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The Adventurer’s Guide to


Volume 1 • Ellara


Jason Massey Brianna Marie

The Adventurer’s Guide to

Volume 1 • Ellara
Lead Writers: Jason Massey and Brianna Marie Our Patrons
Managing Editor: Jamieson Alcorn Legends Royals
Aimee Richard Beth Taylor
Editing, Proofreading, & Additional Content: Alex Herrera, Jason “Jasper” Permenter, Alex Zerbinos Brian Smith
Nick Bortell, Rob Taylor, Susan Spenader, Valerie Spanier Anthony Shier Michael
Art Direction: Jamieson Alcorn Ashleigh McKenna “Lasersniper” DeBondt
Atrum Lupus Mark Mathis
Layout & Design: Jason “Jasper” Permenter Matthew Prifty
Cait Ellis

Cover Illustrator: M “Crowbar” Henry Chris Wilson Shawn Barber
Special Edition Cover: Jerome Gagnon & Craig Florence Colin Hastings
Demon Slayers
David Rider
Cartography: Daniel Hasenbos (Daniel’s Maps), Gregory Shipp, Robert Altbauer, Dyson Logos Andy Barley
Erick and Irene Viorritto
David Sheeks
Interior Illustrators: Aaron Bolduc, Adam Kovar, Arthur Hesli, Bee Eaton, Brandon Ethan B.
Jane DelFavero

Crampton, Brandon Gorski, Brian George, Britt Anderson, Carlos “Sneak”, Carlos Cara Hank Dean
Jeremy Lerner
Álvarez, Cat Caro, Delacey James Foster, Henry Du, Ian MacDougall, Jamieson Alcorn, James McNatton
Kiyoshuki, Laura Ketcham, M “Crowbar” Henry, Maude Beaumier-Breton, Nimbus Jen Staton
Rob Taylor
Studio, Rastislav Le, Ricardo “Rock” Alves, Rod Langhi, Roger Bonet, Roman Klepinin, Joseph Jones
Rowan Ash, Sebastian Diaconu, Sierra Barnes, Silky Noire, Xavier Trudeau-Deschênes Mitchell Wohl
The Dungeons & Randomness Cast: Jason Massey, Brianna Marie, Alex Herrera, Osric Ironhand
Amanda Miyahira, Ian Duncan, James Wilkinson, Jamie Bonés, Jamieson Alcorn, Tom Mitchell
Jason “Jasper” Permenter, Karen Huesman, Kelsey White, Lisa Kanoy, Michael Cameron,
Robert Wiesehan, Ryan Garner, Susan Spenader, Valerie Spanier,
Xavier Trudeau-Deschênes, Zach Clark
Quote Hunters: DSheeks, Megan Evenson, Steve Tremblay, Ruf

Special Thanks to all of our supporters via Kickstarter and Patreon, our friends and loved
ones, and our listeners. Many out there fall under all three of those categories. Also, thank
you for giving us a shot and picking this book up.

ISBN 978-0-578-67299-1
First Printing: May 2020
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The Adventurer’s Guide to Theria, Volume 1: Ellara is @2020 D&R LLC (Dungeons & Randomness). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the authors, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial
uses permitted by copyright law or any pre-existing contracts with demons. For permission requests, contact the publishers (

Portions of this book are works of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, real places, real planets called Theria, or real places found on
any other planets are used fictitiously. Other names, places, events, characters, non-player characters, beasts, gods, demons, or cryptids, are products of
the authors’ imagination except for Darmock, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons—living, dead, undead, or immortal—is entirely
coincidental unless otherwise noted.

Printed in PRC. Manufactured by Print Ninja ( •
Preface ........................................................ 6 The Wastes ....................................................... 138 Endurants ........................................................ 230
Mirage Bay..................................................... 139 Fount of Love ................................................... 232
Onak-Al ............................................................. 139 Fount of Calm .......................................... 234
Welcome to Ellara ..................................... 7
Razormaw Mountains ..............................144 Fount of Fear.................................................236
How to Play in the World of Theria .............. 7
Travel Tables ................................................. 144 Fount of Joy ...................................................238
The Continent of Ellara ................................. 7
The Battered Coast...........................................146 Fount of Anger............................................. 240
The History of Ellara ................................... 10
Aldmoor.............................................................147 Fount of Hate............................................... 242
Chronicle of Ellara ....................................... 12 Bandits’ Rest .................................................. 149 Class Augments................................................244
Brightport...................................................150 Revenants ................................................. 244

