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Ginza Rabba The Great Treasure

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Ginza Rabba

The Great Treasure

An equivalent translation of the Mandaean Holy Book

Translated by

Qais Mughashghash Al-Saadi Hamed Mughashghash Al-Saadi

Second Edition
Germany 2019
C^±i o^dl
Ginza Rabba
The Great Treasure
An equivalent translation of the Mandaean Holy Book

Translated by
Prof. Dr. Qais Mughashghash Al-Saadi
Hamed Mughashghash Al-Saadi


Mandaic fonts and arts by: Qais Al-Saadi

© All rights reserved to Qais Al-Saadi & Fouad Chasib Muhyi

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the authors.
Ginza Rabba

right Volume
The first circle (from inside) contains the short term of the Mandaean testimony of faith:
“Hayyi exists, my Lord exists, Manda 'd Haii exists”. The following inner cricle contains a
Mandaean prayer (see p. XXI). The next circle contains the opening phrase of the right Ginza
(see p.l). The 28 outer circles contain the phrase “Ginza Rabba” in Mandaic calligraphy.
’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

How much I will be happy when the Mandaeans can read their
religious books in their own language, Mandaic, but unfortunately,
they can not today. The English language has become the language of
the majority of them, since they today live in many countries rather
than in their homeland, Iraq and Iran. We would like that all of them,
and especially the new generations, have the chance to read and learn
more about their religion.
The Ginza Rabba is their main holy book. It is important that every
Mandaean family own it, read it, learn from it, and follow its
teachings. This is the purpose of this translation and the reason for
rendering the meaning of the text in a comprehensible language rather
than precisely following the words of the original text itself.
We have ensured this work to an honest and careful committee
consisting of Prof. Dr. Qais Al-Saadi, Mr. Hamed Al-Saadi and Mr.
Fouad Chasib Subbi. I have followed their hard work and helped to
answer their questions regarding the meanings of some Mandaic
words and texts.
I would like to mention here that the Ginza Rabba in its original
Mandaic is the base upon which we depend.
I appreciate the efforts of the committee and thank them and those
who shared with them in this very important project. I pray to Hayyi
Qadmayyi, the Great Life, to bless them. I call upon the Mandaeans,
and especially the new generations, to read it and follow the teachings
which are the teachings of our first religion, the teachings of the Great
’u Hayyi zaken

Rishema Salah Jabbar Tawos

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

The principles and the teachings of any religion have to be preserved

in a book, so that the followers of the religion can read and understand
them. It should be written in a comprehensible language, to ensure
that its readers get the full benefit of it.
Our holy book, the Ginza Rabba, was written in the Mandaic
language. Unfortunately, most of the Mandaeans nowadays have lost
the opportunity to learn their mother language. Therefore, we have
found it necessary to translate our holy book into Arabic. An efficient
specialized committee accomplished this project in Iraq, finishing in
Because the Mandaeans are today distributed in a diaspora, in
which most live in countries where English is the common language, it
once again became necessary to translate our holy book, the Ginza
Rabba, into English for the benefit of our descendants and for those
who would like to know more about Mandaism.
The committee that volunteered to undertake this great project
consists of Prof. Dr. Qais Mughashghash Al-Saadi, Mr. Hamed
Mughashghash Al-Saadi, and Mr. Fuad Chasib Subbi. We personally
followed the progress of this translation and took note of the great
efforts exerted to accomplish it.
It is important to mention here that no translation can be
substitute for the original text, especially with regard to sacred books.
For a greater understanding of the principles and the teachings of the
Mandaean religion, it is important to read and depend upon the
original texts in Mandaic.
I fully trust the sincerity and efficiency of the committee in
translating the meaning of the original Ginza Rabbas texts, and
invoke Hayyi Rabbi, the Great Life, to bless them and hope that the
Mandaeans who know English and the coming generations will get the
most benefit from it.

’u Hayyi zaken

Rishema Sattar Jabar Hillo

Head of the Mandaean Community

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

The Sabean Mandaeans, to whom I belong, consider the Ginza Rabba

as the main sacred scripture that contains the principles and
instructions of their religion. They have a great appreciation for their
holy book due to its unique language and primal teachings which bear
witness to the antiquity of their mono-theistic faith.
Unfortunately, the Mandaeans in Iraq and Iran ceased learning
their language as a result of using Arabic and Persian in their daily
lives. Due to their emigration to many countries of the world, they
acquired knowledge of other foreign languages, such as English, which
is of great relevance to the coming generations.
We realized the importance of presenting the Ginza Rabba in a
language which our children can comprehend. We want to help the
Mandaean youth to read their holy book and understand their faith,
since we have noticed their interest and how proud they would be to
deal with their scriptures just as other communities do.
Since I arrived in Australia along with the first Mandaeans in 1979,
I have attended to this important matter. The more that Mandaeans
were forced to leave their home countries, the more they have hoped
to gather themselves together in one land, such as Australia. The
future of our children and the survival of our doctrine has always been
our mission.
Due to my deep faith and abiding love of my people, I have
dedicated myself to translating the Ginza Rabba into English for my
family, grandchildren and children of all Mandaeans. We are
responsible for preserving the heritage that our ancestors have
maintained for thousands of years in a language that is under­
standable for everyone everywhere.
Reverend Rishema Salah Jabbar Tawos and Reverend Rishema
Sattar Jabbar Hillo appreciated this idea and encouraged me to keep
pursuing this project. They suggested the well known Mandaean, Prof.

Dr. Qais Mughashghash Al-Saadi, to support this translation based
upon his wide knowledge of this field.
I contacted him, and then visited him three times in Germany to
discuss the details of the project. I was following with him the
development of the work and how he was in contact with Reverend
Rishema Salah and Reverend Ganzibra Sattar to discuss with them and
with other priests about the correct meanings of the Mandaic words
and some special passages according to the original texts.
It is my honor to thank Reverend Rishema Salah Jabbar Tawos,
Reverend Rishema Sattar Jabbar Hillo, Prof. Dr. Qais Al Saadi, and
Mr. Hamed Al Saadi very much for their support with this translation.
I am very honoured to support this project, in order to make it
available for my community.
I pray to Hayyi Qadmayyi, the Great Life, to accept this work from
me, according to His grace upon my health, my family, and my
I pray to Hayyi Qadmayyi to contribute to other projects in the
future that serve our religion. May this work, which is free of charge
for the Mandaeans, be considered for me as a Zidqa Brikha or “Blessed
Oblation” in this life and in the World of Light.

’u Hayyi zaken

Fouad Chasib Muhyi

(Yahia br Yasmen)

Although Mandaeans neglected to document their history and
have lost much of their oral traditions, they were quite eager to keep
their religious heritage by copying their manuscripts. They therefore
adopted strict regulations for copying their sacred manuscripts, to
maintain and preserve them from one generation to the next.

The Ginza Rabba, or Great Treasure, is Mandaeans’ largest

collection of religious principles and instructions. According to their
beliefs, the Ginza was the first revelation of God to Adam and thus
considered as their holy book. Among Mandaeans, the book is also
known as Sidra Rabba, the great codex or Sidra’d Adam, the codex of

As unique as these people are, their holy book is specially

arranged: it consists of two volumes, the yamina or “right” and smala
or “left” Ginza. The “right” volume is larger and contains 18 chapters
divided into individual tractates, whereas the “left” volume includes 3
main chapters containing many hymns. The way of binding both
volumes together is very particular and used by the Mandaeans only
for this book. Both parts have to be bundled together in one tome; the
“left” part is placed upside-down to the “right” part, so that both parts
can be read from right-to-left according to the Mandaic alphabet.1

The Ginza Rabba varies in its contents and deals with spiritual,
even metaphysical aspects. It also deals with the mortal life of human
beings and describes ancient visions concerning life after death. In
particular, the “right” volume depicts the Mandaean theology,
cosmogony and anthropogeny, i.e. the Mandaeans’ dogma of
monotheism and the creation story of the cosmos and mankind; in
this part, Mandaean ethics are outlined by a detailed account of moral

Some Mandaeans think this procedure arose from differences between the contents of the two parts:
the “right” part deals with life and contains the creation and the descent of the Soul into the body of
Adam, whereas the “left” part contains the texts about death, and how the Soul departs the body to
ascend to the World of Light. In addition, I see that the first copyist collected the right part from
several different Mandaic texts, whereas the texts of the “left" part were already together in one roll
and dealt with one subject. In order not to mix the contents of the “left" part with the other texts, he
used this way to collect them separately together in one book. In any case, the reader will respect the
“right” side when he reads either the “right” or the “left” part.

duties. On the other hand, the “left” volume is concerned entirely with
the return of the soul to its origin in the world of light; it is about the
ascent of the soul after death and the idea of eternal life.
Generally, the Ginza Rabba represents consecutively the principles
of the Mandaean doctrine: the belief of the only one great God, Hayyi
Rabbi, to whom all absolute properties belong; he created all the
worlds, formed the soul through his power, and placed it by means of
angels into the human body. So he created Adam and Hawa/Eve, the
first man and woman. Since the soul was brought down to the material
world, it has to stay for a defined period of time in the human body
and is obliged to suffer its worldly fate; however, the soul as a part of
the divine creation should encourage human beings to do good deeds
and to confront evil with God’s help. God therefore sent the saviour to
protect the soul, along with messengers to guide the people to a pious
life according to His will. When the soul completes its predestined
lifespan, the saviour will come to accompany it back from the body to
its origins, whereupon it has to pass through several stations of
In ancient times, the Sabeans Mandaeans were able to read and
understand their manuscripts in their own language. The Mandaic
language and alphabet were in official use during certain historical
eras in southern Mesopotamia. The more that other languages were
perceived for official use due to political and social changes, the more
Mandaeans lost the chance to practice and educate themselves in their
mother tongue; nowadays, its main use is limited to ritual practice by
In more recent times, Mandaeans have been facing serious
difficulties in reading and understanding the Ginza Rabba, and
explaining its contents to their children and neighbors.
In the past, there were several serious attempts to translate the
Ginza Rabba into foreign languages by scholars as part of their studies
of Mandaean religion. This began with the attempt of the Swedish
Orientalist Mathias Norberg to translate it into Latin in 1815/1816.
The first printed version of the Ginza Rabba was copied by the
German Orientalist Heinrich Julius Petermann in 1867. Then the

German scholar Wilhelm Brandt attempted to translate the whole
book into German, but only published some portions in 1839. His
colleague Mark Lidzbarski produced the first translation of the whole
book into German in 1925. Other scholars included in their
publications some passages translated into English, usually relying
upon the German version.
Despite these considerable efforts, Mandaeans were unable to use
these editions in Iraq and Iran due to the unfamiliarity of German and
Latin there. As the result of an increasing need to have a
comprehensible Gvnzain Iraq, the headship of the Mandaeans decided
to translate the Ginza Rabba into Arabic.
In contrast to prior editions, the leadership took under
consideration not to create a direct translation (word by word) as has
been done before, but rather to produce a comprehensible translation
according to the basic meaning of the text, conveying the sense of the
original. The Arabic version was edited in a poetic manner and has
been proofed under the supervision of the leadership of the
Since the last quarter of the twentieth century, the Mandaeans
have been forced to leave their homelands. They have escaped to many
countries, so that three-quarters of them are now living in the
Diaspora: 4,000 live in the USA, 8,000 in Australia and New Zealand,
and about 15,000 Mandaeans live in Europe, mostly in Sweden,
Holland, Germany, England, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. There
are also roughly 3,000 Mandaeans in Syria and another 500 in Jordan,
waiting for any chance to be accommodated as refugees. The
remainder of the Mandaeans is still living in Iraq and Iran.
Due to their emigration to foreign countries, the new generation of
Mandaeans is becoming fully integrated into their new societies. They
are deeply influenced by the cultures and the languages of these new
“homelands”. However, they have to sustain their identity by means of
understanding their own religion and presenting their faith to other
interested people.

As a result of this, it became necessary to translate the Ginza
Rabba into English, so that coming generations will maintain their
religious education in a language which is of common use.
Ganzibra Sattar Jabbar Hillo and Rishema Salah Jabbar Tawos
entrusted me with this challenging task. They agreed to rely upon the
Arabic edition, which was translated in Iraq in 2001, conveying the
translated meaning into English.
Because of some lapses which were known to me concerning the
Arabic translation, I decided to make a comparative analysis between
the Arabic translation and the original in Mandaic: correcting some
expressions and enumerations; avoiding unnecessary poetic words
that were needed for the rhyme scheme, but not mentioned in the
original; explaining some religious ideas and literary meanings which
were incorrect in both the Iraqi edition and Lidzbarski’s edition, and
thus ensuring that such passages are translated accurately into
In addition, I was also of the opinion not to include refined texts
which reflect the same meaning or have an identical context, especially
in the left part. But I included one more tractate in Book Three of the
“left” part; this section was not translated into Arabic, and refers to
Sunday and its importance as a sacred day.
We intended to bundle this book according to the traditional way
as mentioned above, containing the right and left part. Furthermore,
some special mandaic figure names and terms may have several
meanings relying on the context. Therefore, they are listed in a
glossary at the end of the book. The transliterated terms are always
written in italics with capital letters and followed by English
translation. They also may include special letters which are to
pronounce as follows: “t”: stronger pronunciation than a regular T,
“s”: to be pronounced like S in sun; an apostrophe, such as “ ’Dmutha
“ is to be pronounced like I in image.

I have put the whole work into an evaluation study. It is about 100 pages in Arabic, which was
presented to the leadership of the Mandaean community, and which will be published to remark
upon the needed corrections on the Arabic translation.

Even though this edition represents a translation of the meaning,
reflecting the intentions behind the original text rather than a literal
translation, we were quite careful and attentive towards conveying the
spiritually worded text from its Mandaic origins to an understandable
language. The Ginza Rabba should be easily read and understood by
everyone; our aim is to make its ancient heritage coherent with
modern usage, so that readers are not confused.

Hamed Mughashghash Al-Saadi was entrusted to participate in the

process of the translation and I would like to acknowledge my
appreciation to him.
I would like to thank Rishema Salah Jabbar Tawos and Rishema
Sattar Jabbar Hillo for involving me in this important project. I also
wish to thank Fouad Chasib Muhyi for generous financing this
Finally, I would like to acknowledge my indebtedness to Charles
Haberl for his review and his important comments. Special thanks go
to Rabbi Tarmida Rafid Al-Sabty and my son Sam Al-Saadi for their
efforts, and to all who gave a hand in this project.
We hope that we were able to present the Ginza Rabba in the way
to be appreciated as it always has been considered as the Great
Treasure. May Hayyi forgive any inadvertent error may have
happened in this translation, and forgive our sins by means of this
deed, and accept this effort to help Mandaeans to learn more about
their religion.

’u Hayyi zaken

Prof. Dr. Qais M. Al-Saadi

(br hayyi br ha wa mamany)
Germany, June 2019

Ginza Rabba
Right Volume

“I bear witness that there is Hayyi, the sublime King of Light. I bear
witness that there is God who emerged from Himself Your name is
not vain; your name is eternal, o Hayyi, my Lord and Manda 'd Hayyi.”
Monotheism............................................................................. 1
Recommendations................................................................... 6
Upon each faithful Mandaean, I will place my right hand..... 18
Forgiveness.............................................................................. 20
The messenger of light............................................................ 24
A call for wedding................................................................... 26
The creation............................................................................. 27
The creation of Adam............................................................. 58
Baptizing Hibil Ziwa............................................................... 65
The descent of the savior........................................................ 70
Prohibitions............................................................................. 84
The ascent of the soul to the Matrathi.................................. 89
Yuhana’s ascent to the World of Light.................................. 99
Shilmai...................................................................................... 106
Dananukht................................................................................ 113
The instructions of Yuhana..................................................... 121
Manda’d Hayyi’s warning to the believers......................... 125
The first illumination.............................................................. 128
The second illumination......................................................... 130
Anush........................................................................................ 136
Inquiries of Anush................................................................... 153
The hymns................................................................................ 155
The world of darkness............................................................. 162
Promises to the sincere......................... 164
Preachings to the Mandaeans................................................. 165
The great ’Nbat......................................................................... 168
Anush is the word..................................................................... 174
Hibil is the exalted grapevine.................................................. 177
The creation of the living water.......................................... 181
A message for the NaSurayyi............................................... 184
Instructions for Yawar........................................................ 186
The sublime ’Dmutha counterpart...................................... 188
The creation of the world.................................................... 192
The call of Hayyi................................................................. 196
The origin of the soul.......................................................... 198
The believer’s love for Hayyi............................................... 199
An admonition of one of the Uthri.................................... 200
Kushta, you are my guide.................................................... 201
Manda’d Hayyi is calling.................................................... 202

The deluge.......................................................................... 203

Glossary.............................................................................. 206
Index................................................................................... 214
’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi
In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

TT praise You with a pure heart,

my Lord, Great Hayyi.
You are the Sublime of the worlds of light.
You are richest in all things, and
You are the highest above all other things.
Distinguished from all worlds of light
We ask You for healing and victory,
guidance for our souls,
guidance for our hearing and speech,
and we ask You for mercy and forgiveness.

We abide in You our Lord, Lord of the universe.

u Hayyi zaken
GR, Book One P* Glorification


'Mshabba Maray blebba dakhya

May my Lord be praised with a pure heart

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

/J /^e is the Great Hayyi, the all-seeing, the all-powerful, the all-
^7 £ knowing, the almighty, and the wisest of all. He is the ageless
and the age-old, the stranger from the worlds of light, the one
without need from the worlds of light. He is speech, hearing, and sight,
healing and victory, strength and stability. He is Hayyi, the delight of
our hearts, and the forgiveness of our sins.

Praised be my Lord, master of all the worlds, with a pure heart!

May You be praised! Blessed, exalted, venerated, and revered is the

sublimely magnificent, the king of the sublime light, the true God,
whose power is endless and infinite. There are no limits to His glory
and no end to His brilliance.

Oh, Great Hayyi, You are forgiving of all things, the ever-relenting,
the compassionate, the merciful, the redeemer of all believers, the
patron of the righteous, the almighty, the wise, the all-knowing, the
all-seeing, the distinguished, the ruler with dominion over everything,
the master of the upper, middle and lower worlds of light. He is the
great countenance of glory, who is unseen and unbounded. He has no
partner in His dominion and no rival for His scepter. Whosever
depend on Him will not come to disgrace, whosoever sincerely
glorifies His name will not fall from His grace, and whosoever trusts
Him with confidence will not abase himself.

GR, Book One I'* Glorification

He is the supreme lord of all rulers. Nothing that did not come
from Him has ever existed, and nothing that does not come from Him
ever will. He is everlasting, without death, and omnipresent, without
bounds. By His manifest light and perfect brilliance, He shines over all
the universes, the angels who stand before him in their brilliance, and
the great light, which hovers over them and shines.

They submissively worship, praise and acknowledge the Lord of

Greatness, the supreme King of Light, whose radiance, light, and glory
are measureless, numberless, and limitless, and who is all splendor, all
light, all brilliance, all life, all loyalty, all clarity, all compassion, all
charity, every eye, every face, every appearance of beauty, the entirety
of all understanding, knowledge and revelation, and the very essence
of glory.

He is without limit and without weight and no darkness will ever

reach His light. He is the almighty and supreme, justice and refuge, the
most merciful and the most compassionate. He is the first, from the
very beginning to eternity. He is the creator of all things, and the most
powerful being without any peer. He is the creator of all that is
beautiful, and the model that provides meaning to everything else.

He is the lord of all the enlightened worlds, the lord of all Malki
angels, and the high commander of all the Uthri. He is the light in
which there is no darkness, the life in which there is no death, the
good in which there is no evil, the calm without anger, and the tender
without the bitter. He is the most splendid, who resides in the far
north. He is the source of all light. He is the father of all the Uthri. He
blesses all beings and rests on all the righteous, the truthful, and the
faithful, who have established His name in their mouths. He is the
king, who resides in the estates of His kingdom. He is stable, and His
brilliance ascends and enlightens without limits, without measure, and
without number.

GR. Book One Pl Glorification

He rejoices in happiness without any sorrow, and his entire kingdom

rejoices with Him. He is the beauty, which absolutely nothing else
resembles. He is the truth dwelling on high, sitting secure in His
abodes. No one can define His boundless power and vastness. The
radiance of His crown extends everywhere. All the Uthri and angels in
all the worlds stand in prayer and praise, praising their King of Light.

All the angels opened their mouths, and praised the sublime King
of Light, saying to Him, “Those who glorify You will discover that
Your glorification is limitless, Your blessing is boundless and endless,
Your grandeur is immeasurable, Your depth is endless, Your
Greatness cannot be realized, and Your Highness is higher than
anything else.

The blessings, grace, and majesty of the sublime King of Light

blossom upward, come out and are unstoppable, and nobody can
understand how they flow out of You, other than the angels and the
messengers who stand before You. All other beings are ignorant of
Your name. They ask one another, “What is the name of the Great
Light?” and say, “There is no name like His name, and there is no one
who called Him by His name, and no one who gave Him His

Blessed are the righteous who have acknowledged You with pure
heart, who believed in you with a clear conscience. They blessed You
with mouth that was entirely full of praise, and praised You with
a sincere tongue, they announced You with devout lips and said, “He
is the one without parents, the King of Light for all eternity, and He
has no siblings. His throne is established, His kingdom is the great
one, and He has no partner in it. He wears magnificent garments
which are unlike those of this world. He is blessed in all times and
eras, and glorified in all times and eras, and He exists from the
beginning to the end.”

GR, Book One Is’ Glorification

He said, “Let the angels come into being,” and so they did.
According to His order, the angels of light were created. From His
pure brightness the glorifying angels, who are limitless, innumerable,
and deceitless emerged. From His great light, they spread forth full of
praise. They dwell in His unwavering brightness, in His splendid light,
a light with no deceit, in submission without rebellion, in good deeds
without disunity, in faith without deceit, in truthfulness without
deception. It is a world of living water, a world of good without evil.
The angels of light who reside there glorify the Great Hayyi.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the brightness
that He bestowed upon them.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the vestments
of brightness that He bestowed upon them.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the garments
of light that He bestowed upon them.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the girdles of
brightness that He bestowed upon them.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the coronets
of brightness that He bestowed upon them.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the strength
and steadfastness that He bestowed upon them.

The angels of light glorify the Lord of Light through the

truthfulness, faithfulness and belief that He bestowed upon them.

They are all good and kind, sincere and wise. There is no
wrongdoing and no deceit. Some of them reside in each other’s
residence, without doing wrong to one another. Each of them is
honored, as identical to one another as eyelashes. Their intentions
towards each other are obvious. Each of them knows all that has
happened to the other in the past and the present. They enlighten one
another, perfume one another, and extend Kushta Truth to one

1st Glorification
GR. Book One

another. They are, by the will of their Lord, immortal, never growing
old, neither having pain nor being sick. Death does not come near
them. Their vestments are pure, their coronets are steady, and their
children are pious. They never grow hungry nor feel thirsty; they feel
neither hot nor cold. There is no abuse against them, and they never
get angry. There is no maliciousness in their trees, no bitterness, no
withering in their fruits and their roses. Their stances are noble, their
seas are calm, and their water flows purer and colder than milk. Those
who drink it will never die, and never feel sad.

Their years are countless, and their life spans cannot be measured.
They are happy and delightful, setting out to walk briskly, and in the
white land of the ether they fly, where the perfect light is not reached
by darkness. Their faces are made of light, as transparent as crystal.
They submit completely, praising the Great Hayyi.

Blessed is the supreme King of Light, the king of the angels and the
Uthri. His name is forever glorified. The Uthri. angels, messengers,
signs, shapes, raining clouds, flowing water, tall trees, as well as the
brilliance that shines upon them were all created by the Great Hayyi,
the supreme King of Light.

’u Hayyizaken

GR, Book One 2nd Glorification


'Mshabba Maray blebba dakhya

May my Lord be praised with a pure heart

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

ff e is the supreme King of Light. Hayyi, from Him, the Uthri

IL were created. From His splendor and light their dwellings are
constructed. They are as glorious as the sun and the moon.
They are reverent when they appear to others. Light and quiet is their
gait, which appears like the rays of the sun stretching from heaven to
the earth. Their virtues are innumerable. Their characteristics are
immeasurable. That is the kingdom of the Great Hayyi: justice and
accuracy, peace and faith, and complete perfection.

Even if we had a mouth like the sea, or a tongue like the rocks of its
depths, or lips like its two banks, we still could not describe Your
power over all Your worlds, my Lord.

Blessed are those who acknowledge You.

Blessed are those who acquire Your knowledge.

Blessed are those who recognize You.

Blessed are those who are recognized by You.

Blessed are those who entreat You and depend upon You.

Blessed are those who absorb Your wisdom and cast aside the evils
of this world, benefiting from Your guidance.

GR. Book One 2nd Glorification

Blessed are the righteous and faithful who acknowledge and

recognize You; they will ascend to the realm of light in victory.

May You be blessed and glorified, my Lord, the supreme King of

Light; may You be blessed and glorified, from now to eternity.

Through Your word were all things created.

You have created the Uthra whose name is Hibil Ziwa, who is
called Gabriel the Messenger. You sent him to the world of darkness.

The Lord of Greatness spoke to Hibil Ziwa: “Go to the world of

darkness, which is completely full of evil—full of devouring fire, full of
lies and deception. It is sown with thistles and thorns.

Go to that world; trample the darkness and the mysteries that are
formed from it. Make the earth solid, extend the firmament and form
the stars within it. Give the sun its shine, the moon its glow, and the
stars their luster. Give water its freshness and the fire its splendor. The
world is to begin under my command.

Create the fruits, grapes and the trees according to my order.

Animals ought to come into being, fish, and fowl; each of a male and a
female to be in the service of Adam and his offspring. Let there be a
man and a woman, whose names are Adam and Eve. The angels of fire
will bow down to him. For those who disobey my order, their fate will
be the fire. Let three angels of light come forth and serve as company
for Adam.

Let the living waters mingle with the stagnant waters, and the
whole world shall thrive by the scent of the living waters. Let the four
winds be created, and let fire come forth and light up the world by
your hand.

By the hand of ’Ptahil will the whole world be lit.

The supreme King of Light said the word, since all things were
created by His word. ’Ptahil came down, stretched out the firmament,

GR, Book One 2nd Glorification

trod the earth and summoned the angels of fire. He gave the sun its
shine, the moon its glow, and the stars their luster, and each one was
put in its orbit. Storms, water and fire were formed. Fruits, grapes, and
trees were formed. Domestic and wild animals of every kind were
created from dust, clay, iron, the fog of clouds, wind, fire, water, seed,
blood, bile, and from the other mysteries of this world.

Adam and Eve were created and formed. By the power of the
supreme King of Light, the soul was cast into the body.

The supreme King of Light said, “The angels of fire should bow
down to Adam. They should never disobey him. All of them bowed
down, save for the evil one, who refused, so his Lord captured him.”

I am the pure messenger. My Lord ordered me to go and summon

Adam and his wife Eve with a sublime voice: “Teach them about
everything; teach them about the supreme King of Light, whose power
and greatness are without limit or number. Teach them about the
immortal Place of Light.

Teach Adam, so that his heart becomes enlightened, and instruct

him to enlighten his mind. You and the two angels who descend with
you should serve as companions to him. Teach knowledge to Adam
and Eve, and all their progeny, so that the evil and Satan never seduce
them. Teach them to pray and worship the supreme King of Light,
three times in the day and two times in the night.

Tell them, ‘Take a wife, have children and build a family, so that
the world will increase through you. When you approach your
spouses, rinse yourselves with water to keep yourselves pure.’

Say to them: ‘My worshipers, do not commit adultery, do not steal,

and do not kill any righteous, faithful human beings. You, who are
righteous and faithful! Do not waver in your speech now, and show no
love for sin or deceit. Do not love gold, silver, and worldly possessions,

GR. Book One 2nd Glorification

and hoard them not, since this world is false and it will pass away,
together with your worldly possessions.

Never bow down to Satan, nor worship idols and images.

Whosoever bows down to Satan will be tormented in the fire until the
Day of Judgment, and the hour of redemption, for as long as the King
of Light wishes. He is the judge who will judge every soul according to
its deeds.

