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HSE-GA-ST02 HSEMS Standard

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ADNOC Classification: Internal





ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard




Wayne Pearce SVP, Group Health, Safety & Environment Function



Khalid Al Beshr VP, Policy & Governance Division



1. March, 2020 All Revised & Updated ADNOC COPV1-
09 “ADNOC HSE Management
System”. Aligned with ISO45001:2018
and ISO14001:2015 requirements

The copyright and all other rights of a like nature in this document are vested in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
This document is issued as part of the ADNOC HSE Management System Framework establishing mandatory requirements for ADNOC Group and independent
operators engaged in the Abu Dhabi oil & gas industries. Any of these parties may give copies of the entire document or selected parts thereof to their contractors
implementing HSE standards in order to qualify for award of contracts or for the execution of awarded contracts. Such copies should carry a statement that they
are reproduced by permission of ADNOC, and an explanatory note on the manner in which the document is to be used.

No liability whatsoever in contract, tort or otherwise is accepted by ADNOC or any of its Group Companies, their respective shareholders, directors, officers and
employees whether or not involved in the preparation of the Document for any consequences whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from reliance on or from
the use of the Document or for any error or omission therein even if such error or omission is caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care.


The Intranet copy of this document is the only controlled document. Copies or extracts of this document, which have been downloaded from the Intranet, are
uncontrolled copies and cannot be guaranteed to be the latest version. All printed paper copies should be treated as uncontrolled copies of this document.

All administrative queries must be directed to:

Group HSE Function

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company,
P.O. Box: 898, Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates.
Telephone: (+971) 2 707 5011

Standard No.: HSE-GA-ST02 Version No.: 1 Effective date: March 2020 Page 2 of 107
ADNOC Classification: Internal

HSE Management System

HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. LAWS AND REGULATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 7
5. DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 8
6. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 14
7. REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................................................... 17
7.1. OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 17
7.2. ADNOC HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FRAMEWORK ....................................................................... 18
7.2.2. ADNOC HSEMS Scope and Applicability ........................................................................................ 18
7.2.3. ADNOC HSEMS Documentation Structure ...................................................................................... 18
7.2.4. PROCESS SAFETY............................................................................................................................. 19
7.2.5. ADNOC HSEMS – Fundamentals, Elements, Sub-Elements and Expectations .......................... 21
7.2.6. Supporting Documentation ............................................................................................................... 26
7.2.7. Fitness for Purpose............................................................................................................................ 26
7.2.8. Continual Improvement ..................................................................................................................... 26
7.2.9. Alignment With International Standards.......................................................................................... 28
7.3. LEADERSHIP AND EMPLOYEES PARTICIPATION ............................................................................. 29
7.3.1. Element 1: Leadership and Commitment ........................................................................................ 29
7.3.2. Element 2: Policy................................................................................................................................ 33
7.3.3. Element 3: Organizational Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities ................................................. 34
7.3.4. Element 4: Consultation and Participation of Employees ............................................................. 37
7.4. PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................... 39
7.4.1. Element 5: Risk & Opportunities– Assessment & Management ................................................... 39
7.4.2. Element 6: Legal Requirements and Other Requirements ............................................................ 48
7.4.3. Element 7: Planning Actions to Address Risk & OPPORTUNITIES .............................................. 49
7.4.4. Element 8: HSE Objectives & Planning to Achieve Them .............................................................. 50
7.5. SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................................ 53
7.5.1. Element 9: Resource & Competence ............................................................................................... 53
7.5.2. Element 10: Awareness ..................................................................................................................... 58
7.5.3. Element 11: Communication ............................................................................................................. 59
7.5.4. Element 12: Documented Information ............................................................................................. 61
7.6. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................ 71
7.6.1. Element 13: Operational Planning & Control .................................................................................. 71
7.6.2. Element 14: Management of Change ................................................................................................. 78
7.6.3. Element 15: Procurement ................................................................................................................... 79
7.6.4. Element 16: Emergency Preparedness & Response ...................................................................... 84
7.7. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ............................................................................................................. 88
7.7.1. Element 17: Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Performance Evaluation ......................... 88
7.7.2. Element 18: Compliance Audit ......................................................................................................... 90
7.7.3. Element 19: Management Review ..................................................................................................... 93
7.8. IMPROVEMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 95
7.8.1. Element 20: Incident Nonconformity and Corrective Action ......................................................... 95
7.8.2. Element 21: Continual Improvement ................................................................................................ 98

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HSE Management System

HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

8. COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ................................................................................................................. 99

8.1. GROUP COMPANY INTERNAL AUDITS ............................................................................................... 99
8.2. ADNOC CORPORATE AUDITS ............................................................................................................ 100
8.3. HSE PERFORMANCE REPORTS ........................................................................................................ 100
8.4. HSE STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 101
8.5. HSE PERFORMANCE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 101
8.6. PERFORMANCE KPIS .......................................................................................................................... 101
9. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 102
10. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 103
APPENDIX 1 LIST OF ADNOC HSE STANDARDS .................................................................................. 104

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HSE Management System

HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard


The operational complexity of ADNOC business sectors mandates to have in place a robust and
comprehensive HSE Management System (HSEMS) that is process-based, with extensive supporting
documentation and controls, to meet business objectives while fulfilling all legal obligations.

The HSEMS defines the fundamental principles by which ADNOC systematically conducts its operations
with regards to health, safety, and the environment in order to achieve excellence in HSE performance
on the journey towards 100% HSE.

ADNOC HSE Management System (HSEMS) framework is designed to fit the complexity and context of
the entire spectrum of business activities within ADNOC Group, and ensure the systematic management
of process safety, occupational health & safety and the environment.

ADNOC HSEMS aims to bring improvements in HSE performance and reduce the likelihood of adverse
consequences by establishing a systematic process, which can be used at all levels in the organization
to plan, manage, and carry out activities as intended, taking into account the inherent hazards and risks
associated with its activities. ADNOC HSE Management System provides a robust foundation upon which
the organization’s HSE culture shall be stewarded to improve progressively until it reaches the “generative”
level of High Reliable Organizations.

ADNOC HSEMS Structure includes Six (6) Fundamentals, Twenty One (21) Elements, Forty Four (44)
Sub-Elements and number of Expectation under each Sub-Elements defining compliance requirements.
Refer to Figure 1.1 “ADNOC HSEMS Framework”

ADNOC HSEMS is aligned with the common high level framework structure, the requirements of ISO
Standard 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety) [Ref. 1] and ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental
Management System) [Ref. 2]. Figure 1.2 shows a simplified visualization of ADNOC HSEMS and
International Standards.

ADNOC HSE Management System Framework applies the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ cycle (PDCA) similar to
ISO for achieving the continual improvement as shown in Figure 7.2.5: ADNOC HSE Management
System PDCA Cycle.

ADNOC HSE Management System is an integral part of the ADNOC Integrated Management System
(IMS). ADNOC IMS Manual outlines the “context of the organisation” and defines ADNOC IMS framework
for understanding and meeting the needs and expectation of interested parties.

This Standard sets out the requirements that define the way the commitments documented in ADNOC
Group HSE Policy shall be effectively and efficiently put into practice, benchmarked against the best in
class in the oil and gas industry.

Group Companies and Affiliates shall implement the ADNOC HSE Management System in compliance
with requirements of this Standard and other associated HSE Standards identified in Appendix 1, which
shall be systematically complied with, to ensure a consistent implementation of the Plan-Do-Check-Act
cycle, especially the continuous feedback loop, which brings about continual improvements in HSE

To attain the corporate strategic goals, objectives and targets requires strong HSE leadership and full
commitment at all levels of management to ensure the HSEMS is effectively and efficiently implemented
across the whole organization, through a systematic and disciplined approach.

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Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

Figure 1.1: ADNOC HSEMS Framework

Local &

Audits: ISO
19001 ISO 31000



14001:2015 9001:2015


Figure1.2: ADNOC HSEMS encompassing relevant Legal Regulations & International Standards

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HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard


This Standard sets out the minimum requirements and expectations to ensure a responsible and
systematic implementation of ADNOC HSE Management System framework across ADNOC Group to
achieve the intended outcome.

ADNOC Group Companies and Affiliates shall ensure compliance with ADNOC HSEMS expectations set
under each Fundamental, Element and Sub-element.

Group Companies and Affiliates shall also ensure that the level of implementation of ADNOC HSEMS
Framework take into account, all the differences in risk and complexity across the range of operational


This Standard stipulates the mandatory requirements applicable to ADNOC Group (Directorates &
Functions in ADNOC Head Quarter, Group Companies/Affiliates) and its Contractors.

ADNOC Group and Contractors shall ensure that all expectations listed herein are fully understood,
implemented and continually monitored.


The UAE laws on protection of the environment and people are relevant in that the consequences of a
major hazard may result in either adverse environmental impacts or effects on people.

The relevant UAE legislations applicable to this Standard includes but not limited to:

(i) Federal Law No 1 of 1988 for the Establishment of the Supreme Petroleum Council
(ii) Federal Law No 24 of 1999 for the Protection and Development of the Environment and its
Executive Regulations.
(iii) Federal Law No 8 of 1980 re Regulation of Labour Relations.
(iv) Federal Law No.1 of 2002 Regarding the Regulation and Control of the Use of Radiation
Sources and Protection against their Hazards.
(v) Law No 21 of 2005 for Waste Management in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
(vi) Decree No. 42 of 2009 Concerning the EHSMS in Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Further detail on UAE laws concerning HSE can be found in the various ADNOC HSE Standards that
deal with the management of HSE in all its detailed aspects.

Group Companies / Affiliates shall ensure that their activities comply with all relevant Federal and Local
laws and regulations at all times, including any that may be introduced after the publication of this

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HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard


ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
ADNOC Group ADNOC Group includes the Directorates & Functions in ADNOC Head Quarter,
Group Companies and Affiliates. For purposes of brevity, the expression Group
Companies used in ADNOC HSE Management System Documents includes
the Affiliates
Affiliated Company Abu Dhabi based companies engaged in the petroleum or petroleum services
or Affiliate business with direct line accountability to the Supreme Petroleum Council. For
the purposes of ADNOC HSE Standards, where the term ‘Group Companies’
is used this includes the Affiliated Companies.
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable; means to reduce a risk to a level which is
as low as reasonably practicable and involves balancing reduction in risk
against the time, trouble, difficulty and cost of achieving it. This level represents
the point, objectively assessed, at which the time, trouble, difficulty and cost of
further reduction measures becomes unreasonably disproportionate to the
additional risk reduction obtained.
Asset A Company possession having value and which generates revenue. In HSE
Management, asset normally means hardware e.g. vessels, pipes, buildings or
property. Asset is also used to include software e.g. quality, skills, expertise
(or personnel).
Contractor A ‘Contractor’ is defined as an individual or organization having a contract /
sub-contract with ADNOC Group for the provision of services, equipment or
performance of works. The term “Contractor” as used in the ADNOC Group
Contracts Procedure is synonymous with the terms including but not limited to
“Consultant”, “Sub-Contractor”, “Service Provider” or “Supplier.
Documentation Level 1 Documentation means documents that set out the company’s intent
and values such as policy statements, vision and mission.
Level 2 Documentation means documents that set out mandatory
requirements such as standards or rules of how the intent and values of Level
1 Documentation will be implemented.
Level 3 Documentation means documents that set out the processes and
procedures of how the requirements of Level 2 Documentation will be
ELT ADNOC Executive Leadership Team comprising of All Chief Executive Officers
(CEOs) and Directors.
Employer’s Employer’s Premises (also known as Company Premises) consist of the total
Premises establishment. They include the primary work locations and other areas that
are considered part of the employer’s general work area. The work locations
include employer’s owned, leased or rented areas, rights of ways etc.

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HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

Employee "Employee" means an employee hired directly under the sponsorship of
ADNOC or a Group Company including [Special Contract Employees],
[Secondees In/Out] and [Manpower Agency Contract Employees], but
excluding [Industrial Shareholder Secondees] and [Service Contract
"Industrial Shareholders Secondees" means secondees from third party
Shareholders of a Group Company
"Secondee In/Out” means an Employee seconded in or out between ADNOC
and a Group Company for a specific period of time.
"Service Contract Employee" means a person that is employed and sponsored
by a third party to work for an ADNOC Group company.
"Special Contract Personnel" means a person who is employed by the ADNOC
Group and offered special terms and conditions of employment. A Special
Contract Personnel’s contract may be limited or unlimited.
Employment Employment means all work or activity performed in carrying out an assignment
or request of an ADNOC Group member company or Contractor, including
related activities not specifically covered by the assignment or request.
Employment also includes activities undertaken at the company’s request or
for company business reasons, outside of normal working hours.
ERM Enterprise Risk Management
Environment The surroundings and conditions in which a Company operates including air,
water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation.
Environmental Element of the organisation’s activities, products or services that can interact
Aspect with the environment. A significant environmental aspect is an environmental
aspect that has or can have significant environmental impact. The significant
means HSE Critical.
Environmental Any change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or
Impact partially resulting from an organisation's activities, products or services.
Environmental A direct or indirect impingement of the activities, products and services of the
Effect Company upon the environment, whether adverse or beneficial. Eric
Environmental impact and effect are for all practical purposes synonymous
Environmental A documented evaluation of the environmental significance of the effects of the
Effects Evaluation Company's activities, products and services (existing and planned).
Environmental The part of the overall management system that includes organisational
Management structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes
System and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and
maintaining the environmental policy
Environmental Overall environmental goal, arising from the environmental policy, that an
Objective organisation sets it internal to achieve, and which is quantified where
Evaluation Judgment, on the basis of risk analysis, of whether a risk is tolerable
Event An unplanned or uncontrolled outcome of a business operation or activity that
has or could have contributed to an injury or physical damage or environmental
damage or impact on community relationships and reputation.

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HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

Fatality A death resulting from an injury or illness, regardless of the intervening time
between the injury and death.
Group Company means any company within the ADNOC Group, other than ADNOC
Hazard The potential to cause harm, including ill health and injury, damage to property,
products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities
HAZOP Hazard and Operability; a study that identifies deviations from process
boundaries and records its consequences, safeguards and recommendations.
HAZOP is a key method of identifying and qualitatively assessing process risks
HIPO High Potential (HIPO) Events are the incidents with a Potential Severity 4 or
above as per ADNOC Risk Matrix.
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
In the context of ADNOC HSE Management System, the abbreviation ‘HSE’
also incorporates Process Safety as its integral part in general and wherever
used in this Standard, in particular.
HSECES HSE Critical Equipment and Systems: Equipment and systems (including in-
built software) or any component of these, the failure of which could cause or
contribute substantially to; or purpose of which is to prevent or control the
effects of a Major Accident Hazard (MAH) scenario.
HSEMS Health, Safety, Environmental Management System is a framework
incorporating structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and
resources for implementing health, safety and environmental management
including Process Safety.
HSEMS Audit An independent, systematic and documented process of objectively gathering
and evaluating verifiable evidence to determine (a) Whether the HSEMS and
its results conform to the audit criteria; (b) Whether the system is implemented
effectively; and (c) Whether the system is suitable to achieve the health, safety
and environmental policy and objectives.
HSE / Safety Case A demonstration of how the Company HSE objectives are being met in a
methodical and auditable reference document. A completed Case will provide
a reference document to all information relevant to the safety and health of the
operations personnel, environment and resources on an installation
HSE case is associated with Rig HSE Case as per IADC standards. Safety
Case is associated with the Offshore Installations as per UK HSE (Offshore
Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 )
HSEIA Health, Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment; A systematic process
of identifying HSE impacts of existing, new or substantially altered projects, and
establishing prevention and mitigation requirements
HSE Policy A statement of the intentions and principles of actions regarding health, safety
and environmental effects and which gives rise to detailed strategic objectives.
The policy shall be endorsed (signed) by the CEO or General Manager.
HSE Strategic The broad goals as set out in the HSE policy that a Company sets it internal to
Objectives achieve, and which should be quantified wherever practicable.

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HSE Management System

HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

ISM Code International Safety Management (ISM) Code means the International
Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
as adopted by the Assembly, as may be amended by the Organization. Refer
to Int. Maritime Organization
Incident An undesirable event or chain of events which cause, or could have caused
injury, illness, impact on company’s reputation, production, damage (loss) to
the assets and/or harm to environment, or third parties
IOGP Internal Oil & Gas Producers
IPC ADNOC Group Investment & Program Committee
ISO International Organisation for Standardization
JSA Job Safety Analysis
Legal Compliance All items and actions required by laws/regulations/decrees, etc. that are fully
implemented and records maintained.
MIC ADNOC Group Management and Investment Committee
MOC Management of Change
MOPO Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO)
Occupational Any abnormal condition or disorder, or any fatality other than one resulting from
Illness an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated
with employment. Occupational illness may be caused by inhalation, absorption,
ingestion of, or direct contact with the hazard, as well as exposure to physical
and psychological hazards. It will generally result from prolonged or repeated
exposure. Refer to ADNOC Incident Standard (HSE-GA-ST04) for details.
Occupational An occupational injury is any injury which results from a work-related activity or
Injury from an exposure involving a single incident in the work environment, such as
such as a cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, deafness from explosion, one-time
chemical exposure, back disorder from a slip/trip, insect or snake bite, etc.. For
the purpose of ADNOC HSE Standards the terms occupational and work
related can be used interchangeably
Process Safety Process Safety is a blend of engineering and management skills focused on
preventing catastrophic accidents, particularly explosions, fires, and toxic
releases, associated with the use of chemicals and petroleum products.
Process Safety An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material including non-toxic and
Event [PSE] non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot water, nitrogen, compressed CO2, or
compressed air) from a process, or an undesired event or condition, that under
slightly different circumstances, could have resulted in a release of material.
PHA Process Hazard Analysis
PHESR Project Health, Safety and Environment Review
PSI Process Safety Information
PSM Process Safety Management
PSSR Pre Start-up Safety Review

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Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

Recordable All Incidents are Recordable (Logged) in ADNOC Group incident recording
Incident system, if it is in any way associated with the employees or activities of ADNOC
Group or a Reportable Contractor. The presence or absence of fault or
preventability is not relevant in determining whether or not an incident, injury or
illness is recordable.
Risk Risk is combination (product) of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesired
event and the potential adverse consequences which the event may have
 Health and Safety of People – fatality, injury, irreversible health impact
or chronic ill health or harm to physical or psychological health.
 Environment - water, air, soil, animals, plants and social
 Reputation - employees and third parties. This includes the liabilities
arising from injuries and property damage to third parties including the
cross liabilities that may arise between the interdependent ADNOC
Group Companies.
 Financial - damage to property (assets) or loss of production
 Legal - Legal impacts due to breach of law, breach of contract etc.
Risk = Severity (Consequence) x Likelihood (Frequency)
Refer to ADNOC Corporate Risk Matrix for more information
Risk Analysis Use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate risk.
Risk Assessment Overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation.
Risk Evaluation Judgment, on the basis of risk analysis, of whether a risk is tolerable
Risk Management The process of implementing decisions about accepting or altering risks.
Risk Matrix It’s the ADNOC 6x6 matrix portraying risk as the product of probability and
consequence, used as the basis for qualitative and semi-quantitative risk
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based.
Social Impact Any change to the social environment whether adverse or beneficial which
could or could be perceived to influence company relationship with impacted
communities and/or company reputation.
Shortfall A gap between objective / specification / requirements and actual performance.
SPC Supreme Petroleum Council
Shall / Must Indicates the mandatory requirement / action for compulsory compliance.
Should Indicates the recommended requirements
Subject Matter An individual with a deep understanding of a particular specialty, process,
Expert (SME) function, technology, machine, material or type of equipment who can be called
to assist in investigations
Worker The term “Worker” referred to Employees and/or Reportable Contractors in
contexts that apply equally to both.

