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اسئلة السلطه m9

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1. People with color defective vision usually have difficulty differentiating between ---- red and green.

2. Usually accidents occurred ----- 12-6 AM.

3. At commercial A/C ----- 70-80% of the accident by human error.

4. The good vision if your vision be in ---- side vision.

5. Heat go down, the cold feeling starts in --- arms and legs.

6. Duration of short term memory ----- 10 – 20 seconds.

7. Human ear range capacity ----access to 20 kHz.

8. Slow wave sleep –-----------stage 2 – stage 4.

9. What is the affect physiological and physical of the body during --- work shift.

10. Limitation of short term memory capacity depends on quantity of information.

11. Fatal accident to human and damage structure --- serious accident

12. How fatigue affect --- decrease attention increase communication time week, arm

13. When the image become in front of retina --- myopia.

14. Lack of sleep ---- increase fatigue.

15. Difficulty in deprecation due to --- at high altitude.

16. Stability at lateral axis at Ac --------- rolling.

17. Fin at AC movement ---- yaw.

18. Human factor approach to -----????

19. The part of eye responsible for color ---- cones.

20. The closest effect of stress ------fatigue.

21. Check list may lead to ---- routine.

22. What are the main effects of a lack of sleep on performance--------It increases fatigue, reduces
concentration and increases the risk of sensory illusions

23. When perception meet reality ---- situational awareness.

24. The difference between violation and mistake --- violation is deliberate mistake is not unintentional.
25. The reason of errors ---- incorrect installation.

26. When the stimuli are presented always the sensitivity of the eye stimuli ------?

27. Short term memory transferred to long term memory needs to 10-20 seconds for storing.

28. The stability at longitudinal axis is ---- pitching.

29. The blood alcohol limit is ---- 20MLg of alcohol per 100 MLL of blood for commercial A/C air crew air
traffic controllers and 80 MLG of alcohol per 100 MLL of blood for maintenance engineers.

30. Expressed as a simple mathematical statement when considering a crew of two good energy is ------

31. Long sightedness ---- hypermetropia.

32. Slip and lapses ------ skill bases.

33. Turning information into a meaningful information--- perception.

34. Engineer incorrectly repaired a crack two weeks later crash occurred what type of error ---- latent

35. What causes an engine shut down in flight --- incorrect installation.

36. When images forms infront of retina--- myopia.

37. A supervisor only passed assignments to mechanics and remains passive --- laissez-fair.

38. Max. noise intense noise cause --- deaf temporary.??

39. A good shift hand over --- super visor tells the individual about the work.

40. Circadian rhythm effect of the fatigue appear ---- at the afternoon.
41. Which of the following main stressor ---- work shift

42. To the ambitions will affect ------ The general situation of organization.

43. Highly motived person confident ---- affect the human ability to solve the problem.

44. The ear problem with the noise ---- a- the duration of noise

45. What are the max level of the noise ----- 90db.

46. Communication efficiency is most sensitive to ---- workload and interruption.

47. Nonverbal communication --- can serve as substitutes for oral speech.
48. What is meant by presbycusis --- gradual loos of hearing with age.

49. If one error is allowed to effect a whole system is described as ---- vulnerable.

50. The blood in the pulmonary artery is ---------- lacking in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide.

51. Sound is measured in --- db.

52. If coping with a stress situation is impossible one will remain in the stat of ------ distress.

53. The autocratic leader ship style is synonymous with ----- an authoritarian style.

54. What causes the most aircraft accidents ----- Communication

55. The scientific study of measurements of the human body is known as ----- anthropometrics.

56. Intense or loud noise may lead to ---- fatigue.

57. The ear is used to detect ---- acceleration.

58. The disadvantage of very bright artificial light is ---- glare.

59. What is the most effective visual inspection ---- eye inspection, shaking and listening touching?

60. Violation is ----- deliberate.

61. Fins / rudder ------------- yawing.

62. Longitudinal aces—imaginary line from nose to tail.

63. Lake of sleep affect ----- disordered.

64. The symptom of demotivation are similar to the symptom of ----- stress.

65. The amount of the light which is allowed to inter the eye can vary by a factor of ---

66. The proportion of males with color detective vision is ---- 0.10 male

67. Circadian rhythms------ full day

68. If someone drinking alcohol---- stay home don’t do any job

69. The available cognitive resources of the human brain------- are limited and make it impossible to
perform two intentional tasks at the same time
70. The "working memory" is -------- short term memory.

71. The desire of an individual to 'conform' to a group by allowing one's opinions, attitudes and actions to
be affected by prevailing conditions is known as ------ peer pressure.

