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Unit 4 Assignment

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Task Dependencies Resources Start End Notes
Date Date

1. Project Planning for Proper knowledge 06/06/22 12/06/22 Must be

management the project. about the project, documented &
plan Clear idea, meetings must be
estimations, arranged.
1.1 Project Determining 06/06/22 07/06/22
scope statement objectives and
1.2 Work Project Estimation of time 06/06/22 09/06/22 Must be
Breakdown scheduling for each task documented
1.3 Quality Quality of the 07/06/22 08/06/22
management product
1.4 Test 09/06/22 10/06/22
1.4.1 09/06/22 10/06/22
Automation suit
1.4.2 User 09/06/22 10/06/22
acceptance test
1.5 Draft project 10/06/22 11/06/22
1.6 Approved Initiation of the 11/06/22 12/06/22 Teams should be
project development formed and
management of the project meeting should be
plan called for
2. Construction Acquiring/locating 12/06/22 - Keep this going on
Requirements of the entire requirements until the end of the
system project.
2.1 Application 13/06/22 13/06/22
2.2 Figma Construction Stakeholder 14/06/22 16/06/22
prototypes of web/app approval
2.2.1 Web app 14/06/22 15/06/22
2.2.2 Mobile 15/06/22 16/06/22
app design
3. Back end Data control 17/06/22 22/06/22

3.1 Media Show info in Datacenter 23/06/22 25/06/22

database the web/app
3.1.1 Integrity 24/06/22 25/06/22
3.2 User logins Collecting student 25/06/22 26/06/22
Authentication info
3.3 Provide Analysis of Student feedback 26/06/22 28/06/22
collected data to student
concerned feedback
4. Web student Approved web 28/06/22 10/07/22 May change
application feedback design according to
system stakeholder
4.1 Home page 28/06/22 30/06/22 Dashboard

4.2 Login page 30/06/22 01/07/22

4.3 User profile 01/07/22 02/07/22

4.4 Feedback 03/07/22 06/07/22

4.5 Admin 06/07/22 08/07/22
5. Mobile student Approved mobile 11/07/22 20/07/22 May change
application feedback design according to
system stakeholder
5.1 User 11/07/22 13/07/22
5.2 User profile 14/07/22 15/02/22

5.3 feedback 16/07/22 19/07/22

6 Quality Launce on the Various tests 20/07/22 26/07/22 Must pass certain
measurement web quality standards.
6.1 Performance Completion of the 20/07/22 22/07/22
tests development of
6.1.1 Load test 20/07/22 21/07/22

6.1.2 Web stress 21/07/22 22/07/22

6.2 Completion of the 22/07/22 23/07/22 Compatibility >=
Compatibility development of 80%
test applications
6.3 Security Completion of the 23/07/22 25/07/22
tests development of
6.4 Database Completion of the 25/07/22 26/07/22
test development of
7 Integration Bringing 28/07/22 05/08/22
system online
7.1 Web app Improvement 28/07/22 03/07/08 Document user
beta version using user feedback
7.2 Mobile app Improvement 28/07/22 03/08/22 Document user
beta version using user feedback
7.3 Release Release 04/08/22 04/08/22
approvals candidate
7.4 Release Final release 05/08/22 05/08/22

The Quality Management Plan for the “Online based student feedback system”
project will demonstrate the tasks/activities, operations, and approaches to
guarantee a quality product after the completion of the project. The objective of
this plan is to:
 Specify quality control tasks
 Specify quality assurance tasks
 Specify quality standard measurement tasks

To control the quality of the project following tasks and procedures will be
followed –
 A monitoring team will be organized with members from each department
of the project by whom project quality and progress will be reviewed.
 Approved Figma should be followed across the web/mobile application
during the design phase.
 Review the consistency of layout for all the pages/screens.
 A consistent color scheme should be followed.
 Unnecessary and redundant contents will be removed.
 A proper idea, blueprint, and approach will be in place. Examples include
the expected site/document formation, navigation, font style, technical do’s
and don’ts, etc.

The quality of the project will be assured by the following activities –

 Continuous checking and elimination of broken links.
 Addition of missing content and removing incorrect ones.
 Fluent surfing on the web/mobile application will be made sure.
 Continuous improvement in speed and uptime must be ensured.
 Bugs and any inconvenience to users will be reviewed and removed as
soon as possible.
 The whole application should be searched for spelling mistakes and
correct those if found.
 Fixing unoptimized images and missing image Alt text.
 Files required to build applications will be well documented, organized,
optimized, and up to date.
 Continuous search for suspicious/malicious activity by users that threatens
the security of the application.
 Look for cases where scripts do not work – CGI programs, applets,
JavaScript, ActiveX, etc.
 Improve compatibility for as many as devices possible.

The quality will be measured by the following activities and tests –

 The performance of the application will be measured through
o Load testing
o Web stress testing
 The application will be tested against a variety of devices to check its
compatibility with the application. The application must be compatible with
more than 80% of the devices tested.
 Application fluency will be tested. Standard page speed/load time must be
under 3 seconds.
 For security purposes, 3 types of testing will be done.
o Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
o Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
o Application Penetration Testing
 Form and input fields testing
o Validation verification
o Testing with wrong inputs
 Database test
o Review data integrity while editing, deleting, and updating forms
o Check if data is being retrieved and updated correctly

References :
Swati Pardhi, 6 major quality metrics that will optimize your web app, CloudSek

Dmitriy Nizhebetskiy, Work Breakdown Structure Examples (Software and Construction Projects),

Elena!Calvo, María!Izquierdo, Ignacio!Martín, Quality!management!plan,

NEED4B!9 New!Energy!Efficient!Demonstration!for!Buildings

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