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2022 ACOG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis

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Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis

Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines–Gynecology. This Clinical Practice Guideline was developed by the
ACOG Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines–Gynecology in collaboration with JoAnn V. Pinkerton, MD; David Chelmow,
MD; and Catherine T. Witkop, MD, MPH.

PURPOSE: To provide updated evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of postmenopausal

TARGET POPULATION: Postmenopausal patients with primary osteoporosis.
METHODS: This guideline was developed using an a priori protocol in conjunction with a writing team consisting of
two specialists in obstetrics and gynecology appointed by the ACOG Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines–
Gynecology and one external subject matter expert. ACOG medical librarians completed a comprehensive literature
search for primary literature within Cochrane Library, Cochrane Collaboration Registry of Controlled Trials, EMBASE,
PubMed, and MEDLINE. Studies that moved forward to the full-text screening stage were assessed by two authors from
the writing team based on standardized inclusion and exclusion criteria. Included studies underwent quality
assessment, and a modified GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation)
evidence-to-decision framework was applied to interpret and translate the evidence into recommendation statements.
RECOMMENDATIONS: This Clinical Practice Guideline includes updated recommendations on who should receive
osteoporosis pharmacotherapy, the benefits and risks of available pharmacotherapy options, treatment monitoring and
follow-up, and the role of calcium and vitamin D in the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Recommendations are classified by strength and evidence quality. Ungraded Good Practice Points are included to
provide guidance when a formal recommendation could not be made because of inadequate or nonexistent evidence.

INTRODUCTION Since publication of the American College of Obste-

Osteoporosis is a common generalized skeletal disorder tricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Osteoporosis Prac-
tice Bulletin in 2012, there have been advances in the
characterized by low bone mineral density (BMD) and loss of
treatment of osteoporosis, including the use of drug hol-
bone mass, microarchitectural deterioration, and a decline in
idays from bisphosphonates to possibly decrease rare
bone quality, which increase vulnerability to fracture (1). It is a adverse effects and the development of new medications
silent disease until a fracture occurs. Approximately 71% of to help provide more targeted treatment. The purpose of
osteoporotic fractures in people aged 50 years and older this Clinical Practice Guideline is to provide evidence-
occur in women (2). Individuals with osteoporosis and an based clinical recommendations for the management
elevated or high risk of fracture can be identified through of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporosis preven-
screening and risk assessment. Bone loss can be slowed tion, screening, and diagnosis is addressed in a separate
or prevented with pharmacologic therapy. ACOG Clinical Practice Guideline (3).


© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Candidates for Pharmacotherapy ACOG recommends:
Before starting pharmacotherapy for osteoporosis, eval- Benefits clearly outweigh harms and burdens. Most
uate patients for secondary causes of bone loss. (GOOD patients should receive the intervention.
PRACTICE POINT) ACOG recommends against:
ACOG recommends pharmacologic osteoporosis treat- Harms and burdens clearly outweigh the benefits.
ment in patients who have a high risk of fracture. (STRONG Most patients should not receive the intervention.
ACOG suggests:
Pharmacotherapy Options The balance of benefits and risks will vary depending
ACOG recommends bisphosphonates as initial on patient characteristics and their values and
therapy for most postmenopausal patients at increased preferences. Individualized, shared decision making is
risk of fracture. (STRONG RECOMMENDATION, HIGH-QUALITY recommended to help patients decide on the best
course of action for them.

ACOG suggests discontinuation of bisphosphonates to

allow a drug holiday for low-to-moderate risk patients
who are stable after 5 years of treatment with oral HIGH
bisphosphonates or after 3 years of treatment with Randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and
intravenous zoledronic acid. Longer treatment, of up to meta-analyses without serious methodologic flaws or
10 years for oral bisphosphonates or up to 6 years for limitations (eg, inconsistency, imprecision, confounding
intravenous zoledronic acid, is suggested for patients at variables)
high risk of fracture. (CONDITIONAL RECOMMENDATION, LOW- Very strong evidence from observational studies
without serious methodologic flaws or limitations
There is high confidence in the accuracy of the findings
ACOG recommends using denosumab as initial therapy for and further research is unlikely to change this
postmenopausal patients at increased risk of fracture who MODERATE
prefer every 6-month subcutaneous administration. (STRONG Randomized controlled trials with some limitations
RECOMMENDATION, HIGH-QUALITY EVIDENCE) Strong evidence from observational studies without
Patients who discontinue denosumab therapy should be serious methodologic flaws or limitations
transitioned to treatment with another antiresorptive agent. LOW
(GOOD PRACTICE POINT) Randomized controlled trials with serious flaws
Some evidence from observational studies
ACOG suggests raloxifene for postmenopausal patients
at increased risk of vertebral fracture and breast cancer
Unsystematic clinical observations
who are at low risk of venous thromboembolism and do
Very indirect evidence from observational studies
not have significant vasomotor symptoms. (CONDITIONAL
ACOG recommends the parathyroid hormone analogs,
teriparatide and abaloparatide, for the treatment of Ungraded Good Practice Points are incorporated
when clinical guidance is deemed necessary in the
postmenopausal osteoporosis for up to 2 years in
case of extremely limited or non-existent evidence.
patients who are at very high risk of fracture or who
They are based on expert opinion as well as review of
continue to sustain fractures or have significant bone the available evidence.
loss while taking antiresorptive therapy. (STRONG RECOM-

ACOG recommends the sclerostin-binding inhibitor ro-

mosozumab for the treatment of postmenopausal oste- Treatment Monitoring
oporosis for up to 1 year in patients who are not at ACOG suggests dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
increased risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke and (DXA) testing every 1–3 years during osteoporosis phar-
have a very high risk of fracture or for whom other macotherapy, depending on clinical circumstances, until
treatments have not been effective. (STRONG RECOMMEN- findings are stable. (CONDITIONAL RECOMMENDATION,

