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Sleep Problems Biohack Secrets - Adam Walker

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The sleep revolution training workbook to rest smarter, better

and rejuvenate. A Miracle solution to achieve more and wake
up early in the morning

Adam Walker & Alexis Matthew

© Copyright Adam Walker & Alexis Matthew 2020 - All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

Did you know that it’s possible to actually sleep only 4 to 5 hours per
night and feel even more well rested, alerted and energized than you
would if you slept for 8 or more?

That’s right, don’t be skeptical, by the end of this book you will
acquire some extremely powerful information so make sure to pay
attention and not underestimate it.

Hacking your body and optimizing your performance in life will

be a great step ahead for you as a person and for the people around

What I will teach you shortly will completely reshape the way
you think of sleep as a whole so I expect you to approach this
information with an open mind and a willingness to try something you
have never done before.

This is what you will be able to do thanks to my book:

1. Reduce your actual sleeping time

2. Boost the quality of your sleep

3. Increase your energy levels by a drastic amount

4. Say goodbye to all feelings of drowsiness and lack of


5. Reduce your stress levels and then completely get rid of


You can already start anticipating all the things you will be
able to accomplish in life and the important radical changes you could
make by sleeping half the time you are now.

Time is a valuable currency that we must not waste. It is one

of the most precious tools in our arsenal, using it wisely will truly make
the difference in a man’s life.

But that’s not it. Even if you decide to keep sleeping as much
as you currently do, I can assure you that it will be the most fulfilling
sleep of your life.
With no further ado, let’s dive straight into the book.

First of all, you do not need to sleep eight hours per night to properly
function during the day.

You’ve probably been hearing everywhere on the news that

the average American is sleep deprived or doesn’t sleep enough and
that we should all get at least a solid eight hours sleep per night.

FALSE and I can assure you that no expert would agree on


So many people all around the globe perform the most

amazing and demanding tasks with barely 4 or 6 hours sleep per day.

Are they super humans? Or some sort of zombie?

Or maybe, did they actually tap into a hidden source of energy

within themselves without even knowing it?
Are they using a system that allows them to perform that way?

You may not know this but some of these techniques have
been known for ages.

Transatlantic yacht racing crews for example take position in

turns on the deck and at the helm and have to endure crazy weather all
the time, while eating poorly whenever they can on a yacht that never
stops moving with continuous ups and downs in temperature on top of
all this.

They have to deal with these absolutely disruptive and

unhealthy conditions for up to three months!

How do they do it?

They only sleep 4 to 5 hours per night and can still perform
physically and mentally demanding tasks while being on top of their

Like them, countless other individuals perform incredibly

demanding tasks while being “sleep deprived”. At least on paper,
because they actually are energetic and full of life.
Were they just gifted genetically or are they actually doing
something on a subconscious level to boost and optimize their

To understand how sleep works we will need to take into account

several key experiments that have been performed over the last forty

First of all, what's the longest a human being has gone without
sleep as far as we know?

- Randy Gardner,1965 went without sleep for 264 hours (11


- Robert McDonald 1980 went without sleep for 453 hours (18
days 21 hours and 40 minutes)

Both men experienced drowsiness and trouble with

concentrating but most definitely did not go mad .

Another key experiment brought us some very interesting

It lasted six years, it was completed in 2002 and it was done
by the University of California.

It revealed that people who sleep less than 8 hours per night
actually live longer.

Amazing isn’t it? The experiment involved 1.1 million

participants and it gave us finally some clarity about the matter.

This is the very first question I wish to dispel in my book.

What you should be truly asking yourself is.

How can I boost the QUALITY of my sleep?

Some people, you may be one of them, sleep between eight

and ten hours per night and still wake up feeling tired and with no
energy. They try to solve this problem by sleeping even longer but they
couldn’t be more wrong.

By sleeping too much, the actual quality of your sleep goes

down, impacting even more negatively your energy levels.
Most people don’t realize this because of the hidden
mechanisms of their body they are not aware of.

