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MHR Action Rules Summary

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Action During Action Scenes, you may take an action or respond Dice
Scenes to another character’s action with a reaction. Actions in- p. OM06
p. OM34 clude attack, recovery, and support actions as well as
general actions. d4 d6 d8 d10 d12
Actions XXYou roll your dice pool for an attack action against
p. OM46 another character’s reaction dice pool or against the Step up: switch out the die for one with more sides.
doom pool (plus an asset, complication, or other trait, Step back: switch out the die for one with fewer sides.
if you’re targeting one).
XXYou take a recovery action against the doom pool plus PLOT POINTS (PP) Plot Points
the stress or trauma die you’re targeting. You start every game session with at least 1 PP, and p. OM10
XXYou take a support action against the doom pool. If you there’s no limit to how many you can earn during the game.
succeed, you may give your effect die to the hero you
are supporting. Spending PP on Your Pool
XXYou make a reaction roll against another character’s XXAdd a d6 push die.
attack roll. XXAdd in an extra trait from a trait group (i.e., another
power from a Power Set, or another Distinction).
Rolling Your Dice XXAdd a d8 stunt die for your Power Set or Specialty. (Make
Rolling 1. Declare your intent. it d10 if it’s from an opportunity from the Watcher’s roll.)
Dice 2. Build your dice pool. XXActivate certain special effects (SFX) in a Power Set.
p. OM06 3. Spend any Plot Points (PP) on your pool. XXAdd one of your own stress dice (but step up that stress
p. OM47 4. Roll your dice. die after your roll).
5. Set aside opportunities (dice that came up 1).
6. Add together two dice for your total. Spending PP on Your Results
7. Choose one die as your effect die. XXAdd in an extra die from your roll to your total.
8. Spend any PP on your results. XXKeep an extra effect die.
9. Declare your final total, effect die, and opportunities. XXActivate an opportunity rolled by the Watcher.
10.The Watcher may activate your opportunities to give XXActivate certain special effects (SFX) in a Power Set.
you PP and add to the doom pool. XXUse an effect die from a reaction roll.
11.The Watcher or another player rolls dice in opposition. XXChange stress you’ve taken to another type.
Compare totals to see which side wins.
Spending PP During a Transition Scene
Building Your Dice Pool XXAdd a resource die linked to a Specialty.
Dice Pool XXYour Affiliation (based on current grouping)
p. OM07 XXOne Distinction, either as a d8 or a d4 (using d4 gets Earning PP
you 1 PP) XXUse a Distinction negatively.
XXOne power from each of your Power Sets XXActivate a Limit on a Power Set.
XXOne Specialty XXHave an opportunity on your dice activated by the
XXOne of your opposition’s stress or complication dice, Watcher or another player to add to the doom pool.
if any
XXOne asset, if any RECOVERY Recovery
XXOne push die, stunt, or resource, if any Stress and trauma can be stepped back automatically Actions
at the beginning of new Transition Scenes and Acts and p. OM53
Using Effect Dice further stepped back by recovery actions.
Assets, On a successful action, you may: Transition
Stress, and XXInflict or step up another character’s stress. During Transition Scenes Scenes
Complications XXCreate, remove, step up, or step down an asset. XXYou may step back all stress by one at the beginning of p. OM40
p. OM22 XXCreate, remove, step up, or step down a complication. the Scene.
On a successful support action, you may give a support XXYou may make recovery rolls.
die to another hero.
XXHit your Milestones!
On a successful recovery action, you may remove or step At the Beginning of a New Act
XXGet Plot Points!
down one of your stress dice or one of the stress dice of XXYou may step back all trauma by
XXSpend Plot Points!
another hero. one at the beginning of a new Act.
XXDo cool things!
XXHave fun!

