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Duhok Switching Station

Ministry of Electricity (KRG) KARPOWER

Document No.: Document Title: Rev.: A

KARPOWER2101-TEGU-HSE-DS-0001 Devices Datasheet Page: 1 of 27



Devices Datasheet
Please add a "Table of Contents" on page 3, then the body of the
document will begin on page 4.

Please add data sheets for following equipments:

1. Serial Module
2. Outdoor Combined Siren and Beacon
3. VESDA Pipes and Fittings

A 06.Nov.2022 Issued for Review Abd. Said Abd. Said

Rev. Date Description Prepared Checked Approved


Duhok Switching Station

Ministry of Electricity (KRG) KARPOWER

Document No.: Document Title: Rev.: A

KARPOWER2101-TEGU-HSE-DS-0001 Devices Datasheet Page: 2 of 27

Revision History
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EN54-2 EN54-4


1 loop version Product Code FF SYN1LN
0,16,48 and 96 zones indicators Screen 260×64 LCD
2 programmable sounder output 2 Siren Circuit 1A
4A power supply in accordance with EN54/4 Fire Contact 1A 30V DC
Large graphical display System 5A
Help and alarm warning screens Home Network 20mm 3A
2 programmable function keys Operating Temp.. -5°C +50°C
Humidity %95
3 programmable front panel LED Main Supply Volt. 230 VAC
Printer (optional)

FF SYN1LN Intelligent Fire Alarm Panel
FF SYN4L Intelligent Fire Alarm Panel
FF SYN2L Intelligent Fire Alarm Panel
FF SYN1L Intelligent Fire Alarm Panel
FF K555 Network Card

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

Product information

Aspirating smoke detectors from Securiton

are among the most reliable early warning
systems for fires. The SecuriSmoke ASD
(aspirating smoke detector) range impresses
with its unrivalled performance level.
Developed in Switzerland and manufactured
in Germany, the detectors are particularly
reliable and robust.

SecuriSmoke ASD 535/533/532/531

Aspirating smoke detectors (ASD) • Approved according to EN 54-20 classes A,

B and C, plus UL (268 7th Edition) and FM
• VdS-tested calculation software
Basic design and function • The ASD 531 detector is tailor-made for
ASD PipeFlow allows for an efficient
of an aspirating smoke detector small monitoring areas and for customers
asymmetrical pipe layout
An ASD consists of one or two independent who would like a device that is even easier
• Sensitivity can be set from 0.002–10 %/m
sampling tubes with sampling apertures, each to use but still want an extensive range of
• Highly sensitive yet robust smoke detection
with a highly sensitive smoke sensor. Airflow accessories.
thanks to large-volume smoke chamber
monitoring ensures that the sampling tubes
(LVSC) with measurement resolution
are constantly checked for pipe breakage and Highly sensitive smoke sensor
< 0.001 %/m
the sampling apertures monitored for soiling. The SSD 53x smoke sensor was specially
• Complete integration into the SecuriLine
A high-performance fan sucks in air from the developed for the SecuriSmoke ASD and is the
loop including Config over Line
room or facility being monitored through the result of comprehensive research. A high-power
• Insensitive to dirt particles thanks to
sampling tube into the evaluation unit, where LED combined with an LVSC (large-volume
patented particle suppression
the air is continuously evaluated by the smoke smoke chamber) sampling chamber results in
• Automatic soiling compensation and
sensors. The display and control panel of the unparalleled adjustable sensitivity with low aero-
autolearning function
evaluation unit indicates the smoke concentra- dynamic resistance and the utmost resistance
• Low noise level, compliant with
tion of the sampled air, as well as other alarm, to soiling. These features ensure durability and
ISO 11690-1
fault and status messages. Any increase in a long system life. The patented lint filter helps
• Up to 5 alarm levels per detector
smoke concentration levels is detected very suppress one-off disturbances.
(3 pre-signals and 1 or 2 alarms)
early on. Pre-signals and one or two main
• Heavy duty version of the ASD 535 for
alarms can be programmed, and signalled PC tools for configuration and for
extreme environments with:
via potential-free relay contacts or directly to calculating the sampling tube
• IP 66 protection
the SecuriLine loop. Sampling tubes for all systems can be accura-
• Coated printed circuit boards
tely calculated, optimised and documented with
• 8 kV surge protection
Overview of range the VdS-tested ASD PipeFlow PC program. This
The SecuriSmoke ASD range consists of four offers the possibility of asymmetrical and there-
types: fore cheaper pipe layouts. ASD Config is the tool
• The ASD 535 in six versions (one or two for commissioning and maintaining the ASD
channels, with/without smoke level indicator), 535, 533 and 532. The «Config over Line» func-
as heavy duty version, is the universal device tion means this can be used without additional
with outstanding performance characteristics networking, including from the fire alarm control
for medium-sized and large monitoring areas. panel (FACP). And RS 485 networking allows an
Its ambient temperature range reaches as low entire ASD array (ASD 535 and 532) to be be
as –30 °C, making it perfect for deep-freeze visualised and operated at the same time.
• The ASD 533 is a single-channel device for Commissioning
large monitoring areas. It is the same as the The ASD 535, 533 and 532 can also be com-
ASD 535, but with limited performance fea- missioned with «Easy Config» – so without a
tures. With a few exceptions, all accessory PC. With this method, practically the same func-
parts can be used. tions are available as with the ASD Config PC
• The ASD 532 is the single-channel device tool. The ASD 531 also uses a simplified pro-
for medium-sized monitoring areas. It has cess known as «BasiConfig». This allows some-
the same technical specifications as the body to commission an ASD 531 with almost no
ASD 535, but with just one sampling tube training. All that is needed is the response grade
and a more compact fan. Configuration, required, and then it is a case of setting the
programming, maintenance and networking number of sampling apertures and calibrating
of the system are the same as for the airflow measurement. Everything else is taken
ASD 535
4 and just as simple. care of by the detector itself.
265 mm 265 mm 148 mm