You, who are righteous and faithful! Pay no attention to Satan’s

temptations, and place no confidence in his deceptions. Never testify
falsely against others. If they call for witnesses, then the faithful should
bear witness. Never pervert the law. Those who pervert the law are
destined to the fire.

Do not deliver a righteous servant into the custody of an evil

master, nor abandon the weak to the strong.

You, who are righteous and faithful! Respect your father, your
mother, and your elder brothers and sisters. Those who do not respect
their fathers and mothers will be condemned on the Day of Judgment.

Do not covet things that belong to others. Never object to what

your Lord provides, because He determines how each thing is
apportioned and delivers it.

If evil afflicts you, stand firm and steadfast in your faith. Never
twist your words or change your speech, and do not bow your knee to
the rejected Satan.

Call upon your loved ones to listen to the praises granted to you by
your Lord, so that they may believe and be obedient. If they pay
attention and are faithful to the King of Light, the God who called
Himself into being, He will honor them, keep them close to you, and
be generous and kind to them. If they refuse to listen or do not learn
from your testimony and do not believe, they will be held accountable
for their sins.

GR, Book One 2nd Glorification

You, who are righteous and faithful! If you see a captive who is
faithful and righteous, pay his ransom and free him. But neither gold
nor silver can ransom the soul; only overt speech and belief can free
the soul from darkness to light, from error to truth, from disbelief to
faith, from deceit and rebellion to the prayer and praise of your Lord.
All those who ransom souls shall be rewarded well.

My sincere believers: give alms to the poor and be a guide to the

blind. If you give alms, my chosen ones, do not talk about it. When
you give alms with your right hand, do not tell your left. When you
give alms with your left hand, do not tell your right. Shame upon those
who give alms and ruin their deeds through slander!

My chosen ones: if you see the hungry, feed them. If you see the
thirsty, give them water. If you see the naked, clothe them. Blessed are
those who give alms, they will be rewarded. Blessed are those who
clothe the naked, for they will be dressed in robes of light. Blessed are
those who ransom captives, for they will be welcomed by the
messengers of the King of Light.

Whosoever learns my praises will have their name mentioned in

the high heavens. Whosoever enlightens himself through the doctrines
will be one of the Uthri. Whosoever saves themselves from Satan’s
temptations will ascend to the World of Light. Whosoever sacrifices
themselves for the love of their Lord are pure and without sin.

I instruct you, my chosen ones: fast the great fast, which is not a
fast from the food and the drink of this world.

Fast with your eyes, from winking and gawking. Neither see nor do
any evil.

Fast with your ears, from listening at the doors of other people.

Fast with your mouth, from saying lies, and do not love gossip and

GR, Rook One 2nd Glorification

Fast with your heart, from bad intentions, hate, and jealousy; do
not break the fast in your heart.

Fast with your hands, from killing, and commit no theft.

Fast with your body, from someone who is not your spouse.

Fast with your knees, from bowing down to Satan and false idols.

Fast with your feet, from taking paths toward things that are not

This is the great fast that has been set for you: never break it, until
you depart from your bodies.”

All those who sin in their childhood but then repent and sin no
more will receive forgiveness from the Lord. He is the King of Light;
He is the most compassionate, the most forgiving, and the most
generous. All those who love gold, silver, and worldly possessions, and
acquire them by murder, will fall into the blazing, seething fire.

My chosen ones: never be close to the kings, princes, and rulers of

this world; do not trust them, or their weapons, or the armies that they
gather, or the gold and the silver that they accumulate. These are
sources of temptation. Those who accumulate them will leave them
behind when they go to be roasted in the fire. Their hands will hold
nothing but fire, and their mouths will breath in nothing but flames.
Their power and authority will come to an end. Neither the gold nor
the silver that they possess will prevent them from this suffering, nor
will they support them.

I say to all of you who heed Hayyi’s call: whenever you are
standing and whenever you are sitting, whenever you are coming and
going, whenever you are eating and drinking, and whenever you are
resting and sleeping, with every all your actions, mention and worship
the name of the supreme King of Light.

GR, Book One 2nd Glorification

Let water flow freely and baptize you. Baptize yourselves with the
living baptism that your Lord brought from the World of Light, with
which all righteous believers are baptized. Bless the Pihtha loaf, and
eat it. Praise the Mambugha water, and drink it. In this way, your sins
and trespasses will be forgiven.

All those who are marked with the sign of Hayyi and over whom
the name of the King of Light has been mentioned, who hold fast and
firm to baptism, and practice good and beautiful actions, shall not be
held back on the Day of Judgment.

Do not consume blood, carrion meat, deformed animals, pregnant

and suckling creatures, aborted fetuses, predatory or wild animals, or
anything that was attacked by a wild animal. Slaughter it with an iron
knife; then wash it, rinse it, clean it, cook it, say the name of the Great
Hayyi, over it, and eat it.

Men, if you decide to take a woman to be your wife, select her

from among your own people and love her. Love and support one
other and take care of each another, just as the eyes pay attention to
the feet. If you love each other and support one another, you can cross
even the great Sea of Suf.

My chosen ones: listen to my sayings, and do as I recommend to

you. If you do not listen to what I say, or you listen but do not
respond, you will fall into the darkness of the evil. Those who fall will
stay there, and never ascend to the Place of Light. The brotherhood of
the flesh will pass away, but that of Kuslita will stay constant forever.
So you, siblings in Kushta, be constant and not changeable in your
faith. The name of the first of all beings has been set upon your
head. Your sign is the sign of the living water, and by it you will ascend
to the Place of Light.

Those who listen and are faithful will be purified, but woe to those
who stand in their way. Do not flaunt and be proud of the gold and

GR. Book One 2nd Glorification

silver that you have. The names of those who are conceited will be
removed from the Place of Life.

Do not weep for those who have died and departed from their
body, or feel sad and mourn them. Those who tear their clothes for the
loss of the dead will remain in error. Those who pull out their hair for
the sake of the dead will be bound to the mountain of darkness. As
long as your life is prolonged, your sins will increase; for that reason,
do not be sad whenever the soul departs from this world. Out of your
sorrow, evil spirits will come into being, precede the soul in her
ascension to heaven, and trouble her on the Day of Judgment.

Those who love their dead relatives should ask Hayyi to have
mercy upon them. Keep praying and glorifying Hayyi for them. Recite
hymns for them and do the Masiqtha ritual for them. In this way,
Hayyi will be full of mercy for them. Radiance shall lead their way,
light will come from behind them, the messengers of Hayyi will be on
their right, and the angels of light will be on their left. They will come
forth from the Matarathy purgatories and the seething cauldron.
Teach the souls so that their hearts will not be suspicious. Let them
listen to the gentle speech and words of worship that I have brought to
you from the Place of Light; then their hearts will be peaceful and

Blessings to those who listen and believe; they will ascend in

victory to the Place of Light. Offer bread, water, and shelter to the
poor who suffer from persecution. Be just and love each other.

My chosen ones, follow the ways of Kushta\ never withhold the

wages of some one who works for you, never rob a partner, never take
revenge against a friend. Those who steal from their partners or
friends will never see light. If you make a promise, then fulfill your
pledge and oath. Never break your promise. The Uthri and the angels
of light will grant one other alliances, partnerships, and promises.

GR, Book One 2nd Glorification

Be mild and meek with your teachers because they teach wisdom.
Respect them and never exalt over them; be quite and humble. Never
seek out magicians and fortunetellers, because they reside in darkness.

Never swear upon a false statement. Never renege upon an oath

that you have promised. Do not take interest and make an unjust
profit. If you do lend money, never do it in secret.

My chosen ones, do not commit adultery and do not engage in

debauchery; never let your heart follow Satan’s suggestions, because
you will be led astray. Be consistent and firm. Bear the struggle of the
world and support each other until you have fulfilled your measured
span of time and your life has come to an end. Do not become angry
and do not become enraged, because anger and rage come from
Satan’s temptations; reduce your anger through faith and worship.

If you see a good, wise man, stand in his presence, and learn from
his wisdom. If you see an evil one, who teaches wickedness, stay far
away from him and do not seek to learn from his wisdom. Do not do
what he does and do not walk in his path.

My believers and my faithful, love your friends just as you love

yourselves, and spare them from what you would spare yourselves. Do
good, and furnish yourselves with good deeds for your Last Day. See,
listen, believe, and accept the words of your Lord. See with your eyes.
Speak with your mouths. Listen with your ears. Believe with your

With your hands, make your Zidqa alms and your Tabutha donations.
Act in accordance with the will of Hayyi; never act according to the
will of Satan. Do not be fascinated by the beauty of the body, for this
beauty will be degraded and annihilated. Worship and give praise to
the supreme King of Light, for in this manner your sins and guilt will
be forgiven.

Never bow down to Satan or to the idols of this false world.

GR. Book One 2nd Glorification

All that is born will die. All that which is made by hands will be
corrupted. The whole world will perish. Do not have confidence on
the world in which you exist because you will not stay in it. The crutch
that supports you on the Last Day will be the good works that you
have done during your life.

My chosen ones: never object to what your Lord has commanded

you. Demonstrate righteousness, kindness, and humility, which are
some of the essences of light.

Men and women marry and have children. If you do not have
children, then your family lines will come to an end. Never take slaves
as spouses and never let your children be slaves in the houses of
masters, as that would be a great sin. Women, who are wives to men,
beware of what is not acceptable to Hayyi and not good for the people,
such as adultery and theft. Beware of magic, for it comes from Satan’s
filth. The love of a faithful wife is itself an act of faith. Never separate
one from another until the end of your life. Anyone who cheats upon a
faithful wife will be judged. Help your children to grow up and
educate them respectfully; teach them wisdom, and implant faith in
their hearts and minds. Make them follow the path of Kushta. Those
who neither guide nor teach their children will be convicted in the
place of judgment. If you do teach them but they do not accept it and
do not learn from you, then they are responsible for their own

If one among you should go astray, support him. If he then does

something wrong, reform him and support him once again. If he
strays for a third time, guide him and make him listen to the praising
and prayers of God. If he still insists upon being disobedient, uproot
this bad seed and implant another good one in his place. You asked
him to listen, but he did not want to listen, and you asked him to see,
but he did not want to see, so he shall fall into torment and never rise

GR, Book One 2nd Glorification

Do not mock any disabled person or be sarcastic towards anyone

who is afflicted with a bodily defect, because all bodies may suffer
pain, but no soul should never be mocked or humiliated, except on
account of their own deeds.

My honoured, sincere, true believers, it is you whom I call my

chosen ones, and to you I will explain my beliefs: never praise the
planets and constellations. Never praise the sun and moon. They shine
only by the will and the command of the Great Hayyi. The light
bestowed by Hayyi upon them illuminates their dark dwellings. If He
gave His order, then all of them would come to an unknown end.

Those who bow down to Adonay and have deviated from the
original call have written a book for themselves. Never become one of
them. Do not perform circumcisions, and never follow those who are
neither firm nor consistent in their sayings.

There will always be many such people, and many false prophets.
They will try to steal wisdom from our people with gold and silver.
Some of them even consider themselves to be gods. They have their
false doctrines and have written down their false books. They spread
greed, lust and passion; they even call themselves prophets.

I am the first messenger, and say to all NaSurayyi: recognize the

lies that they tell to one another. One so-called prophet will lie to other
prophets. One king will insult other kings. They will tempt people
with gold and silver, with songs and gaiety, and with monuments of
mud and wood. By such practices, they make people fall in harm’s
way. Some of them will take people by sword and spread injustice and
inequity. They will use deceit and corruption to make Adam’s
offspring stray from the right path. They will utter the name of God
with their mouths, even though they are liars. They will say that these
are the doctrines and the books that come from God, but they lie to
you and deceive you. I am the pure messenger, and I say to you: do not
heed the call of the lying prophets. They are trying to imitate the three

2nd Glorification
GR. Book One

Uthri who come down to this world. They are not radiant like the
Uthri. Their garments are of fire, while those of the Uthri are of light.
Their scent is odious and rotten, while that of the Uthri is fresh.

To you, my chosen and my faithful, I call forth and explain: dress

in the color white, dress yourselves in white clothing like the garments
of radiance and the robes of light. Set a white turban upon your head,
like a beautiful coronet. Bind the himyana girdle around you like the
living water that the Uthribind around their waist; wear sandals. Hold
a Margna staff in your hands, like the staff of living water that the
Uthri carry in the Place of Light.

Faithful and righteous believers: never claim anything, about

which you are uncertain. Never claim revelation, as Hayyi alone
provides revelations. Arm yourselves with a defense that is stronger
than iron, the knowledge of NaSirutha and the true words from the
Place of Light. Give one another good advice about how you have been
instructed and warned. Just as your eyes see, your mouths speak, and
your ears listen, your hands must do good deeds and accomplish
beautiful things. Do not be like weeds, which soak up water but bear
no fruit.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Two T' Glorification

Upon Each Faithful Mandaean,

I Will Place My Right Hand
’Mshabba Maray blebba dakhya
May my Lord be praised with a pure heart

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

/O his is the first call that was granted to Adam, who is the first of
the living race. It was a speech and a testimony.

Then the whole world will be carried off by pestilence and the
sword. The souls are destined to separate from their bodies, and these
souls will ascend to the light without any sins or debts. Only Ram and
his wife Rud will remain. From them, humanity will survive and
increase in number. Adam is destined to live one thousand years.
Between Adam and Ram and Rud will pass thirty generations. They
will all ascend to the light with a single ascent, since they stand in a
single doctrine, proceed according to a single speech, and testify
according to a single worship.

Then the world will be carried off by fire. All souls, which are
without sin, are destined to separate from their bodies and ascend
upward to the light, because they will not have denied the first call and
will not have distorted the first speech. Only Shurbai and his wife
Shurhabil will remain behind, and through them humanity will be
newly restored and increase in number. Between Ram and Rud and
Shurbai and Shurhabil will pass twenty-five generations.

Then after Shurbai and Shurhabil the world will be carried off by
flooding. Only Noah will remain from the Ark, together with his son
Sam. Between Shurbai and Noah will pass fifteen generations. All of

GR, Book Two 1st Glorification

humanity will be swept away by water, for it is written for them that
the souls will separate at that juncture from their bodies and ascend to
the light. From Noah, humanity will increase in number, and they will
continue to bear witness with a single call and a single doctrine.

Then I will make a proclamation: I, the messenger of Hayyi, and

two angels, who are my companions. From Noah to the building of
Jerusalem, there will be six generations, consisting of a thousand years.
Then King Solomon, the son of David, will be born to be the great
king of the Jews, the ruler of Jerusalem. The demons will obedient to
him. They will submit to his will, but because he is obsessed with
himself and ungrateful to the grace of God he will lose his rule.

Three hundred and sixty prophets will appear in Jerusalem. They

will all testify to the name of Mara’d Rabutha, the most gracious.
Then Anush Uthra will ascend, by the power of the King of Light, and
he will settle in ’Mshuni Kushta, where all the Uthri are hidden from
the eyes of human beings. After that, Jerusalem will be destroyed, and
the Jews will go into exile and be scattered in all the cities. Then the
words will be distorted, war and fighting will happen, and the fate of
the entire world will be threatened.

I am Manda’d Hayyi. I will place my right hand upon each faithful

Mandaean who remains true to the call, and continues to be baptized
in flowing water. Listen, heed my words, and learn, you who are my
faithful believers, so that you will ascend in victory to see the Place of

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Two 2nd Glorification


’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

^^ord of Praise,

look upon us and never condemn us.

My Lord, we have sinned,

forgive us and never condemn us.

Most forgiving, most affectionate, most merciful God,

look upon us, and never condemn us.

All-seeing, all-discerning God,

look upon us, and never condemn us.

Most beneficent, most merciful God,

look upon us, and be kind to us.

King of Light,

please listen to our request and never condemn us.

Magnificent, omnipotent, and gentle God,

take us into Your mercy and never condemn us.

Redeemer of all believers,

please listen to our petitions and never condemn us.

Sustainer of the pious, we have sinned,

look upon us and never condemn us.

GR, Book Two 2nd Glorification

You are the creator of all that is good,

the savior of all the most beautiful things in the life;

heed our call and never condemn us.

Bestower of all boons,

give us power and never condemn us.

Omnipotent God,

save us from all evils and catastrophes.

You are the savior of all souls,

save us from our sins.

You defend and protect the sincere believers from sin:

please guide us to righteousness, so we will never be dishonored.

You give strength to Your worshipers,

please grace us with Your strength.

You are source of all praise and prayer,

let us be surrounded by Your praise.

Most supreme king who loves all things,

surround us with Your love.

You are the healer,

please cure our sins and never condemn us.

You are the one who illuminates all things,

illuminate us with Your radiance.

You, who gives with full hands,

give us Your hand, so that we will not be dishonored.

You are the steadfast, who steadies the paths of the righteous,

GR, Book Two 2nd Glorification

so that we will never run astray of the right path.

Most truthful and most trustworthy God,

keep sin away from those who believe in You.

Creator of all the worlds, who separates life from death,

light from darkness, good from evil, and truth from falsehood,

keep sin away from those who worship You.

You, who are the king of all things,

You, who made the earth solid and stretched out the firmament,

keep sin away from those who love You.

You, who are the source of the living water,

You, who make the fruits, grapes, and trees pleasant,

keep sin away from those who love You.

You, who preserves the soul,

protect us from all that is bad.

You are the source of faithful messengers,

who grants praise and wisdom to the believers, the guide and the

keep sin away from those who love You.

You, who reveals all things,

reveal the sword to us and keep injustice away from those who
love You.

You, who perceive all things,

forgive us, never condemn us.

GR, Book Two 2nd Glorification

We are a gathering of sinners: our eyes leer, our mouths slander,

our hands grope, and our ears listen to evil, but may our Lord
accept our repentance,

have mercy upon us, and never condemn us.

Master of all souls,

may we see Your radiance and Your light, and become faithful.

When we hear Your praise,

truthfulness abides in our hearts.

As our hearts are full of truth, we agree to praise You,

we listen to Your words, and the sound of the life that You sent to

Our Lord, we have sinned;

forgive our sins and offenses.

Your name is praised and glorified in the Place of Light.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Two 3rd Glorification

The Messenger of Light

’Bsh umayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

II am the messenger of light, the angel who came from light. I came
here with unity and radiance in my hand, and light and praise are
upon me. I came bearing baptism and the Rushma sign, and came
with a summons and a proclamation.

I am the messenger of light. I illuminated the darkness and the

gloom. I called forth with a summons and a proclamation for this
world, from the beginning to the end. I called and I said, “Everyone
must take care of themselves. They must commit to saving themselves
from the burning fire. Blessed are those who do good, who keep
themselves away from the sins of those who do evil.”

I am the messenger of light. I am the truthful messenger, who is

without any guile, deceit, weakness, or imperfection. Those who smell
my fragrance will receive life. Those who look upon my light, their
eyes will be filled with light, and their mouths will be filled with praise,
and their hearts will be filled with Kushta.

The adulterers smelt my scent, and abandoned their adultery. They

said, “We were ignorant, so we descended into adultery. Now that we
have been guided to knowledge, we will never again be adulterers.”

I am the messenger of perfection; I am the truthful messenger,

without any weakness or imperfection. I am the tree of light that is
filled with praise, and whosoever smells me will surely receive life.
Their eyes will be filled with illumination.

The killers inhaled my fragrance, and abandoned killing. They

said, “Oh, our Lord, we were directionless, and evil was leading us.

3rd Glorification
GR. Book Two

Now we have direction. We beg Hayyi, for His pardon and

When the magicians smelt my scent, their hearts shivered and they
became filled with terror. They stopped practicing magic and begged
for forgiveness. They said, “We were ignorant before, but now we are
fully aware. From now on, we will never again practice magic.”

I am the messenger, the tree of light that is filled with praise and
life. Whosoever smells it will receive life. Whosoever tastes it will
receive life. Whosoever listens to it will receive life. The gossips and
blasphemers heard my words, and upon hearing them their hearts
became filled with peace and they established peace for eternity.

Whosoever turns to the Lord will be neither rejected nor

dishonored, but the evildoers and the faithless, those who have
estranged themselves from the source of illumination and those who
are swaddled in darkness, do not want to look upon light and do not
want to hear the Lord’s call. All those of evil persuasion fall by their
own will into the great Sea of Suf. They will find their abode in
darkness, and the mountain of darkness will swallow them, until the
Day of Judgment. As for those of us who praise You, oh Lord, You will
bear our sins and our guilt.

May You be praised, King of Light, who has sent the truth to us,
those who love You. You are the savior who delivers the pious
believers from darkness. Whosoever praises Your name and loves it
will receive Your forgiveness for their sins.

You were victorious, Manda’d Hayyi, and you have aided those
who love you to victory.

'u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book 1'wo 4’h Glorification

A Call For Wedding

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

seedlings that I have planted, I am calling you.

My elect, whom I have chosen, I am calling you.
Do not sneak around before you are married, and do not commit
adultery—why be a seducer, and why surrender the weak to the
Do not imitate the false prophets or the lying judges, who do not
rise from the flowing waters, and have not been strengthened by the
Lord who sits on high.
Bachelors and spinsters, you men who reject women and you
women who reject men: go to the shore of the sea, and see how the fish
pair off, and do not perish. See how the birds pair off, and do not
Go to the bank of the great Euphrates and see how the trees drink
the water and become heavy with fruit? Now look at a dry riverbed,
and see how the trees on its banks have withered and died—likewise
the souls of those spinsters who do not seek men and those bachelors
who do not seek women will dry up and die. When they part from
their bodies, their souls will only find a place in the clouds of darkness.
My chosen ones, hold marriage festivals for your sons and
daughters. Believe in your Lord, the supreme King of Light. Believe
that this world is coming to an end. Do not be like those who hate life
and refuse to have offspring. If you want to ascend to the Place of
Light, be fruitful.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book 1 hrec P’ Glorification

The Creation

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

O his is the mystery. It is the first book of the first doctrine, which
has existed from the very beginning.

When the fruit was still inside the Fruit, and the ether was still
inside the Ether, the glorious Great Mana was there. From him
emerged the great big manas, whose radiance is extensive, and whose
light is immense. Before these, nothing existed in the great Fruit,
which is endless and extensive, and whose radiance is too extensive to
be described by mouth, and whose light is too immense for our lips to
do justice to it. From this great Fruit emerged a thousand times a
thousand fruits, until they were without end, and a thousand times a
thousand dwellings, until they were without number.

They stood there and praised the glorious Great Mana that resides
in the great Ether of Life, which can be found in the white waters of
the Yardna that has come out of the Great Mana, whose delightful
fragrance all the roots of light and the great first radiance inhale. The
great Yardna is limitless and immeasurable. The plants await it,
exulting and rejoicing. From the great Yardna, lesser Yardni come
forth without limit or measure.

When the fruit was still inside the Fruit, and the ether was still
inside the Ether, and the great Yura, whose brilliance is extensive and
whose light is immense, existed, and the great Yardna of living water
came forth from it, which poured out over the surface of the ether.
Hayyi formed Himself in the likeness of the Great Mana, from which

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He emerged, and made a request to Himself. For this first request, an

Uthra whom Hayyi named the Second Life was created. Then limitless
and countless Uthri were also created.

From the living water was created a Yardna, which poured down
upon the World of Light like the original Yardna, and the Second Life
was firmly established upon it. The Second Life called more Uthri into
existence, established dwellings, and called into existence a Yardna, on
which the Uthri were established.

Three Uthri came forth and made a request to the Second Life.
They begged to be allowed to create dwellings for themselves. What
they requested from the Second Life, the Second Life gave them. They
consulted one another and built dwellings. They said to their father,
“Father, are you the one who produced this Yardna of living water that
is so wonderful, and its water with so sweet a smell, and the Uthri
established here, who are so great?”

Then the Second Life spoke, saying, “I was produced by the Great
Hayyi, and the Yardna belongs to Hayyi, and you too were created by
the power of Hayyi.”

They said, “Give us some of your light, give us some of your

brightness, and give us some of what you have. It will help us descend
under the streams of water, to prepare a world for you and for us. We
want to be settled in it and to create Uthri for you and for us; a world
where the name of Hayyi is not mentioned.”

The Second Life was pleased by this, and said, “Let it be.”

When he said that, Hayyi the First Life was not pleased. He said a
prayer for the Great Mana who resides in the great Fruit, and praised
him. There the Great Mana arose with great splendor, light, and glory,
and called into being the Great ’Kbar, whose name is ’Kbar Ziwa,
‘Nbat Yawar the son of Yufin-Yufafin, Sam, the Grapevine, who is full
of life and beloved by all the Uthri, and said to him, “Look at what the

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Uthri are plotting and devising. They are saying that they want to
create worlds and establish dwellings, like the mighty Uthri, who are
the sons of light. Is it to your liking, Manda’d Hayyi, that the Uthri of
light have abandoned light, and turned their gaze towards darkness,
towards the great Sea of Suf, towards the howling darkness, towards
the devouring, corrupting waters, towards the place that is full of
demons, who speak with loud voices, and talk about the devouring
The Uthra of light kept silent, and there was no weakness or
imperfection in Him. Then He spoke a second time to him, and said,
“Manda ’d Hayyi, see to what end the Uthri deliberate, why their
hearts are thrown into confusion, so that they have turned their gaze
towards a place that is groundless and limitless, towards a place in
which there is no living water and no radiance.”

Again, the Uthra of Wfe maintained his silence.

Then the Great Mana turned for the third time in his majesty to
Manda’d Hayyi, and said, “You are the king of the Uthri, the lord of
Kushta, and the creator of all treasures. We have given you dominion
over all the worlds of light and the Uthri of light, who reside in the
dwellings, and even over the lower worlds of darkness. You are the one
who was intended and designated for that world. Descend to that
world before the Uthri descend to it. Go down before they do
something hateful and unpleasant, which is neither acceptable to the
Great Hayyi nor to you, Manda’d Hayyi. Since you are the one who
keeps the Uthri in order, you should blaze the path and place the

At that point Manda’d Hayyi finally spoke, saying, “When I look

for you, whom shall I see? If I find myself in trouble, whom can I
trust? Upon whom should I depend to accomplish the intention which
You order me to do?”

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In His majesty, the Great Mana said to Manda’d Hayyi, “You will
never be separated from us. We will be always with you. Everything
that you are saying before us is correct. You are connected to us and
will not be cut off from us. We are with you, because Hayyi is full of
kindness for you. Helpers will be created for you, calm and stable
Uthri will be created and appointed to be your helpers. Then helpers
will be created, whom you should treat as your own sons. They will
make Hayyi’s summons heard and become merchants, who ply their
trade and ply it successfully.”

The Great One then gave him radiance and light,

and added to what he already had.

He clothed him in a wide robe,

wondrous and endless,

He blessed him with rich blessings,

with which the mighty have been blessed,

And made him father of the Uthri,

who supplies his friends with provisions.

According to the order of the glorious great Fruit,

I made Kushta with them, and came to the House of Life.

Hayyi asked about the Mana from which I was created:

You have come by the grace of Greatness and thus you were

In His Majesty, Hayyi said to Manda’d Hayyi,

“Oh, Manda’d Hayyi, you saw what the Uthri did,

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and what they plan to do.

They left the House of Life

and turned to face the place of darkness.

They left the company of Hayyi,

for the love of the company of darkness.

They left the place of splendor and light,

for the love of the perishable domain.

They left the Yardna of living water,

and went to the stagnant waters.

They went to the stagnant waters, and to the scorching fire.

They left the living flame for the love of the devouring fire,

for the love of the consuming fire, and the blazing fire.

Yes, Manda’d Hayyi, see what the Uthri have done;

see how their weakness and imperfection are all around them.

If We were to upset the world and leave them be,

who would put things back in order?

Who will save them from its weakness,

which they themselves have created?

Who will let the call of the Great One be heard,

who reigns in the House of Perfection?”

Hayyi spoke to the valorous, well-armed Uthra, and said:

“Was not your own creation accomplished well before the Uthri
even existed?

Before the Uthri, the Great One created you and charged you.

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The Great One created and charged you, equipped you,

charged you, sent you forth, and gave you authority over

He gave you authority over the dwellings,

and the mighty gates of the hidden place.

