Approximately 121 Berry students will graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. The commencement ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m. In the Cage. "I'm just happy to be done with school for a semester and a half," one student says.
Approximately 121 Berry students will graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. The commencement ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m. In the Cage. "I'm just happy to be done with school for a semester and a half," one student says.
Approximately 121 Berry students will graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. The commencement ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m. In the Cage. "I'm just happy to be done with school for a semester and a half," one student says.
Approximately 121 Berry students will graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. The commencement ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m. In the Cage. "I'm just happy to be done with school for a semester and a half," one student says.
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Sports | Page 15 Features | Page 8-9
Volume 103 December 1, 2011 Number 12 Please recycle our paper. Entertainment | Page 10 Fact of the Week: A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to ft a 4-foot-tall child inside. Lady Vikings basketball The womens basketball team played Wednesday night against Ogelthorpe University. For the full story, see page 15. Vikings Basketball Healthy Holiday Eating Fall graduation preparations begin as semester ends NathaN JoNes Staff Reporter Saturday, Dec. 10 , in the Ste- phen J. Cage Athletics and Recre- ation Center, approximately 121 Berry students will graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives. Noreen Salmon, adminis- trative assistant to the Provost, is in charge of the graduation planning. Tickets to attend the gradua- tion ceremony are not required. Tickets are only required for grad- uation in the spring. The more the merrier, Salm- on said. The commencement ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m. in the Cage, with Karen Holley Horrell, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, as the graduation speaker. A recep- tion for graduation attendees will be held immediately afterwards. Brittany Shadburne, a senior re- ligion and philosophy major, said she is excited to be graduating. Im just happy to be done with school for a semester and a half, Shadburne said. Gabrielle Bell, a biology ma- jor, is even happier, comparing graduating in two weeks to be- ing born, and is already counting down the days till graduation. Its the most awesome feeling I could ever describe in my life, Bell said. After graduating, Bell said she wants to work for the Georgia Bu- reau of Investigation, and hopes that the bureau will pay for medi- cal school. She plans to become a forensics pathologist, perform au- topsies and catalogue diseases. Its my ultimate goal in life, Bell said. Shadburne, however, will con- tinue to be involved with Berry af- ter she switches her caps tassel. Shadburne said she will be working with Berry College in the Department of Human Resources. Shaburne will later enter graduate school at Berry seeking a Masters of Arts and Teaching, and will be focusing on middle grades math and science. Salmon said slight changes in the graduating class and ceremo- ny, such as more students being added to the graduating list and others remaining for another se- mester, are expected. Itll be tweaked a bit between now and then, said Salmon. The graduation activities start at 10:30 in the morning with the baccalaureate service in College Chapel. The address will be de- livered by Rev. Jonathan Hug- gins, Berrys interim chaplain. A graduation buffet will be held afterwards from 11:30 to 1 p.m. in Krannert. Despite rumors that the fall graduations time and date had changed, Salmon said that only the spring graduations had. All spring graduation cer- emonies will be at 10 a.m., unless they change it again, of course, Salmon said. Students and professors value course evaluations Matt PuLFord Guest Writer With Berry in the midst of course evaluations, individuals on both sides of the student-faculty line consider these evaluations worthwhile. Toward the end of each semester students receive notifcations on their student VikingWeb accounts re- minding them to complete their course evaluations. These evaluations range from open-ended questions concerning the course in general to questions evalu- ating the professor. All of this is done anonymously. Jim Watkins, associate professor of english, rheto- ric and writing, said he feels that these evaluations are effective. Students get to give their opinion with knowl- edge that their anonymity is protected, Watkins said. Mirna Ogrizovic-Ciric, orchestra director and visiting professor, said that as a teacher she takes these evaluations to heart for the betterment of her classes. I always read them and consider everything and try to change if there is a trend, Ogrizovic-Ciric said. Sometimes its not possible, but I try to change things that are repeated. Apart from helping the professors adjust any possible course changes, these evaluations go up through the hierarchy to the department chair and dean. Annual evaluations are also compared with those from the previous year, Watkins said. Then they are compared to the department average, the school average and the college average. Both Watkins and Ogrizovic-Ciric expressed their mutual eagerness for students to complete their course evaluations. Watkins said professors like to see a high rate of response. Because of this some professors hound their students to complete their evaluations. Like Watkins and Orgizovic-Ciric, students had positive input concerning the course evaluation process. Junior Clint Parsons, a biology major, has seven evaluations to complete this fall, and said that he has always completed his evaluations. He said, if the faculty actually take time to read them then they are effective in developing better classes at Berry. It gives me a chance to vent without it being awkward or let them know what really helped me, Parsons said. coNtributed by PubLic reLatioNs Karen Horrell is the Chair of the Board of Trustees and will be speaking at the fall graduation ceremony. see EVALUATIONS P. 2 Parker seaLy, Photo Editor Melissa Wallace is the student speaker for the fall graduation ceremony. Only At Berry College crystaL ward, Staff Photographer news PAGe 2, CAMPUs CARRIeR deCeMbeR 1, 2011 Evaluation continued from pg. 1 Junior Hannah ward, an art major, also said she believes the evaluations are a use- ful tool. Its the one chance to give an honest cri- tique without worrying about them treat- ing you differently in class, ward said. despite the effectiveness and the gen- eral positive attitude regarding course evaluations, professors have shared what changes they think should be made. watkins said there should be more opportunity for narrative comments and questions pertaining to student engagement. Ogrizovic-Ciric said these general eval- uations are not specifc enough to be perti- nent to each major. A couple of questions are not appli- cable to music department classes, Ogri- zovic-Ciric said. The last day to complete course evalu- ations is Friday dec. 2. students with dif- fculty accessing the evaluations should use a library or computer lab computer to 24-hour runner raises money for adoption Kristen sellers Deputy News Editor Pastor of Leadership development for Connect Rome City Church drew burnett ran on berrys campus for 24 hours from 8 a.m. nov. 19 to 8 a.m. nov. 20 with a goal of 100 miles to raise money and awareness for adoption. All of the proceeds went directly to the newly estab- lished, non proft 501c3 organization, The Nest Adoption Group, which is headed by Connect Rome City Church. burnett said the number one factor that prevents families from adopting is the lack of funding. The mission of The nest Adoption Group is to make it simple for local fami- lies to adopt children. The mission came from a verse from the book of James in the bible. James 1:27 reads, Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. With the beginning of the non proft organization, money needed to be raised in order to fulfll the purpose of helping local families in the adoption process. burnett is passionate about long-distance running and adoption. With these two passions combined for the beneft of others, burnett said his 24 hour run was much more meaningful and joyful. In the weeks leading up to the run, burnett said he kept a consistent running schedule, taking runs of fve hours or more. In addition to frequently running, he also kept a strict diet. despite the physical preparation, burnett said that for extended races, that is not the main thing to pre- pare for. In these runs it becomes more mental than it is physi- cal, burnett said. Before the race, Burnett said he was confdent to over- come the mental game because it is easier with support from others. Throughout the duration of the race, burnett said there were around 60 supporters. burnett said he greatly appre- ciated every supporter whether they were counting laps, running with him simply supporting by being there. I was blown away by the support I received and it made it so much easier, burnett said. Runners who joined burnett ran anywhere from one lap to 40 miles with him. Regardless of the amount, burnett said he enjoyed everyones company. I was very fortunate to have so many people run with me, burnett said. Burnett exceeded his goal, running 103 miles. In addition to the physical accomplishment, burnett said he was very pleased with the funds that were raised. even though the run is over donations are still being accepted. The goal is to raise $24,000. donations can be made at Pals Coffee and Company in Mount berry square Mall. christian turner, Asst. Photo Editor ryder mcentyre, Asst. Graphics Editor Drew Burnett is the pastor for leadership development at Connect Rome City Church. News December 1, 2011 cAmPUs cArrIer, PAGe 3 Presidential Nominations Join political analyses on the state of the presidential primaries and how to im- prove the process Thurs- day Dec. 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the spruill ballroom. ce credit offered. Fall Concert Hear the berry clarinet ensemble, Flute choir and saxophone ensembles original and arranged chamber works Thursday Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ford Auditorium. ce credit offered. Berry College Concert Series Listen to one of the great jazz trumpet players of this time period, Terell stafford, Friday Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. in the spruill ballroom. ce credit offered. A Very Berry Christmas Join KcAb for goodies, holiday crafts and a cap- pella group Overboard Friday Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Ford Dining Hall. Candles and Carols see christmas lights, hear christmas carols and visit santa claus saturday Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. at Oak Hill. CD Release Concert Hear brad williams and Lisa Anders during their cD release concert satur- day Dec. 3 at the HUb on mountain campus.
