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ISSN: 2226-7522(Print) and 2305-3372 (Online)
Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal
Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., Oct-Dec 2014, 3(4): 59-63
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Original Research

Production Scenarios of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) in Harari Regional State,

Eastern Ethiopia
Tewodros Bezu*, Kebede Woldetsadik and Tamado Tana

School of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University,
P. O. Box: 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia.
Abstract Article Information
Mango production covers 35% of the total acreage allotted for fruit production in Harari Article History:
Regional State, eastern Ethiopia. However, there is a declining trend in yield and quality Received : 15-10-2014
of fruits from the trees. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the status,
practices and challenges of mango production in the study area. Interviews were made Revised : 18-12-2014
taking 70 mango growers selected purposively in the major mango growing areas of the Accepted : 29-12-2014
region using semi-structured questionnaire from 2012 to 2013. The results indicated that Keywords:
50% of the households have few mango trees, 10-20 trees that are from seedling in origin
derived from very few trees that were introduced from abroad via missionaries and traders Mango production Hararghe
a century ago. As a result, wide variations were observed in phenotypic features of trees Eco-types
within a farm as well as throughout the study area. In total, 39 distinct eco-types were Haramaya
recorded. Input shortage (water, fertilizer and pesticide), lack of improved technologies,
pests (especially fruit fly and anthracnose), postharvest loss and poor marketing were the *Corresponding Author:
major problems specified by the growers. Therefore, focus should be given in improving
Tewodros Bezu
the production, productivity and marketing of the crop in order to utilize the available and
adaptable mango eco-types which are on the verge of disappearance. E-mail:
Copyright@2014 STAR Journal. All Rights Reserved.

