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Bgcse Agriculture Paper 1 2022

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CRACKiT Tuition Botswana National Examinations

Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education




Agriculture 0599/01
Paper 1
April 2022
1 hour 30 minutes

Students to answer on this question paper.

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The total number of marks for this paper is 40.

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CrackiT Exams 0599/01

This exam consists of 8 printed pages.

1. Which of the following does not affect growth of plants

a. Humidity

b. Phototropism

c. Rainfall

d. wind

2. Which of the following is responsible for the production of root hair cells?

A. cortex

B. Pericycle

C. Endodermis

D. Epidermis

3. What damage is caused by run off

A. Loss of water by trees

B. Deforestation

C. Erosion

D. High temperature

4. Which of the following is not part of a leaf

A. Cortex

B. Guard cells

C. Stomata

D. Cuticle

5. Which of the following tissues of the root is found in the region of cell division?

A. Pericycle

B. vascular bundle

C. endodermis

D. root cap

6. Which of the following tools is appropriate for levelling the soil

A. digging fork

B. plough

C. Harrow

D mower

7. Which class is appropriate for wildlife?

A. i

B. v

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C. vii

D. iv

8 .Which part of the root is responsible for storage of food and water?

A. pith

B. root hair

C. epidermis

D. cortex

9. What is the function of the anther?

A. receives pollen grains

B. produces pollen grains

C. it is a pathway for growth of pollen tubes

D. transport food and water to the developing pollen grains

10. Mowing means

A. cutting of lawn to a certain length in order to maintain an attractive look.

B. the practice of cutting lawn which has grown beyond the boundaries of a lawn to make it tidy

C. process of making tiny perforations in the lawn to improve aeration

D. the removal of dead underground thatch from the lawn by the vigorous use of a rake.

11. A herbicide is prayed to kill weeds. It is absorbed by the leaves and moves through the stem to all parts of
the plant. What is this type of herbicide called?

A. contact

B. residual

C. selective

D systemic

12. Which statement is true about settled agriculture?

A. production was on subsistence level

B. production was for market

C. it was capital intensive

D. earliest farming system developed by man

13. What can a farmer do to prevent fungal diseases caused by humidity of 80% and 100%?

A. Use of humidifiers

B. ensure sufficient ventilation

C. practice correct pruning and stocking rate of livestock

D. use of fog, mist and controlled farming systems

14. Which of the following land tenure system covers 71% OF Botswana land area?

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A. communal

B. state

C. freehold

D. leasehold

15. Which statement is true about state land tenure?

A. it is cheaper to lease than freehold

B. land rights are inheritable

C. can be used as security to obtain loans

D. covers 71% of Botswana land area

16. Which of the following is not a form of technology transfer?

A from one country to another

B. from research center to farmers in a given country

C. from agricultural demonstrators to farmers

D. from consumers to farmers

17. What is the importance of geotropism?

A. it enables plants to be fully anchored into the soil

B. it enables the roots of plants to seek for water

C. provide mechanical support to stems

D. enhances photosynthesis

18. The movement of molecules from an area where they are high in concentration to an area where they are low
in concentration is called________________

A. Active transport

B. Diffusion

C. Osmosis

D. Plasmolysis

19. Name the process by which water enters the root from the soil

A. Osmosis

B. Diffusion

C. Active transport

D. Respiration

20. Which of the following is not involved in sexual reproduction of plants

A. Fusion of the male and female gametes

B. Formation of seeds

C. Budding

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D. Creation of a population of seedlings with new genotypes

21. The following are trends of agriculture except

A. commercial farming

B. hunting and gathering

C. agricultural technology

d. shifting agriculture

22. Which of the following is a condition necessary for plant growth?

A. photosynthesis

B. humidity

C. Respiration

D. fertilizers

23. Condensation is____________

A. change of water vapour into liquids to form clouds

B. change of water from liquid to gaseous state to form part of the atmosphere

C. when water seeps the ground

D. loss of water into the atmosphere from plant through leaves

24. Which of the plants is insensitive to photoperiod?

A. barley

B. Rice

C. cotton

D. tomato

25. The following are land tenure systems in Botswana except ___________________

A. Communal

B. leasehold

C. freehold

D. state

26. Which land class is the most profitable for crop cultivation?





27. Which of the following land class is suitable for forestry



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28. ---------------------- is an example of agricultural technology

A. tools and machines

B. methods and techniques

C. hydroponics

D. power

29. Which of the following is present in both monocot and dicot stems?

A. cambium

B. vascular bundles

C. endodermis

D. xylem

30. Where in the plant does translocation occur?

A. xylem tissues

B. phloem tissues

C. cortex

D. root hair

31. Which of the following is not direct stimulus for the growth movement of parts of a plant?

A. light

B. gravity

C. water

D. minerals

32. The following plants use the taproot as their storage organ except…………………………..

A. carrot

B. green pepper

C. beetroot

D. radish

33. ---------------------------------- is not a method of soil preparation

A. ploughing

B discing

C. stumping

D. harrowing

34. Which statement is true about active ingredient of granules?

A. formulated to act in the gaseous state

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B. it is released directly in the soil

C. it is in powdery form

D. is kept under pressure and released at room temperature in a form of gas

35. What is the function of lance in a knapsack sprayer?

A. direct spray to target the crop or animal

B. controls the release of spray through nozzle

C. operates a pump which builds up pressure inside the reservoir

D. lid for the tank

36. Ornamentals are classified as the following except…………………

A. lawn

B. bedding plants

C. potting pants

D. flower cutting plants

37. Which statement is not true about lawns?

A. they are aesthetics

B. they control soil erosion

C. they eliminate muddy and dusty areas

D. they are started in a nursery or green house

38. What damage is caused by the pest below?


a. Boring
b. Chewing and cutting
c. Piercing and sucking
d. Browsing

39. Which of the following is not a precaution to take when setting up a sprayer to use?

a. Blow the sprayer nozzle clear with your mouth

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b. Mix the pesticide in correct proportions

c. read the instructions for sprayer use

d. wear protective gloves and a face mask.

40. What is the role played by sugars in the absorption of nutrients in plants?

a. Provided energy for active transport

b. provide energy for osmosis

c. provides a concentration gradient for diffusion

d. provides a concentration gradients for passive transport

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