Food For Finals break away from the week- end studying and join sGA for a late night breakfast sunday Dec. 4 at 9 p.m. in the spruill ballroom. Hot Chocolate Night enjoy free hot chocolate and apple cider Tuesday Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Krannert Lobby. The last day of Fall semester is Friday Dec. 2. Good Luck on Final exams, and remember Your safety rules! Football not serious threat to Title IX ZADIe BRIDgeS Guest Writer Edited by: Kelly Dickerson The newest addition of football raises many questions, including whether or not berry will remain Title IX compliant with the addition of a mens sport. Title IX refers to federal law that mandates a level of equality between the sexes in pro- grams and activities across campuses all over the U.s. Todd brooks, the athletic director at berry, said that Title IX compliance will not be an issue as long as the college spends about the same amount of money on every athlete. As long as the per person cost remains the same, football will not affect berrys Title IX compliance, brooks said. That consideration of Title IX was taken seriously and football makes us more conscious. According to federal law and the NcAA rule book, in order for an institution to be Title IX compliant, it must meet one of the three fol- lowing standards: athletic opportunities must be refective of their rates of male and female enrollment, they have to have demonstrated a history of trying to expand the program for the underrepresented sex or they must accom- modate the interests and abilities of the under- represented sex. brooks said berry meets the second and third standard. This has not always been the case. In 2002 a complaint was fled about Ber- rys equality from a former female coach who was replaced by a male. After that complaint the Offce for Civil Rights conducted an audit that ended in september 2010. brooks said due to the audit berry has taken steps to become compliant by adding six female sports: golf, volleyball, swimming, lacrosse, softball and the equestrian club moved to team status. According to the equality in Athletics Data report, which gives a detailed description of berrys athletic participation numbers, as of last year female athletes outnumber males 168 to 133. Vice President of student Affairs and Dean of students Debbie Heida said track and feld will be following football to help with compliance. Track and feld was announced along with football to continue to accommodate the inter- est of athletes, Heida said. Head volleyball coach mika robinson con- frmed what Heida said. Part of Robinsons job is to make sure the interests of the female athletes are met. Track and feld is an obvious addition and there has been a huge desire from the female perspective to have track and feld, Robinson said. As a coach at berry, robinson said she feels the addition of football will only help ensure that Title IX is met because she has seen that athletes at berry support each other. Anytime you add a large sport there are challenges, but it will create another group to support other teams, robinson said. while the addition of football will not affect Title IX compliance, Heida said constant con- sideration of the law is needed. Title IX is not ever a law youre done with; its an ongoing challenge to be fair and equi- table, Heida said. Impact of smart phones at Berry gRACe DuNkIN Guest Writer Edited by: Bethany McDaniel smart phones are becoming more prevalent in todays culture, causing an expansion in the tech- nology that could potentially aid students and faculty at berry. There are many reasons smart phones have become more preva- lent in the past years. cecily crow, director of student Activities, said this is due to the increasing uses and affordability of smart phones. In turn, colleges are beginning to see the need of catering to the smart phone generation. Penny evans-Plant, berry col- leges chief information offcer, said this has been a rapid change. Its been a very fast increase, very similar, I think, to the switch from desktops to lap tops, evans- Plant said. crow said that one reason for the increasing use of smart phones might be that college stu- dents tend to gravitate towards new technology. she also said that this could be both a good and bad thing because while students are using the technology for social activities, they are also distracted more often. curt Hersey, instructor in visual communication, said that with smart phones, more students are accessing information on the go, without the use of computers. I havent really seen a shift yet away from computers, I think that eventually it will be interest- ing to see if we start leaving com- puters behind and switch over to phones, Hersey said. Jerry Trammell, director of ber- rys center for Instructional Tech- nology said that his department is working toward helping pro- fessors integrate technology into their classrooms. A few years ago, Trammell said berry had devices called clickers used to answer questions anonymously in the classroom. However, they were expensive and diffcult to operate. Trammell hopes smart phones will be more successful because students would already have the technology in their phones. Thus, the school would not have to buy any new equipment. sophomore courtney Gurley thinks that while smart phones could be useful in the classroom, it would be more of a distraction than a learning aid. classrooms are not the only place affected by smart phones. KcAb and student Activities can also use smart phones for certain events and programs. For exam- ple, there was a freshman scav- enger hunt for bcc classes where students became acclimated to berrys campus by receiving clues on their smart phones in search for prizes. events such as this are now more accessible than ever before. with the increasing speed of information, evans-Plant said that smart phones, and devices like them, present challenges with the infrastructure. Instant access has become the expectation. cur- rent and prospective students want to have information at their fngertips constantly. Evans-Plant said one of the ways to do this is through their smart phones. To help solve this problem, evans-Plant said that berry col- leges e-communication services are currently working on a mobile web site for the school. Origi- nally, she said, the plans were for a mobile app, but after looking at the idea, they decided it was more cost effective to create a mobile web site. when the mobile berry site goes live, the school hopes to release a mobile Viking web as well, most likely within the next year, said evans-Plant. news PAGe 4, CAMPUs CARRIeR deCeMbeR 1, 2011 -Offcers took possession of a Sentry fre safe after it was dis- covered in the woods on Nov. 19. It was discovered that the fre safe contained a small amount of marijuana and drug related objects. -A woods fre was reported in the area of the Old Mill on Nov. 19. Fire was extinguished by members of the Berry Col- lege Land Resource Department. -An I-Pod player was turned in to the department on Nov. 24 after being found near the refection pools at the Ford Com- plex. -A digital camera was turned in to the department on Nov. 25 after being found near the Old Mill waterwheel. -A student reported on Nov. 28 that she had received threats over her cellphone from a blocked telephone number. She listed a suspect. Investigation continues. Clear all ice and frost from your vehicles windshield and windows before driving. Viking Fusion fnalist for best college journalism website Viking Fusion was nominated for Best College University Journalism Website for this years EPPY Awards. Viking Fusion Executive Director Brittany Regan said she was grateful for the nomination. It was really nice to be recognized for all the hard work we do at Viking Fusion and to be recognized on such a large scale, Regan said. The EPPY Awards are from the Editor & Publisher Journal (E&P). The journal was launched in 1901 and covers all aspects of the newspaper industry like circulation, mar- keting, technology, and newsroom. I think we didnt win because we