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L.V. distribution Communication networks


---------------------------------------------D. 4 -------------------------------D. 12

Overload currents

------------------------------------------D. 14 Short circuit currents -------------------------------------D. 20 Direct and indirect contacts ---------------------------D. 27


-----------------------------------------D. 34 ---------------------------D. 40 Fuses -----------------------------------------------------------D. 44

Switching devices UL and NEMA specifications Energy management

----------------------------------------D. 55 ----------------------------------------------------D. 59 Differential protection ------------------------------------D. 61 Insulation monitoring device---------------------------D. 66 Enclosures ---------------------------------------------------D. 71 Busbars -------------------------------------------------------D. 73
DIRIS and COUNTIS Measuring

SOCOMEC general SOCOMEC General catalogue catalogue D. 3

Application guide

L.V. distribution
Earthing arrangements
An earthing, or neutral load arrangement on an LV network is defined by two letters: The first defines the earth connection of the transformers secondary (in most cases neutral) earthed insulated from earth earthed T I T The second defines the masses connection to earth. T T N earthed earthed connected to neutral

TN: neutral connection load

This distribution principle is suited to all networks which have a cut off system at first fault. Installing and operating this type of network is economical but requires rigorous general circuit protection. Neutral (N) and protective (PE) conductors can be common (TNC) or separated (TNS). TNC arrangement The protective and neutral conductor (PEN) must never be sectioned. Conductors must have a section over 10 mm2 in copper and over 16 mm2 in aluminium, and must not include mobile installations (flexible cables).
L1 L2 L3 PEN

Earthing arrangements define the principles of distribution, and also ensure protection against indirect contact by automatically cutting off the power supply.

TT: neutral to earth load

Use of this type of load is generally stipulated by the electricity board. Should there be an insulation fault, all or part of the operational equipment is cut off. Cut off is obligatory at first fault. The operational equipment must be fitted with instantaneous differential protection. Differential protection can be general or subdivided according to the type and size of the installation. This type of load can be found in the following contexts: domestic, minor tertiary, small workshops/processes, educational establishments with practical workshops, etc.

Fixed wiring system with cross-section 10 mm2 Cu

L1 L2 L3 N

Power supply earth connection


Fig. 2: TNC arrangement

Note: In order to avoid current circulating in the mass, the mass must be connected directly to the PEN terminal (and not the opposite). See fig. 3




PE Power supply earth connection

Fig. 1: TT arrangement




YES Fig. 3: correct connection of PEN



D. 4

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue


Application guide

L.V. distribution

Earthing arrangements (continued)

TN: neutral connection load (continued)
TNS arrangement A TNS network can be set up upstream of a TNC network, where as the opposite is forbidden. Neutral TNS conductors are generally sectioned, unprotected, and have the same sections as the corresponding phase conductors.

IT: insulated neutral load

This neutral load is used when first fault cut off is detrimental to correct operation or personnel safety. Implementing this type of installation is simple, but requires qualified personnel on-site to intervene quickly when a faulty insulation is detected. An overvoltage limitor is compulsory to enable overvoltage caused by HV installations (such as HV/LV transformer breakdown, operations, lightning, etc.), to flow to earth. Personnel safety is ensured by: interconnecting and earthing of masses, monitoring first fault by IMD (Insulation Monitoring Device), using second fault cut off by overcurrent protection devices, or by differential devices. This system can be found, for example, in hospitals (operating theatres), or in safety circuits (lighting) and in industries where continuity of operations is essential or where the weak default current considerably reduces the risk of fire or explosion.
L1 Mass L2

L1 L2 L3 N PE


L3 Power supply earth connection

Fig. 1: TNS arrangement




Power supply earth connection (1) Over voltage limitor

Fig. 2: IT arrangement without distributed neutral

L1 L2 L3 N




Power supply earth connection (1) Over voltage limitor

Fig. 3: IT arrangement with distributed neutral

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 5

Application guide

L.V. distribution
Voltages, overvoltages
Voltage range
In LV, two ranges can be identified according to IEC 364 standard.

Uimp impulse withstand voltage

This defines the devices use in abnormal network conditions with overvoltage due to: lightning on overhead wires, device operating on HV circuits. This characteristic also defines the devices dielectric quality. Example Uimp = 8 kV (see table A).
Lightning Uimp

AC 50 V

DC 120 V

ELV: Extra Low Voltage LV: Low Voltage

50 V < Un 1000 V 120 V < Un 1500 V

Standard AC voltages
Single phase: 230 V Three phase: 230 V / 400 V and 400 V / 690 V Present tolerance: +6% / -10% Voltage and tolerance development (IEC 60 038)

Ui insulation voltage
This describes the devices maximum operational voltage in normal network conditions Example: on a 230 V / 400 V network, a device whose insulation voltage Ui 400 V must be chosen (see fig. 1). On a 400 V / 690 V network, a device with insulation voltage Ui 690 V must be chosen.
400 V


Before 1983 From 1983 to 2003 After 2003

220 V / 380 V / 660 V 230 V / 400 V / 690 V 230 V / 400 V / 690 V

10% +6%/ -10% 10%

Fig. 2: device withstand to Uimp

Overvoltage protection
Overvoltage protection is achieved: by choosing the equipment according to Uimp. The NF C 15-100 and IEC 60364 standards stipulate 4 categories of use: - I specially protected equipment: computers, electronics, etc., - II current-using devices: portable tools, motors, etc., - III equipment placed in distribution networks, - IV equipment placed at the head of an installation.

Ui > 400V

Fig. 1: on 230 V / 400 V networks, devices with insulation voltage 400 V must be chosen.

Overvoltage in kV as per utilisation class Table A


50 Hz dielectric quality
Dielectric quality is defined by the 50 Hz AC voltage which the device can withstand for 1 minute: between phases, between phase and earth, between open poles of the same phase. This defines the devices withstand to network overvoltage. Overvoltage can result from transformer winding damage, for example, or from HV/LV terminals flashover due to an overvoltage on an HV network. Effective protection consists of connecting the transformer neutral point to earth, passing through an overvoltage limitor.

230 V/400 V 400 V/690V

230 V

6 8

4 6

2.5 4

1.5 2.5

Dielectric tests
In order to define a devices dielectric insulation quality, IEC 947-3 standard stipulates the following measures: Uimp withstand on new devices before testing (short-circuits, endurance, etc.), verifying dielectric withstand following these tests with 2 x Ui voltage.

D. 6

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

L.V. distribution

Mains distortion
Voltage dip and cut-off
Definition A voltage dip is a decrease of voltage amplitude for a period of time ranging from 10 ms to 1 s. The voltage variation is expressed in percentage of nominal current (between 10% and 100%). A 100% voltage dip is termed a cut-off. Depending on cut-off time t, the following can be distinguished: 10 ml < t < 1 s: micro cut-offs due, for example, to fast reset at transient faults, etc., 1 s < t < 1 mn: short cut-offs due to protection device operation, switching-in of high start-up current equipment, etc., 1 mn < t: long cut-offs generally due to HV mains.

Definition Light flicker is due to sudden voltage variations, thus producing an unpleasant effect. Sudden voltage variations are due to devices whose consumed power varies quickly: arc furnaces, welding machines, rolling mills, etc.

Fig. 3: flicker

Fig. 1: voltage dip

Solutions UPS (for small loads) inductance or capacitor bank in the load circuit connection to a specific HV/LV transformer (arc furnaces).

Definition Transient phenomena are essentially fast, very high voltages (up to 20 kV), due to: lighting, operations or fault on HV mains, equipment electric arcs, inductive loads switching, highly capacitative circuits power on: - extended cable systems, - machines fitted with anti-stray capacitors.

catec_097 b_a_1_x_cat.

Fig. 2: cut-off

Consequences of voltage dips and cut-offs opening of contactors (dip > 30%) synchronous motor synchronism loss, asynchronous motor instability computer application: data loss, etc. disturbance of lighting with gas discharge lamps (quenching when 50% dips for 50 ms, relighting only after a few minutes). Solutions Whatever the type of load: - use of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), - modify mains structure (see page D.10). Depending on the type of load: - supply contactor coils between phases, - increase motor inertia, - use immediate-relighting lamps.

Fig. 4: transient

Frequency variation
This is generally due to generator set failure. Solution: use of static converter or UPS.

Transients cause: intemperate tripping of protection devices, electromagnetic interference, insufficiently protected material (electronic components, insulation rupture within motors, etc.). Solutions Following standard IEC 664 for material construction: insulation co-ordination ensuring impulse wave withstand (see page D.6). All SOCOMEC material is manufactured according to this standard Use of overvoltage limitors Adequate earth connection of HV/LV sets.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 7

Application guide

L.V. distribution
Mains distortion (continued)
Definition Harmonic current or voltage are mains stray currents or voltages. They distort the current or voltage wave and lead to the following: an increase in currents rms value, a current passing the neutral being higher than the phase current, transformer saturation, disturbance in low current networks, intemperate tripping of protection devices, etc., distorted measurements (current, voltage, power, etc.). Harmonic currents can be caused by current transformers and electric arcs (arc furnaces, welding machines, fluorescent or gas-discharge lamps), but mainly by static rectifiers and converters (power electronics). Such charges are termed non-linear loads (see later). Harmonic voltage is caused by harmonic current passing through mains and transformer impedance.

Linear and non-linear loads A load is termed linear when current has the same wave-form as voltage:
U I U t

Fig. 4

Linear load


A load is termed non-linear when the current wave-form no longer corresponds to voltage wave-form:
U I U t

Fig. 1: pure sinusoidal wave current

Fig. 5

Non-linear load



Non-linear loads to neutral current values which may be much higher than phase current values.

Current peak factor (fp) With non-linear loads, current distortion can be expressed by peak factor:

Fig. 2: current distorted by harmonics


fp = peak rms
I I peak

I rms t
Fig. 3: voltage distorted by harmonics

Solutions Supply distorted loads with UPS Use of anti-harmonic filters Increase conductor cross-section Device oversizing.

Fig. 6: peak factor: fp = Ipeak/Irms

Examples of fp values: resistive charge (pure sinusoidal wave): 2 = 1.414, mainframe computer: 2 to 2.5, PC work station: 2.5 to 3, printer: 2 to 3. These few peak factor values show that the current wave can differ greatly from a pure sinusoid.

D. 8

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

L.V. distribution

Mains distortion (continued)

Harmonic number Harmonic frequencies are multiples of mains frequency (50 Hz). This multiple is called the harmonic number. Example: The 5th harmonic current has a frequency of 5 x 50 Hz = 250 Hz. The 1st harmonic current is called the fundamental. Table A: mains harmonic currents
SOURCE HARMONIC NO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Mains harmonic currents The current circulating in the network is the sum of pure sinusoidal current (called fundamental) and a certain number of harmonic currents, depending on the load type.


1 half wave 2 half waves 3 half waves 6 half waves 12 half waves

Gas discharge lamp Arc furnace

Example: A gas discharge lamp only produces the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th harmonic currents. Even-number harmonic currents (2, 4, 6 etc.) are absent. Measuring device distortion Ferromagnetic measuring devices (ammeters, voltmeters, etc.) are designed to measure sinusoidal parameters of a given frequency (generally 50 Hz).The same applies to digital devices other than sampling devices. These devices give false readings when the signal is subjected to harmonic distortion (see example below). Only devices giving true rms values integrate signal distortions and hence give ream rms values. I 100 A

On the neutral: odd number harmonic currents, which are also multiples of 3 are added together:

Neutral =

2 N3

2 N9

N3 = 3 3 N9 = 3 9 etc.

The rms values of harmonic currents 2, 3, etc. are difficult to establish. (Please consult us specifying load type, current peak factor, load power and network voltage). Example: Calculating phase and neutral current in a network supplied by a double half-wave rectifier. Current peak factor: 2.5 Load 180 kVA effective current 50 Hz 180 kVA = 260 A equivalent: 3 x 400 V Calculated harmonics: 2 = 182 A 50 Hz 3 = 146 A 150 Hz 5 = 96 A 250 Hz 7 = 47 A 350 Hz 9 = 13 A 450 Hz High range harmonic currents are negligible. Current in one phase: (182)2 + (146)2 + = 260 A p = Current in the neutral: (3 x 146)2 + (3 x 13)2 = 440 A Neutral = The neutral current is higher than the phase current. Connecting sections, as well as equipment choice, must take this into account. Distortion and harmonic rates Overall harmonic rates or distortion rates: T= 2 + 3 + k rms
2 2 2

1 Real signal 2 Sine curve of the


same peak value

Fig. 1: measurement distortion

Example (fig. 1): signal 1 is distorted by the third harmonic. The rms value of a sine wave with the same peak value would be: 100 A = 70 A 2 The real rms value is 84 A (measured with the relevant device, see DIRIS page D.55). Calculating rms current In general, calculating rms current is only done for the first 10 to 20 significant harmonic currents. Rms current per phase:

rms =

n + 2 + 3 + + k
2 2 2 2

In: distorters nominal current 2, 3, etc.: 2nd, 3rd, etc. harmonic currents.

To avoid problems with harmonics, this rate must be less than 5%. n harmonic rate: n harmonic rms divided by fundamental rms. This must be less than 3%. This definition is also valid for voltage harmonics.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 9

Application guide

L.V. distribution
Improving mains quality
Tolerances generally admissible for correct operation of a mains network having loads sensitive to distortion (electronic and computing equipment etc.), are given in the table below:

Choose a suitable earthing system The IT system guarantees continuous operation, by avoiding, for example, differential device circuit breaking by intemperate tripping following transient disturbance. Ensure protective devices discrimination Protective devices discrimination limits circuit fault breaking (see pages D.52 to D.54 and D.63). Take care over using earth mains: by setting up earth mains suitable for certain applications (computing, etc.); each mains being chain-linked to obtain maximum equipotentiality (the lowest resistance between different points of the earth mains), by linking these mains in star form, as close as possible to the earthing rod, by using interconnected cable trays, chutes, tubes, and metallic gutters connected to earth at regular points,
Lightning Computer Chain-linked mains

Steady-state voltage (constant load) Dynamic-state voltage (variable load) Frequency Total harmonic rate Maximum harmonic rate Voltage unbalance (three-phase) Phase shift between phase to neutral voltages Micro-cut-off

2% 10% 1% < 5% < 3% < 4% 120 3 < 10 ms

To achieve these values, substitute sources may be resorted to, and/or precautions taken at the level of installation.

Substitute sources
The different substitute sources are described in the table below:

Rotating set supplied by mains


Autonomous generator set

cut-off < 500 ms (according to flywheel) voltage dip frequency variations Effective against all distortion, except long duration cut-offs > 15 mins. to 1 hour (according to installed power and UPS power) Effective in all cases, but with power supply interrupted during normal/emergency switching (< 2s with a motorised SIRCOVER) This solution covers all distortion types

Conductor switchboard

Equipment motor


Earthing rod
Fig. 2

UPS + rotating sets

by separating distorting circuits from sensitive circuits laid out on the same cable trays, by using mechanical earths (cabinets, structures, etc.) as often as possible in order to achieve equipotential masses.
Metallic covering Connection with metallic structure

Installation precautions
Isolate distorting loads: with a separate mains, coming from a specific HV input (for high loads), by circuit subdivision: a circuit fault should affect other circuits as little as possible, by separating circuits consisting of distorting loads. These circuits are separated from other circuits at the highest possible level of the LV installation in order to benefit from disturbance reduction by cable impedance.

Sensitive or low level circuits

Power circuits



Fig. 3
Distorting load

Distorted circuits

Distorting load

Fig. 1

D. 10

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

L.V. distribution

External influences
Degrees of protection (IP codes)
The degrees of protection are defined by 2 figures and possibly by an additional letter. For example: IP 55 or IP xx B (x indicates: any value). The figures and additional letters are defined below:

IP 0

Tests No protection Protected against solid bodies greater than 50 mm Protected against solid bodies greater than 12 mm Protected against solid bodies greater than 2.5 mm Protected against solid bodies greater than 1 mm Protected against dust (excluding damaging deposits) Total protection against dust

IP 0 1

Tests No protection Protected against water drops falling vertically (condensation) Protected against water drops falling up to 15 from the vertical Protected against water showers up to 60 from the vertical Protected against water splashes from any direction Protected against water jets from any hosed direction Protected against water splashes comparable to heavy seas Protected against total immersion

Protected against access with back of hand Protected against access with finger Protected against access with tool Protected against access with wire

12.5 mm


2.5 mm

1 mm

The first two characterising figures are defined in the same way by NF EN 60 529, IEC 529 and DIN 40 050


15cm mini

Note: (1) Fig. 2 is established by 2 tests: non penetration of a sphere with the diameter of 12.5 mm, non accessibility of a test probe with a diameter of 12 mm. (2) This additional letter only defines the access to dangerous components Example: A device has an aperture allowing access with a finger. This will not be classified as IP 2x. However, if the components which are accessible with a finger are not dangerous (electric shock, burns, etc.), the device will be classified as xx B.

Protection levels against mechanical shock

A third figure may added to the IP code. This figure defines the protection index against mechanical shock. The third figure has been replaced by the IK index (EN 50102, NF C 20015). IP/IK correspondence (subject to definitive standard) Shock energy (J) 3rd IP figure IK index Classification AG (IEC 60 364) 0 0 0.15 1 0.2 2 0.225 0.35 0.375 1 2 3 AG1 0.5 3 4 0.7 5 1 6 2 5 7 AG2 5 8 6 7 AG3 10 9 20 9 10 AG4

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 11

Application guide

Communication networks
Digital communication
General points
A communication network interconnects a certain number of devices (electrical or computing), in order to exchange information: commands, measurements, etc. Installing a communication network also enables the use of microprocessor technology which considerably improve dialogue between man and machine.
U1 I1 U1 , I1 U2 , I2 U2 I2

Transmitting information resulting from the measurement: U = 230 V Solution 1: by analog transmission. The value 230 V is equivalent to a current of 10 mA (for example).
10 mA

230 V

U1 U2

I1 I2 I3 I4 U4 , I4 U4 I4

U3 U4 U3 I3 U3 , I3

Solution 2: digital transmission. The value 230 V is encoded on a set of bits giving the message U = 230 V. In our example coding is done with 8 bits: 230 V = 00100110

Fig. 1

1 0 0

1 0

Transmission definitions
Analogue transmission The transmitted signal is either a current or a voltage. Example: 0-10 V or 4-20 mA connection. Digital transmission The signal is a 0 or 1 binary element called a bit. The information is encoded as a set of bits. Each type of numeric link defines an analog level (voltage level: see table A) with 0 and 1 logic at input and output. Serial and parallel link With a serial link, the set of bits comprising the information is transmitted on the same cable (in series) one after the other. This link requires two cables and an earth wire, or just two wires. With a parallel link, each bit is sent via a different wire. For an 8-bit encoding, a minimum of 8 wires plus one earth wire will therefore be necessary. Sending/receiving Transmission consists of sending and receiving. These can be: separated on two distinct channels (4-cable simplex link plus earth for an RS 485) together on one channel, sending and receiving performed alternatively in both directions (two-cable half duplex + earth) together on one channel, sending and receiving performed simultaneously (two-cable full duplex). Bit rate This is the number of bits a link is able to transmit in 1 second, characterised by a unit: the baud (Bd). For numeric links which concern us 1 baud = 1 bit per second. Channel The simplest channel consists of two sheathed twisted cables (telephone pair), but coaxial cables, optic fibres or radio transmission are also possible. The channel depends on the chosen transmission type. Range The range is the maximum distance between an emitter and a receiver ensuring correct transmission of a signal. Example: RS485 = 1500 m to 9600 baud. Table A: comparison of RS232, RS485, RS422 links and current logo

0 230 V

Bus network

Star network


Ring network

Fig 2 : network topology




Max. speed (bauds) Number of transmitters Number of receivers Max. distance (m) Transmission voltage 0 1 Receiving threshold 0 1 (1) 1500 m a 9600 bauds.

9.6 k multipoint multipoint 3000 from 0 to 4 mA 20 mA 5 mA 10 mA

19.2 k 1 1 15 from +5 to +15 V from -5 to -15 V > +3 V < -3 V

10 M 1 10 1500 (1) from +2 to +6 V from -2 to -6 V > +0.2 V < -0.2 V

10 M 1 31 receivers 1500 (1) from +5 to +15 V from -5 to -15 V > +0.2 V < -0.2 V

D. 12

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Communication networks

Communication networks (continued)

Communication between several devices requires a common structure and language: this is known as the protocol. Each type of link (JBUS/MODBUS, BATIBUS, EIBUS, etc.) has its own protocol defined by certain standards. However, all protocols are subdivided into 7 levels called layers. Each layer receives elementary information from the lower layer, processes it, and then supplies more elaborated information to the upper layer. DIRIS system uses layers 1, 2 and 7 only. Layer 1: physical layer The physical layer is the protocols elementary layer. It defines the transmission mode, the medium (cable, etc.) and the network topology. Layer 1 (RS 232, RS 485) is defined by IUT Standards (International Union of Telecommunications). Layer 2: link layer This controls network access (e.g. master/slave system), the addressing control (emitter or receiver identity) and checking transmission errors. Layer 3: networks This layer is defined by the addressing, the path or the performances of the system. Layer 4: transport This layer provides point to point communication between the transmitter and the receiver and monitors its quality. Layer 5: session This controls flows and storage in the memory. Layer 6: presentation This layer provides the transcoding, the format, the conversion and the encoding. Layer 7: application layer The application layer consists of the highest information level and enables communication with the system user. The protocol must be chosen according to the application. The distance between the master and the slaves, the number of products on the link and the current network are so many parameters which will be considered when making the choice. Today there are several possible solutions: The standard solutions for not very complex transmissions between different input and output units, protocols like Can or ASI can be used (example: link between products in the same range) for transmissions between one or more actuators or sensors with PCs or PLCs, protocols such as INTERBUS-S, PROFIBUS or JBUS/MODBUS can be used. for transmissions between PCs or between PCs and PLCs, industrialists are increasingly using the ETHERNET network with its TCP-IP protocol. In certain cases, by using specific interfaces, actuators are connected directly onto Ethernet from specific interfaces. Specific solutions There are also protocols that are specific to certain manufacturers. The latter generally propose gateways allowing the conversion of their protocol into a standard protocol of the JBUS/MODBUS type, for example.

