. Dominic Medical Center (SDMC) done is to
In all aspects of people’s lives, mental health is disseminate the safety protocol implemented by DOH
important. Its affects how we think, feel, and act. Even and Dole in the workplace such as temperature
before the pandemic, the working conditions of scanner, alcohol all over the hospital corner, proper

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

wearing of facemask, face shield and PPE. They also Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has inspired an
did partition every cubicle and table, marking lines for outpouring of public appreciation for the country’s
social distancing. SDMC also prioritized the isolation frontline heroes. But while doctors and nurses deserve
area for the patient who has COVID. Another step that our praise, they are not the only ones risking their lives
SDMC took to address the pandemic was to construct during the pandemic, in fact, we overlook the heroism
its own RT-PCR testing, they designated their parking and dignity of millions of low-paid, undervalued, and
area located in front of the Emergency Room as the essential health workers like housekeeping aides,
swabbing station to provide enough ventilation. Some maintenance, lab tech, nursing aide, patient care techs,
challenge that SDMC encounter is lacking of PPE and and medical waste handler. The SDMC gives hazard
medicine due to growing demand. Based on the pay to their healthcare workers during the pandemic
operational expenses, the management had to since the management saw their dedication and
reallocate some of its budgets to more important sacrifices to their work during trying times. With this,
activities like the COVID support program, which work values are also important to healthcare workers
includes shuttle services, especially for those because values alignment helps the organization as a
healthcare workers who experienced discrimination in whole to achieve its core mission by providing a
public transportation, and medical assistance like common purpose. When values are out of alignment,
vitamins and swab kits. The management also booked people work toward different goals, with different
a hotel where the employees can stay so that they intentions, and with different outcomes. This can
would not bring the virus home. SDMC also damage work relationships, productivity, job
introduced e- consults where nurses and doctors are satisfaction, and creative potential (Understanding
open for teleconsultation then the patients could Workplace Values, n.d.).
consult with their doctors online. During the first year
High emotional intelligence and work values are
of the pandemic, there was a time that some healthcare
important for employees to work efficiently in their
workers resigned because their parents and family did
job. An employee's affective reaction to his job refers
not want them working in a hospital at that time. Due
to the extent to which one person likes their job or may
to a lack of staff, healthcare workers are very
be considered emotional attachment. Employees with
exhausted because of the long shift of hours and work.
low emotional intelligence and work values can
negatively affect a company as they typically lack
In dealing with difficult and demanding situations,
motivation, performs poorly, and possess negative
emotional intelligence (EI) is useful in helping
attitudes (Loretto, 2019). Vicarious experience has
healthcare workers cope with stressful situations given
been the greatest motivation of the researcher to
its capacity to promote motivation, empathy,
conduct a study focusing on healthcare workers.
cooperation, and good communication. According to
Having a partner, employed in the hospital industry,
Segal, (2020), emotional intelligence is the
the researcher has been aware of the different
ability to understand, use and manage one’s own
hardships that employees in the healthcare industry,
emotions in a positive way to relieve stress,
especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the
communicate effectively, empathize with others,
researcher opted to explore healthcare workers'
overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional emotional intelligence as this was found to equip
intelligence helps individuals build stronger employees with the necessary skills to adapt to
relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve situations and prepare them for unprecedented
their career and personal goals. Through this, circumstances. As a human resource practitioner, the
emotional intelligence is vital in healthcare workers researcher aimed to develop a Mental Health Program
and hospital staff, as it enhances resilience and that could enhance employees' emotional intelligence,
psychological well-being, and protects against burnout align their work values, and eventually develop a
(Cascio, 2017). More specifically, emotional healthy work environment.
intelligence helps employees manage their emotional
reactions and those of others and recognize the Research Questions
potential impact of their emotional states on their
problem- solving and decision-making processes. This study intended to ascertain the emotional
Some significant misconceptions of EI are that it intelligence and work values among healthcare
means being emotional, touchy-feely, charismatic' and workers. The results of this study were used to devise
easy-going all the time when in reality, the more a mental health program for healthcare workers. To
emotionally intelligent someone is, the more they can prove possible relationships to the given variables, the
channel their emotions positively (Mann, 2021). researcher of this study specifically sought to answer

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the questions. through statistical treatment of numerical values

obtained from the scores in the standardized
1. What is the emotional intelligence level among the questionnaires.
respondents in terms of the following:
1.1 Emotional sensitivity; Research Locale
1.2 Emotional maturity;
1.3 Emotional competency; and The study was conducted at St. Dominic Medical
1.4 Overall emotional intelligence? Center (SDMC), a private hospital located at Emilio
2. What are the work values of the respondents in Aguinaldo Highway, Bacoor, Cavite, Region IVA.
terms of: SDMC is a tertiary care hospital sanctioned to operate
2.1 Creativity; a 100 –bed capacity by the DOH. Affiliated with the
2.2 Management; Philippine Hospital Association, Private Hospital
2.3 Achievement: Association and The Philippine Health Insurance
2.4 Surrounding;
2.5 Supervisory relations; Corporation. SDMC is one of best-known tertiary
2.6 Way of life; hospital in the country. Founded in 1992, the
2.7 Security; institution is known for its quality, comprehensive yet
2.8 Associates; affordable healthcare services on pediatrics, obstetrics
2.9 Esthetics; and gynecology, internal medicine, surgery,
2.10 Prestige; ophthalmology, ENT (ears, nose, and throat)
2.11 Independence; rehabilitation, industrial medicine and dental medicine.
2.12 Variety; It is state-of-the-art healthcare that fuses the expertise
of locally and internationally trained doctors and
2.13 Economic Return;
medical professionals with industry-leading
2.14 Altruism; and
technologies aiming to deliver excellent medical care.
2.15 Intellectual Stimulation?
It is said that their clinical outcomesare comparableto,
3. Is there a significant relationship between emotional
if not betterthan, theperformance of thebesthospitals
sensitivity and work values among the respondents?
4. Is there a significant relationship between emotional
maturity and work values among the respondents?
Sample and Sampling Techniques
5. Is there a significant relationship between emotional
competency and work values among the respondents? The study utilized data collected on employees from
different grade level (Staff, Officer, Professional and
Literature Review Supervisor-Managerial). This group represented the
sample. Employees are assigned in different
department such as Nursing Service Department,
. Radiology Department, General Service Unit,
Laboratory Department, Cardio Pulmonary
Department, and other departments related to the
Methodology healthcare workers of St. Dominic Medical Center
located at Emilio Aguinaldo Highway Bacoor, Cavite.
Employees who left the organization on an involuntary
Research Design
basis or voluntary resigned employees are excluded
from the study.
The researcher utilized the quantitative approach,
specifically descriptive correlational design. The The respondents were selected through purposive
correlational study is a quantitative method of research sampling technique. It is also known as judgmental,
where there are two or more variables from the same selective or subjective sampling. It is a form of non-
group of participants (Gravetter and Forzano, 2017). It probability sample that is selected based on
aims to determine if there is a relationship between the characteristics of a population and the objective of the
two variables -- emotional intelligence and work study (Crossman, 2020). This study’s criteria were as
values.As a research design, the correlational design follows:
aims to measure the relationship between variables,
whereas stipulated variables in this study are 1. Age bracket of 21 – 55 years old.
emotional intelligence and work values among
healthcare workers. The relationship was determined 2. Must be currently employed with a minimum of one

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

year of continuous employment in the same position Confidentiality and proper file handling were observed
with the company although out this process. The research instrument was
accessible from July to September 2021.
3. Must be a regular employee of the company
After which, the researcher, with the statistician's help,
4. Must be deployed during the pandemic analyzed the collected data, which eventually served as
guide in writing the data analysis. Follow up question
A total of one hundred five (105) qualified health care are also given to the respondent by HR Officer for
workers were identified and participated in the study. more in-depth analysis. Eventually, the researcher was
able to draw findings, conclusions, and
Instrumentation recommendations grounded on the study results
through the analyzed data.
In conducting the research, two questionnaires were
used. Know Your EQ: Emotional Quotient Test and Ethical Considerations
Work Values Inventory. For Know Your EQ:
Emotional Quotient Test it will help you to know more Approval was sought from the Director of the St.
about yourself and about people around you. This test Dominic Medical Center (SDMC) and a researcher’s
measures the way you use your emotional skills in confidentiality undertaking was signed by the
your personal and professional life. While the Work researcher. To protect confidentiality, identifiable
Values Inventory test is designed to measure the details were excluded or disguised. Likewise,
values which are intrinsic and extrinsic in work and identified issues and needs were addressed properly in
also to assess the goals which motivate man to work. the proposed mental health program.
Data Gathering Procedure Statistical Analysis

Approval was gained from the Human Resource The researcher used descriptive analysis to quantify
Department of SDMC, prior to data collection, which the respondents' profiles.
was designed to protect all the participants’ rights.
Permission to conduct this research was granted in For problems 1 and 2, the researcher used descriptive
compliance with RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of statistics to describe the study’s data essential features
2012. The confidentiality provisions on not to such as mean, frequency, and standard deviation.
mentioned or indicate any personal details of the
respondents. For problems 3, 4, and 5 inferential statistics,
specifically Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r),
As this study required the participation of human was utilized to determine the correlation between the
respondents, certain ethical issues were addressed. The variables of the study.
consideration of these ethical issues is necessary. The
researcher relayed all important details of the study,
including its aim and purpose to HR Officer. By Result
Following the company's safety protocol guidelines,
the HR Officer discuss per department the details of
instrument, the process of data gathering, including the What is the emotional intelligence level among the
purpose of the study, and explain the importance of respondents in terms of the following:
their voluntary participation.
Emotional sensitivity; Emotional
HR Officer also disseminated the instruments to each maturity; Emotional competency; and Overall
department supervisor of the respective qualified emotional intelligence?
respondents; only those employees who met the
criteria of the study were given access to the link of Table 1. Emotional Intelligence among Respondents
the questionnaires. The online form of the instruments
contained informed consent which the respondents will
have to agree with first and several questions regarding
their demographic profile before proceeding to the
instrument proper. Since the instruments were
disseminated online, responses were automatically
generated to the electronic mail of the researcher. Figure 1. .

