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Probability and Hypothesis Testing

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Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 1

Probability and Hypothesis Testing
The area of descriptive statistics is concerned with meaningful and efficient ways of presenting
data. When it comes to inferential statistics, though, our goal is to make some statement about a
characteristic of a population based on what we know about a sample drawn from that
population. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of statements one can make. One type
concerns parameter estimation, and the other hypothesis testing.
Parameter Estimation
In parameter estimation, one is interested in determining the magnitude of some population
characteristic. Consider, for example an economist who wishes to estimate the average monthly
amount of money spent on food by unmarried college students. Rather than testing all college
students, he/she can test a sample of college students, and then apply the techniques of inferential
statistics to estimate the population parameter. The conclusion of such a study would be
something like:
The probability is 0.95 that the population mean falls within the interval of 130-150.
Hypothesis Testing
In the hypothesis testing situation, an experimenter wishes to test the hypothesis that some
treatment has the effect of changing a population parameter. For example, an educational
psychologist believes that a new method of teaching mathematics is superior to the usual way of
teaching. The hypothesis to be tested is that all students will perform better (i.e., receive higher
grades) if the new method is employed. Again, the experimenter does not test everyone in
the population. Rather, he/she draws a sample from the population. Half of the subjects are
taught with the Old method, and half with the New method. Finally, the experimenter compares
the mean test results of the two groups. It is not enough, however, to simply state that the mean
is higher for New than Old (assuming that to be the case). After carrying out the appropriate
inference test, the experimenter would hope to conclude with a statement like:
The probability that the New-Old mean difference is due to chance (rather than to the
different teaching methods) is less than 0.01.
Note that in both parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, the conclusions that are drawn
have to do with probabilities. Therefore, in order to really understand parameter estimation and
hypothesis testing, one has to know a little bit about basic probability.
Random sampling is important because it allows us to apply the laws of probability to sample
data, and to draw inferences about the corresponding populations.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 2
Sampling With Replacement
A sample is random if each member of the population is equally likely to be selected each
time a selection is made. When N is small, the distinction between with and without
replacement is very important. If one samples with replacement, the probability of a particular
element being selected is constant from trial to trial (e.g., 1/10 if N = 10). But if one draws
without replacement, the probability of being selected goes up substantially as more
subjects/elements are drawn.
e.g., if N = 10
Trial 1: p(being selected) = 1/10 = .1
Trial 2: p(being selected) = 1/9 = .11111
Trial 3: p(being selected) = 1/8 = .125
Sampling Without Replacement
When the population N is very large, the distinction between with and without replacement is less
important. Although the probability of a particular subject being selected does go up as more
subjects are selected (without replacement), the rise in probability is minuscule when N is large.
For all practical purposes then, each member of the population is equally likely to be selected on
any trial.
e.g., if N = 1,000,000
Trial 1: p(being selected) = 1 / 1,000,000
Trial 2: p(being selected) = 1 / 999,999
Trial 3: p(being selected) = 1 / 999,998
Probability Values
A probability must fall in the range 0.00 - 1.00 . If the probability of event A = 0.00, then A is
certain not to occur. If the probability of event A = 1.00, then A is certain to occur.
Every event has a complement: For example, the complement of event A is the event not A,
which is usually symbolized as A . The probability of an event plus the probability of its
complement must be equal to 1. That is,
p( A) + p( A) = 1
p( A) = 1 p( A)
This is just the same thing as saying that the event (A) must either happen or not happen.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 3
Computing Probabilities
A priori probability. The a priori method of computing probability is also known as the classical
method. It might help to think of it as the expected probability value (e.g., like expected
frequencies used in calculating the chi-squared statistic).
p( A) =
number of events classifiable as A
total number of possible events
A posteriori probability. The a posteriori method is sometimes called the empirical method.
Whereas the a priori method corresponds to expected frequencies, the empirical method
corresponds to observed frequencies.
p( A) =
number of times A has occurred
total number of events
EXAMPLE: Consider a fair six-sided die (die = singular of dice). What is the probability of
rolling a 6? According to the a priori method, p(6) = 1/6. But to compute p(6) according to the
empirical method, we would have to roll the die some number of times (preferably a large
number), count the number of sixes, and divide by the number of rolls. As alluded to earlier,
statistics like chi-squared involve comparison of a priori and empirical probabilities.
The preceding definitions indicate that calculating a probability value entails counting. The
number of things (or events) to be counted is often enormous. Therefore, conventional methods
of counting are often inadequate. We now turn to some useful methods of counting large
numbers of events.
An ordered arrangement of r distinct objects is called a permutation. For example, there are 6
permutations of the numbers 1, 2, and 3:
In general, there are r-factorial permutations of r objects. In this case, r = 3, and 3-factorial =
3x2x1 = 6. Factorial is symbolized with an exclamation mark, the formula would look like
this: 3! = 3x2x1 = 6.
Note that one is not always interested in taking all r cases at a time. If we had 4 numbers rather
than 3, for example, the number of permutations of those 4 numbers would be 4! = 4x3x2x1 =
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 4
24. But what if we only wished to take the numbers 2 at a time? In this case, there would be only
12 permutations:
The number of ways of ordering n distinct objects taken r at a time is given by the following:
Prn = n(n 1)(n 2)...(n r + 1) =
(n r )!
EXAMPLE: Suppose that there are 10 horses in a race, and that event A has been defined as
correct selection the top 3 finishers in the correct order (i.e., correct selection of the Win, Place
and Show horses). What is the probability of A?
p( A) =
number of ways to pick top 3 horse in correct order
number of permutations of 10 horses chosen 3 at a time
=== .00139
(10 3)!