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 699

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nonpharmacologic Management: Calcium include participants who identified as female or women,
and Vitamin D were postmenopausal, and were diagnosed with primary
Counsel patients who are receiving osteoporosis phar- osteoporosis (ie, osteoporosis that was not due to med-
macotherapy and patients with postmenopausal osteo- ication use or a medical condition). Although systematic
porosis who cannot tolerate pharmacologic therapy to reviews, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and pro-
consume the recommended daily allowance of calcium spective cohort studies were prioritized, case-control
and vitamin D through diet (preferably), supplementation, studies were considered for topics with limited evidence,
or both. (GOOD PRACTICE POINT) particularly for rare outcomes. A PRISMA (Preferred Re-
porting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
Analyses) flow diagram of the included and excluded
METHODS studies can be found in Appendix B. Included studies
ACOG Clinical Practice Guidelines provide clinical man- underwent quality assessment and had key details ex-
agement recommendations for a condition or procedure tracted (study design, sample size, details of interven-
by assessing the benefits and harms of care options tions, outcomes) and were organized into summary
through a systematic review of the evidence. This evidence tables (Appendix C).
guideline was developed using an a priori protocol in
conjunction with a writing team consisting of two special- Recommendation Development
ists in obstetrics and gynecology appointed by the A modified GRADE (Grading of Recommendations
ACOG Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines– Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) evidence-to-
Gynecology and one external subject matter expert. A decision framework was applied to interpret and translate
full description of the Clinical Practice Guideline meth- the evidence into draft recommendation statements,
odology is published separately (4). The following which were classified by strength and evidence quality
description is specific to this Clinical Practice Guideline. (6, 7). Ungraded Good Practice Points were incorporated
to provide clinical guidance in the case of extremely
Literature Search limited or nonexistent evidence. They are based on
ACOG medical librarians completed a comprehensive expert opinion as well as review of the available evidence
literature search for primary literature within Cochrane (8). The recommendations and supporting evidence
Library, Cochrane Collaboration Registry of Controlled tables were then reviewed, revised as appropriate, and
Trials, EMBASE, PubMed, and MEDLINE. Parameters for affirmed by the Committee on Clinical Practice
the search included human-only studies published in Guidelines–Gynecology at a meeting. The guideline
English. The search was restricted to studies from 2012 manuscript was then written and subsequently reviewed
to 2018, based on the completion date of the previous and approved by the Committee on Clinical Practice
literature search performed for ACOG Practice Bulletin Guidelines and other internal review bodies before con-
129, Osteoporosis. For new clinical questions, the search tinuing to publication.
period was not restricted. The MeSH terms and keywords
used to guide the literature search can be found in Use of Language
Appendix A. An updated literature search was completed When describing research findings, this document uses
in February 2020 and reviewed by two members of the the race–ethnicity and gender terminology reported by
writing team using the same systematic process as the the investigators. ACOG recognizes and supports the
original literature search. Two additional supplemental gender diversity of patients who seek obstetric and
literature searches were performed in February 2021 gynecologic care, including people who are cisgender,
and in September 2021 to ensure any newly published transgender, gender nonbinary, or otherwise gender
high-level sources were addressed in the final expansive. ACOG’s goal is to use language that is
manuscript. inclusive of gender-diverse individuals. Therefore, this
document uses the terms “woman,” “women,” “patient,”
Study Selection and “individual.” ACOG advocates for inclusive, thought-
A title and abstract screen of all studies was completed ful, affirming care, including the use of language that
by ACOG research staff. Studies that moved forward to reflects a patient’s identity.
the full-text screening stage were assessed by two
authors from the writing team (a subject matter expert CLINICAL OVERVIEW
and a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology) based on
standardized inclusion and exclusion criteria. To be Epidemiology
considered for inclusion, studies had to be conducted In the United States, one in two women older than 50
in countries ranked very high on the United Nations years will experience an osteoporotic fracture (9). Post-
Human Development Index (5); published in English; and menopausal women who experience a vertebral or

700 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
nonvertebral fracture are at increased risk of experienc- testing, African American women were less likely to com-
ing another fracture within the subsequent 1–2 years (10, plete screening than Caucasian women (20.8% vs 27.0%,
11). However, only 24% of women aged 60 and older P,.05) (13), which may reflect patient mistrust of the
receive osteoporosis treatment during the first year after health care system because of historic and ongoing sys-
a fracture (12). temic racism or may be related to social determinants of
health (eg, limited access to transportation), or a complex
Health Inequities interplay of these factors (17, 18). Additional research that
Black women are significantly less likely to receive is explicitly focused on racial inequities along the entire
osteoporosis treatment compared with White women spectrum of osteoporosis care is needed to help identify
(13–15). In a study of 1,000 women aged 60 and older strategies and interventions to help ensure quality care
receiving care at a primary care practice, African for all patients.
American women received fewer prescriptions for
osteoporosis treatment after diagnosis than White Diagnosis
women (79.6% vs 89.2%, P,.05) (13). In a secondary Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, which measures BMD, is
analysis of data from the REGARDS (Reasons for the preferred test for identifying bone loss and assessing
Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke) study, risk of fracture. Hip and lumbar spine measurements by
women with osteoporosis who self-identified as Afri- DXA provide the most accurate and precise measurements
can American were less likely to receive therapy than of BMD. Results from a DXA test are reported as a T-score,
those who identified as Caucasian (14). In a post hoc which is calculated by comparing an individual’s BMD mea-
analysis of data from the Women’s Health Initiative surements at the hip or spine with the peak mean BMD in a
study, Black women with osteoporosis were signifi- healthy, young-adult female population. The World Health
cantly less likely to receive treatment compared with Organization defines osteoporosis as a BMD T-score of
White women (odds ratio 0.55; 95% CI 0.41–0.72), less than or equal to –2.5 standard deviations (23). Osteo-
whereas treatment rates among White women and porosis also can be diagnosed clinically, regardless of a
Hispanic women were similar (15). In a study of out- normal T score, if an individual develops a fragility fracture
comes after major fragility fracture, Black women had (defined as a fracture that occurs from a fall at less than
higher rates of 1-year mortality (19.6% vs 15.4%; standing height, most commonly of the spine, hip, wrist,
P,.001); destitution (2.4% vs 2.0%; P5.006); and a humerus, rib, or pelvis). For more information, see ACOG
composite outcome combining death, debility, and Clinical Practice Guideline 1, Osteoporosis Prevention,
destitution (24.6% vs 20.2%; P,.001) compared with Screening, and Diagnosis (3).
White women (16).
Although these studies did not investigate the Management
underlying causes of the observed patient-level The primary goal of osteoporosis management is to
differences in osteoporosis treatment and outcomes, reduce fracture risk by slowing or stopping bone loss,
racial inequities in health care reflect racism and increasing bone mass, improving bone architecture or
discrimination at the structural, institutional, and quality, maintaining or increasing bone strength,
individual levels (17–20). System-level structures, pol- and minimizing falls. In addition to lifestyle and
icies, and practices that promote inequity, such as environmental interventions, such as aerobic and
varying geographic availability of health care institu- weight-bearing exercise, adequate intake of calcium
tions, lack of health care delivery in one’s language or and vitamin D, and fall-prevention strategies (3), phar-
at one’s health literacy level, and high health care macologic therapy generally is indicated for individuals
costs and insurance premiums, all play a critical role at high risk of fracture.
in reducing access to care and in decreasing the Osteoporosis medications are classified as antire-
quality of care provided (18). Individual practitioner- sorptive or anabolic, depending on their primary
level factors, including implicit biases, also contribute mechanism of action. Antiresorptive agents increase
to health inequities (18). For example, in the case of BMD and decrease bone turnover by inhibiting the
osteoporosis, several studies showed that racial dis- activity of osteoclasts, which decrease bone formation
parities in DXA testing and treatment rates persisted by osteoblasts. Antiresorptive treatments approved by
even after accounting for insurance status and socio- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) include
economic factors, suggesting that health practitioner bisphosphonates, the targeted RANK-ligand inhibitor
bias may have influenced clinical decision making denosumab, selective estrogen receptor modulators,
(13, 21, 22). hormone therapy, and calcitonin. Anabolic agents
It also is important to consider the social factors that increase bone density by stimulating bone formation
affect health care access and health outcomes (17). In and include parathyroid hormone analogs and
one study, among patients who received referral for DXA sclerostin-binding inhibitors.