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1 shows the mean and standard deviation of all from conflicts are experienced. As much as possible,
emotional intelligence domains which indicate high in when the emotions are high, they try their very best
emotional sensitivity (x=87.86; SD=11.89) and not to engage in the same manner to avoid dispute and
emotional maturity (x=114.00; SD=11.90); while disagreement. They tend to communicate their
extremely high in emotional competency (x=164.76; emotions in an assertive manner, with respect and
SD=17.59) and overall emotional intelligence optimism. They also manifest emotional sensitivity by
(x=366.62; SD=30.17). All mean scores showed that maintaining good camaraderie in the workplace.
these domains are far from the general mean as Shoobridge (2021) supported this by stating that team
indicated in their standard deviation which was all bonding creates a sense of belonging which improves
higher than one. the quality of the work environment. A trustful and
reliable environment can improve the emotional
The respondents’ emotional sensitivity (x=87.86; sensitivity of the respondents, thus strengthening the
SD=11.89) is the domain that respondents have to deal level of camaraderie at the workplace. A high level of
with more thoughtfully. As a permanent trait interpersonal relationship produces less stress and
characterized by greater empathy, awareness, anxiety and exhibit high confidence among colleagues
responsiveness, and depth of treatment for significant (Nappo, 2020).
stimuli, emotional sensitivity suggests awareness both
at the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels. In terms of the emotional maturity domain (x=114.00;
SD=11.90), in general, it involves the respondents'
One of the authors of the Emotional Quotient Test, high and appropriate level of emotional control and
Singh (2003), defined emotional sensitivity in the expression which is their behavioral pattern while
psychological sense as a characteristic of being dealing with the inner self and the immediate
peculiarly sensitive and judging the threshold for environment. In the face of fears and current stresses
various types of stimulations, evoking sensations, of healthcare workers, they seriously strive to build
feelings, and emotions. Individuals, as emotional their emotional resilience and maturity to improve
managers, may seek to evolve its four subdomains. their EQ. According to Dr. Timothy J. Legg, an
First, understanding the threshold of emotional emotionally mature individual gives off a sense of
arousal. It identifies which triggered the particular “calm amid the storm” attitude. Healthcare workers are
emotion, the feeling behind such specification, and its the ones who look to when going through a difficult
extent. The second is empathy, which is defined as the time because they perform well under stress. They
ability to sense how other people feel, empathy also know how to respond to tough situations and still keep
reflects the ability to share and accept another person’s their cool (Lamothe, 2020).
feelings. The author emphasized that in this context,
the ability to listen to others without getting carried The healthcare workers of St. Dominic Medical Center
away by personal emotions is essential. It is necessary (SDMC) experience high levels of stress and fatigue
to distinguish between what others do or say and one's due to long shift hours and work load. Aside from that,
reactions and judgments. The third is improving isolating and social distancing seemingly breaks the
interpersonal relations. Improving quality inter‐ connection between their colleagues and peers,
relationships has a positive effect on all the parties. contributing to the lack of awareness of what has been
Positive interpersonal relations are a significant transpiring to the people they are usually updated with.
determinant of success. The key is to believe in the Their rest as an attempt to recuperate has been also
essential elements of trust, confidence, and reliance. limited, and thus, they experience time pressure. Davis
He believes that people with poor interpersonal (2016) defined time pressure as psychological stress
relations will experience considerable stress and that occurs when a person has less time available (real
anxiety and lack trust in others. Lastly is the or perceived) than is necessary to complete a task or
communicability of emotions. The influence of obtain a result—citing the respondents' experiences, as
emotions is contagious and navigates from one person they perceived that they had limited time, their focus
to another instantaneously. narrows. This explains why they are less sensitive to
their intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.
As observed from the respondents, their emotional According to Wang et al. (2021), social sharing
sensitivity is displayed when they manage to maintain presented a negative effect that was always kept
their composure during heated arguments. The concealed in terms of the impact on emotional
pressing issues in the healthcare system are evidently exhaustion. Their findings suggest how time pressure
aggravating the situations of medical frontliners. A lot influences the emotional exhaustion of healthcare
of factors affecting respondents’ emotions resulting workers during the COVID-19 period. Although social

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

sharing is commonly regarded as positive behavior, the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is
they identified a dark side in terms of its impact, as generally said to include a few skills: namely
well as the need to improve cognitive reappraisal, emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and
which may present a positive strategy toward name one’s own emotions; the ability to harness those
alleviating emotional exhaustion. Having said this, emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and
respondents shared that their management arranged problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions,
hotel reservations as their sanctuary to avoid being which includes both regulating one’s own emotions
discriminated against and as a way to protect their when necessary and helping others to do the same.
significant others from the haphazard of working in the Respondents from the SDMC are also in the threshold
healthcare system during the pandemic. The provision of change responsible to the call to excellence even
made them cope with the struggles of working during prior to the onset of the pandemic. The culture of
the pandemic, thus, eventually enjoying fellowships excellence in the hospital industry integrates emotional
with their colleagues who chose to stay with them. intelligence among the supporting staff being the
hospital’s greatest asset in building health care service.
The result indicates that the respondents exhibited
extremely high emotional competency (x=164.76; Furthermore, emotional intelligence is useful in
SD=17.59). This means that in general, the healthcare helping health care teams come up with stressful
workers have an ability to understand their own situations given its capacity to promote motivation,
feelings, they can express them appropriately, and empathy, cooperation, and good communication.
know how to self- regulate their emotions. Even before During the pandemic, emotional intelligence
the pandemic the healthcare workers are already represents a resource for health care leaders to deal
exposed to the life and death situation but then, they with the emergency. It acts as a stress buffer helping to
still manage their feelings and emotions. This is recover faster from stressful situations. Most health
supported by the study made by Stamouli (2021), care organizations have increased their complexity.
which found out that healthcare professionals with Health care leaders need to develop and apply
high emotional competence are able to deal more emotional intelligence skills in order to cope with
effectively with dissatisfaction in the workplace so that higher and sustained pressures.
organizational commitment remains unaffected. In
addition, emotional competence of healthcare Also, experts believe that emotional intelligence is a
professionals is important for increasing job valuable asset in the workplace. People who possess
satisfaction and commitment to the job. Especially for high emotional intelligence are healthier, less
healthcare professionals whose job satisfaction is low, depressed, more productive at work, and have better
a high level of emotional competence enables them to relationships. A good knowledge about others’
maintain a high level of organizational commitment. emotions and an ability to manage them can help a
person to gain success and satisfaction in his work
As the Philippines undergo a new set of quarantine (George, 2012).
protocols and have the strictest and most extended
lockdown globally, COVID-19 cases continue to rise. Proof indicative of the extremely high emotional
The healthcare system of the nation's capital has intelligence among the respondents can be gleaned as
reached a critical level. Given the apparent tenure of Romualdez (2020) revealed through Philippine Star
patients in emergency care and admission, the that Filipino nurses, doctors, caregivers, and healthcare
healthcare system has been overwhelmed. The workers are very much appreciated in so many states
pandemic intensified the predisposed situation of the all over the United States. Most are frontliners
healthcare system worldwide, especially in developing carrying the heavy burden brought by the new
countries like the Philippines. The healthcare workers coronavirus pandemic, working almost 24/7 as they
in the study were not exempted in being at their help in the extraordinary effort to save the lives of
maximum best in delivering their services to their people in the US.
clients, a clear display of their extremely high
emotional competence. There is also this Filipina nurse working for over 24
hours at the Intensive Care Unit where she had a
Lastly, in terms of the overall emotional intelligence, patient she was attending to. The nurse was the only
the respondents fall on the extremely high range of connection to the patient’s family and using her own
interpretation (x=366.62; SD=30.17). According to phone, the family and the patient were able to see each
Singh (2007), emotional intelligence is the ability to other via FaceTime. The Filipina nurse continued
identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as doing that until the patient passed away.