SecuriSmoke ASD 535/533

348 mm
348 mm

348 mm
Typical application ASD 535 ASD 533 ASD 532 ASD 531
Area surveillance
Warehouses, high-rack storage facilities    
Deep-freeze warehouses  × × ×
Explosion-hazard areas  × × ×
Lift shafts    
Data centres    
Clean rooms, laboratory and research centres    
Dropped ceilings and raised floors    
Cable and energy tunnels    
Transformer rooms    
Archive rooms    
Museums, galleries, theatres and cinemas    
Production facilities    
Recycling plants    
Airports, large halls, underground car parks    
Electronic measurement rooms    
Ventilation ducts  ×  ×
Hidden applications
Prisons    
Historical buildings    
Flush-mounted sampling tubes    
Property surveillance
EDP racks, telecommunications facilities    
CNC control systems    
High- and low-voltage distribution cabinets    

Accessory materials ASD 535 ASD 533 ASD 532 ASD 531
Sampling tubes Full range in PVC, ABS, stainless steel, copper with d = 25 mm or ¾" (27 mm)
Dust filter    
Dust trap box, water separator    
Capillary sampling points, 6/4 mm    ×
Heated sampling fittings, deep-freeze warehouses  × × ×
Detonation flame arrester for expl.-hazard zones  × × ×
Surge protection  × × ×
 = very suitable,  = suitable,  = fairly suitable, × = not suitable

ASD 535 aspirating smoke detector range

ASD 535-1/2 Aspirating smoke detector for 1 or 2 SSD 535 smoke sensors without smoke level indicator
ASD 535-3/4 Aspirating smoke detector for 1 or 2 SSD 535 smoke sensors with smoke level indicator
ASD 535-3/4 HD Aspirating Smoke Detector for 1 or 2 SSD 535 smoke sensors, heavy duty version
SSD 535-3 Highly sensitive smoke sensor for ASD 535
SSD 535-3 CP Highly sensitive smoke sensor for ASD 535, heavy duty version

ASD 533 aspirating smoke detector range

ASD 533-1 Aspirating smoke detector including 1 integrated highly sensitive smoke sensor SSD 533 without smoke level indicator

ASD 532 aspirating smoke detector range

ASD 532 Aspirating smoke detector for 1 SSD 532 smoke sensor with smoke level indicator
SSD 532-3 5 Highly sensitive smoke sensor for ASD 532
195 mm 195 mm 140 mm
SecuriSmoke ASD 532/531

290 mm
290 mm

290 mm
ASD 531 aspirating smoke detector range
ASD 531 Aspirating smoke detector including 1 integrated highly sensitive smoke sensor SSD 31, without smoke level indicator

Optional modules range

RIM 35 Optional module with 5 additional relays (ASD 535/533)
RIM 36 Optional module with 5 additional relays (ASD 532/531)
MCM 35 Optional SD memory card module connection, with card (ASD 535/533)
SD card Industrial SD card (ASD 532/531)
XLM 35 Optional module for connection to SecuriLine eXtended
SIM 35/SMM 535 RS 485 networking module/RS 485 master module (ASD 535/532)
UMS 35 Universal module support for mounting line modules
ASD PipeFlow PC tool for drawing and calculating the sampling pipe
ASD Config PC tool for commissioning and maintenance (ASD 535/533/532)

Technical data ASD 535 ASD 533 ASD 532 ASD 531
Supply voltage range EN 54 10.5 – 30 VDC 10.5 – 30 VDC 14.0 – 30 VDC 14.0 – 30 VDC
FM/UL 12.4 – 27 VDC 12.4 – 27 VDC 16.4 – 27 VDC 16.4 – 27 VDC
Power consumption Typical for 24 VDC 260 – 290 mA 210 mA 115 mA 75 mA
Sampling tubes/ Quantity 1 or 2 1 1 1
smoke sensors
Alarm sensitivity Alarm 0.02 –10%/m (0.00087–0.457 dB/m) 0.02 –10%/m
Pre-signal From 0.002%/m (0.0000869 dB/m) From 0.006%/m
Alarm levels 5 (3 pre-signals, alarm, alarm 2) 4 (3 pre-signals
adjustable pre-signals 10 – 90% fixed in adv.
Autolearning, day/night switching Configurable Configurable Configurable Not available
Relays Quantity 1-channel vers. 3 (1 alarm, 1 fault, 1 free) 3 (1 alarm, 1 fault, 1 free) 2 (1 alarm, 1 fault) 2 (1 alarm, 1 fault)
2-channel vers. 3 (al. I & al. II, 1 fault) – (use RIM 36 for pre-signals)
Contact load 50 VDC/1 A (UL 30 VDC)
Interfaces O.C. outputs See relays See relays See relays See relays
PC tool USB USB Ethernet –
Network RS 485 – RS 485, Ethernet –
Inputs Reset, day/night Reset, day/night Reset, day/night Reset
Connection to Functions Alarm, alarm 2, pre-signal 1– 3, fault, reset Alarm, pre-signal 1– 3,
SecuriFire FACP Optional module XLM 35 Config over Line, analogue values fault, reset
Optional modules Quantity 4 4 2 2
Types 2/1 RIM 35, SIM 35, 2/1 RIM 35, 2/1 RIM 36 (only RIM 36) RIM 36, XLM 35
SLM/XLM 35, MCM 35 SLM/XLM 35, MCM 35 XLM 35, SIM 35
Standards/approvals EN 54-20 VdS G 208 154 VdS G 212 163 VdS G 215 101 VdS G 215 100
EN 54-27 (ventil. ducts) Yes No Yes No
UL 268 7th Ed., FM 3230 Yes, Yes Yes, Yes Yes, Yes No, Yes
Other ActivFire, CCCF, ActivFire, CCCF, ActivFire, CCCF, ActivFire, CCCF,
ISO 7240-20, ISO 7240-20, ISO 7240-20, ISO 7240-20,
Number of samplings EN 54-20 Class A 2 × 18 16 8 6
apertures (with ASD EN 54-20 Class B 2 × 56 50 12 8
PipeFlow) EN 54-20 Class C 2 × 120 50 16 12
6 NFPA 72 2 × 16 12 12 –
Operating principle of an ASD Sampling tube I Smoke sensor I Cable
(example based on ASD 535)

Monitoring area I Slots for



AMB 35

Monitoring area II
We reserve the right Air outlet
to implement technical
Sampling tube II Smoke sensor II
changes and modify
delivery options.