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 701

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Osteoporosis is a lifelong problem that requires evolving Box 1. Common Causes of Bone Loss or
management, which may include intervals on and off Secondary Osteoporosis*
medical treatment. Considerations for the use of osteopo-
rosis pharmacologic therapy include the following: Conditions, disorders, and diseases
c type of treatment c AIDS or HIV
c timing of initiation c Anorexia nervosa
c Diabetes mellitus (type 1 and type 2)
c length of treatment
c Diminished ovarian reserve
c use of drug holidays to reduce the risk of adverse c Gastric bypass
events c Hyperparathyroidism
c bone loss management when therapy is discontinued c Hypocalcemia
c timing of therapy re-initiation c Premature menopause (induced or surgical)
c Primary ovarian insufficiency
c indications for referral to an endocrinologist or other
c Renal impairment
osteoporosis specialist
c Rheumatoid arthritis
c Turner’s syndrome
Secondary Causes of Bone Loss Medications
c Antiepileptic drugs (eg, phenytoin, carbamazepine,
Before starting pharmacotherapy for osteopo- primidone, and phenobarbital)
rosis, evaluate patients for secondary causes c Antiretroviral drugs
of bone loss. (GOOD PRACTICE POINT) c Aromatase inhibitors
c Cancer chemotherapeutic agents
Expert guidelines recommend evaluation for remediable and
c Depot medroxyprogesterone acetatey
secondary causes of bone loss before initiation of osteopo- c Glucocorticoids
rosis treatment (Box 1 and Box 2) (24), particularly in patients c Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists
with very low BMD or with a history of multiple or recent c Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists
fractures (25). Secondary causes should be corrected if pos- c Heparin
sible. If bone loss persists, osteoporosis treatment should be
initiated as necessary (see “Candidates for Pharmacotherapy”
Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; HIV,
later in this document). The need for continued medications human immunodeficiency virus.
associated with bone loss should be assessed in conjunction
*This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of causes of sec-
with the prescribing physician. Referral to an endocrinologist ondary osteoporosis.
or other osteoporosis specialist should be considered for yAlthough the use of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate is asso-
patients with unclear etiology or secondary causes of osteo- ciated with loss of bone mineral density, available evidence sug-
porosis (see “Referral” later in this document) (11, 24). gests that decreases in bone density appear to be substantially or
Secondary osteoporosis is a concern for breast cancer fully reversible after discontinuation. High-quality studies are needed
patients and survivors who are treated with chemotherapy or to determine whether depot medroxyprogesterone acetate affects
fracture risk in adolescents or adults later in life. (Depot medrox-
aromatase inhibitors because both treatments are associ- yprogesterone acetate and bone effects. Committee Opinion No.
ated with decreased BMD and an increased incidence of 602. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet
fractures (26–28). Recommended risk assessment before Gynecol 2014;123:1398–402.)
initiation of aromatase inhibitor treatment or chemotherapy Data from Curry SJ, Krist AH, Owens DK, Barry MJ, Caughey AB,
in patients with breast cancer includes BMD testing, a bone- Davidson KW, et al. Screening for osteoporosis to prevent fractures:
related medical history (eg, new back pain, occurrence of US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. US
Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2018;319:2521-31. doi: 10.1001/
fractures or falls), use of a validated risk-assessment tool (eg, jama.2018.7498; Camacho PM, Petak SM, Binkley N, Diab DL, Eldeiry
FRAX calculator), and a physical examination (26). Expert LS, Farooki A, et al. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/
guidelines recommend repeat BMD testing with DXA every American College of Endocrinology clinical practice guidelines for the
diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis-2020
2 years, or as often as every year based on clinical indica- update. Endocr Pract 2020;26(suppl 1):1-46. doi: 10.4158/GL-2020-
tions (ie, new risk factors for bone loss, surgery, or a signif- 0524SUPPL; and Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, Lewiecki EM,
icant change in medical therapy) (26, 29). All breast cancer Tanner B, Randall S, et al. Clinician’s guide to prevention and treat-
patients and survivors should be counseled regarding life- ment of osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation [published
erratum appears in Osteoporos Int 2015;26:2045-7]. Osteoporos Int
style and nutritional modifications—including physical activity, 2014;25:2359-81. doi: 10.1007/s00198-014-2794-2.
weight-bearing exercise, and sufficient calcium and vitamin D

702 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Box 2. Initial Evaluation for Box 3. Indications for Osteoporosis
Secondary Osteoporosis Pharmacotherapy

c Complete blood count After evaluation for remediable secondary causes,

c Metabolic profile (calcium, renal function, phosphorus, pharmacotherapy for postmenopausal osteoporosis
and magnesium) is recommended for patients who meet any of the
following criteria:
c 24-hour collection for calcium, sodium, and creatinine
excretion c T-score 22.5 or lower by DXA of the femoral neck, total
hip, lumbar spine, or distal 1/3 radius*
c Liver function tests
c History of fragility fracture, including asymptomatic
c Thyroid-stimulating hormone with or without free T4 vertebral fracture
c 25-hydroxyvitamin D c T-score between 21.0 and 22.5 and increased risk of
fracture, as determined by a formal clinical risk-
Data from Camacho PM, Petak SM, Binkley N, Diab DL, Eldeiry LS, assessment tooly
Farooki A, et al. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/
American College of Endocrinology clinical practice guidelines for
the diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis-2020 Abbreviation: DXA, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.
update. Endocr Pract 2020;26(suppl 1):1-46. doi: 10.4158/GL-2020- *Hip (femoral neck) and lumbar spine measurements by DXA pro-
0524SUPPL; and Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, Lewiecki EM, vide the most accurate and precise measurements of bone mineral
Tanner B, Randall S, et al. Clinician’s guide to prevention and density. When one or both these sites cannot be evaluated (eg, in
treatment of osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation the case of bilateral hip replacements, lumbar spine surgery, or
[published erratum appears in Osteoporos Int 2015;26:2045-7]. both), bone mineral density measurement at the forearm (distal one
Osteoporos Int 2014;25:2359-81. doi: 10.1007/s00198-014-2794-2. third of the radius) can be used for diagnosis.
yFor example, using the U.S. Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX)

tool, this would be a 10-year hip fracture probability of 3% or greater

or a 10-year major osteoporotic fracture probability of 20% or
intake—to help support bone health (26). Available osteopo- greater.
rosis pharmacotherapy options for breast cancer patients at
Data from Camacho PM, Petak SM, Binkley N, Diab DL, Eldeiry LS,
high risk of fracture include bisphosphonates and the Farooki A, et al. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/
targeted RANK-ligand inhibitor, denosumab (29). American College of Endocrinology clinical practice guidelines for
the diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis-2020
Candidates for Pharmacotherapy update. Endocr Pract 2020;26(suppl 1):1-46. doi: 10.4158/GL-2020-
0524SUPPL; Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, Lewiecki EM,
Tanner B, Randall S, et al. Clinician’s guide to prevention and
ACOG recommends pharmacologic osteopo- treatment of osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation
rosis treatment in patients who have a high [published erratum appears in Osteoporos Int 2015;26:2045-7].
risk of fracture. (STRONG RECOMMENDATION, HIGH- Osteoporos Int 2014;25:2359-81. doi: 10.1007/s00198-014-2794-2;
and Eastell R, Rosen CJ, Black DM, Cheung AM, Murad MH,
Shoback D. Pharmacological management of osteoporosis in
Pharmacotherapy is recommended to decrease the risk postmenopausal women: an Endocrine Society Clinical Practice
of fracture in patients who meet any of the criteria listed Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2019;104:1595-622. doi: 10.1210/
in Box 3 and who do not have contraindications for the
type of treatment being recommended (11, 24, 25). (See
individual medication sections later in this document for
discussion of drug-specific contraindications.)
Pharmacologic therapy has been shown in high-quality vention, treatment, or both. Osteoporosis agents that are
studies to be effective for fracture prevention. The U.S. FDA-approved for prevention have been shown to signif-
Preventive Services Task Force review of the evidence on icantly increase BMD, whereas medications indicated for
osteoporosis screening and treatment found that drug osteoporosis treatment have been shown to significantly
therapies are effective in reducing the incidence of reduce the risk of fracture.
fractures in postmenopausal patients at high risk and When selecting a medication for osteoporosis man-
that the potential harms are generally small to moderate agement, important considerations include benefits and
(30, 31). The benefits of osteoporosis pharmacotherapy risks, individual clinical factors, and patient values and
also have been demonstrated in more recent meta- preferences. All the medications listed in Table 1 improve
analyses (32, 33). BMD compared with placebo, but the more relevant clin-
ical outcome is demonstration of fracture reduction in
Osteoporosis Pharmacotherapy Options women with osteoporosis in clinical trials (11, 24, 31).
Pharmacotherapy options for osteoporosis are listed in Although prospective head-to-head trial data on fracture
Table 1. Osteoporosis medications are indicated for pre- prevention are not available for the various FDA-