Management Centre MAP, ETHERNET Factory link




Sensors DIRIS

Fig. 1: example of industrial network

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 13

Application guide

Overload currents
Co-ordination between conductors and protective devices
Protective devices shall be provided to break any overload current flowing in the circuit conductors before such a current could cause a temperature rise detrimental to insulation, joints, terminations, or surroundings of the conductors (IEC 364). To do this, the following currents are defined: Ib: current for which the circuit is designed Iz: continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable In: nominal current of the protective device I2: current ensuring effective operation of the protective device; in practice I2 is taken as equal to: - the operating current in conventional time for circuit breakers - the fusing current in conventional time for type gG fuses. Conductors are protected if these two conditions are met:

Supplying a 150 kW load on a three-phase 400 V network. Ib = 216 A current necessary for the load In = 250 A gG fuse rating protecting the circuit Iz = 298 A maximum admissible current for a 3 x 95 mm 2 cable complying with installation method, and the external conditions defined by the method presented in the pages to follow I2 = 400 A 250 A fuse melting current (1.6 x 250 A = 400 A) 1.45 Iz = 1.45 x 293 = 425 A Conditions 1 and 2 have been satisfactorily met: Ib = 216 A In = 250 A < Iz = 298 A I2 = 400 A 1.45Iz = 432 A.

Ib In Iz 2: I2 1.45 Iz
Ib O pe

e alu ref ere







m Ad


l sib





e 1,45 Iz

Conductor characteristics

b Ca




r lo nt ina rre om g cu N in t jus ad


St era anda r tin gc d urr e

Protective device characteristics



Fig. 1: co-ordination between conductors and protective devices

Defining I2 current
This is the current which ensures effective protective device operating:

gG fuse (IEC 269-2-1) Rating 4 A 4 A < Rating < 16 A Rating 16 A Industrial circuit breaker DIRIS CP or P/PS

2.1 In 1.9 In 1.6 In 1.45 In 1.15 I0

D. 14

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Overload currents

Defining Iz currents (according to IEC 364)

Continuous current - Carrying capacity of cables
Table A gives maximum Iz current value for each copper and aluminium cable section. These values must be corrected according to the following coefficients: Km: installation method coefficient (page D.16) Kn: coefficient taking into account the number of cables laid together Kt: coefficient taking into account ambient air temperature and cable type. Coefficients Km, Kn, and Kt, are defined according to cable installation categories: B, C, E, or F (see pages D.16 and D.17). Table A Category B C E F S in mm2 copper 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 S in mm2 aluminium 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 PVC3 PVC2 PVC3 PVC3 Maximum Iz current in conductors (A) PR3 PR2 PVC2 PR3 PVC2 PR3 PVC3 PVC2 19.5 27 36 48 63 85 112 138 168 213 258 299 344 392 461 530 22 30 40 51 70 94 119 147 179 229 278 322 371 424 500 576 656 749 855 21 31 39 54 73 90 112 136 174 211 245 283 323 382 440 526 610 711 23 31 42 54 75 100 127 158 192 246 298 346 395 450 538 621 754 868 1005 23 32 42 58 77 97 120 146 187 227 263 304 347 409 471 600 694 808 The chosen section must be:

Iz Iz =

Ib Km x Kn x Kt

Cables are classified in two families: PVC and PR (see table on p. D.22). The following figure gives the number of loaded cables. Cables insulated with elastomere (rubber, butyl, etc.) are classified in family PR. Example: PVC 3 indicates a cable from the PVC category with 34 loaded conductors (3 phases or 3 phases + neutral).

PR2 PR2 PR3 24 33 45 58 80 107 138 169 207 268 328 382 441 506 599 693 825 946 1088 24 35 45 62 84 101 126 154 198 241 280 324 371 439 508 663 770 899 26 36 49 63 86 115 149 185 225 289 352 410 473 542 641 741 PR2

15.5 21 28 36 50 68 89 110 134 171 207 239

17.5 24 32 41 57 76 96 119 144 184 223 259 299 341 403 464

18.5 25 34 43 60 80 101 126 153 196 238 276 319 364 430 497

2.5 22 28 39 53 70 86 104 133 161 188

16.5 25 32 44 59 73 90 110 140 170 197 227 259 305 351

18.5 26 33 46 61 78 96 117 150 183 212 245 280 330 381

19.5 28 36 49 66 83 103 125 160 195 226 261 298 352 406

26 38 49 67 91 108 135 164 211 257 300 346 397 470 543

161 200 242 310 377 437 504 575 679 783 940 1083 1254 28

121 150 184 237 289 337 389 447 530 613 740 856 996

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 15

Application guide

Overload currents
Defining Iz currents (continued)
Km coefficient
According to IEC 364 standard: (Table A)


1 In thermally insulating wall 2 Visible assembly, embedded in wall or raised section 3 In building construction cavities/spaces or false ceilings 4 In cable troughs 5 In chutes, mouldings, skirting or baseboards 1 mono or multi-conductor cables embedded directly in a wall without mechanical protection 2 Wall-fixed cables Ceiling-fixed cables 3 Open-mounted or insulated conductors 4 Cables mounted on non-perforated cable trays 1 - perforated cable trays Multi or 2 - brackets, ladders on monoconductor cables 3 - Wall-jutting clamps 4 - Suspended cables on suspension cable

(a) 0.77 1 0.95 0.95 -

(b) 0.95 1 1.21 -

(c) 0.70 0.9 0.865 1 -

(d) 0.77 0.95 0.95 0.9 1 0.95 1 1

(a) insulated conductor placed in a conduit (d) Cable not placed in a conduit

(b) Insulated conductor not placed in a conduit

(c) Cable placed in a conduit

Kn coefficient
According to IEC 364 standard: Table A

B, C

Embedded or sunk in to walls Single layer on walls or flooring or non perforated racks Single layer onto ceiling Single layer on horizontal perforated racks or vertical racks Single layer on cable ladders, brackets, etc

1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00

0.80 0.85 0.81 0.88

0.70 0.79 0.72 0.82

0.65 0.75 0.68 0.77

0.60 0.73 0.66 0.75

0.55 0.72 0.64 0.73

0.55 0.72 0.63 0.73

0.50 0.71 0.62 0.72

0.50 0.70 0.61 0.72




E, F

No additional reduction factor for more than 9 cables










When cables are laid out in several layers the Kn value must be multiplied by: Table B N of layer Coefficient Example 2 0.80 3 0.73 4 and 5 0.70 6 to 8 9 or more 0.68 0.66

The following are laid out on a perforated rack: 2 three-pole cables (2 circuits a and b) 1 single-pole three-cable set (1 circuit, c) 1 set made up of 2 conductors per phase (2 circuits, d) 1 three-pole cable for which Kn must be defined (1 circuit, e) The total number of circuits is 6. The reference method is method E (perforated rack). Kn = 0.57.


D. 16

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Overload currents

Defining Iz currents (continued)

Method of installation
B - 1 category
Insulated conductors in embedded conduits within thermally insulating walls. Multiconductor cables in embedded conduits within thermally insulating walls. Insulated conductors in visibly-assembled conduits. Mono or multi-conductor cables in visibly-assembled conduits Insulated conductors in visibly-assembled raisedsection conduits. Mono or multi-conductor cables in visibly-assembled raised-section conduits. Insulated conductors in conduits embedded in walls. Mono or multi-conductor cables in conduits embedded in walls.

B - 3 category
Mono or multi-conductors in building construction cavities. Insulated conductor in building construction cavities. Mono or multi-conductor cables in section conduits in building construction cavities. Insulated conductors in section conduits in building construction cavities. Mono or multi-conductor cables in section conduits building construction cavities. Insulated conductors in section conduits embedded in construction. Mono or multi-conductor cables in section conduits embedded in construction. Mono or multi-conductor cables: - in false ceilings, - in suspended ceilings.

B - 5 category
Insulated conductors in mouldings.

E - 1(1) and F - 1(2) categories

On perforated cable trays or racks, horizontal or vertical path.


Insulated conductors or mono or multi-conductors in grooved skirting or base-boards.

E - 2(1) and F - 2(2) categories

- on brackets,

- on cable ladders.

Insulated conductors in conduits or mono or multiconductor cables in jamb linings. Insulated conductors in conduits or mono or multiconductor cables in window frames.

E - 3(1) and F - 3(2) categories

Wall-jutting clamp-fixed.

C - 1 category
Mono or multi-conductor cables directly embedded in walls, without any extra mechanic protection.

E - 4(1) and F - 4(2) categories

Mono or multi-conductor cables suspended on suspension or selfsupporting cable.

B - 2 category
Insulated conductors or mono or multi-conductor cables in wall-fixed chutes: - horizontal path

B - 4 category
Multi-conductor cables directly embedded in thermally insulating walls.

Mono or multi-conductor cables directly embedded in walls with an extra mechanic protection.

(1) multi-conductor cables (2) mono-conductor cables

C - 2 category
Insulated conductors in conduits or multi-conductor cables in closed cable troughs, vertical or horizontal path. Mono or multi-conductor cables with or without sheathing. - wall-fixed cables, - ceiling-fixed cables.

- vertical path Insulated conductors in chutes embedded in floors. Mono or multi-conductor cables in chutes embedded in floors Insulated conductors in suspended chutes Mono or multi-conductor cables in suspended chutes. Insulated conductors in conduits in ventilated cable troughs. Mono or multi-conductor cables in open or ventilated cables troughs.

C - 3 category
Open-mounted or insulated on insulator conductors.

C - 4 category
Mono or multi-conductor cables on non-perforated cable trays or racks.

Kf coefficient
According to IEC 364 standard: Table C

10 15 20 25 35 40 45

1.29 1.22 1.15 1.07 0.93 0.82 0.71

1.22 1.17 1.12 1.06 0.94 0.87 0.79

1.15 1.12 1.08 1.04 0.96 0.91 0.87

50 55 60 65 70

0.58 -

0.71 0.61 0.50 -

0.82 0.76 0.71 0.65 0.58

Example: For an insulated PVC cable where the ambient temperature reaches 40 C, then Kt = 0.87.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 17

Application guide

Overload currents
Defining Iz current (continued)
Cable identification
Table A: Equivalence between the old and the new name (cables)

Example 1 A three-phase load with neutral and 80 A nominal current, is to be supplied (therefore Ib = 80 A). Cable type U 1000 R2V is used on a perforated rack with three other circuits at an ambient temperature of 40 C. Which section should be chosen? Iz must be:

U 500 VGV U 1000 SC 12 N U 500 SV 0V U 500 SV 1V Table B: cable classification


A 05VV - U (o R) H 07 RN - F A 05 VV - F

Iz > Iz =

Ib Km x Kn x Kt


U 1000 U 1000 U 1000 U 1000 H 07 FR-N 07 A 07 FR-N 1 FR-N 1 FR-N 1 FR-N 1 FR-N 07 0.6/1 FR-N 1 H 05 A 05 H 05 A 05


FR-N 05 FR-N 05 FR-N 05 FR-N 05 H 07 H 07 H 05 H 05 FR-N 05 FR-N 05 A 05 A 05

W-U, R W-AR V L 2V-U, R V L 2V-AR V V H2-F V V D3H2-F V V-F V V H2-F V V 5-F V VC4V5-F V V-F V V H2-F

Defining Iz - method of installation: E, therefore Km = 1 (see table A p. D.17) - total number of circuits: 4, therefore Kn = 0.77 (see table A p. D.16) - ambient air temperature: 40 C, therefore Kt = 0.91 (see table C p. D.17). Therefore Iz = 80 A = 114 A 1 x 0.77 x 0.91

Defining Iz Cable U 1000 R2V has a PR classification (see table B). The number of charged conductors is 3. Turn to table A on page D.55 and find column PR3 corresponding to category E. The Iz value immediately higher than Iz must be chosen, therefore Iz = 127 A, this corresponding to a 3 x 25 mm2 copper cable, protected by a 100 A gG fuse, or a 3 x 35 mm2 aluminium cable, protected by a 100 A gG fuse. Example 2 The Io adjusting current for a DIRIS CP protecting a 3-phase + neutral circuit is defined in the following conditions: - single conductor copper cables, with PR insulation, laid on brackets - ambient air temperature: 40 C - no other circuits in close proximity - Ib = 450 A Defining Iz - method of installation: F, therefore Km = 1 (see table A p. D.16) - total number of circuits: 1, therefore Kn = 1 (see table A p. D. 16) - ambient air temperature: 40 C, therefore Kt = 0.91 (see table C p. D.17). Therefore Iz = 450 A = 494 A 1 x 1 x 0.91

Defining Iz and Io - Iz value immediately higher than Iz: 506 A - chosen section: 185 mm2.

D. 18

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Overload currents

Fuse protection of wiring systems against overloads

Column Iz gives the maximum admissible current for each copper and aluminium cable cross section according to standard IEC 60 364 and the guide UTE 15-105. Column F gives the rating of the gG fuse associated with this cross section and type of cable. Categories B, C, E and F correspond to the different methods of cable installation (see page D.18).

Cables are classified in two families: PVC and PR (see table p. D.18). The figure that follows gives the number of loaded conductors (PVC 3 indicates a cable from the PVC family with 3 loaded conductors: 3 phases or 3 phases + neutral). Example A PR3 25 mm2 copper cable installed in category E is limited to 127 A and protected by a 100 A gG fuse.


B PVC3 C E F S mm2 COPPER Iz F 1.5 15.5 10 2.5 21 16 4 28 25 6 36 32 10 50 40 16 68 50 25 89 80 35 110 100 50 134 100 70 171 125 95 207 160 120 239 200 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 ALUMINIUM 2.5 16.5 10 4 22 16 6 28 20 10 39 32 16 53 40 25 70 63 35 86 80 50 104 80 70 133 100 95 161 125 120 188 160 150 185 240 300 400 500 630



PR2 PR3 PVC2 PR2 PR3 PVC2 Iz 23 31 42 54 75 100 127 158 192 246 298 346 399 456 538 621 754 868 1005 24 32 42 58 77 97 120 146 187 227 263 304 347 409 471 600 694 808 F 20 25 32 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 315 400 400 500 630 800 800 20 25 32 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 250 315 315 400 500 630 630 PR2 PR3 Iz 24 33 45 58 80 107 138 171 207 269 328 382 441 506 599 693 825 946 1088 26 35 45 62 84 101 126 154 198 241 280 324 371 439 508 663 770 899 F 20 25 40 50 63 80 125 125 160 160 250 315 400 400 500 630 630 800 800 20 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 250 315 400 400 500 630 800 Iz 26 36 49 63 86 115 149 185 225 289 352 410 473 542 641 741 F 20 32 40 50 63 100 125 160 200 250 315 315 400 500 500 630 Iz PR2 F

Iz 17.5 24 32 41 57 76 96 119 144 184 223 259 299 341 403 464

F 10 20 25 32 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 200 250 250 315 400

Iz 18.5 25 34 43 60 80 101 126 153 196 238 276 319 364 430 497

F 16 20 25 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 250 315 315 400

Iz 19.5 27 36 46 63 85 112 138 168 213 258 299 344 392 461 530

F 16 20 32 40 50 63 100 125 125 160 200 250 315 315 400 400

Iz 22 30 40 51 70 94 119 147 179 229 278 322 371 424 500 576 656 749 855 23 31 39 54 73 90 112 136 174 211 245 283 323 382 440 526 610 711

F 16 25 32 40 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 250 315 315 400 500 500 630 630 20 25 32 50 63 80 100 125 160 160 200 250 250 315 400 400 500 630

161 125 200 160 242 200 310 250 377 315 437 400 504 400 575 500 679 500 783 630 840 800 1083 1000 1254 1000

18.5 25 32 44 59 73 90 110 140 170 197 227 259 305 351

10 20 25 40 50 63 80 100 125 125 160 200 200 250 315

19.5 26 33 46 61 78 96 117 150 183 212 245 280 330 381

16 20 25 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 160 200 250 250 315

21 28 36 49 66 83 103 125 160 195 226 261 298 352 406

16 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 200 250 315 315

28 38 49 67 91 108 135 164 211 257 300 346 397 470 543

25 32 40 50 80 100 125 125 160 200 250 315 315 400 500

121 150 184 237 289 337 389 447 530 613 740 856 996

100 125 160 200 250 250 315 400 400 500 630 630 800

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 19

Application guide

Short circuit currents

A short circuit current is a current triggered by a negligible impedance fault between points of an installation normally having a potential difference. 3 levels of short circuit currents can be identified: peak short circuit current (Isc peak) corresponds to the top of the current wave, generating heightened electrodynamic forces, notably at the level of busbars and contacts or equipment connections. rms short circuit current (Isc rms): rms value of the fault current which leads to equipment and conductor overheating, and may raise the potential difference of the electrical earth to a dangerous level. minimum short circuit current (Isc min): rms value of the fault current establishing itself in high impedance circuits (reduced section conductor and long conductors, etc.). It is necessary to quickly eliminate this type of fault, known as impedant, by appropriate means. Current
Maximum peak current Upper envelope

Asymmetric K

Isc rms.


Lower envelope

Calculating a sources Isc

With one transformer
Simplified calculation according to transformer power Mains supply 127 / 220 V 220 / 380 V In S (kVA) x 2.5 S (kVA) x 1.5 I sc rms I n x 20 I n x 20

Batteries Isc
Isc values downstream of an accumulator bank are approximately: Isc = 15 x Q (open lead acid) Isc = 40 x Q (air-tight lead acid) Isc = 20 x Q (Ni-Cd) Q (Ah): capacity in Amps - hour

Simplified calculation according to transformer short-circuit voltage (u):

Generator sets Isc

Isc (A rms) = S x U 3
S: U: u: k:

100 u

power (VA) phase to phase voltage (V) short circuit voltage (%) coefficient allowing for upstream impedance (for example, 0.8).

With n transformers in parallel

n being the number of transformers

An alternators internal impedance depends on its manufacture. This can be characterised as values expressed in%: Xd transient reactance: - 15 to 20% for a turbo-generator - 25 to 35% for salient polar alternator (subtransient reactance is negligible). Xo homopolar reactance: this can be estimated at 6% in the absence of more precise indications. The following may be calculated:

T1; T2; T3 identical Short circuit in A, B or C device 1, 2 or 3 must withstand IscA = (n-1) x Isc of a transformer. Short circuit in D, device 4 must withstand: IscB = n x Isc of a transformer.
T1 T2 T3

Isc3 =

k3 x P U0 x Xd


alternator power in kVA

Uo: phase to neutral voltage Xd: transient reactance k3 = 0.37 for Isc3 max k3 = 0.33 for Isc3 min

Isc2 = 0.86 x Isc3 Isc1 = k1 P U0 (2Xd + X0)

P = 400 kVA

Xo: homopolar reactance k1 = 1.1 per Isc1 max k1 = 1.1 per Isc1 min

1 2 3

Xd = 30%

X0 = 6% U0 = 230 V

0.37 x 400 = 2.14 kA I max = 1.1 x 400 = 2.944 kA Isc3 max = sc1 230 x 30 230 x 2 x 30 + 6 100 100 100


Isc2 max = 1.844 kA Weak short circuit currents generated by generator sets make it difficult to protect circuits by usual means. SOCOMEC offers the DIRIS system as a suitable solution.

Fig. 1: short circuit with several transformers in parallel

D. 20

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

2 Isc rms 2

Application guide

Short circuit currents

Calculating a LV installations Isc

General points
Calculating short-circuit currents enables the following to be defined: the protection devices breaking capacity the cross-section of conductors enabling: - to withstand short circuit temperature stress, - to guarantee protection device opening against indirect contact within the time stipulated by IEC 364 standard. the mechanical withstand of conductor supports (electrodynamic stress). The protection devices breaking capacity is established from the Isc calculated at its terminals. The conductor section depends on the minimum Isc calculated at receptor terminals. The conductor support mechanical withstand is established by calculating Isc peak deducted from maximum Isc. Receptor device

Impedance method
This method consists of adding all the circuits resistance R and reactance X upstream of the short-circuit (see next page) and then calculating impedance Z.

Z (m) =

R 2 (m) + X 2 (m)

This method enables the following to be calculated: Isc3: three phase short-circuit current

Isc3 = 1.1 x U0 Z3

U0: phase to neutral voltage (230 V on a 230/400 network) Z3: three phase loop impedance (see page D.23)


Isc2: short-circuit current between two phases

Isc2 = 0.86 x Isc3


Isc1: single phase short-circuit current Breaking Isc maxi Capacity Isc peak Isc mini

Calculating short-circuit current can be performed by one of the three following methods: Conventional method This enables minimum Isc to be calculated. See below. Impedance method This method consists of calculating the default loops impedance Z, taking the power source into account (mains, battery bank, generator sets, etc.). This is an accurate method which enables minimum and maximum Isc to be calculated, but also requires that circuit fault parameters should be known (see page D.23). Quick method This method is used when circuit fault parameters are known. Short-circuit current Isc is defined on one point of the network where upstream Isc as well as length and connecting section to upstream point is known (see page D.24). This method only gives the maximum Isc value.

