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The Sindh Finance Bill, 2024

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to rationalize, levy and enhance certain taxes and duties in the Province
of Sindh and to amend certain laws in the Province of Sindh;
WHEREAS it is expedient to rationalize, levy and enhance certain Preamble.
taxes and duties in the Province of Sindh and to amend certain laws in the
Province of Sindh, in the manner hereinafter appearing;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Sindh Finance Act, 2024. Short title and
(2) It shall come into force on and from 1st day of July, 2024.

2. In the Stamp Act, 1899, in its application to the Province of Sindh – Amendment of
Sindh Act No. II of
(i) for Article 1, the following shall be substituted:- 1899.


of money or any other consideration relating rupees.”;
to immovable property
(ii) in Article 2, in column 2, for the word “Fifty”, the words “Five
Hundred” shall be substituted;
(iii) For Article 3, the following shall be substituted:-

“3. Agreement or Memorandum of an Agreement-

(a) If relating to the:
One Thousand
(i) sale or transfer of a registered motor rupees
(ii) sale or transfer of immovable
property; or
(iii) re-conveyance of mortgage
(b) if relating to the execution of an Five Thousand
agreement between builder, developer rupees
and/or allottee for booking of apartment,
shop, house, office or plot in a public
sale project approved by Sindh Building
Control Authority;
(c) if not otherwise provided for One Thousand
(iv) after Article 3, the following new Article shall be inserted:-
3-A. AIR TICKETS issued by any Airline –
(i) For Domestic Flights Two Hundred
and Fifty rupees
per ticket

(ii) For International Flights One Thousand

rupees per

(v) after Article 4, the following new Article shall be inserted:-

“4-A. Allotment orders or issuance or Five Thousand

renewal of sanads by the Government rupees”;
(vi) in Article 7, in column 2, for the word “One”, the words “Two” shall
be substituted;
(vii) in Article 9, in column 2, for the words “Three hundred”, the words
“One Thousand” shall be substituted;
(viii) in Article 10, in Sub-Article (C), in column 2, after the words “per
annum” wherever appearing, the words “or part thereof” shall be
inserted and after the words “subsequent transfer”, the words “subject
to a minimum of five hundred rupees” shall be added;
(ix) in Article 11, in column 2, for the words “3 percent of the amount of
purchased money only”, the words “Same duty as leviable on the
Conveyance under Article No.16(A)(i)” shall be substituted.
(x) in Article 16 -

(a) in Sub-Article (A), for clauses (i) and (ii), the following shall be
“(i) To and from Real Estate At the rate of two percent
Investment Trusts (REITs) of the value in the
valuation table or declared
value recorded in the
instrument whichever is
(ii) In any other case Same duty as leviable on
the Conveyance under
Article No.16(A)(i)”
(b) for Sub-Article (B), the following shall be substituted:-
(B) Transfer of lease by way of Same duty as leviable on
assignment the Conveyance under
Article No.16(A)(i)”;
(xi) in Article 17, in column 2, for the words “Five Hundred”, the words
“One Thousand” shall be substituted;

(xii) in Article 19, after the word “mark-up basis”, the words “or interest
basis” shall be inserted;

(xiii) in Article 21, in Sub-Article (i),(ii) and (iv), in column 2 thereof, for

the words “At the rate of one percent of value in the valuation table or
at the floating rate charged on the actual value”, the words “Same duty
as leviable on Conveyance under Article No.16-A(i)” shall be
substituted and in Sub-Article (iii) in column 2 thereof, for the figure
“1.5% of the total rent due for the entire period of lease/ license/
agreement”, the words “one percent of the total rent due for the entire
period of lease/ license/ agreement subject to a minimum of five
hundred rupees” shall be substituted;

(xiv) in Article 22, in clauses (a), (b) and (c), in column 2 thereof, for the
word “Two”, “Four” and “One”, the word “Five”, “Eight” and” Two”,
shall respectively be substituted;

(xv) in Article 23 –

(a) in clauses (a) and (b), in column 2 thereof, for the figure and words
“3 percent of the amount secured by such deed” and “2 percent of
the amount secured by such deed”, the words “Same duty as
leviable on Financing Document under Article No.19” shall
respectively be substituted; and

(b) clauses (c) and (d) shall be omitted;

(xvi) Article 23-A shall be omitted.