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Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard

Work Environment The work environment is composed of the employer’s premises and other
locations where employees or reportable contractors are engaged in work
related activities or they are present as a condition of their employment. The
work environment includes not only physical location, but also the equipment
or material used by the employee during the course of his or her work.
As such, the Work Environment includes:
 Company Premises
 Off Company premise locations at which work-related activity is
 Locations where a worker is present as a condition of employment
 Locations and conveyances associated with work-related travel

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HSE Management System

HSE Governance & Administration Standards
Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard



ADNOC Executive  Determine the high level HSE strategies and HSE policy, including
Leadership (Top providing the statement of Vision, Mission and Values.
Management)  Define the decision making forum charter and structure for leading
 Specify targets that will enable the decision making forum to track
ADNOC’s performance in implementing the HSE Strategy and
HSE Policy.
 Manage the HSE Performance of ADNOC Group Companies
CEO’s, including specifying expectations and providing feedback.
 Hold management accountable for implementing the HSE
 Provide adequate resources and ensure the implementation of this
Standard across the ADNOC Group
ADNOC Risk Committee  Ensures in coordination with ADNOC ERM Function, ADNOC
Group HSE Function and ADNOC Group Projects’ function, that
the systems used to identify and manage HSE risks are fit-for
purpose, being effectively implemented, regularly reviewed and
continuously improved.
 Ensure ELT is properly and regularly informed and updated on
ADNOC HSE Risk Profile
ADNOC Audit Committee  Ensures that processes are in place to develop, implement, the
Level 1 and Level 2 Audits.
 Receive and consider independent reviews and or audits of HSE
within the business.
 Review the HSEMS requirements in coordination with the ADNOC
Group HSE Function to ensure they are at all times consistent with
accepted standards.
 Ensure ELT is properly and regularly informed and updated on
output from audits and reviews.
ADNOC MIC, ELT, IPC  Formally reviews ADNOC HSE performance including review of
Committees significant incidents and investigations, the impact of
organizational changes and benchmark data.
 ADNOC Group HSE Function shall be responsible for providing
sufficient information for this review to occur, with input from the
rest of Group Companies’ CEO’s/Senior Management team.
Group Company Board  Align Group Company with ADNOC high level HSE strategies and
HSE policy.
 Define the Group Company decision making forum charter and
structure for leading HSE.
 Specify targets that will enable the decision making forum to track
GC’s performance in implementing its HSE strategy and HSE
 Manage the expectations of ADNOC Executive Leadership and
provide required reporting and feedback.
 Hold GC management accountable for implementing the HSE

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Health Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) Standard


 Ensure the implementation of this Standard within the GC.
ADNOC Group Projects’  Ensures the VAP risk management process is aligned with ERM
Function and HSE Risk Management processes.
 Ensure all HSE risks associated with the whole lifecycle of projects
are identified and communicated in coordination with the ERM and
ADNOC Group HSE functions.
ADNOC ERM Function  Ensures effective Risk Management is consistently applied across
the ADNOC Group in order to support to support HSE governance
achieve the corporate HSE objectives.
ADNOC Group HSE  Act as custodian of ADNOC HSEMS on behalf of the CEO.
Function  Exercise, on behalf of SPC and ADNOC Group CEO, ADNOC
Self-Regulatory role as “HSE Regulatory Authority” to monitor
implementation of ADNOC HSEMS across ADNOC Group and
issue Regulatory Approval for HSEIAs
 Responsible for providing sufficient information to relevant
Executive Leadership Committees for their review and decision
 Provide clarification on ADNOC HSEMS interpretation as and
where required.
 Monitor ADNOC HSEMS implementation across ADNOC Group
through compliance checks and audits.
 Perform a programme of assurance activities, e.g., audits to verify
that Group Companies comply with ADNOC HSEMS and achieve
the ADNOC Expectations. The findings of these assurance
activities will be reported to the respective Group Company
Executive Management (CEOs), and ADNOC Directorates.
 Responsible for developing HSE Performance Reports for the
ADNOC Group and sharing the same with Executive
 Monitor compliance with ADNOC HSE Standards across the
spectrum where ADNOC regulatory regime applies.
ADNOC Group Company  Act as custodian of the GC HSE Documents on behalf of the CEO.
Corporate HSE  Monitor HSEMS implementation and compliance with HSE
Standards through compliance checks and audits.
 Responsible for providing sufficient information to GCs’ Executive
Leadership Teams for their review and decision making.
 Support ADNOC Group HSE Function Self-Regulatory role, by
ensuring compliance with ADNOC HSEMS and thorough review
and technical approval of HSEIA’s Dossiers and Reports as before
submission to Group HSE Function for Regulatory Approval.
HSE Steering Committee Key expectations for HSE Committees in implementation of ADNOC
HSEMS includes:
 Focus on relevant HSE issues and provide a framework for
communication on the management of these issues.
 Stimulate effective two-way communication on HSE issues
between management and personnel;
 Engage all staff in the implementation of HSE management;

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 Serve as HSE advisory body to management and promoting
suggestions for improvement;
 Monitor measures taken for the prevention of accidents, their
implementation and adherence;
 Organise inspections and audits focused on unsafe or
environmentally unfriendly practices;
 Review reports of investigations, inspection and audits;
 Monitor follow-up to incidents that have occurred;
 Secure the co-operation of all persons in the promotion of HSE;
 Advise on HSE training, instructions and guidance of workers
Refer to Element 3 “Organizational Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities”

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ADNOC Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) aims to shift the focus off the
isolated HSE issues to a more systematic and integrated approach of continual improvement of
Operational and HSE Performance. ADNOC HSEMS illustrated in Figure 1.1 and Figure 7.2.4 provides
an integrated framework for driving all HSE initiatives ensuring:
 Defining clear HSE goals, targets, expectations, roles and responsibilities,
 Protect People, Environment, Asset and Reputation,
 Reductions in cost and improvements in efficiency,
 Improvements in measurement and feedback mechanisms,
 Improved participation/mobilisation of leaders and workforce, and
 Enhanced teamwork in HSE related activities.
ADNOC HSEMS Structure is aligned with International Standards including ISO14001, ISO 45001, ISM
Code Elements, and API RP75 [Ref. 4]. 10.Appendix 2 provides a mapping of ADNOC HSEMS with these
ADNOC HSEMS Framework includes Fundamentals, Elements, Sub-Elements and Expectation. ADNOC
HSEMS applies the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ cycle (PDCA) similar to ISO for achieving the continual
improvement as illustrated in Figure 7.2.5.
ADNOC HSEMS Six (6) Fundamentals listed below focus attention on the management principles most
important for an effective HSE Management System (HSEMS). These principles apply equally to every
Element of the HSEMS to drive its success.
(i) Leadership & Employees Participation;
(ii) Planning;
(iii) Support;
(iv) Operations;
(v) Performance Evaluation and;
(vi) Continual Improvement

Twenty one (21) Elements and Forty Four (44) Sub-Elements establish a framework to organize the
various components of ADNOC HSEMS. Each of the elements includes an overview, a purpose
statement and a set of expectations that define the system’s intended outcomes. Refer to Table 7.2.1 for
details on Elements, Sub-Elements and Expectations under each Fundamental.
ADNOC HSE Standards are developed to facilitate implementation of ADNOC HSEMS across ADNOC
Group. Appendix 1 provides list of ADNOC HSE Standards under the Six (6) focus Areas listed below:
(i) HSE Governance & Administration
(i) Environment
(ii) Occupational Health
(iii) Operations Safety
(iv) HSE Risk Management
(v) Crisis Management & Emergency Response

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ADNOC HSEMS while complying with UAE’s Local and Federal Regulations, integrates the key
requirements of International HSE Standards including, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISM Code,
and International Best Practices such as IOGP 510 [Ref. 3]. These requirements are broadly covered in
the below listed Six (6) Fundamentals of ADNOC HSE Management System Framework. ADNOC HSE
Standards (Appendix 1) elaborates and facilitates implementation of ADNOC HSE Management System.
ADNOC HSEMS fundamentals includes:
(i) Leadership & Employees Participation;
(ii) Planning;
(iii) Support;
(iv) Operations;
(v) Performance Evaluation and;
(vi) Continual Improvement
There are “Elements”, “Sub-Elements” and “Expectations” identified under each “Fundamental” defining
the ADNOC HSEMS Framework. Section 7.2.5 provides summary of ADNOC HSEMS Fundamentals,
Elements, Sub-Elements & Expectations


The level of HSEMS implementation at Group Companies/Affiliates shall depend on factors such as the
type of activities and the location of assets, but the flexibility of the ADNOC HSEMS model allows each
Group Companies/Affiliates to address the whole spectrum of HSE risks related to those activities.

ADNOC HSEMS shall apply whenever the company has direct management control of activities, and
whenever activities are not directly managed by the company, it is crucial to confirm that risks are
managed at the appropriate level.

This is particularly important when working in partnerships, including with contractors, subcontractors and
other suppliers; partner- operated joint ventures; or when companies are supplying products to customers
or collaborating with local communities.


The HSEMS Documentation hierarchy given in Figure 7.2.1 provides a clear flow down structure from
HSE Policy (i.e. which addresses leadership expectations, commitment and accountability), to the
HSEMS focus areas containing the elements (i.e. mandatory standards) down to the fundamentals of
implementation. Refer to Figure 7.2.2 for ADNOC HSEMS key focus areas.

ADNOC HSEMS Document hierarchy is aligned with ADNOC Integrated Management System (IMS)

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ADNOC HSEMS Document Hierarchy

Values & Intents
LEVEL Vision, Mission, Values, Policy Statements, Objectives

LEVEL Key Focus Areas: Governance; Occupational
2 Health; Environment, Risk Management; Operations
Safety; Crisis Management & Emergency Response

Recommended Practices
Guidance supporting the Standards (as

LEVEL Operational Documents

ADNOC Group Companies
Procedures, Work Instructions

Evidences & Results

LEVEL Forms Records, Reports
5 Logs and Registers

Figure 7.2.1: ADNOC HSEMS Documentation Hierarchy

 Level 1: Policy setting the associated HSE Values and Intents
 Level 2: The mandatory ADNOC HSE Standards for various focus areas shown in Figure 7.2.2 and
mentioned in Appendix 1 elaborates and facilitates implementation of ADNOC HSE MS
 Level 3: Guidance documents for supporting the implementation of HSE Standards
 Level 4 and 5: The Group Company Procedures and demonstration of compliance to the ADNOC
HSEMS Framework.
Major incidents in both the upstream and downstream industries have highlighted the importance of
having robust processes and systems in place.
Process safety is a disciplined framework for managing the integrity of operating systems and processes
that handle hazardous substances. It relies on good design principles, engineering and operating and
maintenance practices. It deals with the prevention and control of events that have the potential to release
hazardous materials and energy. Such incidents can cause toxic effects, fire, or explosion and could
ultimately result in serious injuries, property damage, lost production, environmental impact and reputation.
The terms ‘process safety’ and ‘asset integrity’ are both used throughout the petroleum industry, often
synonymously. For the oil and gas industry the emphasis of process safety and asset integrity is to
prevent unplanned releases which could result in a major incident. A major incident is typically initiated
by a hazardous release; it may also result from a structural failure or loss of stability that escalates to
become a major incident.

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& Emergency

HSE Risk Occupational

Management Health


Figure 7.2.2: ADNOC HSE Standards - Key Focus Areas

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ADNOC HSEMS is comprised of Six (6) Fundamentals, Twenty One (21) Elements, Forty Four (44) Sub-
Elements and Two Hundred & Thirty (230) Expectations. Figure 7.2.4 and 7.2.4 provides the ADNOC
HSE Management System Framework. Table 7.2.1 summarizes ADNOC HSEMS Elements, Sub-
Elements and Expectations under each Fundamental.

The ADNOC HSEMS Fundaments, Elements & Expectations includes:

 ADNOC HSEMS Six (6) Fundamentals are aligned with International Standards notably
ISO45001:2018 and ISO14001:2015
 A statement of Basic Requirements for each of the HSEMS Elements that articulate the broad
standards to be followed by the Group Companies / Affiliates in implementing ADNOC HSE
Management System.
 A number of Expectations for each of the HSEMS sub-elements that articulate the minimum
requirements for a number of critical HSE issues and topics. Also here, ADNOC expects all Group
Companies to comply with these and to produce either a document or a record (as applicable)
for each of the Requirements or group of Expectations. The Group Companies are free to expand
on the Expectations where this is considered to be of benefit.

Subsequent Sections (7.3 onwards) in this Standards provides the description of HSEMS Requirements
and Expectations.
Each Element of ADNOC HSEMS includes an overview, a purpose statement and a set of Expectations
that define the management system’s intended outcomes.
Every Element requires the establishment and maintenance of appropriate supporting documentation
and records, to support the implementation of particular Sub-Element/Expectations.
Expectations specify the key issues mandated to be in place for each Sub-Element in order to
demonstrate HSEMS implementation through full compliance with the requirements set in this Standard.


Elements (21)

Elements (44)


Figure 7.2.3: ADNOC HSE Management System Framework

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 Element 1: Leadership & Commitment

 Element 2: HSE Policy
 Element 3: Organizational Roles, Responsibilities &
 Element 4: Consultation & Participation of Workers


 Element 20: Incident Nonconformity & Corrective Action  Element 5: Risk & Opportunities Assessment & Management
 Element 21: Continual Improvement  Element 6: Legal Requirements & Other Requirements
 Element 7: Planning Actions
 Element 8: HSE Objectives & Planning to Achieve them


 Element 9: Resource & Competence
 Element 17: Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis &
 Element 10: Awareness
Performance Evaluation
 Element 18: Compliance Audit  Element 11: Communication
 Element 19: Management Review  Element 12: Documented Information


 Element 13: Operational Planning & Control

 Element 14: Management of Change
 Element 15: Procurement
 Element 16: Emergency Preparedness & Response

Figure 7.2.4: ADNOC HSE Management System Framework

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Table 7.2.1: ADNOC HSEMS – Fundamentals, Elements, Sub-Elements and Expectations

No. Fundamental HSEMS Element Sub-Element Expectations

1 Leadership & 1: Leadership and Commitment 1.1 Commitment 9

Participation 1.2 Visibility 7

1.3 Proactive in Target Setting 3

1.4 Code of Conduct 5

2: Policy 2.1 HSE Policy 5

3: Organizational Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities 3.1 Roles and Responsibilities 13

4: Consultation and Participation of Employees 4.1 Consultation and Participation 7

2 Planning 5: Risk & Opportunities – Assessment & Management 5.1 Identification 5

5.2 Evaluation and Assessment 5

5.3 Process Hazard Analysis 7

5.4 Recovery 3

5.5 Recording 4

6: Legal Requirements and Other Requirements 6.1 Legal & Other Requirements 5

7: Planning Actions to Address Risk & Opportunities 7.1 Planning Actions 3

8: HSE Objectives and Planning To Achieve Them 8.1 HSE Strategic Objectives 5

8.2 Planning to Achieve HSE Strategic 5

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No. Fundamental HSEMS Element Sub-Element Expectations

Objectives (HSE Plan)

3 Support 9: Resource & Competence 9.1 Resources 3

9.2 HSE Professionals 6

9.3 Assurance of Competence 5

9.4 Training 6

10: Awareness 10.1 Informed Involvement 6

11: Communication 11.1 Communication 5

12: Documented Information 12.1 HSE Documentation & Documented 3


12.2 Standards, Procedures & Work Instructions 6

12.3 Process Safety Information 3

12.4 Operating Procedures 8

12.5 Work Management System 6

12.6 Control of Documented Information 3

4 Operation 13: Operational Planning & Control 13.1 Eliminating Hazards & Reducing Risk 3

13.2 Asset Integrity 9

13.3 Pre Start-Up Safety Review (PSSR) 6

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No. Fundamental HSEMS Element Sub-Element Expectations

14: Management of Change 14.1 Management of Change 6

15: Procurement 15.1 Procurement 3

15.2 Contractor and Suppliers 12

16: Emergency Preparedness & Response 16.1 Contingency Planning & Emergency 7

5 Performance 17: Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Performance 17.1 Performance Monitoring and Records 6
Evaluation Evaluation

18: Compliance Audit 18.1 Audit Plan 4

18.2 Compliance Audit 3

18.3 Auditor 4

18.4 Contractor Auditing 2

19: Management Review 19.1 Scope, Suitability and Effectiveness 3

6 Improvement 20.1 Non-Compliance and Corrective Action 4

20: Incident Nonconformity and Corrective Action
20.2 Incident Investigation, Reporting and 5

21: Continual Improvement 21.1 Continual Improvement 2

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This Standard sets out minimum requirements for a structured, responsible and systematic management
of HSE by ADNOC Group Companies, Affiliates, Business Line Directorates, Functions and Divisions
and facilitate them in ensuring compliance with each element, sub-element and expectation.

Successful implementation in terms of minimizing and controlling HSE risks dependents significantly on
the adequacy of the supporting documentation, referred to as the “HSEMS Processes and Practices”.

This shall include but not limited to:

(i) UAE Federal & Local Regulations

(ii) ADNOC HSE Standards (Refer to Appendix 1)
(iii) Group Companies Procedures
(iv) Group Companies Work Instructions
(v) International Standard & Best practices,
(vi) Implementation Tools, etc.


The level of detail and complexity of ADNOC HSEMS Implementation Process and any associated HSE
Documentation at Group Companies/Affiliates, reflected in the extent of documentation and resources
devoted to it, shall be commensurate with the size of the organisation and the risk profile of its sites and
locations where activities/operations take place.

As a minimum, the HSE documentation (where applicable) shall be fit for purpose to ensure all those
responsible for managing and/or executing the activities/operations, are aware of and understand the
related HSE hazards and their effects, in their roles of managing these to ALARP.


The concept of achieving continual improvement through a logical sequence of repeated steps is
fundamental to ADNOC HSEMS. ADNOC HSEMS applies the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ cycle (PDCA) similar
to ISO as illustrated in Figure 7.2.5.

PDCA process has developed into a widely applied practical basis for management systems. It starts with
careful planning, followed by controlled execution, which is monitored for effectiveness, leading to the
inclusion of improvement actions when further planning in a continuous cycle.

Table 7.2.2 below shows how the four steps can be applied to systematically manage the business or
activity and improve performance. With, Leadership and Employees participation being at the core of the
cycle the Plan step involves significant effort before execution of an activity; this is reflected in the
Expectations of Elements 1 to 9. Similarly, Elements 10 to 21 describe Expectations aligned with the Do-
Check-Act steps of the cycle at execution and evaluation of an activity.

Table 7.2.2: Plan Do Check Act

Action Description Alternative Terminology

Clarify objectives of the activity and organise
appropriate resources. Engage all parties involved or
PLAN affected. Ensure risks are identified and measures
defined to eliminate them. Remaining risks are
assessed to define appropriate controls or mitigation.

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Action Description Alternative Terminology

Execute and control the activity based on plans and
DO Implement
procedures, including those to manage risk.
Monitor to ensure plans and procedures are being Monitor
followed and to confirm risk controls/ barriers are Measure
effective. Measure progress and assess processes Review
for improvement opportunities and/or assurance. Assess
Review outcomes and performance. Establish
improvement actions, incorporate into (future) plans Adjust
for the activity and embed relevant learning in the Improve
Table Courtesy IOGP OMS: 2014 / Figure Courtesy ISO 45001:2018

3. Support
4. Operation

Plan Do

1. Leadership
5. Performance
2. Planning & Employees Evaluation

Act Check

6. Improvement

Figure 7.2.5: ADNOC HSE Management System PDCA Cycle

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In alignment with ISO 45001:2018, the word “continual” is used instead of “continuous”, to reflect the non-
linear progressive improvement stages. Each stage requires consolidation of achieved improvement to
allow taking stock before efforts are once again aimed at reaching the next level.

The HSEMS periodical review shall be used to capture and feed in all the evaluated HSE improvements,
which will be aimed at achieving:

(i) Reduced accidents & work-related illnesses/injuries, emissions, effluents and wastes;
(ii) Lower costs;
(iii) Improved reliability;
(iv) Reduced corporate liabilities;
(v) Improved reputation with regulators, the public and customers;
(vi) Enhancement of employee pride; and
(vii) Improved environmental and social performance.


ADNOC HSEMS structure is aligned with International Standards including ISO14001:2015, ISO
45001:2018, and API RP75 [Ref. 4]. Appendix 2 provides a mapping of ADNOC HSEMS with these
Standards. The choice of certification for international standards (as applicable) is left to the individual
Group Company depending on its business needs.

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Successful HSEMS implementation requires committed leaders who fully understand and own their
specific HSE roles and responsibilities, without ever compromising on compliance.

Commitment and support shall come from the top, with executive leaders giving each level of the
hierarchy the necessary direction, authority and resources to establish and effectively implement the

Accountabilities, roles and responsibilities shall be clearly defined and cascaded down to the front line
where activities take place with associated risk exposures.

Members of management at all levels shall act as champions and role models who consistently
demonstrate integrity, communicate openly and walk the talk to foster an environment where every
individual is empowered to intervene and provide feedback openly without fear of reprisal.

They shall be the true safety leaders who are aware of how important their actions are in fostering a
strong and positive HSE culture, as well as nurturing values such as the necessity to operate safely and

The organization’s HSE culture develops progressively over time and is heavily dependent on the visible
actions of all the safety leaders who set the tone for anchoring the commonly held attitudes, norms,
accepted values and reinforced beliefs.

Leadership and commitment are essential for meeting the expectations of Element 1 and executive
leaders play a crucial role by ensuring:

(i) expectations and associated responsibilities are clearly communicated,

(ii) positive behaviour is recognized and rewarded,
(iii) intervention is swift to address behaviour that does not meet expectations

ADNOC duly recognizes that leadership is vital for individuals with specific accountabilities within the
HSEMS, e.g. Technical Authorities, those assigned to perform HSE Critical Roles, in addition to
supervisors and line managers.

To be successful advocates of the HSEMS, ADNOC leaders shall be proactively involved in all the critical
areas of HSEMS implementation including Risk Management, Implementation and Continual

ADNOC leaders shall seek assurance that their HSEMS is adequately implemented by actively looking
for insights about system effectiveness and using appropriate measures to understand performance.

Regular review of audit outcomes, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and incident investigations are
important tools to monitor HSE performance. However, leaders shall also instigate a culture embodying
constant vigilance or “mindfulness”, relying on observations, employees’ engagement, consultation and
careful listening to help maintain and continually improve the HSE culture across ADNOC Group.

Such approach will develop sensitivity and response to “weak signals” of emerging changes in areas such
as operating discipline, workforce attitude and stakeholder concern, which is particularly critical for
process safety risks where it is vital to ensure robust risk controls/barriers are maintained to prevent
occurrence of low-likelihood/high-consequence events.

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Element 1 is sub-divided into four (4) sub-elements with expectations set as described in below tables:

Table 7.3.1: Sub-Element 1.1 – Commitment [9 - Expectations]

ADNOC Executive Management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the HSE
Management System by instigating the below expectations.

No. Expectation

Taking overall responsibility and accountability for the provision of safe and healthy
workplaces and activities and prevention of occupational injuries and illness.

Ensuring that the HSE policy and objectives are established and are compatible with the
strategic direction of the ADNOC.

