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Blood Realtion Practice

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1 Blood Relation

MEANING OF BLOOD RELATION daughter of the parents in laws of the husband of Vandana”
does mean ‘Vandana’ herself. In this example also the
Blood relation does mean biological relation. Remember a wife and
sentence “the only daughter of the parents in laws of the
husband are met biologically related but they are biological parents
husband of ‘Vandana’ has been given in the form of indirect
of their own children. Similarly, brother, sister, paternal grandfather,
relation. Below are given some indirect relation in the form of
paternal grandmother maternal grandfather, maternal grandmother, a list. Examinees are required to learn them by heart. If are
grandson, granddaughter, niece, cousin etc. are our blood relatives. keeps this list in one’s mind, he/she will find it very easy to
TYPES OF BLOOD RELATIONS solve problems based on blood relations.
There are mainly two types of blood relatives: 1. Son of father or mother : Brother
(i) Blood relation from paternal side 2. Daughter of father or mother : Sister
(ii) Blood relation from maternal side 3. Brother of father : Uncle
Now, we will discuss both kind of relations one-by one. 4. Brother of mother : Maternal uncle
(i) Blood relation from paternal side : This type of blood relation
can be further subdivided into three types: 5. Sister of father : Aunt
(a) Past generations of father : Great grandfather, great 6. Sister of mother : Aunt
grandmother, grandfather, grandmother etc. 7. Father of father : Grandfather
(b) Parallel generations of father: Uncles (Brothers of father). 8. Father of father’s father : Great grand father
aunts (sisters of father) etc.
9. Father of grandfather : Great grandfather
(c) Future generations of father: Sons, daughters, grandsons,
granddaughters etc. 10. Mother of father : Grandmother
(ii) Blood relation from maternal side: This type of blood 11. Mother of father’s mother : Great grandmother
relations can also be subdivided into three types: 12. Mother of grandmother : Great grandmother
(a) Past generations of mother: Maternal great grandfather,
13. Father of mother : Maternal grandfather
maternal great grandmother, maternal grandfather, maternal
grandmother etc. 14. Father of mother’s father : Great maternal grand
(b) Parallel generations of mother: Maternal uncles, maternal father
aunts etc. 15. Father of maternal : Great maternal
(c) Future generations of mother: Sons, daughters, grandsons, grandfather grandfather
granddaughters etc. 16. Mother of mother : Maternal grandmother
In the examination, the questions are given in complicated 17. Mother of mother’s mother : Great maternal
way. In other words, in the given questions, the easy grandmother
relationship takes the complicated form and examinees are
expected to solve this complication in order to find out the 18. Mother of maternal : Great maternal
correct answer. How does an examinee get aid of this grandmother grandmother
complication? For this, an examinee sees the given data in 19. Wife of father : Mother
the question with a serious eye; then tries to establish relation 20. Husband of mother : Father
among elements of given data on the basis of certain logic 21. Wife of Grandfather : Grandmother
and finally finds out the required answer. In fact complications
in the asked question occur because of the given indirect 22. Husband of Grandmother : Grandfather
relation. It does mean questions are in the form of indirect 23. Wife of son : Daughter-in-law
relation & one has to convert this indirect relation into direct 24. Husband of daughter : Son-in-law
relation. For example “only son of my father” does mean
25. Brother of Husband : Brother-in-law
‘me’ (myself). Here in place of ‘me’ indirect relation has been
given in form of “only son of my father”. Similarly, “the only 26. Brother of wife : Brother-in-law