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

No doubt the nurse is just one among the many who have shown willingness to work even beyond
serve in the frontliners and go the extra mile beyond contracted hours, regardless whether they shall be
what is expected – going out of their way to ease the given overtime pay or not. Most of them are also open
pain of the patient’s family, making them feel better to teleconsultation, even during break times and at the
that their loved one is being given special care. end of their shifts. On the study of Wang (2020), the
Filipino nurses are known to go above and beyond healthcare workers showed care for patients infected
their call of duty. by COVID-19 although they still have the fear of
being infected. In the current study, the healthcare
What are the work values of the respondents in workers also admitted that they were tired and weary,
terms of: but their altruism glowed more when they
unanimously agreed that every recovering patient
Creativity; Management; Achievement; boosts their passion for helping. They felt like their
Surrounding; Supervisory relations; Way of life; efforts were not in vain. The work nature of the
Security; Associates; Esthetics; Prestige; respondents also suggests their strongest trait, which is
Independence; Variety; Economic Return; reflected in their work values.
Altruism; and Intellectual Stimulation?
Good work values are what make the foundation for a
good employee. According to Penny Loretto (2019)
Table 2. Work Values among the Respondents
employers value employees who understand and
possess a willingness to work hard. In addition to
working hard, it is also important to work smart. This
means learning the most efficient way to complete
tasks and finding ways to save time while completing
daily assignments. It is also important to care about
one's job and complete all projects while maintaining a
positive attitude. In a hospital setting, altruism is one
of the strongest work ethics of the healthcare workers
since it is in the purest form which exists on a one-way
good deed where the giver of care does not expect
anything in return.

Missel et al. (2020) explained that it is common among

healthcare professionals, especially those who
Figure 2. .
experienced the COVID-19 impact, to be associated
with a stoic and altruistic orientation towards their
Table 2 shows the work values of the healthcare work. Their solid professional identity overriding most
workers. As perceived by the respondents, the three concerns about their health and awareness about their
highest domains are Altruism (x=14.11, SD=1.34), family and friends' COVID-19 infection risk was part
Achievement (x=13.98, SD=1.49) and Surrounding of their jobs; and this, did not falter in their belief that
(x=13.85., SD=1.35), meanwhile, domains which are they were doing the right thing by focusing on their
Management (x=12.11, SD=1.79), Independence core area. The altruistic trait of the respondents
(x=12.46, SD=1.80), and Variety (x=12.58, SD=1.82) motivates them to continue on their commitment to
got the lowest remark but interpreted as high. their profession despite the risk of contracting the
The highest work value among the respondents is
altruism (x=14.11; SD=1.34) which enabled them to In a study conducted by Wang (2020) the
contribute to the welfare of others – both their patents healthcare workers caring for patients with COVID-19
and co-workers. The health workers in the study had low stress level, although they still had the fear of
showed altruism through their cooperative unselfish being infected or uncomfortable feeling caused by
acts beneficial to others. Cherry (2021) defined personal protective equipment. A low stress level
altruism as helping someone despite personal costs and among healthcare workers indicated their professional
risks without any reward which is evident to caring devotion and altruism during COVID-19 epidemic.
professionals like healthcare workers. For instance, Medical institutions and the government should
respondents, especially during the peak of the continue to strengthen infection prevention measures
pandemic where surges stayed at their momentum, and provide more comprehensive care involving

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

families of frontline healthcare workers, especially accomplishment in dispensing their functions as

nurses and married staff. It will be a lesson to other frontliners and go the extra mile beyond what is
countries that awaking healthcare workers inside expected – going out of their way to ease the pain of
motivation and providing necessary support from the patient’s family, making them feel better that their
government and society were significant. In relation to loved one is being given special care. On the other
this study, the health care workers in the current study hand, their achievements vary and are more likely
also displayed dedication and altruism in their work based on their set priorities like family and
despite minimum support from the medical institution relationships, aside from career growth.
and the government.
Another high-scored domain is surrounding (x=13.85;
The second top work value among the respondents is SD=1.35). Super (1970) defined surrounding as work
achievement (x=13.98; SD=1.49). According to which is carried out under pleasant conditions – not
Donald Super (1970), achievement is defined as a too hot or too cold, noisy, nor dirty. The environment
value associated with a job that gives a feeling of that surrounds the respondents at work is one of the
accomplishment upon fulfillment. It appears to assess best in their area. As a prestigious hospital in the
a task orientation and a liking for work with evident region, respondents appreciate their surroundings,
results. On the view point of the respondents, they which are way better than other hospitals, especially
share the victories and are fueled to continue to work, compared to some government-funded hospitals.
they feel the honor to serve even in very trying times, These conditions are upholding the hospital’s vision to
and having patients who come home alive and well far be one of the leading hospitals in Asia and the Pacific
outweighs the negativity. As the pandemic struck, Region recognized for excellent healthcare.
health workers were evidently put into the value
hierarchy among the number of professionals. They Most of the respondents have competitive salaries,
are reminded that being employed in the medical field granted that they are provided with provincial rates in
is more than a profession but rather a calling. They their region. The administration's support can also be
have a groupthink that their very purpose is to help attributed to the positive scores in this domain on
people and their colleagues-- that in good times and surrounding. The importance of health and safety in
especially in bad times; they can depend and rely on the workplace is a duty and moral responsibility of the
each other, serving the same purpose. company to look after the employee's protection.
Added in the concerns of the pandemic are additional
Based on this, it could be gleaned that respondents are conversations to have at work to make sure everyone’s
motivated in their workplace. It reveals that their health and safety are considered. According to
individual level of willingness to exert and maintain an Bocaney, (2021), cultivating a healthy environment
effort toward organizational goals is impressive and produces positive results that drive company success.
are more likely satisfied with their jobs (Intra Health Employees who love their work and have a good
Librarian, n.d.). As they retain in their work, there are relationship with their co-workers are more likely to
isolated cases of attrition though there is a shortage of do all they can for the company’s success. A positive
qualified health workers. Though a definite challenge workplace culture affirms each employee’s value,
is perpetuating as the pandemic is not nearing its end, dignity, and worth, which benefits the individual and
respondents’ achievement work values are relevantly the company.
high, and as such are motivated to persevere and thrive
amid the unwanted situation. Moreover, Cherry, Surrounding as a domain means that its result is
(2022b) explained this as Horney’s need theory for parallel to another high domain variable, Supervisory
personal achievement. According to her, people push Relations. As a value, supervisory relationships are
themselves to attain greater things as a result of basic associated with "work carried out under a fair
insecurity. They fear failure and feel a constant need to supervisor and with whom one can get along.” It
accomplish more than other people and to top even denotes the importance of getting along with the boss,
their own earlier successes. In relation to Horney’s as in cases with extreme scores. Sikolohiyang Filipino
moving toward people, respondents also manifest a emphasizes the importance of kapwa to recognize a
strong need for relationships which is why they engage shared identity, an inner self, shared with others.
in altruistic behavior, which high scores in Table 2 Lagdameo-Santillan (2018) supported Enriquez by
revealed. acknowledging kapwa as a Filipino linguistic unity of
the self. The other is unique and unlike in most
Achievement work value as displayed by the modern languages as it implies such inclusiveness is
respondents, exemplified their utmost feeling of the moral obligation to treat one another as equal

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

fellow human beings. As work values, surrounding and opportunities to exercise their authority and power
and supervisory relations both highlight the pagka- disables them from formally designing analyses that
Filipino of the respondents. Respondents openly would help the management. As they feel tough
reviewed their bosses as approachable while their consequence of the pandemic to everyone, they are
colleagues as kind. Citing the innate psychology of the mindful that their management is also struggling with
Filipinos, respondents are naturally relational. them.