So our focus should be Quality over Quantity when it comes to


First of all, what is this quality sleep we are talking about? Is it

some mysterious force that possesses us during the night and we
cannot control?

I’m afraid that most people have no idea whatsoever about

how sleep affects our health or don’t care very much about it, wrongly.

We used to believe that our minds just completely shut off

during sleep but we now know that’s incorrect: your mind enters a very
peculiar state. So peculiar and fascinating that it makes being awake
feel boring. That’s right, when we are asleep our minds are more active
than during the day.

What I want you to ask yourself now is the following question:

If my mind is so active while I’m asleep then perhaps my sleep

has a massive impact on my body and health than I thought?

Let’s go ahead and answer that question then!


I’ll spend a few words in regards to Brain Waves, you may not be too
familiar with them and it’s important to have some basic knowledge to
understand the rest of this book.

For as long as we are alive our brains exhibit a certain

frequency of waves, it’s really not that important for you to understand
what they are right now, keep in mind that it’s just a measure of your
brain’s activity.

What you need to know is that these waves can get “high”, so
become more intense or “low”, which makes them slower and lazier.

There are 5 stages of sleep, so that while you are sleeping

you are not experiencing the same type of sleep at all times.

As you discover more about them you should realize that this
mechanism has played a key role in your sleep throughout your whole
Firstly, there is a state of full wake, before you sleep you’re
awake and our wakefulness system is at its peak point.

Your brain waves are really high during the day, these are
called beta waves.

Our mind jumps from thought to thought and is active to keep

up with our very active lives.

Stage 1 sleep happens semi consciously, have you ever found

yourself zoning out or daydreaming during a boring day or on the bus?

At these times is when we usually enter stage 1 sleep. Our

brain waves turn into alpha waves, slightly lower than beta, with a hint
of theta waves.

Our body gets relaxed, breathing and heart rate drop a little bit
and our mind drifts into a relaxed state of pure fantasy and creativity, it
feels great doesn’t it? I’m not gonna lie to you, I love when it happens to
me and I try to induce it as much as I can even while I’m working, even
as I am writing this book.

Stage 1 is a gateway to sleep, except we are still awake.

Stage 2 Sleep is a bit more peculiar: here we experience
sudden explosions of brain activity while our brain waves get lower and
our mind relaxes more. Scientists have not come to an agreement on
why this actually happens yet but many believe that it’s due to our brain
gradually trying to shut down to sleep (even though it never truly shuts
down and I’ll explain to you why shortly).

We may appear to be sleeping in this state but we are still

very much awake even if semi unconscious, in fact most people who
were awakened at this stage during studies, would mark themselves as
still awake or unaware that they were falling asleep.

Stage 3 and 4 are another story, our brain waves are at their
lowest frequency, these are called delta waves, and our mind this time
around oscillates between delta and theta waves.

During these two phases we officially fall asleep and they are
usually referred to as a deep sleep state. Blood pressure, heart rate
and breathing rhythm stabilize and reach their most relaxed state.

Blood is sent to our muscles to repair them and to nourish our


The final and most fascinating stage is Stage 5 or REM sleep.

To this day we still don’t know what the real purpose of this stage is.
REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement because if someone was to lift
their eyelids in this state, they would realize that their eyes are moving
rapidly in every direction. This is also the stage during which dreams

What about our brain waves, you may be wondering.

Well, according to what you know so far it would actually make

sense that our brain waves would get even lower at this stage right?
Nope, they rapidly increase instead and are stunningly similar to the
ones we exhibit when we are awake.

Think about it, dreams often feel so real and vivid that you
can’t really tell whether you are asleep or not until you actually wake up
so it makes sense that our mind would be active and acting in a similar
fashion to when our brain is 100% conscious while we are awake.

We all dream even though some people can’t really remember

whether they dreamt or not or what their dreams were about.

Thanks to your newfound knowledge about sleep stages, we

can finally discover together what quality sleep actually is.

Firstly, I want you to know that the stages I explained to you

do not happen only once per sleep session, they happen multiple times
per night through sleep cycles that repeat themselves.