Technical data ASD 535 ASD 533 ASD 532 ASD 531
Monitoring area Max. area 5760 m2 1920 m2 1280 m2 720 m2
System limits as per Max. quantity 2 × 120 50 16 12
EN 54-20 Class C sampling apertures
Max. length to 2 × 110 m 80 m 70 m 40 m
last sampling point
Max. overall length 2 × 300 m 200 m 120 m 75 m
of all sampling tubes
System limits without Max. overall length 2 × 400 m 200 m 120 m 75 m
conformity to standards of all sampling tubes
Configuration Close operation EasyConfig EasyConfig EasyConfig BasiConfig
PC tool ASD Config ASD Config ASD Config –
Calculation of sampling ASD PipeFlow • Full support for all product versions
tubes for all four types • Asymmetrical configurations
of aspirating smoke • Genuine simulation, no table values
Fan/sampling system Suction pressure > 400 Pa > 400 Pa > 100 Pa > 30 Pa
Service life (MTTF) > 65,000 h (at 40 °C) > 65,000 h (at 40 °C) > 80,000 h (at 40 °C) > 80,000 h (at 40 °C)
Performance levels 5 1 3 1
Noise level 34 dB (A) 34 dB (A) 25 dB (A) 25 dB (A)
(1 m distance) (fan level 1) (fan level 1) (fan level 1)
Soundproof housing < 20 dB (A) < 20 dB (A) < 20 dB (A) < 20 dB (A)
Airflow monitoring As per EN 54-20 1 air flow sensor p/ch. 1 air flow sensor 1 air flow sensor 1 air flow sensor
(therm. anemometer) (therm. anemometer) (therm. anemometer) (therm. anemometer)
Housing EN 60529 prot. class IP 54 (IP 66 HD version) IP 54 IP 54 IP 54
Dimensions (W × H × D) 265 × 348 × 148 mm 265 × 348 × 148 mm 195 × 290 × 140 mm 195 × 290 × 140 mm
Cover, grey RAL 280 70 05 RAL 280 70 05 RAL 280 70 05 RAL 280 70 05
Base, anthracite violet RAL 300 20 05 RAL 300 20 05 RAL 300 20 05 RAL 300 20 05
Material ABS blend, UL 94-V0 ABS blend, UL 94-V0 ABS blend, UL 94-V0 ABS blend, UL 94-V0
Weight (approx.) 3850 g 3850 g 1950 g 1950 g
Cable entries 4 × M20, 1 × M25 4 × M20, 1 × M25 3 × M20, 1 × M25 3 × M20, 1 × M25
Packaging Cardboard (W × H × D) 437 × 281 × 182 mm 437 × 281 × 182 mm 372 × 220 × 172 mm 372 × 220 × 172 mm
Operating temperature/ Evaluation unit –30 – +60 °C/95% RH –20 – +60 °C/95% RH –20 – +60 °C/95% RH –10 – +55 °C/95% RH
humidity (amb. air max. +40 °C) (amb. air max. +40 °C) (amb. air max. +40 °C) (amb. air max. 40 °C)
Display and operation Generally, per channel 1 green «power» LED, 1 red «alarm» LED, 1 yellow «fault» LED, 1 yellow soiling LED, 1 reset key
Add. 10 LEDs (yellow) ASD 535-3 and -4 Not available Yes Not available
for smoke level indicator (per channel)
Event memory/ On board 430 events 1000 events 1000 events 1000 events
analogue values With SD card Up to 1 year Up to 1 year Up to 1 year Up to 1 year
(with MCM 35) on-board option on-board option on-board option
Related documents Data sheet T 131 193 T 140 288 T 140 422 T 140 417
Tech. manual T 131 192 T 140 287 T 140 421 T 140 416
Sampling tube T 131 194 T 131 194 T 131 194 T 131 194

Securiton AG
Alarm and Security Systems
Alpenstrasse 20, 3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland

Telephone +41 58 910 50 50,

A company of the Swiss Securitas Group




Multiple fully approved sensitivity settings Current Consumption (Standby) 90μA
Auto addressing capability on compatible Current Consumption (Alarm) 6mA
fire control panels Operating Voltage 15 - 40v DC
Utilises fully digital Finder protocol with high Humidity %95 RH
noise rejection Environment -30ºC + 70ºC
Storage Medium -40ºC + 70ºC
Alarm LED providing 360deg cone of visibility Standard -EN 54-7
Dust Restrict Chamber (DRC) technology offering IP Rating 40 (42 with base's
advanced immunity to airborne contaminants waterproof protection)

FF O200L Intelligent Optical and Heat Detecotor

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure



Aesthetic design Operating Voltage 12-24V DC
No programming required Alarm Indicator Red LED
Red led indicator Working Temperature -10°C ~ +55°C
Relative Humidity 93%
Weight 17Gr
Dimensions 80x83x47mm

FF LED Remote Indicator

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

FF MC200

EN54-18 EN54-17


Provides high reliability and fault finding Product Code FF MC200
Self-short-circuit isolator Current (Standby) 120μA
1 output contact Current (LED@24v) 6mA
Full digital protocol Operating Voltage 15-40VDC
Auto-addressable (Control Panel-supported) Switching Relay 2A @ 30VDC
Line monitoring (27 Kohm) Humidity %95RH
Digital double address control Operating Temp. -30°C +70°C
Storage Temp. -40°C +70°C
Protection Class IP 40

FF MC200 Intelligent Addressed Output Module

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

FF MC220

EN54-17 EN54-18

Provides high reliability and fault monitoring Current Consumption (Standby) 120μA
Short circuit isolator Consumption (LED @ 24v) 6mA
1 C output contact Operating Voltage 15-40v DC
Full digital protocol Relay Switching 2A @ 30v DC
Automatic addresses Humidity 95%RH
Digital double address control Environment -30ºC+70ºC
Storage Medium -40ºC+70ºC

FF MC220 Intelligent Relay Module

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

FF MZ200



Provides high reliability and fault finding Current (Standby) 500μA
Self-short-circuit isolator Current (LED@24v) 60mA
1 zone output contact Operating Voltage 15-40VDC
Full digital protocol Switching Relay 2A @ 30VDC
Auto-addressable (Control Panel-supported) Humidity %95RH
Line Monitoring (27Kohm) Operating Temp. -30ºC+70ºC
Digital double address control Storage Temp. -40ºC+70ºC
Protection Class IP 40