are such a unique website, Regan said. We balance news and entertain- ment and also put viewer submitted content into the mix as well so we are not a traditional journalism website. Viking Fusion was one of fve fnalists chosen. The other fnalists included DePaul University, Central Michigan University, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and Temple University. The winner was Central Michigan University. E&P staff and 54 additional judges voted to select the fnal- ists for each category of the competition. More information can be found at News December 1, 2011 cAmPUs cArrIer, PAGe 5 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) How To Keep Your Financial Aid The Offce of Financial Aid would like to issue this reminder and policy update: To remain eligible for federal, state and Berry College fnancial aid, students must show they are progress- ing through their academic program toward a degree at a reasonable pace. Our satisfactory Academic Progress Policy has been revised to review your academic progress after each semester beginning with fall 2011 and measure your progress in these three ways: sAP standard 1: students must main- tain a cumulative career GPA of at least 2.0 in academic work accepted by berry toward their degree. sAP standard 2: students must earn 80 percent of their cumulative attempted credit hours. sAP standard 3: students may receive federal fnancial aid for no more than 150 percent of the credit hours required to earn their degree. berry college scholarships and grants are limited to eight semesters. -what if a student fails to meet sAP this fall? The student is placed on Financial Aid warning status and continues to receive fnancial aid for one semester. -what if a student on warning status fails to meet sAP at the end of their next semester? The student is placed on Financial Aid suspension and is ineligible for federal, state, berry and private loan aid until sAP is met. -If placed on Financial Aid suspen- sion, can the student appeal? In exten- uating circumstances (such as death in family, injury or illness), an appeal can be fled with documentation. Access the full sAP Policy and appeal details at or contact Continued storm cleanup Despite rumors circulating on campus, construction on the planned football stadium has not begun yet. In the area behind the Cage where the football stadium is going to be built, damage from the storm at the end of last Spring semester is still being cleaned up. Dean of Students Debbie Heida said construction on the stadium probably will not start until January of next year. Heida said that funding for the stadium will have to be raised frst but after the fund-raising, construction of the actual stadium should not take long. CryStAl wArd, Staff Photographer A A Very Berry Christmas The Santaland Diaries (CE) Candles & Carols Christmas Swing & Ballroom Dance One Loud Night Hot Chocolate Night e v e n t s d a t e l o c a t i o n 12/2- 8 p.m. 12/2-8 p.m. 12/3- 7 p.m. 12/3- 7:30 p.m. 12/4- 8 p.m. 12/6- 8 p.m. Ford Dining Hall E.H. Young Theatre Oak Hill TBA College Chapel Krannert Lobby Christmas Events kim treeSe, Graphics Editor
OpiniOns pAGE 6, CAMpUs CARRiER DECEMbER 1, 2011 The Carrier editorial reflects a consensus of the The Carriers editorial board. Studying etiquette, where have you gone? Ashley McIntyre Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Petrey Managing Editor Rachel Childs Copy Editor Kelly Dickerson News Editor Rachel Greene Features Editor Heather Barger Entertainment Editor Parker Sealy Photo Editor Paul Watson Sports Editor Kimberly Treese Graphics Editor Bonny Harper Opinions Editor Ana Hadas Online Editor Kristen Sellers Deputy News Editor Nana Linge Asst. Entertainment Editor Christian Turner Asst. Photo Editor Steven Evans Asst. Sports Editor Ryder McEntyre Asst. Graphics Editor Kaitlyn Pierce Cartoonist Dino Ceric Marketing and Public Relations Director Andy Plott Business Manager Anna Curtis Asst. Business Manager Kevin Kleine Adviser Editorial board the CARRIeR Berry College Recipient of Georgia College press Associations senior College General Excellence Award, 1988-1998, 2000-2002, 2004 Campus Carrier 490520 Berry College Mt. Berry, GA 30149 (706) 236-2294 E-mail: The Carrier is published weekly except during examination periods and holidays. The opinions, either editorial or com- mercial, expressed in The Carrier are not necessarily those of the administration, berry Colleges board of trustees or The Carrier editorial board. student publica- tions are located in 202 Richards Gym. The Carrier reserves the right to edit all content for length, style, grammar and libel. The Carrier is available on the berry College campus, one free per person. Ah, the dying art of studying etiquette. now- adays it seems impossi- ble to fnd a truly study- conducive place, doesnt it? Well, The Carrier is here to help. Weve preached at you a few times this semester about other basic human courtesies (sidewalk, football game and movie-going etiquette, to name a few), and now, at this time of the semester, it behooves us to preach at you one last time, if only on behalf of every hard- working, studious student on this campus. Whatever happened to the days in elementary school, when a library was actually what it was supposed to be: quiet? The Memorial Library here at berry is never so, even especially in the clearly labeled Quiet Zones. For example, the Microforms room in the back of the frst foor, despite its Quiet Zone location, seems to be a place for every- one to meet and chatter end- lessly at record-breaking vol- umes. How is one supposed to write a paper, work or study in such an environment? And the little student worker moni- tor person back there certainly doesnt do a single thing to stop this disruptive rule breaking. it wouldnt be so bad if these loud individuals were at least talking about something school-related (though even then this behavior is rather inexcusable). However, all too often the subject of their ban- ter is the farthest thing from academia. Do we all need to know about each and every text youre sending and receiv- ing from your crush or your enemy? Really? On that note, phones whether ringing or vibrat- ingcertainly do not help matters. its common courtesy to turn your phone on silent when youre in a designated quiet areaespecially where others are feverishly study- ing and working on their last assignments and exams of the semester. Well, this paragraph doesnt apply to me, because i always have my phone on vibrate, you retort. but lets be honest: We all know how audible the vibration of a phone on a hard desk or table is. not only is it especially annoying for anyone sharing the table with you who has to feel every reverberation, but everyone in your vicinity can be distracted by it as well. if youre having a texting conversation, thats fne and dandyas long as your phone is on silent. but how am i supposed to know when ive received a text? you whine. Come on. its a conversation. You know another text is com- ing; just check your phone. And even if you dont know, it wont be the end of the world if you dont notice a text until fve or ten minutes after youve received it. The same thing goes for any other technological devices as well. Theres a reason they invented earbuds to go with your ipod: so the rest of us dont have to hear it. if you blast your music loud enough that anyone within 15 feet of you can bob their head to the rhythm, dont you think it defeats the purpose of the earbuds? Finally, just be respectful of the areas where others are studying. This means no play- ing tag or poker or what-have- you in the area. Were on the largest college campus in the world, people. surely you can fnd another place to frolic. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of all the things you must consider when youre in a study area, but hopefully this will at least get you thinking of more ways to be considerate of those around youparticularly in the library. Internet connec- tion prolongs efforts to complete tasks Theyre everywhere. They walk with you, they eat in the Dining Hall with you and they live with you. They raised you, they appear on your television, they run berry College or they wrote your favorite book. You may even be one of them and not realize it. Theyre not superheroes; theyre role models and they come in every form. These are not just berrys spectacular student lead- ers, level fve student workers or club presidents. Theyre fellow stu- dents, friends and acquaintances whose talents, tenacity, sense of humor, style or commitment to service is admirable. And were all well-aware that we are role models for our younger family members and friends. but you dont have to be prominent or over-involved to be a role model. How often are you in a con- versation with someone, anyone on campus, and fnd yourself thinking, im impressed by her willpower. i dont know how this person manages to keep her life in order so well. i have found myself inspired by people on campus over the years, to work a little bit harder, stay up a little bit later and think a little further outside of the box just emulate someone whose work or character i really admire. if this person works hard to get these great results, whos to say i cant too? i have even managed to keep my harsh and unnecessary opin- ions to myself and maintain a classier disposition based on how i have observed someone else act. Knowing this, how do you think you look to others who see you every day? i believe its important to choose your role models wisely, because not only do people judge you by the company you keep, but they also judge you by the com- pany you admire. personally, i would love to grow up to be a con- glomerate of my mother, Oprah, Condoleezza Rice and Marilyn Monroe. its idealistic, but doesnt sound like a bad existence. And i completely understand that choosing who you look up to is a deeply personal decision, but keep it classy, America. if youve ever met me, you know this: nicki Minaj makes me want to scream. I dont fnd her cute, inspirational, stylish or admirable. The Young Money rapper is furthering her career on catchy hooks and a wild wardrobe. Dont get me wrong; i think shes a beautiful girl with talent but she uses all these antics to get attention. i appreciate her need to stay true to herself in this crazy world. A sense of realness is something that people gravi- tate toward, and when she adorns herself in all this synthetic mad- ness, all it does is make her look insecure. shes not much different from Lady Gaga, if youre a fan. but when did she become some- thing that people want to emulate? i absolutely dont understand it. is a giant white and green wig or head-to-toe leopard print neces- sary to feel important? As some- one in a position of prominence, i honestly hoped that she would use her power in an empowering way; fnally, our generations female rapper arrives and she proclaims herself to be barbie. And shes an island baby too? Great. i have always thought that people who are fortunate enough to be in the public spotlight need to be mindful of their status and the power that comes with it. Fewer things are more pathetic and uncomfortable than watching someone with the publics atten- tion who has no idea what to do with it. be mindful of your actions, because whether you know it or not, someone out there is liable to observe your actions, and maybe mimic them. When i was in mid- dle school, i heard some advice: Act like you would if someone was writing a book about you and recording your every move for posterity. Would you want those actions to tell your story for gen- erations to come? i think my moms advice says it better though: Dont write a check that your butt cant cash. The highest form of fattery ASHLEy MCINTyRE Editor-in-Chief opinions December 1, 2011 pAGe 7, cAmpUs cArrier We eat dinner at 6:30 and then when the sky dark- ens, we drive to Lake Lanier to view the lights! When we get home, we watch How the Grinch stole christmas. once thats over, we are given one gift to open. but my niece and i always peek at the gifts while every- ones asleep. What are your familys christmas eve traditions? We open one pres- ent. Then, the second the 24 hours of A christmas story come on TV, my brother and i watch it until we fall asleep. Then we watch it all the next day, so we end up watching it eight or nine times. Ryder McEntyre Asst. Graphics Editor
We eat oyster stew. Rachel Childs Copy Editor my family opens one present on the night of christmas eve. its always our pJs that well wear for christmas Day. We wear them all day. Then we watch its a Wonder- ful Life on TV. We used to pile into our minivan search for the perfect christmas tree. We The greatest feeling in the world was being the child that found the one. in 2001 my parents decided to observe Jewish tradi- tion, so we now celebrate Hanukkah. We traded in the tree for a menorah. but we arent Jewish... Rachel Greene Features Editor Letter SubmiSSion PoLicy Letters to the editor must include a name, address and phone number, along with the writers class year or title. The carrier reserves the right to edit for length, style, grammar and libel. E-mail: Anna Curtis Asst. Business Manager Heather Barger Entertainment Editor Dont you just hate it when someone thinks theyre so smart that they just have to show off their self-proclaimed intelli- gence to the world? its especially annoy- ing when, no matter how hard you try, you just cant get away from this annoying brag show. but the person just being intelligent isnt the problem. even being subjected to their conspicuous displays of intelligence (written, or in whatever other form that may be) is somewhat bearableso long as the persons written work has a few key qualities. First, if youre super smart and youre wanting the whole world to know it via your stellar writing, thats fne, but at least make sure your work is relevant. no one wants to sit and read something that was written solely to nitpick someones work and show off the writers smarts. in fact, ill warrant that other people will rarely fnish reading such a pompous letter. second, choose your battles. is it really necessary to attack other peoples work all the time just for the purpose of build- ing yourself up? its like the boy Who cried Wolf story when you harp on so many issues, rather than one or two real onesmeaning that if you harp on too many things, people are soon going to stop caring. Third, for Petes sake, fnd some con- structive way to use your intelligence! Yes, yes, we all know: You are smart. its unde- niable. You win on that score. but must you continually use that intelligence to tear others down? Why not use your knowl- edge in your vocation? There are plenty of organizations which will not only encour- age, but also pay you for, your efforts. As s. Truett cathy once said, Learn to love your work, and you will never have to work again. Fourth, if you insist on repeatedly bashing people who obviously have abso- lutely zero ill intent, do us all a favor and check your sources before you base your entire argument off a piece of utterly false information. We all know your oh-so- high opinion of yourself, but lets take it down a few notches, okay? Just go back and review the work youre critiquing so tactlessly. If the frst and last sentences (and consequently, nearly everything in between them) of your response to it claim that the author said something that, upon further inspection of his or her original work, he or she absolutely did not say, you should probably just give up. Youre all worked up over something thats not true in the frst place. so there you have it. Four useful things to check before attempting to faunt your brilliance to the world: relevance, selectiveness, constructiveness and cor- rectness. if your work lacks any or all of these things, your attempt to faunt your brilliance has merely fopped, and unfor- tunately all youre left with is the worlds laughter at your idiocy. if youve checked for all these things and everything still appears to be in order, good for you. but maybe you should use a bit of discretion and bite your tongue