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Schemes of Animal
Husbandry Sector

भाकृ अनुप-कृ षि प्रौद्योषिकी अनुप्रयोि अनुसध

ं ान संस्थान
जोन-VIII, पुण-े 411005, महाराष्ट्र

ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute

Zone-VIII, Pune-411005, Maharashtra
ATARI-Pune (2020). Developmental Schemes of Animal Husbandry Sector. E-Publication
by ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute-Pune, pp. 1-28.

Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (Agril Extension), ICAR, New Delhi

Compiled and Edited

Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Pune
Dr. Kiran Bhilegaonkar, Principal Scientist & Station In-charge, ICAR-IVRI, Pune
Mr. Sunil Kumar, SMS (Agricultural Extension), KVK, Kolhapur-II

Published by

Message-Chairman, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog, Govt. of India i
Message- DDG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR, New Delhi ii
Preface iii
Introduction 1-2
Central Government Schemes 3-8
Development Schemes of Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa 9-19
Best of Technologies for Animal Husbandry Sector 20-21
Mobile Apps and Portals for Animal Husbandry Sector 22-25
Important Institute /University for Animal Husbandry Sector 26-28
Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying,
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
DMS Complex (Administrative Block) Shadipur, New Delhi – 110008
Ph : 011-25871187, 011-25871107

डा. वल्लभभाई कथीरिया

चेयरमैन, राष्ट्रीय कामधेनु आयोग
Dr. Vallabhbhai Kathiria
Chairman, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog


Animal husbandry sector has assumed a much broader role in the Indian economy.
It is an integral part of India’s agricultural and rural economy, supplying energy for
crop production in terms of draught power, organic manure and diversifying
agriculture. This sector is the source of additional employment, especially for
marginal & small farmers and agricultural labourers by offering subsidiary
occupation. India is endowed with the largest livestock population in the world.
Government has promoted the business opportunities in animal husbandry sector
especially milch cattle animals and other subsidiaries. Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog is
working to explore the huge potential of indigenous Indian cows for socio-economic
development to make our country Atmanirbhar Bharat. A large amount of information
is available in offline and online media. To get acquainted with latest and running
schemes for animal husbandry sector has been compiled by ICAR-ATARI Pune, is a
commendable effort. I hope it will be useful for KVK officials and extension
functionaries especially working in animal husbandry sector and farmers at large
scale. I appreciate the efforts of the ATARI Pune and associated scientists to bring
out the e-publication ‘Developmental Schemes of Animal Husbandry Sector’.

28th November 2020 Vallabhbhai Kathiria

New Delhi Chairman, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog
Hkkjrh; d`f"k vuqla?kku ifj"kn
d`f"k vuqla?kku Hkou-1, iwlk, ubZfnYyh
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-1, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
Ph.: 91-11-25843277 (O), Fax: 91-11-25842968

डा. ए. के. स हिं

उपमहानिदे शक (कृषि प्रसार)
Dr. A.K. Singh
Deputy Director General (Agricultural Extension)


Livestock has been an important source of livelihood for small and marginal farmers. Various
cattle breeds and technologies have revolutionized the field of animal husbandry and milk
production in the country. The milk and value added products have boosted the agricultural
economy and developed as a source of alternate income apart from crop production. The
government has taken several steps for farmers to strengthen the animal husbandry sector.
Various ICAR institutes have developed a lot of need based and problem oriented
technologies on various cattle such as cow, buffalo, poultry, mithun, yak etc. ICAR-ATARI
Pune has compiled different Developmental Schemes of Animal Husbandry Sector in
electronic form. It provides information about various national schemes, states schemes, best
of technologies related to animal husbandry sector and information on various useful mobile
apps and portal for knowledge management. I hope this e-publication will be helpful for the
KVK experts and extension personnel working in the field of animal husbandry. I
complement the Director, ATARI Pune and associated team for this endevour.

28th November 2020 A.K. Singh

New Delhi DDG (Agril Extension)
ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Pune
Collage of Agriculture Campus, Shivajinagar

Dr. Lakhan Singh

Director, ICAR-ATARI, Pune

This e-publication on “Developmental Schemes of Animal Husbandry Sector” has been
designed to provide information on new developmental schemes related to different
sectors of animal husbandry. In this e-publication various central government schemes
such as Rashtriya Gokul Mission, National Animal Disease Control Programme,
Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme, Quality Milk Programme, Livestock
insurance Scheme etc. have been compiled.

Various states schemes of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa have been compiled for easy
access at one stop. This e-publication also contains some other important information on
best of technologies such as Feed block Making Machine, Area Specific Mineral mixture
and other useful technologies have been compiled for animal husbandry sector. Various
mobile apps and portal for effective knowledge management for also included in this
book, such as e-Gopala App, E-PashuHaat, Bufelth, Bhains Poshahar (Buffalo
Nutrition) App, IVRI-Animal Reproduction App, Organic Livestock Farming etc. have
been compiled.

I express my gratitude to Dr A.K. Singh, DDG (Agril Extension), ICAR, New Delhi for
his kind guidance and constant support for organizing such interface meetings and
bringing out e-publications. Both ADGs Dr. V.P. Chahal and Dr. Randhir Singh deserve
special thanks for extending whole hearted support at every moment. I appreciate the
efforts of Dr. Kiran Bhilegaonkar, Head, Research Station, ICAR-IVRI, Pune; Dr.
Ravindra Singh, Head, KVK, Kolhapur-II; Mr. Sunil Kumar, SMS, KVK, Kolhapur-II;
Dr. S.V. Sonune, KVK, Jalna-I; Mr Prashant Shete, Head, KVK, Pune-II; Mr. Tadvi,
FR, SMS, KVK, Jalna-II for their contribution. Shri J. Mathew, AAO; Mr Munish
Ganti, AF&AO, Mr. Vinod Jadhav, KVK, Pune-II and Ms Vaibhavi are duly
acknowledged for their sustained help.

I acknowledge the support of Senior Research Fellow (Ms Pallavi Palve, Ms Komal
Shinde, Mrs Priyanka Shinde, Deepak Naikwade); Mrs Manjusha, YP-II and Mr
Avinash Sudrik, DeO. I hope the e-publication will be useful to the KVK officials and
extension workers working in the field of animal husbandry.

28 November, 2020 Lakhan Singh

Pune Director, ICAR-ATARI, Pune
Chapter 1

Indian livestock sector predominantly small and marginal farmers who plays crucial role in
agricultural development. The share of livestock in agricultural sector GDP growth has been
increasing as compared to crop production sector in the recent past. Livestock sector
contributes about 6 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product and 25 per cent to the
Agricultural Gross Domestic Product.

As per the 20th Livestock census, an increase of 4.6 per cent over the Livestock census 2012.
Total Bovine population is 302.79 million in 2019 which shows an increase of 1.0 per cent
over the previous census. The total number of cattle in the country is 192.49 million in 2019
showing an increase of 0.8 per cent. The female Cattle (Cows population) is increased by
18.0 per cent.

The Indigenous/Non-descript female cattle population has increased by 10 per cent in 2019.
The population of the total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle has increased by 26.9 per cent in 2019.
There is a decline of 6 per cent in the total Indigenous (both descript and non-descript) Cattle
population (Paturkar, 2019).