Filipinos worldwide are known not just as As a significant part of management, maintaining or
hardworking but also as friendly and sociable. improving a satisfied workforce contributes to
Kasama, which means someone I am with, or “to be organizational, individual, and societal goals. The
with or be together with," suggests relationships that SDMC management mandated to all workers to
embrace close colleagues as extended family. As a observe strict health protocols to reduce the
sign of endearment, respondents refer their colleagues transmission of COVID-19 as the Enhanced
and supervisors to call signs that suggest close Community Quarantine (ECQ) and General
relationships that deep register on the Filipino psyche. Community Quarantine (GCQ) remain in effect, this is
They usually address them as kapatid (sibling), also in compliance with the guidelines set by the
mamshies (mother), bebe (baby), dear, nanay Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). In the
(mother), paps (father), etc. According to Lagdameo- Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and
Santillan (2018) terms of endearment is a Control of COVID-19 signed by Trade Secretary
manifestation of Filipinos wanting their kapwa as Ramon Lopez and Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III,
workers and employers are required to follow total
someone to fulfill their physical and psychic space;
precautionary measures as the country grapples with
and as such, respondents’ life in their work setting is
the containment of the deadly COVID-19.
more collective. Their shared identity leads to shared
work and, often, shared success and failures.
Strict adherence with the following guidelines were
Respondents shared that even though their mandated: (1) That, before entering the workplace, all
management set up a station to relax and stay if they employers and workers must have face masks, and it
do not wish to go home in fear of getting their family must be worn at all times and remove the same only
members infected, it is difficult for them not to discuss when eating/drinking. (2) Employers shall provide the
matters with the group. Their kumustahan signifies appropriate face masks for workers. (3) All are also
required to accomplish daily health symptoms form,
their concern for each other’s family members,
undergo temperature check, and have them recorded in
especially for their safety and security. Therefore, their
the health symptoms questionnaire. (4) The employer
harmonious relationship with their colleagues and
must provide the DOLE through its Regional Office,
peers attribute to their high scores in supervisory
copy furnished DOH, the monthly reporting of illness,
relations and surroundings.
diseases, and injuries utilizing the DOLE Work
Meanwhile, domains such as Management (x=12.11, Accident/illness Report Form (WAIR). (5) As a rule, if
SD=1.79), Independence (x=12.46, SD=1.80), and a worker has a temperature of > 37.5°C, even after a 5-
Variety (x=12.58, SD=1.82) are the identified lowest minute rest, or if his response in the questionnaire
domains among their high verbal interpretation. In needs further evaluation by the clinic staff, the person
general, scores are relatively high and were still shall be isolated in an area identified by the company
identified as impressive areas. and will not be allowed to enter the workplace
premises. (6) Clinic staff assigned to assess the
First among them is management (x=12.11; SD: 1.79) workers held in the isolation area shall be provided the
which is associated with permission to plan and layout appropriate medical grade PPEs by the establishment
work for others. One of the respondents shared her which shall include but not limited to, face masks,
experience during the first quarter of the pandemic, goggles/face shields, and or gloves. (7) Disinfection
saying that as nurses they struggled because they felt must also be done for equipment or vehicle entering
that the Human Resource Department and the the establishments, including facilities, and touched
management lacked the initiative to help them. objects, such as doorknobs and handles, at least once
Perhaps, the best thing that was done to them was to every two hours. (8) On top of observing at all times
secure partitions to observe social distancing. As physical distancing, proper respiratory etiquette and
someone deployed in the field, they are aware of what disinfection protocols, eating in communal areas are
is happening as they are exposed to firsthand also discouraged, and if this is not possible, the
experiences. However, the lack of strategic exposure employer shall ensure a one worker per table and one-

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

meter distance per worker scheme. (9) Workers are once found at fault. Bartzik et al. (2021) explained that
also discouraged to engage in conversation, as well as healthcare workers felt more stressed during the
prolonged face to face interaction with workers and pandemic, had fewer flow experiences, and were less
clients. (10) Establishment visitors must accomplish satisfied with their work, life, work performance, and
the Visitor’s Health Checklist Form. (11) Meetings well-being than before the pandemic. They felt more
needing physical presence must also be reduced or appreciation from society but less from their patients.
avoided. (12) Private establishments are also mandated However, that is not the case for every respondent.
to implement alternative work arrangements, such as Some of them shared that they excel in independence
working-hour shifts, work from home (WFH), where eventually by being in charge of patients. Initially, it
feasible, and on a rotation basis. (13) If feasible, could be disadvantageous to perceive that they are
employers must also provide shuttle services and/or alone or maybe two at a unit. Yet, they describe that
decent accommodation on near-site locations to lessen instant as a momentum of their adrenaline to monitor
travel and people movement. (14) A worker suspected every patient even if they are outnumbered. Morton
of having COVID-I9 must be brought to the nearest (2021) defined Filipino healthcare workers as resilient
hospital if needed. (15)The guidelines mandate pillars during the pandemic. As the healthcare industry
companies to put up a COVID-l9 Hotline and Call disperses, Filipinos shine brighter because of their
Center for employees to report if symptomatic. (16) outstanding work values and innate nature of helping.
Employers may test workers for COVID-19. Testing
kits used and procured shall be the responsibility of the Nevertheless, independence results could also suggest
employer. (17) Most ‘at risk’ workers and vulnerable that healthcare workers lack the holistic sensation they
groups, or those 60 years old or of any age with co- feel when they act with total involvement. Also, self-
morbidities or pre-existing illness, such as reported well- being differed across occupations, roles
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, or with in the pandemic response, and work settings.
immunocompromised health status; or with high-risk Healthcare workers in the respiratory, infection, and
pregnancy are encouraged to do work from home
emergency departments expressed more worries
arrangement. A work agreement is required to be
compared to those who worked in other hospital
developed by employers which would detail the
wards. Chemali et al. (2022) added that guilt also
deliverables from these employees and there shall be
formed in healthcare workers’ when things went down,
no diminution in wages or benefits.
even though determinants of events can be classified
Independence (x=12.46; SD=1.80) is another high into the external locus of control. Similarly, those on
score dimension but ranked second among the lowest the frontline seemed more likely to experience feelings
scores. This is about respondents’ work which permits of helplessness and guilt as they witnessed the
the healthcare worker to work at his own pace, as fast worsening situation of COVID-19 patients. In contrast,
or as slowly as he wishes. It reflects a pleasure non-frontline healthcare workers seemed to experience
orientation and is less likely to score high in white- guilt due to not supporting their frontline colleagues
collar jobs like healthcare workers because their tasks since the respondents are not in managerial
require actual interaction with humans rather than with responsibility, they reported lower concern for the
machines. One of the possible causes behind the score management domain and independence.
is the lack of liberty among the respondents in dealing
with the virus and the instructions to the protocol that Lastly, variety (x=12.58; SD=1.82) registered as the
are cascaded to them. Decision-making is a challenge third lowest among the high work values among the
because one mistake can stimulate the uproar of respondents. Variety is manifested in the work that
patients and can be interpreted as insubordination by provides an opportunity to do different jobs. It appears
the management. A lot of rules have been imposed, like a pleasure rather than a task orientation. During
and because the atmosphere of the pandemic in the the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers
hospitals is quite stressful, respondents lack the experienced increase of workload and working hours.
courage to be decisive and instead consult everything
with their immediate supervisors. However, such a situation is almost the same. It could
be gleaned that respondents working conditions lack
Their hesitance to take over a more critical role during the element of variety as it may appear routinary.
the pandemic has both independence and management Industrial psychologists suggest that to make jobs
causes. One of these is that they develop fewer flow more rewarding, personnel should design programs
experiences. They cannot practice independence as that improve the quality of life in the workplace
their work value in fear that they will be reprimanded (Cherry, 2019).

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Moreover, the management personally recognized the

sacrifice of healthcare workers and medical front-
liners on their dedication and commitment. During
their monthly meetings, they have a chance to update
one another on their current disposition and
difficulties. One of them shared that they constantly
coordinate with their manager and medical director
with regards to their management, emphasizing that
communication has been an integral key to
understanding and less conflict. According to them,
regardless of someone's rank, everyone can be a bigger
person to diminish conflict. Furthermore, respondents
agree that they excel by being professional in
everything they do with teamwork, resulting in a
smooth workflow.

Is there a significant relationship between

emotional sensitivity and the work values among
the respondents?

Table 3 illustrates the relationship between the

emotional sensitivity domain of emotional intelligence
and work values. Among the domains presented in
Table 3, it could be gleaned that emotional sensitivity
has positive moderate relationships with supervisory
relations (r=0.335; p=0.003); altruism (r=0.284;
p=0.034), achievement (r=0.262; p=0.007), and way of
life (r=0.256; p=0.008).

The respondents' emotional sensitivity and supervisory Figure 3. .

relations are significantly related to a moderate degree.
Super (1970) characterized supervisory relations as a
value associated with work which is carried out under
a supervisor who is fair and with whom one can get
along while the emotional sensitivity brings about the
characteristic of being peculiarly sensitive and judge
the threshold for various types of stimulations, evoking
sensations, feelings and emotions. The relationship
between these two variables suggests that their ability
to stay proactive instead of reactive to emotionally
arousing events is moderately related to their
relationships, especially relationship towards their
supervisors and the factors under the said variable of
work values. Though there is a relationship, the said
degree tends to stay on average.

Table 3. Correlation Between Emotional Sensitivity

and Work Values among the Respondents Figure 4. .