Regions of Ellara The Naked Manof Brightport .....................156 Lycanthropy ................................................. 244
The Mourning Shore...................................... 14 Butchers’ Bay................................................. 163 Vampirism .................................................... 249
Crystal Bay .......................................................... 15 Whitehedge ................................................... 163
The Evergreen .................................................... 15 Travel Tables..................................................... 165 Bestiary................................................. 254
Moz’zogg Encampment ................................ 18 Target.................................................................166 Amarah ........................................................ 255
Yemgar Swamp...................................................21 The Islands ........................................................ 172 Aru’thamar .................................................... 255

The White Ravens’ Cave................................21 Drake Island ............................................... 173 Ambercomb Bear ........................................... 256
Travel Tables................................................... 22 Travel Tables.............................................173 Briar Troll ......................................................... 256
Ten Thousand Horns.........................................24 The Fire Isles ................................................. 174 Bruddak ......................................................... 256
Broadtide Bay......................................................25 Baylow....................................................... 174 Brun Brun...................................................... 258
Ebony Harbor .................................................25 Travel Tables............................................ 176 Dire Kobolds..................................................... 258
The Hyland Mountains ..........................28 Serpent Island................................................177
Doratcha ........................................................... 258
Travel Tables................................................... 29 Travel Tables............................................... 177
Gahara ......................................................... 259
White Wolf Valley............................................ 31 Grend............................................................. 260
Life on Ellara ........................................... 179
Avak-Ur Bay .....................................................32 Hybrid Dragon .................................................260
Betrayal Ridge..................................................32 Calendar ........................................................ 179
Currency............................................................179 Kalki..........................................................260
Overdale ....................................................... 32
Diseases .........................................................180 Kaelthorn ....................................................... 262
Travel Tables................................................... 38
Drugs ............................................................. 186 Karmoline......................................................262
The Northlands ..............................................40

The Frost Basin........................................44 e

Camp Icebreaker ............................................ 41
Drock’s Tomb .................................................44

The Ivory Peaks........................................... 44

Thunderspire ............................................. 44
Intoxication ..................................................... 190
Weather & Nature.............................................197
Kental Yak......................................................... 263
Kla’kor............................................................... 263
Kosil ................................................................264
Omlu ................................................................. 265
Razor Fly ........................................................... 266
The Whirlpool ............................................ 46
Winterhaven ...................................................46 Character Creation ................................. 203 Romayho ........................................................266
Travel Tables................................................... 52 How to CreateTherian Characters............ 203 Rotling .............................................................. 267
The Siege of Winterhaven ................................54 Character Creation Tables ..........................204 “She” .................................................................. 268
The Divide ......................................................... 60 Ellaran Backgrounds ....................................... 209 Sheeb ................................................................. 268
Aubrey..................................................................61 Slissk ...............................................................269
Bru’Gal Encampment.................................... 65 Races of Ellara ......................................... 216 Slissk Mother .................................................270
The Deadwood ...............................................69 Dark Elves.......................................................... 217 Splitter............................................................270
Durnhollow ................................................ 69 Dwarves ......................................................... 218 Taq .....................................................................271
Pyre Forest....................................................... 72 Half-Dwarves .................................................... 218 Turaag ............................................................... 272

The Stonesunder Mountains ................. 72 Elves................................................................... 218 Tyge...........................................................................272

Stonesunder ................................................72 Essai............................................................... 219 Werewolf .......................................................... 273
Travel Tables................................................... 76 Gnomes .............................................................219 Velmine ............................................................. 274
Divided................................................................ 78 Half-Elves ...................................................... 220 Y’allyn................................................................ 274
The Blackrock Mountains .............................. 84 Halflings ....................................................... 220 Yaro Ogre ...................................................... 275
Odysia...........................................................85 High Elves ........................................................ 220
Travel Tables...................................................89 Humans ........................................................ 220 Mechanics & Miscellany.......................... 277
A Dying Breed ....................................................90 Lizardfolk ...................................................... 221 Magic ............................................................. 277
Heroes’ March ................................................. 94 Minotaur ....................................................... 221 Pantheon of Gods .......................................... 277

