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Tugas 2 B Inggtis Marainah

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Perhatikan surat di bawah ini./ Please look at the letter below

Linda Lau

12e Main Street, anytown, CA

March 5, 2020

Oscar Lee

Managing Editor

Acme Graptic & Design

123 Business Rd.

Bussiness City, Ny 54321

Dear Mr. Lee

I would like to invite you attend our upcoming Liberal Arts departement job networking event. The
event will be held on the afternoon of my 1. 2020. We wish to provide our grafuating seniors with on
opportunity to meet business leaders in the area who my be loking for new hires who hold degrres in
the Liberal Arts.

The event will be held at the Cox Student Center at Northern State Unibersity, and will last about 2 to 3
hours. If you have an interest in attanding or sending a company reprosentative to meet with our
students, please let me know at your. Earliest convenience and i can reserve a table for you. Thank for
your time and i hope to hear from you soon.


Linda Lau

Linda Lau

Liberal Arts Departement Chair

Pertanyaan / Quesions

Identifikasi bagian surat yang di tandai oleh no 1-3

Answer :

No 1. Salam pembuka dan pererima surat (opening greeting and recipient of the letter), no 2 isi (fill), no
3 pengirim (Sender)
Linda Lau's liberal arts department invited Oscar Lee to attend the liberal arts department's networking
event which will be held on May 1, 2020. To give our graduating seniors the opportunity to meet
business leaders.


Perhatikan surat di bawah ini./ Please look at the letter below

Bridgestone International Co.

1660 Maple Court

Kennett, Mo 63857

July 21, 2021

William Reed

Purchase Manager

The Cooking Store

2175 Rivendell Drive

Mineral City, OH 44656

Dear Mr. Reed,

Thank you for your latter of 4 july inquiring about our latest catalohue, price list, and terms of payment?

We are pleased to enclose our latest catalogue, pricw list, andterms of pament together wit samples of
our promotional gifts. We hope you will find our prices n terms satiafactory.

I look forward to receive your order.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Brown

Robert Brown

Sales Manager

Pertanyaan / Questions
Identigikasi 3 kesalahan pada surat di atas

Answer :

1. Thank you for your latter of 4 july inquiring about our latest catalohue, price list, and terms of

shouldn't use a question mark. just use dots

2. We hope you will find our prices n terms satiafactory.

it should not be n but and



Anda baru saja memberi biskuit secara online dan menerima produk yang kadaluarsa. Tuliskan sebuah
surat singkat sebanyak kuarang lebi 100-200 kata yang menyatakan kekecewaan anda dan bahwa anda
meminta produk gantiatau uang kembali.

You just gave biscuits online and received an expired product. Write a short letter of at least 100-200
words stating your disappointment and that you are asking for a replacement product or money back.

Answer :

Number: 17853

Raya Cijerah No168-172

Tel. 021-82365449


meters. Complaint about expired biscuits

Best wishes,

Yesterday we received goods in the form of biscuits. We are very grateful for your service. When the
item was about to be used, we were a little disappointed because it turned out that the item had a
problem with its expiration date. Based on the initial agreement, if an item is defective or expired, you
will replace it. So we ask you to send the biscuits back. We thank you for your attention, brother.



Anda sedang menggalang dana untuk korban bencana alam ada seorang donatur memberikan bantuan
dalam jumlah besar. Tuliskan sebuah email ucapan tetimakasih terkait pemberian donasi tersebut
sebanyak kurang lebih 100 -200 kata

You are raising funds for victims of a natural disaster and a donor provides a large amount of aid. Write a
thank you email regarding the donation in approximately 100 -200 words

Answer :

Jalan Cijerah no. 168-172

April 24, 2024



Darling. Fitri

I would like to thank you for the cooperation and support you have provided over the years. For those
who have made such a large donation, you are an extraordinary colleague.



Daftar Pustaka : Ashadi, Budiman Rahmat, Hutagalung C D Diana, Efendi Yudi, Brotoyudo Purwningrum
Endang, 2023, Bahasa Inggris, Tangerang Selatan, Universitas Terbuka

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