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

colleagues’ respect. For an instance, whenever their

colleague committed a certain mistake, supervisors
talk to them in private. They also process their
mistakes and actions, and has faith to their people that
they can redeem themselves whenever possible. They
do not stereotype people and always believe that their
positive contribution can outweigh their shortcomings.
Aside from that, they establish a trusting environment
essential in getting their honest opinions and
transcending their genuine feelings. They are inspired,
influential and empathetic, and like a double- edged
sword, they also have the ability to be inspirational and
influential. Their supervisors in particular, develop
self-awareness by detaching from biases and focusing
on proactive plans and positive attitudes. They also
commended the way their Human Resource response
whenever their emotions become shaky, and
uncertainties flood their thinking. For them, they
manage stress through the help, alongside with
boosting their moral and providing webinars for their
wellness monitoring and updates. The Human
Resource Department also exemplifies neutrality
between employers and employees. They follow the
protocol and abide the law with the guidance of the
Department of Health and Inter-Agency Task Force, in
terms of managing the pandemic and balancing the
Figure 5. .
conflicts of staffs. The Human Resource Department,
health workers, administration personnel, and others
From the respondents, despite the hazard during the showcase their teamwork and patience, as well as
pandemic, their work values remained good natured, understanding and respect with everyone. Every staff
defining their colleagues regardless of their position as feels appreciated, which directly affects their
pleasant, amiable and with kind disposition. They are emotional sensitivity.
also warm, friendly, and easy to go with. It has been
evident that respondents appreciate their work leaders Similarly, there is a moderate positive relationship
as approachable and understanding as they also define between emotional sensitivity and altruism (r-
them as just and humane. They added that while they value=0.284; p-value=0.003). In the psychological
still upload the rules for an instance, in emergency sense, sensitivity is the characteristic of being
room, they manage to respect the values of one peculiarly sensitive and judge the threshold for various
another. In cases of extreme scores, supervisory types of stimulations, evoking sensations, feelings and
relations create an impression of intense importance to emotions. Based on the current study, it is evident
attachment. However, the positive moderate among the respondents that altruism is dictated by
relationship of this particular work value suggests that emotions justifying that altruists secure an immediate
respondents are tolerably peculiar with their judgment payoff from performing altruistic acts, therefore, no
on emotions and its thresholds. More likely, that when element of self-control is present, and no future reward
they evoke feelings and sensations, alongside with the is required or expected. This explains that in
stimulus that trigger them, the movement of their comparison to financial benefits, respondents tend to
supervisory relationships as a variable, is moderately be more emotionally sensitive together with their
affected. altruistic motive, to a moderate positive degree. In as
much as they admire rewards, they also maintain the
Regardless of the surroundings, Cerezo-Pann (2018) ability to be aware of the relationship between feelings
explained that Filipino healthcare workers can deliver and actions. This explains respondents’
excellent service, capitalizing on their skills and acknowledgment of everyone’s efforts in combatting
heightened emotional sensitivity to care for other challenges, especially during pandemics; they can
people. Furthermore, the act of professionalism share and accept another colleague’s feelings.
delivered by the leaders of the respondents gained their Conflicts are to a minimal degree as they understand

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

everyone's tension and fatigue, most notably that they gesture, Olivia Strong understands someone’s
work more than the required time. They understood situation, see their perspective and she is aware on the
that, in general, all are physically, mentally, and feelings of others, that is why she choose to help
psychologically exhausted to the point that they just others without anything in return.
cry but still choose to combat the predisposed and
precipitating dangers of the pandemic. Next is, the positive moderate relationship between
respondents' emotional sensitivity and achievement (r-
Moreover, respondents felt that during their most value=0.262; p-value=0.007) suggests that respondents
crucial moments, when they are always at the edge, maintain and develop a harmonious relationship with
most tense on dealing firsthand COVID cases, their their management. On the other hand, managers show
emotional intelligence is at stake. Receiving impressive interpersonal relationships with their
allowances and benefits during the pandemic is employees, involving promotions and other
touching, but according to the respondents, what is opportunities to grow even in the middle of the
more, heartwarming is the miracle they experience pandemic. Instead of cutting their allowance, the
whenever a patient survives. They defined the virus as management sees to it that in as much as possible,
an unseen predator, which tested their faith and respondents are delighted with their hygienic
survival instinct. They agree that such an enormous motivation and even gained more as they sacrifice
challenge develops their patience, understanding, themselves. However, an achievement which is
respect, and patient care, especially as they see their moderately related to emotional sensitivity is not
young patients. When children were hospitalized limited to external perks and gains they experienced.
because of COVID, parents were not allowed to be This also pertains to the context of liking a work, as it
with their children. With such a heartbreaking brings satisfaction through accomplishment.
scenario, respondents’ emotional sensitivity was
intensified as they try their best to be the parents of the Respondents excel in management because they were
children they are not with during their most difficult granted the opportunity to explore other experiences
times. Their emotional sensitivity and altruism speak for growth and development while being properly
volume of graciousness and altruism by offering more trained. Without the proper training and the right
than what their job requires, granted that it is extended mindset, they explained that they would refuse to
to its optimal state, they are still willing to give more commit to the extra task assigned to them. This
and sacrifice bigger in order to attain a bigger purpose. supports those respondents are after a growth mindset
rather than just the pay. In relation to altruism, they are
One of the four types of altruism according to Waters willing to even if the task has additional compensation
(2021), is group-selected altruism, this kind of altruism or none. It signifies the moderate positive relationship
is based on group affiliations. Example to this is the with emotional sensitivity in the sense that they are
viral run challenge of 27 years-old Olivia Strong set able to delay gratification of reacting impulsively but
out to raise £5,000 (about $6,212) for U.K. healthcare rather try to explore solutions to threats and being a
workers fighting COVID-19. She never expected she weapon of contribution. Before the pandemic,
would raise over £5 million. Her campaign was called respondents recall happy memories they share opening
‘Run for Heroes.’ She started it after she noticed a variety of activities. Their institution is also known
people taking advantage of their once-a-day as one of the best in their field and it accentuates their
permission to exercise outside. Under lockdown rules, being as a professional. More likely, when it comes to
people were only allowed to leave the house for prestige, which is an underpinning of achievement,
essential work, grocery shopping, and one form of respondents' desire for the respect of others rather than
daily exercise. Strong said, “if we combine our one for status or power is evident. Their emotional
form of exercise a day that we’re currently getting sensitivity permits them to experience a cheerful
because everyone’s out running anyway, then maybe environment and effective communication from their
we can make a difference.” She decided on the tagline management and vice versa. Eventually, they
‘run, donate, nominate.’ It stood for running, walking, experience confidence and self-respect, values that are
or cycling 5km, donating £5, nominating another five alongside achievement. Respondents also shared that
people to do the same. The campaign resulted in they do not feel inferior to their supervisor,
800,000 participants, 64,000 followers on Instagram, emphasizing that they portray genuine respect towards
and a combined distance that equals a trip to the moon their leadership and management, in return as the latter
and back. Over £5 million in proceeds were donated to respects them. Achievement in this context has been
NHS Charities Together for British healthcare workers internalized by the respondents as a good status in
battling the virus (McKeever, 2020). With that kind of holistic dimension, not limited to career but extended

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

to relational instead. and consult with your patients and their families,
understand their needs and be able to explain their care
Contrary to Reeves & van Drie’s (2022) statement that plan in a way that makes sense to them so they feel
healthcare workers feel not respected, respondents valued and supported. And good health professional
experience recognition as front liners and modern can show compassion to their patients and provide
heroes. However, their stories of public discrimination comfort when they need it. At times, your patients may
and embarrassment are alongside this ecstatic feeling. find themselves in difficult or frustrating situations and
One of the respondents shared that the pandemic they need someone to listen, to understand and respect
taught him as a health worker to exercise his their wishes or point of view. If you respond kindly,
professionalism by enhancing his patience, with empathy and understanding, it will have a
understanding, respect, and patient care. Though the positive impact on your patient. Cerezo-Pann (2018),
world went against them, for him, every time he saw explained that Filipino healthcare workers can deliver
his patients' faces suffering from the virus, especially excellent service, capitalizing on their skills and
children, he took pride as a healthcare professional. heightened emotional sensitivity to care for other
The hope that a healthcare worker, and their patient people. They also manifest the emotional sensitivity by
holds unto them includes attributions to their sense of showing care for other people. According to SDMC
achievement Absn, (2022) illustrates nurses as the healthcare workers, share that the main reason why
backbone of the healthcare industry. As patient they are in the health care industry is because they
advocates and skilled care providers, there has never want a fulfilling work, they want to make a difference
been more critical in meeting the healthcare needs of a in others life, and they want to help and save lives.
growing number of patients during the pandemic. Because of that it’s a fuel for them to work with
satisfaction and motivated and with a happy heart.
As a contributing factor to achievement and emotional
sensitivity, respondents seek good camaraderie and Is there a significant relationship between
harmonious relationships as the most nurtured values emotional maturity and work values among the
of their institution among their employees. They also respondents?
feel trusted though they admit that during the initial
year of the pandemic, they are more likely afraid to Table 4 shows the relationship between the emotional
become independent in matters concerning their tasks maturity and work values domains. Based on the
and duty, letting the management handle them. results, among the 15 work values measured, only
However, the management always assures them, variety (r- value=0.265; p- value=0.006) and
backing up with their skills and expertise. Most of the
management (r-value=0.200; p-value=0.041) domains
respondents stayed in their workplace because matters
have significant relationships with emotional maturity,
like good leadership promote trust, confidence, and
leaving the 13 remainders of work values not
significantly related with emotional maturity. The
Lastly, the positive moderate relationship between variety domain of work values is associated with work
that provides an opportunity to do different types of
respondents’ emotional sensitivity and way of life (r-
job while management work value permits one to plan
value = 0.256; p- value = 0.008). Super (1970),
and lay out work for others.
describe that way of life is the value associated with
the kind of work that permits them to live the kind of Table 4. Correlation Between Emotional Maturity and
life he chooses and be the type of person he wishes to
Work Values among the Respondents
be. First and foremost, if you’re looking to enter the
healthcare industry, it’s really important that you are
passionate about what you do. At the end of the day,
it’s not just a job, it’s a commitment to helping others.
It can be demanding and challenging, but also
rewarding, so you need to really love what you do. It’s
about having the right attitude and getting up each day,
excited for what lies ahead, knowing you will be
making a difference- however big or small. Also, a
good health professionals will be able to communicate
effectively. You won’t be sitting in front of a computer
all day, you’re working with people day in, day out,
building relationships. You need to be able to listen

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 8. .