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 The Operations Manual and a MARVEL HEROIC Event.
 Datafiles for each player. Taking Action!
 Tokens to represent Plot Points (PP). 1. Decide who you want to hurt (attack), help (support), or
 Index cards and pencils. heal (recover) and describe how.
 A FOUR, SIX, EIGHT, TEN, and TWELVE-SIDED DIE for each player: 2. Build your dice pool. (see p1)
3. Spend Plot Points (PP) or doom dice on your pool. (see p2)
4. Roll your dice.
5. Set aside opportunities (dice that roll a 1, you can't use them).
SETUP 6. Add together two dice for your total (higher is better).
 Read the Operations Manual and MARVEL HEROIC Event. 7. Choose a die (from your remaining dice, not in your total) as
 Have each player choose a hero datafile. your effect die. If you have none, it's a D4.
 Go over the datafile's traits, SFXs, limits, and Milestones. 8. Spend PP or doom dice on your roll. (see p2)
 Players may replace one or both of their Milestones with Event- 9. Declare your final total, effect die, and opportunities.
Based Milestones. Players can choose the same Milestones. 10. Opponents may buy your opportunities with PPs. (see p2)
 Players start with 1 Plot Point (PP). At the start of each Act, 11. Opponents try to stop you (reaction rolls) by following
PP reset to 1. So spend them before the Act ends! steps 2-10 above. If you want to hurt a target, they roll dice
 The Doom Pool starts at 2D6, unless specified otherwise. from their datafile. If you want to help or heal a target, the
Watcher rolls the doom pool (plus any affected traits).
 Write any Scene Distinctions on index cards.
12. You win if your total is equal or higher (you win ties).
13. Adjust and use effect die. (see p1, bottom right)
 They don't need to know Marvel comics to play this game.
Everything they need is on their datafile. Building Your Dice Pool
 Don't worry about playing your hero "incorrectly". And if you  Quick version: grab one trait from every box on your datafile.
have a player who is an expert on Marvel comics, be very  Detailed version: Look at your datafile then add…
clear that every character is different depending on who
Datafile …one Distinction, either
writes them. Right now, you are the writer! …one die from your
current Affiliation. as a or a +1PP.
(solo if you're alone, buddy ( means your Distinction
GLOSSARY if you're with an ally, team gives you trouble but you
if you're with 2+ allies) also get 1 Plot Point)
 Trait: words that describe something important to our story
and a die (bigger is better) that tells us how important it is.
 Dice Pool: a collection of dice from the traits on your datafile. …one die from each …one die from a Specialty.
Power Set.
 Die Size: your die's number of sides (a D4 has 4 sides).
 Die Value: the number on your die after you roll.
 Step back: switch out a trait's die size for a smaller die.
 Step back a D4: that trait is removed from the game.
 Step up: switch out a trait's die size for a larger die. …if available, one asset die, one push, stunt, or resource die,
one complication die, and one of our opposition’s stress dice.
 Step up a D12: something special happens! For example:
stress past a D12 means a target can no longer act this scene.
 Spend: when you spend something, remove it permanently. Adjusting Effect Dice
Rolling the Doom Pool does not spend the dice rolled.  If your total's value is 5 or higher than your opponent's total,
 Watcher: Player responsible for the rules, the Event, and for every 5 over, step up your effect die. If you step it up
characters in the story that aren't the main Heroes. past D12, you may use a second effect die from your roll.
 If you try to hurt your opponent but their effect die size is
larger than yours, step back your effect die.
Using Effect Dice
Roll the Dice when…  Create a trait equal to your effect die size. Stress is used to
 You’re not sure if your hero will succeed or fail. hurt a target and lasts till recovered (see p3). Complications
 You want to try something that’s challenging or dangerous. are like Stress but last 1 scene. Assets are used to help, last
 You want to hurt, help, or heal another character. 1 roll, can be given to someone else, and starts at least as a D6.
 Step up or down a trait (except trauma). If stress or complications
Don’t roll the Dice when… exceeds D12, target can take actions till recovered. (see p3)
 The outcome isn’t an interesting part of the story.  Shut down or remove a trait if your effect die size is equal or
 There’s nothing or nobody to stop your hero. larger (except trauma).
 The situation is outside your hero’s ability to change.  Add your effect die to the Doom Pool.

