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James G. Ogg
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, 550 ­Stadium
Mall Drive, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2051, USA. E-mail:
State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, School of Earth Sciences,
China ­University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China

Gabi M. Ogg
Geologic TimeScale Foundation, 1224 North Salisbury St., West Lafayette, Indiana 47906,
USA. E-mail:

Felix M. Gradstein
Geology Museum, University of Oslo, N-0318 Oslo, Norway. E-mail:
ITT Fossil, Unisinos, University of Rio Grande do Sul, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
A Concise Geologic
Time Scale

James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg,

Felix M. Gradstein


Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK
50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Copyright © 2016 James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, and Felix M. Gradstein. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Late Triassic in Italian Dolomites. The Lagazuoi peak is the resumption of late Carnian and Norian shallow-
water carbonates (Dolomia Principale) following a regional termination of prograding carbonate platforms
and influx of siliciclastics (the slope-forming Heiligkreuz and Travenanzes formations at its base). The brief
carbonate crisis is part of a global mid-Carnian warming and humid episode that appears to coincide with the
eruption of the Wrangellia large igneous province. Photo courtesy of Austin McGlannan.
Geologic time scale and this scale and some of the most common means
of global stratigraphic correlation and age
book calibration as graphics with brief explana-
tory texts. These rely extensively on the two-
A standardized geologic time scale is the
volume Geologic Time Scale 2012 (GTS2012)
framework for deciphering and understand-
compilation (Gradstein et al., 2012), and read-
ing the long and complex history of our
ers who desire more background or details
planet Earth. We are constantly improving our
should use that reference. This handbook
­knowledge of that history including the inter-
does incorporate some selected important
twined feedbacks among the evolution of life,
advances in stratigraphic scale calibration, in
the climatic and geochemical trends and oscil-
new ratified or candidate international divi-
lations, the sea-level withdrawals and trans-
sions and in their scaling to numerical time.
gressions, the drifting tectonic plates and major
Each chapter in this handbook, which
volcanic upheavals, and the radioisotopic and
generally spans a single geologic system or
astronomical-cycle dating of deposits. In turn,
period, includes:
this knowledge of past relationships and feed-
1. International divisions of geologic time,
backs enable us to make predictions about our
with graphics for ratified bases of series/
own future impacts on our planet.
epoch definitions (Global Boundary Stra-
The challenges and major accomplishments
totype Sections and Points (GSSPs)). GSSPs
of geoscientists are to integrate these diverse
for stage-level divisions are diagrammed
interpretations of the global stratigraphic
in GTS2012, at the website of the Geologic
record, to apply an age model (“linear time”) to
TimeScale Foundation, and at the websites
that geologic record, and to assign a standard-
of the ICS subcommissions.
ized and precise international terminology of
2. Major paleontological zonations, geo-
subdivisions. The publications of A Geologic
magnetic polarity reversals, selected geo-
Time Scale 1989 (Harland et al., 1989), of A Geo-
chemical trends (usually isotopic ratios
logic Time Scale 2004 (Gradstein et al., 2004;
of carbon and of oxygen), interpreted sea-
under the scientific auspices of the Interna-
level history, and other events or zones.
tional Commission on Stratigraphy, ICS), and
3. Explanation of the derivation and uncer-
of The Concise Geologic Time Scale (Ogg et al.,
tainties for the current numerical age
2008) spurned dedicated research and collec-
model of the stratigraphic boundaries and
tive activities to bring about improvements in
events, and a summary of any incorporated
stable-isotope stratigraphy, radioisotopic and
revised ages assigned to stage boundaries
cyclostratigraphic dating of stage boundaries,
compared to GTS2012.
and formal definitions of stage boundaries.
4. Selected references and websites for addi-
Any synthesis of this geologic time scale
tional information.
is a status report in this grand undertaking.
This Concise Geologic Time Scale 2016 hand- The stratigraphic scales in the diagrams are
book presents a brief summary of the current a small subset of the compilations and

A Concise Geologic Time Scale.

Copyright © 2016 James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, and Felix M. Gradstein. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1

databases in GTS2012 and other syntheses. “System” is the body of rocks that formed
One can generate custom charts from these during the Jurassic “Period.” A similar philos-
databases using the public TimeScale Creator ophy of clarifying whether one is discussing
visualization system available at www.tscre- rocks or time applies to stratigraphic succes- (which mirrors to https://engineering. sions in which the terms of “lower, upper, and lowest occurrence” have corresponding
geologic time terms of “early, late, and first
appearance” when describing the geologic
International divisions of history. (Note: The international geochrono-
geologic time and their global logic unit for the chronostratigraphic “stage”
is confusingly called an “age”; therefore,
boundaries (GSSPs) those columns are labeled “stage/age” on
A common and precise language of geo- our diagrams to distinguish from the adja-
logic time is essential to discuss Earth’s his- cent “age” column that is measured in mil-
tory. Hence, a chart of international ratified lions of years.)
stratigraphic units (e.g., Fig. 1.1) is a vital part
of the scientific toolbox carried by each earth
scientist to do his or her job. Ideally, each
stage boundary is defined at a precise Global
Biologic, chemical, sea-level,
Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) geomagnetic, and other events
(e.g., McLaren, 1978; Remane, 2003). This GSSP
is a point in the rock record of a specific out-
or zones
crop at a level selected to coincide with one or Geologic stages are recognized, not by their
more primary markers for global correlation boundaries, but by their content. The rich fos-
(lowest occurrence of a fossil, onset of a geo- sil record remains the main method to dis-
chemical anomaly, a distinctive geomagnetic tinguish and correlate strata among regions,
polarity reversal, etc.). The majority of ratified because the morphology of each taxon is
GSSP placements and the terminology for the most unambiguous way to assign a rela-
the geologic stages of Silurian through Qua- tive age. The evolutionary successions and
ternary were selected to correspond closely assemblages of each fossil group are generally
to traditional European usage (e.g., Emsian, grouped into zones. We have included selected
Campanian, Selandian). In contrast, those zonations and/or event datums (first or last
in the Cambrian and Ordovician were estab- appearances of taxa) for widely used biostrati-
lished after an international effort to identify graphic groups in each system/period. How-
a set of global events that could be reliably ever, as vividly illustrated by many studies,
correlated, therefore many of the ratified most biological first/last appearance datums
GSSPs have new stage names (e.g., Fortunian, are diachronous on the local to regional lev-
Katian) (Fig. 1.1). els due to migrations or facies dependences
Divisions of the preserved rock record, of the taxa, to different taxonomic opinions
geologic time, and assigned numerical ages among paleontologists, and other factors.
are separate but related concepts which are In some cases, GSSPs that had been ratified
united through the GSSP concept. Chro- based on their presumed coincidence with
nostratigraphic (“rock time”) units are the a single primary biostratigraphic marker are
rocks formed during a specified interval now being reevaluated or reassigned when it
of geologic time. Therefore, the Jurassic was discovered that the sole marker was not














































a a

Figure 1.1 Units of the international chronostratigraphic time scale with estimated numerical ages from the GTS2016
age model.

reliable for precise correlations. These are dis- We have included major sequences as inter-
cussed within the relevant chapters. preted by widely used selected publications,
Trends and excursions in stable-isotope but many of these remain to be documented
ratios, especially of carbon 12/13 and stron- as global eustatic sea-level oscillations. A
tium 86/87, have become an increasingly discussion of eustasy and sequences is by
reliable method to correlate among regions. Simmons (in GTS2012).
Carbon 12/13 stratigraphy, like magneto- Geomagnetic polarity chronozones
stratigraphy, can be utilized in both marine (chrons) are well established for correla-
and nonmarine basins. Some of the carbon- tion of the magnetostratigraphy of fossilifer-
isotope excursions are associated with wide- ous strata to the magnetic anomalies of Late
spread deposition of organic-rich sediments Jurassic through Holocene. Pre-Late Jurassic
and with eruptions of large igneous provinces. magnetic polarity chrons have been verified
The largest magnitude excursions occur dur- in some intervals, but exact correlation to bio-
ing the Proterozoic through Silurian, but the stratigraphic zonations remains uncertain for
causes of some of these remain speculative. many of these. The geomagnetic scales on the
Ratios of oxygen 16/18 are particularly diagrams in this booklet are partly an update
useful for the glacial–interglacial cycles of of those compiled for GTS2012.
Pliocene–Pleistocene, and are important
in the interpretation of past temperature
trends through the Phanerozoic. However,
the conversion of oxygen-isotope ratios to
Assigned numerical ages
temperature requires knowing the oxygen- Although the GSSP concept standard-
isotope composition of seawater through izes the units of both chronostratigraphy
time. The tropical seawater temperatures and geologic time, the numerical age model
derived from Paleozoic and Mesozoic data (“linear time”) assigned to those boundaries
from phosphatic and carbonate fossils that and events is a more abstract interpretation
assume an ocean oxygen-isotope composi- based on extrapolation from radioisotopic-
tion similar to the Cenozoic tend to be anom- dated levels, astronomical cycles, relative
alously warm, indeed at levels that would placement in magnetic polarity zones, or
be lethal to modern marine life. Therefore, other methods. Those age models are always
Veizer and P ­rokoph (2015) hypothesized being refined; but ideally the ratified GSSPs
that there has been a progressive drift in are fixed. GTS2012 presented a suite of com-
ocean chemistry and that the derived tem- prehensive age models for each Phanerozoic
perature values should be adjusted. We have period and for the Cryogenian and Ediacaran
shown comparisons of the derived and the periods of the Proterozoic.
adjusted temperatures in some of the dia- Numerical ages in this book are abbrevi-
grams in this book. ated as “a” (for annum), “ka” for thousands,
Sea-level trends, especially rapid oscil- “Ma” for millions, and “Ga” for billions of
lations that caused widespread exposure or years before present. The moving “Present”
drowning of coastal margins, are associated has led many Holocene workers to use a
with these isotopic-ratio excursions in time “BP2000,” which assigns “Present” to the year
intervals characterized by glacial advances AD 2000. For clarity, elapsed time or duration
and retreats. The synchronicity and driving is abbreviated as “yr” (for year), “kyr” (thou-
cause of such stratigraphic sequences in inter- sands of years) or “myr” (millions of years).
vals that lack major glaciations are disputed. Ages are given in years before “Present” (BP).

In the years between the assembly of images of all taxa and links to Nannotax
GTS2012 in late 2011 and the preparation of and other external websites for each taxon,
this concise handbook in late 2015, many sig- human civilization scales, evolutionary
nificant enhancements have occurred. These charts of life, etc.
include enhanced astronomical time scales, In addition to screen views and a scalable-
publication of additional or refined radio- vector graphics (SVG) file for importation
isotopic dates, revised definitions for some into popular graphics programs, the onscreen
stage boundaries through ratified GSSPs or display has a variety of display options and
new preferred primary markers for candidate “hot-curser-points” to open windows pro-
GSSPs, and other advances. Even though we viding additional information on defini-
preferred to be conservative and retain as tions and method of assigning ages to zones
many ages from GTS2012 as possible, some of and events. Cross-plotting routines enable
these significant advances in geochronology conversion of outcrop/well data to stan-
were incorporated. Therefore, in addition to dardized geologic time diagrams. Tutorials
rescaling of zonations and events within provide instruction on making one’s own
stages, some of the assigned numerical ages data packs.
for some geologic stage boundaries required The database and visualization package
revisions from the age models used in GTS2012 are envisioned as a convenient reference tool,
(Table 1.1). Each chapter includes a brief chart-production assistant, and a window into
explanation of uncertainties in such age the geologic history of our planet. These are
assignments and possible future improve- progressively enhanced through the efforts of
ments in precision and accuracy. stratigraphic and regional experts, and contri-
butions are welcome.

TimeScale Creator database

and chart-making package Geologic Time Scale 2020
Onscreen display and production of At the time of this writing, a major com-
user-tailored timescale charts is provided prehensive update of the Geologic Time
by TimeScale Creator, a public JAVA pack- Scale is underway, targeted for publication
age available at (which in 2020 in collaboration with Elsevier Pub-
mirrors to lishing. A majority of international stage
Stratigraphy/tscreator/). The internal data- boundaries (GSSPs) should be established
base includes over 200 columns of all major by that date, including the base of the Ber-
biostratigraphic zonations, regional scales, riasian (base of the Cretaceous). The entire
geomagnetic polarity scales, geochemical Cenozoic and significant portions of the
trends, sea-level interpretations, major large Mesozoic–Paleozoic will have high-resolu-
igneous provinces, hydrocarbon occur- tion scaling based on astronomical tuning or
rences, etc. Additional online data packs orbital cycles. The book will be a full-color,
can be added that have the lithostratigraphy enhanced, improved, and expanded version
of regions scaled to the standardized GTS of GTS2012, with detailed coverage of zonal
(e.g., map-interfaces to all Australia basins biostratigraphy, stable and unstable isotope
in collaboration with Geoscience A ­ ustralia, stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, global
British basins with the British Geological eustasy, and many other integrated aspects
Survey, etc.), microfossil zonations with of Earth’s fascinating history.

Table 1.1 Modified ages of stage boundaries in this book relative

to The Geologic Time Scale 2012

unit Age in this book Age in GTS 2012 Summary
Middle Pleistocene 0.773 0.781 Enhanced accuracy
Calabrian 1.80 1.806 Enhanced accuracy
Gelasian 2.58 2.59 Enhanced accuracy
Priabonian 37.97 37.7 Changed marker for base
Bartonian 41.03 41.15 Revised cyclostratigraphic
Campanian 84.19 83.6 Revised radioisotopic dating
Santonian 86.49 86.3 Changed marker for base
Coniacian 89.75 89.8 Enhanced accuracy
Albian 113.14 113.0 Placement change for
Hauterivian 134.7 133.9 Revised ammonite and
cyclostratigraphic dating
Oxfordian 163.1 163.5 Revised boundary definition
Toarcian 183.7 182.7 Revised radioisotopic dating
Pliensbachian 191.36 190.8 Revision of stage boundaries
Sinemurian 199.4 199.3 Revision of stage boundaries
Hettangian 201.36 201.31 Revised radioisotopic dating
Anisian 246.8 247.1 Revision of stage boundaries
Olenekian 249.8 250.0 Revision of stage boundaries
Induan 251.902 252.16 Revised radioisotopic dating
Changhsingian 254.15 254.2
Kungurian 282.0 279.3 Revised spline fit
Gzhelian 303.4 303.7 Revised cyclostratigraphic
Kasimovian 306.7 307.0 Changed marker for base
Moscovian 314.6 315.2 Changed marker for base
Stage 3 (base of Series 2) ca. 520 521 Implied precision on this
estimate is removed
Stage 2 ca. 530 529 Implied precision on this
estimate is removed
Cryogenian 720 850 Change of boundary