3 Ensuring the integration of HSEMS requirements into the ADNOC business processes.

Ensuring that the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the
4 HSEMS are available. Supporting the establishment and functioning of HSE committees
responsible for the development, implementation and continual improvement of HSEMS.

Communicating the importance of effective HSEMS and of conforming to the HSEMS


Providing direction and support to employees and relevant management for ensuring the
6 effective implementation of HSEMS and demonstrating their leadership to their areas of

Ensuring that the ADNOC HSEMS achieves its intended outcome(s) and promoting
continual improvement.

Developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organization that supports the intended
8 outcomes of the HSEMS including no blame culture to ensure and encourage reporting of
incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities.

Establishing and implementing a process for consultation and participation of employees

(see Element 4 Section 7.5.4).

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Table 7.3.2: Sub-Element 1.2 - Visibility [7 - Expectations]

No. Expectation

1 Providing strong and visible leadership to promote a culture in which all employees share a
commitment to HSE. Top/senior management shall set a personal example by:
Persistently focusing on effective HSE systems;
Sharing strategic vision and objectives for top HSE performance;
Not tolerating procedural shortcuts or rule bending;
Making sure that agreed deviations are few and short lived;
Embracing all outcomes (good or bad) from HSE incidents and events as
opportunities to learn and improve transparency and for reporting
weaknesses, near misses and incidents;
Giving due consideration to external stakeholder and social impact;
Undertaking Leadership Site Visits and Consultations with Employees;
Recognizing teamwork, achievements, and valuing individual behaviour.

2 Being clear about delegation, accountability and authority, so that competent people are
given the freedom and responsibility to act decisively, when required.

3 Ensuring that technical expertise, financial resources and manpower are available and
consulted. At the same time, investing in the capabilities of their own personnel to provide
resources capable of improving risk control.

4 Communicating HSE Policy, Objectives, Requirements, Expectations and the most

significant risks to all internal and external stakeholders.

5 Monitor and review performance and communicate progress across the organisation.

6 Visibly demonstrate commitment by personal engagement in HSE activities, such as,

training, reward and recognition schemes, industry/contractor workshops, conferences,

7 Evaluating all HSE aspects and impacts before making final decisions, whilst taking into
account that the decisions shall be consistent with the HSE policy and objectives, and that
HSE and Operational parameters shall be balanced towards ALARP risk management.

Table 7.3.3: Sub-Element 1.3 - Proactive in Target Setting [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

Ensuring that results of periodic management HSE reviews are incorporated in plans,
objectives and targets.

Jointly developing and discussing with internal and external stakeholders the HSE ‘result’
and ‘activity’ improvement targets and indicators, by:
2 Verifying that performance appraisals of staff and contractors include
appropriate HSE ‘results’ and ‘activity’ improvement targets; and
Personal participating in the review of HSE ‘result’ and ‘activity’ indicators.

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No. Expectations

Ensuring that opportunities for participating in the development of new legal requirements
are identified through focused HSE reviews and utilised, as appropriate.

Table 7.3.4: Sub-Element 1.4 - Code of Conduct [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations
1 A culture shall exist that enables safe, reliable and responsible operations
Compliance with ADNOC Code of Conduct shall be embedded within HSEMS
2 implementation to establish behavioral, ethical and compliance imperatives for individual
members of the workforce
The importance of compliance with HSEMS and regulatory requirements is continually
communicated and reinforced
HSEMS performance excellence and positive behaviours are recognised, reinforced and
rewarded. Continuous improvement suggestions are encouraged, identified and acted upon
5 Feedback on manager and worker behaviour is sought and responded to

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) ADNOC Code of Conduct
(ii) Minutes from Management Meetings
(iv) Leadership Visits
(v) Endorsement of HSEIA, HSE Case [for drilling rigs] and Plans by senior management,
(vi) Minutes of meetings with contractors
(vii) Reports on incident investigations
(viii) Reference to HSE topics in Company meetings and in Company publications
(ix) Awards & recognition events for HSE performance
(x) Speeches / papers / publications on HSE related topics by Company personnel in the public
(xi) Minutes of formal HSEMS Management Reviews
(xii) HSE Tasks and Targets in staff appraisals
(xiii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Policies and objectives provide clear statements on what the Company intends to achieve. “Policies”
provide high-level commitments on general principles, limitations and statements of intent about how the
Company will operate. Objectives support the policies with more detailed requirements and longer term
targets considered in the scope of HSEMS in relation to specific types of risks, threats or impacts.
ADNOC HSE Policies and Objectives are set at the corporate level and apply across ADNOC Group;
however assets, businesses or other levels of the organisation may establish sub-ordinate policies /
procedures / work-instructions as applicable to manage specific operating activities and local
Element 2 is sub-divided into one sub-element with expectations set as described in below tables:

Table 7.3.5: Sub-Element 2.1 - Policy [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 ADNOC Executive Leadership Team (ELT) shall establish, maintain and oversee
implementation of an HSE policy, embodying, as a minimum:
includes a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for
the prevention of work related injury and ill health and is appropriate to the
specific nature of HSE risks and opportunities of ADNOC Group Business;
Be applicable to all aspects of the business activities, and take account of
the current and future nature and scale of the activities, products and
services of the Company;
Protect the Company and its Stakeholders;
Be defined and authorised by the ADNOC ELT;
Demonstrate commitment to the HSEMS and to meet or exceed regulatory
and other Stakeholders’ requirements.
Provides a framework for setting the HSE objectives;
Includes a commitment to fulfil legal requirements and other requirements;
Includes a commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce HSE risks;
Includes a commitment to continual improvement of the HSEMS; and
Includes a commitment to consultation and participation of workers, and,
where they exist, workers’ representatives.
Policy shall be duly signed by the Executive Management

2 Sub-ordinate policies, procedures and/or work instructions shall be available for relevant
HSE subjects such as major accident prevention policy, drugs and alcohol, gas
flaring/venting, product safety, etc. as appertaining to the individual facility’s requirements

3 Contractor policies shall be consistent with the ADNOC policies.

4 The HSE policy shall:

be available as documented information;
be communicated across ADNOC Group;
be available to all stakeholders, as appropriate;
be relevant and appropriate.

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No. Expectations

5 HSE Policy shall be reviewed based on the level of risk, emerging new legal requirements,
organizational changes, changes in organization’s mandate, Management direction.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) HSE Policy
(i) Subordinate policies (procedures/work instructions) e.g. smoking, alcohol and drugs, bio-
diversity, security.
(ii) Contractors’ HSE Policies and Procedures
(iii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)


Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles within the HSE
management system are assigned and communicated at all levels within the organization and maintained
as documented information. Workers at each level of the organization shall assume responsibility for
those aspects of the HSEMS over which they have control. This Element has one Sub-Element

Table 7.3.6: Sub-Element 3.1 - Roles and Responsibilities [13 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Direct/indirect roles and responsibilities for all HSE-critical activities shall be defined for
relevant employees (Company and contractors). The assigned authority levels shall be
appropriate for the assigned responsibilities.
The roles and responsibilities for all HSE-critical activities shall be documented. These
records shall include inputs and outputs necessary for control of the HSE-critical activities
and performance standards and mechanisms for verification of the controls

2 The assigned HSE roles and responsibilities for HSE-critical activities shall be discussed
with, agreed with and understood by incumbent employees (Company and contractors).
They shall be communicated to relevant parties and be updated and revised in consultation
with employees (Company and contractor).

3 Management shall appoint a management representative who shall have clearly defined
roles, responsibilities, authority and resources for ensuring that HSEMS Requirements and
Expectations are established, implemented and maintained in all Company locations and
spheres of operation. The management representative(s):
shall be accountable to senior management;
shall have sufficient knowledge of the Company and its activities, and of HSE
issues, with sufficient authority to undertake the role effectively;
shall regularly report to top management on the performance of the HSEMS;
this is for purposes of review to ensure that HSEMS implementation is
achieved in accordance with the ADNOC Requirements (see Element 8).

4 All employees (Company and contractors) shall have quantifiable tasks & targets related to
the HSE Plan; all staff shall understand their tasks & targets.

5 Responsibilities for technical integrity of facilities with a potential HSE impact shall be clearly

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defined, including setting of standards, technical validation of standards and verification of

compliance with standards.

6 Responsibilities for maintaining contact with appropriate local HSE authorities shall be
defined, established and maintained. This will include a clear description of all operations
that are covered by HSE legislation and the penalties for non-compliance.

7 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish an HSE Organization to support the
HSEMS development, implementation and performance measurement. As a minimum, the
following shall be designated:
(a) HSEMS Sponsor such as Site Owner
(b) HSEMS Coordinator such as VP / Manager HSE
(c) HSEMS Element(s) Administrator(s) such as relevant Line Managers
(d) HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent)

8 Senior Management shall designate a HSEMS Sponsor. The Sponsor shall:

Lead the HSEMS implementation, monitor progress and reports issues
directly to Group Companies / Affiliates Executive Management.
Ensure that resources are allocated to achieve HSEMS objectives.
(e) Ensure that necessary tools and training are provided to the employees to
fulfil their responsibilities in implementing the HSEMS.
(f) Be member of HSE Steering Committee.
(g) Directly interface with management to address issues relating to HSEMS

9 Senior Management shall establish a HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent) for the
development, implementation and continual improvement of the HSEMS. HSE Steering
Committee shall:
Lead the organization to achieve HSEMS short and long-term objectives.
Ensure responsibility, accountability, and authority is clearly established.
Ensure that HSEMS remains high priority and integrated into Group
Companies / Affiliates’ business plans.
Set annual and long term objectives and targets for HSEMS performance.
Set priorities and allocates resources to achieve HSEMS objectives and
Measure HSEMS performance annually as specified in (g) below.
Define interfaces with other departments to facilitate HSEMS implementation.
Meet at least once per quarter.
Review progress of pending recommendations from Process Hazard Analysis
(PHA), Incident Investigations, HSEMS Audits (Internal, ADNOC and
external), and major emergency response drill to ensure closure.
Ensure involvement of employees through participation program.
(i) Designate MOC Chairman/Chairmen.
(ii) Plan for HSEMS Internal, ADNOC and external audits

10 Senior Management/HSE Steering Committee shall designate a HSEMS Coordinator. The

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HSEMS Coordinator shall:

(a) Be knowledgeable about HSEMS and the requirements of ADNOC HSE
(b) Coordinate with ADNOC Group HSE Function to seek clarification on HSEMS
(c) Maintain records of the management system documentation, ADNOC HSE
Standard/Audit Protocol, HSE Steering Committee meeting minutes.
(d) Report to HSEMS Sponsor for matters relating to HSEMS.
(e) Assist HSEMS Sponsor to assess resource requirements to achieve the
HSEMS objectives and targets.
(f) Monitor activities of ongoing HSEMS program to achieve the approved
HSEMS objectives and targets.
(i) Ensure that a process is in place to communicate and ensure
employees understanding of responsibilities in implementing HSEMS.
(ii) Recommend HSEMS awareness training to HSEMS Sponsor.
(iii) Act as a focal point between Element Administrators and HSE Steering
(iv) Be a member of HSE Steering Committee.
(v) Be a member of ADNOC HSE Steering Committee.

11 HSE Steering Committee shall designate HSEMS Element Administrators. The Element
Administrator shall:
Be knowledgeable about HSEMS and the requirements of the assigned
Element, Group Companies / Affiliates management system and linked
Standards / Procedures.
Seek clarification from HSEMS Coordinator for any requirement.
Develop and update Group Companies / Affiliates documents for compliance
with assigned Element.
Develop action plan to meet annual and long-term HSEMS objectives.
Monitor implementation of the assigned Element.
Enhance employee awareness on the HSEMS requirements and their
responsibilities. The awareness shall also include the reporting of deficiencies
Identify training and communicate needs for the assigned Element to the
HSEMS Sponsor and/or Coordinator.
Provide feedback to HSE Steering Committee and/or Sponsor on status of
implementation and identify areas for improvement.
Maintain records relating to development and updating of management
system, spot checks and concerns communicated.
Participate in the HSEMS Internal-Audit.
Develop action plan based on findings of Internal-Audit, ADNOC and other
HSEMS Audits.
Verify completion of action plan for Internal-Audit, ADNOC and other HSEMS

12 HSE Steering Committee shall demonstrate commitment to HSE Program and Initiatives
through visible actions such as:

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Participation of Group Companies / Affiliates Executive Management in HSE

Steering Committee.
Involve affected individuals and teams in developing HSE improvement plans.
Participate in Audit teams.
Implement a reward/recognition system.

13 Line management shall be responsible for ensuring implementation of HSEMS within their
respective departments. Line management shall:
Ensure their personnel are trained on applicable HSEMS requirements.
Enforce HSEMS compliance.
Participate to develop and achieve HSEMS objectives and targets.
Provide the mechanism to ensure feedback to and from department staff on
any HSEMS issues, deficiencies, and/or changes.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:

(i) Organization Chart

(iii) Job Descriptions including HSE responsibilities
(iv) Catalogue and specification of HSE-critical activities
(v) Minutes of HSE Steering Committee Meetings
(vi) Responsibilities assigned to the individuals for the implementation of the requirements of
this Element.
(vii) ADNOC Critical HSE Roles and Competency Standard (HSE-GA-ST03)
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)


ADNOC Group Companies and Affiliates shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) for
consultation and participation of employees at all applicable levels and functions, in planning,
implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improvement of the HSEMS.

Table 7.3.7: Sub-Element 4.1 Consultation & Participation [7 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 ADNOC Group Companies and Affiliates shall ensure:

Establishing mechanisms, time, training and resources necessary for
consultation and participation;
Clearly identified mechanisms to facilitate employees to input into the HSE
activities of relevant Element as appropriate.
Clear identification of employees’ roles and responsibility in implementing the
requirements of each HSEMS Element.
Providing timely access to clear, understandable and relevant information
about the HSEMS including HSE objectives and targets, availability of
new/updated management systems, procedures, Risk Assessment / PHA,

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Incident Investigation and HSEMS Audit Reports as appropriate;

Determining and removing obstacles or barriers to participation and minimize
those that cannot be removed. Barriers may include failure to respond to
worker inputs or suggestions, language or literacy barriers, reprisals or threats
of reprisals and policies or practices that discourage or penalize worker
Employee participation and performance in implementing HSEMS shall be
considered as an integral part of employee performance appraisal.

2 Full awareness of the most significant HSE risks associated with the Company activities and
the systems that are in place to manage these risks. Also, involving employees in risk
assessment, preparing procedures/work instructions, HSE Committees and HSE
performance measures.

3 Full awareness of the high priority areas for improvement and legal compliance, ADNOC
Requirements & Expectations, stakeholder issues and the status of follow-up actions.

4 Providing an effective structure and sufficient resources to ensure that all stakeholders are
informed on HSE risks and the required compliance levels & performance standards.

5 Empowering employees to express their concern on unsafe act and unsafe conditions. Line
management shall be responsible to address such concerns. Such concerns and their
response shall be documented.

6 Personal involvement in improvement arising from the HSEMS Management Reviews. Also,
promoting the sharing of HSE lessons learned from incidents that occurred inside and
outside their facilities.

7 Engaging employees in establishing HSE Policy, HSE Objectives and Planning to achieve
them, how to comply with Legal and Other requirements, determining training needs,
conducting audits, investigating incidents, determining corrective actions and controls to
eliminate hazards and reduce risks, continual improvement

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:

(i) Awareness Sessions / Programs & Records

(ii) Training Program
(iii) Feedback from Employees & Contractors
(iv) Employees Consultation Records
(v) Management Review – Minutes of Meeting
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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ADNOC involvement in the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry involve hazards
and risks that are inherent to its activities, assets, operational locations and products.

This element addresses the requirement for a standardized approach to risk management as set out in
ADNOC Risk Management Standards (Appendix 1), which shall be applied consistently across the

Within the HSEMS framework, risk management is an integral part of many of the organization’s
processes such as Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), while being at the same time central to decision-
making within the HSE Governance Framework.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is a collective term that encompasses all activities involved
in identifying hazards and evaluating risk at facilities, throughout their life cycle, to make certain that risks
to employees, the public, environment and/or the reputation are consistently controlled within the
organization’s risk tolerance. These are addressed through HSE studies and reviews.

The general approach to risk management starts by considering both external and internal contexts.
External context may include social, cultural, economic, regulatory and environmental aspects at local,
regional, national or international levels; and how these affect the company’s objectives and its
relationships with stakeholders.

Internal context may include how the company is organised and governed, its policies and objectives,
capabilities and resources, information and decision-making systems, contractual and partnering
relationship, and its culture.

The risk management process, which is primarily focused on all HSE-critical operations and installations
shall include:

(i) An inventory of major hazards and vulnerabilities of the environment, health and safety of
personnel, the public and customers from all the activities, materials, products and services;
(ii) An assessment of all risks in terms of likelihood and potential consequences, followed by a
prioritization of risks that are considered to be significant;
(iii) Establish controls or barriers to mitigate significant risks to ALARP and recovery procedures
in case of control failure.
(iv) Health, Safety and Environmental Impact Assessment shall be conducted prior to all new
activities, facility developments and/or significant modifications to existing ones. Soil and
groundwater contamination and other forms of environmental degradation shall be assessed
and, where required, control or remediation shall be in-hand. Health risk assessment shall
address physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psycho-social hazards associated
with the work environment.
(v) HSEIA shall include Social Impacts with respect to surrounding public facilities and
communities have been identified, suitably analyzed and addressed adequately. It shall be
demonstrated that appropriate actions for community engagement and protection of social
environment have been implemented or that a suitable plan exists for implementation in
accordance with ADNOC Environment Impact Assessment Standard.
(vi) HSE Impact Assessment shall form an integral part of any proposal for acquisition,
divestment, abandonment or merger of business entities.
(vii) The Inventories of hazards and risks shall be made available to the workforce, customers
and other stakeholders. Product stewardship shall be applied at all stages of product life
cycle relevant to the Company’s activities.

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There are four sequential steps in the risk management process:

(i) Identify
(ii) Evaluate
(iii) Manage
(iv) Review
The following suite of ADNOC HSE Standards related to risk management has been developed to
standardize the approach across the organization:

(i) HSE Risk Management System

(ii) HSE Impact Assessment (HSEIA)
(iii) Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
(iv) Hazard Identification Study (HAZID), Environmental Impacts Identification Study (ENVID) &
Occupational Health Identification Study (OHID)
(v) Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)
(vi) Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
(vii) Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA)
(viii) Escape Evacuation & Rescue Assessment (EERA)
(ix) Emergency System Survivability Assessment (ESSA)
(x) Pre-Start-up Safety Review (PSSR)
(xi) Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) Determination
(xii) Inherently Safer Design (ISD)
(xiii) Project HSE Review (PHSER)

Element 5 is sub-divided into five sub-elements with expectations as described in below tables:

Table 7.4.1: Sub Element 5.1 - Identification [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 There shall be procedures for systematic identification of health, safety and environmental
‘hazards, effects and aspects’ that may either affect, or arise from all the Company’s
activities and products. The identification procedures shall:
Provide a structured review using Company, ADNOC, industry and
international standards;
Quality Performance Standards shall be set and complied with.
Include a process for updating the ‘hazard, effects and aspect’
inventories/registers as a result of changes to the operation, use of products
or findings from e.g. job hazard analyses, inspections or incident analyses;
Be listed in the HSEMS including the employees responsible for using them.
As a minimum, the procedure shall meet the requirements of ADNOC Risk
Management System (HSE-RM-01) and associated Standards (Refer to
Appendix 1).

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2 Systematic identification of health, safety and environmental (including social) ´hazards,

effects and aspects’ shall be based on judgement of experienced personnel who use
established procedures. The scope of the identification process shall:
Include activities under the immediate control of the Company or which it can
be expected to influence; and
Cover the whole life-cycle of projects (i.e. inception to decommissioning and
disposal) and consider routine, non-routine and emergency operating

3 Identification of environmental (including social) aspects, shall take into account:

change, including planned or new developments, and new or modified
activities, products and services;
abnormal conditions and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations.
Determine aspects that have or can have a significant environmental impact, i.e. significant
environmental aspects, by using established criteria.
Communicate its significant environmental aspects among the various levels and functions
of the organization, as appropriate.

4 There shall be a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory or register of HSE ‘hazards,

effects and aspects’ for all units in the Company. Maintain documented information of its:
environmental (including social) aspects environmental aspects and
associated environmental impacts;
criteria used to determine its significant environmental aspects;
significant environmental aspects

5 A culture of risk awareness shall be continually maintained and improved. Training shall also
be in place to recognize hazards, environmental aspects (including social) create risk
awareness, communicate risks to colleagues and report observed hazards

Refer to Sub-Element 5.2 for typical supporting Documents and Records

Table 7.4.2: Sub-Element 5.2 - Evaluation and Assessment [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 There shall be procedures for systematic assessment of HSE risks and opportunities and
the significance of the identified ‘hazard, effects and aspects’ for all operations and assets
while taking into account the effectiveness of existing controls. The assessment procedures
Include a process for reviewing and updating the assessments i.e. at specified
intervals and/or when circumstances change as part of the change control
procedure; and
Be listed in the HSEMS including the job positions responsible for using them.
Determine and assess the other risks related to the establishment,
implementation, operation and maintenance of the HSEMS
Methodology and criteria for the assessment of HSE risks including social
risks shall be defined with respect to their scope, nature and timing to ensure

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they are proactive rather than reactive and are used in a systematic way.
Documented information shall be maintained and retained on the
methodology and criteria
As a minimum, the procedure shall meet the requirements of ADNOC Risk Management
System (HSE-RM-01) and associated Standards (Refer to Appendix 1).

