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17 Performance Grades Qual Spec - Piano 2025 & 2026 20240603 - Access

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Qualification Specification


Syllabus (Section 3)
2025 & 2026

This syllabus is specific to Piano and is part of

the main Qualification Specification: Music
Performance Grades. The remainder of that
specification provides other relevant information for
those preparing for Performance Grades exams and
applies to all subjects (instruments). It can be found
at and should
be read when preparing for an exam. 6 June 2024
Qualification Specification: Music Performance

3. Piano Performance Grades syllabus 2

Introducing the qualification 2
Changes in the 2025 & 2026 syllabus 2
Performance Grades: requirements and information 2
• Instruments3
• Performance as a whole 3
• Selecting repertoire 3
• Preparing for the exam 5

Piano repertoire lists (2025 & 2026) 7

• Initial Grade 7
• Grade 1 9
• Grade 2 11
• Grade 3 13
• Grade 4 15
• Grade 5 17
• Grade 6 19
• Grade 7 21
• Grade 8 23
• Piano music for one hand (Grades 1–5) 25

© 2024 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

All the syllabus information in this document, including repertoire lists, is the copyright of ABRSM.
No syllabus listing may be reproduced or published without the permission of ABRSM.
3. Piano Performance Grades syllabus
Introducing the qualification
Performance Grades, introduced by ABRSM in 2020, run alongside and provide an alternative
pathway to our long-standing Practical Grades. They allow learners to focus on and showcase
their performance skills if that is their preference. The suite of qualifications has been designed
to allow learners to play to their strengths and interests and still have their level of achievement
formally recognised with a regulated qualification that attracts UCAS points (in the UK) at Grades
6 to 8. Performance Grades are accessible exams given their sole focus on performance, without
the assessment of any supporting tests. Instead they encourage the selection of appropriate
repertoire to be delivered in a sustained performance, even at the earliest levels.
Musicians learn to play an instrument to explore and perform repertoire, which is why pieces, and
the way they can be combined to create a convincing and sustained performance, are the focus
of the exam. For Performance Grades, candidates are asked to present four pieces at each grade.
ABRSM Performance Grades draw on the same repertoire set for our Practical Grades. This
syllabus repertoire is organised into lists, which explore different traditions and styles, dating
from the Renaissance period to the present day. Choosing repertoire from different lists gives
candidates the opportunity to perform a balanced selection and demonstrate a range of skills.
Since Performance Grades focus on performance alone, the choice of repertoire is important, and
attention should be given to the way pieces are contrasted, the order in which they are presented,
and the different moods and characters they inhabit. This will enable candidates to demonstrate
their ability to deliver a coherent and convincing performance event, not just a series of individual
pieces. Credit for this is given through the performance as a whole assessment criteria that are

Changes in the 2025 & 2026 syllabus

There are new set pieces in the 2025 & 2026 Piano Performance Grades Syllabus.
• The repertoire lists have been refreshed rather than fully revised and include a mixture of new
and retained pieces
• There is a greater choice of repertoire than before, with music from a more diverse range of
genres and composers featured
• Piano pieces for one hand have been introduced to the Grades 1–5 syllabus for the first time.
These are open to all candidates and must be performed with the specified hand only.

Performance Grades: requirements and information

The syllabus repertoire is valid from 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2026*.
This section provides a summary of the most important points that teachers and candidates
need to know when taking ABRSM Performance Grades for Piano. Further details, as well as
administrative information about the exams, are given in ABRSM’s Exam Regulations (available
at which should be read before booking an exam.

2 * See for information on an overlap period beyond this date.

Performance Grades 3. Piano Performance Grades syllabus

A suitable piano should be used so that the repertoire chosen can be realised in full. This can be
upright, grand or digital. A digital piano should have a clearly recognisable piano tone (a single
piano ‘voice’ should be used throughout), a touch-sensitive keyboard with full-size weighted keys,
and an action, range and facilities that match those of a conventional acoustic piano, including
pedals where needed for the chosen repertoire. Pieces may not be altered to suit an instrument,
e.g. a reduced-sized keyboard, and care should be taken in choosing repertoire as certain effects
cannot be achieved on all digital pianos. While examiners may be aware of particular attributes
of the instrument itself, the exam assessment will be based on the overall musical outcome,
according to the marking criteria that take into account control of pitch, time, tone, shape and

Performance as a whole
Performance skills are at the heart of Performance Grades, and go beyond the preparation of
individual pieces. Designing programmes that play to learners’ strengths as performers, and
then delivering them with a real sense of musical intent and communication, is central to musical
development. This also builds stamina, and embeds the technical control required to play a
whole programme through, including managing the transitions from one piece to another. Finding
ways to put across the mood and character, and really get inside the style of different types of
repertoire, as well as arranging pieces into coherent and compelling programmes will in turn
increase learners’ knowledge and understanding of music more broadly.
For full details of how the performance as a whole component of the exam is assessed, see
Section 4 of the Qualification Specification: Music Performance Grades.

Selecting repertoire
Number of pieces: Candidates present four pieces in one continuous performance (without a
break). They choose at least one piece from each of the three lists (A, B and C). The fourth piece
can be from the repertoire lists or a piece of the candidate’s choice. The pieces can be performed
in any order. See further programming requirements within this ‘Selecting repertoire’ section
before finalising choices.
Own-choice piece: The following options and restrictions apply to the own-choice piece selection:
• The piece should be broadly the same standard, or above, as repertoire set for the grade being
taken (prior approval from ABRSM cannot be given).
• The piece may be chosen from any of the repertoire lists set for the grade, as long as all other
requirements within this ‘Selecting repertoire’ section are also met, including the minimum
duration. Performing all four pieces from the lists gives no advantage.
• The piece may be a candidate’s own composition or arrangement (see ‘Own composition’).
• The piece must exist in a legible and fully-notated score using standard music notation (e.g.
not in tab, not a lead sheet if candidate is playing a harmonic instrument etc.) and must be
performed as notated in that score.
In cases where there is a concern about the standard of an own-choice piece presented, ABRSM
reserves the right to request a copy from the Applicant where we cannot readily access one
ourselves. This may delay the issuing of the exam result.

Performance Grades 3. Piano Performance Grades syllabus

• The piece must be either a piano solo or a piano duet (as long as it is the only duet in the
• The piece must not last less than the following timings for each grade (unless the overall
programme time would be exceeded; see ‘Programme times’):

Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Minimum duration
00:20 00:25 00:30 00:35 00:45 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00
The duration for each grade is the minimum time required in order to demonstrate the breadth
and depth of skills required, including stamina.
The other programming requirements described in this ‘Selecting repertoire’ section must also
be met.
Programme times: The overall performance, including transitions between pieces, should not
exceed the maximum programme time set for the grade, as shown in the following table. The
programme time is the duration from the first note of the performance to the last. The examiner
may stop listening to the recording if the candidate’s performance goes over the maximum
programme time.

Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maximum programme
5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20 25
time (minutes)

Duets: Candidates may perform a duet for one of their pieces. At Initial Grade to Grade 3,
duets are included in the repertoire lists and are marked DUET ; the part candidates must play
is also specified – primo part if the upper part and secondo part if the lower part. Pieces marked
DUET/SOLO may be played as a duet or as a solo.

Candidates provide their own duet partner, who may be the teacher. Alternatively, they may play
with a recording of the duet part. Recorded duet parts may be commercially-available tracks
or recordings made specifically for the candidate’s exam. Full guidance on the use of recorded
accompaniments in exams is available at
Composers: Up to two pieces by the same composer may be performed. Where two or more
pieces/movements by a composer are required by the syllabus (i.e. under one list number and
indicated with an ‘and’), these are considered as one ‘piece’.
Own composition: ABRSM welcomes the inclusion of candidates’ own compositions, or
arrangements, to be performed as their own-choice piece. We will not judge or provide feedback
on the structure or quality of the composition, only the performance of it. However, as with any
other own-choice piece, the technical demand of the composition must be broadly the same as
repertoire set for the grade being taken.
Repertoire lists: Every effort has been made to feature a broad range of repertoire to suit and
appeal to candidates of different ages, backgrounds and interests. Pieces should be considered
carefully for their appropriateness to each individual, which may need consultation between

Performance Grades 3. Piano Performance Grades syllabus

teachers and parents/carers. Teachers and parents/carers should also exercise caution when
allowing younger candidates to research pieces online:
The repertoire lists are the same as for ABRSM Practical Grades. Candidates intending on taking
both qualifications at the same grade may find their musical development benefits from preparing
different pieces for each.
Piano music for one hand: the repertoire lists now include music written for one hand at Grades
1–5. These are listed on pages 25–27 and are marked left or right hand only. The one-hand
pieces cannot be performed with two hands and must be performed with the hand specified in
the lists. These lists are open to all candidates, and they can perform a combination of two-hand
and one-hand repertoire if they choose.
Exam music & editions: Wherever the syllabus includes an arrangement or transcription
(appearing as ‘arr.’ or ‘trans.’ in the repertoire lists), the edition listed in the syllabus must be
used. For all other pieces, editions are listed for guidance only and candidates may use any edition
of their choice. This includes editions that are downloaded. Information on sourcing exam music
is given on page 6.
Pedalling: Examiners will take into account the use and control of pedalling, and its effect on tone
and shape. They will be assessing the overall musical outcome, rather than whether or not any
printed pedal indications are played as written (these may therefore be adapted or omitted, as
appropriate). Pieces that are heavily reliant on pedalling (whether marked in the music or not) for
their full musical effect should be avoided if appropriate pedalling cannot be managed.
For duets, the secondo player (lower part) is expected to take responsibility for any pedalling.
Hand stretch: Candidates should choose the most suitable pieces for their hand size from the
repertoire lists. If necessary, they may occasionally adapt the music by ‘spreading’ chords or
omitting notes at wide stretches, provided the result is musical.
Repeats: In most cases, da capo and dal segno indications must be followed but other repeats
may be included, or not, at candidates’ discretion (in order to achieve a musically satisfying
performance). If the syllabus specifies that a repeat should be included, this instruction must be
followed. If the syllabus indicates that a da capo/dal segno should be omitted, candidates have the
option to include or not. The maximum programme time should also be taken into consideration
when deciding whether to include repeats (see ‘Programme times’).

