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NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)


1. A logic circuit provides the output Y as per the following truth table :

0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0

The expression for the output Y is :

(1) A.B + A (2) A.B + A

(3) B (4) B
Answer (3)

2. A wheel of a bullock cart is rolling on a level road as shown in the figure below. If its linear speed is  in the
direction shown, which one of the following options is correct (P and Q are any highest and lowest points on
the wheel, respectively)?

(1) Point P moves slower than point Q

(2) Point P moves faster than point Q
(3) Both the points P and Q move with equal speed
(4) Point P has zero speed
Answer (2)

3. In the following circuit, the equivalent capacitance between terminal A and terminal B is :

(1) 2 F (2) 1 F
(3) 0.5 F (4) 4 F
Answer (1)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)
4. At any instant of time t, the displacement of any particle is given by 2t – 1 (SI unit) under the influence of force
of 5 N. The value of instantaneous power is (in SI unit):
(1) 10 (2) 5
(3) 7 (4) 6
Answer (1)

5. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A: The potential (V) at any axial point, at 2 m distance (r) from the centre of the dipole of dipole
moment vector P of magnitude, 4 × 10–6 C m, is ± 9 × 103 V.
(Take = 9 × 109 SI units)
4 0

Reason R: V =  , where r is the distance of any axial point, situated at 2 m from the centre of the
4 0 r 2
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(2) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(3) A is true but R is false.
(4) A is false but R is true.
Answer (3)

6. Two bodies A and B of same mass undergo completely inelastic one dimensional collision. The body A moves
with velocity v1 while body B is at rest before collision. The velocity of the system after collision is v2. The ratio
v1 : v2 is
(1) 1:2 (2) 2:1
(3) 4:1 (4) 1:4
Answer (2)

7. In a uniform magnetic field of 0.049 T, a magnetic needle performs 20 complete oscillations in 5 seconds as
shown. The moment of inertia of the needle is 9.8 x 10 –6 kg m2. If the magnitude of magnetic moment of the
needle is x × 10–5 Am2, then the value of ‘x’ is :

(1) 52 (2) 1282

(3) 502 (4) 12802
Answer (4)
8. An unpolarised light beam strikes a glass surface at Brewster's angle. Then
(1) The reflected light will be partially polarised.
(2) The refracted light will be completely polarised.
(3) Both the reflected and refracted light will be completely polarised.
(4) The reflected light will be completely polarised but the refracted light will be partially polarised.
Answer (4)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)
9. Consider the following statements A and B and identify the correct answer:

A. For a solar-cell, the I-V characteristics lies in the IV quadrant of the given graph.
B. In a reverse biased pn junction diode, the current measured in (A), is due to majority charge carriers.
(1) A is correct but B is incorrect (2) A is incorrect but B is correct
(3) Both A and B are correct (4) Both A and B are incorrect
Answer (1)

10.  1 
The graph which shows the variation of   and its kinetic energy, E is (where  is de Broglie wavelength
 2 
of a free particle):

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Answer (4)

11. The terminal voltage of the battery, whose emf is 10 V and internal resistance 1 , when connected through
an external resistance of 4  as shown in the figure is:

(1) 4V (2) 6V
(3) 8V (4) 10 V
Answer (3)

12. The quantities which have the same dimensions as those of solid angle are:
(1) strain and angle (2) stress and angle
(3) strain and arc (4) angular speed and stress
Answer (1)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)


In the above diagram, a strong bar magnet is moving towards solenoid-2 from solenoid-1. The direction of
induced current in solenoid-1 and that in solenoid-2, respectively, are through the directions:
(1) AB and DC (2) BA and CD
(3) AB and CD (4) BA and DC
Answer (1)

14. The moment of inertia of a thin rod about an axis passing through its mid point and perpendicular to the rod is
2400 g cm2. The length of the 400 g rod is nearly:
(1) 8.5 cm (2) 17.5 cm
(3) 20.7 cm (4) 72.0 cm
Answer (1)

15.  
If x = 5 sin  t +  m represents the motion of a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the amplitude
 3 
and time period of motion, respectively, are
(1) 5 cm, 2 s (2) 5 m, 2 s
(3) 5 cm, 1 s (4) 5 m, 1 s
Answer (2)

16. 1
The mass of a planet is th that of the earth and its diameter is half that of the earth. The acceleration due
to gravity on that planet is:
(1) 19.6 m s–2 (2) 9.8 m s–2
(3) 4.9 m s–2 (4) 3.92 m s–2
Answer (4)

17. A horizontal force 10 N is applied to a block A as shown in figure. The mass of blocks A and B are 2 kg and 3
kg respectively. The blocks slide over a frictionless surface. The force exerted by block A on block B is :

(1) Zero (2) 4N

(3) 6N (4) 10 N
Answer (3)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

18. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle abcda. The work done by the gas along the path bc is:

(1) Zero (2) 30 J

(3) –90 J (4) –60 J

Answer (1)

19. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Atoms are electrically neutral as they contain equal number of positive and negative charges.