Note that there is often more than one way to solve a probability problem, and that some ways
are easier than others. Later on we will solve this same problem in another way that I find more
intuitively appealing.
A combination is similar to a permutation, but differs in that order is not important. ABC and
BCA are different permutations, but ABC is the same combination as BCA. The number of
combinations of n things taken r at a time is given by:
C ==
r ! r !(n r )!
EXAMPLE: A camp counselor is supervising 6 campers, 3 girls and 3 boys. The counselor
chooses 3 campers to chop wood and 3 to wash the dishes. If the assignment of children to
chores is random, what is the probability that the 3 girls will be asked to wash dishes, and the 3
boys to chop wood?
Solution: Let A = assignment of 3 girls to dishwashing and 3 boys to wood-chopping. There is
only 1 way for A to happen. The total number of possible outcomes = the number of
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combinations of 6 campers chosen 3 at a time. So,
p( A) =
==== 0.05
6!720 20C36
3!3! 36
Thus, if the assignment of campers to chores was random, the probability of 3 girls being
assigned to dish-washing and 3 boys to wood-chopping is 0.05 (or 5%).
NOTE: There are always r! permutations for every combination.
A More General Combinatorial Formula
The number of ways of partitioning n distinct objects into k distinct groups containing
n1 , n2 ,...nk objects respectively is given by:
n1 , n2 ,...nk
n1 !n2 !...nk !
where n = ni
i =1
EXAMPLE: How many ways can an ice hockey coach assign 12 forwards to 4 forward lines
(where each line consists of 3 players)?
12C3,3,3,3 =
= 369, 600
NOTE: The formula for combinations is a special case of this more general formula with k = 2.
Venn Diagrams
Venn diagrams are commonly used to illustrate probabilities and relationships between events. A
few words of explanation may be helpful.
The first part of a Venn diagram is a rectangle that represents the sample space. The sample
space encompasses all possible outcomes in the situation being considered. For example, if you
are considering all possible outcomes when drawing one card from a standard deck of playing
cards, the sample space consists of the 52 cards.
Inside of the sample space, circles are drawn to represent the various events that have been
defined. If the sample space is 52 playing cards, event A might be getting a red card, and event B
might be getting a King. Event A in this case would consist of 26 outcomes (the 26 red cards);
and event B would consist of 4 outcomes (the 4 Kings). Note that there would be two outcomes
common to A and B, the King of Hearts and the King of Diamonds. This would be represented
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in the Venn diagram by making the two circles overlap.
One other important about Venn diagrams is this: If they are drawn to scale (which is not the
case here), the probability of event A is equal to the area of circle A divided by the area of the
entire sample space. In the example above, event A was getting a red card when drawing one
card from a standard deck. In this case, p(A) = .5; and so a Venn diagram drawn to scale would
show circle A taking up exactly half of the sample space.
ADDITION RULE: How to calculate p(A or B)
Definition of "or"
In everyday use, the word "or" is typically used in the exclusive sense. That is, when we say "A
or B", we usually mean one or the other, but not both. In probability (and logic) though, "or" is
inclusive. In other words, "A or B" includes the possibility of "A and B":
or in probability (and logic) = and/or in everyday language
Finally, note that because or is inclusive, p(A or B) is often expressed as p ( A B ) , which stands
for A union B.
EXAMPLE: Imagine drawing 1 card at random from a well-shuffled deck of playing cards. And
define events A, B, and C as follows:
A = the card is a face card (Jack, Queen, King)
B = the card is a red card (Hearts, Diamonds)
C = A or B
In this example, C is true if the card drawn is either a face card (A), or a red card (B), or both a
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face card and a red card (both A and B).
Addition Rule: General Case
To calculate p(A or B), begin by adding p(A) and p(B). Note however, that if events A and B
intersect (see the Venn diagram on p. 6), events that fall in the intersection (A and B) have been
counted twice. Therefore, they must be subtracted once. Thus, the formula for computing the
probability of (A or B) is as follows:
p ( A or B) = p ( A) + p( B ) p ( A and B)
Special Case for Mutually Exclusive Events
Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur together. In other words, A and B are
mutually exclusive if the occurrence of A precludes the occurrence of B, and vice versa. In other
words, if events A and B are mutually exclusive, then p(A and B) = 0; and if p(A and B) = 0, then
events A and B are mutually exclusive.
Therefore, when the addition rule is applied to mutually exclusive events, it simplifies to:
p ( A or B) = p( A) + p( B)
NOTE: In a Venn diagram, mutually exclusive events are non-overlapping.
Addition Rule for more than 2 mutually exclusive events
The addition rule may also be applied in situations where there are more than two events,
provided that the occurrence of one of the events precludes the occurrence of all others. The rule
is as follows:
p( A or B or C...or Z ) = p( A) + p( B ) + p (C )... + p ( Z )
Mutually exclusive and exhaustive sets of events
A set of events is exhaustive if it includes all possible outcomes. For example, when rolling a 6-
sided die, the set of outcomes of 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 is exhaustive, because it contains all possible
outcomes. The outcomes in this set are also mutually exclusive, because the occurrence of one
number precludes all others. When a set of events is exhaustive, and the outcomes in that set are
mutually exclusive, then the sum of the probabilities for the events must equal 1. For a fair 6-
sided die, for example, if we let X = the number showing, X would have the following probability
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 8
p( X )
p( X )
6/6 = 1
The concept of conditional probability is very important in hypothesis testing. It is standard to
use the word "given" when talking about conditional probability. For example, one might want to
know the probability of event A given that event B has occurred. This conditional probability is
written symbolically as follows:
p( A | B)
When you are given (or told) that event B (or any other event) has occurred, this allows you to
delimit, or reduce the sample space. In the following Venn Diagram that illustrates conditional
probability, for example, when computing p(A|B), we can immediately delimit the sample space
to the area occupied by circle B. In effect, circle B has become the sample space, and anything
outside of it does not exist. And so, when a Venn diagram is drawn to scale, p(A|B) is equal to
the ratio of the area in the (A and B) intersection divided by the area of circle B.