Preparing for the exam

Programme form & pre-performance procedures: Candidates should provide their programme
information online when uploading their video. The piece information required should be given
in the order the pieces will be performed.
Candidates should show the opening of their own-choice piece and announce themselves and
their pieces before beginning their performance. Candidates taking a Grade 6, 7 or 8 must
additionally show a form of photographic identification to the camera. This is because these
qualifications can be used either as a prerequisite for higher grades and diplomas, or as part of
a university application.
If preferred, a Responsible Adult present may show the music to camera (but not the ID,
where applicable) and make the introductory announcement, as this does not form part of the
performance. The assessment of the performance begins on the first note of music played.
Performance Grades 3. Piano Performance Grades syllabus

More information on all of the above is given in the Guidance for Music Performance Grades
available at
Interpreting the score: Printed editorial suggestions such as fingering, metronome marks,
realisation of ornaments, etc. do not need to be strictly observed. Whether the piece contains
musical indications or not, candidates are encouraged to interpret the score in a musical and
stylistic way. For pieces in a jazz style, candidates may add slight embellishment, as stylistically
appropriate, but not include extensive improvisation. Examiners’ marking will be determined by
how candidates’ decisions contribute to the musical outcome of each individual piece and to the
performance as a whole.
Performing from memory: There is no requirement to perform from memory although candidates
are encouraged to do so, if they believe it will enhance their performance. No extra marks are
directly awarded for performing from memory.
Ossias: Where an ossia (alternative musical line or note) occurs in the music, candidates may
choose either option unless the repertoire list specifies differently.
Page-turns: Candidates need to manage any page-turns appropriately to avoid any adverse
effect on the performance as a whole, which examiners will be assessing. Candidates may use
an extra copy of the music or a photocopy of a section of the piece (but see ‘Copyright’) to help
with page-turns. They may also use a page-turner (prior permission is not required; the turner
may be the teacher).
Copyright: Performing from unauthorised photocopies (or other kinds of copies) or illegal
downloads of copyright music is not allowed. In the UK, copies may be used in certain limited
circumstances – for full details, see the MPA’s Code of Fair Practice at
mpa-guidelines. In all other cases, application should be made to the copyright holder before
any copy is made. Care should also be taken when making arrangements, as permission will be
required in the case of copyright music.
Candidates and Applicants are expected to act within the law with regard to copyright. ABRSM
may withhold the exam result where we have evidence that this is not the case.
Sourcing exam music: Exam music is available from music retailers and online, including at the
ABRSM music shop: Every effort has been made to make sure that the
publications listed will be available for the duration of the syllabus. Non-exam related questions
about the music (e.g. editorial, availability) should be addressed to the relevant publisher.

Performance Grades Performance Grades 2025 & 2026
Piano 2025 & 2026

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 Alan Gopak Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW
2 Pam Make Way for the King! (No. 1 from Up-Grade! Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW
Wedgwood Piano Grades 0–1) without D.C.
3 Trad. Swedish Björnen sover, arr. Bullard Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW

4 Guy Berryman, Clocks, arr. Dunlop Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
Jonny Buckland,
Will Champion
& Chris Martin
5 W. Carroll Raindrops (No. 4 from The Countryside) W. Carroll: The Countryside (Forsyth)
6 Diabelli Alla turca, Op. 149 No. 26, arr. Kern Hal Leonard Student Piano Library – Piano Lessons, NEW
Book 3 (Hal Leonard)
7 Diabelli Scherzo primo part DUET Piano Lessons, Book 1 (Faber)
8 Gurlitt Dance (No. 2 from Das kleines Konzert, Op. 227) Music Pathways: Repertoire, Level 3A (Carl Fischer)
9 Humbert The Black Forest Doll (No. 3 from Allerlei Humbert: Allerlei Spielzeug (Schott)
10 Kabalevsky A Little Scherzo (No. 6 from 24 Little Pieces, Kabalevsky: 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Op. 39)
11 Rebekah Zonko’s Big Adventure (from Rock This Town) Rebekah Maxner: Rock This Town (Rebekah Maxner) NEW
Maxner primo part DUET/SOLO
12 A. Reinagle Allegretto (No. 9 from 24 Short and Easy Pieces, A. Reinagle: 24 Short and Easy Pieces, Op. 1 (Schott) or
Op. 1) Pianissimo: Piano Piccolo (Schott) or
p. 23 from Piano Time Pieces 1 (OUP)
13 Bertram Racing Against Each Other (No. 12 from For Pp. 23–24 from Bertram Schattel: For Rosalie and Finn
Schattel Rosalie and Finn) primo part DUET (Breitkopf & Härtel)
14 Trad. Irish John Ryan’s Polka, arr. Blackwell Piano Star 2 (ABRSM)
15 Pam Mission Impossible (No. 11 from Up-Grade! Pam Wedgwood: Up-Grade! Piano Grades 0–1 (Faber)
Wedgwood Piano Grades 0–1)
16 Elsie Wells Donkey Ride (from Sea Pictures, Set 1) Duets with a Difference: Piano Time Duets, Book 1 (OUP)
primo part DUET

B 1 Beyer Melody in G (No. 39 from École préliminaire de Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW
piano, Op. 101)
2 Ben Crosland King for a Day! (from Magic Beans!) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW

3 Robyn Fenty, Lift me up (from Black Panther: Wakanda Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW
Temilade Forever), arr. L’Estrange pedalling optional
Göransson &
Ryan Coogler
4 Agay Moonlit Pagoda More Classics to Moderns, Book 1 (Yorktown Music Press)
5 June Butterfly primo part DUET Piano Star Duets (ABRSM)
6 Louise The Sad Little Pig (from Step It Up! Piano Louise Chamberlain: Step It Up! Piano Grades 0–1 (Faber) NEW
Chamberlain Grades 0–1)
7 Pauline Hall The Secret Garden pedalling optional Piano Time Pieces 1 (OUP)
8 Alan Budgie (from Fun Club Piano Grades 0–1) Alan Haughton: Fun Club Piano Grades 0–1 (Kevin NEW
Haughton Mayhew)
9 Karen Sprinkling Stardust Piano Star 2 (ABRSM)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Initial Grade


10 Alison Sailing Under a Moonlit Sky una corda optional Mosaic, Vol. 1 (Editions Musica Ferrum)
11 Christopher Enchanted Castle (No. 6 from The Microjazz Christopher Norton: The Microjazz Duets Collection 1
Norton Duets Collection 1) primo part DUET (Boosey & Hawkes)
12 Orff No. 1 (from Two Pieces) From Bartók to Stravinsky (Schott)
13 Phil Peskett A Dream on the Prairie Nikki Iles & Friends, Easy to Intermediate (ABRSM) NEW

14 Satie What the Little Princess Tulip Says (No. 2 from Satie: Nine Children’s Pieces (ABRSM) or
Menus propos enfantins) Pianissimo: Piano Piccolo (Schott) or
Classics to Moderns, Book 1 (Yorktown Music Press)
15 Trad. Chinese Crescent Moon, arr. N. & R. Faber ShowTime Piano, Music from China, Level 2A
(Jiangsu) student part DUET/SOLO (Faber Piano Adventures)
16 Pam Whirleybird (No. 2 from Up-Grade! Piano Pam Wedgwood: Up-Grade! Piano Grades 0–1 (Faber) or
Wedgwood Grades 0–1) Pam Wedgwood: Piano for Fun (Faber)
C 1 June The Elephant Herd (from Safari) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW
2 Edmund In the Dead of Night Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW
3 Sarah Watts The Wibbly Waltz Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Initial Grade (ABRSM) NEW

4 George Shotgun, arr. Thomson Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
Barnett, Joel
Laslett Pott &
Fred Gibson
5 Withers Lean on Me, arr. Önaç Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW

6 Pauline Hall & Stegosaurus Stomp (from Prehistoric Piano Time) Pauline Hall & Paul Drayton: Prehistoric Piano Time
Paul Drayton (OUP)
7 Heather Action Stations Piano Star 2 (ABRSM)
8 Mark Tanner Wonkey Donkey Piano Star 2 (ABRSM)
9 Alan Treading Carefully Piano Time Going Places (OUP)
10 Hans-Günter Piano Junior Blues Piano Junior, Performance, Book 2 (Schott)
11 Elton John I Just Can’t Wait to Be King (from The Lion King), Faber Studio Collection: Selections from ShowTime
arr. N. & R. Faber student part; with repeat DUET Piano, Level 2A (Faber Piano Adventures)
12 Carol Klose Those Creepy Crawly Things on the Cellar Floor Hal Leonard Student Piano Library – Piano Solos 2 NEW
(Hal Leonard)
13 Julie Knerr Detective Wombat Blues Piano Safari Pattern Pieces 1 (Piano Safari)
14 J. M. Last Ducks in the Pond Piano Time Pieces 3 (OUP)
15 Gerald Martin Boogie No. 1 The Joy of Boogie and Blues (Yorktown Music Press)
16 Jane Sebba The Grand Waltz primo part DUET Piano Magic Duets, Book 1 (Collins Music)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 Handel Fireworks Minuet (from Music for the Royal Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW
Fireworks, HWV 351), arr. Bullard
2 L. Köhler Melody in F, Op. 190 No. 27 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Trad. German Muss i denn, arr. Blackwell pedalling optional Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW

4 Dennis Sonatina primo part DUET Dennis Alexander: Alfred’s Basic Piano Library, Duet
Alexander Book 2 (Alfred)
5 attrib. Choral ‘Deal with Me, Lord’, BWV 514 My First Bach (Schott)
J. S. Bach
6 Alan Bullard Climbing High Pauline Hall: Piano Time Pieces 2 (OUP) NEW

