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EverWind Point Tupper Green Hydrogen & Ammonia Project

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Operating Permits and Licenses
Table of Contents
Section Title Approval No Expiry
Approval to Operate Bulk Oil Storage and Shipping Facility 2008-065540-A02 1/31/2027
Section l
Approval to Operation - Petroleum Storage Tanks 2019-2543040-00 2/23/2029
Approval for operation of Bioremediation Facility 2003-038437 12/31/2008
Application for Construction and Operation of Oily Soil/Oily 97-1AE-013
Section 2 Waste Treatment Facility of Oily Soil/Oily Waste Treatment
Expansion and Operation 97-1AE-013 12/31/2003
Application for Approval of Industrial Waste Treatment Works 92-013
Dillon Report Reactivation API Separators 97-4273-03-04
Section 3
Application for Industrial Approval API Separators
Petroleum Storage Tank Registration 2019-2543040-00 Annual
Section 4
Petroleum Storage Tank Registration Certificates Annual
Section 5 Landrie Lake Water Agreement Dated Nov 30/95
Section 6 Butane Sphere
Section 7 Boiler & Hot Oil Plant Registration # 6 Expires 23rd of April Annually
WDA Phase III/IV Environmental Assessment
Section 8 Remedial Action Plan WDA
Approval to Operate Asbestos Disposal Site 2004-040819 8/24/2014
Section 9 Bonded Warehouse License & $2,000,000 Surety Bond 019 2070 Annual
Radio License 663-3795241, 663-3795245, 663-3856548, 663- 663-3795241 Annual
Section 10
4810256, 663-3795243
Special License Salt Domes 6/96
Section 11 Approval to conduct Seismic Surveying
Install of Temporary Bridge at Murray Cove
Section 12 Environment Act Charter l
Section 13 Environment Act Schedule A
Section 14 Environment Act - Petrolem Management Regulations
Section 15 Emergency Spill Regulations
Section 16 NS Standards for Construction and Installation of Petroleum 2005
Storage Tanks
Section 17 Environmental Management Plan Support - Monitoring review and
Section 18 recommendations
Marine Facility Compliance 4/24/2022
Section 19 Approval to construct on-site sewage disposal system 2009-070289 12/17/2012
Section 20 Workers Compensation Confirmation Letter - PTMS 136535069
Section 21 Registration Certificate Pressure Vessels
Section 22 Acceptable Waste for Richmond County Solid Waste Management
Section 23 Facility
Environmental Assessment Regulations
Section 24 Waste Generator No
Bulk Vendor Permit 136535069NS0004 Annual
Section 25 Motive Fuel Retailer 2017-2433140-02 Annual
Fuel Oil Wholesaler 2017-2433710-02 Annual
List of Historical Reports Project 22-8516

Document/Report Title Author(s) Date

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Industrial Park Road, Port Malcolm Road, and Bear Island Road, Point Tupper, NS Hatch Ltd. 7-Feb-22
NuStar Asset Condition Assessment, NuStar Point Tupper Terminal and Facility, Cape Breton, NS Hatch Ltd. 7-Feb-22
Supplemental Site Investigation: ExxonMobil Canada Properties Fractionation Plant, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS Golder Associates Ltd. 16-Mar-21
2020 Annual Report: Surface Water and Groundwater Discharge Monitoring, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS NuStar Terminals Canada Partnership 26-Feb-21
2020 Annual Oil Pollution Incident Exercise Report, Point Tupper, NS NuStar Terminals Canada Partnership Sep-20
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Parcels F and H and Easements South of Parcels B and C, Point Tupper, NS CBCL Limited 29-Jul-20
Supplemental Site Investigation: ExxonMobil Canada Properties Fractionation Plant, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS Golder Associates Ltd. Jun-19
Marine Terminal Information Booklet, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS NuStar Terminals Canada Partnership 26-Apr-19
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Point Tupper Fractionation Plant, Point Tupper, NS Golder Associates Ltd. Apr-19
2018 Annual Report: Surface Water and Groundwater Discharge Monitoring, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS NuStar Terminals Canada Partnership 6-Mar-19
2019 Annual Report: Surface Water and Groundwater Discharge Monitoring, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS NuStar Terminals Canada Partnership 28-Feb-19
2011 Annual Report: Surface Water and Groundwater Discharge Monitoring, 4090 Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS NuStar Terminals Canada Partnership 25-Oct-11
Environmental Management Plan, Point Tupper Facility, Point Tupper, NS Dillon Consulting 27-Sep-10
Closeout Report, Statia Terminals: Waste Disposal Area, Port Malcolm Road, Point Tupper, NS Earth Tech Inc. Jul-05
Compound Maintenance Report and Record of Site Condition, Statia Terminals: North Tank Farm, Point Tupper, NS Earth Tech Inc. Jul-05
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Federal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

*Authorization for Department of If the Project's construction involves the disruption of Fisheries and Oceans Canada From the date of receipt of an
the Harmful Fisheries and aquatic environments, the company may be required to (DFO) recommends that those application, the Minister has 60
Alteration, Oceans obtain authorization from the Minister. engaging in activity that may calendar days to determine if the
Disruption or disrupt fish or fish habitat application is complete, incomplete or
Destruction of Section 35(1) of the Fisheries Act provides that no contact the department early inadequate, and to notify the
Fish Habitat person will carry on any work, undertaking or activity that in the process to determine if applicant of this determination. Once
Fisheries Act, s. results in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction an application is required. the Minister provides notification that
35 of fish habitat. Where a proponent cannot avoid such the application is complete, the
harmful alteration, disruption or destruction and the If required, applications must Minister has 90 calendar days to
activity is not otherwise authorized under the Fisheries be submitted in writing to the either issue the authorization or notify
Act, it must obtain authorization under Section 35(2)(b) DFO. The information required the applicant in writing that the
of the Fisheries Act prior to the activity. Such can be found on Schedule 1 of authorization is refused.
authorization may be applied for in accordance with the the attached guide:
process set out in the Authorizations Concerning Fish https://www.dfo- Pursuant to Section 4.6 of the
and Fish Habitat Protection Regulations (https://laws- Authorizations Concerning Fish and revues/applicants-guide- Fish Habitat Protection Regulations,
286/FullText.html). candidats-eng.html the time limit for reviewing the
application will cease to apply in
In the event that the contemplated Project has the some circumstances, such as a
potential to impact fish or fish habitat, we recommend request by the application,
that the Company submit a Request for Project Review amendments are requested, it is
to DFO so that DFO can determine if the Project triggers deemed that further consultation is
any requirements under the Fisheries Act, as described required, or certain aspects of the
above. DFO recommends that an Application for application require further inquiry.
Authorization for serious harm to fish only be pursued Furthermore, the timeline for
after a project review has been completed. approval may be delayed as a result
of input by other federal, provincial or
territorial agencies or environmental
assessment bodies. These
processes may influence details of
the proposed work, undertaking or
activity, or the offsetting plan included
in the application for an authorization.

Page 1
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Federal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

* Permits Minister of Schedule 1 to Species At Risk Act ("SARA") lists the A Request for Project Review The timeline for the approval of
Authorizing an Environment wildlife species considered to be at risk, which includes can be submitted to permits is not prescribed within the
Activity Affecting and Climate both terrestrial species and fish and marine mammals in Environment and Climate legislative regime, but we
Listed Wildlife Change or Nova Scotia. Change Canada or DFO to recommend engaging the department
Species Minister of determine whether such a as early as possible within the
Regulations Fisheries and We recommend that the company submit a Request for permit is required. development process if a species at
Species at Risk Oceans Project Review to Environment and Climate Change risk may be disturbed to allow
Act, ss. 32, 33, Canada, of if any portion of the Project will be In some instances, approvals coordination between departments.
58, 73 constructed in the water, DFO, to determine if the under the SARA will be carried
Project triggers SARA requirements. out by DFO in conjunction with
an application for an
Authorization for the Harmful
Alteration, Disruption or
Destruction of Fish Habitat.

*Authorization to Minister of If the Project will require the use of a wastewater system The application requirements Not specified
Deposit Fisheries and or deposit of wastewater, the Company may be required for transitional and temporary
Wastewater Oceans to obtain an Authorization to Deposit effluent containing authorizations can be found at
Systems Effluent deleterious substances in accordance with Section 6(1) Section 25(1) and 35 of the
Regulations of the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations, or Wastewater Systems Effluent
(SOR/2012-139), transitional or temporary authorization to deposit under Regulations.
s. 6, s. 23 Section 23(1), where the deposit of deleterious
Fisheries Act substances will only be a temporary occurrence.

Approval of Section 5(1) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods The application must be
Emergency Act, 1992 provides that no person will import, offer for submitted to the Minister in
response transport, handle or transport any dangerous goods writing. The requirements for
assistance plan unless the person complies with all safety requirements an emergency response
Transportation of and security requirements that apply under the assistance plan are identified
Dangerous regulation. under Section 7.3(2) of the
Goods Act, 1992, Transportation of Dangerous
s. 7 Pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Act, the Minister may Goods Regulations
approve an emergency response assistance plan for the (SOR/2001-286:

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Federal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

transportation of dangerous goods a specified period, if https://laws-

the Minister believes on reasonable grounds that it can
be implemented and will be effective in responding to ns/SOR-2001-286/page-
such a release. 22.html#h-1229714

Explosives Natural The Explosives Act requires anyone working with Pursuant to Section 28 of the Not specified.
Transportation Resources explosives to have a license, certificate or permit issued Explosives Regulations, 2013
Permit Canada by the Minister of Natural Resources. If the Project will (SOR/2013-211), the
Explosives Act, (NRCan) involve the transportation and storage of explosives, the Company must submit an
s.7 Company will need to obtain an approval to transport application for authorization for
Explosives explosives and a certificate for carrying out the storage the transport and use of an
Regulations, of explosives under Section 7(1) of the Explosives Act. explosive under Part 3 of the
2013 Explosives Regulations, 2013.
For the purposes of the Act, "explosive" means anything
that is made, manufactured, or used to produce an Depending on the nature of
explosion or a detonation or pyrotechnic effect, and the explosive being used and
includes anything prescribed to be an explosive by the the duration, there may be an
regulations, but does not include gases, organic application fee attached to the
peroxides or anything prescribed not to be an explosive Company's application. The
by the regulations. Company should consult the
Table at section 453 of the
Explosives Regulations, 2013
for more information:


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List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Federal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Temporary Natural The Explosives Act requires anyone working with Depending on the nature of Not specified.
Blaster's License Resources explosives to have a license, certificate or permit issued the explosive being used and
or Blaster's Canada by the Minister of Natural Resources the duration, there may be an
Permit (NRCan) application fee attached to the
Company's application. The
Company should consult the
Table at section 453 of the
Explosives Regulations, 2013
for more information:


*Permit for Minister of Section 5.1 of the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 The proponent is required to Not specified
Harmful Activity Environment prohibits intentionally killing migratory birds; destroying submit an application to the
Migratory Birds and Climate migratory bird eggs or nests; or depositing a substance Canadian Wildlife Service
Convention Act, Change that is harmful to migratory birds in an area frequented (CWS), who is the responsible
1994, s. 5.1 Canadian by migratory birds, without authorization from the for reviewing applications on
Wildlife Service Minister of Environment. behalf of the Minister of
Environment and Climate
Pursuant to Section 12(1) of the Migratory Birds Change. The application form
Regulations, enacted pursuant to Section 6(1) of the can be found at the following
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, a damage or link:
danger permit is required for the scaring or killing (s.
65(1)), egg and nest destruction (s. 70) or relocation of
migratory species (s. 71). /dam/eccc/migration/main/natu

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Federal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

The Migratory Birds

Regulations identifies that
proponents will also be
required to fill out a damage or
danger permit reporting form
throughout the duration of the
Project. The reporting form
can be found at the following
* Based on the findings of the Environmental Assessment, these permits, licenses, approvals, and agreements may not or likely will not apply to the Project. The
relevant data have been left in for completeness, and to highlight the Proponent’s awareness of potential regulatory requirements.

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List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Environmental Nova Scotia In accordance with Part IV of the Environment A registration document must The Environmental
Assessment Approval Environment & Act (Nova Scotia), an approval from the Nova be prepared and submitted to Assessment Regulations and
Climate Change Scotia Minister of Environment & Climate the Environmental the Environmental
Environment Act, Part IV Change is required prior to the commencement Assessment Branch of Nova Assessment Panel
of an activity identified in Schedule A to the Scotia Environment & Climate Regulations, pursuant to Part
Environmental Environmental Assessment Regulations. Change. The Project IV of the Nova Scotia
Assessment Regulations registration requirements and Environment Act, set out the
The development of a greenfield hydrogen the types of information to be applicable time frames for
project may trigger the following provisions of included in the registration EAs.
Schedule A to the Environmental Assessment document are set out under
Regulations and require a Class I Section 9(1) of the Activities
environmental assessment ("EA") Designation Regulations and
should be consulted prior to
 Section A(1): an industrial storage the design of the Project.
facility that has a total storage capacity
of over 5000 m3 and is intended to
hold liquid or gaseous substances, /Regulations/regs/
such as hydrocarbons or chemicals m#TOC2_1
other than water

Accordingly, a Class I Provincial Environmental

Assessment will be required if more than 5,000
m³ of gas or liquid (including both hydrogen and
ammonia) will be stored at the facility.

Industrial Approval Nova Scotia Activities identified in the Activities Designation The following information must Once the application is
Environment & Regulations require an approval from the accompany an application for complete, the Minister has 60
Climate Change Minister of Environment prior to the industrial approval: business days to render a
commencement of the activity. An Industrial decision on whether to grant
Approval will identify contains terms and the approval. Pursuant to
conditions that the approval holder must follow  Site Plan Section 53(3) of the Activities
to prevent adverse effects on the environment  Detailed plan Designation Regulations, if
and are required to ensure that an activity is  Detailed Activity the Minister is of the opinion
environmentally acceptable and/or the methods Description that further information is
and materials used and wastes generated will required, they may refer the

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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

not cause adverse environmental effects.  Substance Description & application back to the
Substances Released, proponent. The 60-business
Adverse Effect day timeline would then
Pursuant to the Activities Designation restart from the beginning
Regulations, the following may trigger the once the proponent has
requirement for an Industrial Approval: The application form can be submitted a complete
found at the following link: application.
 If more than 5,000 litres of hydrogen will be
stored at the proposed facility, an Industrial Once approved, the
Approval will be required, and the approval leum- department will undertake a
holder will be required to post security with regulated/docs/Application- risk assessment of the activity
the provincial government for site Notification-Form.pdf within 90 days of approval to
rehabilitation. determine an inspection
 A site with a chemical storage tank system schedule to ensure adherence
with a capacity of 2,000 litres of chemicals to terms and conditions.
in liquid form requires an industrial
approval. Accordingly, if hydrogen will be
stored as a low-temperature liquid as
opposed to a high-pressure gas, the
storage threshold for an Industrial Approval
requirement for hydrogen will be lowered to
2,000 litres.
 The construction, operation, or reclamation
of (b) a fertilizer manufacturing plant in
which a substance or a mixture of
substances is manufactured that contains
one or more components of nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, or other plant food
that is marketed or represented for use as
a plant nutrient; or (c) a fertilizer storage
facility that has the capacity to store
fertilizer in quantities of 250 tonnes or more
of anhydrous ammonia, or 500 tonnes or
more of granular or pilled ammonia
phosphate or ammonium nitrate or urea

Page 7
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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

fertilizer products are designated as an

activity requiring industrial approval.