SPENDING PLOT POINTS (PP) Spending Doom Pool Anytime

 To use any affect that normally costs a Plot Point.
Before You Roll  Use special effects (SFX) that cost doom dice to activate.
 Add an extra trait (from your datafile or other sources).  Split a hero off from other heroes or force them together.
 Add a D8 stunt die (if you use a Power or Specialty creatively).  Activate a Hero's Limit. But first offer to pay them 1 PP instead.
 Add one of your stress dice (not trauma). Then step up it up.  Create a new Scene Distinction (costs a D8 or higher). Anyone
 Add a D6 push die. may use this Distinction instead of their own Distinctions.
 To have a Villain interrupt the Action Order.
After You Roll  Activate Scene or Event effects.
 Use an effect die from your reaction roll as a counter attack!  Spend 2D12 to end a scene immediately. If the Heroes were
 Add an extra die to your total (from your roll). close to winning, ask them to describe how they get most of
what they want and then present them with a tough choice,
 Use an extra effect die (from your roll).
you win but X happens or at Y cost. If the Heroes were not
 Change stress you’ve taken to another type of stress. close to winning, ask them to describe how they lost or what
 Make an asset last till the end of this scene. they had to sacrifice (something significant) to win.
 Make a complication last till the end of the next Action scene.
Growing the Doom Pool
Anytime  When a player rolls an opportunity, give the player 1 PP to
 Use special effects (SFX) that cost PP to activate. step up the doom pool's lowest die or add a D6.
 Activate a Villain's Limit. Assuming it makes sense in the story.  If the player rolls multiple opportunities, do the above
 If a power could easily remove a trait, ask the Watcher and they multiple times or give the player 1 PP and step up a D4 for
may let you skip rolling, spend a PP, and succeed automatically! every opportunity rolled, and then add it to the doom pool.
 Add effect dice from a villain's action to the doom pool.
In Transition Scenes  When a Villain uses a Distinction as a D4 or activates a limit,
 Create resource linked to a Specialty. D6 for Expert, D8 for add a D6 or step up the smallest die in the doom pool.
Master. Lasts until end of next Action Scene. Only you can use it.
When Watcher Rolls Opportunities  When Villains want to help someone, don’t roll, just take an
 Step up a push, stunt, asset or create a resource (lasts 1 scene). action and give someone one of their traits (as an asset).


 Use your or a scene Distinction against yourself.  The Watcher chooses a hero to go first.
 Activate a Limit on your Power Set.  After the chosen hero acts, they choose who acts next.
 When the Watcher buys your opportunities with PP.  The person who goes last can choose to go first at the start
 Watcher may reward you if you roleplay being stressed out. of the next action order.
 Everyone, including Villains, must act before anyone acts again.
DOOM POOL  The Watcher may interrupt the action order to have their
character go next (or first) by spending a D6 from the doom
pool or a die at least equal to the highest Reflexes or Senses
Starting Doom Pool powers a heroes possess.
 The Doom Pool resets at the start of each Act.
 Use index cards to track who is in the scene. When the action
 By default, the Doom Pool starts at 2D6. order starts, everyone puts a token on their index card. After
 If the stakes are High, step up the dice to D8s. your character acts and it's time to pick the next character to
 If the stakes are Catastrophic, step up the dice to D10s. act, remove your token so that it's clear you've acted. Once
 If the threat is Global, increase the number of dice to 3D. everyone has taken an action and it's time for a new action
 If the threat is Cosmic, increase the number of dice to 4D. order, put your token back on your index card.
 You can make unlimited reaction rolls. They don't cost actions.
Spending Doom Pool Before a Roll
 Add a doom die to a villain’s dice pool. EVENT STRUCTURE
 Events are single, overarching story-lines. Usually 2 or 3 Acts.
Spending Doom Pool After a Roll  Acts represent multiple Scenes, leading up to a climax.
 Use an effect die from your reaction roll as a counter attack!  Action Scenes involve the characters doing something to
 Add an extra die to your total (from your roll) but the doom drive the story along and move it forward.
die spent must be at least equal in size to the extra die.  Transition Scenes connect Action Scenes together and are
 Use an extra effect die (from your roll) but the doom die used to recover, gather information, or plan the next Scene.
spent must be at least equal in size to the extra die.  Panels are moments in a Scene representing action. If it can fit
into a comic book panel, it's doable with a character's action.