Farmers from Indian livestock sector have faced many problems related to information of
various schemes and policy changes. Various schemes have been implemented by central as
well as state government time to time basis. Most of the programmes have been implemented
successfully by the government.

Sustainable rapid growth and development in this sector can only be ensured if the livestock
owners, service providers, veterinarians and planners become knowledge based and acquire
the ability to absorb, assimilate and adopt developments in the veterinary sciences and related
technologies (Planning Commission, 2002-07).

Efforts have been taken by ICAR institutes, State Agricultural Universities, Veterinary
departments and KVKs all over India. Most of the government schemes have been
implemented by ministry of animal Husbandry and dairying, government of India in full
fledged manner. Many of the commodity based cooperatives have build their way in this field
and made a distinct identity. AMUL is one of the successful examples of this effort.

Under the umbrella scheme of Aatmnirbhar Bharat, government has made a huge investment
on animal husbandry and fisheries sector. In line with Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus
package, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has now allotted whopping Rs15,000cr
for setting up of Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF).
Beneficiaries of this package would be Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), MSMEs,
Section 8 Companies, Private Companies and individual entrepreneur.

Further, the cabinet has announced to set up Credit Guarantee Fund of Rs750cr which will be
managed by NABARD. Cabinet adds credit guarantee would be provided to those sanctioned
projects which are covered under MSME defined ceilings. Guarantee Coverage would be up
to 25% of Credit facility of the borrower.

Such investments in processing and value addition infrastructure by eligible beneficiaries

would also promote exports. Since almost 50-60 per cent of the final value of dairy output in
India flows back to farmers, the growth in this sector can have a significant direct impact on
farmer's income.

Chapter 2
Central Government Schemes

1. Rashtriya Gokul Mission

Government has sanctioned funds under Rashtriya Gokul Mission for setting up of 21 Gokul
Grams as Integrated Cattle Development Centres. As of now, 4 Gokul grams (Varanasi,
Mathura, Patiala, and Phora) have been completed and work is under progress in remaining
17 Gokul grams.

Rashtriya Gokul Mission comprises of two components namely:

o The national program for bovine breeding and National mission for bovine productivity.
Underlying objectives of the Mission:
o Development and conservation of indigenous breeds in a focused and scientific manner.
o Undertake breed improvement program for indigenous cattle breeds so as to improve the
genetic makeup and increase the stock.
o Enhance milk production and productivity.
o Distribute disease free high genetic merit bulls for natural service.

Significant initiatives under Rashtriya Gokul Mission:

Awards for encouraging farmers/breeder societies to rear Indigenous breeds of bovines:

 Gopal Ratna awards: for farmers maintaining the best herd of Indigenous Breed and
practicing best management practices.
 Kamdhenu awards: for best managed Indigenous herd by Institutions/Trusts/ NGOs/
Gaushalas or best-managed Breeders‟ societies.
 Gokul Gram: The Rashtriya Gokul Mission envisages the establishment of integrated
cattle development centers, „Gokul Grams‟ to develop indigenous breeds including up to
40% nondescript breeds (belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind)
with objectives to:
 Promote indigenous cattle rearing and conservation in a scientific manner.
 Propagate high genetic merit bulls of indigenous breeds.
 Optimize modern farm management practices and promote common resource
 Utilize animal waste in an economical way i.e. cow dung, cow urine
 National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre: (NKBC) is being established as a Centre of
Excellence to develop and conserve Indigenous Breeds in a holistic and scientific
 “E-Pashu Haat”- Nakul Prajnan Bazaar: An e-market portal connecting breeders and
farmers, for quality- disease-free bovine germplasm.

 Pashu Sanjivni: An animal wellness program encompassing the provision of animal
health cards („Nakul Swasthya Patra‟) along with UID identification and uploading data
on National Database.
 Advanced Reproductive Technology: Including Assisted Reproductive Technique- In-
vitro Fertilization (IVF)/ Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) and sex-sorted
semen technique to improve the availability of disease-free female bovines.
 National Bovine Genomic Center for Indigenous Breeds (NBGC-IB) will be
established for selection of breeding bulls of high genetic merit at a young age using
highly precise gene-based technology.

Implementing Agency

 Rashtriya Gokul Mission is implemented through the “State Implementing Agency (SIA
viz Livestock Development Boards).
 State Gauseva Ayogs are given the mandate to sponsor proposals to the SIA‟s (LDB‟s)
and monitor implementation of the sponsored proposal.
 All Agencies having a role in indigenous cattle development will be the “Participating
Agencies” like ICAR, Universities, Colleges, NGO‟s, Cooperative Societies and

Other Schemes under Rashtriya Gokul Mission

Semen Station:
a. The state of the art facility has been established under Rashtriya Gokul Mission in
Purnea, Bihar with an investment of Rs. 84.27 crores.
b. It is one of the largest semen stations in the government sector with a production
capacity of 50 lakh semen doses per annum.
c. It will give a new dimension to development and conservation of indigenous breeds of
Bihar and meet the demand of semen doses of eastern and northeastern States.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) Laboratories:

d. Various IVF laboratories are being set up across the country through a 100% grant in
e. These labs are crucial for propagating elite animals of indigenous breeds and thereby
enhancing milk production and productivity manifold.

Use of Sex-sorted Semen in Artificial Insemination:

f. Through this method, only female calves can be produced (with more than 90%
accuracy) which will help double the growth rate of milk production in the country.

Demonstration of IVF Technology at Farmer's Doorstep:

g. It will propagate the technology for multiplication of high yielding animals at a faster
rate as through the use of technology, a female cattle can give birth to 20 calves in a

2. National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) for eradicating the foot and
mouth disease and brucellosis in livestock on.


 The programme aims to control the livestock diseases by 2025 and eradicate these by
 The programme aims at vaccinating over 500 million livestock including cattle, buffalo,
sheep, goats and pigs against the FMD.
 The programme also aims at vaccinating 36 million female bovine calves annually in its
fight against the brucellosis disease

Key features
The Programme has two components – to control the diseases by 2025 and eradication by
Funding: The project, which will cost ₹12,652 crores for a period of five years till 2024, will
be funded entirely by the government (100% centrally funded ).
Coverage: Under the „National Animal Disease Control Programme for FMD and
Brucellosis, funds for the component of Foot and Mouth Disease will be provided for control
of the disease for vaccination of the entire cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig population and
primary vaccination m calves (4-5 months of age), de-worming of livestock one month before
vaccination twice a year, establishment/strengthening of check post to control movement of
animals, awareness campaign which shall include hoardings, print materials, wall painting,
audio/video medium, leaflets, etc at Centre, State, District, Block and Village level, animal
identification by ear tagging and recording 1t in Animal Health Module of Information
Network for Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH)

 This programme combined with providing unique Pashu Aadhar to 535 million animals
(Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, and pig).
 Funds for the component „National Animal Disease Control Programme for Brucellosis‟
shall be provided for control of Brucellosis by vaccination of female calves (4 to 8
months of age) once in a lifetime
 It shall be ensured that at least 16.6% and 8 6% of the funds are targeted for Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribe farmers beneficiaries under Scheduled Caste Special
Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) respectively, as per directives of NITI Aayog

3. Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme (NAIP)

Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme for 20,000 bovine per district for 600 districts
in the country was recently launched by the Government in September, 2019 which is one of
the largest such programmes with 100% central assistance for undertaking breed
improvement. In future, this will be expanded across all the breedable bovine population of
600 districts so that India achieves 70% AI coverage.Under NAIP, more than 11 lakhs AI has
been done as on 31.12.2019.