He gave you authority over the secret Uthri,

who stand steadfast, glorifying the Great One.

He gave you authority over the mighty Yardna,

and over the living, shining waters.

When the Powerful commanded it, He created Uthrifor you,

He created messengers for you, calm and stable Uthri^

When Hayyi said this to me, I bowed and praised the Almighty.

1 praised Him, and that He created me and bestowed helpers upon


I was radiant in my praise, as I stood in the hidden places;

I shone with my enlightenment, which Hayyi had bestowed upon


I shone forth with my praise, about everything in the hidden places;

I shone forth with my enlightenment, as I turned my attention to

the rebels.

Before the Uthri could go there, I went to the place of darkness.

While I was still standing in the House of Life, I saw the rebels,

I saw the gates of darkness,

I saw the abyss, the complete darkness.

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I saw the despoiler, and the lords of the dark abodes.

I saw the champions, who are buried in darkness.

I saw the gates of fire, how they scorch and burn,

how they scorch and burn the wicked,

while they discuss their weakness and imperfection.

I saw the woman Hiwath, who speaks darkness and iniquity.

She speaks iniquity and sorcery, and promotes them.

She speaks sophistry and sits upon delusions.

I saw the gates of darkness, and the channel of the land of Siniawis, as
they are.
I saw the black water within them,

how it rises high, boils, and bubbles.

Whosoever sets foot within it will die,

and whosoever sees it will be singed.

I saw the dragon, which squirms and writhes, thrown within it.

I saw dragons of every shape and kind.

I saw the chariots of the sons of darkness,

which are not like one another.

I saw the evil rebels, as they sat in their chariots.

I saw the evil rebels, as they were bedecked with the weapons of
the wicked.

They are bedecked with the weapons of the wicked,

and plot evil deeds against the Place of Light.

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As I saw these things,

I turned back to the House of the Father.

I stood before Hayyi

and told Him how I had come to see these things.

I told him about the king of darkness,

I told him about this thing and that thing.

Exactly as I saw these things,

I reported them back to Hayyi.

How could I walk by that place, that place of darkness,

in which there is no ray of light?

The water-channel of the land of darkness,

which boils, rises high, and bubbles?

Whosoever sets foot within it will die,

and whosoever sees it will be singed.

I will ascend and say to the Great One,

“Whence came darkness,

and whence came its inhabitants?

Whence came their works,

which are so terrible and ugly?

Whence came their mistake, that is so extensive

that its appearance is so terrible and ugly,

and completely full of cracks?

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Whence came the tremendous, evil fiends,

who dwell in the fire?

Whence came the black water,

that boils and bubbles?

Whosoever sets foot within it will die,

and whosoever sees it will be singed.

Whence came the dragon,

that was cast writhing into the fire?

Whence came the chariots,

and whence came the wicked who sit in them?

Whence came the woman Hiwath,

or women like her of any shape or form?”

When I spoke before Hayyi,

my father Hayyi appeared in His fullness, without a single flaw.

Hayyi knows it well, He knows it well but maintains His silence.

Hayyi knows it well, and says to me,

“Come, so that We might educate you, Manda’d Hayyi,

you valorous, well-armed Uthra.

Even before the worlds came into being,

the great Fruit existed.

Even when the great Fruit was still within the great Fruit,

the great and glorious King of Light came into being.

From the great and glorious King of Light,

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the great luminous Ether came into being.

From the great luminous ether,

the living heat came into being.

From the living heat,

light came into being.

By the power of the King of Light,

the great Fruit came into being.

The great Fruit came into being,

and within it was the Yardna.

The great Yardna came into being,

and the living water came into being as well.

The bright, shining water came into being from the living water.

I, Hayyi, have been there,

and then all of the Uthri came into being.”

Then I said before Hayyi,

“Since You, Hayyi, were there,

How did darkness come into being?

How did darkness come into being?

How did weakness and imperfection come into being?”

As I said this to Hayyi,

He became filled with goodness.

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He became filled with goodness,

and spoke to Manda’d Ha}yi,

“You, valorous Uthra,

you, valorous and well-armed Uthra,

You, valorous Uthra,

know not how darkness came into being,

How darkness came into being,

and how weakness and imperfection came into being.”

As Hayyi said this to me,

I asked for permission to say things as they were.

I spoke to the Great Hayyi,

to Hayyi, who has always been.

If I would not speak about these things,

I will not be one of the mighty,

But since I am one of the mighty,

Hayyi explained these things to me.

Hayyi spoke to me in His majesty,

He spoke to me in His praise,

“We give you permission, valorous Uthra,

valorous and well-armed Uthra,

We give you permission, valorous Uthra,

to tell things as they were, to teach the hidden Uthri,

And to teach all the elect,

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how the Uthri of the hidden place came into being.”

When Hayyi said these things to me,

I repeated my praise of the Almighty.

I repeated my joy over the Great Hayyi,

over what Hayyi had said to me:

“Arise, Uthra, and go to the House of the Great!

Go to the place where the mighty dwell,

The place where the great dwell,

so that they might tell you about these things.”

Just as the Great One told me,

I went to the House of the Almighty,

The place where the great dwell,

the place where the righteous dwell.

I drew near to them and did tell them,

how things were at the very beginning.

Once I told them,

they kissed and embraced me,

propped me up in my place, and said,

“We give you permission, ’Kbar Ziwa,

you gentle, stable Uthra.

We give you permission, ’Kbar Ziwa,

the Uthra who supports his friends.

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We give you permission, valorous Uthra,

you valorous, stable Uthra.

We give you permission, valorous Uthra,

to tell what it was like,

to teach the hidden Uthri.

If you go to that place,

then teach your friends,

Teach the men of proven righteousness,

the truthful and faithful men.

We want you to speak on your honor,

that there is no limit to light.

For light, there is no limit

and it is not known when it was created.

Nothing existed when light did not;

Nothing existed when radiance did not.

Nothing existed when the Almighty did not;

but there was no limit to light.

Nothing existed when water did not;

water is older than darkness.

Older than darkness is water,

but there is nothing that will go on forever.

There is no number we could give to you

for how long it has been since the Uthri not exist.

The Uthriare older than darkness,

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older than darkness are the Uthri.

older than any of their neighbors.

Goodness is older

than the wickedness of the place of darkness.

Serenity is older

than the rebellion of the place of darkness.

The living heat is older

than the devouring fire of the place of darkness.

Glorification is older

than sorcery and witchcraft, which the wicked promote.

The Third Yardna is older

than the devouring waters of the place of darkness,

Insight is older than those things

that the wicked of the place of darkness promote.

The voice of the Uthri is older

than that of the mightiest wicked ones of the place of darkness.

We have told you about the First,

now we will tell you about the Second, just as it was.

The serene throne is older

than the rebellious throne.

Hymns and liturgies are older

than the sorcery of the terrible woman Hiwath.

The container of the ether is much older

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than anything Ruha says.

We have told you about the Second,

Now we want to tell you about the Third, as it was.

’Bhaq Ziwa is older

than Ruha, such as she is.

The thought of all the Uthri

is older than the call of the rebellious.

The realm of the good is older

than the lord of all the places of darkness.

The men of proven righteousness are older

than all the creations of darkness, such as they are.”

As the Great One said to me,

as the Almighty, my Father, who created me, said to me,

As the Great One spoke thus to me,

I understood it in my mind.

Once I understood it in my mind,

I said to Him, “How did darkness come into being?

How did darkness come into being,

from what was it formed in its place?

Wherever You are so great,

why does not darkness cease to be?

Why does darkness not cease to be

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and why is light completely upright?”

Before I could speak to the Great One,

the Great One said to me:

“Most orderly Uthra,

most orderly and methodical Uthra\

Most orderly Uthra,

the Uthra who supports his friends!

In the goodness of the righteous

was neither weakness nor imperfection.

The righteous are, by virtue of their goodness,

strengthened from head to toe.

The righteous are, by virtue of their goodness,

roots that are firmly planted in their place.

The righteous shine forth in their splendor;

the water is hidden within their garments.

The secret words

are kept hidden within their books.

Water does not mix with pitch,

just as darkness does not mix with light.

Darkness is not counted together with light,

and the dark abode will not be illuminated.

Just as the dark abode will never be illuminated,

neither will stagnant waters shimmer.

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Darkness never spreads out,

and its denizens take its form.

Darkness took shape,

and when it took shape, it reviewed its army.

Because of the wickedness it has in mind,

it is trapped within its own container.

It is trapped within its own container,

and all of its works will perish.

The children of darkness will perish,

but the children of the Almighty will survive.

The house of the wicked will crumble,

and the devouring fire will go out.

Their witchcraft will fizzle away and vanish,

because it did not exist beforehand.

Their creations will come to an end,

but the tribe of Hayyi will last forever.

The living doctrine will come forth,

and shed light throughout the perishable abode.”

Once the Great One had thus spoken to me,

my heart was lifted up on its supports,

I began, by the power of the Great One,

to speak and praise the Almighty:

“Since there is no wickedness among your righteous,

why should I go to that place?”

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When I tried to speak,

the Great Hayyi, said to me,

“The Pregnant conceives a dragon,

so get up and go down to the world!

By your power, Uthri will come into being,

Through your brilliance, the mighty will be established.

The Great One, in His greatness,

gave me plentiful radiance;

He gave me plentiful radiance,

and gave me plentiful light.

He gave me victory,

which protected me from the hateful.

He gave me a great garment,

expansive and endless.

He gave me a great garment,

and made me utterly magnificent.

He gave me a Margna staff of living water,

a rod by which the rebellious would be struck down.

He gave me a crown of living heat,

marvelous and luminous beyond compare.

He equipped me with His weapons,

kissed and embraced me like the Almighty.

He said to me,

“Go to the rebels of darkness,

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the evil ones who plot against us.

They hatch plots in wickedness,

and evil has shut itself in its container.

Evil has shut itself inside its container,

and will have none of your words.”

He said to me:

“The good will rise on account of their virtue,

and see the Place of Light.

The evil will descend on account of their wickedness,

and see the gates of darkness.

The calls have all been recited,

the words have all been reckoned.

A single call can come forth,

and explain all calls.

A single word can come forth,

and explain all words.

A single man can come forth,

and explain this and that.”

Just as the Great One had said to me,

I went through his power to the place of darkness,

To the place in which the wicked live,

to the dwelling that is full of the corrupting.

To the place of the dragon,

to the furnaces of devouring fire,

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To the furnaces of fire, whose flame ascends

to reach the middle of the firmament,

I went and met

the rebellious fiends of darkness.

I went and found them

as they all maliciously plotted,

They stand there and maliciously plotted,

they stand there and forge weapons,

They forge weapons

and plot evil against the good.

They maliciously plot,

and consult one another.

They consult one another,

and say,

“Is there any other being

that wants to take a share in our world?

If there is anyone who is more powerful than us,

we will rise up and fight him.”

When I saw them,

it was in the guise of the greatness that I appeared to them.

I appeared to them in the guise of the greatness,

which is wide and limitless.

When I appeared to them in expansive glory,

expansive and extending to all the world,

1 ' (ilonfication

x ^owcd '.hem the A/jkw staff of living water

xx hich my Father gave me.

showed them the Marina staff of living water,

bv which they would be struck down.

. spread the words of the Great One upon them,

to them 1 spread the words of the Great One:

The righteous will rise on account of their virtue,

and see the Place of Light.

The exil will descend on account of their wickedness,

and see the gates of darkness.”

When I spoke to them,

they xx’ailed and lamented their fates:

“Our Lord! We have sinned and been lacking,

Forgive us our guilt and our sins.

Be lenient to us,

xve all wish to submit to you.”

I said to them,

“Until the Great Hayyi xxishes,

and Abathur is established here,

Until Abathur is established,

and the sons of salvation are created,

The wondrous, living heat will be granted,

and Gabriel, the messenger will be created.

He will be created and asked,

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and we will send him here.

He will be created and asked,

and he will create the world.

He will come and solidify what is to be made solid,

and he will skillfully call the earth into being.

He will skillfully call the earth into being,

and he will stop up the wells of stagnant water.

Three Uthri will come

and guard the soul.

They will heed the call of Hayyi,

and light up the perishable abode.

Then two Uthri will come,

and head to the font of the waters.

They will bring water,

and create a Yardna for the world.

A yardna they will create for the world,

and spread brilliance upon it.

They will plant crops,

which will be full of faith, wisdom, and insight.”

When the evil one heard this,

his heart became filled with anger.

His heart became full of fury,

and he struck the anvil of the earth.

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I raised myself, by the power of Hayyi,

and made a request to the Great Hayyi.

I surrounded him with a fetter so strong,

no one has strength to overcome it.

I am ’Kbar Ziwa.

I paved a path for the righteous,

and opened a gateway' to the world.

A gateway to the world I created,

and placed within it thrones.

Thrones for the righteous I established,

and set up a lamp for them.

I set up for them a lamp,

which was perfect from top to bottom.

and the watch of the Children of Peace,

at the place in which they thrive without want.

I established the Yardna of Life,

and placed guardians upon it.

I placed two Uthri upon it,

flourishing without a flaw.

A throne for the King of Radiance I established

and set up a lamp for Him.

I set up for Him a lamp,

which was perfect from top to bottom.

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I am ’Kbar Ziwa.

With the enlightenment and the glory,

of what Hayyi has let me hear,

With the enlightenment and the glory,

I headed off for the House of the Almighty.

With the joy that I felt

I spoke to the Almighty.

The Great One rejoiced and was confirmed in His joy,

was completely delighted with me.

Hayyi demonstrated His gratefulness to me,

and increased my brilliance beyond its previous level.

He said to me,

“Kushta has protected you,

and the words that you have spoken.”

In His delight, Hayyi turned

to the UthriwA said:

“Praise the power of the man

who has cured water with the living heat.

Praise the power of the man

whom the fire has not diminished.

The fire has not diminished him;

the Uthra shined in his brilliance.

The Uthra shined in his brilliance,

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and paved a path for the righteous.

He has paved a path for the righteous,

and has rewarded the righteous.

He has rewarded the righteous,

and mentioned their name in the House of the Almighty.

I received Kushta from Him

and went to the House of the Almighty,

The place where the righteous dwell,

the place in which dwell the righteous.

When I was in the House of the Righteous,

I bowed before the Almighty.

As soon as I wanted to speak to the Great One,

the Great One Himself said to me,

As soon as I wanted to thank Him,

The Great One thanked me.

The Great One thanked me,

and told me about everything:

“Manda’d Hayyi,

you valorous, well-armed Uthra.

You shall be the father of the Uthri,

who supplies his friends with provisions.

Let the living waters be released,

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and guide them back to that world.

Summon the three Uthri,

who protect the Treasure of Life.

They must preserve the Treasure of Life,

that was taken from here.

They will cover it in clay,

and clothe it in the color of flesh.

They will cover it in clay,

and clothe it with a perishable garment.

With a perishable garment, they will clothe it,

and within it create weakness and imperfection.”

At that point, the Second Life sat up,

his Uthri arose and gave him advice.

They arose and gave him advice,

by saying,

“Let us build a world and construct within it dwellings for you,

which shall be called yours.”

Then the Second Life gave them some of his brilliance and luster,

and of what else Hayyi had granted him.

He gave them some of his radiance,

and ordered them to create a world.

The children of the Second Life set out,

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returned and descended to the place of darkness.

They summoned ’Ptahil Uthra,

they summoned him and set him in his place.

They called forth the Children of Peace,

and set them on their thrones.

They went to the dividing waters,

through which they saw the place of darkness.

’Bhaq Ziwa was proud of himself,

and considered himself to be the almighty.

He considered himself the almighty,

and abandoned the name that his father had given him.

He said,
“I am the father of the Uthri,

The father of the Uthriam I,

who has made the dwellings of the Uthri?

He pondered over the stagnant waters

and said, “I will create a world”.

He went without any advice,

and did not know about the stagnant water.

He did not know about the stagnant water,

and knew nothing about the devouring fire, which has no


He did not take counsel from the Father of the Uthri,

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He summoned ’Ptahil Uthra,

He embraced him and kissed him like the almighty.

He gave him the names

that are kept secret in their places.

He gave him the name of Gabriel, the Messenger,

summoned him, and asked him, saying,

“Go down, hurry, and get yourself

to the place where there are no dwellings and no worlds.

Create and make for yourself a world

like the Children of Peace, whom you have seen.

Create and establish a world there,

a world for yourself with Uthri within it.”

’Ptahil Uthra arose,

went forth and down below the dwellings,

to a place where there was no world.

He stepped into the filthy muck,

and entered the stagnant water.

He began to speak,

since the living heat had changed within him.

When the living heat changed within him,

he grieved in his heart, and said,

“Since I am a son of the Great One,

why has the living heat changed?”

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’Ptahil washed his hands in the stagnant water,

and said:

“Let there be an earth,

just like there was in the house of the Almighty.”

As he dipped his hands,

a solid substance formed,

A solid substance briefly formed,

which collapsed and flowed apart.

As no earth came into being and took solid form,

his heart began to break.

’Ptahil stood deep in thought, and said

“I wish to leave the world.”

Lost in his own thoughts, ’Ptahil pondered,

he took stock of his wisdom, and said:

“I will go up to the Great Hayyi,

bow and abase myself to the Great One.”

As ’ Ptahil acted in accordance with his wise plan,

he adored and glorified Hayyi.

He received a garment of living heat,

and walked about in the stagnant water.

As the living heat mingled

with the stagnant water,

GR, Book Three T‘ Glorification

on account of the scent of the garment of living heat,

dust from the land of Siniawis was stirred up.

From the land of Siniawis, dust stirred up,

and landed everywhere.

All the seas were clogged,

all the pits were filled.

A dry spot took shape,

a solid substance formed and fell into the water.

A curtain rose up high,

it rose up and stood at the center of heaven.

As the firmament was stretched out,

he bowed down and praised his creator.

When he saw the throne on high,

’Ptahil rejoiced and his heart was glad.

He took the navel of the earth

and wanted to tie it to the heart of heaven.

As he tried to grab the navel of the earth,

the fallen ones circled around him.

The scuttle of the crafty ones circled around him,

filled with sophistry.

’ Ptahil, in his wisdom, sat,

and asked them one by one,

“Where have you come from, wicked ones,

the likes of which are not from my ancestral home?”

GR. Book I hree Is* Glorification

When he spoke to them,

they answered him from below,

“We have come because we want to be your servant,

we want to be close to you and be your helper.

We want to be your helpers in all things, no matter what you do,

and leave you undisturbed on your throne.

We want to leave you on your throne undisturbed,

we want to be close and keep the world in order.

We want to be good

and be obedient to you in every way.”

He said to them: “Then you are my sons.

If you do good deeds,

I will take you into my embrace.”

As soon as ’Ptahil said this,

the house was taken away from him.

From him, the house was taken away,

and the fallen ones took control of it,

just as they did before the firmament was stretched out,

and the earth had become fixed by solidifying.

As soon as ’Ptahil said this,

the house was taken away from him.

'u Hayyi zaken

GR> Book Three 2nd Glorification

The Creation of Adam

Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Let Adam be created

He will be a king for the living world!

he angels listened, were ordered, and then agreed. They said,

“Let Adam come into being. He will be one of us. Come now
’Ptahil, together we will create Adam. He will be our leader.”

“Sadness fills me to my depths,” said ’Ptahil. “My hope was to

create Adam by myself. If he is created as you wish, what will he be?”

They said, “If we obey you, what sort of authority will we have in
the world of lower life?”

“You will serve him. You will be guards for him,” said ’Ptahil. They
formed him, and laid him on the ground, but they were unable to
make him move, for Adam was without a soul.

They said, “If the ether were to seep into his bones, if the lifeforce
were to seep into him, he could properly stand on his own feet.”

They sought help from the flash of fire. They said, “If only the fire
would brighten this garment! Let it illuminate his garment, so that the
lifeforce will seep into his body and make him stand on his own feet.”

They called all steams of rivers, all smoke of fire. They tried to
blow them into his outstretched body, into his prone hands, so that
perhaps his palms would contract, and his two wings might flap, and

GR, Book Three 2nd Glorification

anger might grip his wings so that they might prop him upright on his
own two feet.

The angels said, “Oh, ’Ptahil, permit us to infuse him with one of
our souls, which you have brought from the House of your Father.”

Even though the angels tired themselves out, and ’Ptahil also
became tired, Adam did not stand upright on his own two feet.

’Ptahil ascended to the Highest, and stood before the Father of the

“What have you done, ’Ptahil?”

“Everything, my Father, except the likes of you and me.

The Father of the Uthri said, “Enough,” and then withdrew within
the secret pit.

“Great Mana, infuse that body with life. Remove any affliction
from him and illuminate him according to your desire.”

The Great Mana gave him the living names with which he could
speak, and the Father of the Uthri wrapped the great secret within his
pure white turban. Then He delivered it to ’Ptahil.

0 approaching angels!

0 departing Uthri.

Hibil, Shitil, and Anush!

Be on your guard with the soul! No one should know about her!

Let ’Ptahil be unaware of how the soul descended to the body.

Do not let him know how the soul descended to the body.

Do not let him know how the channels go through the body,

and how the blood flows.

GR, Book Three 2nd Glorification

Let Adakas Mana be her guard.

O Adam, as soon as you are endowed with the glory of Hayyi,

stand upright on your own two feet.

Once you speak with a pure mouth,

the secret will return to its homeland.

Once again, the secret will return to its homeland.

’Ptahil folded the secret of life into his pure turban, and covered it
with his garment. He descended back with his assistants, who had
been charged to guard the soul.

When ’Ptahil and his followers reached the earth, they came near
the outstretched body. He wanted to place the soul within it. I, Manda
’d Hayyi, I took it away from him. When ’Ptahil tried to stand Adam
upright on his feet, I, Manda’d Hayyi, made him stand up. I made him
breathe the breath of life.

His bones were filled with marrow. The glory of Hayyi spoke forth
within his body. Then he opened his eyes.

At that time, Adakas Ziwa ascended to his homeland. I, Manda’d

Hayyi, made him ascend to his homeland, to the House of Power
where the Great Hayyi is glorified.

I charged the angels of the flowing water with guarding him. This
is how the angel was rewarded by the Great Hayyi. Hayyi rewarded the
angel who brought Adam’s soul. The Great Hayyi ordered me and


Descend and proclaim a heavenly prayer!

Proclaim a heavenly prayer,

GR. Book Three 2nd Glorification

and keep the evildoers away from the soul!

This is what the Great Hayyi ordered me.

I, Manda’d Hayyi, descended, and found them sitting—I found

the wicked all together. They are spewing their magic onto the soul,
their magic is spawn all over the soul. They are adorning her with
strife, and they are completely eager to cut her into pieces.

In my pure white vestment I glittered, and through my glory I

came forth into the world. Through my glory bestowed on me by my
Lord, I appeared to’Ptahil. ’Ptahil wailed and wept on account of what
he had done.

To Ruha, I appeared and said, “You seductress, who seduces the

universe, look—this is the great secret that dominates but cannot be
dominated; the secret that conquers all who sin and are arrogant. Are
you not terrified, and confess that you are guilty?”

The Seven confessed that they were guilty. They bowed their heads
down, covered their faces with their hands, and said, “Oh, our Lord,
we have sinned. Forgive our sins!’ The moment they said that, their
congregation disbursed.

I asked them in the name of the Great Mystery never to harm the
soul. Then I concealed myself from the Seven, and assumed the form
of a human being.

Here I am, in a visible form.

0 soul, I will not frighten you.

Never be alarmed while you are in the body.

In order not to frighten you,

I have assumed the form of a human being.

GR, Book Three
2nd Glorification

I sat down beside her.

Shining forth, I sat close to her;

I spread the glory of the Great Mana on her,

the glory out of which Adam emerged.

Beside her I sat, and taught her all that Hayyi had entrusted to me.

With a voice like the cooing of dove,

I recited the recitation to her.

I awakened her heart from its long hibernation,

With the speech of the angels, I spoke to her.

I taught her my wisdom,

I bestowed my wisdom upon her.

I said to her:

Arise, o soul!

Glorify Hayyi,

and bow down to Him!

Praise the sublime places, where the pious dwell,

and extol Adakas Ziwa, the father from whom Adam came

GR. Book Three 2nd Glorification

Adam arose, knelt down and bowed. He glorified the Great Hayyi,
and his father Adakas Ziwa. He bore witness to the name of the Great
Hayyi, and the Great Mana from which he emanated.

When Adam bowed and gave submission to his father, Adakas

Ziwa appeared before him. Adam was full of praise. He bore witness to
him both bodily and spiritually.

He rejected the temptresses,

the seductresses he rejected.

He rejected the material world,

and turned his back upon ’Ptahil, who is its master.

He disavowed the sons of this realm,

and rejected all their actions.

He bore witness to the name of the Great Hayyi.

He rejected every mortal thing,

and lifted his eyes to the source of the light.

0 Adam, here am I, the Uthra of Hayyi,

I am full of compassion for you,

I am very compassionate towards you.

Let there be a place for you by my command,

where you might sow your seed,

and where the water flows.

GR, Book Three 2nd Glorification

When Adam completes his mission,

he will be able to return to his homeland,

the source of the light.

Together with his father, Adakas Ziwa,

let him be an Uthra.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Rook Four

Baptizing Hibil Ziwa

'Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Righteousness is a blessing for the virtuous, and Manda d Hayyi

supports the people ofpeace.

* / his is the mystery of the book, the first explanation and the first
living teaching, which existed from the very beginning.

The Great Hayyi created Manda’d Hayyi, and Manda’d Hayyi

called Hibil Ziwa, and said,

By the power of the Supreme King of Light,

and by our power, I, Manda’d Hayyi,

together with Hayyi and the Uthri,

celebrate the first Uthra that we have summoned into


and covered with our brightness.

and with light we covered him.

I bestowed upon him strength and steadfastness,

to send him to the world of darkness,

in order to control it,

and restore order to it.

GR, Book Four

Two Uthriwere summoned. Adathan and Yadathan were called

forth on the day when Yardna baptized Hibil Ziwa. They were
summoned as two assistants. Then, another six Uthriwexe
summoned: Shitil, Anush, Shilmai, Nidbai, Adakas Mana, and the
Great Mystery, whose name is Yufin.

Hibil Ziwa set out with his great light,

his light which came forth from the Lord.

He set out to set a boundary to the worlds of light,

and a boundary to the worlds of darkness.

Then the Great Hayyi commanded that Manda’d Hayyi descend

to Yardna. Mara’d Rabutha, the Lord of Greatness, prepared for him
the baptism ceremony of Hibil Ziwa, the bravest and most courageous
of the Uthri. The great Yardna started to say to Mara’d Rabutha,

Who is this Uthra whom you are going to baptize in my water,

my water in which your Greatness was baptized?

But the great Yardna saw the brilliance of Hibil Ziwa and the
brilliance of Manda’d Hayyi, and his light and dignity. He saw the
Margna staff of living water raised high, and his waves tumbled in

At the same time, Mara’d Rabutha said to the great Yardna,

You, o living water, o great running water:

Calm down; stand still in your place.

GR, Book Four

Hibil Ziwa is going to be baptized in your water.

The great Yardna calmed down and Hibil Ziwa was baptized.

Hibil Ziwa was baptized together with his two brothers. At the
same time, another four were baptized. He then baptized another
three Uthri, who were the brothers of Hibil Ziwa and his assistants.

Mara’d Rabutha said:

From the source of the water,

From the source of the living springs,

I departed and came here.

I occupied three houses:

three houses I occupied,

and furnished with guardians;

Respectable, beatific, and steadfast guardians

I established in these houses.

Then Manda’d Hayyi stood up from Yardna, and extended the right
hand of truth to his Creator. He extended the right hand of truth to his
Creator, and then he placed his seal upon his brothers, who are his
sons. At that instant, the Lord said to Manda’d Hayyi,

Now your brilliance is truly excellent,

glorious is your light.

All those who believe will be illuminated by your light,

and they will bring light to all the worlds.

GR, Book Four

Then He called Hibil Ziwa and said to him:

Whenever I hear your voice, o Hibil Ziwa,

while you are giving praise in the Place of Light,

I am satisfied with you,

and I feel certain about you.

I will guard you and set you straight,

I will make you better and bestow my blessing upon you.