Selected publications and enhanced. Some selected ones (biased slightly

toward North America) are:
and websites Geologic TimeScale Foundation—engineering.purdue.
edu/Stratigraphy—diagrams of GSSPs for all stage
Cited references boundaries, time-scale charts, and supporter of
GTS2012/GTS2020 syntheses.
Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Smith, A.G. (Eds.), 2004. A
TimeScale Creator——free JAVA
Geologic Time Scale 2004. Cambridge University
program for Earth history visualization, suites of
Press, Cambridge. 589 pp.
enhanced datasets, online “TSC-Lite,” etc. (mirrors
Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M.D., Ogg, G.M.,
to site at Purdue University)
(coordinators), with, Agterberg, F.P., Anthonissen,
International Commission on Stratigraphy—www.
D.E., Becker, T.R., Catt, J.A., Cooper, R.A., Davydov,—for current status of all stage
V.I., Gradstein, S.R., Henderson, C.M., Hilgen, F.J.,
boundaries, the International Stratigraphic Guide,
Hinnov, L.A., McArthur, J.M., Melchin, M.J., Nar-
links to subcommission websites, etc.
bonne, G.M., Paytan, A., Peng, S., Peucker-Ehren-
Palaeos—The Trace of Life on Earth (originally compiled
brink, B., Pillans, B., Saltzman, M.R., Simmons, M.D.,
by Toby White)——and others it
Shields, G.A., Tanaka, K.L., Vandenberghe, N., Van
references at end of each period. There is also a WIKI
Kranendonk, M.J., Zalasiewicz, J., Altermann, W.,
version being compiled at The Palaeos
Babcock, L.E., Beard, B.L., Beu, A.G., Boyes, A.F.,
suite has incredible depth and is written for the
Cramer, B.D., Crutzen, P.J., van Dam, J.A., Gehling,
general scientist.
J.G., Gibbard, P.L., Gray, E.T., Hammer, O., Hartmann,
Smithsonian Paleobiology—“Geologic Time”—paleobi-
W.K., Hill, A.C., Paul, F., Hoffman, P.F., Hollis, C.J.,—After entering, select the
Hooker, J.J., Howarth, R.J., Huang, C., Johnson, C.M.,
desired Period or Eon by clicking on (Make a
Kasting, J.F., Kerp, H., Korn, D., Krijgsman, W.,
Selection) in upper right corner of screen.
Lourens, L.J., MacGabhann, B.A., Maslin, M.A.,
Museum of Paleontology, University of California—
Melezhik, V.A., Nutman, A.P., Papineau, D., Piller,—thousands of
W.E., Pirajno, F., Ravizza, G.E., Sadler, P.M., Speijer,
pages about history of life on Earth. Main “exhibit”
R.P., Steffen, W., Thomas, E., Wardlaw, B.R., Wilson,
sections include Life through Time, Tour of Geologic
D.S., Xiao, S., 2012. The Geologic Time Scale 2012.
Time, and Understanding Evolution.
Elsevier, Boston, USA. 1174 p. (2-volume book).
Paleontology Portal——Exploring North
Harland, W.B., Armstrong, R.L., Cox, A.V., Craig, L.E.,
American geologic history (with geologic maps of
Smith, A.G., Smith, D.G., 1989. A Geologic Time Scale
each state), main fossil sites, and fossil gallery.
1989. Cambridge University Press. 263 pp. (and their
Palaeocast——A free web series
previous A Geologic Time Scale 1982).
exploring the fossil record and the evolution of life
McLaren, D.J., 1978. Dating and correlation, a review. In:
on earth through an extensive suite of well-pre-
Cohee, G.V., Glaessner, M.F., Hedberg, H.D. (Eds.),
sented paleontology podcasts (ca. 60) with
Contributions to the Geologic Time Scale. Studies in
accompanying slideshows, news stories, and a
Geology, vol. 6. AAPG, Tulsa, pp. 1–7.
future Virtual Natural History Museum. Launched
Ogg, J.G., Ogg, G., Gradstein, F.M., 2008. The Concise
in 2012 with education and outreach grants from
Geologic Time Scale. Cambridge University Press.
the Paleontological Society and the Palaeontologi-
177 p. (book). Translated in Japanese in 2012.
cal Association.
Remane, J., 2003. Chronostratigraphic correlations: their
Fossilworks (Paleobiology Database gateway)—
importance for the definition of geochronologic—A suite of search and analytical tools
units. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo-
for using the large relational PaleoDB database of
ecology 196: 7–18.
global fossil occurrences (ca. 350,000 taxa; 57,000
Veizer, J., Prokoph, A., 2015. Temperatures and oxygen
references; contributed by over 400 scientists in 30
isotopic composition of Phanerozoic oceans.
countries) to generate paleomaps, diversity curves,
Earth-Science Reviews 146: 92–104.
etc. The online tool sets were developed by John Alroy.
PAST (PAlaeontological STatistics)—
Websites (selected) past—free software for scientific data analysis, with
In addition to many excellent books on historical functions for data manipulation, plotting, univariate
geology, paleontology, individual periods of geologic and multivariate statistics, ecological analysis, time
time and other aspects of stratigraphy, there is now an series and spatial analysis, morphometrics and
extensive suite of websites on the history of Earth’s stratigraphy; developed by Øyvind Hammer, Natural
surface and its life. These are continuously updated History Museum, University of Oslo.

Fossil Mall——Even though it is a Paleomap Project (by Christopher Scotese)—www.

commercial site, it maintains an extensive educa-
tional outreach content with superb photographs Reconstructing the Ancient Earth (Ron Blakey)—
and an impressive synthesis column of major events
in Earth history and evolution.
Virtual Fossil Museum——“An Additional collections of links to stratigraphy of
Education Resource Dedicated to the Diversity of different periods and paleontology of various phyla
Life” with extensive photographs and details of are at, and other sites. The
macrofossils organized by period, by tree-of-life, and world-wide web array of posted information grows
by taxa group. Numerous contributors, coordinated daily. However, as lamented at the current Virtual
by Roger Perkins (bioinformatics with evolutionary Fossil Museum homepage “Back in 1999, there was a
biology interest) since 1999, and constantly nice site maintained by UC Berkeley, and a number of
expanded and enhanced through 2015 (last viewed). other sites that, like VFM, were built and maintained
Wikipedia online encyclopedia (a public effort)—en. by passionate amateurs. Most of these amateur sites—directs are long gone, and some can’t even be found in
users to excellent summaries of each geologic period Internet archives.” Fortunately, some like Palaeos,
and most stages, plus links at the bottom of each were resurrected and maintained by the next
page to other relevant sites. generation of enthusiasts.
Plate Reconstructions (images and animations), some
selected sites:
K.L. Tanaka1, W.K. Hartmann2
1U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ, United States; 2Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ, United States

Northern part of the western hemisphere of Mars. Left half shows a color elevation, shaded-relief view highlighting
the immense volcanic shields of the Tharsis rise. Right half shows a true-color view of the vast Valles Marineris and
Kasei Valles canyon systems, which connect to the dark basin of Chryse Planitia at upper right. From Tanaka et al., 2014;
Image data from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Introduction definition of chronologic units. The following

summary is mainly reproduced from Tanaka
Formal stratigraphic systems have been and Hartmann (2008, 2012).
developed for the surfaces of Earth’s Moon, Relative ages of these units in most cases
Mars, and Mercury (Fig. 2.1). The time scales can be confirmed using size–frequency dis-
are based on regional and global geologic tributions and superposed craters. For the
mapping, which establishes relative ages of Moon, the chronologic units and cratering
surfaces delineated by superposition, trans- record are constrained by radiometric ages
action, morphology, and other relations and measured from samples collected from the
features. Referent map units are used to define lunar surface. This allows a calibration of the
the commencement of events and periods for areal density of craters versus age, which
A Concise Geologic Time Scale.
Copyright © 2016 James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, and Felix M. Gradstein. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 9


























Figure 2.1 (Continued)




















Figure 2.1 Planetary time scale with selected major events. Thick dashed line separates the Venus and Mercury
time scales. Diagram revised by G. Ogg from Tanaka and Hartmann (2012).

permits model ages to be measured from cra- orbits of asteroids indicate that they have
ter data for other lunar surface units. Model been the prime contributor to the lunar cra-
ages for other cratered planetary surfaces are tering record.
constructed by two methods: (1) estimating The materials of the early crust and the
relative cratering rates with Earth’s Moon and emplacement of extensive lava flows that
(2) estimating cratering rates directly based make up the lunar maria were dated by
on surveys of the sizes and trajectories of geologic inferences and by radiometric
asteroids and comets (e.g., Hartmann, 2005). methods on samples returned by the Apollo
missions (e.g., Wilhelms, 1987; Stöffler and
Ryder, 2001). Attempts were also made
The Moon to use the samples to date certain lunar
basin-forming impacts and the large cra-
The first formal extraterrestrial strati- ters, Copernicus and Tycho. Two processes
graphic system and chronology was developed have mainly accomplished resurfacing:
for Earth’s Moon beginning in the 1960s, first impacts and volcanism. Analogous to vol-
based on geologic mapping using telescopic canism, impact heating can generate flow-
observations (Shoemaker and Hackman, like deposits of melted debris that can infill
1962). These early observations showed that crater floors or terrains near crater rims. As
the rugged lunar highlands are densely cra- on Earth, the broadest time intervals are
tered, whereas the maria (Latin for “seas”) designated “Periods” and their subdivisions
form relatively dark, smooth plains consisting are “Epochs” (if not meeting formal strati-
of younger deposits that cover the floors of graphic criteria, these unit categories are
impact basins and intercrater plains. Resolv- not capitalized).
ing power of the lunar landscape improved From oldest to youngest, lunar chrono-
greatly with the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft logic units and their referent surface materials
(Fig. 2.2), which permitted also the first map- and events include:
ping of the farside of the Moon. By the end of 1. pre-Nectarian period, earliest materials
the decade and into the 1970s, manned and dating from solidification of the crust (a
unmanned exploration of lunar sites by the suite of anorthosite, norite, and troctolite)
Apollo and Luna missions brought return of until just before formation of the Nectaris
samples. The majority of early exploration basin;
involved the lunar nearside (facing Earth), 2. Nectarian Period, mainly impact melt and
and the stratigraphic system and chronology ejecta associated with Nectaris basin and
follow geologic features and events primarily later impact features;
expressed on the nearside (see Fig. 2.3). 3. Early Imbrian Epoch, consisting mostly of
The cratering rate was initially very basin-related materials associated at the
high; uncertain is whether the lunar crater- beginning with Imbrium basin and ending
ing rate records a relatively brief period of with Orientale basin;
catastrophic “Late Heavy Bombardment” 4. Late Imbrian Epoch, characterized by
in the inner solar system at ∼4.0 Ga, possi- mare basalts post-dating Orientale basin;
bly spawned by perturbations in the orbits 5. Eratosthenian Period, represented by
of the giant outer planets (e.g., Strom et al., dark, modified ejecta of Eratosthenes cra-
2005). Alternatively, the dense population of ter; and
highland craters records the gradual trailing 6. Copernican Period, characterized by rela-
off of the accretionary period itself. Tele- tively fresh bright-rayed ejecta of Coperni-
scopic surveys of the numbers, sizes, and cus crater.

Figure 2.2 Lunar stratigraphy: (A) Photograph of the Moon. Provided by Gregory Terrance (Finger Lakes
Instrumentation, Lima, New York;

Figure 2.2 (Continued) (B) Copernicus region of the Moon. Approximate location of this region is shown on
a photograph of the Moon. Copernicus crater (C) is 93 km in diameter and centered at latitude (lat) 9.7°N, longitude
(long) 20.1°W. Copernicus is representative of bright-rayed crater material formed during the lunar Copernican
Period. Its ejecta and secondary craters overlie Eratosthenes crater (E), which is characteristic of relatively dark
crater material of the Eratosthenian Period. In turn, Eratosthenes crater overlies relatively smooth mare materials (M)
of the Late Imbrian Epoch. The oldest geologic unit in the scene is the rugged rim ejecta of Imbrium basin (I), which
defines the base of the Early Imbrian Epoch (Lunar Orbiter IV image mosaic; north at top; illumination from right; cour-
tesy of US Geological Survey (USGS) Astrogeology Team).

Mars the Moon (Fig. 2.4). Beginning in the 1970s

with the Mariner 9 and Viking spacecraft, and
The Red Planet has a geologic character sim- continuing with a flotilla of additional orbiters
ilar to the Moon, with vast expanses of cratered and landers beginning in the 1990s, Mars has
terrain and lava plains, but with the important become a highly investigated planet. Geologic
addition of features resulting from the activity mapping led to characterization of periods
of wind and water over time. This results in a and epochs as on the Moon (e.g., reviews in
geologically complex surface history; geologic Tanaka, 1986; Kallenbach et al., 2001; Nimmo
mapping has assisted in unraveling it, follow- and Tanaka, 2005; Tanaka et al., 2014)
ing the approaches developed for studies of (Fig. 2.1).

&P &F

(P (F


,P ,Y ,F



,S ,F



1S 1F




Figure 2.3 Generalized geologic map of Earth’s Moon.


90° N
Va s t i t a s B o r e a l i s
60° N

Acidalia Deuteronilus
Utopia Alba Tempe
30° N
Olympus Arabia
Elysium Chryse
Amazonis Lunae
Isidis Syrtis
Tharsis Xanthe Major
0° N 120° 180° 240° 300° 0° E 60°
Valles Margaritifer
Marineris Sabaea
Daedalia S y r i a
Hesperia Cimmeria Thaumasia
30° S
Promethei Sirenum Hellas
Aonia Malea
60° S
90° S

A polar layered deposits H materials N-EH volcanic materials
EA Vastitas Borealis unit LN-EH knobby materials N materials
LH-LA volcanic materials LN-EH materials EN massif material

Figure 2.4 Global geologic map of Mars. Generalized geologic map of Mars showing distribution of major
material types and their ages. Chronologic unit abbreviations: N, Noachian; H, Hesperian; A, Amazonian; E, Early; L,
Late. (Adapted from Nimmo and Tanaka (2005).) Terrain names shown without descriptor terms. Mollweide projection,
using east longitudes, centered on 260°E, Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) shaded-relief base illuminated from
the East. On Mars, 1° latitude = 59 km.

The pre-Noachian period represents the extensive volcanism, particularly during the
age of the early crust and is not represented Early Hesperian Epoch. Mars Express and
in known outcrops, but a Martian meteorite, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data indicate
ALH84001, was crystallized at ∼4.5 Ga. that clay minerals occur in some Noachian
Heavily cratered terrains formed during strata, whereas hydrated sulfates are mostly
the Noachian Period. These include large in Hesperian rocks. A thick permafrost zone
impact basins of the Early Noachian Epoch, developed as the surface cooled, and much of
vast cratered plains of the Middle Noachian, the fluvial activity during the Late Hesperian
and intercrater plains resurfaced by fluvial Epoch occurred as catastrophic flood out-
and possibly volcanic deposition during the bursts through this frozen zone, perhaps initi-
Late Noachian when the atmosphere appar- ated by magmatic activity.
ently was thicker and perhaps warmer and The Amazonian Period began with expan-
heat flow was higher. sive resurfacing of the northern lowlands,
Hesperian Period rocks are much less cra- perhaps by sedimentation within a large
tered and record waning fluvial activity but body of water. Much lower levels of volcanism

and fluvial discharges, coupled with aeolian Tolstojan (Nectarian)

deposition and erosion continued into the Calorian (Imbrian)
Middle and Late Amazonian Epochs. Contin- Mansurian (Eratosthenian)
ued weathering has led to iron oxidation of Kuiperian (Copernican)
surface materials. Absolute ages for these periods are much
The polar plateaus, covered by bright more uncertain than for the Moon and Mars.
deposits of residual ice as well as seasonally
waxing and waning meter-thick CO2 frost, are
among the youngest features on the planet. Venus
Ice-rich mantles and glacial-like deposits at
The Venusian surface has been investi-
middle and equatorial latitudes signal climate
gated extensively with orbiters and landers,
oscillations in the relatively recent geologic
most recently by the Magellan orbiter with
its mapping radar in the 1990s. Impact cra-
The NASA rover, Curiosity, is investigat-
ter densities are low. Statistics of nearly 1000
ing Gale Crater, which formed toward the end
impact craters on its surface indicate that
of the Noachian Period (Le Deit et al., 2012).
Venus has an average surface age of hundreds
This crater was partly filled by fluvial, deltaic,
of millions of years. Despite its spectacular
and lacustrine sediments over a few hundred
volcanic surface dotted with thousands of
million years during the early part of the Hes-
volcanoes and broad fields of lava flows, all of
perian Period. These deposits were partially
which has been tectonically disrupted to vary-
exhumed by wind erosion during the middle
ing degrees, the details of the global geologic
Hesperian (ca. 3.3 to 3.1 billion years ago) to
evolution of this Earth’s twin planet in size
form the massive Aeolis Mons (Mount Sharp)
are not well constrained. Possibilities range
of cyclic sediment deposits up to 5-km thick
from local to regional events driven by mantle
and 6000 km2 in area within the Gale crater
plumes to global volcanic and tectonic evolu-
(e.g., Grotzinger et al., 2015). There has been
tion driven by atmospheric greenhouse-heat-
only very slow eolian erosion since the middle
ing effects on Venusian climate (e.g., Bougher
et al., 1997).