If the Provincial Environment Minister is of the

opinion that a designated activity should not
proceed because it is not in the public interest,
he can decline to issue an Industrial Approval.
In making his decision, the Provincial
Environment Minister will take into
consideration whether the activity contravenes
a policy of the provincial government, whether
the location of the activity is unacceptable and
whether adverse effects from the activity are
unacceptable. Additionally, before approving an
application for an Industrial Approval, the
Provincial Environment Minister can require the
project proponent to undertake consultation in
the area where the activity will take place
unless a Provincial Environmental Assessment
has already been processed in respect of the

Certain undertakings require the project

proponent to post security with the provincial
government. The Provincial Environment
Minister determines the amount of security on a
case-by-case basis, considering the estimated
rehabilitation costs from the proposed activity

Water Alteration Nova Scotia Pursuant to Section 5A(2) of the Activities The amendments to the The timeline for the approval
Permit Environment and Designation Regulations (N.S. Reg. 60/2019), Activities Designation of a watercourse alteration will
Climate enacted pursuant to Section 66 of the Regulations (N.S. Reg. vary, and Nova Scotia
(Watercourse, Water Change Environment Act, a Water Alteration Approval is 60/2019) place wetland and Environment & Climate
Resource, Wetland) required by any person who wishes to alter or watercourse alterations under Change should be engaged as
alter the flow of, any of the following: the same section of the Act, early as possible. With respect
Section 5A(2). The to approvals, the department

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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Environment Act, s. 105 (a) a watercourse amendments create two indicates that processing of
(b) a water resource avenues for approvals for approvals will take 60
Activities Designation (c) a wetland watercourses and wetlands, business days or less,
Regulations, (N.S. Reg. one requiring the proponent to provided that all the items that
60/2019 A "watercourse" is defined to mean the bed and obtain an approval for either must accompany the
shore of every river, stream, lake, creek, pond, activity or a new streamlined application have been
spring, lagoon or other natural body of water, "notification" process whereby received.
and the water therein, within the jurisdiction of certain activities are exempt
the province, whether it contains water or not. from the approval requirement. The notification form indicates
that the proponent must
A "water resource" is defined to mean means all If the proposed Project provide notice of the Project at
fresh and marine waters comprising all surface requires approval under least five days in advance of
water, groundwater and coastal water. Section 5A(2) of the Activities construction (if only notice is
Designation Regulations for an required). The proponent must
"Wetlands" are considered to be marshes, alteration to either a receive a notification receipt
including salt marshes, swamps, fens, bogs, watercourse, water resource before starting work.
and willow water areas that are saturated with or a wetland, an application for
water long enough to promote wetland or approval must be submitted to
aquatic processes. Nova Scotia Environment &
Climate Change.
Alterations to tidal habitats, such as lagoons,
mud flats and tidal ponds, do not require this The relevant application forms
approval. and a submission checklist
can be found at the following
Recent amendments to the Activities link:
Designation Regulations (N.S. Reg. 60/2019)
permit proponents to proceed by way of Watercourse Alteration:
notification for certain activities. Section 5B 
outlines each of the types of activities or atercourse-alteration/
alterations that only require notification and
should be consulted prior to development: Wetland Alteration: 
ctiv.htm#TOC3_2 ater/docs/Wetland_Alterati

Page 9
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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline


Conversely, if the Project only

requires notification, the
notification form can be found
at the following link:

*Water Withdrawal Nova Scotia Pursuant to Section 5A(1) of the Activities The application requirements Once an application is
Approval Environment & Designation Regulations (N.S. Reg. 60/2019), are as follows: submitted, the department
Climate Change enacted pursuant to Section 66 of the indicates that the decision to
Environment Act, s. 105 Environment Act, a Water Withdrawal Approval reject or provide the approval
Activities Designation is required by any person who wishes to use or  Description of alteration will be made in 60 business
Regulations, (N.S. Reg. alter a watercourse or water resource or the  Water Withdrawal Well days or less after an
60/2019 flow of water in a watercourse or water Log # and Withdrawal application is complete. The
resource, for any of the following purposes: Rate timeline will vary based on the
 Site Plan application's nature and the
(a) withdrawing or diverting water in a  Detailed plan project's complexity, as public
volume greater than 23,000 litres per  Environmental consultation may be required.
day from a source of surface water or Assessment Study
groundwater;  Rehabilitation Plan
(b) storing water in a volume of 25,000 m3  Contingency Plan
or greater; Description
(c) constructing, modifying or maintaining  Details of Site Suitability
a dam and Sensitivity
 Public Consultation
This approval applies to surface water and Description
groundwater. Pursuant to Section 5A(1) of
the Activities Designation Regulations, the
use or alteration of a watercourse or "water

Page 10
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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

resource" for the above purposes is an The application form can be

activity requiring approval. A water resource found at the following link:
is defined to mean all fresh and marine
waters comprising all surface water,
groundwater and coastal water.
Notably, certain uses of a watercourse or
water resource may only require notification
under Section 5B of the Activities
Designation Regulations, which should be
consulted prior to development:

Approval from Nova Scotia Environment &

Climate Change is required if groundwater
withdrawal exceeds 23,000 L/day. Requires
hydrogeological study, environmental
assessment study and possible public

*Endangered Species Nova Scotia Pursuant to Section 13(1) of the Endangered The department does not The timeline for the approval
Permit Natural Resources Species Act, no person will: provide particulars of the of permits is not prescribed
Endangered Species Act and Renewables application. We recommend within the legislative regime,
(a) kill, injure, possess, disturb, take or engaging the department as but we note that with respect
interfere with or attempt to kill, injure, soon as possible in the to greenfield developments,
possess, disturb, take or interfere development process if a the necessary studies and
with an endangered or threatened protected species may be consultation required before
species or any part or product disturbed. the Minister can approve the
thereof. … issuance of an endangered
species permit may take a

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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

(c) destroy, disturb or interfere with or considerable amount of time.

attempt to destroy, disturb or fe/biodiversity/permits_approv
interfere with the specific dwelling als.asp
place or area occupied or habitually We recommend engaging the
occupied by one or more individuals department as early as
or populations of an endangered or possible within the
threatened species, including the development process if a
nest, nest shelter, hibernaculum or protected may be disturbed to
den of an endangered or threatened allow coordination between
species. departments.
(d) contravene any regulation made with
respect to a core habitat.

If the Project has the potential to disturb a

protected species or its habitat, the company
may seek a permit under Section 14(1) of the
Endangered Species Act to possess, disturb,
take or interfere with an endangered or
threatened species for the protection of human
health or safety.

Dangerous Goods Nova Scotia Pursuant to the Dangerous Goods The application form and The Minister has 60 days to
Approval Environment & Management Regulations, made under Section required materials can be render a decision on whether
Climate Change 84 of the Environment Act, any person or found at the following link: to issue the approval once a
Dangerous Goods persons who wish to construct, operate or
Management completed application is
reclaim a dangerous goods facility, if the facility submitted.
Regulations processes dangerous goods listed in Column I
Environment Act of Schedule A in quantities that exceed the s/docs/Application-
quantities listed in Column II of Schedule A for DangerousGoodsApproval.pdf
those goods.

Notably, Schedule A contains explosives and

flammable gases, which are broadly defined
and would cover hydrogen.

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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Dangerous Goods Nova Scotia The Dangerous Goods Transportation Act and Not applicable Mandatory compliance with
Transportation Act, s. 5; Transportation and its regulations applies to the transportation of the provisions of the
Dangerous Goods Infrastructure any substance that constitutes a product, Dangerous Goods
Transportation Renewal substance or organism included by its nature or Transportation Regulations is
Regulations by the regulations in any of the classes listed in required.
Mandatory Compliance Schedule, which is a generic listing of
dangerous substances with properties like
explosiveness, radioactivity and corrosiveness.
It applies to transportation by vehicle on a

It should be noted that the Nova Scotia

Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Regulations (N.S. Reg. 152/85) incorporates by
reference the federal Transportation of
Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Consideration should be given to whether the

construction and/or operations of the Project
require the transport of dangerous goods and, if
so, whether the planned method of
transportation complies with this Act. If an
alternate method is to be used, an application
should be made to the Minister for a Permit.

Boilers and Pressure Labour and In Nova Scotia, all boilers and pressure vessels The Company must submit an The department indicates that
Vessels: Equipment Advanced must be installed and inspected at regular installation or inspection upon submitting a completed
Licence Education, intervals as prescribed by the Chief Inspector. request to Labour and application, licenses will be
Boiler and Pressure Technical Safety In addition, all repairs to boilers, pressure Advanced Education. processed in 5 to 10 business
Equipment Regulations, Division, Boiler and vessels, high-pressure piping systems and If all requirements are met, days.
N.S. Reg. 10/2011 Pressure Vessel refrigeration plants must be inspected. and the request is approved
Section (subject to inspection), the
Technical Safety Act
license will be sent to the
applicant by mail.

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List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Filing of Approved Nova Scotia Pursuant to 6(1) of the Petroleum Management A contingency plan to be filed Not specified.
Contingency Plan Department of Regulations, made under Sections 25 and 84 of with the Department of
Energy, Mines and the Environment Act, every person responsible Energy, Mines and Resources
Resources for a storage facility which has a combined
capacity of 2000 kg of dangerous goods or
waste dangerous goods, a combined capacity
of 2000 L of dangerous goods or waste
dangerous goods; or:

 Flammable Gases greater than 5000

 Flammable solids greater than

Where "Contingency plan" means a planned

procedure for reporting, containing, removing
and cleaning up a reasonably foreseeable
sudden or gradual release of a substance which
has caused, is causing or may cause an
adverse effect to the environment, including
human health.

*Permit to Construct Nova Scotia Utility If the Project involves the construction of a The company would be The pipeline construction will
Pipeline and Review Board pipeline as part of the facilities, the Pipeline Act required to submit an require NSUARB approval,
Pipeline Act, ss. 7 & 11 ("NSUARB") requires that a permit be obtained from the application to the UARB. and accordingly, the timeline
NSUARB prior to the construction of a pipeline. Pursuant to the Pipeline for approval will vary.
This permit is applicable to any pipelines that Regulations (Nova Scotia)
will lead from the facility or connect with other made under Section 44 of the
existing infrastructure outside of the facility. Pipeline Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c.
345, the UARB will set the
terms of the application and
Notably, proponents will be exempt from this the applicable fees.
approval requirement where the pipeline is
located within a property used for a processing,
marketing, or manufacturing plant or it is part of

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Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

a facility covered pursuant to an approval

under Part V of the Environment Act.

License to Operate Nova Scotia Utility The Pipeline Act also requires that a license be The company would be The license for the pipeline
Pipeline and Review Board obtained from the NSUARB prior to the required to submit an will require NSUARB
("NSUARB") operation of a pipeline. application to the UARB. The approval, and accordingly, the
UARB will set the terms of the timeline for approval will vary.
Pipeline Act, ss. 7 & 11 application and the applicable

Electrical Permit and/or Nova Scotia Power Under the Electrical Installation and Inspection An application form for a wiring Not specified
Maintenance Permit Inc. ("NSPI") Act, a proponent is prohibited from performing permit can be obtained from
electrical or communications cabling work the electrical inspection utility
Electrical Installation and without first obtaining a permit. office of the relevant
Inspection Act municipality, for property in
No electrical installation nor any alteration or those areas. For the remaining
Electrical Code addition to an electrical installation will be made areas, it can be obtained from
Regulations, ss. 7, 8(2) except in conformity with the Act and the Nova Scotia Power.
Electrical Code Regulations. This includes
ensuring that a contractor meets their duty to
inform an inspector of any alterations or
additions being made to an electrical
installation, as well as the inspector's right of
entry and inspection.

The Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, with

certain amendments indicated in the Electrical
Code Regulations, has been adopted in Nova
Scotia pursuant to the Electrical Installation and
Inspection Act.

Page 15
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Electrical Wiring Permit

Nova Scotia An Electrical Wiring Permit is required for any There is an application fee Not specified
Department of new electrical installations or modification of associated with the permit,
Communications Cabling Labour and existing electrical installations required to which will be dependent on
Permit Advanced provide power to the Project. This permit will size of Project
Education only be issued to holders of a certificate in the
electrical construction trade issued by the New installations related to
Electrical Installation and Nova Scotia Power Department of Labour and Advanced industrial projects are subject
Inspection Act s. 6, 7, 10 Inc. Education. The owners of an industrial to the following minimum
and Electrical Code establishment who employ electricians can be inspection fees:
Regulations, ss. 7, 8, 9, issued an annual maintenance permit to cover
11, 13 routine electrical maintenance. There are some  Up to 100 AMPS:
installations which do not require electrical $138.00
permits which we do not believe would be  Over 100 to 400 AMPS:
applicable, except for possibly the following: the $330.00
installation of one 15A to 30A, 120V branch
 Over 400 to 800 AMPS:
circuit or one 15A to 50A, 240V branch circuit
that is not in a location referred to in Section 18
 Over 800 to 1000 AMPS:
and 20 of the Code.
A Communications Cabling Permit is required  Over 1000 AMPS:
for the installation of communications cables in $850.00
non-residential areas. This permit will only be
issued to holders of a certificate as a
communications cabling specialist recognized
by the Chief Electrical Inspector. Pursuant to s.
13 of the Electrical Code Regulations, a
Communications Cabling Permit will not be
required if the installation does not exceed 6
cabling drops and is not in a location referred to
in Sections 18 and 20 of the Canadian
Electrical Code, provided that the work is
performed by a communications cabling
specialist who maintains a record of the work
completed for inspection by an inspection
department or the Chief Inspector.

Page 16
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

*Heritage Research Nova Scotia Project proponents are required to notify the The applicable permit Not specified
Permit/ Communities, Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism application forms can be found
Culture, and and Heritage of the proposed Project so that on the Communities, Culture,
Special Places Heritage any areas of historical, archaeological, and Tourism and Heritage
Protection Act. paleontological importance can be identified. If webpage by the following link:
the Project has the potential to impact an
important site, the proponent must obtain a
heritage Research Permit under Section 8 of ring-our-past/special-
the Special Places Protection Act. places/archaeology-permits-
If any artifacts are discovered during a site
investigation, you must notify the Heritage
Division, Department of Communities, Culture,
Tourism and Heritage. If the discovery is of
known or suspected Mi'kmaw origin, the
Kwilmu'kw Mawklusuaqn Negotiation Office
Archaeology Research Division, Sipekne'katik
First Nation, and Millbrook First Nation should
be notified.
*Archaeological Nova Scotia Following the completion of an Archaeological The applicable permit Not specified
Resource Impact Communities, Resource Impact Assessment, approval from application forms can be found
Assessment Approval Culture, and the Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and on the Communities, Culture,
Heritage Heritage agency is required before Tourism and Heritage
construction. webpage by the following link:

Page 17
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Special Move Permit Nova Scotia Public A Special Move Permit is required to move a The applicable application Applications are normally
Works vehicle which is outside the legal weight or forms can be found at the processed within 1 business
Weights and Dimensions dimension limits, on a public road in Nova following link: day of being received.
of Vehicles Regulations, Scotia, set out in the Weights and Dimensions Applications for exceptional
s. 11 of Vehicles Regulations made pursuant to moves require approval by the
Section 191 of the Motor Vehicle Act. ss/drivers/special-move- Nova Scotia Public Works and
Motor Vehicle Act, s. 191 permits/forms-applications.asp are subject to a 7-day
turnaround depending on their
Use of Highway Right-of- Nova Scotia Public In accordance with Sections 41 and 27 of the The application form for a Use 10 business days.
Way Permit/Use of Works Public Highways Act, the Company will be of Highway Right-of-Way
Highway Right-of-Way required to obtain a permit for any activity or Permit can be found at the
for Pole Lines Permit work on a roadway or within a highway right-of- following link:
way, including installing a driveway or erecting
Public Highways Act a structure within 100 metres of any highway.
A separate permit may need to be obtained for mit.pdf
to erect and maintain poles within a highway
right-of-way in Nova Scotia, pursuant to Section
46 of the Public Highway Act.

Additionally, an "Entrance Onto Controlled

Access Highway - Temporary Permit" is
required by anyone who wants to access a
controlled access highway (i.e., a 100 series
highway) for the purpose of removing logs or

Electricity Standard Minister of Energy Pursuant to Section 14 of the Renewable In accordance with Section 11 Not specified
Approval Electricity Regulations (N.S. Reg. 110/2021), a of the Renewable Electricity
renewable electricity generator must obtain an Regulations, an application for
Electricity Act and an electricity standard
Renewable Electricity "electricity standard approval" for a generating
facility in order for it to qualify toward the approval must be submitted to
Regulations the Minister. The Company
province's renewable electricity standard.
Provided that the facility meets all criteria of the should consult the department

Page 18
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Regulations, the Minister must provide an to obtain the applicable form.

electricity standard approval for the facility.

Registration of Nova Scotia Power The Wholesale Electricity Market Rules provide Facility registration must be Not specified
Generation Facility System Operator that all generating facilities must be registered completed in accordance with
Participation Agreement ("NSPSO"), an with the NSPSO prior to their first MP-04 Facility Registration,
operating division synchronization. This is an administrative which can be found at the
Electricity Act – following link:
Wholesale Market Rules of Nova Scotia requirement that must be completed prior to
Regulations, ss. 3 and 7 Power Inc. ("NSPI") commercial operation. Provided that the
facilities have been completed pursuant to
and Nova Scotia wholesale-market-documents
Wholesale Electricity NSPI's technical requirements, registration will
Market Rules be processed in the normal course.