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3. 2 Blood Relation

27. Sister of Husband : Sister-in-law Remember: Solution Tips

28. Sister of wife : Sister-in-law (a) While solving blood relation based question, first of all find
out that two persons between whom a relationship has to be
29. Son of brother : Nephew
30. Daughter of brother : Niece (b) Next, try to find out middle relation
31. Wife of brother : Sister-in-law (c) Finally findout the relationship between two persons to be
32. Husband of sister : Brother-in-law identified for this purpose.
33. Son of sister : Nephew Type of problems
(1) General problems of blood relation
34. Daughter of sister : Niece
(2) Blood relation based on family tree
35. Wife of uncle : Aunt (3) Coded blood relationship.
36. Wife of maternal uncle : Aunt Now, we will discuss all the three types of problems one by one
37. Son/daughter of uncle/Aunt : Cousin (1) General problem of blood relation
38. Son/daughter of maternal : Cousin Sample Q: Pointiry towards a photograph, Mr. Sharma said, “She
uncle/maternal aunt is the only daughter of mother of my brother’s sister.” How
39. Son/daughter of sister : Cousin is Mr. Sharma related to the lady in the photograph?
(a) Cousin (b) Sister
of Father
(c) Aunt (d) Daughter in law
40. Son/daughter of sister : Cousin (e) None of these
of Mother Ans. Here we have to find relationship between Mr. Sharma & the
41. Only son of grandfather : Father lady in the photograph.
Mother of my brother’s sister does mean my (Mr. Sharma’s)
42. Only daughter of maternal : Mother
mother. Only daughter of Mr. Sharma’s mother does mean
grandfather “sister of Mr. Sharma”. Hence option (b) is the correct
43. Daughter of grandfather : Aunt answer.
44. Sons of grandfather other : Uncle (2) Blood relation based on family tree
than father Sample Q: Q is the brother of C and C is the sister of Q. R and D are
45. Son of maternalgrandfather : Maternal Uncle. brother and sister. R is the son of A while A & C are wife and
/maternal grand mother husband. How is Q related with D.
Ans. For such type of question a family tree is made in which
46. Only daughter in law of : Mother
some symbols are used as below:
grandfather/ grandmother Û’ is used for husband & wife.
47. Daughters in law of : Aunt other than mother ‘___’ is used for brother & sister
grandfather/ grandmother ‘ | ’ is used for parents (father or mother). Parents are put on
48. Daughters-in-law of : Aunt maternal top while children are put at the botom.
‘–’ or minus sign is used for female
maternal grandfather/ grandmother
‘+’ or plus sign is used for male.
49. Neither brother nor sister : Self Now adopting and using the above given symbols we can
make a family tree and solve the given problem, let us see
SOME IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT BLOOD the family tree for sample question:
RELATION Family + tree :
A. Without the information of gender, no relationship can be – +
established between two people. For example, If given that A+ C Q
R is the child of P & Q, then we can only say that P & Q are
the parents of R. But we can not find out:
(i) R is the son of P & Q or R is the daughter of P & Q.
(ii) Who is mother of R and who is father of R.
But if we have given that P is a male, Q is a female and R is R+ D–
male, then we can easily say that R is the son of P and Q.
As per the question Q is the brother of c and c is the sister of Q.
Further we can also say that P is father of R and Q is mother
of R. (
Hence relation between C & Q has been presented as C — Q


B. Gender can not be decided on the basis of name. For example where ‘–’ sign above C makes it clear that C is a female and ‘+’ sign
in Sikh community the names like Manjit, Sukhvinder etc. above ‘Q’ makes it clear that Q is a male. Similarly for R and D. The
are the names of both male and female. Similarly, in the Hindu æ+ ö
presentation ç R — D- ÷ has been made. Further according to
Community ‘Suman’ is the name of both male and female. è ø
the question.
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Blood Relation 3.3

A and C are having a husband and wife relationship and hence

æ+ ö N– K+
this has been presented as ç A Û C - ÷ . As it is already given that
è ø
C is the sister of Q and A and C are wife and husband, this becomes
clear that A is the male member of the family and this is the reason
A has ‘+’ as its gender sign. Lastly, the vertical line gives father
æ A+ ö M
and son relationship and has been presented as ç | + ÷ . Now from
èR ø can find out that this option can not give you the gender of M. For
this family tree it becomes clear that C is the mother of R and D and this only a serious look at the option is enough.
as Q is the brother of C, then Q will definitely be the maternal uncle Presentation of option (2) [N× K ÷ M]
of R & D. Hence we can say that Q is the maternal uncle of D and
this is the required answer for our sample question. N+ K–
This family tree presentation also does not give the
NOTE : Sample problem is the very easy type of blood relation M
problem. In this chapter we will solve only such type of problem gender of M. Like option (1) this option gives you a clear indication,
based on family tree. But we will solve more difficult problems of only by a serious look, that gender of M can not be find out and
such type in a different chapter “Problem solving”. for this making family tree is not necessary. Hence option (2) is
(3) Coded blood relationship. also rejected.
Sample: Directions: Read the following informations carefully to Presentation of option (3) [ N ÷ K × M]
give the answers of following questions: Like option (1) and (2), option (3) is also rejected and only a serious
‘P × Q’ means P is the brother of Q look can make you clear that in this case also the gender of M can
‘P – Q’ means P is the sister of Q not be find out
‘P + Q’ means P is the father of Q –
‘P ÷ Q’ means P is the mother of Q. N
Which of the following option is the presentation of M is the
K+ M
nephew of N?
(1) N – K + M Presentation of option (4) [ N – K + M × T]
(2) N × K ÷ M This presentation makes it clear that N is the sister of K who is
(3) N ÷ K × M father of M. Here gender of M is clear that M is a male. Hence, M
(4) N – K + M × T is clearly nephew of N.
(5) None of these.
Solution: To solve it we will use the symbols of family tree in place N– K+
of mathematical signs ( + , –, × & ÷). Let us make family tree
presentation for every option: M+ T
Presentation for option (1) [N – K + M] Hence for sample question option (4) is the correct answer. Now
Here gender of M can not be find out so, this option is rejected, we have come to the conclusion of this chapter. Readers are advised
point to be noted that even without making a family tree. You to practice more and more to crack such questions quick as