(xvii) in Article 24, in column 2, for the word “Five rupees”, the words “five
hundred rupees” shall be substituted;

(xviii) after Article 24, the following new Article 24-A shall be inserted :-

“24-A. Partnership or Dissolution Five thousand rupees.”;

of Partnership

(xix) For Article 26 the following shall be substituted:-

“26 Policy of insurance or Renewal of insurance

A. Sea Insurance (See Section 7), and Policy by Air
(1) For each voyage- 0.02 percent on the sum
insured subject to a
minimum of five
hundred rupees
(2) For time 0.09 percent on the sum
Where the insurance shall be insured subject to a
made for any time not minimum of five
exceeding twelve months hundred rupees
B. Fire-Insurance and Other Five Hundred rupees
Classes of Insurance, not
otherwise included in this
Article, Covering Goods,
Merchandise, Personal Effects,

Crops, and other Property
Against Loss or Damage
C. Life Insurance Health 0.15 percent on the sum
Insurance or other Insurance not insured subject to a
Specially Provided for except minimum of five
such Re-Insurance as is hundred rupees
described in the Division of this
D. If not otherwise provided for Five Hundred rupees.”;

(xx) For Article 27, the following shall be substituted:-

27 Power of attorney as defined by section 2(21)-

(a) when given not for Seven Thousand rupees
consideration and authorizing
the attorney to sell any
immovable properties
(b) when given for consideration Same duty as leviable
and authorizing the attorney on the Conveyance
to sell any immovable under Article 16 (A)(i)
(c) in any other case One Thousand rupees”;

(xxi) in Article 28, in clause (a), in sub-clauses (i) and (ii), in column 2, for
the words “Five hundred rupees” and “One thousand rupees”, the
words “One thousand rupees’ and ‘’Two Thousand Rupees’’ shall
respectively be substituted; and in clause (b), in column 2, after the
word “otherwise than on demand”, the words “subject to a minimum of
five hundred rupees” shall be added;

(xxii) in Article 29, in column 2, for the words “At the rate of one percent of
value in the valuation table or at the floating rate charged on the actual
value”, the words “Same duty as leviable on the Conveyance under
Article 16 (A)(i)” shall be substituted;
(xxiii) in Article 30, in Sub-Article (A), in clause (ii), in column 2, for the
words “At the rate of one percent of value in the valuation table or at
the floating rate charged on the actual value”, the words “Same duty as
leviable on the Conveyance under Article 16(A)(i)” shall be
substituted; and
(xxiv) in Article 32, in clause (i), in column 2, for the words “At the rate of
one percent of value in the valuation table or at the floating rate
charged on the actual value”, the words “Same duty as leviable on the
Conveyance under Article 16 (A)(i)” shall be substituted;
(xxv) after Article 32, the Explanation and the proviso thereunder shall be
3. In the Sindh Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1958, in section 3, in sub- Amendment of
section (1), in the third proviso, in clause (ii), the table thereunder shall be section 3 of West
substituted with the following table:- Pakistan Act No.
“TABLE XXXII of 1958.
01 Imported Motor Car/Jeeps etc. with Rs.450,000/-
engine capacity 3000cc and above
02 Imported Motor Car/Jeeps etc. with Rs.275,000/-
engine capacity 2000cc to 2999cc
03 Imported Motor Car/Jeeps etc. with Rs.100,000/-
engine capacity 1500cc to 1999cc
04 Locally manufactured or assembled Motor Rs.50,000/-
Car/Jeeps etc. with engine capacity
2000cc and above
05 Locally manufactured or assembled Motor Rs.25000/-
Car/Jeeps etc. with engine capacity
1500cc to 1999cc.