Mercury Other solar system bodies

The innermost planet was partly imaged The solid surfaces of asteroids and sat-
by flybys of the Mariner 10 spacecraft in 1974 ellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Nep-
and 1975, enabling stratigraphic studies that tune show varying degrees of cratering that
reveal a remarkably similar surface history to reflect surface ages (e.g., Schenk et al., 2004).
that of Earth’s Moon (e.g., Spudis and Guest, Although asteroids are commonly saturated
1988). Consequently, a Mercurian chronol- with craters, indicating their primordial ori-
ogy was developed based on impact basins gin, some asteroids, comet nuclei, and other
and craters that may have similar histories to bodies demonstrate later resurfacing as their
comparable lunar features (Fig. 2.1). rocky or icy crusts evolved. Dating these sur-
Thus, five major periods have been pro- faces relies on inferences of the populations
posed that correspond to those of the Moon, as of projectiles across time and space. Absolute
follows: dates are very poorly constrained. Complica-
pre-Tolstojan (equivalent to the lunar tions in estimates of cratering rates include
pre-Nectarian) the relative importance of asteroids in the

inner solar system versus that of comets and Strom, R.G., Malhotra, R., Ito, T., Yoshida, F., Kring, D.A.,
other icy materials of the Kuiper Belt. 2005. The origin of planetary impactors in the inner
solar system. Science 309: 1847–1850.
Tanaka, K.L., 1986. The stratigraphy of Mars. Proceedings
of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 17,
Selected publications Part 1. Journal of Geophysical Research 91: E139–E158.
Tanaka, K.L., Hartmann, W.K., 2008. 2 planetary time
and websites scale. In: Ogg, J.G., Ogg, G., Gradstein, F.M. (Eds.),
The Concise Geologic Time Scale. Cambridge
Cited publications University Press, pp. 13–22.
Bougher, S.W., Hunten, D.M., Phillips, R.J., 1997. Venus II: Tanaka, K.L., Hartmann, W.K., 2012. The planetary time
Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind scale. In: Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M., Ogg,
Environment. The University of Arizona Press, G., (Coordinators). The Geologic Time Scale 2012.
Tucson. 1362 pp. Elsevier Publisher, pp. 275–298. (An overview on the
Grotzinger, et al., 2015. Deposition, exhumation, and geologic history of all inner planets, Earth’s Moon,
paleoclimate of an ancient lake deposit, Gale crater, and briefly on the moons of Mars and Jupiter.).
Mars (47 authors total) Science 350: 177. http:// Tanaka, K.L., Skinner Jr., J.A., Dohm, J.M., Irwin III, R.P., summary; full Kolb, E.J., Fortezzo, C.M., Platz, T., Michael, G.G.,
version (12 pp.) at. Hare, T.M., 2014. Geologic Map of Mars: U.S.
Hartmann, W.K., 2005. Martian cratering 8: isochron Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3292,
refinement and the chronology of Mars. Icarus 174: Scale 1:20,000,000, Pamphlet 43. http://dx.doi.
294–320. org/10.3133/sim3292.
Kallenbach, R., Geiss, J., Hartmann, W.K., 2001. Chronol- sim/3292/.
ogy and Evolution of Mars. Kluwer Academic Wilhelms, D.E., 1987. The geologic history of the Moon.
Publishers, Dordrecht. 498 pp. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1348 302
Le Deit, L., Hauber, E., Fueten, F., Mangold, N., Pondrelli, pp., 12 plates.
M., Rossi, A., Jaumann, R., 2012. Model age of Gale
Crater and origin of its layered deposits. In: Third Selected further reading
International Conference on Early Mars: Geologic and
Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981. Basaltic
Hydrological Evolution, Physical and Chemical
Volcanism on the Terrestrial Planets. Houston: Lunar
Environments, and the Implications for Life (Lake
and Planetary Institute, Houston. 1286 pp.
Tahoe, Nevada, 21–25 May 2012): 7045.pdf. http://
Melosh, H.J., 2011. Planetary Surface Processes.
Cambridge University Press. 500 pp.
Nimmo, F., Tanaka, K., 2005. Early crustal evolution of
Mars. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences Websites (selected)
33: 133–161. US Geological Survey Astrogeology Research
Schenk, P.M., Chapman, C.R., ZahnIe, K., Moore, J.M., Program—, especially:
2004. Ages and interiors: the cratering record of the Astropedia:
Galilean satellites. In: Bagenal, F., Dowling, T.E., Solar System Exploration (NASA)—solarsystem.nasa.
McKinnon, W.B. (Eds.), Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites gov.
and Magnetosphere. Cambridge University Press, Welcome to the Planets (JPL, NASA)—
Cambridge, pp. 427–456. planets/.
Shoemaker, E.M., Hackman, R.J., 1962. Stratigraphic Mars Exploration Program (NASA)—marsprogram.jpl.
basis for a lunar time scale. In: Kopal, Z., Mikhailov,
Z.K. (Eds.), The Moon. Academic Press, London, Wikipedia—Lunar Geologic Timescale—en.wikipedia.
pp. 289–300. org/wiki/Lunar_geologic_time_scale; and Geologic
Spudis, P.D., Guest, J.E., 1988. Stratigraphy and geologic history or Mars:
history of Mercury. In: Vilas, F., Chapman, C.R., Geological_history_of_Mars.
Matthews, M.S. (Eds.), Mercury. The University of
Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 118–164.
Stöffler, D., Ryder, G., 2001. Stratigraphy and isotope ages
of lunar geologic units: chronological standards for
the inner solar system. Space Science Reviews 96: 9–54.

The Archean World. Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution. Painting by Peter Sawyer. [

Status of international The interval with no preserved rock record

subdivisions from the formation of the Earth at 4.567 to
ca. 4 Ga is named the “Hadean” Eon, a term
The first 4 billion years of Earth’s his- derived from Greek for “unseen place” and also
tory consist of the Hadean, Archean, and referring to the mythical Hades land of the dead
Proterozoic eons. The Precambrian sim- (Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy,
ply refers to the time interval and all rocks 2014). The Hadean is followed at ca. 4 Ga by the
that formed prior to the beginning of the Archean (from the Greek word meaning “begin-
Cambrian Period (base of Phanerozoic Eon) ning/origin”) and at ca. 2.5 Ga by the Proterozoic
at 541 Ma. (from Greek for “earlier life”) (Fig. 3.1).
A Concise Geologic Time Scale.
Copyright © 2016 James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, and Felix M. Gradstein. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 19
Current subdivision of the Precambrian Time Scale
Cenozoic Age of Mammals

Mesozoic Age of Dinosaurs

Coals, amphibians and insects

400 Paleozoic
Mainly only ocean life
600 Ediacaran Ediacaran Fauna

proterozoic proterozoic
Cryogenian Glacial deposits

Stenian Long period of stable
one-celled-life ecosystems in
1200 Meso- apparently constant environments
Ectasian Supercontinent Rodinia

1400 (~1300 to 900 Ma)


Supercontinent Columbia/Nuna
Orosirian formation, then break-up
Increased burial of organic carbon
2200 Rhyacian (”L-J” 13C positive excursion)
Oxygen begins to accumulate in
2400 Siderian atmosphere; major glaciations
Oxygen levels rise in oceans
causing banded-iron formations
archean archean archean archean

Paleo- Meso- Neo-

2800 Sedimentary basins on stable

or growing continents

Growth of nuclei of continents


3600 Earliest preserved sedimentary

rocks and chemical traces of life

Oldest preserved pieces of
continental crust

Rapid crust formation & recycling;

4200 heavy meteorite bombardment.
Hadean Earliest Life (Prokaryotes,
(informal) simple-celled) evolved?
Accretion of Earth; then giant
Moon-forming impact event

Figure 3.1 The current Precambrian time scale. The current Precambrian eons, eras, and periods, from the Interna-
tional Commission on Stratigraphy, based on Plumb and James (1986) and Plumb (1991). Note that Precambrian is not a
formal time scale unit and that all divisions of the Precambrian are chronometric (fixed dates at base). Exceptions are
the Cryogenian and the Ediacaran. The base of the Cryogenian Period was initially set at 850 Ma (Plumb, 1991), but was
revised in 2014/2015 to the ca. 720 Ma date of the onset of the first global glaciation—the criteria for placement of a
future GSSP. The base of the Ediacaran is a chronostratigraphic GSSP at the termination of the last Cryogenian glacia-
tion dated as 635 Ma (see next chapter). Only era divisions are shown for the Phanerozoic Eon. In the years since these
Precambrian divisions were standardized in 1990, our dating of major events and cycles in Precambrian geologic history
have indicated that the current Global Standard Stratigraphic Ages (GSSAs) do not adequately convey this history.
Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN  21

Although microbial life existed through- stratigraphic boundaries to the actual rock
out the Archean and Proterozoic, the lack of a record, (2) the current divisions do not ade-
diverse and well-preserved fossil record prior quately convey the major events in the fas-
to the late Ediacaran, coupled with uncer- cinating history of our planet, and (3) severe
tainties in geochemical or other stratigraphic diachroneity of global tectonic events. Hence,
means of correlations, is a challenge to estab- major research efforts are underway by the
lish a formal chronostratigraphic scale. Radio- Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigra-
isotopic dating was the main method for phy to replace the current GSSA chronometric
correlating the Precambrian geologic records; scheme to one that is more naturalistic with
therefore, the Subcommission on Precambrian GSSPs. In GTS2012, members of the Subcom-
Stratigraphy adopted the use of chronometric mission on Precambrian Stratigraphy under
GSSAs for the international subdivisions and the leadership of Martin van Kranendonk,
standardization of interregional geological suggested a possible stratigraphic scheme
maps (Plumb and James, 1986; Plumb, 1991). (revised from Bleeker, 2004) that is principally
The Archean Eon is subdivided into four eras based on sedimentological, geochemical,
(rounded to the nearest 100-myr boundaries), geotectonic, and biological events recorded in
and the Proterozoic into three eras and 10 peri- the rock record with potential “golden spikes”
ods (the first eight of which are rounded to the (Van Kranendonk et al., 2012) (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3).
nearest 50-myr boundaries). The two young- The following summary is largely based on
est periods, Cryogenian (ca. 720 Ma to 635 Ma) the extensive Precambrian synthesis by Van
with its major glaciations and the Ediacaran Kranendonk et al. (2012) and Van Kranendonk
(635–541 Ma) with metazoan life forms, are (2014).
summarized in the next chapter. The dates for
these GSSA boundaries (and the poetic names Hadean
for the Proterozoic periods) were selected to
delimit major events in tectonics, surface con- The oldest solid materials in the solar sys-
ditions, and sedimentation as known in 1990 tem, therefore the oldest rocks that would
(Table 3.1). have been incorporated in the accretion
of planet Earth, are considered calcium–
aluminum-rich aggregates in chondritic
Summary of Precambrian meteorites that are dated as 4.567 Ga; and
that date is assigned as the beginning of the
trends and events, and a Hadean Eon. After the giant Moon-forming
potential revised time scale impact at ca. 4.5 Ga, the sphere of molten sili-
cate material cooled and differentiated into
Since 1990, our knowledge and dating of the core and mantle. The oldest preserved
the development of Earth’s tectonic cycles, mineral crystals from cooling of magma on
crustal features, atmosphere and ocean com- Earth are zircons dated 4.4 Ga that were later
position, geochemical trends and excursions, recycled into weakly metamorphosed sand-
major volcanic and impact events, and stages stone in the Jack Hills of the Yilgarn Craton of
in evolution of life through the Precambrian Western Australia. One of these zircons has
has vastly increased. Some major trends are been reanalyzed by high-resolution map-
displayed in Fig. 3.2. ping of radiogenic isotopes to yield a pre-
The shortcomings of the current rounded cise 4.374 ± 0.006 Ga date (Valley et al., 2014;
dates for the chronometric subdivisions of reviewed by Bowring, 2014). This early crust
Precambrian time are: (1) a lack of ties of was largely destroyed during the Late Heavy
22  Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN

Table 3.1 Nomenclature for periods of Proterozoic Eon in the current International
Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) geologic time-scale with their
intended characteristics

Period name Base (Ma) Derivation and geological process

Ediacaran ∼635 Ediacara  =  from Australian Aboriginal term “Earliest metazoan life”
for place near water
GSSP in Australia coincides with termination of glaciations and a pronounced carbon-
isotope excursion
Cryogenian ∼720 Cryos  =  ice; Genesis  =  birth “Global glaciation”
Glacial deposits, which typify the late Proterozoic, are most abundant during this
interval. Base, formerly at 850  Ma, was re-defined in 2014/2015 as onset of the first
global glaciation.
Tonian 1000 Tonas  =  stretch
Further major platform cover expansion (e.g., Upper Riphean, Russia.; Qingbaikou,
China; basins of northwest Africa), following final cratonization of polymetamorphic
mobile belts.
Stenian 1200 Stenos  =  narrow “Narrow belts of intense
metamorphism & deformation”
Narrow polymetamorphic belts, characteristic of the mid-Proterozoic, separated the
abundant platforms and were orogenically active at about this time (e.g., Grenville,
Central Australia).
Ectasian 1400 Ectasis  =  extension “Continued expansion of platform
Platforms continue to be prominent components of most shields.
Calymmian 1600 Calymma  =  cover “Platform covers”
Characterized by expansion of existing platform covers, or by new platforms on
recently cratonized basement (e.g., Riphean of Russia).
Statherian 1800 Statheros  =  stable, firm “Stabilization of cratons;
This period is characterized on most continents by either new platforms (e.g., North
China, north Australia) or final cratonization of fold belts (e.g., Baltic Shield, north
Orosirian 2050 Orosira  =  mountain range “Global orogenic period”
The interval between about 1900 and 1850  Ma was an episode of orogeny on virtually
all continents.
Rhyacian 2300 Rhyax  =  stream of lava “Injection of layered complexes”
The Bushveld Complex (and similar layered intrusions) is an outstanding event of this time.
Siderian 2500 Sideros  =  iron “Banded iron formations”(BIFs)
The earliest Proterozoic is widely recognized for an abundance of BIFs, which peaked
just after the Archean–Proterozoic boundary.
Modified from Plumb (1991).
Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN  23