The Blistering Peaks ............................... 95 Orcs.................................................................... 221 Pantheon of Demon Lords .............................. 282
Esterholt .......................................................... 95 Bringing Back the Dead................................... 284
Half-Orcs ..........................................................222
High Mantle Forest .......................................99
Red Dragonborn ...............................................222 Ellaran Treasures ............................................. 285
Travel Tables...................................................99
Tieflings.............................................................222 Weapons ........................................................285
Dragons’ Reach................................................. 102
Half-Tieflings ...................................................222 Objects & Artifacts ................................. 290
Barrier Bay.................................................103
Vanali.................................................................222 Gate Mechanics .............................................298
Blacktip Forest ..........................................103
Donhurst ............................................... 103 Campaign Starters ..................................... 299
Player Classes .......................................... 225 Charts & Tables.................................................301
Travel Tables................................................. 106
Class Archetypes ........................................... 225 Madness ......................................................... 301
Hunters’ Bounty............................................... 108 Barbarians ............................................... 225
Fairbay............................................................ 109 Critical Fumbles.......................................... 302
Bards............................................................. 225 Critical Hits .......................................... 304
Lochfort ...................................................... 113 Clerics ............................................................226
The Silver Glade ............................................114 Druids........................................................ 226 Ellaran Characters ................................. 306
Titanshard Bunker.................................... 116 Endurants......................................................226 Guilds & Groups............................................... 307
Travel Tables.....................................................120 Fighters ..........................................................227 Characters of Ellara ...................................... 310
The Hazaan Mountains................................. 122 Paladins ................................................... 227 The Dungeons & Randomness Cast............... 384
Da’Sari Gradd ................................................... 123 Rangers...................................................... 228
Or’Rash ........................................................123 Rogues ....................................................... 228 License ..................................................... 391
Uman’Yiro..................................................... 128 Sorcerers........................................................228
Travel Tables..................................................132 Warlocks........................................................229
She ...................................................................... 134 Wizards ..................................................... 229
didn’t know it at the time, but in 2012 I started an adventure that would change my life.

I had lived within the same tri-city area of New Jersey my whole life and had really gotten
into podcasting a few years prior. I had become a bit bored chatting about pro wrestling and I
had always wanted to try something that had been on my periphery for many years: tabletop
roleplaying games.

A few friends from my pro-wrestling podcast and I did a few episodes and it turned out to be a lot of fun
creating a world to explore. Then a funny thing happened—people started listening. We started getting
emails and letters. More people joined the show and soon we had multiple groups all running around in
the world we created together: Theria. I got to know listeners by name and spoke with them all the time.

In 2014 I launched my first Kickstarter to help me move
to California and make Dungeons and Randomness
(“D&R”) my full-time job. It was surprisingly successful.

I consider myself to be luckier than I have any right

to be. There have been some tough times over
the years, but the good far outweighs the bad. I
have been able to meet and get to know some
incredible and incredibly talented people. It’s
been a joy to spend so much time with the
show’s cast and its listeners.

D&R has given me something that

I never knew I always wanted: a
family. I could never thank you
all enough for that.

This book is the product of

several people working for
a long time on something
they believed in. We
poured our hearts and

souls into this for years,

and we truly hope that
you take the ideas within
these pages and explore
Theria with your friends.
Change things, cut things,
and add things until it

suits your playstyle.

Make it your own.

6 Welcome to Ellara
Welcome to Ellara

Throughout this book you will learn all about our world and the wondrous people, places, and creatures in it. Before you learn about them,

we thought it might be a good idea to tell you a bit about our playstyle and the type of campaign we’ve been running since 2012. The cool
thing about this book is that you can change anything you like. These are merely suggestions for the way we like to play

A Lower Magic Setting

On Dungeons and Randomness, we tend to scale back on things
like resurrections, teleportation, and mind control. While these
things are standard practice in rules of tabletop gaming, we find The melting pot of Theria, Ellara is home to a diverse variety of
that they can take away some of the drama or tension in encounters races, religions, and classes. It’s also the largest continent and

or scenes. Coming back from the dead has a high cost, and almost
always involves someone risking their life for you. Making friends is
a great way to both stay alive and invest in your future.

Shades of Gray
its inhabitants take pride in that. Over the course of centuries,
many groups of people have journeyed to the varied landscape
of Ellara in search of a new life. These people have settled in its
outlying regions, leaving much of the central and coastal portions
of the landmass to be inhabited by more traditional towns and
cities. Usually run by a small government and some system of
You will very rarely encounter situations that are morally black and law enforcement, these settlements are filled with shops, inns,
white in Theria. Most times you will walk away from an encounter and taverns. The sheer number of settlements scattered around
wondering how your decisions might impact the area or even Ellara dwarf even the second largest continent. This has led to a
questioning whether you made the right choice. This is intentional modernization that can’t be found anywhere else in Theria. Trade,
and normally creates a brand-new wrinkle in the story. A good hygiene, healthcare, and safety from wildlife are all things that are
campaign should never fully be exhausted of ideas to explore. taken for granted by most Ellarans. There is truly no shortage of

things to experience and discover on The Mainland.