Venn diagram illustrating conditional probability
Putting these ideas into symbols, we get the following:
p( A | B) =
p( A and B)
p( B)
p ( B | A) =
p( A and B )
p ( A)
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 9
NOTE: In calculating conditional probabilities, always divide by the probability of that which
was given.
General Rule
Related to conditional probability is the question of how to compute p(A and B). Note the
formulae for computing conditional probabilities can be rearranged to isolate the expression
p(A and B):
(1) p( A and B ) = p ( A) p( B | A)
(2) p( A and B ) = p ( B) p( A | B)
These two equations represent the general multiplication rule.
Special Case for Independent Events
There is also a special multiplication rule for independent events. Before looking at it, let us
define independence. Two events, A and B, are independent if the occurrence of one has no
effect on the probability of occurrence of the other. Thus, A and B are independent if, and only
p ( A | B ) = p ( A | B) = p ( A)
p ( B | A) = p ( B | A) = p ( B)
And conversely, if A and B are independent, then the two equations shown above must be true.
So then, if A and B are independent, p( A | B) = p( A) and p( B | A) = p( B) . Therefore, the
equations that represent the general multiplication rule (shown above) simplify to the following
special multiplication rule for two independent events:
p( A and B ) = p ( A) p( B)
If you have more than 2 events, and they are all independent of each other, the special
multiplication rule can be extended as follows:
p ( A and B and C... and Z ) = p ( A) p ( B )... p ( Z )
Three or more related events
When you have two related events, the general multiplication rule tells you that
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p( A and B ) = p ( A) p( B | A) . When you have 3 events that are all related to one another, this can
be extended as follows:
p( A and B and C ) = p( A) p( B | A) p(C | AB)
And for 4 related events:
p ( A and B and C and D) = p( A) p ( B | A) p (C | AB) p( D | ABC )
These extensions to the general multiplication rule are useful in situations that entail sampling
without replacement. For example, if you draw 5 cards from a standard playing deck without
replacement, what is the probability that all 5 will be Diamonds? The probability that the first
card drawn is a Diamond is 13/52, or .25. If the first card is in fact a Diamond, note that the
number of remaining Diamonds is now 12. And of course, the number of cards remaining is 51.
Therefore, the probability that the 2nd card is a Diamond, given that the first card was a
Diamond, is 12/51. Using the same logic, the probability that the 3rd card is a Diamond, given
that the first two were both Diamonds, is 11/50, and so on. So the solution to this problem is
given by:
" 13 " 12 " 11 " 10 " 9
p (all 5 are Diamonds) = = " " " " " .0005
, 52 , 51 , 50 , 49 , 48
For another example of how to use these extensions of the general multiplication, let us return to
the horse racing problem described in the section on permutations. The problem stated that there
are 10 horses in a race. Given that you have no other information, what is the probability that you
will correctly pick the top 3 finishers (in the right order)? We first solved this problem by using
the formula for permutations. But given what we now know, there is another way to solve the
problem that may be more intuitively appealing. The probability of picking the winner is 1/10.
The probability of picking the 2nd place finisher given that we have successfully picked the
winner is 1/9. And finally, the probability of picking the 3rd place finisher given that we have
picked the top two horses correctly, is 1/8. So the probability of picking the top 3 finishers in the
right order is:
1 " 1 " 1 " 1
p (top 3 horses in right order) = == " " " .00139
10 , 9 , 8 720,
In my opinion, this is a much easier and more understandable solution than the first one we
looked at.
GENERAL POINT: A general point worth emphasizing again is that there is usually more than
one way to solve a probability problem, and that some ways are easier than otherssometimes a
lot easier.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 11
Mutually Exclusive Events
Two events, A and B, are mutually exclusive if both cannot occur at the same time. Thus, if A
and B are mutually exclusive, p(A and B) = 0. Note also that if you are told that p(A and B) = 0,
you can conclude that A and B are mutually exclusive.
NOTE: Because p(A and B) = 0 for mutually exclusive events, p(A|B) and p(B|A) must both be
equal to 0 as well (see section on conditional probability).
In the preceding sections, I have been throwing around terms such as independent, mutually
exclusive, and related. There often seems to be a great deal of confusion about what these terms
mean. Students are prone to thinking that independence and mutual exclusivity are the same
thing. They are not, of course. One way to avoid this confusion is to lay out the different kinds of
events in a chart such as this:
From this chart, it should be clear that independence is not the same thing as mutual exclusivity.
If events A and B are not independent, then they are related. (Think of related and independent
are opposites.) Because mutually exclusive events are related events, they cannot be
independent. This chart also illustrates that overlap is a necessary but not a sufficient condition
for two events to be independent. That is, if two events do not overlap, they definitely are not
independent. But if they do overlap, they may or may not be independent. The following points,
some of which are repeated, are also noteworthy in this context:
1. Sampling with replacement produces a situation in which successive trials are
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2. Sampling without replacement produces a situation in which successive trials are related.