Statement II: Atoms of each element are stable and emit their characteristic spectrum.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

(3) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

(4) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Answer (3)

20. 290  e+ − e−
82 X ⎯⎯→Y ⎯⎯⎯
→ Z ⎯⎯⎯
→ P ⎯⎯⎯

In the nuclear emission stated above, the mass number and atomic number of the product Q respectively, are

(1) 280, 81

(2) 286, 80

(3) 288, 82

(4) 286, 81

Answer (4)

21. A particle moving with uniform speed in a circular path maintains:

(1) Constant velocity

(2) Constant acceleration

(3) Constant velocity but varying acceleration

(4) Varying velocity and varying acceleration

Answer (4)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

22. A light ray enters through a right angled prism at point P with the angle of incidence 30° as shown in figure. It
travels through the prism parallel to its base BC and emerges along the face AC. The refractive index of the
prism is:

5 5
(1) (2)
4 2

3 3
(3) (4)
4 2
Answer (2)

23. In a vernier callipers, (N + 1) divisions of vernier scale coincide with N divisions of main scale. If 1 MSD
represents 0.1 mm, the vernier constant (in cm) is:

1 1
(1) (2)
10N 100(N + 1)

(3) 100N (4) 10(N + 1)

Answer (2)

24. If the monochromatic source in Young’s double slit experiment is replaced by white light, then
(1) Interference pattern will disappear
(2) There will be a central dark fringe surrounded by a few coloured fringes
(3) There will be a central bright white fringe surrounded by a few coloured fringes
(4) All bright fringes will be of equal width
Answer (3)

25. If c is the velocity of light in free space, the correct statements about photon among the following are:

A. The energy of a photon is E = h.

B. The velocity of a photon is c.

C. The momentum of a photon, p = .
D. In a photon-electron collision, both total energy and total momentum are conserved.
E. Photon possesses positive charge.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) A, B, C and D only
(3) A, C and D only (4) A, B, D and E only
Answer (2)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

26. The output (Y) of the given logic gate is similar to the output of an/a

(1) NAND gate (2) NOR gate

(3) OR gate (4) AND gate
Answer (4)

27. Match List I with List II.

List I List II
(Spectral Lines of Hydrogen (Wavelengths (nm))
for transitions from)

A. n2 = 3 to n1 = 2 I. 410.2

B. n2 = 4 to n1 = 2 II. 434.1

C. n2 = 5 to n1 = 2 III. 656.3

D. n2 = 6 to n1 = 2 IV. 486.1

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III (2) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
(3) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II (4) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
Answer (2)

28. A thin flat circular disc of radius 4.5 cm is placed gently over the surface of water. If surface tension of water
is 0.07 N m–1, then the excess force required to take it away from the surface is
(1) 19.8 mN (2) 198 N
(3) 1.98 mN (4) 99 N
Answer (1)

29. NP 1
In an ideal transformer, the turns ratio is = . The ratio VS : VP is equal to (the symbols carry their usual
NS 2
meaning) :
(1) 1:2 (2) 2:1
(3) 1:1 (4) 1:4
Answer (2)

30. The maximum elongation of a steel wire of 1 m length if the elastic limit of steel and its Young’s modulus,
respectively, are 8 × 108 N m–2 and 2 × 1011 N m–2, is:
(1) 4 mm (2) 0.4 mm
(3) 40 mm (4) 8 mm
Answer (1)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

31. A thin spherical shell is charged by some source. The potential difference between the two points C and P
(in V) shown in the figure is:

(Take = 9  109 SI units)

(1) 3 × 105 (2) 1 × 105

(3) 0.5 × 105 (4) Zero
Answer (4)

32. A wire of length ‘l’ and resistance 100  is divided into 10 equal parts. The first 5 parts are connected in series
while the next 5 parts are connected in parallel. The two combinations are again connected in series. The
resistance of this final combination is:
(1) 26  (2) 52 
(3) 55  (4) 60 
Answer (2)

33. A tightly wound 100 turns coil of radius 10 cm carries a current of 7 A. The magnitude of the magnetic field at
the centre of the coil is (Take permeability of free space as 4 × 10–7 SI units):
(1) 44 mT (2) 4.4 T
(3) 4.4 mT (4) 44 T
Answer (3)

34. Match List-I with List-II.

List-I List-II
(Material) (Susceptibility ())