7 Gurlitt The Chase/The Hunt (No. 15 from First Lessons Music Pathways: Repertoire, Level 3B (Carl Fischer) or
for the Piano, Op. 117) Classics to Moderns, Book 1 (Yorktown Music Press) or
Studio 21 (1st Series), Vol. 1 (Universal)
8 Handel Gavotte in C ornaments optional My First Concert for Piano (Schott) or
Classics to Moderns, Book 1 (Yorktown Music Press) or
Studio 21 (1st Series), Vol. 1 (Universal)
9 M. Helyer Haymaking (from The Greenwood Tree) M. Helyer: The Greenwood Tree (Stainer & Bell)
10 Hook Gavotte in C (No. 3 from 24 Progressive Lessons, Encore, Book 1 (ABRSM) or
Op. 81) Music Through Time, Piano Book 1 (OUP)
11 L. Mozart Minuet in F (No. 6 from Nannerl-Notenbuch) L. Mozart: Notebook for Nannerl (Schott) NEW

12 Mozart Allegro (No. 8 from 12 Duos, K. 487), Piano Star: Grade 1 (ABRSM)
arr. Blackwell
13 Purcell Minuet in A minor, Z. 649 Music Through Time, Piano Book 1 (OUP)
14 Teresa Richert Comical Cat (from Copycat Copycat) Teresa Richert: Copycat Copycat (Richert Music) NEW

15 Türk Arioso in F (No. 1 from 12 Handstücke) Clavierstücke für Anfänger (Schott) or

Music Pathways: Repertoire, Level 3A (Carl Fischer) or
Pianissimo: Piano Piccolo (Schott)
16 Elsie Wells Courante primo part DUET Mixed Doubles: Piano Time Duets, Book 2 (OUP)
B 1 Dunhill A Song of Erin (No. 8 from First Year Pieces) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Kristen Remember Me (from Coco), arr. L’Estrange Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW
Lopez & Robert
3 Bernadette Winter (from Allsorts) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW
4 Dennis Reflections (from Just for You and Me, Book 1) Dennis Alexander: Just for You and Me, Book 1 (Alfred)
Alexander primo part DUET
5 Alwyn The Trees are Heavy with Snow Five by Ten, Grade 1 (Lengnick)
6 R. R. Bennett Friday (from Seven Days a Week) R. R. Bennett: Seven Days a Week (Alfred) or
The Young Pianist’s Repertoire, Book 1 (Faber)
7 Jessie Blake The Little White Cloud Grade by Grade, Piano Grade 1 (Boosey & Hawkes)
8 Grechaninov Fairy Tale (No. 1 from Children’s Album, Op. 98) Grechaninov: Children’s Book, Op. 98 (ABRSM) or
More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 1 (ABRSM) or
My First Concert for Piano (Schott)
9 Agnieszka Fountain (from Little Stories) Agnieszka Lasko: Little Stories (Euterpe)
10 Lennon Imagine, arr. Önaç Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW

11 Helen Madden The Forgotten Forest primo part DUET Piano Star: Grade 1 (ABRSM)
12 Alan Menken Beauty and the Beast (from Beauty and the Gradebusters Grade 1 Piano (Hal Leonard)
Beast), arr. Hussey

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 1


13 Victoria Silver Lining (from Piano Grades Are Go! Victoria Proudler: Piano Grades Are Go! Initial–Grade 1 NEW
Proudler Initial–Grade 1) (EVC)
14 Siegmeister Song of the Dark Woods Music Pathways: Repertoire, Level 3B (Carl Fischer)
15 Spindler Song without Words Easy Concert Pieces for Piano, Vol. 1 (Schott) NEW

16 Borislava Small Valse with repeat Mosaic, Vol. 2 (Editions Musica Ferrum)
C 1 Amit Anand Cyberspace Detective Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Chee-Hwa Tan The Wind (from A Child’s Garden of Verses) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Nikki Yeoh Berry’s Smoothie Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 1 (ABRSM) NEW

4 Kristen Let It Go (from Frozen), arr. Thomson Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
Lopez &
Robert Lopez
5 Justin Can’t Stop the Feeling!, arr. Harnett Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
Max Martin &
6 June Sunlight Through the Trees Piano Star: Grade 1 (ABRSM)
7 Carol Barratt Cheesecake-Walk (from Get It Together!) Carol Barratt: Get It Together! (Chester)
8 Elias The Frog (from The Gift of Music) Elias Davidsson: The Gift of Music (Clifton Edition)
9 Gillock Swinging Beat Gillock: Swinging Beat (Willis)
10 Diane Hidy Dotty’s Nightmare (from All Cooped Up Diane Hidy: All Cooped Up Halloween NEW
Halloween) (
11 Alison Woodland Folk Song primo part DUET Piano Star Duets (ABRSM)
12 Trad. Ewe Tu tu Gbovi, arr. Chapman Nyaho Piano Star Duets (ABRSM)
(Ghanaian) primo part DUET
13 Jane Sebba Latin Laughter primo part; play the 6ths in bb. 10 & 28 Piano Magic Duets, Book 2 (Collins Music)

14 Barbara Snow Jazzy Dragon (from Animal Jazz) Barbara Snow: Animal Jazz (Edition HH)
15 Chee-Hwa Tan At the Seaside (from A Child’s Garden of Verses) Chee-Hwa Tan: A Child’s Garden of Verses
(Piano Safari)
16 Trad. Jamaican Mango Walk, arr. Cornick Piano Repertoire, Level 1 (Universal)

10 Digital only edition, available from publisher’s website

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 Barbara Arens Sparkling Splashes & Smooth Water (from Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
The Mermaid Challenge)
2 attrib. Moderato (1st movt from Sonatina in G, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
Beethoven WoO Anh. 5)
3 Daquin Suite de la réjouissance (Gavotte en rondeau Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
from Premier livre de pièces de clavecin)
4 Anon. Corranto (from Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) Grade by Grade, Piano Grade 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)
5 Carse Rustic Dance (No. 7 from Progressive Duets for Carse: Progressive Duets for Pianists, Book 1
Pianists, Book 1) primo part DUET (Stainer & Bell)
6 Goedicke Étude in A minor, Op. 36 No. 13 Piano Time Pieces 3 (OUP)
7 Türk Allegro in C, arr. Hall Piano Time Pieces 3 (OUP) NEW

8 Haydn Rondino (Theme from Cello Concerto in D), The Joy of Piano Duets (Yorktown Music Press)
arr. Agay primo part DUET
9 Kabalevsky Galop/Hopping (No. 18 from 24 Little Pieces, Kabalevsky: 24 Little Pieces, Op. 39 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Op. 39) or More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 1 (ABRSM)
10 attrib. Bourlesq (from The Wolfgang Notebook) L. Mozart: Notenbuch für Wolfgang (Schott) or
L. Mozart with first repeat The Young Pianist’s Repertoire, Book 1 (Faber)
11 Mozart Minuet in D, K. 7 My First Mozart (Schott)
12 Prószyński Kowalczyki (Apprentice Smiths) (from Easy Prószyński: Easy Pieces for Piano (PWM)
13 Purcell Air in D minor, Z. T676 Pianissimo: Piano Piccolo (Schott) or
Piano Repertoire, Level 1 (Universal) or
Piano Lessons, Book 1 (Faber)
14 Chevalier de Rondo (from Quartet for Harpischord and Strings), Chevalier de Saint-Georges: Rondo from the Quartet for
Saint-Georges arr. Talbot-Howard Harpsichord and Strings (ABRSM)
15 Telemann Gavotte Piano Progress, Book 1 (Faber) NEW

16 Donald Haggis Hunt (from Celtic Piano Music – Initial Donald Thomson: Celtic Piano Music – Initial to Grade 2 NEW
Thomson to Grade 2) (EVC)
B 1 Alexis Ffrench The Singing Swan Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Kabalevsky A Little Song (No. 2 from 30 Children’s Pieces, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
Op. 27)
3 Christopher Cloudy Day (No. 9 from Microjazz Collection 2) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
4 Bartók Sorrow (No. 7 from For Children, Vol. 2) Bartók: For Children, Vol. 2 (Boosey & Hawkes) or
Grade by Grade, Piano Grade 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)
5 Bob Dylan Make You Feel My Love, arr. Baker Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW

6 Ed Sheeran, The Joker and the Queen, arr. Önaç Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
Samuel Roman,
Johnny McDaid,
Taylor Swift &
Fred Gibson
7 El-Dabh Soufiane (from Mekta’ in the Art of Kita’, Book 2) Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora, Vol. 1
8 Grechaninov Farewell (No. 4 from Children’s Album, Op. 98) Grechaninov: Children’s Book, Op. 98 (ABRSM) or
A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, Book 1 (ABRSM) or
Pianissimo: Piano Piccolo (Schott)
9 Heather Raindrop Reflections primo part DUET Piano Star Duets (ABRSM)

Digital only edition, available from publisher’s website 11

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 2


10 Ravel Pavane de la belle au bois dormant (No. 1 from Ravel: Ma mère l’oye (Durand)
Ma mère l’oye) secondo part DUET
11 Spindler Waltz in A minor Pathways to Artistry: Masterworks, Book 3 (Alfred)
12 Steibelt Adagio in A minor (from Sonatina in C) A Keyboard Anthology, 2nd Series, Book 1 (ABRSM) or
Core Classics, Grades 1–2 (ABRSM) or
Pianoworks Collection 2 (OUP) or
Pianissimo: Piano Piccolo (Schott) or
My First Concert for Piano (Schott)
13 Chee-Hwa Tan The Moon (from A Child’s Garden of Verses) Chee-Hwa Tan: A Child’s Garden of Verses
(Piano Safari)
14 Tchaikovsky Waltz (from The Sleeping Beauty), arr. J. & A. Pianoworks, Collection 1 (OUP)
15 Sarah Watts Postcard from Paris (from Razzamajazz Sarah Watts: Razzamajazz Repertoire Piano (Kevin
Repertoire Piano) Mayhew)
16 John Williams Hedwig’s Theme (from Harry Potter and the The Essential Film Collection – Piano Solo (Faber) NEW
Sorcerer’s/Philosopher’s Stone), arr. Harris
C 1 Heather Spooky Wood Hollow (No. 5 from Grooves for Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
Hammond Piano Dudes, Book 3: Halloween)
2 Pete Letanka Way Out West Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Loudová Šípková Růženka (No. 7 from Pohádky na dobrou Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 2 (ABRSM) NEW
4 Ben Crosland In My Spot Mosaic, Vol. 2 (Editions Musica Ferrum)
5 Sarah Dinosaur, Don’t! Mosaic, Vol. 2 (Editions Musica Ferrum)
6 Ludovico The Snow Prelude No. 3 this edition only Ludovico Einaudi: Graded Pieces for Piano, Preparatory
Einaudi to Grade 2 (Chester)
7 Garścia Brigands’ Dance (from Let’s Play a Piano Duet, Garścia: Let’s Play a Piano Duet, Op. 37 Vol. 2 (PWM)
Op. 37) primo part DUET
8 Mirosław Kukułka I Mirosław Gąsieniec: Album for Children (PWM)
9 Grieg Norwegian Dance No. 2, arr. Hall Mixed Doubles: Piano Time Duets, Book 2 (OUP)
primo part DUET
10 Nikki Iles The Cheshire Cat (from Piano Tales for Alice) Nikki Iles: Piano Tales for Alice (EVC) NEW

