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03 BSBCRT611 Project Portfolio

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First published 2020

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services
Training Package.

Section 1: Defining the complex issue 5

Section 2: Systematic decision-making 7
Section 3: Decision review 9

Student name:



Business this assessment is worlduction

based on:

Documentation reviewed as Simulation Pack


Job role: CEO

Stakeholders: CEO, employee, senior executive, operation manager

Numeric/Financial data: -

Section 1: Defining the complex issue

Provide business overview

Provide an overview of the The name of the business is Worlduction which is a social startup for
business, including: manufactures tablet computers for primary school students. The
business manufacture hardware and creating the software, content
 name of business
and activities to engage and educate primary school students in a
 description of what the better way.
business does (e.g. key
The vision of Worlducation completely different from their competition
functions, vision)
is that they envision a world in which every child learns how to read
 your job role within the and write – a world without illiteracy. Given this vision, for every
business (or the role classroom that buys their products, they donate and train a
you’re assuming if you classroom somewhere around the world that can’t afford the same
are basing this technology.
assessment on the case
I am the CEO of the company.

Outline complex issue Since COVID-19 and the closure of the factory due to government
restrictions, of the 2000 tablets due to be shipped by April, only 500
Describe the complex issue
were completed on schedule. The projected growth in revenue is
associated with the business,
expected to require a significant investment in working capital (both
inventory and debtors) and this combined with an expected decline in
 a brief outline of the profit margin is projected to result in significant cash flow pressure in
issue the latter half of 2020. Management is considering its options to fund
this investment.
 who the stakeholders are
and how they are senior executives met to brainstorm and provide cost estimates for
associated with the issue future business models.

 analysis and In 2019, Worlducation generated a revenue of $35 million, a net profit
presentation of numeric of $7 million and net cashflow of $4 million. They budgeted revenue
and financial data of $45 million for 2020, net profit of $9 million and net cashflow of $5
illustrating the complex million. However, following the unprecedented growth in demand and
issue (attach to this disruptions to the supply chain, management now projects 2020
section of the portfolio) revenue will amount to $55 million, net profit of $5 million and net
cashflow of negative $3 million. The decrease in profit was a result of
the disruption to the manufacturing process and the associated
solutions implemented by Management.
 two objectives when One objective is to outsourcing manufacturing to a third party and
pursuing solutions second is to developing a cloud based solution where customers can
access the software remotely on their own devices

 three advantages of
solving the issue. Objectives of the
 three risks involved in
pursuing solutions. projects when pursuing
solutions are increasing
revenue from out tablets
and resolving the closure
of manufacturing
The advantages associated with the problem solve are Increase the
revenue, alleviate the cost associated with closure of the
manufacturing facility.
The Risks involved are: financial risk, reputation risk and operational

Legislative and organisational

Relevant legislations are the competition and consumer act 2010 as
Establish the legislative and well as the export and import law. The competition and consumer Act
organisational 2010 requires business to provide product as per promotion without
requirementsrelated to the any misleading information. Export and import law involves legislation
complex issue, including: that business is subject to when take part in export and import
activities in Australia.
 a summary of the
relevant legislation Associated organisational policies:

 a summary of the - Employees, vendors, manufacturers, customers, and

associated organisational others will be expected to understand and follow the legal,
policies and procedures financial, and organisational standard

Attach any relevant policies to - Breach of corporate policies, and procedures can result in
your portfolio. injuries or death and legal action by an involved
stakeholder or the loss of funding from a stakeholder group

Calculate resources The project will proceed within 200 days with funds of $4million and
adding up 230 more human resources. The current working hour will
Calculate the resources
be 5 hours per days as the work hour can calculated as around 25
required for the solution
hours per day.
development process

Prepare presentation I am attaching the Power point presentation with this assignment
Use the work done in this
section to prepare a
presentation of scope of your
issue to present to relevant

Use any appropriate format
(e.g. MS PowerPoint).
Attach the presentation to
your portfolio.

Attach: Organisational policies and procedures ☐

Legislation ☐

Presentation ☐

Financial analysis and presentation ☐

Section 2: Systematic decision-making

Generate alternative solutions Two critical thinking techniques that are used during the stakeholders
for your issue are consultation and root cause analysis. Consultation involves the
consultation section with key stakeholders of the project and seeking
Summarise the outcomes of
for feedbacks regarding the decision. In root cause analysis the focus
your meeting with the
involve for the root cause of the issue and identify the resolution in
stakeholder, including:
regard to the cause.
 an outline of two critical
thinking techniques
usedto generate solution Potential alternative solution are cloud-based technology; repurposing
alternatives with other used tablets; outsource production to third party; istall a new
stakeholders (attach manufacturing facility
proof e.g. mind map to
this section of your

 List of four to six

alternative solutions.