Isc1 = 1.1 x U0 Z1

U0: phase to neutral voltage (230 V on a 230/400 network) Z1: single phase loop impedance (see page D.23)

Isc peak Isc peak must be calculated when it is necessary to know electrodynamic stress (on busbar supports for example):

Isc cresta (kA) = Isc rms(kA) x

k: asymmetric coefficient given below.
K 2.0 1.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Conventional method
This method gives the minimum Isc value at the end of the installation not supplied by an alternator:

1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3


Isc = A x 0.8 U x S 2L
voltage between phases in V wiring system length in m conductor section in mm2 0,028 m.m for copper with fuse protection 0.044 m.m for aluminium with fuse protection 0.023 m.m for copper with protection by circuit breaker 0.037 m.m for aluminium with protection by circuit breaker A = 1 for circuits with neutral (neutral section = phase section) 1.73 for circuits without neutral 0.67 for circuits with neutral (neutral section = 1 phase section) 2 For cable sections of 150 mm2 and over, account must be taken of the reactance by dividing the Isc value by: - 150 mm2 cable: 1.15 - 185 mm2 cable: 1.2 - 240 mm2 cable: 1.25 - 300 mm2 cable: 1.3 U: L: S: =

1.2 1.1 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 Fig. 1 R X

Note: Value R/X is more often used, as this is more exploitable in this diagram. k = 1 for symmetric short circuit current (cos. = 1).

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 21

Application guide

Short circuit currents

Calculating a LV installations Isc
Impedance method (continued)
Defining R and X (network) values R = Resistance X = Reactance The table below gives R and X values for different parts of the circuit up to the short-circuit point.

To calculate the default loop impedance, R and X values must be added separately (see example on page D.23).
R and X values

Network upstream R and X values upstream of HV/LV transformers (400 V) according to network short-circuit power (Psc in MVA).

500 250 125

> 63 kV > 24 kV close to power plants > 24 kV far from power plants

0.04 0.07 0.14

0.35 0.7 1.4

If short-circuit power (Psc is known Off-load voltage Uo (400 V AC or 230 V AC 50 Hz)

R (m) = 0.1 x X (m)

X (m) =

3.3 x U02 Pcc kVA

Oil-immersed transformers with secondaries 400 V Values of R and X according to the power of the transformer. P (kVA) Isc3 (kA) R (m) X (m) Conductors 50 1.80 43.7 134 100 3.60 21.9 67 160 5.76 13.7 41.9 200 7.20 10.9 33.5 250 400 630 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 9.00 14.43 22.68 24.01 30.03 38.44 48.04 60.07 8.7 5.5 3.5 3.3 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.31 26.8 16.8 10.6 10.0 8.0 6.3 5.0 4.01

R(m) = x I (m) S (mm )



2 = m x mm m

RESISTIVITY [10-6 m.m]

max. Isc
Fuse protection

min. Isc
Protection by circuit breaker

Copper Aluminium

18.51 29.4

28 44

23 37

X (m) = 0.08 x I (m) (three-pole cables) X (m) = 0.13 x I (m) (single-pole cables) X (m) = 0.09 x I (m) (separate single-conductor cables)


X (m) = 0.15 x I (m) (busbars)

(1) Copper and aluminium


Device in closed position

R = 0 and X = 0.15 m

D. 22

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Short circuit currents

Calculating a LV installations Isc (continued)

Impedance method (continued)
Calculating Isc (impedance method) (continued) copper = 18.51 aluminium = 29.4 Uo = 230 V Network: 250 MVA Transformer da 630 kVA Cables: Aluminium Ph: I = 10 m 4 x 240 mm N: PE: I = 10 m 2 x 240 mm I = 12 m 1 x 240 mm R = 0.07 m R = 3.5 m X = 0.7 m X = 10.6 m

R 0.07 3.5

X 0.7 10.6

Ph: R = 29.4 x 10 = 0.306 m 240 x 4 N: R = 29.4 x 10 = 0.612 m 240 x 2

X = 0.13 x 10 = 0.325 m 4 X = 0.13 x 10 = 0.65 m 2 X = 0.13 x 12 = 1.56 m

0.306 0.325 0.612 0.65 1.47 1.56

PE: R = 29.4 x 12 = 1.47 m 240 (transformer protection)


X = 0.15 m

0.15 3.87 11.77 0.612 0.65 1.47 1.56

Sub-total: TGBT level input

Busbars copper I = 3 m Ph: N: PE: 2 x 100 x 5 1 x 100 x 5 1 x 40 x 5


Ph: R = 18.51 x 3 = 0.055 m 2 x 100 x 5 N: R = 18.51 x 3 = 0.11 m 1 x 100 x 5

X = 0.15 x 3 = 0.45 m X = 0.15 x 3 = 0.45 m X = 0.15 x 3 = 0.45 m 3.925 At busbar input

0.055 0.45 0.11 0.45 0.277 12.22 0.722 1.1 1.75 2.01 0.45

PE: R = 18.51 x 3 = 0.277 m 40 x 5

Total at busbars level: At TGBT input Three phase loop impedance: Rph + Xph = (3.87) + (11.77) = 12.39 m 1.1 x 230 V = 20.5 kA Isc3 max. = 12.39 m Isc2 max. = 0.86 x 20.5 kA = 17.6 kA
2 2 2 2

Three phase loop impedance: Rph2 x Xph2 = (3.925)2 + (12.22)2 = 12.8 m 1.1 x 230 V = 19.8 kA Isc3 maxi = 12.8 m Isc2 maxi = 0.86 x 19.8 kA = 17 kA R = 3.925 = 0.32 according to fig. 1 page D.21, k = 1.4 X 12.22 Z3 =

Z3 =

Single-phase loop impedance: Z1 = Z1 = Ic1 (Rph + Rn)2 + (Xph + Xn)2

(3.87 + 0.612)2 + (11.77 + 0.65)2 = 13.2 m 1.1 x 230 V = 19.2 kA = 13.2 m

Isc3 peak = 19.8 x 2 x 1.4 = 39.2 kA

This 39.7 kA peak value is necessary to define the dynamic withstand of the bars and of the piece of equipment. Impedenza del circuito monofase: Z1 = (Rph + Rn)2 + (Xph + Xn)2 = (3.925 + 0.722)2 + (12.22 +1.1)2 = 14.1 m 1.1 x 230 V = 18 kA Isc1 = 14.1 m

Calculating minimum Isc example

Calculating minimum Isc id identical to the previous calculation, replacing copper and aluminium resistivities by: copper = 28 alu = 44 Phase/neutral single-phase loop impedance: Z1 = (4.11 +1.085)2 + (12.22 +1.1)2 = 14.3 m Phase/protection single-phase loop impedance: (4.11 + 2.62)2 + (12.22 +1.1)2 = 14.92 m 230 V = 16 kA Isc1 mini = 230 V = 15.4 kA Isc1 mini = 14.3 m 14.92 m Z1 =

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 23

Application guide

Short circuit currents

Calculating a LV installations Isc (continued)
Quick method
This quick though approximate method enables the Isc on a network pint to be defined, knowing upstream Isc as well as the upstream length and section connection. The tables below are valid for networks with 400 V between phases (with or without neutral). Proceed therefore as follows: In parts 1 (copper conductors) or 3 (aluminium) of the tables, select the line denoting conductor phase section. Read across the line until reaching the value immediately below the wiring system length. Read down (for copper) or up (for aluminium) until reaching part 2. and stop on the line corresponding to the upstream Isc. The value read at this intersection gives the required Isc value. Example: Upstream Isc = 20 kA, wiring system: 3 x 35 mm2 (copper), 17 m length. In the line denoting 35 mm2, the length immediately less than 17 m is 15 m. The intersection of the 15 m column and the 20 kA line gives upstream Isc = 11 kA.

Phase conductor section (mm2)

Copper 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 2 x 120 2 x 150 2 x 185 3 x 120 3 x 150 3 x 185

Wiring system length in m

1.1 1.7 2.0 4.3 6.8 10.7 15 20 30 41 51 56 66 82 99 103 112 132 154 168 198 1.5 1.9 2.8 6.1 9.7 15 21 29 42 58 73 79 93 116 140 145 158 187 218 237 280 1.3 2.1 2.6 4.0 8.6 14 21 30 41 60 81 103 112 132 164 198 205 223 264 308 335 396 1.8 3.0 3.7 5.6 12.1 19 30 42 58 85 115 145 158 187 232 279 291 316 373 436 474 560 2.6 4.3 5.3 7.9 17 27 43 60 81 120 163 205 223 264 329 395 411 447 528 616 670 3.6 6.1 7.4 11.2 24 39 61 85 115 170 230 291 316 373 465 559 581 632 747 5.1 8.6 10.5 16 34 55 86 120 163 240 325 411 447 528 658 7.3 12 15 22 48 77 121 170 230 339 460 10.3 17 21 32 68 110 171 240 325 15 24 30 45 97 155 242 339 460 21 34 42 63 137 219 342 479

1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.9 3.4 3.7 4.4

1.6 1.7 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.5 4.1 4.8 5.2 6.2

2.3 2.5 2.9 3.6 4.4 4.5 4.9 5.8 6.8 7.4 8.8

2.5 3.2 3.5 4.1 5.1 6.2 6.4 7.0 8.2 9.6 10.5 12.4

1.8 2.6 3.6 4.5 4.9 5.8 7.3 8.7 9.1 9.9 11.7 13.6 14.8 17.5

1.3 1.9 2.5 3.7 5.1 6.4 7.0 8.2 10.3 12.3 12.8 14.0 16.5 19 21 25

1.9 2.6 3.6 5.3 7.2 9.1 9.9 11.7 15 17 18 20 23 27 30 35

1.7 2.7 3.7 5.1 7.5 10.2 13 14 16 21 25 26 28 33 39 42 49

2.4 3.8 5.3 7.2 10.6 14 18 20 23 29 35 36 39 47 54 59 70

2.1 3.4 5.4 7.5 10.2 15 20 26 28 33 41 49 51 56 66 77 84 99

1.4 3.0 4.8 7.6 10.6 14 21 29 36 39 47 58 70 73 79 93 109 118 140

Isc upstream (kA)

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 7 5 4 3 2 1 93.5 82.7 74.2 65.5 56.7 47.7 38.5 33.8 29.1 24.4 19.6 14.8 9.9 7.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 91.1 82.7 74.2 65.5 56.7 47.7 38.5 33.8 29.1 24.4 19.6 14.8 9.9 7.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 87.9 80.1 72.0 63.8 55.4 46.8 37.9 33.4 28.8 24.2 19.5 14.7 9.9 6.9 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 83.7 76.5 69.2 61.6 53.7 45.6 37.1 32.8 28.3 23.8 19.2 14.6 9.8 6.9 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 78.4 72.1 65.5 58.7 51.5 43.9 36.0 31.9 27.7 23.4 19.0 14.4 9.7 6.9 4.9 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 71.9 66.6 61.0 55.0 48.6 41.8 34.6 30.8 26.9 22.8 18.6 14.2 9.6 6.8 4.9 3.9 3.0 2.0 1.0 64.4 60.1 55.5 50.5 45.1 39.2 32.8 29.3 25.7 22.0 18.0 13.9 9.5 6.7 4.9 3.9 3.0 2.0 1.0 56.1 52.8 49.2 45.3 40.9 36.0 30.5 27.5 24.3 20.9 17.3 13.4 9.3 6.6 4.8 3.9 2.9 2.0 1.0

Isc at chosen point (kA)

47.5 45.1 42.5 39.5 36.1 32.2 27.7 25.2 22.5 19.6 16.4 12.9 9.0 6.5 4.7 3.8 2.9 2.0 1.0 39.01 37.4 35.6 33.4 31.0 28.1 24.6 22.6 20.4 18.0 15.2 12.2 8.6 6.3 4.6 3.8 2.9 1.9 1.0 31.2 30.1 28.9 27.5 25.8 23.8 21.2 19.7 18.0 161 13.9 11.3 8.2 6.1 4.5 3.7 2.8 1.9 1.0 24.2 23.6 22.9 22.0 20.9 19.5 17.8 16.7 15.5 14.0 12.3 10.2 7.6 5.7 4.3 3.6 2.7 1.9 1.0 18.5 18.1 17.6 17.1 16.4 15.6 14.5 13.7 12.9 11.9 10.6 9.0 6.9 5.3 4.1 3.4 2.6 1.8 1.0 13.8 13.6 13.3 13.0 12.6 12.1 11.4 11.0 10.4 9.8 8.9 7.7 6.2 4.9 3.8 3.2 2.5 1.8 0.9 10.2 10.1 9.9 9.7 9.5 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.2 7.8 7.2 6.4 5.3 4.3 3.5 3.0 2.4 1.7 0.9 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.1 6.9 6.7 6.5 6.3 6.1 5.7 5.2 4.4 3.7 3.1 2.7 2.2 1.6 0.9 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.1 3.6 3.1 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.5 0.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 2.9 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.3 0.38 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.7 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5

Phase conductor section (mm2)

Aluminium 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 2 X 120 2 X 150 2 X 185 2 X 240 3 X 120 3 X 150 3 X 185 3 X 240

Wiring system length in m

1.1 1.6 2.1 4.3 6.7 9.4 13 19 26 32 35 42 52 62 65 70 83 103 97 105 125 155 1.5 1.7 2.9 6.1 9.5 13 18 27 36 46 50 59 73 88 91 99 117 146 137 149 176 219 1.3 2.2 2.5 4.1 8.6 13 19 26 38 51 65 70 83 103 124 129 141 166 207 194 211 249 310 1.9 3.0 3.5 5.8 12 19 27 36 53 72 91 99 117 146 176 183 199 235 293 274 298 352 439 2.7 4.3 4.9 8.2 17 27 38 51 75 102 129 141 166 207 249 259 281 332 414 388 422 498 621 3.8 6.1 7.0 11.6 24 38 53 72 107 145 183 199 235 293 352 366 398 470 585 549 596 705 5.4 8.6 9.9 16 34 54 75 102 151 205 259 281 332 414 497 517 7.6 12 14 23 49 76 107 145 213 290 366 398 470 10.8 17 20 33 69 108 151 205 302 410 15 24 28 47 98 152 213 290 427 22 34 40 66 138 216 302 410

1.4 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.8 3.4

1.6 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.6 3.2 3.0 3.3 3.9 4.8

2.3 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.7 4.6 4.3 4.7 5.5 6.9

2.6 3.2 3.9 4.0 4.4 5.2 6.5 6.1 6.6 7.8 9.7

2.3 2.9 3.1 3.7 4.6 5.5 5.7 6.2 7.3 9.1 8.6 9.3 11.0 13.7

1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.4 5.2 6.5 7.8 8.1 8.8 10.4 12.9 12.1 13.2 15.6 19

1.7 2.3 3.3 4.5 5.7 6.2 7.3 9.1 11.0 11.4 12 15 18 17 19 22 27

1.7 2.4 3.2 4.7 6.4 8.1 8.8 10.4 13 16 16 18 21 26 24 26 31 39

2.4 3.3 4.5 6.7 9.0 11.4 12 15 18 22 23 25 29 37 34 37 44 55

2.2 3.4 4.7 6.4 9.4 13 16 18 21 26 31 32 35 42 52 48 53 62 78

1.5 3.0 4.8 6.7 9.0 13 18 23 25 29 37 44 46 50 59 73 69 75 88 110

D. 24

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Short circuit currents

Protection of wiring systems

Short-circuit currents lead to temperature stress in conductors. To avoid damaging or eroding cable insulation (which may in turn lead to insulation faults) or busbar supports, conductors having the following indicated minimal sections must be used.

Insulated conductors (continued)

Table B: constant k (IEC 60364)

Short-circuit thermal effects on busbars are caused by conductor temperature rise. This temperature rise must be compatible with busbar support characteristics. Example: for a SOCOMEC busbar support (with a busbar temperature of 80 C prior to short-circuit).

Live conductors or protective conductors which are part Protective conductors which are part of the wiring system
1) Premises without fire risk 2) Premises with fire risk

Rubber Butyl

115 143

76 94

Rubber 143 95 Butyl 176 116 uninsulated(1) 159(1) 138(2) 105(1) 91(2)

( ) S min. (mm 2) = 1000 x Isc kA x t (s) 70

S min.: minimum phase cross-section Isc: rms short-circuit current t: protective device breaking time Also see the busbar calculation on page D.73.

To avoid doing the calculation, please refer to table A which gives the coefficient by which the short circuit current must be multiplied to obtain the minimum cross-section.

Section mini. (mm2) = ksc x Isc mini.(kA)

Example For a copper cable, insulated with PVC and protected by DIRIS CP adjusted to ts = 100 ms, Isc min. = 22 kA. This gives: ksc = 2.75 for live conductors in table A. Active conductors S min. = 2.75 x 22 = 60 mm2 A 70 mm2 section will be chosen The same conductor in aluminium should have a minimum cross-section of 60 mm2 x 1.5 = 90 mm2

Insulated conductors
The minimum cross-section is established as follows:

S mini (mm 2) = 1000 x Isc (kA) x t (s) k

Isc: minimum short-circuit current in kA rms (see page D.20). t: protective device tripping time in secs. k: constant, depending on the insulation (see table B).

Maximum conductor length

Having already established minimum conductor length, ensure that the protective device placed upstream of conductors has a tripping time compatible with the conductors maximum temperature stress. To do this, the minimum short circuit current must be sufficient to trip the protection device. Conductor length must be within the limits given by tables A and B page D.26.

Table A: Ksc coefficient


5 10 15 25 35 50 60 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 1000

0.62 0.87 1.06 1.37 1.63 1.94 2.13 2.38 2.75 3.07 3.37 3.64 3.89 4.35 4.76 5.50 6.15 8.70

0.50 0.70 0.86 1.10 1.31 1.58 1.72 1.89 2.21 2.47 2.71 2.93 3.13 3.50 3.83 4.42 4.95 6.99

0.62 0.87 1.06 1.37 1.63 1.94 2.13 2.38 2.75 3.07 3.37 3.64 3.89 4.35 4.76 5.50 6.15 8.70

0.50 0.70 0.86 1.10 1.31 1.56 1.72 1.89 2.21 2.47 2.71 2.93 3.13 3.50 3.83 4.42 4.95 6.99

0.50 0.70 0.86 1.10 1.31 1.56 1.72 1.89 2.21 2.47 2.71 2.93 3.13 3.50 3.83 4.42 4.95 6.99

0.40 0.57 0.70 0.89 1.06 1.27 1.40 1.54 1.79 2.00 2.20 2.38 2.54 2.84 3.11 3.59 4.02 5.68

0.45 0.63 0.77 0.99 1.18 1.40 1.54 1.72 1.99 2.22 2.44 2.63 2.81 3.15 3.44 3.98 4.45 6.29

For aluminium conductors, multiply the values in the table by 1.5.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 25

Application guide

Short circuit currents

Fuse protection of wiring systems
Maximum length of conductors protected by fuses
Table A and B indicate maximum lengths in the following conditions: 230/400 V three-phase circuit, minimal short-circuit current, contact line neutral section = phases section, copper conductors. These tables are valid whatever the cable insulation (PVC, PR, EPR). When two values are given, the first corresponds to PVC cables and the second to PR/EPR cables. The lengths must be multiplied by the coefficients in table C for 230 V/400 V three-phase networks with distributed neutral, or 230 single-phase networks. For aluminium cable: multiply the lengths in the tables by 0.41.

Table A: maximum cable lengths in m protected by gG fuses

HP C S (mm2)

16 82

















800 1000 1250

1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240

59/61 38/47 18/22 13/16 6/7 102 82 49/56 35/43 16/20 12/15 5/7 131 89 76 42/52 31/39 14/17 134 113 78 67/74 31/39 189 129 112 74 179 119 186

8/10 4/5 18/23 10/12 7/9 51/57 27/34 19/24 9/12 7/9 3/4 91 67 49/56 24/30 18/23 9/11 143 104 88 59/61 45/53 22/27 200 146 123 86 75 43/52 198 167 117 101 71 246 172 150 104 233 203 141 256 179 272 190 220

5/7 13/16 25/36 45/74 80 109 137 145 169 205

3/4 7/9 14/18 26/33 57/60 82 103 110 127 155

4/5 8/11 16/22 34/42 62 80 85 98 119

4/5 8/11 17/22 32/40 51/57 61 70 85

5/7 11/14 20/25 32/40 42/48 56 68

9/11 14/18 20/24 27/34 43/46

Table B: maximum cable lengths in m protected by aM fuses

HP C S (mm2)


















800 1000 1250

1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240

28/33 19/23 13/15 8/10 6/7 67 47/54 32/38 20/24 14/16 9/11 6/7 108 86 69 47/54 32/38 22/25 14/17 9/11 6/7 161 129 104 81 65/66 45/52 29/34 19/23 13/15 9/10 6/7 135 108 88 68 47/54 32/38 21/25 14/16 9/11 6/7 140 109 86 69 49/55 32/38 21/25 14/17 9/11 135 108 86 67 47/54 32/38 21/25 151 121 94 75 58/60 38/45 128 102 82 65 151 121 96 205 164 130 164

14/16 25/30 43/51 75 102 129 138

9/11 17/20 29/36 58/60 82 104 110 128

11/13 7/9 19/24 13/15 8/10 38/45 25/30 17/20 11/13 65 43/51 29/34 19/23 82 65 44/52 29/35 88 69 55 37/44 102 80 64 51 123 97 78 62

Table C: corrective coefficients for other networks


Neutral section = 0.5 x phase section Circuit without neutral

(1) Entry to the table is through the phase section.