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3. 4 Blood Relation

1. A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q (a) Son (b) Brother
and P is the son of Z. Which of the following statements is (c) Causin (d) Nephew
true? 10. A is the mother of B. C is the father of B and C has 3 children.
(a) P and A are cousins On the basis of this information, find out which of the
(b) P is the maternal uncle of A following relations is correct ?
(c) Q is the maternal grandfather of A (a) C has three daughters. (b) C has three sons.
(d) C and P are sisters (c) B is the son. (d) None of these.
11. A man pointing to a photograph says, “The lady in the
2. A man said to a woman, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is
photograph is my nephew’s maternal grandmother.” How is
my aunt.” How is the woman related to the man ?
the lady in the photograph related to the man’s sister who
(a) Granddaughter (b) Daughter has no other sister?
(c) Sister (d) Aunt (a) Cousin (b) Sister-in-law
3. Pointing to Priya, father of Pritu says, “ She is the daughter (c) Mother (d) Mother-in-law
of the daughter of the wife of the only son of the grandfather 12. A is the brother of B. A is the brother of C. To find what is
of my sister.” How is Sushma related to Priya if Sushma is the relation between B and C. What minimum information
the sister of Pritu? from the following is necessary?
(a) Mother (b) Aunt (i) Gender of C (ii) Gender of B
(c) Niece (d) None of these (a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii)
(c) Either (i) or (ii) (d) both (i) and (ii)
4. Vinod is the brother of Bhaskar. Manohar is the sister of
Vinod. Biswal is the brother of Preetam and Preetam is the
daughter of Bhaskar. Who is the uncle of Biswal? Directions (Qs. 13-17) : Read statements carefully and answer
the following questions :
(a) Bhaskar (b) Manohar
(c) Vinod (d) Insufficient data (i) Seeta, Rajinder and Surinder are children of Mr. and Mrs.
5. A man said to a woman, “Your brother’s only sister is my
(ii) Renu, Raja and Sunil are children of Mr. and Mrs. Bhaskar.
mother.” What is the relation of the woman with the maternal
grandmother of that man? (iii) Sunil and Seeta are married and Ashok and Sanjay are their
(a) Mother (b) Sister (iv) Geeta and Rakesh are children of Mr. and Mrs. Jain.
(c) Niece (d) Daughter (v) Geeta is married to Surinder and has three children named
6. Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “ I have no brother or Rita, Sonu and Raju.
sister but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Whose 13. How is Rajinder related to Raju?
photograph was it? (a) Brother (b) Uncle
(a) His own (b) His son’s (c) Brother-in-law (d) Cousin
14. How is Rajinder related to Ashok?
(c) His father’s (d) His nephew’s
(a) Brother-in-law (b) Father-in-law
7. Pointing to a photograph, a lady tells Pramod, “I am the only
(c) Causin (d) Maternal Uncle
daughter of this lady and her son is your maternal uncle,”
How is the speaker related to Pramod’s father? 15. How is Rakesh related to Surinder?
(a) Brother (b) Cousin
(a) Sister-in-law (b) Wife
(c) Brother-in-law (d) Maternal uncle
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (d) Can’t be determined 16. How is Rakesh related to Rita?
8. Introducing a man, a woman said, “His wife is the only (a) Brother (b) Cousin
daughter of my mother.” How is the woman related to that (c) Uncle (d) Maternal uncle
17. Sunil and Rakesh are related as
(a) Aunt (b) Wife (a) Brothers (b) Cousins
(c) Mother-in-law (d) Maternal Aunt (c) Uncle and Cousin (d) Brother-in-law
9. Deepak said to Nitin, “That boy playing with the football is 18. A and B are married couple. X and Y are brothers. X is the
the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my brother of A. How is Y related to B?
father’s wife.” How is the boy playing football related to (a) Brother-in-law (b) Brother
Deepak? (c) Son-in-law (d) Cousin