Team Effort
It takes everyone to create a thrilling adventure. A game master
(“GM”) is only as good as the players that surround them, and
you will all be working together to build a story and flesh out the
world. Don’t be afraid to explore new avenues or go off the beaten

path. You can use as many elements from this book as you like and
chain them together in a nearly infinite amount of ways.

More Than Skill

This setting can be rough at times. Fights are usually difficult, and
no situation is a guaranteed win. Even a pack of kobolds can have a
good day. Stay close to your friends and try to make smart decisions.
In the end, sometimes all you can do is hope for some high rolls.

We wish you all the luck in the world!

Welcome to Ellara 7
The Ellaran calendar was established as a basic structure unifying many cultures. Ellara was becoming more connected than ever before
due to the expansion of humankind, yet the leaders were fractured and split into their own little worlds. A large coalition of elves, seeing
that these fractures only increased the strife, gathered as many leaders within the continent as possible to discuss this challenge. After some
heated debates from the delegates, new rules were put into place. Trade deals were worked out and the continent would now use the same
measurement for time throughout.

BEC = Before Elven Calendar

AEC = After Elven Calendar

2096 BEC 957 AEC
A mysterious illness sweeps through northwestern The Rancor/Solus war ends. Rancor is victorious;
Ellara, killing over 25,000. The plague becomes known 953 AEC Solus loses its kingdom.

as “Raven’s Breath.” Drock and his army disappear.

969 AEC
2032 BEC 925 AEC A group of high elves venture to Ki’an to begin
The first successful voyage from Ellara to Ta’lor and Solus armies raid villages and enslave many, including construction of The Seal.
back by elven sailors. a young boy who is renamed Drock.

1959 BEC 922 AEC Construction finishes on The Seal, and it is used to
A bandit uprising occurs in the northeast of Ellara. The kingdoms of Rancor and Solus go to war. imprison the gods.

1954 BEC 782 AEC 975 AEC

The bandit uprising is quelled.

1603 BEC
Only 50 black dragons remain.
e Odysia is founded.

672 AEC
The Rod of Wonder is crafted.
Esterholt is founded.

976 AEC
Onak-Al is founded.
1487 BEC 528 AEC
978 AEC
The first crude, magic-infused prosthetic limb is crafted. The Tiri’Val clan of high elves disappear from The
Winterhaven is founded.
Silver Glade and Alcorn Grove.

1352 BEC 982 AEC

Mygar Forest burns to the ground during a summer drought. 501 AEC
The Order of Les’riele banish Gahara.
The first official Ellaran coin is minted.

1228 BEC 997 AEC


The El’enza, a religious order, bands together and 63 AEC

Uman’Yiro is founded.
begins to hunt down tieflings. Heroes’ March becomes a common travel route.

1 AEC 1045 AEC

1067 BEC Hunters and fishermen flock to the area that would
After a lengthy summit, multiple races agree to use
Plague wolves terrorize the southeastern settlements. become Ebony Harbor.
the Elven Calendar.

921 BEC 1059 AEC

56 BEC

Work begins on a road through what will come to be The town of Overdale is formed.
Slough fever epidemic breaks out near The Hyland
known as “The Divide.”
Mountains. It lasts 4 years and kills over 700 people.
1105 AEC
756 BEC 131 BEC Ebony Harbor officially founded.
Red dragons attack and destroy many east coast
The Artifacts of Light are wielded for the first time.
settlements, killing thousands.
1112 AEC
139 BEC Ebony Harbor docks are built.
545 BEC The Dragonborn of Or’Rash form a pact with the great
The first shipment of sheebs is brought to Ellara
red dragon Straad.
from Athias. 1146 AEC
Temple of The God of Courage built in Esterholt.
377 BEC
The undead begin to rise from cemeteries in central
Ellara. No cause was ever found.

10 Welcome to Ellara
1246 AEC
Kyler Westhook becomes a werewolf on The Fire Isles.

1246 AEC
An adventuring party wins a book detailing where 1266 AEC
Drock’s Tomb is in The Northlands.
1246 AEC The Countess assumes control of Donhurst.
Zannon Carter rises to power in Overdale.