4. In the Sindh Finance Act, 1964, in the Seventh Schedule, for entries at Sr. Amendment of
No.1, 4 and 5, the following shall respectively be substituted: - Seventh Schedule
of Sindh Act XXIV
1. All Persons assessed to Income Tax. All Rs.2,000/-
persons engaged in any professional, trade
calling or employment, other than those
mentioned hereinafter and assessed to in the
preceding financial year
4. All factories, shops, or establishments, Rs.2,000/-
including Video shops, real estate, shops /
agencies, and car dealer not assessed to
income tax in the preceding financial year
5. All Petrol Pumps & CNG Stations. Rs.20,000/-

5. In the Sindh Sales Tax on Services Act, 2011 – Amendment in

Sindh Act No. XII
(i) in section 2 – of 2011.
(a) in clause (19), for the word “telemarketing”, the words “marketing
or telemarketing” shall be substituted;
(b) in clause (20B), for the word “automobiles”, wherever occurring,
the words “other motor vehicles” shall be substituted;
(c) in clause (29A), after full stop at the end, the following Explanation
shall be added:-
“Explanation.—For the purpose of this clause, the term “surgery”
includes procedure;”;
(d) the existing clause (37A), shall be renumbered as clause (37B), and
the following new clause (37A) shall be inserted after existing clause
(37) :-
“(37A) “education services” includes the pre-primary, primary,
elementary, secondary, higher secondary, General Certificate of
Education, General Certificate of Secondary Education, International
General Certificate of Secondary Education, college or university
education and also includes vocational, professional, instructional,
technical and continuing education services and trainings rendered or
provided by institutions like schools, colleges, universities,
academia, institutes, teaching hospitals, or such other degree,
diploma or certificate awarding institutions but does not include
special education for the children with special needs and education
under adult literacy programme;”;
(e) after clause (41), the following new clause shall be inserted:-
“(41A) “farmhouse” includes a facility or a resort located on a farm
which or a part of which is used for providing or rendering
accommodation or entertainment or swimming or games or
recreation, or camping opportunities;”;
(f) after clause (50), the following new clause shall be inserted:-

“(50A) “hospitals and clinics” includes the hospitals or institutions,

as defined in clause (a) of section 2 of the Pakistan Medical and
Dental Council Act, 2022 (Act No. IV of 2023), and also includes a
person or an establishment or an institution or an organization or a
facility engaged in providing or rendering the services like medical,
surgical, psychiatric, obstetric, dental or ophthalmological and
similar treatment and care, whether preventive, prophylactic or
curative, of persons including patients or sick or injured persons;”;
(g) in clause (51) -
(i) for the words “and guesthouses”, the commas and the words
“guesthouses, huts, resorts and lodges” shall be substituted;
(ii) after the word “suites”, the words “or facilities” shall be
inserted; and
(iii) for the words “function halls”, the words “or for events” shall
be substituted;
(h) clause (51B) shall be omitted;

(i) after clause (59), the following new clause shall be inserted:-

“(59A) “medical practitioners and consultants” means the

registered medical practitioners and the registered dental
practitioners, as defined in clauses (w) and (x), respectively, of
section 2 of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Act, 2022 (Act
No. IV of 2023);”;
(j) after clause (63), the following new clause shall be inserted:-
“(63A) “Pet care service” includes grooming, boarding, sitting,
training, veterinary and other such services in relation to pets;”;
(k) in clause (64), for the words “means that a”, the comma and words
“in relation to a person, means that the” shall be substituted;
(l) for existing clauses (67B), the following shall be substituted:-
“(67B) “programme” means any audio or visual or audio-visual
matter, presented or transmitted live or recorded or re-recorded or
subjected to any post-production processes like editing, dubbing,
colouring, sub-titling or captioning, for dissemination through
cables, space, internet, radio, television, cinema, theatre or any other
(m) in clause (72A), the word “passenger” shall be omitted;