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Blood Relation 3.5

Directions (Qs. 19-22) : Study the following information 28. Which of the following is true ?
carefully to answer the questions that follow : (a) Anuj is the son of Smita.
(b) Romila is the cousin of Krishna.
Adhir Mishra has three children : Urmila, Raghu and Sumit. Sumit
(c) Madhu is Sunil’s mother-in-law.
married Roma, the eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Mohan. The
Mohans married their youngest daughter to the eldest son of Mr. (d) Jeewan is Devika’s maternal uncle.
and Mrs. Sharma and they had two children Sandeep and Shaifali. 29. A family consists of six members P, Q, R, X, Y and Z. Q is the
The Mohans have two more children, Roshan and Bimla, both son of R but R is not mother of Q. P and R are a married
elder to Sheila. Sohan and Shivendar are sons of Sumit and Roma. couple. Y is the brother of R. X is the daughter of P. Z is
Leela is the daughter of Sandeep. brother of P.
(i) Who is the brother-in-law of R?
19. How is Mrs. Mohan related to Sumit ?
(a) P (b) Z
(a) Aunt (b) Mother-in-law
(c) Y (d) X
(c) Mother (d) Sister-in-law
(ii) How is Q related to X?
20. What is the surname of Sohan ?
(a) Husband (b) Father
(a) Sharma (b) Mohan
(c) Brother (d) Uncle
(c) Mishra (d) Raghu
21. What is the surname of Leela ? 30. Who is the Uncle of V ? If
(a) Sharma (b) Mohan (I) T is the Brother of P
(c) Mishra (d) None of these (II) R is the Daughter of P
22. How is Shivendar related to Roma’s father ? (III) M is the Sister of T and
(a) Son-in-law (b) Cousin (IV) V is the Brother of R
(c) Son (d) Grandson (a) M (b) T
(c) P (d) Either M or T
Directions (Qs. 23-25) : Read the following information to 31. P is the brother of Q and R, S is R’s mother, T is P’ s father.
answer these questions. Which of the following statements cannot be said to be
definitely true?
There are six children playing football; namely, A, B, C, D, E and F.
A and E are borthers. F is the sister of E, C is the only son of A’s (a) T is Q’s father (b) T is S’s husband
uncle. B and D are the daughters of the brother of C’s father. (c) P is S’s son (d) S is A’ s brother
23. How is C related to F? 32. A man said to a woman. Your only brother’s sister is my
(a) Cousin (b) Brother mother’. How is the woman related to the man’s grandmother
(c) Son (d) Uncle on his mother’s side?
24. How many children are male ? (a) Sister (b) Sister-in- law
(a) One (b) Three (c) Daughter (d) Mother-in-law
(c) Five (d) Six 33. P – Q means Q is son of P;
25. How is D related to A? P × Q means P is brother of Q;
(a) Uncle (b) Sister P ÷ Q means Q is sister of P and
(c) Niece (d) Cousin P + Q means P is mother of Q. Which of the following is
definitely TRUE about ‘ N × K – M ÷ L’?
Directions (Qs. 26-28) : Read the information given below to (a) ‘K’ is father of L and M.
answer the questions that follows : (b) ‘L’ is the daughter of ‘K’ and is the niece of ‘N’.
Rama and Mohan are a married couple having two daughters named (c) ‘K’ is the father of ‘M’ and ‘L’ - his son and daughter
Smita and Devika. Devika is married to Aman who is the son of respectively.
Madhu and Jeewan. Romila is the daughter of Aman. Krishna who (d) ‘M’ is the uncle of K’s brother N.
is Aman’s sister is married to Sunil and has two sons Anuj and 34. Following are some information about a family consisting of
Ankur. Ankur is the grandson of Madhu and Jeewan. 4 members P, Q, R and S.
26. How is Krishna related to Devika ? P is an adult male and has 2 children. Q is the son-in-law of
(a) Sister-in-law (b) Sister P. R is Q’s brother-in-law. There is just one couple in the
(c) Aunt (d) None of these family.
27. What is the relationship between Anuj and Romila? Who is the daughter of P ?
(a) Uncle – Niece (b) Father – Daughter (a) P (b) R
(c) Husband – Wife (d) Cousins (c) Q (d) S