Bombardment resurfacing of the inner solar of continental crust beginning at ca. 2.78 until
system planets and Moon (ca. 4.1 to 3.85 Ga). 2.63 Ga (e.g., O’Neill et al., 2015) (Fig. 3.2).
The accretion of planet Earth, partial dif- The expansion of photosynthetic life in
ferentiation of its core–mantle, and the for- these basins removed carbon dioxide in the
mation of the Moon from the ejected residual form of stromatolite carbonates. However, car-
from a massive impact with Earth all occurred bon preserved in kerogen in these stromato-
during the “Chaotian” interval between these lites during the interval from ca. 2.7 to 2.5 Ga
two dates (Van Kranendonk et al., 2012). has highly negative δ13Corg values (down to
−61 per mille), indicative of a dominance
of 12C-enriched products from methane-
Archean producing organisms or other methanogen-
The oldest surviving rocks that have been esis process. The photosynthesis activity and
dated, the Acasta Gneiss Complex of the Slave carbon burial also increased the influx and
Craton in Canada, at 4.03 Ga (Bowring and concentration of oxygen waste products in the
Williams, 1999), form the base of the Archean. atmosphere and oceans. The oxygen dissolv-
The oldest sedimentary rocks with preserved ing into the marine waters caused precipita-
primary features are in the Isua supracrustal tion of iron oxides, which resulted in a unique
belt of the North Atlantic Craton, western episode of extensive banded iron formations
Greenland with an age of 3.81 Ga. (BIF) beginning at ca. 2.6 Ga. The onsets of
The oldest well-preserved structures these relatively rapid and easily correlated
formed by life are stromatolites from ancient global changes are options for redefining and
microbial mats in the Dresser Formation of subdividing the Neoarchean Era into an earlier
the Warrawoona Group from the humorously “Methanian Period” before the methane-pro-
named “North Pole” dome region of the Pil- ducing microbes were inhibited by the rising
bara Craton of Western Australia, dated at ca. oxygen levels, followed by a “Siderian Period”
3.481 ± 0.002 Ga (e.g., Van Kranendonk et al., for the main episode of BIF deposition as char-
2008). The oldest known intertidal shoreline acterized by those in the Hamersley Basin of
deposit, the Strelley Pool Formation of Western Western Australia (Van Kranendonk et al.,
Australia, dated at ca. 3.43 Ga, contains stro- 2012) (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3).
matolites and candidates for organic micro-
fossils preserved in episodic silica cementation
(Brasier et al., 2015). The origins of life itself are Proterozoic
not known and remain a major challenge facing The rising oxygen levels, increased weath-
science. ering rates, and burial of carbon led to major
Van Kranendonk et al. (2012) suggest changes in the Earth system beginning at
using this suite of the oldest rock, the oldest ca. 2.42 Ga—just after the traditional place-
well-preserved sediment, and the oldest bio- ment for the Archean/Proterozoic boundary
structure as chronostratigraphic boundaries at 2.5 Ga. Extensive removal of atmospheric
to delimit the Acastan and the Isuan periods carbon dioxide contributed to the near-global
within a Paleoarchean Era. “Huronian” glaciations during ca. 2.4–2.25 Ga
Basins formed within the growing cratons (e.g., review by Tang and Chen, 2013). When
during the Mesoarchean Era, and this Era this “Snowball Earth” episode ended, it was a
could be subdivided with a GSSP at the base different world. In the oxygenated oceans, the
of ca. 3 Ga quartz-rich sandstone in a platform complex-celled eukaryotic life forms with
setting. Dating of crustal rocks indicate that aerobic metabolism appeared and thrived,
there was another widespread growth period later evolving into Phanerozoic animals.
24  Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN

Precambrian Time Scale

Current Time scale Iron & 13C
carb Alternate Time
AGE Crust Potential scale
Oxygen (per-mille PDB)

(Ma) Period Formation -10 -5 0 5 10 GSSP Markers Period
600 Ediacaran Ediacaran Neopro-
proterozoic proterozoic

FA of Ediacaran Fauna 635

Cryogenian glaciation ICIE
Beginning of near-
global Glaciation
720 Cryogenian terozoic

800 Bitter
Tonian Rodinia Springs


Statherian Columbia

FA of sulphidic
assembly marine deposits 1780

Orosirian ‘Columbian’

End of LJE /
2000 Start of Corg-rich 2060
Rise deposition
in O2 Lomagundi- ‘Jatulian’/
2200 Rhyacian Jatuli isotopic
FA of positive δ13C
2250 ‘Eukaryian’
anomalies and
Event flood basalts
glaciations ‘Oxygenian’
FA of glacial deposits 2420
2400 Siderian
late Archean

super-event Hamersley- Siderian

archean archean archean archean

2600 type FA of Hamersley BIF 2630


FA of continental flood
iron formation
basalts and negative 2780 ‘Methanian’
2800 δ13Ckerogen values


FA of terrestrial basins 3020



3400 FA of macroscopic 3490

fossils (stromatolites)



3800 Earth's oldest 3810

supracrustal rocks
4000 Earth’s oldest rocks 4030
Hadean (informal) (Acasta Gneiss) Hadean (informal)

Figure 3.2 Major trends in Precambrian geologic history. (Modified from synthesis diagrams in Van Kranendonk
et al. (2012; figs 16.15 and 16.32 in that paper), Van Kranendonk (2014), and O’Neill et al. (2015)). Relative rates of
crustal accumulation and possible relationship to supercontinent accretion and breakup are based on the compilation
by McCulloch and Bennett (1994; see discussions in O’Neill et al., 2015). Carbon-isotope curves are smoothed versions
from the syntheses for the Archean through middle Proterozoic by Halverson et al. (2005), and for the late Proterozoic
by Cohen and Macdonald (2015) calibrated by them to the Cryogenian–Ediacaran time scale of Rooney et al. (2015).
“ICIE” is the Islay carbon-isotope excursion, and “FA” indicates a first-appearance level or the onset of an episode.
The age model is from Van Kranendonk et al. (2012).
Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN  25

Proposed new subdivision of the Precambrian Time Scale

Cenozoic Age of Mammals

Mesozoic Age of Dinosaurs

Coals, amphibians and insects

400 Paleozoic
Mainly only ocean life
541 First appearance of Ediacaran Fauna
600 Neopro- Ediacaran Ediacaran 635 End of Global Glaciation
terozoic Cryogenian Major ice ages
720 Beginning of near-global Glaciation
800 First appearance of δ13C anomalies


‘Rodinian’ Environment stability;

reducing deep oceans



First appearance of sulphidic

1800 1780
marine deposits
‘Columbian’ Supercontinent formation
archean proterozoic


2060 End of LJE / Start of Corg-rich deposition

‘Jatulian’/ Lomagundi-Jatuli isotopic
2200 ‘Eukaryian’ excursion 2250 First appearance of positive δ13C anomalies
Glaciations; rise in +/or breakout magmatism
‘Oxygenian’ atmospheric O
2400 2420 First appearance of glacial deposits
Siderian Deposition of banded iron formation;
waning continental growth

2600 2630 First appearance of Hamersley BIF

‘Methanian’ Major crustal growth & recycling First appearance of continental flood
2800 basalts and/or negative δ13Ckerogen values
‘Pongolan’ Basin deposition on
stable continents

3000 3020 First appearance of terrestrial basins


3200 Growth of stable continental nuclei;

‘Vaalbaran’ oldest macroscopic
evidence for life
First appearance of macroscopic
fossils (stromatolites)
3600 First preserved sedimentary rocks,


with chemical traces of life

3800 3810 Earth's oldest supracrustal rocks
Oldest preserved pieces of
‘Acastan’ continental crust
4000 4030 Earth’s oldest rocks (Acasta Gneiss)
Hillsian’ or

Rapid crust formation & recycling;


4200 continued heavy meteorite


‘Chaotian’ Earth’s oldest crustal material

4400 4404
Accretion of giant Moon-forming (detrital zircons)
impact event 4567 Formation of the solar system

Figure 3.3 An option for a subdivision of the Precambrian time scale using geologic events. The definitions, age
estimates, and nomenclature for these subdivisions are by Van Kranendonk et al. (2012).
26  Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN

Extensive flood basalts erupted onto several which has been termed the “boring billion”
continental plates. The isotopic composition (e.g., Young, 2013; Cawood and Hawkesworth,
of the global carbon cycle, which had been 2014). For the majority of this quiet time, evi-
remarkably stable through the late Archean, dence is relatively lacking for the evolution of
suddenly underwent the largest positive new life forms, major climatic changes, stron-
excursions in δ13Ccarb in the entire geologic tium- or carbon-isotope excursions, new pas-
record. This Lomagundi–Jatuli Excursion sive margins, and the formation of important
(LJE) was named after its initial recognition in ore deposits. Therefore, this interval is diffi-
the Lomagundi province in Zimbabwe and cult to subdivide (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3).
the Jatuli complex in Russian Karelia. There were major events on the regional
The LJE event ended suddenly at ca. 2.06 Ma, scale. At 1.85 Ga, the enormous Sudbury
nearly synchronous with (1) the eruption of bolide impact left a 200–250-km crater in
one of the world’s largest igneous provinces, southern Canada. The North American plate
the Bushveld Complex in southern Africa (e.g., was also affected by the giant Mackenzie vol-
Cawthorn et al., 2006); (2) the largest impact canic dike swarm in north Canada at 1.27 Ga,
structure preserved on Earth, the Vredefort by the major Keweenawan flood basalts in the
impact in southern Africa at ca. 2.02 Ga, with Midcontinent Rift System at 1.12 to 1.09 Ga,
ca. 250-km diameter crater, which is larger and the Franklin giant dike swarm in north
than the 180 km Chicxulub impact crater that Canada and northwest Greenland at 0.72 Ga
terminated the Cretaceous (e.g., Reimold and (Ernst et al., 2008). Other continental blocks
Koeberl, 2014); (3) the formation of the earli- experienced similar large igneous provinces
est major phosphorite deposits; and (4) the (LIPs); but, unlike the common coincidence of
beginning of a previously unprecedented LIPs and environmental disruptions through
accumulation of organic-rich “oil shale” the Phanerozoic, there has not yet been a
sedimentation in various parts of the world, direct correlation of any of these LIPs with
named the Shunga Event after the Shunga vil- other geochemical excursions that can be
lage in northwest Russia where a single deposit used for global correlation. However, toward
alone buried 250 billion tons of organic carbon the end of this interval there are two signifi-
(e.g., Melezhik et al., 1999). Reviews by Van cant negative excursions in δ13Ccarb (Fig. 3.2)—
Kranendonk et al. (2012), Young (2013), and the Bitter Springs event at ca. 810 Ma and the
Van Kranendonk (2014) postulate causal rela- Islay anomaly at 735–740 Ma (e.g., Halverson
tionships among all of these trends and events, and Shields-Zhou, 2011; Strauss et al., 2014).
including possible influences upon the early The onset of the Cryogenian “Snowball
evolution of eukaryote life. The global record Earth” glaciations at ca. 720 Ma was pre-
of these remarkable geologic features may be ceded by regional glaciations indicated by
used to correlate and subdivide the early part the Gucheng and Bayisi diamictites near
of the Paleoproterozoic (Figs. 3.2 and 3.3). base of Nanhuan System of China at ca. 760
Between about 1.8 and 1.4 Ga, the majority or 740 Ga (e.g., Stratigraphic Chart of China
of the continental plates were merged into the (2015)) and perhaps by the Kaigas Formation
Nuna/Columbia supercontinent of uncertain of Africa at ca. 740 Ma (reviewed in Shields-
configuration, and again were united between Zhou et al. (2012)), although dating of this
about 1.0 and 0.7 Ga into the Rodinia super- Kaigas event is uncertain (e.g., Rooney et al.,
continent (e.g., Li et al., 2008; Meert, 2012, 2015). The Cryogenian and the postglacial
2014; Evans, 2013). This Nuna–Rodinia inter- Ediacaran periods of the Neoproterozoic are
val is a unique “quiet” time in Earth’s history, summarized in the next chapter.
Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN  27

Acknowledgments Evans, D.A.D., 2013. Reconstructing pre-Pangean supercon-

tinents. Geological Society of America Bulletin 125:
This brief Precambrian summary of selected highlights 1735–1751.
and current stratigraphic issues relied heavily on the Halverson, G.P., Hoffman, P.F., Schrag, D.P., Maloof, A.C.,
detailed overview and synthesis by Van Kranendonk et al. 2005. Towards a Neoproterozoic composite carbon-
(2012), and on discussions with Martin Van Kranendonk isotope record. Geological Society of America Bulletin
and Jim Gehling. Martin Van Kranendonk reviewed an 117: 1181–1207.
early version of the graphics, database, and text. Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G., 2011. Chemostratig-
raphy and the Neoproterozoic glaciations. In:
Arnaud, E., Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G.
(Eds.), The Geological Record of Neoproterozoic
Selected publications Glaciations, 36. Geological Society, London,
Memoirs, pp. 51–66.
and websites M36.4 (Chapter 4).
Li, Z.X., Bogdanova, S.V., Collins, A.S., Davidson, A.,
Cited publications DeWaele, B., Ernst, R.E., Fitzsimons, C.W., Fuck, R.A.,
Only select publications were cited in this review Gladkochub, D.P., Jacons, J., Karlstrom, K.E., Lu, S.,
with an emphasis on aspects of post-2011 updates. Natapov, L.M., Pease, V., Pisarevsky, S.A., Thrane, K.,
Pre-2011 literature is well summarized in the Vernikovsky, V., 2008. Assembly, configuration and
synthesis by Van Kranendonk et al. (2012) and break-up history of Rodinia: a synthesis. Precam-
some of the cited publications below. brian Research 160: 179–210.
Bleeker, W., 2004. Towards a “natural” Precambrian time McCulloch, M.T., Bennett, V.C., 1994. Progressive growth
scale. In: Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Smith, A.G. of the Earth’s continental crust and depleted
(Eds.), A Geologic Time Scale 2004. Cambridge Mantle – geochemical constraints. Geochimica et
University Press, Cambridge, pp. 141–146. Cosmochimica Acta 58: 4717–4738.
Bowring, S.A., Williams, I.S., 1999. Prisocan Melezhik, V.A., Fallick, A.E., Filippov, M.M., Larsen, O.,
(4.00–4.03 Ga) orthogneisses from northwestern 1999. Karelian shungite – an indication of 2.0 Ga-old
Canada. Contributions Mineralogy and Petrology metamorphosed oil-shale and generation of
134: 3–16. petroleum: Geology, lithology and geochemistry.
Bowring, S.A., 2014. Closing the gap. Nature Geoscience Earth-Science Reviews 47: 1–40.
7: 169–170. Meert, J.G., 2012. What’s in a name? The Columbia
Brasier, M.D., Anticliffe, J., Saunders, M., Wacey, D., 2015. (Paleopangaea/Nuna) supercontinent. Gondwana
Changing the picture of Earth’s earliest fossils Research 21: 987–993.
(3.5–1.9 Ga) with new approaches and new discover- Meert, J.G., 2014. Strange attractors, spiritual interlop-
ies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ers and lonely wanderers: the search for pre-­
of the United States of America (PNAS) Pangean supercontinents. Geoscience Frontiers 5:
112: 4859–4864. 155–166.
pnas.1405338111. O’Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Condie, K.C., 2015. Earth’s
Cawood, P.A., Hawkesworth, C.J., 2014. Earth’s middle punctuated tectonic evolution: cause and effect. In:
age. Geology 42: 503–506. Roberts, N.M.W., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Parman, S.,
Cawthorn, R.G., Eales, H.V., Walraven, F., Uken, R., Shirey, S., Clift, P.D. (Eds.), Continent Formation
Watkeys, M.K., 2006. The Bushveld Complex. In: Through Time 389. Geological Society, London,
Johnson, M.R., Anhaeusser, C.R., Thomas, R.J. (Eds.), Special Publications, pp. 17–40. http://dx.doi.
The Geology of South Africa. Geological Society of org/10.1144/SP389.4.
South Africa/Council for Geoscience, Johannesburg/ Plumb, K.A., James, H.L., 1986. Subdivision of Precam-
Pretoria, pp. 261–281. brian time: Recommendations and suggestions by
Cohen, P.A., Macdonald, F.A., 2015. The Proterozoic the Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy.
record of eukaryotes. Paleobiology 41: 610–632. Precambrian Research 32: 65–92. Plumb, K.A., 1991. New Precambrian time scale. Episodes
Ernst, R.E., Wingate, M.T.D., Buchan, K.T., Li, Z.X., 2008. 14: 139–140.
Global record of 1600–700 Ma Large Igneous Provinces Reimold, W.U., Koeberl, C., 2014. Impact structures in
(LIPs): implications for the reconstruction of the Africa: a review. Journal of African Earth Sciences
proposed Nuna (Columbia) and Rodinia superconti- 93: 57–175.
nents. Precambrian Research 160: 159–178. jafrearsci.2014.01.008.
28  Chapter 3 PRECAMBRIAN