3. The complementary events A and not A are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Therefore,
the following are true:
p( A) + p( A) = 1
p( A) = 1 p( A)
It was suggested earlier that there is often more than one way to figure out the probability of
some event, but that some ways are easier than others. If you are finding that direct calculation of
p(A) is very difficult or confusing, always remember that an alternative approach is to figure out
p(A) and subtract it from 1. In some cases, this approach will be much easier. Consider the
following problem, for example:
If you roll 3 fair 6-sided dice, what is the probability that at least one 2 or one 4 will
One way to approach this is by directly calculating the probability of the event in question. For
example, I could define the following events:
Let A = 2 or 4 showing on die 1
Let B = 2 or 4 showing on die 2
Let C = 2 or 4 showing on die 3
And now the event I am interested in is (A or B or C). I could apply the rules of probability to
come up with following:
p( A or B or C ) = p( A) + p ( B) + p(C ) p ( AB) p( AC ) p( BC ) + p(
I have left out several steps, which you don't need to worry about.1 The important point is that
this method is relatively cumbersome. A much easier method for solving this problem falls out
if you recognize that the complement of at least one 2 or one 4 is no 2's and no 4's. In other
words, if there are NOT no 2's and no 4's, then there must be at least one 2 or one 4. So the
answer is 1 - p(no 2's and no 4's). With this approach, I would define events as follows:
Let A = no 2's and no 4's on 1st die p(A) = 2/3
Let B = no 2's and no 4's on 2nd die p(B) = 2/3
Let C = no 2's and no 4's on 3rd die p(C) = 2/3
In order for there to be no 2's or 4's, all 3 of these events must occur. If we assume that the 3 dice
are all independent of each other, which seems reasonable, then p(ABC) = p(A) p(B) p(C) = 8/27.
And the answer to the original question is 1- 8/27, or .7037.
If youre curious about where this formula comes from, draw yourself a Venn diagram with 3 overlapping circles
for events A-C, and see if you can figure it out.
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Most of the cases we have looked at so far in our discussion of probability have concerned
discrete variables. Thus, we have thought about probability of some event A as the number of
outcomes that we can classify as A divided by the total number of possible outcomes.
Many of the dependent variables measured in experiments are continuous rather than discrete,
however. When a variable is continuous, we must conceptualize the probability of A in a slightly
different way. Specifically,
p( A) =
area under the curve that corresponds to A
total area under the curve
Note that if you are dealing with a normally distributed continuous variable, you can carry out
the appropriate z-transformations and make use of a table of the standard normal distribution to
find probability values.
Definition: The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution that results from a
series of N Bernoulli trials. For each trial in a Bernoulli series, there are only two possible
outcomes. These outcomes are often referred to as success (S) and failure (F). These two
outcomes are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, and there is independence between trials.
Because of the independence between trials, the probability of a success (p) remains constant
from trial to trial.2
Example 1: Tossing a Fair Coin N Times
When the number of Bernoulli trials is very small, it is quite easy to generate a binomial
distribution without recourse to any kind of formula: You can just list all possible outcomes, and
apply the special multiplication rule for independent events. Consider the following examples
where we toss a fair coin N times, and let X = the number of Heads obtained.
a) Fair coin with N=1 toss
Sequences that yield X
Coin flipping is often used to illustrate the binomial distribution. Independence between trials refers to the fact that
the coin has no memory. That is, if the coin is fair, the probability of a Head is .5 every time it is flipped, regardless
of what has happened on previous trials.
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When N = 1, we have a 50:50 chance of getting a Head, and a 50:50 chance of getting a Tail.
b) Fair coin with N = 2 tosses
When N = 2, four different sequences are possible: TT, HT, TH, or HH. Given that the two
tosses are independent, each of these sequences is equally likely. There is one way to get X=0;
two ways to get X=1; and one way to get X=2.
c) Fair coin with N = 3 tosses
In this case, there are 8 equally likely sequences of Heads and Tails, as shown above. Because
there are 3 such sequences that yield X = 2, p(x=2) = 3/8 = .375.
Example 2: Tossing a Biased Coin N Times
Now let us assume that we have biased coin. Heads and Tails are not equally likely when we flip
this coin. Let p = .8 and q = .2, where p stands for the probability of a Head, and q the probability
of a Tail. Toss this biased coin N times, and let x = the number of Heads obtained for:
a) Biased coin with N=1 toss
Sequences that yield X
Sequences that yield X
{ TTT }
{ HHH }
Sequences that yield X
{ TT }
{ HT, TH }
{ HH }
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b) Biased coin with N = 2 tosses
When N = 2, four different sequences are possible: TT, HT, TH, or HH. What is the probability
of a particular sequence occurring? If you remember that the trials are independent (i.e., the coin
has no memory for what happened on the previous toss), then you can use the special
multiplication rule for independent events to figure out the probability of any sequence. Take for
example getting a Tail on both trials:
p(Tails on both trials) = p(Tail on trial 1)p(Tail on trial 2) = (.2)(.2) = .04
Applying the special multiplication rule to all of the possible sequences we get the following:
Sequences that yield X
{ TT }
{ HT, TH }
{ HH }
p (TT) = (.2)(.2) = .04
p (HT) = (.8)(.2) = .16
p (TH) = (.2)(.8) = .16
p (HH) = (.8)(.8) = .64
Note that the only way for X=0 to occur is if the sequence TT occurs. The probability of this
sequence is equal to .04, as shown above. Likewise, the only way for X=2 to occur is if the
sequence HH occurs. The probability of this sequence is equal to .64, as shown above.
