BIO 1400 Cells
BIO 1400 Cells
BIO 1400 Cells
• Prokaryotic organisms include bacteria,
cyanobacteria (gram-negative bacteria that
obtain energy via photosynthesis) &
archaebacterial (belong to kingdom monera but
classified as bacteria; single celled & lack
• Bacteria are most frequently found form of life.
• Some are pathogens but majority do no harm &
are beneficial;
• ….e.g. gut bacteria.
Bacteria have common structures
• All are single-celled organisms & have common
features that vary between species.
• These include:
• Consist of a layer of
polysaccharide chain
called peptidoglycan
(also known as
• .....made-up of many
chains linked by short
peptide cross-
linkages, which form
an enormous molecule
with net-like structure.
• Polysaccharide made of two glucose
derivatives, N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)
& N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM),
alternated in long chains;
• .....chains cross-linked to one another by
a tetrapeptide [L-alanine, D-glutamine, L-
lysine or meso-diaminopimelic acid (DPA),
& D-alanine] that extends off NAM unit,
allowing lattice-like structure to form.
Gram Staining & Bacterial cell walls
• Two different types of bacterial cell walls:
1. Gram positive cell walled bacteria.
2. Gram negative cell walled bacteria.
Gram-positive bacteria
Classifying bacteria
1. Bacteria can be classified based on
Gram stain;
• .....can be Gram-negative or Gram
2. Bacteria can also be classified based on
cell shape.
3. Bacteria can also be classified according
to their respiratory needs.
Classification based on shape
1. Cocci: spherical shaped. e.g.
Staphylococcus aureus.
2. Bacilli: rod shaped. Example is gut
bacterium called Escherichia coli.
3. Spiral: have twisted structure e.g.
4. Vibrios: shaped like a comma. e.g.
Vibrio cholerae.
Classification of bacteria by shape
Eukaryotic Cells:
Main Cellular Structures
• Eukaryotic organisms include animals,
plants & fungi;
• … these groups there is wide range of
different types of cells, with different
• …..make up majority of living things.
• … is derived from Greek words, eu
= good & karyon = nucleus.
• Nucleus surrounded by nuclear
• Other membrane-bound organelles such
as mitochondria & chloroplasts are present
in cytoplasm.
• Generally, are larger than prokaryotic cells
(30 -150 μm).
Main Cellular Structures
Rough ER
Main Cellular Structures...
• 10. Golgi body (also Golgi apparatus)
• Appears as dense area in cytoplasm under
light microscope;
• Made up of stacks of parallel, flattened
membrane pockets known as cisternae.
• Cisternae are formed when vesicles that have
pinched off from endoplasmic reticulum
• …..thus Golgi body has strong link to ER but is
NOT physically linked to it.
Proteins brought to GB in vesicles are pinched
off from RER where they are made
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