Building Plan Approval Nova Scotia Section 12 of the Fire Safety Regulations Prior to the start of 45 business days
Department of require building plans to be submitted for construction, an owner of a
Fire Safety Act and Fire building or facility must provide
Safety Regulations Labour and approval prior to constructing buildings with
Advanced certain occupancy classifications. building plans for the
Education – Office construction or alteration of the
of the Fire Marwill building or facility to the Fire
Building plans must be submitted to the Fire Marshal containing:
Marshal for approval if a control or storage
building associated with a wind power project is  a copy of all plans,
constructed to be larger than 600 m2 and is a drawn to scale;
"high-hazard industrial occupancy" building  any related
(defined in the National Building Code to be the documents; and
use of a building for storing goods and  a covering letter
materials (among other uses) and containing explaining the
sufficient quantities of highly combustible and proposed Project.
flammable or explosive materials which,
because of their inherent characteristics, The application can be
constitute a specific fire hazard). submitted to the following
Compliance with the National Fire Code, as
adapted in Nova Scotia by way of the Fire Building - Fire Safety
Safety Regulations, is mandatory. Office of the Fire Marshal
Municipal Affairs

Page 19
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Elevator/Lift License Nova Scotia An elevator/lift license is required to operate an Required to submit application Registration of Device:
Department of elevating device. An "elevating device" to Access Nova Scotia/ Labour
Elevator and Lifts Act and Advanced Education. 7-10 Business Days
and Elevators and Lifts Labour and includes:
General Regulations Advanced  elevators, comprising
Education – Public All new installations or major Inspection of Device:
(i) passenger elevators, alterations to any class of
Safety Division (ii) freight elevators, and elevating devices in Nova 4-10 Business Days
(iii) material lifts; Scotia must have the design
 dumbwaiters; drawings and specifications Licensing:
 escalators; registered by the Chief
 moving walks; Inspector before work begins. 7-10 Business Days
 manlifts;
 passenger ropeway; The application form can be
 construction and material hoists; found at the following link:
 incline lifts;
 stage lifts; ns-elevator-company-
 platform lifts; licence.pdf
 stairchair lifts; and
 special elevating devices. Before the license is issues,
Labour and Advanced
Education will conduct an
This license should be obtained if a manlift or initial inspection.
other elevating device is to be used in The costs of the license will
conjunction with turbines. vary by the type of elevating
device and are as follows:
Compliance with the standards set out in the
Elevators and Lifts General Regulations is also  Passenger Elevator: $
required. 497.70
 Freight Elevator: $ 497.70
 Escalator: $ 497.70
 Manlift: $ 497.70
 Lift for Physically
Disabled: $ 298.65

Page 20
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Provincial Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Applicable Law Issuing Agent Comments Submission Requirements Timeline

Crown Land Disposition NS Department of Pursuant to Section 16(1) of the Crown Lands Requests for Crown land 9-12 months
Lease or Permit Lands and Forestry Act, RSNS 1989, c 114, the Minister may issue areas may be initiated by
Crown Lands Act, RSNS – Land Services a grant, deed, lease, license or other submitting an Application for
1989, c 114 Branch conveyance for the disposition of Crown lands the Use or Sale of Crown Land
or any interest in Crown lands. The Minister online. For more information
may also issue a permit under the Crown Lands about how to submit an
Act to dispose of materials on Crown Lands. application online, please see:

Letter of Authority NS Department of An interim authority that allows the holder to See above for Crown Land 1 month
Crown Lands Act, RSNS Lands and Forestry perform certain activities on Crown land and Disposition Lease or Permit
1989, c 114 – Land Services can include activities such as testing whether a
Branch project is feasible.

* Based on the findings of the Environmental Assessment, these permits, licenses, approvals, and agreements may not or likely will not apply to the Project. The relevant data have
been left in for completeness, and to highlight the Proponent’s awareness of potential regulatory requirements.

Page 21
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Municipal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Issuing Submission Requirements Timeline

Applicable Law Comments
Development Relevant Confirms compliance with the The Company is required to submit a Site plan, detailed Issued in conjunction with
Permit Municipality applicable Land-use Bylaws, construction plans and specs, and approval from Nova building permit process.
including any applicable Scotia Environment & Climate Change for on-site sewage
Development Agreements. These disposal system (if applicable).
generally regulate the nature of
business or occupancy, the size of There is a $500 fee associated with an application for a
any structures, as well as the permit.
parking and other amenities related
to the use
Building Permit Relevant A building permit is required before The Company is required to submit a Site plan, detailed
Municipality any construction on a structure or construction plans and specs, and approval from Nova
building can commence. Scotia Environment & Climate Change for on-site sewage
disposal system (if applicable).
Note that a footing permit is
required if there are setback and There is a fee of $5.50 per $1,000 of estimated value of
yard requirements in place in the construction (not including equipment). For more
area where construction is taking information please see:
place. If there are no planning
controls applicable to the Project
lands, a footing permit will not be property/building-renovating/Construction Permits -
required. December 2019.pdf

Occupancy Relevant An occupancy permit is required to Required prior to building occupancy; In-Person N/A
Permit Municipality occupy a building (e.g., inspection occurs at completion of building construction.
control/equipment building) after There is a $50 application fee.

Blasting Permit Relevant The Company may need to obtain a N/A N/A
and Notification Municipality blasting permit from the relevant
municipality before undertaking any
blasting work. Reference should be
made to the applicable by-law in the

Page 22
List of Anticipated Permits and Approvals Project # 22-8516

Municipal Permits, Licenses, Approvals and Agreements

Issuing Submission Requirements Timeline

Applicable Law Comments

Zoning/Rezoning Relevant Obtain confirmation of the zoning Consult the relevant municipality in which the Project will N/A
Municipality applicable to the specific be carried out.
property/properties that will make up
the Project lands.

Subdivision of Relevant Municipal subdivision approval will Consult the relevant municipality in which the Project will N/A
Lots to be Municipality be required for any proposals to be carried out.
Leased subdivide an area of land.

Municipal Subdivision approval is required for

Government Act land leases that: (a) are for a term
of longer than 20 years and (b) are
for only a portion of a property
where either the portion to be
leased or remainder portion are less
than 10 hectares (25 acres) each.
Subdivision exemption affidavits will
be required to be filed at the
applicable Land Registration Office
if a lease is for a term of longer than
20 years and is to lease only a
portion of a property, where both the
portion to be leased and the
remainder portion are more than 10

If subdivision approval is required, a

final subdivision plan in the
specified form must be submitted to
the Municipality's development

* Based on the findings of the Environmental Assessment, these permits, licenses, approvals, and agreements may not or likely will not apply to the Project. The relevant data have
been left in for completeness, and to highlight the Proponent’s awareness of potential regulatory requirements.

Page 23
Environnemental Management Plan DATE, 2022
EverWind Point Tupper Green Hydrogen/Ammonia Project – Phase 1
EverWind Fuels Company Project # 22-8516


1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................1

1.1 Objectives .........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope of the Environmental Management Plan ...............................................................1
1.3 Overview of Environmental Program ................................................................................1
2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT .........................................................................1
3.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................1
3.1 Federal Legislation ...........................................................................................................1
3.2 Provincial Legislation ........................................................................................................1

3.3 Municipal Legislation ........................................................................................................1
3.4 Additional Regulations and Guidelines .............................................................................1
3.5 Required Environmental Licences, Authorizations, Permits and Approvals ....................1
4.0 KEY ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................1
4.1 Project Manager ...............................................................................................................1

4.2 Construction Manager ......................................................................................................1
4.3 Environmental Lead ..........................................................................................................1
4.4 Environmental Safety & Health (ES&H) Manager ............................................................1
4.5 Emergency Response Team (ERT) .................................................................................1
4.6 Area Lead .........................................................................................................................1
4.7 Public Communications Coordinator (PCC) .....................................................................1
4.8 Other Personnel ................................................................................................................1
5.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION & ACTIVITIES ...........................................................................1
5.1 Project Background & Location ........................................................................................1
5.2 Project Components .........................................................................................................1
5.3 Description of Activities.....................................................................................................1
5.4 Schedule of Activities ........................................................................................................1

6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS & TRAINING ................................................................1

6.1 Environmental Awareness (Orientation) ...........................................................................1
6.2 Leadership Training ..........................................................................................................1
6.3 Additional Training ............................................................................................................1
6.4 Project-Wide Training .......................................................................................................1
7.0 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ..........................................................................................1
7.1 Internal Communications Strategy ...................................................................................2

7.1.1 General Communications .........................................................................................2

7.1.2 Progress and Environmental Reporting Procedures ................................................2
7.2 External/Public Communications Strategy .......................................................................2
7.2.1 Public Interaction ......................................................................................................2
7.2.2 Public Enquiry Telephone Line .................................................................................2
7.2.3 Public Notifications ...................................................................................................2
7.2.4 Project Website .........................................................................................................2
7.2.5 Complaint/Comment Forms ......................................................................................2
7.2.6 Public Communications Database ............................................................................2
7.3 Non-Emergency Contact Lists ..........................................................................................2

Page i
Environnemental Management Plan DATE, 2022
EverWind Point Tupper Green Hydrogen/Ammonia Project – Phase 1
EverWind Fuels Company Project # 22-8516

7.4 Emergency Contact List....................................................................................................2

7.5 Emergency Communications Strategy .............................................................................2
7.5.1 Internal Communication (Environmental Emergency) ..............................................2
7.5.2 External Communication (Environmental Emergency) .............................................2
7.6 Community Liaison Committee .........................................................................................2
7.6.1 Purpose of the Community Liaison Committee ........................................................2
7.6.2 Tasks and Actions of the CLC ..................................................................................2
7.6.3 Membership of the CLC ............................................................................................2
7.6.4 Committee Meetings .................................................................................................2
7.6.5 Committee Meeting Proceedings .............................................................................2

7.6.6 Conduct of Committee Members ..............................................................................2
7.6.7 Dispute Resolution Amongst Members ....................................................................2
7.6.8 Terms of Reference ..................................................................................................2
8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ......................................................................................2
8.1 Archaeology ......................................................................................................................2
9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................2

9.1 Air Quality & Dust Management Plan ...............................................................................2
9.2 Blasting Management Plan ...............................................................................................2
9.3 Emergency Response & Contingency Plan......................................................................2
9.4 Erosion & Sediment Control Plan .....................................................................................2
9.5 Freshwater Ecology Management Plan ............................................................................2
9.6 Spill Prevention and Response Plan ................................................................................2
9.7 Terrestrial Habitat & Wildlife Protection Plan....................................................................2
9.8 Waste Management Plan .................................................................................................2
9.9 Water Well Survey Plan ....................................................................................................2
9.10 Greenhouse Gas Management Plan ................................................................................2
10.0 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE & MONITORING .........................................................2
10.1 Environmental Compliance Monitoring .............................................................................3

10.1.1 Regulatory Compliance Monitoring ..........................................................................3

10.1.2 Internal Compliance Monitoring/Auditing ..................................................................3
10.2 Environmental Effects Monitoring .....................................................................................3
11.0 DOCUMENTATION & REVISIONS .....................................................................................3
11.1 Revisions ..........................................................................................................................3
11.2 Records.............................................................................................................................3
12.0 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................3

13.0 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................3

Page ii
Environnemental Management Plan DATE, 2022
EverWind Point Tupper Green Hydrogen/Ammonia Project – Phase 1
EverWind Fuels Company Project # 22-8516


Figure 1: EverWind Point Tupper Environmental Program


Appendix 1: Environmental Policy Statement
Appendix 2: Air Quality & Dust Management Plan
Appendix 3: Blasting Management Plan
Appendix 4: Emergency Response & Contingency Plan
Appendix 5: Erosion & Sediment Control Plan
Appendix 6: Freshwater Ecology Management Plan

Appendix 7: Spill Prevention & Response Plan
Appendix 8: Terrestrial Habitat & Wildlife Protection Plan
Appendix 9: Waste Management Plan
Appendix 10: Water Well Survey Plan
Appendix 11: Greenhouse Gas Management Plan
Appendix 12: Revision Request Form

Page iii
EverWind Fuels - Point Tupper Green Ammonia Project - Phase 1
Prefeasibility Report (FEL1)

Table 4-5 - Raw Lake Water Supply Quality

Parameter Units 09/26/2018 12/11/2018 10/09/2019 10/21/2020

pH s.u. 6.94 6.68 6.87 6.73
Silica, Reactive mg/L - 1.4 0.6 0.8
Chloride mg/L 9 8 11 15
Fluoride mg/L <0.12 <0.12 <0.12 <0.12
Sulfate mg/L 4 5 4 5
Alkalinity mg/L - <5 <5 <5
True Color TCU 24 37 18 10.2
Turbidity mg/L 1.9 1.7 0.4 1
Conductivity - 62 160 73
Nitrate mg/L <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Ammonia N mg/L - 0.04 0.04 0.05
TOC mg/L - 6.2 3.4 3.4
Ortho mg/L - 0.01 <0.01 0.02
Phosphate P
Sodium mg/L 7.6 6.5 9.6 8.3
Potassium mg/L - 0.3 0.4 0.4
Calcium mg/L - 3 3.8 2.5
Magnesium mg/L - 0.8 1 0.8
Bicarb Alkalinity mg/L - <5 <5 <5
Carb Alkalinity mg/L - <10 <10 <10
Hydroxide mg/L - <5 <5 <5
TDS mg/L 20 24 30 32
Hardness mg/L - 10.8 13.6 9.5
Aluminum µg/L 31 101 41 25
Barium µg/L <5 8 <5 <5
Boron µg/L 9 8 8 6
Copper µg/L 56 39 26 54
Iron µg/L 184 264 223 229
Lead µg/L 0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Manganese µg/L 145 29 89 23
Strontium µg/L - 14 18 15
Zinc µg/L 11 8 7 5

Table 4-6 - Electrolysis unit demineralized water specification [Ref. Nel Hydrogen, EWF-
NA-Z-FD-0001 Rev. 02]

Property Allowable Value

Residual conductivity1 < 0.2
TOC (Total Organic Carbon) < 1 mg/L
1Note:residual conductivity value is set low to ensure that all other
contaminants are within acceptable limits for the process.

H368078-0000-100-066-0001, Rev. 0
Page 31

© Hatch 2022 All rights reserved, including all rights relating to the use of this document or its contents.
Sustainable Energy Systems
Status: October 2022

Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Why Hydrogen?
Up to 50% of final energy consumption could be electrified

+600% 95% <1.5

Expected growth in global Production of hydrogen from USct/kWh lowest solar prices ever
Hydrogen consumption steam methane reforming
and coal gasification1

>90% >10 GW 70 m t
Consumption of hydrogen in Global hydrogen project pipeline Global hydrogen demand 20181
industries (e.g., ammonia
production and petrol refineries)1

1 IEA – WEO19

Sustainable Energy Systems 2

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
“Sector Coupling”
Key lever for decarbonization
of all end-user sectors
Shares in global CO2 emissions by sectors The role of hydrogen – A versatile molecule

Leverage green electricity in other sectors

Share on CO2 emissions: 58%
Share of Renewables: 11%

Other 9%
Buildings 6%

Transport 25%

Industry 18%
Power 42%

Successful integration of renewables in Power

Share on CO2 emissions: 42%
Share of Renewables: 27%

Source: 2018 – 2019 data from IEA and own estimates

Sustainable Energy Systems 3

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Today’s challenge – Green energy needs to travel from lowest
cost regions to decarbonize demand centers

36 Giga tons
total energy-related
emissions in 2019
10.2 Giga tons

5.3 Giga tons

2.6 Giga tons

1.7 Giga tons

1.1 Giga tons

0.7 Giga tons

X.X – CO2 Emissions Demand centers with high CO2 emissions Least Most
Source: Hydrogen Council, McKinsey “Hydrogen insights report 2021”, Global Carbon Atlas PV/wind resources for renewable hydrogen production

Sustainable Energy Systems 4

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Boundary conditions are changing
Major green initiatives drive hydrogen related initiatives
and investments
Paris Agreement
Clean Hydrogen Ministerial (CN, US,
14th 5-year plan JAPAN
China Hydrogen Japan Climate
UNITED STATES EUROPE Alliance Initiative
Biden Green Energy Plan EU Green Deal Basic Hydrogen
various initiatives European Clean Hydrogen Strategy
Alliance (ECH2A)


The 2030 Solar Plan und UAE Energy Green New Deal
NEOM Strategy 2050

Qatar Vision 2030

€300 bn €80 bn 228

investment expected through 2030 thereof investment volume “mature” announced projects
Source: Hydrogen Council, McKinsey “Hydrogen insights report 2021”

Sustainable Energy Systems 5

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Today, approx. 95% of hydrogen production
has high CO2 emissions

Global H2 supply … … meets global H2-demand

• Main share of production is captive (68%)1, i.e., hydrogen Hydrogen market is divided in three sectors
produced and consumed in-house for producing other products while industry being by far largest one.
• Three main technologies to produce H2
• Emissions caused by conventional H2 production equals annual
CO2 emissions of Indonesia and the UK combined!2

4% Electrolysis & others3 1% Mobility4,6

Utilize electricity to split water into hydrogen • Expected growth by green H2
and oxygen, mainly chlor-alkali electrolysis • Penetration of FCV and green fuels
systems Global Hydrogen are key drivers
48% Partial oxidation & Coal gasification3 Demand 9% Energy4,6
• POx as by-product from chemical production Expected growth due to need for

70 m t5
• Coal gasification as part of chemical processes storage of curtailed renewables
in the steel industry
90% Industry6
48% Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)3 • Includes chemical, refineries,
Synthesis from steam and natural gas, metal processing and others
today most economic method • Expected growth due to CO2
emissions regulations

Electrolysis is a CO2 neutral production method for hydrogen

Source: 1 Freedonia | 2 p.