During one single sleep cycle we progress through all stages

but not quite in the order you would expect.

On average we will experience about 6 or 7 cycles per night

but here’s the catch.

The stages go as follows: 1 2 3 4 3 2 REM then again 2 3 4 3

2 REM and so on.

Each cycle can take between 60 and 100 minutes.

It’s important to mention that the very first period of Deep
Sleep is a lot longer than the others and opposite to that the first period
of REM sleep is a lot shorter than the rest.

The stages of sleep become shorter and shorter until you

eventually wake up with the exception of your REM periods which act
the opposite way.

We don’t spend an equal amount of time in each stage and

our sleep gets lighter and lighter as the night goes on.

Being deprived of Deep Sleep is terrible, that’s when we

experience drowsiness and all sorts of impairments including nausea.

Our brain tries to get as much deep sleep as it possibly can in

the first 3 to 4 hours of sleep especially when previously deprived of it,
even sacrificing the other stages.

This also makes deep sleep the stage that we are least likely
going to miss or skip.

It’s especially important because our immune system activates

itself during deep sleep to fight diseases.
REM sleep on the other hand, is not as important as far as we
understand. Sure being deprived of it is going to make you feel fatigued
and tired to an extent but not as much as deep sleep. Our body doesn’t
primarily focus on trying to recover REM sleep if needed.

Even if we are not entirely sure about the purpose of it, it is

widely theorized that this is the time of the night when we absorb the
information learnt during the day.

That would make sense since babies spend an incredible

amount of time sleeping and up to 50% of it is REM sleep.

By this time you probably guessed it, quality sleep equals

healthy deep sleep.

But what exactly controls how you enter deep sleep and for
how long you stay in that state?

Our bodies have a hidden body clock.

It’s a system within ourselves in control of how we sleep,

when, how deeply or how awake we are and feel during the day.

Understand your body clock and you will have full control of
your sleep and energies.
Nowadays so many people suffer sleep related issues
because our lifestyles and habits have completely ruined and
weakened our body clocks. But it’s not too late to fix it!

It’s time to take the matter in your own hands.


Our next step will be to apply all of our newfound knowledge to our
daily life.

Sleeping less and better and having more energy is our final
goal afterall.

We built the fundamentals, now it’s time to take action.

Here is what you will need to do. Listen carefully.

I. Get enough Sunshine

I cannot stress enough how important this is!

Being exposed to natural light balances out our body

temperatures and allows us to stay alert and awake for longer periods
of time.
If you are not exposed to enough sunlight, your melatonin will
get higher, your body temperature will lower itself and you will feel
sleepy and tired all day!

And trust me when I say this, if your body temperature will not
naturally rise enough during the day, it will also not automatically fall low
enough at night to enable that perfect deep sleep state.

For millions of years humans have spent so much time outside

in the sun, we were meant to and still are. It’s just over the last hundred
years that our habits drastically changed, so many of us don’t get any
sun at all on some days. That’s crazy and it completely messes up our
body clock.

To give you an idea, the intensity of light is measured in lux. 1

lux amounts to the light that your eyes would absorb if you were in a
pitch black room with a single lit candle in it.

Your office lights have an intensity that goes between 200 and
500 luxes.

The sun rise has an intensity of ten thousand luxes.

At 12pm the sun reaches an intensity of a hundred thousand

Do you get now how massive of a difference that is compared
to being home or in your class or at the gym with artificial lights?

Because our eyes spend most of the time in what we perceive

as darkness, they cannot properly distinguish between night and day.

At the same time we aren’t even exposed to proper darkness

anymore to give our body an idea of the difference, because we have
our smartphones and computers acting as sources of light at all times
during the day and night.

The result is a disaster, our body temperature flat lines and

our eyes can’t even tell if it’s night or day.

As a consequence our sleep suffers and gets worse and

worse over time.

What can we do then to overcome this problem?



Get out there, go for a 30 minutes walk and get that light.

Whatever you are doing indoors that you could do outside,

then do outdoors.

Even just moving your desk close to a window is going to

make a massive difference.