 There are three types of stress: physical, mental, and emotional.
 When rolling against someone, if their stress affects their Gaining XP
ability to succeed, add 1 of their stresses to your dice pool.  You may hit the 1 XP Milestone trigger as often as you like.
 Stress starts out equal to the effect die size that inflicted it.  You may hit the 3 XP Milestone trigger once per Scene.
 If you already have stress of a certain type and take more of  You may hit the 10 Milestone XP trigger once per Act. Once
it, compare the old and new stress dice size. If the new die is you hit this trigger you may choose a new Milestone.
larger, replace the old with the new. If the new die is equal  Gain 1 XP when the Watcher spends a D12 doom die.
to or less than the old, step up the old die.
 Once any stress exceeds D12, the character is stressed out Spending XP
and can't take any actions until they recover.
 You may only spend XP during Transition Scenes.
 If a hero roleplays how they are stressed out, the Watcher
 Spend 1 XP to gain 1 Plot Point. This increases the minimum
may reward them a Plot Point.
PP you start each session with by +1 to a maximum of 5 PP.
But PP resets to 1 at the beginning of a new Act.
TRAUMA  You can spend 5 XP to: Switch two Affiliations. Replace a
 Anyone who is stressed out gains a D6 of trauma (emotional, Distinction with a new one. Add or replace a Limit in a
mental, or physical) that takes longer to recover from. Power Set. Unlock a minor Event resource.
 Trauma or stress (not both) can be added to opposing die pools.  You can spend 10 XP to: Add a new SFX to a Power Set.
 If you're already stressed out in a Scene and take more Step up a D6 or D8 power trait. Add a new D6 power trait
stress, it translates directly to trauma. to a Power Set. Remove a Limit from a Power Set that has
 If any trauma is stepped up beyond D12, your character dies. two or more Limits. Unlock a major Event resource.
 You can spend 15 XP to: Step up a D10 power trait.
RECOVERY Replace an existing Power Set with a new one. Add a new
Expert Specialty or upgrade an Expert to Master.
Stress during Transition Scenes
 Step back all stress by one.
 If you were stressed out last scene, remove all of that stress.
 Each stress and trauma must be recovered separately.
 Build you dice pool. Add in a trait from another hero, if
appropriate, but you need to hand them a Plot Point for it, or
they can roll their own support action to give you an asset.
 Watcher opposes with the doom pool plus the stress you're
trying to recover.
 If you win and your effect die size is equal to or greater that the
stress die size, it's gone. If it's smaller, step down the stress.
 Spend a Plot Point to keep an additional effect die to try
again, comparing it to the same stress at its new die size.

Stress during Action Scenes

 You can't make a recovery action during an Action Scene
unless you have a power trait or SFX that lets you. But an ally
can use an action to roll against your stress and the doom pool.
 If they win and their effect die size is equal or greater than
your stress, it steps back. If it's smaller, nothing happens.
 If the action fails, your ally makes things worse and your
stress steps up. Your ally can choose to use multiple effect
dice with PP to step your stress back more than once.