2 The assessment of HSE opportunities and other opportunities for the HSEMS shall be
ensured by establishing, implementing and maintaining a process to assess:
HSE opportunities to enhance HSE performance, while taking into account
planned changes to the organization, its policies, processes or activities and:
(i) opportunities to adapt work, work organization and work environment
to employees;
(ii) opportunities to eliminate hazards and reduce HSE risks;
Other opportunities for improving the HSEMS.

3 The assessment and significance evaluation methodology shall take into account:
Legal and regulatory requirements;
Company and Group policies and standards;
Reputation - consideration of the concerns of stakeholders and in particular
the public and employees;
Industry and international standards;
Lack of available information to determine risk or significance e.g. uncertainty
in scientific knowledge; and
Financial / cost benefit considerations of risk reduction measures.

4 All ‘hazards, effects and aspects’ identified in identification process shall be ranked in terms
of risk and documented in the inventory or register (Refer to Sub-element 5.1). Specifically:
Assessments shall be conducted by qualified and competent personnel and
they shall solicit input from personnel directly involved with the hazard or
process; and
A qualitative assessment of risk is adequate for most situations for which the
concept of the Potential Risk Matrix shall be used. In the comparison of more
complex alternatives, or as a regulatory requirement, it may be necessary to
undertake a quantitative risk assessment (QRA).

5 A process shall be in place to prioritise, according to risk, those ‘hazards, effects and
aspects’ that are deemed significant, require controls and the nature of these controls.
Significant impact in the context of environmental management is defined in ADNOC
Environmental Impact Assessment Standard.
In determining controls, in all cases consideration shall be given to risk reduction to achieve
As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) levels and reflecting cost-benefit

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) Process / Procedure for Hazard Identification
(ii) Methodology and criteria for the assessment of HSE risks
(iii) Training Records

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(iv) Employees participation Records

(v) Hazards Communication and Awareness
(vi) Risk & Opportunities Register including Qualitative Risk Assessment (as applicable)
(vii) Environmental Aspects & Impact Register
(viii) Documents. demonstrating ALARP consideration in Risk Management
(ix) Action Plans for Implementing Controls

Table 7.4.3: Sub-Element 5.3 - Process Hazard Analysis [7 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish a process to conduct Process Hazard Analysis
(PHA) as per below expectations and considering ADNOC Risk Management Standards

2 Initial/Revalidation PHA
An Initial PHA shall be conducted prior to initial start-up of the facility.
Facilities in operation that have not undergone an Initial PHA shall develop a schedule and
complete the Initial PHA within three years of the approval of this Element.
PHA schedule shall be prioritized based on:
Perceived level of risk.
Potential for injuries/fatalities within and outside the facility.
History of incidents.
Age and operating history.
The considerations and rationale used in establishing the priority shall be documented.
PHA Plan (schedule) shall be developed to conduct Revalidation PHA at a maximum
frequency of five years.

3 Study Scope
The Initial/Revalidation PHA study shall consider the following for all modes of operation
including normal, start-up, shutdown and emergency shutdown/operation:
Hazards and operability issues associated with the facility being evaluated.
Review of changes done through MOC and evaluation of any prior incidents.
Engineering and administrative controls applicable.
Consequences of failure of engineering and administrative controls.
Qualitative evaluation of a range of the possible safety and health effects of
failure of engineering and administrative controls on employees in the
workplace, environment and the community.
Identification and evaluation of safe upper and lower limits and Parameters
considered essential for safe operation of the process.
Identification of Safety Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems.
Facility siting
Human factors
The PHA study team shall prioritize all recommendations. The prioritization should be based
on consequence severity and frequency or as specified in the Group Companies / Affiliates’
Management System.
Process Safety Information used for PHA study shall be accurate and up-to-date. Where

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PSI is not available, such information shall be developed in sufficient detail to support the
PHA study.

4 PHA Methodology
One or more of the following methodologies as appropriate (or equivalent) shall be used for
the Initial/Revalidation PHA:
Failure modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).
Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
Process Hazard Review (PHR).
The selection of the appropriate PHA methodology shall consider the complexity of the
process, known hazards, etc. In general, high hazard and complex processes will warrant
use of more structured procedures such as the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study. For
detailed information on above methodologies refer to ADNOC HAZOP Standard (HSE-RM-

5 PHA Study Team

Senior Management shall assign Initial/Revalidation PHA study team leader.
PHA study team leader shall be trained for the PHA methodology used.
PHA study team leader conducting HAZOP/PHR methodology shall have
participated as member in at least two prior HAZOP/PHR studies.
The PHA study team shall include a scribe/secretary and at least one
employee with experience and knowledgeable in the facility being studied. As
a minimum, the following personnel shall be included in the PHA study:
(i) Process Engineer.
(ii) Operations specialist.
(iii) For initial PHA include Project Engineer/Mechanical Engineer (Design).
(iv) Other personnel such as from: Safety, Health and Environment, Project
Engineering/Mechanical Engineering (Design), Maintenance,
Inspection, Instrumentation, Electrical, Applications/Control Systems,
etc. shall be added to the team when required.

6 Review, Approval, and Tracking of Recommendations

The PHA study team shall review the recommendations with the concerned
unit/department manager. This review shall result in one of the following:
(i) Acceptance of the PHA recommendations as made.
(ii) Acceptance of the PHA recommendation in principle but develop an
alternative approach to meet the intent.
(iii) Acceptance of the current situation and not implement the
recommendation. The rationale behind the decision shall be
The PHA study team leader shall issue the executive summary PHA report
within thirty days after the resolution of recommendations to all concerned

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unit/department managers. All concerned unit/department managers shall

assign responsibilities/target dates and track all recommendations.
The Element administrator shall be issued a copy of the executive summary
PHA report and shall be provided with PHA study worksheets, summary of
total nodes, list of recommendations; list of Process Safety Information,
incidents, and MOC’s (Management of Change) reviewed.
The executive summary PHA study report shall include as a minimum:
(i) Process background.
(ii) Boundaries of PHA study.
(iii) Date and duration of the PHA study, PHA study team members.
(iv) Basis for selection of the PHA methodology.
(v) Recommendations with prioritization.
The PHA Element Administrator (or equivalent) shall track the overall facility
PHA study recommendations.
Group Companies / Affiliates HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent) shall
ensure that a target date and responsibility to implement each accepted
recommendation is assigned. HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent) shall
also approve any subsequent changes to the accepted recommendations and
revision to their target dates.
Concerned operations unit/department managers shall issue a quarterly
follow-up status report on all open recommendations to Group Companies /
Affiliates HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent). The completion of all
recommendations shall be documented

7 Quality Review
The PHA Element administrator (or equivalent) shall randomly select and
evaluate an Initial/Revalidation PHA to ensure quality according to the
(i) Boundaries and Scope.
(ii) Methodology used.
(iii) Experience of PHA Team.
(iv) Duration and level of detail.
(v) Worksheets reflect logical conclusions.
The quality review of the selected PHA study shall be documented.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited:

(i) PHA Plan
(ii) PHA Methodology
(iii) Process Safety Information
(iv) MOCs Records
(v) HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent) Meetings Records
(vi) PHA Reports
(vii) Each Initial/Revalidation PHA study documentation shall include as minimum the following:
1. Final report

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2. Rational for rejected or modified recommendations.

3. Documentation that verifies all recommendations are completed.
4. PHA Quality review
(viii) All PHA Study documentation maintained for the life of the process as part of Process Safety
(ix) Action Plans for Implementing Controls

Table 7.4.4: Sub-Element 5.4 - Recovery [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

Procedures shall be in place to ensure that appropriate recovery action is taken in the event
that an HSE control fails. The procedures shall be recorded in the HSEMS; competent
persons responsible for maintaining and implementing each procedure shall be defined and
1 these persons shall clearly understand their responsibilities.
As a minimum, the procedure shall meet the requirements of ADNOC Risk Management
System (HSE-RM-01) and Associated Standards (Refer to Appendix 1).

Managers and workers are empowered and obliged to “Stop and Intervene” when a risk
2 associated with an activity is considered unacceptable, or if the execution of a task does not
meet the requirements of a procedure or plan

Procedures for the recovery from scenarios with high risk and for emergency response shall
be in place and subject to regular testing, review and updating in light of actual incidents,
analysis of emergency response drills and industry best practice (Refer to Contingency
Planning and Emergency Response).

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Emergency Response Call Out and Duty Roster (internal)
(ii) Duty numbers for external agencies
(iii) Listing of HSE procedures and parties responsible for the procedures
(iv) Emergency Response Procedures
(v) Oil Spill Response Procedures
(vi) Medevac Procedures
(vii) Crisis and Emergency Response Drill & Exercise Records
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.4.5: Sub-Element 5.5 - Recording [4 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Records of the hazard and effects management process shall be complete and kept up-to-
date in the HSEIA; they shall be accessible to and understood by the supervisors
responsible for operational decisions. Where there is an HSE Case [drilling rigs only], the
records shall be included. Records, either as stand-alone or included in the HSEIA and HSE
Case [drilling rigs only], shall detail:
a) Activities that shall be discontinued or restricted in given circumstances i.e. a
Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) or a Manual of Simultaneous Activities /
Operations (SIMACT / SIMOPS); and
b) Recovery action to be taken in the event that a control fails.

2 Systems shall be in place to ensure that all recommendations and actions arising from
hazard and aspects analyses and reviews are recorded and closed-out.

3 Critical operations and installations which require a documented demonstration that risks
have been reduced to ALARP level through the HSEIA or HSE Case [drilling rigs only] shall
be identified and documented. The HSEIA and HSE Case [for drilling rigs only] shall:
Be endorsed by the Asset or Process Owner and by those managing the asset
or operation;
Accurately reflect current practice at the location or site and be reviewed per
described review cycles;
Demonstrate that controls in place reduce risks to ALARP; and
Detail activities that shall be discontinued or restricted in given circumstances
e.g. When HSE-critical equipment is not available, during adverse weather or
when particular non-routine hazardous activities are being carried out. This
should be described in for example, a Manual of Permitted Operations
(MOPO), Manual of Simultaneous Activities / Operations (SIMACT /

4 Contractors managing HSE critical activities shall have HSE Plan or HSE Case [for drilling
rigs only] or equivalent documentation of risk management demonstration in place.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Hazards and Aspects Registers
(ii) Manual of Permitted Operations
(iii) Manual of Simultaneous Operations
(iv) Change Management Procedures
(v) HSE Plan / HSE Case
(vi) HSECES Register
(vii) Work Instructions for HSE Critical Activities/equipment/systems.
(viii) COMAH Report
(ix) Action Plans to address Recommendations
(x) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.4.6: Sub Element 6.1 - LEGAL & OTHER REQUIREMENTS [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Group Companies & Affiliates shall maintain a process to determine and have access to up-
to-date legal requirements and other requirements that are applicable to its hazards, HSE &
Process Hazards & Risks and HSE Management System;

2 Determine how these legal requirements and other requirements apply to the respective
Group Companies & Affiliates and what needs to be communicated;

3 Take these legal requirements and other requirements into account when establishing,
Implementing, maintaining and continually improving its HSE and Process Safety

4 Legal requirements and other requirements shall be reviewed for evaluation of risks and
opportunities for ADNOC.

5 Maintain and retain documented information on applicable legal requirements and other
requirements, records supporting compliance with these and shall ensure that it is updated
to reflect any changes.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) ADNOC IMS Legal Compliance Procedure [Rev. 0 13th Dec., 2018].
(ii) ADNOC Legal Register
(iii) Process to review and validated compliance with applicable Legal requirements.
(iv) HSE Legal Compliance Matrix
(v) ADNOC Legal Register maintained by ADNOC Group Legal & Compliance Division
(vi) Relevant UAE Local and Federal Laws & Regulations

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Table 7.4.7: Sub-Element 7.1 – Planning Actions [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Group Companies & Affiliates shall plan actions to:

address risks and opportunities [Ref. 7.4.1];
address legal requirements and other requirements [Ref. 7.4.2]
prepare for and respond to emergency situations [Ref. 7.6.4];

2 Planning process shall address how to:

integrate and implement the actions into its HSE and Process Safety
Management system processes or other business processes;
evaluate the effectiveness of these actions

3 Group Companies & Affiliates when planning to take action shall take into
account the hierarchy of controls [Ref. 7.6.1] and outputs from the HSE
management system.
When planning its actions, Group Companies & Affiliates shall consider best
practices, technological options and financial, operational and business

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Legal Register
(ii) Risk Register
(iii) Environment Aspect & Impact Register
(iv) HSE Business Plan and Supporting Documents
(v) Duly completed Action Plans Templates
(vi) Emergency Response Procedures
(vii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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HSE objectives shall be challenging, understood by all and consistently incorporated in policies. In setting
objectives, management shall consider the overall risk levels of their Companies’ activities and shall
identify those critical operations and installations requiring a fully documented demonstration that risks
have been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

An HSE Plan shall be in place to demonstrate pursuit of continual improvement principles at all
organizational levels. HSE Critical equipment shall be subject to adequate asset integrity controls.

Table 7.4.8: Sub-Element 8.1 – HSE Strategic Objectives [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish and maintain documented strategic HSE
objectives that meets ADNOC Performance Monitoring & Reporting Standard (HSE-GA-
ST08) which shall be:
Be applicable to all aspects of the business activities, and take account of the
current and future nature and scale of the activities, products and services of
the Company;
Consistent with the ADNOC Group Strategic HSE objectives;
Be SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based

2 HSE objectives established by Group Companies / Affiliates shall:

be consistent with the ADNOC HSE Policy;
be measurable (if practicable) or capable of performance evaluation;
take into account:
(i) applicable requirements;
(ii) the results of the assessment of risks and opportunities (see Section
(iii) the results of consultation with employees (see Section 7.3.4);
be monitored;
be communicated;
be updated as appropriate.

3 The strategic HSE objectives shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing targets in
the HSE Plan to ensure continual improvement. The objectives and targets shall cover:
Safety and health;
Asset integrity issues with an HSE impact; and
Environment (including waste management).

4 Strategic Objectives shall be updated to include lessons learned from Company or industry

5 HSEMS objectives, targets and implementation plans should be based on the following:
(a) Fires/explosions, chemicals/substance release, injury incidents.

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No. Expectations

(b) Overall HSEMS performance rating set by ADNOC/Group Companies /

(c) Lessons learned from Incident Analysis.
(d) Backlog of pending Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Incident Investigations,
HSEMS Audits (Internal, ADNOC and external), and major emergency
response drill recommendations.
(e) HSEMS performance measurements and audit results.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:

(i) Procedure for the identification of objectives and targets

(ii) Procedure for the development of HSE Plans
(iii) Employees Consultation and Participation Records
(iv) HSE Business Plan
(v) Audits Analysis Records
(i) Incidents Analysis Records
(ii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

Table 7.4.9: Sub-Element 8.2 – Planning to Achieve HSE Strategic Objectives [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 When planning how to achieve its HSE objectives, the Group Companies / Affiliates shall
What will be done;
Required resources;
Responsible Parties;
Completion Target;
Evaluation / Assessment Process with defined KPIs;
Actions to integrate HSE objectives into the business processes.

2 Maintain and retain documented information on the HSE objectives and plans to achieve

3 As part of the Business Planning Cycle, an annual HSE Plan shall be prepared to meet the
continual improvement objectives (Refer Sub-element 21). The plan shall comprise:
Challenging but achievable one and five year targets for the actions related to
the continual improvement objectives and actions to rectify any deficiencies
identified in the HSEMS; and
Clearly identified accountable parties and targeted completion dates for the
one and five year performance targets.

4 Development of the HSE plan shall include consideration of:

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No. Expectations

Resources required/available, responsibilities and a realistic timetable to build

and execute the HSE Plan.
Coverage of the HSE Plans to include such activities as existing operations;
modifications to existing facilities; acquisitions; new developments and
projects; abandonment programs; exploration or development programs;
Present and anticipated future legislative and regulatory requirements;
intolerable hazards and effects; technological options; financial, operational
and business requirements; views of stakeholders.
Compliance with ADNOC Performance Monitoring & Reporting Standard

5 HSE targets relating to the Company’s HSE Plan shall be communicated to employees
annually (see Section 7.5.3).

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) HSE Objectives and HSE Plan
(ii) HSE Business Plans
(iv) HSE Objectives and Targets
(v) Procedure for the identification of objectives and targets
(vi) Procedure for the development of HSE Plans
(vii) Business Planning Guidelines
(viii) Annual HSE Performance Reports
(ix) ADNOC HSEMS - Self Assessment Checklist
(x) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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This element addresses the organization of people, resources and the competence required for sound
HSE performance. The HSEMS shall be consistently implemented with Company-wide consistency to
cover all assets and activities, across every location and the entire workforce.

Consistency comes from being well organized with the right resources and competence and striving to
have the right equipment and the right people, with the right skills in the right place at the right time, to
deliver every task successfully, achieve the Company’s objectives and meet stakeholder requirements.

Necessary organization and resources to comply with the HSEMS shall be provided. This Element
ensures that the Company has clarity on who does what, that everything needed is in place, and that the
necessary skills and experience are applied by:

(i) Providing a structured organization to deliver the planned objectives effectively and
(ii) Establishing clear reporting relationships within the organizational structure, with
unambiguous lines of communication and control;
(iii) Clearly defining individual job scope, authority, responsibilities and accountabilities;
(iv) Ensure that the organization has availability and accessibility of human and financial
resources to provide the equipment, materials, services and skills needed for its activities;
(v) Confirming that managers and the workforce have the competency to work safely and

This element has been sub-divided into four sub-elements with expectations as described in below tables:

Table 7.5.1: Sub-Element 9.1 - Resources [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Sufficient resources (i.e. manpower, equipment, services, infrastructure, funds and supplies)
shall be available to ensure the effective implementation/operation of the HSEMS, Strategic
Objectives, and Continuous Improvement. This shall include resources for:
Meeting objectives and plans to improve performance;
Prompt rectification of HSE–related deficiencies identified by the Company,
ADNOC or third parties with a governance or regulating authority;
On-going verification that HSE-critical systems function in accordance with
the design intent and objectives; and
Induction and on-going training to maintain and enhance competencies.

2 Staff levels/numbers shall be sufficient to meet the manpower requirements of all HSE-
critical roles and activities. The resource levels shall be periodically reviewed and agreed
with line management and supervision who will ensure that account is taken of:
Actual and forecasted activity levels;
Actual staff competency/experience levels;
Existing manning philosophies and policies.

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No. Expectations

3 Procedures shall ensure that any changes in resource levels and competencies do not
increase HSE risk. For example, adequate leave rotations shall be available to ensure that
HSE-critical activities are not compromised.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Minimum acceptable resourcing levels for HSE-critical activities (e.g. manning philosophy)
(ii) HSE Competence Matrix for HSE Critical Positions
(iii) Leave Schedules/Rotations
(iv) HSE Functional Manual identifying mandate for HSE Functions / Divisions / Departments
(v) Management of Organizational Change
(vi) Register of Changes
(vii) Manual of Permitted Operations
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

Table 7.5.2: Sub-Element 9.2 - HSE Professional [6 - Expectations]

No. Description
VP HSE / HSE Manager / HSE Professional shall have direct access to top/senior
HSE professional shall have the relevant regulatory and professional competencies to
provide professional HSE advice.
HSE Professionals can be custodians of the System but shall not be directly responsible for
3 the management of HSE-critical activities. At all times, this shall be the responsibility of the
line management.
HSE Professionals shall monitor and communicate information on HSE issues (ADNOC,
4 national and international, legal requirements, stakeholder concerns) and best practice from
internal and external sources.
HSE Professionals shall collate HSE performance reports and co-ordinate the preparation
and verification of the HSE data for reporting to ADNOC.
HSE Professionals shall maintain and conduct a schedule of HSE audits / inspections and
participate in the review of findings from all audits / inspections / incident investigations.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Specification of HSE Critical Activities for which HSE Professionals can advise
(ii) HSE Critical Activities Register
(iii) Job Description of HSE Professionals
(iv) HSE Inspection/Audit/Review Program
(v) Competence Requirements for HSE Advisor roles
(vi) Audit and Review reports and follow-up
(vii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.5.3: Sub-Element 9.3 - Assurance of Competence [5 - Expectations]

No. Description
1 All HSE-critical activities shall have defined competency levels recorded which are
periodically reviewed and improved, as appropriate.
2 All personnel performing HSE-critical activities shall be appropriately experienced/qualified
and trained to ensure they are competent to undertake & implement the risk control
3 An HSE competency assurance process shall be in place for all personnel who perform
HSE-critical activities. Competency levels shall be reassessed at intervals that are
appropriate to their criticality. Shortfalls shall be documented and addressed in a timely
4 There shall be a comprehensive and structured training system to develop competency for
all staff involved in managing HSE-critical activities.
5 Recruitment, deployment and succession plans shall be in place to enable the correct level
of subject matter expertise, communication and supervisory capabilities, and enabling
behaviours to meet business needs and strategic objectives.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Competence Assurance System Records
(ii) Training programs/schedules
(iii) Training Records
(iv) Competence Standards
(v) Competence Assurance Procedures/Manual
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

Table 7.5.4: Sub-Element 9.4 - Training [6 - Expectations]

No. Description

1 Qualifying Program for Employees Involved in Operations

Training Program shall consider requirements of ADNOC Critical HSE Roles & Competence
Standard (HSE-GA-ST03).
New employees shall go through qualifying program prior to independently undertaking their
assignments without direct supervision.
A qualification assessment shall be done for experienced operators who are not required to
go through the qualifying program. This assessment shall be done at the time of hiring
experienced operators.
Training objectives shall be written in clear measurable terms before the training is
Training modules for trainers and trainees shall be developed.
The training program shall be, as appropriate, a blend of classroom lectures, simulators,
computer based training (CBT), practical demonstrations and On-the-Job Training (OJT).
The following evaluation materials shall be used to ascertain employee understanding for
the qualifying program:

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No. Description

Written exams.
Oral exams or practical tests.