72. For a person with normal Circadian rhythms, the body temperature will be lowest ---- between 4 and 6
o'clock in the morning

73. What is peer group pressure?-------- Our behavior influenced by our friends and colleagues.

74. An engineer who has developed his own way of performing a task ------ is in regular violation

75. Long shift work will-------- always decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability.

76. Peer pressure is ------ the perceived pressure to conform to what you believe your colleagues expect of

77. The effect on an engineer of environmental noise is ---- it decreases concentration and quality of work.

78. Itemized checklists should be dealt with ------- item by item, in order, to cover every step diligently.

79. A selective intentional mechanism is required ------ because of the limited capacity of the central
decision maker and working memory.

80. Working with engine running without ear protection ---- permanent deaf.

81. At commercial A/C ------ 70-80% of the accidents by human error.

82. The main disadvantage of carrying out critical inspections under very bright artificial light is ------ glare.

83. The proportion of mail of color detective visible is ----------- 0.1 mail.

84. Good A/C maintenance supervisory judgment is usually based upon ------ knowledge and experience
and reference to approved data

85. An experience engineer fit the wrong seal during routine component change this is ------ rule based.

86. The presence of something damaging to one’s health would be example of a ------- physical stressor.

87. Sensing and perception errors are most likely to result from ---- poor lighting or noise.

88. A shift hand over is were ----- a shift supervisor hands the work over to complete shift environmental

89. stresses in an extreme high temperature and noisy environment causes ------------ attention to be
disturbed and distributed.
90. An effective shift hand over will comprise of ------------- handling over ongoing task in a designated

91. Working excessively long shift during unsociable hours can lead to ------ decrease the ability to detect
defect during A/C maintenance .

92. Excess noise in working environment can ------ lower resistance to other stress.

93. The best type of hand over is ----- the use of handover logs and a brief by a shift supervisor.

94. The part of the eye is color sensitive is ------ cons.

95. Extreme discomfort experienced by maintenance engineer due to working in a confined space is
known as ----- claustrophobia.

96. Minimum time for night sleeping ------ 6 hours

97. Anticipation of members in group has the following problem -----confliction

98. Longitudinal stability ------ lateral axis

99. Movement around the lateral -------------- pitching.

100. The function of the ear -------------- detect acceleration.

101. Peripheral vision is detected by -------- rods.

102. What is the difference between error and violation -----Violation is deliberate, error is not.

103. What is a latent failure ---------- A mistake that has already been made, but has not yet caused
an accident.

104. The difference between a mistake and a violation is ------------ a mistake is unintentional and a
violation is deliberate.

105. Troubleshooting is. -------- rule based.

106. If information is not rehearsal it well be lost ----- in short term memory.

107. If your beer doing mistake during the job what is the best way to tell him that he is mistaken
--------------- tell him directly / wait for the second time to tell him / report to manager.

108. Shell ( l w / sw / inv. / hard ) is a stipulates‫ينص‬--------the factors interface each other

109. The change of a life circumstances is ------------ lead to fatigue?

110. Health -------------- AWN47.

111. The drugs and alcohol -------------- AWN47.

112. Defines in human ear ------ perforated membrane.

113. Engineer works in his own procedure is------------- violation.

114. Protecting from engine running ------------ 200 – 300 m

115. Consumption alcohol ---- increase mental and physical reaction time.

116. Using stimuli sense -------------- increase time response.

117. Long sight ---- convex.

118. Maximum allowable noise dose------------ 90db TWA.

119. Which control the amount of light that inter the eye ----- iris

120. The light inter first ------ cornea

121. The person alertness is at the lowest level between ----:00- 600

122. Most stressor ------- work shift.

123. What is synergy ------------ the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

124. Psychological and physical sensing of meaning full something ---------- perception.

125. Circadian rhythm -------- repeat every day

126. The joint effect of fatigue on performance a- afternoon b- at early morning c- at the end of

127. Noise induced hearing loss is influenced by -------- the duration and intensity of a noise

128. Which of the following statements fits best the concept of latent error?
a. Latent errors may have been present in the system for a certain length of time and are difficult
to identify as a result of the time lag between the generation and the occurrence of the error.

129. Safety barrier-------------------- physical separates the work area.

130. Among the physiological responses to stress are------ sweating, dry mouth and breathing

131. The effect of experience and repetition on performance--- can both be beneficial and negative
132. Participatory leader ship ------------ a- the relationship between leader and subordinate b- the
relationship between leader and ownership c- the relationship between leader andmachine.???

