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Dionisio - P.E 1

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Core Subject


Class No: Score /40
Name: Dionisio, Josh Date:May 23 2024
Grade and Section:12 St. Therese Teacher

Objectives: After accomplishing this module, you must be able to:

● discuss the nature of different dances,
● analyze the different elements of dance,
● explain the benefits that can be derived from dancing, and
● appreciate the benefits of lifelong participation in physical activity.
Topic: Dance
Reference/s: Website:
Time Frame: Week 1
Most Essential Learning Competency (DepEd Learning Matrix):
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and or maintain health related method
I. Concept:
Dance is a health-promoting physical activity which many people worldwide incorporate into their lifestyles today.
This physical activity appeals to some who may not typically be active and therefore may be another alternative
of exercise. Dance for health has become an important factor in the prevention, treatment and management in
several health circumstances. It can benefit both physical and mental health and subsidizes socia
communication. Dance is an art which is learned in and shared between many cultures. Types of dance can
entail body movements, expression and collaboration. The correlation between dance and health has been
the subject of a number of research studies that show dance to be a largely healthy exercise. However, there
are a number of health risks that require attention. (Wikipedia)

The word “Dance” comes from an Old German word Danson which means “to stretch”. All dancing is made up
of stretching and relaxing. Dance is defined...
● as an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and music, used as
a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting.
● as an art that uses non- verbal movement in an ordinary way to create a form, order, or statement
● as movement that transcends function and becomes communication

Each dance element contains movement concepts that make it specific and distinctive. In order to create an
expressive and meaningful dance, the dance artist (or choreographer) has to make decisions about the look,
flow and timing of the movements, drawing on the broad range of visual designs, qualities of emotion, and
rhythm that are possible in movement. These elements help a dance artist discover movements which are
expressive and unique. These five areas known as

Lifted from:


encompasses the movement of dancers includes how fast Dancers may Action is any

Physical Education and Health 12A – Module 1 Page 1 of 5

overall design of through time, and or slows ofthe emphasize specific human movement
movement- where it specifically within movement parts of their body included in the act
takes place in the relationship to the in a dance phrase of dancing— it can
space, as wellas its music, tempo,meter, or use their whole include dance
size and shape. or rhythm. body all at once. steps, facial
Another way to movements,
describe the body partner lifts,
in dance is to gestures, and
consider the body even everyday
systems— movements such
muscles, bones, as walking.
organs, breath,
balance, reflexes.
For more references about the classifications and elements of dance, visit the following websites:

II. Activity 1: Get Ready!

Directions: Fill out the diary with all the information needed. Write your routine activity. Record the time you
change from one activity to another (e.g. 7:15 - 7:30). Describe the activity (e.g. sleeping, walking, sitting eating,
talking to friends while seated.)
6:30AM - Preparing for Preparing for Preparing for Preparing for Preparing for Preparing for Breakfast
7:00AM Classes Classes Classes Classes Classes Classes
7:20AM - Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying/ Chores
12:20PM Chores
12:20PM - Chores/ Lunch Chores/ Lunch Lunch Lunch Chores/ Lunch Chores/ Lunch Resting/ Shower
2:30PM - Resting/ Shower Resting/ Shower Resting/ Shower Resting/ Shower Resting/ Shower Resting/ Shower Lunch
4:00PM - Hangout with Hangout with Hangout with Hangout with Hangout with Hangout with Hangout with
9:00PM Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
9:00PM - Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping
You may think you are too young, you are not in good shape, or you are too busy to exercise, No more excuses!
Now is the right time for you to achieve lifelong fitness and enjoy while you are. Live life to the fullest!

B. Essay: Answer the question below briefly.

Why should I consider lifelong fitness?
- I think that maintaining my health helps me avoid health issues and gives my aging body new life. Making
healthy decisions and taking an active role in your life can ensure your longevity and bring you happiness and
satisfaction. The demands of our overall well-being, especially those related to our mental health, which has
become difficult in the modern era, will be met by us. It is crucial to never forget that fitness includes all
aspects of complete welfare, including mental, spiritual, social, and physical health. All things considered,
being lifetime fit means putting our health first and taking care of it since without it, we cannot survive in this
world and there will always be barriers and limitations preventing us from doing the things we want to
B. Activity 2 . Dance Analysis - Contemporary Dance (Visit the web site:

Analyze the indicated dance composition according to the elements of dance and be specific in identifying the
supporting ideas and evidence in each element. Each element should contain at least two to three sentences
only. Write legibly and avoid erasures.