Then the Lord called Shitil, stood him upright, and said,

O Shitil,

O Uthra, you are protected from temptation of Satan.

You are strengthened by Our teachings,

so be blessed by Our attention,

and never be cut off from Us.

Then He bestowed light upon Shitil. After that he called Anush,

stood him upright, and said to him,

O Anush, you will be blessed by the four Uthri

who are sitting close to each other.

Let them baptize you with their baptism,

and let them adorn you with their garments.

GR, Book Four

He bestowed perfection upon Anush; perfection and light were

bestowed upon him, as if they were his two brothers. The Great
Brightness, the Great Shining Lamp, which illuminates all worlds,
sincerely glorified the Lord of Greatness, saying:

Glory to You!

To whom belongs that light?

To whom belongs that radiance?

To whom belongs that perfection?

The Lord said,

The light belongs to Hibil,

The radiance belongs to Shitel,

and the perfection belongs to Anush.

Thereupon the Lord marked them with His pledge, and sealed
them with His eternal seal. Then He called Shilmai and Nidbai. He put
His right hand upon them and blessed them with His great blessing,
saying to them, “We rejoice at this foundation that has been

u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Five

The Descent of the Savior

’Bshumayhon ’dHayyirabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

p/i'/ hen Siniawis, the land of darkness, assumed control of the

world of darkness, the entire universe cringed, and its
balance became upset. Manda’d Hayyi stood before Mana and His
great assistant. They said to him, “O Ganzibra, our great son, what are
you waiting for? Get up, go there and do what needs to be done!”

He said, “I will summon that scion of yours that you have sown,
the Uthra whom you have established and esteemed. I will ask him to
stand before you to receive your orders.”

Hibil Ziwa came forth, bowed down respectfully before his father,
and said, “My father whither will be this generous invitation?” His
father answered, “To see Mana and his great configuration.” The lights
nearly blinded his eyes, but Hibil Ziwa obediently stood by. Twice-
esteemed Mana received Hibil into His presence, embraced him, and
kissed him. He praised and bowed down before them, confused and
trembling. They said, “O Hibil Ziwa, do not tremble. Come, be
baptized in 360,000 Yardni. We will adorn you with 360 garments of
light.” They baptized him, dressed him, and mentioned hidden names
to him, names which were given to his father Yawar alone. Thus, Hibil
became a great Mana like them.

My father named me Yawar, after his own name. He put His

hands on me, and created for me a peerless world, without limit and
no end to its lights, in which there were 360 Yardni and 360,000 Uthra
5and residences. Then He gave me the very garment in which He was
baptized. He gave me the secret that protected the Uthri, and said to
me, “You are now Our son and Our ’Dmutha form, which is more

GR. Book Five

gorgeous than the brilliance of all the Uthri. You will face an
uncontrollable universe, which combines within it both menace and
severe constraints. These are the worlds of darkness. You will go there
and remain for so long that We may forget you, but your ’Dmutha will
be here to read the Masiqtha to you.”

Hibil Ziwa prostrated to his fathers, glorifying and said, “O fathers,

with Your power, with the great secret protecting You, with the power
of my father Manda’d Hayyi, I will go to that world and accomplish
what you ordered me to do.”

Hibil Ziwa accompanied his father and his two brothers, and they
reached the border between light and darkness. His father said, “Now,
my son, depart with your two brothers.” Hibil Ziwa bowed before his
father and said, “Do not embrace me, father, and do not kiss me, for if
you do so, you will make me feel that you pity me. Fie whose father
arms him, seals him, baptizes him, and sets him straight will never fear
the powers of darkness.”

His father bowed down and made him stand upright. He gave him
encouragement, and then walked back to Mana and his 'Dmutha.

Now my great fathers, with your powers, with the power of the
great Mystery accompanying me, with the two assistants
accompanying me, I will descend into the world of darkness. When I
arrived at the walls, I immersed my foot in the murky waters between
darkness and light, and soon the wall retreated before me. I passed
one thousand leagues into the world of Ruha, the first world of gloom.

I stayed in that world full of evil for many ages, hiding from the
eyes of its inhabitants, until the Great Mystery accompanying me
advised me not to tarry, and to descend deeper.

We descended until we reached the world of Zartai and Zartanai,

in which we stayed for many ages; no one saw us. I bolstered the
beings of light accompanying me with prayers and invocations. With

GR, Book Five

wisdom and praise, I helped them to be happy, and to ascend to the

Great Hayyi, and to Mana and his great first 'Dmutha, which was
created by Hayyi. While I was reciting my prayers and supplications, I
felt as if I was standing before my father.

I left the place of Zartai and Zartanai, and set out for the world of
the man Hagh and the woman Magh, who were spreading their
sorcery and power throughout the most fearful, terrible worlds of

I wondered how my feet would lead me there. I stayed in this

world for many ages, until I knew its composition and the
composition of its inhabitants.

Then I departed for the world of the two titans, Gaf and Gafan,
giants of darkness who dwell by the spring of murky waters. Between
the world of Hagh and Magh and the world of Gaf and Gafan there
were many levels. In the world of the titans, the cauldrons of murky
waters boiled violently, and their fumes rose in smoke and flames. Gaf
and Gafan were two deformed dragons, bound by their iniquities.
Neither their consorts, who were their very likenesses, nor the magic
they worked could aid them.

I said to my Uthra brethren, “Whatever the limits of the darkness

of worlds might be, and however far its darkness might extend, we
should keep hidden so that nobody can see us.”

The Great Mystery accompanying me said, “Let us go to Anathan,

the warrior of darkness, and Qin, his wife. She is the mother of
darkness, the gigantic monstrosity whose germ is the devouring,
conquering murky waters.”

I wondered whether I would ever be able to return to my great

forefathers one day and sit in their secure world, talking with my
Uthra brethren. We went forth and came to the end of the mountain
of darkness, under which there were none, and opened its gates. At the

GR. Book Five

first gate we saw the enormous ’Shdum, grandson of darkness, whom

none among the titans of darkness resembled.

I am Hibil; I appeared to him in an immense and beautiful form,

and sat down before him. “Peace be upon you, o warrior ’Shdum, king
of the world,” I said.

He lifted his face, glanced upon me, and then said, “Peace be upon
you, o man of beautiful and awesome form. What do you want?”

I said “In the name of the Great Eternal Hayyi, who is hidden
within the secret abode; in the name of the Great Mystery, in the name
of Mana and his likeness 'Dniutha, and the name of my father Manda
’d Hayyi and his radiance, together with the Uthri accompanying me;
my forefathers have sent me to tell you that one of your offspring, of
your kindred and family, has created a disturbance in the World of
Light. What is your opinion about this?”

’Shdum answered me, “I do not know. Go down below me, to a

level beneath me; there you will find one who is older than I.”

That which I did with ’Shdum, I also did with Giuo, the brother of
Krun. He told me to go to Krun. Then, I descended again. After aeons
and aeons, I reached the loathsome Krun, a mountain of flesh without
any bones. Its form and shape were of dust and soil. It was like a

When I approached him, I greeted him by name. Without raising

his eyes, he said, “Who is that who has uncovered my name and
become acquainted with my form?”

I said, “I am Hibil Ziwa. The Great Hayyi has sent me to you.”

Krun said, “The Great Hayyi, whose radiance and light never end?
What does He want?”

I said, “One of your offspring wants to create a disturbance in the

World of Light, so what do you have to say about it?”

GR, Book Five

The immense mountain of flesh said, “Go back whence you came,
or I will swallow you until no trace of you remains!”

Time passed terribly slow, while I fought an epic battle with Krun,
until I had reduced him to bloody chunks. Then he surrendered,
terrified, and said, “Have mercy!”

I said, “Give me your seal, so that I can pass through the world of
darkness and no one can stop me.” He gave me a seal for each place.

I returned back and ascended to Giuo, passed to the world of

’Shdum, crossed it, and sealed the gates of their abodes. I sealed all
their abodes, so that none could leave or enter. Then I approached
Qin, assuming the likeness of her husband Anathan, and asked her,
“Qin, could you tell me what we are made from?” She went about
showing me the spring of murky waters, and the spring of unlimited
bitterness. The Great Mystery who accompanied me said, “This is
utter bitterness: it is the one true constant of the world of darkness.”

I went about blinding her eyes, closing her ears, terrifying her,
talcing the utter bitterness, and destroying it. I left that world, closed
its hidden gates behind me, and sealed them with three secret names.
The names were Ham Ziwa, Nhur Ziwa and Laufafan Nhura Raba,
which are fixed and unmovable.

I ascended to the world of Sumqaq, the Great Pearl, passing it to

arrive at Gaf and Gafan, the great father of all the worlds of darkness. I
pretended to be one of them, and married Zahreil, the daughter of
Qin. I did not touch her, because my intention was not to be married,
but rather to know whence the secret of the plant of darkness came.
Zahreil showed me the secret that protects the monstrous creatures of
darkness. It was a spring which was unknown to all. There was a
mirror in it, and when they gazed upon their faces within it, they
would know what had come to pass and what would happen.

GR. Book Five

1 took the mirror and appeared to Ruha as her brother Gaf. I then
invited her to ascend to her forefathers. She said, “Where are my
forefathers?” I said, “They are in the world above us.” Ruha was about
to give birth, but she left the world of Gaf and Gafan. I tightly closed
the gates behind me and sealed them with the secret names. She
walked with me, not knowing that 360,000 myriads from the worlds of
light were staying with me. I said, “We are going to the world of Zartai
and Zartanai.”

Countless years passed. Ruha asked, “Where have we come?” I

replied, “To the darkness.” When we passed the world of Zartai and
Zartanai, I locked the latches of its gates and sealed them, and then I
said to the Great Mystery accompanying me, “Blind her eyes, close her
ears, and confound her intentions.” She became as if she had never
existed. I surrounded her world with locks that no one could open and
left her imprisoned in it forever.

The universes and generations that were with me proclaimed their

delight, saying, “It is truly a great deed that we have done. We will
return to our fathers, to Mana and his 'Dmutha and to the Nitufta, the
great Source of Life from which we were created.”

We opened the gates of light, and stood before my Father. Mana

and his 'Dmutha received us. They embraced me, kissed me and said,
“Blessed be your return Hibil, you are the pure mana, Shar Ziwa.”

My father prepared the Yardna. Mana and his ’Dmutha took me to

the Nitufta in her hiding place. She showed me what I had never seen
before. She baptized me in seven great Yardni that were flowing
beneath her throne; no one had ever seen them before me. Then she
said, “Now go forth and delight in the names that I have recited upon
you, the names that were never recited upon anyone but you. Go forth
to your father, who is standing at the Yardna, waiting for you.”

I left the Nitufta and walked to my father. My father baptized me

in the great Yardniof white and bright water in which He baptized all

GR, Book Five

the Uthri, so that they would ascend to the summit where they stayed
on the bank of the living water.

Hibil Yawar, beloved son, for whom we waited for a long time!
Gorgeous, shining one whom we have summoned! Tell us what you
did in that world?

I bowed down before my father and Mana and his 'Dmutha. My

brightness is theirs, and their brightness is mine. They said, You were
absent for so long a time, we nearly forget about you. When we
thought about you, we imagined your 'Dmutha. Your father used to
recite the Masiqtha for you every day. He would say, “Let Hibil, Shitil
and Anush ascend, the three brothers who are my sons and lovers.”

After bowing down a long time before them, I said, “He whose
brightness is from Your brightness, and whose light is from Your light,
accompanied by the assistants You have provided him, and the Great
Mystery that You have bestowed upon him, how could he hesitate or
be afraid? And how could all gates not open before him?”

“I entered all their worlds, spoke to them like one of their own and
secured all their secrets. When I left, I locked the gates to each of their
worlds and tightly sealed the locks, so that none could reach the

He is Hayyi. He is my father. He put his hands on me and said,

“Hibil Yawar, hidden messenger, whose father blessed him with his
own hand. Sincere, courageous one, you will meet Ruha and her son
Eur through Our strength, power, illumination, and support for you.”
I said, “I will go to her now. She is about to give birth.” They said, “Go
with the same truthfulness.”

Ruha gave birth to Eur, the ruler of darkness. She prepared 360
swaddles for him, moving him from one to the other every thousand
years. Eur was small, like a worm. His mother never knew that he,
deep within, was greater than his titanic fathers.

GR, Book Five

When I saw him, I climbed up the walls. With the brightness and
glorification bestowed upon me by my Father, I summoned seven
golden walls together, and bestowed seven secret names upon them. I
surrounded that world with those walls, set so that none could move
them. I returned to Eur and found him moving like a worm in the
murky waters. He was a span long and a span wide, and I knew he
would be the titan of darkness.

I firmed the land of copper until it became eighty-eight thousand

leagues thick. It is beneath the murky waters in which Eur is based. As
I ascended, I saw Eur growing. He was growing so tremendously that
the world might well explode from his size and strength. To weaken
him, I put my hand on his side without letting him see me. He started
to sink into the murky waters until he collided with the land of copper.
Then an explosion happened, which shook the world of darkness
spreading horror and panic.

The mother of Eur came to him and bestowed the crown of his
forefathers upon him. He set it upon his head and said, “Where are
your forefathers?” She said, “Let us go to them.” He said, “Show me
the gates.” She said, “I searched for them before your birth, but 1 did
not find them.” Eur then roared and accused his mother of lying,
saying, “How could a world be without gates? Tell me how! Could
fathers close the gates behind their son? How could this be? You enter
and exit not knowing this? Are you lying?”

She said, “I know charms and incantations that can be used. If I

recite them, the earth will melt away.” He said, “Then do it!” She did,
but the secrets were not revealed and the walls did not move. She
summoned her demons for help but the walls remained steadfast. She
then said, “I will give you my mirror. I have kept it all my life.” When
he placed it before him, he saw the world of darkness and the World of
Light. When he saw his own face, he recoiled and shrank back.

GR, Book Five

She asked him, “What have you seen, my son?” He said, “I saw my
fathers, each one in his own world. I saw the worlds of light which I
desire, in which we have no stock.” Her heart shivering with fear, she
said, “My son, take after your fathers. Do not be an enemy to the
World of Light.” He dragged her by her hair, shouting, “I am Eur, son
of the titans! I will fight the light; I will not fight the darkness!” He
shouted at the murky waters, and it spiraled up to the top of the wall
between darkness and light. Then he shouted again, so all the walls

My Father, Hayyi, said to me, “Why are you standing down

Yawar? You are Yawar Hibil the messenger! Why do not you confront
that arrogant giant?”

I did not oppose what my Fathers said to me. I spread my

brightness, then walked together with the Uthri to Eur. When he saw
me and my worlds, he submerged his head into the murky waters. I
snatched the crown from his head and enfolded him within seven
robes. He raised his head from the murky waters and asked his
mother, “Who is the one walking to me, majestic in his power?” She
said, “He has come to defeat you.” Eur said, “Can anyone defeat me?”
His mother said, “If you were as strong as he, you could snatch his
crown from his head, as he has done to you.” Eur put his hand on his
head; when he did not find his crown, he gave a loud cry that
rebounded off every wall.

Then he left his throne and rushed towards me angrily with

thousands of demons; but when they saw me, they all were snuffed out
as if they never existed. Eur turned to his mother, asking, “What shall I
do?” She said, “My son, you are darkness, whereas he is light. When he
overcomes you, you will be broken. You cannot overcome him.
Whenever you go for the attack, he will always suddenly pull back
from you. Have you seen the source of his power? Go to the walls and
push them aside, if you can.” Eur tried, but in vain; he could not
accomplish it, so he returned in failure.

GR. Book Five

His mother released her magic, and uttered her charms, but the
walls did not budge. He said, “What can we do now?” She said, “This
piece of coral is our last weapon.” He held the coral and cried out; the
murky waters rapidly receded. He said, “Now I will ascend to the
House of Light, and to the great Water Spring!”

I, Yawar, appeared to Eur in my radiant garment; he stumbled and fell

before me, and I seized the coral from his hand. His mother ran to the
murky waters to retrieve her pearl and help him. She took it out, but it
fell back in again, making the murky waters boil and churn.

I, Yawar Ziwa, blinded Ruha so that she could not see her pearl,
and I took it from its depth. She began to wail and cry.

Eur extracted himself from the murky waters. He arose and cried
so loud that the murky waters rose up to the walls and dashed against
them so strong that they were nearly destroyed.

The Uthri were looking down through the high sanctuary of the
clouds. I, Yawar Ziwa, the head of all the messengers, opened the wall
with the help of the Great Mystery dwelling within me, and by the
power of Hayyi, my Father. I grabbed the rod of light and confronted
him with it. His eyes became full of tears.

I beat him to the ground, trod upon him, and bound him with
binds greater than his entire world.

His mother came to me crying for him. I said to her, “Leave him.
The Great Hayyi has sent me to him.”

I turned him on his face, and with four chains I tied him. I tied
each end to one of the cardinal directions of the world. I put four
guards on each end, strong and brave guards; those who saw them
were astonished.

Then I ascended to the House of Light with joyful news for my

Father about the submission of Eur. He was revealed to me in His
splendid radiance, and kissed me with His pure mouth, saying to me,

GR, Book Five

“Pure Hibil Mana, Yushamin has summoned three sons. The first one
will guard his forefathers, the second will reside with his father, and
the third, Abathur, will go to that world where you were. He will look
in the murky waters and see his face, and will have a son from the
murky waters.” Just after my Father finished what he was saying,
Abathur opened the gates, and stared at the murky waters; then ’Ptahil
came into being and ascended to the border.

Abathur gazed upon ’Ptahil. He was dressed in seven garments of

seven colours. His father removed all of them and dressed him in the
radiance and illumination of his father. But ’Ptahil did not ascend to
the worlds of light. He was afraid of his forefathers. Abathur sat him at
the borders, and said, “Sit here, ’Ptahil, so that Hayyi will come to
know you and teach you.

I said to Abathur, “I am Yawar Hibil. Take joy in the son that you
have brought into being. He will be your supporter, and friendly to

Abathur stood, knelt down in a deep bow to Yawar Hibil, and then
looked at him saying, “’Ptahil was created by your power, Yawar
Hibil.” I said to Abathur, “Put him on the right path, and urge him to
do what he does not know;” but he did not listen to what I had said.

Then Abathur said to ’Ptahil, “Son, get into the murky waters and
make them firm.”

’Ptahil stood at the murky waters, but they did not become firm.
He said, “Father, I took all that was in the seven robes in which I came
into existence, and stood in the murky waters, but they never became

His father said to him, “You fool, do you think you and I are
equal? Do you think that your robes and my garments are equal? Take
off the robes in which you came into being—they are robes of gloom.
Take off the garments in which I dressed you, the garments of light,

GR, Book l ive

and throw them into the murky waters, which will immediately
become as firm as land.”

’Ptahil did so, and so the ground became firm, and the world came
into being. Then the murky waters surrounded the edge of the world.

I shouted at ’Ptahil, “I am Hibil Ziwa!” He shuddered, terrified by

my cry, and grew sorry that he had made the ground firm. He said,
“Damn me for angering Hibil!”

When I saw him afraid, I felt sorry for him; I embraced him,
saying, “Let your work be finished, and carry it up before your father
and before the Great Hayyi, who is far away from you. Surround this
mass with walls, because when it sees my bright garments, it will hide
itself in the murky waters, and will not appear above them.” Having
said what I needed to say, I surrounded the ground that he had made
solid with seven walls.

The cunning Ruha was listening to ’Ptahil, and asked, “From what
were you summoned, ’Ptahil? Of what were you made, to have such

He said, “I was summoned and created from this world.” She said,
“Come along with me.” She entered and said to her son, Eur: “Why are
you lying down, my titan? You were meditating for a long time. Come,
sleep with me, so that you might have a son like you, who will release
you.” Eur tried but was unable to remove his bonds. Ruha transformed
herself into one of the Eur’s bonds, and slept with him. In this way, she
gave birth to seven sons, but she did not like them. She slept with him
again and had twelve sons; but she wept, saying, “What do you look
like, my sons? I have no one except for you, but you are weak; you do
not resemble your father. Upon what shall I rely in this world?”

Upon hearing what their mother had said, they decided to leave
and return to the tempests from which they had been formed. She

GR, Book Five

said, “Where are you going? The being that bound your father is
coming,” and each of them began to cry for his own sake.

I am Yawar Hibil, the pure Mana; when I saw those deformed

creatures that did not look anything like their fathers, the titans, I
wanted to destroy them, but then I changed my mind. I said to myself,
“Let them go like the world from which they have been born.” When I
called them, their hearts fell down from their places. Ruha cried for
them and said, “This is your father’s killer!” They roared out loud,
until the ground shook.

’Ptahil jumped up, screaming, “Woe is me! The mass that I have
made has gotten away!” Hibil Ziwa said: Oh ’Ptahil, do not be afraid. I
have something that will put them away.” Then I turned to them and
said, “What do you think I am going to do with you?”

They said: “Whatever you desire, your majesty.”

I called the Sun by his name “Shamish”; I called the Moon “Sin”,
Saturn “Kiwan”, Jupiter “Bil”, Venus “Libat”, Mercury “Enbu” and
Mars “Nirgh” each according to their names, and said to them, “I will
seat you upon moving thrones, and clothe you in bright garments to
illuminate this world.”

They said to their elder brother Shamish, “You will be our king,
and Libat will be our queen in the world. We will obedient to the two
of you.”

When I heard that from them, I ordered two Uthri to stand as

guards over them and to be assistants to Shamish. Thus, the world
came to be illuminated.

I left behind all those worlds and closed all the gates of the walls
behind me, putting each one in an orbit. Then I, Yawar, heard a voice
within myself ordering me, “Create Adam.” I ordered the Seven to
help ’Ptahil create the body. Then I ascended to the great Treasures of
Life; I informed my father Manda’d Hayyi. He brought the soul, cast

GR, Book Five

it into Adam’s body, and he came to life. By the order of the Great
Hayyi Eve was created to be his wife, so that the people will increase,
and their offspring will continue into being; and when their ages come
to an end, each of them will ascend to his father.

In gratitude, we give thanks to the Great Hayyi. In gratitude, we

give thanks to Manda’d Hayyi and to his son Hibil, who established
the order of Hayyi.

u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Six 1st Glorification


’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

^7/ he light of Hayyi has arisen. Manda’d Hayyi has appeared

with his lights and illuminated all the worlds. He has
destroyed the godhood of the planets, and removed their masters from
their places. They saw Manda ’d Hayyi’s brilliance, in which the
chosen elect, the ’Bhiri Zidqa, were enveloped, and so the throne of
their gods has collapsed, and their crowd has fallen down upon their
faces. All worlds that saw him pulled back, unable to see or open their
eyes before the Light’s brilliance. They could distinguish neither the
face of the Great Hayyi, nor His form, so full of majesty and dignity.

As for the ’Bhiri Zidqa, when they saw the light of Manda’d Hayyi,
they became upright and the Great Hayyi was fixed in their hearts.
The lord of the house of the planets became worried, leaning on his
side. His planets said to him, “You are ours, and we are yours. If you
change, we will change together with you, or else you will find us
believing in the light of the Great Hayyi.” He said, “My form will never
be changed, neither now nor ever.” They said, “Woe to us and what we
have done! We were sinners.”

Oh, you peoples and generations, why are you weeping? Do not
you realize that your wrongdoings will reflect upon you, and that you
will be punished on account of what you have done? They rebelled
against their lord and cursed him. He is the lord of deceit and dubious
godhood. They cursed Ruha. Their forces were dissolved and scattered
off. Falsehood and deceit were their abode. The darkness was their
resting place. Their god became prejudiced against their claims.

GR. Book Six 1st Glorification

Their god descended from his heights, disguised in the shape of an

angel. There the angels became ifreet, tampering with the hearts of
ignorant human beings, and preparing priests and enchanters. They
eat their flesh, drink their blood, and then speak sophistries.

The Great Hayyi revealed Himself to the universe. His lights shone
and radiated. The seas ebbed, while Yardna turned toward Him and
cheered. The mountains pranced like deer. They opened their mouths
to praise Him. The heights spoke. Oak trees tumbled. The ground
quaked and collapsed.

Sea, why did you ebb? Yardna, why did you became cheerful?
Heights, why did you speak? Oak trees, why did you fall down? And
you, earth, why did you quake and collapse?

All this has happened because of the light of the Great Hayyi, so
every chosen faithful must bow down and pray.

Manda’d Hayyi said to them, “I came to live with you, to set you
in the light of the Great Hayyi and to teach you. I came to bind you
with love and make you love justice.” The Jinn became angry with the
earth, so it was removed; they were angry with the planets, so they
were stopped in their courses. The Great Hayyi toppled the devil­
giants from their thrones. He threw down their crowns and deprived
them of their power, so they became impotent. They said, “The
cosmos been thrown into disorder, and its destiny will soon arrive.
Hayyi will remain alone in heaven, while we will plunge into the
depths of darkness.”

The voice of Hayyi comes from the piri fruits, and the voice of the
sincere believers comes from the lights. Their voices will be heard
praising in the paths of heaven, reciting, “Upon You, we depend, and
for the sake of Your name, Hayyi, we were persecuted.”

GR, Book Six 1“ Glorification

’Bhiri Zidqa, repent, glorify me, and turn your hearts towards me.
You, whom I have illuminated with my brilliance, shed light like the
Place of Life, where there is no sunset.

But you, who think yourselves wise men—

You are definitely not wise men.

You, who allege that Hayyi is among you—

Hayyi is too exalted to be among anyone.

You, whose hearts have been abducted—

You, who tried to make bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter,

Evil into good and good into evil,

darkness into light and light into darkness—

You are addicted to drinking wine,

all throughout the day and the night.

You indulge in pleasures in the name of the Great Hayyi,

but you never bear witness to Him.

You, who never listened to Manda’d Hayyi—

the Great Hayyi knows all that you are doing.

You are turning your face to the Suf, the great sea of darkness— so
look where you are fleeing!

'Bhiri Zidqa. exalted and chosen elect! You, who can see worlds of
light, which no other human being can see! The names of these worlds
of light are vouchsafed to you, but not to any other human beings. The
light of Hayyi has spread over the night of the unbelievers. They
stammer while they speak, while the light of Hayyi spreads wherever
they go.

GR. Rook Six 1st Glorification

Believers! You, who have committed yourselves to the Great Hayyi

and put your trust in Manda ’d Hayyi! He has tended you and
accomplished your planting with perfection. He set your feet on the
path of religion. Be joyful and give praise, Bhiri Zidqa. and depart
from the world of evil.

Rightful believers! The lights have brightened, Manda’d Hayyi was

revealed to Judah, and the grapevine has appeared in Jerusalem,
without any doubt or suspicion. The royal crown was not upon its
rightful owner’s head, and there was no appearance of divinity within
it. Hayyi is God from all eternity, and Kushta was the beginning of all

Rightful believers, praise the Most Truthful, and never surrender

yourselves as those before you have done. They sinned when they did
not extend the hand of Kushta. Blessed be you, Bhiri Zidqa\ Wreathes
will crown your heads, and you will shine with joy.

You, who were persecuted in your life while remaining silent! I will
clothe you with brightness, and I will clothe your persecutors with
shame and humiliation—then where will they go?

You, who said that the Great Hayyi is our refuge and our support!
Upon Him we have relied and depended, so He has included you in
His mercy. Like the shield of the great ^ther, He has clothed you.

You, who love Hayyi and love Manda’d Hayyi! He will bestow
stability and victory upon your heads; keep bowing down and praising
the Great Hayyi. He will reward you for what you have acknowledged.
Your souls are purified through praise, so therefore if you become
more mindful of God, your lights will become purer. So, let My name
be ever on your lips, while you are coming and going, eating and
drinking, standing and sitting, or lying in your beds.

GR, Book Six 1“ Glorification

It was the voice of Hayyi. It filled the entirety of the heavens. Manda’d
Hayyi was revealed to human beings, to bring them from darkness to
light, and to keep them away from falsehood and evil, and to remove
the doubt which they have inherited throughout the ages from their

Revered, chosen elect! Save yourselves from fearful things, from

ravenous wolves and from any false propaganda whatsoever.

