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Percentage of Canadians living in areas where outdoor concentrations of air pollutants were less than or equal to the 2020


Period Proportion of the population where air pollutants were at or below the standards (percentage)
2005 to 20 63
2006 to 20 65
2007 to 20 66
2008 to 20 69
2009 to 20 67
2010 to 20 66
2011 to 20 66
2012 to 20 66
2013 to 20 70
2014 to 20 79
2015 to 20 78
2016 to 20 68
2017 to 20 71
2018 to 20 64
2019 to 20 85

Note: With the exception of the annual standard for nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide the 2020 Canadian Ambient Air Qual
Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada (2023) Air Quality Research Division. Health Canada (2023) Air Quality Ri
Available on the Environmental indicators website (
than or equal to the 2020 Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards, Canada, 2005 to 2021

20 Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards used 3 year average concentrations. For this reason the table portrays percentage values over 3
h Canada (2023) Air Quality Risk Assessment Division.
rtrays percentage values over 3-year periods. The annual standards for nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide use a single annual concentrati
use a single annual concentration for the 3-year reporting period. For example for the 2019 to 2021 reporting period the annual concentrat
ng period the annual concentrations for 2021 were used for the annual standards for nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide.
phur dioxide.
Trends in water quality, Canada, 2002 to 2022 period

Change Number ofPercentage of sites

Improving 18 11
Deteriorati 65 41
No change 77 48
Total 160 100

Note: The trend in water quality between the first year that data were reported for each site and 2022 was calculated at 160 sites
Source: Data assembled by Environment and Climate Change Canada from federal, provincial and joint water quality monitorin
Available on the Environmental indicators website (
2022 was calculated at 160 sites across southern Canada. A Mann-Kendall test was used to assess whether there was a statistically-significa
nd joint water quality monitoring programs.
ere was a statistically-significant increasing or decreasing trend in the annual guideline deviation ratios at a site. The trend was calculated a
site. The trend was calculated at each site using parameters specific to the site. Therefore, an improving or a deteriorating water quality doe
deteriorating water quality does not necessarily imply a change in water quality category. For more information on the trend, consult the D
tion on the trend, consult the Data sources and methods section. Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.
Solid waste diversion and disposal, Canada, 2002 to 2020

Year Waste diverWaste diverWaste diveTotal wasteWaste dispo

Waste dispo
Total waste disposed (million tonnes)
2002 3.852 2.79 n/a 6.642 15.635 8.447 24.081
2004 3.749 3.364 n/a 7.113 16.265 8.962 25.227
2006 3.904 3.723 n/a 7.627 16.669 9.748 26.417
2008 4.01 4.301 n/a 8.311 16.566 9.36 25.926
2010 3.58 4.516 n/a 8.096 15.504 9.448 24.952
2012 3.794 4.671 n/a 8.465 14.997 9.685 24.681
2014 4.225 4.85 n/a 9.075 14.963 9.804 24.767
2016 4.491 4.784 n/a 9.275 14.715 10.226 24.941
2018 4.095 4.863 0.593 9.551 14.885 10.848 25.733
2020 4.215 5.163 0.526 9.903 15.246 10.862 26.108

Note: n/a = not applicable. For 2018 and 2020, electronic and tire waste was assigned to the "unknown sources" category since
Source: Statistics Canada (2021) Table 38‑10‑0033-01. Archived - Materials diverted, by source, inactive (https://www150.stat
Available on the Environmental indicators website (
d (million tonnes)

known sources" category since it could not be attributed to either residential or non-residential sources. Totals may not add up due to round
e, inactive ( Statistics Canada (2023) Table 38-10-0032-01. Disposal of
ls may not add up due to rounding.
ble 38-10-0032-01. Disposal of waste, by source ( Statistics Canada (2
10003201). Statistics Canada (2022) Table 38-10-0138-01. Waste materials diverted, by type and by source (

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