any- way, because as long as youre after other people, no ones going to be your fan. Dear Ms. Turnbuckle, Ive been struggling with my self- esteem. You see, I have too much. It just makes me entirely too happy and con- tent with life. Im worried that I dont worry. Im nervous that I dont get nervous. Im afraid that I...well, dont fear anything. What am I to do? Isnt it unnatu- ral to be so confdent and optimistic? Wipe this smile off my face, would you? Sincerely, Thriving in Georgia Dear Thriving in Georgia, You seem to have come down with a bad case of contentivitis. This disease is most commonly known to crop up during the holi- day season, what with most peo- ple giving and receiving gifts and spending time with their loved ones more than usual. There have been extensive stud- ies on this condition, and it is still unknown whether or not a cure is necessary. However, you are not the frst to complain (an admit- tedly curious word choice, in light of the nature of this sickness) of the symptoms, so the search goes on for an of-yet-unobtainable cure. so far, the treatment that has worked best has been the perusal of precisely 18 volumes of either my dear niece penelopes favor- ite magazine, Cosmo, or Playboy (depending on what gender you are), followed by the consump- tion of much less food than that to which you are accustomed. Then you must sleep for half the time you usually do, and that on a foor of some sorthardwood, ideally. The individuals who continued this lifestyle for just two to three days all noted a remarkable differ- ence in their outlooks on life. They claimed to suddenly see the world for the dark, cruel place it allegedly is, and to have a drastically changed (for the worse) disposition. Thus, this is my recommen- dation to you. it wouldnt hurt, though, to consider that you may in fact be fortunate to have such a cheery perspective on life. Hugs and apple cider, ms. Turnbuckle ASk VioLA turnbuckLe ms. Turnbuckle wants to hear your woes! be a dear and send her your burdens, secrets or questions at her personal email, violaturnbuckle@ or fnd Viola Turnbuckle on Facebook and ask her there! no matter the method of inquiry, shell do her best to respond promptly (and, of course, humorously) right here in the opinions section of The carrier. Bonny HARpER Opinions Editor
Editors Note: This letter is in response to Bonny Harpers editorial, Its 2 a.m. and alls unwell in the Nov. 17 issue of The Carrier. Why should the memorial Library open its doors for 24 hours to students simply because they pay (or are even willing to pay) more for a berry college education? should we ask for better grades too? You are hoping for changes that would only make your education meaningless. To the students who have trouble fnishing their essays at the last possible moment, you have my deepest sympathy (i too was once there) for displaying poor prudence in planning your livesalthough it was courageous of the author to admit it. Learning from that mistake would probably be better than demand- ing more from berry. coincidentally, this comes at a time when professor of social and political ethics at the University of chicago Jean elshtain recently gave a talk at berry about the problem of technology driving higher education into focusing less on moral and political edu- cation, which could temper the consumerist attitude. if education is simply a product for consumption like ice cream or vegetables (or used like cell phones and computers), then the relationships of a student with his or her institution, professors and peers are meaninglesswould they not all simply be subjected to what you can get out of them with the money in your pockets? is that really how students perceive higher education today? is that not troubling even for christians? There is a problem with the consumerist view of education. i have often heard the following phrase: i pay this amount to berry, so i am entitled to XYZall As, the best meal plan in the world, the best services to help me when i am late with an assign- mentbecause its not my fault and the administrators are getting my money. obviously, they must have buried virtue underneath economic principles so that happiness is no longer about completion, but rather maximizing benefts from the least possible cost. Therefore, the demands for more services refect the rising cost of higher education and the discontent with the returns on the investments made. paying more each year does lead students to hope their education becomes more valuable and ser- vices are better. This is an aimless hope that christianity praises, which in turn fuels the consumerist attitude toward education. but hope in light of the scarcity of seats in col- lege provides no practical guide for making more careful and worthwhile decisions. i was surprised elshtain did not recommend letting students wait longer before they attend college. statistically, colleges are full of young people, ages 18-24, who love tech- nological commodities too much and lack engaging political world experience where they are forced to make moral decisions. she should have suggested a moral or politi- cal experience for secondary school graduates before they attend higher education to moderate the technological and market imperatives that fuel the consumerist attitude about education. instead of demanding more commoditized services from their admin- istrators or institutions, i think students would gain more from their education if they pause and start to refect on what they want from college and how they plan to achieve it, before they make a hefty investment and a decision about where to attend. So, stop and think about what Berry and others have given to you frst before you go demanding fxes for your lack of virtue like a proud consumerist. Fan Xiong, Junior rose Gregoire, Junior Take your smarts elsewhere Letter to the editor Correction: Ehsan Rabbani, rather than Naing Oo, should have been quoted in the Nov. 17 issue in the article Homosexuality and Faith discussed. You know you go to BERRY COLLEGE... Features PaGe 8, CaMPus CarrIer deCeMber 1, 2011 Graphics By ryder Mcentyre, Asst. Graphics Editor rebecca-Lyn sokolove, senior Gabe steinmeyer, senior carmen Barbay, senior christian turner, sophomore story and photos By r. Greene, Features Editor When you leave campus and you are surprised if the internet works the frst time. When you spot someone driving around campus with a confused look on their face and you stop them to see if they need directions. When complaining about anything that goes wrong on campus, you end it with experience it frsthand. When you comment regularly on your professors personal facebook page. When being a female senior is exciting on Mountain Day because you will fnally get a chance to hold hands with a boy. When housing week is more stressful than fnals week. When you realize that you will never again be impressed by the sight of a deer. Ever. When you go to Berry College. You know you go to BERRY COLLEGE... Features deCeMber 1, 2011 CaMPus CarrIer, PaGe 9 Jenevieve Kimmal, senior rachel childs, senior nai oo, Junior nathan schwartz, senior rebecca-Lyn sokolove, senior When you hear Valhalla and instead of thinking about Nordic heaven, you think about Chick-fl-A and a slushie. When you are afraid that you wont graduate because you havent been to enough cul- tural events. When you go to school events just to get the free T-shirt. When your sibling visits you on Mountain day and their Facebook status update is Gone for the weekend, observing a cult in action. When youve gone out of your way to photo bomb someones senior portraits. When you know more about your schools founder and her history than you know about When you've woken up to text messages from your professors. When you think that any bike without a padlock is fair game for a joyride. EntErtainmEnt PaGE 10, CamPUS CarriEr dECEmbEr 1, 2011 Justice system pampers celebrities