11 Nikki Iles Sweet Pea primo part DUET Piano Star Duets (ABRSM)
12 Smokey My Girl, arr. Iles Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
Robinson &
Ronald White
13 Sculthorpe Singing Sun (No. 6 from A Little Book of Hours) Sculthorpe: A Little Book of Hours (Faber)
14 Seiber Tango II (Habanera) (from Leichte Tänze I) Seiber: Leichte Tänze (Easy Dances), Book 1 (Schott)
15 Giles Swayne Whistling Tune Spectrum 4 (ABRSM)
16 Pam Champagne Rag (No. 11 from Easy Jazzin’ About Pam Wedgwood: Easy Jazzin’ About for Piano (Faber) NEW
Wedgwood Piano)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 L. Köhler Allegro moderato (1st movt from Sonatina in G, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW
Op. 300 No. 93)
2 Mozart Allegro in F (from London Sketchbook, K. 15a) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Victoria Tarantella Twist (from Piano Grades Are Go!, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW
Proudler Grades 2–3)
4 Andrée Allegro moderato (No. 3 from Fem smärre Women Composers, Book 1 (Schott) NEW
tonbilder, Op. 7)
5 Sarah Baker Shadows (from Night Time Impressions) Sarah Baker: Night Time Impressions (Forsyth) NEW

6 Haslinger 2nd movt (from Sonatina in C) P. 4 from Giraffe Piano, Book 1 (EMB Zeneműkiadó) or NEW
P. 25 from Easy Concert Pieces for Piano, Vol. 3 (Schott)
7 A. Hedges Hornpipe Rondo primo part DUET A. Hedges: Hornpipe Rondo for Piano Duet (Roberton)
8 I. Holst Toccata, arr. Hall Piano Time Pieces 3 (OUP)
9 L. Mozart Angloise (from Notebook for Wolfgang) L. Mozart: Notenbuch für Wolfgang (Schott) or
The Young Pianist’s Repertoire, Book 1 (Faber)
10 Mozart Allegro in B -, K. 3 Mozart: 25 Early Pieces (ABRSM) or
Essential Keyboard Repertoire, Vol. 6 (Alfred)
11 Vitalij Moody Gigue (from Piano Sketches, Book 1) Vitalij Neugasimov: Piano Sketches, Book 1 (OUP)
12 Prokofiev Gavotte (from Classical Symphony, Op. 25), The Joy of Piano Duets (Yorktown Music Press)
arr. Agay primo part; with repeat – playing little notes

13 Reinecke Vivace (4th movt from Sonatina in A minor, Reinecke: Six Miniature Sonatinas, Op. 136
Op. 136 No. 4) (Breitkopf & Härtel) or
Sonatinas for Piano, Book 1 (PWM)
14 Schumann Wilder Reiter (The Wild Horseman) (No. 8 Schumann: Album für die Jugend, Op. 68 (ABRSM) or
from Album für die Jugend, Op. 68) A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, Book 1 (ABRSM) or
Piano Literature for a Dark and Stormy Night, Vol. 1
(Faber Piano Adventures)
15 Seiber Jazz Etudiette (from Easy Dances II) The Young Pianist’s Repertoire, Book 1 (Faber)
16 Weber Scherzo The Classical Spirit, Book 1 (Alfred) or
Pathways to Artistry: Masterworks, Book 3 (Alfred)
B 1 Bart Where is love? (from Oliver!), arr. Iles Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Mel Bonis Douce amis (from Album pour les tout-petits, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW
Op. 103)
3 Youmi Kimura Always with Me (from Spirited Away) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW

4 Dennis Autumn Serenade primo part DUET Dennis Alexander: Alfred’s Basic Piano Library, Duet
Alexander Book 4 (Alfred)
5 J. S. Bach Arioso, arr. Agay primo part DUET The Joy of Piano Duets (Yorktown Music Press)
6 Bartók Andante (No. 2 from For Children, Vol. 2) Bartók: For Children, Vol. 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)
7 Janet & Alan Thames Sunrise Janet & Alan Bullard: Pianoworks: Popular Styles (OUP)
8 W. Carroll Spraymist (No. 3 from In Southern Seas) W. Carroll: In Southern Seas (Forsyth)
9 Gurlitt Song, Op. 172 No. 1 More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 2 (ABRSM)
10 Paul Harris Indigo (No. 6 from Rainbow) Paul Harris: Rainbow (Boosey & Hawkes)
11 H. Hofmann Melodie (No. 5 from Skizzen, Op. 77) H. Hofmann: 17 Miscellaneous Pieces (ABRSM) NEW

12 Mendelssohn Romance Studio 21 (1st Series), Vol. 1 (Universal)

13 Joni Mitchell Both Sides Now, arr. White Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 3


14 Tchaikovsky Chanson italienne (No. 15 from Album pour Tchaikovsky: Album for the Young, Op. 39 (ABRSM)
enfants, Op. 39)
15 Trad. Irish She Moved Through the Fair, arr. Hall Eighteen Easy Escapes for Piano (Clifton Edition)
16 Trad. Japanese Sakura, arr. Goto Japanese Folk Songs Collection (Hal Leonard) NEW

C 1 Bartók Allegretto (No. 3 from For Children, Vol. 2) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Henson & The Muppet Show Theme, arr. Blackwell Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW
Pottle with repeat
3 Shruthi The Quiet of the Night Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 3 (ABRSM) NEW
4 Agay Little Rhapsody on Hungarian Themes The Joy of Piano Duets (Yorktown Music Press)
primo part DUET
5 M. Bober & Rushing River Melody Bober & Glori Goranson: Rushing River
G. Goranson (FJH Music Company Inc)
6 Valerie Capers Ella Scats the Little Lamb (No. 1 from Portraits Valerie Capers: Portraits in Jazz (OUP)
in Jazz)
7 Carse Csardas primo part DUET Carse: Progressive Duets for Pianists, Book 2
(Stainer & Bell)
8 Mike Cornick The Waltz of the Elephants (from Clever Cat Mike Cornick: Clever Cat Goes on Safari (Universal)
Goes on Safari)
9 Mark Goddard Locked On Latin (from Hands On Jazz) Mark Goddard: Hands On Jazz (Clifton Edition)
primo part DUET
10 H. Hofmann Waldvöglein (No. 15 from Skizzen, Op. 77) Encore, Book 2 (ABRSM)
11 Elton John & Can You Feel the Love Tonight? (from The Lion Faber Studio Collection: Selections from BigTime Piano,
Tim Rice King), arr. N. & R. Faber octaves optional Level 4 (Faber Piano Adventures)
12 H. Mancini & Moon River (from Breakfast at Tiffany’s), A Dozen a Day Songbook, Book 2 (Willis)
J. Mercer arr. Miller
13 Billie Eilish No Time to Die, arr. Önaç Pop Performer, Grades Initial–3 (ABRSM) NEW
& Finneas
14 John Scofield I’ll Take Les, arr. Iles Nikki Iles & Friends, Easy to Intermediate (ABRSM) NEW

15 Karen Tanaka Northern Lights Spectrum 4 (ABRSM)

16 James Groovin’ Grasshopper (from Adventures and James Welburn: Adventures and Accolades (Editions NEW
Welburn Accolades) Musica Ferrum)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 Benda Allegro assai (3rd movt from Sonata in G) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Cimarosa Sonata in G, C. 34 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Haydn Menuet and Trio (3rd movt from Sonata in C, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW
Hob. XVI:1)
4 Alcock Gavot (3rd movt from Suite No. 2 in B - ) Alcock: Six Suites of Easy lessons (ABRSM) or
with ornaments in bb. 7, 23 & 31; all others optional The Best of Grade 4 Piano (Faber)
5 Beethoven Allegro assai (1st movt from Sonatina in F, The New Sonatina Book, Vol. 1 (Schott)
Anh. 5 No. 2)
6 G. Berg Allegro (1st movt from Sonatina in C, G. Berg: Twelve Sonatinas, Op. 3, Vol. 2 (Edition HH)
Op. 3 No. 7)
7 J. F. F. Ballade, Op. 100 No. 15 Encore, Book 2 (ABRSM) or
Burgmüller Lang Lang Piano Academy: Mastering the Piano, Level 4
8 Buxtehude Saraband (from Suite in E minor, BuxWV 236) Baroque Keyboard Anthology, Vol. 1 (Schott)
9 Dring Scherzando (from 12 Pieces in the Form of Dring: 12 Pieces in the Form of Studies (Weinberger)
10 Gambarini Grazioso (from Sonata No. 2) HerStory: The Piano Collection (Faber) NEW