FF MZ200 Intelligent Addressed Zone Module

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

FF VB250

EN54-11 EN54-17


Surface and flush mounted Operating Voltage 15 - 40V DC
Suitable for exterior environments Current Consumption 70µA
Self-short-circuit isolator Humidity 95% RH
Operating, fault and status indicator LED Environment -30ºC + 70ºC
Easy reset after alarm Storage Medium -40ºC + 70ºC
Advanced digital signal processing and stable IP Rating IP67

FF VB250 Intelligent Fire Alarm Call Point

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

The LAB1000 standard intelligent low profile mounting base has
been designed for use with any of the Altair point type intelligent
detector range. The base’s layout allows plenty of space for cable
access and has multiple mounting-hole positions for use with a
variety of back boxes. The unit has terminations for loop wiring,
remote indicator connection and termination of shield cabling.
When no device is fitted into the base, an automatic spring
connection maintains loop continuity ready for loop cable testing.
Once the device is refitted the spring is displaced allowing the loop
isolators to operate.





High reliability
Compatible with all Altair detectors
Device locking capability
Easy central cable entry
Integral device identification tab
Remote indicator connections
Built-in continuity spring
5 year product warranty


Physical dimensions 110mm x 16mm

Temperature Range (no icing) -10°C to +55°C
Max. humidity (non condensing) 95% RH
Weight (standard base included) 50 g

*Device operates down to 15Vdc but without LED indication

0832 928e

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure

Reliable embedded industrial PC’s

Ready for OEM with Modified COTS services

When generic doesn’t fit, Multi-Core OPALE V2 family based on standard ATX form factor, offers flexibility to fit into many
applications for OEM, system integrators and application providers in a variety of domains: building automation, facility
management, rugged servers for harsh environments (Aero/Mil), high availability embedded computers for cybersecurity,
central data acquisition, control/command, vision…
To precisely meet your requirements, even for small quantities, ECRIN Systems takes full system development
responsibility and guarantee long term availability to allow you to concentrate on your added value. From mechanical
parts to industrial design, with front and remote user interfaces, user LED’s and I/O’s, easy customized front and rear
connectors, specific face-plate color and design, lexan polycarbonate sheet with your logo and brand name, we will offer
you a unique look that will shape your image and promote your sales.

> Modified COTS with easy brand naming, configuration and customization for competition advantage
> Local and remote active management to detect errors before they occur
> Enhanced asset protection for continuous operation: durable connectors,
enhanced USB compatibility, rugged EMI construction
> MIL-STD tests passed (for T°C, shocks & vibrations, humidity, noise)
> Reduced TCO with reporting Log file and downtime in harsh environments
> Energy efficient design / Low noise at 37dBA (equivalent to no risk)
> Long life management: up to 7 years with revision control
> Advanced Multi-Core “Skylake” boosted computing performance with DDR4 speeds and timings
> Accommodate maximum PCIe slots and flexible configuration
> Extended ATX compliant / 451mm depth only

OPALE V2-ATX Rack specifications
Construction Anti-corrosion and long term heavy-duty steel, black color
Dimensions (W x H x D) 19’’ / 4U with 17.8 inch depth (483x177x451mm) A B C D E F G H
Weight 17 kg (standard configuration)
Color Black
Cooling Three 92mm ball bearing low noise fans with monitoring
Front access for easy maintenance
Power supply PS2 form factor, compliant with Mini Redundant PSU
Drive bays Two 5.25’’ front accessible drive bay
Motherboard ATX: 12’’ x 10’’
Extended ATX: 12’’ x 13’’ (30.5cm x 33cm)
Front panel Front door with lock, two USB and drive bays access
Front door for dust filter and fans maintenance
Embedded MMI, 4 LEDs with I/O capabilities A: Dust filter & Fan access door E: 2 x USB (optional)
Lexan for easy customization B: LCD 2x16 characters F: 4 x tri-color LEDs
C: Keyboard (Power & Reset) G: Key lock
Cards lock Adjustable hold down bar for I/O cards
D: Lexan for easy customization H: Drive bay door
Rugged front holding parts for full length I/O cards
Packaging (W x H x D) 600 mm x 345 mm x 640 mm
Industrial motherboard specifications
Form factor ATX : 12’’ x 10’’ (30.5cm x 25.4cm) Multiple PCIe 3.0 support
Processor LGA1151 socket for 6th Gen Intel® Core™ processor (codename Skylake)
Chipset Intel® Q170 Express Chipset
Memory Dual channel DDR4 2133 MHz, up to 64 GB - Four 288 PIN DDR4 V-Sockets
Video Integrated Intel® HD Graphics: 1* VGA (1920 x 1200 @60Hz) and
2x DisplayPort 1.2 (4096 x 2304 @ 60 Hz)
BIOS AMI® UEFI BIOS, 128 Mb SPI Flash Memory LGA 1151 socket for 6th Gen
Ethernet 2 x GbE (Intel® I219-LM + Intel® I211-A) Intel® Core™ Processor

Intel AMT and Wake On LAN support


Disk 6x SATA 6.0 Gb/s ports - Software RAID support 0/1/5/10 Intel® Q170
Express Chipset
Audio Codec Realtek ALC262-VC2-GR (Line-in, Line-out, Mic-in)

USB 6x USB 3.0 connector (rear), 2x USB 3.0 pin header,

Dual Channel DDR4 DIMMs

Note: The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be considered as a commitment by ECRIN Systems. While reasonable precautions have been taken,
4x USB 2.0 pin headers, 2x USB 2.0 (vertical type A connector)
Watchdog timer 24~65536 sec. software programmable and can be generate system reset
Hardware monitor CPU/System temperature and fan speed / onboard DC voltages