One of the emotional factors of emotional maturity

that Dalip Singh described is adaptability and
flexibility this is knowing how and when to take the
lead and when to follow are both essential emotional
skills. You should know when to be aggressive and
when to be passive. You should also know that there is
a time to confront, withdraw, speak and remain silent
(Singh, 2003). In connection to variety domain of
work values it associated with work that provides an
Figure 6. .
opportunity to do different types of job. Adaptability
can be defined as creating modifications or changes in
oneself to adapt or suit the new environment. For a
work environment culture, it connotes being opened to
new ideas, innovations, or alterations. Someone with
this skill can work independently or in groups, or
perform tasks not designed only for a single
individual. Employers, are buying into flexible job
descriptions and rotation of roles, as against single
positions. Adaptability is a sought-after competency as
it shows the individual can adapt to new technology
trends and ever-changing customer needs. It is also
connected to career progression as the employee
becomes more equipped and versatile. An adaptable
employee is an individual that can implement multiple
tasks, perform various assignments by establishing
priorities, and making attitudinal changes to align with
the new culture. To perform or function in this cosmos
in any circumstance demands that an individual
possess this essential skill of adaptability. Thus, the
relevance of adaptability becomes stronger when more
Figure 7. . opportunities abound (Todd, n.d.).

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

During COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare workers rage, and terror, being constantly exposed to the virus.
especially in SDMC allow the respondents to try In other countries, psychological intervention plans for
different opportunities and job that serve as breath of medical workers have already been implemented
fresh air from their usual routines. For instance, when through counseling and psychotherapy based on stress-
their team leader or supervisor is sick and absent, one adaptation models, mitigating the chances of post-
assumes the leadership position as being in charge at a traumatic stress disorder, depression, and substance
certain period. However, they said that they often feel use disorders. It is notable that even before the
stressed because of attending to matters beyond their COVID-19 pandemic, health workers had been
job description. However, there are two types of experiencing shift fatigue while the current outbreak
stressors: eustress and distress (Types of Stressors has amplified it aggressively.
(Eustress vs. Distress), n.d.). Stress is neutral, and it
can be negative or positive. On the part of the In the context of emotional maturity, developing others
respondents who enjoy the variety of work, it could be indicates recognizing the value of the contribution of
gleaned that they find stress as positive or eustress by others and encouraging their participation can often do
turning stressors into challenges instead of problems. well. According to them, every time they experience a
The variety of work motivates them to improve heavy load of stress, they manage to thrive through the
performance and is perceived as within their coping help of their Human Resources Department and
abilities. This also leads to an increase in self-efficacy. Department Heads. They also give the best support by
Shrestha et al. (2021) emphasized the importance of doing everything they can, even though webinars.
self-efficacy in caring as an essential factor in Furthermore, this is also relevant to emotional maturity
increasing the quality of care. Self-efficacy is because appreciating others’ points of view and
developed through a person's interaction with his/her involving them actively in a program are signs of an
physical and social environment. emotionally intelligent manager.

The respondents observed that they were deeply Mukherjee & Krish (2021) prove that the pandemic
affected by the pandemic, especially when SDMC has changed people's attitudes towards institutions and
healthcare workers experience a short staffing when employers. According to them, leaders need to respond
their other colleagues also have a COVID or sick, they by reframing their approach toward employees,
have no choice but to do the task of the other team focusing on the individual’s total welfare. As the
member. SDMC healthcare workers experienced pandemic blurred the boundaries between work and
emotional fatigue in dealing with numerous deaths and family lives, people shifted their values. Priorities
serious illnesses. According to them, patients, whether were reshuffled, and as part of their emotional
affected by COVID or other illnesses, have a lower maturity, they learned to concentrate on things that
chance of survival because of inadequate preparation matter most. Having said this, it is easier for them to
during the pandemic. Indeed, it was crucial to access resign and choose their welfare. However, they chose
hospitalization at the height of the pandemic. to stay because of their calling, to help and serve.
Witnessing this, respondents shared that during the Intrinsically, they are motivated and extrinsically
pandemic, the emotional intelligence of some manifested through allowances, salary increase, and
employees in the hospital was weak. Only with the some vitamins provided to protect them from the virus.
guidance and leadership of their Human Resources,
Head of Department, and Admin Staff their morale As health workers, they experience attrition and
improves and help them to get through the pandemic. burnout, especially during the first quarter of 2020.
Abaca (2022) confirmed that COVID-19 had harmed The skeletal workforce and lack of opportunity to rest
healthcare workers' mental health in the Philippines. It exhausted them like never before. But then again, the
has a psychological impact, resulting in a pressing support of the management brought them realizations
need to address mental illness among them and towards resilience and grit during these trying times.
provide guidelines based on proven procedures to help
them recover. Furthermore, in healthcare, where caring matters, self-
efficacy is an indispensable attribute of workers to
In general, the healthcare workers experienced being develop a positive attitude towards their clients,
underpaid and undervalued which make them realize improve work performance, and enhance job
that their compensation and/or recognition are not satisfaction. Variety is significant to emotional
commensurate to their actual services. They respond maturity because it allows recognition and
"to the call of duty while facing fear and anxiety." appreciation and opens a different avenue to perceive
They also deal with pressure, stress, insomnia, denial, matters from a different angle. Though they are

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

physically, mentally, and psychologically burdened, Is there a significant relationship between

they see how management tries its best to save them emotional competency and the work values among
from exhaustion and abrupt career decisions.
the respondents?
According to them, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic in
the Philippines, the practice of Human Resources was
explicitly expanded in understanding the struggles Table 5 illustrates the relationship between emotional
regarding the physical and emotional feelings of health competency and work values domains. Among the
workers or other frontlines in the institution. The domains presented in Table 5, it could be gleaned that
management also stretched their patience and emotional competency has positive moderate
understanding in dealing with patients and even with significant relationships with variety (r=0.430;
them as employees. When they assume leadership, p=0.000), achievement (r=0.379; p=0.000),
they also experience the burden that their supervisors
management (r=0.362; p=0.000), surrounding
carry to deliver their roles and duties. To avoid an
increase in attrition, they received higher salaries and (r=0.361; p=0.000), creativity (r=0.337; p=0.000),
incentives even though their institution was struggling. security (r=0.305; p=0.002), prestige (r=0.293;
Such action is empowering that they do not commit to p=0.002), and altruism (r=0.279; p=0.004).
absences and instead try their best to improve their
performance even further. Table 5. Correlation Between Emotional Competency
The management domain of work values describes, as
and Work Values among the Respondents
work which permits one plan and lay out work for
others to do. The pandemic changed the way they run
and manage hospital. The SDMC management come
up with the plan particularly the hospital set up like
adding ICU beds for COVID patients. They also
started building RT-PCR room to accommodate more
patient. They also faced challenges in sourcing
Covid-19 medicines amid growing demand but a
dwindling supply. The Pharmacy had to project how
much the hospital actually needed to purchase for
patients so that they would not have to stock up on
them for a long period. The management plan a
standard procedure for all COVID -19 patients is to
undergo a CT scan and SDMC devised a schedule
where all clean cases, or non-COVID cases, are
scheduled in the morning. COVID patients are
scheduled in the evening until the early morning hours.
SDMC has a plan also for their staff where
management had to reallocate some of its budget to
more important activities like, for one, the COVID
support programs for employees, which included
shuttle services, hotel accommodation and medical

From day one of COVID-19 the SDMC were in close

touch with Bacoor City local government and to have
collaboration on all efforts even on where to
quarantine the healthcare workers. According to HR
Officer almost every day they need to come up a plan
how to solve particular problem immediately. They
also experience that every 15th of the month there is a
change on quarantine protocol issued by the local
government so they need to update the memo where
the employees and healthcare workers be reminded
and follow. Figure 9. .

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

into tending to their job description but rather in their

effort to attend to the tasks that are necessary and
appealing to their interests. Their emotional
competence is manifested moderately, together with
variety, as they perform tasks that are beyond their job
description but gratify their intellectual growth, artistic
needs, and creative values. It supports the conclusion
that healthcare workers must work on their own
volition, in order to be emotionally competent. It
defines the importance of job description as a
management approach. Through this methodology,
employees are given opportunity to shift between two
or more responsibilities or at regular intervals of time
in order to allow them to be adept at either or both the
Figure 10. . horizontals and verticals of an organization. Reducing
the monotony of the profession can give the
respondents a wider experience to gain more insights.
It must be well-planned and practiced, reducing the
boredom of producing the same results daily.
Considering this approach can reveal the hidden
potential of the respondents while addressing the
deficiencies in the workplace.