Do not imitate the sons of evil; do not trust them as your guides,
because their hands are stained with blood. They do not believe in the
Great Hayyi. They are sitting upon thrones of rebellion, oppressing
and persecuting. For their sins, they will be taken away, and in the end
they will be defeated.

u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

The Ascent of the Soul to

the Matrathi

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

; /,. y life on the earth is over,

My time has come to an end.

I am leaving the folds of death

and the worlds of darkness.

What can I see through these doors?

I see fangs, wild claws, and inflamed eyes,

in this Mataratha.

Oh, you. All of you—

can you see or are you blind?

Can you hear or are you deaf?

All of them encircled me,

I called upon the name of Hayyi;

They never heard my words,

I raised up my voice.

2nd Glorification
GR, Book Six

I called upon the name of Death;

they never heard.

They were searching with inflamed eyes,

and wild fangs,

but they are blind;

I became frightened and trembled in my garment.

“You, who call upon the Great Hayyi!

You, who utter the name of Hayyi!

Tremble not!

Have confidence in Hayyi’s mercy!”

Out of a world, issuing from the cave of death,

came forth the voice.

“Have no fear of your safe ascension!

You are like a miserable man,

who has spent a hundred and twenty years,

creeping behind the cattle,

with a rod in his hand;

when suddenly, they caught him,

and dressed him in a splendid garment,

sat him upon a splendid throne.

and declared him king.

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

You are just like him!

You will ascend in your pure garment,

so fear not... do not stumble, mortal!”

I walked with confidence, and

neither hardship nor sorrows attended me.

I crossed this Mataratha without fear, and

ascended to another Mataratha,

and beheld a woman.

What an immodest form she had!

I saw sixty-seven girls with her,

swaying between her hands.

Their necks were bare,

their chests were bare, and

they infatuated all passers-by.

They looked at me and said:

“Hey, you who are passing by us!

Stay for a moment with us!

Tell us your name,

and your sign!

Tell us your name, which is from the treasures of light,

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

then you may take whatever you like.”

I uttered my name,

and my sign, and

I arrogantly looked upon them.

They said to me, trembling,

“Your steps will never be traced.

Your path will not be chosen by anyone.”

I said, “Nay, my sincere friends

will follow in my path.

My steps will be taken by the believers.


Your eyes will be filled with darkness,

your visions will full of gloom.

All the NaSurayyi will ascend

cheerfully before you

to see the Place of Light,

but you will remain behind in this gloom.”

Then I left with my head held high

and my soul pure and satisfied.

I crossed this Mataratha without fear.

I ascended to another Mataratha.

GR. Book Six 2nd Glorification

There, I saw drowned bodies, beaten heads, and faces like dark burnt

Who are those toiling under all of this worry?

The answer was, “They are those who have spilled blood,

the murderers.

Their bodies will stay aflame just as you see them,

and their souls yearn for a second death,

But, a second death is not coming

to save them from these flames.

Ages come and pass,

but they will remain just as they are.”

Zan Hazazban asked me,

“Your name,

Your sign!”

When I mentioned them to him,

he bowed down before me.

I passed through this Mataratha without fear.

I ascended to another Mataratha^

the house of Yur, Yahur and Arhum.

There, I passed by the adulterers,

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

I passed by the sinners,

I passed by the liars,

They were very weak and very thin;

their color is black

and their position is perishable.

Their souls yearn for a second death,

but a second death will never come to save them from these

Thus, they stay in their torment.

I mentioned my name and gave my sign.

They bowed down to me,

and gave me the way to pass this Mataratha.

When I reached the Mataratha of Flifin and Fifin,

I passed by the rulers and the judges.

I saw the sultans,

and I saw those who deny religion.

Then I saw women in a boiling brazier.

They were hanging by their breasts,

in the midst of the flames,

and all about them were eyes that wept,

and tongues that wagged,

with voices that rose up to Hayyi.

GR. Book Six 2nd Glorification

They said,

“We are their children,

but they never suckled us.

They abandoned us to die,

while they suckled with indifference

their lovers’ children outside their homes.”

I saw their faces hidden within clouds of smoke,

each of them like a fat goat grilling on the fire.

Their souls yearn for a second death,

but a second death will never come to save them from these

I mentioned my name and gave my sign.

Flifin and Fifin bowed down before me,

and gave me the way to pass this Mataratha.

Then I arrived at the Mataratha of the unbelievers,

I saw the infidels who did not believe in the King of Light.

I saw those who worshiped wood and stone.

I asked, “What do they look like?”

I heard a voice, saying,

“They are like a herd of sheep, led by the deceitful trickster Eur,

who has stopped them on high banks,

where the water is flowing,

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

and can be seen with their eyes,

but is far as can be.

They are always thirsty,

and their guts are inflamed.

Whenever their heads draw near,

the water recedes away from them.”

I mentioned my name and my sign.

Eur bowed down to me four times.

The souls in this Mataratha were surprised and asked Eur,

“Who is he, to whom you have bowed down?”

Eur said, “He is the one who is baptized in the name of Hayyi;”

who does not give praise except to the Great Hayyi.”

They said, “Can you return us again to that under world,

where we will do just as he does?”

He replied cynically, “Have you ever heard of a child

returning to his mother’s womb?

I was the one who seduced you to become greedy,

and become slaves to gold and silver;

This is why you dwell with me, in the darkness.”

I reached the Mataratha of Yurba.

I saw the crooks, the misers, and those who hoarded money.

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

Their profits were obscene, and greed was their only ambition.

They did not help the poor and miserable people,

but rather busied themselves with their money,

and so forgot religion and charity.

I found them in a state of decay.

Like the obscene profits they consumed, they too will be eaten.

Their souls yearn for a second death,

but a second death will never come to save them from these

When I mentioned my name and my sign,

Yurba, who was trapped with those people in this Mataratha,

bowed down to me four times.

I passed this Mataratha without any fear.

I reached the Mataratha where Ruha was trapped.

I saw her and her followers dabbling in every evil.

She wanders and roams about,

without any chance for a glimpse of light or an exit.

I passed through, and left her wandering in the darkness.

The man of remarkable honesty ascended from the Matrathi of the


He saw the sublime TEther, who was contemplating him.

GR, Book Six 2nd Glorification

Hayyi asked him,

“Man of remarkable honesty,

How would you describe the Matrathiyou have passed?

How was the situation of the sinners and wrong-doers,

and those engaged in sin?”

He said:

“They are like flies gathered on the edges of pots;

Whenever steam touches them, their wings and chest are pierced,

and they fall down into the boiling pots.”

Hayyi became glad, and clothed him in brilliance and light.

He put him in a place

where everything he seeks, he will find.

and whenever he speaks, he will be heard.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Six 3rd Glorification

Yuhana’s Ascent to the

World of Light

Bsh umayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

O hese are the sayings of Yuhana Masbana, John the Baptist, who
baptized in the name of the Great Hayyi, in the Yardni of the
Living Water, river of Life.

Manda’d Hayyi came to him in form of a young lad, and asked

him, “Yuhana, come baptize me with the MaSbuta Baptism with
which you baptize, and recite upon me all the names that you recite.”

Yuhana said, “Young lad, I am hungry and thirsty, tired and

sleepy. Whenever I tried to get rest, the souls swarmed over me, asking
for baptism. The day has come to an end, so come back to me
tomorrow morning.”

The young lad raised up his eyes to the Place of Light, stretching
his hands to the Great Hayyi, and asked, “Most sublime King of Light,
I know that I have made a great request; I know that You will
generously meet my request. Move the hours of light forward, and let
the day’s hours come forth, so that the night will pass by in only one
hour and Yuhana’s sleepy eyes will awaken, and he will take me
immediately and baptize me with his baptism.”

Just as the Great Hayyi wished, the petition was fulfilled. The night
became one hour. Yuhana’s eyes had hardly closed when he rubbed
them and then awoke, yawned, and got up as if he were not sleepy.

Peace be upon you, Yuhana, chosen father and teacher, elder of

great honor!

GR, Book Six 3rd Glorification

Yuhana said, “Come peacefully, young lad. I summoned you to the

Yardna yesterday before falling asleep. Today I will not fail you. Come
with me to the Yardna.”

The young lad said, “Stretch out your arms, take me with you, and
baptize me with the living MaSbuta Baptism with which you baptize.
Recite over me the names you recite!”

“Young lad, child of only three years and a day in age, for forty-
two years, I dedicated myself to the Yardna; no one called me to the
living water. Now you, young lad, are calling me to the Yardna, and so
I come.”

The young lad said to Yuhana, “How do you baptize, according to

your MaSbuta Baptism ceremony?”

Yuhana said, “I bring people to the Yardna and splash water over
them with my Margna staff, while mentioning the name of the Great
Hayyi over them.”

The young lad asked Yuhana, “Whose name do you mention upon
the heads of people when you baptize them?”

The Tarmithi around Yuhana said, “Yuhana, for forty-two years

you have baptized people, but no one has called you to the Yardna,
except for this boy; so do not reject this summons.”

The Tarmithi beseeched Yuhana, so he stepped into the Yardna.

The Yardna opened its hands, stretched out its arms, called the boy
into him and said, “Come along, come along, young lad of three years
and a day. You, who are youngest of your brothers and eldest of your
fathers. You, whose age is small but whose words are great. Come
along with me.”

The young lad walked with Yuhana to the Yardna. When the water
saw the young lad, it jumped up its banks, happy and cheerful for the

GR. Book Six 3rd Glorification

Yuhana stood at the first edge of the water, but it ebbed. He stood
at the final edge, but it also ebbed, so he remained standing within the
water, but he had no power to keep standing.

The young lad came closer to him. The lights were shining on his
face, so the Yardna lay low and stopped flowing. Yuhana found
himself standing upon the land.

The young lad of three years and a day old said, “Yuhana, baptize
me with your pure M&buta Baptism ceremony, and recite over me the
names that you recite.”

Yuhana said, “Thousands upon thousands of people have I

baptized in this water, hordes upon hordes of souls; I recited these
names over them, but I have never seen a person with such a face.
Now that the water has run away, how can I baptize you?”

The young lad said, “You and I will walk to follow the living water.
When we get to it, baptize me with your pure MaSbuta Baptism
ceremony, and recite over me the names that you recite.”

The water kept ebbing from the shores, while Yuhana and the boy
were running behind it. The lights of the young lad kept shining over
the Yardna.

Yuhana saw the fish rising to the top of the water, with their
mouths agape, praising in prayer. He heard the sparrows singing on
both banks, praising the name of Manda’d Hayyi.

“Blessed be you, Manda’d Hayyi!

Blessed be the place from which you came!

Blessed and glorified be the place to which you go!”

GR, Book Six 3rd Glorification

Yuhana looked at the child with whom he was walking and said,
“If only I had known! Blessed be you, Manda’d Hayyi! In your name, I
have baptized the living MaSbuta Baptism, in the name which was
made known to me and in the name which will later come to me.

Place your hand of Kushta Truth upon me. Mention the scion that
you have planted. By your name, the first were made secure, and by
your name the last will also be made secure.”

“Yuhana, you said, ‘Bless me with your hand.’ If I lay my hand

upon you, Yuhana, your soul will depart from your body.”

Yuhana said to Manda’d Hayyi, “I have seen you in person, so

what other wish could I have in this life? I saw and followed you; I
talked to you and heard you. Now I ask you to give me the hand of
Kushta. Do not deprive me of your company, or the place from which
you came. Take me to the great place to which you are going. Let your
mercy, brightness and perfection accompany me. Help me know the
secrets of the angels, the great fruit of light, the anvils and fruits of the
earth. Let me know about the flowing water and what pushes its
current, and about the living heat and its diffusion, and the secret of
the Place of Life. Let me know who is older than all others, and who is
greater than all others.”

Manda’d Hayyi heard what Yuhana said, so he placed his hand

upon him. Yuhana stood and took off his clothes in the Yardna, the
garments of flesh and blood. In their place, he put on a garment of
light and a turban of light upon his head, to ascend with Manda’d
Hayyi to the Place of Light.

Fish and birds gathered, surrounding the abandoned body of

Yuhana. Yuhana turned to look at his corpse, because its look was dear
to him.

Manda’d Hayyi said, “Yuhana, do you feel sorry for this corpse?
Do you want me to return you to it?”

GR, Rook Six 3rd Glorification

Yuhana said, “Blessings and glory to you, who stripped the

garment of flesh and blood from me, dressed me in a garment of light,
bestowed happiness upon me, and a turban of light upon my head.
Even so, I feel sorry for my followers, whom I left beside that body;
now no one will guide them.”

Manda’d Hayyi said, “Do not worry; all that is in your mind and
in your conscience will be given to your followers.” Yuhana said, “You
know what lies inside hearts and minds. You distinguish between that
which is in the darkness and the light. You can split a hair and see
what is within it.”

Manda’d Hayyi took sand from the bank of the river and threw it
over Yuhana’s corpse. Thus, Yuhanas corpse was covered with earth
and became inhumed.

Thus, sand has been a cover for the corpse.

Manda ’d Hayyi set out for the Place of Light together with
Yuhana. They arrived at the Mataratha of ’Ptahil; it was desolate and

When ’Ptahil saw Manda’d Hayyi, his throne shook. He left it to

bless and praise him, saying,

“Blessed be you, Manda’d Hayyi!

Blessed be the place from which you came!

Blessed and glorified be the place to which you go!

Manda’d Hayyi, be compassionate and have mercy for me before

the Great Hayyi. Submit my problem to Him, and intercede on my
behalf with Him. I am tied down with these heavy bonds, and I do not
know when can I ascend to meet Him.”

GR, Book Six 3rd Glorification

Manda ’d Hayyi said to Yuhana, “Talk to this noble being, and

intercede on his behalf with the Great Hayyi. Yuhana, though you are
mortal, see that we have given you strength; we have made you equal
to the angels, identical to the esteemed Uthri. Go talk to ’Ptahil.”

Yuhana said to ’Ptahil, “You have received the absolution and

mercy of Hayyi, both you and your father, the Uthra who
recommended and brought you here.”

Manda’d Hayyi resumed his journey with Yuhana, ascending to

the Place of Light. They arrived at the sublime Mataratha of Abathur.
Thousands upon thousands of people stood there, raising their eyes to
him. Thousands upon thousands of people stood before him, revering
his throne.

When Abathur saw Manda’d Hayyi, he stood upright. Manda’d

Hayyi said, “Sit down, Abathur! Sit down upon the noble throne
bestowed upon you by the Great Hayyi.”

Abathur said, “Glory to you, Manda’d Hayyi! Mention me to the

Great Hayyi when you are standing before Him.”

Manda ’d Hayyi said to Abathur, “If I mention you, the sons of

peace will come to elevate your throne among all the created, and then
two of the angels will come to build up a high partition stretching
from the roof of your house all the way up to the Great Hayyi. They
will hear you, talk with you, and say ‘Manda’d Hayyi was there, and
he bestowed the hand of Kushta upon Abathur.”

Then Manda’d Hayyi once again set out with Yuhana, ascending
to the Place of Light. They reached four of the sons of peace, Ein Hai,
Shorn Hai, Ziwa Hai, and Nhur Hai. Manda’d Hayyi held the hand of
Yuhana, the one of remarkable honesty, set him in the place of shrara,
recited litanies and prayers over him, and taught him wisdom.

The Uthri said, “Let us go see the one of remarkable honesty, who
is coming from the material world beneath the ancient throne of

GR, Book Six 3rd Glorification

Abathur. He was righteous in a world of injustice and darkness. He

was a faithful believer despite evil and sin.”

Yuhana came to live in the Place of Light, the place of great faith,
asking the Great Hayyi to permit all the righteous and all the believers,
who have been branded with his brand, upon whom the name of the
Glorified had been mentioned, and who were baptized with the pure
MaSbuta Baptism ceremony, to ascend by the same Masiqtha by which
he ascended.

"u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seven


The Greatest One receivesjoy from His sons, the Uthri.

This is the Mystery, and the Book ofShilmai.

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi'rabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

/ n the name of he who came.

In the name of he who will come.

In the name of the one who stretched out the earth, raised up
heaven, and suspended the planets in their orbits, on behalf of the one
who established the throne.

Ruha said to Shilmai, Lord of the Old House, “Get up early in the
morning, Shilmai, and walk to the bank of the Yardna. Cleanse your
hand in Kushta, purify your finger in the Yardna, and ascend to your
father. He will bestow the kingdom of this world upon you.”

Shilmai walked to the Yardna early in the morning. He cleansed

his hand in Kushta, purified his finger in the Yardna, and then
ascended to his father, the perfect man Yathrun, before whom he
bowed down and did obeisance.

When Yathrun saw his son, he became very angry and tried to
punish him, but three hundred and sixty-two Tarmithi said to their
father, “Yathrun, by your order many stand at the door of the House of
Life, where there is not any wrath or fear. If you need an answer from
Shilmai, then ask him. If he answers, then let him prepare

GR. Book Seven

a throne among the thrones of his fathers. If he cannot answer, then he

must return to the world from which he has come.”
The pious man became calm and looked at Shilmai. Then he said,
“Shilmai; a question has come to me from the House of Life. To what
do we owe this earth? On what is it supported?”

He answered, “Father, the earth came into being through an act of

creation, and is supported on the murky waters.”

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among your ancestors, the men. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life. Who stretched out the sky?
Upon what is it suspended? With what is it illuminated?”

He answered, “Father, it is suspended from seven splendid layers

of water, stretched out by ’Ptahil, by the power of his father Abathur.
He suspended bright lamps between one layer and another, which are
lit by the angels, by the power of the Great Hayyi.”

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among your ancestors. Go sit down
upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life. What is the substance of the
Sun? Where does its heat and brilliance come from?”

He answered, “Father, the Sun was formed together with the earth,
from the same substance. Its heat and coldness are from ’Ptahil, but its
light comes from the light of the Great Hayyi.”

GR, Book Seven

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among your ancestors, the men. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life. Where did the Moon come
from? Where does its perfection come from?

He said, “Father, the Moon comes from the earth, and its
perfection comes from the perfection of the great Sam Ziwa.”

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among your ancestors, the men. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life about water. Where does it
come from? What is its essence? What is the secret of its freshness?
And where does this power come from?”

He said, “As for the substance of water, it comes from the earth,
and as for its essence, that comes from the Seven. Its freshness comes
from the freshness of the living water. Its power comes from the
almighty of darkness.”

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among your ancestors, the men. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life about fire. Where does it come
from? What is its essence? And where do its body and its smoke come

GR. Book Seven

He answered, “Father, fire comes from the earth. Its form and
essence come from the Seven. Its strength comes from the power of

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among the men, your ancestors. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life about the wind. Where does it
come from? Where does its power come from? From where comes its

He answered, “Father, the wind comes from the earth. Its power
comes from the power of darkness. Its goodness comes from the
goodness of aether.”

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among the men, your ancestors. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life. Which is the firmament, and
which is the fundament?”

He answered, “The sky and the earth.”

“Which one of them bears fruit from the other?”

Shilmai answered, “Father, dew and rain come down from the sky,
while the earth opens its mouth to drink. Seeds and fruit emerge.
Human beings eat them, but unfortunately they do not give thanks to
their Lord.”

GR, Book Seven

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among the men, your ancestors. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life, “Which is the external one,
and which is the internal one?”

He answered, “Man is the external one, and woman is the internal


Yathrun said, “Which was the first to be impregnated?”

He answered, “Seed is sown within the body of the man for forty-
two days. Then he gives it to the woman in the form of origins, race,
stock, and sex, and binds together the brain, bones, and nerves with

Yathrun said, “As for the woman, what does she give to her

He answered, “The blood, skin, shape and hair.”

Yathrun said, “How is the foetus formed in the womb of its

mother? How does it grow?”

He answered, “The foetus grows through the seven secrets of its

mother and father.”

Yathrun said, “From where comes its nourishment?”

He answered, “Its nourishment comes from the mother s belly.”

Yathrun said, “How is it born?”

He answered, “When the foetus completes its time in the womb of

its mother, she will come into labor. The foetus will turn so that its
head will point down and its legs will point up. Through the
contractions of her sides, it will be born.”

GR, Book Seven

Yathrun said, “Your answer is good, Shilmai. Go to the great

throne that I have set up for you among the men, your ancestors. Go
sit down upon it.”

Shilmai had hardly moved from his place when his father, the
teacher, called to him, saying, “Shilmai, Lord of the House, a question
has come to me from the House of Life. What will happen once the
world comes to an end?”

Shilmai did not know what to reply. He felt confused, and said
nothing. He became despondent, and sat behind three hundred sixty-
two Tarmithi.

Shilmai set off until he came to the treasure of light, and he found
himself at the footstool of the Great Hayyi. He heard a voice calling
out to him, saying, “When the world comes to an end, the earth will
fall into darkness, and the sky will be bent like a reed. The sun will go
out, and the moon will disappear. The planets will fall like fig leaves.
The fire will go to its refuge, the water will return to its source, and the
four winds will flag and cease to blow. As for the wicked, they will call
out to one another, and catch one another, confine one another like
lead bullets, and then they will all fall down into the depths of hell.”

Shilmai, Lord of the House, returned to his father, the perfect man
Yathrun, and said to him, “Father, I will give you the answer to what
you have asked me:

When the world comes to an end, the earth will fall into darkness, and
the sky will be bent like a reed. The sun will go out, and the moon will
disappear. The planets will fall like fig leaves. The fire will go to its
refuge, the water will return to its source, and the four winds will flag
and cease to blow. As for the wicked, they will call out to one another,
and catch one another, confine one another like lead bullets, and then
they will all fall down into the depths of hell.”

GR, Book Seven

The father asked Shilmai, Lord of the House, “Was it you who
answered the question, or was it one of the Sons of Light who told

Shilmai said, “Hibil Ziwa told it to me.” So he said to him, “Go,

you defective glow, and truncated light. The life was cut off in front of
those two, and the Uthri were left behind them.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Fight


'Bsh umay hond Ha\ i i rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

am sitting between the waters—I, Dananukht, the wise scribe, a

book written in the ink of the gods, mighty, proud, and arrogant.
My books are within my reach. The record of my memories is upon
my forearms. I contemplate the new books, and learn from the old
ones, so that I can distinguish what was, what is now, and what will be.

Little DiSai fell down before me. I opened it and searched within it.
It is small, but its words and meaning are very great. It had searched
within the high castle. It said, “There is Hayyi, who has existed for all
eternity. There is Kushta, which has existed since the beginning. There
is light, and there is brightness. There is death, and there is life. There
is light, and there is darkness. There is wrong, and there is right. There
is construction, and there is destruction. There is disease, and there is
a cure. There is a virtuous Elder, who has existed since ancient times,
older than the one who created the earth and stretched out the sky.”

Dananukht said, “From Little DiSai, I seek to learn, ‘Where is

Hayyi, who has existed for all eternity? Where is Kushta, which has
existed since the beginning? Where is the light, and where is the
brightness? Where is the wrong and where is the right? Where is
construction, and where is destruction? Where is the disease and
where is the cure? Where is the virtuous Elder, who has existed since
ancient times, older than the one who created the earth and stretched
out the sky?”

I seized Little DiSai, and burned it with fire.

GR, Book Eight

I am sitting between the waters—I, Dananukht, the wise scribe, a

book written in the ink of the gods, mighty, proud, and arrogant. My
books are within my reach. The record of my memories is upon my
forearms. I contemplate the new books, and learn from the old ones,
so that I can distinguish what was, what is now, and what will be.

Little DiSai fell down before me. I opened it and searched within it.
It is small, but its words and meaning are very great. It had searched
within the high castle. It said, “There is Hayyi, who has existed for all
eternity. There is Kushta, which has existed since the beginning. There
is light, and there is brightness. There is death, and there is life. There
is light, and there is darkness. There is wrong, and there is right. There
is construction, and there is destruction. There is disease, and there is
a cure. There is a virtuous elder, who has existed since ancient times,
older than the one who created the earth and stretched out the sky.”

Dananukht said, “From Little DiSai, I seek to learn, ‘Where is

Hayyi, who has existed for all eternity? Where is Kushta, which has
existed since the beginning? Where is the light, and where is the
brightness? Where is the wrong and where is the right? Where is
construction, and where is destruction? Where is the disease and
where is the cure? Where is the virtuous elder, who has existed since
ancient times, older than the one who created the earth and stretched
out the sky?”

I grabbed Little DiSai and plunged it into water.

I am sitting between the waters—I, Dananukht, the wise scribe, a book

written in the ink of the gods, mighty, proud, and arrogant. My books
are within my reach. The record of my memories is upon my
forearms. I contemplate the new books, and learn from the old ones,
so that I can distinguish what was, what is now, and what will be.

Little DiSai fell down before me. I opened it and searched within it.
It is small, but its words and meaning are very great. It had searched
within the high castle. It said, “There is Hayyi, who has existed for all

GR, Book Eight

eternity. There is Kushta, which has existed since the beginning. There
is light, and there is brightness. There is death, and there is life. There
is light, and there is darkness. There is wrong, and there is right. There
is construction, and there is destruction. There is disease, and there is
a cure. There is a virtuous Elder, who has existed since ancient times,
older than the one who created the earth and stretched out the sky.”

Dananukht said, “From Little DiSai, I seek to learn, ‘Where is

Hayyi, who has existed for all eternity? Where is Kushta, which has
existed since the beginning? Where is the light, and where is the
brightness? Where is the wrong and where is the right? Where is
construction, and where is destruction? Where is the disease and
where is the cure? Where is the virtuous Elder, who has existed since
ancient times, older than the one who created the earth and stretched
out the sky?”

I stretched Little DiSai on his face in front of me, from dawn until

Ewath (Ruha) entered my house. She stood before me and said,

“Why are you sleeping, Dananukht? How are you enjoying your sleep?

I am Hayyi, who has existed for all eternity. I am Kushta, which

has existed since the beginning. I am the light and the brightness. I am
the wrong, and I am the right. I am construction and destruction. I am
disease and the cure. I am the virtuous elder, who has existed since
ancient times, older than the one who created the earth and stretched
out the sky. I have no friends among the angels. I have no crown
within my kingdoms. No one brings me knowledge from the gloomy

The Uthra Din Mlikh descended. He shook Dananukht and

brought him out from his body.

Wind after wind seized Dananukht. The storms carried him and
raised him upon ladder after ladder until he reached the Mataratha of
Nbaz Haila, the Lord of Darkness, the great anvil of the earth.

GR, Book Eight

Myriads of tyrants stand at his service. I was about to kneel down

to bow before him, but Din Mlikh, accompanying me, pulled me aside
and said, “To whom are you bowing down? Whom are you praising?
The House of the Eternal Father is still ahead of us!”

Wind after wind seized Dananukht. The storms carried him and
raised him upon ladder after ladder until he reached the Mataratha of
Zan Hazazban, the almighty King of Wrath.

A throne was bestowed at the gate of heaven. On the one side, he

said to the thieves, “You may steal.” On the other side, he said to the
master of the household, “Guard your house.”

Myriads of tyrants stand at his service. I was about to kneel down

to bow before him, but Din Mlikh, accompanying me, pulled me aside
and said, “To whom are you bowing down? Whom are you praising?
The House of the Eternal Father is still ahead of us!”

Wind after wind seized Dananukht. The storms carried him and
raised him upon ladder after ladder until he reached the Mataratha of
Ewath, who is Ruha, and Qananit, the poison of the scorpion hidden
to darkness.

Seven women were standing there. They were free, but not free.
There were seven virgins, but not virgins, with bare sides, and bare
breasts. They wore the garlands of adultery and prostitution upon
their heads. They wooed the hearts of human beings, and bewildered
both sight and mind.

Myriads of tyrants stand at his service. I was about to kneel down

to bow before him, but Din Mlikh, accompanying me, pulled me aside
and said, “To whom are you bowing down? Whom are you praising?
The House of the Eternal Father is still ahead of us!”

Wind after wind seized Dananukht. The storms carried him and
raised him upon ladder after ladder until he reached the Mataratha of
the man Himun.

GR, Book Eight

Myriads of tyrants stand at his service. I was about to kneel down

to bow before him, but Din Mlikh, accompanying me, pulled me aside
and said, “To whom are you bowing down? Whom are you praising?
The House of the Eternal Father is still ahead of us!”