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3. 6 Blood Relation

35. Given that

1. A is the mother of B Directions (Qs. 43-44) : S and R are brothers. T is daughter
of S. U is the spouse of R and mother of Q. P is the daughter of V,
2. C is the son of A
who is the spouse of T.
3. D is the brother of E
4. E is the daughter of B. 43. Who is the grand father of P ?
(a) U (b) S
The grandmother of D is
(c) R (d) V
(a) A (b) B
44. Who is the cousin of Q ?
(c) C (d) E (a) T (b) V
36. M is the father of N who is the son of V. In order to know the (c) R (d) P
relation of M to P, which of the statement/statements is/are
necessary? Directions (Qs. 45-50) : Refer to the data below and answer
1. P is the brother of V. the questions that follows.
2. The daughter of N is the granddaughter of V. There are six women, Shalini, Divya, Ritu, Rashmi, Nisha and Renu
in a family of twelve members. There are few married couples in the
(a) Only (1) (b) Only (2)
family and none of the grandchildren are married. Sunil is married
(c) Either (1) or (2) (d) (1) and (2) both into the family. Rohan, Mahesh and Jatin have a nephew Dipesh
37. Pointing out to a lady, a girl said " she is the daughter-in-law who is the only son of Rashmi. Ravi is the paternal grandfather of
of the grandmother of my father's only son." How is the lady Nisha. Ritu is the daughter-in-law of Shalini. Renu is the first causin
related to the girl ? of Dipesh. Shalini has only three Grandchildren. Mahesh has two
brothers and Shalini. Renu only one sister Rashmi and a sister-in-
(a) Sister-in-law (b) Mother law Divya. Dipesh's only unmarried maternal uncle, Jatin is the
(c) Aunt (d) Mother-in-law brother-in-law of Sunil. Rohan is the paternal uncle of the Nisha.
38. Among her children, Ganga’s favourites are Ram and Rekha. Ritu has two daughters one of whom is Nisha.
Rekha is the mother of Sharat, who is loved most by his uncle 45. How many married couples are there in the second generation?
Mithun. The head of the family is Ram Lal, who is succeeded (a) 1 (b) 2
by his sons Gopal and Mohan. Gopal and Ganga have been (c) 3 (d) 4
married for 35 years and have 3 children. What is the relation 46. Dipesh is
between Mithun and Mohan? (a) Mahesh's son (b) Ravi's grandson
(a) Uncle (b) Son (c) Rohan's son (d) Sunil's nephew
(c) Brother (d) No relation 47. Nisha is
39. Pointing out to a photograph, a man tells his friend, " she is (a) Rohan's Daughter (b) Jatin's mother
the daughter of the only son of my father's wife. How is the (c) Renu's cousin (d) None of these
girls related to the man in the photograph? 48. Which one of the following is a married couple ?
(a) Daughter (b) Cousin (a) Rohan and Ritu (b) Shalini and Mahesh
(c) Mother (d) Sister (c) Renu and Sunil (d) Mahesh and Ritu
49. Rashmi is
40. X' is the wife of 'Y' and 'Y' and Y' is the brother of 'Z' , 'Z' is the
(a) Mahesh's wife (b) Renu's aunt
son of 'P' . How is 'P' related to 'X' ?
(c) Nisha's mother (d) None of these
(a) Sister (b) Aunt 50. Which of the following is true ?
(c) Brother (d) Data inadequate (a) Dipesh is Mahesh's son.
41. Ajay is the brother of Vijay. Mili is the sister of Ajay. Sanjay (b) Ravi has only two married children
is the brother of Rahul and Mehul is the daughter of Vijay. (c) Ravi is the paternal grandfather of Renu.
Who is Sanjay's Uncle ? (d) None
51. A man pointing to a photograph says. " The lady in the
(a) Rahul (b) Ajay
photograph is my nephew's maternal grandmother" How is
(c) Mehul (d) Data inadequate the lady in the photograph related to the man's sister who
42. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of has no other sister ?
4 adults and 3 children, two of whom, F and G are girls. A and (a) Cousin (b) Sister-in-law
D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to (c) Mother (d) Mother-in-law
one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D 52. Pointing to Kapil, Shilpa said, His mothers's brother is the
and G is their child. Who is C ? father of my son Ashish" How is Kapil related to Shilpa ?
(a) G's brother (b) F's father (a) Sister-in-law (b) Nephew
(c) Niece (d) Aunt
(c) E's father (d) A's son