Rooney, A.D., Strauss, J.V., Brandon, A.D., Macdonald, Van Kranendonk, M.J., Altermann, W., Beard, B.L.,
F.A., 2015. A Cryogenian chronology: two long- Hoffman, P.F., Johnson, C.J., Kasting, J.F., Melezhik,
lasting synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciations. V.A., Nutman, A.P., Papineau, D., Pirajno, F., 2012. A
Geology 43: 459–462. chronostratigraphic division of the Precambrian:
G36511.1. possibilities and challenges. In: Gradstein, F.M.,
Shields-Zhou, G.A., Hill, A.C., Macgabhann, B.A., 2012. Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M., Ogg, G., (Coordinators). The
The Cryogenian Period. In: Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Geologic Time Scale 2012. Elsevier Publ., pp.
Schmitz, M., Ogg, G., (Coordinators). The Geologic 299–392.
Time Scale 2012. Elsevier Publ., pp. 393–411. http:// 59425-9.00023-8 (An overview on all aspects, including summaries of tectonic cycles, atmo-
Stratigraphic Chart of China (explanatory notes), in sphere-ocean history, climatic episodes and
press 2015. Cryoginian of China (Nanhuan evolution of life; plus age models and a set of
System). (preprint provided to J.Ogg by Yin Hongfu, suggested chronostratigraphic divisions.).
May 2015). Van Kranendonk, M.J., 2014. Earth’s early atmosphere
Strauss, J.V., Rooney, A.D., Macdonald, F.A., Brandon, and surface environments: a review. In: Shaw, G.H.
A.D., Knoll, A.H., 2014. 740 Ma vase-shaped micro- (Ed.), Earth’s Early Atmos. Surf. Environ., 504.
fossils from Yukon, Canada: implications for Geological Society of America Special Paper, pp.
Neoproterozoic chronology and biostratigraphy. 105–130.
Geology 42: 659–662. Young, G.M., 2013. Precambrian supercontinents,
Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy, 2014. glaciations, atmospheric oxygenation, metazoan
Annual report 2014. In: International Commission on evolution and an impact that may have changed the
Stratigraphy (ICS) Annual Report 2014. Submitted to second half of Earth history. Geoscience Frontiers 4:
International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) at: 247–261.
Tang, H., Chen, Y., 2013. Global glaciations and atmo- Websites (selected)
spheric change at ca. 2.3 Ga. Geoscience Frontiers
4: 583–596. Subcommission on Precambrian Stratigraphy
Valley, J.W., Cavosie, A.J., Ushikubo, T., Reinhard, D.A., (ICS)——partial
Lawrence, D.F., Larson, D.J., Clifton, P.H., Kelly, T.F., Website that currently briefly summarizes the official
Wilde, S.A., Moser, D.E., Spicuzza, M.J., 2014. divisions of the Precambrian.
Hadean age for a post-magma-ocean zircon Precambrian Research—http://www.journals.elsevier.
confirmed by atom-probe tomography. Nature com/precambrian-research/—Elsevier journal with
Geoscience 7: 219–223. articles on all aspects of the early stages of Earth’s
Van Kranendonk, M.J., Philippot, P., Lepot, K., history and nearby planets.
Bodorkos, S., Pirajno, F., 2008. Geological setting of Palaeos: Precambrian—
Earth’s oldest fossils in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser precambrian.htm—A well-presented suite of diverse
Formation, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. topics for a general science audience that was
Precambrian Research 167: 93–124. originally compiled by M. Alan Kazlev in 1998–2002.
650 Ma Cryogenian
Late Proterozoic 650 Ma

South China

Arabia North China



Africa Alaska

West Africa
Ancient Landmass Florida Amazonia Scandinavia
Modern Landmass
Grenville Province

End-Cryogenian paleogeographic reconstruction (ca. 640 Ma). The paleogeographic map of breakup
of Rodinia supercontinent was provided by Chris Scotese, although geographic distribution of the continents is

Basal definitions and status of is at the base of this cap carbonate in South
Australia (Fig. 4.1). Metazoans first appear on
international subdivisions Earth during the latter half of the Ediacaran in
association with microbial mats.
The Cryogenian Period consists of two
near-global glacial episodes between ca.
720 Ma and 635 Ma. The Ediacaran Period/
System begins with the return of warmer Cryogenian
marine conditions that created a distinctive The Cryogenian Period was named and
“cap carbonate”; and the Ediacaran Global defined in 1990 to encompass the major
boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) near-global glacial intervals within the
A Concise Geologic Time Scale.
Copyright © 2016 James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, and Felix M. Gradstein. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 29

chronometric span of 850 to 650 Ma (Plumb, at ca. 660 Ma as bracketed by rhenium–

1991). Two of these glacial episodes depos- osmium (Re-Os) dates of 662.4  ±  4.6 Ma and
ited extensive diamictite and glaciomarine 659.0 ± 4.5 Ma (Rooney et al., 2015) and a ura-
sediments throughout the globe, including nium–lead (U-Pb) date of 663 ± 4 Ma from
onto the marine shelves in tropical latitudes, an ash bed above the Sturtian-age diamic-
thereby giving rise to the “Snowball Earth” tite in South China (Zhou et al., 2004). The
model (e.g., Kirschvink, 1992; Hoffman et al., interglacial interval spanned approximately
1998; Arnaud et al., 2011; Smith, 2009). These 20–25 myr; and the initial marine flooding on
two glacial episodes and the intervening most of the shelves deposited a distinctive cap
warm interglacial interval divide the Cryoge- carbonate.
nian into three globally synchronous units. The second near-global glaciation,
The earlier Sturtian glaciation, named named Marinoan after glacial deposits in
from the Sturt Formation of the Adelaide Rift the Adelaide suburb of Marino in South
Complex of South Australia, has been corre- Australia, began by 637 Ma; based on a
lated to diamictite deposits on other conti- U-Pb Isotope Dilution–Thermal Ioniza-
nents, which yielded maximum ages of slightly tion Mass Spectrometry (ID-TIMS) date
less than ca. 720 Ma (e.g., 717.4  ±  0.1 Ma from of 636.4   ±  
0.5 Ma above the basal Cot-
underlying volcanics; Macdonald et al., 2010) tons Breccia in Tasmania, Australia (Calver
(reviewed in Shields-Zhou et al., 2012; Rooney et al., 2013). The Marinoan glacial episode
et al., 2015). The Subcommission on Cryoge- spanned only 2 myr without any significant
nian Stratigraphy (2014) redefined the Cryo- interglacial fluctuations, until it ended sud-
genian Period to begin at the onset of that first denly at 635 Ma.
near-global Sturtian glaciation and assigned
a rounded “ca. 720 Ma” chronometric defi-
nition until a chronostratigraphic GSSP is Ediacaran
selected. The Ediacaran begins at the sharp contact
This redefinition of the Cryogenian has of the cap carbonate on the Marinoan glacio-
placed some precursor cooling episodes into marine deposits. At the GSSP in the central
the Tonian Period (reviewed in Shields-Zhou Flinders Ranges of South Australia is the con-
et al., 2012). These include the cold event at tact of the 6-m thick Nuccaleena Dolomite onto
base of the Changan Formation (assigned as the glaciomarine Elatina Formation (Fig. 4.1).
ca. 780 Ma) that defines the base of the Nan- Carbon isotopes become progressively nega-
huan System of China (Wang et al., 2014), the tive through the Nuccaleena Dolomite, which
diamictite of the Bayisi Formation of China is a trend seen in all basal Ediacaran cap car-
(either 755 or 768 Ma), and the diamictite of bonates (reviewed in Narbonne et al., 2012).
the Kalgas Formation of Namibia (ca. 740 The Ediacaran will be potentially subdi-
Ma; although dating and correlation of this vided into two or three series (Subcommission
Kalgas event has been questioned by Rooney on Ediacaran Stratigraphy, 2014). One can-
et al. (2015)). didate level for a series boundary might be
The Sturtian glacial episode lasted 60 myr the onset or termination of a relative brief
(e.g., Rooney et al., 2015). Whether the Sturtian (ca. 2 myr) regional episode named Gaskiers
episode was a single long-lasting Snowball Glaciation which is accompanied by a small
Earth condition or consisted of fluctuating negative carbon-isotope anomaly (Narbonne
glacial conditions is uncertain; but there do et al., 2012). The 250-m thick glacial Gaskiers
not appear to have been any significant inter- Formation on the Avalon Peninsula of south-
glacial intervals. The Sturtian suddenly ended east Newfoundland, Canada, is constrained
Base of the Ediacaran System at Enorama Creek,
Flinders Ranges, South Australia


(A) 0cm

Enorama Creek, Brachina Gorge

Bra- 150 GSSP

china m Top of cap carbonate

Nucca- 6
leena GSSP 4
-3 -2 -1 1 Elatina
Elatina Fm.

100 N
Australia Blinman

Port Augusta
Yaltipena Fm.

sandstone with
silty laminae
cap dolomite

Trezona Fm.

siltstone Adelaide
limestone -
0 100km
(C) (D)

Figure 4.1 GSSP for base of the Ediacaran at Enorama Creek section, central Flinders Ranges, Adelaide Rift Com-
plex, South Australia. The GSSP level is defined as the sharp base of the cap carbonate (Nuccaleena Formation)
on the Marinoan glacial and glaciomarine diamictite deposits (Elatina Formation). The Nuccaleena dolomite has cm-
scale event beds and enigmatic teepee-like structures that are up to 1 m in amplitude. Carbon-isotope values in the
basal cap carbonate are anomalously low and decrease upward. This facies succession with the onset of a negative
excursion in δ13Ccarb in the cap carbonate is typical of the rapid decay of the global Marinoan ice sheets throughout
the world. Stratigraphic diagrams modified from Knoll et al. (2006). Photos by Gabi Ogg.

by U-Pb dating to span 584 to 582 Ma, and 810 Ma (Macdonald et al., 2010), the carbon-
similar-aged “Gaskiers” glacial deposits are isotope trend through the Mesoproterozoic
reported from Massachusetts, Norway, and through middle Tonian had been very stable
the Tarim Basin in China (e.g., Condon and (see Precambrian chapter Fig. 3.2). At 735–
Bowring, 2011). 740 Ma, approximately 15 myr before the Stur-
Another candidate for subdividing the tian glaciation at the base of the Cryogenian,
Ediacaran is the onset or nadir of the Shuram the Islay excursion is a sharp, high-amplitude
carbon-isotope excursion, the “largest nega- (ca. 10 per-mille excursion) negative anomaly at
tive carbon isotope excursion on Earth” (e.g., 735–740 Ma (e.g., Strauss et al., 2014).
Guerroué, 2010). The Shuram (or Shuram/ Each of the main glacial events (Sturtian,
Wonoka) excursion was named after its recog- Marinoan, Gaskiers) is preceded by a sharp
nition in the Shuram Formation of Oman, and is negative excursion in carbon isotopes that
sometimes called the Shuram/Wonoka excur- peaks just before the onset of the glacial epi-
sion in reference to its discovery in the Wonoka sode; and the thin cap carbonate that follows
Formation of South Australia. The exact timing the sudden termination of the glacial interval
of the full episode is uncertain; but it appears is also in a negative excursion (e.g., Halverson
that the Shuram excursion began at ca. 560 Ma, and Shields-Zhou, 2011; Shields-Zhou et al.,
rapidly reached a minimum in about 0.8 myr 2012). This direct association with glacia-
according to cycle stratigraphy (Minguez et al., tions led to speculation that aspects of these
2015; Kodama, 2015), then slowly returned carbon-isotope excursions may be caused by
to preexcursion carbon-isotope levels by ca. near-extinctions of marine life, buildup in vol-
550 Ma (Condon and Bowring, 2011) (e.g., Fig. canogenic carbon-dioxide levels in the atmo-
4.2 has the approximate signature and age sphere during Snowball Earth conditions until
placement according to Cohen and Macdonald a greenhouse threshold was reached, or other
(2015)). Macroscopic metazoan animals first processes (e.g., Hoffman et al., 1998). How-
appear during this Shuram excursion. ever, between the glacial episodes there were
Potential biostratigraphic subdivisions also pronounced negative excursions, such as
of the Ediacaran using biozones of distinc- the reported Taishir excursion during the mid-
tive acritarchs are being evaluated for inter- Cryogenian, and the major Shuram excursion
regional correlation (reviewed in Narbonne after the Gaskiers glaciation (Fig. 4.2).
et al., 2012). Strontium and sulfur isotopes also have
distinctive trends through the Cryogenian and
Ediacaran (e.g., reviews in Halverson et al.,
Selected main stratigraphic 2011; Shields-Zhou et al., 2012; Narbonne
scales and events et al., 2012).
Magnetostratigraphy has been underuti-
(1) Stable-isotope stratigraphy, lized in the Cryogenian–Ediacaran, although
the few studies indicate potential for high-
magnetostratigraphy, and selected resolution correlation. For example, the nadir
events of the Shuram carbon-isotope anomaly is near
There are several major negative excur- the base of a normal-polarity zone that can be
sions in carbon isotopes (δ13Ccarb) during the used for interregional correlation (Minguez
late Tonian, Cryogenian, and Ediacaran that et al., 2015; Kodama, 2015), and the late Edia-
are important for global correlations (e.g., caran may be predominantly reversed polarity
Halverson et al., 2005). Prior to the relatively with frequent normal-polarity zones (Bazhenov
low-amplitude Bitter Springs excursion at ca. et al., 2016).
Cryogenian-Ediacaran Time Scale

AGE (per-mille PDB) Microfossils Ediacara-type Fossils

(Ma) -10 -5 0 5 10
Pal. Cam.

Tianzhushania-dominated ass.


Complex Shells & Burrows


Cloudina Assemblage
terminal Ediacaran leiosphere assemblage



Simple Burrows





Gaskiers Gl.

Late acanthomorph assemblage


Carbonaceous Algae



630 Fractofusus

Marinoan Gl.
640 Tr

650 Tai





710 “Snowball Earth”

Vase-shaped microfossil




Figure 4.2 Selected major trends in Cryogenian and Ediacaran geologic history. The carbon-isotope curve is a
smoothed version modified from the synthesis for the late Proterozoic by Cohen and Macdonald (2015) calibrated by
them to the Cryogenian time scale of Rooney et al. (2015)— SE, Tr, Tai, and ICIE are the Shuram, Trezona, Taishir, and
Islay carbon-isotope excursions, respectively. Ranges and images of organic-walled microfossils, Ediacaran metazoans,
and bioturbation styles are from Narbonne et al. (2012). Additional geochemical trends, biostratigraphic ranges,
regional stages, and details on calibrations are compiled in Shields-Zhou et al. (2012) and Narbonne et al. (2012).