ECRIN Systems assumes no responsibility for any error that may appear in this document. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
I/O peripherals PS/2 keyboard/mouse: 1x Mini-DIN combo
Line In
Serial port: 2x RS-232/422/485 with auto flow control + 4x RS-232 VGA COM1 LAN1
Parallel port : 1x LPT Line Out
Digital IO: 1x 10-pin/2.54mm GPIO pin header: 4 in and 4 out
Expansion I/O Slots Flexible configuration: PCIe 3.0 bifurcation supports up to 5x PCIe 3.0 expansion slots:
- 1x PCIe x16 + 2x PCIe x4 + 2x PCI slots COM2 Mic In
2x DP 6x USB3.0
- 2x PCIe x8 + 2x PCIe x4 + 2x PCI slots
- 1x PCIe x8 + 4x PCIe x4 + 2x PCI slots
Environmental specifications
Temperature Operating: 0~50°C (MIL-STD-810G method 502.5 / 501.5) - Storage: -20~80°C
Humidity Operating : 5% to 90% non condensing
Altitude 0-3000m (0-10.000ft) operating
Shock & vibration Operating: 15G, 11ms 6 axis (MIL STD 810 F, method. 516.5) - 5~100 Hz 0.8G (MIL STD 810 F, method. 514.5)
Noise 37 dBA (MIL-STD-740-1)
CE certification EMC: 2014/30/UE ; EN 61000-6-2, EN55032, EN 55024 - SAFETY: 2014/35/UE ; EN60950-1 : 2006 2nd edition A11 : 2009 + A1 : 2010 + A12 : 2011 + A2 : 2014
System monitoring and management OEM services
> Intel® AMT for remote management > Branding user’s Lexan – Costless, NRE fees only
> Local control with embedded MMI (Windows & Linux services) > Modified COTS customization:
- FAN control & monitoring - Alarm (fan, temperature, redondant P/S), - Front panel design
- System & network information Log file - Specific I/O on front panel / special connectors on rear panel
- Watchdog & elapsed time counter - User script launch form menu entry - Specific H/W configurations
- Redundant P/S default - Easy configuration with .TXT file - Specific S/W functionality Call us for more information …
Standard configuration Options
Power Supply Unit ATX 12V – 400W – High Efficiency 80+ Processor - Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4C/8T, 3.4 GHz, 8M Cache, 14nm, 65W TDP)
90 ~ 240 VAC full range / 47~63 Hz - Intel® Core™ i7-6700TE (4C/8T, 2.4 GHz 8M Cache, 14nm, 35W TDP)
5V@22A, 12V@32A, -12V@0.8A, 3.3V@22A, 5Vstb@3.5A - Intel® Core™ i5-6500 (4C/4T, 3.2 GHz, 6M Cache, 14nm, 65W TDP)
Option for 2x 500W Redundant P/S - Intel® Core™ i5-6500TE (4C/4T, 2.3 GHz, 6M Cache, 14nm, 35W TDP)
90-240VAC full range / 47-63Hz - Intel® Core™ i3-6100 (2C/4T, 3.7 GHz, 3M Cache, 14nm, 51W TDP)
Drives 1 x Slim DVDRW - Intel® Core™ i3-6100TE (2C/4T, 2.7 GHz, 4M Cache, 14nm, 35W TDP)
1 x 2.5’’ SATA Removable Drive Memory DDR4-2133 : 4Go / 8Go / 16Go / 32Go / 64Go
1 x 5.25’’ front accessible drive bay free Disk - 2.5’’ 7200 RPM Hard Drive (500Go ~ 1To)
(up to 4x removable 2.5’’ HD or SSD) - SLC and/or MLC Solid State Drive (32 Go ~ 2To)
Front I/O (behind door) 2 x USB 2.0 - Up to 5x hot swap 2.5” HDD/SSD total with optional 4in1 drive bay
Rear I/O 2x DP + 1x VGA display outputs + 2x GbE OS Microsoft® Windows® 7 32/64-bit, Windows 8.1 & 10 64-bit
6x USB 3.0 + 2x COM + Audio + PS/2 KB/MS Linux 32/64-bit
Headquarters Marketing & sales
143, rue Louis Neel 2 - 12, rue du Chemin des Femmes
Parc Technologique du Pré Roux Immeuble l’Odyssée

38920 Crolles
17 - France 91300 Massy - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 92 20 01 Tel: +33 (0)1 69 07 83 22

Indoor Selectable-Output
Horns, Strobes, and Horn
Strobes for Wall Applications
Audio/Visual Devices

The L-Series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of
horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry with lower cur-
rent draws and modern aesthetics. With white and red plastic
housings, standard and small footprint devices, and plain,
FIRE-printed devices, L-Series can meet virtually any applica-
tion requirement.
The L-Series product line of wall-mount horns, strobes, and
horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their
application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices
feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back
box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually elim-
inating costly and time-consuming ground faults.
To further simplify installation and protect devices from con-
struction damage, L-Series utilizes a universal mounting plate
for all standard and compact models with an onboard shorting
spring, so installers can test wiring continuity before the device
is installed.
Installers can also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range
of application requirements using field-selectable candela set-
tings, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a
rotary switch for horn tones with two volume selections.

Features P2GWL SGWL

• Updated modern aesthetics.
• Small profile devices for Horns and Horn Strobes.
• Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box.
• Tamper-resistant construction.
• Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30
• Field-selectable candela settings on wall units: 15, 30, 75,
95, 110, 135, and 185.
• Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts.
• Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections.
• Universal mounting plate for all standard and all compact
wall units.
• Mounting plate shorting spring checks wiring continuity.
before device installation.
• Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert® and 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-
SpectrAlert Advance devices. volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate
between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated c appliance circuit
• Compatible with MDL3 sync module.
outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor
• Listed for wall mounting only. L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees
Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unaltered
Architectural/Engineering Specifications power supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-select-
able candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, and
General: L-Series standard horns, strobes, and horn strobes
shall mount to a standard 2" x 4" x 17/8" back box, 4" × 4" ×
1½" back box, 4" octagon back box, or double-gang back box. Strobe. The strobe shall be a L-Series Model listed to UL
L-Series compact products shall mount to a single-gang 2" × 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The
4" × 17/8" back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appli-
for mounting ceiling and wall products for all standard-size ance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act
models and a separate universal mounting plate shall be used requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz
for mounting compact wall models. The notification appliance over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe
circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/
Also, L-Series products, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ reflector system.
Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notifi-
cation appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal

DN-60918:B • 5/19/17 — Page 1 of 4

Horn Strobe Combination. The horn strobe shall be a L-Series Drawings
L-Series Model listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be
approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be Compact Horn
wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply
with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visi-
ble signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s
entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of
a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The
horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch
between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (contin-
uous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position
switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a
coded or non-coded power supply.
Synchronization Module. The module shall be a Sync•Circuit
model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire
protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert
strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while oper-
ating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn
strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall
mount to a 411/6" × 411/16" × 21/8" back box. The module shall Compact Combo
also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class
A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy
chaining two or more synchronization modules together will
synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not
operate on a coded power supply.
• Standard Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to
• Humidity Range: 10 to 93% non-condensing.
• Strobe Flash Rate: 1 flash per second.
• Nominal Voltage: Regulated 12 DC or regulated 24 DC/
FWR1 (full wave rectified).
• Operating Voltage Range2: 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or
16 to 33 V (24 V nominal).
• Operating Voltage Range: MDL3 Sync Module 8.5 to 17.5
V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal). Horn
• Input Terminal Wire Gauge: 12 to 18 AWG.
• Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens): 5.6" L × 4.7" W
× 1.25" D (143 mm L × 119 mm W × 32 mm D).
• Compact Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens): 5.26”
L x 3.46” W x 1.93” D (133 mm L x 88 mm W x 49 mm D).
• Horn Dimensions: 5.6" L × 4.7" W × 1.25" D (143 mm L ×
119 mm W × 32 mm D).
• Compact Horn Dimensions: 5.25” L x 3.45” W x 1.25” D
(133mm L x 88mm W x 32mm D).
1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-
varying power source that is used on some power supply and
panel outputs. Combo
2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only
for 15 cd and 30 cd.

Page 2 of 4 — DN-60918:B • 5/19/17

The 3.1k is the sound of the mini-horns. The EM (which
UL MAX. STROBE CURRENT DRAW (MA RMS) stands for Electro-mechanical) is the sound of the SpectrAlert
8-17.5 Advance line which uses an algorithm that hops frequencies
Volts 16-33 Volts between 2Hz and 4Hz.
Candela DC DC FWR 8-17.5
15 88 43 60 Volts 16-33 Volts

30 143 63 83 Sound Pattern dB DC DC FWR

75 N/A 107 136 Temporal High 39 44 54

95 N/A 121 155 Temporal Low 28 32 54

110 N/A 148 179 Non-Temporal High 43 47 54

135 N/A 172 209 Non-Temporal Low 29 32 54

185 N/A 222 257 3.1 KHz Temporal High 39 41 54

3.1 KHz Temporal Low 29 32 54
3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 42 43 54
3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 28 29 54
Coded High 43 47 54
3.1 KHz Coded High 42 43 54


The 3.1k is the sound of the mini-horns. The EM (which stands for Electro-mechanical) is the sound of the SpectrAlert Advance
line which uses an algorithm that hops frequencies between 2Hz and 4Hz.
DC Input:
8-17.5 DC Input: FWR Input:
Volts 16-33 Volts 16 FWR
15 30 15 30 75 95 110 135 185 15 30 75 95 110 135 185
cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd
Temporal High 98 158 54 74 121 142 162 196 245 83 107 156 177 198 234 287
Temporal Low 93 154 44 65 111 133 157 184 235 68 91 145 165 185 223 271
Non-Temporal High 106 166 73 94 139 160 182 211 262 111 135 185 207 230 264 316
Non-TemporalLow 93 156 51 71 119 139 162 190 239 79 104 157 175 197 235 283
3.1K Temporal High 93 156 53 73 119 140 164 190 242 81 105 155 177 196 234 284
3.1K Temporal Low 91 154 45 66 112 133 160 185 235 68 90 145 166 186 222 276
3.1K Non-Temporal High 99 162 69 90 135 157 175 208 261 104 131 177 204 230 264 326
3.1K Non-Temporal Low 93 156 52 72 119 138 162 192 242 77 102 156 177 199 234 291

DN-60918:B • 5/19/17 — Page 3 of 4

The 3.1k is the sound of the mini-horns. The EM (which P2WL(A)(-E)(-F), P2RL(A)(-E)(-F). 2-Wire, Horn Strobe
stands for Electro-mechanical) is the sound of the SpectrAlert (White, Red).
Advance line which uses an algorithm that hops frequencies P2GWL(A)(-E)(-F), P2GRL(A)(-E)(-F). 2-Wire, Compact Horn
between 2Hz and 4Hz. Strobe (White, Red).
In the coded positions, temporal coding must be provided by
the NAC. If the NAC voltage is held constant, the horn output P2WL(A)-P, P2RL(A)-P. 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Plain (White,
will remain constantly on. Red).
P2WL-SP, P2RL-SP. 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, FUEGO (White,
Volts 16-33 Volts Red).

Pos. Sound Pattern dB DC DC FWR WALL STROBES

1 Temporal High 84 89 89 SWL(A)(-E)(-F), SRL(A)(-E)(-F). Strobe, Red (White, Red).
2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 SGWL(A)(-E)(-F), SGRL(A)(-E)(-F). Compact Strobe (White,
3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90
SWL(A)-P, SRL(A)-P. Strobe, Plain (White, Red).
4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84
SRL-SP. Strobe, FUEGO (Red).
5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88
SWL-CLR-ALERT. Strobe, ALERT (White).
6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82
SWL-ALERT. Strobe, Wall, Amber Lens, ALERT (White).
7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89
8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83
HWL(A), HRL(A). Horn (White, Red).
9† Coded High 85 90 90
HGWL(A), HGRL(A). Compact Horn (White, Red).
10† 3.1 KHz Coded High 84 89 89
†Settings 9 and 10 are not available on the 2-wire horn strobes.
TR-2W, TR-2. Universal Wall Trim Ring (White, Red).
Agency Listings and Approvals SBBWL, SBBRL. Wall Surface Mount Back Box (White, Red).
The listings and approvals below apply to L-series devices. In SBBGWL, SBBGRL. Compact Wall Surface Mount Back Box
some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed (White, Red).
by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. NOTE: “A” suffix indicates ULC-Listed model. ULC-listed devices
Consult factory for latest listing status. include required French labeling. See Agency Listings for listing
• UL/ULC-Listed
– S4011 Wall Horn Strobes NOTE: “A” suffix indicates ULC-listed models, ULC models have
FIRE/FEU marking on cover.
– S5512 Wall Strobes
NOTE: ULC-listed models add “-E” suffix for English only “FIRE”
– S5512 Wall Horns marking on cover.
– S5512 Strobe-only ALERT devices NOTE: ULC-listed models add “-F” suffix for French only “FEU”
• FM Approved (All except ALERT models) marking on cover.
• CSFM Listed: 7135-1653:0503 (Wall Horns and Wall Horn
Strobes), 7125-1653:0504 (Wall Strobes)

NOTIFIER® and SpectrAlert® are registered trademarks and

Sync•Circuit™ is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
©2017 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use
of this document is strictly prohibited.