A. Diamagnetic I. =0

B. Ferromagnetic II. 0    –1

C. Paramagnetic III.   1

D. Non-magnetic IV. 0     (a small positive number)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

(1) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I (2) A-II, B-I, C-III, D-IV
(3) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV (4) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
Answer (1)

NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

35. A bob is whirled in a horizontal plane by means of a string with an initial speed of  rpm. The tension in the
string is T. If speed becomes 2 while keeping the same radius, the tension in the string becomes:

(1) T (2) 4T

(3) (4) 2T
Answer (2)

36. A parallel plate capacitor is charged by connecting it to a battery through a resistor. If I is the current in the
circuit, then in the gap between the plates:

(1) There is no current

(2) Displacement current of magnitude equal to I flows in the same direction as I

(3) Displacement current of magnitude equal to I flows in a direction opposite to that of I

(4) Displacement current of magnitude greater than I flows but can be in any direction

Answer (2)

37. A 10 F capacitor is connected to a 210 V, 50 Hz source as shown in figure. The peak current in the circuit is
nearly ( = 3.14):

(1) 0.58 A

(2) 0.93 A

(3) 1.20 A

(4) 0.35 A

Answer (2)

38. If the mass of the bob in a simple pendulum is increased to thrice its original mass and its length is made half
its original length, then the new time period of oscillation is times its original time period. Then the value of
x is:

(1) 3 (2) 2

(3) 2 3 (4) 4

Answer (2)

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NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

39. The following graph represents the T-V curves of an ideal gas (where T is the temperature and V the volume)
at three pressures P1, P2 and P3 compared with those of Charles’s law represented as dotted lines.

Then the correct relation is:

(1) P3 > P2 > P1 (2) P1 > P3 > P2
(3) P2 > P1 > P3 (4) P1 > P2 > P3
Answer (4)

40. The minimum energy required to launch a satellite of mass m from the surface of earth of mass M and radius
R in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R from the surface of the earth is:
5GmM 2GmM
(1) (2)
6R 3R
(3) (4)
2R 3R
Answer (1)

41. The property which is not of an electromagnetic wave travelling in free space is that:
(1) They are transverse in nature
(2) The energy density in electric field is equal to energy density in magnetic field
(3) They travel with a speed equal to
0 0
(4) They originate from charges moving with uniform speed
Answer (4)

42. Choose the correct circuit which can achieve the bridge balance.

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Answer (1)

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NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)
43. A force defined by F = t2 + t acts on a particle at a given time t. The factor which is dimensionless, if  and
 are constants, is:

t (2) t
 

(3) t (4)

Answer (2)
44. Two heaters A and B have power rating of 1 kW and 2 kW, respectively. Those two are first connected in
series and then in parallel to a fixed power source. The ratio of power outputs for these two cases is:
(1) 1:1 (2) 2:9
(3) 1:2 (4) 2:3
Answer (2)

45. An iron bar of length L has magnetic moment M. It is bent at the middle of its length such that the two arms
make an angle 60° with each other. The magnetic moment of this new magnet is :
(1) M (2)
(3) 2M (4)
Answer (2)

46. A metallic bar of Young’s modulus, 0.5 × 10 11 N m–2 and coefficient of linear thermal expansion 10–5 °C–1,
length 1 m and area of cross-section 10–3 m2 is heated from 0°C to 100°C without expansion or bending. The
compressive force developed in it is :
(1) 5 × 103 N (2) 50 × 103 N
(3) 100 × 103 N (4) 2 × 103 N
Answer (2)

47. The velocity (v) – time (t) plot of the motion of a body is shown below:

The acceleration (a) – time (t) graph that best suits this motion is :

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Answer (3)

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NEET (UG)-2024 (Code-Q1)

48. If the plates of a parallel plate capacitor connected to a battery are moved close to each other, then

A. the charge stored in it, increases.

B. the energy stored in it, decreases.

C. its capacitance increases.

D. the ratio of charge to its potential remains the same.

E. the product of charge and voltage increases.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

(1) A, B and E only

(2) A, C and E only

(3) B, D and E only

(4) A, B and C only

Answer (2)

49. A small telescope has an objective of focal length 140 cm and an eye piece of focal length 5.0 cm. The
magnifying power of telescope for viewing a distant object is:

(1) 34

(2) 28

(3) 17

(4) 32

Answer (2)

50. A sheet is placed on a horizontal surface in front of a strong magnetic pole. A force is needed to:

A. hold the sheet there if it is magnetic.

B. hold the sheet there if it is non-magnetic.

C. move the sheet away from the pole with uniform velocity if it is conducting.

D. move the sheet away from the pole with uniform velocity if it is both, non-conducting and non-polar.

Choose the correct statement(s) from the options given below:

(1) B and D only

(2) A and C only

(3) A, C and D only

(4) C only

Answer (2)

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