133. How many thing can be stored in the short term memory information ------ - 7 items

134. Long shift work will ----- always decrease your diagnostic and maintenance ability.

135. Fatigue predominant‫ غالبا‬to ---------------- stress.

136. A shift hand-over is where --------- a shift supervisor hands the work over to a complete shift

137. What are the main effects of a lack of sleep on performance? ----------- It increases fatigue,
reduces concentration and increases the risk of sensory illusions.

138. Perception is based upon: ---------------- information received as well as past experience and
139. Active listening --------- when person listen to some one and don’t reply when the speaker is
140. Long term memory ---------------- ?????

141. Exposure to prolonged time noise is depend on --------- time and type of noise

142. High performance of body a- 24-600 b- 1400- 1600 c- 1600-2400 ???????

143. Negative aspect of anticipation A- have enough time B- lack of mental C- large of
expectation ???

144. Peer pressure is -------------- A- when supervisor push you to dead time B- when work at the
same time.

145. Adaptation is ----------- the adjustment of the eyes to high or low levels of illumination.

146. Perception A- blocked by the brain B- unblocked by the brain.??????????

147. Restricted motivation ----------------------- partially affect at human performance.

148. Stages of a wariness ----- projection comprehending perceived

149. The most factor affect safety aviation predominant ------------ human factor issue

150. Reduce accident ---- human factor approach

151. Which is the following is not recommended to be the least of stress. A- priority B- neglect C- to
tell someone.
152. Motor program ------------------ stored as working rules in long term memory

153. The normal recovery of circadian dysrhythmia is ---------------1.5 hrs

154. A good scan achieved by -------------- frequent an slow eye movement

155. Information in long term memory ------------- is easy to lost

156. When describing task the term complex refer to the task ------------ which may be broken down
in to many steps.

157. The otoliths detect --------------- liner acceleration

158. Attention getters are used ------------------------- to get the operator full attention

159. Human performancebitter with less stress --------------- after noon

160. To minimize heart disease-------- 3times a weak heart doubling 20minutes.

161. "Stereotypes" are preconceptions or prejudices which can lead us to:-------------miss-judge

individuals even if we have contact with them.

162. The long term memory is influenced by ------- experience, repetition, suggestion, desires and

163. Which of the following is correct ----------70% - 80% of information processed by man enters the
visual channel.

164. Color Blindness ---------- may be subtle and only detected using specialized tests.

165. The closest effect of stress ----------------- work shift

166-Working memory is
a-short term memory ====
b-long term memory
c-ultra short memory

167- People with colour defective vision usually have difficulty differentiating between.
a- red and green ====
b-blue and yellow
c-blue and green

168-High noise will affect on ear

a-Puncture the ear drum
b-Affect hearing soon or later ====
c-Affect permanently
169-Most heat of the body is lost through
a- head ===
b-leg and arm
c- chest

170-You have a dinner and drink wine .You have to go to the night shift
a-Stay at home ===
b-Drink enough coffee
c-Take a shower

171- Aircraft made a fatal injured person ,it is considered as

c-serious incident

172-Common cause of engine shut down is

a- Incomplete installation.
b- Improper fault isolation, inspection or test
c-Foreign object damage

173-Stage processing
a-perceiving ,projecting ,comprehending
b- perceiving ,comprehending ,projecting
c- comprehending ,perceiving ,projecting

174-level of sound depends on

a- intensity
b-intensity but not duration
c-intensity and duration

175-most accidents happen

a- 900 :1400
b-2400 :600
c-800: 1200

176-High human performance will be at

a-early morning
b-When the body relax
c-all day

177-noise range
a- 16-20
b-in access of 20 ====
c-below 16

178-active listening
a-Speak when the speaker talking
b -You don’t accept body language
c- silent ======
179-Restrictive motivation affect
a- partially on attitude ====
b-as negative attitude
c-completely on attitude

180- if you drink wine more than one unit------------------------ stay at home.

181----------------------------------------------------------------- shaking and smile.

182-if you working on aircraft jet engine with unsuitable hear protection my cause -------partially hearing loss
then permeant.

183-if your colleague annoying you---------------------- meet him later then talk to him.

184-physological & psychological--------------------------

a- perception
b- attention
c- condition

185-stiumlier sense
a- hearing and smell
c historical biological

187-saftey at barrier
A -avoid an authorized individual
b- Latent and active action
c- feature

188- stimulant response frequent .

a- increase
b- decrease
Essay question

Human factors

Q1). What shall you do to improve social skills for teams to function cohesively & productively?
For teams to function cohesively & productively, team members need to have or build up certain
interpersonal & social skills these include:-
A. communication:
- which is essential for exchanging work related information within the team.
For example: a team leader must ensure that a team member hasn’t just heard an instruction,
but understood what is meant by it.