 Trauma steps back at the start of an Act.
 Recovering trauma works like stress. See recovering stress
above. But if the effect die size is smaller, nothing happens
and if the recovery action fails, the trauma die steps up!
 The Watcher may frame an Action Scene for your hero where
your trauma makes things worse, so you can immediately
step back the trauma at the beginning of the next Transition
Scene and recover it like stress (instead of trauma).
 If your total's value is 5+ higher than your  You start every session with at least 1 PP, and
opponent's total, step up your effect die once for there's no limit to how many you can earn during
every 5 points over. If you step it up past D12, you the game.
D4 > D6 > D8 > D10 > D12
may use a second effect die from your roll. EARNING PP
 Step Up: switch out the die for one to the right.  If you try to hurt your opponent but their effect  Use a DISTINCTION negatively (for a D4).
 Step Back: switch out the die for one to the left. die size is larger than yours, step back your effect  Activate a LIMIT on a Power Set.
die.  Have an OPPORTUNITY on your dice activated by
ROLLING YOUR DICE (OM6, OM47) USING EFFECT DICE (OM22) the Watcher or another player to add to the
1. Declare your intent; to oppose (ATTACK), help  Create a trait equal to your effect die size: Doom Pool.
(SUPPORT) or heal (RECOVER).  STRESS is used to hurt a target and lasts until SPENDING PP ON YOUR DICE ROLL
2. Build your DICE POOL. recovered.  Add a D6 PUSH die. Make it a D8 if the Watcher
3. Spend any PLOT POINTS (PP) on your pool.  COMPLICATIONS are used to hinder a target, rolled an opportunity.
4. Roll your dice. but only last 1 scene.  Add in an extra trait from a trait group (i.e.
5. Set aside OPPORTUNITIES (dice that rolled a 1).  ASSETS are used to help you or can be given another power from a Power Set, or another
6. Add together two dice for your TOTAL. to another hero, and start at D6; they last 1 Distinction, etc.).
7. Choose one other die as your EFFECT DIE. scene.  Add a D8 STUNT die for your Power Set or
8. Spend any PP on your results.  Step up or step back a trait (except TRAUMA). If Specialty. Make it a D10 if the Watcher rolled an
9. Declare your final total, effect die, and STRESS or COMPLICATIONS exceed D12, target opportunity.
opportunities. cannot take actions until recovered.  Activate certain SFX in a Power Set.
10. The Watcher may activate your opportunities.  Shut down or remove a trait if your effect die size  Add one of your own STRESS DICE, but step up
You get a PP. is equal or larger (except TRAUMA). that Stress die after your roll).
11. The Watcher or another player rolls dice in
opposition. The Watcher rolls dice from their
 Add in an extra die from your roll to your TOTAL.
Datafiles for reactions to Attacks, or Doom Pool
RECOVERY (OM53)  Keep an extra EFFECT DIE.
against Support or Recovery actions.
Stress and Trauma can be stepped back automatically  Activate an OPPORTUNITY rolled by the Watcher.
12. Compare totals to see which side wins.
at the beginning of new Transition Scenes and Acts,  Activate certain SFX in a Power Set.
and further stepped back by recovery actions.  Use an effect die from a reaction roll.
BUILD YOUR DICE POOL (OM7)  Change STRESS you've taken to another type.
 One AFFILIATION (based on current grouping). SPENDING PP IN A TRANSITION SCENE
 You may step back all stress by one at the
 One DISTINCTION (from your Datafile or from the  Add a RESOURCE DIE linked to a Specialty; D6 for
beginning of the Scene.
Scene), either as a D8 or a D4 (using D4 gets you 1 Expert, D8 for Master. Lasts until the end of the
 You may make recovery rolls.
PP). OR one from each as long as one’s a D4+PP next Action Scene.
and the other is a D8.
 One POWER from each of your POWER SETS.  You may step back all Trauma by one at the
 One SPECIALTY. Expert D8 may substitute 2D6 beginning of a new Act.
instead; Master D10 may substitute 2D8 or 3D6 ADVICE FOR PLAYERS
instead.  Hit your MILESTONES to get XP!
 One of your opposition's STRESS or TRAUMA  Get PLOT POINTS!
dice, if any.  Spend PLOT POINTS!
 One of your opposition's COMPLICATION dice, if  Do COOL THINGS!
any.  Have fun!
 One ASSET, if any.
 One PUSH, STUNT, or RESOURCE die, if any.

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Cheat Sheet

 If your total's value is 5+ higher than your  Established When: Effect Die rolled vs. the enemy
opponent's total, step up your effect die once for or the Doom Pool
every 5 points over. If you step it up past D12, you  Duration: The current Action Scene. 1 PP to add 1
D4 > D6 > D8 > D10 > D12
may use a second effect die from your roll. additional Action Scene.
 Step Up: switch out the die for one to the right.  If you try to hurt your opponent but their effect  Notes: Add to a fellow Hero’s Dice Pool; may be
 Step Back: switch out the die for one to the left. die size is larger than yours, step back your effect used by fellow Hero.
ROLLING YOUR DICE (OM6, OM47) USING EFFECT DICE (OM22)  Established When: Effect Die rolled vs. the
1. Declare your intent.  Create a trait equal to your effect die size: enemy.
2. Build your DICE POOL.  STRESS is used to hurt a target and lasts until  Duration: The current Action Scene. 1 PP to add 1
3. Spend any DOOM DICE on your pool. recovered. additional Action Scene.
4. Roll your dice.  COMPLICATIONS are similar to Stress but  Notes: Add them to anyone’s die pool who
5. Set aside OPPORTUNITIES (dice that rolled a 1). only last 1 scene. opposed the character with a Complication.
6. Add together two dice for your TOTAL.  ASSETS are used to help; last 1 roll, can be RESOURCE
7. Choose one other die as your EFFECT DIE. given to another hero, and starts at least as  Established When:
8. Spend any DOOM DICE on your results. a D6. 1. Transition Scene by spending 1 PP (Expert
9. Declare your final total, effect die, and  Step or back a trait (except TRAUMA). If STRESS or D6, Master D8).
opportunities. COMPLICATIONS exceed D12, target cannot take 2. Activate a Watcher Opportunity by spending
10. Players may activate your opportunities by actions until recovered. 1 PP to create during an Action Scene
spending a PP.  Shut down or remove a trait if your effect die size (Expert D6, Master D8).
11. A player rolls dice in opposition. is equal or larger (except TRAUMA).  Duration: Until the next Transition Scene.
12. Compare totals to see which side wins.  Notes: Can only be used by the player that
created the Resource.
 One AFFILIATION (based on current grouping). 1. The Watcher chooses a hero to go first or spends  Established When:
 One DISTINCTION (from your Datafile or from the a die from the Doom Pool (remember Reflexes, 1. Spend 1 PP to add a D6 Push, or D8 Stunt if
Scene), either as a D8 or a D4 (using D4 adds a D6 Senses, Speed). you come up with a cool narration.
DOOM). 2. After the chosen hero acts, his player chooses 2. Activate a Watcher Opportunity to step up a
 One POWER from each of your POWER SETS. who acts next. Push to D8 or Stunt to D10.
 One SPECIALTY. 3. Everyone, including the Watcher characters, must  Duration: One use; cannot be extended.
 One of your opposition's STRESS or TRAUMA act once before anyone can act again.  Notes: Can only be used by the player that
dice, if any. 4. The Watcher may interrupt the action order, but created the Push/Stunt.
 One of your opposition's COMPLICATION dice, if play always continues with the interrupted player.
 One ASSET, if any. When another villain wants to
SUPPORT, don't roll. Just take an action and give
them one of the supporting villain's traits as an  Help heroes hit their Milestones!
ASSET.  Buy opportunities for PP!
 One PUSH die, STUNT, or RESOURCE, if any.  Spend the doom pool!
 Challenge the heroes!
 Have fun!