2 Initial training shall include:

Roles, responsibilities and expectations from the employee including Safety,
Health and Environment.
Process overview including basic process description using process flow
diagram, basic process chemistry, and a detailed description using Piping and
Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs).
Operating procedures.
Shutdown and preparation of equipment for maintenance, clearing
procedures, safe to open conditions and personal protective equipment
Operations role in Mechanical Integrity Program.
Safety Critical Devices and Systems and the defeat approval procedure and
precautions to be taken during defeat.
Properties and hazards of chemicals used and precautions for preventing
exposure (Safety Datasheets - SDS).
Emergency scenarios as identified in ADNOC Crisis & Emergency Response
Standard; emergency response; firefighting; rescue operation; oil spill
response and first aid.
Safety systems and their function, fire protection systems, and hazardous
(classified) location.
Incident reporting requirements and classification.
Work permits authorization and/or receiving, gas testing, confined space entry
attendant, fire watch, and electrical Lockout/Tag-out.
HSE and Process Safety Management Program overview.
Recognition of what is a “Change”.

3 Refresher Training
Refresher training shall be provided to each employee to assure that the employee
understands and adheres to the current operating procedures. The refresher training
frequency shall be at least once every 3 years. A system for reminders for refresher training
shall be in place. The frequency and scope of refresher training shall be determined in
consultation with the employee.

4 Training for Technical Support Personnel

Training Programs shall be developed for technical support personnel such as engineers,
supervisors, technicians, and management in Maintenance, Technical and other
Departments as appropriate. The Programs shall include:
Process overview
Roles, responsibilities and expectations from the employee regarding process
HSE and Process Safety Management Program overview.
Properties and hazards of chemicals used and precautions for preventing
exposure (SDS).

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No. Description

Emergency scenarios as identified in ADNOC Crisis & Emergency Response

Standard, emergency response procedures and employee’s role, use of
safety and emergency equipment.

5 Orientation Training for all Employees

All new employees (permanent and on contract) shall receive site HSE
inductions at start of their employment before permitting access to work areas.
Experienced and qualified trainers shall conduct the training.

6 Evaluation of Training Program

Training Program shall be evaluated (by the trainer and the trainee) to
determine if the necessary knowledge is properly understood. The evaluation
shall be used to revise the training program.
Training shall be evaluated by feedback from trainee and the trainer to
determine if the necessary competency level is being achieved. The feedback
shall critique the quality of material presented, level of technical detail, and
applicability of the material to their job tasks and responsibilities. The
evaluation shall be used to revise the training and certification program, and
continuously improve training methods.
Senior management shall evaluate the implementation of the training at least
annually including trainee/trainer feedback.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Competence Assurance System Records
(ii) HSE Training Matrix
(iii) Training Programs/Schedules
(iv) Training records for each employee including but not limited to:
1. Employee’s name and identification number.
2. Type of training.
3. Date of training.
4. Valid Certificates
5. Qualification Records.
6. The means used to verify the employee achieved the learning objectives or training
objectives; such as: oral explanation, written examination, and/or walkthrough
(v) HSE Induction and Trainings Records
(vi) Competence Standards for HSE Critical Roles
(vii) Competence Assurance Procedures/Manual
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix)

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Table 7.5.5: Sub-Element 10.1 - Informed Involvement [6 - Expectations]

No. Expectations
1 Employees shall be fully aware of the most significant HSE risks associated with the
Company activities and the systems that are in place to manage these risks. Also, involving
employees in risk assessment, preparing procedures/work instructions, HSE Committees
and HSE performance measures.

2 GCs / Affiliates to ensure that employees shall be made aware of:

the HSE Policy and HSE Objectives;
their contribution to the effectiveness of the HSEMS, including the benefits of
improved HSE performance;
the implications and potential consequences of not conforming to the HSEMS
incidents and the outcomes of investigations that are relevant to them;
hazards, risks and actions determined that are relevant to them;
the ability to remove themselves from work situations that they consider
present an imminent and serious danger to their life or

3 All employees shall be aware of their HSE responsibilities during their induction. The
induction shall include relevant HSE risks associated with the job and the potential
consequences of departure from procedures. Records of Induction sessions shall be
4 All employees shall be aware of key HSE information, expectations and the method(s) for
reporting concerns or incidents.
5 Information on the HSE policy, targets and performance shall be formally reported and
available to shareholders and stakeholders, with a mechanism in place to collect feedback.
6 Group Companies / Affiliates shall ensure that systems are in place to motivate staff to be
more aware of HSE controls and to develop a HSE Culture. This can include:
Direct and personal interest by a supervisor in his subordinate’s work through
immediate recognition or criticism;
Regularly updated HSE performance boards sited in prominent locations;
Behavioural HSE training; and
Incentive schemes preferably based on proactive indicators rather than reactive indicators
such as lost time incident (LTI) or Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR).

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) HSE Meetings’ Minutes
(ii) Incentive and suggestion schemes
(iii) Register of public complaints
(iv) Register of suggestions for improvement
(v) Overview of meeting types, frequency, participants, objectives etc.
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.5.6: Sub-Element 11.1 - Communication [5 - Expectations]

No. Expectation

1 Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish, implement and maintain the process(es) for the
internal and external communications relevant to HSEMS, including determining:
Scope of communicate;
when to communicate;
stakeholder and targeted audience for communication:
 internally among the various levels and functions of the organization;
 among contractors and visitors to the workplace;
 among other interested parties;
Communication mechanisms / tools.
Group Companies / Affiliates shall take into account diversity aspects (e.g. gender,
language, culture, literacy, disability) when considering its communication needs.
Group Companies / Affiliates shall ensure that the views of external interested parties are
considered in establishing its communication process(es).
When establishing its communication process(es), the Group Companies / Affiliates shall:
take into account its legal requirements and other requirements;
ensure that OH&S information to be communicated is consistent with
information generated within the OH&S management system, and is reliable.
Group Companies / Affiliates shall respond to relevant communications on its HSE
management system.
Records shall be retained as evidence of its communications, as appropriate

2 Internal Communication
Group Companies / Affiliates shall:
internally communicate information relevant to the HSEMS among the various
levels and functions of the organization, including changes to the HSEMS, as
ensure its communication process(es) enables employees to contribute to
continual improvement.

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No. Expectation

3 HSE Committees shall focus on relevant HSE issues and provide a framework for
communication on the management of these issues by:
Stimulating effective two-way communication on HSE issues between
management and personnel;
Engaging all staff in the implementation of HSE management;
Serving as HSE advisory bodies to management and promoting suggestions
for improvement;
Monitoring measures taken for the prevention of accidents, their
implementation and adherence;
Organising inspections and audits focused on unsafe or environmentally
unfriendly practices;
Reviewing reports of inspection and audits;
Monitoring follow-up to incidents that have occurred;
Securing the co-operation of all persons in the promotion of HSE; and
Advising on HSE training, instructions and guidance of workers.

4 The hierarchy of HSE meetings and information flows within the organisation shall be
described and documented. Specifically:
Procedures for internal HSE communication shall be in place and reviewed
periodically; these shall describe mechanisms for encouraging two-way
communication on HSE issues within the organisation.
Procedures shall be in place for the management of external communications;
these shall address HSE issues raised by stakeholders and the registration
and processing of public complaints.
Major Hazards along with remedial actions required in the eventuality
associated with operation/activities of the organization shall be communicated
to all concerned / stake holders including public / nearby residents etc.

5 External Communication
Group Companies / Affiliates shall externally communicate information
relevant to the HSEMS, as established by the organization’s communication
process(es) and taking into account its legal requirements and other
Information on the HSE policy, targets and performance shall be formally
reported and available to shareholders and stakeholders, with a mechanism
in place to collect feedback.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Procedure for internal communication and reporting
(ii) Procedure for managing external communications
(iii) Register of public complaints
(iv) Register of suggestions for improvement
(v) Overview of meeting types, frequency, participants, objectives etc.
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards
(vii) ADNOC Customers Satisfaction Procedures [ver. 0 21st Oct., 2018]

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Document management and the documents themselves should incorporate the concept of traceability,
i.e., be legible, dated (with dates of the most current revision), readily identifiable, numbered (with a
version number), maintained in an orderly manner, and retained for a specified period. Procedures should
be established for document creation, maintenance, and modification, and for their availability to
employees, contractors, and other relevant parties.

Adequate standards and procedures, derived from clearly defined risk assessments/analyses, or
internationally acceptable practices shall be in place and understood at the appropriate organisational
levels. Preparation, review and distribution of all key reference documentation shall be adequately
controlled. Change, in all its typical business aspects, will be adequately managed.

This element is sub-divided into seven sub-elements with expectations as described in below table:

Table 7.5.7: Sub-Element 12.1 – HSE Documentation & Documented Information [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 A system shall be in place for the management and control of all documents, in paper and/or
electronic format, in use to manage HSE. This shall include formal administration,
custodianship for technical correctness and communication of correct use. As a minimum
the system will cover:
The scope of HSE available as documented information
The HSE policy available as documented information
The responsibilities, accountabilities, and authorities for relevant roles are
maintained as documented information
Maintain documented information of the HSE risks and HSE opportunities and
the processes needed to address risks and opportunities
The methodologies and criteria for assessing HSE risks and opportunities are
defined, maintained and retained as documented information.
Information on applicable legal and other requirements are maintained,
retained, and updated as documented information
HSE objectives and plans to achieve them are maintained and retained as
documented information
Documented information is retained as evidence of competence of workers
Relevant HSE communications are received and maintained as documented
Documented information to provide confidence that processes have been
carried out as planned and determining where the absence of documented
information could lead to deviations from the HSE policy and the HSE
objectives is kept
Information on the process and on the plans for responding to potential
emergency situations are maintained and retained as documented
Evidence of the monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation results are
retained as documented information
Results of the compliance evaluation are retained as documented information
Evidence of the implementation of the audit program and the audit results is
retained as documented information

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No. Expectations

Evidence of the results of management reviews is retained as documented

Evidence of the nature of incidents or nonconformities and actions taken with
results and effectiveness of correction is retained as documented information
and communicated to relevant workers other relevant interested parties
Evidence of the results of continual improvement efforts is retained as
documented information
Register of laws & regulations as applicable to the Group Company / Affiliate;
Standards i.e. Company, ADNOC and international (if applicable);
Process safety information such as process and instrumentation diagrams
(P&IDs) and Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), Critical information from MSDS,
Technology of the process, Equipment in process and employee involvement.
Procedures for management and execution of HSE critical activities;
Appropriate supplier and contractor information; and
Product/material identification and composition data i.e. Company & Suppliers

2 ADNOC Group Companies & Affiliates shall maintain Level 2 & Level 3 Documented
procedures, work instructions and records (as applicable) to demonstrate compliance with
the requirements of this Standard and stipulated in sub-element 8.4. The documents should
assist employees and contractors in understanding how the Company will meet the HSE
Policy and Objectives, by describing or reference to the processes, documents and
procedures used to manage HSE.

3 The information contained in the HSE Documents shall be accessible to employees and
contractors in the most effective format. HSE documents shall be updated and upgraded in
line with requirements for continual improvement.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) HSE Policy & Strategic Objectives
(ii) ADNOC HSEMS Standard
(iii) HSE Legal Register
(iv) HSE Risk Register
(v) Environment Aspect & Impact Register
(vi) Audit Program
(vii) Process Safety Information
(viii) Operating Procedures
(ix) Documents Management Procedure
(x) Management Review Procedure & Records
(xi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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Table 7.5.8: Sub-Element 12.2 - Standards, Procedures and Work Instructions [6 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 HSE-critical activities and supporting tasks shall have written procedures or work
instructions in place, as deemed necessary. HSE-critical activities for the Company shall be
listed in the HSEMS. HSE Critical Integrity Activities i.e. those activities that are related to
the integrity of the HSECES shall have their Quality Performance Standards set and
complied with. Refer to ADNOC HSECES Management Standard (HSE-OS-ST29)

2 HSE standards and procedures shall be listed in the HSEMS. The appropriate standards
and procedures shall be readily accessible to employees, suppliers and contractors and be
written in a way that users will understand. Group Company Managers shall ensure that
relevant HSE procedures and requirements for their assets are communicated to suppliers
and contractors.

3 A defined process for development, including product stewardship, and review of HSE
standards, procedures and work instructions shall be in place and should include employee
involvement. This process shall ensure that HSE objectives are achieved, best practices
are incorporated and legislative requirements are met.

4 Procedures / Mechanisms shall be established for controlling and monitoring access of

personnel other than normally assigned operation staff, in operation area within a facility.

5 Company and other suitable Design and Engineering Practices or equivalent standards shall
be consistently applied and variances shall be subject to a control procedure.

6 There shall be evidence, in addition to the formal review cycle, of standards, procedures
and work instructions being reviewed in light of incidents, and that changes can and are
initiated by operations personnel.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Register of HSE Procedures (Level 4 Documents)
(ii) Procedures and Work Instructions for ‘Operational Control’
(iii) Typical supporting Documents and Records
(iv) Documentation Management and Control system
(v) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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Table 7.5.9: Sub-Element 12.3 – Process Safety Information [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Process safety information shall be compiled, kept up-to-date, made available and accessible
to all employees involved in operating or maintaining process units or facilities. PSI maintained
in electronic files shall be made available as hard copies to personnel that have no access to

2 Process Safety Information shall include as a minimum

Information Related to Process Chemicals:
Information pertaining to hazards of chemicals and materials shall be maintained for
feedstock, products, by-products, chemicals, catalysts and waste used in or produced by
the process. Information for each material shall include:
Toxicity and Permissible Exposure Limits.
Physical Data.
Reactivity Data.
Corrosivity Data.
Thermal & Chemical Stability Data.
Hazardous Effects of inadvertent mixing of different materials.
Safety Data Sheet may be used to comply with this requirement.
Information Related to Process Technology:
Process Flow Diagrams (PFD).
Process Chemistry.
Maximum intended inventory for hazardous chemicals.
Safe upper and lower limits.
An evaluation of consequence of deviations for safe upper and lower limits.
Information Related to Process and HSE Critical Equipment and System:
Material of construction.
Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID).
Hazardous (classified) location.
Relief system design, design basis and calculation performed to verify relief
device settings.
Ventilation system design basis.
Design codes and standards used.
Material and energy balances.
Safety systems.
Process and HSE Critical equipment, Devices and Systems and instrument
data sheets including Car Seals List

3 Administration & Control

All recommendations generated as a result of process hazards analyses, pre-
start-up safety reviews, incident investigations, and compliance audits shall
be reviewed by the PSI Element administrator (or equivalent) for inaccuracies
in the existing process safety information. A grass root verification activity for
any PSI should be considered if a significant concern is identified by this

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A mechanism shall be specified to report deficiencies in PSI.

All proposed additions/changes to existing process safety information shall be
controlled in accordance with, Management of Change Element.
All distribution of PSI shall be controlled. Removal of older versions shall be
Practical controls shall be implemented to allow identification of the most
current version of documents. This can be achieved by such means as date
and/or version identification unit stamps, footers, or equivalent measures.
PSI shall be retained for life of the process

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) A Master copy of each PSI Document maintained with the location specified.
(ii) Inventory/Register of HSE Hazards, Effects and Aspects
(iii) Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
(iv) Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO)
(xii) Procedure for the Management of Change
(xiii) Work Management System (WMS)
(xiv) Hazardous Area Classification Plans
(xv) Operating Procedures and Work Instructions
(xvi) Safety Data Sheets
(xvii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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Table 7.5.10: Sub-Element 12.4 - Operating Procedures [8 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Development, Review and Approval of Operating Procedures

Operating procedures shall be developed, maintained and implemented for operations
involving manufacturing, storage, handling or processing materials. The Group Companies
/ Affiliates Management shall supervise and evaluate adherence to the operating
Each operating procedure shall be developed and updated by experienced
operators/supervisors/engineers. Experienced personnel should review the procedure prior
to approval.
New operating procedures and all changes to operating procedures shall be technically
reviewed, and approved. The review and approval mechanism shall ensure that it addresses
the following:
Content of operating procedures as specified in # 7 of this Sub-Element.
Technical accuracy and consistency with Process Safety Information.
Identify training needs.
Assess need for MOC review if revision to existing procedures is not initiated
by change process.
Regulatory requirements.
Quality (step-by-step instructions, clarity).
The responsibilities of personnel involved in the review and approval of operating
procedures shall be specified in the management system. The approval shall be
documented on the approval page of each procedure.
Operating procedures for new facilities, equipment or changes shall be developed/updated
prior to the initial start-up of the new or modified facility and equipment.
All operating procedures within a process unit shall use a unified format.

2 Development, Review and Approval of Temporary Operating Procedures

 Temporary operating procedures shall be developed for temporary changes, and other
temporary activities such as experiments to provide instructions to the operation personnel
for performing such activities.
 For temporary operating procedures developed as part of temporary changes requirement
of Management of Change Element shall apply.
 The review and approval process for temporary operating procedures shall be the same as
specified in expectation 1.
 Temporary operating procedures shall be removed upon expiry.

3 Communicating Changes in Operating Procedure to employees:

All employees affected by new, revised or temporary operating procedures shall be informed
of the procedure changes prior to operation of the equipment. Removal or extension of
temporary operating procedure shall also be communicated to affected employees. The
rationale behind modifying/updating any operating procedure should be explained to
affected employees.

4 Availability/Accessibility of Operating Procedures

An up-to-date set of all applicable operating procedures shall be maintained in the operating
unit and be made readily available/accessible to shift and operations staff. Up-to-date hard

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copies shall be made accessible for operation personnel who have no accessibility to
network or computers. Hard copies shall also be provided to operation personnel where
back-up power is not available for network drives.
All master hard copies shall be identified as “CONTROL” copies or similar designation

5 Revisions and Periodic Review

Operating procedures shall be reviewed/revised as often as necessary to ensure that they
reflect current operating practice. A mechanism for conducting this review shall be
developed to ensure that the operating procedures have been and continue to be maintained
in accurate, current, and up-to-date condition and all the changes as a result of MOC have
been incorporated in the operating procedures.
Operations (or equivalent function) shall perform a detailed review of existing operating
procedures at least once every 5 years.

6 Operating Procedures Control System

Each operating procedure shall have a designated control number, issue date, next revision
date and revision number. The procedure control number shall be written on the approval
page as well as on each page in the operating procedures. The number should identify the
unit or facility that the procedure belongs to as well as a serial number.
A system shall be in place to ensure distribution of the new and revised procedures to the
concerned individual/departments. The current procedures shall be replaced with the new
version and older versions shall be discarded/destroyed.

7 Content of Operating Procedures

Operating procedures shall provide the following modes of operation and assignment of
responsibilities, where applicable:
Normal operations.
Temporary operations.
Emergency operations.
Normal shutdown.
Emergency shutdown including partial or total loss of utilities.
Safe Upper and Lower Limits shall be specified.
If deviations from Safe Upper and Lower Limits could potentially result in catastrophic
consequences, the procedure shall include the consequences and the measures to avoid
or correct the deviation as well as specify conditions under which emergency shutdown is
Safety Critical Devices and Systems shall be clearly identified. Steps to bypass each Safety
Critical Device and System and precautions to be taken shall be identified.
Operating procedures shall include instructions that address Safety, Health and
Environment considerations. These instructions can be supplied from a combination of
general and specific procedures. Generic procedures for hazard communication or MSDS
training can be used to partially fulfill the requirements listed below. Safety, Health and
Environment considerations shall include:
Properties of and hazards presented by chemicals used in the process.
Precautions necessary to prevent exposure (engineering or administrative
controls and personal protective equipment).

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Control measures to be taken if exposure occurs.

Special or unique hazards and precautions necessary to prevent these

8 Safety and Fire Protection Systems

Operations personnel shall be provided with instructions for safety and fire protection
systems including flammable and toxic gas detection systems; fire prevention, detection,
and control systems, and other safety systems. The instructions shall explain the function,
how and when to use the safety and fire protection systems.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:

(i) A master copy of all Operating Procedures in hard or electronic copy and location specified
(ii) A current set of operating procedures maintained in an accessible area for employees
involved in the operation of the process unit or facility including shift staff
(iii) Register of HSECES
(iv) Management of Change Records
(v) Communication & Training Program
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

Table 7.5.11: Sub-Element 12.5 – Work Management System [6 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Group Companies / Affiliates shall comply with the requirements of ADNOC Work
Management System (WMS) framework and standards establishing the key aspects and
requirements to facilitate implementation of a harmonized and integrated HSE critical
process that include Permit to Work, Job Safety Analysis, Energy Isolation, Temporary
Defeat of HSECES, and SIMOPS across ADNOC Group.

2 A permit shall be used for controlling and coordinating work to establish and maintain safe
working conditions, ensuring that all foreseeable site hazards are considered, and the
appropriate mitigation efforts are defined and implemented prior to commencement of work
until completion.
The permit must document that the fire prevention and protection requirements in ADNOC
Work Management System (WMS) Framework Standards have been implemented prior to
beginning the hot work operations. The ADNOC WMS comprise three types of Permits i.e.
Hot Work Permit, Critical Work Permit and General Work Permit.