That leaves X=1. There are 2 ways we could solve p(X=1). The easier way is to recognize that
the sum of the probabilities in any binomial distribution has to be equal to 1, and that we the final
probability can be obtained by subtraction. Putting that into symbols, we have:
p( X = 1) = 1 [ p( X = 0) + p( X = 2)] = 1 [.04 + .64] = .
The other way to solve p(x=1) is to recognize that the two sequences that yield X=1 are mutually
exclusive sequences. In other words, you know that if the sequence HT occurred when you
tossed a coin twice, the sequence TH could not possibly have occurred. The occurrence of one
precludes occurrence of the other, which is exactly what we mean by mutual exclusivity. We
also know that X=1 if HT occurs, or if TH occurs. So p(X=1) is really equal to p(HT or TH).
Applying the special addition rule for mutually exclusive events, we get
p(HT or TH) = p (HT) + p (TH) = .16 + .16 = .32
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c) Biased coin with N = 3 tosses
In this case there are 8 possible sequences. Applying the special multiplication rule, we can
arrive at these probabilities for the 8 sequences:
p (TTT) = (.2)(.2)(.2) = (.8)0 (.2)3 = .008
p (HTT) = (.8)(.2)(.2) = (.8)1 (.2) 2 = .032
p (THT) = (.2)(.8)(.2) = (.8)1 (.2) 2 = .032
p (TTH) = (.2)(.2)(.8) = (.8)1 (.2) 2 = .032
p (HHT) = (.8)(.8)(.2) = (.8)2 (.2)1 = .128
p (HTH) = (.8)(.2)(.8) = (.8) 2 (.2)1 = .128
p (THH) = (.2)(.8)(.8) = (.8) 2 (.2)1 = .128
p (HHH) = (.8)(.8)(.8) = (.8)3 (.2)0 = .512
And application of the special addition rule for mutually exclusive events allows us to calculate
the probability values shown in the preceding table. For example,
p ( X = 1) = p (HTT or THT or TTH)
= p (HTT) + p (THT) + p (TTH)
= .032 + .032 + .032 = .096
Sequences that yield X
{ TTT }
{ HHH }
A formula for calculating binomial probabilities
In the examples above, note that each sequence that yields a particular value of X has the same
probability of occurrence. This is the case for all binomial distributions. And because of it, you
dont have to compute the probability of each sequence and then add them up. Rather, you can
compute the probability of one sequence, and multiply by the number of sequences. In the
we have just considered, for example,
p( X = 1) = (3 sequences)(.032 per sequence) = .096
When the number of trials in a Bernoulli series becomes even just a bit larger (e.g., 5 or more),
the number of possible sequences of successes and failures becomes very large. And so, in these
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cases, it is not at all convenient to generate binomial distributions in the manner shown above.
Fortunately, there is a fairly straightforward formula that can be used instead. It is shown below:
p( X ) =
p X qNX
X !( N X )!)
N = the number of trials in the Bernoulli series
X = the number of successes in N trials
p = the probability of success on each trial
q = 1 - p = probability of failure on each trial
To confirm that it works, you should use it to work out the following binomial distributions:
1) Let N = 3, p = .5
2) Let N = 3, p = .8
3) Let N = 4, p = .5
4) Let N = 4, p = .8
Note that the first two are distributions that we worked out earlier, so you can compare your
The formula shown above can be broken into two parts. You should recognize the first part,
N!/[X!(N-X)!], as giving the number of combinations of N things taken x at a time. In this
context, it may be more helpful to think of it as giving the number of sequences of successes and
failures that will result in there being X successes and (N-X) failures. To make this a little more
concrete, think about flipping a fair coin 10 times:
Let N = 10
Let X = the number of Heads
Let p = .5, q = .5
To calculate the probability of exactly 6 heads, for example, the first thing you have to know is
how many sequences of Heads and Tails result in exactly 6 Heads? The answer is: 10!/(6!4!) =
210. There are 210 sequences of Heads and Tails that result in exactly 6 Heads.
Note that these sequences are all mutually exclusive. That is to say, the occurrence of one
sequence excludes all others from occurring. Therefore, if we knew the probability of each
sequence, we could figure out the probability of getting sequence 1 or sequence 2 or...sequence
210 by adding up the probabilities for each one (special addition rule for mutually exclusive
Note as well that each one of these sequences has the same probability of occurrence.
Furthermore, that probability is given by the second part of our formula, p X q N X .
And so, conceptually, the formula for computing binomial probability
could be stated as: (the number of sequences of Successes and Failures that results
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 18
in X Successes and (N-X) Failures) multiplied by (the probability of each of those
QN!X NXQp( X ) = Q p q-\
X !( N X )!\-
The number of
sequences of
Successes and
Failures that results
in X Successes and
N-X Failures
The probability of
each one of those
It is also possible to generate binomial probabilities using the binomial expansion. For example,
for N = 4,
( p + q ) 4 = p 4 q 0 + 4 p 3 q1 + 6 p 2 q 2 + 4 p1q 3 + p
0 q 4
= p 4 + 4 p 3 q1 + 6 p 2 q 2 + 4 p1q 3 + q 4
But many students find the formula I gave first easier to understand.
Note as well that some (older) statistics textbooks have Tables of the binomial distribution, but
usually only for particular values of p and q (e.g., multiples of .05).
Suppose I have two coins in my pocket. One is a fair coini.e., p(Head) = p(Tail) = 0.5. The
other coin is biased toward Tails: p(Head) = .15, p(Tail) = .85.
I then place the two coins on a table, and allow you to choose one of them. You take the selected
coin, and flip it 11 times, noting each time whether it showed Heads or Tails.