4. RKVY stall feed 40 + 2 goat unit
To provide self-employment to the rural unemployed youth of the state. Establishment of stall
fed 40 + 2 goat unit on the basis of 50% subsidy. Under this scheme it is proposed to
distribute 40 doe + 2 buck unit on 50 % subsidy for stall-fed goats rearing to the beneficiaries
of the State. 40 goat + 2 buck units on 50 % subsidy will be distributed to the beneficiaries in
the all districts of Maharashtra State (except Mumbai and Mumbai Sub and DPAP Area) to
provide income generation avenues for the rural households.

Sr. Particulars Cost (Rs.)

1. Livestock purchases Doe – 40 and Buck- 2. 1,74.000/-
2. Construction of shed with fencing 77,000/-
3. Feeder and water trough 6,500/-
4. Deworming, deticking and mineral bricks. 2,200/-
5. Livestock Insurance with service charges 8,700/-
6 Silage bag OR silage tank 10,000/- 10,000/-
7. Chaff cutter 2 HP 17,500/-
8 Purchase of kit for conservation of poor quality fodder 2.100/-
in enrichs fodder, fodder seed, perennial grasses sets.
9. Training 2,000/-
Total cost 3,00,000/-
Subsidy (50%) 1,50,000/-
Beneficiary investment (50%) 1,50,000/-
Per unit cost 1,50,000/-
Total unit to establish 660
Total Cost (Rs. 1,50,000 x 660) 2,000/-
1% Administrative charges 9.90 Lakh
Total Project Cost 999.90 Lakh i.e. 10.00 Crore

5. Quality Milk Programme

DAHD launched Quality Milk Programme on 24.07.2019 with the objectives to achieve
Global (Codex) standards for domestic consumption of milk and ensuring traceability and
increasing share of milk and milk products in world exports.
In the first phase of the programme during 2019-20, approval has been granted for
strengthening of 231 dairy plants under “National Programme for Dairy Development”
scheme to equip them to detect adulterants in milk (Urea, maltodextrin, ammonium sulphate,
detergent, sugar, neutralisers etc.). FTIR technology based milk analyser (for accurate
detection and estimation of milk composition and adulterants) to 139 dairy plants of 30,000
litre capacities and above and 92 dairy plants below 30,000 litres capacity with electronic milk
analyser with adulteration testing equipment. In addition one each of State Central laboratory
for 18 States has been approved. The total cost of the project was Rs.271.64 crore. Out of this,
an amount of Rs.128.56 crore has been released to States as first instalment during 2019-20.
Once implemented in June 2020, all the cooperative dairy plants of the country will be able to
supply quality milk tested on all microbiological, chemical and physical parameters to their

6. Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) under Atma Nirbhar
Bharat Abhiyan
In pursuance of recently announced Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus package for
ensuring growth in several sectors, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved setting up of Animal Husbandry
Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) worth Rs. 15000 crore.
Government has been implementing several schemes for incentivizing the investment made
by dairy cooperative sector for development of dairy infrastructure. However, government
realizes that even MSMEs and Private companies also need to be promoted and incentivized
for their involvement in processing and value addition infrastructure. AHIDF would
facilitate much needed incentivisation of investments in establishment of such infrastructure
for dairy and meat processing and value addition infrastructure and establishment of animal
feed plant in the private sector. The eligible beneficiaries under the Scheme would be
Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), MSMEs, Section 8 Companies, Private Companies
and individual entrepreneur with minimum 10% margin money contribution by them. The
balance 90% would be the loan component to be made available by scheduled banks.
Government of India will provide 3% interest subvention to eligible beneficiaries. There
will be 2 years moratorium period for principal loan amount and 6 years repayment period
Government of India would also set up Credit Guarantee Fund of Rs. 750 crore to be
managed by NABARD. Credit guarantee would be provided to those sanctioned projects
which are covered under MSME defined ceilings. Guarantee Coverage would be upto 25%
of Credit facility of borrower.
There is huge potential waiting to be unlocked in investment through private sector. The
INR 15,000 cr. AHIDF and the interest subvention scheme for private investors will ensure
availability of capital to meet upfront investment required for these projects and also help
enhance overall returns/ pay back for investors. Such investments in processing and value
addition infrastructure by eligible beneficiaries would also promote export of these
processed and value added commodities.

Since, almost 50-60% of final value of dairy output in India flows back to farmers,
therefore, growth in this sector can have significant direct impact on farmer‟s income. Size
of dairy market and farmers‟ realization from milk sales is closely linked with development
of organized off-take by cooperative and private dairies. Thus, investment incentivization in
AHIDF would not only leverage 7 times private investment but would also motivate farmers
to invest more on inputs thereby driving higher productivity leading to increase in farmers
income. The measures approved today through AHIDF would also help in direct and
indirect livelihood creation for 35 lakh.

7. Others Central Govt. Schemes

Sr. Name of Schemes General Information

1. Livestock insurance  It aims to provide protection mechanism to the farmers and
Scheme cattle rearers against any eventual loss of animals due to
 The scheme also demonstrates the benefit of the insurance of
livestock to the people and popularizes it with the ultimate
goal of attaining qualitative improvement in livestock and
their products.
2. Godhan Nyay  Under the scheme, the Chhattisgarh government will
Yojana to boost purchase cow dung at the rate of Rs 2 per kg.
rural economy  This scheme will turn cow dung into a profitable commodity.
 The scheme also aims to make cow rearing economically
profitable and to prevent open grazing in the state, as well as
help with the problem of stray animals on roads and in urban
 The scheme will generate additional income and increase
employment opportunities.
 The government will procure cow dung and prepare
vermicompost in order to move towards organic farming.
 There is a huge market for organic farming. Vermicompost
will be sold by cooperative societies.
 Distribution of vermicompost fertilizer to farmers will be
done as a commodity loan by cooperative societies, banks.