3 The permit shall contain clear and adequate description about the following aspects:
Linkage to any previous permits (as applicable);
A clear and concise title of work activity to be carried out;
Linkage to Work Order No. (applicable in case of Maintenance schedules);
Proposed/Planned start and finish date or duration;
Location of work with clear reference to equipment ID/Tag No.;

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Description of work (including sub tasks/activities);

Area in which the work will be carried out (Process Area / Restricted Area or
Area / Unrestricted Area);
Applicable H2S Zones or HC Zones;
Job Performer (JP) details namely Discipline / Department, expected number
of people in the work party and if JP is contractor or not;
Whether the work activity was planned as part of IWAP (Integrated Work
Activity Planning) or not;
Equipment, material and tools to be used for executing the work including
potential sources or ignition (i.e. cranes, trucks, non-intrinsic equipment,
hazardous products or materials involved, etc.);

4 Compliance with ADNOC Operations Safety Standards and other applicable Standards shall
be ensured for the control of hazards during operations, maintenance, and construction
activities (Refer Appendix 1)

5 Periodic monitoring, random spot checks and audits shall be conducted to ensure ADNOC
Operations Safety Standards (see below) are followed, up-to-date and consistently applied
across the facility.

6 For paper based system, the original copy of the signed off documentation and all relevant
attachments required as per WMS Standards shall be retained for a minimum period of
twelve (12) months.
For companies utilizing electronic systems, a majority of the approvals and attachments are
automatically archived in the system. However, other hard copies containing wet ink
signatures or information not captured in the electronic system as part of the documentation
shall be retained for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
The requirements set forth by ADNOC Document Retention Standards shall also be
applicable. When requested the signed off copies should be made available for auditing and
monitoring purposes. If any documentation and all relevant attachments required as per
WMS Standards form part of an investigation for any reason, the related documents shall
remain in archive for the duration of the investigation.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

(ii) WMS / Permit to Work (PTW)
(iii) Lockout Tag-out
(iv) Job Safety Analysis
(v) PTW Audit Records
(vi) WMS Training and Authorization Program

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Table 7.5.12: Sub-Element 12.6 – Control of Documented Information [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectation
1 Documented information required by the ADNOC HSE Management System identified in
this Standard under respective Elements shall be controlled to ensure:
it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed;
it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use or
loss of integrity).

2 For the control of documented information, ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall
address the following activities, as applicable:
 distribution, access, retrieval and use;
 storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility;
 control of changes (e.g. version control);
 retention and disposition.

3 Documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary

for the planning and implementation of HSEMS shall be identified, as appropriate, and

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) ADNOC Control of Documented Information Procedure [ver.0 21st Oct., 2018]
(ii) Management of Change
(iii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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This element addresses the planning of work activities and the standards and procedures governing how
these shall be executed. Specifically, it deals with the risk reduction measures as selected through the
evaluation and risk management process. It also includes safeguarding the integrity of assets, managing
changes, contractors’ management, and developing and testing emergency response measures.

Table 7.6.1: Sub-Element 13.1 – Eliminating Hazards & Reducing HSE Risk [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 HSE risks shall be ALARP during conceptual and early design stages. Emphasis shall be
on prevention of incidents through hazards removal or, failing this, reduction of hazards and
lowering the probability of incidents.

2 In the operations phase, the HSEMS shall provide a demonstrable link between each
significant risk and a set of controls or risk reduction measures e.g. through a HSEIA, HSE
Case [for drilling rigs only], HSE-critical activity records. The controls shall:
Be commensurate with the risks and responsibilities for implementation shall
be clearly defined, understood and assigned to an individual or job position;
Include documented procedures or work instructions which are developed
and maintained using experienced staff, stipulating responsibilities, HSE
requirements (e.g. maintenance, contractor management, suppliers) and
acceptable standards for performance. The procedures and work instructions
will cover situations where their absence may result in deviations from the
HSE policy, the objectives or targets;
Be reviewed and updated through inclusion in improvement programs (HSE
Plans for projects and construction, HSEIA, HSE Case [for drilling rigs only]
remedial action plans); and
Task Risk Assessment shall be carried out for all activities / equipment /
system and risk shall be managed with suitably designed Permit to Work

3 Performance indicators shall be in place for all HSE-critical activities which shall be
documented in the specification of the activity together with parties responsible for each
indicator. Specifically:
Performance against each indicator shall be monitored and measured
routinely and the results shall be trended and reviewed (see Sub-element
Procedures for reviewing employee performance shall include reference to
HSE performance indicators. Good employee HSE performance shall be
rewarded by staff appraisal systems (see Element 4 & 10).

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(ii) ADNOC HSE Risk Management Standard and associated Standards (Appendix 1)
(iii) Inventory/Register of HSE Hazards, Effects and Aspects
(iv) Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

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(v) Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO)

(i) HSE Case [as applicable]
(ii) Procedure for the Management of Change
(iii) Work Management System (WMS)
(iv) Hazardous Area Classification Plans
(v) Process Safety Information
(vi) Operating Procedures and work instructions
(vii) Performance Indicators e.g. audit follow up, training, emergency drills, emissions, plant
testing, fire detection, alarms.
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

Table 7.6.2: Sub-Element 13.3 – Asset Integrity [9 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Procedures shall be established and maintained in compliance with ADNOC Technical

Integrity Standard (HSE-OS-ST29), Temporary Defeat of HSECES Standard (HSE-OS-
ST05) and ADNOC Integrity Management Framework Standard [IM1.0]. to ensure that:
There is a clearly defined responsibility for asset ownership and there are
designated technical authorities for the entire range of issues involved in
managing technical integrity. For example, mechanical, electrical,
instrumentation, control, civil, structural, process, chemical, marine, corrosion,
erosion, fire & gas protection;
Activities, equipment and resources that are critical in safeguarding asset
integrity shall be identified in the HSE Management System, or where
available, in the HSEIA or HSE Case [for drilling rigs only].
Process defences, inspection and testing and written procedures/work
instructions shall be established for Mechanical Integrity of equipment.
Quality Assurance & Control systems shall be established for asset integrity
of all facilities.

2 For new facilities the Company shall establish and maintain procedures that ensure:
Assets are designed, constructed and commissioned in accordance with
suitable Company and International Safety & Environmental Standards;
ADNOC codes and national and Federal regulations. These include the risk
identification, assessment and acceptance criteria as set in the ADNOC
RAMS Standard (Refer to Element 4 – Risk Evaluation & Management);
Deviations from the original design intent and/or the existing standards and
codes are authorized in accordance with the Company management of
change procedure (Refer Sub-element 5.5); and
There is an auditable process of scrutiny, verification and validation by
competent engineers and supervisors of both the original design and
subsequent changes.

3 For new facilities and existing facilities which have been modified and are about to be
handed over for start-up, the Company shall:
Conduct documented audits and pre-start-up reviews to confirm that
construction is in accordance with design, all required verification testing is

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complete and acceptable, and all recommendations / deviations are closed

and approved by the designated technical authority;
Establish and maintain procedures to ensure that the documentation
necessary to support operation, maintenance and inspection is complete prior
to facilities start-up (including e.g. equipment manuals, P&IDs and all other
drawings, the HSEIA or HSE Case [for drilling rigs only]);
Develop and maintain procedures for start-up, operating, maintenance and
shut-down with designated authorities defined (e.g. Permit to Work, hand-
over, equipment and process isolations, simultaneous operations, and Pre
Start-up Safety Review – PSSR, Start-up PHSER) in compliance with ADNOC
PSSR Standard.

4 For existing facilities the Company shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that
the equipment which is critical in the safeguarding of asset integrity shall be subject to
integrity controls during the life cycle, which includes decommissioning, sale or disposal, in
compliance with ADNOC HSECES Management Standard. The controls shall include:
A system to ensure the reliability and availability of protective systems and
the testing and maintenance of these, including the management of temporary
disarming of these;
Regular maintenance in accordance with a Company-wide maintenance
management system which includes timely repairs of equipment which has or
is expected to fail inspection and tests;
A signed ‘statement of fitness’ to demonstrate that existing operating facilities
(including its modifications) are designed, constructed, commissioned and
maintained in accordance with Company and external standards, codes and
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for plant/equipment/system shutdown activities and
Pre Start-up Safety Review – PSSR / Start-up PHSER for plant/system start-
up shall be carried out to ensure integrity.

Mechanical Integrity

5 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish and implement an overall Mechanical
Integrity Program as a minimum for the following equipment in compliance with ADNOC
HSECES Management Standard and ADNOC Asset Integrity Framework Standard:
Pressure vessels and storage tanks;
Piping systems (including piping components such as valves);
Relief and vent systems and devices;
Emergency shutdown systems;
Controls (including monitoring devices and sensors, alarms, and interlocks);
and Pumps.

6 For New, Existing, and Modified Facilities:

Appropriate checks and inspections shall be performed on new or modified
facilities to assure that equipment is installed properly and consistent with
design specifications and the manufacturer's instructions.
All facility equipment, devices, and systems shall be reviewed to identify all
HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems.

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HSE Critical List should be generated from a Process Hazard Analysis of the
The HSE Critical List shall be reviewed, approved by Group Companies /
Affiliates’ HSE Committee (or equivalent committee responsible for the
integrity of the facility) and the HSE Critical List shall be maintained as part of,
Process HSE Information.
The Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE Committee (or equivalent committee
responsible for the integrity of the facility) shall approve any changes,
additions or deletions to the HSE Critical List in accordance with, Management
of Change requirements.
The HSE Critical List shall specify the suitable procedures, test equipment,
frequency of testing and inspections, acceptable limits, criteria for passing the
tests or inspections and the maximum permissible duration and actions in
case of malfunction or failure (see below).
In constructing new plants it shall be ensured that equipment as it is fabricated
is suitable for the process application for which it will be used. Appropriate
checks and inspections must be performed to ensure that equipment is
installed properly and is consistent with design specifications and the
manufacturer's instructions.
It shall be ensured that maintenance materials, spare parts, and equipment are suitable for
the process application for which they will be used.

7 HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems Maintenance, Test and Inspection
Requirements of ADNOC HSECES Management Standard (HSE-OP-ST29)
shall be followed.
Initial tests and inspections shall be performed on all new HSE Critical
Equipment, Devices, and Systems prior to the initial start-up to ensure they
are manufactured and installed consistently with the design specifications and
manufacturer’s instructions. Such tests shall be witnessed by qualified
personnel and documented.
A schedule for periodic tests and inspections for all HSE Critical Equipment,
Devices, and Systems shall be developed. The frequency for periodic tests
and inspections shall be based on relevant ADNOC Engineering Standards,
applicable codes and standards, manufacture’s recommendations, good
engineering practices, national legislation, systematic assessment of failure
mechanisms, and/or individual facility experience.
Test and inspections shall be documented to include the following information:
(i) Date of test or inspection.
(ii) Name of person performing the test or inspection.
(iii) Identification of equipment, device or system.
(iv) Description of the procedure used.
(v) Identification of test or measuring instrument used.
(vi) Measured verses required value and accuracy.
(vii) Results “satisfactory” or “not satisfactory” (i.e. outside of acceptable
limits as specified by, Process HSE Information).
Recommendations for corrective actions of HSE Critical Equipment, Devices,
and Systems that are outside the specified acceptable limits shall be

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addressed and implemented in a timely action before further use.

Recommendations shall only be deleted or changed after approval of the
Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE Committee (or equivalent committee
responsible for the integrity of the facility). In case of deficiencies that cannot
be corrected in a timely manner, an MOC review shall be conducted to identify
necessary precautions.
The Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE Committee (or equivalent committee
responsible for the integrity of the facility) shall periodically review their test
and inspection program of HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems to
determine the need for any changes in frequency of tests, inspections, or
preventive maintenance.
HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems delayed/overdue for tests and
inspection shall be identified, the causes analyzed, and their deferment
reviewed, approved and tracked.
Equipment deficiencies outside the acceptable limits defined by the process safety
information must be corrected before further use. In some cases, it may not be necessary
that deficiencies be corrected before further use, as long as deficiencies are corrected in a
safe and timely manner, when other necessary steps are taken to ensure safe operation.

8 Development, Review and Approval of Mechanical Integrity Procedures

Written procedures shall be developed, approved, maintained, and controlled
for maintenance, tests and inspections performed on all plant HSE Critical
Equipment, Devices, and Systems. The Group Companies / Affiliates
Management shall supervise and evaluate adherence to the Mechanical
Integrity Procedures.
Each Mechanical Integrity procedure shall be developed and updated by
experienced personnel.
New procedures and all changes to existing procedures shall be technically
reviewed, and approved. The review and approval mechanism shall ensure
that it addresses the following:
(i) Technical accuracy and consistency with Process Safety Information.
(ii) Identify training needs.
(iii) Assess need for MOC review if revision to existing procedures is not
initiated by change process.
(iv) Regulatory requirements.
(v) Quality (step-by-step instructions, clarity).
The responsibilities of personnel involved in the review and approval of
Mechanical Integrity Procedures shall be specified. The approval shall be
documented on the approval page of each procedure.
Mechanical Integrity Procedures for new facilities, equipment or changes shall
be developed/updated prior to the initial startup of the new or modified facility
and equipment.
All maintenance material and spare parts for HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems
shall be positively identified and inspected to ensure that they meet the specifications.

9 Training and Qualification.

Initial and refresher training shall be provided to all affected employees that
maintain the ongoing integrity including but not limited to welding,

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grinding/cutting, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), hydro-testing, PSV

calibration/maintenance, instrumentation calibration etc. Training shall also
(i) An overview of the facility and its hazards.
(ii) An introduction to the Group Companies / Affiliates’ mechanical
integrity management system.
(iii) Procedures applicable to the employee's task and the use of
specialized equipment or unique tools.
A qualification and certification process shall be established to ensure that the
employee understands the initial and refresher training and is qualified to
perform the assigned tasks.
Documentation of all mechanical integrity initial and refresher training shall be
in accordance with HSEMS, Training Element.
If a contractor performs the inspections and tests for HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and
Systems, the Group Companies / Affiliates shall develop a management system to ensure
the contractor’s qualification and certification

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Change Control Register (deviation from original or existing designs)
(i) Variance Control Register (deviation from HSE Standards)
(ii) Register of HSECES
(iii) HSECES Maintenance, Test and Inspection Program
(iv) HSE Case [for drilling rigs only]
(v) Operations Philosophy and/or Maintenance Strategy
(vi) Company design and engineering practices
(vii) MOC Procedure (e.g. design, construction, operation, inspection and maintenance)
(viii) Mechanical Integrity Records including but not limited to
1. Completed inspections and tests reports for new, existing and modified HSE Critical
Equipment, Devices, and Systems shall be maintained for the life of the facility.
2. HSECES deficiencies noticed during inspections, recommended corrective actions,
and status shall be recorded and maintained for the life of the facility.
3. Change of inspection schedule and frequency documentation and authorization shall
be recorded and maintained for the life of the facility.
4. Results of positive identifications of incoming HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and
Systems materials and spare parts shall be maintained for the total life cycle of the
HSE Critical Equipment, Devices, and Systems.
5. Initial and refresher training documentation in accordance with, Training Element.
(ix) Variance Control Procedure
(x) Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
(xi) PSSR / Start-up PHSER
(xii) Audit records
(xiii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards including ADNOC HSECES Management Standard

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Table 7.6.3: Sub-Element 13.4 – Pre Start-Up Safety Review (PSSR) [6 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 PSSR shall be conducted in compliance with ADNOC PSSR Standard (HSE-RM-ST12) for:
New facilities prior to initial start-up.
Modified facilities (permanent and temporary) prior to start-up. The
requirement to conduct PSSR shall be identified as part of the MOC review
for changes that require update of Process Safety Information.
Modified Facilities: The PSSR activity shall ensure that all requirements
identified during the, Management of Change have been met prior to start-up.
PSSR shall include a physical field inspection (walkthrough) as appropriate.

2 Prior to the introduction of a highly hazardous chemical to a process, the pre-startup safety
review must confirm that the following:
Construction and equipment are in accordance with design specifications;
Safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and
are adequate;
A process hazard analysis has been performed for new facilities and
recommendations have been resolved or implemented before start-up, and
modified facilities meet the management of change requirements; and
Training of each employee involved in operating a process has been

3 A PSSR leader shall be assigned by management to lead and facilitate the PSSR activity.
PSSR leader shall form an interdisciplinary team with specialization from operations,
maintenance, mechanical design, process engineering, health, safety and environment,
inspection, electrical, project, instrument and control systems as appropriate.

4 Training shall be conducted on PSSR requirements and methodology for team members.

5 PSSR Team observations shall be documented, signed by all team members (for their
specialization). The PSSR Leader with Operations Area Owner shall identify items that are
required to be addressed prior to safe start-up.

6 Upon the completion of these items Operations Area Owner shall issue a formal notification to
Operations Supervisor to proceed with start-up. Items not essential to be completed before
start-up shall be assigned target dates and responsibility and tracked by the project or MOC
originator to ensure implementation.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) PSSR documentation including the team observations, completion of items required before and
after start-up, authorization for start-up maintained as part of Project documentation (for new
facilities) and as part of MoC documentation (for modified facilities), PSSR / Start-up PHSER
(ii) Process Hazard Analysis
(iii) Operating Procedures
(iv) Process Safety Information
(v) Management of Change
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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Table 7.6.4: Sub-Element 14.1 - Management of Change [6 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Management of Change Process shall ensure that the following considerations are
addressed prior to any change in compliance with ADNOC Management of Technical
Changes Standard (HSE-OP-ST30) and associated Standards [Management of
Downgraded Situations (HSE-OP-ST31), Temporary Defeat Management (HSE-OP-ST05)]
The technical basis for the proposed change,
Impact of the change on employee safety and health,
Modifications to operating procedures,
Necessary time period for the change, and
Authorization requirements for the proposed change.

2 Written procedures for planning and control of all changes shall be maintained, in which the
impact of the change shall be assessed to avoid adverse HSE consequences. The change
control procedures will cover both permanent and temporary changes to:
People and organisation structure
Plant, equipment, processes and their controls;
Business processes;
Shifts structures and manpower; and
Standards and procedures.

3 Change control procedures (corporate, Business Unit, asset or projects) shall document the
evaluation and approval process, and the responsibilities and required competencies of
those involved.
The procedures shall provide for a comparative analysis and documentation of the HSE
impact of implementing the change and that of the implemented change. As a minimum this
shall include a minimum evaluation of risks associated with the proposed change and a
mitigation plan to reduce the risks to ALARP.

4 Management of Change Process shall ensure

Definition of Change
Recognition of a Change
Categories of Changes
Screening Process
Technical Reviews
Review and Approval
Design and Risk Assessment & Evaluation

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5 Employees who operate a process and maintenance and contract employees whose job
tasks will be affected by a change in the process must be informed of, and trained in, the
change prior to start-up of the process or start-up of the affected part of the process.
If a change covered by MOC procedures results in a change in the required process safety
information, such information also must be updated accordingly.
If a change covered by MOC procedures changes the required operating procedures or
practices, they also must be updated

6 The Company shall maintain an auditable Change Control Register in which all changes will
be documented. The register shall be kept centrally for the Company or specific to operating
locations/facility(s) as is deemed most suitable to the Company.
Status of all changes in progress shall be maintained.
Completed change processing and associated documentation shall be
maintained for at least 5 years after MOC is closed out and reviewed in
revalidation PHA.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Change Control Register
(i) Change Management Control Records
(ii) Organization Management of Change Procedure
(iii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)


Table 7.6.5: Sub-Element 15.1 - Procurement [3 - Expectations]

No. Expectations
1 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish, implement and maintain a process to
control the procurement of products and services in order to ensure their conformity to
ADNOC HSE Management System.
2 Responsible practices shall be in place for the procurement of services, goods, and other
non-human resources
3 Resourcing practices should support development and diversity of, and access to, local
capacity to supply products and services, whenever practical and reasonable to do so.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Procurement & Contract Department Policies and Procedures
(ii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.6.6: Sub-Element 16.2 - Contractor and Suppliers [12 - Expectations]

No. Expectation

1 HSE pre-qualification, selection and retention criteria shall be established for all work
performed by contractors / sub-contractors and suppliers. For every contract and prior to
Invitation to Tender, HSE risks shall be formally assessed and the tender shall be issued to
qualified contractors. This shall be in compliance with Contractor HSE Management
Standard (HSE-GA-ST05) and relevant procedures of ADNOC Group Procurement Function

2 ADNOC HSE requirements shall be shared with the contractors and supplies for necessary
agreement and implementation.

3 For every contract, a person within the Group Company shall be identified as being
responsible for all activities in the contracting process and for execution of the contract.

4 For every contract and prior to contract award, the contractor’s HSE competence shall be
assessed against the HSE risks. Tendering companies shall show adequate understanding
of the risks, have a plan to manage the risks and demonstrate competence/capability to
manage these risks

5 Contractor mobilisation shall be conditional on receipt of an acceptable HSE Plan. This shall
be based on the level of HSE risks and suitable interface arrangements to ensure
compliance with the Company HSEMS. All high-risk contracts shall have a documented
rationale of how the risks will be reduced to ALARP.

6 For all contracts, an HSE inspection / audit programme shall be in place to monitor effective
implementation of the HSEMS and the interfaces between contractor and Group Company.

7 Contracts shall specify the following:

An inspection / audit requirement;
Actions to be taken in case of non-compliance with standards, terms and
Rewards or penalties relating to HSE performance;
As a minimum, an annual HSEMS review for contracts running for two or more
years; and
Competency and Quality Assurances that are equivalent or better than those
of the ADNOC Group Company.