Let X = the number of Heads observed in 11 flips.
Let hypothesis A be that you selected and flipped the fair coin.
Let hypothesis B be that you selected and flipped the biased coin.
Under what circumstances would you decide that hypothesis A is true?
Under what circumstances would you decide that hypothesis B is true?
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 19
p = p(Head) = 0.5
q = p(Tail) = 0.5
p = p(Head) = 0.15
q = p(Tail) = 0.85
A good way to start is to think about what kinds of outcomes you would expect for each
hypothesis. For example, if hypothesis A is true (i.e., the coin is fair), you expect the number of
Heads to be somewhere in the middle of the 0-11 range. But if hypothesis B is true (i.e., the coin
is biased towards tails), you probably expect the number of Heads to be quite small.
Note as well that a very large number of Heads is improbable in either case, but is less probable
if the coin is biased towards tails.
In general terms, therefore, we will decide that the coin is biased towards tails (hypothesis B) if
the number of Heads is quite low; otherwise, we will decide that the coin is fair (hypothesis A).
IF the number of heads is LOW
THEN decide that the coin is biased
ELSE decide that the coin is fair.
But an obvious problem now confronts us: That is, how low is low? Where do we draw the line
between low and middling?
The answer is really quite simple. The key is to recognize that the variable X (the number of
Heads) has a binomial distribution. Furthermore, if hypothesis A is true, X will have a binomial
distribution with N = 11, p = .5, and q = .5. But if hypothesis B is true, then X will have a
binomial distribution with N = 11, p = .15, and q = .85.
We can generate these two distributions using the formula you learned earlier.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 20
Two Binomial Distributions with N = 11 and X = # of Heads
p( X | H A ) p( X | H B )
Note that each of these binomial probability distributions
is really a conditional probability distribution.
We are now in a position to compare conditional probabilities for particular experimental
outcomes. For example, if we actually did carry out the coin tossing experiment and obtained 3
Heads (X=3), we would know that the probability of getting exactly 3 Heads is lower if
hypothesis A is true (.0806) than it is if hypothesis B is true (.1517). Therefore, we might decide
that hypothesis B is true if the outcome was X = 3 Heads.
But what if we had obtained 4 Heads (X=4) rather than 3? In this case the probability of exactly 4
Heads is higher if hypothesis A is true (.1611) than it is if hypothesis B is true (.0536). So in this
case, we would probably decide that hypothesis A is true (i.e., the coin is fair).
A decision rule to minimize the overall probability of error
In more general terms, we have been comparing the (conditional) probability of a particular
outcome if hypothesis A is true to the (conditional) probability of that same outcome if
hypothesis B is true. And we have gone with whichever hypothesis yields the higher conditional
probability for the outcome. We could represent this decision rule symbolically as follows:
if p(X | A) > p(X | B) then choose A
if p(X | A) < p(X | B) then choose B
Note that even if the coin is biased towards tails, it is possible for the number of Heads to be very
large; and if the coin is fair, it is possible to observe very few Heads. No matter which hypothesis
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 21
we choose, therefore, there is always the possibility of making an error.3 However, the use of the
decision rule described here will minimize the overall probability of error. In the present
example, this rule would lead us to decide that the coin is biased if the number of Heads was 3 or
less; but for any other outcome, we would conclude that the coin is fair (see below).
Decision rule to minimize the overall probability of error
p( X | H A ) p( X | H B )
Choose B
Choose A
Null and Alternative Hypotheses
In any experiment, there are two hypotheses that attempt to explain the results. They are the
alternative hypothesis and the null hypothesis.
Alternative Hypothesis ( H1 or H A ). In experiments that entail manipulation of an independent
variable, the alternative hypothesis states that the results of the experiment are due to the effect
of the independent variable. In the coin tossing example above, H1 would state that the biased
coin had been selected, and that p(Head) = 0.15.
Null Hypothesis ( H 0 ). The null hypothesis is the complement of the alternative hypothesis. In
other words, if H1 is not true, then H 0 must be true, and vice versa. In the foregoing coin tossing
situation, H0 asserts that the fair coin was selected, and that p(Head) = 0.50.
Thus, the decision rule to minimize the overall p(error) can be restated as follows:
For the moment, the distinction between Type I and Type II errors is not important. We will get to that shortly.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 22
if p(X | H 0 ) > p(X | H1 ) then do not reject H 0
if p(X | H 0 ) < p(X | H1 ) then reject H 0
Rejecting H 0 is essentially the same thing as choosing H1 , but note that many statisticians are
very careful about the terminology surrounding this topic. According to statistical purists, it is
only proper to reject the null hypothesis or fail to reject the null hypothesis. Acceptance of either
hypothesis is strictly forbidden.
Rejection Region
As implied by the foregoing, the rejection region is a range containing outcomes that lead to
rejection of H 0 . In the coin tossing example above, the rejection region consists of 0, 1, 2, and 3.
For X > 3, we would fail to reject H 0 .
Type I and Type II Errors
When one is making a decision about H 0 (i.e., either to reject or fail to reject it), it is possible to
make two different types of errors.
Type I Error. A Type I Error occurs when H 0 is TRUE, but the experimenter decides to reject
H 0 . In other words, the experimenter attributes the results of the experiment to the effect of the
independent variable, when in fact the independent variable had no effect. The probability of
Type I error is symbolized by the Greek letter alpha:
p(Type I Error) =
Type II Error. A Type II Error occurs when H 0 is FALSE (or H1 is TRUE), and the
experimenter fails to reject H 0 . In this case, the experimenter concludes that the independent
variable has no effect when in fact it does. The probability of Type II error is symbolized by the
Greek letter beta:
p(Type II Error) =
The two types of errors are often illustrated using a 2x2 table as shown below.