Respondent’s awareness of their role in the hospital

should intensify variety instead of limiting it. This can
be an advantage as it reveals how much better things
are when they are together rather than as pieces. When
respondents see the importance of extending efforts
more than what their job description requires, it speaks
of synergy and collaboration. Contributing on their
own also capacitates them to grow emotionally,
becoming more emotionally competent by providing a
tactful response to emotional stimuli, which also
defines variety in a manner of eliciting a creative and
practical response.

Additionally, job rotation supports employees’ skills

and competencies, and proper placement best increases
Figure 11. .
productivity (Management Study Guide, n.d.).
Respondents experience this by allowing them to help
Among the dimensions of work values that are found with the different jobs to ensure they gain exposure to
to be significantly related to emotional competence, various departments of the hospital while learning and
variety has been found to be with the highest improving their skill sets. This breaks up their
significant (r=0.430; p=0.000) which signifies that monotonous work and encourages their flexibility,
respondent need to be emotionally competent to deal lower turnover rates, and helps alleviate stress for
with varied work conditions, with evident flexibility. employees while boosting fresh ideas and perspectives
As variety pertains to work that provides an which may increase job satisfaction. Apparently,
opportunity to do different types of jobs, it implies during the surge of the virus, respondents have to
more to the pleasurable nature of their job rather than render service for more than 12 hours, as they also
its task- centeredness. The unusual ways and places of deal with other duties and responsibilities that are
performing their job as healthcare workers can be beyond their job descriptions. For instance, some of
associated with intellectual stimulation, esthetic, and them are radiology technician who also performs
creative values in an odd arrangement, rather than with patients’ swab test. Though it was crucial for them,
supervisory relations and associates. It could be they see it as a learning opportunity to familiarize
gleaned that healthcare workers do not put much effort themselves with the different roles in the healthcare

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

system. It also supports the results in Table 2, citing to their nurse’s role than just providing direct care to
altruism as their highest scored work value. patients. For them, it is a job well done when they
Performing job-related tasks (not necessarily job- accomplish more than what they can offer, extending
specific) entails sacrifice for others, more likely moral their fullest capacities to help their patients. Their
altruism, which is motivating and has emotional roots, unified efforts produced team victories in saving
which this table discusses as emotional competence. patients’ lives and minimizing the potential harm of
Lastly, respondents direct their efforts toward helping spreading the virus.
people who are part of their social group or by
supporting social causes that benefit the healthcare Next is the moderate yet significant relationship
workforce. between respondents’ emotional competence and
management (r=0.362; p=0.000) suggests that
The emotional competence of the respondents is found respondents need to be emotionally competent to
to be significantly related to achievement by gaining empower themselves to commit to work that permits
an (r=0.379; p=0.000), most likely describing their them to plan and layout work for their clients.
achievement as relatively signified by their emotional Management as a work value depicts how respondents
competence. Unlike in its usual context, the work plan to perform their duties and responsibilities by
value of achievement based on Super’s definition does completely involving themselves in the process. It also
not entail grades or to participation in extracurricular pertains to how their clients, as recipients of their
activities, but rather work which gives a feeling of service, benefit from their course of action. The way
accomplishment in doing a job well. It is evident, they manage their personal and professional well-
especially to those respondents who belong to the being also reflects their emotional competence which
General Service Unit. According to them, they take their institution benefits from them.
pride in doing their job well, though it is not as
glamorous, they embrace the hero role during the Kibilko (2019) emphasized the essence of good
pandemic. They ensure that their patients are in a safe, employees. He believes that good employees are
clean environment so that they can go home and be disciplined, trustworthy, accountable, and has good
with their families. Degraff (2020), supported this by communication skills, along with the ability to work
emphasizing that the elevated challenge of the on a team. Newbie respondents, particularly those who
pandemic is not just supervising patients’ COVID are in the first to third year of employment can be
status but also by tending to their whole welfare, considered as lacking in experience. In line with this,
involving a sanitary atmosphere. Recognizing they tend to their management work value by showing
respondents for their job well done, as they perform an up on time and performing their assigned duties. Their
exceptional level of enthusiasm to step up when the immediate supervisors usually praised them for taking
hospital needed professional cleaning the most. At the the initiative to perform simple tasks and keenly
same time, it is emotionally compensating to be observing complex procedures to learn vicariously.
recognized for their achievements, as their self- esteem Meanwhile, those respondents in the general service
also increases. They are confident as they abide by the unit shared how they manage to work with discipline.
Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection in Various They try their best not to engage in cyber slacking,
Settings as an Infection Prevention and Control especially during their idle time, in order to respond
Measure against COVID-19. They take pride as they immediately. They also refrain from making personal
are confident that they provide top-notch standards of calls and texts because it lowers their productivity,
sanitation, ensuring the safety of everyone within the likewise to the rest of those who are in the remaining
hospital premises, manifesting confidence, and departments.
competence, which are both recognized under
emotional competence. Likewise, nurses as Supervisors were also grateful for their subordinates’
respondents who are actively involved in COVID-19 initiative to observe and communicate problems or
interventions, also speak excellent achievement by processes that need to be improved. It can be perceived
being key players in stopping the pandemic with that their management as a work value is reflected by
adequate support. Regardless of the drawbacks of the being dependable and responsible regardless of their
Philippine healthcare system, Filipino nurses continue dispositions. Some of them manage to maintain an
to endure at the frontlines (Lacsamana, 2021). Their optimistic outlook by being in a pleasant disposition,
achievement can be best exemplified by strengthening infused with work ethics and discipline. They believed
their practice to address the health worker gap, and by that by being well- rounded employees they have to be
attending programs that will strengthen their flexible and enthusiastic as well, especially in these
competencies. Respondents believe that there is more trying times.

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

When the situation is quite tense, respondents share witnessed the condition of the surrounding of the
that they manage to lessen the anxiety in the hospital with more than 40 beds occupied by patients
atmosphere by posing rhetorical questions or sharing in critical condition, and the hallway lined with more
jokes and humor. The current situation in hospitals patients in wheelchairs. Many of them said we were
produced highly emotional people, hot-headed already the eighth or ninth hospital they tried, but there
patients, and anxious workers. Kibilko (2019) stated really was no room left (Gotinga, 2021). Same
that good ideas would not help anyone, if they cannot scenario in SDMC where the patients are waiting
be delivered effectively. outside the hospital to accommodate them.

Also, moderate yet significant relationship between In connection to the emotional competency of the
respondent’s emotional competence and surrounding healthcare workers of SDMC they manage their
(r = 0.361; p = 0.000) which pertain to the work emotion specially in the midst of a challenge situation
environment of healthcare workers carried out under the COVID-19. Instead of being upset with regards to
pleasant conditions- not too hot or too cold, noisy, the physical environment like having a partition of
dirty etc. The workplace environment plays a major their work area, crowded room due to a lot of patients,
role in the performance and productivity of an the ventilation is quite not good, lack of other bed and
employee. The physical environment as an aspect of room, this is very understandable on the part of
the workplace environment has direct impact on the healthcare workers, because they know that there is no
human sense and can slow change interpersonal hospital are ready when the COVID-19 hit the
interactions and thus productivity. A large number of Philippines. In addition to this before the pandemic hit
work environment studies have shown that workers/ the Philippines the SDMC work environment is
users are satisfied with reference to specific workspace pleasant, based on the result in Table 2, the
features. These features preference by users is highly surrounding is one of the highest scores in Work
significant to their productivity and workspace Values which stated that the respondent appreciates
satisfaction, they are lighting, ventilation rates, access their surroundings because the administrations give
to natural light and acoustic environment (Edem, importance on the health and safety in the workplace,
2017). which is very important for the healthcare workers and
other employees.
In addition, the physical environment at work plays a
vital role in employees’ productivity. Management Another moderate yet significant relationship between
must take an active part in defining the physical respondents’ emotional competence and creativity (r
environment in which the health workers carry out =0.337; p =0. 000). Base on Super (1970), defines that
their daily task to make it conducive. The ability of a creativity is a value associated with work which
health worker to effectively work in a crowd of many permits one to invent new things, design new products
uncontrolled patients is limited. In a survey reported or develop new ideas. Creativity is very familiar to the
by Edem (2017), that nine out of ten workers believed healthcare workers especially during the pandemic
that a workspace quality affects the attitude of since the SDMC experienced of lacking of PPE
employees and increases their productivity. Edem supplies, the creative mind of the healthcare workers
(2017), also confirms that unsafe and unhealthy blows and make the plastic cover and garbage bags as
workplace environment in terms of poor ventilation, improvised PPE. They also used the plastic cover as a
inappropriate lighting, excessive noise etc. affect temporary partition on their cubicle or tables to
workers’ productivity and health. prevent the spread of virus. The parking area was also
transformed to a RT-PCR testing area.
During the surge of the COVID- 19 pandemic,
combined with low vaccination rates, has pushed According to Boland Jones, CEO PGi Software said.
hospitals in a desperate scramble to find beds for “Creativity leads to productivity.” Applying creative
patients. Many overwhelmed hospitals, with no beds to thinking in your everyday work life will stop the
offer, are putting critically ill COVID-19 patients on drudgery and you will be able to unlock more
car, ambulances, and wheel chair or sending them to meaningful results. Creativity in the workplace is for
home for home-care treatment. The issue is that large everyone regardless of their position. Focusing on the
hospitals in urban areas already were running short of big picture, employees become emotionally invested in
space. The surrounding of the hospital is very crowded their work and less fearful of failure. There are (3) Key
since a lot of patients already occupied the hallway. Benefits of fostering creativity in the workplace
Base on the personal experience of Dr. Gio Pineda, a include: (1) Creativity Builds Better Teamwork-
young doctor in the Philippines capital of Manila, he creativity inspires employees to work with each other.