0.67(1) 1.73

D. 26

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Direct and indirect contacts

Protection against indirect contacts
Direct contact is the contact of persons with active parts (phases, neutral) which are normally live (busbars, terminals, etc.), which result in an electric shock. R S T N

Using ELV
Use of ELV (for a definition of this see page D.6) represents protection against both direct and indirect contact. The following can be distinguished: SELV Security Extra-Low Voltage. This must be: - produced by certain sources such as security transformers, inverters, battery banks, and generator sets, etc. - completely independent from elements liable to undergo differential potential (another installations earth, or another circuit, etc.). PELV Protection Extra-Low Voltage. This is identical to SELV, except that it has earth connection for operating reasons (electronics, computing, etc.). Using PELV may cause certain restrictions as compared to SELV concerning protection against direct contact. FELV Functional Extra-Low Voltage. This covers all other ELV applications. It does not offer protection against direct or indirect contact.



Complementary protection against the direct contacts

Fig. 1: direct contact

Protective measures
Protecting against direct contact is ensured by one of the following measures: placing live conductors out of reach by using obstacles or placing at a distance. insulating live conductors. using barriers or enclosures: the minimum degree of protection offered by the enclosure must be IP 2x or xxB for live parts. Enclosure opening shall only be possible in one of the following instances: - with a key or other tool - after switching off active parts - if a second barrier with IP > 2x or xxB is employed inside the enclosure (see IP definition on page D.11). using 30 mA residual differential-current devices. This is an accepted complementary protective measure, should the other protective measures fail. using ELV (Extra-Low Voltage).

Whatever the neutral load, complementary protection against direct contacts is provided, in particular by the use of high sensitivity RCD ( 30 mA). Standards IEC 60 364 and IEC 60364 require the use of such devices in the following cases in particular: circuits supplying socket outlets 32 A, temporary installations, fairground installations, worksite installations, bathrooms, swimming pools, caravans, pleasure boats, vehicle power supply, agricultural and horticultural establishments, heating cables and coverings embedded in the floor or walls of a building. These complementary protective measures against direct contacts, according to standard IEC 60479, are no longer acceptable when the contact voltage risks reaching 500 V: human impedance risks allowing a dangerous current higher than 500 mA to pass through the body.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 27

Application guide

Direct and indirect contacts

Protection against indirect contacts
Indirect contact is the contact of persons with conductive parts which have been accidentally made live following an insulation fault. Protection against indirect contact can be performed: either without automatic disconnection of supply or with automatic disconnection of supply. R S T N

Protection with automatic disconnection of supply

Protection against indirect contact with automatic disconnection of supply consists of separating from the supply circuits or material, with an insulation fault between an active part and the mass. To prevent hazardous physiological effects for personnel who would be in contact with the faulty part, contact voltage Uc is limited to a limit value UL. The latter is determined according to: admissible current IL for the human body, current flow time (see fig. 1 page D.30), earth-link arrangement, installation specifications.




25 50 75 90 110 120 150 220 230 280 350 500

5 5 0.60 0.45 0.34 0.27 0.17 0.12 0.08 0.04

Fig. 1: indirect contact

This installation switch-off is performed differently according to linking arrangements (neutral loads). IEC 364 standard stipulates the protection devices maximum cutoff time in normal (UL = 50 V) and in damp conditions (UL = 25 V), (UL is the highest contact voltage that people can withstand without danger), (see table above). R S T N

Protection without automatic disconnection of supply

Protection against indirect contacts without automatic disconnection of supply can be ensured by: using ELV (Extra-Low Voltage) (see page D.27), separating masses so that none can be simultaneously in contact with both masses, double or reinforced insulation of material (class II), non earth linked equipotential connection of all simultaneously accessible masses, electric separation (by transformer for circuits < 500 V).

id ic



Fig. 2: contact voltage limit value UL

D. 28

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Direct and indirect contacts

Protection against indirect contacts (continued)

Protection with automatic disconnection of supply (continued)
TT load With TT load protection is ensured by differential devices. In this case, the conductor cross-section and length are not taken into consideration. Ensure that earth connection is as follows: TN and IT load Introduction When the network is not protected by a differential device, correct co-ordination between the protection device and the choice of conductors must be ensured. Indeed, if the conductor impedance is too high, there is a risk of a limited fault current tripping the protection device over a longer period of time than is stipulated by IEC 364 standard. The resulting current may thus cause a dangerous contact voltage. To limit loop impedance, conductor length for a given section should be limited.

RT <


UL: limit voltage In: differential device adjustment current

Example: should there be a fault, contact voltage can be limited to UL = 50 V. The differential device is adjusted to In = 500 mA = 0.5 A. Earth connection resistance must not exceed: RT maxi = 50 V = 100 0.5 A

S ZP T PEN ZPen id



UC = ZPen x id

Fig. 2: TN load current fault


Receptor id


IMD Receptor


Fig. 1: TT load fault current


ZP 2


Fig. 3: IT load current fault

Note: protection against overcurrents is only effective in the presence of dead faults. A RESYS differential device or a DLRD 470 used as a pre-alarm, are effective means of preventing impedance faults and the maintaining of dangerous voltages.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 29

Application guide

Direct and indirect contacts

Protection against indirect contacts (continued)
Protection with automatic disconnection of supply (continued)
TN and IT load (continued) Maximum breaking time To avoid being in zones 3 and 4 in figure below, IEC 364 specifies a maximum breaking time according to the electrical network and voltage limit: 50 V for dry premises 25 V for damp premises, building sites and livestock buildings, etc. Table A: protection devices maximum breaking time in seconds

Maximum conductor length The conductors limit length can be determined by an approximate calculation, valid for installations supplied by a star-delta or zigzag coupling transformer.

L (m) = K

Uo x S (1 + m) Id

230/400 400/690

50 0.4 0.2

50 0.4 0.2

50 0.8 0.4

Special case With a TN load, breaking time can be greater than the time given by table A (but still less than 5 sec.) if: the circuit is not a terminal circuit and does not supply a mobile or portable load the circuit does not supply equipment or current outlet one of the following 2 conditions is met: - the principal equipotential link is doubled by an equipotential link identical to the principal link - the protection conductors resistance Rpe is:

Uo: phase-to-neutral voltage (230 V on a 230/400 network) S: phase conductors cross section in mm2 with TN and IT loads without neutral m = S/Spe Spe: PE or PEN section Id: fault current in A Fuse protection: current reached for melting time equal to protection devices opening time (maximum lengths are given in table B on page D.26) K: variable according to the neutral load and the conductor (see table B).

Table B: K values


Rpe <

50 x (Rpe + Za) Uo

Copper Aluminium

34.7 21.6

30 18.7

17.3 11

U0: network phase to neutral voltage Za: impedance including the source and the live conductor up to fault point.

The influence of reactance is negligible for cross-sections less than 120 mm2. Beyond that resistance has to be increased by: 15% for 150 mm2 cross section 20% for 185 mm2 cross section 25% for 240 mm2 cross section 30% for 300 mm2 cross section For cross sections greater than above: an exact impedance calculation must be performed using X = 0.08 m / m.

Effect of electrical current on the human body

10000 5000 2000 1000 500 10000 5000 2000 1000 500

200 100 50 20 10 0,1 0,2 0,5 1 t



200 t 100
Current flow time





Current flow time


50 20 10 0,1 0,2 0,5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 5000 mA 2000 10000

10 20

50 100 200

Current passing through the body I rms

500 1000 5000 mA 2000 10000

Current passing through the body I rms

The current passing through the human body, by its physiopathological effect, affects the circulatory and respiratory functions and can lead to death, and for high values, cause serious burns.

Zones -1 to -4 correspond to the different levels of effect: AC/DC-1: non-perception AC/DC-2: perception AC/DC-3: reversible effects, muscle contraction AC/DC-4: possibility of irreversible effects.

D. 30

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Direct and indirect contacts

Fuse protection against indirect contacts

Maximum length of conductors protected by fuses
The length of conductors protected against indirect contacts must be limited. Tables B and C give a direct reading of the maximum lengths of copper conductors. They are determined in the following conditions: network 230 V/400 V TN load maximum contact voltage UL = 50 V. For other uses, the value read in tables B and C must be multiplied by the coefficient in table A. Table A: correction coefficient IT load without neutral IT load with neutral Neutral cross section = 1/2 phase cross section Aluminium conductor 0.86 0.5 0.67 0.625

Table B: maximum lengths (in m) of conductors protected by gG fuses

S (mm2)

16 53 88 141 212 353 566 884

20 40 66 106 159 265 424 663 928

25 32 53 85 127 212 339 530 742

32 22 36 58 87 145 231 361 506 687

40 18 31 49 73 122 196 306 428 581 856

50 13 21 33 50 84 134 209 293 398 586 795

63 11 18 29 43 72 116 181 253 343 506 687 868

80 7 12 19 29 48 77 120 169 229 337 458 578 615 714

100 8 9 15 22 37 59 92 129 176 259 351 444 472 547 666

125 4 7 11 16 28 43 67 94 128 189 256 323 343 399 485 566

160 3 6 9 14 23 36 57 80 108 159 216 273 290 336 409 477

200 4 6 10 16 25 40 56 76 11 151 191 203 235 286 334






800 1000 1250

1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300

6 8 14 22 35 48 66 97 131 166 178 205 249 290

4 6 10 15 24 34 46 67 92 116 123 145 173 202

4 7 12 18 26 35 52 70 89 94 110 133 155

6 9 14 20 27 39 53 67 71 82 100 117

4 7 11 15 20 30 41 62 54 64 77 90

5 8 11 15 22 29 37 39 46 55 65

4 6 9 12 17 23 23 31 36 44 51

4 6 8 11 16 20 21 24 29 34

Table C: maximum lengths (in m) of conductors protected by aM fuses

S (mm2)

16 28 47 75 113 188 301 470 658 891

20 23 38 60 90 151 241 377 527 714

25 18 30 48 72 121 193 302 422 572 845

32 14 24 38 57 94 151 236 330 447 660 895

40 11 19 30 45 75 121 188 264 357 527 716 904

50 9 15 24 36 60 96 151 211 285 422 572 723 794

63 7 12 19 29 48 77 120 167 227 335 454 574 630 744

80 6 9 15 23 38 60 94 132 179 264 358 462 496 586 730

100 5 8 12 18 30 48 75 105 144 211 286 362 397 469 584 702

125 4 6 10 14 24 39 60 84 115 169 229 289 317 375 467 562

160 5 8 11 19 30 47 66 90 132 179 226 248 293 365 439







800 1000 1250

1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300

9 15 24 38 53 72 105 143 181 198 234 292 351

6 7 12 19 30 42 57 84 115 145 159 188 234 281

5 6 10 15 24 33 46 67 91 115 126 149 185 223

4 5 8 12 19 26 36 53 72 90 99 117 146 175

4 6 10 16 21 29 42 57 72 79 94 117 140

5 8 12 17 23 33 45 57 63 74 93 11

4 6 9 13 18 26 36 45 50 59 73 88

5 8 11 14 21 29 36 40 47 58 70

4 6 8 11 17 23 29 32 38 47 56

Example A circuit consists of a copper cable 3 x 6 mm2 and is protected by a 40 A gG fuse. Its length must be less than 73 m so that protection against indirect contacts is guaranteed in TN 230 V/400 V.

if the cable is an aluminium one, maximum length is: 0.625 x 73 m = 45.6 m in IT load with neutral and an aluminium cable, the length is: 0.625 x 0.6 x 73 m = 22.8 m.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 31

Application guide

Direct and indirect contacts

Protection against indirect contacts by differential relay
TT load
Differential protection constitutes practically the only means of protection against indirect contacts in this load. To avoid, for example, a contact voltage higher than 50 V, the current In must be such that:

Protection against indirect contacts of the mass groups connected to independent earth connections
In TT neutral load as in IT, when the masses of the electrical equipment are connected to separate earth connections downstream of the same power supply, each group of masses must be protected by its own dedicated device.

In 50 Rp

Rp: earth connection resistance in

Where the earth connection is particularly difficult to make and where the values may exceed a hundred ohms (high mountain, arid areas, etc.), installation of high sensitivity (H.S.) devices is an answer to the previous situation.

TNS load
In this load, the fault current is equivalent to a short circuit current between phase and neutral. The latter is eliminated by the appropriate devices (fuses, circuit breakers, etc.) in a time compatible with the protection against indirect contacts. When this time cannot be respected (wiring systems that are too long, hence insufficient minimum Isc, protection device reaction time too long, etc.), it is necessary to accompany the overcurrent protection with a differential protection device. This arrangement allows protection to be provided against indirect contacts, with practically any length of wiring system.

Exemption from high sensitivity (H.S.) protection of computer equipment sockets

Computer equipment can have high leakage currents, making its use downstream of a high sensitivity differential device hazardous. A proposal was made by the labour ministry with the decree of 08/01/92 fixing the practical arrangements for the taking of complementary protective measures against direct contacts; thus sockets 32 A supplying fixed or semi-fixed class I equipment of which breaking not caused by an insulation fault is incompatible with service requirements may be exempted from the installation of H.S. devices. Only the head of the establishment concerned can decide which sockets which may benefit from this exemption. These dedicated sockets, without H.S. protection, must be specifically identified so as to prevent them being used for other applications.


IT load
Circuit breaking is normally not necessary at the first fault. A dangerous contact voltage can occur on the second fault or where masses are connected to non-interconnected or distant earth connections or between simultaneously accessible masses connected to the same earth connection and whose protection circuit impedance is too high. For these reasons, in IT load, a differential device is obligatory: at the origin of the parts of the installation whose protection networks or masses are connected to non-interconnected earth connections, in the same situation as that mentioned in TNS (breaking conditions on second fault not provided by the overcurrent protection devices in the required safety conditions).




D. 32

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Direct and indirect contacts

Protection against indirect contacts by differential relay (continued)

Voltage drop is the voltage difference observed between the installations point of origin and the receptors connection point. To ensure correct receptor operating, standards IEC 60 364 and IEC 364 define a maximum voltage drop (see table A). Table A: IEC 60 364 maximum voltage drop

Direct public mains LV supply single phase circuits three-phase circuits HV/LV substation supply single phase circuits threephase circuits

6% 3% 12% 6%

10% 5% 16% 8%

Calculating voltage drop in a cable of length L

u = Ku x I (Amperes) x L (km)
Table B: Ku values
CABLE CROSS SECTION mm2 DC CURRENT Multiconductor cables or trefoil monoconductor cables cos 0.3 cos 0.5 cos 0.8 Single-conductor joined cable layout in flat formation cos 0.3 cos 0.5 cos 0.8 Separate single-conductor cables cos 0.3 cos 0.5 cos 0.8

1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400

30.67 18.40 11.50 7.67 4.60 2.88 1.84 1.31 0.92 0.66 0.48 0.38 0.31 0.25 0.19 0.15 0.12

4.68 2.84 1.80 1.23 0.77 0.51 0.35 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09

7.74 4.67 2.94 1.99 1.22 0.79 0.53 0.40 0.30 0.23 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10

12.31 7.41 4.65 3.11 1.89 1.20 0.78 0.57 0.42 0.31 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.09

4.69 85 1.81 1.24 0.78 0.52 0.36 0.28 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.10

7.74 4.68 2.95 1.99 1.23 0.80 0.54 0.41 0.31 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11

12.32 7.41 4.65 3.12 1.89 1.20 0.78 0.58 0.42 0.32 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.10

4.72 2.88 1.85 1.27 0.81 0.55 0.40 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.14

7.78 4.71 2.99 2.03 1.26 0.83 0.57 0.44 0.34 0.28 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14

12.34 7.44 4.68 3.14 1.92 1.23 0.81 0.60 0.45 0.34 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.14 0.12

Single phase circuits: multiply the values by 2.

A 132 kW motor consumes 233 A with a voltage of 400 V. It is supplied by 3 x 150 mm2 copper monoconductor cables, 200 mm long (0.2 km). Under normal operating conditions, cos = 0.8 Ku 0.18 u = 0.18 x 233 x 0.2 = 8.4 V or 2.1% of 400 V. With on-line start-up cos = 0.3 and Id = 5 In = 5 x 233 A = 1165A Ku = 0.13 u = 0.13 x 1165 x 0.2 = 20.3 V or 7.6% of 400 V. The conductor cross section is sufficient to meet the maximum voltage drop imposed by standard IEC 60 364. Note: this calculation is valid for 1 cable per phase. For n cables per phase, simply divide the voltage drop by n.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 33

Application guide

Switching devices
IEC 947 -1 & IEC 947 -3 manufacturing standards
Switch (IEC 947 -3 & 2.1) A mechanical connection device capable of: making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions (a), possibly including specified operating overload conditions. carrying currents in abnormal circuit conditions - such as short-circuit conditions - for a specified duration (a switch may be able to make short-circuit currents, but it cannot break them). (a) normal conditions generally correspond to the use of a piece of equipment at an ambient temperature of 40 C for a period of 8 hours. Disconnector (IEC 947 -3 & 2.2) A mechanical switching device which, when open, complies with the requirements specified for the isolating function. This device can carry currents in normal circuit conditions as well as currents in abnormal conditions for a specified duration. Disconnector: (working definition) device without onload making and breaking capacity. Switch-disconnector (IEC 947 -3 2.3) Switch, which in its breaking position meets the specific insulation conditions for a switch-disconnector.

Separation of contacts As stipulated by the mechanical switching device standard IEC 947 -3, or IEC 364 -5 -537, all disconnection devices must ensure adequate contact separation of contacts. Testing contact separation capacity as per standard IEC 947 -3 is carried out in three tests: the dielectric test will define sparkover resistance (Uimp: impulse withstand voltage) dependant on the distance of the air gap between contacts. (Generally Uimp = 8 kV for Ue = 400/690 V), the measurement of leakage current (Ip) will define insulation resistance in the open position partly depending on the creepage distances. At 110% of Ue, Ip < 0.5 mA (new device) and Ip < 6 mA (device at end of life span), checking the strength of the actuator and the position indication device is aimed at validating the mechanical reliability of position indications. The device is locked in the position, and a force three times the standard operating force is applied to the operating mechanism. During the course of this test, locking the device on the O position must not be possible, nor should the device remain in the O position after the test. This test is not necessary when contact opening is shown by other means than an operating mechanism, such as a mechanical indicator, or direct visibility of contacts, etc. This third test meets the definition of fully visible breaking required by the decree of 14 November 1988 to provide the isolation function in low voltage B systems (500 V < U 1000 V AC and 750 V < U 1500 V DC). The latter characteristic is required by NF C 15-100 except for SELV or PELV (U 50 V AC or 120 V DC).

On-load and overload breaking Fuse switch-disconnector (IEC 947 -3 2.9) Switch-disconnector in which one or more poles include an-in series fuse in a combined device. This is ensured by devices defined for making and breaking in normal load and overload conditions. Type tests characterise devices able to make and break specific loads. These can have high overload currents under a low cos. (a starting motor or a locked rotor). The type of load or load duty defines the devices load duty category.


Breaking action in the event of a short-circuit A switch is not intended to cut off a short-circuit current. However its dynamic withstand must be such that it withstands the fault until it is eliminated by the corresponding protective device. On fused switches, the short-circuit is cut off by the fuses (see chapter Fuses p. D.44) with the considerable advantage of limiting high fault currents.

Marking Withstanding Breaking

(1) Not imposed by standard




(2) By the fuse

Normal current Overload current Short-circuit current

D. 34

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Switching devices

IEC 947 -1 & IEC 947 -3 manufacturing standards (continued)

Application condition and utilization category, according to standard IEC 947 -3 Table A

AC AC20 AC21

DC DC20 DC21

Off-load making and breaking Resistive loads including moderate overloads. Inductive and resistive mixed loads including moderate overloads. Loads made of motors or other highly inductive loads.

Disconnector(1) Switches at installation head or for resistive circuits (heating, lighting, except discharge lamps, etc.). Switches in secondary circuits or reactive circuits (capacitor banks, discharge lamps, shunt motors, etc.). Switches feeding one or several motors or inductive circuits (electric carriers, brake magnet, series motor, etc.).





(1) Today these devices are replaced by load break switches for obvious safety of use reasons.

Breaking and making capacities Unlike circuit breakers, where these criteria indicate tripping or shortcircuit making characteristics and perhaps requiring device replacement, switch making and breaking capacities correspond to utilization category maximum performance values. In such extreme uses, the switch must still maintain its characteristics, in particular its resistance to leakage current and temperature rise. Table B

Electrical and mechanical endurance This standard establishes the minimum number of electrical (at full load) and mechanical (off-load) operating cycles that must be performed by devices. These characteristics also specify the devices theoretical lifespan during which it must maintain its characteristics, particularly resistance to leakage current and temperature rise. This performance is linked to the devices use and rating. According to anticipated use, two additional application categories are offered: category A: frequent operations (in close proximity to the load) category B: infrequent operations (at installation head or wiring system).