Wind after wind seized Dananukht. The storms carried him and
raised him upon ladder after ladder until he reached the Mataratha of
’Ptahil, whose glow is defective, whose light was truncated. His head
was whiter than water foam, and his beard was whiter than white
wool. He said, “I built this house by my own power. I made this house
perfect through my miracles. To reckon the passage of time, I made a
gift of the moon. I made a gift of the sun to serve human beings.”

He was arrogantly praising himself, even though he had never

made anything with his own hands.

Wind after wind seized Dananukht. The storms carried him and
raised him upon ladder after ladder until he reached the abode of
Abathur, the high ancient one, who is concealed and closely guarded.

Dananukht said, “I saw thousands upon thousands guarding him,

myriad upon myriad of those who were providing service, and a
tremendous number sitting within his grasp. They were dressed in
light and clothed in brilliance. Victory wreathes crowned their heads,
turbans of brilliance and garments of light supported their thrones.

I was frightened and trembling. The Uthra Din Mlikh said to me,
‘Dananukht, I have brought you to the seventh Matartha and you were
not terrified and trembling. The eighth one will not bother you, but
you became terrified and trembling. What made you so terrified and
trembling here?”

Dananukht said, “I saw thousands who are standing, myriads who

are sitting. They were dressed in light and clothed in brilliance.
Victory wreathes crowned their heads, turbans of brilliance and
garments of light supported their thrones. Then I saw Hayyi, who has

GR, Book Eight

existed for all eternity. I saw Kushta, which has existed since the
beginning. I saw the light and the brightness. I saw the wrong, and I
saw the right. I saw construction and destruction. I saw disease and the
cure. I saw the virtuous Elder, who has existed since ancient times,
older than the one who created the earth and stretched out the sky.”

The Uthra Din Mlikh said to the scribe Dananukht, “These

thrones guard the souls that have no fathers or mothers. After one
thousand years they will stand in the generation of the fathers and
mothers, and then they will go out to the world clothed in flesh. When
their life comes to an end, they will come back wearing garments of
brilliance, and turbans of brilliance, and then they will return to the
thrones of their repose to engage in prayer and supplications.”

Dananukht said to the Uthra Din Mlikh, “Where is my throne?”

He said, “The garment of brilliance, the turban of brilliance, and

the brilliant wreath on your head will not wither, and its leaves will
never disperse.

Go, Dananukht, to the world of sin. Go to the land of kingdoms and

rulers. Burn your books in the fire. Throw your record of memories
into the water and go out to the world. Recite in the name of the Great
Hayyi. Continue to teach Tarmithi for sixty years and sixty months,
until your life comes to an end there, so that you will come wear the
garment of brilliance, and be crowned with a turban of brilliance, and
braid a wreathe of brilliance. You will sit upon your throne and engage
in prayer and supplications alongside your brothers the Uthri, the
Sons of Light.”

Dananukht said, “I would stay at the threshold of the House of the

Great Hayyi, devouring dust and eating stones, rather than return to
the world of the wicked.”

The Uthra Din Mlikh said to Dananukht, “You are ignorant fool,
not a wise man! You are unworthy and not at all noble! At the

GR. Book Eight

threshold of the House of Life, nothing is eaten, save for the delicious
and sweet. Go to the world of the wicked. Burn your books in the fire.
Throw your record of memories into the water and go out to the
world. Recite with the voice of the Great Hayyi. Continue to teach
Tarmithi for sixty years and sixty months, until your life comes to an
end there, so that you will come wear the garment of brilliance, and be
crowned with a turban of brilliance, and braid a wreathe of brilliance.”

Dananukht said, “I opened my eyes, lifted my forehead, and saw

thousands of faces weeping for me; men and women were standing at
midday, mourning and weeping.”

“Men, who are mourning and weeping for me, weep for
yourselves. Women, who are weeping and mourning for me, weep for
yourselves. You did not see what I have seen and you did not hear
what I have heard.”

Dananukht stood up and summoned his wife Nuraitha. He said,

“Burn my books in the fire! Throw my record of memories into the

His wife began to mourn and ululate. She said, “Dananukht has
lost his mind! The son of the king is talking without reason!”

Dananukht took it upon himself. He threw his books into the fire
and threw the record of memories into the water. He went out into the
world. He called with the voice of the Great Hayyi. He taught Tarmithi
sixty years and sixty months. When his life came to an end, he left his
body. The Uthrilifted him up to the House of Life.

He said, “Open the gate of the House of Life to me.” They opened
it. They appointed him to a high position of stability, and dressed him
with garment of light. They crowned him with a turban of brilliance,
and braided a splendid wreath for his head. Dananukht stood in the
Place of Light, the place in which all is brilliance. He stood praising

GR, Book Eight

He said, “Through this Masiqtha, the Masiqtha through which

they caused me to ascend, all the NaSurayyi, the good, sincere, and
faithful will ascend.”

The Great Hayyi resides in light, and Manda’d Hayyi is constant

in his virtues.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Nine

The instructions of Yuhana

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Ha}yi

J hese are clear words, inspired by the master of human beings.

These are the instructions of Yuhana, the son of Zechariah, to
the NaSurayyi, the sincere and faithful.

O NaSurayyi!
If you are strong, then be exemplary in your honesty, like the king
who places a crown upon his head, and wields his sword in the face of
evil. If you are not so strong, then be a true Nasuraya, like a successful
farmer harvesting the fruit of the earth. The righteous will benefit
from it, and those of exemplary honesty will derive strength from it.

If you become a NaSuraya, each of your virtues will be a weapon to

help those of exemplary honesty. You are helping them through faith,
integrity, knowledge, wisdom, learning, supplication, prayer and
glorification, charity, goodness, humility, perfection, purity,
compassion, mercy, insight, and the love of truthfulness.

@ The apex of truthfulness is not to distort speech, so do not lie or

deceive others.

® The apex of faith is to believe that the Great Hayyi is the most
constant in all virtues.

® The apex of integrity is to judge yourself.

co The apex of gnosis is not to be controlled by your temptations.

a? The apex of knowledge is not to put yourself in jeopardy.

O The apex of wisdom is not to be playful among the believers.

GR, Book Nine

® The apex of hope is to learn and teach the words of your Lord.

® The apex of instruction is not to abandon the recommendations of

virtuous and pious teachers.

® The apex of your resolution is not to change your word.

® The apex of prayer and glorification is not to love sleep.

® The apex of charity is to feed the hungry and to give drink to the

® The apex of your clemency is not to be an ogre.

The apex of humility is to keep mentioning the name of your Lord.

@ The apex of your righteousness is to reform yourself and to accept

the advice of wise men.

The apex of moderation is not to say what you do not know.

eg The apex of your happiness is to be respected by the people.

eg The apex of discretion is to think before you speak.

The apex of chivalry is not to seize what is not yours, even if you
desire it.

<g The apex of your purity is to purify yourself.

eg The apex of your virtues is to control yourself.

@ The apex of perfection is not to be arrogant.

eg The apex of compassion is to have mercy for the poor and those
who are persecuted.

eg The apex of praise is to praise the place from which you came.

® The apex of remembrance is not to forget death.

<g The apex of love is to collaborate with your brethren in loving

your Lord.

eg The just person is like a scale.

GR, Book Nine

The just person is like an honest judge.

The believer is a successful farmer.

® The intellectual is an organized builder.

® The prudent person is a masterful artist.

® The steadfast person is like a mountain.

® He who doubles his prayers and glorifications will see double his

® The almsgiver is like a table laid out for the poor and the needy.

® Clemency is like a delicious fruit.

The humble person is like abundant water.

® The pure person is like a spring of fresh water.

® The pious person is like a well-polished mirror in which faces can

be easily distinguished.

® Compassion is like the sun, for both the pious and the impious.

Mercy is like a gentle breeze that blows against all doors.

® He who is full of truth is like a righteous father who brings

provisions for his sons and his scions.

® You, the chosen and righteous ones: keep yourselves away from
deceit, sins, falsehood, lying, falsity, and from evil. Keep away from
temptation, cruelty, and ignorance. Do not blaspheme and do not
engage in adultery. Avoid envy and hatred, resentment and malice,
and shamelessness.

® Chosen ones, I warn you against contemptuous faces, and do not

engage in drunkenness or wrongdoing; these are all from Satan.

® Deceit is like a hole in the ground, covered over with straw.

® Sin is like a rotten pomegranate.

GR, Book Nine

® The liar is an enemy in the guise of a friend.

® Trickery is a sea in which ships are lost.

® Evil is a tree of bitter fruit.

® Cruelty is gravel.

eg Wrath is fire borne by the wind.

<g An arrogant wise man is an unpolished mirror.

eg Wisdom without discipline is a horse without a saddle.

® Wisdom without insight is a ship without a sailor.

eg A quiet voice and balanced speech are the priorities of wisdom.

eg Do not fear the wise man, even if you do not agree with him.

® The ignorant, through his ignorance, exposes himself to the sword.

eg The ignorant dances while the bond is around his neck.

® Wisdom for the ignorant is like a mirror for a blind person.

eg Many ignorant people who are silent are thought to be wise.

eg Woe to those who say, but do not do! Woe to those who do the
opposite of what they say, and for those who hide the opposite of
what they reveal!

This is what was revealed to the faithful wise man, Yuhana, son of
Zechariah, in Jerusalem.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Ten

Manda’d Hayyi’s Warning

to the Believers

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Father, respond to me. Respond to me!

Take me away, magnificent One! Father, take me away!

hen Adam and Hawa came into being on the earth, the
twisted Ruha descended, carrying to the earth all that
extinguishes the light.

She said, “I will tempt Adam and Eve to engage in sin, and tempt
them with all that is forbidden. Within a few days and months, they
will give birth to many men and women, of whom none will ascend to
the light save Hibil Ziwa, who make his return resplendent with light.”

Hibil Ziwa came, and struck the surface of water with his white
rod, saying, “Let Ruha’s curse be lifted from the faithful of exemplary

Yurba said to Ruha, “Manda’d Hayyi has prepared a bright lamp

and a glittering light against all that you have said, and all that you
have done, so what are you going to do?”

She said, “I will do all that they would never expect. I will make
Adam and his children enter the darkness, abandon Manda’d Hayyi
and stray from his path.” Ruha prepared a drum, a flute, maids,
widows and virgins, jewels, feast tables, and wine. She said to Manda
’d Hayyi, “Look! Seven portions of these are mine, whereas you have
only one portion. From your portion I will take one portion as well!”

GR, Book Ten

He said, “You will not take my portion, and you will not come near
my table.” She said, “What do you think of these NaSurayyi whom I
have tempted, and who fell into my trap?” She showed him some of
them sitting together, eating, and drinking, drunkenly revelling.

Manda’d Hayyi said, “These are part of your immoral people. I

will summon the Uthri, and you will see them coming from the great

Manda’d Hayyi summoned the Uthri and the Tarmithi. He said,

“My sons, whom I have raised! My sons and brothers, I am
summoning you! My scions! Watch out, Ruha is trying to tempt you.
She will offer you food and drink, and ply you with fallen women. Evil
will increase in the end times. Whosoever is lacking in faith will fall
victim to Ruha’s traps, and become part of her tribe. Those who side
with her will lose the light and brilliance. For that, they will fall into
hellfire and gloom, and be tortured forever.

My sincere followers, proclaim the unity of God, and do not

approach evil. Give charity, and whosoever cannot afford to give a
complete offering, then give half of one, and I will consider it complete
in the Place of Light.

My sincere followers, who have heard my words, offer your hands

in Kushta and give charity, so that you will ascend to the Place of
Light. Never fear Ruha or her blind magic. Hayyi is greater and more
sublime than them.

The light and darkness will continue to be in conflict. Disbelief will

always be in conflict with faith, so long as humans live on the earth.

You, who are exemplary in your honesty, perfect yourself and your
spouses. Perfect your scions and children. Perfect your fellow believers
and your sincere friends. Perfect your bread and water. Do not let
anything deficient approach them or you. Keep in mind that the great

GR, Book fen

Yardna of Hayyi exists even until now, and will remain for ages, and
that Shilmai and Nidbai guard it, lest satan’s rule become entrenched.

My sincere followers, at the break of dawn you must awaken to

pray the morning’s prayer. You must perform the second prayer at
noon. The third prayer must be at sunset, when the sun’s rays are still
visible. Through prayer, hearts are purified, and sins are forgiven.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Eleven

The First Illumination

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

* W he light was inside the Mana, and illumination was sent from
Him. From Him, the inner Yardni flowed. From them, the
great Yardna flowed.

From the great Yardna came the great prime hidden NKufta, from
which Mara U Rabutha, lord of all the Uthri, and father of all the
teachers of the faith emerged.

From the Nkufta came the unique great Righteous One, from
whom came the first distinguished children of Hayyi, praising and
praying to Great Mana. He said to them, “Go forth to Piriawis Yardna.
Call upon the one constant son, in whom there is no suspicion. He
should be self-content, unassuming, taciturn, and well-rooted, just like
the Uthri, the Children of Light.”

The command was carried out.

They went to Piriawis Yardna, stood before the waves, and called
upon the one constant son in whom there is no suspicion; he is the son
of the exalted pious one, who was summoned by Hayyi, and existed
according to His word.

The Prime Life stood, gave praise to the Great Mana, and said,
“We have called upon the one sole pious son, who emerged from the
exalted pious one.”

The Mana said, “Dress him in a robe of splendor, and put the
turban of light upon his head.” The Prime Life did so, and then she
said to him, “Come with me, and ascend to see your father sitting on

GR. Rook Ten

His throne, ascend to Him to see the World of Light spreading on

both His sides.”

Adakas, the eloquent messenger, stood before the Great Mana. The
Mana asked him, “What is your name?” but Adakas kept silent.

The Mana asked him again, “What is your name?” Again, Adakas
kept silent.

The Mana asked for the third time, “What is your name?” Adakas
said, “I am the pious youth whom You have summoned.”

The Mana embraced him like a kindly father, and brought him
into the great hidden house. When the youth saw all that splendor,
light, and immensity, he trembled and became afraid. He knelt, bowed
down in praise, and fell upon his face. He said, “I have seen a splendor
much greater than any other splendor, and a light much greater than
any other light. Who has removed the fog from my eyes? Who has cut
the flesh out of my heart? I have seen a great shape that no one has
seen before. Thousands of Uthri of splendor are spread out from both

When the Great Mana saw him, He embraced and kissed him, and
said to him, “Return and speak with the NaSurayyi, who have been left
in the world of darkness and murky water. Tell them that whoever
does Kushta for himself alone and not for the Great Mana will not be
accepted by Him, and will not have any place in the House of Life.”

Whosoever discloses the secret of this house to any unbeliever will

never see the splendor. Whosoever keeps the secret will ascend to the
Place of Light.

u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Twelve

The Second Illumination

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

II t is the splendor blazing inside the Pihtha loaf, the Pihtha that is
bright with its own splendor and magnified by its own light.

The Prime Mana was inside the Pihtha, and He grew, resided, and
believed inside it. The Mana believed in the splendor and in the light
that are inside it. He believed in the Mana that was inside it, whose
name is Sharhabeil.

The radiance emerged from the Pihtha, and the light filled the
Pihtha. Then he went out, and named himself Nilka, the offspring. He
is the radiance that emitted radiance on his own. He is the light that
shined forth light from himself. Because of his shining, the fog around
him became hot, and melted.

When the fog blazed, springs of water formed and flowed forth.
The Laufa union, which can never be dissolved, formed and united
with Hayyi that set Himself inside the fountains of water, which
emerged from Him.

Hayyi made a request to Himself. Within its lights, the name of the
living doctrine set up a place and made it secure. The names of light
and splendor blazed inside it. Hayyi made the Kushta pact with
Himself, and Kushta pact has existed since the beginning of time.

Hayyi believed in His own baptism, and believed in the Kushta

pact that He received with His right hand. He kissed His right hand
and said, “I am the first baptiser who believed in the Kushta pact and
in this baptism. All my followers, and those who believe in the Kushta
pact that I have made with myself and in my baptism, will come out of

GR, Book Twelve

me and reside in my home, the home which is in water and living


He said, “I am Hayyi, who emerged from Himself, and came to

reside in His splendor, the one who was formed out of His ’Dmutha
likeness, and who concealed Himself and resided inside it, whose light
emerged from Himself, whose splendor spread forth from Himself,
who is above His splendor and light, and whose light is accurate and
emits from Himself.”

Hayyi thought to create a people, to make a companion for

Himself. He well knew that the people He called into being would
themselves call sons into being, and that the sons would urge their
father to call into being other worlds.

Hayyi summoned forth a son from His heart. He formed him in

His image, and seated him in His home. He made him a companion,
and set him in the Yardna of living water. He was created by the order
of Hayyi. He gave him the Kushta pact, and dressed him in His
splendor. He seated him in His high house, in which the living flame is

The son decided to call sons into being for himself. He summoned
them, gave them the Kushta pact, and clothed them from his light and
brilliance. He seated them in his home, to his left and his right.

The sons decided to call other worlds into being. They said, “We
will call sons into being for ourselves, like those at the House of
Hayyi.” They stood by their sublime father, the Second Life, and said
to him, “Allow us to go and call other worlds into being, and to plant a
scion for you, just like those that the Children of Peace called into
being in the House of Life.”

Their father allowed them to do so in secret. He gave his eldest

son and his brother water and living flame, and said, “Go and call
worlds into being, just like the Children of Peace whom you saw at the
House of Life.”

GR, Book Twelve

Hayyi thought of Manda’d Hayyi and said to him, “Send whoever

creates this semblance of dignity into the world of darkness, since you
are the only one who can do it.”

Manda ’d Hayyi said, “May you have glory! You called me into
being and made me secure. I will come before that world is formed. I
will call children into being, to be named the nation of the children of
Hayyi. I will send him some of the generation bestowed upon me by
Hayyi when he called me into being and appointed me.

“So I stretched out that creation and imposed order upon it.

“They called me the first immortal. They called me the voice of the
most splendid Hayyi. They said, ‘We are strangers in the world of
darkness.’ I came before them, prior to the existence of the world of

When Manda’d Hayyi said that, Yushamin kissed him, and gave
him the Kushta pact, saying to him, “Good sir, may Kushta bless you
and bless the words that you have spoken! I commanded the children
of my generation, whom I created, not to go astray, so that they will
not be judged in the world of darkness.”

Hayyi said, “Let them swear upon Yawar. The Great Hayyi had
chosen His scion and it has matured, and soared up to the perfect

This is what Hayyi said to Manda’d Hayyi. Yawar went and called
a world into being for the Children of Peace. The Second Life gave
authority to one of the Children of Peace, who delivered it to his son
’Ptahil. ’Ptahil took it and cast it into the world of darkness. He
summoned forth and distributed generations against the will of Hayyi,
and so he was named the faulty, diminished light. His progeny are like
him, with insufficient light for the world of darkness. ’Ptahil called
into existence a world which he prepared for his progeny. He stretched
out seas, and raised up mountains. He established angels and demons

GR. Book Twelve

within it, and a house for Adam, who was made of mud. He made
brooks and rivers, grapes and trees, fish and birds. He made wild
beasts and tame animals. He made the fruits, from which Adam and
Eve ate and enjoyed rest and tranquility.

After creating the world, ’Ptahil received an order from the Great
Hayyi, so he started to make Adam’s body. ’Ptahil created the body of
Adam, his son, in his image, and created Eve, his wife, like Adam.
’Ptahil tried to make Adam get up and stand on his feet, but Adam
would not. The angels of light tried, the angels of darkness tried, and
’Ptahil blew some of his spirit in him, but Adam would not stand up.?

’Ptahil went back to his father Abathur. He got a glimpse of the

great mystery, put it inside his turban, and returned to Adam. When
he approached Adam, Manda ’d Hayyi took it from his hand and
delivered it to Adam; thus Adam opened his eyes.

“I put my trust in the swift Uthra who came to me from the House
of Hayyi. From Hayyi was I created, I am Adakas Mana. Splendor
came to me from the hidden place and filled me up. The pious
messenger came to meet me, to return my clothing and my splendor
to me.”

When ’Ptahil became disturbed, and his actions became confused,

Hibil appeared to him.

“Woe to me and to my progeny, if you take control of what I do,”

said ’Ptahil.

Then he left the world which he had summoned into existence and
in which he lived, and went to his father Abathur. Abathur became
angry with him, and confined him to an area that he surrounded with
a fence, until the end of the universe. After that, they will be

Adam got up on his feet, bowing and giving praise to the Uthra
who had opened his eyes. Then he looked at Eve, and she looked at

GR, Book Twelve

him. He became self-conscious, and then she became self-conscious.

Hibil Ziwa said, “Cover their shame for them!”

Eve had a young boy, who came to her even though Eve and Adam
were still virgins. She said, “I was never pregnant. From whom was
this boy born? In whose belly was he planted, and when?” His voice
was pleasant, and he spoke perfectly. He was named Hibil, the son of
Adam from Eve.

Hibil had a son, whose name was Shitil, and Shitil had a son,
whose name was Anush. Adam got to thinking about ’Ptahil, his
father, and what Abathur had implanted in ’Ptahil. Then he thought
of Hibil Ziwa and the effect that his thoughts and fears had upon him
and his wife Eve. So they got up, and took off the clothes given to them
by Hibil Ziwa. They discovered one another to be two treasures,
beautiful and identical.

When Eve was in her ninth month of pregnancy, the signs of labor
became apparent to her. Those in the underworld said, “How did Hibil
come to this world? And how could Eve have a son not implanted by

He is the marvel that has astonished all the worlds. He is a scion

that has come to the earth, from the place whence his father came, so
do not ask how and when. He was sent throughout all the worlds, and
appeared to humankind. He was a boon to their doctrines, so they
greatly exalted him.

Then, Adam lay down and met his wife Eve. She became pregnant
with twins, a male and a female. They remained in her womb for nine
months. She then gave birth to a male and female; then another male
and female. The secret came to them from the Highness. When the
secret was revealed, each of the females became pregnant. Thus the
world increased and grew.

GR. Book Twelve

I am Adakas Mana, who came from the Kingdom of Light. I was

called the Mana. I am a shoot and a scion from the world of Hayyi. I
was described as the best of fruits, and I was called the breath. My
name is the living flame. I am the light coming from the place of
splendor. I was diffused into the bodies of Adam and Eve. They
sentenced me to death when they placed me into this body.

After that, they brought me robes of light from the place of

splendor, and clothed me with them. They took me out and guided me
to the House of Life.

Blessed are those who came from the pure place, and who will
return thither. They will continue to be pure, enjoying all that has
been bestowed upon them by their Lord. They are not affected by the
sins and perversions of the material world. They will never be changed
by its evil and ignorance. They will never be affected by need, and they
not fall into Satan’s clutches. Blessed is the scion of Hayyi!

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Thirteen


’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

The Great Hayyi occupied the House, and then the light illuminated
the sublime aether.

* I his is the mystery, and the book of the faithful Anush, son of
" the faithful Shitil, son of the faithful Adam, a scion of the
pious, exalted Uthri, a scion of the Place of Light, and a scion of the
perfect abode.

I am the one whose entirety is Uthri, a scion of the world of


Two Uthri, lost in thought and contemplation, decided to

summon the great first Uthra, who was one of a kind.

He said, “I am the sole exalted one, the trusted one who exists
according the order of his Lord, who raised and summoned the
beloved Uthra, who was special to him and to his father, the dignified
one, who existed according to the command of his lord.

One of the two Uthri summoned me, and the other Uthra raised
me. The two Uthri are my brothers and elders. Their names are
Sharhabeil Ziwa and Shihlun, the clear light, the master of secure
counsel and advice to his elder and younger brothers.

The three were summoned together in a single robe, and bowed

down in thanks to their Lord. They were the model for all other souls.
They were just believers and gentle lambs.

GR, Book Thirteen

The youngest, the brave Rahzeil, was given two robes by his
fathers, to protect him.

“My father, the first splendor who named himself T,’ said, T am He
who worked and succeeded, who established His house and prospered,
who called his son Zhir Smir Ziwa, who was cut from Sam, so he
became Mana Smira ”

He said to him, “Stand up, and equip your brothers, who are your
sons. Provide them what I have bestowed upon you. Robe them in
splendor. Within the living flame will reside the three Uthri who will
go thither, summoning with the voice of Hayyi. They will support one
another, and each will shed light like one another. Neither sword or
fire, nor polluted water will be near them. Neither fear of evil nor fear
of danger will be upon them. They will reside into the living flame, in
which they are protected. There should be no worries about the robe
in which they are clothed.

“Some will say, ‘We can take it from them,’ but they cannot. They
have no power to take it away. They can not prevent them from
wearing it.”

Rabba Qadmaya, who came into being by the command of his

Lord, said, “I brought these three Uthri to go, propagate the nations,
and announce the name of Hayyi, the splendor of Hayyi in the world
of darkness, where death and darkness exist. Neither you, nor the
creatures who will be there shall know, except for me, Manda’d Hayyi.
I instructed myself and the Uthri, my brothers who are also my sons.
The three Uthri, whom they called, went there to summon light into
darkness, so that life had to reside within death. Then the souls will
leave and return to the House of Life.

“The three Uthri who went to that world will abide within it, but
they will arise in the House of Life, and they will have a Laufa
connection with it.”

GR, Book Thirteen

Manda ’d Hayyi was summoning all of his devotees, and said to

them, “I have instructed all the coming worlds, and the souls of the
human beings that will come to be in them. Death and destruction will
be with you in the world in which you live. The three Uthri who went
forth to summon in the name of the Great Hayyi will prepare the light
to be a comfort to the souls there, so that they be confirmed in the
voice of Hayyi, bearing witness to him and praising him. The souls will
feel comforted when they leave the apparel of darkness, in which they
dwell, and return to the apparel in which they formerly were clothed.

Manda’d Hayyi said, “I have taught you about the life sent to you
by Hayyi, and about the death dwelling within you, and about
darkness spreading over you. Your souls will neither have splendor
until they get out of the body of darkness in which they dwell, nor will
they have life until they leave the body of death in which they dwell.

Manda ’d Hayyi said to all the universes that will be created,

“Every soul there will be in a deep pit of death, and an abysmal chasm
of darkness, up until her final day, when they look upon the souls of
the proven righteous, who heard the voice of Hayyi when He called
them, and believed in Him. They trusted Manda’d Hayyi and listened
to the sayings of the three men, so Manda’d Hayyi spread his splendor
upon their faces. He robed them in splendor, and dressed them in
light. They will find great happiness, universal goodness, and will be as
secure as those proven righteous. They will dress in the splendor, and
clothed with the light passing by them when ascending to the Place of
Light. But you will remain in the darkness of this world, begging
mercy for yourselves. You will say, ‘How miserable we are! We did not
listen to the call of the one who called upon us, and heed the good
path he recommended to us. Here we are, we did not leave, while they
have left, and we are not happy, while they are happy.

‘Who will tell our children not to follow the same path we have
taken? Who will tell them not to do what we have done? Who will tell

GR. Bock '

them not to destroy themselves and enter the darkness we have

“Children, listen to the teachings of those three just men. They are
believers. They acknowledge Hayyi, and they bear witness to Manda’d
Hayyi. The three men, who are the children of the nation of Hayyi,
summoned with the voice of Hayyi. They have benefited from Him,
and they believed in Him. They are going along the path of the just
believers. Who will inform our children that we are sinking into the
gloom? Who will let them know that our eyes do not see light and that
the doors of darkness have been closed against us since time began?

“Every day, our deeds are placed before our eyes. Night and day,
they ask every one of us about what has he done, and punish us with
severe torture.”

“Souls and souls are packed in the darkness, like unlit lamps,
awaiting judgment and delirious from waiting. Souls without number,
about whom nobody ever asks. They are packed in misery, awaiting
the Day of Judgment.

“These are the dead, who are unquestioned. They remain in agony,
their sins undying, and their wrong-doings unforgiving, until they are
judged by the lord of all the worlds.”

Manda ’d Hayyi says, “Each soul is questioned about its own

actions. No soul can associate with another soul. No soul can support
any other soul. All of them will be carried off on that day. Damned
upon damned, restless and concerned, they cannot turn to one
another, nor can they greet each other. They are just like the
NaSurayyi who abandoned the teachings of Hayyi and went along the
path of darkness. These too, will be packed in the darkness, asking
each other, “For how long will we continue in this ordeal?”