(n) in clause (72B), in sub-clause (iii), for the words “solely used for
outdoor games and sports”, the words “used or to be used for such
games and sports which are otherwise liable to tax under tariff
heading 9821.2000;”;
(o) after clause (87), the following new clause (87A) shall be inserted:-

“(87A) “sports and games center”, by whatever name called,

includes a person who provides or renders facility of games and
sports, whether indoor or outdoor, for amusement, recreation or
otherwise, in its premises;”;

(p) in clause (91), after the words “the services of”, the words “any
kind of specialized or special purpose survey, geological or
geophysical survey, surface or sub-surface survey, survey for
exploration of minerals,” shall be inserted;

(q) in clause (94) in sub-clause (g), for the word “months”, the words
“tax periods” shall be substituted; and

(r) in clause (98CC), for the words “with the business enterprises”, the
words “with the persons including business enterprises”;

(ii) in section 4, in sub-section (3), in clause (a) -

(i) after the words “to an employer”, the words “with whom he is in
direct relationship under a contract of employment” shall be
added; and

(ii) in the proviso, the semi-colon and the word “or”, shall be replaced
by a colon and, thereafter, the following second proviso shall be

“Provided further that the activities of an employee

detailed or engaged by the employer to perform certain activities
for a person other than the employer in connection with or in the
course or furtherance of business of the employer shall be treated
as economic activity of such employer; or”;
(iii) in section 5 -
(a) in clause (a) in the proviso –
(i) in clause (ii), for the word “provides”, occurring for the first
time, the word “providing” shall be substituted; and
(ii) in clause (iii), the semi colon at the end shall be replaced by a
colon and, thereafter, the following proviso shall be added:-
“Provided further that the terms “consideration” and
“consideration in money” shall mean the gross amount charged
by the service provider for the taxable services provided by
him and shall include -
(i) any amount that is payable for the services provided; and
(ii) any amount of reimbursable expenditure or cost incurred
by the service provider and charged, in the course of
provision of a service, except in such circumstances and
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed;”; and
(b) in clause (d), the semi-colon after the word “services” be replaced
with a colon;
(iv) in section 15A, in sub-section (1) -
(i) in clause (g) -

(a) for the words “in the economic activity of”, the word “by” shall
be substituted; and
(b) for the word “thirteen”, the word “fifteen” shall be substituted;
(ii) in clause (j), for the word “thirteen”, the word “fifteen” shall be
(iii) in clause (jj),------

(a) for the word “thirteen”, the word “fifteen” shall be

substituted; and

(b) the colon at the end shall be replaced by a semi-colon and the
proviso thereunder shall be omitted; and
(iv)in clause (k), the semi-colon at the end shall be replaced by a colon
and, thereafter, the following proviso shall be inserted:-
“Provided that in case of telecommunication services paying
sales tax at a rate not less than nineteen and a half per cent ad
valorem, the amount of sales tax paid on goods and services at ad
valorem rates not exceeding eighteen per cent, can be claimed by
the person providing the taxable telecommunication services;”;

(v) in section 23, in sub-section (2), after the words “order relates”, the
words and figures “for the tax periods ending on 30th June, 2025, or
earlier, and within a period of five years from the end of the financial
year to which the order relates for the tax periods starting on 1 st July,
2025 or thereafter,” shall be inserted;
(vi) in section 25, for sub-section (1), the following shall be substituted:-

“(1) Subject to sub-section (3), the Board or any officer of the SRB,
authorized by the Board in this behalf, may suspend the registration of a
person if there is reason to believe that the person -
(i) is not entitled to be registered; or
(ii) has failed to comply with its obligations under this Act.”;