1245 AEC 1266 AEC

Talia Padraig is kidnapped from Winterhaven.
1246 AEC The Black Hand of Brightport attempts to
A treaty between Winterhaven and Overdale is signed, assassinate Tessia Grimnas.
known as Malchus’ Folly.
1238 AEC
Camp Icebreaker forms. 1265 AEC
1248 AEC The Yuri’on is activated and Odysia is restored.
People migrate to Camp Icebreaker when Overdale
1201 AEC starts campaigning against non-humans.
Uman’Yiro is magically lifted into the sky. 1265 AEC
Mox rings the Bell of Undeath and summons demons
1250 AEC in Donhurst.
1196 AEC Overdale re-named Overwatch.
Whitehedge begins to thrive due to travelers
heading west to find ore.

1196 AEC
Rare ore is discovered in The Ivory Peaks.
e 1255 AEC
Minotaur are welcomed to Ebony Harbor.
1265 AEC
Overwatch reverts to Overdale.

1264 AEC
1257 AEC Islanders try to escape The Fire Isles but most
Talia Padraig and Ian Serverus get married. are killed by werewolves.
1193 AEC
Aldmoor is founded.
1258 AEC 1263 AEC
The Siege of Winterhaven takes place. The Seal is opened, the gods are released, and
1191 AEC the high elves reemerge.
The essai are created.
1261 AEC
1263 AEC

Trevor McBride becomes a werewolf and expands

1172 AEC
the werewolf population in The Silver Glade. The Great Purge occurs.
Fairbay is founded.

1261 AEC 1263 AEC

1168 AEC The Great Hunt begins in Lochfort. The great red dragon Straad is slain.
The high elves of Odysia disappear.

1263 AEC 1263 AEC

1167 AEC The adventuring party re-emerges from Drock’s Tomb. Overwatch is assaulted. King Zannon Carter is slain.

Alcorn Grove is settled by criminals and becomes

Overwatch falls.
known as Bandits’ Rest.
1263 AEC
Lariss Darkhoof names Yenward Firestomp his successor. 1263 AEC
1166 AEC The Battle of White Wolf Valley takes place. The
Brightport is founded. ancient red dragon Straad is summoned and lays waste
1263 AEC to hundreds of soldiers, buildings, and one-third of
The Honest Harlot in Durnhollow is burned down by The Evergreen.
1153 AEC Drakonis and Group 1.
Takaras Blackhoof is slain and the minotaur lose their
mountain home to the dwarves. Mountain range
renamed to the Stonesunder Mountains.

1151 AEC
The first known werewolf appears in Heroes’ March.

Welcome to Ellara 11
922 AEC
CHRONICLE OF ELLARA With both the kingdoms of Rancor and Solus grasping for
power and expanding with little regard for anyone outside of
their respective cities, it was only a matter of time before these
1603 BEC two juggernauts went to war. Though it would take decades to
The killing of black dragons began around the year 1730 BEC. At finally resolve, both kingdoms ended up crumbling due to their
the time, it was seen as tremendously brave for young knights and unwillingness to compromise.
adventurers to prove themselves by hunting these beasts down
and bringing back a trophy of some sort. This mostly targeted the
male dragons as they were plentiful in swamplands and far smaller
969 AEC

than their female counterparts. As they became harder to find, this Having reached what they felt was the pinnacle of society, the high
practice faded into obscurity. elves still felt as though they were limited by the ever watchful
presence above. It haunted them and they eventually decided to

1228 BEC put their incredible intelligence and skill with magic to a new use:
trapping the gods themselves. Through a painstaking process of

An order of highly motivated and devout paladins, the El’enza, concealment and years of research, the high elves put a plan into
were utterly convinced of a link between demons and tieflings. action and sent an expedition team to the frozen continent of Ki’an in
Settling in The Hazaan Mountains and building a base they called the north to begin construction of a large stone dais called The Seal.
Da’Sari Gradd, they waged a decades-long war against tielfingkind.
They committed countless acts of terror and torture on tieflings
in that time. Although they did eventually learn that there was no 974 AEC
direct link to tieflings and demons through race, the damage had After construction was finished, the high elves went to work
been done and word had spread about their mission. Many still performing the very lengthy ritual that was needed to complete
think that tieflings are the spawn of devils or simply inherently evil their plan. With a blinding flash, the deed was done and the gods
through birth. The order simply withdrew into their compound at were shackled to mortal forms, forced to live life after life on