Yawar Ziwa will say, “Every human being will be judged according
to what he has done: the NaSurayyi according to their decisions, and

GR, Book Thirteen

the leaders according to their actions. The NaSurayyi will stand and
bow to Hayyi, glorifying Manda’d Hayyi, imploring, supplicating, and
saying, ‘Manda’d Hayyi, whatever has happened is now over! Satan
tempted us, but we are now devoted to you, so intercede on our behalf
with the Most Merciful. Then Manda’d Hayyi will say to them, ‘You
were sincere to me, you were branded with the brand of Hayyi, and
baptized with His baptism, but you have strayed from the path of
Hayyi. You went down into the Yardna, but not In the name of the
Great Hayyi, so who will forgive the sins of your souls?’ As for the
souls that have never strayed from their path, and never marked with
other brands despite the temptation of Satan, surely Hayyi will be
accepting of them. Their stay in the darkness will not last long.

The souls have been told by the tempters, ‘We will let you ascend
to the paradise of Eden when you die’. On the day that your souls
depart your bodies, you will go to that delight, but Manda’d Hayyi
will say to them, ‘Look at where you are! So, is this the paradise of
Eden which you were promised? Your spirits will decay, and your
souls will remain in anguish until the Day of Judgment. On that day,
heaven and earth will be destroyed. You will never find a place
between them. The stars will fall, wreathed in smoke. The sun and the
moon will be dashed aside, so where will you go? You are surely
pledged to the darkness. You will die a second death; you will never be
released or ascend’.

I have invited you to the life without death, to the light without
darkness, so take off for the path of life, and I will take you to the path
of heaven, where there is no death and darkness.

You, whom I invited but you never responded! You, who were
addressed by the Uthri, but remained skeptical! The children of the
physical Adam have repented; they heeded the voice of Hayyi, and so
they repented, had faith, and responded. Listen to the voice of the
three, abundantly praise them and spread their teachings! They hated
death and loved life. They hated darkness and loved light. They wore

GR. Book Thirteen

the light and were clothed in splendor. These are the ones who will
ascend the path of Hayyi and come to reside in the place of splendor.
They shouted in your ears, but you did not listen! They tried to
convince you, but you did not respond! You never traveled upon the
path of Hayyi, on which the sincere believers walked. You never did
good deeds like the pious have done. So, what are you depending
upon? You are surely mortal. You will go out like a lamp and remain
in the darkness.

Manda’d Hayyi said, “I taught the Proven Righteous that all those
who kill, those who spill the blood of the children of Adam upon the
earth, those who take captives, those who sell what they have not
bought either with their gold or their silver, who traffic in what they
have not earned either with their money or their trade, those who have
terrorized, looted, and robbed the houses of the people, those who
have made free men slaves, and made free women adulterers, who
have given orders but never do good actions, those who have helped
themselves, but never others, and those who have urged the son
against his father, and then robbed his house are all followers of Satan.
They are destined to darkness, and hellfire; there will be no
preemption and no forgiveness for them.”

The Prime Ancient One, who came from Himself, raised the three
Uthri and blessed them. He also raised the prime discerner who came
from Him and was created by His order. He said to the three Uthri, “I
have blessed you the way that fathers bless their sons. Go to that
world, the world of darkness. Teach the souls that were taken from
here; raise them up, guide them, and purify them. Purify the souls of
the righteous good, and make them listen to the teachings of the Great
Hayyi and be confirmed in Manda’d Hayyi. Then they will leave the
light of Manda’d Hayyi and be confirmed in the House of Life.

“You Uthri, however—you three gentlemen—let your elder

brother Hibil be the judge and announce your judgments to that

GR, Book Thirteen

world. He is like your father. He is the judge and the leader. His order
ought to be obeyed and you ought to listen to him carefully.

You will go return to the house from which you came. Your
actions will be finished; your faces will shine with happiness while you
are sitting in the House of Life. Your place will be more splendid than
that of the Uthri who have taken control of and mastered that world.

“Leader of the progeny of Hayyi: Go, dressed in light and clothed

with splendor, and let your wreaths be upon your heads. I have built a
house for you.

“The proven righteous will secure all the souls that have had faith
within the house that I have prepared for you, by the order of the
Great Hayyi. With the help of Manda’d Hayyi, you will ascend and be
secured within it, just like all the souls who were created from flesh
and blood, and who took heed and believed in Hayyi.

The devils said, “We will terrify them and force them to obey us!”
Then they showed themselves, but the believers were not terrified. The
devils shouted, but the believers did not run away. The devils tried to
intimidate the believers, but they never bowed down. The devils said,
“Let us influence them with cunning and guile, instead of threats and
coercion, so that they might be won over and become close to us.” But
the believers were never won over, and never became close to them.

Faithful Hibil said to his brothers and children, “Now I will go to

them, and walk among them. They will bow down and praise me
abundantly, taking to their feet and sitting down. I will confuse them,
shake them up and unsettle them. When I leave them, the universe
will be abuzz with the hatred that they have incited.”

Then Hibil went among the evil spirits lying in ambush, and they
came out to greet him with applause. They said, “Come, master of all
the worlds, come and be our holy lord and ruler!” Ruha and the
greatest of her devils lifted the crowns from their heads, and together

GR. Book Thirteen

with all the devils bowed down to Hibil, “Master, accept our praise,
and accept our food.”

I said, “1 do not welcome temptation from anyone. I do not

consider my fathers as liars, and will never betray my brothers and

Ruha said to her devils, “This man is not one of us, and will never
be. His teachings are not like your teachings and never will be. He
belongs to the Stranger, Hayyi. Try to surreptitiously ingratiate
yourselves to him, stealthily outflank him, and perhaps we can lure
him to us in a short while.”

They tried to beguile me, but I surpassed them in guile. When they
offered wisdom, I responded with better wisdom, and so they sat
together in silence, knowing that I had come to them from the

They said, “If you relate to us your reverent teaching, and recite for
us your purest recitations, perhaps then we might aspire to your
kingdom.” I recited the most beautiful and best retained recitations. I
recounted the finest and most exalted teachings, all of which are
truthful and sincere, and they were greatly amazed and astonished.

My recitations were not like their singing, nor were my teachings

like their claims, and so I departed from them, disgracing them, and
leaving them disappointed. I dressed in the garb of my fathers; in
purity and piety, I returned to my brothers. Devils paused,
clandestinely conspiring against me, and discussing my clothing. They
said, “With what can we take this people and bind it? And how can we
lift it from this world? Shall we use the sword? The sword cannot harm
them, and the fire cannot burn them, so therefore they ought to be
taken with water!”

Ruha said, “No, let us wait a little while.” Deliberating, the devils
said, “If this world is taken by sword, fire, and water, along with the

GR, Book Thirteen

leader of this generation, they will surely take some of the leaven
preserved in the Treasury, in order to recreate the world again.” They
drew their swords and attacked us with them.

Hayyi knows what is going on here. In the twinkling of an eye,

Manda ’d Hayyi arrived with light and the first living flame. He
clothed Hibil with the splendor that he brought with him from the
House of Life. The souls testified to us with the speech of the three
men, and put their faith in Manda’d Hayyi before being attacked with
the sword.

Hibil left here, but no one knew. His brothers were dressed in the
clothing of Hayyi, so he paved the way for them.

May there be peace and quiet for the souls of the good believers,
and Laufa connection with the House of Life for them. Manda ’d
Hayyi prepared the grace that they received, and secured the names of
the three men and their sayings.

The sword fell upon the world.

Manda’d Hayyi advised Shitil, saying, “Protect your son Anush,

who is also your younger brother. Save the robe of living flame in
which you abide. I am going to place Hibil in a new house, and I will
return quickly to you. Do not fear Satan’s sword, do not tremble and
make me ashamed of you. I am coming to you. The eye of Hayyi will
protect you. I will give you the robe of life to wear. Whenever you
want me, you can find me. Whenever you call me, I will be beside

This what Manda ’d Hayyi said to Shitil, extending the hand of

Kushta to him. Hibil said to Shitil, “Hurry quickly after me, and
Anush will come after you. All the souls of the proven righteous who
recognize Hayyi and wanted to meet you are following you, on the
path with which are leaving, the path that Manda’d Hayyi planned for

GR. Book Thirteen

Ruha and the devils came forth, attacking the world with the
sword, but these men were not harmed by the sword, because Manda
’d Hayyi protected them.

Then the world became still, and the three men shone brightly
with their splendor and came to reside within it. The angels took out
two of the children of Ram and Rud from the leaven of the closely-
guarded treasury. They are descended from Adam, and through them
the world will be repopulated.

The evil spirits and devils said to their superior and to Ruha, their
mother and queen, “So long as these men remain within their
splendor, no sword can harm them.”

Ruha and the terrifying El were enraged. They said to the devils of
wrath and to the devil who controls the hellfire, “Scorch this world
with fire! Incinerate each and every house and each and every road, so
that neither friend nor enemy remains alive!”

Fire was ignited in the world, but Manda’d Hayyi extended his
shadow over the three righteous ones.

The evil spirits said, “So long as these men remain within their
splendor, the devils’ hands cannot reach them.”

Shurbai and Shurhabil, who were from the Treasury of Life,

appeared in this world, so that life might proliferate from them.

Manda’d Hayyi came, and brought forth the blessed Shitil, master
of sound advice. He clothed him in a robe of splendor, so his light was
seen all over the world. Then he walked with him along the path of
Hibil and set him in his place. He gave him Laufa connection, which
can never be broken, to the souls in the House of Life. He left Anush
in the splendid robe given to him by his brothers and with which he
was equipped by his fathers.

Manda ’d Hayyi said to Anush, “Do not be afraid, and do not

tremble. Do not say, ‘They abandoned me in this world.’ You have my

GR, Book Thirteen

promise that I will return to you quickly, breaking away from my path,
and resplendent in my robe.”

All my brothers were around me, but they left me and went away.
They were my brothers and my fathers. I grew up among them. They
considered me to be their eldest brother. Who will eliminate this evil?
My feet, who has brought you to this place? Who has brought me to
the house of wickedness and rebellion?

If only I were still in the clothes of my brothers, the clothes that

were bestowed upon them by Hayyi! Where is this world going?
Where does it rotate? If only my brothers were here, I would have
called them, but I had not asked them about it.

I raised my eyes and looked up toward the sky, to the moon, to the
bright sun, to the bright stars, and to the angels and demons who
reigned in heaven and who reigned on the earth. I looked at the twelve
signs of the Zodiac, where the sun shines and the moon moves, and at
the angels who govern water, wind, and fire.

What stands underneath these mountains? What lies beneath these

seas? What mysteries are inside the fruits, the grapes and the trees?
Who has created this splendor? This night, so unlike the nights before
it, who has closed it upon the day?

And this beautiful daylight, of which only a little rises to the House
of Life, full of its own exalted, majestic light! There are some who are
filled with happiness because of it, and some who are filled with

And these planets, which circle the heavens, day and night, each
suspended in its orbit! They roam about the heavens, without ceasing
their rotation or waiting even a moment.

And human beings, whom fate treats so arbitrarily! Some are good
and some are bad, some become poor and other become rich. Some
laugh, and others cry; some go astray, and others receive direction.

GR, Book Thirteen

As I observed the world, I grew fearful and trembled. My posture

slumped, my eyes shed tears, my hands shook, and my legs trembled.
My elder brothers had abandoned me to the evildoers. They did not
come back to save me. Manda’d Hayyi said, “I will return to you,” but
here I am, in this world alone, bearing the mantle of my brothers.

I hear the devils conspiring around me. I hear them calling the
spirits of wrath, saying, “Life abounds; human beings proliferate!” The
devils are hypocrites, discussing the teachings of Hayyi, the Stranger,
as they insincerely fawn over Him and the three men. They plot
against us, inveigling in this world, and they were conspiring against
me. They point at me and the robe that I wear, so to whom should I
look? In whom should I place my trust?

I look forward to Manda’d Hayyi’s arrival, to support me and

strengthen me, and to save me from these evildoers, just as he saved
my brothers from the sword and fire.

I am the youth, Anush. I was created a long time after my brothers.

Although I am the last of them, I have become greater than them due
to my position. While my brothers were in this world, the evildoers
conspired nightly against me and the robe I occupy. They hated the
resounding voice of Hayyi in this world. I heard them saying to one
other, “This is our own private world, and the voice of Hayyi will not
resound forth within it!”

They called upon the spirits of wrath and ordered them to descend
to the inhabited earth. Noah was told, “Build an ark! Summon
carpenters to build the ark for you! Take a mated pair from every
species, male and female, and bring them with you! They are coming
to seize this world!”

The spirits said, “Seize the boss of these three, the robe that their
youth occupies! Take it from them! Perhaps we will even expel them
from this world; nobody will recall their names, and no one will hear
their teachings.”

GR, Book Thirteen

The evildoers know that I am the only one remaining of my

brothers. They conspire against me. Since my brothers have
abandoned me, they have decided to pursue me. They chase me day
and night, and I flee them without deliberating, as my gaze looks
ahead for Manda’d Hayyi. He told me not to shiver or tremble. He
said to me, “I am quickly coming to you.”

Every day, I gaze upon the path by which my brothers left, and the
path by which Manda’d Hayyi came. I stare, and see that the Gate of
heaven has already opened, and a cloud of splendor has appeared.
Everyone who saw it was trembling reverently. But I, I am the youth
Anush; when I saw it, I knew that Manda’d Hayyi was coming, so I
became filled with life. My heart filled with joy, and my body stood
straight. My body became still, and my trembling legs became firm
upon my feet.

Manda ’d Hayyi came. He said, “Young Anush, why were you

frightened? Why were you troubled? Why did your body sag? Why did
your smile disappear? Why was your heart full of sadness? Why were
your legs trembling?”

Shall 1 tell him or not?

Manda’d Hayyi said to me, “Anush, fear not! Do not be afraid of me. I
came to teach you. Look above you, and see the water. The flood is
coming. They fought your brothers with the sword and fire, but
neither the sword nor the fire will hurt them; these evildoers will do
the same to you. They are moving this tremendous torrent of water
towards you, but that torrent will not drown you. I have brought Light
and Splendor to your assistance. They will stay with you as your
strength and peace of mind. Your form will be like the form of the two
who left here and set out with their light for the House of Life.”

The devils kept saying, “The three men in this world are not
human. They are enlightened splendor. Look at the way they look;
look at young Anush, who has remained alone in this great world.”

GR. Book Thirteen

Manda ’d Hayyi said to Anush, “Come along; I will reveal the

secrets of this world to you, the secrets you saw and were afraid of.

“I will talk to you about the sky on high and the stars fixed within
it. There is water in the sky, and living flame within it. As for the stars,
they are floating within the devouring fire, and within it they glow
with splendor, on account of the strength of the living flame in the sky.
They float and circle the sky. Twelve Zodiacs for all the planets that
circle the sky; each has a trajectory, and each has an orbit. If ’Ptahil
had not fixed them, neither the sun nor the moon would have any
consistency in its path.

The sun sets, the moon rises, and darkness prevails; through their
progression, the months and the days are calculated.

Then I will reveal the secrets of the wind and the water, and the
two angels who were formed by the power of the water and the
devouring fire. They were directed by their God to manage this world,
and to govern the rain and water, drought and prosperity, and famine
and plenty. He watches over their actions.

Concerning fire, ’Ptahil created it; its substance comes from the
fruits, grapes and trees. Even though they come from it, it was created
to devour them too.

From the House of Life, living flame and living water came into
being. They were set up there and brought here. But the living flame
changed and the water became murky; they do not shine in the hands
of ’Ptahil, who was sent by his father to take control of construction,
both on earth and in heaven.

He did what his father told him to do. The creatures which he
created will remain under his control.

Here I have disclosed to you the secret of heaven. Now I will

disclose to you the secret of the earth.

GR, Book Thirteen

The earth was originally murky water. ’Ptahil went to it,

accompanied by his angels. He said, “I will make this water solid, and
it will become earth.” ’Ptahil kept thinking of what his father had
advised him. Ruha was watching him, and her devils were also

She said to ’Ptahil, “Tell this water to become earth just like you
stretched out the heavens, layer upon layer.” ’Ptahil said, “This is what
my father told me to do.” He took out some of the living flame within
him, and part of the robe in which he returned from his father, and
threw them into the murky water, and it became solid. The mountains
arose, the seas split open, and the brooks and rivers rippled. He
shouted at the earth, and grapes, trees, fruits came about; seeds, fish,
birds also appeared. Animals proliferated, male and female from each

Ruha and the spirits who were with her did not know why ’Ptahil
had created all these things.

’Ptahil said to Ruha, “I want to make a man and a woman. The

man will be created in my image, and the woman will be created in
your image. The man will be named Adam, and the woman will be
named Eve. I will create them, and set them up.” Ruha did not know
that ’Ptahil had followed the order of his father Abathur, who had told
him to create Adam and his wife Eve.

The earth was the upper level, and the murky water was the lower
level. ’Ptahil thought he had made everything correctly, but the water
was neither fresh, nor good. Manda’d Hayyi said to young Anush,
“When Hayyi sent me here, I knew that the water would be neither
fresh nor good, so I said to Hayyi, ‘You sent me here to proclaim to
this world, so that human beings would hear Your voice and ascend,
but the water is not fresh, so what will the children of Adam drink,
and heed the teachings of Hayyi?” Then Hayyi said to me, “Stand
right at the source of the waters; take some of the living water, throw it

GR. Book Thirteen

into the murky water, and it will become fresh. Those who will drink
from it will not be confused. Tell the Uthra Taureil to do that and you
will find the water fresh.”

Manda’d Hayyi revealed to young Anush the secret of the living

flame, which neither Ruha nor her devils had heard. They were only
familiar with the devouring flame, which they discussed.

He promised that just as Manda’d Hayyi has clothed you, so too

will you escape from the world of darkness.

He said, “I passed among them, but they never felt it. I took from
them the living flame that they had neither discussed nor heard about.
I brought it to its place in the perfect abode. I left them in the
devouring flame from which they were formed.

I left only one garment clothing them. ’Ptahil will order one of
them to illuminate the world. I let him do that, because without a light
the world will be utterly dark.

’Ptahil made the ocean, with which he surrounded the earth, and
through it the life will be possible on the earth. Had he not done this,
the earth would certainly have been a waste, neither renewing itself
nor bearing fruit.

“Look, young Anush, I have revealed to you the secrets of this

world, and the secrets of those whom you saw and feared. I have
revealed to you the secrets of heaven and earth. I have revealed to you
the secret of what has been done and what will be done. I have
informed you about all of it.

“I will bestow light and splendor upon you, to be the first garment
that I bring you from the House of Life. Keep it safe from the evildoers
who will fight you to obtain it, but whose hands will never reach it.

“I will bestow wisdom upon you, add it to you and cover you with
it. Talk with it, listen to it, and seek illumination from it.

GR, Book Thirteen

“Though I return now to the House of Life, I will come back to

you. The eye of Hayyi is fixed upon you and upon the good and the
believers who listen to your teachings.

“I will save you from the sword and the fire, pluck you from the
flood and rise with you on the path of Hibil and Shitil. It is my path; I
am Manda’d Hayyi.”

Manda ’d Hayyi gave Kushta to his young son Anush, and then
returned to the Place of Light. There, Anush shone with the light and
splendor bestowed upon him by Hayyi and by the power given to him
by his father.

The evil doers said, “The three have run away! The three have fled
from us, and are nowhere to be seen. They were afraid of us and have
hidden themselves.” They were concealed by their bright lights. They
may have run away, but they shine brightly. They are safe. Neither the
sword nor the fire can hurt them. They will not be drowned by the

Hayyi is constant in His dwellings. Hibil and Shitil and Anush will
be victorious, along with the NaSurayyi and the Tarmithi and the
Mandaeans whose names and traits are secure, and who are branded
with the name of the Great Hayyi and confirmed in the name of Yawar

’u Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Fourteen 1'* Glorification

Inquiries of Anush

’Bshumayhon'd Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

ere I am, sitting in the Place of Light, looking out at the earth
U' L and the sky. I am faithful Anush, son of faithful Shitil, son of
faithful Adam, son of the revered angels, a son of the place
which is full of knowledge and perception, glorification and splendor.
I am sitting, looking out at the clouds, the sun, the moon, and the
stars. 1 am looking at the sky, and thinking of the power that lifted
them so splendidly and provided them with this light.

A great brazier of splendor was held in the hands of the angels.

They set it alight and dragged it to the mountain of darkness, put it
under a tremendous bridge of light, and entered through the door of
Yasana to the throne of the builder of the heavens and earth. I looked
and saw a door opening in heaven and groups of bright creatures
floating in its purified splendor.

Suddenly, a radiant light that came from the House of Life divided
it, overpowering all the other lights.

My body quivered, my legs trembled, my heart was humbled, and

my eyes blurred, so I retreated and fell before him.

A bright angel came forward and lifted me up. He said, “Arise,

faithful Anush, son of faithful Shitil, son of Adam, son of the revered
angels. Arise, so I can show you the greatness of Hayyi. I shall reveal to
you the secret of the heaven that made you amazed and the stars that
made you sleepless.

“As for the sky, the humans call it ‘sky,’ even though it is not really
a sky. It is a receptacle. Abathur knew its extent, and his son lifted it
through the power of the One who built and constructed it. As for the

GR, Book Fourteen T’ Glorification

shining stars, they are illuminated through the power of their creator.
They are twelve angels. Some illuminate the heavens and the earth,
and some govern the darkness and hell; as the first do, so too do the

“As for the earth, the humans call it ‘earth,’ even though it is not
really earth. It was the water of a massive and rough sea, made solid
according to the order of the Creator. A flood was captured to provide
a center for humans.

“I shall tell you about the vision which appeared in the dawn.
Some humans are gladdened by it, and some are worried. It is the head
of the light, which is pure, brave, bold, and sincere, standing at the
great aeon and guiding the sail of the great light to which the ropes of
radiance are tied. Twelve angels pull it forth, bringing it out to the
mountain of darkness under the immense bridge, and lifting the
radiance to it from the door of the great Yasana, where a throne for
the builder of the heavens and the earth has been established.

Come along, I shall inform you about the night. It is from the head
of the pure water, brave, bold, and sincere, standing at the great aeon
to guide the great radiance with which the ropes of light are fixed.
Twelve angels pull it forth to the mountain of darkness to pass it
through the door of the great Yasana, where a throne for the builder of
the heavens and the earth has been established.

Come along, I shall tell you about those proven righteous in this
world. When they die, they will go there, to the place where they
receive whatever they request. There, they pray and give praise, garbed
in radiance and wrapped in light. There, they laugh happily, enjoying
themselves, shining with light, and residing in the Kingdom of Hayyi.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

The Hymns
Hymn 1

’Bshumayhon 'd Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Ha)yi

’Mrawrab nhura shanya

May the sublime light be exalted!

ring forth the goodness, Kushta!

Bring forth the goodness, Sublime Light!

Bring goodness to the home of those who love you!

You are splendid!

You are pure!

You are a flawless gem!

You are one who redeemed the virtue of your entire generation!

You are splendid, without any flaw!

You are the path for the righteous people;

You are the path to the Place of Light.

You are the life since the dawn of time;

A life set apart from the Place of Light, and dwelling in the hearts of
the passionate.

Woe to those who forget you, my lord,

GR, Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

Woe to those who are preoccupied with the delights of the material
O Truth, without any defect.

Good one, wise one,

Blessings to those who follow you and obey you!
Blessings to those who walk in your path!

You are joy without remorse,

You are crowned with virtues, the crown upon the heads of the

You are the tongue with which Hayyi is glorified every day.
You are the first Mana,
You were created by Hayyi.

You are the great light which illuminates the world.

You are the balm that cures its devotees.

You are the eye of the Righteous Elect, through which they anticipate
Hayyi every day.

You are the first fruit.

You are the first companion, the first plant in the House of Life.
You are the first sound, which Hayyi created from Himself.

Greatest of the Ganzibri, who was named by the Great Hayyi to rule all

The dead come alive upon hearing you.

The sick are healed upon hearing you.

You support the righteous and the chosen, whose hearts are filled with
’u Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

Hymn 2

’Bsh umayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

/ am a breeze for the dwelling of the quiet.

I shall pass through proudly with the fragrance of Hayyi.

I am the stranger who is completely dedicated to the pious NaSurayyi.

I shall aid the good who mention me before Hayyi.

Pious father, judge us justly before Hayyi.

I have opened the seal of the world, and contemplated it all.

I contemplated the longing of the Uthri for the Place of Light.

I am the rose. I am the son who saw Hayyi and was seen by Him.

I am the sustenance of the stranger, which Hayyi desired and planted.

I carried His blessing, and came with the pious ones whom I love,

bathed in the light and the splendor of Hayyi.

A beam of life was released when the soul left the House of Life.

I praised Hayyi, who never forgot me.

He bathed me in His light, to lend me support.

Blessed is He, blessed is His compassion for those who love Him.

I heard the voice of my brethren, the Uthri.

GR, Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

I listened to them and looked at them.

Then I walked and reached them.

Hayyi marked me with His sign; Shilmai and Nidbai accompanied me.

The Jewel of Life is plaited into my hair.

Hayyi is compassionate, forgiving all who are sealed with His sign.

’ii Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

Hymn 3
’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi
In the name of the Great Ha}yi

evered is the splendid light.

Sacred is the pure coral that illuminates the dark hearts.
He desired to become radiant, so He became radiant.
He desired to be light, so He became light.
Surely He is the eternal radiance, and the light without end.

It is the first life, the life that emerged from Hayyi at the dawn of time.
Blessed are those who listen to you.
Blessed be those who obey you and follow your path.
You are the light coming forth from Hayyi.
You are the wreath braided for Hibil in his house.
You are the first tranquility.
You are the fruit without bitterness.

When Hibil implanted me, my soul was satisfied with the Place of
Here I am listening to the voice of Hayyi, in the Place of Light,
the voice of the great Radiance who speaks in His house.
He is the pure sign, by which all the cosmos was marked.
Here I am, listening to His voice in His house.
Whosoever listens to the voice of Hayyi will find a place in the House
of Life, in the unlimited light.
’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

Hymn 4: The Destiny of Evildoers

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

e this worH naked,

Abandoning his home to be annihilated,

Abandoning his possessions to be looted,

He is noble and dignified.

He left this world naked.

This is the fate of the bad grapes which do not bear fruit:

Woe to the evildoers!

They sow sins, and will surely reap torture.

Their eyes are filled with darkness.

Their hearts are filled with darkness.

Their mind is filled with wrong, so they will never see the Place of

Their hearts are shattered,

They are consumed with sin.

Their souls are closed to them.

Even their women never draw near them.

They stand far away from justice.

GR, Book Fourteen 2nd Glorification

Their actions are distant from any righteousness

They will remain estranged from the circle of Kushta,

because they do not do any good deeds.

Their poisoned souls will remain in this world, and never ascend to
the world of light.

’u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Fourteen 3rd Glorification

The world of darkness

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

]/n / e made the cosmos with different abodes and levels; some
V V are complete and others are incomplete. We assigned
guardians to each level, angels of different kinds. We fixed Uthri of
light upon the earth of light and adorned it with revolving luminaries.
We bestowed flowing air and water upon it. We gave fragrance to it.
We sowed every good and fruitful plant within it.

As for the world of darkness, the world of evil and sin, it is a

desolate and scary land. It is pushed far to the south, away from the

There is a great difference between the earth of light and the earth
of darkness. It is a world of smoke and fire, flaws and shame. It is full
of evildoers, killers, and the obscene, together with magicians and
disbelievers. It is filled with dead spirits, blazing fires, and smothering
tempests, driven by furious devils and fools and bloodsuckers with
faces full of darkness and gloom. They are deaf and dumb.

Among them are the sorcerers, deceivers and liars, thieves,

extortionists, and murderers. They are of all types, short and tall, and
take the form of various types of creatures; some fly, some walk, and
others creep on their bellies.