(vii) in section 25A, in sub-section (2) -

(a) for the words “make an application” the words “e-file an
application” shall be substituted; and
(b) the words “or any officer of the SRB, authorized by the Board in
this behalf”, occurring for the first time, shall be omitted;
(viii) in section 26, in sub-section (1), the full-stop at the end shall be
replaced by a colon and, thereafter, the following proviso shall be
“Provided that in case where the registered person is engaged in
providing taxable services (including exempt services) also in
Provinces or areas outside Sindh, the record prescribed under this
section shall inter-alia include the record for such Provinces or areas in
such form and manner as would permit reconciliation or ascertainment
of his tax liability in Sindh.”;

(ix) in section 27, in sub-section (1), after the words “documents relate”, the
words and figures “for the tax periods ending on 30th June, 2025, or
earlier, and six years from the end of the financial year to which such
records or documents relate for the tax periods starting on 1 st July, 2025
or thereafter” shall be inserted;

(x) in section 43, in the Table,----

(a) for Sr. No. 2B, in column (1) and the entries relating thereto in
column (2), the following shall be substituted:-

“ 2B. Where a person avoids, Such person shall be liable to pay a

defies, fails to comply with penalty of upto one million rupees,
the e-invoicing system or but not less than one hundred
issues invoices outside the e- thousand rupees. In case of
invoicing system or refuses, repetition of the offence, the
denies, or obstructs the business premises of such person
enforcement of provisions of shall further be liable to sealing.
section 54A in any manner. Such person shall further be liable,
upon conviction by a Special
Judge, to imprisonment which may
extend to one year or with fine
which may extend to one hundred ”;
thousand rupees or with both.

(b) after Sr. No. 2B and the entries relating thereto in columns (1) and
(2), substituted as above, the following shall be inserted:-

“ 2C. Where a person avoids, Such person shall be General
defies, delays or fails to liable to a penalty of
deposit the amount of rupees one hundred
service fee levied under the thousand or twice the
Sindh Sales Tax Special amount of service fee
Procedure (Online involved, whichever is
Integration of Business) higher.
Rules, 2022 or fails to report Such person shall
the service fee in the sales further be liable, upon
tax return in the prescribed conviction by the
manner. Special Judge, to
imprisonment which
may extend to one
year or with fine
which may extend to
one hundred thousand ”;
rupees, or with both.

(c) Sr. No. 7B in column (1) and the entries relating thereto in
columns (2) and (3) shall be omitted; and
(d) in column (1) against Sr. No. 14, in column (2) -
(i) for the words “shall pay”, the words “shall be liable to pay”
shall be substituted; and
(ii) after the words “sales tax revenue”, occurring for the first time,
the comma and words “, whichever is higher” shall be inserted;

(xi)in section 47 -
(a) in sub-section (1), after the words and comma “relevant date,”, the
words “provided that where the relevant date is prior to 1st July,
2025, and within a period of five years from the end of the
financial year in which the relevant date falls, provided that such
date is 1st July, 2025 or thereafter,” shall be inserted; and
(b) in sub-section (4), for the word “petitioner”, the word “person”
shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have always been

(xii) in section 58, in sub-section (4), for the word “twenty”, the word
“eighty” shall be substituted;

(xiii) in section 60 -
(a) sub-section (5) shall be omitted; and
(b) in sub-section (11), for the word “five”, the word “one” shall be
(xiv) in section 66, in sub-section (1), in the first proviso, for the words
“twenty-five”, the word “ten” shall be substituted;

(xv) in section 73, in sub-section (4), the full-stop at the end shall be
replaced by a colon and, thereafter, the following proviso shall be

“Provided that the Board may make arrangement or agreement,
on reciprocal or multilateral basis with the Federal Board of Revenue
and other provincial sales tax authorities, for sharing of electronic data
of tax returns filed in the computerized system, subject to such
limitations and conditions as may be specified by the Board and agreed
to in such agreements.”;
(xvi) in section 82, in sub-section (2), for the words “any public servant”, the
words “the Board or any officer of the Board or against any public
servant” shall be substituted;