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 703

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Medications for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
Examples (Mode of Fracture Risk
Category Administration) Indication Reduction
Antiresorptive agents
Alendronate (PO) Vertebral
Risedronate (PO) Prevention and treatment Nonvertebral
Bisphosphonate*yz Zoledronic acid (IV) Hip
Ibandronate (PO) Prevention and treatment
Ibandronate (IV) Treatment
Targeted monoclonal- jj
antibody RANK- Denosumab (SQ) Prevention and treatment Nonvertebral
ligand inhibitor*z§ Hip
Prevention and treatment for
Selective estrogen
Raloxifene (PO) patients at increased risk of Vertebral
receptor modulator*z§
breast cancer
Estrogen with or without Vertebral
progestogen (multiple Prevention Nonvertebral
Hormone therapy*¶# regimens) Hip
Conjugated estrogen plus
Prevention N/A
bazedoxifene (PO)
Salmon calcitonin yy
Calcitonin** Treatment Vertebral
(intranasally or SQ)
Anabolic agents
Parathyroid hormone Abaloparatide (SQ) Vertebral
analog*§ Teriparatide (SQ) Nonvertebral
Treatment for patients at very
high risk of fracture Vertebral
Romosozumab (SQ) Nonvertebral
Abbreviations: PO, orally; IV, intravenously; RANK, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa beta; SQ, subcutaneously; N/A, data not
*Barrionuevo P, Kapoor E, Asi N, Alahdab F, Mohammed K, Benkhadra K, et al. Efficacy of pharmacological therapies for the prevention
of fractures in postmenopausal women: a network meta-analysis [published erratum appears in J Clin Endocrinol Metab
Fink HA, MacDonald R, Forte ML, Rosebush CE, Ensrud KE, Schousboe JT, et al. Long-term drug therapy and drug discontinuations
and holidays for osteoporosis fracture prevention: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2019;171:37-50. doi: 10.7326/M19-0533.
Wu CH, Hung WC, Chang IL, Tsai TT, Chang YF, McCloskey EV, et al. Pharmacologic intervention for prevention of fractures in
osteopenic and osteoporotic postmenopausal women: systemic review and meta-analysis. Bone Rep 2020;13:100729. doi: 10.1016/j.
Simpson EL, Martyn-St James M, Hamilton J, Wong R, Gittoes N, Selby P, et al. Clinical effectiveness of denosumab, raloxifene,
romosozumab, and teriparatide for the prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
Bone 2020;130:115081. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2019.115081.
Denosumab is FDA-approved to increase bone mass in breast cancer patients treated with aromatase inhibitors. (Denosumab
injection. Drug label information. In: DailyMed. National Library of Medicine; 2021. Accessed December 7, 2021. https://dailymed.nlm.

Cauley JA, Robbins J, Chen Z, Cummings SR, Jackson RD, LaCroix AZ, et al. Effects of estrogen plus progestin on risk of fracture and
bone mineral density: the Women’s Health Initiative randomized trial. Women’s Health Initiative Investigators. JAMA 2003;290:1729-38.
doi: 10.1001/jama.290.13.1729.
Jackson RD, Wactawski-Wende J, LaCroix AZ, Pettinger M, Yood RA, Watts NB, et al. Effects of conjugated equine estrogen on risk of
fractures and BMD in postmenopausal women with hysterectomy: results from the women’s health initiative randomized trial. Women’s
Health Initiative Investigators. J Bone Miner Res 2006;21:817-28. doi: 10.1359/jbmr.060312.


704 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Chesnut CH III, Silverman S, Andriano K, Genant H, Gimona A, Harris S, et al. A randomized trial of nasal spray salmon calcitonin in
postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis: the prevent recurrence of osteoporotic fractures study. PROOF Study Group.
Am J Med 2000;109:267-76. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9343(0000490-3).
Available data show that salmon calcitonin nasal spray is associated with a reduced risk of recurrent but not initial vertebral fracture.
(Chesnut CH III, Silverman S, Andriano K, Genant H, Gimona A, Harris S, et al. A randomized trial of nasal spray salmon calcitonin in
postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis: the prevent recurrence of osteoporotic fractures study. PROOF Study Group.
Am J Med 2000;109:267-76. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9343(0000490-3.))
Liu Y, Cao Y, Zhang S, Zhang W, Zhang B, Tang Q, et al. Romosozumab treatment in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: a
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Climacteric 2018;21:189-95. doi: 10.1080/13697137.2018.1433655.

approved agents, results from systematic reviews and Bisphosphonates prevent and treat osteoporosis by
meta-analyses show that bisphosphonates (ie, alendro- inhibiting osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Four
nate, risedronate, zoledronic acid) and denosumab effec- bisphosphonates are approved for use in the United
tively reduce the risk of vertebral, nonvertebral, and hip States (alendronate, risedronate, ibandronate, and zole-
fractures (1, 32, 34). Given their broad-spectrum antifrac- dronic acid). The bisphosphonates differ in binding
ture efficacy, these antiresorptive agents are considered affinity, dose frequency, and route of administration. They
as first-line therapy for most patients with osteoporosis all have been studied extensively in large RCTs that have
and elevated fracture risk (32). demonstrated antifracture benefit (1, 32, 40, 41). A net-
In patients with severe bone loss, very high fracture work meta-analysis of studies on bisphosphonates found
risk, or both (eg, a T-score of -3 or lower, T score of less that they significantly reduce vertebral fractures: zole-
than 2.5 and a fracture within the past 12 months, or a dronic acid (relative risk [RR] 0.38; 95% CI 0.25–0.58),
history of severe or multiple vertebral fractures), it may be risedronate (RR 0.61; 95% CI 0.48–0.78), alendronate
appropriate to choose an anabolic agent as initial (RR 0.57; 95% CI 0.45–0.71), and ibandronate (RR 0.67;
therapy (11, 24, 35) because they have been shown to 95% CI 0.48–0.93) (32). Similarly, a systemic review and
be more effective than antiresorptive therapies for meta-analysis showed that bisphosphonates were asso-
increasing BMD and bone formation and decreasing ciated with an overall 50% reduction in vertebral fractures
the risk of vertebral fractures (33, 36, 37). Raloxifene in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or osteo-
may be appropriate in select patients who need spine- penia (41). Alendronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid
specific therapy and are at elevated risk of breast cancer also significantly reduce nonvertebral fractures and hip
(24). Because of the risks associated with hormone ther- fractures (32). In addition, zoledronic acid (42) and risedr-
apy and the low efficacy of calcitonin, these treatments onate (43) have been shown to reduce the incidence of
generally are reserved for use in patients who cannot vertebral and nonvertebral fragility fractures in postmen-
tolerate other osteoporosis therapies. opausal women with osteopenia. Ibandronate improves
In addition to efficacy, mode of administration (inject- bone density and reduces vertebral fractures, but evi-
able vs oral), dosing frequency, and cost are important dence is lacking for its prevention of hip and nonvertebral
considerations for patients who are deciding among the fractures (32).
various osteoporosis treatments (Table 1) (38). A system-
atic review of studies on patient decision making regard- Implementation and Safety Considerations
ing osteoporosis medications found that oral therapies Lack of adherence to taking oral bisphosphonates as
generally are preferable to injectable agents unless oral directed is an issue and limits their effectiveness in
treatments require more frequent dosing (38). The most preventing fracture (44). Bisphosphonates are poorly ab-
cost-effective initial therapy for postmenopausal osteopo- sorbed orally; therefore, oral therapies need to be taken
rosis is generic oral alendronate or generic parenteral in the early morning on an empty stomach with water 30–
zoledronic acid (39). Additional important considerations 60 minutes before eating, and patients need to stay
for shared decision making about osteoporosis pharma- upright to avoid esophageal irritation. Other adherence
cotherapy include drug contraindications and adverse issues are attributed to the need for weekly instead of
effects, ease and convenience of administration, and monthly dosing and adverse effects of the medication
duration of treatment. (44, 45).
Adverse effects of oral bisphosphonates include
Bisphosphonates musculoskeletal aches and pains, gastrointestinal irrita-
tion, and esophageal reflux and ulceration (1). Potential
ACOG recommends bisphosphonates as ini- rare risks identified in postmarketing surveillance include
tial therapy for most postmenopausal patients osteonecrosis of the jaw, atypical fractures of the femoral
at increased risk of fracture. (STRONG RECOMMEN- shaft, and esophageal cancer (1). Patients should be
DATION, HIGH-QUALITY EVIDENCE) cautioned that pain in the thigh or groin may be a