The supercontinent of Rodinia was under- Vase-shaped microfossils (Fig. 4.3A), which
going progressive rifting immediately prior have been interpreted as the preserved tests
to and through the Cryogenian. The Franklin of Amoebozoa or Rhizaria (e.g., Porter et al.,
giant dike swarm in north Canada and north- 2003) and have potential for biostratigraphic
west Greenland at ca. 720 Ma (Ernst et al., correlation of different facies, appear in abun-
2008) coincides approximately with the onset dance only after the Bitter Springs excursion,
of the Sturtian glaciation at the base of the and disappear from the marine record at the
Cryogenian. beginning of the Cryogenian (Strauss et al.,
The rapid transgressions from the melt- 2014; Cohen and Macdonald, 2015).
ing Cryogenian and Gaskiers glaciations were After the Cryogenian glaciations, the diver-
accompanied by deposition of organic-rich sity of eukaryotes rapidly expanded. Rela-
units on the continental shelves. These are the tively large spiny acanthomorphic acritarchs
earliest major source rocks for commercially thrived during the early Ediacaran, and a suc-
produced petroleum and natural gas, includ- cession of their biozones has been indepen-
ing fields in Oman and Australia (e.g., reviews dently established in Australia and in South
in Craig et al., 2009; Ghori et al., 2009). China (e.g., Narbonne et al., 2012; Xiao et al.,
2014a). One class of large acanthomorphic
acritarch called Tianzhushania that is pres-
(2) Biostratigraphy and major trends ent as phosphatized or silicified microfos-
The late Proterozoic includes the evolution sils in the Doushantuo Formation of South
and radiation of eukaryotes and metazoans. China, has a controversial interpretation of
Prior to the advent of the diverse communi- the preserved embryos of early animals (e.g.,
ties of metazoans in the late Ediacaran, the Xiao and Knoll (2000) and Yin et al. (2013) ver-
fossil record consists mainly of a succession of sus nonembryo interpretation of Huldtgren
microscopic organic-walled spherical or vase- et al. (2011); see review in Xiao et al. (2014b)).
shaped forms. These are grouped under a gen- Smooth leiosphaerid acritarch forms are
eral name of “acritarchs,” but probably consist more characteristic of the upper Ediacaran,
of representatives of several phyla, including and vanish at the base of the Cambrian.
algae and possible metazoan egg cases. How- The most famous Ediacaran fossils are the
ever, molecular-clock analyses of the DNA of appearance of diverse metazoan animals after
modern phyla indicate that all major stem the Gaskiers glacial episode. Impressions of
groups (red and green algae, amoeba proto- the soft-bodied to stiffened (but not biomin-
zoa, ciliates, foraminifera, and metazoans) eralized) organisms are preserved on bedding
originated between about ca. 800 to 700 Ma surfaces, especially when a clastic turbidite or
(reviewed in Cohen and Macdonald, 2015). storm bed suddenly entombed an ecosystem.
These molecular-clock studies imply that Some types are bilateral forms that may have
there was a major explosion in eukaryote evo- been related to the later Cambrian animals,
lution preceding and during the Sturtian gla- but most cannot be placed confidently into
ciation, although verifying these predictions any post-Ediacaran group.
in the preserved fossil record is a challenge. The earliest “Avalon Assemblage” is pre-
A distinctive acritarch, Cerebrosphaera served in relatively deep water facies in New-
buickii (Fig. 4.3B), appears globally at the foundland and Britain and dominated by
approximate time of the Bitter Springs carbon- frond-like rangeomorphs, such as Charnia
isotope anomaly at 800 Ma, and became extinct (Fig. 4.4). These have fractal-architecture
before the beginning of the Sturtian glaciation branches from a central stalk, which was
(Grey et al., 2011; Shields-Zhou et al., 2012). attached to the seafloor in some types, and

(A) (B)

30µm 100µm

Figure 4.3 Examples of advanced microfossils that became extinct at the beginning of the first Cryogenian global
glaciation. (A) A typical vase-shaped microfossil, Bonniea dacruchares, from the Chuar Group, western United
States (Photo courtesy of S. Porter; for details, see Porter et al. (2003)). These and other vase-shaped microfossils
are interpreted as tests of Amoebozoa or Rhizaria. (B) The distinctive acritarch, C. buickii, from the Hussar Formation,
Officer Basin, Australia (Photo courtesy of K. Grey; see Grey et al., 2011). These and images of other typical microfos-
sils are in Shields-Zhou et al. (2012).

(A) (B) (C)

3 cm

10 cm

2 cm

Figure 4.4 Examples of Ediacaran metazoans. (A) Dickinsonia, a flat-segmented animal that moved over the seafloor;
(B) Charniodiscus arboreus, a frond attached to the seafloor by a disk; and (C) the segmented Spriggina, which is
the first animal with a head; this animal has similarities with early arthropods. Photos by Gabi Ogg taken in the South
Australia Museum in Adelaide and in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia (2012).

some reached lengths of over 1 m (e.g., than relative meter-level positions within
Narbonne et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2015). stratigraphic sections, there have been only
The younger and more diverse shallow- rare applications of cycle stratigraphy to more
water ecosystems of the White Sea Assemblage accurately scale the duration and placement
and Nama Assemblage include rangeomorphs, of events and excursions. Indeed, the uncer-
and the appearances of bilaterians, crawling or tainties on the placement of events in the
gliding animals, shallow-burrowing animals, schematic summary of Fig. 4.2 are probably
and evidence of sexual reproduction (e.g., Dro- greater than 5 myr in many cases.
ser and Gehling, 2015). Excavation of bedding
planes below sand beds in the Ediacara Mem-
ber of the Rawnsley Quartzite in the Flinders Revised ages compared to GTS2012
Range reveal a range of lifestyles in these Base of Cambrian (retained 541 Ma in
complex ecosystems that were developed on GTS2012 with qualifier): Temporarily
microbial mats. For example, the oval-bodied set as nadir of BAsal Cambrian carbon-
Dickinsonia that grew up to 50-cm remained isotope negative Excursion (BACE) dated as
stationary for periods of time while decom- 541 Ma—see discussion on base-Cambrian
posing the microbial mat before moving to the GSSP. Landing et al. (2013) suggest that
next feeding site (Droser and Gehling, 2015). 543 Ma may be best estimate for the oldest
The latest Ediacaran has a different ecosys- appearance of Trichophycus pedum trace-
tem with an abundance of calcified megafos- fossil assemblage.
sils of Cloudina and Namacalathus, which, Base of Cryogenian (720 vs 850 Ma in GTS2012):
along with the soft-bodied erniettomorphs The base of the Cryogenian Period was ini-
(biserially quilted tubes alternately arranged tially set at 850 Ma (Plumb, 1991), but was
from a central midline) became extinct at the revised in 2014–15 to the ca. 720 Ma date of
Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. Indeed, none the onset of the first global glaciation—the
of the main Ediacaran macrofossils types are criterion for placement of a future GSSP.
preserved in the earliest Cambrian; and there
are many hypotheses ranging from ecosys-
tem disruption to predation that explore this Acknowledgments
mysterious mass extinction (e.g., review in This brief summary of selected highlights and current
Laflamme et al., 2013). The basal Cambrian has stratigraphic issues relied heavily on the detailed overview
only small shelly fossils (e.g., Anabarites trisul- and synthesis by Shields-Zhou et al. (2012), by Narbonne
catus; Rogov et al., 2015), acritarch microfos- et al. (2012), and by Van Kranendonk et al. (2012), and on an
extensive field trip through the Cryogenian and Ediacaran
sils, and the nonpreserved burrowing animals.
of South Australia with Jim Gehling. Shuhai Xiao reviewed
an early version of the graphics, database and text.

Numerical age model

Selected publications and
GTS2012 age model and potential
future enhancements
Cited publications
The ages for Cryogenian and Ediacaran
Only select publications were cited in this review with
glacial episodes, carbon-isotope excursions,
an emphasis on aspects of post-2011 updates. Pre-2011
and evolutionary stages are constrained by literature is well summarized in the syntheses by
suites of U-Pb and Re-Os dates (e.g., Condon Shields-Zhou et al. (2012) and by Narbonne et al.
and Bowring, 2011; Noble et al., 2015). Other (2012) and in some of the publications cited below.

Arnaud, E., Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G., 2011. Grey, K., Hill, A.C., Calver, C., 2011. Biostratigraphy and
Chapter 1: The geologic record of Neoproterozoic stratigraphic subdivision of Cryogenian successions
glaciations. In: Arnaud, E., Halverson, G.P., Shields- of Australia in a global context In: (Arnaud, E.,
Zhou, G. (Eds.), The Geological Record of Neoprotero- Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G. (Eds.). The
zoic Glaciations. Geological Society, vol. 36. Geological Record of Neoproterozoic Glaciations.
Memoirs, London, pp. 1–16. http://dx.doi. Geological Society, Memoirs, vol. 36, London,
org/10.1144/M36.1. pp. 51–66.
Bazhenov, M.I., Levashova, N.M., Meert, J.G., Golovanova, Guerroué, E.L., 2010. Duration and synchroneity of the
I.V., Danukalov, K.N., Fedorova, N.M., 2016. Late largest negative carbon isotope excursion on Earth:
Ediacaran magnetostratigraphy of Baltica: evidence the Shuram/Wonoka anomaly. Comptes Rendus
for magnetic field hyperactivity? Earth and Planetary Geoscience 342: 204–214.
Science Letters 435: 124–135. http://dx.doi. j.crte.2009.12.008.
org/10.1016/j.epsl.2015.12.015. Halverson, G.P., Hoffman, P.F., Schrag, D.P., Maloof, A.C.,
Calver, C.R., Crowley, J.L., Wingate, M.T.D., Evans, D.A.D., 2005. Towards a Neoproterozoic composite carbon-
Raub, T.D., Schmitz, M.D., 2013. Globally synchro- isotope record. Geological Society of America Bulletin
nous Marinoan deglaciation indicated by U-Pb 117: 1181–1207.
geochronology of the cottons Breccia, Tasmania, Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G., 2011. Chapter 4:
Australia. Geology 41: 1127–1130. http://dx.doi. chemostratigraphy and the Neoproterozoic
org/10.1130/G34568.1. glaciations. In: Arnaud, E., Halverson, G.P.,
Cohen, P.A., Macdonald, F.A., 2015. The Proterozoic Shields-Zhou, G. (Eds.), The Geological Record of
record of eukaryotes. Paleobiology 41: 610–632. Neoproterozoic Glaciations. Geological Society, Memoirs, vol. 36, London, pp. 51–66. http://dx.doi.
Condon, D.J., Bowring, S.A., 2011. Chapter 9: a user’s org/10.1144/M36.4.
guide to Neoproterozoic geochronology. In: Arnaud, Hoffman, P.F., Kaufman, A.J., Halverson, G.P., Schrag,
E., Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G. (Eds.), The D.P., 1998. A Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth. Science
Geological Record of Neoproterozoic Glaciations. 281: 1342–1346.
Geological Society, Memoirs, vol. 36. London, pp. Huldtgren, T., Cunningham, J.A., Yin, C., Stampanoni, M.,
135–149. Marone, F., Donoghue, P.C.J., Bengtson, S., 2011.
Craig, J., Thurow, J., Thusu, B., Whitham, A., Abutarruma, Y., Fossilized nuclei and germination structures identify
2009. Global Neoproterozoic petroleum systems: Ediacaran “animal embryos” as encysting protists.
The emerging potential in North Africa. In: Science 334: 1696–1699.
Craig, J., Thurow, J., Thusu, B., Whitham, A., Kirschvink, J.L., 1992. Late Proterozoic low-latitude
Abutarruma, Y. (Eds.), Global Neoproterozoic global glaciation: the Snowball Earth Section 2.3.
Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in In: Schopf, J.W., Klein, C., Des Maris, D. (Eds.),
North Africa. Geological Society, vol. 326. Special The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary
Publications, London, pp. 1–25. http://dx.doi. Study. Cambridge University Press,
org/10.1144/SP326.1. pp. 51–52.
Droser, M.L., Gehling, J.G., 2015. The advent of animals: Knoll, A.H., Walter, M.R., Narbonne, G.M., Christie-Blick,
the view from the Ediacaran. Proceedings of the N., 2006. The Ediacaran Period: a new addition to the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of geologic time scale. Lethaia 39: 13–30.
America (PNAS), vol. 112, pp. 4865–4870. www.pnas. Kodama, K.P., 2015. The synchroneity and duration of
org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1405338112. the Shuram carbon-isotope excursion. Geological
Ernst, R.E., Wingate, M.T.D., Buchan, K.T., Li, Z.X., 2008. Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 47(7): 79.
Global record of 1600-700 Ma Large Igneous
Provinces (LIPs): Implications for the reconstruction Paper259731.html.
of the proposed Nuna (Columbia) and Rodinia Laflamme, M., Darroch, S.A.F., Tweedt, S.M., Peterson,
supercontinents. Precambrian Research 160: 159–178. K.J., Erwin, D.H., 2013. The end of Ediacara biota:
Ghori, K.A.R., Craig, J., Thusu, B., Lüning, S., Geiger, M., extinction, biotic replacement, or Cheshire Cat?
2009. Global Infracambrian petroleum systems. Gondwana Research 23: 558–573.
In: Craig, J., Thurow, J., Thusu, B., Whitham, A., Landing, E., Geyer, G., Brasier, M.D., Bowring, S.A.,
Abutarruma, Y. (Eds.), Global Neoproterozoic 2013. Cambrian evolutionary radiation:
Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential in North context, correlation, and chronostratigraphy
Africa. Geological Society, vol. 326. Special Publica- – overcoming deficiencies of the first appearance
tions, London, pp. 109–136. http://dx.doi. datum (FAD) concept. Earth-Science Reviews 123:
org/10.1144/SP326.6. 133–172.

Liu, A.G., Kenchington, C.G., Mitchell, E.G., 2015. Time Scale 2012. Elsevier Publisher, pp. 393–411.
Remarkable insights into the paleoecology of the
Avalonian Ediacaran macrobiota. Gondwana 9.00017-2 (An overview on all aspects, including
Research 27: 1355–1380. summaries of climatic episodes, evolution of life and age models.).
Macdonald, F.A., Schmitz, M.D., Crowley, J.L., Roots, Smith, A.G., 2009. Neoproterozoic timescales and
C.F., Jones, D.S., Maloof, A.C., Strauss, J.V., Cohen, stratigraphy. In: Craig, J., Thurow, J., Thusu, B.,
P.A., Johnston, D.T., Schrag, D.P., 2010. Calibrating the Whitham, A., Abutarruma, Y. (Eds.), Global Neopro-
Cryogenian. Science 327: 1241–1243. http://dx.doi. terozoic Petroleum Systems: The Emerging Potential
org/10.1126/science.1183325. in North Africa. Geological Society, vol. 326. Special
Minguez, D., Kodama, K.P., Hillouse, J.W., 2015. Publications, London, pp. 27–54. http://dx.doi.
Paleomagnetic and cyclostratigraphic constraints org/10.1144/SP326.2.
on the synchroneity and duration of the Shuram Strauss, J.V., Rooney, A.D., Macdonald, F.A., Brandon,
carbon isotope excursion, Johnnie Formation, A.D., Knoll, A.H., 2014. 740 Ma vase-shaped
Death Valley Region, CA. Precambrian Research 266: microfossils from Yukon, Canada: implications for
395–408. Neoproterozoic chronology and biostratigraphy.
Narbonne, G.M., Laflamme, M., Grfeentree, C., Trusler, Geology 42: 659–662.
P., 2009. Reconstructing a lost world: Ediacaran Subcommission on Cryogenian Stratigraphy, 2014. Annual
rangeomorphs from Spaniard’s Bay, Newfoundland. report 2014. In: International Commission on
Journal of Paleontology 83(4): 503–523. Stratigraphy (ICS) Annual Report 2014. Submitted to
Narbonne, G.M., Xiao, S., Shields, G.H., Gehling, J.G., International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
2012. The Ediacaran Period. In: Gradstein, F.M., Available at:
Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M., Ogg, G., (Coordinators). The Subcommission on Ediacaran Stratigraphy, 2014. Annual
Geologic Time Scale 2012. Elsevier Publisher, pp. report 2014. In: International Commission on
413–435. Stratigraphy (ICS) Annual Report 2014. Submitted to
59425-9.00018-4 (An overview on all aspects, International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
including graphics on the ratified GSSP, climatic Available at:
and geochemical trends, diagrams of biostrati- Van Kranendonk, M.J., Altermann, W., Beard, B.L.,
graphic scales, and discussion on the age models.). Hoffman, P.F., Johnson, C.J., Kasting, J.F., Melezhik,
Noble, S.R., Condon, D.J., Carney, J.N., Wilby, J.N., Wilby, V.A., Nutman, A.P., Papineau, D., Pirajno, F., 2012.
P.R., Pharaoh, T.C., Ford, T.D., 2015. U-Pb geochro- A chronostratigraphic division of the Precambrian:
nology and global context of the Charnian Super- possibilities and challenges. In: Gradstein, F.M., Ogg,
group, UK: constraints on the age of key Ediacaran J.G., Schmitz, M., Ogg, G., (Coordinators). The
fossil assemblages. Geological Society of America Geologic Time Scale 2012. Elsevier Publisher, pp.
Bulletin 127: 250–265. 299–392.
B31013.1. 59425-9.00016-0 (An overview on all aspects,
Plumb, K.A., 1991. New Precambrian time scale. Episodes including summaries of tectonic cycles, atmosphere-
14: 139–140. ocean history, climatic episodes and evolution of life;
Porter, S.M., Meisterfeld, R., Knoll, A.H., 2003. Vase- plus age models and a set of suggested chronostrati-
shaped microfossils from the Neoproterozoic Chuar graphic divisions.).
Group, Grand Canyon: a classification guided by Wang, Z.J., Huang, Z.G., Yao, J.X., Ma, X.L., and National
modern testate amoebae. Journal of Paleontology Committee of Stratigraphy of China, 2014. Charac-
77: 409–429. teristics and main progress of The Stratigraphic
Rogov, V.I., Karlova, G.A., Marusin, V.V., Kochnev, B.B., Chart of China and Directions. Acta Geoscientifica
Nagovitsin, K.E., Grazhdankin, D.V., 2015. Duration Sinica, 35: 271–276 (with chart attachment).
of the first biozones in the Siberian hypostratotype of Xiao, S., Knoll, A., 2000. Phosphatized animal embryos
the Vendian. Russian Geology and Geophysics 56: from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo formation at
573–585. Weng’an, Guizhou, South China. Journal of Paleon-
Rooney, A.D., Strauss, J.V., Brandon, A.D., Macdonald, tology 74: 767–788.
F.A., 2015. A Cryogenian chronology: two long-lasting Xiao, S., Zhou, C., Liu, P., Wang, D., Yuan, X., 2014a.
synchronous Neoproterozoic glaciations. Geology 43: Phosphatized acanthomorphic acritarchs and
459–462. related microfossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo
Shields-Zhou, G.A., Hill, A.C., Macgabhann, B.A., 2012. Formation at Weng’an (South China) and their
The Cryogenian Period. In: Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., implications for biostratigraphic correlation.
Schmitz, M., Ogg, G., (Coordinators). The Geologic Journal of Paleontology 88: 1–67.

