Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Monitoring and Diagnosing Electric Motor Faults Based On Vibration Signals
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Monitoring and Diagnosing Electric Motor Faults Based On Vibration Signals
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Monitoring and Diagnosing Electric Motor Faults Based On Vibration Signals
Abstract— Detecting bearing faults in electric motors is highly it is imperative and practical to conduct research and develop
crucial for improving production efficiency and reducing systems for examining, monitoring, and predicting electric
accidents in complex mechanical systems, which poses significant motor faults using IoT (Internet of Things technology)[18]
challenges for current fault diagnosis technology. This paper within factory environments. Furthermore, data encompassing
investigates and applies Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the electrical, mechanical, and thermal parameters, among others,
monitoring and diagnosis process of electric motor faults based on will be gathered and integrated with intelligent software for
vibration signals. The research aims to construct a model for diagnostic purposes, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), a
collecting sample data from motors with three common types of hallmark of the fourth industrial revolution
bearing faults and utilizes the Resnet-50 network to assess the
accuracy of monitoring and diagnosing faults. The study conducts The general operating principle of these systems includes the
a vibration signal analysis to identify potential indicators of faults following steps:
in electric motors. The survey results presented in the paper
demonstrate the accuracy of using the Resnet-50 network in
monitoring and diagnosing electric motor faults. The paper also
provides essential insights into the performance of AI networks
and their practical applicability in the field of industrial
equipment maintenance and management.
• MI (Misalignment damaged): Misalignment occurs
when the shaft is not aligned properly or not in the correct
plane. Misalignment can generate uneven torque and
cause vibration.
• IR (inner raceway damage): The bearing's inner raceway
is damaged.
• OR (outer raceway damage): The bearing's outer
raceway is damaged. (a)-N (b)-MI
Fig. 4. Representation of the collected data sample set in the time domain (s).
Motor agnetic
B. ResNet-50
ResNet-50 is a widely recognized and influential deep
Driveshaft Support
learning architecture, particularly in the field of computer vision.
Bearings It belongs to the family of ResNet (Residual Neural Network)
models, which are designed to address the challenge of training
very deep neural networks by introducing residual learning.
Conventional neural networks encounter challenges when it
comes to training extremely deep structures because of the
vanishing gradient issue and performance degradation with
increasing network depth. The vanishing gradient problem
hinders effective learning, particularly in the initial layers of the
Fig. 3. Test model, device placement, and bearing faults location. network [15].
The measuring device is attached to the motor casing. All ResNet was introduced by Kaiming He et al. in their paper
data files are in MATLAB Data (*.mat) format, collected at rates "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" in 2015 [15].
of 6000 and 12000 samples per second. Speed and torque data The key innovation was the introduction of residual blocks,
are obtained using a torque encoder and recorded manually by a which enable the training of extremely deep networks by
incorporating shortcut connections or skip connections. They
motor controller.
have introduced the concept of residual learning, which is
The collected sample dataset, detailed in the table below: applied to multiple layers within the ResNet framework.
Residual blocks in ResNet are effective when the input and
TABLE I. DATA COLLECTED FROM THE EXPERIMENTAL output data have the same dimensions. Moreover, ResNet blocks
MODEL come in two varieties, with two layers for ResNet-18 and
Type of error Sampling Number of Time per sample ResNet-34 networks and three layers for ResNet-50 and ResNet-
frequency (Hz) samples (minutes) 101 networks. The initial two layers of the ResNet architecture
N 12000 4 2 are reminiscent of GoogleNet, involving a 7x7 convolution
MI 12000 4 2 operation and 3x3 max-pooling with a stride of 227 [16].
IR 12000 4 2 ResNet-50 utilizes a bottleneck design in each of its residual
OR 12000 4 2 blocks. This design comprises three convolutional layers with
kernel sizes of 1x1, 3x3, and 1x1, which serves to reduce
computational complexity while maintaining representational
The following is an image of the collected data set after capacity. The name 'ResNet-50' stems from the fact that this
being converted to time domain(s). architecture consists of 50 layers. It's a deep structure that
incorporates multiple residual blocks, each with varying filter
counts. A residual block is composed of two 3x3 convolutional
layers and a shortcut connection. This shortcut connection
bypasses one or more layers and directly combines the input
with the output, forming what is referred to as the residual. A
visual representation of the ResNet-50 architecture is provided
in Figure 5.
Similarly, the 'Normal' class requires a sufficient number of
images for effective discrimination between normal and faulty
The inclusion of 11.9k images for this class ensures that the
model develops a robust understanding of the typical
characteristics exhibited by normal bearings. The creation of
these four classes, each with a substantial and diverse dataset,
serves as a foundational element for the model's future
performance in bearing classification and prediction tasks.
D. Results of fault diagnosis and comparative analysis post-
training for each model
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