(xvii) in the First Schedule, in the Table –

(a) against tariff heading “9821.2000” in column 1, for the words
“Indoor sports” in column 2, the word “Sports” shall be
substituted; and
(b) after tariff heading “9824.0000” in column 1, in the entries in
column 2 -
(i) the word “intercity” shall be omitted;
(ii) after the word “Vehicle”, the words and comma “towing,
vehicle” shall be inserted; and
(iii) after the description “Services provided or rendered by truck
aggregators and the services provided or rendered by the
owners or drivers of trucks or other cargo transportation
vehicles using the services of a truck aggregator” at the end,
the following shall be added:-
“ Education services
Services provided or rendered
by hospitals and clinics

Pet care services ”;

(xviii) in the Second Schedule, in the Table, in Part B -

(a) in column (3), for the figure “13%”, wherever occurring, the figure
“15%” shall be substituted;

(b) against tariff heading “98.01” in column (1), after the words “guest
houses” in column (2), the commas and word “, farmhouses,” shall
be inserted;
(c) against tariff heading 9801.1000 in column (1), for the words “and
guest houses” in column (2), the comma and words “, guest houses
and farmhouses” shall be substituted;
(d) against tariff heading 9801.6000 in column (1), for the words
“guest houses” in column (2), the words and commas “guest
houses, farmhouses,” shall be substituted;

(e) after tariff heading “98.15” in column (1) and the entries relating
thereto in columns (2) and (3), the following shall be inserted:-

“ 9815.1000 Medical practitioners and 15%


(f) against the tariff heading “9821.2000” in column (1), for the words
“Indoor sports” in column (2), the word “Sports” shall be
(g) against the tariff heading “9836.0000” in column (1), the words
“inter-city” in column (2), shall be omitted;
(h) against the tariff heading “9853.0000” in column (1), after the
word “Vehicle” in column (2), the words and comma “towing,
vehicle” shall be inserted; and
(i) after tariff heading “9856.0000” in column (1) and the entries
relating thereto in columns (2) and (3), the following shall be
“ 9857.0000 Education services 15%
9858.0000 Services provided or 15%
rendered by hospitals
and clinics
9859.0000 Pet care services 15%

6. In the Sindh Development and Maintenance of Infrastructure Cess Act, Amendment of

2017, for the existing Schedule, the following shall be substituted: - Schedule of the
Sindh Act No.
XVIII of 2017.
(See Section 2 (k) & 3)

Net weight of goods Rate of Cess along with


Upto 1250 kilograms. 1.80% of total value of goods as

assessed by the Custom Authorities
plus one paisa per kilometer.

Exceeding 1250 kilograms but 1.81% of total value of goods as

not exceeding 2030 kilograms. assessed by the Custom
Authorities plus one paisa per

Exceeding 2030 kilograms but 1.82% of total value of goods as

not exceeding 4060 kilograms. assessed by the Custom
Authorities plus one paisa per
Exceeding 4060 kilograms but 1.83% of total value of goods as
not exceeding 8120 kilograms. assessed by the Custom
Authorities plus one paisa per
Exceeding 8120 kilograms but 1.84% of total value of goods as
not exceeding 16000 assessed by the Custom
kilograms. Authorities plus one paisa per
Exceeding 16000 kilograms. 1.85% of total value of goods as
assessed by the Custom
Authorities plus one paisa per

Explanation: For the purpose of the Schedule, the “value” means the total value
of goods as assessed by the Custom Authorities upon entering in and using the
Infrastructure of the Province and “distance” means the distance covered within
the Province.”.


In order to rationalize, levy and enhance certain taxes and duties and to
amend certain laws in the Province of Sindh, it is expedient to enact a law in the
subject matter.

The bill seeks to achieve the above object.



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