You should also straight up plan more activities outdoors.

Open your curtains as soon as you wake up, get that

immediate sunlight exposure, don’t use sunglasses in the morning or
during winter, there are plenty of solutions.

II. Physical Activity

You are going to need at least 15 minutes of intense cardio

every day.

ANY type of cardio vascular exercise will do and yes I’m also
talking about sex, as long as it’s high intensity and it raises your body
temperature through physical demand.

15 minutes is the absolute minimum requirement to raise our

body temperature and to get that heart pumping.

In return this will improve your deep sleep state.

It would be great if you could exercise in the morning, this will

also make you feel more energized for the rest of the day, especially if
you do so outdoors. Cycle, go for a jog, do some push ups it doesn’t
matter, just do it.

It’s worth mentioning that you should avoid exercising 2 hours

before going to sleep, if you raise your body temperature too much right
before you go to sleep, it is going to have an impact on your deep sleep

III. Power Naps

This is a great point. Take power naps during the day, they
usually consist of stage 1 and 2 sleep so you will be recharging your
energy without entering deep sleep for as long as they are not longer
than 30 to 45 minutes.
It’s normal to experience a period of drowsiness after a nap
but don’t worry it’s just temporary, do some healthy movement as soon
as you wake up and you will be fine.

The perfect time for a nap would be in the afternoon when

your body temperature drops a bit, or after a hot shower and exercise.

The amount of time required to get into deep sleep changes

from person to person so you will have to adjust to your own body when
it comes to deciding how long you want that nap to be.

After a couple tries you will be able to set up your alarm

perfectly to wake up well rested.

The benefit of these naps is restored energy and

concentration so do not underestimate them.

IV. Reduce your sleep, but do it properly

Set a goal and decide how much you would like to reduce
your sleep to.

It might not work at first, afterall you will need to find that
perfect spot that makes you wake up well rested without disrupting your
sleep but if you follow the previous points as many people already
have, chances are this will happen naturally.

Implement your new sleep system and remember that your

energy during the day depends a lot on your body temperature and

The changes have to be gradual, reduce your sleep by 20 to

30 minutes at a time and when you feel comfortable with it, push it back
a little more.

Take your time, slow and steady wins the race but be
consistent with your schedule or your body will not adjust properly.

This doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to wake up

earlier every day, you may also go to sleep later and wake up at your
usual time.

V. Hydration

Now this is a point I cannot emphasize enough. Properly

hydrating your body equals to recharging your phone.

Drinking enough water will allow your body temperature to rise

and drop easily because our body does so also thanks to sweat, on top
of it it will keep you focused and it will nourish your internal organs

These are the 5 key points I want you to understand, try and
master to improve your life day by day. If you have any questions, feel
free to get in touch with me at any point. I hope you can succeed like
many of my readers already have, good luck..
The end… almost!

Reviews are not easy to come by.

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readers, like you, to leave a short review on Amazon.

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I am very appreciative for your review as it truly makes a difference.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for purchasing this book and
reading it to the end.

Sleep related issues are demonized and looked at as an unsolvable


In reality they are symptoms of a weak and damaged sleeping


Fixing your sleeping habits and strengthening your sleeping

system by using the methods I illustrated in this book will do wonders.

If someone has a weak sleep system it is very difficult for that

person to sleep deeply, therefore they experience a lot more Stage 2
sleep, and awakenings are even more likely to happen.

Break this endless loop of misery and improve your life now.

Try out these tricks and get your well deserved energy and
happiness back!

Best of luck and goodnight.


The purpose of this book is to make your life better by improving your
sleep quality and help you finally get rid of insomnia and any other
common sleep disorder.

We want to thank you for taking action by reading this book and
we hope that you keep on using these simple and efficient methods in
order to reach your goal. If you found this helpful, we hope that you can
spread the word to everyone around you who struggles with the same
problems in order to help them.

We also want to thank all of the members of our publishing team

for making this possible.

A special thanks goes also to all of the researchers who study this
matter every day at the cost of their own sleep to help us improve our
nights and days.

Thank you all.

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