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.

Page 4 of 4 — DN-60918:B • 5/19/17


The UA-BCW-H37 conduit base housing has been specially designed
to assist the installer when mounting point detection devices into
surface mounted installations. The unit has pre-formed conduit
entry knockouts on four sides, allowing for simple and professional
surface installation.

The unit is compatible with the entire Argus wired and wireless
point detection range.


M16 and M20 Pre cut conduit and gland entry points
to sides and base
External removable fixing lugs allow base to be mounted while
maintaining the maximum protection from water ingress
Base design compatible with all Argus wired and wireless
Design directs condensation droplets from ceiling away from
the detectors
Full screw-kit provided


Compatability All detectors in the current
Argus wired and wireless
Dimensions 117mm x 37 mm
Weight 64g
Temperature Range (no icing) -10°C to +55°C
Max. humidity (non condensing) 95% RH
Conduit entry size 4 no. x 16mm - 20mm
IP Rating 42

Fire & Gas Alarm System CCTV System PAVA System Emergency Lighting System Access Control System Integration System Reasure


UniVario WMX5000 heat detector –

the new industrial standard

 Product  Application + Advantages

 The WMX5000 industrial heat
detector detects a rise in temperature
 WMX5000 heat detectors are
designed to detect open flames
+ Microprocessor-controlled monitoring of
the heat sensor and soft and hardware.
resulting from a fire. which cause a sharp increase in
temperature, e.g.: + Early fire detection with low risk of false
 In addition to a maximum tempera- alarms.
– flammable liquids and gases
ture reading, a sharp increase in
temperature can also be detected,
– highly flammable plastics + Application-specific
signal processing.
configuration of
resulting in early fire detection.  They are designed for use in dirty
 The A1, A2, B and C response classes
industrial environments both inside + Supervising typical disturbance variables
using intelligent evaluation algorithms.
and out.
and the S and R indices according to
the EN 54-5 can be configured on the  Potential areas of application: + High electromagnetic tolerance.
WMX5000 as required. –

Production halls
Painting facilities
+ Different installation options.
 A microprocessor analyses the data.
– Transformers + High degree of protection (IP 67), oil-tight
 The alarm sensor is constantly – Printing presses and impact and vibration-resistant.
monitored. –

Incinerating plants
Machine tools
+ Optional upgrades:
 The housing is rugged and specially – Communication module for use as a ring
designed for application in challenging – Channel monitoring bus detector
industrial environments. – Process industry – Relay module with floating contacts for
 The heat sensor is made of stainless  They can be used in ex-zones 2 disturbance and alarm
steel. and 22.
+ Comprehensive service options.
 Approvals: VdS, ATEX
 Quick release mounting attachment
FM approval applied for.
+ Stainless steel sensor.
makes the WMX5000 well suited for
installation on ducts.


10340-9_BMA_PB10Fe_205x292_GB 1 27.08.2008 15:06:22 Uhr


Response behaviour of the UniVario WMX5000 at different increases in temperature

30 30
20 20
10 K/min
10 K/min
5 K/min 120
5 K/min
3 K/min
3 K/min

Temperature in ºC (absolute)
Temperature in ºC (absolute)

80 Upper limit, class C

Upper limit, class A1 100

1 K/min
1 K/min
60 WMX5000

Lower limit Lower limit

25 55

0 3.8 7.3 10 20 30 37.5 40 50 0 4.4 10 12.7 20 30 40

1.3 1.8 11.7 1.6 1.8 8.2
time in min time in min

Stipulated alarm range according to EN 54-5 class A1 Stipulated alarm range according to EN 54-5 class C

WMX5000 response behaviour WMX5000 response behaviour

 The UniVario WMX5000 is an innova-  The large power supply area and an  The threshold temperatures between
tive, intelligent fire detector which, optional module UniVario KMX5000 RK 0 °C and 90 °C, the response class
thanks to its modular concept, can be with relay contacts enable the stand- and differential and statical response
tailored to meet the unique demands alone mode and application in can be programmed according to
of individual applications based on a different danger alarm or control your needs.
uniform platform. units.
 Accessible connections and a standard
 As the first heat detector suitable for  Because it requires so little energy, clamp simplify installation of all
industrial use, the UniVario WMX5000 ultra thin cables can be used and products.
can be integrated into an Apollo bus many sensors can be placed along
 A service unit to simplify configur-
system, thanks to the optional one line.
ation, diagnosis, function checks and
UniVario KMX5000 AP communication
 Converting from limit mode to ring data archiving is available.
module. Individual alarm identification
bus mode can be achieved simply by
and parameterisation is therefore  Analysis of the internal history
installation of a communication
possible. storage by using the UniVario View
module – there’s no need to switch
service software.
 Online temperature display with base cables.
UniVario MX5000 LCD.

Printed in Germany

Technical Data
Type Features Response threshold Temperature Type of External Approval
range of protection d isplay

UniVario Sensor monitored function Response classes according to –20 °C to +80 °C IP 67 Can be VdS G207090

WMX5000 EN 54-5 connected

Alarm/disturbance and function LED A1, A2, B, C, D* EN 54-5 class
Indices according to EN 54-5 A1, A1S, A1R,
UniVario Optional upgrades: S, R A2, B, C
WMX5000 3GD - Communication module
- Relay module Adjustable between the alarm ATEX zone 2/22
temperatures of 0 °C and 90 °C
Can be configured according to your needs (105 °C*) with service unit FM approval
Service interface applied for
Data storage (3030827)

Power supply 7.6 V to 30 V DC

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG

No. S 89201

*Only the WMX5000 with single-hole installation

Industriestrasse 10/12
Subject to technical modifications
23840 Bad Oldesloe
Certified according to
Germany ISO 9001

Tel. +49 4531 803-0

25 Fax +49 4531 803-248

10340-9_BMA_PB10Fe_205x292_GB 2 27.08.2008 15:06:28 Uhr

WPS7-12 12Volt 7Ah
Nominal Voltage(V) 12V

Nominal Capacity
20 hour rate (0.35A to 10.50V) 7Ah
10 hour rate (0.63A to 10.50V) 6.3Ah
5 hour rate (1.131A to 10.20V) 5.65Ah
1C (7A to 9.60V) 3.5Ah
3C (21A to 9.60V) 2.1Ah

Weight Approx. 2.1kg(4.62Lbs.)