Evaluate alternative solutions

Evaluate each identified Success criteria are:
solution to establish their
- Successful in maintaining and increasing revenue
feasibility. Include:
- Successful in resolving delay production.
 success criteria
 constraints
- Situation uncertainty with the pandemic and country’s
 evaluation of each tensions
alternative against the
criteria and constraints - Limited production and shipment due to government
 List of all feasible options
Evaluation of each alternative:
- Cloud-based technology. It could be a good solution as it limit
physical interaction but able to maintain business activities
and connects student from all over the world.
- Build second manufacturing facility. It can solve the close
manufacturing facility and return production back on its track,
assuming that there are no government restrictions.
- Repurposing used tablets. It is sustainability practices by
refurbished used tablets and sell it at cheaper prices.
- Outsourcing manufacturing to a third party. It is assuming that
third party able to manufacture required quantity.
Feasible options are repurposing used tablets and cloud-based

Compare feasible solutions Return to investment analysis is the comparison technique that will be
used. It will look at highest ROI from the solution investment and
Use one appropriate
feasibility of the investment.
tool/technique to compare all
feasible alternatives with one
another. Include:
Cloud based technology is proven as a positive approach as it has
 a description of the tool been cooperated in many business ‘entities. In approximation the
or technique used solution will require a budget upto $2 million yet it will improve the
productivity in long-term and increasing revenue, hence reaching
 proof of your comparison
break-even point in short amount of time.
(e.g. table, financial
analysis etc) Repurposing used tablets is a sustainable practice which is not only
help the environment but also improve the business revenue. In
 an assessment of bias in approximation, the approach can bring in $100 return per unit at
your decision-making minimum investment.
(actual or perceived)
The most frequent bias in the decision-making process is that
business want the as much profits as possible from investment that is
as little as possible.

Choose the best solution for The two most appropriate solutions are cloud-based technology and
your complex issue repurposing used tablets. It is because time and company’s needs.
Cloud based technology is required to keep up with the market trend
Choose the best alternative
and it takes time in development. While waiting for the development,
and explain:
the company can refurbish the used tablets and sell it at cheaper
 Why did you choose it? price which becomes additional margin for the company. It is better
than throwing it away as waste.
 How does it meet the
legislation and Both solutions do not entangle with or violate any relevant legislation,
organisational policy hence completely legit.
Risks associated are:
 Are there any risks
- Implementation of the technology is often times uncertain and
associated with your
prolonged thus leading to budget overrun and late project
 What are the advantages - Cloud-based technology is well exposed to the cyber-attack
of the chosen solution? and leakage of the data.
 Resources required

Prepare a brief Brief

Use the work done in this Two critical thinking techniques that are used during the stakeholders
section to prepare a brief to are consultation and root cause analysis
share your proposed solution
Cloud based technology is proven as a positive approach as it has
withkey stakeholders (use
been cooperated in many business ‘entities.
“Brief outline” template if
applicable). Repurposing used tablets is a sustainable practice which is not only
help the environment but also improve the business revenue.
Attach the organisation
policies that guide brief Associated organisational policies:
writing to this section of the - Employees, vendors, manufacturers, customers, and

portfolio. others will be expected to understand and follow the legal,
financial, and organisational standard
Breach of corporate policies, and procedures can result in injuries or
death and legal action by an involved stakeholder or the loss of
funding from a stakeholder group

Attach: Brief ☐

Feedback register

Organisational policies - brief

Section 3: Decision review

Develop a feedback
register According to the Organisation policy, feedback register shoud have

Develop a feedback  date of feedback

register to record  project number
feedback from  person providing feedback
 person receiving feedback
 comments
Attach the  actions required.
organisation policies
that guide recording of

Incorporate feedback From the last meeting with the stakeholders i got the positive feedback from them
to implement the solutions to our business.
Use the feedback from
your meeting with For the refined brief kindly see the previous brief i mentioned in the previous
stakeholders to refine section.
your project brief.
Attach the refined brief
and completed
feedback register to
this section of your

Seek approval
Use an appropriate
format to seek
approval to implement
your proposed solution
(e.g. draft an email,
complete an
application form ready
to be lodged etc.)
Attach proof to this
section of your

Self-evaluate your By doing self evaluation i found that i have the capability to tackle the problem and
performance weekness is about financial counts for the problem. The area i found for further
improvement is the distribution process.
Perform a self-

 Complete the
checklist (add as
an attachment).

 List your
strengths and

 Identify areas

Attach the completed

self-evaluation (Self-
Evaluation checklist)
to this section of your

Attach: Self-evaluation checklist ☐

Refined brief ☐

Completed feedback register and related organisational policies

Proof to seek approval


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