3 2014 FCH GIA | 4 Navigant | 5 IEA 2019 | 6 CertifHy

Sustainable Energy Systems 6

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Hydrogen from renewables enables large scale,
long term storage and sector coupling

Renewable Grid Integration Conversion/ Applications

electricity generation Storage Exports for different applications

Intermittent Grid
Renewables stabilization

H2 Industry
Wind Solar


Geo- electrolysis

Sustainable Energy Systems 7

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Siemens Energy can offer products, solutions and services
across the whole hydrogen / P2X value chain

Siemens Energy covers most value chain parts to deliver Hydrogen/Power-to-X projects on a turnkey basis

Components and Equipment

Planning &
Financing Grid H2 compression Synthesis H2 re-
Consulting Renewable Power Electrolysis
Connection & Auxiliaries processes electrification

Solution provider for Wind Park Power Grid Electrolysis Compression Synthesis H2 Re-electrification
H2 economy (i.e. & Storage
• Onshore wind • Transmission • Partnering • Heavy-duty, industrial
hydrogen production, PEM technology • H2 Compressors • e-Ammonia
• Offshore wind • Distribution • Silyzer 300 and aeroderivative H2
Power-to-liquids, H2 (reciproc./radial) • e-Methanol
• Substations • Electrical • Thermal/Battery gas turbines
re-electrification) (Siemens Gamesa)
• Transformers • e-Gasoline
equipment storage • Sustainable • H2 Combined Cycle
• One face to the customer • Grid • Auxiliary systems Aviation Fuel Power Plants
• Overall system Other RES management
Auxiliary Systems • other e-Fuels • H2 Combined Heat &
• Hydrogen storage • External supply Power (CHP)
• Integration of own and • Solar PV
• Water treatment for N2, CO2 • Thermal storage
external partners portfolio • Solar CSP
• Mech. equipment
(components) • Fuel cells (ext.)
• Hybrid configurations • Electr. equipment
• Hydro Power
• Green Energy Certification (External Sourcing)
• Maintenance contracts
• O&M concepts
Turnkey / Solution offering

Own/majority owned portfolio JV/minority owned portfolio Portfolio from external partners Sustainable Energy Systems 8
October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis
The efficient way for green hydrogen

How does PEM electrolysis work

1973 • Electrodes are attached on both sides of the proton exchange membrane
• Proton exchange membrane is the electrolyte
• Proton exchange membrane acts as separator to prevent mixing
J. H. Russell released his works to
of the gas products
PEM electrolysis and the high

Advantages of PEM electrolysis

• High power density
• Extended dynamic operation range and direct coupling to renewables (rapid response)
• High efficiency
• High gas purities
• Low maintenance needs

Sustainable Energy Systems 9

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Siemens Energy
The right partner to lead green hydrogen solutions

Proven industrial-grade large- Fully integrated solutions

scale electrolyzer systems from green electrons to green
>200,000 operating h in MW range molecules with our strong partner

Scalable solutions Siemens Energy Global G2M setup and

Pre-fabricated and green hydrogen customer domain know-how
pre-engineered packages solutions configuration of industry-
specific solutions

Energy Consulting & Reliable technology and

Digital Services reliable partner
H2 value chain design and optimization with highest standards in
safety and project excellence

Sustainable Energy Systems 10

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Technology expertise in Electrolysis
Our electrolyzer portfolio scales up by factor 10 every 4 – 5 years

0.1 MW 1 MW 10 MW 100 MW 1,000 MW

2011 2015 2018 2023+ Next step

Silyzer 100 Silyzer 200 Silyzer 300 Silyzer 300 plant Co-Development with
Lab-scale demo partners in verticals

Sustainable Energy Systems 11

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Projects in implementation based on Silyzer 300 platform
Scale-up is already happening

6 MW plant 8.5 MW plant up to 20 MW plant 50 MW plant

H2Future Linz Power-to-Gas Wunsiedel Trailblazer Oberhausen e-Methanol Kassø

▪ Green hydrogen for the steel ▪ Green hydrogen for industry, grid ▪ Green hydrogen for Air Liquide ▪ Green hydrogen for CO2-neutral
making process services and mobility pipeline infrastructure shipping at large-scale
▪ Our partners: VERBUND, ▪ Our partners: Siemens AG, ▪ Our partner: Air Liquide ▪ Our partner: European Energy
voestalpine, Austrian Power Grid WUNH2, SWW Wunsiedel GmbH

Sustainable Energy Systems 12

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
We are front runner in industrial scale PEM technology
innovation based on our in-house expertise

In-house Industry Scale Intellectual

expertise design Property
• Membrane Electrode • Vertical cell design: • Broad set of Patents:
Assembly (MEA):

• Specific cell frame material: • Patented GDL design:

• Electrode coating, cell and

system design, testing and

Sustainable Energy Systems 13

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Silyzer 300 – Full Stack Array
The next paradigm in PEM electrolysis

Silyzer 300 – full stack array (24 stacks)

17.5 MW >75.5 %
plant power demand plant efficiency

24 stacks 335 kg
to build a full stack hydrogen per hour

Sustainable Energy Systems 14

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Hydrogen Generation

High Voltage

Medium Voltage
& Rectifier Cooling


Buffer Gas

Civil Work

Sustainable Energy Systems 15

October 2022 Restricted © Siemens Energy, 2022
First integrated plant for climate-neutral
e-fuel production from wind and water

Project Use cases

Customer: HIF (Highly Innovative Fuels) E-Fuel for Porsche cars
Off-taker: Porsche AG Potential for adding Kerosene or
Country: Chile, Patagonia Diesel production in future phases
Installation: 2021

750,000 liters Product: Power-to-methanol solution Methanol for ship motors

based on SE Electrolyzer
of e-methanol per year from 2022
(130,000 liters of e-gasoline) Challenge Solutions

>55 m liters
• Huge wind energy potential in Magallanes • Production of e-gasoline and e-methanol
• Existing industry and port infrastructure at one of the best spots worldwide
for wind energy
e-fuel per year planned from 2025 Perfect conditions to export green energy • Co-developer Siemens Energy realizing
from Chile to the world the system integration from wind energy

>550 m liters to e-fuel production

• International Partners like Porsche and AME
e-fuel per year
planned from 2027

Sustainable Energy Systems 16

October 2022 Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
The first solar-powered green
hydrogen plant in the Middle East

Project Use cases

Partners: DEWA and Expo2020 Re-electrification with a 280 kW
Country: UAE hydrogen gas engine
Location: Dubai (MBR Solar Park)
Installation: 2021

1.25 MW Product: Silyzer 200

Power demand based on

Silyzer 200 Challenge Solutions
• Integrated H2 plant for multiple purposes, incl. • One Silyzer 200

228 Nm3
mobility and re-electrification with the largest • Production of green hydrogen via photo
pure hydrogen gas motor today (280 kW) voltaic during daytime, storage of hydrogen
• Installation of world’s first PEM electrolysis (93 m³ @ 35 bar) and re-electrification
of green hydrogen per hour plant in the hot and harsh conditions of the UAE during nighttime
• R&D nature of the project in combination with a
very tight implementation period (MoU signed
Feb. 2018, commissioning May 2021, Expo
since Oct 2021)

Sustainable Energy Systems 17

October 2022 Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
A European Flagship project for
generation and use of green hydrogen

Project Use cases

Partner: VERBUND (coordination),
voestalpine, Austrian Power Hydrogen for the steel making process
Grid (APG), TNO, K1-MET
Country: Austria

6 MW Installed:
Silyzer 300
Supply grid services

Power demand based on

Silyzer 300 Challenge Solutions
• Potential for “breakthrough” steelmaking • Operation of a 12-stack array Silyzer 300

1,200 Nm3
technologies which replace carbon by green • Highly dynamic power consumption –
hydrogen as basis for further upscaling to enabling grid services
industrial dimensions • State-of-the-art process control technology
of green hydrogen per hour • Installation and integration into an existing based on SIMATIC PCS 7
coke oven gas pipeline at the steel plant
• High electrolysis system efficiency of 80%
This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant
agreement No 735503. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovative program and Hydrogen Europe and NERGHY

Sustainable Energy Systems 18

October 2022 Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Generation and use of green hydrogen

Project Use cases

• Partner: Siemens AG, WUNH2, Hydrogen for Industry
SWW Wunsiedel GmbH
• Country: Germany
Supply grid services
• Installed: 2021
• Product: Silyzer 300
Supply of green hydrogen

8.5 MW for mobility applications

Power demand based on

Silyzer 300 Challenge Solutions
• Power supply only from renewable Energy, • Operation of a 12-stack array Silyzer 300
primarily solar and wind • Highly dynamic power consumption enabling

1,835 Nm3
• Oxygen and low-temperature waste heat to grid services
be reused by nearby industrial operations • One of the largest Hydrogen production
• Potential to expand to supply up to 2,000 plants of Germany
of green hydrogen per hour tons of green hydrogen

Sustainable Energy Systems 19

October 2022 Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
Green hydrogen for Air Liquide
pipeline infrastructure
Project Use cases
Partners: Air Liquide
Country: Germany Hydrogen for the Industry
Installation: 2022
Commissioning: 2023
Hydrogen for mobility

20 MW
Product: Silyzer 300
up to
based on Silyzer 3001 Potential Solutions

335 kg
• Connect hydrogen production to both existing • Operation of a full 24-stack array Silyzer 300
hydrogen and oxygen pipelines • Electrolyzer will be integrated into existing
• First step: up to 20 MW capacity local hydrogen and oxygen pipeline
of green hydrogen per hour • Potential to expand to 30 MW total planned infrastructure of Air Liquide
capacity • First electrolyzer to be built in the framework
of the partnership between Air Liquide and

2,680 kg
Siemens Energy
• One of the largest renewable hydrogen and
oxygen production plants of Germany
of green oxygen per hour 1 plant incl. additional auxiliaries such as compression for
hydrogen and oxygen
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Sustainable Energy Systems 20
October 2022 Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
First large-scale e-Methanol project
in Europe

Project Use cases

• Partner: Solar Park Kassø ApS (100% Hydrogen for e-Methanol (MAERSK)
owned by European Energy)
• Country: Denmark
• Site: Kassø Solar Park Hydrogen for fuel blending (Circle K)
50 MW •

Installation: expected 2023
Power demand based operation: expected 2023
• Product: Silyzer 300
on Silyzer 300
Challenge Solutions
1000 kg • Fast track project (bid and execution)
• First 3 Array plant
• 3 full Arrays Silyzer 300
• Transformers, rectifiers, Arrays and demin
of green hydrogen per hour • First large-scale e-Methanol plant build by water plant. T3000 automation for Silyzers
customer • Supervision for installation, commissioning
by SE Denmark
• Powered by largest solar park in Scandinavia

Sustainable Energy Systems 21

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Our current focus

Reference Applications

partner network

Automation of fabrication
supply chain

Technological improvements

Sustainable Energy Systems 22

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Explore the potential of green hydrogen

SE SES Website Haru Oni App Haru Oni Green Hydrogen

www.siemens- Project Website Project Website Haru Oni hydrogen plant Green Hydrogen Project
| 2021 | Siemens Energy | Megaprojects | Siemens
Global (siemens- Energy Middle East (

Sustainable Energy Systems 23

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© Siemens Energy 2022

Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only
contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always
specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the
course of further development of the products. The requested performance
features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded

All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens

Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG or other companies whose use by third parties
for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

Sustainable Energy Systems 24

October 2022 Siemens Energy is a trademark licensed by Siemens AG. Unrestricted use © Siemens Energy, 2022
EverWind Fuels, Canada

K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green Ammonia



July 2022

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
1 ABOUT KBR ........................................................................................................................... 3

2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 4

3 K-GREEN™ AMMONIA TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW .................................................................. 7

3.1 G REEN AMMONIA PLANT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 7
3.2 ELECTROLYSERS ......................................................................................................................10
3.3 AIR SEPARATION UNIT (ASU) ....................................................................................................12
3.4 SYNTHESIS LOOP ....................................................................................................................14
3.4.1 Ammonia Synthesis Overview.............................................................................................14
3.4.2 Key Equipment Features .....................................................................................................16
3.5 AMMONIA STORAGE ...............................................................................................................21

4 DESIGN BASIS.......................................................................................................................22

5 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM....................................................................................................25

6 HEAT AND MATERIAL BALANCE ...........................................................................................30

7 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................32

8 UTILITY SUMMARY...............................................................................................................42

9 ELECTRICAL LOAD SUMMARY ..............................................................................................45

10 SIZED EQUIPMENT LIST ........................................................................................................47

11 EFFLUENT SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................52

12 CONCEPTUAL PLOT PLAN .....................................................................................................54

13 OPERATIONAL SCENARIO FOR GREEN AMMONIA COMPLEX................................................56

14 COST ESTIMATION ...............................................................................................................57

15 PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE .......................................................................................58

16 KBR EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................................................60

17 ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................64

APPENDIX A – CLASS-IV COST ESTIMATE BASIS...............................................................................65

APPENDIX B – RECENT KBR GRASSROOT AMMONIA PLANTS..........................................................73

APPENDIX C – K-GREEN™ BROCHURE .............................................................................................76

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
We deliver science, technology and engineering solutions to governments and companies
around the world. KBR employs approximately 29,000 people worldwide with customers in
more than 80 countries and operations in 40 countries.
KBR’s global business comprises two main segments — Government Solutions and
Sustainable Technology Solutions.

 Government Solutions, serving government customers globally, including capabilities that

cover the full lifecycle of defense, space, aviation and other government programs and
missions from research and development, through systems engineering, test and
evaluation, program management, to operations, maintenance, and field logistics.

 Sustainable Technology Solutions KBR Sustainable Technology Solutions provides holistic

and value-added solutions across the entire asset life cycle. These include world-class
licensed process technologies, differentiated advisory services, deep technical domain
expertise, energy transition solutions, high-end design capabilities, and smart solutions to
optimize planned and operating assets.

KBR is proud to work with its customers across the globe to provide technology, value-
added services, and long- term operations and maintenance services to ensure consistent
delivery with predictable results. At KBR, We Deliver.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
2 Executive Summary
EverWind Fuels LLC (“Ever Wind”) is a private developer of green hydrogen and ammonia
production, storage facilities and transportation assets. EverWind intends to expand and
develop the Point Tupper site to be the location of a regional green hydrogen hub for Eastern
Canada, including new green hydrogen and ammonia production facilities.
EverWind has requested KBR to perform a feasibility study to develop a Class-IV cost estimate
of a green ammonia plant for 600 MTPD capacity at Point Tupper site in Nova Scotia, Canada.
EverWind has engaged Hatch, a global multidisciplinary management, engineering, and
development consultancy, for supporting overall engineering design for this site.
EverWind has also engaged NEL, a global company providing solutions for the production,
storage, and distribution of hydrogen, for supplying Electrolysers and producing green
hydrogen for this site.
The purpose of this feasibility study is to analyse available technologies to apply to this
project that could provide an advantage and provide a cost estimate of Class-IV accuracy for
overall complex which includes Ammonia Synloop, Ammonia Storage (vendor), Air
Separation Unit (vendor) and integrated utilities.
KBR has experience in operating ammonia plants at low turndown ratio, approx. 30% for
several months in India. This real experience has helped KBR in developing a design for
flexible operation. Specifically, the synthesis loop can be operated between 10% to 110%.
This provides flexibility in operation in case of reduced hydrogen generation from
electrolyser due to power shortage.
KBR has developed the K-GreeN™ technology package, which consists of a fully integrated
solution from the electrolysis of water to produce green hydrogen, separation of air to
produce green nitrogen to the synthesis of green ammonia.
Ammonia production currently accounts for around 1.8% of global CO emissions with most
ammonia being produced from carbon-rich natural gas. With ammonia market rising as key
carrier source, it is imperative to move towards zero-CO emission process for a
sustainable future.
Green Ammonia is ammonia produced with no greenhouse emissions, it utilizes renewable
energy to separate Nitrogen from Air (through Air separation) and Hydrogen from water
(through electrolysis) which are then combined to form Ammonia in a well proven Haber
Bosch’s process.
Currently the main challenges in producing green ammonia are:
- The investment cost of the electrolysis system
- Small capacity modules of electrolyser resulting in large number of parallel modules
- Demand supply matrix is not clear due to large number of anticipated projects and
limited production capacity of stacks.
- The cost and intermittent availability of renewable electricity to operate the electrolysis

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant

Design Scheme
The scheme selected for this study features the following characteristics:
1. Green ammonia will be produced from green hydrogen, which will be generated via Water
Electrolysis with constant availability of renewable power (Not in KBR scope).
2. Hydrogen from Electrolyser will be available at 7 bar(g) and then sent to Synthesis gas
compression. Hydrogen will be supplied by EverWind, using NEL Electrolysers.
3. Nitrogen from ASU will also be available at 7 bar(g) and then sent to Synthesis gas
4. /N mixture in the synthesis gas compressor will be at the ratio of 3:1 and mix with the
unconverted recycle gas in the Recycle compressor.
5. Ammonia synthesis is based on KBR proprietary design including vertical converter, unitized
chiller, and converter catalyst.
6. The number of equipment in synloop is minimized by use of Unitized Chiller.
7. The loop allows generation of superheated steam which can be used for operating turbine.
Steam Turbine output is being used by Turbo-Generator to generate electrical power, to be
exported to grid in OSBL. The loop provides high flexibility with ramp rate changes at 1.5%
per minute.
8. The loop can also be turndown to very minimum capacity to 10% if needed which will help
in optimizing the hydrogen storage if needed.
9. Transfer of Product Ammonia at Ammonia Storage system.