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The creative process encourages collaboration. private sector. There is a vast discrepancy in the
Businesses need to encourage the mindset of overseas pay scale of nurses. The financial security of
continuous learning encouraging employees to seek healthcare workers in the Philippines is still far beyond
new information, knowledge and new ways to do what can necessitate their competence and needs.
things. (2) Creativity Improves the Ability to Attract That’s why many healthcare workers want to work
and Retain Employees- when creativity is encouraged abroad but due of pandemic they choose to work here
employees are more content with their jobs and are to sustain their need since many Filipino workers are
committed to remaining loyal to the company. (3) no job during lockdown.
Creativity Increases Problem- Solving – with the
ability to think creatively and outside of the box, A recent study of Miles (2022), looked at job
employees are more likely to come up with unique and insecurity and employee engagement. The study found
innovative solutions to obstacles they encounter. This that job insecurity negatively impacts employee
eagerness to solve problems can lead to new ways to engagement. Employers who are insecure about their
accomplish tasks and adds to a more efficiently run job are 37% more likely to be disengaged in the
business (Viola, n.d). workplace. Job insecurity can significantly impact
your employees’ mental well -being and physical
Base on the study of Vasudevan (2013), emotional health. It also led to prolonged anxiety, anger, and
intelligence refers how well an individual’s handle burnout.
herself or himself and others instead of their technical
skills to solve the problem. Creativity makes the That is why the SDMC healthcare worker are very
individual to think deeply and manage their emotions thankful to the management because during pandemic
while applying new knowledge in their organization. A they feel that their job is secured and they have work
positive attitude towards training and working that can sustain and support their everyday needs. One
environment can develop the employee’s emotional of the respondents also shared that SDMC
intelligence and creativity because training can change management reallocate some of its budget for the
the employee’s attitude, mind, and behavior to ensure healthcare because management appreciate their effort
they can think logically and creatively. The results of during the trying time. With this gesture appreciating
this study reveal that emotional intelligence and employee can boost their morale and it’s something
creativity are positively and significantly influences that can light up their mood. According to Miles
the employee’s work commitment and performance in (2022), when employees feel secure, safe, and valued,
an organization. employee engagement increases. An engaged
workforce has a positive ripple effect. This includes
Table 5 also shows that security (r =0.305; p =0.002) better employee retention, less turnover, and even
is moderate yet have a significant relationship to better overall business performance. And job security
emotional competency. The security work values plays a key role in how connected employees feel to
domain means provides one with the certainty of their organization, which also found out that healthcare
having a job even in hard times. During the COVID-19 professionals with high emotional competence are able
pandemic, every domain of industry has experienced a to deal more effectively with dissatisfaction in the
severe economic downturn with concomitant stress workplace so that organizational commitment remains
throughout the economy. Employees working in unaffected.
government and private sectors are experiencing
different psychological problems. According to the Another domain of work values is prestige (r =0.293;
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), more p =0.002), which has moderate yet significant
than 420, 000 lost their jobs in 2020 as businesses relationship between respondents’ emotional
were forced to close due to COVID-19. competence. Super (1970), describe prestige
Unemployment does not only harm the income stream associated with work which gives one standing in the
of an entire household, but it also has mental and eyes of others and evokes respect. Respect is an
emotional effects. The National Center for Mental essential component of a high-performance
Health (NCMH) reported that the calls they received organization. It helps to create a healthy environment
through their suicide hotline more than doubled during in which patients feel cared for as individuals, and
the start of the pandemic, and among the concerns members of health care teams are engaged,
raised are problems associated with unemployment collaborative and committed to service. Within a
and financial insecurity. In the government, the culture of respect, people perform better, are more
average salary per month is around P13, 500, while the innovative and display greater resilience. On the
average rate is around P10, 000 per month in the contrary, a lack of respect stifles teamwork and

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

undermines individual performance. It can also lead to Philippines highlighted that Filipino nurse are
poor interactions with patients. Cultivating a culture of resigning to work abroad. In the first two to three
respect can truly transform an organization and leaders weeks of October 2021 alone, it was noted that about
set the stage for how respect is manifested. According 5% to 10% of nurses working in private hospitals have
to Kristine Rogers, associate professor of management resigned. In another 2021 news report, a hospital
at Marquette University, demonstrate that people value director in a city mentioned that their nursing staff had
two distinct types of respect. “Owed and Earned”. decreased from 200 to 63 over the past year. Overall,
Owed respect meets the universal need to feel valued about 40% of nurses in private hospital have resigned
and included. It rests on the concept that all individuals since the pandemic began. Thus, hospitals in the
have inherent value and the right to be treated with Philippines may be understaffed due to the dwindling
dignity. When owed respect is lacking, it manifests as number of nurses during the pandemic. Among the
over monitoring (i.e, micromanagement), distrust, commonly cited reasons for the resignation remained
misconduct and indifference (i.e, making people feel to be low wages. These wages may not be enough to
like they are easily replaceable). Disrespect can lead to cover the cost of living in the Philippines. Some of the
a toxic atmosphere that diminishes joy and fulfillment, nurses even go to work without benefits and hazard
leading to dissatisfaction and burnout. Earned respect pay despite the heightened health risks and threats
recognizes individuals who have gone above and during the pandemic. Some healthcare worker leaves
beyond expectations. It meets the need to feel valued and try to go abroad but many healthcare workers
for accomplishments and a job well- done. Neglecting choose to stay given the chronic understaffing, low
to provide earned respect can reduce motivation and wages, unsafe working conditions, and deployment
accountability (James, 2018). bans. Filipino nurses have expressed their exhaustion
and dismay with statements such as “We don’t feel
SDMC healthcare workers show their respect to their cared for” and “We feel exhausted….but we always
patient and management by being a team player, a keep in mind that we have to help our people
good listener, having a good connection or relationship because… no one else will” (Alibudbud, 2022).
to others, can speak up and share information. Filipino nurses’ altruism is dominant despite of the
Respondents shared that when discussing a topic on frustrations, conflicts, and exhaustion that they
which you disagree, learn to thank them for being open experience, they find ways to deal with it. They have
and sharing their perspective. If you don’t follow their an ability to recognize their feelings, as well as being
reasoning, ask follow -up questions. To clarify, try able to control and express it appropriately. It also
rephrasing their points in your own words, and ask if means that they can empathize with people, and
you’ve got it right. All these practices help others feel recognize their emotions as well as their own which is
heard and respected. An important part of interaction a good sign that Filipino nurses have a good emotional
is acknowledging the difficulties and challenges of competency.
others. If you approach them in calm and reasonable
manner, chances are much higher that they will It can be observed that as reflected on Table 5,
respond in the same way, and they’ll be much more emotional competency showed significant relationship
willing to listen. In contrast, if you begin with to almost all the dimensions of Super’s work values
roundness, sarcasm, or yelling, you’ll be facing the except the three variables, namely the work values of
similar response as the way of defense. When you do independence (r=0.148, p-value=0.133); associates
recognize another’s point of view, it’s a proof of (r=0.171, p-value=0.081); and economic return
emotional maturity, self- awareness, and authenticity. (r=0.075, p-value=0.445).
And when you manage your emotions in the tough
situation it also a proof of high emotional competence. Discussion
Lastly, is altruism domain of work values with (r
=0.279; p =0.004), and has moderate yet significant Respondents as the backbone of every country battling
relationship between respondents’ emotional the pandemic, experience numerous hardships that
competence. Altruism showed through their challenge both their emotional intelligence and work
cooperative unselfish acts beneficial to others while values. Despite the limited support and various
emotional competency is the ability to appropriately shortcomings of the country’s health system,
manage and express their emotion even in the midst of respondents were able to manage an extremely high
challenged situations. general emotional intelligence. Likewise, though it
was agitating for them to commit their work values at
One year into the pandemic, recent news reports in the their utmost degree, they reflect an outstanding

Donnalyn Alpas
Psych Educ Multidisc J, 2023, 14(1): 176-203, Document ID: 2023PEMJ1248, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8403106, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

disposition towards variety, management, Alibudbud, R. (2022, May) When the “Heroes” don’t feel cared for:
The migration and resignation of Philippine nurses amidst the
achievement, supervisory relations, way of life,
COVID-19 pandemic:
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