B. co-operation:-
- pulling together is inherent in the smooth running of a team.
- Fairness & openness within the team encourage cohesiveness & mutual respect.
- Disagreement must be handled sensitive by the team leader.

C. co-ordination:
- Is required within the team to ensure that the team leader knows what his group members
are doing.
- This includes delegation of tasks so that all the resources within the team are utilized.
-Delegated tasks should be supervised & monitored as required.
-The team leader must ensure that no individual is assigned a task beyond his capability.
- Further important aspects of co-ordination are agreement of responsibilities (i.e. who should
accomplish which tasks & within what time scale) & polarization of tasks.
-Team working ensures working together to achieve one or more goals.

Q2). What is the effect of noise on work?

1. Be annoying (sudden sounds).
2. Interfere with verbal communication between individuals in the work place.
3. Causes accidents by making warning signals or messages
4. Be fatiguing.
5. Damage workers hearing.

Q3). How to eliminate the effect of noise?

- By using safety protection devices such as earmuffs & ear plugs
- By isolating noisy machines
- Avoid exposition to noise for long time by moving to or from noisy area to rest rooms, stores &

Q4). What the meaning of attention and selective attention?

- Attention: can be thought of as the concentration of mental effect on sensory or mental events.
- Selective attention: (Cocktail party effect) occurs when a person is monitoring several sources of
input with greater attention being given to one or more sources which appear more important.
(sampling other sources in the back ground).
- Divided attention: is common in most work situations where people are required to do more than
one thing at the same time.
- Focused attention is merely the skills of focusing one’s attention upon a single source & avoiding
- Sustained attention: refers to the ability to maintain attention & remain alert over long periods of
time, often on one task.
- Perception: involves the organization & interpretation of sensory data in order to make it
meaningful, discarding non relevant data, i.e. transforming data into information.

Q5). What do mean by color defective & how does it effect on maintenance and causes?
- Color defective vision is usually hereditary, although may also occurs as a temporary condition
after a serious illness, it affects about 8% of men but .5% of women.
- The most common type is difficulty in distinguishing between red & green.
- More rarely, it is possible to confuse blues & yellows.
- There are degrees of defective vision; some people are suffering more than others.
- Individuals may be able to distinguishbetween red & green in a will-lit situation but not
in low light conditions.
- Color defective people see the colors; they have problems with, as shades of neutral gray.
- Ageing also causes changes in color vision.

Q6). On your opinion does the color defective effects on maintenance activity & why?
-Yes, it results in a reduction in color discrimination in the blue-yellow range & green- red
range also, since most of hydraulic, fuel ,cautionary & warning lights of these colors.
-maintenance activity will not be achieved accurately, to prevent these kinds of people from doing
such jobs.

Q7). What are the three basics of shift handover?

a).The outgoing person’s ability to understand & communicate the important elements of the job or
task being passed over to the incoming person.
b). The incoming person’s ability to understand & assimilate the information being provided by
theoutgoing person.
c). A formalized process for exchanging information between outgoing&incoming people and a place
for such exchange to take place.

Q8). What are the types of errors in maintenance tasks?

- An error that results in a specific aircraft problem that wasn’t there before the maintenance task was
initiated (e.g. installation of line replaceable units).
- An error that results in unwanted or unsafe condition remaining undetected while performing a
maintenance task designed to detect aircraft problems (e.g. something is missing, structural crack
unnoticed during a visual inspection task).

Q9). What is effect of illumantion on work performance?

- Strong lighting and a lessen degree, poor lighting will contribute to fatigue.
- The normal symptom is a headache, and if bad or long enough eyestrain.
- Strong lighting will cause glaring.
- Poor lighting will cause non-discrimination (ambiguity).
Q10). Visual acuity: is the ability of the eye to discriminate sharp details at varying distance.
Please, what are the factors that affect visual acuity to discriminate sharp details?
1. Factors affecting visual acuity
 Physical imperfection in one or both eyes (short and long sightedness).
 Age.
2. The influence of ingested foreign substance such as:-
 Drugs.
 Medication.
 Alcohol.
 Cigarettes.
3. Enviromental factors:
 Amount of light.
 Clarity of air (eg dust, mist, rain etc).
4. Factors associated with object being viewed:
 Size and contours of the object.
 Contrast of object with its surroundings.
 Relative motion of the object.
 Distance of the object from the viewer.
 The angle of the object from the viewer.

Q11). 1. Define the human factors?