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Blood Relation 3.7

53. A is the uncle of B, who is the daughter of C and C is the I. Sex of C

daughter-in-law of P. How is A related to P? II. Sex of B
(a) Brother (b) Son (a) Only is required
(c) Son-in-law (d) Data inadequate (b) Only II is required
54. E is the son of A. D is the son of B. E is married to C. C is B's (c) Both I and II are required
daughter. How is D related to E? (d) Neither required
(a) Brother (b) Uncle 58. Pointing towards a man in the photograph, lady said the
(c) Father-in-law (d) Brother-in-law father of his brother is the only son of my mother “ How is
55. Examine the following relationships among members of a the man related to lady ?
family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F. (a) Brother (b) Son
1. The number of males equals that of females (c) Cousin (d) Nephew
2. A and E are sons of F. 59. Given that,
3. D is the mother of two, one boy and one girl 1. A is the brother of B. 2. C is the father of A.
3. D is the brother of E. 4. E is the daughter of B.
4. B is the son of A
Then, the uncle of D is
5. There is only one married couple in the family at present
(a) A (b) B
Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from (c) C (d) E
the above?
(a) A, B and C are all females Directions (Qs. 60-62) : Read the following passage and
(b) A is the husband of D answer the 3 (three) items that follow.
(c) E and F are children of D A, B, C, D and E are members of the same family. There are two
(d) D is the grand daughter of F fathers, two sons, two wives, three males and two females. The
56. R is the brother-in-law of Q however, Q is not the brother-in- teacher was the wife of a lawyer who was the son of a doctor. E is
law of R. P is the father-in-law of Q. S is the daughter of the not a male, neither also a wife of a professional. C is the youngest
mother of R’s son. T is S’s grandmother. How are T and P person in the family and D is the eldest. B is a male.
related? 60. How is D related to E ?
(a) P is the wife of T. (a) Husband (b) Son
(b) P is the husband of T (c) Father (d) Wife
(c) P is the nephew of T. 61. Who are the females in the group ?
(d) T is P’s sister-in-law. (a) C and E (b) C and D
57. A is the brother of B, C is the brother of A . To establish a (c) E and A (d) D and E
relationship between B & C, which of the following 62. Whose wife is the teacher ?
information is required. (a) C (b) D
(c) A (d) B

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3. 8 Blood Relation

1 (b) 8 (b) 15 (c) 22 (d) 29 (b, c) 36 (a) 43 (b) 50 (c) 57 (b)
2 (c) 9 (b) 16 (d) 23 (a) 30 (b) 37 (b) 44 (a) 51 (c) 58 (d)
3 (d) 10 (d) 17 (d) 24 (b) 31 (d) 38 (d) 45 (c) 52 (b) 59 (a)
4 (c) 11 (c) 18 (a) 25 (d) 32 (c) 39 (a) 46 (b) 53 (b) 60 (a)
5 (d) 12 (d) 19 (b) 26 (a) 33 (b) 40 (d) 47 (d) 54 (d) 61 (c)
6 (b) 13 (b) 20 (c) 27 (d) 34 (d) 41 (d) 48 (d) 55 (b) 62 (d)
7 (b) 14 (d) 21 (a) 28 (c) 35 (a) 42 (d) 49 (b) 56 (b)

1. (b) C and Q are sisters and A is the son of C. Hence, C is the 7. (b) Clearly, the speaker’s brother is Pramod’s maternal uncle.
mother of A or Z is the mother Q. So, the speaker is Pramod’s mother or his father’s wife.
Hence, Z is the maternal grandmother of A. P is the son 8. (b) Clearly, only daughter of her mother is woman herself.
of Z. Hence, P is the maternal uncle of A. So, that woman is the wife of man.
2. (c) Woman’s Mother’s husband 9. (b) Father’s wife — Mother; Mother’s daughter — Sister;
Sister’s younger brother — His brother. So, the boy is
Deepak’s brother.
Woman’s father
10. (d) Since, C has three children but we can’t say that he has
Woman’s father’s sister ¾¾ ® Woman’s Aunt.
three daughters or three sons.
Since, woman’s aunt is man’s aunt
\ woman is sister of man. A C
3. (d) The flow chart can be drawn as : Father
Son So, options (a) and (b) are incorrect.
Wife/Father Also, we don’t know that B is a boy or girl.
So, option (c) is also incorrect.
Daughter Pritu's father Sister 11. (c) Clearly, the lady is the grandmother of man’s sister’s
son i.e., the mother of the mother of man’s sister’s son
i.e., the mother of man’s sister.
Daughter (Priya) Pritu Sushma (Sis.) So, the lady is man’s mother.
So Sushma is Priya’s cousin. 12. (d) Without knowing the sex of C, we can’t be determined
4. (c) whether B is sister of C or B is brother of C. Similarly
Sister Manohar without knowing the sex of B we can’t be determined
Brother Uncl
e whether C is sister of B or C is brother of B. Therefore,
both (i) and (ii) are necessary.