913 BEC
the end of their crusade to study other demonic connections. Theria with no knowledge of their previous existence. The high
elves saw this as their time to finally live without restrictions and
govern themselves as they saw fit.
The eastern and western halves of north Ellara were completely
separated by dangerous wildlife and dense forests. An initiative 1168 AEC
was taken on by merchants and traders to forge a path directly
Although the ritual used by the high elves did work in sealing away
through the center of the continent for easy travel to either side.
the gods, the spell began to fracture after a century or two. The
This was a long campaign, taking almost four years and costing
God of Justice started to remember who they were and the many
a small fortune. The project was wrapped in 909 BEC and was
lives they had lived. Currently living as a witch in the Yemgar
considered a great success. Since then, the expansion of the
Bru’Gal clan of orcs, bandits, and wildlife have made this path Swamp, she used her extensive knowledge of magic to tap into

much more deadly than originally hoped. the power of an endurant high elf named Daegon Arcanscape.
She banished all the other high elves into a holding area on the
continent of Ta’lor. This left the city of Odysia completely deserted.
528 AEC
By the 520’s the Tiri’Val clan of high elves, a splinter group of
high elves also known as Dragonsoul Elves, were suffering from
1246 AEC
leadership woes. Their former king, Vordan Arinis, had pushed Tension started to build between the northern city of Winterhaven
for the acceptance of outsiders into The Silver Glade. This was and the southern city of Overdale after a party of adventurers

seen as a stunning departure from tradition by some within the made waves in the latter. Though knighted in Winterhaven, the
clan. When he then took a human as his bride it was a step too group traveled south to explore new horizons. After making a
far for the hardline traditionalists on the council. Hadon Galeon, name for themselves, they took the law into their own hands and
the king’s advisor, snuck into Vordan’s chambers and slew both slew a powerful criminal figurehead in Overdale. Mayor Zannon
him and his wife. Shortly after this, the King’s son Orlas took the Carter summoned the group to his chambers to speak with them
throne with no knowledge of Hadon’s betrayal. Hadon did his best directly. During this exchange, the mayor accidentally cut himself
to guide the young king to his whims, but this was not to be, as with his letter opener and the vampire member of the vigilante
Orlas chose instead to follow in his father’s footsteps. group lunged at him.
Orlas’ death was plotted and carried out shortly after he took Though he survived the encounter, Carter saw this as punishable
power. It is a complete mystery what happened to the clan after by death. He was a man of the cloth and hated the idea of this
this as the forest itself seemed to close itself off to outsiders. The vampire in his city from the start. The group fled north to
clan was never heard from again. Winterhaven to seek refuge and shortly thereafter Overdale came

12 Welcome to Ellara
for the party’s surrender. The two sides had a small summit and
signed a peace treaty that stated the group may go free but could
never venture to the south again under any circumstance. Malchus
Grimnas was the first to sign this document, without consulting
with his fellow party members.

1258 AEC
Over a full decade after The Treaty of Winterhaven was signed,

the city of Overwatch attacked the northern city of Winterhaven
without provocation. Using the research of Uman’Yiro, King
Carter of Overwatch produced an army of new essai that were
completely subservient to him. Though the original essai were
created using souls of the recently deceased, this new batch was

created by murdering thousands of non-humans and harvesting
their souls afterward.

The attack on Winterhaven was carried out by these new essai as

they burned down its walls and slaughtered many of its people.

1263 AEC
After hearing tales of, and witnessing, the countless atrocities
committed by the Overwatch, the people of Ellara finally had

enough. The group of adventurers that had first signed The
Treaty of Winterhaven helped to gather an army of towns, cities,
and various races to put a stop to Carter once and for all. The
army struggled to get to the city of Overwatch, as thousands
of essai soldiers stood in the way. However, Malchus Grimnas
used an artifact which infected the metal army of essai with a
magical virus that destroyed 95% of their forces. However, this
virus also spread to the members of essai that were fighting with
Winterhaven, and those who weren’t fighting at all.

After the Battle of White Wolf Valley, the northern army pushed
through to the city of Overwatch and forced their way through

the walls of the city. There was fighting in the streets as a smaller
contingent raided Castle Overwatch to reach Carter himself. After
a short battle, the King was kicked out of the stained-glass window
in his throne room and tumbled to the streets below. The fighting
stopped soon after and quarter was given to almost all Overwatch
citizens with a chance to rebuild their lives under a new regime.
Some simply couldn’t stand the idea of living with non-humans

and chose to leave. Many, however, decided to rebuild and forge

a new future in the city. Overwatch eventually reverted to its
original name of Overdale and Liara Bryos was installed as queen,
who rules Overdale to this day.
That same year, after discovering that the gods had been trapped for
centuries, two groups of adventurers took it upon themselves to free
them. Sailing to Ki’an and braving the terrible cold, they did battle
with Kaltos, who wished to free all demonkind instead of the gods.
Kaltos lost in the end and the groups worked together to open The
Seal. A column of light shot into the sky as all mortals housing a god
vanished. Briahna Ebelmare sacrificed her life to open The Seal.