11 Gurlitt Allegretto scherzando (3rd movt from Sonatina No. 13 from Sonatinas for Piano, Book 1 (PWM)
in C, Op. 188 No. 4)
12 Haydn Allegro scherzando in F Essential Keyboard Repertoire, Vol. 6 (Alfred)
13 S. Heller Study in A minor, Op. 45 No. 2 S. Heller: 20 Miscellaneous Studies (ABRSM) or
pp. 7–9 from Piano Literature for a Dark and Stormy
Night, Vol. 1 (Faber Piano Adventures)
14 Joe Hisaishi A Town with an Ocean View (from Kiki’s Delivery Studio Ghibli Best Hits – Intermediate Level (Yamaha) NEW
15 L. Köhler Sledging Party (from Kinderfreund, Op. 243) Splash! (Breitkopf & Härtel) NEW
with first repeat
16 Mozart Rondo in F, K. 15hh Core Classics, Grades 3–4 (ABRSM) or
Mozart: 25 Early Pieces (ABRSM) or
The Best of Grade 4 Piano (Faber)
B 1 Grieg Waltz (No. 2 from Lyriske småstykker, Op. 12) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Randall Sunsets in Savannah (from Portraits of the Sky) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW
3 Ailbhe Cloudscapes (No. 4 from It’s a Piano Thing, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW
McDonagh Book 2)
4 Adele Adkins Easy on Me, arr. Dunlop Pop Performer, Grades 4–5 (ABRSM) NEW
& Greg Kurstin
5 John Stephens All of Me, arr. Harnett Pop Performer, Grades 4–5 (ABRSM) NEW
& Toby Gad
6 C. P. E. Bach Andante (arr.) Lang Lang Piano Academy: Mastering the Piano, Level 4
7 W. Carroll Sunrise (No. 7 from River and Rainbow) W. Carroll: River and Rainbow (Forsyth)
8 M. David, A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes (from The Phillip Keveren Series – Disney Songs For Classical NEW
A. Hoffman & Cinderella), arr. Keveren Piano (Hal Leonard)
9 Granados Dedicatoria (No. 1 from Cuentos de las juventud, Granados: Stories of the Young, Op. 1 (ABRSM) or
Op. 1) More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 2 (ABRSM)
10 Heather Once Upon a Frozen Winter (from Ballads Heather Hammond: Ballads Without Words, Vol. 1 (EVC)
Hammond Without Words)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 4


11 Hummel Romance in G, Op. 52 No. 4 Hummel: 16 Short Pieces (ABRSM)
12 Khachaturian A Little Song (Andantino) (No. 1 from Pictures of Khachaturian: Pictures of Childhood (Boosey & Hawkes)
13 Liszt La cloche sonne, S. 238 Chopin, Liszt, Hiller: Urtext Primo, Vol. 5 (Wiener Urtext)
14 Mendelssohn Andante (2nd movt from Violin Concerto in Piano Mix 3 (ABRSM)
E minor, Op. 64), arr. Scott-Burt
15 Trad. Malay Voyage of the Sampan, arr. Siagian with repeats Malay Folk Songs Collection (Hal Leonard)
16 Vaughan Valse lente (from Six Teaching Pieces) Vaughan Williams: A Little Piano Book (OUP)
C 1 Ibert Danse du cocher (No. 15 from Petite suite en 15 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW
2 Julian Nott Wallace and Gromit Theme, arr. L’Estrange Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Raymond Yiu Canzonetta Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 4 (ABRSM) NEW

4 Benny Dancing Queen, arr. Önaç Pop Performer, Grades 4–5 (ABRSM) NEW
Björn Ulvaeus
& Anderson
5 Grieg In the Hall of the Mountain King (from Peer Piano Mix 3 (ABRSM)
Gynt, Suite No. 1, Op. 46), arr. White
6 Kabalevsky Toccatina (No. 12 from 30 Children’s Pieces, Kabalevsky: 30 Children’s Pieces, Op. 27
Op. 27) (Boosey & Hawkes) or
The Best of Grade 4 Piano (Faber)
7 Maikapar At the Smithy, Op. 8 No. 5 A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, Book 2 (ABRSM)
8 Alison Buried Rubies (No. 8 from Treasure Trove) Alison Mathews: Treasure Trove
Mathews (Editions Musica Ferrum)
9 Martha Mier Worrisome Blues (from Jazz, Rags & Blues, Martha Mier: Jazz, Rags & Blues, Book 3 (Alfred)
Book 3)
10 Arvo Pärt Für Anna Maria fröhlich or nachdenklich Arvo Pärt: Für Anna Maria (Universal)
11 F. Price The Goblin and the Mosquito Isata Kanneh-Mason – Piano Inspiration, Book 1 (ABRSM) NEW

12 Prokofiev Marche (No. 10 from Musiques d’enfants, Prokofiev: Musiques d’enfants, Op. 65
Op. 65) (Boosey & Hawkes)
13 V. Stoyanov Bulgarian Peasant Dance The Joy of Modern Piano Music (Yorktown Music Press)
14 Trad. Shenandoah, arr. Bennett The Graded Piano Player, Grades 3–5 (Faber)
15 Waller, Razaf Ain’t Misbehavin’, arr. Iles Nikki Iles and Friends, Book 1 (ABRSM)
& H. Brooks
16 John Williams Star Wars (Main Theme), arr. Turner Simply Film, Piano Grades 4–5 (Faber) NEW

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 J. F. F. La tarantelle (No. 20 from 25 études faciles et Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
Burgmüller progressives, Op. 100)
2 Clementi Spiritoso (1st movt from Sonatina in C, Op. 36 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
No. 3)
3 Nikki Iles Hook’s Hornpipe (from Piano Tales for Peter Pan) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW

4 J. S. Bach Invention No. 8 in F, BWV 779 J. S. Bach: Two-part Inventions (ABRSM) or

J. S. Bach: Inventions and Sinfonias (Henle) or
Core Classics, Grades 5–6 (ABRSM) or Lang Lang
Piano Academy: Mastering the Piano, Level 4 (Faber)
5 Beethoven Bagatelle in G minor, Op. 119 No. 1 A Keyboard Anthology, 1st Series, Book 3 (ABRSM) or
Core Classics, Grades 4–5 (ABRSM) or
Classics for the Developing Pianist, Book 3 (Alfred)
6 Chaminade Gavotte (No. 5 from Album des enfants, Op. 123) Women Composers, Book 2 (Schott) NEW

7 J. H. Fiocco Andante (from Pièces de clavecin, Op. 1) J. H. Fiocco: Eight Keyboard Pieces (ABRSM)
8 Gade Ringeltanz (Boys’ Merry-go-round) (No. 2 from Gade: Aquarelles and Other Pieces (ABRSM) or
Children’s Christmas, Op. 36) More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 3 (ABRSM)
9 Haydn Allegro (1st movt from Sonata in G, Hob. XVI:G1) Pp. 41–43 from Haydn: Selected Keyboard Sonatas,
Book 1 (ABRSM) or
Essential Keyboard Repertoire, Vol. 5 (Alfred)
10 S. Heller Study in E minor (No. 7 from 30 Progressive S. Heller: 30 Progressive Studies (Universal)
Studies, Op. 46)
11 Hummel Allegro in C (No. 2 from Six pièces très faciles, Hummel: 16 Short Pieces (ABRSM)
Op. 52)
12 J. L. Krebs Toccata in E - Essential Keyboard Repertoire, Vol. 6 (Alfred)
13 Kuhlau Allegro con spirito (1st movt from Sonatina in C, EPTA Teachers’ Choice Piano Collection 1 (Faber) NEW
Op. 55 No. 3)
14 Leo Toccata No. 3 The Advanced Pianist, Book 1 (Faber)
15 Mozart Theme, Var. 1 and Var. 5 (from 12 Variations on Mozart: 12 Variations on “Ah, vous dirai-je Maman”,
“Ah vous dirai-je, maman”, K. 265) K. 265 (Henle) or
Mozart: “Ah, vous dirai-je Maman”, 12 Variations in
C major, KV 265 (Bärenreiter)
16 Jason Sifford Rondo Scherzando Mosaic, Vol. 4 (Editions Musica Ferrum) NEW

B 1 Capaldi, Kohn, Someone You Loved, arr. Iles Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
Kelleher, Barnes
& Roman
2 Naoko Ikeda Foggy Blues (from Naoko Ikeda: The Graded Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
3 Schubert Waltz in B minor, D. 145 No. 6 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW

4 R. R. Bennett Little Elegy R. R. Bennett: Little Elegy (Novello)

5 Gillock Arabesque Sentimentale William Gillock: Arabesque Sentimentale (Willis) NEW

6 Glière Evening (No. 5 from 8 Easy Pieces, Op. 43) Glière: Eight Easy Pieces, Op. 43 (ABRSM)
7 Granados La huérfana (No. 9 from Cuentos de las juventud, Granados: Stories of the Young, Op. 1 (ABRSM)
Op. 1)
8 S. Heller Study in E minor, Op. 47 No. 15 with repeat S. Heller: 20 Miscellaneous Studies (ABRSM)
9 T. Kirchner Andante (3rd movt from Sonatina in B -, Op. 70 Bärenreiter Sonatina Album, Vol. 2 (Bärenreiter) NEW
No. 5)
10 Philip Lane A Walk in the Park (No. 2 from Three Little Bites Philip Lane: Three Little Bites at the Big Apple
at the Big Apple) (Goodmusic)
11 Massenet Mélodie (No. 5 from 10 Pièces de genre, Op. 10) French Romantic Repertoire, Level 1 (Faber)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 5


12 Mompou La barca (from Impresiones íntimas) Mompou: Impresiones íntimas (Unión Musical
Ediciones) or
Mompou: Música para piano (Unión Musical Ediciones)
13 Pachulski Prelude in C minor, Op. 8 No. 1 A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, Book 3 (ABRSM)
14 Schumann Von fremden Ländern und Menschen (No. 1 Schumann: Kinderscenen, Op. 15 (ABRSM) or
from Kinderscenen, Op. 15) Schumann: Scenes from Childhood, Op. 15 (Henle) or
Lang Lang Piano Academy: Mastering the Piano, Level 4
15 Trad. Korean Arirang, arr. Bullard Lang Lang Piano Academy: Mastering the Piano, Level 4
16 Pam Beauly Abbey (from Up-Grade! Piano Pam Wedgwood: Up-Grade! Piano Grades 4–5 (Faber) NEW
Wedgwood Grades 4–5)
C 1 Joe Hisaishi The Village in May (from My Neighbour Totoro), Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
arr. Kawaura
2 Martha Mier Jackson Street Blues (from Jazz, Rags & Blues, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
Book 4)
3 Prokofiev La pluie et l’arc-en-ciel (No. 8 from Musiques Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 5 (ABRSM) NEW
d’enfants, Op. 65)
4 Agay Blue Waltz The Joy of Boogie and Blues (Yorktown Music Press)
5 Alwyn The Sea is Angry Pianoworks Collection 2 (OUP)
6 Arlen Stormy Weather, arr. Iles Nikki Iles and Friends, Book 1 (ABRSM)
7 Sara Bareilles King of Anything, arr. Baker Pop Performer, Grades 4–5 (ABRSM) NEW