Fruit crops play an important role in the national food tons of fruits produced in the country, mangoes accounted
security of people around the world. They are generally 14.5% fruit production.
delicious and highly nutritious, mainly of vitamins and
minerals that can balance cereal-based diets. Fruits In Ethiopia, mango is produced mainly in Harari
supply raw materials for local industries and could be region, west and east Oromia, Southern Nations,
sources of foreign currency. Moreover, the development Nationalities, and People's Region (SNNPR) and Amhara
of fruit industry will create employment opportunities, (Dendana et al., 2005). Wiersinga and Jager (2007)
particularly for farming communities. In general, Ethiopia stated that, Eastern Ethiopia (Dire Dawa and Harar areas)
has great potential and encouraging policy to expand fruit is well-known for production and supply of both fruits and
production for fresh market and processing both for vegetables and about 35% of the total acreage allotted for
domestic and export markets. Besides, fruit crops are fruit production is covered by Mango (Unpublished
friendly to nature, sustain the environment, provide shade, Haramaya University Horticulture Department Survey,
and can easily be incorporated in any agro-forestry 1996). Ishot (2009) stated the area covered by fruit crops
programs (MoARD, 2009). in Harari People National Regional State by the year
2004/2005 was about 163 ha owned by a total of 5,171
The mango, because of its attractive appearance and peasant holders altogether produced 30 ton. Out of this,
the very pleasant taste of selected cultivars, is claimed to the area occupied by mango was 115 ha. In Harari region,
be the most important fruit of the tropics and has been mango is grown dominantly in the central and lower parts
touted as 'king of all fruits’. The fruit contains almost all of the Bisidimo and Erer River basins including in the
the known vitamins and many essential minerals. The vicinities of the Harar city.
protein content is generally a little higher than that of other
fruits except the avocado. Mangos are also a fairly good A comparative study made between income from fruit
source of thiamine and niacin and contain some calcium growing and cereals (sorghum and maize) in Harar by
and iron (Griesbach, 2003). TAM Agribusiness (2004) revealed that the annual income
from fruit growing such as mango and custard apple was
According to CSA (2012/2013), about 61,972.6 ETB 60,000/ha/yr compared to 2,000 for maize and only
hectares of land is under fruit crops in Ethiopia; mangoes 1,000 for sorghum. Even if the farmer’s livelihood is highly
contributed 14.2% of the area. Moreover, out of 479,336 supplemented by the income from their mango trees,
A Peer-reviewed Official International Journal of Wollega University, Ethiopia 59
Tewodros Bezu et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., Oct-Dec 2014, 3(4): 59-63
there is a declining trend in yield and quality of the fruits indicate the fruit characters (appearance, taste, shape,
from the trees. Some of the factors contributing to this texture, color, fiber content and aroma) and the sources of
include foliar diseases, old age, poor management and the seed or names of the person introduced into the area
variability of the trees (Yeshitela and Nessel, 2003). or owing distinct types. The different names for mango
Except the farmers’ traditional naming for identification, around the world today also reflect the cultures and
the trees are mixed and difficult for identification. To this languages spoken by people who grow them. Many of the
end, this research was initiated with the objectives of names have common derivations, reflecting the origins
assessing the sources and naming of ecotypes, status and spread of the mango tree along with the spread and
and constraints of mango production in Harari regional settlement of communities (Bally, 2006). Due to traditional
state and its surroundings. naming for identification, the trees are mixed and difficult
for identification. As a result, there could be two or more
MATERIALS AND METHODS name for same cultivar or different types given one name
Description of the Study Area (Yeshitela and Nessel, 2003). This scenario is in accord to
The study was conducted on the major mango- Sennhenn et al. (2014) who stated the large number of
producing rural kebeles of Harari People’s Regional State, local languages in Kenya lead to confusion about clear
specifically: Errer-Weldia (seven sub-kebeles: Errer- identification of mango landraces as many different
Marko, Gola-Ganda-Wedia, Itisa-Bakere, Itisa-Goro- names existed for the same landrace.
Maskida, Kona and Melka-Hida-Gedi), Harewe (four sub-
kebeles: Agemboy, Bereser, Harewe-Kalu and Nole) and The number of trees per household varies from10-50,
Bisidimo (Bisidimo leprosy referral hospital farm). The depending on size of the farm land and preference of
region is located in the eastern part of Ethiopia. The total farmers (Table 2). However, the majority (71%) of growers
geographical area is about 343.21 km and located have less than 20 trees while few (6%) of respondents
o o o o
between 42 03’–42 16’N and 9 11’-9 24’E. have more than 40 trees. Similar holdings by peasant
growers have also been reported by Ssemwanga et al.
Administratively, the region is divided in six urban and (2008) in Assosa (western Ethiopia) and Seid and Zeru
three rural weredas (districts). These administrative (2013) in Bati (northern Ethiopia). As indicated in Table 2,
weredas are further divided into 19 and 17 kebeles in the entire mango trees in the study area were established
urban and rural, respectively. The region is mainly from seeds. This could be the reason for the existing
categorized in two agro-ecological zones, i.e. 90% of the variability in the nature of the trees (Bally, 2006).
land area of the region is mid-high land (weynadega),
between 1400 – 2200 meter above sea level, while the Regarding the sources of the existing trees, 22% of
remaining 10% is lowland or kola (<1500meter above sea respondents indicated that their seeds were introduced
level) (Sultan et al., 2011). from Saudi Arabia by Muslims who used to go to Mecca
and probably from other countries by traders and
The climate of the region is suitable for production of missionaries. However, none of the respondents were
diverse horticultural crops where temperature is ranging able to tell names of original cultivars. From those
o o
between 17.1 C-20.2 C throughout the year. The coolest introduced varieties that the majorities of existing trees
season is between June and September and coincides (77%) were multiplied by the growers. Furthermore,
with main rains. The average annual amount of except few growers (5.7%) who used supplemental
precipitation is about 750-1,000 mm irrigation from their bore hole, more than 90% of the
( respondents were dependent on rainfall.

Sampling Methods, Data Collection and Analysis While majority of the trees are old, only few growers
The study areas were selected based on their potential have recently started planting mango. Attempt was made
of mango production. Total respondent of the survey were to assess age of the mango trees, but, almost all of the
70 growers selected purposively based on their farmers responded that they did’t know the exact age of
experience in mango production. Both primary and their trees rather they estimated them to be more than 80
secondary data were used to obtain the required years old. This appears to hold true as mango tree is
information for the study. Accordingly, the primary data long-lived with some specimens known to be over 150
were collected using semi structured questionnaire and years old and still producing fruit (Griesbach, 2003).
personal observation. And the secondary data were
collected from different sources (reports, wereda Management Practices
agriculture offices and developmental agents). Nearly the entire mango ecotypes observed were
planted without any pattern and recommended spacing
The data collected were summarized and and also pruning of the trees was not practiced (Table 3).
percentages, frequency distribution and arithmetic means Due to this fact, the trees were too crowded, very tall and
were calculated using SPSS version 17. the undersides of the canopy of the trees were without
leaves and fruits. Overcrowding results in the production
of fewer fruits which are apt to be poorly colored and
infected with diseases. Tall trees also present a
Mango Eco-types and Management Practices in Harari harvesting problem and create difficulties during spraying
Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia and pruning (Griesbach, 2003). In general, well managed
The mango ecotypes recorded were diverse across orchard trees require regular annual pruning to maintain
locations and farmers (Table 1). In total, 39 eco-types an open canopy of manageable size. This allows air and
were recorded. The prefixes of all ecotypes in the study sunlight to penetrate, which reduces pests and diseases
area were the same ‘Amba’ meaning ‘Fruit’ in Afan Oromo and enhances fruit color (Bally, 2006).
language. However, naming after prefix were different and