Joe ReischeR Guest Writer aubrey drake Graham invites us into his world as he sees it with his highly-antici- pated second album take Care. Where his frst album Thank Me Later felt more like a daydream where Drake could explore his thoughts on the rise to fame, both the glorious highs and devastating lows, Take Caretakes its own form, becoming a deep refection on life for Drake in this very moment. With collaborations from the likes of Toronto-crooner The Weeknd, Chantal Kre- viazuk, Jamie Smith of The xx, and the legendary Stevie Wonder the album packs plenty of star power, and displays Drakes growing experimentation and fexibility in creating music. The albums frst single Headlines reveals the prevailing confdence that reso- nates throughout the album, as drake raps i might be too strung out on compliments, overdosed on confdence, started not to give a f*** and stop fearing the consequence over a barrage of spirited synths and snares. Fans of Drakes softer side will be equally satisfed. The rapper who can sing belts a memorable and sincere ode to a past lover over somber, muted keys in Shot For me. Cameras and The Real Her also showcase the Toronto-natives singing prowess as he ponders the role of various unnamed women in the fast-paced life of fame he has embraced. Of course, there is no lack of mass appeal on the album, with tracks such as Take Care featuring Rihanna, and Make Me Proud featuring Nicki Minaj. Take Care fnds Drake fully embracing stardom and all of its highs and lows (listen to The Ride for his thoughts on this subject) while managing to craft music that speaks to his expansive fan base. Instead of aiming for mindless club-bangers, or shallow lyricism with catchy hooks, Drake takes his time to paint a vivid picture of his situation, and he invites his audience to join him. He confdently asserts himself as the dominant artist in the game today, and he boldly dares anyone to try to take his position. All doubters, if there are any left, are politely advised to take Care. Deemed a paparazzi princess, Lindsay Lohan has continuously made headlines, but not as a leading lady, but as a rebellious party girl who fnds herself in and out of courtrooms. Lohan was recently sentenced to 30 days in jail for violating probation, but served a mere six, due to overcrowding. The judge warned Lohan that her sentence could be extended if she chose to not com- ply with the courts rulings, but it is hard to believe the judge will follow through with the threats when the court has given warn- ings like this before. Celebrities appear to be given much leniency when it comes to matters of the law; notable fgures include Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Charlie Sheen. Junior Madison Harris fnds that celebs retrieve special treatment for several reasons. One, there are celebs and two, their [antics] cause more publicitythe more times they are jailed, the more money off- cials make. The whole [justice] system is warped, Harris said. Sophomore alyson Childers thinks celebs are held on a higher pedestal and that is not justifed. the Constitution says we are consid- ered equal. They [celebs] are not excluded from that, and their actions are not justifed just because they are famous, Childers said. For some people, seeing celebrities going to jail has become another form of entertainment. Harris said it is encouraged in shows like Jersey Shore and Celeb rehab where viewers are entertained by individu- als behaving badly or getting in trouble. It is funny because it is not happening to them [the viewer], Childers said. Senior Emma Schmidt said handling celebrities lightheartedly can cause serious effects on society. Celebrities are selling everything they wear, say, and think, and I dont think their lifestyle is an exception. I dont believe there is a difference between infamous and famous anymore. They [celebrities] receive just as much attention, if not more for what they do wrong and what they do right, Schmidt said. I defnitely think it is dangerous to society because citizens may unknowingly adopt lifestyle traits from celebrities into their own lives. Several students may become so swamped by scandal that they may not even realize that election year is just around the corner. The sentence of Michael Jacksons doc- tor is main coverage, even though the pres- idential election is soon, Harris said. Drake asks doubters to Take Care NaNa LiNge Asst. Entertainment Editor Aubrey Graham, also known as Drake, released his sophomore album Take Care after the debut of Thank Me Later a year and a half ago. The Carrier needs you! Features Editor Assistant Features Editor Assistant Photo Editor Assistant Entertainment Open positions for Spring 2012 include: RydeR MceNtyRe, Asst. Graphics Editor entertainment PaGe 11, CamPUS Carrier deCember 1, 2011 Being mindful amidst the merriment NaNa LiNge Asst. Entertainment Editor even though these activities sound enticing, the act can causes health issues that many americans face. Just like any substance, too much food can become a bad thing, especially when combined with inactivity. Consider trying: 1.) apple cider 2.) cornbread 3.) sweet potato pie 4.) turkey 1.) Portion control: Sweet potatoes and mashed pota- toes are quite tasty, but make sure carb-loaded items such as these make up a minimal portion of your plate. Load up on the collard greens, green beans, or any other green vegetables frst and then reach for the other dishes. It possible, try and have each item on your plate equal the size of your fst. 2.) dont load up on bread: dinner rolls are quick and easy to grab, but they are usually smothered with butter. 3.) One glass of punch: Holiday punch is packed with calories. im sure you would rather eat 150 calories than drink it. 4.) take breaks to avoid eating as much as possible in one sitting. this may seem like the hardest part because our eyes are often bigger than our stomachs. eat a little, take a break and then go back for more if you are still hungry. Your food needs at least 30 minutes to digest. 5.) Keep moving: instead of laying down after eating, plan a time to start a game that involves everyone like Wii---anything that keeps you from sitting down. Suggestions Dilemma the holidays are here once again when families come together for merriment and joy while bonding over delectable holiday foods like mashed potatoes with gravy, honey ham, macaroni and cheese, cranberry sauce and stuffng. these holiday foods taste sensational and many people overeat, stuffng their bellies to the point of combustion. the worst is when a person eats so much that simply stretching causes pain and the only solution is to lie on the couch and watch the game or enjoy a movie. Solution 1.) eggnog 2.) rolls 3.)peach cobbler 4.)glazed honey ham instead of: M e r r y
C h r i s t m a s ! EntErtainmEnt PaGE 12, CamPUS CarriEr dECEmbEr 1, 2011 Gifts even a Scrooge will love For Girls: Looking for last minute gift ideas for your friends and family but dont have much money? Heres a few inexpensive ideas all under $25. For All: For Guys: HeatHer BarGer, Entertainment Editor Homemade Christmas ornaments or Christmas cards Create your own Christmas ornaments out of oragami or popsicle sticks or cards to give out to your loved ones. You can fnd lots of ideas on Collage of unique photos take special photos from old memories and make them into a collage to put into a picture frame. Savannah Bee Pucker Up Pouch ($15) Every girl needs good lip balm in her purse and Savannah bee carries the perfect trio of lip balm made from beeswax. the Man Cave Book ($10.19) tips on how to build a man cave just right. Space alien alarm Clock ($18) this alarm clock is inspired by 80s video games. it moves back and forth when the alarm goes off and to activate the snooze you have to shake it. Crazysticks Solid Perfume from Crazy- libellule and the Poppies ($10) there are 21 different scents of perfume to choose from and they are small enough to ft in your purse. You can even mix the scents to make a new scent. Natural Life Charm Necklace ($14) all of these necklaces have inspirational say- ings and come in their own keepsake boxes. Homemade breads or candies bake pumpkin bread or holiday candy to pass out to the people