8 Alicia If I Ain’t Got You, arr. Önaç Pop Performer, Grades 4–5 (ABRSM) NEW
Augello Cook
9 Bartók Winter Solstice Song (No. 38 from For Children, Bartók: For Children, Vol. 1 (Boosey & Hawkes)
Vol. 1)
10 Lindsey Berwin The Ghost Train (from All the Fun of the Fair) Lindsey Berwin: All the Fun of the Fair (EVC) NEW

11 Victoria Silent Island Spectrum 3 (ABRSM)

12 Ludovico Elegy for the Arctic this edition only Pp. 7–9 from Ludovico Einaudi: Extra Elements (Chester)
13 Martha Mier Tuxedo Jazz (from Jazz, Rags & Blues, Book 4) Martha Mier: Jazz, Rags & Blues, Book 4 (Alfred)
14 Pinto March, Little Soldier! (No. 3 from Scenas Pinto: Scenas infantis (G. Schirmer)
infantis) gliss. optional
15 Catherine Love Theme (from Lyric Moments, Book 2) Catherine Rollin: Lyric Moments, Book 2 (Alfred)
16 Starer Bright Orange (from Sketches in Colour, Set One) Starer: Sketches in Colour, Set One (Hal Leonard) NEW

17 André Lullaby (from Suite for Piano) Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora, Vol. 1
Bangambula (OUP)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026


ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a Practical
Grades solo Jazz instrument. For alternatives, see

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 J. S. Bach Invention No. 14 in B flat, BWV 785 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Tailleferre Sonata alla Scarlatti Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW

3 C. Nielsen Spilleværket (No. 6 from Humoreske-Bagateller, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW
Op. 11)
4 C. P. E. Bach Solfeggietto in C minor, Wq. 117/2 C. P. E. Bach: Selected Keyboard Works, Book 2 (ABRSM)
or Classics to Moderns, Book 6 (Yorktown Music Press)
5 J. S. Bach Invention No. 6 in E, BWV 777 J. S. Bach: Two-part Inventions (ABRSM) or
J. S. Bach: Inventions and Sinfonias (Henle)
6 J. F. F. Velocity, Op. 109 No. 10 J. F. F. Burgmüller: Studies, Op. 109 (Peters)
7 Cimarosa Allegro (1st movt from Sonata No. 6 in G) The Classical Spirit, Book 2 (Alfred)
8 Handel Fantasia in A Classics to Moderns, Book 6 (Yorktown Music Press)
9 Haydn Finale: Allegro molto (4th movt from Sonata Haydn: Selected Keyboard Sonatas, Book 1 (ABRSM) or
in G, Hob. XVI:6) Haydn: Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1 (Wiener Urtext)
10 Hummel Rondo in C, Op. 52 No. 6 Hummel: 16 Short Pieces (ABRSM)
11 Knowles Paine Village Dance (No. 5 from In the Country, Op. 26) Masters of American Piano Music (Alfred) NEW

12 Lindeman Allegretto (from Character Pieces) Women Composers, Book 2 (Schott) NEW

13 B. Marcello Presto (2nd movt from Sonata in G) A Keyboard Anthology, 3rd Series, Book 4 (ABRSM) NEW

14 D. Scarlatti Sonata in A, Kp. 208, L. 238 D. Scarlatti: 200 Sonatas, Vol. 2 (EMB Zeneműkiadó)
15 Schubert Moment musical in F minor (No. 3 from Schubert: Moments musicaux, D. 780 (ABRSM) or
Moments musicaux, D. 780) Schubert: Impromptus and Moments musicaux (Henle)
16 Telemann Allegro (1st movt from Fantasia No. 1 in D, 1st Telemann: Fantasias, 1st Dozen (ABRSM)
Dozen, TWV 33:1)
B 1 Hensel Bagatelle in F (No. 1 from Two Bagatelles) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Glière Esquisse in D (No. 9 from 12 esquisses, Op. 47) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Alexis Ffrench Last Song (from The Secret Piano) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW

4 Albéniz Tango (No. 2 from España, Op. 165) Core Classics, Grades 5–6 (ABRSM) NEW

5 Mel Bonis Interlude (from Interlude et Valse lente, Op. 38) Mel Bonis: Piano Music Volume 5 – Dances A
ending b. 53 (Furore Verlag)
6 Y. Bowen A Pastel Y. Bowen: A Pastel (Chester)
7 Chopin Waltz in A minor, KK. IVb No. 11 with first repeat Chopin: Waltzes for Piano (Henle) or NEW
More Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 4 (ABRSM)
8 Dello Joio Prayer of the Matador (No. 2 from Lyric Pieces The Boosey & Hawkes 20th-Century Piano Collection:
for the Young) from 1945 (Boosey & Hawkes)
9 Glière Prelude in D - (No. 1 from 8 Easy Pieces, Op. 43) Glière: Eight Easy Pieces, Op. 43 (ABRSM) or
A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, Book 4 (ABRSM)
10 Guastavino Cantilena No. 1 ‘Santa Fe para Ilorar’ (from Guastavino: 10 Cantilenas Argentinas (Melos)
10 Cantilenas Argentinas)
11 C. Hartmann Nocturne C. Hartmann: Two Piano Pieces (Edition HH)
12 Stephen Little Lullaby (4th movt from Suite R-B) Stephen Hough: Suite R-B and Other Enigmas
Hough (Weinberger)
13 Howells There Was a Most Beautiful Lady (No. 3 from Howells: Country Pageant & A Little Book of Dances
Country Pageant) (ABRSM) or
Core Classics, Grades 5–6 (ABRSM)

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 6


14 Khachaturian Legend (No. 6 from Pictures of Childhood) Khachaturian: Pictures of Childhood
(Boosey & Hawkes)
15 Schumann Einsame Blumen (No. 3 from Waldscenen, Schumann: Waldscenen, Op. 82 (ABRSM)
Op. 82)
16 Sam Empty Rooms (from Sam Wedgwood’s Project, Sam Wedgwood’s Project, Book 1 (EVC) NEW
Wedgwood Book 1)
C 1 Bartók Stamping Dance (No. 128 from Mikrokosmos, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW
Vol. 5)
2 Zoe Rahman The Bounce Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Komitas Shushiki (No. 4 from Dances) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 6 (ABRSM) NEW
4 L. Bernstein Cool (from West Side Story), arr. Klose Broadway Piano Solos (Boosey & Hawkes) NEW

5 L. Bernstein For Stephen Sondheim (No. 3 from L. Bernstein: 13 Anniversaries (Boosey & Hawkes)
13 Anniversaries)
6 Valerie Capers Mr “Satchmo” (from Portraits in Jazz) Valerie Capers: Portraits in Jazz (OUP) NEW

7 Casella Galop Final (No. 11 from 11 Children’s Pieces, Casella: 11 Children’s Pieces (Universal)
Op. 35)
8 Ben Crosland View from a Window (No. 12 from Cool Beans!, Pp. 24–27 from Ben Crosland: Cool Beans!, Vol. 1
Vol. 1) (Editions Musica Ferrum)
9 Paul Harvey Rumba Toccata Paul Harvey: Rumba Toccata (Ricordi)
10 Nikki Iles East Coast Blues Jazz on a Summer’s Day (OUP)
11 Mercury Somebody to Love, arr. Keveren Queen for Classical Piano (Hal Leonard) NEW

12 Stephen Tsunami Spectrum 2 (ABRSM)

13 Prokofiev Cortège de sauterelles (No. 7 from Musiques Prokofiev: Musiques d’enfants, Op. 65
d’enfants, Op. 65) (Boosey & Hawkes)
14 Nkeiru Okoye Dancing Barefoot in the Rain (from African Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora, Vol. 1
Sketches) (OUP)
15 Poul Ruders Shooting Stars Spectrum 3 (ABRSM)
16 Billy Taylor I wish I knew how it would feel to be free, Nikki Iles and Friends, Book 1 (ABRSM)
arr. Churchill

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026


ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a Practical
Grades solo Jazz instrument. For alternatives, see

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 Beethoven Scherzo (3rd movt from Sonata in A, Op. 2 No. 2) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Akira Yuyama Pop Corn (No. 18 from Confections: A Piano Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW
3 Daquin Le coucou (Rondeau: 1st movt from Troisième Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW
4 C. P. E. Bach Allegro di molto (1st movt from Sonata in Pp. 40–43 from C. P. E. Bach: Selected Keyboard Works,
F minor, Wq. 63/6) Book 4 (ABRSM) or
The Classical Spirit, Book 2 (Alfred)
5 J. S. Bach Gigue (7th movt from French Suite No. 3 in J. S. Bach: French Suites (ABRSM) NEW
B minor, BWV 814)
6 Beethoven Menuetto and Trio (3rd movt from Sonata in D, Beethoven: Sonata in D, Op. 10 No. 3 (ABRSM) or
Op. 10 No. 3) Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1 (ABRSM) or
Beethoven: Complete Pianoforte Sonatas, Vol. 1 (ABRSM)
7 Grieg Rigaudon (5th movt from Holberg Suite, Op. 40) Grieg: Piano Works, Vol. 3 (Peters) NEW
with first repeat
8 Handel Allemande and Courante (2nd and 3rd movts Handel: Keyboard Works, Vol. 2 (Bärenreiter)
from Suite in D minor, HWV 437)
9 Haydn Moderato (1st movt from Sonata in E, Haydn: Selected Keyboard Sonatas, Book 3 (ABRSM) or
Hob. XVI:31) Haydn: Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 3 (Wiener Urtext)
10 Kuhlau Allegro con spirito (1st movt from Sonatina in A, Kuhlau: Sonatinas, Vol. 2 (Peters)
Op. 60 No. 2)
11 Mozart Gigue in G, K. 574 Pp. 11–12 from A Keyboard Anthology, 2nd Series, Book 5
(ABRSM) or
Mozart: Mature Piano Pieces (ABRSM) or
Mozart: Piano Pieces, Selection (Henle)
12 Paradies Allegro (2nd movt from Sonata No. 6 in A) Pp. 45–47 from Paradies: Sonate di Gravicembalo, Vol. 1
13 Rameau Les sauvages (from Pièces de clavecin) Rameau: Les cyclopes / Les sauvages (Bärenreiter) or
pp. 96–97 from Rameau: Pièces de clavecin (Heugel)
14 D. Scarlatti Sonata in E, Kp. 380, L. 23 Pp. 30–33 from D. Scarlatti: Keyboard Pieces and
Sonatas, Book 3 (ABRSM) or
D. Scarlatti: 200 Sonatas, Vol. 3 (EMB Zeneműkiadó)
15 C. Schumann Scherzo (No. 4 from Quatre pièces fugitives, C. Schumann: Quatre pièces fugitives Op. 15 (Breitkopf NEW
Op. 15) with first repeat & Härtel)
16 Joaquín Turina El mercado (No. 5 from Miniaturas, Op. 52) Joaquín Turina: Miniaturas (Schott)
B 1 Schumann *** (No. 30 from Album für die Jugend, Op. 68) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Ginastera Adagietto pianissimo (No. 1 from Suite de danzas Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW
criollas, Op. 15)
3 Mendelssohn Musical Sketch in B flat (No. 1 from Two Musical Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW
4 Alan Bullard Prelude No. 9 (from 12 or 13 Preludes for Alan Bullard: Prelude No. 9 from 12 or 13 Preludes for
Piano Solo, Set One) Piano Solo, Set One (Colne Edition) or
Alan Bullard: 12 or 13 Preludes for Piano Solo, Set One
(Colne Edition)
5 Debussy The Little Shepherd (No. 5 from Children’s A Keyboard Anthology, 1st Series, Book 5 (ABRSM)