AC 21 AC 22 AC 23 Ie 100 A
Ie > 100 A

/Ie 1.5 3 10 10 1.5 4 4

DC 21 DC 22 DC 23

cos 0.95 0.65 0.45 0.35 L/R (ms) 1 2.5 15

/Ie 1.5 3 8 8 1.5 4 4

cos 0.95 0.65 0.45 0.35 L/R (ms) 1 2.5 15

5 5 5 3 5 5 5

Table C I e (A) 100 8500 1500 10000 1700 300 2000


315 120 7000 1000 8000 1400 200 1600

630 60 4000 1000 5000 800 200 1000

2500 > 2500 20 10 2500 500 3000 500 100 600 1500 500 2000 300 100 400

without current with current Total without current with current Total


I / Ie 10 AC23

Operational Current Ie Operational current is determined by endurance tests (both mechanical and electrical), and by making and breaking capacity tests. Short circuit characteristics short-time withstand current (Icw): Admissible rms current lasting for 1 second. short circuit making capacity (Icm): peak current value which the device can withstand due to short circuit closure. conditional short circuit current: the rms current the switch can withstand when associated with a protection device limiting both the current and short circuit duration. dynamic withstand: peak current the device can support in a closed position.

3 AC22 1,5 AC21 0 1 0,95 0,65 0,35

Fig. 1: making and breaking capacities



The characteristic established by this standard is the short-time withstand current (Icw) from which minimal dynamic withstand is deduced. This essential withstand value corresponds to what the switch can stand without welding.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 35

Application guide

Switching devices
Installation standards IEC 60364 and IEC 60204
This function is designed to ensure disconnection of the total or partial installation from the power supply for safety reasons. The isolating function requires actions as follows: breaking across all live conductors, assured off-load breaking, provided additional measures (such as pre-break auxiliary contact, do no operate on-load indicator panel, etc.) are in place to ensure that the operational current is not cut on-load. For greater safety, a switching device able to break on-load as well as isolate may be used, contacts separation.

Emergency switching
This function ensures disconnection of circuit terminals. The aim of this function is to disconnect loads, thus preventing risk of fire, burns or electric shock. This entails fast easy access and identification of device to be switched. Fast intervention depends on installation site layout, the equipment being operated, or the personnel present. The emergency breaking function requires actions as follows: assured on-load breaking, breaking across all live conductors.

Switching off for mechanical maintenance

This function is designed to switch off and maintain a machine in the off position in order to carry out mechanical maintenance operations without risk of physical injury, or for longer shutoffs. The devices should be easily identifiable and used appropriately. The switching off function for mechanical maintenance requires actions as follows: assured on-load breaking. Since personnel performing maintenance are not necessarily qualified electricians, circuit breaking should be possible without having to ensure that the load is off, or that the device has the correct application category, etc., contacts separation. This action ensures that the device will without fail prevent accidental machine power-on. This function is also offered by a local safety-breaking enclosure. In these enclosures, visible breaking switches are generally used where external switch verification is required. Visible breaking is used for greater safety for personnel working in hazardous areas, particularly on sites where mechanical risks are very high, and where a damaged handle would no longer safely indicate the switch position.

Emergency stop
This function differs from emergency switching in that it takes into account the risks connected with moving machine parts. The emergency stop requires actions as follows: assured on-load breaking, breaking across all live conductors, possible retention of the supply, for example, for braking of moving parts.

Functional switching
In terms of practical operation of an electrical installation, it should be possible to operate locally without disconnecting the entire installation. In addition to selective control, functional control also comprises commutation, load shedding etc. The functional control function requires actions as follows: assured on-load breaking, breaking across certain live conductors (e.g. 2 out of 3 phases of a motor).

D. 36

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Switching devices

Choosing a switching device

Choice according to neutral arrangement
Three-phase network with distributed neutral

Application types in a DC network

The operational current characteristics indicated in the general catalogue are defined for fig. 2, except where 2-pole in series is specified. In this case see fig. 3.
catec_056ba _a_1_x_cat.




Fig. 2: 1 pole per polarity

catec_056b _a_1_x_cat.


Fig. 3: 2 poles in series per polarity


Example 1: poles in series A 400 A SIRCO device, used in a 500 V DC network with a 400 A operational current in DC 23 category, must have 2 poles in series per polarity.

with neutral

Example 2: poles in parallel connecting precaution: ensure correct current distribution in both branches.

Pole to be broken

Pole to be protected

The neutral does not have to be protected if the neutral conductor is protected against short circuits by the phase protection device and if the maximum fault current on the neutral is much lower than the maximum admissible current for the cable (IEC 60364 473.3).

Switching devices
Table A
DEVICES BREAKING visual Fuse Changeover combination visible switches unit Tripping devices Motorised devices optional

Fig. 4: poles in parallel



* *


* except for 1250 A rating.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 37

Application guide

Switching devices
Circuit breaking time must be taken into account when using SIDERMAT or FUSOMAT tripping devices to protect against indirect contact and short circuits. The time between operation and effective contact breaking is less than 0.05 sec.

Upstream of motor
For local security switching, the switch must be rated at AC23 to the nominal current (In) of the motor. In frequent start-up motor circuits, calculating the equivalent thermal current (Ithq) is necessary. Currents and start-up times vary widely according to motor inertia. For direct start-up they are generally between the following values: - peak current: 8 to 10 In - duration of peak current: 20 to 30 ms - start-up current Id: 4 to 8 In - start-up time td: 2 to 4 sec.

Power supply change over

The O - I or O - II operation time is 0.7 to 2.1 s depending on the devices. The I - II switching time is 1.1 to 3.6 s. (see details in chapter Motorised SIRCOVER).

Choose a switch rating 1.5 times higher than the nominal current value of the capacitor bank (Ic).


Upstream of capacitor bank



Ith > 1.5 Ic

Fig. 3: switch upstream of motor

Examples of de-rating according to start-up type.

Ithq = In x Kd and Ith Ithq


Table B
START UP TYPE Id(4) In td (4) (s) n(1) Kd (2)


direct up to 170 kW
Fig. 1: switch upstream of capacitors

6 to 8 2 to 2.5 6 to 8

0.5 to 4 3 to 6 6 to 10

n > 10 n > 85 n>2

n 3.16 n 9.2 n 1.4

Y- (Id/3) direct - high inertia motors(3)

(2) Kd: start-up factor 1 (3) fans, pumps, etc.

At transformer primary
Ensure that the switch making capacity is greater than the no-load current of the transformer.

(1) n: number of start-ups per hour for which de-rating is required.

(4) average values very variable according to type of motor and receiver

In cases of cyclic overloads (excluding start-ups). For specific machines (welding machines, motors), and generators ith a peak cyclic current, the calculation of equivalent current (Ithq) is as follows:

Making capacity > Id Ithq =

Ith In
I1: I2: In: t1 and t2: tc:

(I21 xt1) + (I22 xt2) + In2 x(tc-[t1 +t2]) tc

overload current possible intermediate overload nominal operating current respective duration in seconds of currents I1 and I2 cycle duration in seconds with lower limit set at 30 seconds



current (in A)

Fig. 2: switch at transformer primary


Table A P kVA 50 Id / In 15 100 14.5 160 14 250 13 400 12 630 1000 1250 1600 11 10 9 8.5

t (in sec.)



t2 tc
load cycle

Id: transformer no-load current In: transformer nominal current

Fig. 4: cyclic overload

D. 38

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Switching devices

Correction factor
Certain operating conditions necessitate modification of thermal current using a correction factor.

Kp correction due to device position

Kt correction due to ambient air temperature

Ambient air temperature surrounding the device Simplified method.

Ithu Ith x Kt
Table A: correction factors according to ambient air temperature ta
Kt: correction factor

Fig. 1: direction of supply

0.9 0.8 0.7

40 C < ta 50 C 50 C < ta 60 C 60 C < ta 70 C

Switch mounting and orientation

Ithu Ith x Kp

A more accurate calculation can be made for each application: please consult us. Use with fuse combination unit Simplified method: A switch must be de-rated by a factor of 0.8 when fuse bases are directly connected to its terminals. Example: A 1250 A fuse set will consist of a 1600 A switch and 3 1250 A gG fuses A more accurate calculation can be made for each application: please consult us. Other de-rating due to temperature switch fuses fitted with high speed fuses. in certain cases, de-rating is necessary for 24-hour full-load operation. Please consult us.
Kp = 0,9 Kp = 0,95

Kp = 1


Fig. 2: position de-rating

Kf correction due to frequency

Rotation of each device layout is limited either to clockwise or anticlockwise in order to ensure that switching characteristics remain independant from the speed of operation.

Ithu Ith x Kf
Table B: correction factors according to frequency f

Table D

correction factor 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6

100 Hz < f 1000 Hz 1000 Hz < f 2000 Hz 2000 Hz < f 6000 Hz 6000 Hz < f 10000 Hz


Ka correction factor due to altitude

No de-rating of Ith Ue and Ie de-rating in both AC and DC currents. Table C: correction factors according to altitude A Ue Ie 2000 m < A 3000 m 0.95 0.85 3000 m < A 4000 m 0.80 0.85

Shunt trip coil Undervoltage trip coil

32 40; 125 160 63 125 40 3150 A 4000 A 125 630 A 800 3150 A V 60 ... V 400 A 250 ... 1800 A 250 ... 1800 A

SIRCO VM1 changeover switches SIRCOVER

Kp correction due to device position

Switches connection As the entire SOCOMEC range of switches have a double breaking system per pole, the power source can be connected to the top or bottom of the device, except in those cases where regulations of identification stipulate power supply from below.

I - 0 - II / I - I+II - II I - 0 - II CD 125 ... CD 630 A CD 800 3150 A I - I+II - II CD 125 ... 3150 A 6/8 pole CD 125 ... CD 630 A SIRCOVER By-Pass I - 0 - II CD 125 ... CD 630 A CD 800 ... 3150 A I - I+II - II CD 125 ... CD 630 A CD 800 ... 3150 A Motorised SIRCOVER VE I - 0 - II 250 ... 3150 A I - I+II - II 250 ... 3150 A ATyS I - 0 - II / I - I+II - II 125 ... 630 A FUSERBLOC Compact Design CD 25 ... 1250 A FUSOMAT Shunt trip coil 250 ... 1250 A Undervoltage 250 ... 1250 A trip coil




SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 39

Application guide

UL and NEMA specifications

General information about motor protection
Typical construction of a motor starter

Disconnect Switch UL 98 Fuses (SCPD)

SIRCO Non-fusible Disconnect switch range

FUSERBLOC Fusible disconnect switch range

Contactor Overload relay UL 508 manual motor controller suitable as motor disconnect Motor LBS range


Essential parts of a motor branch circuit required by the national electrical code Disconnect means Branch-circuit short-circuit protective device Motor-controller Motor overload protective devices. Disconnect means The disconnect means can be a manual disconnect switch according to UL 98. A manual motor controller (according to UL 508) additionally marked suitable as motor disconnect is only permitted as a disconnecting means where installed between the final branch-circuit short-circuit and ground-fault protective device and the motor (NEC 2002 Article 430.109).

Branch-circuit short-circuit protective device The short-circuit protective device can be either a fuse or an inversetime circuit-breaker. Motor-controller Any switch or device that is normally used to start and stop a motor according to the National Electrical Code article 430.81. Motor overload protective devices The national electrical code permits fuses to be used as the sole means of overload protection for motor branch circuits. This approach is often practical only with small single phase motors. Most integral horsepower 3 phase motors are controlled by a motor starter which includes an overload relay. Since the overload relay provides overload protection for the motor branch circuit, the fuses may be sized for short-circuit protection.

D. 40

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

UL and NEMA specifications

General information about motor protection (continued)

Wire size cross reference
AWG 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 mm2 2.1 3.3 5.3 8.4 13.3 21.2 26.7 33.6 42.4 53.5 67.4 85.0 107.2 KCMIL/MCM 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 mm2 127 152 177 203 253 304 355 380 405 456 507 633 760 887 1014

New NFPA 79 requirements and solutions

As defined in the NFPA 79 Standard section and, our disconnecting devices fully comply with all of the following requirements: 1. Isolate the electrical equipment from the supply circuit and have one off (open) and one on (closed) position only. 2. Have an external operating means (e.g., handle). 3. Be provided with a permanent means permitting it to be locked in the off (open) position only (e.g., by padlocks) independent of the door position. When so locked, remote as well as local closing is be prevented. 4. Be operable, by qualified persons, independent of the door position without the use of accessory tools or devices. However the closing of the disconnecting means while door is open is not permitted unless an interlock is operated by deliberate action. Flange and side operation: Our flange operated and side operated switches meet the requirements of the NFPA 79 without any additional parts being added.

Nema ratings and IP cross-reference

NEMA TYPE 1 INTENDED USE AND DESCRIPTION Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against contact with the enclosed equipment and against a limited amount of falling dirt Indoor use to provide a degree of protection against a limited amount of falling water and dirt Intended for outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain, sleet, windblown dust, and damage from external ice formation. Intended for outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain, sleet, and damage from external ice formation. Intended for outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain, sleet, windblown dust, and to provide for operation of external mechanisms when ice laden. Intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against windblown dust and rain, splashing water, hose-directed water, and damage from external ice formation. Intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against corrosion, windblown dust and rain, splashing water, hose-directed water, and damage from ice formation. Intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against hose-directed water, the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth, and damage from external ice formation. Intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against hose-directed water, the entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth, and damage from external ice formation. Intended for indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against circulating dust, falling dirt, and dripping non-corrosive liquids. Type 12 with knockouts. NEMA RATINGS AND IP CROSS-REFERENCE NEMA 1 meets or exceeds IP10

2 3

NEMA 2 meets or exceeds IP11 NEMA 3 meets or exceeds IP54


NEMA 3R meets or exceeds IP14


NEMA 3S meets or exceeds IP54

NEMA 4 meets or exceeds IP56


NEMA 4X meets or exceeds IP56

NEMA 6 meets or exceeds IP67


NEMA 6P meets or exceeds IP67


NEMA 12 meets or exceeds IP52


NEMA 12K meets or exceeds IP52

This table provides a guide for converting from NEMA enclosure type numbers to IP ratings. The NEMA types meet or exceed the test requirements for the associated european classifications; for this reason the table should not be used to convert from IP rating to NEMA and the NEMA to IP rating should be verified by test.

SOCOMEC general catalogue All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 41

Application guide

UL and NEMA specifications

Fusible disconnect switches association chart with UL fuses
(according to typical motor acceleration times)
Three phase motor fuse and fusible disconnect switch selection UL class CC
MOTOR HP FULL LOAD AMPERES 208 V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 240 V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 480 V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 600 V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.9 6.1 9 11 1.1 1.6 2.1 3 3.4 4.8 7.6 11 2.2 3.2 4.2 6 6.8 9.6 2.4 3.5 4.6 6.6 7.5 10.6 RECOMMENDED FUSE AMPERE RATING FOR TYPICAL* 5 SECS. MOTOR ACCELERATION TIMES AMPERE RATING (A) 8 10 15 20 20 30 AMPERE RATING (A) 7 10 12 17-1 / 2 20 30 AMPERE RATING (A) 3-1/2 5 6-1/4 9 10 15 25 30 AMPERE RATING (A) 2-8/10 4 5-6/10 8 8 12 17-1/2 30 30 RECOMMENDED FUSIBLE DISCONNECT SWITCH AMPERE RATING (A) REFERENCE 3710 3003 3712 3003 3712 6003 3716 3003 3716 6003 REFERENCE 3710 3003 3712 3003 3712 6003 3716 3003 3716 6003 REFERENCE 3710 3003 3712 3003 3712 6003 3716 3003 3716 6003









3710 3003 3712 3003 3712 6003 3716 3003 3716 6003

Three phase motor fuse and fusible disconnect switch selection UL class J
MOTOR HP 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 FULL LOAD AMPERES 208 V 2.4 3.5 4.6 6.6 7.5 10.6 16.7 24.2 30.8 46.2 60 75 88 114 143 169 211 273 343 396 RECOMMENDED FUSE AMPERE RATING FOR TYPICAL* 5 SECS. MOTOR ACCELERATION TIMES AMPERE RATING (A) 3-1/2 5 7 10 10 15 25 35 45 70 90 110 150 175 225 250 350 400 500 600 RECOMMENDED FUSIBLE DISCONNECT SWITCH AMPERE RATING (A) REFERENCE 3710 3004 3712 3004 3712 6004 3716 3004 3716 6004 3716 3006 3716 3006 3712 3010 3716 3010 3712 3020 3716 3020 3712 3040 3716 3040 3712 3060 3712 6006 3716 6006 3712 6010 3716 6010 3712 6020 3716 6020 3712 6040 3716 6040 3712 6060


60 100 200 400 600

* Typical: suggested for most applications. Will coordinate with NEMA class 20 overload relays. Suitable for motor acceleration times up to 5 seconds.

D. 42

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

UL and NEMA specifications

Fusible disconnect switches association chart with UL fuses

(according to typical motor acceleration times)
Three phase motor fuse and fusible disconnect switch selection UL class J
MOTOR HP 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 480 V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 600 V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.4 2.7 3.9 6.1 9 11 17 22 27 32 41 52 62 77 99 125 144 192 240 289 1.1 1.6 2.1 3 3.4 4.8 7.6 11 14 21 27 34 40 52 65 77 96 124 156 180 240 302 361 FULL LOAD AMPERES 240 V 2.2 3.2 4.2 6 6.8 9.6 15.2 22 28 42 54 68 80 104 130 154 192 248 312 360 RECOMMENDED FUSE AMPERE RATING FOR TYPICAL* 5 SECS. MOTOR ACCELERATION TIMES AMPERE RATING (A) 3-1/2 5 6-1/4 9 10 15 25 35 40 60 80 100 125 150 200 225 300 350 450 500 AMPERE RATING (A) 1-6/10 2-1/4 3-2/10 4-1/2 5 8 12 17-1/2 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 125 150 200 225 250 350 450 600 AMPERE RATING (A) 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3-1/2 4 6 10 15 17-1/2 25 35 40 50 60 80 90 125 150 200 225 300 350 450 RECOMMENDED FUSIBLE DISCONNECT SWITCH AMPERE RATING (A) REFERENCE 3710 3004 3712 3004 3712 6004 3716 3004 3716 6004 3716 3006 3716 3006 3712 3010 3716 3010 200 400 600 AMPERE RATING (A) 3712 3020 3716 3020 3712 3040 3716 3040 3712 3060 3712 6006 3716 6006 3712 6010 3716 6010 3712 6020 3716 6020 3712 6040 3716 6040 3712 6060


60 100



3710 3004 3712 3004 3712 6004 3716 3004 3716 6004

60 100 200 400 600 AMPERE RATING (A)

3716 3006 3716 3006 3712 3010 3716 3010 3712 3020 3716 3020 3712 3040 3716 3040 3712 3060

3712 6006 3716 6006 3712 6010 3716 6010 3712 6020 3716 6020 3712 6040 3716 6040 3712 6060



3710 3004 3712 3004 3712 6004 3716 3004 3716 6004

60 100 200 400 600

3716 3006 3716 3006 3712 3010 3716 3010 3712 3020 3716 3020 3712 3040 3716 3040 3712 3060

3712 6006 3716 6006 3712 6010 3716 6010 3712 6020 3716 6020 3712 6040 3716 6040 3712 6060

* Typical: suggested for most applications. Will coordinate with NEMA class 20 overload relays. Suitable for motor acceleration times up to 5 seconds.

SOCOMEC general catalogue All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 43

Application guide

General characteristics
Fuses are designed to break an electric circuit in cases of abnormal currents. They also have the added advantage of being able to limit high current faults (see example below). The fuses essential characteristics are its reliability in terms of protection, its simplicity and its economical price. Optimising fuse choice depends on the fuses technical features as follows: pre-arcing time This is the time necessary for the current to bring the fuse element to vaporisation point before melting. Pre-arcing time is independent from network voltage. arcing time This is defined as the period between the instant of arc appearance and its total extinction (zero current). Arc time depends on network voltage, but is negligible compared to pre-arcing time for total melting time > 40 ms. operation time This is the sum of pre-arcing and arcing times. breaking capacity This is the prospective short circuit current value that the fuse can blow under a specified operational voltage. joule integral,

Short-circuit current cut-off (continued)

Example: A symmetric 100 kA rms short-circuit current cut-off with 630 A gG fuse is required. The prospective 100 kA rms current results in a prospective peak current as follows: 100 x 2.2 = 220 kA The fuse cuts-off peak current at 50 kA (see fig. 2), representing 35% of its prospective value (see fig. 2) leading to a reduction of 13% of unprotected value in electrodynamic forces (see fig. 3), and a reduction in I2t limited to 2.1% of its value (see fig. 4).

220 kA prospective peak

t o

I dt

This is the integral value of the current cut during total melting time, expressed as A2s (Amps squared seconds).

50 kA peak

gG Fuse 630 A



Short-circuit current cut-off

The two parameters to be considered for short-circuit current cutoff are: the true current peak reached in the protected circuit, the prospective rms current that would develop in the absence of fuses in the circuit. Note: There is only one cut-off if tpre-arcing < 5 ms (50 Hz network). The cut-off current diagram indicates the correspondence between these two parameters (see pages D.47 and D.49). The following actions should be performed to know peak current (which can increase in fuse-protected electric circuits): calculate maximum rms short-circuit current (see page D.21), plot this current value on the cut-off current diagram, and read off peak value according to the fuse rating protecting the circuit.

Tt. = 0,005s


Fig. 2: cut-off peak current

Prospective peak current
220 kA. prospective peak

2 20

p k A.


k pea tive pec

50 kA peak


kA .