The vendors were contacted, for few major items, to receive technical details and budgetary
costs, and for other items, KBR past references were being used, while the preliminary sizing
of equipment in the ammonia synthesis were carried out in-house for the basis of costing.
The utilities were integrated within the Ammonia ISBL to an extent possible to minimize

Path Forward (For next step of Project)

This is a feasibility study, which defines the process scheme, main equipment being used,
typical feed and utilities required, product and effluent emissions from the plant. This study
also defines the preliminary sizing of equipment as well as costing at class IV level.
As a next step to this study, a basic engineering can be executed, and optimization study can
be part of basic engineering. The basic engineering can take 3-4 months. On the basis of the
basic engineering, Detail engineering or a FEED (Front End Engineering and Design) can be
executed to get the TIC (Total Installed Cost) or EPC cost with accuracy of ±10%. Execution of
FEED can take from 4-6 months’ time.
KBR can provide services of overall licensing of process and project management. KBR has
rich experience of project execution in challenging situations and well placed to support
EverWind in their future projects.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
KBR provides post BED services which helps in mitigating any risk in design and execution
especially with equipment. Because of KBR’s expertise in execution past EPC and detailed
engineering, KBR can also support detailed engineering wherever required. KBR provides
engineering package which is far more detailed than a standard process design package
which helps detailed engineering to move the project faster.

KBR can also offer a Digital Plant Control Suite, providing optimized design and reliable
operation through dynamic simulation model, Integrated Control System, Reliability,
Availability and Maintainability Analysis (Figure 1). This digitalization solution makes possible
to maximize the production of ammonia based on renewable power availability and minimize
the need for power and hydrogen storage.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
3 K-GreeN™ Ammonia Technology Overview

3.1 Green Ammonia plant overview

KBR has developed this K-GreeN™ technology package which consists of a fully integrated
solution for the electrolysis of water, separation of air to produce green hydrogen and
nitrogen to the Haber-Bosch synthesis of green ammonia.
The KBR ammonia synthesis section is a proprietary design with proven unmatched reliability
and lower energy consumption at lower capital cost (due to lower equipment count).
In developing its K-GreeN™ concept, KBR has leveraged on its past 75+ years of experience
in designing ammonia plants, from very small capacity (~4 MTPD) to the largest single train
capacity (6,000 MTPD). Below figure provides a general overview of KBR Green Ammonia
The following figure exemplifies a preliminary block flow diagram for generic green ammonia

The core of each ammonia plant is the synthesis loop (“Synloop”), where hydrogen ( ) and
nitrogen ( ) are partially converted to ammonia ( ) according to the following
exothermic reaction:
+ 2
Since the conversion is equilibrium-limited, the unconverted reactants are separated from
the ammonia product and recycled back to the reactor after purging inert (such as argon), if

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
Synloops can be designed to operate at pressure in the range 100-300 bar depending on
several factors (such as type of catalyst, amount of inert introduced in the loop together with
the feedstocks, etc.). Higher pressure enhances the conversion but increases the investment
cost: 150 bar is the typical pressure at which KBR Ammonia Synloops operate, using
magnetite catalyst.
The ammonia converter, being the most critical equipment in the Synloop flow scheme, is
proprietary design of KBR.
The overall Synloop is optimized to meet specific site conditions and to reduce the CAPEX by
taking advantage of all possible synergies with other units as well as utilities and offsites
Advantages of process scheme:
 Well proven design
 reduced number and optimised design of the high-pressure equipment, which is the
most expensive part of the plant, and particularly the converter system and the
chilling system.
 KBR’s horizontal / vertical converter - design well-proven, having been used in more
than twenty KBR ammonia plants since 1983.
 Unitized Chiller - This equipment combines the feed/effluent exchanger, several
chillers, and the compressor knock-out drums into one equipment item.
 Steam Generation - Superheated steam generation making loop energy efficient
 No start-up boiler required
 Summary
o Reduced capital cost (capex) due to fewer pieces of equipment
o Reduced bulk equipment costs  lower capex
o Reduced construction cost  lower capex
o Reduced operating cost (opex) due to lower loop pressure drop
o Reduced maintenance cost associated with fewer pieces of equipment
o Robust and Reliable Steam Generation and Superheating with Process Gas
Feedstocks for the synthesis of green ammonia are:
 Hydrogen, generated from electrolysis of water by using renewable energy, such as
solar or wind or hydro power.
 Nitrogen, generated from separation of air, typically using a cryogenic system.
Within a green ammonia complex the greater energy consumer is the electrolysis system that
accounts for more than 90% of the overall power consumption.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
If electrolysers are driven by renewable power (solar) only, then storage of hydrogen is
necessary to allow continuous operation of the Synloop: unlike the electrolysers that can
operate on intermittent basis, Synloop, as well as Air Separation Unit (“ASU”) must run
continuously within an operating range, which is typically 30-100%.
By switching off the electrolysers when renewable power is not available, the power needed
of the complex is drastically reduced. Nevertheless, the complex needs to be connected to
the grid or alternate renewal source of energy to be able to maintain the Synloop and ASU in
operation constantly. Alternatively, renewable electric energy could be stored in batteries,
but that option is typically not economically viable for large quantity of energy.
Electrolysers could be operated using electric power from the grid when the renewable
power is not available. In such a case the cost of the power from the grid will also play an
important role in selecting the best configuration of the plant: if price rates of the power
from the grid vary over 24 hours, hydrogen storage should be designed to at least cover the
peak hour price rates.
Electrolysers operate at a pressure in a range between atmospheric, typical for the alkaline
type, to up to 30 bara, typical for polymer electrolyte membrane (“PEM”) type. The air
separation unit typically generate nitrogen at less than 10 bar. The synloop typically operate
at around 150 bara.
KBR can perform dynamic simulation of the synthesis loop to analyse various configurations
of the complex with the aim of:
 Studying the impact of intermittency of green hydrogen flow to the ammonia
synthesis and providing solution to minimise the impact of such disturbance to the
 Identifying acceptable range of hydrogen flow variability within one-minute time
once flow is established.
 Assessing requirements in operation and control schemes for smooth operation of
the plant at various conditions.
 Defining the optimum pressure in hydrogen storage and recommended inventory
Thanks to its experience, capabilities and relationship with world-class electrolysers and ASU
suppliers, KBR can define the optimum configuration for the overall green ammonia complex,
integrating the Synloop with ASU, Electrolysers, and storages (Hydrogen, Nitrogen and/or
Ammonia) and generating significant synergies and savings.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
3.2 Electrolysers
Hydrogen is produced from Electrolysis of water. Electrolysis essentially means “breakdown
(lysis) via electricity”. Electrolysis uses direct electric current to drive a chemical reaction, in
this case, H O is converted to hydrogen and oxygen. When the power used to drive the
process utilizes renewable power source like sun or wind, this process produces zero-carbon
hydrogen and oxygen. There are four main types of electrolysers available:

Alkaline Based
 Uses a liquid electrolyte solution such as potassium
hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NAOH), and
water (Figure 3-1).
 The hydrogen is produced in a “cell” which consists
of an anode, cathode, and membrane. These cells
are typically arranged in series in a “cell stack” to
generate more hydrogen and oxygen
 When current is applied on a cell stack, the
hydroxide ions move through electrolyte from the
cathode to the anode of each cell, with hydrogen gas
bubbles generated on cathode side of the Figure 3-1 Alkaline based electrolysis
electrolyser and oxygen gas at the anode as shown
in attached figure.

Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)

 PEM electrolyzer use a Proton Exchange Membrane
which use a solid polymer electrolyte (Figure 3-2)
 When current is applied on a cell stack, the water splits
in hydrogen and oxygen and hydrogen protons pass
through the membrane to form H gas on the cathode
 PEM provide high flexibility to meet the power
fluctuations from renewable energy. Figure 3-2 - PEM Electrolysis

Solid Oxide
 Solid Oxide electrolyser uses solid ceramic material
as the electrolyte (Figure 3-3)
 Electrons from the external circuit combine with
water as the cathode to form hydrogen gas and
negatively charge ions. Oxygen then passes through
the solid ceramic membrane and reacts at anode to
form oxygen gas and generate electrons for the
external circuit.
Figure 3-3- Solid Oxide Electrolysis

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant

AEM or Anion Exchange Membrane

 Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) water
Electrolysers are considered one of the most
promising sustainable hydrogen production
technologies because of their ability to split water
using platinum group metal-free catalysts, less
expensive anode flow fields, and bipolar plates.
 One of the major advantages of AEM water
electrolysis is the replacement of noble
metal electrocatalysts with low cost transition
metal catalysts. This electrolysis type is still a
developing technology; therefore, with a view to
using it to eventually achieve commercially viable
hydrogen production, AEM electrolysis requires
further investigation and improvements. Figure 3-4- AEM Electrolysis

Alkaline based process, at least the “generation 2”, is a mature technology and has been in
market for 40+ years. As such, there is a very limited scope for potential improvements in the
technology in terms of efficiency and CAPEX. While Solid oxide Electrolysers have great
potential to become potentially more efficient than PEM and Alkaline, it is relatively new
technology and not proven at commercial level yet. New generation of alkaline technology
shows potential but are not commercially proven either. AEM or Anion Exchange Membrane
is in development with different scales of TRL (Technology Readiness).
PEM’s technology offers high efficiency. However, the CAPEX is currently higher than
Alkaline. Nonetheless, there is large potential for PEM technology to significantly reduce the
costs in coming future and becoming on the medium-term the most cost-effective.
Considering its efficiency, flexibility and operability, PEM seems the optimum solution for
large green ammonia plant in a the medium-term.

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3.3 Air Separation Unit (ASU)
Air separation unit (ASU) is a well-known proven process to make pure N 2 from air. The
Nitrogen Generation Plant utilizes the standard cryogenic distillation technology, which
enables the separation of air into its main components: nitrogen and waste gas (mixture of
nitrogen, oxygen, and argon). While the nitrogen is sent to the downstream process, waste
gas is used to regenerate the air purification device.
Process Description
Ambient air is filtered of particulate matter in the air suction filter and compressed in a
compressor. The compressed air then flows through a water separator to remove entrained
water. Heat from the compression will be removed in shell/tube heat exchanger.
Following the water separator, the air then feeds to one of two pre-purifier beds. Water
vapor, carbon dioxide, some nitrous oxide and some hydrocarbons in the air will be removed
in this section. While one bed is in service and is treating the feed air stream, the other bed
is undergoing regeneration by waste stream from cold box.
After passing through the bed, the air pass through a dust filter. Then it enters the cold box
where air will be separated into product nitrogen and waste gas. Product nitrogen from the
cold box will be compressed in a nitrogen compressor to required delivery pressure. Waste
gas from cold box will be used as regeneration gas for pre-purifier regeneration. In order to
transfer the required cold heat duty, the design requires that liquid nitrogen (LIN) will be
injected into the cold box as refrigeration agent to the cold box.

Block Diagram of ASU (Typical) (source: Linde proposal)

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N2 Storage
ASU unit shall have capability to produce Liquid Nitrogen. This liquid Nitrogen shall be stored
in tank for use as utility nitrogen during start-up and shutdown of Ammonia plant.
ASU plant design is well proven, and its running reference are available from small capacity
to large capacity. There is no major risk or challenge seen for ASU plant.

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3.4 Synthesis Loop
3.4.1 Ammonia Synthesis Overview
The process of the ammonia synthesis loop is based on KBR’s commercially proven synthesis
loop design. The ammonia synthesis loop is designed to produce cold ammonia with Syngas.
In normal operation, cold ammonia is sent to offsite atmospheric ammonia storage tanks at
-33°C. The Ammonia Synthesis unit shall be designed to operate between 10% to 100% of
nominal capacity.

Figure 3-5- Synloop Schematic Diagram

Synthesis Gas Compression

Raw material for green ammonia plants consists of hydrogen generated from electrolysers
and nitrogen generated from air separation unit.
Synthesis gas having hydrogen and nitrogen at ratio of 3:1 at pressure of 7 barg is compressed
to the synthesis loop pressure in the Synthesis Gas Compressor, which is a 5-stage centrifugal
compressor. Recycle gas from the synthesis loop is added to the make-up syngas before the
last wheel of the final casing, and then the mixed syngas is compressed to ~150.0 Bara in the
recycle wheel.
Ammonia Synthesis
Since make-up H2 & N2 gas contains no carbon oxides and water, which are poisons to the
synthesis catalyst (removal of oxygenated compounds in the hydrogen from electrolysers
might be required depending on electrolysis technology), it can be directly fed to the
converter, joining with the recycle or unconverted gas. Also, the make-up syngas has little
inert mainly Argon which provides a low inert synthesis loop with high partial pressure of
reactants H and N .
This process scheme has two advantages.
 First, refrigeration requirements will be lower than other schemes, in which the
moisture containing makeup gas is mixed with converter effluent to first pass
through the chilling train before going back to the converter.

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 Second, the ammonia converter capacity is increased because of lower ammonia
content in the feed because of mixing the ammonia free makeup gas with the recycle
gas. The low inert level in the makeup gas also permits operation of the synthesis
loop at lower pressures for a given level of refrigeration, saving syngas compressor
The converter is a cold wall pressure vessel design where feed gas at relatively lower
temperature is passed through the annular space between basket and pressure vessel to
keep the pressure vessel cool, which makes the converter mechanically robust and cost
Ammonia is produced in a fixed-bed, horizontal / vertical converter. The converter is a three/
two thermodynamic stage, intercooled design.
Ammonia is synthesized by reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen:
3H + N 2NH + heat

The reaction takes place over the Fe based catalyst. The reaction is exothermic and is limited
by the chemical equilibrium, therefore only part of the hydrogen and nitrogen can be
converted into ammonia by passing through the catalyst bed. The chemical equilibrium, or
ammonia formation, is favour by high pressure and low temperature. However, the reaction
velocity is enhanced by high temperature. Therefore, there is optimum inlet temperature for
each bed at which the maximum ammonia conversion can be obtained per pass. Two built-
in heat exchangers and facilities are provided for bed inlet temperature optimization.
The ammonia concentration in the effluent gas exiting last bed reaches about ~18 - 19 molar
percent due to synthesis reaction over the catalyst. The converter effluent then enters the
MP steam boiler/superheater, where MP steam is generated & superheated at a pressure of
45.5 Barg and 370°C which is then utilized in generating electrical power in turbogenerator.
The converter effluent gas is further cooled and condensed in the Ammonia Unitized Chiller.
This specially designed exchanger provides cooling of the converter effluent through
interchange of heat with synthesis gas returning from the Ammonia Separator, and boiling
ammonia liquid at two different temperature levels.

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Liquid ammonia product disengaged from the synthesis gas in Ammonia separator
immediately downstream of the exchanger and it is depressurized and flashed into Ammonia
let-down drum. The liquid ammonia product from let-down drum is sent to first stage
refrigerant flash drum & the ammonia Refrigerant Receiver.
The inert quantity in feed is very less, hence there is no requirement of purge gas from
synthesis loop.
The remaining vapor from Ammonia separator is reheated in the unitized chiller as described
above and routed back to the synthesis gas compressor, where it is mixed with the fresh
makeup syngas and compressed in the final stage of the compressor.
Ammonia Refrigeration
A three-stage ammonia refrigeration system is provided for condensation of the ammonia
produced in the converter.
The converter effluent is chilled and condensed in the unitized chiller by using two levels of
ammonia refrigerant. Vapor from the shell side compartments of flash drums are routed to
second, & third stage of Ammonia Refrigerant Compressor respectively. Production of -
33.0°C cold ammonia liquid product is accomplished by flashing the ammonia liquids from
first level of unitized chiller to ammonia atmospheric flash drum. The flashed vapor from
atmospheric flash drum is routed to first stage suction of Ammonia Refrigeration
Compressor. The compressed ammonia vapor is ultimately condensed in the refrigerant
condenser. The condensed ammonia from condenser goes to the refrigerant receiver.
Liquid ammonia from bottom of refrigerant receiver is routed to second stage refrigerant
flash drum and used as refrigerant.
Cold ammonia liquid product at -33.0°C from ammonia atmospheric flash drum is pumped
by Cold ammonia pump and sent to the ammonia storage tank.
Start-up Heater
An Electrical Start-up Heater is provided for preheating ammonia synthesis gas for ammonia
converter catalyst reduction and for normal plant start up. Normally the start-up heater is
idle at full load.
KBR’s superior process design is complemented with several outstanding mechanical design
features. They are discussed in the following paragraphs.

3.4.2 Key Equipment Features

Synthesis Converter
KBR has wide portfolio of ammonia converters for both Horizontal and Vertical
configurations. For the small capacities, KBR uses vertical converter design. The converter
has been designed to achieve a high conversion of ammonia with very low pressure drop.