Chapter 3
Development Schemes of Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa

2. A) State Scheme: Maharashtra

Sr. Name of the Project cost Subsidy

Project phase wise
No. scheme (Rs) (per cent)
1. Navinypuarn A) 06 Crossbred cows / buffaloes distribution Rs. 240000/- General
Scheme - - as per @ 40000/-, per animal cost 50%,
06/04/02 milch schedule
animal group Cattle shed (33X35 sq. foot) Rs. 30000/- cast and
distribution Automatic fodder cutting machine Rs. 25000/- schedule
scheme tribes 75
Shed for storing food Rs. 25000/- %
Insurance Rs. 15184/-
Total Rs. 335184/-
B) 04 Crossbred cows / buffaloes distribution Rs. 160000/-
- as per @ 40000/-, per animal cost
Insurance Rs. 10125/-
Total Rs. 170125/-
C) 02 Crossbred cows / buffaloes distribution Rs. 80000/-
- as per @ 40000/-, per animal cost
Insurance Rs. 5061/-
Total Rs. 85061/-
2. Navinypuarn 10 + 1 goat group rates (Osmanabadi / Rs.67000/- General
Scheme- Semi: Sangamneri breed per goat - Rs.6000/- and 50%,
Stallfed 10 male goat Rs. 7000/- ) schedule
goats and 1 cast and
Local breeds per goat - Rs. 4000/- and male Rs.45000/-
male goat group schedule
goat Rs.5000/-
distribution tribes 75
insurance 4 per cent of the cost of livestock Rs. 2957/- %
including service charges (Osmanabadi / Rs.1986/-
Sangamneri breeds per goat local breeds Per
Goat Wada Rs. 15750/-
(for 225 Sq. ft
Goat management Self
Feeding utensils and water pots Rs.1000/-
Health facilities and treatment Rs.1150/-
Total( For Osmanabadi / Sangamneri ) Rs.87857/-
Total local breeds Rs. 64886/-

3. Navinypuarn Bird shed, store room, electrification etc. Rs. 200000/- General
Scheme - 1000 50%,
starting poultry Equipment, food- water vessels, brooder Rs. 25000/- schedule
farming Total Rs. 225000/- cast and
(avocation) in schedule
Maharashtra Poor fodder process materials, seeds , Rs. 2100/- tribes 75
state by rearing saplings %
1000 broiler Training / Beneficiary Rs. 2000/-
Total Group cost Rs. 300000/-

2. B) Maharashtra: District Planning Committee Scheme (DPC)

Sr. Name of the Project phase wise Project cost Subsidy

No. scheme (Rs) (percent)
1. 02 Milch animals 02 crossbred cows / buffaloes distribution-as Rs. 85061 75 % Subsidy
group distribution per Rs. 40000/- and insurance
to District's
Schedule cast
2 Fooder supply to Supply of fodder for draught period to the In the form of 100 %
livestock milch animals distributed in government object
beneficiary for schemes or beneficiaries owns milch animals
draught (Bhakad) (crossbred cows/ buffaloes 190 kg and 225
milch animals of kg respectively, in pregnancy period 90 Kg.
Schedule cast feed 100 % Subsidy
3 Training to By giving training to schedule cast 3 Days Rs. 1000/- per
schedule cast beneficiaries regarding Animal Husbandry, training beneficiary
beneficiaries giving them the opportunity of self-
regarding Animal employment 3 days daily allowance and
Husbandry. travel allowance Rs.1000/- per beneficiary
4 10 Goats & 1 male 10 + 1 goat group rates (Osmanabadi / Rs. 71239/- 75 % subsidy
goat group Sangamneri breed per goat - Rs.6000/- and for schedule
distribution to the male goat Rs. 7000/- ) cast
beneficiaries of
schedule cast Local breeds per goat - Rs. 4000/- and male Rs. 47848/-
goat Rs.5000/-
5 Integrated Poultry Day old 100 chicks group distribution Rs.16000/- On 50 %
Development scheme subsidy for a
Scheme general. From
8 to 10 weeks age 25 pullets & 3 cocks Rs. 6000/- 50 % self-
group distribution scheme
bird shelter
6 Genetic Selection of high yielding/ producing cows Rs.5000/- 100 %
improvement /buffaloes of farmers to give priority to the Female calf Subsidy,
programme to breeding facility and give incentives to the Rs.25,000/-
increase the farmers male calf
productivity of purchase
cows / Buffaloes of
the state

7 Kamdhenu Village Selection of one village from the jurisdiction Rs.1,52,500/- 100 %
adoption scheme of dispensary/clinic and implementation of subsidy,
(Communal benefit the programme for the increase in milk Communal
scheme) production and fodder etc. benefit
8 Encouraging for 100 % subsidy limited to Rs.600/- per acre. Limited to 100 %
the development of Fodder seeds / Perennials fodder saplings Rs.600/- subsidy.
fodder. supply.

2. C) National Livestock Mission scheme under the centrally sponsored scheme

implemented by Maharashtra State

Sr. Name of the scheme According to the project phase Expenses (Rs) Subsidy
No. (percent)
1. Fodder seed For the production of Fodder Jowar -- 75 % subsidy
production, collection /Maize/Bajari/berseem/ lucern etc. from
and distribution certified seed production in order to Centrally
scheme distribute the seed of improved fodder Government
crops species to the farmers.
2. Fodder production Develop the Nan forest Rs. 30,000/- to 75 % subsidy
from Nan forest wasteland/rangelands/grassland/ Rs. 1,00,000/- from
wasteland/rangelands/ nonarable land & produce the legumes according to Centrally
grassland/non-arable & grasses. land type Government
3. Incentive for hand Distribution of hand driven chaff cutter Rs. 5000/- per 75 %,
driven chaff cutter machines according to the Indian unit Limited to
machine standard certification Rs. 3750/-
4. Incentive for power Distribution of power driven chaff Rs. 20000/- 50% Limite
driven chaff cutter cutter machines according to the Indian per unit d to Rs.
machine standard certification 10000/-
5. Establishment of Subsidy for the making of silage from Rs.50,000/- to 75% Central
silage making units the excess produce of green fodder in 1,00000/- per Share
rainy season unit maximum
6. Establishment of high Subsidy for the establishment of fodder Rs.150 lakh 50% Central
capacity fodder block block making unit from crop residue by per unit. Share
making units. modern technique which would useful maximum
in scarcity period. Rs.75 lakh
7. Distribution of low Subsidy for the establishment of fodder Rs.20 lakh per 50% Central
capacity tractor block making unit from crop residue by unit Share
mountable fodder modern technique which would useful maximum
block making units/ in scarcity period. Rs.10 lakh
Hay Bailing Machine/
Reaper/ Forage
8. Establishment of area Subsidy for the establishment of Area -- 25% Central
specific mineral Specific Mineral Mixture/Feed Share
mixture/feed Pelleting/Feed Manufacturing Unit. maximum
processing units. Rs.200 lakh

9. Establishment of Subsidy for the establishment of -- 25% Central
Bypass protein/fat Bypass protein making units. Share
Making units. maximum
Rs.200 lakh
10 To promote Backyard Distribution of 45 poultry birds of 4 To each 100 %
poultry rearing. week age group i 3 phases on 100 % mother unit
subsidy to the BPL beneficiaries of holder Rs. 50/-
backward District and for rearing Rs. per bird. After
1500/- per beneficiaries. In one mother distribution
unit 393 beneficiaries. Rs. 60,000/-

2. D) Maharashtra: Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Scheme

Sr. Name of the scheme Project phase wise Project Subsidy

No. cost (Rs) (per cent)
1. Poultry farming shed 3.75 x 2 Meter, (For 100 Rs. 40000/- Limited to Rs.
Poultry birds) 40000/-
2. Goat farming shed 3.75 x 2 Meter, (For 10 Rs. 35000/- Limited to Rs.
goats) 35000/-
3. In the sheds of cow / buffalo pucca 26.95 Sq. meter (For 06 Rs. 35000/- Limited to Rs.
bottom, crib, & tank for storage of milch animals) 35000/-
4. Supplementary feed for livestock / 2 x 2 x 0.2 Meter Rs. 2000/- Limited to Rs.
animals (Azola) 2000/-