Tewodros Bezu et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., Oct-Dec 2014, 3(4): 59-63
Table 1: Identification of mango ecotypes in Harari Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia
No. Local Name Meaning Kebele*
1 Amba Adi Describing flush color EW
2 Amba Adi Ako Describing flush color and introduced person EW
3 Amba Ako Describing introduced person EW
4 Amba Alege Describing fiber content of fruit EW and H
5 Amba Ali Dula Describing introduced person EW
6 Amba Arenchata Describing texture and taste of fruit EW
7 Amba Babala Describing shape of fruit EW, H and B
8 Amba Bare Describing introduced person EW and H
9 Amba Bishanoo Describing taste and juiciness of fruit EW and H
10 Amba Dera Describing size of fruit EW
11 Amba Dinche Describing shape of fruit EW
12 Amba Doke Refers to origin EW
13 Amba Dula Describing introduced person EW and H
14 Amba Errero Refers to origin H
15 Amba Forfor Describing texture and taste of fruit H
16 Amba Geratune Refers to origin H
17 Amba Gerjewi Describes taste H
18 Amba Guracha Describing color of fruit skin EW, H and B
19 Amba Guracha Gola Describing color of fruit skin and origin EW
20 Amba Harewe Refers to origin EW and H
21 Amba Huda Describing productivity of tree EW and H
22 Amba Hula Refers to origin EW
23 Amba Kawe Describing shape of fruit EW and H
24 Amba Kukurfa Describing shape of fruit EW
25 Amba Lafe Describing size seed EW and H
26 Amba Libanatoo Describing pulp aroma H
27 Amba Lilo Describing introduced person EW
28 Amba Meriyo Describes fruit appearance H
29 Amba Mucho Describes fruit shape EW and H
30 Amba Mujulo Describing size H
31 Amba Negus Describing fruit size EW, H and B
32 Amba Sabune Describing color and texture of fruit EW
33 Amba Saburugena Refers to origin H
34 Amba Sadiko Describing introduced person EW
35 Amba Shimbiro Describing taste of fruit EW
36 Amba Sibake Describing taste of fruit EW
37 Amba Teyara Describing fruit shape EW and H
38 Amba Umer Alisho Describing introduced person EW
39 Amba Umer Aso Describing introduced person EW
*EW: Errer Weldia, H: Harewe and B: Bisidimo

Table 2: Mango production status in Harari Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia

Number of
Variable %
Number of trees per household
<20 50 71.4
21-30 10 14.3
31-40 6 8.6
>40 4 5.7
Type of planting material
Seedling 70 100
Grafted 0 0
Source of planting material
Local 54 77.1
Imported 16 22.7
Water source
Rain 66 94.3
Bore hole 4 5.7

Tewodros Bezu et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., Oct-Dec 2014, 3(4): 59-63
Table 3: Management practices of mango trees in Harari Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia
Number of
Variable %
Plant spacing
Recommended (7m × 7m) 3 4.3
Not recommended 67 95.7
Yes 19 27.1
No 51 72.9
Fertilizer application
Organic 18 25.7
Inorganic* 3 4.3
None 49 70
Pest management practices
Pesticide 0 0
Cultural (smoking, cleaning etc.) 70 100
Integrated 0 0
*DAP (Di-ammonium phosphate) and Urea but unknown rates of application