8 Group Companies shall demonstrate that contractors’ HSEMS are subject to continual
improvement during the course of project execution. They shall also ensure that all sub-
contractors adhere to the expectation stated above.
Group Companies shall ensure that contactor employees are treated as their own
employees for HSE matters. Hence, all facilities, PPE and HSE statistics shall be
established in line with the system in place with the Group Company. Contractors also shall
submit their HSEMS internal audits, statistics, HSE Statement to the Group Company.

9 Selection of Contractors
Following Information shall be submitted to contractors:
Description of work required.
Potential fires, explosive, toxic, or unique hazards related to the proposed

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work and the facility.

Applicable job, HSE Procedures and Safe Work Practices.
Identify the need for full time/part time representative responsible for on-site
safety supervision of contractor employees.
Responsibilities of the contractor as specified in this Element.
Following Information shall be submitted by contractors:
Safety management program.
Previous experience and references within ADNOC Group Companies /
Affiliates or other facilities.
Contractor employees training and qualification documentation.
Contractor Evaluation
ADNOC HSE evaluation criteria shall be part of Contractors Technical
Evaluation [Contractor HSE Management Standard (HSE-GA-ST05)]
The Group Companies / Affiliates’ responsible department shall review the
contractor employees training and qualification documentation (technical
evaluation) to ensure they are competent to carry out the assigned work.
The Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE shall evaluate and determine if the
contractor’s HSE management program is satisfactory.
Procurement & Contract shall award the contract in consultation with the
technical/safety evaluation done by the Group Companies / Affiliates.
Sub-Contractor Selection
Contractor is responsible to select the sub-contractor with approval from the Group Companies
/ Affiliates to ensure that the expectation 3 is met.

10 Group Companies / Affiliates Contractor Coordinator (or equivalent) shall be assigned for each
contract and shall ensure the following:
Provide documentation specified in “Expectation 1” to the ADNOC Group Procurement
Receive documentation from contractor that confirms contractor employees, as appropriate,
have been trained and have understood the Group Companies / Affiliates’ Safe Work Practices
and HSE procedures for working in the facility. Contractor training documentation shall include
the following:
Name and ID number of contractor employee.
Training curriculum as appropriate for each skill.
Date and duration of training.
Means used to verify that the employee has understood the training, such as
examination results.
Name of person/department/organization conducting the training.

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All contractor employees have received proper safety orientation. The safety orientation shall
address Group Companies / Affiliates’ Safety rules/regulations, incident reporting and
emergency response requirements.
Entry of Contractor employees into the facility shall be restricted and controlled. Identification
(ID) Cards shall be issued to the contractor employees only after they have received the safety
All equipment, cranes, vehicles etc. brought by the contractor shall be checked to ensure
compliance with the applicable ADNOC Safety Standards and Group Companies / Affiliates’
HSE Procedures. Only those equipment, tools, cranes, vehicles etc that meets the
requirements and are approved by the Group Companies / Affiliates shall be permitted.
A hazard assessment and risk evaluation should be performed in cooperation with the
Contractor based on the degree of risk associated with the assigned work and the workplace.
Contractors are informed on how to secure additional information.
Contractor employees are monitored to assure execution of their assigned work in a HSE
responsible manner. The responsibility for supervision shall be assigned.
Periodically evaluate the performance of contractors through spot checks and field audits to
ensure that the work practices and conditions meets the requirements of this Element. The
results of the spot checks and field audits shall be documented and addressed.
Hold contractor management accountable for any violation to safety rules, Safe Work Practices
and applicable government laws/regulations by their employees.

11 Contractor's responsibility to ensure the following:

Provide documentation specified in “Expectation 1” to ADNOC Group
Procurement Function.
All contractor employees have received safety orientation.
Designate and/or identify a representative responsible for on-site safety
supervision of contractor employees as required by the Group Companies /
Only equipment, cranes, vehicles etc. approved by the Group Companies /
Affiliates shall be used. Entry/exit of contractor equipment and vehicles shall
be restricted and controlled.
Contractor employees adhere to established Safe Work Practices. Contractor
shall notify Group Companies / Affiliates Contractor Coordinator (or
equivalent) of any intended variation to the assigned work or Safe Work
Accountability of contractor employees for any violation to HSE procedures and
Safe Work Practices.
Compliance with applicable legislation and regulations.
Notify Group Companies / Affiliates line management (shift supervisor or
equivalent) and Group Companies / Affiliates Contractor Coordinator (or
equivalent) of any fires, explosions, toxic, physical or unique hazards that may
be caused by their work or of any risks identified during the course of their
Emergency medical care facilities at worksite for their employees in accordance
with government regulations, prior to the start of the job. The contractor
emergency medical care shall also include arrangement for emergency
Compliance with Group Companies / Affiliates’ procedures for safe handling,

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storage and disposal of waste materials from the Worksite.

Participate in the investigation of HSE incidents that involve their contractor
employees as requested by Group Companies / Affiliates management.
Obtain Group Companies / Affiliates’ approval prior to appointing a sub-
Requirements of this Element are communicated to and adhered by any sub-
contractor hired by them.
All temporary contractor facilities shall be constructed and located in an area approved by the
Group Companies / Affiliates Contractor Coordinator (or equivalent) in accordance with Group
Companies / Affiliates’ Standards and Specifications.
Incidents shall be evaluated annually to determine if contractor activities have contributed to
the development of any incidents.

12 End of Contract and Annual Contractor Safety Evaluation:

Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE Department shall evaluate the safety performance of
each contractor (end of contract and annual for on-going contracts) and shall conclude
whether the contractor’s performance is satisfactory.
For Group Companies / Affiliates:
Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE Department shall submit safety
performance of each contractor to ADNOC Procurement & Contract Function
on an annual basis and at the end of each contract.
ADNOC Group HSE Function shall evaluate all contractors’ safety
performance annually.
The contractor’s unsatisfactory performance, concerns and recommendations
shall be highlighted to ADNOC Group Procurement Function for their
appropriate actions and ultimately be removed from the contractors approved
list if the weakness is not addressed.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Register of contractors, pre-qualified to carry out Company work
(ii) Records of contractor performance, HSE Statistics.
1. Contractor safety orientation.
2. Contractor violations to safety rules, safe work practices and applicable government
laws/regulations and action taken.
3. Annual evaluation of incidents/illness that determined the involvement of contractors
in their development.
4. Contractor HSEMS and plans (including bridging documentation)
5. Contractor audit programs and reports.
6. Data base or list of contracts and contract holders.
7. Contractor HSE management procedures
(iii) Contractor Safety Evaluation reports from the Group Companies / Affiliates during the award,
ongoing (annual) and completion of contract.
(iv) Records of incoming contractor equipment, cranes and vehicles checked.

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(v) Recommendations submitted by ADNOC Group HSE Function

(vi) Contractor HSE pre-qualification
(vii) Model Contract HSE specifications
(viii) Assessment of Contract HSE Plans
(ix) Monitoring HSE in contracts
(x) Procurement & Contract Procedures & Guidelines
(xi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards & Guidelines


Table 7.6.7: Sub-Element 17.1 - Contingency Planning & Emergency Response [7 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 A process shall be in place to identify and document credible health, safety and
environmental incident scenarios. Appropriate procedures shall be developed and
maintained to respond to each of these incident scenarios and for preventing and mitigating
the HSE impacts that may be associated with them (refer to Sub-element 4.4 Recovery) and
Emergency Preparedness shall be ensured for all eventualities. Establish
Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Program.
2 Group Companies / Affiliates shall document and maintain a comprehensive, tiered
emergency response plan(s) for responding to abnormal situations and potential
The corporate plan shall be integrated with individual site plans and external agencies as
appropriate and shall be compliant with the relevant legislation, Company standards and
procedures and ADNOC Guidelines. The plan(s) shall include:
Policy Statement, Purpose and Scope, Pre-Emergency Planning (Hazard
Identification, Risk Analysis, HSE Management System and HSE Standards
Requirements, Emergency Organization and Responsibilities, Resources and
Training, Internal Alerting, External Alerting, Communications, Public Affairs);
Emergency Response (including Response Action Decision Making, Plan
Activation and Response/Communications Mobilization Response,
Action/Containment/Clean-up, Emergency Operations Centre and Liaison,
Evacuation and Accountability, Management of Contaminants and Debris,
Site Restoration/Remediation, Post-Incident Evaluation),
Organization and responsibilities, identification of the incident command
structure (command and control personnel);
Systems and measures for minimising potential HSE effects e.g. through the
mobilisation of support, evacuation procedures;
Communications to command and control personnel, emergency services,
employees and contractors who may be affected, others likely to be impacted,
e.g. local communities;
Requirements for training, practicing emergency drills, and
Updating requirements, Appendices, operational guidelines.

3 There shall be a process for addressing the management of HSE crises in the Company. A

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crisis in this context is a relatively infrequent event which could escalate into a significant
local, national or international event and requires tactical and strategic support from senior

4 Program Development
Group Companies / Affiliates shall identify relevant scenarios that have the potential to result in
Serious incidents that require emergency response [ADNOC Incident Notification, Investigation
& Reporting Standard (HSE-GA-ST04) and Emergency Response and Crisis Management
Standard (HSE-ER-ST01)].
Group Companies / Affiliates shall consider the impact of Catastrophic incident (as defined in
ADNOC Risk Matrix) from neighbouring facilities, off-site risk sources and natural disasters
based on local conditions.
A qualitative/quantitative risk analysis of relevant scenarios shall be conducted to identify
potential off-site effects using techniques such as dispersion modelling. Specific sensitive
population areas and high impact areas such as schools, hospitals, neighbouring adjacent
industrial facilities, and key high traffic arteries shall be identified and considered in emergency
planning and response actions.
Group Companies / Affiliates shall share information with neighbouring facilities on scenarios
that affecting them. Exposures to non-employees such as contractors and visitors shall also be
Each facility shall identify and evaluate capabilities and resources needed for effective
emergency response. Items to be included are:
On-site emergency response equipment (Primary, back-up).
Emergency Response Organization: On-site personnel (availability, additional
resources for rotation of personnel engaged in handling the emergency).
Training needs for emergency response personnel (certification and refresher
training) and those involved in handling the emergency as part of the response
Environmental protection measures.
Incident command system organization including order of succession and
mutual aid.
Two-way communications equipment (Primary, back-up).
Existing emergency procedures.
Availability of utilities.
Community, mutual aid and government resources.
Emergency operations centre (EOC).
Evacuation and head count for all persons inside Group Companies / Affiliates
Wind direction indicators i.e. wind socks.
Federal and Local legal requirements.

5 Emergency Response Plan

Group Companies / Affiliates shall develop an Emergency Response Plan considering the
requirements of ADNOC Crisis & Emergency Response & Crises Management Standard
(HSE-CE-ST01) that includes:

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Response to control or mitigate the emergencies caused by High Severity

Incidents as identified in ADNOC Risk Matrix.
Response to Catastrophic incidents at neighbouring facilities that have the
potential to affect the Group Companies / Affiliates.
Specific procedures for emergency shutdown of process units within the
facility or their reference no.
Interfaces and communications between units within the facility and outside
facilities/agencies shall be specified. Shared responsibilities shall be clearly
Capabilities and resources required based on evaluation of items identified in
expectation 4
Alternate plans shall be made for unforeseen conditions for example,
Changes in wind direction.
Review and Approval of Emergency Response Plan and Procedures
The Emergency Response Plan and other Emergency Response Procedures shall be
developed, reviewed and updated by experienced personnel. Senior Management shall
approve the Emergency Response Plan.

6 A designated Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) or equivalent shall be established for

each facility and equipped with the following:
Facility layout and community maps.
Utility drawings, including the firewater system.
Emergency lighting.
A list of emergency response equipment (including locations) and mutual aid
Access to meteorological data.
Two-way communications systems with back-up power.
Appropriate reference materials:
(i) Emergency Response Plan and procedures.
(ii) A list of community and government resources.
(iii) A list of telephone numbers of concerned company personnel.
(iv) Technical materials (for example, Safety Data Sheets (SDS),
procedures, and manuals).

7 Emergency Response Personnel shall be provided with instructions for fire equipment and
protection systems. These instructions shall explain the function, how and when to use of fire
equipment and protection systems.
Maintaining Readiness
Emergency response equipment as identified in this Element shall be
maintained in a ready for use condition at all times.
Initial and refresher training for Emergency Response Team personnel.
The Emergency Response Plan shall be communicated to and discussed with

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local authorities and relevant stakeholders as appropriate.

Emergency response procedures (including health, safety and environmental
emergencies) shall be regularly tested through planned drills and exercises to
ensure effectiveness.
Each Group Companies / Affiliates shall conduct a major response drill at least
once a year. This drill shall address all aspects of the Emergency Response
Plan as appropriate to the drill scenario.
Drills shall be conducted for emergency responders to maintain readiness. An
annual schedule shall be developed.
Each drill shall be critiqued for lessons learned. Recommendations generated
from each drill shall be addressed, resolved and documented. Status of
pending recommendations shall be followed-up until closure.
Current copies of the Emergency Response Plan shall be made available and
accessible to all concerned staff. Back-up measures shall be ensured.
All new facilities (or modifications to existing facilities) shall be reviewed for potential impact to
the Emergency Response Plan. The review shall be in accordance to, Management of Change

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Site Emergency Response Plan
(ii) Qualitative/Quantitative Risk Analysis Of Relevant Scenarios
(iii) Emergency Preparedness Plans and Procedures.
(iv) Corporate Emergency Response Plan
(v) Record of Actual Emergency Response Activities
(vi) Records of emergency drills, exercises and follow up.
(vii) Records of Critique/lessons learned from all drills and Documentation that all action items
have been closed
(viii) Crisis and Emergency Response directory
(ix) Emergency response documents including interfaces with outside organisations and
suppliers of response equipment
(x) Start-up & Shutdown Procedures
(xi) Permit to Work Procedures
(xii) Medical Emergency Guidelines for Management and Health Care
(xiii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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Table 7.7.1: Sub-Element 17.1 – Performance Monitoring and Records [6 - Expectations]

No. Expectations

1 Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish procedures to maintain appropriate records to

demonstrate conformance to the ADNOC HSEMS Requirements/Expectations [ADNOC
HSE Performance Monitoring & Reporting Standard (HSE-GA-ST08)] and international
standards (where applicable). As a minimum, records shall be:
Legible, identifiable and traceable to the activities involved with retention
times defined;
Stored and maintained to prevent loss and unintended use;
Kept in an auditable form; and
Used in HSE improvement planning.

2 Group Companies / Affiliates shall regularly measure, record, track and report HSE
performance against targets set in the HSE Plan and in maintaining control of HSE-critical
activities. Procedures shall be established and maintained for the identification,
maintenance, monitoring processes and disposition of HSE performance records which shall
Reports of audits and reviews;
Audit tracking data;
Situations of non-compliance and of improvement actions;
Any incidents and follow-up actions;
Any complaints and follow-up actions;
Inspection and maintenance reports of HSE-critical equipment i.e. equipment
providing a control and recovery function;
Data obtained from monitoring as input to performance records;
Discharges/emission/contamination/exposure monitoring and records;
Results of emergency drills and exercises; and
HSE training records

3 Group Companies / Affiliates to ensure regularly updated performance indicators shall be

place to measure the implementation of the HSEMS and identify shortcomings, to monitor
HSE performance and to evaluate stakeholder concerns.

4 These measures may be proactive (e.g. 'unsafe act auditing', 'site inspections', ‘Internal-
assessments’, progress on close out of audit action items), or may be reactive (e.g. statistics
on incidents, deviations from permissible discharge levels).

5 Group Companies / Affiliates shall ensure submitting Annual HSE Performance Report to
ADNOC Group HSE Function as per the requirements of Performance Monitoring &
Reporting Standard (HSE-GA-StT8)

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6 The HSE Steering Committee or equivalent shall measure HSE Performance annually in
accordance with ADNOC HSE Performance Monitoring & Reporting Standard by
Incidents trends.
Status of annual and long-term objectives and targets.
Reduction in backlog of pending Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Incident
Investigations, HSEMS Audits (Internal, ADNOC and external), and major
emergency response drill recommendations.
Internal and External HSEMS Audit results.
Employee perception surveys.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) As described above (including record retention schedules)
(ii) HSE Business Plan
(iii) Annual HSE Performance Report
(iv) Document Management Procedures
(v) HSEMS Compliance – Self Assessment Checklist
(vi) Web Management Procedures
(vii) Procedure for HSE Data Reporting and Record Keeping
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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An audit program shall be in place to review and verify effectiveness of the management system. It shall
include audits by auditors independent of the process or facility audited.

This element has been sub-divided into three sub-elements with Expectations as described in the
following subsections.

Table 7.7.2: Sub-Element 18.1 - Audit Plan [4 - Expectations]

No. Description

1 Group Company / Affiliate shall establish and maintain an audit program and procedure for
HSE audits in compliance with the requirements of ADNOC Audit & Assurance Standard
(HSE-GA-ST09). Audits shall consider the ADNOC Group, International Standards and
Regulatory requirements (as applicable). The audit program shall include:
Audits which cover the entire HSEMS;
Independent audits led by ADNOC auditors /or led by Joint International
Shareholders on behalf of the Company;
External certification audits where appropriate e.g. ISO 14001:2015; ISO
45001:2018 and
Specific activity or issue audits (e.g. facilities/operations integrity, lifting
equipment, marine & air transportation, start-up, drilling, seismic, occupational

2 Group Company / Affiliate shall establish a rolling (e.g. five year) audit plan which provides:
HSE audits of all facilities and operations on a fixed time scale appropriate to
the facility and the risks associated with the activity or the operation;
HSE audits that cover operations and projects which have been contracted
out; and
Specific detail for the first year of the plan regarding audit timing/duration,
scope and team size/composition.

3 Group Company / Affiliate shall maintain an effective control process to ensure that:
Only personnel, who have received adequate training, shall lead audits. (see
Sub-element 20.3 - Auditor);
Audit findings are recorded/prioritised and corrective actions are identified with
assigned action parties and targeted completion dates;
Audit findings and follow-up are tracked to final close-out; and
Best practices and lessons learned are shared with all locations/assets as

4 Management shall conduct a periodic review of audit findings, follow up action plans, key
lessons and effective lateral learning (see also Element 21 – Management Review)

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) Audit plan or program
(i) Audit findings and action status reports
(ii) Certification & re-certification program

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(iii) Audit reports

(iv) List of approved audit leaders and/or firms
(v) HSE Audit procedure
(vi) Audit tracking procedure/system
(vii) ADNOC Audit & Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09)
(viii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

Table 7.7.3: Sub Element 18.2 – Compliance Audit [3 – Expectations]

No. Description

1 Internal-Audit
The Internal-Audit shall be conducted annually. However, this requirement may be waived
for the year in which ADNOC Audit is conducted. This shall be in agreement with ADNOC
Group HSE
Develop a schedule to conduct Internal-audit.
Each responsible unit may perform the annual Internal-Audit separately as long as each unit
Internal-audit occurs at least once per year.
The Internal-Audit shall focus on the individual elements of the ADNOC HSEMS as defined
in this Standard.

2 The Internal-Audit shall follow the ADNOC Audit & Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09)
that includes management system review and a sampling of actual practices to verify
compliance with the requirements of the ADNOC Audit & Assurance Program.
The Internal-Audit Report shall be submitted to the HSEMS Sponsor.
Submit a copy of annual Internal-audit report to Group HSE Function.
Internal-Audit findings shall be shared with all Group Companies / Affiliates as deemed
necessary by Group HSE Function.
Group Companies / Affiliates shall develop an action plan that:
Documents an appropriate response (recommendation) to each finding.
Assign target dates & individual responsibilities to address all findings.
The basis for modifying or delaying any finding shall be documented and the rationale
behind rejecting any finding shall be formally communicated to Group Companies / Affiliates’
HSE Steering Committee (or equivalent) for resolution.
A status report shall be issued to Corporate HSE at least every 6 months until all outstanding
action items are resolved.

3 ADNOC Compliance Audit

ADNOC HSEMS Audit shall follow the ADNOC Group Annual Audit Plan. The frequency
may be varied depending on the following factors:
Perceived level of risk identified through a major incident investigation, major
process change or expansion project.
Low Compliance rating as determined by ADNOC Audit.
By request of the Group Companies / Affiliates.
HSEMS Audit shall be conducted using the ADNOC Audit Protocol.
HSEMS Audit Report shall be submitted by SVP Group HSE to Group Companies / Affiliates

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CEO (as deemed necessary).