2. E) Maharashtra: Disease Control Scheme

Sr. Name of the scheme Controlling officer Programme nature

1 National Rinderpest District Deputy Commissioner Rinderpest disease survey
Eradication programme Animal Husbandry
2 National Brucellosis District Deputy Commissioner Preventive vaccination of brucellosis in
Control Programme Animal Husbandry a female calf.
3 National Control District Deputy Commissioner Preventive vaccination of PPR in goats
Programme for PPR Animal Husbandry & sheep
4 National Animal Nodal officer, Disease To publish animal disease report.
Disease Reporting Investigation Section
5 Animal Disease Nodal officer, Disease Modernization of laboratory
Monitoring and Investigation Section
6 Western Region Disease Joint Commissioner Animal Laboratories, Wages and other
Diagnosis Laboratory Husbandry Disease Investigation
7 Disease-free zone of District Deputy Commissioner Preventive vaccination of Foot &
Foot and Mouth Disease Animal Husbandry Mouth Disease in Cattle &Buffaloes .

8 ASCAD 1. District Deputy Commissioner 1. Important Diseases Vaccination
Animal Husbandry 2. Vets, Paravets Training
2. Joint Commissioner Animal 3. Strengthening of Regional Disease
Husbandry Disease Investigation Investigation laboratory
Section 4. Survey of diseases and make
3. Joint Commissioner Animal forecasts
Husbandry Disease Investigation 5. To organize information, public
Section information rallies.
4. Nodal officer, Disease
Investigation Section
5. District Deputy Commissioner
Animal Husbandry

State Scheme: Gujarat

1. Compensation for Accidental Animal Death Scheme
Animal Husbandry is a subsidiary to agriculture for helping poor farmers. There are certain
conditions like anthrax, bird flu, rabies, food poisoning, chemical poisoning, snake bite cases.
There is no provision to give any assistance to the animal owner for death of their livestock
due to aforesaid reasons. In such conditions animal owners lose their animals and livelihood
also. So that in these conditions the animal owner can purchase the replacement of his lost
animal and continue his income generation. So the relief assistance per animal proposed as
 Cow: 16,400/- (maximum 2 animals/Family.)
 Buffalo: 16,400/-(maximum 2 animals/Family.)
 Bullock: 15,000/-(maximum 2 animals/Family.)
 Calves/Heifers (Above six months)
 Donkey, Pony, Khachchar: 10,000/-(maximum 2 animals/Family.)
 Sheep/Goat (Adults): 1650/-(maximum 100 animals/Family.)
 Camel and Horse (Adults): 15,000/-(maximum 2 animals/Family.)
 Poultry/Ducks (Adults) : 37/-(maximum 40 birds/Family. MaximumRs. 400/Family)

2. Milk Yield Competition Scheme

 This scheme is meant for giving prizes to encourage the owners of high milk producing
animals in the state by arranging state level milk yield competition. Under this competition in
each breed of Cattle and Buffalos. Only for Gir and Kankrej Cattle 1st Prize of Rs.51,000/-
and for remaining breeds 1st Prize of Rs.25,000/- 2nd Prize of Rs.20,000/- 3rd Prize of
Rs.15,000/- and runner up Would be distributed to the tune of Rs.5000/-in each case by the
state Government. Consolation prizes of Rs.1000/- are also distributed to the each entry of
The main objectives of this scheme are:
1. Identify and locate availability of good quality and high milk producing milk animals for
breeding purpose.

2. To educate Cattle owners for rearing the cattle in scientific manner and to make awareness
and encourage Livestock owner to keep good high yield animal for the year.

3. Scheme for subsidy on interest for establishment of 1 to 20 milch animal farm

Dairy farming is an important source of constant subsidiary income. The small and poor
farmers can purchase 1 to 20 animals as per their need and capacity to maintain. If any bank
recognized by Indian Reserve Bank sanction loan for any dairy animal cow & buffalo, the
beneficiary can gets interest subsidy @ 12 % interest on bank loan amount ( as per unit cost
of NABARD guide line). It also provides a good quality organic manure for improving crop
fertility and crop yields. Dung is also used as fuel for domestic purposes. The surplus fodder
agricultural by products are utilized by animals and converted into value add products viz.
milk, meat etc.

4. Poultry Development
 To improve socio-economic status of the poultry farmers and provide nutritious food to
people of society, for same government encourages poultry farming through Various
schemes like 25 R.I.R. birds unit, 40 R.I.R. birds unit to Divyangand100 broiler unit.
 Poultry rearing Training with Rs.2000/- stipend is also provided to the farmers interested
in Poultry.
 To provide poultry feed to poultry farmers at reasonable rate, poultry feed manufacturing
units are setup and also provide technical facilities like vaccination, treatment, debeaking
 These schemes are implemented by Intensive Poultry Development Blocks (IPDB),
Poultry Extension/Demonstration Centers and Poultry Service Centers.

5. Poultry Development Schemes for Individual Beneficiaries

 Subsidy Scheme on establishment of 25 R.I.R. birds unit for Weaker Section
 Stipend Scheme for Poultry Farming Training for Weaker Section
 Subsidy Scheme on establishment of 25 R.I.R. bird unit for Schedule Caste
 Stipend Scheme for Poultry Farming Training for Schedule Caste
 Subsidy Scheme for establishment of 100 broiler bird farm for Schedule Caste
 Subsidy Scheme on establishment of - 25 Kadaknath / RIR Unit to Scheduled Tribes
 Stipend Scheme for Scheduled Tribes - Poultry Training Stipend
 Subsidy Scheme on establishment of 40 R.I.R. birds unit for Divyang People
 Stipend Scheme for Poultry Farming Training for Divyang People

Subsidy Schemes of Gujarat State
2. F) Special Component Plan Schemes
Sr. Name of Schemes Eligible Scheme information Contact office for
No. candidate detailed information
/ Institute
1 Milk Enhancement Scheduled Free health package supply First Aid Veterinary
Program for Milch Caste consisting – F.M.D. Vaccine, Centre, Veterinary
Animals People De-worming, Mineral mixer Dispensary, Veterinary
Total value Rs. 500/- Policlinic
2 Assistance for Scheduled Round wheel chaff-cutter Rs First Aid Veterinary
Round wheel Chaff- Caste 1000/- Portable Manger centre, Veterinary
cutter People Rs.1000/- Cattle Shed Rs. Dispensary
10000/- to each beneficiary
3 Assistance on Scheduled 75% subsidy in a form of asset Intensive Poultry
establishment of 25 Caste 25 RIR birds is given. Total unit Development Project
RIR birds' Unit People cost -4000/- & subsidy value Rs. Office, District Poultry
3000/- Extension Centre
4 Assistance for Scheduled 75% subsidy in the form of Intensive Poultry
establishment of 100 Caste amount. Total unit cost -24000/- Development Project
Broiler birds' Unit People & subsidy value Rs. 18000/- Office, District Poultry
Extension Centre
5 Scheme to give Scheduled Considering Rs. 75/- per day, Rs. Intensive Poultry
stipend on Caste 450/- for 6 days as Daily Development Project
completion of six People allowance and Rs. 60/- as to & Office, District Poultry
days' poultry fro transport fare with the Extension Centre
management maximum total stipend Rs. 510/-
6 Assistance for Scheduled Assistance of Rs. 20000/- (50%) Veterinary Dispensary,
establishment of Caste is given against the Unit cost of District Panchayat
Goat Unit (10 People Rs.40000/- Office (Pashupalan
Female + 1 Male) Branch)