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Figure 3-6- KBR Horizontal Ammonia Converter

The converter contains a removable catalyst basket within the pressure shell. The converter
is designed so that the internal catalyst basket and intercoolers can be removed from the
pressure shell through a flanged opening on one end of the reactor.
The converter is intercooled and has two or three equilibrium stages. Integral with the basket
are the one / two intercoolers. An annular space exists between the cylindrical catalyst basket
and the high-pressure shell to provide a path for feed gas cooling the shell.
The converter primarily uses 1.5 to 3 mm size promoted magnetite-based catalyst. The
catalyst volume is chosen for end of the life conditions (typical 20 years). Each catalyst bed
is supported on Profile Wire Screens. The process flow is downwards through each bed. All
the feed gas passes through each of the catalyst beds.

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Unitized Chiller
The Unitized Chiller is a specially designed, multi-stream heat exchanger that cools the
effluent from the ammonia synthesis converter with recycle gas and with boiling ammonia
refrigerant at several temperatures. In doing so, the Unitized Chiller combines several heat
exchangers, compressor knock-out drums, and expensive high-pressure piping and fittings
into one piece of equipment. This design saves pressure drop in the synthesis loop and
reduces capital cost.

The basic concept of the Unitized Chiller is the use of concentric tubes and a
compartmentalized shell to replace several equipment items with one. The converter
effluent flows through the annuli of the concentric tubes, and the recycle gas flows through
the inner tubes. Refrigeration ammonia at various temperatures boils on the shell side in
several compartments. Thus, the converter effluent is simultaneously cooled by two media,
the recycle gas and ammonia refrigerant.

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NH3 Refrigerant Compressor

NH3 from

Recycle to NH3
From Synthesis
Loop NH3 Product
KBR Unitized Chiller

KBR has used the Unitized Chiller in numerous ammonia plants since 1978.

Converter Effluent Steam Generator

Well proven KBR’s heat exchanger design with removable U tube bundle having tubesheet at
the cold end is used for generating MP steam using high grade waste heat in the converter
outlet syngas. This exchanger, engineered for the specific process conditions at the ammonia
converter outlet, is highly robust and reliable and has been used in KBR plants. This has
proven to be more reliable than boilers with integral drum and fixed tubesheet.

Turndown Capability
Turndown operation of ammonia synthesis loop is important when the renewable energy is
not available. To minimize the requirement of hydrogen storage, it is required to turn down
the operation of ammonia plant. Synloop has been designed to be able to operate with a
minimum turndown ratio to cope with the variable availability of hydrogen generated. Some
key features of that design are:
 KBR proven design for operation range from 30% to 100%. Lower turndown is also
 Electric heater with fast operation employed to prevent loss of reaction in ammonia
converter during ramp-up / ramp-down.
 As long as the design conditions of material are not exceeded, minimal impact on plant
integrity is expected.
 It is possible to operate the Ammonia plant within an operating range of 30 to 110%.
However, not all pieces of equipment can be turn-downed to 30%. In particular, most of
rotary equipment operate at a minimum turn-down of 70-80%, hence power
consumption cannot be reduced proportionally to the capacity, unless redundant pieces

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of equipment are installed, e.g., two parallel compressors, each for half capacity, instead
of a single full capacity item.
 In addition, for capacities below 60-70%, start-up heater shall be started to provide
adequate heat to sustain reaction in the Ammonia converter, depending upon the
operating pressure. Therefore, when capacity of ammonia plant reduces below 60-70%,
the specific power consumption of Ammonia plant starts increasing to account for
power consumption of start-up heater. However, the plant can be turndown to 20%
without significant drop in loop pressure and hence 102-B requirement can be avoided
 Similarly, power consumption in Air Separation Unit (ASU) and utilities are not reduced
in proportion to Ammonia plant capacity.
 On the other hand, Electrolyser tend to operate more efficiently as capacity reduces.
From 100% to 20% capacity, the energy consumption reduces. Taking into consideration
that most of the overall power consumed in a green ammonia plant is due to the
electrolyser, the increase of electrolyser efficiency at lower capacity can partially or
entirely offset the reduced efficiency of the ASU and ammonia synthesis at reduced
 It is important that plant load should be increased or decreased at fast rate as per
availability of H2 from Electrolyser based on renewable power. Synloop plant load can
be increased or decreased from 30% to 100% or 100% to 30% in 1 hours.
 Power profile availability provides insight on requirement of turndown operation and
hydrogen storage. Electrolysers provide flexibility for faster ramp and ramp down and
start and stop feature with hot stand-by.
 Ammonia plant and ASU does not provide that flexibility and can not start and stop in
short time. Therefore, these units need to be operated all time at minimum turndown
 For operating the ammonia and ASU plant when renewable energy is not available,
Hydrogen storage and battery storage or grid back-up may be required.

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3.5 Ammonia Storage
Refrigerated ammonia storage tanks, with required capacity, are considered at the site to
store cold ammonia production at full capacity from the Ammonia Plant. The Ammonia
Storage Tanks normally a dome roof, double wall double integrity storage tank and it
operates at positive pressure ie 300mmwc. The ammonia storage tanks are protected from
overpressure or vacuum by pressure/vacuum relief valves.
Transfer of ammonia from the storage tanks to Ship are performed by two Liquid Ammonia
Transfer Pumps, one operating and one standby.
Ammonia Vapor Recovery
Ammonia vapor are generated due to:
- Heat leak into the refrigerated tanks and cold ammonia piping.
- Vapor displacement in tank/ rundown / unloading
- Flash during Ammonia transfer.
During Normal operation, the vapor generated will travel to Ammonia plant and will be
compressed and condensed in Ammonia refrigeration system. Condensed Ammonia will be
transferred back to the storage tank If the pressure in Ammonia Storage Tanks continues rise,
the Ammonia Storage Refrigeration Package, 2100-L will be started automatically. Vapor will
be condensed, subcooled in 2100-L and returned as liquid ammonia to the storage tanks.
Ammonia Storage Flare
The Ammonia Storage Flare system consists of the Ammonia Storage Flare KO Drum, a Flame
Front Generator, and the Ammonia Storage Flare.
The Ammonia Storage Flare System is provided for safe incineration of ammonia vapors, in
the event of Ammonia Storage Refrigeration Package is not available. Ammonia vented /
discharged from low pressure equipments (such as ammonia storage tanks) and pipings is
sent to Ammonia Storage Flare.
Risk and Challenges –
The double wall atmospheric ammonia storage tanks are well proven method of ammonia
storage. The tanks with double integrity walls provide minimum risk of ammonia leakage and
widely acceptable method of ammonia storage.
The tanks are available for higher storage capacities and does not have any risk of scale-up.

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4 Design Basis
Design basis for this study is attached in below pages:

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EverWind Fuels Rev.2
600 MTPD Ammonia Synloop 15-Jul-22

Apv: AJN by:VJ, TMG

Process Design Basis- Client Doc No: M943-PR-GEN-PDB-001

Units Remark

Design capacity for EverWind Fuels Green Ammonia Plant for feasibility
1. Ammonia Capacity MTPD 600 report generation
Guarantee Case
Cold Ammonia MTPD 600
Delivery Pressure at B.L. bar (g) 5
Temperature at B.L. ºC -33.3

Ammonia Product Quality

Ammonia, minimum wt% 99.9
Water, max wt% 0.1
Oil, max ppmw 5

Plant Operating Range 30 - 100%

Operating Duration days/year 355

Required plant margins NIL

2. Synthesis Gas
2.1 Flow : H2 from Electrolysis (By Client) Min Normal Max Design
kg/hr 4451 2 Pure Hydrogen requirement for 600 MTPD ammonia capacity 2
Composition : H2 from Electrolysis (By Client) Min Normal Max Design
H2 vol% 99.9997 Hydrogen will be oil free
O2 ppmv 2.00 Design Basis will be updated in next phase of engineering for Hydrogen
H2O ppmv 1.00 actual composition by client. The impact on Ammonia plant will depend
on type of impurity. For example, if Nitrogen is impurity, there is no impact
Supply Pres at B.L. (Min/Nor/Max/Mech.Design) bar (g) 7.0 as nitrogen is feed to ammonia plant. However, Argon will have some
Supply Temp (Min/Nor/Max/Mech.Design) °C 25 30 impact, which may result in more purge flow if argon is significantly high.
Oxides will have impact on catalyst life. If higher oxides, catalyst volume
2.2 Composition : N2 from ASU (By KBR) may have to be increased. 2

N2 vol% 99.99
O2 ppmv 2.00
Ar ppmv 97.00
H2O ppmv 1.00

Supply Pres at B.L. (Min/Nor/Max/Mech.Design) bar (g) 7.0

Supply Temp (Min/Nor/Max/Mech.Design) °C 25 30

3. Ambient
Max. Temperature (Dry bulb max) °C 33.0
Min. Temperature (Dry bulb min) °C -24.3
Design Wet Bulb Temperature °C 25.0 Design Air temperature will be 25 C for designing of ASU and Air Cooler

Relative Humidity (Norm / Max / Min) % 77.5% 83.6% 85.0% Design Relative humidity for design purpose is 85%

Max Temperature for Mechanical / Civil / Structural °C -24.3 33 Survival temperature -30 C
Min Temperature for winterization °C -24.3 33 Survival temperature -30 C

4. Barometric Pressure
Design mbar 1010.7 1016.2

5. Cooling Water
Supply Temperature, max. °C 24.0 Treated circulating Cooling Water will be provided at BL.
Return Temperature (return header) °C 34.0
Return temperature individual user °C No specific requirement
Supply Pressure Bar (g) 4.5
Return Pressure Bar (g) 2.5
Chloride Content ppmw XX max To be finalized in next phase of engineering
CW fouling factor m2-hr-ºC/kcal XX max To be finalized in next phase of engineering

6. Demineralized Water
Design Pressure at Battery limit Bar (g) 7.0 Quality of DMW required to be finalized in next phase of engineering.
Supply Temperature, max. °C 25

7. Power Supply
Power Supply By Client Remark Please refer Electrical Load Summary / Utility Summary for details

8. Ammonia Storage Tank

Capacity MT 56,000 Two Tank for 28,000 MT capacity each

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Green Ammonia M943
EverWind Fuels Rev.2
600 MTPD Ammonia Synloop 15-Jul-22

Apv: AJN by:VJ, TMG

Process Design Basis- Client Doc No: M943-PR-GEN-PDB-001

Units Remark


Temperature: ºC
Pressure: Bar (a), Bar (g)
Mass kg, metric ton
Time hr, sec
Length m, mm
Volumetric Flow m3/h, Nm3/hr at 0ºC & 1 atm
Velocity m/s
Volume m3
Density kg/m3
Energy kWh, MJ, GJ
Power kW, MW
Duty GJ/h, kJ/h
Heat Transfer Coeff. W/m2. ºK
Fouling Resistance m2. ºK/W
Specific Heat kJ/kg.ºC, kJ/kg.ºK
Heat Content kJ/kg
Thermal Conductivity W/m.ºK
Viscosity cP
Surface Tension Dyne/cm
Piping Size inch
Piping Class Psi
Concentration ppm, ppb, %vol, %wt, %mol
Conductivity µS/cm.s
Vacuum mm Hg or mmH2O

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5 Process Flow Diagram
Preliminary Process Flow Diagram of Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage along
with main parameters are attached below:

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6 Heat and Material Balance
Preliminary Heat and Material Balance of Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage
containing main parameters are attached below:

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7 Process Description
Preliminary Process Description of Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage along with
main parameters are attached below:

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0 17-Jun-22 Preliminary VJ AJN AJN


Feedstock and Product Description

Ammonia is produced from Hydrogen and Nitrogen as feedstock. The Hydrogen is produced from
Electrolyzers unit and Nitrogen is produced from Air Separation Unit. The feedstock for the
integrated Green Ammonia solution is the Electric power produced using renewable energy and
Portable water supplied by client.

Hydrogen Imported from Electrolysis-

Composition (mol%) Normal

H2 99.999 min
O2 2 ppmv max
H2O 1 ppmv max
Total 100.0

Nitrogen Imported from ASU-

Composition (mol%) Normal

N2 99.99 min
O2 2 ppmv max
Ar 97 ppmv max
H2O 1 ppmv max
Total 100.0

Ammonia Product

The ammonia product is normally produced as 600 MTPD all cold ammonia and supplied at
Ammonia plant battery limit at -33 oC and 5 Bara.

The ammonia product quality is 99.8 wt% (min), 0.1-0.2 wt% water (max), 5 ppmw oil (max) and
1 ppmw Iron (max).

Minimum Ammonia Flow – 7.5 ton/hr

Normal Ammonia Flow – 25 ton/hr
Maximum Ammonia Flow – 26.25 ton/hr

Proprietary Information of Kellogg Brown & Root

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Process Description-Normal operation

The process of the ammonia synthesis loop is based on KBR’s commercially proven synthesis
loop design. The ammonia synthesis loop is designed to produce 600 MTPD Cold ammonia with
Syngas. In normal operation, cold ammonia is sent to offsite atmospheric ammonia storage tanks
at -33°C. The Ammonia Synthesis unit shall be designed to operate between 30 to 105% of
nominal capacity.
All the components of the ammonia synloop are based on well proven technology features. The
synthesis gas compressor and the ammonia refrigerant compressor are motor driven. All other
pumps/machines also have motor as drivers.
The process design flow and conditions for the normal end of run (EOR) condition at the Cold
ammonia product temperature of -33°C is illustrated on the process flow diagram drawings of FD-
1, FD-2 & FD-3.

The process is described in the following sections:

• Air Separation Unit
• Synthesis Gas Compression
• Ammonia Synthesis
• Ammonia Refrigeration
• Startup Heater
• Ammonia Storage
• Utility System

Air Separation Unit

Air separation unit (ASU) is a well-known proven process to make pure N2 from air. The Nitrogen
Generation Plant utilizes the standard cryogenic distillation technology, which enables the
separation of air into its main components: nitrogen and waste gas (mixture of nitrogen, oxygen,
and argon). While the nitrogen is sent to the downstream process, waste gas is used to regenerate
the air purification device.
Ambient air is filtered of particulate matter in the air suction filter and compressed in a compressor.
The compressed air then flows through a water separator to remove entrained water. Heat from
the compression will be removed in shell/tube heat exchanger.
Following the water separator, the air then feeds to one of two pre-purifier beds. Water vapor,
carbon dioxide, some nitrous oxide and some hydrocarbons in the air will be removed in this
section. While one bed is in service and is treating the feed air stream, the other bed is undergoing
regeneration by waste stream from cold box.
After passing through the bed, the air pass through a dust filter. Then it enters the cold box where
air will be separated into product nitrogen and waste gas. Waste gas from cold box will be used
as regeneration gas for pre-purifier regeneration.

ASU shall have the capability to produce liquid Nitrogen. This liquid nitrogen shall be stored in
tank for use as utility nitrogen during start-up and shut down of Ammonia Plant.

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Page 3 of 9

Synthesis Gas Compression

Synthesis gas having hydrogen and nitrogen at ratio of 3:1 at pressure of 8 bar is compressed to
the synthesis loop pressure in the Synthesis Gas Compressor, 103-J, which is a 5-stage
centrifugal compressor. In the first four stages along with its intercoolers, the gas is compressed
to around 143.5 Bara. Recycle gas from the synthesis loop is added to the make-up syngas before
the last wheel of the final casing, and then the mixed syngas is compressed to 150.0 Bara in the
recycle wheel.

Anti-surge system is provided to protect the machine during start-up and turndown operations to
allow cooled discharge and or recycle gases be spilled back to the suctions of each stage to
prevent the compressor from going into surge. Normally all the anti-surge valves should be closed

The compressor is driven by a motor, 103-JM, equipped with VFD (Variable Frequency drive) to
minimize power consumption at reduced loads.

Ammonia Synthesis

Ammonia is produced in a fixed-bed, vertical Ammonia Synthesis Converter, 105-D. The

converter is a two thermodynamic stage, intercooled design. Each bed is filled with 1.5-3 mm
iron promoted synthesis catalyst. The first bed (and optionally the other) will be filled with pre-
reduced catalyst.
The converter is a cold wall pressure vessel design where feed gas at relatively lower temperature
is passed through the annular space between basket and pressure vessel to keep the pressure
vessel cool, which makes the converter mechanically robust and cost effective. 105-D contains a
removable basket, which includes two fixed-beds of catalyst and one built-in heat exchanger. The
gas flow pattern in 105-D is arranged such that all the synthesis gas passes through all the
catalyst. This results in maximum conversion.

Make-up and recycle gas from the syngas compressor is preheated to about 236°C by heat
exchange with the converter effluent in the Converter Feed / Effluent Exchanger, 121-C before
going to the converter. Ammonia concentration in the feed to the converter is about 3.84 molar

Ammonia is synthesized by reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen:

3H2 + N2 2NH3 + heat

The reaction takes place over the Fe based catalyst. The reaction is exothermic and is limited by
the chemical equilibrium, therefore only part of the hydrogen and nitrogen can be converted into
ammonia by passing through the catalyst bed. The chemical equilibrium, or ammonia formation,
is favored by high pressure and low temperature. However, the reaction velocity is enhanced by
high temperature. Therefore, there is optimum inlet temperature for each bed at which the
maximum ammonia conversion can be obtained per pass. One built-in heat exchanger and
hot/cold shot facilities are provided for bed inlet temperature optimization.