Group Companies / Affiliates shall develop an action plan that:
Documents an appropriate response (recommendation) to each finding.
Assign target dates & individual responsibilities to address all findings.
The basis for modifying or delaying any finding shall be documented and the rationale behind
rejecting any finding shall be approved by the Group Companies / Affiliates’ HSE Steering
Committee (or equivalent) and formally communicated to ADNOC Group HSE Function for
A status report shall be issued to ADNOC Group HSE Function at least every quarter until
all outstanding action items are resolved.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) ADNOC HSE Audit Plan
(ii) Group Company / Affiliate HSE Audit Plan
(iii) Internal-Audits and ADNOC HSEMS Audit Reports
(iv) Action Plans for Audit Findings & Implementation
(v) Documentation that verifies status of actions on Internal & ADNOC HSEMS Audits
(vi) ADNOC Audit & Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09)
(vii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

Table 7.7.4: Sub-Element 18.3 - Auditor [4 - Expectations]

No. Description
1 Audit procedures shall specify the requirements of audit teams for competency, experience
in subject area of the audit, and impartiality considering ADNOC Audit & Assurance
Standard (HSE-GA-ST09). The auditor also shall be qualified for auditing at least ISO
45001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and meet requirements of ISO 19011.
2 An audit focal point or department responsible for the audit process shall co-ordinate the
appointment of competent HSE auditors.
3 A competence assurance system shall be in operation to define auditor competence and
ensure that relevant HSE auditor training is provided.
4 A suitable number of staff from different areas of the Company shall be competent to carry
out HSE audits.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(viii) Auditors Certification
(ix) Training records
(x) HSE Audit Plan
(xi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.7.5: Sub-Element 18.4 - Contractor Auditing [2 - Expectations]

No. Description
Contractors shall provide senior personnel to participate in Company led integrated HSE
audits of the operations contracted to them
Contractors shall have an HSE Audit process and schedule for audits which includes audits
2 carried out by independent auditors. Records of results of audits, findings and corrective
actions are retained.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) Company procedures for Contractor HSE Management

(ii) All other Documents and Records as for Sub-element 7.1 but for contractors and held by
(iii) Contractors HSE Management Standard (HSE-GA-ST05)
(iv) ADNOC Audit & Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09)
(v) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)


Management shall regularly review the suitability and effectiveness of the HSEMS. This element has
three expectations as described below.

Table 7.7.6: Sub Element 19.1 – Scope, Suitability and Effectiveness [3 - Expectations]

No. Description

1 A formal process shall be in place for top/senior management to review the effectiveness and
suitability of the HSEMS in managing HSE risks and ensuring continual improvement in HSE
performance. The Review shall address, but not be limited to:
The continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of ADNOC Group HSE
The continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of ADNOC Group HSE
goals, objectives, and/or targets, consequent amendments to the HSE Plan,
and to HSE Management System documentation;
The need to change HSE policies and strategic objectives;
Comparison of business results against goals, objectives, targets, and/or KPIs;
Resources allocated to achieve HSE goals, objectives, targets, and/or KPIs;
The impact of significant organisational, location or activity changes;
The HSE concerns of employees, contractors and external stakeholders;
The provision of adequate resources and competent personnel to achieve HSE
targets objectives and strategies;
Audit finding and recommendations which have been made in audit reports;
Technical integrity for those issues with considerable potential HSE impact;
Verification of closure of corrective actions resulting from HSE reviews, audits,

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Internal-assessments, inspections and incident investigations;

Review of legal & regulatory compliance;
HSE Statement;
Any recommendations made in the investigation and analysis of incidents;
Learning from incidents, tracking implementation; and dissemination of lessons
and experiences to drive continuous improvement;
Extent of follow-up on audit and incident action items;
Assessments of the ADNOC residual risk profile – including health, process and
occupational safety, and environmental (including social) risks.
Performance benchmarking results.
Analysis of monitoring reports.
Improvement and action plans.
Stakeholder suggestions.
Status of actions from previous Management Reviews.
External changes which may affect the management system.
Major changes in legal requirements.
Asset performance / condition.
Customer satisfaction measurement.

2 Management Reviews of the HSEMS shall take place on an annual basis preferably before
the preparation of the HSE Performance Report for ADNOC Group.
Top/senior management shall assess the completeness and validity of the data used as the
basis for submission of the HSE Performance Report reporting and HSE Statement.

3 Performance against annual corporate and department HSE Plans shall be reviewed regularly
e.g. quarterly, and the results of these reviews and identified remedial actions shall be
documented and monitored until conclusion.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) HSE Performance Report
(ii) Report on annual review of HSEMS Implementation Progress
(iii) Management Reviews – Minutes of Meeting
(iv) Documented results/actions of quarterly HSE Performance Reviews
(v) HSEMS Management Review Procedure
(vi) Quarterly HSE Performance Review Procedure
(vii) Relevant ADNOC Standards
(viii) Internal HSEMS Audit reports
(ix) HSE Statement
(x) Customers Satisfaction Results

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Table 7.8.1: Sub-Element 20.1 – Non-Compliance and Corrective Action [4 - Expectations]

No. Description

1 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall establish, implement and maintain a process,
including reporting, investigating and taking action, to determine and manage incidents and
nonconformities in compliance with ADNOC Incident Notification, Investigation & Reporting
Standard (HSE-GA-ST04) and ADNOC Audit & Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09).
When an incident or a nonconformity occurs, the organization shall:
react in a timely manner to the incident or nonconformity and, as applicable:
take action to control and correct it;
deal with the consequences;
evaluate, with the participation of employees (see Element 1) and the
involvement of other relevant interested parties, the need for corrective action
to eliminate the root cause(s) of the incident or nonconformity, in order that it
does not recur or occur elsewhere, by:
investigating the incident or reviewing the nonconformity;
determining the cause(s) of the incident or nonconformity;
determining if similar incidents have occurred, if nonconformities exist, or if
they could potentially occur;
review existing assessments of HSE risks and other risks, as appropriate (see
Element 5);
(i) determine and implement any action needed, including corrective
action, in accordance with the
(ii) hierarchy of controls (see Element 5) and the management of change
(see Element 15);
assess HSE risks that relate to new or changed hazards, prior to taking action;
review the effectiveness of any action taken, including corrective action;
make changes to the HSE management system, if necessary.
Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects or potential effects of the incidents or
nonconformities encountered.
ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall retain documented information as evidence of:
the nature of the incidents or nonconformities and any subsequent actions
the results of any action and corrective action, including their effectiveness.
ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall communicate this documented information to
relevant workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives, and other relevant
interested parties.
The reporting and investigation of incidents without undue delay can enable hazards to be
eliminated and associated HSE risks to be minimized as soon as possible

2 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall maintain procedures for defining responsibility
and authority for:
Handling and investigating non-compliance with HSE legislation, regulations,

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policies, procedures and standards;

Verifying data quality in terms of consistency, accuracy and completeness
Identification of root causes and taking action to mitigate any consequences
arising from such non-compliance;
Initiation and completion of corrective and preventative actions in response to
non-compliance; and
Confirmation of the effectiveness of corrective and preventative action taken.

3 Any corrective or preventative action taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential
non-compliance shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with
the HSE risks encountered.

4 To prevent non-compliance with standards and procedures a documented system for

variance/change control shall be in place (also refer to Element 14- Management of Change)
Employees shall be aware of the system;
All occurrences of variance and non-compliance shall be documented,
investigated and appropriately remedied; and
Any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and
preventative action shall be appropriately communicated and implemented.

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Register of legislative non-compliance and status
(ii) Register of non-conformances, corrective action and status
(iii) Incident Notifications, Records and Investigation Reports
(iv) Procedure for non-conformance
(v) Legal Compliance Monitoring
(vi) Change Control Procedure
(vii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Table 7.8.2: Sub-Element 20.2 - Incident Reporting, Investigation and Follow-up [5 - Expectations]

No. Description

1 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall maintain procedures for reporting and
investigation of hazardous situations, near misses and incidents in compliance with ADNOC
Incident Notification, Investigation & Reporting Standard (HSE-GA-ST04). The procedures
shall conform to the ADNOC Standards. The ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall
foster a culture of openness in reporting all incidents and near misses

2 Incidents shall be investigated in a timely manner, with accountabilities assigned, and

progress on recommended actions shall be monitored until close-out. To ensure that these
investigations are carried effectively and thoroughly:
Employees shall be aware of the incident reporting procedures and participate
in incident investigations; and
Training shall be provided in incident investigation to appropriate staff
throughout the organization.

3 Any corrective or preventative action taken to eliminate the causes of potential incidents
shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the HSE risks

4 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall implement and record any changes in the
documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventative action. Lessons learnt
from accidents and incidents shall be disseminated to relevant personnel and contractors

5 Feedback procedures should be encouraged and rewarded

Typical supporting Documents and Records include but not limited to:
(i) Incident notification, records and investigation reports
(ii) Incident analyses
(iii) Process Release Reporting
(iv) Register of follow up on actions arising from incident investigations
(v) Medium for lateral dissemination of lessons learned
(vi) Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedures
(vii) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards (Appendix 1)

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Table 7.8.3: Sub-Element 21.1 –Continual Improvement [2 - Expectation]

No. Description

1 ADNOC Group Companies / Affiliates shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the HSE Management System by:
enhancing HSE performance;
promoting a culture that supports an HSE management system;
promoting the participation of workers in implementing actions for the
continual improvement of the HSE management system;
communicating the relevant results of continual improvement to employees;
maintaining and retaining documented information as evidence of continual

2 The HSEMS periodical reviews, audits and self-assessment shall to be used to capture and
feed in all the evaluated HSE improvements, which will be aimed at achieving:
Reduced incidents and work-related illnesses/injuries, emissions, effluents
and wastes;
Lower costs;
Improved reliability;
Reduced corporate liabilities;
Improved reputation with regulators, the public and customers;
Enhancement of employee pride; and
Improved environmental and social performance

Typical supporting Documents and Records include:

(i) HSE Performance Reports
(ii) Management Reviews
(iii) Incidents Trend Analysis
(iv) Audit findings and status of action to closeout non compliances
(v) Cultural Surveys
(vi) Relevant ADNOC HSE Standards

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Policies, commitments and procedures cannot, in isolation, provide assurances that the HSE
performance will meet legislative, corporate or Company requirements. For that reason, the HSEMS as
a whole shall be verified to establish that it is functioning effectively. The verification process is conducted
using performance monitoring, audit and management review.

Elements of ADNOC Integrated HSE Management System Framework [Figure 7.2.3] establishes the
verification or ‘Compliance Assurance Process’.

HSE assurance within the ADNOC Group of Companies will be executed at two distinct levels, as
described below.

Level 1
Internally, within the Group Companies, where management monitors HSE performance, initiates
internal audits and subsequently reviews the audit reports for weaknesses and strengths of their
own HSEMS.

Group Companies shall have adequate numbers of approved, centrally listed qualified and
competent HSEMS auditors.

The audit team shall be multidisciplinary in order to carry out the independent audits. To ensure
this, the group Company shall establish a procedure for qualification, experience, competency level,
approval and training-retraining programme to maintain auditor skills.

Level 2
At a corporate level, where ADNOC monitors the corporate HSE performance and conducts audits
of Group Companies.

One of the prime purposes of these audits is identification of areas of improvement and verification
of Group Company compliance with the HSEMS Expectations. However, and equally important,
these audits will contribute to the corporate overview of common gaps/weaknesses in HSE
performance management, with a view to initiating remedial corporate programs. In addition, the
audits play an important role in the identification and subsequent dissemination of corporate ‘best


Group Company Internal Audits shall not be confused with the HSEMS Internal-assessments that Group
Companies conduct when preparing their HSE Performance Report.

The results of these Internal-assessments merely serve to illustrate how Group Companies progress
towards complete implementation of the ADNOC HSEMS Expectations and may be subjective and
subject to interpretation differences. It is therefore essential that the Internal-assessments results are
periodically verified via audits.

With reference to the HSEMS Expectations of Element 18, ADNOC requires all Group Companies to
have an internal HSE audit system in place in line with ADNOC Compliance & Assurance Standard (HSE-
GA-ST09). These internal audits shall verify compliance with internal Group Company standards and
procedures and ADNOC HSEMS Expectations at least once a year ensuring independency of auditors.
Also, the audits shall confirm that HSEMS implementation is effective and conforms to a realistic plan.

The ultimate purpose of an internal audit process should be identification of areas of improvement leading
to progressively better HSE management.

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Group Company management shall steer the internal audit activities and regularly review the audit results
to ensure continued suitability/effectiveness of the HSEMS. Where appropriate, management shall direct
the implementation of improvements and corrective actions. The combination of internal audits and
Management Reviews will ensure that there is verification and feedback on HSE performance and the
effectiveness of the HSEMS.


ADNOC will conduct HSEMS compliance audits of Group Companies, in accordance with the frequency
and methodology described in the ADNOC HSE Audit and Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09). These
audits will be in addition to Group Company internal audits and, where required, ADNOC will take steps
to minimise overlap and duplication between corporate and internal audits. The main audit deliverable is
a formal and structured report for the attention of GC Management and the respective ADNOC Directorate.

The corporate audits aim to verify Group Company implementation of, and compliance with the ADNOC
HSEMS Requirements and Expectations. The main audit deliverable is a formal and structured report
for the attention of the audited Group Company management, the respective ADNOC Directorate and the
ADNOC Group HSE Steering Committee.

ADNOC Group HSE will lead the corporate audits with the help of qualified HSE auditors from the pool
of group companies i.e. centrally approved list of HSEMS auditors and maintain the corporate
administration system of audit findings and Group Company follow-up plans. The Directorates shall verify
that Group Companies have suitable plans to rectify the audit findings.

ADNOC ELT will monitor the overall status of implementation of ADNOC HSEMS across ADNOC Group
and provide necessary direction to ADNOC Directorates and/or DG on improvement actions.


The Group Company / Group Companies / Affiliates HSE Performance Report is a key element in
ADNOC’s Corporate Assurance Process. It aims to:

(i) Summarize the status of the HSEMS implementation for each Group Company;
(ii) Highlight shortfalls in this implementation from the respective corporate targets;
(iii) Confirm that timely action plans are in place to correct any shortfalls; and
(iv) Highlight specific achievements that go beyond the ADNOC Requirements and Expectations
or are worth sharing as ‘best practice’ with other Group Companies.

The Group Company Annual Performance Reporting will provide an up-to-date progress summary, which
will be verified and calibrated with each three-yearly HSEMS audit.

HSE Statistics for contractors shall also be an integral part of HSEMS and similar HSE statistics for
contractor shall be incorporated in the annual Sustainability Reporting. From an HSE point of view, Group
Company employees and contactor employees are equal as all are used to achieve the common
objectives of the Company. The Group Company performance shall be based on combined performance
of Group Company employees and contractor employees.

Requirements for preparing and reporting the HSE Performance is provided in ADNOC HSE Performance
Monitoring & Reporting Standard (HSE-GA-ST08).

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This is a statement by top management that the Company is in compliance with HSEMS Requirements
and the Laws of Abu Dhabi and the Federal Government. This HSE Statement shall be submitted yearly
by top management of the Company to ADNOC Group HSE Function and in between, if required after
any major incident.


Group Companies / Affiliates shall define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in compliance with ADNOC
Performance Monitoring and Reporting Standard, themselves targets and regularly review performance
against these KPIs. These KPIs shall be essentially derived from HSE Critical activities / equipment /
systems, strategic objectives, organizational requirements and shall be traceable for audit purposes.

The Group Company performance shall be based on the combined performance of GC’s and Group
Companies / Affiliates employees and contractors’ employees.

In line with the Performance Monitoring and Reporting Standard, ADNOC shall on annual basis collect
the HSE performance data from Group Companies / Affiliates to be handled according to the defined


Table 8.6.1: Key Performance Indicators

No. KPI Targets

1. HSEMS Elements implementation level scoring HSEMS Self-Assessment Compliance

as objectively established during HSEMS Self- Score as mentioned in ADNOC Audit &
Assessment by Group Companies. Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST08)

2. HSEMS Elements implementation level scoring HSEMS Audit Compliance Score as

as objectively established during HSEMS mentioned in ADNOC Audit &
Audits by ADNOC. Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST08)

Note: The level of implementation of HSEMS will be measured by using the scale as outlined in ADNOC
HSE Audit & Assurance Standard (HSE-GA-ST09).

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1. ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems)

2. ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems)
3. OGP Operating Management System Framework: OGP Report No. 510, 2014
4. API RP75:2004 – Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental
Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities
5. The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) 20 Elements of Risk Based Process Safety
6. OSHA Process Safety Management System Standard 29 CFR 1910.11
7. ADNOC Integrated Management System Manual [AHQ/LGC/GCG/MAN/002/R00/19 Rev. No. 0 of
February, 2019]
8. Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety & Health Framework Version. 3.1, 2017
9. AE/SCNS/NCEMA 6000, UAE Occupational Health And Safety Management System (OHSMS)
National Standard
10. ISM - International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
11. ADNOC HSE Standards listed in Appendix 1

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Appendix 1: List of ADNOC HSE Standards


Document No. Document Title

Focus Area - HSE Governance & Administration (GA)
HSE-GA-ST01 HSE Governance Framework
HSE-GA-ST02 HSE Management System Standard
HSE-GA-ST03 Critical HSE Roles & Competence
HSE-GA-ST04 Incident Notification, Reporting & Investigation
HSE-GA-ST05 Contractor HSE Management
HSE-GA-ST06 Project HSE Plans
HSE-GA-ST07 HSE Design Philosophy
HSE-GA-ST08 HSE Performance Monitoring & Reporting
HSE-GA-ST09 HSE Compliance and Assurance
HSE-GA-ST10 To be Assigned to New Standard
HSE-GA-ST11 Life Saving Rules
Focus Area - Environment (EN)
HSE-EN-ST01 Environmental Impact Assessment
HSE-EN-ST02 Pollution Prevention and Control
HSE-EN-ST03 Energy Management Systems
HSE-EN-ST04 Waste Management
HSE-EN-ST05 Environmental Performance Monitoring
HSE-EN-ST06 Biodiversity Protection
HSE-EN-ST07 Air Dispersion Modelling Techniques (TBC)
Focus Area - Occupational Health (OH)
HSE-OH-ST01 Occupational Health Framework
HSE-OH-ST02 Occupational Health Hazards
HSE-OH-ST03 Occupational Health Risk Management
HSE-OH-ST04 Case Management & Rehabilitation
HSE-OH-ST05 Health Screening & Surveillance
HSE-OH-ST06 Food and Water Safety
HSE-OH-ST07 Contractor Welfare Management
HSE-OH-ST08 Physical Hazards Standard
HSE-OH-ST09 Chemical Hazards Standard
HSE-OH-ST10 Biological Hazards Standard
HSE-OH-ST11 Ergonomics Hazards Standard
HSE-OH-ST12 Indoor Air Quality Standard

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Appendix 1: List of ADNOC HSE Standards

Document No. Document Title

HSE-OH-ST13 Psychosocial Hazards Standard
Focus Area - Operations Safety (OS)
HSE-OS-ST01 Work Management System (WMS) Framework
HSE-OS-ST02 Permit to Work
HSE-OS-ST03 Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
HSE-OS-ST04 Energy Isolation
HSE-OS-ST05 Defeat Management
HSE-OS-ST06 Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
HSE-OS-ST07 Compressed Gas Cylinders
HSE-OS-ST08 Confined Space
HSE-OS-ST09 Electrical Safety
HSE-OS-ST10 High Pressure Water Jetting
HSE-OS-ST11 Control of Equipment in Classified Hazardous Areas
HSE-OS-ST12 Explosives
HSE-OS-ST13 Hazardous Substances
HSE-OS-ST14 Cutting, Welding & Allied Processes
HSE-OS-ST15 Excavation
HSE-OS-ST16 Scaffolding
HSE-OS-ST17 Manual Handling
HSE-OS-ST18 Abrasive Blasting & Spray Painting
HSE-OS-ST19 Lifting Operations
HSE-OS-ST20 Personal Protective Equipment
HSE-OS-ST21 Management of Hydrogen Sulphide
HSE-OS-ST22 Working at Height
HSE-OS-ST23 Diving Operations Safety
HSE-OS-ST24 Marine Operations Safety
HSE-OS-ST25 Road Transport Operations Safety
HSE-OS-ST26 Air Transport Operations Safety
HSE-OS-ST27 Hazard Communication
HSE-OS-ST28 Office Safety
HSE-OS-ST29 HSECES Management
HSE-OS-ST30 Management of Technical Changes
HSE-OS-ST31 Management of Downgraded Situations (DGS)

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Appendix 1: List of ADNOC HSE Standards

Document No. Document Title

Focus Area - HSE Risk Management (RM)
HSE-RM-ST01 HSE Risk Management System
HSE-RM-ST02 HSE Impact Assessment (HSEIA)
HSE-RM-ST05 SIL Determination
HSE-RM-ST06 Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)
HSE-RM-ST07 Escape Evacuation & Rescue Assessment (EERA)
HSE-RM-ST08 Emergency System Survivability Assessment (ESSA)
HSE-RM-ST09 Fire Safety Assessment (FERA)
HSE-RM-ST10 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
HSE-RM-ST11 Project HSE Review (PHSER)
HSE-RM-ST12 Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR)
HSE-RM-ST13 Inherently Safer Design
HSE-RM-ST14 CFD Dispersion & Explosion Modelling
Focus Area - Crisis Management & Emergency Response (CE)
HSE-CE-ST01 Emergency Response and Crisis Management
HSE-CE-ST02 Oil Spill Response
HSE-CE-ST03 Fire and Rescue Operations
HSE-CE-ST04 To be Assigned to New Standard
HSE-CE-ST05 Emergency Response Plan

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APPENDIX 2: Comparison of ADNOC HSEMS with International Standards


ISO-14001 ISO 45001 ISM Code API RP75
Fundamental Element
[Clause] [Clause] [Elements] [Section]
1. Leadership & 1 5.1 – 5.4 5.1 – 5.3 2, 3 1
2. Planning 5 6.1 – 6.2 6.1 – 6.2 10 3, 5, 6, 8, 9
3. Support 9 7.1 – 7.5 7.1 – 7.5 4, 5, 6, 11 7, 13
4. Operations 13 8.1 – 8.2 8.1 – 8.2 7, 8 2, 3, 4, 10
5. Performance 17 9.1 – 9.3 9.1 – 9.3 12, 13, 14 12
6. Improvements 20 10.1 – 10.3 10.1 – 10.3 9 11, 12

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