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RSA Abode AOP Agreement

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This written declaration of Association of Persons, hereinafter referred to as AOP or

Association, is made on this 9th day of August 2023, by the undersigned signatories, of this

Whereas, this Association of Persons was decided to be formed in the name of RSA ABODE
WELFARE ASSOCIATION to carry out welfare activities for greater good.

And whereas, for diverse and other reasons it was thought fit to put into writing the purposes
/ objects of the said AOP and the manner in which the AOP is to be managed and
administrated, and hence it is being put into writing.

Whereas all the members of this AOP at the meeting held in Hyderabad on 9 th August 2023
has authorized the President, Mr. Kode Hari Krishna to draft and execute a suitable



RESGISTERED OFFICE : RSA Abode, Plot No 28, Nagarjuna Homes,

High Tension Line Road, Hydernagar,
Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500085.
AIMS & OBJECTIVES : The main objectives of the association to be
attained through the bye-laws shall be

a) To make best efforts for creating mutual harmony, co-operation and love and
affection amongst the residents/members.
b) To represent the Association before Government and other authorities for any
common purpose, which may impact the members monetarily or otherwise and take
all such steps as may be necessary in this regard.
c) To establish and carry on jointly with individuals or institutions, or its own volition,
educational, physical, social, recreational, or other activities, for the benefit of
the Apartment Owners of RSA ABODE and for regulation, maintenance, up keep and
welfare of all the RSA ABODE APARTMENT OWNERS.
d) To invest, to acquire legal activity or deposit monies to the advantage of the
Owners, notwithstanding, the profits and income derived from the above objects shall
be utilized for the development and improvement of the association and shall not be
distributed among the members.
e) To represent the collective interest of the Community in RSA ABODE with various
external agencies
f) To promote close co-operation between members and to render all possible advice
and guidance to members in any matter relating to ownership and enjoyment of living
in RSA ABODE Apartments and to provide such amenities and facilities to members as
the MC may deem fit;
g) To arrange and establish medical and charitable dispensaries.
h) To make adequate arrangements for poor, widows and handicapped orphans, old
aged and mentally retired persons
i) To help and assist poor and needy residents and their families during emergencies
such as flood, war, earth-quack and rains
j) To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, arrange finance, support
and / or help the various community development programs/activities and also
construct and develop the community halls, Shochalaya, Charitable Dispensaries,
hospitals, libraries and other buildings/institution for use of general public and for
welfare or the general public.
k) To arrange and organize various kinds of Welfare programs e.g., Vocational Education,
entertainment, games etc. for children, working men & women.
l) To do such other things / acts/ activities which are necessary and which may be
incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the object of the Association .


1. Membership:
Any person who is capable of entering into a contract and fulfills the prescribed
qualifications, and agrees to abide by the Rules, Regulations and byelaws of the
Association, may be enrolled, on the recommendation of any two members of the
Association, by the Executive Body of the Association. A Member shall have the right to
attend the meetings of the General Body of the Association and to participate in the
deliberations held at such meetings, to vote on resolutions brought before such
meetings and to vote at and contest for any post in elections held in such meetings. He
/ She shall also have the right and the duty to participate in the programs, projects and
activities of the Association. A Member shall be liable to pay such admission and
periodical fees/subscriptions as are prescribed from time to time.

2. General Body of Association:

The General Body of the Association shall be constituted by all the Members
of the Association.

3. Office Bearers:
The General Body of the Association shall elect President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer from time to time either through show of hands or secret

4. Executive Body of the Association:

The Executive Body of the Association shall be constituted of the following:
a) President
b) Vice President
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer

5. Functions, Duties, Tenure and Removal of Office Bearers etc.:

 Functions and duties of various Office Bearers shall be as guided by the
 Tenure of all the Office Bearers shall be One year or as may be directed by
Association from time to time. If an Office falls vacant during the term, it shall
be filled in by nomination by the Executive body of the Association for the
remaining period of the term.
 Vacating Office by Office Bearers: An Office shall be deemed to have been
vacated by an Office Bearer in the following contingencies:
a) On the acceptance of Office Bearer’s resignation in writing by the Executive
b) On removal of the Office Bearer from office for proved proven misconduct
after enquiry conducted in the prescribed manner.
c) On the Office Bearer ceasing to be a member of the Association.
d) On the demise of the Office Bearer.
 The Executive body shall be responsible for filing of Income Tax Return and for
complying with other laws for the time being in force.

6. Sub-Rules:
The General Body shall have the power to make Sub-Rules for the purpose of
effective implementation of the byelaws and for the purpose of achieving the aims
and objects of the Association.

7. Quorum for Meetings:

For the meetings of various bodies of the Association quorum requirement
shall be as follows:
a) General Body of the Association: Quorum for a meeting of the General Body of the
Association shall be one third of the total number of Primary Members of the
Association. If the required numbers of members are not present at the
commencement of the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour.
The adjourned meeting may commence thereafter without requirement of the
quorum to transact the business of the agenda provided that at least ten members
are present.
b) Executive Body of the Association: Quorum for the meeting of Executive Body of
the Association shall be fifty percent of its members at the commencement of the
meeting. If quorum is not present, then same rule as applicable to general body
will apply.