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Before entering converter, the feed gas from 121-C is split into two streams. The feed stream
passes through the annulus of 105-D, cooling the outer shell and is then preheated against 1st
bed effluent in the Ammonia Converter Bed 1 Interchanger, 122-C. The second stream
(normally no flow) is not preheated and is fed directly to the inlet of 1st bed to control the inlet
temperature. The two streams are mixed, and the total gas passes through catalyst in the 1 st

By adjusting the two-way split of converter feed to 105-D and by adjusting BFW flow and bypass
around the Converter effluent/BFW Preheater exchanger 123-C3, the inlet temperature to each
of the beds can be individually controlled.

The ammonia concentration in the effluent gas exiting last bed reaches about 18.5 molar percent
due to synthesis reaction over the catalyst. The converter effluent then enters the 123-C1/C2
where MP steam is generated & superheated at a pressure of 44.9 Barg and 370°C which is then
utilized in generating electrical power in Turbo-Generator, 301-JG through Steam Turbine for 301-

The converter effluent then enters the 123-C3 where heat is recovered to preheat BFW water.
The converter effluent is cooled to about 262°C in these exchangers. Converter effluent is further
cooled to 80°C by heat exchange with converter feed from the syngas compressor discharge in
the Ammonia Converter Feed/Effluent Exchanger, 121C.

The converter effluent from 121-C is then cooled to about 29°C by cooling water in the Ammonia
Converter Effluent Cooler, 124-C. Because of the high conversion obtained in 105-D, the dew
point of the converter effluent is above the outlet temperature of 124-C. This causes the
condensation of ammonia to start in 124-C and saves refrigeration duty downstream.

The converter effluent gas is further cooled and condensed in the Ammonia Unitized Chiller, 120-
C. This specially designed exchanger provides cooling of the converter effluent through
interchange of heat with synthesis gas returning from the Ammonia Separator, 146-D, and boiling
ammonia liquid at two different temperature levels (14.7ºC and -6.1ºC). By its unitized design, it
replaces two separate exchangers, two refrigerant drums, feed/effluent exchangers, and the
interconnecting piping.

Mechanically, the 120-C consists of multiple concentric tubes, which run through the boiling
ammonia compartments. Synthesis gas recycle vapors from the downstream Primary Separator,
146-D, pass through the center tubes counter currently to the converter effluent as it flows through
the annular space between tubes. Thus, the synthesis gas is being cooled from the larger outside
tube by boiling ammonia and from the inside tube by cold recycle vapor from the primary
separator. The condensed gas exit temperature of the unitized chiller is 0ºC, with the liquid
ammonia product disengaged from the synthesis gas in 146-D immediately downstream of the

The inert quantity in feed is very less, hence there is no requirement of purge gas from synthesis

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The remaining vapor from 146-D, containing approximately 5.06 mol% ammonia, is reheated in
the unitized chiller to about 33°C as described above and routed back to the synthesis gas
compressor, where it is mixed with the fresh makeup syngas and compressed in the final stage
of the compressor.

Liquid ammonia from 146-D is depressurized and flashed to a pressure of 15 Bara in 147-D. The
liquid ammonia product from 147-D is sent to 120-CF1 & the ammonia Refrigerant Receiver, 149-
D. 147-D overhead flashed vapor, primarily contains dissolved synthesis gas, is recycled back to
the syngas compressor suction.

Ammonia Refrigeration

A three-stage ammonia refrigeration system is provided for condensation of the ammonia

produced in the converter.

The refrigeration system consists of a 3-stage centrifugal compressor, 105-J driven by electric
motor 105-JM, equipped with VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) to minimize power consumption at
reduced loads, along with:

• Refrigerant Compressor Intercooler, 128-C

• Refrigerant Condenser, 127-C
• Refrigerant Receiver, 149-D
• Refrigerant drums: First Stage Refrigerant Flash Drum, 120-CF1, Second Stage
Refrigerant Flash Drum, 120-CF2, and Ammonia Atmospheric Flash Drum, 152-D.

As previously described, the converter effluent is chilled and condensed in the unitized chiller
120-C by using two levels of ammonia refrigerant. Vapors from the shell side compartments of
120-CF1 & 120-CF2 are routed to second & third stage of Ammonia Refrigerant Compressor 105-
J respectively. The ammonia vapor is ultimately compressed to about 12.98 Bara and condensed
by cooling water in the refrigerant condenser, 127-C. The condensed ammonia from 127-C goes
to the refrigerant receiver 149-D.

149-D receives condensed ammonia from 127-C at 30°C. A part of Cold ammonia liquid from the
ammonia letdown drum 147-D is used in stripping section of 149-D, rest is sent to 120-CF1.

Liquid ammonia from bottom of 149-D is routed to 120-CF2 and used as refrigerant.

The small amount of non-condensable gas in the ammonia accumulator goes to OSBL / Flare.

Production of -33.0°C cold ammonia liquid product is accomplished by flashing the ammonia
liquids from 120-C cold compartment (120-CF1) to atmospheric pressure in the atmospheric
ammonia flash drum, 152-D. The flashed vapor from 152-D is compressed by the ammonia
Refrigeration compressor 105-J first stage. Cold ammonia liquid product from 152-D is pumped
by Cold ammonia pump 124-J/JA and sent to the Ammonia Storage Tanks, 2100-F/FA.

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The ammonia refrigeration system is designed to produce all cold ammonia product at the 600
MTPD design capacity as well as compress 1000 kg/h of BOG from storage.

Start-up Heater

An Electrical Start-up Heater, 102-B, is provided for preheating ammonia synthesis gas for
ammonia converter catalyst reduction and for normal plant start up. Normally the startup heater
is idle at full load.

A fresh charge of ammonia synthesis catalyst needs to be activated or reduced. The gas is
circulated through the synthesis loop by 103-J and is heated up in Startup Heater 102-B. The
conditions in the converter are controlled carefully to obtain a proper heating and reduction rate
of the catalyst. The catalyst beds are reduced in sequence. The reduction generates water, which
is separated in 146-D. To reduce the time needed for catalyst reduction, the converter bed #1 is
charged with pre-reduced catalyst.

102-B is also used during subsequent plant start-ups, to heat the catalyst in the converter to a
temperature where the synthesis reaction is self-sustaining.

For capacities below 70%, start-up heater shall be started to provide adequate heat to sustain
reaction in the Ammonia converter depending upon the operating pressure. However, the plant
can be turndown to 20% without significantly reducing the loop pressure. This avoids use of start
heater and also avoids fatigue stresses to equipments.

Ammonia Storage

Two Ammonia storage tanks, 2100-F/FA, with capacity of 28,000 MT, are considered at the site
to store cold ammonia production at full capacity i.e., 600 MTPD for around 65 days, considering
maximum tank filling capacity as 70%.

The Ammonia Storage Tanks will be a done roof, double wall double integrity storage tank and it
operates at slightly positive pressure, i.e., 300 mmwc. The ammonia storage tanks will be
protected from overpressure or vacuum by pressure / vacuum relief valves.

The double wall atmospheric ammonia storage tanks are well proven method of ammonia
storage. The tanks with double integrity walls provide minimum risk of ammonia leakage and
widely acceptable method of ammonia storage.

Transfer of ammonia from the storage tanks to Ship will be performed by two liquid Ammonia
Transfer Pumps, 2101-J/JA, one operating and one standby.

Ammonia vapors are generated from storage mainly due to:

- Heat leak into the refrigerated tanks and cold ammonia piping
- Vapor displacement in tank / rundown / unloading
- Flash during ammonia transfer

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During Normal operation, the vapor generated will travel to Ammonia plant and will be
compressed and condensed in Ammonia Refrigeration system. Condensed ammonia will be
transferred back to storage tank. If the pressure in Ammonia Storage Tanks continues rise, the
Ammonia Storage Refrigeration Package, 2100-L will be started automatically. Vapor will be
condensed, subcooled in 2100-L and returned as liquid ammonia to the storage tanks.

The Ammonia Storage Flare system consists of the Ammonia Storage Flare KO Drum, 5105-D,
a Flame Front Generator and Ammonia Storage Flare, 5102-L.

The Ammonia Storage Flare is provided for safe incineration of ammonia vapors, in the event of
Ammonia Storage Refrigeration Package is not available. Ammonia vented / discharged from low
pressure equipment (such as ammonia storage tanks) and piping is sent to Ammonia Storage

Utility Systems

The steam system is shown on steam balance flow diagram FD-2
The header conditions are:
Pressure Temperature
(Barg) (ºF)
Medium Pressure (MP) Steam Header 44.9 370
Low Pressure (LP) Steam (Blowdown Flash) 3.0 198

MP steam is generated by recovering waste heat from ammonia converter effluent in series of
exchanger 123-C1/C2/C3. MP steam is generated in Ammonia converter effluent / MP steam
generator,123-C2 at 45.4 Barg and 259°C. Saturated steam produced is then superheated to
370°C in Ammonia converter effluent / MP steam superheater, 123-C1 (integral with 123-C2).

The superheated steam is then used to generate power in Turbo-Generator 301-JG, through
Steam Turbine, 301-JT. Approximately 4093 kW of power is generated. The generator is driven
in MP-condensing steam turbine. The exhaust steam from turbine is condensed in surface
condenser 301-JTC and condensed steam in sent back to polisher unit for using back as demin

The above scheme is provided, as there is no steam export from the Ammonia plant.

Blowdown from 123-C2 goes to MP steam Blowdown drum, 186-D. A very small amount of LP
steam is generated because of flash in 186-D which is sent to LP Steam Header and 186-D
bottoms is exported to OSBL.

Polished / DMW water from the Polisher Unit Storage Tank flows to the Deaerator, 101-U. The
deaerator pressure is maintained at 1.7 Barg, which results in a saturation temperature of 130 ºC.
The de-aerated water or Boiler Feed Water is pumped by a motor driven Boiler Feed Water Pump,
104-J, and is preheated in 123-C3 to about 250ºC and goes to 123-C2 for steam generation.

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Different Chemicals are added in 101-U to achieve Boiler Feed Water Quality.

Cooling water:

The cooling water system is shown in FD-3. Cooling water is supplied to the battery limit at
temperature of 24°C and pressure of 4.5 Barg. To lower cooling water usage, the surface
condensers, 301-JTC, operate in series with the Ammonia Condenser, 127-C. Open cooling tower
system is assumed taking fresh make-up from potable water.

Turndown Operation

The Ammonia Unit is designed for 30% turndown capacity without any effect on equipment.
However, not all pieces of equipment can be turn-downed to 30% and most of rotary equipment
operate at minimum turn-down of 70-80% and hence their specific consumption is more al lower
synthesis loop capacity.
For example, a centrifugal compressor can be reduced to the capacity without energy penalty
only till the operating point is above the surge line. Below this point, the gas needs to be recycled
back and power consumption of compressor does not reduce with capacity and rather remains
Similarly, power consumption in Air Separation Unit (ASU) is mainly for Air compressor.
Therefore, turndown of air compressor is limited and turndown below 70% consumes similar
power. With use of new schemes from vendor, the power consumption can be optimized such as
by using two parallel air compressors.
The utility requirement like cooling water remains same as for normal capacity as cooling water
flow is not reduced during turndown operation.

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Ammonia Plant
8 Utility Summary
Preliminary Utility Summary for Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage, is attached
here below:

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Client: EverWind Fuels Job. No.: M943
Location: Point Tupper, Nova Scotia, Canada Rev: 2
Unit: 600 MTPD Ammonia Unit Doc. No.: M943-PR-GEN-PRS-UTILITY
Case: Normal Date: 15-Jul-22

Preliminary Utility Summary

Cooling Water
Supply Pressure 4.5 bar(g)
Supply Temperature 24 ºC
Return Temperature (Normal/Max.) 34 ºC
Return Pressure 2.5 bar(g)
Normal Flow 4,616 x1000 kg/hr
Max. Flow 5,539 x1000 kg/hr

Demin Water
Pressure 8 bar(g)
Temperature 25 ºC
Normal Flow 25,020 kg/hr 24465 Kg of condensate is returned
Max. Flow 27,522 kg/hr

Power Consumption
Normal Import 14,580 kW
Max. Import 16,038 kW (Note 1)
Emergency Power 525 kW (Note 2)

Instrument Air Import

Pressure 7 bar(g)
Temperature ambient ºC
Dew Point @ op.pressure -40 ºC
Normal Flow 150 NCMH
Max Flow 250 NCMH

Plant Air Import

Pressure 7 bar(g)
Temperature ambient ºC
Normal Flow 100 NCMH
Max Flow 200 NCMH
Client: EverWind Fuels Job. No.: M943
Location: Point Tupper, Nova Scotia, Canada Rev: 2
Unit: 600 MTPD Ammonia Unit Doc. No.: M943-PR-GEN-PRS-UTILITY
Case: Normal Date: 15-Jul-22

Nitrogen Import (Note 3)

Pressure 7 bar(g)
Temperature ambient ºC
Normal Flow 150 NCMH
Max Flow 500 NCMH

Service/Potable Water Import

Pressure 5 bar(g)
Temperature ambient ºC
Flow 1,000 kg/hr

Notes: 1. : Max. power given is calculated with normal power plus 10%. The power consumption is preliminary and
does not include all utility consumptions. DEC to finalize. If turbo generator is not running
the maximum import will be 18675 KW.
2. : Emergency power backup for L.O. pumps for rotating equipment, cold ammonia product pumps,
instrumentation, MOVs, BOG Compressor, if any, are required.
3. : N2 is required for purging dry gas seals, and purging and blanketing for the converter catalyst beds
High Purity (O2 content less than 10 ppmv) N2 is required for converter purging, blanketing.
2 Utility Nitrogen can be included in Air Separation Unit (ASU) Package.
4. : The above utility requirement is for Ammonia Syntheiss loop, Air Separation Unit and Ammonia Storage.
2 5. : An expected quantity of 20 Nm3/hr of Hydrogen gas would be continuously required for Ammonia Storage
Tank Flare, 5102-L 's Pilot Burners, considering total two number of pilots. Further, a backup of NG /LPG may
also be required, to support the pilots ignited, in case electrolysers are down or hydrogen storage is not available.
K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
9 Electrical Load Summary
Preliminary Electrical Load Summary for Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage, is
attached here below:

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10 Sized Equipment List
Preliminary Sized Equipment List for Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage, is
attached here below:

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11 Effluent Summary
Preliminary Effluent Summary for Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage, is attached
here below:

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CLIENT : EverWind Fuels Job No: M943
LOCATION : Point Tupper, Nova Scotia, Canada M943-PR-GEN-PRS-EFFLUENT
UNIT : 600 MTPD Green Ammonia Synloop Rev. 1
CASE : Normal Page 1 of 1


Vapor Effluents (expected values for normal operation)


N2 = 18.36 mol%
Nor = 25 Kg/hr AR =1.19 mol%
LP Off Gas 6 ºC H2 = 32.89 mol% Vent to Flare
NH3 = 47.56 mol%
H2O = Nil

Compressor Dry Gas Seals 37 kg/hr (max) (Note 1) Nitrogen (with Syngas) Vent to Flare

Deaerator vent 500 kg/hr Steam Vent to atm

ASU Waste Gas Note 4 Note 4 Vent to atm
PSV / Vent Valves Outlet Note 5 Note 5 Vent to Flare

Liquid Effluents (expected values for normal operation)

(Note 3)

H2O with BFW chemicals

Expected Quality: 1
203 kg/hr
Conductivity 30-50 µmhos To OSBL / Cooling
186-D Blowdown (Note 2)
pH 9.5-9.8 units Tower
151 ºC 1
PO4 30-50 ppm
SiO2 5-10 ppm

1. Flow rate to be confirmed by DEC per compressor supplier data.
2. For max flow, it is considered for 5 times of normal flow for initial start-up/worst case scenario.
3. Blowdown from 186-D is sent to Cooling Tower to recover.
4. Waste Gas from Air Separation Unit are rich in Oxygen, Non Hazardous & Non-Green House Gases,
and to be vented back to Atmosphere.
5. During Normal operation, no continuous venting or PSV discharge is envisaged. However, for Flare Header
sizing purpose, a simulatious Venting of 103-J Suction Vent (25,266 kg/hr) and 105-J final stage PSV
discharge (18,554 kg/hr) can be considered. A separate document 'Flare Load Summary' will be provided in
next phase of engineering for same.
K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
12 Conceptual Plot Plan
Preliminary Plot Plan for Ammonia Plant, ASU, and Ammonia Storage, is attached here

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270 90 HOLD:-
66000 B.L












128-C 150-D

112 J/JA




L.O.C. FOR 105-J L.O.C. FOR 103-J



200 00

Ø5 R9

Ammonia Storage Tank Flare









1 IN.

0 5 10 20 40 60 80 100
EverWind Fuels

Point Tupper, Nova Scotia, Canada

Green Ammonia
SCALE 1 : 500
600 MTPD Ammonia Synloop

M943-PI-DWG-P0A-0001.dwg 6/9/2022 5:04:53 PM



PLATF. @ EL. 106000 PLATF. @ EL. 111000
M943 PI DWG P0A 0001 0
25 MM

K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
13 Operational scenario for Green Ammonia Complex
Power Consumption with change in Ammonia capacity
It is possible to operate the Ammonia plant withing a range of 30 to 100% and even lower.
However, not all pieces of equipment can be turn-downed to 30% and most of rotary
equipment operate at minimum turn-down of 70-80% and hence their specific consumption
is more al lower synthesis loop capacity.
For example, a centrifugal compressor can be reduced to the capacity without energy penalty
only till the operating point is above the surge line. Below this point, the gas needs to be
recycled back and power consumption of compressor does not reduce with capacity and
rather remains constant.
In addition, for capacities below 70%, start-up heater shall be started to provide adequate
heat to sustain reaction in the Ammonia converter depending upon the operating pressure.
The plant can be turndown to 20% without significantly reducing the loop pressure. This
avoids use of start heater and also avoids fatigue stresses to the equipment.
Similarly, power consumption in Air Separation Unit (ASU) is mainly for Air compressor.
Therefore, turndown of air compressor is limited and turndown below 70% consumes similar
power. With use of new schemes from vendor, the power consumption can be optimized
such as by using two parallel air compressors.
The utility requirement like cooling water remains same as for normal capacity as cooling
water flow is not reduced during turndown operation.
Below curve provides estimate of power consumption for ammonia ISBL with change in
capacity. The power consumptions at turndown does not reduces linearly with capacity and
increases below 70% of plant load. This is because compressors with anti-surge open, so the
power consumption does not reduce linearly with capacity and end up in approx. 85% of
normal power consumption at 20% turndown capacity. Additionally with lower capacity,
steam generation equally reduces, however, the efficiency of turbo-generator at lower
capacity reduces leading to further reduction in power generated. The final figures depend
on compressor and turbo generator selection.