Xiao, S., Muscente, A.D., Chen, L., Zhou, C., Schiffbauer, First Life (by David Attenborough, 2010)—http://
J.D., Wood, A.D., Polys, N.F., Yuan, X., 2014b. The, with streaming video at https://
Weng’an biota and the Ediacaran radiation of
multicellular eukaryotes. National Science Review life-arrival_tech among other sources— “Arrival” is
1: 498–520. first episode (60 min) of a two-part BBC documen-
Yin, Z., Zhu, M., Tafforeau, P., Chen, J., Liu, P., Li, G., 2013. tary with extensive coverage of Ediacaran biota,
Early embryogenesis of potential bilaterian animals including computer simulations and onsite field
with polar lobe formation from the Ediacaran work/interviews.
Weng’an Biota, South China. Precambrian Research Palaeos: Cryogenian and Ediacaran—http://palaeos.
225: 44–57. com/proterozoic/neoproterozoic/cryogenian/
Zhou, C., Tucker, R., Xiao, S., Peng, Z., Yuan, X., Chen, Z., cryogenian.html and
2004. New constraints on the ages of Neoproterozoic proterozoic/neoproterozoic/ediacaran/ediacaran.
glaciations in South China. Geology 32: 437–440. htm—A well-presented suite of diverse topics for a
general science audience that was originally
compiled by M. Alan Kazlev in 1998–2002.
Websites (selected) Mistaken Point and Rangeomorph Reproduction—
Subcommission on Ediacaran Stratigraphy (ICS)— streaming videos at—Includes episode-5-mistaken-point/(60 min, 2012) and
“Edies” newsletter.
Snowball Earth –—Website morph-reproduction/(40 min, 2015)—One of the
originally developed by Paul Hoffman with National best known and most important Ediacaran
Science Foundation funding to provide online localities is at Mistaken Point, Newfoundland,
explanations, teaching slides, and extensive Canada. These podcasts examine aspects of the
bibliography (through 2009). nature of its biota.
510 Ma Cambrian




CR Scotese, PALEOMAP Project

Mid-Cambrian paleogeographic reconstruction (Sea level+40) from Scotese (2014). Some other authors
(e.g., Landing et al., 2013) suggest from facies and biota patterns that most of the continental blocks were in more
temperate to tropical paleolatitudes.

Basal definition and status of synthesis in Landing et al., 2013). The bases of
international subdivisions the next seven Cambrian stages, each spanning
ca. 5 myr, correspond to widespread appear-
The Cambrian is characterized by the ances of distinctive trilobites, pelagic agnos-
appearance of mineralized skeletons of ani- toid arthropods, or conodonts (Fig. 5.1). These
mals. The initial three stages (ca. 25 myr) are Cambrian biological events are often associ-
major revolutions in Earth’s life—(1) the advent ated with major oscillations in the carbon cycle.
of deep complex burrowing of sediments at ca.
540 Ma; (2) the appearance of diverse multicel-
lular animals with “small shelly” mineralized Terreneuvian series
skeletons at ca. 530 Ma; and (3) the appear- Fortunian: The Ediacaran/Cambrian
ance of larger trilobites, pelagic agnostoid boundary (base of Terreneuvian Series and
arthropods, and brachiopods at ca. 520 Ma (e.g., Fortunian Stage) was placed at one of the
A Concise Geologic Time Scale.
Copyright © 2016 James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, and Felix M. Gradstein. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 41
Cambrian Time Scale
Regional Subdivisions

Polarity Ch
AGE Sea (per-mille PDB)
(Ma) Age/Stage GSSP Markers
North America Siberia Level -5 -2.5 0 2.5

Ordovician Stairsian

485.4 Khantaian
485 FAD of Iapetograptus fluctivagus Skullrockian
Age 10 TOCE

FAD of Lotagnostus americanus Sunwaptan Tukalandian

FAD of Agnostotes orientalis
495 Paibian Steptoean Gorbiyachinian SPICE
FAD of Glyptagnostus reticulatus
500 500.5
FAD of Lejopyge laevigata Marjuman
Epoch 3


FAD of Ptychagnostus atavus
505 DICE
Age 5 Amgan
FAD of Oryctocephalus indicus /
Ovatoryctocara granulata Delamaran ROECE
510 (candidate)
Age 4 Toyonian AECE
Epoch 2

?FAD of Olenellus, Redlichia,


514 Judomia, Bergeroniellus or Dyeran

Arthricocephalus chauveaui Botomian
515 (candidate)
Age 3 Montezuman Atdabanian
~ 520 CARE
520 ?FAD of trilobites (candidate)

525 Age 2


?FAD of Watsonella crosbyi or

~ 530 no
530 Aldanella attleborensis
(candidate) subdivisions
Nemakit -
535 Fortunian

540 541 BACE

FAD of Trichophycus pedum
Ediacaran Hadrynian Vendian

Figure 5.1 Cambrian overview. The main markers for the currently (as of January 2016) ratified Global Boundary
Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) of Cambrian stages are the trace fossil Tr. pedum for the base of the Cambrian
and first-appearance datums (FAD) of cosmopolitan agnostoid arthropod taxa in late Cambrian, as discussed in the
text and summarized in Fig. 5.5. (“Age” is the term for the time equivalent of the rock-record “stage.”) Magnetic
polarity scale is a composite by Peng et al. (2012), which included a Furongian pattern modified from Kouchinsky et al.
(2008) and an early Cambrian modified from a Siberian compilation by Varlamov et al. (2008), but most of the polarity
pattern awaits verification. Regional subdivisions are a selected subset of the extensive regional correlation chart by
Peng et al. (2012). Schematic sea-level curve is modified from Haq and Schutter (2008) following advice of Bilal Haq
(pers. comm., 2008); although Babcock et al. (2015) have a slightly different sea-level version that emphasizes that the
FADs of the GSSP-marker agnostoid arthropods coincide with rapid regional coastal onlaps. The δ13Ccarb curve with
major widespread events is modified from Zhu et al. (2006) [see their text for explanations of their acronyms]. The
vertical scale of this diagram is standardized to match the vertical scales of the first stratigraphic summary figure in
all other Phanerozoic chapters.
Chapter 5 CAMBRIAN  43

“greatest enigmas of the fossil record; i.e., the For simplicity, pending future high-
relatively abrupt appearance of skeletal fos- resolution correlations and dating, the diagrams
sils and complex, deep burrows in sedimen- of Figs. 5.1 and 5.4 equate the Ediacaran/
tary successions around the world” (Brasier Cambrian boundary with the BACE peak, the
et al., 1994). The GSSP level in Newfoundland, age of 541.0 Ma, and the base of the Tr. pedum
Canada, was placed at the beginning of a trace-fossil assemblage zone.
rapidly diversifying assemblage of trace fos- Stage 2: The next major Cambrian evo-
sils of burrowers and complex feeding tracks, lutionary event was a diversification of ani-
of which the relatively large burrows called mal skeletons of micromollusks and many
Phycodes (now classified as Treptichnus or types of “small shelly fossil” taxa of uncertain
Trichophycus) pedum is the most distinctive affinity with phosphatic or calcareous min-
(Fig. 5.2). Underlying deposits have an assem- erals. Provisional Stage 2 has been proposed
blage (“Harlaniella podolica” Ichnozone) of to begin with the widespread appearance of
only shallow burrows and surface trails. This these types of small shelly fossils, especially
Tr. pedum deep burrowing appears relatively the Watsonella crosbyi (a possible micro-
suddenly in the majority of preserved shelf mollusk bivalve rostroconch) and Aldanella
facies, and is just after the disappearance of attleborensis (a possible microgastropod).
Cloudina and other typical Ediacaran fossils. This biological event is near the onset of a
However, the lowest Tr. pedum burrows major ZHUjianqing Carbon-isotope positive
were later found about 4.4 m below the GSSP Excursion (ZHUCE), named after the lower
level (Gehling et al., 2001). Although this off- Cambrian Zhujianqing Formation of east-
set does not change the main philosophy of ern Yunnan (China). The mollusk Watson-
the GSSP as representing a major change in ella crosbyi had been described under other
Earth’s marine ecosystems (e.g., Landing et al., names, such as Heraultia (Heraultipegma)
2013), it has generated discussions on whether sibirica and Watsonella yunnanensis, and
to redefine the Ediacaran/Cambrian boundary after the synonymies were established it was
to coincide with a more precise geochemical or proposed to be the primary marker for the
other marker that can be recognized in more base of Stage 2 (e.g., Li et al., 2011). Landing
settings (e.g., Babcock et al., 2014). One option et al. (2013) examined diachroneity problems
is to use the beginning or the peak of the “BAsal with the FAD of Wat. crosbyi and other taxa in
Cambrian carbon-isotope negative Excursion” this boundary interval. They proposed plac-
(BACE in Fig. 5.1) (Babcock et al., 2014). Radio- ing the GSSP within the lower range of Wat.
isotopic dating of ash beds in Oman yielded crosbyi at the peak of ZHUCE, 9.4 m below the
541.00 ± 0.13 Ma near the BACE peak (Bowring top of the Dahai Member in the Laolin section
et al., 2007), and this date was used in GTS2012 in Yunnan province, South China. This level
for the estimated age of the Precambrian/Cam- may have an age close to 531 Ma (e.g., Maloof
brian boundary (Peng et al., 2012; Narbonne et al., 2010a,b; Landing et al., 2013).
et al., 2012). Landing et al. (2013) suggest that
the base of the Tr. pedum Assemblage Zone is
below the peak of the BACE and suggest an age Series 2
of ca. 543 Ma. However, the relative appearance Stage 3: The appearance of the earliest tri-
of Tr. pedum burrowing ecosystems within the lobite skeletal remains has been the preferred
BACE is poorly known (Babcock et al., 2014), marker for the base of provisional Series 2 and
and carbon-isotope stratigraphy is not possi- Stage 3. However, the oldest trilobites in each
ble in noncalcareous sections such as the pres- region are endemic and include Profallotaspis
ent GSSP in Newfoundland. species in Siberia, Fritzaspis generalis in
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Schimkewitsch, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. lix. 1895, p. 46.


Hatschek, Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, iii. 1881, p. 79.


Fraipont, "Le Genre Polygordius," Fauna u. Flora des Golfes v.

Neapel, Monogr. xiv. 1887.


T. J. Parker, Lessons in Elementary Biology, London, 1891, p. 267,

gives a full account of the anatomy and development of


"Die Capitelliden," Fauna u. Flora d. Golfes v. Neapel, Monogr. xvi.

1887, p. 350.


Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed., Art. "Mollusca," p. 652.


Benham, "The Post-Larval Stage of Arenicola," J. Mar. Biol. Assoc.

iii. (n.s.) 1893, p. 48.


The blood is colourless in Syllidae and Nephthydidae.


Ehlers states that some Eunicidae have green blood.


Benham, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxix. 1896, p. 1.


Schaeppi, Jena. Zeit. xxviii. 1894, p. 217.


Goodrich, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxiv. 1893, p. 387.


Benham, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxii. 1891, p. 325. See also Bourne
(nephridium of Polynoë), Tr. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), ii. 1883, p. 357;
Meyer, for nephridium of Terebellidae, Sabellidae, and Cirratulidae,
in Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1887, p. 592.


It is worthy of note that in Aeolosoma alone amongst the

Oligochaeta does the brain lie in the prostomium in the adult.


Andrews, "The Eyes of Polychaetes," J. Morph. vii. 1892, p. 169.


Wistinghausen, "Entwick. v. N. dumerilii," Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, x.

1891, p. 41.


This is a modification of the classification proposed by me at the

meeting of the British Association at Oxford, 1894 (see Report, p.
696). For further characteristics of these Orders and sub-Orders
see below Chap. XII. Ehlers, "Die Borstenwürmer," 1864, gives a
historical survey of the group, and enumerates the earlier


In Coabangia (see p. 284) the anus is near the anterior end, on the
ventral surface.

It is doubtful whether these organs are palps or only lateral lips.


Pruvot traced the nerve supply to these organs, and thus

established their homology. Arch. d. Zool. Expér. (ser. 2) iii. 1885,
p. 211.


Meyer, "Stud. ub. d. Körperbau der Anneliden," Mt. Zool. Stat.

Neapel, vii. 1887, p. 592; viii. 1888, p. 462. In this work a great
number of important and interesting anatomical facts are recorded
with respect to the Terebelliformia and Sabelliformia, as well as
certain details as to the structure and development of the


In some of the members of this family paired lateral tentacles

appear to exist.


It is possible that some of these may be peristomial.


Individual cases in which chaetae are present have been



Meyer, loc. cit.


Haswell, P. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vii. 1883, p. 251.

Eisig, "Die Capitelliden," Fauna u. Flora G. v. Neapel, Monogr. xvi.
1887, p. 331.


Compare with this the muscular organ of Dinophilus, p. 243,

Protodrilus, and a similar structure which occurs in Terebellids.


Korschelt, "Über Ophryotrocha puerilis," Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. lv.

1893, p. 224.


Eisig, Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, ii. 1881, p. 255.


They are specially large also in the Typhloscolecidae; while

Racovitza (Ann. Mag. N. H. (ser. 6), xv. 1895, p. 279) has recently
suggested that the caruncle of Amphinomidae belongs to the
category of nuchal organs, and compares it with the ciliated
lappets of Pterosyllis.


Ehlers, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. liii. 1892, p. 217.