Reject H 0
Fail to reject H 0
H 0 is TRUE
Type I error ( )
Correct failure to reject H 0
H 0 is FALSE
Correct rejection of H 0
Type II error ( )
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 23
EXAMPLE: To illustrate how to calculate and , let us return to the coin tossing experiment
discussed earlier.
Decision rule to minimize the overall probability of error4
p( X | H 0 )
p ( X | H1 )
Reject H 0
Fail to reject H 0
= .0005 + .0054 + .0269 + .0806 = .1134
= .0536 + .0132 + .0023 + .0003 + ... = .0694
Let us begin with , the probability of Type I error. According to the definitions given above,
Type I error can only occur if the null hypothesis is TRUE. And if the null hypothesis is true,
then we know that we should be taking our probability values from the distribution that is
conditional on H 0 being true. In this case, that means we want the distribution on the left
(binomial with N = 11, p = .5).
We now know which distribution to use, but still have to decide which region to take values
from, above the line or below the line. We know that H 0 is true, and we know that an error has
been made. In other words, we have rejected H 0 . We could reject H 0 for any value of X equal to
or less than 3. And so, the probability of Type I error is the sum of the probabilities in the
rejection region (from the distribution that is conditional on H0 being true):
= .0005 + .0054 + .0269 + .0806 = .1134
See Appendix A for a graphical representation of the information shown in this table.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 24
REVIEW. Why can we add up probabilities like this to calculate ? Because we want to know
the probability of (X=0) or (X=1) or (X=2) or (X=3), and because these outcomes are all
mutually exclusive of the others. Therefore, we are entitled to use the special addition rule for
mutually exclusive events. We will use it again in calculating .
From the definitions given earlier, we know that a Type II error can only occur if H 0 is FALSE.
So in calculating , the probability of Type II error, we must take probability values from the
distribution that is conditional on H1 being truei.e., the right-hand distribution (binomial with
N = 11, p = .15, q = .85). If H1 is true, but an error has been made, the decision must have been
FAIL to reject H 0 . That means that we are looking at outcomes outside of the rejection region,
and in the distribution that is conditional on H1 being true. The probability of Type II error is the
sum of the probabilities in that region:
= .0536 + .0132 + .0023 + .0003 + ... = .0694
Decision Rule to Control
The decision rule to minimize overall probability of error is rarely if ever used in psychological
or medical research. Perhaps many of you have never heard of it before. There are at least two
reasons for its scarcity. The first reason is that in order to minimize overall probability of an
error, you must be able to specify exactly the sampling distribution of the statistic given that H1
is true. This is rarely possible. (Note that in situations where you cannot specify the distribution
that is conditional on H1 being true, you cannot calculate either. We will return to this later.)
The second reason is that the two types of errors are said to have different costs associated with
them. In many kinds of research, Type I Errors are considered by many to be more costly in
terms of wasted time, effort, and money. (We will return to this point later too.)
Therefore, in most hypothesis testing situations, the experimenter will want to ensure that the
probability of a Type I error is less than some pre-determined (but arbitrary) value. In
psychology and related disciplines, it is common to set = 0.05, or sometimes = 0.01. To
ensure that p(Type I Error) , one must ensure that the sum of the probabilities in the rejection
region (assuming H0 to be true) is equal to or less than .
EXAMPLE: For the coin tossing example described above, find the decision rule and calculate
a) = 0.05
b) = 0.01
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 25
a) In order to find the rejection region that maintains .05, we need to start with the most
extreme outcome that is favourable to H1, and work back towards the middle of the distribution.
In this case, that means starting with X = 0:
p( X | H 0 )
p( X | H
Reject H 0
Here, the right hand column shows the sum of the probabilities from 0 to X. As soon as that sum
is greater than .05, we know we have gone one step to far, and must back up. In this case, the
sum of the probabilities exceeds .05 when we get to X=3. Therefore, the .05 rejection region
consists of X values less than 3 (X=0, X=1, and X=2). Note that the actual level is .0328, which
is well below .05.
If X=3 is no longer in the rejection region, then it must now fall into the region used to calculate
. The probability that X = 3 given that H1 is true = .1517 (see the previous table). So will be
equal to the value we calculated before plus .1517:
= .1517 +.0536 + .0132 + .0023 + .0003 + ... = .2211
b) To find the .01 rejection region, we go through the same steps, but stop and go back one step
as soon as the sum of the probabilities exceeds .01.
p( X | H 0 )
p( X | H
Reject H 0
In this case, we are left with a rejection region consisting of only two outcomes: X=0 and X=1.
The actual level is .0059, which is well below the .01 level we were aiming for. Again,
because we have subtracted one outcome from the rejection region, that outcome must go into
the FAIL to reject region. And from the earlier table, we see that p(X=2 | H1) = .2866. Therefore,
= .2866 + .1517 + .0536...+ .0000 = .5077
Finally, note that the more severely is limited (e.g., .01 is more severe than .05), the more
will increase. And the more increases, the less sensitive (or powerful) the experiment. (We
will address the issue of power soon.)
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 26
Directional and Non-directional Alternative Hypotheses
We now turn to the issue of directional (or one-tailed) and non-directional (or two-tailed)
alternative hypotheses. Perhaps the best way to understand what this means is by considering
some examples. In each case, set .05, toss a coin 13 times, count the number of Heads, and
let the null hypothesis be that it is a fair coin. In each example, we will entertain a different
alternative hypothesis.