50 kA peak


Peak current

Isc prospective rms current

50 kA. peak


Tt. = 0,005s

220 kA prospective peak

1 Pre-arcing time 2 Arcing time 1 + 2 Total time

Fig. 3: limiting electrodynamic forces proportional to squared current

Fig. 4: limiting I2t x x t

Fig. 1: short-circuit current cut-off

D. 44

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

100 kA prospective rms current

0,02 s

Application guide


Choosing gG and aM fuses

Three parameters should be taken into account when selecting a protection system: network characteristics, installation specifications, the circuit characteristics in question. The calculations given hereafter are for information purposes only. Please contact us for equipment requiring special applications.

Circuit features
Fuse use is limited according to ambient temperature (ta) surrounding the device.

Ith u In x Kt
Ith u: operating thermal current: maximum permanent current accepted by the device for 8 hours in specific conditions fuse rated current In: Kt: coefficient given in table below

Network characteristics
Voltage A fuse can never be used with an rms voltage above its rated voltage. It operates normally at lower voltages. Frequency f < 5 Hz: the operational voltage (Ue) is considered equivalent to DC voltage and Ue = U peak 5 f < 48 Hz:

Kt gG fuse

aM Fuse

Ue ku x Un
f (in Hz) ku 5 0.55 10 0.65 20 0.78 30 0.87 40 0.94

40 45 50 55 60 65 70

1 1 0.93 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.80

1 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.79 0.76

1 1 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.86 0.84

1 1 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.80

ku: voltage de-rating coefficient due to frequency. 48 f < 1000 Hz: no voltage de-rating. Short circuit current Once established, its values must be checked to ensure they are less than the fuses breaking capacity: 100 kA rms for sizes 14 x 51, 22 x 58, T00, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T4A, 50 kA rms for sizes 10.3 x 38.

If the fuse is installed in a ventilated enclosure Kt and Kv values must be multiplied. Air speed V < 5 m/sec. Kv = 1 + 0.05 V Kv = 1.25 Air speed V 5 m/sec. Example: A gG fuse is mounted in a base within a ventilated enclosure temperature in the enclosure: 60 C air speed: 2 m/sec. Kv = 1 + 0.05 x 2 = 1.1 Kt = 1.1 x 0.86 = 0.95.

Installation specifications
Earthing arrangements Fuses have one or two protection functions according to the neutral load: against overcurrents: A, against indirect contact: B



SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 45

Application guide

Choosing gG and aM fuses (continued)
Circuit features (continued)
Precautions for use at altitudes > 2000 m No current de-rating Breaking capacity is limited. Please consult us. Size de-rating is recommended. Upstream of isolating transformer Switching on an off-load transformer triggers a large current inrush. An aM fuse will be needed at primary coil which is able to withstand repeated overload. The secondary will be protected by gG fuses. Upstream of motor Motor protection is usually ensured by thermal relay. The protection of motor power supply conductors is ensured by aM or gG fuses. Table A shows fuse ratings to be linked to thermal relay according to motor power. Note: Motor nominal current varies from one manufacturer to another. Table A shows standard values. aM fuses are preferred to gG fuses for this application. In cases of frequent or heavy start-up (direct start-up > 7 In for more than 2 seconds or start-up > 4 In for more than 10 seconds), it is recommended to select a bigger size than that indicated in the table. It will nevertheless be necessary to check to co-ordination of selectivity between the fuse and the circuit breaker (see page D.52). In cases of aM fuse melting, replacing the fuses all three phases is advised. Table A: protecting motors with aM fuses

Upstream of capacitor bank Fuse rating must be greater than, or equal to, twice the nominal current of the capacitor bank.

In 2 c


Table B: fuse rating for 400 V capacitor bank Capacity in kvar gG fuse in A Capacity in kvar gG fuse in A 5 20 75 200 10 32 20 63 100 250 30 80 40 125 125 400 50 160 60 200 150 400

Connecting fuses in parallel Connecting fuses in parallel is only possible between two fuses of the same size and rating.

Ithe Ithe

400 V tri

500 V tri





Kw 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 25 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 200 250 315 400

Ch 10 15 20 25 30 34 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 180 218 270 340 430 550

In A 15.5 22 30 37 44 51 60 72 85 105 138 170 205 245 300 370 475 584 750

Kw 11 15 18.5 25 30 40 45 51 63 80 110 132 160 220 250 335 450 500

Ch 15 20 25 34 40 54 60 70 109 110 150 180 220 300 340 450 610 680

In A 18.4 23 28.5 39.4 45 60 65 75 89 112 156 187 220 310 360 472 608 680 20 25 40 40 63 63 80 100 100 125 160 200 250 315 315 400 500 630 800 10 x 38 or 14 x 51 10 x 38 or 14 x 51 14 x 51 14 x 51 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 22 x 58 T 00 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 FUSERBLOC 630 A FUSERBLOC 1250 A FUSERBLOC 160 A FUSERBLOC 250 A FUSERBLOC 400 A FUSERBLOC 50 A FUSERBLOC 100 A or 125 A FUSERBLOC 32 A CD

Ithe = Ithe x 2 Total limited peak Isc = limited peak Isc x 1.59 Total A2t = A2t x 2.52
I2t: temperature stress.

Use in DC
DC pre-arcing time is identical to AC pre-arcing time. Time/current characteristics and the cut-off current remain valid for the use of fuses in AC. On the other hand, arcing time is much higher in DC because there is no return to 0 voltage

400 V 500 V 690 V

260 V 350 V 450 V

Employing bigger fuses than usual is recommended, whereas the rating remains the same; sizes 10 x 38 and 14 x 51 being reserved for circuits 12 A. For highly inductive circuits, placing two fuses in series on the + pole is recommended. It is not possible to use aM fuses in DC.

D. 46

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


Curves characteristic of gG fuses

Cut-off current diagram


100 kA cr.
8 6 4 3 2 1.5 7 5 1250 800 630 500 315 200 125 80 8 6 4 3 2 1.5 4 2 8 6 4 3 2 1.5 7 5 1 12 8 6 50 7 5 32 20 16 10 400 250 160 100 63 40 25 1000

Cut-off current kA peak

10 kA

1 kA

100 A

1.5 2

3 4

6 8

1.5 2

3 4

6 8

1.5 2

3 4

6 8

1.5 2

3 4

6 8

10 A

100 A

1 kA

10 kA

100 kA eff.

Prospective current in kA rms


SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

gG fuse rated current

D. 47

Application guide

Curves characteristic of gG fuses (continued)
Diagram of thermal constraint limitation
1250 800 630 500 400 315 250 200 160 125 80 63 50 40 32 25 20 16 12 8 6 4 2
900 710 560 450 355 280 224

1 2 3 4 5


1-A2s pre-arcing for 0.01sec. 2-A2s total 250V 2 3-A s total 440V 4-A2s total 550V 5-A2s total 725V

gG nominal current


102A2s 10



1 to10 A



1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 5 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 2 4

10 2

10 3

10 4

10 5

10 6

10 7 A2s I2 t

Time/current operation characteristics (IEC or BS standard)

Fuse in (A)
1 2 4 4000 3000 2000 1500 800 600 400 300 200
150 80



100 60 10 5
Pre-arcing time (s)

40 30 20 15 8 6 4 3 2 1,5 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.07 0.05 0.025 0.015





0.007 0.004

1.5 2

3 4

7 6 8

8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 1.5 2 3 4

224 280 355 450 560 710 900

7 6 8

1.5 2

3 4

7 6 8


10 A

100 A

1 kA

10 kA

100 kA eff.

D. 48

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


Curves characteristic of aM fuses

Current cut-off diagram


100 kA cr.
1250 8 6 5 4 3 2 1. 5 315 250 200 125 80 50 32 8 6 5 12 8 3 4 2 1. 5 2 1 8 6 5 4 3 2 1. 5 7 6 7 20 160 100 63 40 25 16 10 800 7 500 400 1000 630

10 kA

Cut-off current (kA peak)

1 kA

100 A

1. 5 2

3 4

6 8

1. 5 2

3 4

6 8

1. 5 2

3 4

6 8

1. 5 2

3 4

6 8

10 A

100 A

1 kA

10 kA

100 kA eff.

Prospective current in kA rms

SOCOMEC general catalogue

aM fuse rated current

D. 49

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

Application guide

Curves characteristic of aM fuses (continued)
Diagram of thermal constraint limitation
1250 800 630 500 400 315 250 200 160 125 80 63 50 40 32 25 20 16 12 8 6 4 2


1 2 3 4 5


1-A2s pre-arcing for 0.01sec. 2-A2s total 250V 2 3-A s total 440V 4-A2s total 550V 5-A2s total 725V

gG nominal current


102A2s 101A2s


1 to 10 A



1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 6 1.5 3 5 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4

10 2

10 3

10 4

10 5

10 6

10 7 A2s I2 t

Time/current characteristics (IEC standard)

100 60 10
40 30 20 15 7 5 3 2 1.5 0.7 0.3 0.15 0.07 0.05 0.025 0.015



Pre-arcing time (s)

1 0.5 0.2 0.1


0.007 0.004

1.5 2

3 4

7 6 8

1.5 2

4 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 3 4 5 7 6 8 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 6 8

In fusibles (A)
0.5 1 2

1.5 2

3 4

7 6 8


10 A

100 A

1 kA

10 kA

100 kA rms

D. 50

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


High speed fuses

These ultra fast fuses ensure protection against short circuit currents. Due to their design, total operation time is much faster than gG and aM fuses. They are generally used for power semiconductors (I2t high speed < I2t of the semiconductor to be protected). Overloading (I ~ 2 n, t 100 seconds) must be avoided. If necessary, protecting against overloads must be ensured by another device. High speed fuse determination involves a rigorous procedure which can be complex for certain applications. The method below represents a first step. Please consult us for any specific application.

Choosing high speed fuses (continued)

Correction according to ambient temperature High speed fuse rating is given for an ambient temperature of 20 C. Maximum operating current Ib is given by:

Ib = KTUR x (1 +0.05 v) x In
In: s: fuses rated current in A. speed of cooling air in m/s.

Choosing high speed fuses

Temperature stress High speed fuses are designed to protect semiconductor devices; Each semiconductor device has a specified maximum I2t, and this is the most important factor to be considered when choosing the correct fuse, rather than the thermal rating. For effective protection, the fuse I2t must be about 20% less than the semiconductors rupturing I2t. Example: a 30 A/400 V diode withstands a maximum I2t of 610 A2s. The associated high speed fuses maximum I2t will be 610 -20% = 488 A2s with 400 V. Voltage I2t (see general catalogue) is usually given for 660 V. Use with a different voltage requires the following correction:

KTUR: value given by figure 2 according to air temperature in fuse proximity.


1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6








(i t) V = Kv x (i t) 660 V
2 2

Fig. 2: KTUR correction factor

Example: for U = 400 V (i 2 t) 400 V = 0.6 x (i 2 t) 660 V

1.5 1.0

Kv = 0.6

Series connection This is not recommended when the fault current is insufficient to melt the fuse in less than 10 ms. Parallel connection Placing fuses in parallel is possible between two fuses of the same size and rating. This is usually carried out by the manufacturer. In cases of parallel connection, care must be taken that the operating voltage does not exceed 90% of the fuses nominal voltage. Cyclic overload Please consult us.






100 200 300 400 500 600 660

Fig. 1: Kv correction factor

Kv: I2t correction factor Eg: operating voltage rms value Power factor: The I2t indicated in the general catalogue is given for a power factor of 0.15 (cos. of default circuit). For other power factor values, multiplying the I2t value by Ky value is necessary.

Loss in Watts These are given in the general catalogue and correspond to power loss with nominal current. To use an Ib current different from In, the loss in Watts must be multiplied by the Kp value given in the figure below.
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3



0.15 0.2 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50



1.04 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.85 0.82 0.81



Nominal current Once the fuses maximum I2t has been established, the circuits nominal current value must then be taken into account. Example: in the previous example, the high speed fuses maximum I2t was established thus: 488 A2s at 400 V. At 660 V this value is worth: 488/0.62 = 787 A2s. The circuit current is 20 A. Note that with a 25 A high speed fuse where I2t at 660 V, the value is 560 A2s.

0.05 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Fig. 3: Kp correction value

Kp: loss correction value Ib: load current rms value in% of nominal current.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 51

Application guide

Discrimination between fuses
Fuses discrimination between LV and HV Operating an LV fuse must not result in melting of the HV fuse placed at the HV/LV transformer primary. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to check that the lower part of HV curve never crosses the upper part of the LV curve before the LV Isc maximum limit (See calculation page D.22).

Discrimination between fuse and overcurrent switch

The fuse is placed upstream of the overcurrent switch. An overcurrent switch consists of a contactor and a thermal relay.
t (s) Motor operation curver Hot thermal relay Cold thermal relay Fuses

1 HV fuse 1 2
Current at secondary



2 Low voltage fuse



ISC max. (A) must be less

than crossing point (B) of the two curves.



I ISC max.



Fig. 1: discrimination between HV and LV fuses

Fig. 3: discrimination between fuses and overcurrent switch

Discrimination on a network powered by UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)


The curves of fuses linked of the overcurrent switch must pass through point A and B corresponding to: Ia: overcurrent switchs breaking capacity Ib: motor start-up current


Direct Star-delta start Stator start Autotransformer start Rotor start

8 In 2.5 In 4.5 In 1.5 to 4 In 2.5 In

0.5 to 3 sec. 3 to 6 sec. 7 to 12 sec. 7 to 12 sec. 2.5 to 5 sec.

(1) average values may vary considerably according to the type of motor and receiver. Fig. 2: network powered by UPS

Protection devices discrimination is highly important on networks powered by UPS, where protection tripping must not cause any disturbance on the rest of the network. Discrimination must take into account two properties of these networks: low fault current (approx. 2 x In) maximum fault time generally set at: 10 ms To comply with these criteria and ensure correct discrimination, the current in each branch must not exceed the values in the table below:

The fuses temperature stress must be less than that of the overcurrent switch. Amongst the different fuse ratings available, choose the highest rating in order to minimise power dissipation.

gG fuse High speed fuse Small circuit breakers

In 6 In 3 In 8

D. 52

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


Discrimination (continued)
Discrimination between circuit breaker and fuse
The judicious combination of a fuse with other devices (circuit breakers, etc.) provides perfect discrimination and offers optimum economy and safety. Fuse upstream circuit breaker downstream Crossover point B (see fig. 1) must be less than the circuit breakers lowest ultimate breaking capacity. After point B, the fuses total I2t must be less than any upstream circuit breakers I2t. Circuit breaker upstream several fuses downstream


The fuses pre-arcing melting curve must be placed above point A (fig. 1). The fuses complete blowing curve must cut the circuit breakers curve before the circuit breakers Isc value (ultimate breaking capacity). After the crossover pint, the fuses I2t must be less than that of the circuit breaker. The fuses and circuit breakers I2t must always be less than that of the cable.


2 1

1 2

Circuit breaker Fuse

The breaking capacity of all fuses and circuit breakers must be greater than maximum short circuit current possible in the circuit. The thermal setting of the circuit breaker (Ir) must be such that: 1.05 Ir I1 + I2 + In. I1 + I2 + In: sum of currents protected by fuse in each branch. Ir current setting must also meet the following condition:

Ir Kd x In
In: fuse rating of the circuit with the highest load. Table A: Kd values (according to IEC 269-2-1)

In 4 4 < In < 16 16 In

2.1 1.9 1.6

Fig. 1: fuse/circuit breaker discrimination

gG fuse upstream several circuit breakers downstream

Example: the circuit with the highest load is protected by a 100 A gG fuse. The upstream circuit breakers minimum setting current enabling fuse discrimination will be: Ir 1.6 x 100 A = 160 A. The highest rated fuses I2t must be less than the I2t limited by circuit breaker. The latter must be less than the cables maximum I2t. Im (magnetic) minimum setting value. 8 Kd Im 12 Kd Kd is given in table A.



Fuse rating must be greater than the sum of circuit breaker currents simultaneously on load. Fuse blowing curve must be above point A of the circuit breaker with the highest rating.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 53

Application guide

Discrimination (continued)
General points
In cases of fault on any installation point, protection discrimination is ensured when the protection device (PD) opens directly upstream of the fault, without triggering the breaking of other devices in the entire installation. Discrimination permits continuous operation on the rest of the network.

Discrimination between fuses

gG and aM fuses discrimination Total discrimination is ensured by choosing fuses in tables A and B (according to IEC 269 -1 and 269 -2 -1). However, in certain uses partial discrimination may suffice. Table A

Table B






Fig. 1: a fault at point A must trigger the breaking of the protection device PD5 without breaking any other PD

Total discrimination is ensured when time/current zones characterising protection devices do not overlap.

1 2

PD5 time/current zone PD1 time/current zone

Fig. 2: total discrimination

gG Ratings (A) 4 1 6 2 8 2 10 4 12 4 16 6 20 10 25 16 32 20 40 25 50 32 63 40 80 50 100 63 125 80 160 100 200 125 250 160 315 200 400 250 500 315 630 400 800 500 1000 630 1250 800


aM 1 2 2 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 63 80 125 125 160 200 250 315 400 500

gG Ratings (A) 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 4 16 16 20 20 25 25 32 32 40 32 50 40 63 50 80 63 100 80 125 100 160 125 200 160 250 160 315 200 400 250 500 315 630 400 800 500 1000 500 1250 630


aM 2 2 4 6 2 10 12 12 20 25 25 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800


Partial discrimination consists of limiting the PD discrimination in one part only of their time/current zone. Where the default current is less than the curves' crossover points, the result is total discrimination.

1 PD5 time/current zone 2 PD1 time/current zone

gG/High speed fuses discrimination gG upstream - high speed downstream: High speed fuses pre-arcing time must be less than half of the gG fuse's pre-arcing time, between 0.1 and 1 second. High speed upstream - gG downstream: High speed fuse rating must be at least equal to 3 times the rating of the gG fuse.



Id max. Is
Fig. 3: partial discrimination

D. 54

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Energy management


Functions and applications
The COUNTIS system is used for energy metering. The DIRIS system is used for measuring electrical quantities, metering and energy management(1), monitoring, control/command and the protection of the installations. All these functions can be centralised on a PC using the CONTROL VISION software or another system (PLC for example) via a RS485 link with the JBUS/MODBUS or PROFIBUS protocol.

Energy management
Energy management is based on the integration of the active power over a period determined by the energy supplier. In France, this period is 10 minutes and of 15 minutes in Belgium or in Germany. To use this function, it is necessary to use a product capable of integrating this value according to an internal (DIRIS clock) or external (energy supply company signal) synchronisation and to store it (FIFO memory) to avoid there being permanent communication with the centralisation system. The CM has a memory capacity of 8 days in 10 minute periods and 12 days in 15 minute periods. The CMv2 has a 28 day memory in 10 minute periods and 42 days in 15 minute periods. The relationship between these values and pricing (see opposite) allows: drawing up of a complete tariff report indicating the kWh consumed by tariff-period analysis of a load curve performance of a tariff simulation function.

Whatever the network (single, two and three-phase), the DIRIS measures the current (from 1, 2 or 3 CTs) and the voltage 600 or 700 VAC between phases or above from a VT, allows the calculation of: the TRMS values(2) of the currents the TRMS values(2) of the voltages the active power (W) the reactive power (Q) with the indication of the sign (L for inductive and C for capacitive) and thanks to the following formula: Q = S2-P2 the apparent power (VA) the power factor (FP) with the indication of the sign (L for inductive and C for capacitive) and thanks to the following formula: FP = P/S. The frequency (Hz) will be measured on phase 1 of the network.

The metering of active (kWh) and reactive (kvarh) energy is calculated from the active and reactive power. They reflect the consumption of an electrical installation. The COUNTIS is used for active energy metering on 2 quadrants. The DIRIS is used for active and reactive energy metering on 2 or 4 quadrants. From 1 or 8 ON/OFF inputs, it is possible to count kWh according to an external signal (example: energy supply company clock) or impulses coming from meters (water, gas, electricity, etc.) or other systems (breaking devices, etc.). Moreover, the DIRIS CMv2 provides 8 sub-meters tripped by a start and end date and/or time. Examples: every day from 8 oclock to 12 oclock or from 01/01/99 at 2 oclock to 01/02/99 at 2 oclock The energy is made available on 1 programmable impulse output for the kWh (COUNTIS and DIRIS) and a 2nd programmable impulse output for the kvarh (CM/CMv2 only).
(1) Metering visualises consumption from power on in real time. Management is based on a history of the 10 minute periods. (2) The TRMS value is also called true RMS. See disturbance of measuring devices.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 55

Application guide

Energy management


Functions and applications (continued)
The DIRIS system allows alarms to be configured for voltage, current, active power, power factor and frequency (Mh and CMv2).

Control and command

To control and command, it is necessary to be able to drive a set of inputs and outputs. The DIRIS with 2 to 8 input and 2 to 6 output, allows an operator to manage his operations off-site. Indeed, the ON/OFF inputs, connected to auxiliary contacts, transmit the position information (open: closed) and the number of operations (maintenance). The relay outputs will drive a whole series of actuators (load-break switches, contactors) to shed load from a distribution system or stop a manufacturing process. This remote control system is easily done using an RS485 serial link directly connected to a PC (CONTROL VISION software, for example) or another system (PLC, etc.).

time delay upper threshold hysteresis

See Communication networks.

alarm led flashes

ALARM alarm led on relay state change


unenergised relay: 1 unenergised relay: 0

closed contact closed contact

open contact open contact

closed contact closed contact

Fig. 1: monitoring of an upper threshold

Each alarm is characterised by the programming of: threshold: The alarm threshold may be an upper threshold (superior: overvoltage, overcurrent, etc.) or a lower threshold (inferior: voltage drop, etc.). Application protection of dangerous machinery in cases of mains undervoltage on the network monitoring motor current. An under-current reveals a load modification (belt rupturing) monitoring of a lack of voltage - hysteresis - time delay - break state of the relay: - 0: normally open, - 1: normally closed. The normally break closed position provides a positive security alarm: the relay opens if there is a loss of auxiliary power supply to the DIRIS, which corresponds to an alarm. The normally brek open position provides a negative security alarm: the relay closes if there is a loss of auxiliary power supply to the DIRIS, which corresponds to an alarm. Notes: For each parameter to be monitored, the DIRIS: checks configuration coherence stores the three last alarms for each parameter, including: - violation duration - date and time - maximum values reached.