Plant Capacity vs Power Consumption

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Ammonia ISBL Capacity %

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Ammonia Plant
14 Cost Estimation
Class-IV estimate cost (+/- 40% Non-binding of Total Installed Cost) is based on grass-root
installation of full Green Ammonia complex, which includes following units- Ammonia
Synloop, Air Separation Unit (ASU) and Ammonia storage along with its associated items i.e.,
Boil-Off Gas Refrigeration package, Ammonia Transfer Pumps and Ammonia Storage Tank
Flare. In addition to cost estimate below, a Licence fees of approx. 1.65 MillionUSD$ need to
be added for one-time payment. 1
Cost estimate basis and Inclusion/exclusion are provided in Appendix-A.
Class-IV estimate (as per AACE International Recommended Practices) is attached below:


Ammonia Ammonia
Description ASU
Synthesis Storage
Equipment Cost
PEQ $ 15,609 - -
Non-PEQ $ 30,348 $ 4,621 $ 3,745
Total Equipment $ 45,957 $ 4,621 $ 3,745
Bulks and Other Material $ 30,683 $ 2,616 $ 16,399

Sub-contracts, Construction, Pre comm.

$ 82,404 $ 8,123 $ 73,789
and Commissioning, Insurances

Home Office cost (Excludes License fees) $ 12,612 $ 315 $ 1,892

TOTAL COST $ 171,656 $ 15,675 $ 95,825
General Contractor's Fee (10% of TIC) $ 15,386 $ 1,567 $ 9,583
Contingency (15% of TIC) $ 25,387 $ 2,586 $ 15,811
Total Installed Cost (TIC) $ 212,430 $ 19,829 $ 121,219

The preliminary overall Non-Binding price of long lead items is 67 Million USD$ (includes
PEQs, Compressors, ASU and Ammonia Storage). 1
To be noted that, during the execution of the study, budget quotations have been obtained
for all major pieces of equipment. Therefore, the cost estimate has been prepared on the
basis of the current prices’ level of equipment (Q2-2022).
Due to the present volatility of the market and supply chain disruptions, we have noted that
vendors provide quotations for equipment as high as 50%-80% higher than in 2021. Since the
TIC estimate is factored based on equipment price, this inflated price is cascaded to the bulk
materials, installation, and construction. In reality, the cost of bulk materials as well as the
cost of installation and construction might not be experiencing the same level of inflation.
Moreover, the market situation might be significantly better in the coming year.
Only a more accurate and detailed assessment (FEED) can provide more certainty, which is
the recommended path forward for the project.

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Ammonia Plant

15 Preliminary Project Schedule

Tentatively, Basic Engineering Design phase schedule will be for 16 to 18 weeks and lead time
for major equipment such as PEQs, ASU and Compressors will be 16 to 18 months.
Preliminary project schedule for the whole Green Ammonia complex is attached below.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
16 KBR experience
Since 1943 KBR has designed and licensed a total of 268 grassroot syngas, hydrogen and/or
ammonia plants. Out of 268 plants:
 255 include syngas (hydrogen and carbon monoxide) generation from hydrocarbon
 250 include ammonia production.
 13 are standalone ammonia synthesis plant (“Synloop”) based on hydrogen and
nitrogen available from sources other than hydrocarbon reforming, such as carbon
neutral hydrogen from carbon black production, refinery off-gases, coal gasification, etc.
Over the years, KBR has been in the forefront to introduce technology innovations supported
by sound equipment design concepts to achieve economies of scale, energy efficiencies and
other critical operational records on-stream, reliability, safety, and environmental

Introduction of centrifugal compressor by KBR in 1960s paved way for a major shift in the
development of syngas and ammonia technology. With a persistent mind to stretch the
bounds, KBR has introduced several enhancements to the syngas and ammonia process
technology to help industry reaching new milestones.
Some of the notable milestones are listed below:
 1943 KBR Licensed first unit
 1960s Centrifugal compressor in synloop
 1960s Cryogenic Purifier for Syngas
 1970s SMR-Gas Turbine (GT) integration
 1980s “Mega” SMR in operation (936 tubes) – for a methanol plant

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 1990s KBR Reforming Exchanging System (KRESTM)
 1990s KAAP Ammonia Synthesis
 1990s ATR with Enriched air for ammonia production
 2010s High Pressure Reforming for Syngas production
Some highlights of recent achievements include:
 The most energy efficiency ammonia plant in the world is based on KBR technology (6.27 Gcal/ton,
Chambal, India).
 The largest ammonia plant with a single converter operating worldwide is based on KBR technology
(3,000MTD, EuroChem, Russia).
 The most reliable ammonia plant worldwide is based on KBR technology (2,162 consecutive days of
operation, almost 6 years, at Yara, Netherland).

With reference to design special challenges, in 2020 KBR completed the design of Monolith
Olive Creek, Nebraska, USA Ammonia Synloop with a capacity of 930 MTD. This reference is
not only particularly relevant for its similar capacity of H H ammonia unit, but also because
this synloop has been designed to be able to operate with a minimum turndown ratio of 30%
in order to cope with the variable availability of hydrogen generated in various PSA units
which are not continuously in operation. This special feature makes this design particularly
suitable to cope with changing in hydrogen availability expected in the H H project.

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Construction Experience
KBR built its first syngas & ammonia plant about 75 years ago.
100+ of the 262 plants licensed and designed by KBR were also built by KBR on EPC basis.
The most recent examples of ammonia plants licensed, designed, and built on EPC basis by
KBR are:
 Yara-BASF, Freeport, USA, Ammonia Synloop with a capacity of 2,200 MTD, in operation
since 2018;
 Dyno Nobel, Waggaman, LA, USA, complete Purifier™ Ammonia plant based on natural
gas reforming with a capacity of 2,300 MTD of ammonia, in operation since 2016.
In 2016 KBR completed the landmark Dyno Nobel ammonia plant in Waggaman, Louisiana.
The project utilised integrated KBR solution of KBR's Purifier™ ammonia technology along
with KBR's engineering, construction, and procurement (EPC) services. The facility met and
exceeded all performance parameters for throughput, efficiency, and environmental
performance during handover of operations and management. The time from contract
award to handover was 42 months. Demonstrating KBR's commitment to Zero Harm, the
project reached this milestone with no lost time incident, while executing more than five

million man-hours.
KBR has also partnerships with global EPC contractors that are licensed to build syngas,
hydrogen and/or ammonia plants based on KBR design. When working alongside its EPC
partners, KBR perform the following key activities:
 Provide license to operate and provide performance guarantees.
 Develop basic engineering design (“BED”);

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Ammonia Plant
 Review the detail engineering developed by the EPC contractor by providing “post-BED”
 Supply proprietary equipment (“PEQ”), which are the most critical items in the plants
and require special attentions during the fabrication.
 Provide operators training simulator (“OTS”).
 Assist EPC contractor during commissioning, start-up and test-run of the new plant.
 Provide remote monitoring services (“InSite”) during the operation of the plant after the
test-run to ensure that the performance is always optimised.
 Provide services under technical services agreement (“TSA”) to assist the operator to
deal with special maintenance and/or upgrading.
Thanks to the longstanding relationships with certain EPC contractors, those EPC partners
have extensive experience in building KBR technology plants, and we are able to secure
seamless transitions from the design phase to the execution phase.
A listing of all new KBR ammonia plants licensed since 1944 follows in Appendix-B.

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
17 Abbreviations
AEM Anion Exchange Membrane
AR Argon
ASU Air Separation Unit
BFW Boiler Feed Water
BL Battery Limit
BoD Basis of Design
BOG Boil Off Gas
CAPEX Capital Expenses
EPC Engineering Procurement Construction
EOR End of Run
EDG Emergency Diesel Generator
H2 Hydrogen
HSSE Health, Safety, Security & Environment
ISBL Inside Battery Limit
LCOH Levelized Cost Of Hydrogen
LCOA Levelized Cost Of Ammonia
LCOE Levelized Cost Of Electricity
MWH Megawatt hour
MTPD Metric ton per day
MT Metric ton
MMUS$ Million US Dollar
NH3 Ammonia
N2 Nitrogen
Nm3/hr Normal Metric Cube Per Hour
OSBL Outside Battery Limit
OPEX Operations Expenses
O2 Oxygen
PEM Proton Exchange Membrane
SOEC Solid Oxide Electrolyzer
SOR Start of Run
TIC Total Installed Cost

EverWind Fuels CONFIDENTIAL KBR Job no. M943

Feasibility Study for Green Ammonia Plant July 2022
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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
APPENDIX A – Class-IV cost estimate basis

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Feasibility Study for Green Ammonia Plant July 2022
Canada Page 65 of 80


CLASS IV (+/- 40%)




EWERWIND Green Ammonia Revision: 0
KBR Project No: M943
Document Title: +/- 40% Estimate

Table of Contents

1.0 PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................... 4

3.0 TYPE OF ESTIMATE ...................................................................................................... 4

4.0 ESTIMATE BASIS .......................................................................................................... 4

5.0 UNITS OF MEASURE / CURRENCY ............................................................................. 4

6.0 COST LEVEL / PRICING SOURCING............................................................................ 4

6.1 Pricing ............................................................................................................................................. 5

7.0 MATERIAL RELATED COSTS....................................................................................... 5

7.1 Spares ............................................................................................................................................. 5

7.2 Freight ............................................................................................................................................. 5

7.3 Taxes and Duties ............................................................................................................................ 5

7.4 Vendor Servicemen......................................................................................................................... 5

8.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................. 5

8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 5

8.2 Direct Labor..................................................................................................................................... 5

8.3 Subcontracts ................................................................................................................................... 6

8.4 Site Construction Management and Indirect Costs....................................................................... 6

9.0 HOME OFFICE SERVICES ............................................................................................ 6

10.0 OTHER COSTS .............................................................................................................. 6

10.1 Insurance......................................................................................................................................... 6

10.2 Project Completion ......................................................................................................................... 6

10.3 Commissioning & Start-up ............................................................................................................. 7

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EWERWIND Green Ammonia Revision: 0
KBR Project No: M943
Document Title: +/- 40% Estimate

10.4 Forward Escalation ......................................................................................................................... 7

11.0 RISK AND CONTINGENCY ........................................................................................... 7

12.0 CONTRACTOR’S PROFIT (FEE) ................................................................................... 7

13.0 ASSUMPTIONS .............................................................................................................. 7

14.0 EXCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 7

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EWERWIND Green Ammonia Revision: 0
KBR Project No: M943
Document Title: +/- 40% Estimate


This estimate basis is intended to describe the methodology and assumptions used to
prepare a AACE Class IV +/- 40% non-binding estimate for Everwind Green Ammonia Project
located in Point Tupper, NS, Canada.


This estimate strictly includes the following scope of work:

1. The scope of work included in this estimate consists of Project Management, detailed
engineering, procurement, and construction (by others) of ISBL portion of the plant.
2. Only Switchgear/MCC building is included. Any other buildings are not part of this scope.
3. OSBL items, site preparation, site development, shelter, storage facilities, material
laydown areas, roads, fencing etc. are excluded.


The EPC cost estimate is KBR’s Factored Estimate with a target accuracy of +/- 40 %. The
accuracy applies only to the overall estimated value. Any item, discipline, or work
breakdown may not be within the stated accuracy of the overall estimate.

This estimate is a non-binding estimate.


The EPC cost estimate is based on NS Canada costs basis.

Sized equipment list provided by KBR technology group was used to generate the cost.
Estimate basis are for a green field construction on a prepared plot.

Bulk Material Costs and manhours are factored. Bulk quantities by discipline were not


Overall estimate is stated in equivalent U.S. Dollars (USD).


The estimate cost is based on Second quarter of 2022 (2Q22).

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EWERWIND Green Ammonia Revision: 0
KBR Project No: M943
Document Title: +/- 40% Estimate

6.1 Pricing

All equipment prices were used from multiple reference projects.

Material prices were factored using historical data.


7.1 Spares

Commissioning spares are included at 2% of equipment cost.

Capital spares are excluded.
Two (2) years’ Operating spares are excluded from the estimate.

7.2 Freight

All freight costs were estimated as a percentage of the purchased material costs based on
the expected sourcing of the materials. This includes Domestic and Ocean.

7.3 Taxes and Duties

Sales Tax or VAT are excluded.

Import duties are excluded.

7.4 Vendor Servicemen

Anticipated Vendor servicemen (VSM) is included at 2% of equipment cost.


8.1 General

Site Construction and subcontract costs were factored using historical data.

8.2 Direct Labor

Direct labor hours were factored using historical data. Current labor rates

Estimating used an all-in wage rate $163 based on current wages in the region and expected
crew mixes. This hourly rate was applied against the site man-hours to determine direct
labor costs. This rate includes:
1. Direct average wage rate
2. Subcontract Construction Management
3. Construction equipment
4. Temporary facilities

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EWERWIND Green Ammonia Revision: 0
KBR Project No: M943
Document Title: +/- 40% Estimate

5. Indirect supplies/business expenses

6. Subcontractor profit/fee

Labor camp is not anticipated therefore, not included in the labor rate.

Labor Productivity factor 1.15 x USGC was used.

8.3 Subcontracts

Certain scopes of work were estimated and priced and from reference project as specialty
subcontract. These may include items such as Concrete works, Refractory Installation, NDE,
PWHT, Insulation, etc. The costs for these specialty subcontracts were also factored.

8.4 Site Construction Management and Indirect Costs

Site construction management and indirect costs is included as a separate line item.
This includes:
 Construction Management
 Construction Equipment and Tools
 Temporary Facilities and Services
 Indirect Supplies
 Business Expenses
 Craft B&B’s
 Non-Productive Labor


Engineering cost was calculated per KBR standard procedure using hours per piece of
equipment at all-in engineering rate per hour. A blended rate 30% US and 70% India was


10.1 Insurance

Builder's All-Risk Insurance (0.85%) was estimated as a percentage of the total installed

10.2 Project Completion

Project completion costs (0.5%) was included per KBR historical data. It is an allowance of
money to perform final punch-list work and necessary corrections in preparation for start-

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EWERWIND Green Ammonia Revision: 0
KBR Project No: M943
Document Title: +/- 40% Estimate

10.3 Commissioning & Start-up

A 3% allowance for Start-up and commissioning is included

10.4 Forward Escalation



A 15% contingency allowance was included to cover risk and contingency costs.


General Contractor’s profit is included at 10% of total operation cost.


1. All costs are based on 2Q22 pricing levels, worldwide purchasing, and construction based on
USGC labor.
2. Estimate is a non-Binding AACE Class IV +/- 40%
3. Cost and execution based on an optimized execution schedule and not an accelerated
4. Estimate assumes reasonable site access to get materials and the workforce to work site.
5. Subcontract and supplier costs will be awarded on an open competitive tender basis.


1. Owner’s costs
2. Financing costs
3. Special fees or permits
4. Bonds and guarantees
5. Royalties
6. Labor per-diem
7. Third party program management
8. Lead Paint and Asbestos Abatement

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K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
APPENDIX B – Recent KBR Grassroot Ammonia Plants

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Feasibility Study for Green Ammonia Plant July 2022
Canada Page 73 of 80
K-GreeN™-Feasibility Study for Green
Ammonia Plant
APPENDIX C – K-GreeN™ brochure

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Feasibility Study for Green Ammonia Plant July 2022
Canada Page 76 of 80

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