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Cheat Sheet

 When you roll the Doom Pool as opposition, add  (D=) Add a Doom die to a villain's dice pool.  When rolling against someone, if their STRESS
any appropriate traits (such as SCENE  (D6+) Activate certain villain SFX. affects their ability to succeed, add 1 of their
DISTINCTIONS, COMPLICATIONS, or STRESS) to stresses to your dice pool.
the Doom Pool. SPENDING DOOM AFTER THE ROLL  Stress starts out equal to the effect die size that
 Whenever you spend a D12 from the Doom Pool,  (D=) Add an extra die from the roll to the TOTAL. inflicted it.
give all affected heroes 1 XP.  (D=) Keep an extra EFFECT DIE from you roll when  If you already have Stress of a certain type and
attacking multiple targets. take more of it, compare the old and new Stress
 (D6+) Use an effect die from a REACTION ROLL. dice size. If the new die is larger, replace the old
with the new. If the new die is equal to or less
STARTING DOOM POOL  (D6+) Activate certain villain SFX.
than the old, step up the old die.
 Standard - 2D6
 Once any Stress exceeds D12, the character is
 High Stakes - XD8 SPENDING DOOM DURING A SCENE stressed out and can't take any actions until they
 Catastrophic - XD10  (D8+) Create a new SCENE DISTINCTION. recover.
 Global Scale - 3DX  (D6 or D= highest of heroes’ Reflexes, Senses or  If a hero roleplays how they are stressed out, the
 Cosmic Scale - 4DX Speed) Interrupt the action order with a Watcher Watcher may reward them a Plot Point.
 (D= highest Affiliation in play) Split the party,
GROWING THE DOOM POOL readjusting their AFFILIATION dynamics.
 (D varies) Activate SCENE or EVENT effects. TRAUMA
 When a player rolls an OPPORTUNITY, hand them
 (D6+) Activate a hero's LIMIT. You must first offer  Anyone who is stressed out gains a D6 of Trauma
a PP to add a D6 Doom or step up the lowest die.
to pay the player 1 PP instead. (emotional, mental, or physical) that takes longer
 If a player rolls MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES, do the
 (2D12) End the scene immediately. Give all to recover from.
above multiple times.
affected heroes 2 XP, in this case.  Trauma or Stress (not both) can be added to
 Add EFFECT DICE from a villain's action to the
opposing die pools.
Doom Pool (choose a die, unless a Hero can
 If you're already stressed out in a Scene and take
oppose it, then – and only then – roll against
more Stress, it translates directly to Trauma.
them to get the Effect Die).
 If any Trauma is stepped up beyond D12, your
 When a villain uses a DISTINCTION as a D4, add a
character dies.
D6 Doom or step up the lowest die.
 When a villain activates a LIMIT on one of their
Power Sets, add a D6 Doom or step up the lowest

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Cheat Sheet

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