D. 56

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


Communication: general points

DIRIS and COUNTIS can be connected to any system (PLC, PC, etc.) operating with an RS485 network and JBUS/MODBUS protocol. The communication function enables: remote value readings measured by the DIRIS system and their processing by a PC or other configuration readings (measurements, alarms, etc.) remote configuration (transformation ratios, alarms, etc.) Physical layer: RS485 3-wire serial link + earth (see also link installation below) Configurable output: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400 bauds Topology: bus network with up to 31 devices on the same link. To connect more than 31 products, RS485 repeaters can be used (please consult us). Maximum range: 1500 m to 9600 bauds. For bigger distances, repeaters or RS485 dividers must be used (please consult us). Link layer Operating in master/slave mode: The master (supervisor, PLC, etc.) - interrogates or sends a command to each DIRIS or other terminal (slave) which answers or performs the command - recognises each slave by identifying it by a number called the address. The address of each DIRIS can be set between 1 and 255. The link layer also provides transmitted message control, enabling detection of possible transmission errors.
Supervisor (master)

Connecting the RS485 link

DIRIS and COUNTIS communicate via an EIA 485 (RS485) 3 active wire serial link (L1, L2 and 0 V), with or without shielding. On the same RS485 link, up to 31 devices can be connected plus the master (PLC or micro-computer) equipped with an RS485 interface. The number of devices may be increased on a communication network by using repeaters (maximum 255 per communication channel). We recommend the use of a twisted pair with earth wire. In environments with a high level of interference, use of a 3-wire shielded cable linking the shielding to earth at one end only is advised.

232 485

1500 m

0 + Programmable PLCs Other systems RS485 DIRIS no 1 R=120

0 + RS485 DIRIS no 2

0 + RS485 DIRIS no x R=120

232 485

1500 m

1500 m

0 + Programmable PLCs Other systems RS485 DIRIS no 1 R=120

0 + -

- + 0

0 + RS485 DIRIS no x R=120

Ripetitore isolato RS485




At either end of the RS485 link, it is imperative that there be a resistive load of 120 Ohms integrated into each DIRIS.
L1 L2

Addresses Slave








Fig. 1: operation in master/slave mode

Protocol Jbus/Modbus is used in RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) mode with hexadecimal characters consisting of at least 8 bits. This protocol implies a master-slave dialogue that can operate according to 2 principles: the master interrogates a slave and waits for its answer the master interrogates all the slaves one after the other without waiting for their answers. The dialogue is identified as a communication frame. A frame consists of: Address of the slave Code of the function Address of the message Size of the message CRC16

Fig. 3: example of DIRIS connection

We recommend the use of a cable of type: LIYCY: 2 twisted pairs with general shielding (min. section 0.34 mm2) LIYCY-CY: 2 twisted pairs with shielding of each pair plus general shielding (min. section min. 0.34 mm2) Note: all the products connected to the same RS485 link must have a different address (JBUS/MODBUS address).

To exploit the information, our products have 4 functions: Function 3: for reading N words (maximum 128 words) Function 6: for writing a word Function 8: for exchange diagnosis (from meters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6) Function 16: for writing N words.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 57

Application guide

Energy management


Communication frame
DIRIS M addressing table
Information reading (function 3)

Writing of the devices (function 6 or 16)

0 for a CT with a 1A secondary 700 1 1 for a CT with a 5A secondary current phase 1 current phase 2 current phase 3 current of neutral phase to neutral voltage phase 1 phase to neutral voltage phase 2 phase to neutral voltage phase 3 phase to phase voltage U1-2 phase to phase voltage U2-3 phase to phase voltage U3-1 active power reactive power apparent power power factor frequency I1 max I2 max I3 max P max active energy + (4 upper digits)* active energy + (3 lower digits)* reactive energy + (4 upper digits)* reactive energy + (3 lower digits)* active energy (4 upper digits)* active energy (3 lower digits)* reactive energy (4 upper digits)* reactive energy (3 lower digits)* sign P 0 =+ and 1 =sign Q and PF 0 =+ and 1 =-kvar A

100 102

1 1

primary of CT weight of the impulse output type of network: 0: 3 Lb 1: 3 Lnb 2: 4 Lb 3: 4 Lnb frequency 0: 50 Hz and 1: 60 Hz integration time of power integration time of current flashing of parameters flashing of measurements reset

1A 10 Wh

104 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 V 0.1 V 0.1 V 0.1 V 0.1 V 0.1 V 0.1 kW 0.1 kvar 0.1 kVA / 0.1 Hz 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 A 0.1 kW kWh kvarh kWh kvarh / /

701 703 705 707 709 70B 70D 70F 711 713 715 717 719 71B 71D 71F 721 723 725 727 729 72B 72D 72F 731 733 735 737 738

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

105 106 107 108 10A 500


1 1 1 1 1 1

Hz 1 minute 1 minute 500 ms 500 ms /

Size of this zone: 9 words or 9 in hexadecimal

Recommendations After modification of the parameters, a back-up must be made using the address 500. Example Configuration of a 10 A CT primary for the DIRIS number 5:
Slave 05 Function 06 Address high-order 01 Address Number of words Number of words CRC 16 low-order high-order low-order 00 00 0A 09B5

Response of the DIRIS M: identical to the message sent.

Size of this zone: 30 words or 1E in hexadecimal (with the 4 quadrant option) - 24 words or 18 in hexadecimal (without the 4 quadrant option)

* position digits on the display

Example To read 3650 kWh it is necessary to send the following message:

Slave 05 Function 03 Address high-order 07 Address Number of words Number of words CRC 16 low-order high-order low-order 27 00 02 74F0 Value of high-order 0003 3 Value of low-order 028A 650 kWh

Response of the DIRIS M:

Slave 05 Function 03 Number of bytes 04 CRC 16 CF34

Example To display all the values in a single interrogation, it is necessary to send the following frame:
Slave 05 Function 03 Address high-order 07 Address Number of Number of CRC 16 low-order words high-order words low-order 00 00 1E C532

D. 58

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Installation guide
Ferro-magnetic equipment
This consists of two repelling magnets (one fixed, the other moving and attached to the needle), placed inside a coin supplied by the current to be measured. Magneto-electric equipment reads the alternating signal rms: waveform influence is negligible. it can also be used on a DC signal, but is detrimental to its accuracy class. Its simplicity makes it a particularly suitable instrument for measuring alternating currents on LV switchboards.

Use of voltage transformers

3 VT circuit: 63 kV mains VT 63 kV / 100 V / 3
Voltmeter 100 V = 63 kV measures LV phase to phase voltage, and indicates HV phase to phase voltage Voltmeter 100 V / 3 = 63 kV measures LV phase voltage, and indicates HV phase voltage


Magneto-electric equipment
Measuring current flows through a moving coil placed in a permanent magnets magnetic field. Under electro-magnetic forces, the coil pivots in proportion to the current value. With its low consumption, it is an excellent measuring device for low value DC signals.


2 VTs in V circuit: 63 kV mains - VT: 63 kV / 100 V (use: measuring 3 voltage values with 2 VTs)

Magneto-electric equipment with rectifier


As the moving-coil galvanometer is a DC polarised device, it can measure high AC values by the addition of a diode rectifier.


Voltmeter 100 V = 63 kV measures LV phase to phase voltage and indicates HV phase to phase voltage

Operating position
ROTEX and DIN indicators are calibrated with dials in a vertical position. Use in other positions is possible without noticeable loss of accuracy. Indicators can be calibrated to work in different positions on demand (to be specified when ordering).

Power converter
Example: calibrating an active power converter: CT 20 / 5 A, U = 380 V, three-phase mains, cos = 1 Standard calibration: P (converter) = UI cos 3 = 380 V x 5 A x 1 x 1.732 = 3290 W therefore with a 20 A CT P = 3290 W x 20 / 5 = 13.16 kW converter output: 0 mA = 0%; 20 mA = 100% load Calibrating for numeric display, threshold relay or BMS (Building Management System): A numeric display can be calibrated to display 13.16 kW at 20 mA, therefore converter calibration is unnecessary. Calibrating for needle indicator (scaled from 0 to 15 kW) calibrated at 20 mA at scale lower limit: The associated device is not adjustable, therefore converter calibration will be performed as follows: 15 kW x 3290 kW = 3750 W for 20 mA 13.16 kW I (converter output) = 13.16 kW x 20 mA = 17.55 mA 15 kW P (converter) =
10 13,1

1 2 3 4



1: > 90 2: = 90

3: < 90 4: = 0

6 1 5

3290 W => 13.16 kW => 17.55 mA 3750 W => 15 kW => 20 mA


SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 59

Application guide

Installation guide (continued)
Accuracy class index
Analog measuring devices are characterised by a class index (or accuracy class). This represents the maximum error expressed in hundredths of the devices highest value. Example: for an ammeter with 50 divisions, class 1.5 the error will be 1.5 x 50 therefore giving: 0.75 division 100 - therefore for a 20 A ammeter: 20/50 x 0.75 = 0.3 A - therefore for a 400 A ammeter: 400/50 x 0.75 = 6 A Numeric (or digital) devices can indicate a value of 1 unit of the last displayed digit in addition to the true accuracy of the devices components. Example: A 3 digit indicator (999 points) with 0.5% accuracy, connected to a CT 400/5 A, 400 A display - (a) intrinsic error 400 x 0.5 : 2 A 100 - (b) display error: I digit gives therefore: 1 A - maximum reading values: (a) + (b) = 3 A (at nominal load). Current transformers are characterised by their accuracy class. The error varies according to loads as follows: Error ( % of In)

Summation transformer
Summation CTs enable rms addition of several AC currents of the same phase. These currents can have different cos. . Summation CTs are defined by: the number of CTs to be connected (CTs with the same winding ratio) operating nominal power. Example: 3 circuits to be measured for output onto recorder and indicator:
TI1 1000/5 A


TI2 1000/5 A A TI3 1000/5 A

recorder (7.0 VA) + ammeter (1.5 VA) (a) power balance to be supplied by summation CT: (ammeter + recorder + measuring circuit loss) P = 1.5 VA + 7.0 VA + 1.5 VA = 10.0 VA (b) Power balance to be supplied by CTs: P = P + summation CTs own consumption P = 10.0 VA = 4.0 VA = 14.0 VA gives therefore: P/3 per CT


0.5 1 3 5 5P5 5P10

0.1 In 0.2 In 0.5 In 1.0 0.75 2.0 1.50 3 5

In 1.2 In 0.5 1.0 3 3 5 5 5 5

5 In

10 In

Saturable CT
Saturable CTs ensure power supply to low power thermal relays by protecting them against overcurrent due to frequent motor start-up (saturable CTs are only available with 1 A output). SOCOMEC distinguishes between two types of saturable CTs: CTs with saturation starting at 4 In for normal start-up (e.g. pumps) CTs with saturation starting at 1.5 In for abrupt start-up (e.g. flapless fans).

5 5

Example: 5P5 CTs are used to measure motor circuit current and guarantee a 5% accuracy at 5 In.

Adapting winding ratios

With nominal currents of less than 50 A it is possible to use CTs with higher primary current, by passing the primary line through the CT several times. Notwithstanding savings, this method enables the different winding ratios to be adapted (constant efficiency and measuring accuracy).

Copper cable losses

Cable losses must be taken into account to define the CT or converter power to be chosen, so as to ensure correct measuring chain functioning.

Loss (in VA) =

I2 (in A) x 2 S (in mm2) x 56

x L (in m)
Primary circuit

L: distance between CT and indicator


CABLE LOSS IN VA(1) For 5 A CT L (in m) S (mm2)

50 / 5 A

Secondary circuit

1 0.89 0.36 0.22 0.15 0.09 0.04 0.01 -

2 1.79 0.71 0.45 0.30 0.18 0.07 0.03 0.02 -

5 4.46 1.79 1.12 0.74 0.45 0.18 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02

10 8.93 3.57 2.23 1.49 0.89


20 17.9 7.14 4.46 2.98 1.79 0.71 0.29 0.18 0.12 0.07

50 44.6 17.9 11.2 7.44 4.46 1.79 0.71 0.45 0.30 0.18

100 89.3 35.7 22.3 14.9 8.93 3.57 1.43 0.89 0.60 0.36

1.0 2.5 4.0 6.0 10 1.0 2.5 4.0 6.0 10


Example: 50 A CT primary circuit.



0.36 0.14 0.09 0.06 0.04

50 A 25 A 10 A 5A

1 2 5 10

only the active component of losses is taken into account

D. 60

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Differential protection
General points
An earth fault current is a current which flows to earth when there is an insulation fault(Id). An earth leakage current is a current which flows from the live parts of the installation to earth, in the absence of any insulation fault (If).

Signalling when an earth leakage or fault current is detected and remains at a level nevertheless allowing preventive maintenance work. Differential signalling consists of: of a toroid surrounding the live conductors to be monitored which detects the residual current when the sum of the currents on line is no longer zero. of a differential current analysis and measuring device which, using its alarm LEDs, its output relays or its digital output will alert the operators. Certain applications may require both functions, breaking and signalling, at the same time.



A Residual Current Device (RCD) as defined by IEC 755 is designed to detect earth leakage or fault currents occurring generally downstream of their installation point. The main types of differential device are: differential circuit breakers differential switches differential relays which are not integrated in the breaking device. SOCOMEC, a specialised manufacturer, offers a complete range of differential relays which will be able to meet the requirements of every case appropriately. Differential relays have two purposes: to cut off the installation when it is associated with a breaking device with automatic tripping signal a leakage or fault current when it is used as a signalling relay.

Breaking the installation

Differential protection in this case consists: of a toroid surrounding the live conductors of the circuit to be protected which detects the residual current when the sum of the currents on line is no longer zero of a differential current analysis and measuring device which issues the alarm signal of a supply breaking device which is tripped by the alarm relay. When a danger appears (electric shock, fire, explosion, malfunctioning of a machine, etc.) an automatic supply breaking device performs one or more of the following functions: protection against indirect contacts limitation of the leakage currents complementary protection against direct contacts the protection of the equipment or of the production etc. Differential relays may be combined, in certain conditions, with contactors, circuit breakers or with the switches and fuse switches with tripping in the SIDERMAT and FUSOMAT SOCOMEC range.



SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 61

Application guide

Differential protection
Rated residual differential current In
The rated residual differential current, written as In, is the differential currents maximum value which must trigger the devices operation. Its value generally expresses the RCDs sensitivity or the setting of the rating (example: RCD 30 mA). An RCD can, from the point of view of the differential product standards, trip with half its rated residual differential current. SOCOMEC devices, thanks to RMS measurement will be able to bear currents up to 75% (in class AC) of the rated residual current. This level of accuracy allows bigger leakage currents for the same level of protection and thus allows better selectivity. In current values are classified according to three classes of sensitivity:

Classes of differential relays (continued)

class A symbol:

example of a fault current: The device provides tripping with residual differential, pulsed sinusoidal AC currents whose DC component remains lower than 6 mA during an interval of at least 150 at the rated frequency class B symbol:



20 A 10 A 5A 3A 1A 500 mA 300 mA 100 mA 30 mA

Cut-off time
Standard IEC 60755 suggests the following preferential values for maximum cut-off time expressed in seconds for differential devices intended to protect against the electric shocks in the event of indirect contact type faults:

example of a fault current: The device provides tripping with differential currents identical to the devices in class A but also differential currents coming from rectifier circuits: single alternation with capacitive load producing a smooth direct current, three-phase simple or double alternation, single phase double alternation between phases, any that charges an accumulator bank.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

The RCD sometimes trip for reasons other than the presence of an insulation fault. The causes are varied: storms, operation of high voltage devices, short-circuit currents, motors starting, fluorescent tubes coming on, closing on capacitive loads, electromagnetic fields, electrostatic discharges. RCDs with sufficient immunity to these disturbances are spotted by the symbol. The auxiliary power supplies of SOCOMEC differential relays, strongly immuniU sed, avoid spurious tripping or the destruction of components in the event of overvoltage due to lightning or a HV operation (see opposite).
t The principle of measurement by 1.2 s 50 s digital sampling of the differential signal and the choice of the toroid materials guarantee good resistance of the differential relays in the event of a wave of transient current occurring on closure of highly capacitive circuits (figure a) or on a disruptive discharge in the event of a dielectric rupture due to an overvoltage (figure b).


any value

40 A only

2 5

0.2 0.3

0.04 0.15

Class TB takes into account combinations of a differential relay with a separate breaking device. For protection against indirect contacts, the installation standard IEC 60 364 allows a cut-off time at the most equal to 1s for a distribution circuit, without taking into account the contact voltage if a selectivity is judged necessary. In an end distribution, the differential devices used for the protection of people must be of the instantaneous type.

Classes of differential relays

Standard IEC 60755 defines three utilisation classes for RCDs depending on the type of network: class AC symbol:

example of a fault current:

catec_218_a_1_x_cat. catec_143_a_1_x_cat.

The device provides tripping with residual differential sinusoidal AC currents.


t 8 s 20 s

Fig. a

10 s

Fig. b

D. 62

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Differential protection

Protection of an installation
Total selectivity (vertical selectivity)
In = 1A delay = 200ms

Protection of motors
An insulation fault that affects the motor coil will have effects that can be classified at two levels: destruction of the coil, the motor may be repaired, destruction of the magnetic circuit, the motor is destroyed. The installation of a differential device which limits the fault current to less than 5% of In guarantees the non-perforation of the magnetic circuits and saves the motor. As certain large motors may show imbalance between the currents or leakage currents during the start-up phase, it is acceptable to neutralise the differential relay during this phase in certain conditions.

In = 100mA delay = 50ms

In = 300mA delay = 50ms


In = 30mA not delay

In = 100mA not delay

Leakage current of equipment

Information processing equipment, according to standards EN and IEC 60950, may be a source of leakage current due to the particular filtering devices that are associated with them. Capacitive leakage currents of 3.5 mA are accepted for power connector circuits and 5% (in certain conditions) for fixed installation circuits. Standard EN 50178 on the Electronic Equipment (EE) used in power installations accepts maximum leakage currents of 3.5 mA AC and 10 mA DC for EE. In case of these values being exceeded, it is necessary to take complementary measures, such as doubling the protective conductor, cutting off the power supply if the PE is broken off, putting into place a transformer which provides galvanic insulation, etc.
In Utilisation

Fig. 1

This is intended to suppress the fault current only in the part of the installation where the fault is to be found. To do this, two conditions must be met: 1. The operating time of the downstream RCD (tfB figure 2) must be smaller than the non-operating time of the upstream device (tnf A). A simple solution to meet this condition consists of using class S RCDs (adjustable delay). Upstream RCD delay must be greater than downstream RCD delay (figure 1). 2. The sensitivity of the downstream RCD (In B) must be smaller than half of In A upstream RCD sensitivity (see figures 1 and 2).



tf A t nf A tf B A A


Fig. 1: connection of IMD: general case


t nf B

Sympathy effect
An important insulation fault affecting a feeder can loop back by the earth leakage capacities of another feeder and cause the latter to trip without there having been any reduction in the insulation of the circuit concerned. This phenomenon will be particularly frequent on feeders with potentially important earth leakage capacities or when the fault appears in a very long wiring system.
Opening by sympathy

I nB

I nA

I n

I nB I nA 2 2

Fig. 2

Horizontal selectivity This arrangement consists of placing in certain conditions differential devices that may be of the same (In) at the same level of a distribution (inside the same panel, an adjacent panel or connected with a type U1000 cable) without needing to use a general differential device.





One solution to limit this effect is to delay the differential devices.

With a TT type arrangement, a general differential device is not obligatory upstream of the differential section feeders insofar as all the installation up to the upstream terminals of the latter, complies with the provisions relating to class II or by extra insulation during the installation.

Protection against fire

Paragraph 482.2.10 of standard IEC 60 364 stipulates the use of RCDs at In 500 mA to protect premises where there is a risk of fire.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 63

Application guide

Differential protection
All installations have an earth leakage current mainly due to the conductors capacitive leakage and to anti-parasitic or EMC filtering capacitors, for example class I equipment. The sum of all these leakage currents may cause highly sensitive RCDs to trip (tripping becomes possible from In/2 (In x 0.80 for SOCOMEC RESYS P and M devices) without endangering safety to personnel. Earth leakage currents may be limited by: the use of class II equipment, isolating transformers, circuits powered by UPS, limiting the number of receptors protected by the same RCD.

Indication of test conditions of differential devices

Complementary marking should be provided to indicate to the user that the test must be activated regularly (every 3 to 6 months is recommended).

Choice of differential device according to the auxiliary power supply principles

The level of skill of the operators and the destination of the installation will, according to IEC 60 364, determine the choice of the differential protection devices according to the type of operation linked to the power supply principle.