Bi sw al


B ro th

13. (b)
ta m

Bhaskar’s Maudgil's Jain’s

P ree

Renu Raja Sunil Seeta Rajinder Surinder Geeta Rakesh

Thus, Vinod will be uncle of Biswal.
5. (d) The only sister of the brother of the woman will be the
woman herself and she is the mother of that man. Thus, Ashok Sanjay Rita Sonu Raju
the woman is the daughter of the maternal
grandmother of that man. Raju is the son of Surinder who is the brother of Rajinder.
6. (b) Since the narrator has no brother, his father’s son is he So, Rajinder is uncle of Raju.
himself. So, the man who was talking is the father of the 14. (d) Ashok is the son of Seeta whose brother is Rajinder.
man in the photograph, i.e. the man in the photograph So, Rajinder is maternal uncle of Ashok.
is his son.

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Blood Relation 3.9

15. (c) Rakesh is the brother of Geeta and Rajinder’s brother Seeta’s brother – Surinder
is Surinder who is the husband of Geeta. Surinder’s brother-in-law – Rakesh.
16. (d) Rita is the daughter of Geeta whose brother is Rakesh. 18. (a) X and Y are brothers and
17. (d) Sunil’s wife – Seeta X is brother of A Þ Y is brother of A.
Þ Y is brother-in-law of B.
Family Tree (Q. Nos. 19 to 22) :

Adhir Mishra Mr. & Mrs. Mohan Mr. & Mrs. Sharma
Married married
Urmila Raghu Sumit Roma Roshan Bimla Sheila Sandeep Shaifali
Sons (eldest) (youngest)
Sohan Shivendar

19. (b) Sumit’s mother-in-law = Mrs. Mohan. – Sister + Brother

20. (c) As Sohan is son of Sumit and Sumit is son of Mishra. 30. (b) M T P
The surname of Sohan is Mishra. th
r/ Fa
Uncle he Daughter
21. (a) Leela is the grand daughter of Mr. Sharma. Hence, the ot
surname of Leela is Sharma. + Brother –
22. (d) Shivendar is son of Roma. Therefore, he is grandson of
Roma’s father. + –
31. (d) T S
For Qs. 23-25
23. (a) C is cousin of F. Father Mother

24. (b) Male children are A, E and C. + Brother Brother/Sister

25. (d) D is cousin of A. P Q R
Relationship Diagram (Q. No. 26 to 28) : No information is given about A and Q. The gender of
S is female. So, S can’t be A’s brother.
(Couples) (Couples)
Roma Mohan Madhu Jeevan
(Couples) Mother
(Couples) er

on mother side
Smita Devika Aman Krishna Sunil

Anuj Ankur
Romila 32. (c) Women Only Sister

There are in all four married couples.

26. (a) Since, Devika is wife of Aman and Krishna is sister of Man
Aman, therefore, Krishna is the sister-in-law of Devika.
27. (d) Since, Anuj is son of Krishna and Romila is daughter of 33. (b) N × K – M ÷ L
Aman and Aman is brother of Krishna, therefore Anuj Þ N is brother of K, M is son of K, L is sister of M.
and Romila are cousins. Since, we don’t know the sex of K, therefore, option (a)
28. (c) Since, Madhu is mother of Krishna who is wife of Sunil. and option (c) are not definitely true.
Therefore, Madhu is Sunil’s mother-in-law. Since M is son of K, therefore, option (d) is not true.
29. (i) (b) Q is the son of R but R is not mother of Q Now, since L is sister of M, therefore, L is daughter of
K. Also, N is brother of K, therefore L is niece of N.
Þ R is father of Q.
34. (d) S is P’s daughter, Q’s wife and R’s sister.
P and R are couple Þ P is female 35. (a) D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B. This
His brother means that D is the son of B. Also, A is the mother of B.
So, A is the grandmother of D.
Z, who is the 36. (a) M is the father of N and N is the son of V.
brother-in-law of R Hence, V is the mother of N.
(ii) (c) P and R From (1), P is the brother of V
Therefore, M is the brother-in-law of P because V is the
Son wife of M.
Q X From (2), the daughter of N, is the granddaughter of V.
\ Q is brother of X. From this we do not get any relation of M to P.

