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Arthrology Q - A

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The movements of the clavicle around a vertical axis is called:

a. Elevation/depression
b. Rotation
c. Protection/retraction
d. Flexion/extension
2. Foramen ischiadicum majus is limited by:
a. Lig. Iliolumbale
b. Lig. Sacrospinale
c. Lig. Sacrotuberale
d. Lig. Pubicum superius
3. Articulatio atlantooccipitalis is:
a. An ellipsoid joint
b. A saddle joint
c. A hinge joint
d. A pivot joint
4. Normally how long is conjugata vera of the pelvic inlet in females?
a. 13 cm
b. 7 cm
c. 20 cm
d. 11 cm
5. Which ligament is found inside the hip joint?
a. Lig. Capitis femoris
b. Zona orbicularis
c. Lig. Pubofemorale
d. Lig. Iliolumbale
6. The transverse arch of the foot is found at the level of:
a. The calcaneus
b. The bases of the metatarsal bones
c. The heads of the metasal bones
d. The tarsal bones
7. The ribs II to VII articulate with the sternum through:
a. Articulatio sternoclavicularis
b. Articulationes costovertebrales
c. Articulationes interchondrales
d. Articulationes sternocostales
8. When the thorax expands rotation occurs in the:
a. None is correct
b. Costovertebral joints
c. Intervertebral joints
d. Sternocostal joints
9. The first discus intervertebralis is found between:
a. Os occipitale and axis
b. 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae
c. Atlas and axis
d. 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae
10. What is the movement in articulatio talo-calcaneo-navicularis?
a. Abduction/adduction
b. Pronation and supination of the foot
c. Flexion/extension of the foot (choose eversion/inversion instead if given)
d. Does not move
11. Which statement regarding the apertura thoracis superior is completely correct:
a. Apertura thoracis superior is bordered by: first thoracic vertebrae, first rib
and superior margin of the sternum.
b. Apertura thoracis superior is bordered by: first thoracic vertebrae and first
c. Apertura thoracis superior is bordered by: first thoracic vertebrae and
inferior margin of the sternum
d. Apertura thoracis superior is bordered by: first thoracic vertebrae, clavicle
and superior margin of the sternum.
12. The floating ribs articulate with the vertebral column through:
a. Articulatio capitis costae
b. Articulatio costotranversana only
c. Articulatio sternocostalis
d. Articulatio interchondralis
13. Which is the major ligament that holds the upper limb to the clavicle?
a. None is correct
b. Lig. Sternoclaviculare
c. Lig. Acromioclaviculare
d. Lig. Corscoclaviculare
14. In the glenohumeral joint the movement around a the upper limb longitudinal axis
a. Rotation
b. Abduction/adduction
c. None is correct
d. Anteflexion/retroflexion (choose this if rotation is not given)
15. Foramen ischiadicum minus is limited by incisura ischiadica minor, lig. Sacrospinale
a. Membrana obturatosia
b. Symphysis pubis
c. Lig. Iliolumbale
d. Lig. Sacrotuberale
16. Articulatio atlantoaxialis mediana is:
a. A saddle joint
b. An ellipsoid joint
c. Pivot joint
d. Hinge joint
17. The sacroiliac joint is a:
a. Saddle joint
b. None of the above
c. Plane joint
d. Ball and socket joint
18. Apertura thoracis superior is limited by the sternum and:
a. T1 and the first rib
b. Costal cartilages
c. T2 and the second rib
d. Procesus xyphoidous
19. Articulationes interchondrales are found between:
a. Manubrium and body of sternum
b. The cartilaginous parts of the lower (false) ribs
c. The ribs and the sternum
d. The ribs and the spine
20. Which spinal curvature appears with the upright position and walking?
a. Cervical lordosis
b. Sacral kyphosis
c. Lumbar lordosis
d. Thoracic kyphosis
21. At birth the human spine has only:
a. A sacral kyphosis
b. A lumbar lordosis
c. A cervical lordosis
d. A thoracic kyphosis
22. The last intervertebral disc is located between:
a. Sacrum and os coxae
b. None is correct
c. Sacrum and coccyx
d. L5 and sacrum
23. The normal curvature of the thoracic spine is called:
a. Scoliosis
b. None is correct
c. Kyphosis
d. Lordosis
24. Which movement is possible around the transverse axis of articulatio coxae?
a. Flexion and extension
b. None is correct
c. Rotation
d. Abduction and adduction
25. Which movement is called supination of the foot?
a. None is correct
b. Elevation of the lateral foot margin
c. Heel elevation
d. Elevation of the medial foot margin
26. Lig. Deltoideum is found between:
a. Medial maleolus and tarsal bones
b. Lateral malleolus and tarsal bones
c. In sinus tarsi
d. None is correct
27. What limits the extension of the elbow joint?
a. Epicondylus medialis humeri
b. Membrana interossei antebrachii
c. Olecranon ulnae and lig. Collateralia
d. Lig. Anulare radii
28. The cervical curvature of the vertebral column is:
a. Scoliosis
b. Kyphosis
c. Lordosis
d. None is correct
29. The movement axes of the left and right ribs form an angle of:
a. None is correct
b. 120-140°
c. 140-150°
d. 90°
30. Which movement is possible around the anterior-posterior axis of the
acetabulofemoral joint?
a. None is correct
b. Flexion and extension
c. Rotation
d. Adduction and abduction
31. Which of the following statements is the most comprehensive?
a. The thorax is made of; thoracic part of the vertebral column and ribs
b. The thorax is made of; thoracic part of the vertebral column, ribs and
c. The thorax is made of; cervical part of the vertebral column, ribs and sternum
d. None is correct
32. Which structure passes through the humeral joint:
a. Tendon of the long head of m. biceps brahii
b. Tendon of the long head of m. triceps brahii
c. Tendon of the long head of m. biceps femoris
d. Tendon of the short head of m. biceps brahii
33. What is the shape of the pelvis in males?
a. Truncated pyramid
b. Cylindrical
c. None is correct
d. Truncated cone
34. How big is diameter obliqua at the entrance of the female pelvis?
a. 11.5 cm
b. 13 cm
c. 12.5 cm
d. 11 cm
35. Which is the strongest ligament in the human body?
a. Lig. Iliofemorale
b. Lig. Pubofemorale
c. Lig. Ischiofemorale
d. Lig. Transversum acetabuli
36. The border between the lesser and greater pelvis is:
a. Crista iliaca
b. Linea terminalis
c. Linea glulea superior
d. Linea arcuate
37. Symphisis pibis is a:
a. Syndesmosis
b. Synostosis
c. Synchondrosis
d. Synovial joint
38. Discus interpubicus is found in:
a. None of the above
b. Between L5 and S1 vertebrae
c. The pubic symphisis
d. Sacroiliac joint
39. In the infant which spinal curvature appears with the ability to lift and hold the
a. Cervical lordosis
b. Thoracic kyphosis
c. Lumbar lordosis
d. Sacral kyphosis
40. What movement is limited by the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint?
a. Extension
b. Abduction
c. Flexion
d. Rotation
41. Articulatio mediocarpalis is between the proximal row or carpal bones and:
a. The distal row of carpal bones
b. The radius and the ulna
c. Cartilage triangularis
d. The metacarpal bones
42. The radiocarpal joint is a:
a. None is correct (condyloid/ellipsoid joint)
43. Which movements are possible in the anterior-posterior axis of the humeral joint:
a. External and internal rotation
b. None is correct
c. Anteflexion and retroflexion
d. Adduction and abduction

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