Nearly 70% of the growers did not supplement their by lack of knowledge and skills, in particular on the
trees with any form of fertilizer but some (26%) use production of grafted seedlings pilot learning woredas in
organic fertilizers such as compost and manure. However, north and southwest of Ethiopia.
the rates of fertilizer required for mango trees have not yet
been standardized for the study area. Mango trees are Likewise, absence of good marketing system that
usually left unfertilized once established. This is in accord could benefit or attract the growers is the additional
with the study by Seid and Zeru (2013) who reported that bottleneck raised (Table 6). As a result, the growers
90% of growers in northern Ethiopia did not apply neither reflected their tendency towards cultivation of other cash
inorganic nor organic fertilizer on their farmland. crops like khat (Catha edulis) by uprooting the exiting
trees. The tendency to shift to other cash generating
Regarding pests and their management, the crops is also most common in other parts of the country
respondents pointed out that the major insect pests were (Semwanga et al., 2008; Seid and Zeru, 2013).
fruit fly (100%), thrips (21%) and termites (10%) while
diseases included powdery mildew (99%) and Table 4: Major pests of mango in Harari Regional State,
anthracnose (100%) (Table 4). Both diseases are known Eastern Ethiopia
to be most common during wet weather in Ethiopia
Variable Number of respondents %
(Giuseppe De Bac, 2010). For the management of the
aforementioned pests, cultural practices like smoking are Insect pest
used especially during flowering and sanitation measures Thrips 15 21.4
via removing diseased branches and weeding (Table 3) Fruit fly 70 100
due to several factors such as unavailability of pesticide, Termite 7 10
technical problems in spraying tall trees and economical Diseases
issues (Table 5). Powdery mildew 69 98.6
Anthracnose 70 100
Moreover, postharvest handling problems were Others 2 2.9
observed in the study area. About 91% of the growers
transport their produce in synthetic fiber sacks while very Table 5: Mango postharvest packaging materials and
few (8%) use wooden box and transport to the market by transportation systems used in Harari Regional
animals like donkey, car and by the farmers themselves to State, Eastern Ethiopia
the nearby village market. Plastic crates, which are Variable Number of respondents %
stackable, stable, easy to clean and reuse has been Materials for packing
shown to reduce damage of perishable crops from an Plastic sack 64.00 91.4
average of 30% to less than 10% (Kitnoja, 2010). Hence, Wooden box 6.00 8.6
the postharvest constraints mentioned by the respondents Transportation means
could be alleviated by demonstrating and promoting use Human 15.00 21.4
of plastic crates with appropriate transportation methods. Animals 29.00 41.4
Car 26.00 37.1
Mango Production Constraints
The major production constraints indicated by the Table 6: Summarized production constraints of mango in
respondents in the study area were water shortage or the Harari Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia
erratic rainfall (79%) followed by pest (75.7%) problems Number of
(Table 6). Lack of knowledge and recommended Constraints %
production practices (nutrition, pruning, pest management Erratic rainfall (scarcity of irrigation water) 55 79.0
etc.) and post-harvest losses were also noted as major Insect pests and diseases 53 75.7
problems of the growers. It is in agreement with CSA Lack of knowledge and skill 44 62.9
(2009) report that stated mango production in Ethiopia Postharvest fruit rot 35 50.0
fluctuates because of occurrence of diseases and lack of Flowers and fruit drop 30 42.9
proper management (CSA, 2009) and IPMS (2011) report Shortage of fertilizer 15 21.4
indicated in addition to the lack of improved varieties, the Poor marketing 9 12.9
development of fruit production was severely hampered

Tewodros Bezu et al., Sci. Technol. Arts Res. J., Oct-Dec 2014, 3(4): 59-63
CONCLUSIONS IPMS (Improving Productivity and Market Success).
Mango production has a long history in eastern (2011). Fruits-A synthesis of IPMS value-chain
Ethiopia particularly in eastern Hararghe. There is development experiences.[Available online:
remarkable variability among the existing mango trees
and fruits since almost all growers propagate it sexually publications/Commodity%20Case%20Studies/Fruits_s
even though other variables like ecological, edaphic ynthesis.pdf. Accessed 04 October 2014].
factors and crop husbandry practices could contribute to Ishot. (2009). Study of regional potential resources.
the variation. The study revealed the potentials of mango Volume 1, Issue 1.HarariStates’ Office of the President
production but demands serious attention to the existing Diaspora Office, Harar. [Available online:
trees with regard to promotion of potential germplasm by
grafting propagation method and use of appropriate %2001.pdf Accessed 08 October 2014].
husbandry practices. Moreover, maintaining as many Kitnoja, L. (2010). Identification of appropriate postharvest
mango varieties as possible is necessary as a basis for technologies for improving market access and
breeding activities, which allows the development of better incomes for small horticultural farmers in Sub-saharan
adapted and pest/disease-tolerant varieties with a high Africa and South Asia. WFLO grant final report to the
value for domestic and export markets. Focus should be Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Pp. 3-8.
given in improving the production, productivity and
marketing of the crop in order to utilize the available and MoARD (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development).
adaptable mango eco-types which are on the verge of (2009). Improved technologies and resource
disappearance. management for Ethiopian agriculture. A Training
Manual. RCBP-MoARD, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MoARD (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development).
We thank Haramaya University for the financial (2005). Vegetables and fruits production and
support of the study, Harari regional state agriculture marketing plan (Amharic Version), MoARD, Addis
office and experts as well as mango growers in the region Ababa, Ethiopia.
for kind collaboration during the study. Moreover, we are Seid Hussen and Zeru Yimer. (2013). Assessment of
grateful to laboratory and field technicians of the production potentials and constraints of mango
horticulture program, for their unreserved assistance (Mangifera indica L.) at Bati, Oromia zone, Ethiopia.
during the research work. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied
Research 11(1):1-9.
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