2. G) Tribal Area Sub Plan Schemes

Sr. Name of Schemes Eligible Scheme information Contact office for
No. candidate / detailed information
1 Assistance for Scheduled Free supply of improved variety First Aid Veterinary
fodder Minikits Tribe fodder seeds Centre, Veterinary
Farmers Dispensary
2 Assistance for Scheduled 50% of actual cost or maximum First Aid Veterinary
fodder Round Tribe Rs. 1000/- is given as subsidy Centre, Veterinary
wheel Chaff-cutter Farmers on purchase of Round wheel Dispensary
3 Assistance on Scheduled 75% subsidy in a form of asset Intensive Poultry
establishment of 25 Tribe 25 RIR birds is given. Total Development Project
RIR birds' Unit Farmers unit cost -4000/- & subsidy Office, District Poultry
value Rs. 3000/- Extension centre.
4 Assistance to Scheduled Assistance in a form of asset Veterinary Dispensary,
weaker section for Tribe People Rabbits (3 Female + 1 Male) District Panchayat
establishment of and cage Office (Pashupalan
Rabbit unit Branch)

2. H) Women Schemes

Sr. Name of Schemes Eligible Scheme information Contact office for

No. candidate / detailed information
1 Assistance for poultry Women 50% subsidy in a form Intensive Poultry
unit of 25 RIR birds beneficiary of asset 25 Ducks is Development Project
given. Total subsidy Office, District
value Rs. 900/- Poultry Extension
2 Assistance for 100 Women 50% subsidy value Intensive Poultry
broiler birds unit beneficiary Rs.15580/- Development Project
Office, District
Poultry Extension

2. I) General Category Schemes

Sr. Name of Schemes Eligible Scheme information Contact office for

No. candidate / detailed information
1 Assistance for fodder General Category Free supply of First Aid Veterinary
Minikit improved variety Centre, Intensive
fodder seeds Cattle Development
Project Centre,
Veterinary Dispensary
2 Assistance for Round General Category 50% of actual cost or First Aid Veterinary
wheel Chaff-cutter maximum Rs. 1000/- Centre, Veterinary
is given as subsidy on Dispensary
purchase of round
wheel chaff-cutter

2. State Scheme: Goa

2. J) Kamdhenu Scheme (SUDHARIT)

Government has introduced Kamdhenu scheme (Sudharit) strictly based upon the
applicant fulfilling the following conditions:-
 The applicant has to be bonafide resident of Goa for atleast 05 years.
 Shall possess a Pucca cattle shed with cement flooring for housing the animals
proposed to be reared.
 Undertake to strictly stall feed the animals and not allow open grazing.
 New entrants should compulsorily undergo two week practical training on
Government Farms.

To begin with and in order to accelerate at fast pace the daily milk production in the
state the scheme is intended to be implemented with full zeal throughout the state and
create special milk producing pockets called 'Dudh Gram Villages'.
The Dudh Gram Villages shall be carved out, based on their records of supply of
maximum milk produced in a year and supplied to the Goa Milk Producers' Union. The
concept is to target these groups and attain faster results in these Villages/Gram
Panchayats to be declared as Dudh Gram in the implementation of Milk Policy for the
State with the intention of giving special attention in the policy and programme

Objectives of the Scheme:-

The main objectives of the scheme is
 To help the farmers to get financial assistance for the purchase of Cross bred
Cows and Improved She Buffaloes for his Dairy Unit.
 To promote self-employment in the Dairy Sector.
 To boost the milk production in the State and to make state self-sufficient.
 To strengthen the Dairy Co-operative movement in the State.
 To ensure sustainability and provide improved income and livelihood.
 To also encourage the schedule tribe and schedule caste communities.
 To create employment in the State.

No of animals SUBSIDY
General SC/ST/Dhangar
Amount (In Rs) % Amount (In Rs) %
1 to 5 (Grade A) 56000 80% 63000 90%
6 to 10 (Grade B) 56000 80% 63000 90%
11 to 20 (Grade C) 35000 50% 52500 75%
21 & above (Grade D) 28000 40% 35000 50%

2. K) Scheme For Cattle Feed Subsidy

 To encourage the farmers to go in dairy business & make it more lucrative which will
help to increase the local milk production.
 To encourage the youth to take up dairy as a business.
 The scheme is prepared with the objectives of making the State self sufficient in milk

 The scheme applies to all the milk producers from Goa State who are members of the
Dairy Co-op. Society.
 The dairy farmer has to register his dairy farm with the Department of Animal Husbandry
& Veterinary Services through the respective Veterinary Hospital in prescribed format.
 Farmer should be bonafide resident of Goa for at least preceding 5 years, own cattle shed
with milch animals, in the state of Goa and registered with a Dairy Co-operative Society
in the state of Goa and produce his own milk. Milk should be produced at the
beneficiary's Dairy Farm & not by procuring milk from others.
 The incentive shall apply to the milk produced and supplied to the Goa State Co-
operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. or any other Dairy Union authorised by the State
Government, by the members of the various registered Dairy Co-op. Societies in the state
of Goa.

Farmers shall be paid @ 7.72% of the cost of milk supplied to the Goa State Co-operative
Milk Producers' Union Ltd. or any other Dairy Union in the state authorised by the State
Government, by the members of the various registered Dairy Co-op. Societies in the state of
Goa, as feed subsidy.

2. L) Pashupalan Scheme
Breeding And Rearing of Cows/Buffaloes/Calves Scheme


Objectives :

The main Objectives of the scheme are as follows:

 To encourage the cross breeding of cows and buffaloes.

 To encourage rearing of cross-bred calves & improved buffalo calves from birth to 27
 To encourage and uplift the S.C and S.T. community.
 To improve & sustain the productivity of cattle & buffalo through use of Artificial
Insemination practices.
 To assist the farmer financially in stall feeding the local animals & rearing of the cross-
bred calves & improved buffalo calves purchased alongwith the Kamdhenu animals.
 To indirectly reduce the menace of stray cattle.


 All farmers availing the Artificial Insemination facility for cattle and buffalo and
registered with the local Government Veterinary Services.

 All farmers irrespective of their financial status.