H0: p 0.5 (i.e., the coin is fair, or biased towards Tails)
H1: p > 0.5 (i.e., the coin is biased towards Heads)
NOTE: As mentioned earlier, H0 and H1 are complementary. That is, they must encompass all
possibilities. So in this case, according to H0, p .5 rather than p = .5. In other words, because
the alternative hypothesis states that the coin is biased towards Heads, the null hypothesis must
state that it is fair or biased towards Tails. In generating the H0 probability distribution, however,
we use p = .5. This provides what you could think of as a worst case for the null hypothesis.
That is, if you can reject the null hypothesis with p = .5, you would certainly be able to reject it
with any value of p < .5.
Let us once again think about what kinds of outcomes are expected under the two hypotheses. If
the null hypothesis is true (i.e., the coin is not biased towards Heads), we do not expect a
particularly large number of Heads. But if the alternative hypothesis is true (i.e., the coin is
biased towards Heads), we do expect to see a large number of Heads. So only a relatively large
number of Heads will lead to rejection of H0.
p( X | H 0 )
p( X | H
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 27
If H0 is true, then X, the number of Heads, will have a binomial distribution with N = 13 and p =
.5 (see above).
Because a large number of Heads will lead to rejection of H0, let us begin constructing our
rejection region with X = 13, and working back towards the middle of the distribution. As soon
as the sum of the probabilities exceeds .05, we will stop and go back one step:
p( X | H 0 )
p( X | H
Reject H 0
Fail to reject H 0
So in this case we would reject H0 if the number of Heads was 10 or greater, and the probability
of Type I error would be .0461.
Example 2:
H0: p 0.5 (i.e., the coin is fair, or biased towards Heads)
H1: p < 0.5 (i.e., the coin is biased towards Tails)
Again, if H0 is true, X, the number of Heads will have a binomial distribution with N = 13 and p =
.5. But this time, we would expect a small number of Heads if the alternative hypothesis is true.
Therefore, we start constructing the rejection region with X = 0, and work towards the middle of
the distribution:
p( X | H 0 )
p( X | H
Reject H 0
Fail to reject H 0
Now we would reject H0 if the number of Heads was 3 or less; and again, the probability of Type
I error would be .0461.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 28
Example 3: H0: p = 0.5 (i.e., the coin is fair)
H1: p 0.5 (i.e., the coin is biased)
As in the previous two examples, X, the number of Heads, will have a binomial distribution with
N = 13 and p = .5 if the null hypothesis is true. But this example differs in terms of what we
expect if the alternative hypothesis is true. The alternative hypothesis is that the coin is biased,
but no direction of bias is specified. Therefore, we expect either a small or a large number of
heads under the alternative hypothesis. In other words, our rejection region must be two-tailed.
In order to construct a two-tailed rejection region, we must work with pairs of outcomes rather
than individual outcomes. We start with the most extreme pair (0,13), and work towards the
middle of the distribution:
p( X | H 0 )
It turns out that we can reject H0 if the number of Heads is less than 3 or greater than 10;
otherwise we cannot reject H0. The probability of Type I error is the sum of the probabilities in
the rejection region, or .0224, which is well below .05.
Note that X = 10 was included in the rejection region in Example 1; and X = 3 was included in
the rejection region in Example 2. But if we include the pair (3,10) in the rejection region in this
example, rises to .0922. Therefore, this pair of values cannot be included if we wish to control
at the .05 level, 2-tailed.
X p( X | H
Reject H 0
Fail to reject H 0
Reject H 0
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 29
NOTE: It is the ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS that is either directional or non-directional.
Note as well that in the three examples we have just considered, it is not possible to calculate ,
because H1 is not precise enough to specify a particular binomial distribution.
We are now in a position to define power. The power of a statistical test is the conditional
probability that a false null hypothesis will be correctly rejected. Note that power is also
equal to 1 - .
As we saw earlier, it is only possible to calculate when the sampling distribution
conditional on H1 is known. The sampling distribution conditional on H1 is rarely known in
psychological research. Therefore, it is worth bearing in mind that power analysis (which is
becoming increasingly trendy these days) is necessarily based on assumptions about the nature of
the sampling distribution under the alternative hypothesis, and that the power estimates that are
produced are only as good as those initial assumptions.
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 30
Appendix A: Graphical Illustration of alpha, beta, and power
The figure shown below illustrates the same information that was presented in tabular form on
page 23. Alpha = p(Type I error), beta = p(Type II error), and 1-beta = power.
Assuming Null Hypothesis is TRUE
alpha 1 - alpha
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Assuming Alternative Hypothesis is TRUE
1 - beta
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B. Weaver (31-Oct-2005) Probability & Hypothesis Testing 31
Appendix B: The Likelihood Ratio
Earlier, we stated our decision rule for minimizing the overall probability of an error as follows:
if p(X | H0) > p(X | H1) then do not reject H0
if p(X | H0) < p(X | H1) then reject H0
This way of stating the rule implies that we simply use the difference between two conditional
probabilities as the basis of our decision. In actual practice, we (or at least statisticians) use the
ratio of these probabilities. The so-called likelihood ratio (l) is computed as follows:
Note as well that:
if p(X | H0 ) < p(X | H1 ), then
if p(X | H0 ) > p(X | H1 ), then
p( X | H 0 )
< 1.0
p ( X | H1 )
p( X | H 0 )
p ( X | H1 )
p( X | H 0 )
> 1.0
p ( X | H1 )
Therefore our decision rule to minimize the overall probability of an error can be restated as
if l < 1 then reject H0; if l > 1 then do not reject H0

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