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Integrated VCC - Command Center provides Unified IT Infra services

Virtually to businesses and acts as an operations bridge to provides
business resilience and stability that business requires.
A VCC(Virtual Command Center) or Network Operations Center, often
called a NOC (pronounced "knock"), is typically a centralized location
where the network operation staff provides 24x7x365 supervision,
monitoring, and management of the network, servers, databases, firewalls,
What is VCC devices and related external services.
The VCC is usually responsible for monitoring and maintaining the overall
network infrastructure, and its primary function is to ensure uninterrupted
What is the difference network service. The SOC is responsible for protecting networks, as well as
between VCC(NOC) & web sites, applications, databases, servers and data centers, and other
SOC technologies for security intrusions and security threats.
No, a NOC and a help desk are not interchangeable services. The big
difference between the two is that the help desk is where all end-client
interaction takes place
The NOC proactive monitoring and provides back-end maintenance,
support, and problem resolution and can respond to client issues that may
arise. On the other hand, a help desk is a call centre was created to receive
IS A VCC THE SAME AS questions directly from the end-clients who are actively experiencing some
A HELP DESK? issue.
VCC technicians must constantly spend time researching anomalous
activities they observe on the network and making technical adjustments
to be prepared to respond should emergency situations arise. This can
require an extensive array of expensive, cutting-edge technology that an
in-house VCC would rarely use. It’s these types of expenditures that make
VCC outsourcing a very attractive and cost-effective option. The high fixed
infrastructure and labor costs associated with maintaining an in-house VCC
How Outsourcing VCC can make it near impossible to maintain a growing, profitable business for
Operations can Lower a company that doesn’t offer VCC as a service. Paying for outsourced VCC
Costs and Boost support services offers a high ROI in the time and money it saves and the
Effectiveness value of the technologically advanced 24/7 services provided.
Improve Hardware Efficiency
Early Detection and Prevention of Incidents
Improve Your Reputation
Cost Savings
What are the Benefits Reduce Loss of Revenue
of 24x7 VCC Services? Customized Runbooks
The majority of our monitoring is focused on network & Security
What can our VCC infrastructure, servers, applications, web URLs, Application Platforms,
Monitor and Manage synthetic transactions, Syslog, Windows events
What OS do we We support all standard Operating systems - Windows, Linux, Mac. Final
support list of supported OS/Software will be mutually decided
How qualified are your Our VCC Engineers are all levels (L1 , L2, L3) are highly skilled with relevant
VCC Engineers certifications , expertises in the VCC/VCC environments, averaging over 10
years of experience in network engineering, operations, and management.
Our analysts and programmers average more than 20 years of experience.
We hire only by referral, perform technical interviews, and enjoy virtually
no attrition in our VCC ranks. All employees are also subject to background
checks and confidentiality agreements.
What Network &
security products we
can monitor and We support all Network and security products. Please refer the
Manage Technology capability stack for more info
VCC tools & Processes will proactively identify problems in your network
that you might not have known. You're dropping traffic in parts of your
network intermittently, though everything might appear to be working but
you might not have even known the problem existed before we picked up
How can VCC help on the trend. Proactively we can help you identify a failing switch, router,
increase uptime or server before it brings your network down.
What reports and
dashboards will be Standard availailability and service delivery metrics will be shared.
shared Customized reports can also be shared as per customer requirement.
What is the support VCC monitors and manages your Infra 24/7/365 or as required based on
coverage for VCC requirement
What are the SLA that We support standard SLA within the support coverage. SLAs can also be
we support customised and agreed as per customer needs/business
We offes Integrated VCC , a Next Gen IT approach for monitoring and
managing IT Infrastructure and Application platform ensuring Industry best
in class service delivery and end user experience.
Trigent's VCC monitors and manages client Infra 24/7/365 by highly skilled
What makes Trigent expertised VCC engineers
VCC service Unique We guarentee SLA uptime of Infra and Application platform.

These depend on the severity of the issue our client is facing. Our goal is to
What are your service meet your business needs by balancing support resources vs your
levels and resolution subscribed service plan(s). For more information, please refer to our
time published Service Level Agreement (SLA) policy

At Trigent, we are ISO27001 certified and Hipaa compliant besides other

security certification. And hence Security is a key priority. We take our
How do you ensure clients data seriously and this is reinforced with our company security
Data protection and policies that are strictly applied in our offices and facilities. For more
Security information
Yes. Other Pricing Models: Ticket-based or Transaction based, Resource
Do we have any other based pricing for dedicated and shared model can be worked out as
pricing models for VCC required

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