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Course Plan

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Course Plan and Evaluation Plan

1. Course Code: EE213

2. Course Title: Induction Motors and Transformers
3. L-T-P: 3-1-3
4. Credits: 6
5. Pre-requisite: EE101: Analysis of Electric Circuits
MA11x: Engineering Mathematics
EE143: Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
6. Course Instructors: Dr. Prajof P. (S1) and Dr. Dastagiri Reddy (S2)

7. Teaching Department: E&E

8. Course Objectives:
a. Understand the magnetic circuits for the analysis of electrical machines.
b. Understand the construction and working principles of transformers.
c. Analyze the equivalent circuit model and performance characteristics of transformers.
d. Understand the three-phase transformer connections and operation.
e. Understand the construction and working principles of three-phase induction machines.
f. Analyze the performance and steady-state characteristics of three-phase induction machines.
g. Understand single-phase and linear induction motors.

9. Course Outcomes:
a. Ability to analyze magnetic circuits for electrical machines.
b. Demonstrate an understanding of transformer construction and working principles.
c. Capability to analyze the transformer equivalent circuit and performance characteristics.
d. Demonstrate an understanding of three-phase induction machine construction and working
e. Ability to analyze the performance and steady-state characteristics of three-phase induction
f. Knowledge of single-phase induction motors.

10. Course Coverage (60 Lecture Schedule/15 Weeks):

Unit Syllabus covering or contents Approx. no. Reference
of lectures Chapters
1 Magnetic Circuits: Introduction; magnetic flux and flux density, 8 [1] Chapter-1
magnetic field intensity; Amperes circuital law and Biot-Savart’s, (2 weeks) or
Lorentz force and force on current carrying conductor, Faradays law- [2] Chapter-2
W02-03 or [3] Chapter-
induced voltage from a varying magnetic field; Magnetic behavior of
1 or [4]
ferromagnetic materials (B-H curve), energy losses in ferromagnetic Chapter-1
core (Eddy current and hysteresis losses);
Magnetic circuits: MMF equation, reluctance, comparison between
electric and magnetic circuits, flux leakage and fringing, flux linkage,
inductance, mutual inductance and energy.
2 Transformers: Introduction; Working principle: electromagnetic 20 [1] Chapter-2
induction, mutual inductance, dot convention, transformer equation; (5 weeks) or

NITK-Surathkal EE-Dept.
Types and construction of transformers; ideal transformer under no load [2] Chapter-3
and load; real single phase transformer under no load and load; W05 to 08 Or [3] Chapter-
equivalent circuit of single phase transformer; determining equivalent and W10 2 or [4]
circuit parameters: OC and SC test; transformer voltage regulation and
efficiency; Auto-transformer: basic configuration, voltage and current
relationship, apparent power rating; Three phase transformer:
construction and working principle, Y-Y, Y-Δ, Δ-Y and Δ-Δ
configurations, parallel operation; The per unit system and its
application to analyzing transformers;
3 Three Phase Induction Motors – Introduction, construction and 8 [2] Chapter 5
operation: Introduction: rotational mechanics, voltage induced in (2 weeks) (5.1,5.2, 5.5,
simple rotating loop, torque in current carrying loop. 5.6, 5.10),
W11 & 12 Chapter 9 (9.1
Construction details: stator, air-gap and rotor; slip ring and wound rotor
to 9.3)
induction motors. Or
Working principle: rotating magnetic field (RMF), direction and speed [4] chapter 4
of RMF; rotor induced emf, frequency of rotor induced emf, slip; (4.1, 4.2, 4.7),
Comparison of transformers and induction motors. chapter 7 (7.1,
4 Analysis and performance of three phase induction motors: 16 [2] Chapter 9
Equivalent circuit of induction motors; Torque-speed characteristic, (4 weeks) Or
starting torque, condition for maximum torque; Power and torque in [3] Chapter 6
W12 to Or
induction motors; losses and power flow diagram; determination of
W16 [4] Chapter 7
equivalent circuit parameters: no load and block rotor test; circle
diagram; induction motor performance characteristics: load test.
Starting of three phase induction motors; speed control of three phase
induction motors; intro to solid state induction motor drive; breaking of
induction motor. Induction generator.
5 Single phase induction motors: Introduction, double-revolving field, 8 [4] Chapter-10
starting of single-phase induction motor, speed control of single-phase (2 weeks) (10.1 to 10.5)
induction motors, circuit model of a single phase inductor motor.

11. Lab Coverage (24 Lecture hours/8 Weeks/8 lab sessions: 8×3 = 24 hours):
Lab Syllabus covering or contents Approx. no. of lectures
Session hours
1 OC & SC tests on single-Phase transformers 3
(0.5 weeks)
2 Sumpner’s test 3
(0.5 weeks)
3 Scott Connection 3
(0.5 weeks)
4 Open Delta connection of single-phase transformers 3
(0.5 weeks)

NITK-Surathkal EE-Dept.
5 Circle Diagram of Induction Motor 3
(0.5 weeks)
6 Load Test of Three-Phase Induction Motor 3
(0.5 weeks)
7 Load Test on Three Phase Slip Ring Induction Motor 3
(0.5 weeks)
8 Load Test on Single Phase Induction Motor 3
(0.5 weeks)

• The experiments are divided into two cycles. Cycle I consist of experiments 1 to 4, which are related
to transformers. Cycle II includes experiments 5 to 8, which focus on Induction Motors.
• Each lab session lasts for 3 hours, during which students will carry out one experiment. The entire
experiment will be completed within one lab session, which occurs once a week for a student.
• The lab will be divided into 4 batches, with each batch comprising 7 to 8 students at most.
• Students will perform the experiments in their respective batches during the lab sessions.
• Upon completing the experiments, students will analyze the results they obtained in the lab. Finally,
each student is required to maintain a record notebook containing the details of the experiments
Cycle-1 Cycle-2
W07 W08 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15
Batch-1 (Group-A/B) Exp-1 Exp-2 Exp-3 Exp-4 Batch-1 (Group-A/B) Exp-5 Exp-6 Exp-7 Exp-8
Batch-2 (Group-A/B) Exp-4 Exp-1 Exp-2 Exp-3 Batch-2 (Group-A/B) Exp-8 Exp-5 Exp-6 Exp-7
Batch-3 (Group-A/B) Exp-3 Exp-4 Exp-1 Exp-2 Batch-3 (Group-A/B) Exp-7 Exp-8 Exp-5 Exp-6
Batch-4 (Group-A/B) Exp-2 Exp-3 Exp-4 Exp-1 Batch-4 (Group-A/B) Exp-6 Exp-7 Exp-8 Exp-5

12. Text Books:

[1] S. K. Sahdev, “Electrical machines,” Cambridge University Press, 2018.
[2] D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, "Electric Machines," 4 th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education (India), 2010.
[3] A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley Jr., and Stephen D. Umans, "Electric Machinery," 7 th Edition, McGraw-
Hill Education, 2014.
[4] S.J. Chapman, "Electric Machinery Fundamentals," 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2010.

13. Evaluation plan (Details of evaluation plan including the weightages)

Assignments 10% weightage
Quizzes 10% weightage
Lab Component 20% weightage
Mid-sem exam 20% weightage
End-sem exam 40% weightage

Signature of Instructor(s) Signature of Secretary Signature of Chairman

(With Date) DUGC DUGC
(With Dept-Seal & Date)

NITK-Surathkal EE-Dept.

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