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 705

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prodrome to an atypical femoral fracture, which is more with duration of bisphosphonate use, from 0.07 per
common in individuals taking bisphosphonates for more 10,000 person-years among women with less than 3
than 5 years (24, 46). The American College of Radiology months of bisphosphonate use to 13.10 per 10,000
recommends bilateral imaging with radiography followed person-years among those treated for 8 years or more
by magnetic resonance imaging, if needed, for patients (51). It is unclear whether there is an increased risk of
on long-term bisphosphonate therapy who present with osteonecrosis of the jaw with extended bisphosphonate
thigh or groin pain (47). use (46). However, these potential risks need to be
Premenopausal patients who are considering the use weighed against the potential benefits of continued frac-
of bisphosphonates for the treatment of secondary ture reduction (1, 46).
osteoporosis should be counseled about the unknown Most of the data on long-term bisphosphonate
long-term effects on bone and the potential for teratoge- treatment come from two randomized, placebo-
nicity. Although no serious outcomes have been re- controlled trials on the use of alendronate for 10 years
ported, published data regarding the use of or zoledronic acid for 6 years (52, 53). In the alendronate
bisphosphonates in premenopausal women and poten- extension trial, postmenopausal women who discontin-
tial effects on pregnancy outcomes and lactation are ued treatment had small but statistically significant reduc-
limited to case reports (48). tions in BMD at the total hip and spine and an increased
Intravenous bisphosphonates should be offered to risk of clinical vertebral fractures compared with partici-
patients with contraindications for oral bisphosphonates, pants who continued alendronate therapy for an addi-
which include esophageal disorders (eg, achalasia, tional 5 years (5.3% for discontinuation/placebo and
esophageal stricture, esophageal varices, Barrett’s
2.4% for extended use; RR 0.45; 95% CI 0.24–0.85); how-
esophagus), hypocalcemia, an inability to follow the dos-
ever, the rates of other types of fracture were similar
ing requirements, and conditions associated with gastro-
between groups (52). Similarly, in the long-term study of
intestinal malabsorption (eg, gastric bypass) (24, 49).
zoledronic acid, participants who discontinued treatment
Bisphosphonates generally are contraindicated in
had a small but statistically significant reduction in BMD
patients with acute renal failure or reduced kidney func-
tion (ie, estimated glomerular filtration rate of less than 35 at the femoral neck and other sites as well as a higher
mL/min for zoledronic acid and alendronate or less than incidence of new morphometric vertebral fracture com-
30 mL/min for risedronate and ibandronate) (11, 49, 50). pared with those who received an additional 3 years of
treatment (6.2% vs 3.0%; odds ratio 0.51; 95% CI 0.26–
0.95), yet the rates of clinical vertebral and nonvertebral
Duration of Treatment and Drug Holidays
fractures were not significantly different between the two
ACOG suggests discontinuation of bi- groups (53).
sphosphonates to allow a drug holiday for Based on available evidence on long-term efficacy
low-to-moderate risk patients who are stable and safety, and in line with other osteoporosis treatment
after 5 years of treatment with oral bisphosph- guidelines, a bisphosphonate holiday can be considered
onates or after 3 years of treatment with for low-to-moderate risk patients who are stable after 5
intravenous zoledronic acid. Longer treat- years of treatment with oral bisphosphonates or after 3
ment, of up to 10 years for oral bisphospho- years of treatment with intravenous zoledronic acid (1, 11,
nates or up to 6 years for intravenous 24, 40, 46). Longer treatment, of up to 10 years for oral
zoledronic acid, is suggested for patients at bisphosphonates or up to 6 years for intravenous zole-
high risk of fracture. (CONDITIONAL RECOMMENDA- dronic acid, is suggested for patients at high risk of frac-
TION, LOW-QUALITY EVIDENCE). ture (ie, with osteoporotic fractures either before or during
The concept of drug holidays (ie, stopping bisphospho- therapy, or a hip T-score of -2.5 or lower, or with other
nates and restarting therapy later if needed) was significant risk factors as determined by a validated clin-
developed because of the uncertainty about the anti- ical risk-assessment tool such as FRAX) (3, 11, 24, 46).
fracture benefits of long-term bisphosphonate use The optimal length of bisphosphonate holidays is
beyond 5 years and concern that persistence of bi- unclear because the duration of therapeutic effect after
sphosphonates in bone might increase the risk of discontinuation of bisphosphonates may vary depending
atypical femoral fracture and osteonecrosis of the jaw on the binding affinity of the drug, its half-life, and
(46). Longer duration of bisphosphonate treatment is individual patient characteristics. Expert guidelines on
associated with an increased risk of atypical femoral osteoporosis management recommend re-evaluation of
fracture, although the absolute incidence remains low patients 2–4 years after bisphosphonate discontinuation
(51). In a 10-year prospective cohort study of 196,129 (11, 46). Resumption of treatment should be considered
women aged 50 or older receiving bisphosphonate treat- in patients with new fractures, additional risk factors for
ment, the incidence of atypical femoral fracture increased fractures, or significant decreases in BMD (11, 24, 46).

706 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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Targeted RANK-ligand Inhibitor use and should be switched to treatment with another
(Denosumab) antiresorptive agent on discontinuation of denosumab to
avoid potential rebound effects (11, 24). The duration of
ACOG recommends using denosumab as ini- continued treatment will depend on clinical factors, such
tial therapy for postmenopausal patients at as the patient’s individual risk of fracture, as well as the
increased risk of fracture who prefer every 6- antiresorptive agent used. Clinical data are available for
month subcutaneous administration. (STRONG up to 10 years of denosumab use (54).

Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody that Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators

interferes with osteoclast production and activity by
ACOG suggests raloxifene for postmeno-
inhibition of the RANK (receptor activator of nuclear
pausal patients at increased risk of vertebral
factor kappa beta) ligand. Metanalyses of studies on
fracture and breast cancer who are at low risk
denosumab have revealed a significant reduction in
of venous thromboembolism and do not have
vertebral fracture (RR 0.32; 95% CI 0.22–0.45) and non- significant vasomotor symptoms. (CONDITIONAL
vertebral fracture (RR 0.80; 95% CI 0.67–0.96), as well as RECOMMENDATION, HIGH-QUALITY EVIDENCE)
hip fracture (RR 0.56; 95% CI 0.35–0.90) compared with
placebo (32). Continued improvement in BMD and sus- Raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, is
tained fracture reduction have been reported with long- indicated for the prevention and treatment of postmen-
term use of up to 10 years (54). In a systematic review of opausal osteoporosis as well as for the prevention of
invasive breast cancer (59). It is often used to manage
nine RCTs that compared denosumab and bisphospho-
postmenopausal osteoporosis in patients who also are
nates, denosumab showed greater improvement in bone
at increased risk of breast cancer (11, 59). By acting as
strength (ie, BMD, bone porosity, bone turnover markers),
an estrogen agonist in bone, it reduces bone resorption
and there was no difference in adverse events (55). De-
and turnover (59). Although raloxifene has been found to
nosumab is administered subcutaneously every 6
significantly reduce the risk of vertebral fractures in ran-
months, which makes it a good option for patients unwill-
domized controlled studies compared with placebo (RR
ing or unable to take oral medications or for patients who 0.59; 95% CI 0.46–0.76) (32), no effect has been demon-
have concerns about receiving an infusion of intravenous strated on nonvertebral or hip fractures (32–34, 41). Ra-
bisphosphonate. Patients for whom treatment cost is a loxifene is associated with increases in BMD, which are
concern may prefer generic intravenous zoledronic acid, maintained with long-term use of up to 8 years (60).
which has been found to be more cost-effective than Raloxifene also has been shown to reduce the risk of
denosumab for fracture prevention (39). invasive breast cancer compared with placebo in post-
Unlike bisphosphonates, denosumab can be used in menopausal women with osteoporosis (RR 0.44; 95% CI
patients with decreased glomerular filtration rates (11). 0.24–0.80) (61). Adverse effects of raloxifene include
However, as with bisphosphonates, denosumab is con- venous thromboembolism, death from stroke (observed
traindicated in patients with hypocalcemia, and rare in patients with coronary heart disease or at increased
cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical femoral risk of major coronary events), leg cramps, and hot
fractures have been reported (56). A survey of 3,591 flashes (59). Raloxifene is contraindicated in patients with
participants from an RCT on denosumab use up to 10 current or past venous thromboembolism and should be
years found that the overall rate of osteonecrosis of the used with caution in individuals with hepatic impairment
jaw was low (5.2 per 10,000 person-years), and most (59). Other selective estrogen receptor modulators that
cases resolved with treatment (57). Theoretical concerns have been investigated for osteoporosis management
about immunosuppression leading to increased rates of but are not FDA-approved for this indication include
cancer have not been substantiated in clinical trials up to tamoxifen, bazedoxifene (alone), and ospemifene (32,
10 years in duration (54). 62).
Patients who discontinue denosumab therapy Hormone Therapy
should be transitioned to treatment with
another antiresorptive agent. (GOOD PRACTICE Estrogen/Estrogen–Progestogen
Estrogen therapy alone (for patients without a uterus) or
Unlike with bisphosphonates, a drug holiday is not combined with a progestogen can be considered as an
recommended for denosumab because of the increased option for the prevention of bone loss and fracture in
risk of rapid bone loss and vertebral fractures within a women at increased risk who meet all the following
few months of treatment cessation (34, 58). Patients criteria: are younger than 60 years or within 10 years of
should be counseled about the importance of consistent menopause; are at low risk of venous thromboembolism,

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 707

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease; have bother- (1% to 1.5%, P,.01) and a reduced risk of recurrent ver-
some menopausal symptoms; and for whom other tebral fracture (RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.47–0.97) compared
therapies such as bisphosphonates or denosumab are with placebo (71). However, a reduction in nonvertebral
not appropriate (11). Only certain formulations of hor- and hip fracture has not been demonstrated (32). Calci-
mone therapy are FDA-approved for the prevention of tonin is rarely used because there are more effective
osteoporosis (11). In general, because of the associated osteoporosis therapies available. In addition, there have
risks, the use of hormone therapy should be limited to the been safety concerns about a possible increased risk of
lowest effective dose for the shortest duration necessary malignancy. Although an FDA review found insufficient
(63). Discontinuation of hormone therapy should include evidence of a causal association to warrant a black
an assessment of benefits and risks. box label, it advises shared decision making regarding
In the Women’s Health Initiative trial, among women the benefits and risks for individual patients (72).
without osteoporosis, estrogen alone or combined with
progestin reduced the overall risk of clinical fracture com- Parathyroid Hormone Analogs
pared with placebo (estrogen: hazard ratio [HR] at 7
years 0.71; 95% CI 0.64–0.80 and estrogen–progestin: ACOG recommends the parathyroid hormone
HR at 5 years 0.76; 95% CI 0.69–0.83) and hip fracture analogs, teriparatide and abaloparatide, for
(estrogen: HR at 7 years 0.65; 95% CI 0.45–0.94 and the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporo-
estrogen–progestin: HR at 5 years 0.67; 95% CI 0.47– sis for up to 2 years in patients who are at very
0.96) (64, 65). However, the potential antifracture benefits high risk of fracture or who continue to sustain
of hormone therapy need to be weighed against the re- fractures or have significant bone loss while
ported risks. In the Women’s Health Initiative study, taking antiresorptive therapy. (STRONG RECOM-
estrogen plus progestin increased the risk of coronary MENDATION, HIGH-QUALITY EVIDENCE)
artery disease in women older than 60 years or more Teriparatide and abaloparatide are indicated for the
than 10 years from menopause, and it slightly increased treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in patients at
the risk of breast cancer, stroke, and venous thrombo- very high risk of fracture (such as those with a history of
embolism. Harms reported across age groups included severe or multiple vertebral fractures, a T-score of -3 or
an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (including lower, or multiple risk factors) and for the treatment of
stroke) and cognitive impairment, and estrogen– osteoporosis that is unresponsive to antiresorptive therapy
progestin was associated with an increased risk of (ie, new or recurrent fragility fractures or progressive loss
invasive breast cancer (1). No increased risk of all-cause of BMD during treatment) (11, 24, 73, 74). Parathyroid hor-
mortality has been found for either hormone therapy mone analogs are also recommended as an initial treat-
regimen. ment option in patients at very high risk of fracture (11, 24).
Relatively rapid bone loss and loss of protection from Unlike antiresorptive agents, anabolic medications such
fracture occurs after discontinuation of hormone therapy as teriparatide and abaloparatide can restore bone mass
(66). This can be prevented by switching to a bisphosph- and structure that is already lost in patients with very
onate or another antiresorptive agent. advanced osteoporosis. Anabolic therapy needs to be
followed by treatment with an antiresorptive agent such
Conjugated Estrogen/Bazedoxifene as a bisphosphonate or denosumab to preserve the
The combination of conjugated estrogen and the SERM BMD gains (11, 24). Treatment is restricted to 2 years in
bazedoxifene is FDA-approved for the prevention of bone a patient’s lifetime because research with high-dose teri-
loss and the treatment of vasomotor symptoms (67). In paratide and abaloparatide in laboratory rats found an
RCTs, conjugated estrogen/bazedoxifene has been increased incidence of osteosarcoma (73, 74). Parathyroid
associated with a small but statistically significant hormone analogs should not be used in patients with
increase in BMD at the lumbar spine and hip compared Paget’s disease of the bone, unexplained elevations of
with placebo (68, 69); however, no fracture data are avail- alkaline phosphatase, or hypercalcemic disorders such
able (11). as primary hyperparathyroidism, and caution is advised
when used in patients with urolithiasis or preexisting hyper-
Calcitonin calciuria (73, 74).
Calcitonin salmon nasal spray is indicated for the
treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in individuals Teriparatide
who are more than 5 years past menopause and for Teriparatide significantly reduces the risk of nonvertebral
whom alternative treatments are not suitable (70). In a 5- (RR 0.62; 95% CI 0.47–0.80) and vertebral fracture (RR
year, double-blind, randomized controlled study, intrana- 0.27; 95% CI 0.19–0.38) compared with placebo (32).
sal calcitonin spray was associated with a statistically There are conflicting data on teriparatide’s efficacy to
significant increase in lumbar spine BMD from baseline reduce the risk of hip fracture. Although a statistically