in your life. You can put them in decorative bags. Busted tees ($20) these t-shirts are funny for everyone. there are many different sayings to choose from. Personalized Pop art Photo Poster ($19.99) Upload a photo and turn it into modern art andy Warhol-style! it will be the same photo in four different colors. Door Basketball Hoop ($14.37) this hoop hangs over almost any door and tosses the ball back to the shooter after a shot is made. Name Meaning Personalized Canvas ($23.95) Each canvas shows the initial, name and the meaning of the name set on top of colorful stripes. Coffee Cup Warmer ($25) Keeps your coffee, tea, hot chocolate or apple cider warm until the last drop. Homemade cookie mix with instructions for baking make cookie mix and pass it out with the recipe attached for your friends and family to make themselves. Homemade: Plant Tr ees! Plant Tr ees! SportS December 1, 2011 page 13, campuS carrier Watching football yields extra credit Paul Watson Sports Editor Homework for the weekend: read chapter 23, study for the test on monday and watch the Florida versus Florida State football game. this is not the average thing one may hear from a his- tory professor, but in associate professor of history christy Sniders history survey classes, this is normal for Fridays. Snider offered both sections of her american History from 1877 classes extra credit, based on the classes and Sniders own picks of the winners of six Ncaa football games. each week, Snider picked the winner of three games, and the class picked the winner of three differ- ent games. Snider would get a point for every game she called correctly, as well as a point for each game the class predicted wrong. Similarly, the class would get a point for each game they called correctly and a point for every game Snider called incorrectly. if the class ends with a higher score at the end of the semester, Snider gives the whole class extra credit; if Snider wins, no extra credit is given. Not only did Snider and the classes have to pick the winners, but they would also have to beat the spread. the spread was determined by experts from odds Shark who predicted the number of points by which one team would beat the other. For instance, if the university of Flor- ida gators were supposed to beat the Florida State univer- sity Seminoles by 12 points and Snider chose the gators, the gators would have to win by at least 13 points in order for her to beat the spread. because of the spread, it was possible to tie on a game (like what would have happened if the gators had only won by 12 points). No points were awarded for a draw. She said using the spread made lop- sided games like the university of georgia versus coastal carolina university game more interesting. Sniders source for the spread was Yahoo! Sports. Snider said the tradition of football picks goes back to graduate school for her. as a grad student and ta (teaching assistant) at pur- due [university], my professor did the football picks with a 300-student class, she said. i enjoyed it, so i brought it with me when i came to berry in 2000. Snider also said she chose college football over any other sport because of its historical relevance. Football is a sport that grows between 1877 and 1990 (the time frame for the course material) and it was created by colleges. plus, major college football games happen on Saturdays, so the activity works out with technicalities, she said. picking which games will be put on the list was a rela- tively simple process. Snider said that she always picks university of georgia and georgia tech games, since they have a large majority of fans at berry. She also always picks the games of purdue university, her alma mater. all the other games are major games from the Southeastern con- ference and the big ten conference, since thats what we care about around here, Snider said. the section a class has already beaten Snider, since it is mathematically impossible for Snider to beat the class in the last weekend of the semester. that class became part of the approximately 20 percent of total losses Snider has faced since coming to berry. but Snider is doing one more weekend of football picks for her section b class, since she still has a chance of winning. this weekends games will include the university of oklahoma vs. oklahoma State university rivalry, the atlantic coast conference cham- pionship game between Virginia tech and clemson uni- versity, as well as the big ten conference championship game between university of Wisconsin and michigan State university. Freshman paulk parrish, in the section a class, said he thought the football picks were an enjoyable part of class. i think its fun, and i like the extra credit part of it, he said. every teacher has [his or her] way of giving extra credit. the extra credit was not the only reason for doing the football picks though, said Snider. i like to do it because its a way to engage with my stu- dents and creates a reason for students to show up to class on Fridays, she said. as long as the students enjoy doing it, i enjoy doing it too. Sophomore abby thomas, in the section b class, said she also enjoys the football picks. the football picks didnt determine my attendance, but it defnitely gave me something to look forward to on Fridays! she said. Snider said she was not sure whether she would include berry football into the picks once berrys team formed, since there probably would not be a source for spreads for the berry games. She also did not say how many extra credit points will be given at the end of the term. Parker sealy, Photo Editor Dr. Snider offers her students the chance for extra credit by correctly predicting the winners of upcoming NCAA foot- ball games. TAKE YOUR H E A RT F OR A WALK. YOU COULD LIVE LONGER. Walking is good medicine for your heart. In fact its great medicine. Did you know that for every hour of regular, vigorous exercise we do, like brisk walking, we could live two hours longer? Imagine, if we could walk to the moon and back, we could live forever. Take your heart for a walk today. Join the Start! Movement at or call 1-800-AHA-USA-1. You could live longer. NCAA Bowl season approaching steven evans Asst. Sports Editor The 2011-2012 NCAA College Football season is reaching its close, with the fnal games in regular season for many of the teams around the league this past weekend. For many, all that remains are the conference championships and potentially bowl championship Series (bcS) bowl games, as well as the smaller bowl games which all open up the stage for the bcS National championship game. the exciting post-season face-offs have existed since 1902, when pasadena, california hosted the frst ever Tournament East-West football game, which is presently known as the rose bowl. in this game, the michigan Wolverines trounced Stanford 49-0 and claimed the national title. 