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Mục đích: Điểm danh và tự nghiên cứu
Hướng dẫn làm bài:
1. Tải file về máy và làm các bài tập ở phần 1 và 2
2. Đặt lại tên file theo cú pháp: BT 1_số thứ tự trong danh sách_họ và tên. Ví dụ: BT 1_18_Đặng Thị Tú Anh (nếu tên
trùng nhau trong danh sách thì ghi rõ năm sinh)
3. Nộp bài: tại lớp học google classroom (nộp đúng vị trí: Bài tập -> Học phần phương pháp dạy học  Bài tập 1
4. Deadline: 23h ngày …..(sẽ được ghi trên google classroom)


Task 1: Watch the following videos: and answer the questions:
1. What new items (vocabulary/ grammar/chunks/ patterns) are taught in the lesson?
In the lesson, the new items are taught are chunks
2. How many times does the teacher repeat them? Why does he repeat them many times?
The teacher repeats them in several times. Because it’s important to maintain the order the children learn to understand the
meaning of the sentences
3. How does the teacher help students understand their meanings?
Demonstrated the children listen and do the movements with the help of Mimes, gestures and drawing on the board
4. How do the students show the teacher that they understand their meanings?
The children can make the movement on their own and in different order
5. Does the teacher ask students to pronounce those words/ chunks?
No, he doesn’t
6. Do students say the chunks? If yes, when? Does the teacher give corrective feedback if the students make pronunciation
No, they don’t.
7. Does the teacher write new words/ chunks on the board?
No, he doesn’t
8. Does the lesson focus on speaking, writing, listening or reading?
The lesson focus on listening and speaking.
Task 2: Watch the following videos: and answer the questions:

1. How does the teacher teach the meaning of the words (plane, car, teddy, doll) at the pre-teaching stage?
2. Does the teacher ask the learners to repeat the words orally after he says them?
3. How does the teacher teach the following phrases: fly the plane, drive your car, hug your teddy, kiss your doll?
4. How does the teacher know the learners understand the meaning of those chunks?
5. What do you think about the order of the chunks taught? (which chunk is introduced first, which is introduced next …. and
does the teacher keep or change the order at any phase of the lesson?)
6. How many phases are there in the lesson? What does the teacher and learners do in each phase? Complete the following table.

Phase Name of the phase What teacher does What students do


7. What kind of learners is TPR for?

8. Can you use TPR for teengager or adult learners? Why?
Task 3: Underlying theory of TPR
Watch the following video:
What do you learn about TPR through the video? (Answer briefly, remember relate your answer to the content of the video)


Task 1: A lesson with TBL
Read the following description of a lesson and answer the questions:
1. The teacher holds a discussion with the students about when their birthdays are, what present they would like, what good
birthday parties they have been to, and what they like to eat and drink at a birthday party. The teacher can summarize the
answers on the board.
Teacher can show a picture of her birthday party on the board.
Ask students:
What can you see in the picture?
Is this a birthday party?
Can you see me in the picture? Where am I?
Have you ever been to a birthday party?
When is your birthday?
What present would you like?
What would you like to eat at a birthday party?
What would you like to drink at a birthday party?
2. The teacher puts students into small groups. Give them a worksheet paper with the pictures,names, and prices of a lot of party
food and drink on it.
3. Tell students to do the task: Choose the food and drink they would like for a birthday for 5 friends keeping within a price limit,
e.g $20
4. The students do the task while the teacher goes around the class, listening and answering any questions
5. Students spend some minutes preparing before reporting their work to the whole class.
6. Each group tell the other groups what decisions they have made
7. The students ask the teacher questions about any language they need for the task and/or teacher tells the students about any
language she noticed they didn’t know a while they were doing the task, e.g. the pronunciation of some food words, the
grammar of uncountable and countable nouns.
8. The students do a written exercise on the new language.
1. What does the teacher do at step 1? If the teacher summarizes students’ answers on the board, which words would students write?
2. What language items (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary) do students need in steps 3, 4 and 5?
3. Does the teacher teach those language items before students do the task at step 3, 4, 6?
4. Does the teacher focus on accuracy? If yes, at which step?
5. At which step does the teacher correct students’ mistakes?
6. Does the teacher focus on fluency? If yes, at which step?
7. Does the lesson focus on learning language items (grammar, vocabulary) or complete a task in which the target language items are
8. What do you think about the possibility the students make mistakes while completing the task?
9. What difficulties may students and the teacher have in this lesson?
10. Compare between the task at step 3,4,6 and the task below. Which one focuses on form? Which one focuses on meaning? Which
is more meaningful? Which allows students to use their own language resources?
Task 2: Stages of a TBL lesson
Put the above steps (in task 1) in each stage of the following TBL cycle.
1. Pre-task: T introduces topic and task
2. Task: students do the task, teacher monitors from distance, encouraging all attempts at communication, not correcting. Since
this situation has a "private" feel, students feel free to experiment. Mistakes don't matter.
3. Planning: students prepare to report to the whole class (orally or in writing) how they did the task, what they decided or
discover. Since the report stage is public, students will naturally want to be accurate, so the teacher stands by to give language
4. Report: Some groups present their reports to the class, or exchange written reports, and compare results. Teacher acts as a
chairperson, and then comments on the content of the reports.
5. Language focus: students examine and discuss new words, phrases, and patterns they used in the task. Teachers analyze and
conduct practice of those words, phrases and patterns.
Stage Steps
Language focus

Task 3: What is a task?

Not every activity can be used as a “task” in task-based learning. According to Rod Ellis, a task in Task-based learning must have 4
features: (1) focuses on meaning, (2) has some kind of gap, (3) learners can use their own language resources to complete the task, (4)
the task has a clearly-defined, non-linguistic outcome.
Look at the following activities. Put a tick if they are/are not tasks and identify which stage of a TBL lesson they can be used.
Activity is a is not a task At which stage (see task 2) can it be used

Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Have your students sit in pairs, preferably face to face. Distribute the handouts, “A” to one student in the pair, and “B” to the other. Tell them not
to look at each other’s handout. Instead, they carefully describe their picture to their partner. Tell them that there are eight differences they must
find and that they have only fifteen minutes to find them. After the allotted time has passed, elicit all the eight differences from your students. (15
– 20 minutes)

Activity 4:
Activity 5:

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