708 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

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significant reduction was demonstrated in one meta- there was less of a between-group difference than in the
analysis (33), another network meta-analysis showed that original trial (77).
teriparatide was associated with a nonsignificant
decrease in hip fracture (32), which may have been Sclerostin-Binding Inhibitors
due to the very low incidence of hip fractures in the
individual RCTs included in the analysis (11). In another ACOG recommends the sclerostin-binding
meta-analysis of 11 studies that compared teriparatide inhibitor romosozumab for the treatment of
with bisphosphonates, teriparatide was found to be more postmenopausal osteoporosis for up to 1 year
effective in reducing the risk of vertebral fracture (RR in patients who are not at increased risk of
0.57; 95% CI 0.35–0.93) and in increasing BMD at the cardiovascular disease or stroke and have a
lumbar spine (at 6, 12, and 18 months) and femoral neck very high risk of fracture or for whom other
(at 18 months), with similar rates of adverse events (36). treatments have not been effective. (STRONG

Abaloparatide The anabolic agent romosozumab is a humanized

A meta-analysis demonstrated that abaloparatide monoclonal antibody that binds to and inhibits the
reduces the risk of vertebral fracture (RR 0.14; 95% CI activity of the protein sclerostin, which simultaneously
0.05–0.42) and nonvertebral fracture (RR 0.51; 95% CI increases bone formation and decreases bone break-
0.29–0.87) compared with placebo (32). However, the down. It is indicated for the treatment of postmenopausal
reduction in hip fracture in the meta-analysis was not osteoporosis in patients at very high risk of fracture (such
statistically significant (11, 32). In a prospective analysis as those with a history of severe or multiple vertebral
of BMD response among participants in the Abalopara- fractures, a T-score of -3 or lower, or multiple risk factors)
tide Comparator Trial In Vertebral Endpoint (ACTIVE) trial, or for whom other treatments have not been effective (ie,
a significantly greater proportion of patients treated with new or recurrent fragility fractures or progressive loss of
abaloparatide experienced increases in BMD than did BMD during treatment) (35, 78). Like teriparatide and
abaloparatide, romosozumab is also recommended as
those treated with placebo or teriparatide at months 6
an initial treatment option for patients at very high risk of
(19.1% vs 0.9% for placebo and 6.5% for teriparatide), 12
fracture (35).
(33.2% vs 1.5% and 19.8%), and 18 (44.5% vs 1.9% and
In the FRAME (Fracture Study in Postmenopausal
32.0%) (P,.001) (75). In a post hoc analysis of the
Women With Osteoporosis) RCT of 7,180 women with
ACTIVE trial, among participants with an increased risk
postmenopausal osteoporosis, 12-month treatment with
of fracture at baseline (FRAX-calculated hip fracture risk
romosozumab was associated with a significantly
of 5% or more; or 10-year probability of major fracture of reduced risk of vertebral fracture (RR 0.27; 95% CI
10% or more), 18-month treatment with abaloparatide sig- 0.16–0.47) and clinical fractures (HR 0.64; 95% CI 0.46–
nificantly reduced new vertebral fractures (relative risk 0.89) compared with placebo, with BMD increases of
reduction [RRR], 91%; P,.001) as well as all fracture 13.3% in the lumbar spine and 6.8% in the total hip
endpoints compared with placebo (76). In the same anal- (79). A systematic review and meta-analysis of six RCTs
ysis, abaloparatide was associated with a greater that compared romosozumab with other therapies
reduced risk of major osteoporotic fractures (RRR 78%; (alendronate, teriparatide) and placebo showed a similar
P,.001) than teriparatide (RRR 23%; P5.384). decreased risk of vertebral fracture (RR 0.37; 95%, CI
In an extension study of the ACTIVE trial that included 0.18–0.77), nonvertebral fracture (RR 0.78; 95% CI 0.66–
1,139 women aged 49 to 86 years with postmenopausal 0.92), and hip fracture (RR 0.59; 95% CI 0.44–0.79), as
osteoporosis and at high risk of fracture, participants well as a significant increase in BMD (at the lumbar
who received 18 months of treatment with abaloparatide spine, total hip, and femoral neck), with no significant
followed by 24 months of alendronate had a significantly difference in the incidence of adverse events (80).
decreased risk of vertebral fracture (RRR 84%; P,.001) As with other types of anabolic therapy, romosozumab
compared with participants who received 18 months of treatment should be followed with an antiresorptive
placebo followed by 24 months of alendronate (77). Aba- therapy to help maintain the therapeutic effects (35). In
loparatide followed by alendronate was also associated the FRAME study, 12 months of treatment with romoso-
with a significantly decreased risk of nonvertebral frac- zumab followed by 12 months of denosumab was asso-
ture (RRR 39%; P,.05), clinical fracture (RRR 34%; ciated with a significantly lower risk of vertebral fracture
P,.05), and major osteoporotic fracture (RRR 50%; compared with 12 months of placebo followed by 12
P,.05). Participants in the abaloparatide–alendronate months of denosumab (RR 0.25; 95% CI 0.16–0.40)
treatment group also experienced additional increases (79). Those in the romosozumab–denosumab group
in BMD at the lumbar spine, total hip, and femoral neck continued to have significant increases in BMD at the
compared with the placebo–alendronate group, although lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total hip after the

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 709

© 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians

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transition to denosumab. In another RCT that included Vertebral fracture assessment may be indicated in
4,093 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and a addition to BMD testing for patients with significant
previous fragility fracture, a treatment regimen of 12 height loss or a self-reported prior vertebral fracture or
months of romosozumab followed by 12 months of who are receiving glucocorticoid therapy (eg, prednisone,
alendronate was more effective than treatment with 5 mg/d or more for 3 months or longer) (3, 47). Assess-
alendronate alone for 24 months (81). The ment can be performed using either lateral thoracic and
romosozumab–alendronate regimen was associated with spine X-ray or lateral vertebral fracture assessment,
a significantly decreased risk of vertebral fracture (RR which is available on most DXA machines.
0.52; 95% CI 0.40–0.66), nonvertebral fracture (HR 0.81;
95% CI 0.66–0.99), and hip fracture (HR 0.62; 95% CI Nonpharmacologic Interventions
0.42– 0.92) and significantly greater gains in BMD (total
hip, femoral neck, and lumbar spine), which were main- Calcium and Vitamin D
tained at 36 months. Although romosozumab is currently
indicated for up to 12 months of treatment, RCT data Counsel patients who are receiving osteopo-
from phase 2 extension trials suggest that a second 12- rosis pharmacotherapy and patients with post-
month course, particularly when followed by 12 months of menopausal osteoporosis who cannot tolerate
denosumab, is associated with continued significant pharmacologic therapy to consume the rec-
increases in BMD with no additional safety concerns ommended daily allowance of calcium and
(82, 83). vitamin D through diet (preferably), supple-
Romosozumab may increase the risk of myocardial mentation, or both. (GOOD PRACTICE POINT)
infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular death, and the drug Both the Endocrine Society (11) and International Osteo-
label includes a black box warning against its use in porosis Foundation (86) recommend calcium and vitamin
patients with a recent history (within 1 year) of myocardial D supplementation as an adjunct to osteoporosis phar-
infarction or stroke and recommends caution for use in macologic treatment because nearly all validation stud-
patients with other cardiovascular risk factors (78). ies of osteoporosis pharmacotherapy have included
Administration of romosozumab is contraindicated in calcium and vitamin D supplementation in both the inter-
patients with hypocalcemia, which should be corrected vention and control groups. However, these groups as
before use. Other reported but rare adverse events well as the American Association of Clinical Endocrinol-
include osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical femoral ogists and National Osteoporosis Foundation also
fractures (78). acknowledge that dietary intake of the RDA of calcium
is preferable to supplementation because excess intake
Treatment Monitoring has no proven benefit but is associated with an
increased risk of renal calculi (11, 24, 25, 86). The RDA
ACOG suggests DXA testing every 1–3 years for calcium is 1,000 mg per day from ages 19 to 50 years
during osteoporosis pharmacotherapy, de- and 1,200 mg per day in older women (87). For vitamin D,
pending on clinical circumstances, until find- the RDA is 600 international units per day to age 70 years
ings are stable. (CONDITIONAL RECOMMENDATION, and 800 international units per day thereafter (87). The
MODERATE–QUALITY EVIDENCE) RDA of vitamin D is believed to maintain an adequate
Osteoporosis treatment monitoring aims to identify serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (20 ng/mL) in 97.5%
patients who have progressive bone loss (24). In addition, of the population (87).
there is evidence to suggest that clinician monitoring, Evidence to support the use of calcium and vitamin D
communication, and support may help improve treatment to prevent fracture in patients unable to take osteoporo-
adherence (84, 85). Expert guidelines on osteoporosis sis pharmacologic therapy is extrapolated from studies
management generally recommend repeat BMD testing that included a combination of average-risk and high-risk
(ideally on the same DXA machine as prior measure- community-dwelling and institutionalized adults. A net-
ments) after 1–3 years, depending on disease severity work meta-analysis of randomized trials of postmeno-
and clinical features (11, 24, 47). Patients with a progres- pausal individuals found that compared with placebo,
sive loss of BMD or a new or recurrent fragility fracture combined calcium (1,000–1,200 mg/d) and vitamin D
should be evaluated for causes of suboptimal response (800 international units/d) was associated with a reduc-
to therapy, such as poor medication adherence, second- tion in hip fracture (RR 0.81; 95% CI 0.71–0.93) but not a
ary osteoporosis, or use of medications that can cause statistically significant decrease in nonvertebral fracture
bone loss (24). Expert guidelines also recommend eval- (RR 0.93; 95% CI 0.85–1.01) or vertebral fracture (RR
uation of renal function and serum calcium and vitamin D 0.88; 95% CI 0.61–1.27) (32). A National Osteoporosis
levels every 1–2 years during osteoporosis pharmaco- Foundation meta-analysis of pooled data from eight
therapy (11, 24). RCTs (30,970 participants, including community-