1923 marked the frst time that the game was known as the Rose bowl, when it was played in the newly constructed rose bowl Stadium. the rose bowl continued to be the only major college bowl game until 1935, and by 1940 there were a total of fve major college bowl games: the Rose Bowl, the Sugar Bowl (1935), the Cotton bowl classic (1937), the orange bowl (1935), and the Sun bowl (1935). throughout the years a multitude of bowl games were added and many were removed, until 2010 when the number of total bowl games (including bcS bowl games) peaked at 35. Since 2006, there have been a total of four bcS bowl games, as well as the national championship. this includes the rose bowl, the tostitos Fiesta bowl, the Fedex orange bowl and the allstate Sugar bowl. the bcS system aims to match the most compatible teams against each other, while having a set guideline as to which conferences can play each other for each bowl game, ultimately matching the number one team and the number two team in the country, according to their bcS standings, against each other. With the 2011-2012 regular season at its peak, the bowl bids are virtually all in, and after the fnal games on Dec. 1-3 are played, each eligible team will be awaiting their bowl assignments for the postseason. i enjoy the bowl season and watching all the games, not just the National champion- ship, freshman thomas adolph said. im especially looking forward to seeing who will play michigan, [which is] one of my favorite teams, and seeing who will face Louisiana State university in the national championship. Despite being a sentimental, fun time of the year for fans, the vast majority of the public tends to want to scrap the bcS system, instead calling for a playoff system. i love college football as much as any other guy, but i just cant stand the way the bcS bowl system works, freshman austin Drake said. i believe that there should be a play- off system, like all the other sports have, so that every team with considerable skill and a respectable record has a chance at the National championship. although the majority of the fans want to do away with the bcS bowl system and are pro-playoff system, the coaches seem to think quite contrarily. Dick Weiss for the New York Daily News wrote While the general public seems to favor a playoff in college football, executive director grant teaff said at the american Football coaches association convention in Florida that 71 percent of the 120 Division ia coaches favor keeping the current bcS system. He went on to add a Quinnipiac poll last month said 63 percent of [college football fans] surveyed wanted to do away with the bcS and only 27 percent wanted to keep the current format for selecting a national champion. regardless of who thinks what when pertaining to the functionality of the bcS bowl system, the bowl season is a time that almost every fan enjoys and looks forward to. the postseason bowl games kick off on Dec. 17 with the gildan New mexico bowl at 2 p.m., the Famous idaho potato bowl at 5:30 p.m. and the r+L carriers New orleans bowl at 9 p.m., setting the stage for the bowl games and ultimately the National championship, which will be held on Jan. 9, 2012. ryder Mcentyre, Asst. Graphics Editor SportS page 14, campuS carrier December 1, 2011 NBA owners, players reach tentative deal PAul WAtsoN Sports Editor after 153 days of silence in professional basketball arenas across the nation, the National basketball association is partly lifting the lockout and allowing teams back on the court for training and practice today. the lockout began at 12:01 eSt on July 1, 2011 because of debates between players and owners over revenue shares and salary caps. the players and owners reached a tentative agreement on Nov. 26, but neither the players nor owners have ratifed it. According to eSpN, a majority on each side is needed to approve the agreement. the Nba needs votes from 15 of 29 owners. the [players] union needs a simple majority of its 430-plus mem- bersthey must drop their antitrust lawsuit in minnesota and re-form the union before voting on the deal. even though there are a few more steps to be taken, most Nba executives have said that they are certain the condensed 66-game season will start on christmas Day. Were very pleased weve come this far, Nba commissioner Howard Stern said to eSpN. theres still a lot of work to be done. this is the second season in Nba history that has been shortened, and the fourth lock- out overall. The frst was the 1998-99 season, which consisted of only 50 games because the lockout went so far into the season. the deal is set to run for six years. both sides have a mutual opt-out after this time. according to the Washington post, there are 11 main issues that were in the deal. one of the major issues explains that the revenues will be split 50-50, and players will receive about 80.5 percent of their salary for this season, due to it being shortened. Next, teams must come within 85 percent of their salary cap in the next two years, and reach 90 percent of the cap in the remaining four years. Finally, salary increases will be set at 7.5 percent for bird players (players that have been with a team for three or more years), and 4.5 per- cent for non-bird players. these are only a few of the major components of the new Nba deal. Though the season has been set to start with fve games on Dec. 25, information on which teams will be playing in these games has not been released.
RydeR MceNtyRe, Asst. Graphics Editor SportS page 15, campuS carrier December 1, 2011 1187_1proad_0104_brain_2colsq 3% 5% 25% 50% 75% 95% 97% 100% B/W Newspaper Ad Live: 3 3/4" x 3 1/2" 1PROAD-0104-04 GCD: Jim Nelson AD: Mike Fetrow CW: Brian Tierney Photo: Future Farmers AE: Berghs/Gogolin AB: Bonnie Brown Production: Charlie Wolfe Traffic/PM: Chavienne Gruber PRO BONO Brain Lost 2 Column Square Newspaper ASA WI TH A STROKE, TI ME LOST I S BRAI N LOST. Learn t he warni ng si gns at or 1-888-4-STROKE. 2004 American Heart Association Made possible in part by a generous grant from The Bugher Foundation. Vikings basketball teams win one, lose one at home SteVen eVanS Asst. Sports Editor the Vikings and Lady Vikings basketball teams have found a rocky start to their 2011-2012 season, with 0-5 and 3-4 records respectively. Despite these seem- ingly lopsided records, the Vikings and Lady Vikings each have played very tough opponents, and have put a strong showing in each of their games to date. Last night, both the Vikings and Lady Vikings faced challenges at home. the Lady Vikings opened up at 6 p.m. against the oglethorpe university Stormy petrels, and the Vikings took the foor at 8 p.m. against the maryville college Scots. the Lady Vikings played strong, and began the game with a com- fortable 17-6 lead before ogletho- rpe retaliated to take a halftime lead 34-32. regardless, the Lady Vikings, led by freshman chanlir Segarra who led the team with 14 points, surged back into the game to ultimately claim a 61-55 win over their conference-rivals. Every win is a boost of conf- dence, sophomore guard alesa Hammaker said. We really needed this win tonight. but every game we realize what we need to work on. We are a young team, and [with] each game we get better with working together and putting it all together so we can get better. the Vikings came on to the court hungry for a win, on a four game losing-streak and winless for the season. it wasnt enough to stop their tennessee opponents; the Vikings couldnt hold on to their early lead and defensive success. the Vikings remained strong throughout the frst half, even after having their three-point lead snapped, and entered the second half of the game trailing 21-27. Despite a hopeful show- ing early on defense, the young Vikings team eventually dropped behind to as many as 25 points before fnally falling 68-51. Fresh- man Lake graham and sophomore Hunter Smoak led the Vikings with 11 points each, followed by sopho- more mac Whalen who accumu- lated 10 points. Notwithstanding the 0-5 record, including the loss from last night, the Vikings are staying optimistic and have seen much improvement and maturity throughout the team. We have improved a lot, junior guard cody marsh said. theres still some improvement that needs to happen, but i have confdence, I think we will win some games. We will just need to work for it. regarding the teams improve- ment, senior guard michael Schulte added, We have been improving each game. [However], we have been struggling defensively. i think we can win. We just need to come out and be more patient on offense. even after todays game we walked away with our heads up because this game was another game that helped us build and grow better as a team. both the Vikings and Lady Vikings play their next games away from the cage on Saturday, Dec. 10. the Vikings play at Lagrange college at 7:00 p.m., and the Lady Vikings play at maryville college at 2:00 p.m. Megan Brand, Staff Photographer CryStal Ward, Staff Photographer news PAGe 16, CAMPUs CARRIeR deCeMbeR 1, 2011 Dance, KCAb hosted the annual semi-for- mal dance on nov. 18 in the Ford dining Hall. students arrived to the Italian-themed event decked out in their snazziest attire and danced for hours to dJ Glass dees mix. Dance photos by parker sealy, Photo Editor