A. What elements of the dance made the biggestimpression on you?

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- The dance itself was the aspect of the performance that most affected me. Notable for its remarkable and
complex choreography, it added another level of artistic complexity. The audience was left with a lasting
impression by the presentation's powerful and inspirational depiction of the intended message. Finally, the
performers' precise and delicate movements, which are reminiscent of breakable glass, are what make the
actions so captivating. The participants displayed a coordinated gait that gave the impression that time had
stopped as they moved elegantly in rhythm to the music. They expressed themselves through their body
language and gestures.

B. How were the dancers’ bodies used in this dance?

- The dancers had an exceptional degree of coordination, executing their motions with such unity that they
appeared to work as a single unit. Considering how well each person completed their allocated job, there isn't a
particularly memorable performance or event. Their actions are precisely coordinated, which is an example of
their flawless orchestration. The audience responded emotionally to the performance, which successfully
enlivened the text.

C. How did the musical accompaniment affect the way the dancers moved?

- The synchronized and elegant movements of the dancers, which perfectly complemented the song's beat,
provided a striking example of the music's significant impact on the performers' performance. Giving
the freedom to carry out each motion with grace by the dancers.

d. Using the elements of dance, can you describe some of the movements in the dance, especially the ones that
made a big impression on you?

- Despite being a leisurely dance, it is well-arranged as they move. their every move is comforting and conveys
something to the audience. Every action has significance and meaning in my eyes, thus I feel lighthearted.


What were the What shapes did What did you notice How was the energy What do you
physical the bodies of the about the dancers’ of the movement remember themost
relationships dancers make? rhythms? similar to or different about the
between the from the dynamics movements of the
dancers to each of the music? dancers
other during the
dance? Didthey
ever move in
They were able to The thoughtful The precise The dancers The dancers'
perfectly action led to a positioning and exhibited a motions had a
synchronize their beneficial shift in timing of the remarkable significant influence
movements and the spacing that dancers synchronization of on the intensity of
grasp the roles that separated them, significantly energy with the their performance,
each played, which which benefited enhance the overall rhythm of the which was
allowed them to both parties. quality of their music, resulting in a synchronized with
dance in a manner moves. captivating the accompanying
that was both spectacle. music.
beautiful and
moving as if they
were one entity.

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III. Assessment - Which of the following is true? One should be fit first before you dance or dance in
order to become fit? Why? (Your answer should contain at least two to three sentences only. Write legibly
and avoid erasures.)
- As the proverb "fit first, before you dance" implies, it is imperative, in my opinion, to prioritize physical
fitness before engaging in any type of physical exercise. It makes it possible to live longer and move more
physically. Those with this feature are more prone to fatigue and weariness than those who are inherently unfit.
In addition to being enjoyable and a means of self-expression, dancing helps to maintain and improve one's
health and fitness without the need for rigorous training or regular gym attendance.

IV. Reflection: (Note: Deduction of one point per day for late submission, and a fair grade for copied work.)
How important is choreography in dancing?

- Choreography is a tool used by dancers to express themselves via movement. Dancing becomes a resonant
form of communication when structure and ingenuity are harmoniously combined, as if their bodies were
language itself. While spontaneous or on-the-spot dancing is undoubtedly possible, nothing compares to a
performance that is the result of continuous skill development and careful planning. It encapsulates everything
that is real in life. It serves as an example of how having a strategy is essential to getting the desired outcomes.
There's very little chance you'll be able to do it if we make a hasty decision.

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Before engaging in any exercise program, one must first complete the Physical Activity Readiness
Questionnaire or PAR-Q. This helps to determine how safe it is for a person to undergo physical activities. It
helps lower the risk of any untoward incidents caused by medical conditions from occurring.
Directions: Read each question carefully and answer each one with honesty
Derived from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

Questions YES NO

1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that
you should only do physical activities recommended by a doctor? /
2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform a physical activity?
3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing
any physical activity? /
4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or loss of
consciousness? /
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be worsened by any
physical activity? /
6. Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood
pressure or heart condition? /
7. Do you know other reason/s why you should not engage in any
physical activity? /
Please indicate :

Note: If you have answered “YES “ to one or more of the above

questions, consult your doctor immediately. Seek advice from your
doctor on what type of activity is suitable for your condition.

If you answered NO honestly to all PAR-Q questions, you can be

reasonably sure that you can;
● Start becoming much more active - begin slowly and build up
gradually. This is the safest and easiest way to go.
● take part in a fitness appraisal - this is an excellent way to
determine your basic fitness so that you can plan the best way
for you to live actively. It is also recommended that you have
blood pressure evaluated. If your reading is over 144/94 , talk
with your doctor before you start becoming much more
physically active.

I have read, understood and completed this questionnaire. Any questions I had were
answered to my full satisfaction.

Name: Dela Cruz, Mikee Marcos T,

Signature: Date: November 7,2023
Signature of Parent or Guardian: Shamyre mae Taoy

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