Internal Resistance (at 1KHz) Approx. 28 mΩ Dimensions mm(inch)

Maximum Discharge Current for



5 seconds: 105A

Charging Methods at 25℃(77℉)

F1 F2
Cycle use:
Charging Voltage 14.4 to 15.0V
Coefficient -5.0mV/℃/cell
Maximum Charging Current: 2.1A
Standby use:
Float Charging Voltage 13.5 to 13.8V 65±1(2.56±0.04) 151±1(5.94±0.04)

Coefficient -3.0mV/℃/cell
102± 1(4.02±0.04)
94±1(3.70± 0.04)

Operating Temperature Range

Charge -15℃(5℉) to 40℃(104℉)
Discharge -15℃(5℉) to 50℃(122℉)
Storage -15℃(5℉) to 40℃(104℉)
FOR 12V Discharge Time VS. Discharge Current (25℃)
Charge Retention (shelf life) at 20℃(68℉)

1 month 92% 12.0

3 month 90%
6 month 80%
0.63A 0.35A
10.0 1.131A

Case Material ABS UL94 HB 21A 7A


Option: Flammability resistance of (UL94 V-0)

1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 2 5 6 8 10 20

minutes hours
F1 or F2 (Faston Tab 187 or 250)
Discharge Time

Effect of Temperature on Capacity 25℃(77℉) Capacity Retention Characteristic
120 100

0.05CA 0 ℃(32 ℉)
100 0.1CA

Remaining Capacity
Capacity %

80 0.6CA 10℃(50 ℉)

60 2CA 50 20℃(68 ℉)

40℃(104 ℉) 30℃(86℉)


-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 ℃ 0
3 6 9 12 15 18
-4 14 32 50 68 86 104 122 ℉ Storage Time (months)

Trickle (or float) Service Life Cycle Service Life



Capacity %
Life (years)

3 80

Discharge Depth 100% Discharge Depth 30%
Discharge Depth 50%

(1) Discharge : 0.17CA
0.5 (2) Charge : CV 2.4V/cell*16H Imax 0.3CA
20 (3) End of life discharge voltage : 1.65 Vpc
(4) Temperature : 25±2℃

20 30 40 50 (℃ )
68 86 104 122 (℉ ) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Ambient Temperature Number of Cycles (times)

Discharge Rates in Watts to Various End Voltages at 25℃(77℉)
End Voltage 1.85V 1.80V 1.75V 1.70V 1.67V 1.65V 1.60V
2 min 48.9 67.6 83.2 93.2 97.0 99.1 102
4 min 33.4 43.5 51.7 56.8 58.7 59.8 61.5
6 min 26.3 33.2 38.6 41.9 43.2 44.0 45.1
8 min 22.3 27.5 31.5 33.9 34.9 35.4 36.2
10 min 19.3 23.3 26.4 28.3 29.0 29.4 30.1
15 min 15.8 18.5 20.5 21.7 22.2 22.4 22.9
20 min 13.4 15.3 16.7 17.5 17.9 18.1 18.4
30 min 10.7 11.8 12.6 13.1 13.3 13.4 13.6
60 min 7.38 7.72 7.92 7.99 8.03 8.06 8.06
90 min 5.35 5.58 5.70 5.76 5.78 5.80 5.86
120 min 4.26 4.43 4.52 4.56 4.58 4.60 4.63
180 min 3.26 3.37 3.44 3.46 3.48 3.49 3.51
240 min 2.60 2.68 2.73 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.79
300 min 2.18 2.24 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32
480 min 1.50 1.53 1.56 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.58
600 min 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.32 1.32
1200 min 0.686 0.695 0.702 0.706 0.708 0.710 0.711

- Discharge Rates in Amperes to Various End Voltages at 25℃(77℉)

End Voltage 1.85V 1.80V 1.75V 1.70V 1.67V 1.65V 1.60V
2 min 28.2 39.0 48.0 53.8 55.9 57.2 59.0
4 min 18.5 24.2 28.7 31.5 32.6 33.2 34.2
6 min 14.5 18.3 21.3 23.1 23.8 24.2 24.8
8 min 12.2 15.0 17.2 18.5 19.0 19.3 19.8
10 min 10.5 12.7 14.4 15.4 15.8 16.1 16.4
15 min 8.33 9.72 10.8 11.4 11.7 11.8 12.0
20 min 7.00 7.97 8.70 9.15 9.32 9.43 9.60
30 min 5.47 6.03 6.44 6.70 6.80 6.87 6.97
60 min 3.72 3.89 3.99 4.03 4.05 4.06 4.06
90 min 2.69 2.81 2.87 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.95
120 min 2.14 2.22 2.27 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.33
180 min 1.63 1.69 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76
240 min 1.30 1.34 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.38 1.39
300 min 1.08 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.16
480 min 0.745 0.762 0.773 0.778 0.781 0.784 0.787
600 min 0.623 0.636 0.644 0.649 0.651 0.653 0.656
1200 min 0.341 0.345 0.348 0.350 0.352 0.352 0.353
All data on the spec. sheet is an average value:
The tolerance range : X<6min(+15%~-15%), 6min≦X<10min(+12%~-12%),10min ≦X < 60min(+8% ~-8%), X≧60min(+5%~-5%)
Head Quarter Service - TEL: +886-49-2254-777 FAX: +886-49-2255-139 E-mail:
USA Customer Service - TEL: +1-949-328-7936 FAX: +1-949-266-9917 E-mail:
Vietnam Customer Service - TEL: +84-72-3779666 FAX: +84-72-3779476 E-mail:

Contents in this data sheet are subject to change for improvement without prior notice to users. For clarifications and updated information, please contact us.

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