Welcome to Ellara 13

The Mourning Shore

Home to some of the most thick and lush vegetation on western Ellara, The Mourning Shore fits cozily under The Hyland Mountains to the north
and is cradled by water to the south and west. When the elves made their home within The Evergreen, they did so for both its ample resources and
natural beauty, though such bounty comes with its own perils. The abundance sustains quite a few dangerous creatures, but most of the humanoid
inhabitants are willing to brave the dangers of the dense wilderness if it means benefitting from the plenty that The God of Nature provides them.

14 Regions • The Mourning Shore

There are no shops in The Evergreen, though they often barter
with outsiders. Specialized weaponry and armor are popular with
the other races, as well as herbs native to the region.

Crystal Bay is where the inhabitants of The Evergreen fish and

sometimes acquire their water. As it is protected by the forest, most
The elves found themselves in The Evergreen out of convenience
non-elves have no idea what a beautiful sight the bay provides.
more than anything else. Once ruling over most of Ellara, they
The water is clear as glass and any sea life can be seen from quite
happily gave most of the land over to the other races so long as
a distance. A precious jewel of The Mainland, it is almost a shame
their own territory was respected. Until recently, it had been.
that so few have heard of its splendor. The elves view this as a
blessing, though, as the more people who know of the beauty that It was King Zannon Carter of Overwatch who violated this
hides behind their forest, the more travelers would see fit to enter unwritten treaty, as his ambitions of expansion started with the

their homeland uninvited. southernmost reaches of The Evergreen. Rather than invade the
forest, the army of Overwatch stayed on the border and harvested
trees. The elves fought back but lost each battle, eventually

THE EVERGREEN retreating closer to Cal Cas. When a rebel militia, The White

Ravens, reached out to the elves to help in the fight against The
Overwatch, the elves’ leader Brettana Moonshadow was eager to
accept the offer and provide assistance by her and her people.

The elves of The Evergreen fought alongside the allied armies in

You need to reach Cal Cas, the tree within the Battle of White Wolf Valley, but when the great dragon Straad
which the elves congregate, but before you was summoned to the battlefield, indiscriminate dragonfire fell
reach the lush trees of The Evergreen that upon allies as well as enemies, and the forest burned. A third of
have been growing for centuries and shelter The Evergreen was completely destroyed in the attack.
the largest one at their center, you are struck Since that brutal night, the people of The Evergreen have had to

by the blackened ground and charred remains
of fallen timber. There are spots of green,
you note, on your way. Seedlings, desperately
reaching out from the charred land for sunlight,
come together and try to rebuild what was lost, even as the new
threat of the Moz’zogg orcs lurk just outside their home. However,
new buds bloom in the dark soil of the tattered and torn forest, and
it is in nature’s ability to recover that they find hope.
pepper the ground the closer you get to the new
entrance to the forest. Even so, it is a stark and
The society of The Evergreen is built upon tradition. Their high
painful reminder of what has been lost. maiden is an elven woman named Brettana Moonshadow. She
settles disputes, does any long-term planning, and is in charge of
food, education, restoration of The Scar, and any other matters
Introduction that must be settled within the forest. She does not work alone and
her job requires her to be open and earnest with her people. Their

The Evergreen is a huge forest in western Ellara. Once upon a time safety is her responsibility.
it encompassed Yemgar Swamp, but in recent years the forest has
drastically shifted and now part of the swamp itself is laid bare as Luckily for Brettana, elves are typically willing to work through
the trees guarding it have burned away. The southernmost third their problems, as they live much longer than most other races and
of the forest was burned to the ground by the ancient red dragon deem squabbling and grudges as a waste of time. Though disputes
Straad, but the central point of the elves stayed intact: Cal Cas, the are as common as anywhere else, most parties are willing to
oldest and largest tree that towers above the center of the forest. compromise for the good of all.

There are no “towns” within The Evergreen in any traditional When there is a serious threat to the way of life in The Evergreen,
sense. The elves in the woodland incorporate what nature has dire decisions need to be made. Death is used as a punishment in
gifted them into their construction. While freestanding structures only the most extreme cases when lives are lost or tracts of land
exist, many of the populace reside within hollow trees or in homes are destroyed. If a compromise cannot be reached and the issue
among the large branches above, which help them avoid ambush. is important enough, then Brettana may allow for Quen Fei: a
There are also no traditional roads; natural paths have formed here traditional duel which is believed to allow the gods to decide the
and there, and some are lined with rocks as one moves closer to outcome of a dispute. To be official, this ritual requires Brettana’s
Cal Cas, but the elves strive to leave a minimal impression on the blessing. It needn’t end with death, though it sometimes does.
land. Many who wander into the woods find themselves greeted by Other times it ends with first blood or until one combatant is
guards long before they notice any signs of civilization, even when rendered incapacitated. The outcome of the dispute is settled in
they are among residences. This is aided by the lookouts the elves the victor’s favor. Quen Fei is rarely used but has been found to be
have placed all around the forest at all times. very effective.