Digital only edition, available from publisher’s website 21

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 7


6 Görres Children’s Song (No. 11 from Bunte Reihen kurzer Women Composers, Book 2 (Schott) NEW
Klavierstücke, Op. 6)
7 Hensel Mélodie, Op. 4 No. 2 At the Piano with Women Composers (Alfred) or
Piano Music by Female Composers (4th revised edition
2011) (Schott)
8 Ilyinsky Berceuse (No. 7 from Noure et Anitra, Op. 13) Core Classics, Grades 6–7 (ABRSM) or
A Keyboard Anthology, 3rd Series, Book 5 (ABRSM)
9 Liszt Consolation No. 5 in E (from Consolations, S. 172) Liszt: 21 Short Piano Pieces (ABRSM) or
Liszt: Consolations (Wiener Urtext)
10 Lyadov Mazurka in F minor (No. 3 from Trois morceaux, Lyadov: Preludes, Trifles and Other Pieces (ABRSM) or
Op. 57) A Romantic Sketchbook for Piano, Book 4 (ABRSM)
11 Mendelssohn Song without Words, Op. 19 No. 1 Mendelssohn: Songs without Words (ABRSM)
12 A. Richardson Lento moderato (2nd movt from Sonatina in F, A. Richardson: Sonatina in F, Op. 27 (Weinberger)
Op. 27)
13 Rubinstein Romance (No. 1 from Soirées à Saint-Petersbourg, Short Romantic Pieces for Piano, Book 5 (ABRSM) NEW
Op. 44)
14 O. Russell Jamaican Dance No. 2 (from Three Jamaican Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora, Vol. 3
Dances) (OUP)
15 Schumann Kind im Einschlummern (No. 12 from Schumann: Kinderscenen, Op. 15 (ABRSM) or
Kinderscenen, Op. 15) Schumann: Scenes from Childhood, Op. 15 (Henle) or
Night and Dreams (Schott)
16 P. E. Wolf Nostalgia (Vágyódás) (No. 4 from Jazz Preludes Jazz Preludes Wolf-temperiertes Klavier 2 NEW
Wolf-temperiertes Klavier 2) (EMB Zeneműkiadó)
C 1 Kahn The Watermill Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW

2 Joanna Lowside Blues Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW
3 Shostakovich Allegretto (No. 1 from Three Fantastic Dances, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 7 (ABRSM) NEW
Op. 5)
4 Bartók Bagpipers: Allegretto (1st movt from Sonatina) Bartók: Sonatina (EMB Zeneműkiadó or Henle)
5 Chen Yi Bamboo Dance II Spectrum 5 (ABRSM)
6 Ginastera Tribute to Roberto Garcia Morillo (No. 6 from Ginastera: 12 American Preludes, Op. 12 (Carl Fischer)
12 American Preludes, Op. 12)
7 Grieg Butterfly (No. 1 from Lyric Pieces, Book 3, Op. 43) Grieg: 38 Pianoforte Pieces, Book 2 (ABRSM)
8 Grovlez Chanson du chasseur (No. 4 from L’Almanach Grovlez: L’Almanach aux images (Stainer & Bell) or
aux images) Beyond the Romantic Spirit, Book 2 (Alfred)
9 Bart Howard Fly Me to the Moon, arr. Iles Nikki Iles and Friends, Book 2 (ABRSM) NEW

10 Kern Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (from Roberta), Lee Evans Arranges Jerome Kern (Hal Leonard)
arr. Evans
11 Florentine Prélude No. 14 (from 24 Préludes pour piano, Florentine Mulsant: 24 Préludes pour piano, Op. 38
Mulsant Op. 38) (Furore Verlag)
12 Christopher Pop Bossa (No. 5 from Latin Preludes 2) Christopher Norton: Latin Preludes Collection
Norton (Boosey & Hawkes)
13 Piazzolla Milonga del ángel Piazzolla: Piazzolla: Ángel for piano (Tonos)
14 Uzoigwe Nigerian Dance No. 1 (from Four Nigerian Dances) Piano Music of Africa and the African Diaspora, Vol. 2
15 Villoldo El Choclo, arr. Korn with repeat Tango Meets Jazz (Schott) NEW

16 Carl Vine Spartacus Carl Vine: Red Blues (Faber) NEW

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026


ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a Practical
Grades solo Jazz instrument. For alternatives, see

FOUR PIECES: at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, and a fourth of the
candidate’s own choice; for further programming requirements, see pages 3–5

A 1 Mozart Alla Turca (3rd movt from Sonata in A, K. 331) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW
with first, third and final repeat
2 Mel Bonis Il pleut Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW

3 D. Scarlatti Sonata in C, Kp. 513 Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW

4 J. S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 884 J. S. Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part 2 (ABRSM)
5 J. S. Bach Sarabande and Rondeaux (4th and 5th movts J. S. Bach: Partitas Nos. 1–3 (ABRSM) NEW
from Partita No. 2 in C minor, BWV 826)
6 Beethoven Allegro (1st movt from Sonata in E, Op. 14 No. 1) Beethoven: Sonata in E, Op. 14 No. 1 (ABRSM) or
Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1 (ABRSM) or
Beethoven: Complete Pianoforte Sonatas, Vol. 1 (ABRSM)
7 Handel Prelude and Allegro (Fuga) (1st and 2nd movts Handel: Eight Great Suites, Book 2 (ABRSM) or
from Suite No. 8 in F minor, HWV 433) Handel: Keyboard Works, Vol. 1 (Bärenreiter)
8 Haydn Allegro con brio (1st movt from Sonata in D, Haydn: Selected Keyboard Sonatas, Book 3 (ABRSM) or
Hob. XVI:37) Haydn: Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 3 (Wiener Urtext)
9 Haydn Allegro (1st movt from Sonata in E -, Haydn: Complete Piano Sonatas Volume III (Henle) NEW
Hob. XVI:49)
10 Stephen Toccatina (5th movt from Suite R-B) Stephen Hough: Suite R-B and Other Enigmas
Hough (Weinberger)
11 Martínez Allegro/Moderato (1st movt from Sonata in A) Piano Music by Female Composers (4th revised edition
2011) (Schott) or
Core Classics, Grades 7–8 (ABRSM)
12 Moszkowski Scherzino, Op. 77 No. 2 Moszkowski: Music for Piano (G. Schirmer) NEW

13 Mozart Andante grazioso and Vars. 1–6 (1st movt from Mozart: Sonata in A, K. 331 (ABRSM) or
Sonata in A, K. 331) Mozart: Sonatas for Pianoforte, Vol. 2 (ABRSM)
14 Rameau Les cyclopes (from Pièces de clavecin) Rameau: Les cyclopes / Les sauvages (Bärenreiter) or
Rameau: Pièces de clavecin (Heugel)
15 D. Scarlatti Sonata in D, Kp. 443, L. 418 Pp. 4–7 from D. Scarlatti: Selected Keyboard Sonatas,
Book 1 (ABRSM) or
D. Scarlatti: 200 Sonatas, Vol. 4 (EMB Zeneműkiadó)
16 C. Schumann Un poco agitato (No. 2 from Quatre pièces C. Schumann: Romantic Piano Music (Vol. 2)
fugitives, Op. 15) (Bärenreiter) or
C. Schumann: Quatre pièces fugitives Op. 15
(Breitkopf & Härtel)
B 1 Debussy La fille aux cheveux de lin (No. 8 from Préludes, Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW
Book 1)
2 Joe Hisaishi il porco rosso (from Porco Rosso) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Liszt Consolation in E (No. 2 from Consolations, S. 172) Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW

4 Arensky Nocturne in D - (No. 3 from 24 Characteristic Arensky: 24 Characteristic Pieces, Op. 36 (Prhythm) or
Pieces, Op. 36) Arensky: 24 Morceau characteristiques, Op. 36 (Alfred)
5 A. Beach A Hermit Thrush at Morn, Op. 92 No. 2 Piano Music of Amy Beach (Hal Leonard) or
Amy Beach Piano Music (Dover)
6 Beethoven Adagio cantabile (2nd movt from Sonata in Beethoven: Sonata in C minor, Op. 13 (Pathétique)
C minor ‘Pathétique’, Op. 13) (ABRSM) or
Beethoven: The 35 Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1 (ABRSM) or
Beethoven: Complete Pianoforte Sonatas, Vol. 1 (ABRSM)
7 Chopin Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17 No. 4 Chopin: Mazurkas (Henle)
8 Hensel Andante cantabile in D - Hensel: Selected Piano Works (Henle) NEW