 All the farmers having cross-bred female calves and improved buffalo female calves
either born out of A.I. or calves born to existing cows and buffaloes or bought along with
animals under Kamdhenu Scheme or Western Ghat Scheme or Modern Dairy
Scheme/purchased locally

Age of Calf Anticipated expenditure (in Rs) Subsidy component (in Rs)
1 - 3 months 7,500/- 5,625/-
4 - 6 months 3,500/- 2,625/-
7 - 9 months 4,500/- 3,375/-
10 - 12 months 4,500/- 3,375/-
13 - 15 months 6,400/- 4,800/-
16 - 18 months 6,400/- 4,800/-
19 - 21 months 6,400/- 4,800/-
22 - 24 months 6,400/- 4,800/-
25 - 27 months 7,200/- 5,400/-

2. M) Dairy Kit Scheme (Scheme for Tribal & Scheduled Caste families)

 To provide assistance to the backward classes.
 To provide equipment and utensils to help in the Dairy farming.
 To encourage the tribal population, Scheduled Caste to go in for Animal
Husbandry activities.

 The proposed beneficiaries/Farmer should have at least one milch animal (Local
 Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificates from Sarpanch or Mamlatdar.
 Xerox copy of Ration Card duly certified by gazette Officer.

Chapter 4
Best of Technologies for Animal Husbandry Sector

Some of the technologies for animal husbandry are as follows:

S.N. Description of Technologies

1. Compressed complete feed block (CCFB)
Suitable amount of complete feed mixture consisting
of wheat straw, molasses, crushed maize, deoiled
groundnut meal, mineral mixture, salt and vitablend
fed into compaction chamber of the machine and
compressed at 250 kg/cm2 pressure to form CCFB.
The CCFB containing partial roughage and wheat
bran can meet the requirement of growthup to 400-
500 g/day in buffaloes and can reduce transportation
cost and scarcity of feeds in developing countries.
2. Animal Feed Block Making Machine
The feed block making machine designed and
developed at CIRG makes blocks of size 12cm x
12cm x 8cm and the average weight of the blocks
was 850gm. In complete feed block the roughage
contents varies from 40 to 50% for growing animals
and 70 to 80% for dry animals. The cost of block
making is approximately Rs.34/- per quintal. The
capacity of the machine is 120-160kg/hour.
3. Area specific mineral mixture
NDRI has formulated area specific mineral mixtures
after studying the status of various minerals in
different areas. There are two types of formulations of
mineral mixture, one is with salt and the other is
without salt. It should be mixed in the concentrate
mixture @ 2kg per 100 kg (without salt) and @ 3
kg/100 kg (with salt) or can be supplemented @ 50 g
per day per adult animal mixed in feed.
4. Mineral Mixture for Sheep and Goat
Small ruminants like sheep and goat have specific
mineral requirements which is quite different from the
large ruminants. Depending on the mineral
requirement of sheep and goat, their feeding habitat,
mineral status of feeds and fodders used in feeding
practice and most limiting minerals, specific mineral
mixture formulations were prepared for sheep and
goat. These formulations were tested in sheep and
goat in organised farms and found to improve growth
and health. Results have shown better weight gain,
low mortality and higher immune status in animals
supplemented with mineral mixture.

5. Elisa based diagnostic kits for effective control of
brucellosis and johne’e diseases in goats
Diagnosis is the most crucial aspect for effective
control of diseases. CIRG has developed immune-
diagnostics for timely detection of brucellosis and
Johne’s disease (JD) in goats. Boththe diseases cause
considerable economic losses. Brucellosis causes
abortions, still births and diminished levels of milk
production. JD is associated with chronic loss in body
weight. The use of JD diagnostic helped in
minimizing the incidence of the disease to a minimal
level in the goat flocks.
6. Jamunapari
Jamunapari- The Pride Goat of India, is large dual
purpose breed commonly found in UP in between
Jamuna, Ganga and Chambal river.
Average adult weight of male and female is 45-50 kg
and 40-45 kg respectively. Average milk yield is 1.50
– 2.00 kg / day with a total lactation yield of 280 kg
in a lactation period of 270 days. The fat content of
milk ranges from 5.2 to 7.8 percent. Average growth
was recorded to be 70 -75 g / day. Single birth is very
common and twin birth is less observed. Litter size at
birth is single 70 % while twins 30 %. They kid twice
in a period of 18 months.
8. Vanaraja
 A dual-purpose poultry variety developed for free
range poultry farming in rural and tribal areas.
 These birds feed on kitchen waste, natural
vegetation and insects like country birds and do not
require any commercial feed. They are hardy and
suited for rearing under harsh conditions.
 The birds have multi colored feathers and lay
brown eggs with an adult body weight of 1.8 to 2.0
Kg for males at 12 weeks of age. The annual egg
production is about 100-110 eggs in free range
9. Kits for FMD Diagnosis
Type-FMD kit
For Foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV)serotyping
in clinical samples. It was developed by Project
Directorate on Foot and Mouth DiseaseMukteswar,
Nainital, Uttarakhand.

Chapter 5
Mobile Apps and Portals for Animal Husbandry Sector

Mobile Apps and Portals

Sr. Name of Mobile Apps/Portal General Information

a) It is a comprehensive breed improvement
1 e-Gopala App marketplace and information portal for direct use
of farmers.
b) It will provide solutions on the aspects of:
c) Managing livestock including buying and selling
of disease-free germplasm in all forms (semen,
embryos, etc.).
d) Availability of quality breeding services
(Artificial Insemination, veterinary first aid,
vaccination, treatment, etc.).
e) Guiding farmers for animal nutrition and
treatment of animals using appropriate ayurvedic
medicine/ethnoveterinary medicine.
f) Providing a mechanism to send alerts and inform
farmers about various government schemes and
campaigns in the area.
a) This is an online portal and farmers do not need to
2 E-PashuHaat run from one place to another to get the livestock
they want. With this portal farmers from one state
can trade with the farmers from another state.
b) There is a home delivery provision under this
portal. Farmers who are buying livestock from the
portal can get them at their doorstep without
going anywhere.
c) At present there is no organised market for the
livestock or daily animals. This web portal will be
the first organised livestock market for the
a) Bufelth is an educational mobile app, designed
3 Bufelth and developed by ICAR-CIRB, Hisar to impart
knowledge and as a guide for buffalo owners,
VLDA and graduating veterinarians.
b) The App provides basic information on different
areas of buffalo health by dividing the whole
content into six distinct segments.
c) The major areas and sub areas covered are; Basics
of buffalo health management (Signs of sound
animal health, General considerations for animal
examination, Precautions during collection,
preservation and dispatch of samples for disease

d) The App is presently available in Hindi and
English languages with voice facility. Complete
App content has audio backup with download
4 Bhains Poshahar (Buffalo a) Buffalo Poshahaar is an educational mobile app,
Nutrition) App designed and developed by ICAR-CIRB, Hisar to
impart knowledge and as a guide for buffalo
owners VLDA and graduating veterinarians.
b) The App provides basic information on different
areas of buffalo nutrition by dividing the whole
content into six distinct segments. The major
areas and sub areas covered are;, Buffalo feed
management (balanced ration, feed management
according to different physiological stages of
buffaloes, importance of salt & drinking water,
preparation of low cost concentrate mixture,
mineral mixture, complete feed block). Fodder
management and conservation (green fodder
production, hay & silage making at small scale),
Calf feed management (colostrum feeding , calf
weaning, calf milk replacer, calf starter),
Common nutritional deficiency /metabolic
diseases (milk fever/parturient paresis / post
parturient hypoglycaemia, ketosis,downer
syndrome),Toxicity or poisoning in animals.
c) The App is presently available in Hindi and
English languages. Complete App content has
audio backup with download facility.