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16 Regions • The Mourning Shore


Regions • The Mourning Shore 17

Factions & Groups largest freestanding structures in The Evergreen, though it still
manages to blend in with the nearby foliage. The tent is filled with
The Wardens the scents of salt and leather, with high skylights to help tan the
The Wardens are the first line of defense against destructive leather and darken it to a suitable state. At any given time, several
outsiders. They are scattered throughout the entirety of The dozen hides are in each stage of the leatherworking process: being
Evergreen, often in the trees. It is nearly impossible for an outsider skinned and fleshed, cured, washed, tanned, dyed, stretched,
to perceive them, due to their knowledge of the forest and training. and sewn into the shape of functional items. Many of the finest
Although their main duty is reconnaissance, they have been leatherworks in all of Theria are crafted in this unassuming hall.
known to attack if a group is particularly chaotic.
Temple of The God of Wilderness
The Exalted The only living temple within Theria, the Temple of The God
During the Overwatch war, this sect of druids defended the trees

of Wilderness is formed from trees, moss, and roots. The roots
from clearcutting with their lives. Now, these noble souls are
form the archways, and several trees merge together to shape the
again willing to risk their own health and wellbeing by constantly
temple itself. The clerics who live near and within the temple are
channeling magic to try and regrow vast swaths of the forest that
fully devoted to The God of Wilderness and spend much of their
have been burned away.
time praying when their healing abilities are not needed. It is also

The Anaur’ians within this temple that The Evergreen druids train. Both the
The final wall of defense against attacking outsiders. These elite clerics and druids have one overall goal: to help regrow the forest
warriors train their entire lives and remain ever-vigilant in case that Straad destroyed.
of an outside threat. Living close to Cal Cas, they constantly
perfect their bodies to be absolutely deadly, while also remaining
undetected by outsiders.
Notable NPCs
Brettana Moonshadow
The Lorekeepers High Maiden of the elves (page 320)
The Lorekeepers are responsible for providing lessons to the
young elves. This often involves the children learning their stories Enra Yeslee

and highly value their ancient traditions.

Notable Places
verbatim to one day accurately repeat them to future generations.
Although Elven is a written language, elves have great memories
Diplomatic advisor to Brettana Moonshadow (page 333)

Yeldir Branchstrider
Captain of The Wardens (page 381)
Eada Arafiel
Master hunter and marksman (page 329)
Cal Cas
The giant tree in the center of the forest and meeting ground for Adro Sylren
the elves who live there, Cal Cas was mercifully spared the fate Lead druid regrowing The Evergreen (page 310)
that befell the forest to the south. Absolutely massive in scale, it is
rumored to have been planted by The God of Wilderness herself. It
is a symbol to the elves of their unity and perseverance, and many

find themselves drawn there when they feel lost or alone.

Garden of Remembrance
Elves are widely considered the greatest historians on The
Mainland. Many keep detailed written accounts of their lives that
represent how much history of Ellara is known. This reverence
for the past is reflected again in the Garden of Remembrance.
Protected with druidic magic, this garden is filled with beautiful
As you approach the Moz’zogg Encampment,

flowers that are in bloom year-round. It is an intimate atmosphere you can’t help but compare it to the
where anyone can come and reflect upon those passed who Bru’Gal. Everything is set up the same as the
have made a positive impact on the world. Plaques can be seen encampment near Stonesunder: it builds up
throughout the garden, showing the names of those who have toward the center where the pregnant females
left this world: Thoril Songsteel, Venistrasa Lararath, Toddessius stay protected at all times. The tents around
Silverleaf, and many others. There is also a ledger that documents
the accomplishments these individuals achieved during their lives.
the edges are made to be taken down and re-
built elsewhere, while the ones near the center
Leatherworkers’ Hall are held up by entire tree trunks and meant
Almost all of the elves of The Evergreen wear leather armor and to last a long, long while. Every so often, you
as such, the demand for those wares are quite high. Nestled under notice something unusual: non-orc faces in the
the branches of Cal Cas, the Leatherworkers’ Hall is one of the crowds. Half-elves teaching Common, humans

18 Regions • The Mourning Shore

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