Performance Grades Piano 2025 & 2026 Grade 8


9 Ireland Columbine Ireland: The Collected Piano Works, Vol. 4
(Stainer & Bell)
10 Janáček Andante (No. 1 from In the Mists) Janáček: In the Mists (Bärenreiter)
11 Rachmaninoff Moment musical in D -, Op. 16 No. 5 Rachmaninoff: Six moments musicaux, Op. 16 (Simrock)
12 Schubert Impromptu in A - (No. 2 from Four Impromptus, Schubert: Impromptus, Op. 142 (ABRSM) or
Op. 142, D. 935) Schubert: Impromptus and Moments musicaux (Henle)
or Core Classics, Grades 7–8 (ABRSM)
13 Schumann Romanze in F+ (No. 2 from Drei Romanzen, Schumann: Drei Romanzen, Op. 28 (ABRSM)
Op. 28)
14 Tailleferre Impromptu Tailleferre: Impromptu (Editions Jobert)
15 Tchaikovsky Janvier ‘Au coin du feu’ (No. 1 from The Seasons, Tchaikovsky: The Seasons (Henle) NEW
Op. 37bis)
16 P. E. Wolf Hiding Rainbow (Bujkáló szivárvárny) (No. 22 Jazz Preludes Wolf-temperiertes Klavier 2 NEW
from Jazz Preludes Wolf-temperiertes Klavier 2) (EMB Zeneműkiadó)
C 1 Cheryl In the Dew, a Homage to Janáček (from Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW
Frances-Hoad Homages, Book 1)
2 Joplin Maple Leaf Rag Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW

3 Sherwin & A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, arr. Iles Piano Exam Pieces 2025 & 2026, Grade 8 (ABRSM) NEW
4 Eleanor If the Silver Bird Could Speak Spectrum (ABRSM) NEW
5 Bartók Dance in Bulgarian Rhythm No. 6 (No.153 from Bartók: Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm (Henle) or
Mikrokosmos) Bartók: Mikrokosmos, Vol. 6 (Boosey & Hawkes)
6 Chaminade Pierrette (Air de Ballet), Op. 41 Piano Music by Female Composers (4th revised edition
2011) (Schott)
7 Chen Peixun Thunder in Drought Season 100 Years of Chinese Piano Music: Vol. III Works in
Traditional Style, Book II Instrumental Music
(Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press)
8 Debussy Rêverie Debussy: Rêverie (Editions Jobert) or
Night and Dreams (Schott)
9 Tim Garland Eco Warrior Nikki Iles and Friends, Book 2 (ABRSM) NEW

10 Zoe Rahman Go with the Flow Nikki Iles and Friends, Book 2 (ABRSM)
11 Khachaturian Toccata Khachaturian: Toccata (Boosey & Hawkes)
12 Uwe Korn Caballos Españoles Tango Meets Jazz (Schott)
13 Cecilia Vespers in Venice (from Four Piano Solos) Cecilia McDowall: Four Piano Solos (Hunt Edition)
14 McHugh On the Sunny Side of the Street, arr. Iles Jazz on a Summer’s Day (OUP) NEW

15 Trad. Irish Danny Boy, arr. Iles Jazz in Autumn (OUP)

16 Villa-Lobos O polichinelo (from A prole do bebê no.1) Villa-Lobos: O polichinelo (Eschig) or
Beyond the Romantic Spirit, Book 2 (Alfred)

Performance Grades Piano music for one hand 2025 & 2026

The following lists of piano music for one hand provide additional choice to the repertoire lists at Grades 1–5.


A 17 Melody Bober Fanfare for Bells ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 2
18 Melody Bober Treasure Hunt ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 3
19 Frederick Viner Mirror Dance ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Frederick Viner: Mirror Dance (ABRSM)
B 17 Melody Bober Lazy Day ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 2
18 Louise Drewett Distant Bells ​LEFT HAND ONLY Louise Drewett: Distant Bells (ABRSM)
19 Louise Drewett Distant Bells II ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Louise Drewett: Distant Bells II (ABRSM)
20 Joyce Grill Scaling Left ​LEFT HAND ONLY Joyce Grill: Left Alone - Right On! (Alfred)
21 Frederick Viner Night Wishes ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Frederick Viner: Night Wishes (ABRSM)
C 17 Barbara Arens Spooky Hour ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano (Breitkopf & Härtel)
18 Melody Bober Left-Hand Boogie Stomp ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 3
19 Melody Bober Spooky Sounds ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 1
20 Melody Bober T-Rex Trek ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 2
21 Lillie Harris Mystery in the Monastery ​LEFT HAND ONLY Lillie Harris: Mystery in the Monastery (ABRSM)


A 17 Barbara Arens Left Hand Goes to Town ​LEFT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano (Breitkopf & Härtel)
18 Melody Bober Morning Ride ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 3
19 Hollaender Evening Sun, arr. Schaum ​LEFT HAND ONLY Left Hand Solos, Book 2 (Alfred)
20 Krause Spiral Staircase, arr. Schaum ​LEFT HAND ONLY Left Hand Solos, Book 2 (Alfred)
21 Chrissy Ricker Goblin Dance (from Hit Singles) ​ Chrissy Ricker: Hit Singles (Piano Pronto)

B 17 Dennée Dream Dust, arr. Schaum ​LEFT HAND ONLY Left Hand Solos, Book 2 (Alfred)
18 Streabbog Sunken Gardens, arr. Schaum ​LEFT HAND ONLY Left Hand Solos, Book 2 (Alfred)
19 Joyce Grill One-Way Waltz ​LEFT HAND ONLY Joyce Grill: Left Alone - Right On! (Alfred)
20 Frederick Viner Sandcastles ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Frederick Viner: Sandcastles (ABRSM)
C 17 Joanne Griffiths Left Hand Rag ​LEFT HAND ONLY Joanne Griffiths: Left Hand Rag (Piano Pronto)
18 Joanne Griffiths Mr. Mischief (from Child’s Play) ​LEFT HAND ONLY Joanne Griffiths: Child's Play (Piano Pronto)
19 Randall Hartsell New Horizon ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Randall Hartsell: New Horizon (Alfred)
20 Randall Hartsell Spanish Sunset ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Randall Hartsell: Spanish Sunset (Alfred)
21 Frederick Viner Sea Tales ​LEFT HAND ONLY Frederick Viner: Sea Tales (ABRSM)

Performance Grades Piano music for one hand 2025 & 2026


A 17 Barbara Arens Winter Wind ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano 2 (Breitkopf & Härtel)
18 Melody Bober Best of Times ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 6
19 Melody Bober Jigs and Reels ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 6
B 17 Sharon Between Two Lands ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Sharon Aaronson: Between Two Lands (Alfred)
18 Melody Bober Autumn Wind ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 4
19 Melody Bober Our Little Waltz ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 4
20 Joyce Grill I'm So Lonely ​LEFT HAND ONLY Joyce Grill: Left Alone - Right On! (Alfred)
21 Rick Robertson Left Alone ​LEFT HAND ONLY Rick Robertson: Left Alone (Piano Pronto)
22 Ethel Tench Evening Air ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Ethel Tench Rogers: Evening Air (Alfred)
C 17 Barbara Arens Hard Times ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano (Breitkopf & Härtel)
18 Melody Bober Boogie Blues Riff ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 4
19 Melody Bober Sleuthing Around ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 4
20 Joyce Grill Wondering ​LEFT HAND ONLY Joyce Grill: Left Alone - Right On! (Alfred)
21 Judith L. Maggs Leftover Calypso ​LEFT HAND ONLY Judith L. Maggs: Leftover Calypso (Alfred)
22 Chrissy Ricker Don't Be Blue (from Hit Singles) ​ Chrissy Ricker: Hit Singles (Piano Pronto)

Performance Grades Piano music for one hand 2025 & 2026


A 17 Barbara Arens Exuberance ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano 2 (Breitkopf & Härtel)
18 Melody Bober Malagueña Mood ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 5
19 Melody Bober On Stormy Seas ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 6
20 Rick Robertson Un Souvenir ​LEFT HAND ONLY Rick Robertson: Un Souvenir (Piano Pronto)
21 Sartorio Repartee (from Left Hand Proficiency) ​ Sartorio: Left Hand Proficiency (IMSLP)

22 Sartorio Voice of Spring (from Left Hand Proficiency) ​ Sartorio: Left Hand Proficiency (IMSLP)

B 17 Dennis Peaceful Hearts ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Dennis Alexander: Peaceful Hearts (Alfred)
18 Barbara Arens Gaelic Song ​LEFT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano (Breitkopf & Härtel)
19 Chopin Prelude, Op. 28 No. 6, arr. Schaum ​ Left Hand Solos, Book 2 (Alfred)

20 Sartorio Twilight Song (from Left Hand Proficiency) ​ Sartorio: Left Hand Proficiency (IMSLP)

C 17 Barbara Arens Anno 1021 ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano 2 (Breitkopf & Härtel)
18 Melody Bober Scat Jammin' ​LEFT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 6
19 Melody Bober Wind Rider ​RIGHT HAND ONLY Melody Bober: Grand One-Hand Solos for Piano, Book 6
20 Carol Matz Midnight Blues ​LEFT HAND ONLY Carol Matz: Midnight Blues (Alfred)


A 17 Kalkbrenner Four Voiced Fugue ​LEFT HAND ONLY Piano Music for One Hand (G. Schirmer)
18 Klauwell Scherzino (No. 3 from Drei Klavierstücke) ​ Klauwell: Drei Klavierstücke (IMSLP)

B 17 Arlen & Somewhere Over the Rainbow (from The Wizard Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano (Breitkopf & Härtel)
Harburg of Oz), arr. Arens ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY
18 Martha Mier Rhapsody ​LEFT HAND ONLY Martha Mier: Rhapsody (Alfred)
19 Sartorio Home Memories (from Left Hand Proficiency) ​ Sartorio: Left Hand Proficiency (IMSLP)

C 18 Barbara Arens The Weird Sisters ​LEFT OR RIGHT HAND ONLY Barbara Arens: One Hand Piano (Breitkopf & Härtel)


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