See Claparède and Metschnikoff, "Beit. zur Kennt. d. Entwick der

Chaetopoden," Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xix. 1869, p. 163; and
Fewkes, "On the Development of certain Worm Larvae," Bulletin
Mus. Harvard, xi. 1883, p. 167.


For an account of the anatomy and development of a

Trochosphere, see Hatschek, on Eupomatus, in Arbeit. Zool. Inst.
Wien, vi. 1885. Also Meyer, Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, viii. 1888, p.
462; and for Polynoid larva see Häcker, Zool. Jahrb. Abth. Anat.
viii. 1895, p. 245.


See Meyer (ref. on p. 261).


Many of the Polynoids are sexually dimorphic.


Claparède, "Annélides Chétopodes du Golfe de Naples,"

Supplement, 1870; and Wistinghausen, Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, x.
1891, p. 41.


Claparède used the term "epigamous" for this phase; Ehlers

employed the term "epitokous," whilst he called the "Nereid" phase
"atokous," under the impression that the worm did not become
mature in this condition.


Malaquin gives a detailed account of the asexual reproduction in

Syllidae in Recherches sur les Syllidiens, Lille, 1893, and in Revue
Biol. d. Nord de la France, iii. 1891. See also St. Joseph, "Les
annelides polychétes des côtes de Dinard," Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.
(7th ser.) i. 1886, p. 134.


Alex. Agassiz, Boston J. Nat. Hist. vii. 1863, p. 384.


Huxley, Edinb. New Philosoph. Journ. 1855, i. p. 113.

"Challenger" Reports, vol. xii. 1885, "Polychaeta," p. 198; and Oka,
Zoolog. Centralbl. ii. 1895, p. 591.


Two new heads have been observed in Typosyllis variegata by

Langerhans, and two new tails in another Syllis.


Dalyell, The Powers of the Creator revealed, etc., vol. ii. 1853, p.
225 et seq.


von Kennel, Arb. Zool. Instit. Würzburg, vi. 1883, p. 259.


Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Hist. Philadelphia, 1883, p. 204.


Giard, C. R. Soc. Biol. v. 1893, p. 473.


See M‘Intosh, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) ii. 1868, p. 276.


Lankester has suggested that a strong acid is secreted for the

purpose, see Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) i. 1868, p. 233.


M‘Intosh, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 6) xiii. 1894, p. 1.


Dalyell, The Powers of the Creator revealed, ii. 1853, p. 217.

Watson, Journ. R. Mic. Soc. 1890, p. 685; see also Dalyell, loc. cit.
ii. p. 195.


Schmiedeberg, Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, iii. 1882, p. 373.


For pelagic forms, see Camille Viguier, Arch. de Zool. Expér. (ser.
2) iv. 1886, p. 347; also Reibisch, Die pelag. Phyllodociden u.
Typhloscoleciden d. Plankton Exped. 1895.


Lankester, Journ. Anat. and Physiol. 1868, p. 114; and 1870, p.

119; see also MacMunn, "On the Chromatology of the Blood in
some Invertebrates," Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxv. 1885, p. 469.


For coloured pictures of worms consult Schmarda, "Neue

wirbellose Thiere," 2nd part, 1861; Milne Edwards in Cuvier's
"Règne Animal" (Ed. Disciples de Cuvier).


Semper, Animal Life, "Internat. Sci. Series," 1881, p. 401.


The experiments were made by Mr. Garstang at the Laboratory of

the Marine Biological Association, and are recorded by Poulton in
The Colours of Animals, "Internat. Sci. Series," 1890, p. 201.


Panceri, Atti Acad. Sci. Napoli, vii. 1875.


M‘Intosh, H.M.S. "Challenger" Reports, "Polychaeta," vol. xii. p. ix.


For an account of these worms see M‘Intosh, loc. cit. p. 257.


For a list of parasitic Polychaetes see St. Joseph, Ann. Sci. Nat.
(ser. 7) v. 1888, p. 141.


Semper, loc. cit. p. 340.


See "Challenger Reports," and St. Joseph, loc. cit.


"Challenger" Reports, loc. cit. p. xxx.


See Hornell, Fauna of Liverpool Bay, Report III. 1892, p. 126.


Zittel, Handbuch d. Palaeontologic (Palaeozoologie), i. 1876-80, p.



Ehlers, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xviii. 1868, p. 241.


The Chaetopteridae may have to be placed elsewhere in the

system, as they are peculiarly modified, and present features
recalling the Cryptocephala, from which it is possible they have

Meyer (Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1887, p. 669, note) suggests
that the tentacular filaments of Cirratulids are really prostomial, but
have shifted back on to the peristomium, or even farther.


It is probable that the genital ducts of Sternaspis and

Chlorhaemids are modified nephridia.


The character of head and parapodium in each family will be

gathered from the figures accompanying the general description in
Chap. X., so that detailed description is unnecessary. In all cases
the chaetae form valuable specific characters.

The examples of the various families are British, unless the

opposite is expressly stated; but most of them are not confined to
our shores, and the foreign localities are usually given. No attempt
is made to enumerate all the British species.

The following books may be found useful for identifying the


Claparède, Recherches anat. sur les Annélides observées dans les

Hebrides, 1861; Annélides Chétopodes du golfe de Naples, 1868, and
Suppl., 1870.
Cunningham and Ramage, "Polychaeta Sedentaria of the Firth of Forth,"
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xxxiii. 1888, p. 635.
Ehlers, Die Borstenwürmer, 1868.
Johnston, "British Museum Catalogue of Non-Parasitical Worms," 1865.
M‘Intosh, "British Annelida," Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. 1877, p. 371; "Invert.
Marine Fauna of St. Andrews; Annelida," Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xiv. 1874,
p. 144.
Malmgren, "Nordiska Hafs-Annulater," Öfversigt af K. Vet.-Akad.
Förhandlingar, 1865, pp. 51, 181, 355; and "Annulata Polychaeta," ibid.
1867, p. 127.
St. Joseph, "Les Annélides Polychétes des côtes de Dinard," Ann. Sci. Nat.
(Zool.) (7) vol. i. 1886, p. 127; v. 1888, p. 141; xvii. 1894, p. 1; xx. 1895, p.


Malaquin, Recherches sur les Syllidiens, 1893; for structure of the

gizzard, see also Haswell, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxvi. 1886, p. 471;
and xxx. 1889, p. 31.


See M‘Intosh's Memoirs, loc. cit.


Herein are included the various genera formed by Kinberg,

Malmgren, and others.


It appears to be the same as P. grubiana Clap.


Marenzeller has shown that Johnston's P. scolopendrina is not

identical with that of Savigny, and suggests the above name for it.


F. Buchanan, "Report on Polychaetes, Part I." Sci. Proc. Roy.

Dublin Soc. vii. (n.s.) 1893, p. 169.


Polyodontes Ran. deserves mention as being a large, rare form

with peculiar pedal gland; cf. Eisig (ref. on p. 268), p. 324; and
Buchanan, Quart. J. Micr. Sc. xxxv. 1894, p. 433.


Many authorities regard this species as synonymous with

Savigny's P. laminosa.

According to a verbal communication from Mr. J. Hornell of Jersey,

they belong to P. maculata Müll., while Mr. Garstang believes them
to belong to Eulalia viridis.


These segmentally-arranged brown spots may perhaps be



Greef, Acta Ac. German., xxxix. 1877.


Greef, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xlii. 1885, p. 432.


Buchanan, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxv. 1894, p. 445.


Buchanan, Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. viii. (n.s.) 1893, p. 169.


Reibisch, Phyllodociden u. Typhloscoleciden d. Plankton Exped.



The British species is usually referred to as C. insignis Baird, but

Joyeux Laffuie (Arch. Zool. Exp. (ser. 2) viii. 1890, p. 244) has
shown that there is only one European species. It is possible that
there is a closer affinity with the Sabelliformia than is at present


Compare Sternaspis, p. 336.


For literature, see Benham, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxix. part 1, 1896,
p. 1.


F. Buchanan, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi. 1890, p. 175.


In some genera there are no gills, e.g. Leaena.


These characters are not necessarily generic.


Eisig, "Die Capitelliden," Fauna u. Flora G. v. Neapel, Monogr. xvi.



Ed. Meyer., Arch. mikr. Anat. xxi. 1882, p. 769.


Vejdovsky, Denk. Akad. Wien, xliii. 1882, part 2, p. 33; and

Rietsch, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) ser. 6, xiii. 1882, art. 5.


For anatomy see Meyer, Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1887.


Andrews, Journ. Morph. v. 1891, p. 271.


A. G. Bourne, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxiii. 1883, p. 168.

Closely allied is Manayunkia Leidy, which occurs in fresh-water
lakes of America. Another fresh-water genus is Coabangia Giard,
which perhaps deserves the creation of a special family. The anus
is ventral and anterior. The chaetae are peculiarly arranged, dorsal
uncini being present only on four segments. The first body
segment carries a ventral bundle of five great "palmate" chaetae.


For the anatomy see Meyer, Mt. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1887; see also
above, p. 306.


von Graff, "Myzostomida," "Challenger" Reports, part 27, vol. x.

1884; and "Supplement," part 61, vol. xx. 1887.


Marenzeller, Anz. Akad. Wien, xxxii. p. 192.


Mt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii. 1896, p. 227; where, too, see literature.


Beard, Mt. Zool. St. Neap. v. 1884, p. 544.


Quart. J. Micr. Sci. (n.s.) vol. iv. 1864, p. 258; and v. pp. 7, 99.


Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xix. 1869, p. 563.


De Lumbrici terrestris Historia naturali, Brussels, 1829.

Naturg. ein. Wurm-Arten d. süssen u. salzigen Wasser,
Copenhagen, 1771.


Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. i. 1888, p. 1.


Phil. Trans. clxxxvi. 1895, A, p. 383.


Mém. cour. Ac. Belg. lii. 1890-93.


Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi. 1890, p. 83.


Beddard, Ibid. xxxiii. 1892, p. 325.


Beddard, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xiii. 1894, p. 205.


Mém. Soc. Zool. France, iii. 1890, p. 223.


Vegetable Mould and Earthworms, London, 1881.


Zool. Anz. xi. 1888, p. 72.


See Fletcher, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. 1889, p. 1542.


In Sitzungs-Ber. Böhm. Ges. 1889, p. 183.


See Dr. Rosa in Ann. Hofmus. Wien, vi. 1891, p. 379.


Entwickelungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen, Prag, Heft i. 1888,

p. 33.


See Kleinenberg, Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xix., 1879, p. 206.


Both Col. Feilden and Mr. Trevor-Battye found specimens in



Neue wirbellose Thiere, Leipzig, ii. 1861, p. 11.


Kew Bull. Misc. Information, No. 46, 1890.


Rev. Biol. Nord France, i. 1889, p. 197.


SB. Ges. naturf. Berlin, 1893, p. 19.


System u. Morph. d. Oligochaeten, Prag, 1884.

See my text-book of Zoogeography (Cambridge, 1895) for fuller


Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) ix. 1892, p. 12.


Darwin, Vegetable Mould and Earthworms, p. 121.


"An Attempt to classify Earthworms," Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxi.

1890, p. 201.


Oxford, 1895.


See especially Vejdovsky, Syst. u. Morph. Olig. Prag, 1884.


Vejdovsky, Monographie der Enchytraeiden, Prag, 1879.

Michaelsen, "Synopsis der Enchytraiden," Abh. Ver. Hamburg, xi.
1889, p. 1.


J. P. Moore, "The Anatomy of Bdellodrilus," J. Morphol. x. 1895, p.



Beddard, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. xxxv. 1890, p. 629, and xxxvi.
1892, p. 1.

A. G. Bourne, "On the Naidiform Oligochaeta," Quart. J. Micr. Sci.
xxxii. 1891, p. 335.


F. E. Beddard, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. xxxvi. 1892, p. 273.


Vejdovsky, System u. Morph. d. Oligochaeten, Prag, 1884.


"Anatomical Notes on Sutroa," Zoe. ii. 1892, p. 321.


"Pacific Coast Oligochaeta," Mem. California Acad. Sci. vol. ii.


Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxvi. 1894, p. 307.


See Spencer, Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict. v. 1893, and Fletcher, P. Linn.
Soc. N.S.W. 1886-1888, for Australian forms; Rosa, Ann. Mus. civ.
Genova, vi. 1886, x. 1890, and xii. 1892, for Oriental species, etc.


See Fletcher and Spencer, already quoted, for Australian species.


Eisen, "Anat. Studies on Ocnerodrilus," Proc. Calif. Acad. (2) iii.

1892, p. 228.


Beddard, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) x. 1892, p. 74.

Beddard, P. Z. S. 1885 and 1895, for Antarctic Acanthodrilids;
Michaelsen, in Jahrb. Hamburg. Anst. 1888-95, for Benhamia.


For a general account of the Eudrilidae, see my Monograph of the

Order Oligochaeta, Oxford, 1895.


Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, viii. 1872, p. 5.


The scattered literature of this family is due to Benham,

Michaelsen, Perrier, Rosa, and others.


Rosa, "Revisione dei Lumbricidae," Mem. Acc. Torino (2), xliii.

1893, p. 399; also the Rev. H. Friend's numerous and useful
papers, and especially "A New Species of Earthworms," Proc. Roy.
Irish Ac. (3) ii. 1891-93, p. 402; and "The Earthworms of Ireland,"
Irish Nat. v. 1896, p. 69, etc.


In the tables the figures refer to the segments of the body.

Opposite the name of each species are two sets of lines; the upper
series indicate the segments occupied by the clitellum; the lower
series those occupied by the tubercula pubertatis. The dots
indicate the occasional extension of the clitellum or of the


"Annelés," vol. iii. 1889-90, p. 477, in the Suites à Buffon.


See v. Kennel, Zool. Jahrb. ii. 1887, p. 37.


Nouvelle Monographie des Sangsues médicinales. Paris, 1857.


Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxvi. 1886, p. 317.


See Grube, "Annulaten" of Middendorff's Sibirische Reise,

Zoology, 1851, p. 20; and Kowalevsky, Bull. Ac. St. Petersb. v.
June 1896.


See ref. on p. 395.


Asajiro Oka, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. lviii. 1894, p. 79.


See Bürger, quoted on p. 403.


Loc. cit.


Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxiv. 1884, p. 419; see also ibid. xxxiv. 1893, p.
545, which is mainly a criticism of Bolsius' additions to the very
considerable literature upon the Leech nephridium.


"Spermatophores as a Means of Hypodermic Impregnation," J.

Morphol. iv. 1891, p. 361.

Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. lviii. 1894, p. 440; and Zool. Jahrb. Anat. iv.
1891, p. 697.


"Annelés," vol. iii. 1889-90, p. 493, in the Suites à Buffon.


Whitman quotes with regretful approval (Proc. Americ. Acad. xx.

1884-85, p. 76) Sir J. Dalyell's remark, "It does not appear that the
history of the leech has advanced in proportion to the number of
literati who have rendered it the subject of discussion," and adds
on his own account the following severe indictment of his
predecessors: "As a considerable share of the work done in this
direction is purely systematic, it is somewhat surprising that not a
single description of any Hirudo has been given with sufficient
accuracy and completeness for a close comparison of even its
more important external characters with those of other species."


"Hirudinées de l'Italie," etc., Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, vol. ix. 1894,
No. 192. See also Apathy, "Süsswasser-Hirudineen," Zool. Jahrb.
Syst. iii. 1888, p. 725.


Zeitschr. f. die gesammt. Naturwiss. vi. 1872, p. 422.


But Pennant in his British Zoology has referred to a leech which is

even larger. Upon the huge Basking shark (Selache) the fishermen
sometimes observe a leech, which invariably drops off when the
fish is brought to the surface, "of a reddish colour and about 2 feet
in length"; this may be a Pontobdella.


Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xii. 1893, p. 75.

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