- It is studying of human capabilities and limitations in the work place.
2. What is the aim of human factor?
- It is to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to
improving safety, efficiency and well-being.
3. What is the importance of human factor?
- It is for improving the safety in the organization.
- It is for reducing errors in the organization.
4. What is the object of human factor?
- studying system performance.
- studying the interaction of maintenance personnel, the equipment they use.
- written and verbal procedures and rules they follow.
- The environmental conditions of any system.

Q12). What shall you do to improve social skills for teams to function cohesively & productively?
For teams to function cohesively & productively, team members need to have or build up certain
interpersonal & social skills these include:-
a. communication:
- which is essential for exchanging work related information within the team.
For example: a team leader must ensure that a team member hasn’t just heard an instruction,
but understood what is meant by it.
- pulling together is inherent in the smooth running of a team.
- Fairness & openness within the team encourage cohesiveness & mutual respect.
- Disagreement must be handled sensitive by the team leader.
c. co-ordination:
- Is required within the team to ensure that the team leader knows what his group members
are doing.
- This includes delegation of tasks so that all the resources within the team are utilized.
-Delegated tasks should be supervised & monitored as required.
-The team leader must ensure that no individual is assigned a task beyond his capability.
- Further important aspects of co-ordination are agreement of responsibilities (i.e. who should
accomplish which tasks & within what time scale) & polarization of tasks.
-Team working ensures working together to achieve one or more goals.

Q13). 1. Define Murphy law?

- (( if something can go wrong, it will )).
- there is a tendency among human beings complacency.
- also the belief that an accident will never happen to me, or to my company.
- it is not true that accidents only happen to people who are irresponsible or sloppy.
2. The field of Murphy’s law?
It can be found
- during work.
- on work place.
- during doing a procedures.
- in the organisation.

Q14). a. What is the causes of stress?

The causes: 1. Imposition by other person's demands, that will cause some reacts.
2. physical : like hot, cold, noise, vibration, fumes.
3. psychological : like emotion, upset, domestic problems.
4. social pressure : like a bad news come from family home.
5. reactive : like encountering unexpected situations.

b. Explain the stress?

Stress: is any force that when applied to a system, whi9ch causes some changes, or modification of its form,
where force can be physical, psychological, or due to social pressures.
There are many types of stressors
 Work.
 Social... anxiety / incentives / group pressures, ...
 Physical... heat / noise / vibration, ...
 Drugs... alcohol / nicotine / medication, ...
 Body clock... shift changes / jet lag, ...
 Personal... domestic worries / aches and pains, ...

c. how to adopt the stress (stress management)?

The stress can be managed by defence or coping.
 Defence : take medication / drink alcohol / reduce anxiety by denying and stopping blaming
 Coping : deal with source of stress as workload, or as important work, or as this work has
priority, so you can adjust with the situation of stress.
 The safety nets of stress : stop the job you are doing, or take a short break, or talk to someone
to relieve yourself from stress.

Q15). What are the advantages and dis advantages of team work and give examples? (page 3-31) B2
The Advantages:
1. Individuals can share resourses (knowledge, tools etc).
2. They can discuss problems and arrive at shared solutions.
3. They can check each others work (either officially or unofficially).

The Disadvantages:
1. It is hard to force all team within teamwork because some body has different opinions.
2. It is hard to control all members due to different abilities.
3. Team work will effect work distripution fearness.
4. Some tasks will be delegated.

Q16). How the overload and underload effect performance? (page 4-17) B2

Overload this will resulte the followings:-

 It will occurs at very high levels of workload. (becomes over aroused).
 Increase error rate.
 perfeormance deteriorate.
 It can be come from the nature of task.
 It can be come from the circumstances under which the task is performed.
 It can be come from the person and his state.
 Give a heavy work to individual person, So the part-145 from EASA state “ to approved
maintenance orgnisation must employ sufficient personnal to plan, perform, supervise and inspect
the work in accordance with the approval, also it has sufficient man hours for the work that to be
carried out”.
 The degree of safety will go down.

Underload this will resulte the followings:-

 It will occurs at low levels of workload. (becomes under aroused).
 Sufficient time planning
 Increase error rate.
 Missed information.
 It can result from a task an engineer finds boring, very easy, or indeed a lack of tasks.
 It will stimulating “housekeeping” tasks.
 It can be difficult to avoid at times.
 It may create a problems, if there no work to do.

Q17). 1. Define claustrophobia?

2. give examples in the maintenance field?
3. do you agree or not that claustrophobia exit in maintenance field, and explain?
Q18). How to eliminate the effect of negative impact pressure of fatigue on safety?
Q.19) time pressur affecting

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