a) Buffalo Reproduction is an educational mobile

5 Bhains Janan (Buffalo app, designed and developed by ICAR-CIRB,
Reproduction) App Hisar to impart knowledge for buffalo owners and
also a guide for VLDA and graduating
veterinarians. The App provides basic information
on different areas of buffalo reproduction by
dividing the whole content into seven distinct
segments with frequently asked questions and
b) The major areas covered are; targets of
reproduction, puberty and sexual maturity, heat
symptoms and breeding methods, pregnancy
diagnosis, peripartum care, bull selection and
management for breeding. Special emphasis has
been given by covering eleven major reproductive
problems commonly found in buffaloes
emphasizing on causes, preventive and control
measures on each problem/disorder separately
with unique photographs.
c) The App is presently available in Hindi and
English languages.Complete App content has
audio backup with download facility.

a) Animal Reproduction App, designed and
6 IVRI-Animal Reproduction
App developed by ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, & IASRI,
New Delhi is targeted to impart knowledge and
act as a ready reckoner for the graduating
veterinarians, veterinary officers and livestock
entrepreneurs about reproductive problems in
cattle and buffaloes and measures to treat and
control them.
b) The major reproductive diseases /disorders
covered in the App are Anoestrus, Repeat
Breeding, Silent Estrus, Uterine Torsion,
Dystocia, Abortion, Uterine Prolapse, Retention
of Foetal Membranes, Metritis, Brucellosis,
Campylobacteriosis and IBR – IPV.
c) The App additionally provides basic information
on Artificial Insemination in cattle and buffaloes.
d) The App is presently available in Hindi, English,
Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil,
Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam and Kannada
7 IVRI-Artificial Insemination a) This app provide information on Artificial
Insemination in cattle and buffalos

8 Organic Livestock Farming a) Organic livestock production is an emerging

alternative to the intensive conventional livestock
production systems, which is based on the
development of harmonious relationship among
soil, plants, animals and humans.
b) It has been developed by ICAR-Indian Veterinary
Research Institute Izatnagar to cater to this
growing information need of stakeholders at
different levels. This application provide the

information on Organic Farming System in
general and organic livestock production in
particular which include characteristics of Ideal
organic Farm and requirements of Feeding,
Breeds & Breeding, Health Care, Record
Keeping, management Practices, Animal Welfare,
Organic Livestock production in relation to Public
Health, Certification & certification Standards,
Organic Agriculture Scenario in India and steps
involved in setting up of a Livestock Dairy Farm.
This application will work for android API
version 15 to 27 i.e. it can work properly for
Android Jelly Bean user to Android Oreo users.
9 IVRI Dairy Manager App  It gives information about management practices
for farmers and animals.

10 IVRI-Vaccination Guide  The IVRI-Vaccination Guide App designed and

developed by ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, UP &
IASRI, New Delhi is targeted to impart
knowledge and skills to Graduating Veterinarians,
Field Veterinary Officers, Paravets, Livestock,
Poultry & Pet Owners about vaccination in
domestic animals, poultry and pets.

Chapter 6
Important Institute /University for Animal Husbandry Sector

Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog

Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog begins nationwide campaign to celebrate “Kamdhenu
Deepawali Abhiyan” – Promoting extensive use of cow-dung/ Panchgavya products
this Diwali Festival.

RKA aims reaching 11 crore families to ignite 33 crore Diyas made of cow -dung
during this year‟s Deepawali festival.

Significance of the campaign

1. Apart from generating business opportunities for thousands of cow -based

entrepreneurs/farmers, the use of cow-dung products will lead to a cleaner and
healthier environment.
2. By providing an environmentally friendly alternative to Chinese made Diyas, the
campaign will boost the „Make in India‟ vision also.

About the RashtriyaKamdhenu Aayog:

Constituted in 2019, the Aayog is a high powered permanent apex advisory body with
the mandate to help the Central Government to develop appropriate programmes for
conservation, sustainable development and genetic upgradation of indigenous br eeds
of cows.
It comes under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.

Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog will function as an integral part of Rashtriya Gokul



1. Review existing laws, policies as well as suggest measures for optimum economic
utilization of cow wealth for enhanced production and productivity, leading to
higher farm income and better quality of life for the dairy farmers.
2. Advise and guide the Central Government and State Governments on policy
matters concerning conservation, protection, development and welfare of cows and
their progeny.
3. Promote schemes to encourage the use of organic manure and recommend suitable
measures including incentive schemes for use of dung or urine of cow in organic
manure by farmers to minimize the use of chemical fertilizers.
4. Make provisions for solutions to the problems related to abandoned cows in the
country by providing technical inputs to Gaushalas, Gosadans and pinjarapoles.
5. Develop pastures or grazing lands and to associate with institutions or other bodies
whether private or public, for the purpose of developing pastures and Gauchars.

List of Institute /University
Deemed Universities
1. National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal, Haryana
2. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar. Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
National Institute
3. Central Avian Research Institute, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
4. Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana
5. Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
6. Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
7. Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Rajasthan
8. National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology , Bengaluru, Karnataka
9. ICAR-National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases, Bhopal
10. National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics, Hebbal,
Bengaluru Karnataka
10. National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal, Haryana
National Research Centres
14. National Research Centre on Camel, Bikaner, Rajasthan
15. National Research Centre on Equines, Hisar, Haryana
16. National Research Centre on Meat, Uppal, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
17. National Research Centre on Mithun, Jharnapani, Nagaland
18. National Research Centre on Pig, Rani, Guwahati
19. National Research Centre on Yak, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh
20. Directorate of Poultry Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, AP
Project Directorates
21. Project Directorate on Foot and Mouth Disease, Mukteshwar, Uttarakhand
Veterinary & Animal Science Universities
1. Bihar Animal Sciences University
2. Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya, Anjora, Durg-491001, Chhattisgarh
3. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Firozpur Road,
Ludhiana-141004, Punjab
4. Kamdhenu University,Karmayogi Bhavan, Block-1, B1-wing,4th Floor,Room
No.414, Sector-10-A, Gandhinagar-382010
6. Karnataka Veterinary, Animal & Fisheries Sciences University, PB No 6,
Nandinagar, Bidar-585401, Karnataka
7. Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode, Lakkidi P.O.,
Wayanand-673576, Kerala
8. Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Hisar, Haryana
9. Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Seminary Hills, Nagpur-440006,
10. Madhya Pradesh Pashu-Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya, South Civil Lines,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh-482001
11. Nanaji Deshmukh Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishvavidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya
12. Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University,Admn. Office:
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030
13. Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bijey Bhavan Place Complex

(Pt Deen Dayal circle) Bikaner-334006
14. Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Regional Library Building, Tirupati-
517502, Andhra Pradesh
15. Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Madhavaram Milk Colony,
Chennai-600051, Tamil Nadu
16. UP Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Evam
Go Anusandhan Sansthan,Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
17. West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 68 KB Sarani, Kolkata-
700037 West Bengal


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