8. General Provisions regarding meetings of the Association:

i. Meetings of Members of the Association shall be convened by the
Secretary in consultation with the President of the Association as and when
necessary, but it shall meet at least once in a month. One of these meetings
will be Annual General Meeting at which following businesses will be
a. To receive the Annual Report of the Association.
b. To approve the Annual Accounts for the preceding year.
c. To approve Annual Budget for the current / next year.
d. To elect the Office Bearers, if due.
e. To appoint the Auditors and fix their remuneration.

ii. A meeting of the General Body shall be called by the Secretary if not less
than 1/3rd of the total number of voters entitled to vote at a General Body
meeting submit a requisition in writing in the prescribed manner
demanding calling of such a meeting. Such a meeting shall be called a
requisitioned meeting at which the sole agenda shall be the agenda
mentioned in the Notice of requisition. A Requisitioned Meeting shall be
called, giving 15 days’ notice, within one month of receiving the Notice of
Requisition from the members.

iii. Meetings of the Executive Body shall be convened by the Secretary in

consultation with the President of the Association normally by giving 7
days’ notice along with the agenda. It can call at shorter notice then it
should be approved in ensuing meeting.

9. Decisions by majority:
Decisions in all the meetings, unless specifically provided otherwise, shall be
by a majority of voters present and voting and in case of equality of number of
votes the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting vote.

10. Official Financial Year:

The Official Financial Year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st
March of the next year.

11. Bank Accounts of the Association:

The Executive Body of the Association shall open Bank Account/s in any of the
branches of a Nationalized or Private Bank and make arrangements for operation of
such accounts by its Office Bearers in the prescribed manner. The bank Account will
be operated by joint signature of either President or Secretary and Treasurer’s
signature which shall be mandatory.
12. Annual Accounts and Audit:
The Treasurer of the Association shall, under the overall direction, control and
supervision of the Executive Body, maintain in the prescribed manner, proper and
regular accounts of its income and expenditure, receipts & payment account &
balance sheet and shall get them audited by a Chartered Accountant every year. The
audited accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Association
every year for approval not later than 30th September every year.

13. Closure of Association:

In the event that the Association is closed for whatsoever reason, the office
bearers shall ensure that the bank account operating in the name of Association is
closed and the funds standing credit to the account are apportioned as appropriate.

14. Amendment of the Byelaws:

After getting written prior approval from the Association, a meeting of the
General Body of the Association specially called for the purpose may by a resolution
brought and passed in the prescribed manner to amend any of the provisions of these
byelaws by a majority of the total number of members entitled to vote and 2/3rd of the
members present and voting.

15. Executive Body members: The names, Aadhar number and designation of the
present members of the Executive body are as follows:

S. No Name Aadhar number Designation

1. Kode Hari krishna 416612633411 President
2. Sanduri Srinivasulu Reddy 737637706635 Vice President
3. Revelli Sateesh Kumar 976529021822 Treasurer
4. Kuchavaram Santosh 608017706394 Secretary

We the undersigned are desirous of forming an Association of Persons and shall abide by the
objects and the rules and regulations as provided herein above.

S. No Name and Address Aadhar number Signature

Kode Hari krishna, C/o Kode Srinivas Rao,
1. Pranavi Srinivasam Plot No 228, Flat No 202, 416612633411
Kukatpally, Telangana - 500072
Kuchavaram Santosh, S/o Kuchavaram Prakash
2. Rao, H. No 1-49, Tupran mandalam, Kucharam, 608017706394
Medak, Telangana - 502336
Revelli Sateesh Kumar, S/o Revelli Bapurao,
3. Flat 301, Plot No 62, Sri Laxmi Nagar, 976529021822
Saroornagar, Telangana - 500035
Gajavada Srikanth, S/o Gajavada Bhaskar, H. No
4. 12-5-59, Gopal Nagar, Sirisilla Mandal, 603776475582
Karimnagar, Telangana - 505301
V Satyanarayana Raju D, S/o D Appala Raju, 3-
5. 42, Akividu Mandalam, Cherukumilli, West 432626690109
Godavari, Andhra Pradesh – 534235
Sanduri Srinivasulu Reddy, C/o Sanduri Venkata
6. Reddy, Flat No 103, RSA Abode Appartments, 737637706635
Aditya Nagar, Kukatpally, Telangana – 500072
Chikoti Kavitharani, W/o Vijender, H. No 10-3-
7. 286/1, Vidyanagar, Karimnagar, Telangana - 387002959963
Pantam Navyata, C/o Pantam Subrahmanyam,
8. 6-23, Godavari Road, Sidhantham, West 693164803580
Godavari, Andhra Pradesh - 534326
Pullela Sunitha, D/o Siva Rama Krishna Murthy,
9. 2-156, Vivekanandanagar, Kothapeta, Prakasam, 594130791543
Andhra Pradesh – 523157
Rajesh Varma Rudraraju, S/o
10. Suryanarayanaraju, 1-83, Raju gari street, 863583098843
Godilanka, Andhra Pradesh - 533217

Certified True Copy Witnesses



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