710 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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dwelling and institutionalized adults) found that calcium (0.01 g/cm2; 95% CI 0.01–0.02 g/cm2) and femoral neck
(500–1,200 mg/d) plus vitamin D supplementation (400– (0.01 g/cm2; 95% CI 0.00–0.02 g/cm2), compared with
800 international units/d) was associated with a control or placebo (94).
decreased risk of hip fractures (summary relative Flax seeds are another source of phytoestrogens that
risk estimate 0.61; 95% CI 0.46–0.82) and a modest have been investigated for bone loss prevention. How-
reduced risk of total fractures (summary relative risk ever, a systematic review of RCTs that examined the
estimate 0.86; 95% CI 0.75–0.98) (88, 89). In a more effect of flax interventions on bone turnover markers and
recent meta-analysis of six RCTs (49,282 participants), BMD found no clear benefit for either outcome (95).
combined calcium (1,000-1,200 mg/d) and vitamin Green tea extract, which has antioxidant properties
D (400-800 international units/d) was associated with a hypothesized to be beneficial for bone health, also has
reduced risk of hip fracture (RR 0.84; 95% CI 0.72–0.97) been studied as an intervention to prevent bone loss.
and a small decreased risk of any fracture (RR 0.94; 95% However, it was found to have no effect on BMD in a
CI 0.89–0.99) (90). In contrast to these findings, the U.S. randomized trial that included 121 postmenopausal
Preventive Services Task Force systematic review found women with body mass indexes in the overweight or
that supplementation with calcium and vitamin D had no obese range (96).
effect on total fracture incidence (91). However, the Task In a randomized trial that studied the effects of Fufang,
Force review focused on an average-risk population (ie, a traditional Chinese herbal treatment, in healthy Chinese
without vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis, or prior frac- postmenopausal women with T-scores of -2 or lower,
ture) and did not include high-risk patients, for whom participants in the treatment group showed a statistically
combined supplementation appears to be effective. significant 6-month increase in BMD at the lumbar spine
but not at the hip (97). However, the increase in lumbar
Complementary and Nutritional spine BMD was not maintained and was no longer sig-
Alternative Treatments nificant at 12 months.
It is unclear whether soy isoflavones and other comple- In a systematic review of five RCTs that included
mentary and alternative nutritional therapies have a postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, treatment
beneficial effect on BMD. Studies are small, have with dietary protein (mostly from animal sources), sup-
inconsistent results on BMD, and unlike pharmacologic plemental proteins (whey), or both for up to 24 months
treatments, no study provides information on fracture risk had inconsistent effects on BMD, with some studies
reduction. Given these limitations, no recommendation showing less bone loss at different body sites and other
can be made to use any of these nutritional alternatives, studies showing no change or greater loss of BMD (98).
and patients at risk should be counseled regarding A randomized placebo-controlled trial that included 131
effective pharmacologic therapies. postmenopausal women with T-scores of -1 or lower
Isoflavones, a class of phytoestrogens found in found that supplementation with specific collagen pep-
legumes, are the most studied nutritional approach for tide (ie, small proteins that may accumulate in bone) was
osteoporosis. Soybeans and soy products, the most associated with a statistically significant improvement in
common dietary sources of phytoestrogens, have estro- BMD T-score at 12 months (spine: intervention group
genic properties that have been hypothesized to have 0.160.6 vs control group 20.0360.18, analysis of covari-
beneficial effects on bone. However, studies of the effect ance P5.3; femoral neck: intervention group 0.0960.24
of soy isoflavone supplements on BMD for the prevention vs control group 20.0160.19, analysis of covariance
of osteoporosis have produced mixed results, and data P5.003) (99).
are not available regarding fracture risk reduction. A 2011
report by the North American Menopause Society Lifestyle Interventions
concluded that there was not significant evidence Osteoporosis management should include patient coun-
showing that isoflavones have a beneficial effect on seling about fall prevention and exercise (11, 24, 25).
bone density (92). A more recent nonquantitative system- Fractures often occur in older adults because of trips,
atic review of 23 RCTs on the effect of various phytoes- slips, or falls, which underscores the importance of
trogens on BMD in perimenopausal and postmenopausal including fall-prevention strategies (such as vision
women concluded that soy isoflavones probably increase assessment and treatment, balance training, and envi-
BMD (93). However, the systematic review included stud- ronmental assessment and modification) as part of oste-
ies with many different isoflavones and study designs, and oporosis management. Routine aerobic physical activity
many of the included studies showed no effect on BMD. A (moderate-to-high impact) and weight-bearing exercises
meta-analysis of 26 RCTs found that soy isoflavone treat- (muscle strengthening or exercise against resistance) are
ment, particularly with aglycone isoflavones, was associ- also recommended to prevent falls, maintain bone health,
ated with a modest but statistically significant increased and prevent bone loss (3). Patients also should be coun-
weighted mean difference in BMD at the lumbar spine seled about other lifestyle changes to help improve bone

VOL. 139, NO. 4, APRIL 2022 CPG Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis 711

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99. König D, Oesser S, Scharla S, Zdzieblik D, Gollhofer A. Specific been considered and managed in accordance with
collagen peptides improve bone mineral density and bone ACOG’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy. The ACOG
markers in postmenopausal women–a randomized controlled policies can be found on For products jointly
study. Nutrients 2018;10:97. doi: 10.3390/nu10010097
developed with other organizations, conflict of interest
100. Management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: the
disclosures by representatives of the other organizations
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0000000000001831 College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has neither
101. Bell K, Strand H, Inder WJ. Effect of a dedicated osteoporosis solicited nor accepted any commercial involvement in the
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Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Clinical Practice
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