Kalam IAS Academy

3.10 Blood Relation

37. (b) Girl's Father's only son— Girl's brother Grandmother of 45. (c) 3 married couples.
Girl's brother – Girl's Grandmother; Daughter-in-law of 46. (b) Dipesh is Ravi’s grandson.
girl's grandmother — Girls' mother. 47. (d) None of the options.
38. (d) Mohan is son of Ram Lal and uncle of Ram and Rekha. 48. (d) Mahesh and Ritu is the married couple.
Mithun is uncle of Sharat who is son of Rekha. 49. (b) Rashmi is Renu's aunt.
Rekha is niece of Mohan. 50. (c) Ravi is the paternal grandfather of Renu.
Therefore, Mithun is brother of Rekha’s husband. 51. (c) Clearly, the lady is the grandmother of man's sister's
39. (a) Father's wife means mother ; mother's only son means son i.e, the mother of the mother of man's sister's son
himself and thus the girls is the daughter of the man. i.e, the mother of man's sister.
40. (d) The relationship chart, based on the given problem can 52. (b) Father of Shilpa's son— Shilpa's husband.
be worked out as given below. So, Kapil is the son of sister of shilpa's husband. Thus,
w Kapil is Shilpa's nephew.
-la P 53. (b) B is the daughter of C and C is the daughter in law of P.
e r-in
oth So B is the granddaughter of P. Also, A is uncle of B i.e,
orM A is the brother of B's father. Thus, A is the son of P.

r-in 54. (d) C is B's daughter and D is B's son. So, D is the brother

Fat of C.E is a male married to C so, E is the husband of C,
whose brother is D. Thus, D is the brother in-law of E.
X Y Z 55. (b) ‘O’ ® Female, ‘W’ ®Male, ‘«’ ® Couple, ‘¯’
Wife Brother ® Offspring
The sex of P is not known F
41. (d)
1. Mili ¾¾¾¾® Ajay ¾¾¾¾¾® Vijay ¾¾
® Mehul
( Sister ) ( Brother )
(daughter) D A E
2. Sanjay ¾¾¾¾¾® Rahul
( brother ) C B
There are two sets of relationship information given is
incomplete and no relation can be established between the Since, there is only 1 married couple, so D must be
two sets. married to A, as D is the mother of two and B is the son
42. (d) ‘ « ’ ® brothers, ‘=’ ® couple, ‘¯’ ®offspring, ‘W’ of A. Also, as number of males and females are equal,
® male, ‘d’ ® female, ‘X’ ® unknown so F must be a female.
56. (b) P and T are husband and wife. They have two sons, of
E A D B whom one is R. Q is married to the other son. S is R’s
57. (b) It is clear that C is the Brother of B but how B is related
G to C depends on the sex of B.
X X 58. (d) The father of his brother means “ his father” is the only
son of my mother means “ my brother” It means lady’s
Clearly, C and F are the remaining members to be
is the father’s sister of the man’s father.
adjusted in place of two x. since, there are 3 children
out of which two are girls, i.e. G and F, so clearly the 59. (a) C(+)
third children C is a boy. So C is the son of E and A.
43. (b) P is the daughter of V, who is spouse of T. T is the
daughter of S. So, T is the mother and V is the father of cle (+)
P. Therefore, S is the grandfather of P. Un
44. (a) R and S are brother Q is the child of R and T is the child D E (–)
of S. So, cousin of Q is T.
(Qs. for 45-50) Thus the uncle of D is A.
For (Qs. 60-62) : The given information can be tabulated as follows:
Shalini Û Ravi
(–) (+) Grandfather Grandmother
Ritu Û Mahesh « Rohan Û Divya Sunil Û Rashmi « Jatin
Father Mother
(–) (+) (+) (–) (+) (–) (+)
Lawyer Teacher
Renu®Nisha Dipesh
(–) (–) (+)
Son C
60. (a) 61. (c) 62. (d)
Kalam IAS Academy

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