Improving RCD performance

Installing to begin with the TT installation. At the origin of TT installation (and only in this case), it is possible to replace the detection toroid placed round live conductors by a single toroid linking the HV/LV transformer neutral to the earth. This arrangement improves immunity to disturbances and has the advantage of being more economical.
HV/LV Transformer Tripping device (SIDERMAT or FUSOMAT)


Rd Fault current

Differential relay

With auxiliary source independent of the network operating independently of the network voltage with operation dependent on the network voltage or on any auxiliary source with a fail-safe with operation dependent on the network voltage without a fail-safe with operation dependent on the network voltage of an auxiliary source without a fail-safe

NO YES NOT recommended


YES YES except circuits PC 16 A YES except circuits de PC 16 A and signalling of an aux. source fault



NB: a transformer connected to the network does not constitute an auxiliary source independent of the network.

Increasing immunity to disturbances of a toroid by: - symmetrical arrangement of the phase conductors around the neutral conductor - using a toroid with a diameter of at least equal to twice that of the circle formed by conductors: 2d - possible addition of a magnetic shield, with a height at least equal to 2D.

Characteristics of a differential device with an auxiliary source

Monitoring independent of the voltage of the circuit monitored suited to networks with high and rapid fluctuation monitoring independent of the load current (surge of non-balanced currents, coupling of inductive loads) better immunity to tripping in case of transient faults (integration time of the order of 30 ns whereas a device with its own current risks tripping in a few ms).

1 N 2 3

toroid (D) diameter d(1) of any magnetic shield

Precautions when installing toroids on armoured cables

Armoured cable: insulate electrically from the connection box, and connect it to earth.
N 1 2 3 PE N 1 2 3

h 2D magnetic shield (if any)



live conductors


(1) d = the centering of the cables in a toroid is a guarantee of the local nonsaturation of the toroid. A saturated toroid causes spurious trippings. 2) L = distance between the toroid and the bend in the cables.


Shielded cable



D. 64

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide

Differential protection

Installation (continued)
Choice of the class of differential devices according to loads
Equipment is increasingly fitted with rectifying devices (diodes, thyristors,). Earth fault currents downstream of these devices have a DC component capable of desensitising the RCD. Differential devices must be of the class suited to the loads (see chapter on definition of classes). Standard EN 50178 stipulates the following organisational diagram which defines requirements when using EE behind a differential device (EE: electronic equipment).

Speed variator type loads

As this type of load fluctuates considerably, class B relays, independent of the voltage and current, will be even more particularly suited to prevent risks of spurious tripping.

Grouping of uses according to the type of load

Installations must group together the types of devices which cause identical faults. If loads are liable to generate DC components, they must not be connected downstream of devices intended to protect loads generating, in fault, only AC or pulsed rectified components.


Connection of the EE to network


Signalling or pre-alarm of a leakage or fault

4 kVA Power > 4 kVA
In installations where continuity of operation is imperative and where the safety of property and people is particularly at risk, insulation faults constitute a major risk that it is particularly important to take into account.


Liable to generate DC or smoothed faults Yes Warning label

This signalling function may be performed in two ways: 1. the automatic breaking of the power supply for imperative reasons of protection (protection against direct, indirect contacts, or limiting the leakage current) is provided by differential devices, the signalling function may be provided by the pre-alarm relays which are incorporated in certain differential relays (RESYS M40, P40, B, of SOCOMEC). 2. the automatic breaking of the power supply for imperative reasons of protection (protection against direct, indirect contacts, or limiting leakage current) is provided by other devices, such as for example overcurrent protection devices. The alarm contact of the relays (RESYS M, P, E of SOCOMEC) can then be used only to signal a differential current. Preventive signalling of insulation faults provides infinite possibilities in the optimisation of an electrical installation:

Type A RCD compatible No



Type B RCD compatible Yes

Use another protection device


Use a type A RCD

Use a type B RCD

anticipating a machine repair before the process is stopped or on fault locating insulation faults in TNS neutral loads preventing risks of fire, explosion, etc. anticipating the operation of an overcurrent protection device and thus avoiding the replacement of the fuse or the aging of the circuit breaker controlling the leakage currents and thus reducing the homopolar currents in the protection circuits, generating of particularly disturbing electromagnetic fields etc.

Transportable EE whose rated apparent input power does not exceed 4 kVA, must be designed to be compatible with type A RCDs (protection against direct and indirect contacts). Any EE which risks generating fault current DC component risking interfering with the operation of the differential protective devices must be accompanied by a warning label which says so. When the RCDs cannot be compatible with the EE to be protected, other protection measures must be adapted such as: isolating the EE from its environment by double or reinforced insulation, or insulating the EE from the network using a transformer, etc.

Industrial loads
The most common devices are of AC class, but the real situation of industrial installations justifies the use of at least, A class devices.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 65

Application guide

General points
Standard IEC 60 364 impose the use of a permanent Insulation Monitoring Device (IMD) in IT arrangements: a permanent insulation monitoring device must be designed to indicate the first occurrence of a live mass or earth fault; it must trigger an audible or visual signal. IMDs can also be used in many other applications (see uses on page D.68). SOCOMEC offers a wide choice of IMDs from the ISOM range.

When an IMD is put into service in an installation, account must be taken of the fact that this device is going to measure the overall insulation of the installation, that is the sum of the individual leakage resistances of each feeder.

Operating principle
The majority of IMDs inject a measuring current in the loops formed by the live conductors and the earth (fig.1). An increase in measuring current signifies a circuit insulation decrease. Measuring current is compared with the IMD alarm threshold. Correct IMD operating in the ISOM range does not require a high measuring current. A 1 k impedance normally added between the circuit to be monitored and the earth (impeding neutral) is practically unnecessary for the SOCOMEC IMDs.







1 = 1 + 1 + 1 (R1, R2, Rn 0.5 M) Re R1 R2 Rn

Note: the IMD can indicate a decrease of insulation resistance without there being a dead short fault (presence of humidity after prolonged switching off, for example). Installation start-up will restore the level of insulation (IEC 60 364).

im Load IMD Insulation R


im : measuring current
Fig. 1: measurement of an installations insulation resistance by an IMD

D. 66

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


Split network
A split network is characterised by: a single receptor or same type receptors (motors, safety lighting), a moderately extended circuit (low earth leakage capacitance) and clearly located circuit (workshop, operating theatre), a well-defined circuit (only AC or DC loads).

Insulation resistance of the electrical installation

This is installations insulation level with regard to the earth. It must be regularly measured by the supervisory agencies and must be greater than the values of standard IEC 60 364. Table A: Minimum insulation resistance values (IEC 60 364) with power off.

Global network
Conversely, a global network has various receptors and rectifiers (with AC and DC currents). The network is often an extended one (high earth leakage capacitance).

TLVS and TLVP 500 V > 500 V

250 500 1000

0.25 0.5 1.0

Asymmetrical fault (DC network)

An asymmetrical fault only affects one of the networks polarities.

Receptor insulation
Rf Motor > 0.5 M Rf > x M according to product standard.

Conductor earth leakage capacitance

When two conductors have a potential difference (voltage), there is a capacitive effect between them according to their geometric shape (length, shape), to the insulation (air, PVC) and to the distance between them. This physical characteristic can trigger a capacitive leakage current between network conductors and the earth. The more extended the network, the higher the current will be.



Fig. 1: asymmetrical fault

Symmetrical fault (network DC)

A symmetrical fault affects both polarities of the network. This type of fault often develops in circuits where the respective lengths of the + and conductors are comparable. Since the end of 1997 standards IEC 61557-8 and EN 61557-8 have required that DC circuits be monitored by IMDs capable of detecting symmetrical faults.







Fig. 2: earth leakage capacitance on an AC network

Maximum earth leakage capacitance




This is the sum of the networks earth leakage capacitance and of the capacitance of the capacitors installed in the electronic equipment, computer equipment Maximum earth leakage capacitance is an important parameter when choosing an IMD. It should be noted that the overall leakage capacitance has considerably increased due to EMC filters.

Fig. 2: symmetrical fault






SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 67

Application guide

Example of use
Monitoring the insulation of dead motors (example IMD SP 003)
Monitoring the insulation of dead motors is a preventive measure when equipment safety and availability requirements are obligatory: safety equipment: fire fighting motors, smoke extractor installations, critical cycles in industrial processes, strategic or large motors.

Mobile generator sets

Protecting circuits supplied by mobile generator sets is often difficult to organise because earthing is not possible (portable sets, emergency rescue, etc), or because earthing is not considered valid (resistance impossible to measure, etc.). This sort of protection is often provided by 30 mA RCDs which has the disadvantage of spurious tripping (see page D.63). In cases where continuous operation is imperative for safety reasons, an IMD may be used (see fig. 3). The set mass is not linked to the generator mid-point, but to the network consisting of the interconnected masses of the equipment. The IMD is inserted between this mass and a phase.




Fig. 2: assembly principle: the IMD is off circuit when the motor is supplied

Adjustment of the IMD monitoring a dead motor The IMD must generate an alarm when insulation resistance is less than 1 M (1000 k). The motor must not be used when insulation resistance is less than 500 k. Type SP IMDs are specially designed for the monitoring of the insulation with the power off, and are also a means of rapidly locating transient faults thanks to their memory function (examples: points motors, rapid process port cranes).



Fig. 3: use of an IMD for a circuit supplied by generator sets

Monitoring feeders with high disturbance by DLD

Low frequencies Fault location in this type of circuit is controlled by the synchronisation of the search current injections and the analyses by the locators. High frequencies The central locator has measurement validation function by renewing analysis cycles on request. High homopolar currents DLD toroids are equipped with levelling diodes controlling potential overvoltages on the secondary.

Monitoring speed variators

The monitoring of speed variators must take into account the low frequencies they generate. Only IMDs and search devices with measuring principles using coded signals or signals different to those generated by the variators, can, over time, correctly perform their function.

D. 68

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Application guide


Examples of use (continued)

Networks supplied by UPS
Networks supplied by UPS Static Uninterruptible Power Supply systems comprise a DC component.

Monitoring of control and signalling circuits

These circuits, generally supplied by isolating transformers, must ensure non-spurious tripping of power circuits. A common solution, proposed by standards and regulations is to have a wiring system with a TN arrangement (common point coil linked to earth). Another possibility meets these requirements by integrating the secondarys non-connection to earth combined with an IMD. This solution presents shunting risks on actuators due to an insulation fault. This fault may be both sufficient for controlling actuators and too weak to trip an overcurrent protection.

DC network




Fig. 3: IMD on network supplied by UPS

It is required that the installation supplied by DC current be grouped together in the same area so as to ensure protection of masses by equipotentiality. When it is not possible to apply this requirement, an IMD must be installed to monitor the installations correct insulation when supplied by DC current. Other general criteria for UPS installation not having, at the same time, two IMDs monitoring networks that are galvanically interconnected (particularly in the by-pass phases) providing for the installation of an IMD adapted to the network monitored.
a U<



Fig. 1: monitoring insulation on control circuits


These risks are greater on new equipment for two main reasons: operating voltages are low and do not facilitate fault detection control auxiliaries operating thresholds are increasingly sensitive, to a few tens of mA (micro-relay, PLCs, optocouplers, etc). Compared to an earthed solution, using an insulated network linked to an IMD offers the double advantage of not tripping at the first fault, and providing preventive monitoring of equipment ageing.

b CP1

IMD adjustment

Zm =

U ir

1. IMD which can monitor circuits with DC components and high leakage capacitances. 2. IMD which can monitor DC circuits with symmetrical faults. 3. IMD which can monitor AC circuits, note (a) and (b), control system avoiding the use of IMDs in parallel on networks not galvanically insulated.

U: control circuit maximum supply voltage. Ir: smallest relay dropout current. Zm: IMD adjustment impedance.

Fault search systems such as DLD204 and the portable DLD3204 system allow preventive location of insulation faults, without changing the status of the actuators or operating controls thanks to a search current limited to 1mA.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 69

Application guide

IMD connection
General case
Connecting an IMD is normally done between the transformer neutral point located at the IT installation origin and the earth. The installation must have an alarm device and an overvoltage protection (if HV/LV transformer). Using ISOM IMDs does not require an impedance of 1 k in parallel (see operating principle page D.66).

Connection and protection of IMD measuring circuits

Auxiliary power supply

Auxiliary power supply

Fig. 3: IMD connection after the master switch

Fig. 4: IMD connection before the master switch



Fig. 1: IMD connection: general case

Power supply by several transformers in parallel

If transformers are always designed to operate in parallel, one IMD is enough If the transformers can operate independently of each other, each transformer must be equipped with an IMD (see figure below), and a control system that prevents both IMDs from operating when the networks are coupled must also be installed.

Protection against short circuits is currently not permitted by IEC 60 364 in order to avoid a risk of non-measurement, but supposes an appropriate installation to avoid short circuit risks (no passing of conductors over sharp busbar edges and over insulated conductors). Self-monitoring of the network connection of most SOCOMEC IMDs makes the above provision unnecessary. connection of the IMD before the transformer coupling switch, avoids control systems between IMDs where the networks are coupled (fig. 4), connection of the IMD after the transformer coupling switch, allows preventive measurement on the dead network (measuring signal present on the phases and not requiring looping via the transformer windings) (fig. 3).

Neutral accessibility
In this case, the IMD is inserted between the transformer neutral and the nearest mass earth connection or if not the neutral earth connection.





Fig. 6: several transformers in parallel

Fig. 2: IMD connection: inaccessible earth

Monitoring a dead network

Using an artificial neutral

This type of connection also avoids the installation of protection on the measuring conductor in IMD (short circuit-type overcurrents being improbable).

Auxiliary power supply connection

Certain IMDs have an auxiliary power supply. This makes them insensitive to voltage variations. The auxiliary power supply inputs must be protected: Phase
Artificial neutral






Fig. 5: monitoring of a dead network





Fig. 7: auxiliary power supply connection

D. 70

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Thermal effects
Device power dissipation
Nominal powers are given for Ith current (nominal rating in the table below). For the devices operational current:

A cubicle consists of a master switch (FUSERBLOC 4 x 630 A) and several cable leadouts. Nominal current is 550 A. Power dissipation at 630 A (table below): 97.7 x 3 = 293 W 2 Power dissipation at 550 A: 293 x 550 = 223 W 630

P = PN x

I [ Ith ]

P: PN: Ie: Ith:

power dissipation in W. nominal power dissipation in W (see table below). devices operational current device rating.

Thermal characteristics
Calculation of temperature rise

Total power in the cubicle (equipment, cables, etc.) reaches 400 W. Cubicle dimensions: H = 2000 mm, D = 600 mm, L = 800 mm. The cubicle is placed between two others and against a wall. The free surface area is: S (m2) = 2 x 0.8 (front) + 0.6 x 0.8 (top) = 2.08 m2 Temperature rise in cubicle: 400 W T = = 35 C 5.5 x 2.08 m2 For an ambient temperature of 35 C, the following is obtained: T = 35 C + 35 C = 70 C To maintain a maximum temperature T of 55 C (T = 20 C), the following ventilation flow is necessary: D = 3.1 x

T (K) = P (W) K x S (m2)

P: T: S: power dissipation inside enclosure (equipment, connections, cables, etc.). temperature rise in K. enclosure surface area (not counting surfaces in contact with walls or other obstacles). K heat exchange coefficient. K = 4 W/m2 C for polyester enclosures. K = 5.5 W/m2 C for metal enclosures. When the cubicle or enclosures are fitted with air admission, apply standard IEC 890 for the calculation, or consult us.

[ 400 - 5.5 x 2.08 ] = 26.5 m /h 20


Polyester enclosures
These enclosures can be used in public buildings. The French ministerial decree of 25.06.80 requires auto-extinguishing casings (resistant up to 750 C minimum with glowing wire according to NF C 20-445).

Calculating ventilation Where there is forced ventilation, the air flow necessary D is:




D (m3/h) = 3.1 x P - (K x S) T
Ventilators are offered as accessories in the CADRYS range.

Glowing wire withstand

960 C

850 C

960 C

960 C

Protection against thermal effects

(According to IEC 60 364) To avoid any risks due to thermal effects during normal service (fire, burns, overheating), the following can be used: differential devices in TT and TN arrangements Insulation Monitoring Devices in IT arrangements Furthermore, the temperature of electrical equipment is limited to the values in the table below:

Heating resistor determination This is necessary when interior condensation must be avoided inside the enclosure. The resistor power Pc is given by:

Pc (W) = (T x K x S) - P
Heating resistor powers offered in the CADRYS range are: 15 W - 30 W - 45 W - 75 W e 150 W. Air/air exchanger determination: see page D.72 Air conditioning determination: see page D.72.

Manual controls Parts designed to be touched but not held Parts not designed to be touched during normal service

Metallic Non-metallic Metallic Non-metallic Metallic Non-metallic

55 65 70 80 80 90

Power dissipation in W/pole for each piece of equipment Ratings (A) SIRCO SIRCO VM SIDER SIDERMAT FUSERBLOC FUSOMAT 32 40 0.6 0.9 1.3 4.7 (CD) 50 1 7.3 63 2 1.2 9 80 100 2.6 3 2.1 3.1 2.9 - 14.5 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1.8 3 4 5.8 7.6 10.8 16 30.9 39.2 45 85 5.7 3.3 5.8 1.5 - 3.4 - 12.9 17 20.7 32 - 42.5 8.2 - 15.6 45 66.4 80 20 23 25.4 41 60 - 100 143.4 - 215 - 30.3 50 - 83.5 - 222 1600 1800 2000 2500 3150 4000 122 153 178 255 444 916 102 113 -

SOCOMEC general catalogue

D. 71

Application guide

Thermal calculation of enclosures
a) Define the maximum internal temperature at the enclosure, which is imposed by the most sensitive component b) Define the maximum internal temperature of the ambient air (outside the cubicle) c) Define the enclosure dimensions where Ti (C) = Internal temperature Ta (C) = Ambient temperature H - L - P (m) = Height - Width Depth

Power necessary to maintain the temperature in the enclosure

Pn (W) = Pd - K x S x (Ti max - Ta max)

Where K = 5.5 W/m2 C K = 4 W/m2 C K = 3.7 W/m2 C K = 12 W/m2 C Pn (W): for a painted sheet metal enclosure for a polyester enclosure for a stainless steel enclosure for an aluminium enclosure Power necessary

Choice of adjustment method Power contributed by the components

SOCOMEC Equipment See detail of dissipated powers at nominal current (page D.71). a) Ventilation Choose the ventilator whose flow is just above the value calculated. Note: this solution is only possible if Ti max - Ta max > 5 C

Pd = Pnom x
Where Pnom (W): Pd (W): Ie (A): Ith (A):

[ ]
Ie Ith

Flow (m3/h) =
b) Air/air exchanger

3.1 x Pn Ti max - Ta max

Nominal power Power dissipation at operational current Operational current Nominal current

Choose the exchanger whose specific power is just above the value calculated. Note: this solution is only possible if Ti max - Ta max > 5 C

Corrected exchange surface

a) Define the correction factor Kn (depends on the method of installation)

Specific power (W/ K) =

c) Air conditioner

Pn Ti max - Ta max

Choose the air conditioner whose refrigerating power is just above the power necessary (Pn). See table p. D.71. d) Heating resistor
Kn = 1 Kn = 0,87 Kn = 0,94 Kn = 0,81

Choose the heating resistor whose power is just above the value calculated.


Pc (W) = [(Ti max - Ta max) x K x S] - Pn

Kn = 0,88

Kn = 0,75

Kn = 0,68

b) Corrected surface area

S = Kn (1.8 x H x (L + P) + 1.4 x L x P)

D. 72

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

SOCOMEC general catalogue

Choosing bar material
Table A: physical constants of copper and aluminium

Standards Type Apparent density Linear expansion coefficient Minimum resistance to fracture Resistivity at 20 C Elastic modulus

C31-510 and A51-434 Semi-hard 8890 kg/m3 17 x 10-6 per C (17 x 103 mm/m) 250 N/mm2 18 M mm2/m 120 000 N/mm2

C31-520, HN 63 J 60, CNET 3072-1. quality 6101T5 Alloy Al Mg If tin-plated 15 m 2700 kg/m3 23 x 10-6 per C (23 x 10-3 mm/m) 150 N/mm2 30 M mm2/m 67 000 N/mm2

Determination of peak Isc according to rms Isc

Table B According to EN 60439-1

Electrochemical coupling
To avoid excessive temperature rise due to electrochemical coupling (corrosion), connecting conductors having electrochemical potentials greater than 300 mV must be avoided (see table D). Example: An aluminium busbar cannot be directly connected to a copper busbar. Therefore, inserting a tin-plated aluminium busbar is necessary: Alu/Tin YES Tin/Copper YES Table D

I 5 kA 5 kA < I 10 kA 10 kA < I 20 kA 20 kA < I 50 kA 50 kA < I

n 1.5 1.7 2 2.1 2.2

Peak Isc = n x rms Isc

Thermal effect of short circuit
Short circuit currents cause the busbar temperature rise. The busbars final temperature must be lower than 160 C so as not to damage the busbar support. The thermal constraints must be such that:














(Isc) 2 x t K 2E S 2
Isc: t: S: KE: rms short circuit current in A short circuit duration (generally equal to protection device operating time). busbar section in mm2 coefficient given in table C in relation to busbar temperature Tf in normal operating conditions (before short circuit).

Table C Tf 40 50 60 70 80 KE 134.1 127.3 120.4 113.3 106 90 100 110 120 130 98.4 90.4 82 72.8 62.6

SOCOMEC general catalogue

All information given as general advice. For specific applications please consult us.

D. 73

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