An evil spirit governs this abode, puffing smoke and fire. He

knows all secrets. He can become short or tall whenever he desires. He
can become small or great whenever he desires. He is conceited with
his huge kingdom, and his cosmos of darkness. He stood at the border

GR. Book Fourteen 3rd Glorification

of the darkness, looking at the worlds of light, which appeared like a

shining fire upon a tall summit, or like the twinkling of stars in the soft
sky. It is gorgeous, like a sun shining over gardens and paradises, or
like the glittering of a perfect, luminous moon.

Then he looked a long time at the almighty earth of splendor,

which looked like a lamp. He flared up and the place was shaken
under him. Then he gave a loud shout which resounded throughout
all the cosmos, and said, “How are they living in the light, while I am
living in the darkness? I shall take their throne and put it upon my
head, and become the master of the upper and the lower worlds.

“If that world is a garment, I shall exchange mine for it. If it is

food, I shall eat it. If it is a human being, I shall kill him. If it is a drink,
I shall swallow it. If it is a building, I shall destroy it. If it is a giant, I
shall torture him. If it is a spirit, I shall bring it to end. If it is a house, I
shall dwell in it.”

As he glanced over the border between the darkness and the light,
he started circling the boundaries, wailing and moaning, but never
finding an entrance to the Place of Light. The angels and Uthri were
watching from their world. They were full of terror.

They heard a sound like a siren descending from the sublime

kingdom, which said, “Pure and perfect Uthri. Return peacefully to
your abode; the evil being will not affect you. He is just a trapped evil
spirit, concealed within his world. You are not to inquire about him.
You are not responsible for him. Return peacefully to your abode!”

' u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Fourteen 4lh Glorification

Promises to the Sincere

"Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I have told you about the worlds of darkness and what is within
them; now I shall tell you about the worlds of light, and what is
within them.

A sublime King, of magnificent stature, unsleeping and unseen,

accessible only through intuition and suggestion, through praise and
prayer: this is the King of the World of Light. Great is His power and
insight. Good are His progeny: pure angels, pure Uthri, the Righteous
Elect, lights and splendor.

It is a sublime world; inaccessible, beyond the limits of the material

world. It is distant and high above the cosmos of the north.

It is radiance and perfection, rivers and gardens, pleasures of

different kinds, flowing water, and clean air. It is the cosmos of the
Uthri, full of love and devotion.

Its towers always loom high. Its stars never circulate. Its cosmos
shines forever. It is never afflicted by coldness or heat. These are the
worlds of the Most Merciful. They are distant from all other universes,
never afflicted by flaws, harm, falsehood, or slander. They are
governed by the King of Light, from whom everything that has ever
existed came, and everything that will exist will come. He is eternal
and everlasting.

’ u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Fifteen

Preachings to the Mandaeans

’Mshabba Maray blebba dakhya

May my Lord be praised with a pure heart
'Bshumayhon'd Hayyi rabbi
In the name of the Great Hayyi

/ ^7 lory to the Second Life, pure Yushamin. Glory to the Third Life,
the ancient and hidden Abathur. Glory to Manda’d Hayyi, the
first messenger who rules the worlds of light. Glory to Shilmai and
Nidbai, the two guards of the great Yardna, witnesses of the baptism of
light, who have bestowed the name and the sign upon the soul. Glory
to Hibil, Shitil, and Anush, children of the living generation.

Splendor, perfection, joy and forgiveness are for every Mandaean

who recognizes the path of faith. As for any Mandaeans, male or
female, who never humbly enter the Bit Manda on Sunday at dawn,
and never perform the rites of their religion, who never pray or bow in
devotion, and never eat the Pihtha loaf, nor extend the hand of Kushta
and lend aid with Kushta and Laufa, who do not care to baptize their
sons and daughters, and help them to be confirmed in the sign of the
Hayyi nor teach them to fill their hearts with the beliefs of Hayyi nor
give alms and be compassionate; they are doomed.

Blessed are the faithful Mandaeans baptised in the Yardna. Blessed

are the faithful Mandaean women, together with their sons and
daughters. Blessed are those who know themselves, and love their
Lord. Blessed are those who bear witness to the Great Hayyi and who
are baptized in Yardna, marked with the sign of the Great Hayyi and
never abandoned the Bit Manda.

GR, Book Fifteen

Blessed are those who come on Sunday at dawn, standing neatly

behind the Tarmithi, giving praise, bowing down, partaking of the
Pihtha loaf, extending the hand of Kushta, and giving the Laufa
connection to one another. Blessed are those whose sons and
daughters are baptized, helping them to have the sign of the Great
Hayyi and fill their hearts with belief. Blessed are those who help the
poor people and give alms, never retaining the alms in their house, but
rather delivering them over to the Bit Manda.

Blessed is Hayyi, the Everlasting. Blessed is Pure Yushamin and

Hidden Abathur, who together balance the world.

Glory to Shilmai and Nidbai, the two guardians of the Yardna of

the Great Hayyi and witnesses of the baptism of Light. Glory to
Gabriel, the Messenger, who fulfilled the order of the Great Hayyi with
the help of Hibil, Shitil, and Anush. The earth was flattened, the
heavens were lifted, and the stars were hung within them, each star
revolving in its orbit. The earth bore trees, and the trees gave fruit. The
Sun was endowed with splendor, and the Moon was endowed with
splendour. Adam was created. Adam was created and Hawa Eve was
created to be his wife. The blessings of the Great Hayyi prevailed upon
them, so that their roots stretched in this world up to its destiny.

Blessed are all believers, and all Mandaeans baptized in the living
water, who bear witness to the Great Hayyi. Blessed are those who do
righteous actions, who believe in Manda’d Hayyi, and who bow down
to the three sons of the living splendid generation.

Manda’d Hayyi, as we make our prayer we beseech you to protect

us from evils, and save us from the enemies of light. We beseech you
to defend us from dark thoughts and jealous eyes.

Blessed is the sky with its bright stars, shining planets, brilliant
sun, and resplendent moon. Blessed is the earth with its water, with its
air, with Adam and Eve together with their sons and descendants.
Blessed are the messengers and prophets. Blessed are the righteous

GR, Book Fifteen

believers, who will be illuminated by splendor with their wives; so too

will their sons and daughters be. God will bless their properties, their
buying and selling, their crops and livestock. Manda’d Hayyi shall be
their supporter in this evil world.
As for the Mandaeans who rely upon Manda’d Hayyi, but do not
truly believe in their hearts, nor come to the Bit Manda , nor baptize
their sons and daughters in the name of the Great Hayyi, nor give
alms, nor ever listen to their men of faith, they are observed by Hayyi,
pure Yushamin, the sublime old one Abathur, Hibil, Shitil, and Anush,
as well as all the Tarmithi with their mark and their prayer, with their
shining Drabsha banner, and with Margna staff of brilliance that they

This is a warning from the World of Light. Anush Uthra has

brought it, and given it to those who love him, to discuss for all

All those who have recognized Manda’d Hayyi, but never baptized
in the Yardna, and are not marked with the name of the Great Hayyi
will stand far from Kushta and labor far from piety.

We are the Tarmithi, we advised them but they never listened, and
we taught them but they never learned, and therefore they will be
interrogated about their sins.

But those who recognize and bear witness to the Great Hayyi and
to Manda’d Hayyi, they will be forgiven. They will be guarded in the
material world, and will be well rewarded in the afterlife.

'u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Sixteen

The Great ’Nbat

"Bshuinayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

* // his is the mystery and the book of the great ’Nbat, who emerged
from the light, shone forth and flourished, grew and rejoiced.
At the first word from the Lord of Creation, eight hundred Uthri
submitted, bowing down before Him. Two Uthri emerged and
ascended to the high abode. At the second word from Yawar,
Yushamin and Shar Ziwa emerged and ascended to the high abode. At
the third word, two meek and calm Uthriemerged and ascended. They
are Sar and Smir. Their names were established in the dwellings of the
Most Compassionate, two in each dwelling.

The great ‘Nbat bore fruit, distinguished himself, and blazed forth.
Uthri emerged around him, to his left and right, praising the most
revered Hayyi, their clothes shining brightly.

Light mingled with light, ether mingled with ether; there was no
flesh, no blood, no corruption, no concern, no heat, and no freezing

Yawar Mana Smir stood before his great creator and bowed down
to the the Great Hayyi. He said, “May You be praised! You are my
Lord and my Creator. You are the greatest, never to be diminished.
You are the widest, never to be thin. Great is Your light. Great is the
splendor of Your hands. Great is the radiance from both Your sides.
Blessed is this water. This is the blessed living water. There was no
water before You came to be.”

GR. Book Sixteen

The flood came from the great vessel and spread throughout the

Hayyi heard the praise and the supplication of Yawar Ziwa and
became glad. Hayyi put His right hand upon him. Hayyi braided the
light for his head, taught him some of His knowledge, and then named

He said to him, “You are Our raiment and Our word.” Since then
he has been known as the Word of Hayyi.

Hayyi said, “Let the cosmos of light spread throughout the land of

I am Yawar; by His order, I finished everything that He inspired

me to do. You must perfect your actions according to His command. I
am His word, so listen to me.

Before you act, ask me. I shall answer you, according to His
command, so that your deeds will be perfect, and your forms will
shine, so long as you listen and obey.

When He said His word, everything came into existence. The

mighty7 arose and their sons, the angels and the spirits, stood with
them. Hayyi, the First Life, got up from His own abode, bore fruit and
became even greater. He established three hundred and sixty Yardni
each protected by two guardians and two enlightened Uthri. Eight
hundred thousand groups of Uthri were called by the name of those
honored guardians. A thousand thousand Uthri were baptized, settled,
and established in the light of Hayyi. Three hundred and sixty worlds
of light bore fruit and became greater; a myriad of Uthri was organized
in that heavenly abode, the world of Hayyi. They were baptized in the
Yardna. They received the sign in the World of Light, where there is
no hatred, no suspicion, no concern, no confusion, no division, and
no fighting.

GR, Book Sixteen

‘Nbat Ziwa blew up the water. It spouted and rose before the
splendor, so they combined and bore fruit. They became expanded,
and brightened with the same splendor. The splendor seems to be
counterpart to the water and the water seems to be counterpart to the

All those who were in the world of Hayyi were enlightened, and
came into the same perfection, and the same magnitude. They became
fruitful, became great, and continued to grow.

The father of the Uthri had not yet been created, the splendor of
Yushamin had not yet began to spread. The mighty had not yet arisen,
neither were they established or upright.

Hayyi was pleased with His sons, the Uthri. They were pleased
with Him too. Brilliant is their light, splendid is their radiance, and
shining are their shapes, in the abode of their father.

Nine hundred thousand groups of Uthriascended under the name

of Yawar Ziwa and the order of Hayyi. He said to Yawar Ziwa, “Go to
Yushamin and observe what he is thinking, and then be sure that he
will respond. Say to him, ‘My Lord ordered me.” The whole house of
Yushamin shook from the brilliance of the splendor of Yawar, due to
what had been promised, and to what he promised. His throne was
about to collapse, and the clouds in front of him started to fall. His
heart trembled and his mind became confused.

When Yawar Ziwa saw that Yushamin could hardly stand on his
feet, he tempered his brilliance and splendor, and urged Yushamin’s
feet to hold him, and said to him, “My splendor can not reach the
splendor of your Father. To make you realize that, He send me to
you.” When Yushamin heard that, his pride swelled, and said, “Hayyi
mentioned me, so I am one of the Mighty. Then he corrected himself
and said, “How could He mention me if He is not considering me? If I
were not an insufficient splendor and a cut-off light, He would raise
me to stand before Him!”

GR, Book Sixteen

Yawar lifted the praise of Yushamin to Hayyi, and submitted it

before the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, so He became soft
to Yushamin. He put His right hand upon him, bestowing the Kushta
pact upon him. Yushamin bestowed that Kushta pact to his sons, the
Uthri, who were sitting before him.

Yushamin said to himself, “If my Lord were not satisfied with me,
He would not call me to Him.”

Hayyi knows that Yushamin is plotting and considering to form

and create sons for himself, but He had patience with him. While
Hayyi was expecting Yushamin do these things, Yawar, the first
beloved Word of Hayyi, said, “Father, Yushamin has already done
what he planned to do and created what he desired to create. So, what
shall we do?”

Hayyi said, “Yawar, Sam Smir Ziwa, I authorize and permit you to
do what is right. Arise and take light and splendor and their
marvellous living flame, and throw them in the midst of our great
worlds on high, in the midst of the second world below, the world of
Yushamin as far as its end where the separating water is located, and
to the end of all the worlds of light.”

We bestowed Yawar splendor upon his splendor, splendor upon

his splendor, and protected him with two guardians. Yushamin
thought to call creations from the first Yardna, the great Yardna of
Hayyi, but the two guardians, Adathan and Yadathan, installed by the
great Yardna, prevented him, and said to him, “Yushamin, you have
no power over the Yardna of the Great Hayyi, therefore, you have no
right to summon creations from it. Only Hayyi can order and control
it. Hayyi creates whatever He desires to create from it.”

Yushamin said, “Who shall I call to create sons for me, just as my
Father had summoned and created me?”

GR, Book Sixteen

The two Uthri Adathan and Yadathan said, “We are just sons, not
fathers, and we only guard the Yardna. Consider what you are capable

Yushamin went, passed the high Yardna, then stood at the Yardna
below, and summoned forth three sons.

Hayyi remained silent.

The children of the Second Life, Yushamin, said to their father,

“This is an immense universe, an expanse of splendor, but we do not
own any part of it. We are like guests within it.”

Yushamin said, “I reside in the world of Hayyi.”

They said, “We do not like to reside in a world that does not
belong to you.” Their father reproached them, and criticized them. He
listened to them, accepting some of what they said, and getting angry
about the other things they said.

He said, “I shall ascend to Hayyi and ask Him if He will allow me

to do and perform what I want to do.” Yushamin, Hayyi already
knows what you are considering; you have ascended once, but you
might not succeed the next time.

Although Yushamin is clever, he did not notice that he was cursed.

He acted according to the advice of his sons. He gave them some of his
splendor and power, his speech, hearing, and abilities, and said to
them, “Go, and do what you have advised me to do. Make it perfect,
and do no harm.”

They went to the distant worlds, and settled a place. Then they
created, and their creation became as dense as the white earth, but
they did not reach the land of light. They completed everything on top
of the worlds. Then they created four brave men, Children of Peace.

’Bhaq Ziwa summoned a world into existence and completed it for

himself. His two brothers were not with him. Compared to him, they

GR. Book Sixteen

were defective; they could not speak like him, nor could they hear like
him. ’Bhaq looked at his world, but he found it not wide like the
worlds of light, not tremendous like them. Nevertheless, he became
arrogant. He named himself the father of the Uthri, so the children of
light became angry with him.

He called his son ’Ptahil, and sent him to the murky water. ’Ptahil
made the earth solid, but requested the assistance of the spirits and
titans of darkness. He spoiled what he finished, and added wrong to
the right he had done.

The soul that has left the World of Light will ascend again to the
World of Light. But those which rebel and acknowledge the spirits will
not submit to the Great Hayyi and will not see the World of Light.

Yawar is appreciated. He knows the worlds of light, and through

him the soul ascends to her Lord, the Greatest and the Most Merciful.

'u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen I'1 Glorification

Anush is the Word

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

’Mrawrab ’nhura shanya

May the sublime light be exalted!

am one of Hayyi’s words; I came in the name of Yawar. I am the

" angel Anush, son of the Greatness. The Almighty ordered me; Fie
summoned and ordered me. He granted me assistants; they are quiet
and dependable angels. He sent me to save the House, and to awaken
the sleepers; to awaken the sleepers, He sent me. He said to me,

“Go, and get the righteous souls. Select the righteous souls, and
take them out of the world of evil, away from the world of death, and
bring them back to the World of Light. Teach them the prayers. Teach
their souls how to love the light and peace, so that they will not be
imprisoned in the world of darkness.

“Anush, never feel afraid, never feel sad! Do not say, T am alone;’
We are not far from you. Call Us when you want Our help, and you
will find Us even closer to you.

“Anush, teach the NaSurayyi whom you choose. Teach them about
the prayers and their proper times. They do not have to pray at night.
Tell them that the tardy prayer will remain at the door of the House of
Life, and will never ascend until the door of great Abathur is opened.
Those who do not pray at the proper time will be reproached at the
house of Abathur. In Abathur’s house, they will be asked about all that
they have done.

GR. Book Seventeen Is’ Glorification

“Anush, explain to your sincere believers how Satan made evil

attractive to them. Let them know about the evil that Satan threatens
them with. Tell them that hatred, envy, and gossip are children of the
evildoers, who will never ascend to the World of Light. As for those
who do not believe in Hayyi, they are doomed to hell.

“They should know that the drunk will be chained with locks.
Those who hoard gold and silver will die two times, rather than just

“My sincere believers, if you approach your spouses, you have to

wash yourselves and be clean. Never engage in intercourse during the
menstrual cycle; those who do will face great torture. Know that
fathers are responsible for their children up to their fifteenth year of
age. If they do not preach to their children, awakening them, and
teaching them to pray at the proper times, and if they do not lead their
children to the path of Kushta and proper beliefs, then they will bear
the sins of their children. After they turn fifteen years old, the children
will become responsible for their own actions.

“Fathers who do not take care of their daughters and allow them to
marry the children of infidels, disbelievers, or idolators will be
tortured in the consuming flames, and will be cast into darkness. No
mourning and no repentance will benefit them. Whenever any of
them submits a sacrifice to the temple of idols, or bows down to the
magicians, her father will be held responsible and be called to account
for her.

“Those who smell a perfumed breeze and do not praise the name
of Hayyi shall be interrogated at the house of Abathur. Those who give
offerings and sacrifices to the temples of idols will be bound within the
mountain of darkness, so that he will never see the light; but the
believers and the pious will ascend and see the Place of Light.

“Those who do not defend themselves from taboo and sin will be
bound within the darkness. They will be prevented from drinking

GR, Book Seventeen I'1 Glorification

water. Whenever they drink, they will be tortured according to what

they committed. The sincere, faithful, and just believers, the good,
pious women who give alms and charity and call upon the Name of
Hayyi and are baptized in the Yardna, and marked with the pure sign
will not be tortured.

“When the world comes to an end, evils and abominations will

increase. The majority will descend into their desires and into
darkness. Woe to those who do not look forward to the Place of Light,
and blessed are those who save themselves and hold to their promise.
They will be kings in the light and great ones in the Place of Light.”

' a Hayyi zaken

GR. Book Seventeen 2nd Glorification

Hibil is the Exalted Grapevine

Bshuma) hond Ha} vi rabbi

In the name of the Great Ha}yi

am the vine, exalted and humble. I am the grapevine sown at the

" heart of glory; I was sown at the heart of glory. The Almighty
sowed me; He sowed me and granted me a guard. He garbed me in
light, adding to my light, and secretly assigned a guardian to protect
me. He summoned me, educated me, and granted me two sublime
assistants. He taught me about the light and about the splendor in the
hidden abode. He bestowed upon me some of His knowledge and the
ability to speak and to hear, and to praise. He blessed me, kissed me
with His pure mouth, and sat me upon a cloud of splendor. He clothed
me in hidden garments, and sent me to Taruan the Pure.

He said, “Go to Taruan the Pure, teach the Uthri who dwell there,
and give them some of the light and the splendor We bestowed upon
you. Give to them some of your praise, so that they will be established
in the House of Life. Make them join you, like brethren in the Laufa

“Teach them about Taruan the Pure, and about the worlds of light.

“Teach them about the light of Hayyi, and about each abode in
which the Uthridwell.

“Teach them about the hidden vine, and about the pure trees that
brighten the pure Yardna. Talk to them about the pure Hauraran, and
the perfectly constructed land of Ayer.

“Teach them about the land in which Yawar, its builder, called. He
cried a sublime sound, and then he prepared the dwellings within it,

GR, Book Seventeen 2nd Glorification

where the splendid perfect were established, and so they made him
king of light. They seated Uthri on his right side and his left side, to
establish him in his abode and to be accessible to him. Teach them
about the sublime great fruit, and about the dwellings that he prepared
in the hidden place. Teach them about the Great First Mana, and
about the great Yardna in which he baptized.”

I am Hibil. I stood before my father Yawar Manda’d Hayyi, and

walked to Taruan the Pure. I prepared seven worlds of light, in which I
set seven angels, and seven Andiruni chambers of flowing water. I
came to Taruan the Pure with the splendor and praise bestowed upon
me by my father. I came with words of affirmation, with a perfect
Drabsha banner, and with supplications and prayers, praise and

The Almighty, who had sent me, said,

“Never breathe your words to the defective Uthri. Never speak as

the voice of the Second Life, through whom all bad things were passed
on; need, scarcity, imperfection, and deficiency were conceived by her,
through whom deceit was sown throughout the entire cosmos.

“Do not take the sayings of the Mighty, and throw them in the
murky water, and do not give splendor, knowledge, praise and the
secret words to the deficient and the unbelievers. Do not give them to
the defective Uthri who were summoned by Yushamin. Give them to
the Uthri of Taruan the Pure, who where created by Hayyi. Grant
enlightenment to one out of every thousand of them, with whom you
are satisfied. Let each one guide another; let each one swear with
Kushta that he will not deny your teachings.”

I came to Taruan. I called out as my father had ordered me, so

Taruan brightened and became pure. All the Uthrilistened, and all the
angels awakened.

GR, Book Seventeen 2nd Glorification

I heaped my splendor and praise upon the Uthri who love my

name. I told them about the light and splendor in the Place of Light. I
taught the hidden Uthri and the angels of splendor about the light and
the splendor in Place of Light. My father ordered me to teach the king
of Taruan the Pure. I taught him about Mara’d Rabutha, the Lord of
Greatness. I taught him about the countenance of the Almighty, and
about the Nkufia seed that he has. I taught him about the splendid
vine, about the pure Yardni, and the trees that overlook them. I taught
him knowledge and covered him with eternal splendor. I made his
form to be as bright as mine, and I empowered him to rule over all the
cosmos, the cosmos of splendor in the land of Taruan.

The king of Taruan rose exalted from his throne, and bowed
submissively to me. He said, “You are great; you are son of the
Almighty, and your actions and your morals cannot be denied. You
are the father of all the LWr/and the father of all righteous believers.
Through your pure name we shall ascend in the paths of Kushta.
Blessed be the Great Hayyi, who called you forth from the hidden
place, and made you a great leader to enjoy this splendor. Hayyi led
you here to teach us so that we shall never suffer from need or flaws.”

I arose before him and led him to the world of Taureil; my light
illuminated him. I perfected the Uthri in his world, and I completed
the abodes.

The Uthri became enlightened, the great ones became cheerful,

and all the luminaries were set. I enlightened Yushamin, and he
became happy in his splendor. I enlightened all the Uthri. I
illuminated all the dwellings and enlightened the imperfect Abathur,
who created but could not finish anything, and who attempted in vain
to fix his mistakes. The light was useless in him because he did not
extend his hand to his father. Then my light illuminated the
boundaries of ’Ptahil, so he started to wail. He said, “Has the beloved
son of the Greatness come to me? Then my day will not be like other

GR, Book Seventeen 2nd Glorification

All the Uthri stood, gave praise, cheered and were delighted. They
said, “This is the greatest day, thanks to splendor of Hibil Ziwa. He
illuminated us in our habitation, and blessed us with his grace.
Through his aid, we shall ascend to the Place of Light, where our sins
will be forgiven.”

“’Ptahil, your name has been fixed in the House of Life, and your
father will never judge you with darkness.”

When ’Ptahil heard what Hibil said, he bowed down to him,

saying, “The moment my father Manda ’d Hayyi forgives me, the
entire House will vanish.

“The House will quickly disappear, and everything within it will

perish. The ’Bhiri Zidqa, the Righteous Elect, will ascend before all the
material world, and they will reside with the righteous believers.

“The call will come to the fallen House, so that nothing will
remain. The material world will vanish, and its deeds will vanish; the
souls will be summoned to present themselves. Only one out of a
thousand will ascend. One of them will delight in the World of Light.
The souls of the NaSurayyi who never ate the food of the corruptors,
and were never corrupt or adulterous will ascend.

“The truthful believers will ascend to where they can see the
perfect house.

“As for those who worship idols, they will surely go to the blazing
fire. The Immortal is the Eternal.”

’ u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 3rd Glorification

The Creation of the

Living Water

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

he living water was the first to be created; from its place it

emerged, drew forth, and flowed in the Yardni. When the
firmament was extended, when the earth became solid, and when the
souls were created, a burst of living water was called forth to be a
present for the first two angels. They were Shilmai and Nidbai, who
were set as two virginal assistants. They were gifted with splendor and
knowledge. Hayyi blessed them, and bestowed on them the voice with
which they would shout. Their voices can awaken the sleepers, and the
souls that were deprived of the light will rise, and turn their faces to
the Place of Light.

From the House of Life, the living water was brought forth; a
steady flow of living water was brought forth from the House of Life,
to be cast into the underworld. The living water became sad, felt pain,
and complained. It said to Shilmai and Nidbai, “Who drew my hand
and cut me off from my place? Who separated me from the knowledge
that is better than entire world? Who separated me from Kushta, from
my Kana origin, and from the Laufa connection? Who separated me
from the Uthri in the abode of the Light? The shape of the world to
which I go is dark. Have pity for me, and I shall feel pity for it. I feel
pained, distracted, anxious, and cut off in the murky water. Inside me,
I feel the temptations of Satan and flaws and need will be formed in
me. The evildoers, the corrupting, and the wanton will control me.
Slaughtered bodies of the dead will be thrown into me; blood will be
thrown into me, and will be shed on my account. The evil will

GR, Book Seventeen 3rd Glorification

multiply on the earth and around me; I shall be under the influence of
the planets. Floods and disorders will happen, and many people will

Shilmai and Nidbai said, “Living water, be quiet, and be still.

Sorrow and evil came from the Second Life. Evil came from ’Ptahil,
because he emerged from the murky water; he emerged from the
murky water with necessity. So that his actions would not be undone,
Abathur gave him the hand of blessing. Be quiet, living water. In order
that Souls do not die in the muddy water, and Satans do not control
them, you Living water go to the place of destruction, calling upon the
voice of Hayyi. Become a support for the souls that are persecuted for
the sake of the name of Yawar. They will perform a living baptism
through you. You will be honored, and with you they will make their
mark with a pure sign. You will become a supporter to the life, and
sicknesses and weakness will be cured through you.”

The living water asked, “Who will defend me before Yawar if I fall
into the devouring water? When my roots are cut, and when I face a
catastrophe, and judgment is issued against me in the place of
darkness, who will prevent this calamity?

You two guardians, when the shining light asks me about my sins and
misdeeds in the place of darkness, and when I ask the living water
about the gathering of the NaSurayyi, what will you say? How will you
defend me?”

“One of a thousand will ascend, whereas the evil and the liars will
not ascend.” Shilmai and Nidbai said, “Whosoever has any flaw will
not reach Hayyi; but as for you, you should be your own savior, so that
you can raise them up to the Great Hayyi. Do not imitate ’Ptahil, the
Uthra who ascended from the murky water. He did not take the mark
from the Yardna; he was never baptized in the living water, and never
extended the right hand of Kushta. The wheels of heaven will be in
disarray, and the chains of the earth will be severed because the

GR, Book Seventeen 3rd Glorification

fathers, who are responsible, did not accept any advice. They did not
tell her about anything. Due to their arrogance, they will be bound.
The evil spirits and devils who have persecuted the progeny of Hayyi
shall come to an end. The sky will fall to the earth and they will be
crushed. At that time, Yushamin, Abathur, and ’Ptahil will come,
beating their chests, while seeing the assembly of souls plunging
deeply to the rock bottom.

On that day, a judgment will be issued against Yushamin, Abathur,

and ’Ptahil. Hibil Ziwa will come and take them out of this sinful
world. Yushamin and Abathur will receive baptism in the Yardna of
Hayyi. Then ’Ptahil will ascend from the cloud of humiliation to be
baptized in the Yardna of Hayyi, and purity and peace will return to
him once again. ’Ptahil will embrace Hayyi, the First Life, and describe
how he was kept within his bonds. He will describe to his father the
world in which he was kept and what had happened to him. After that
he will be appointed as king to the Uthri and the NaSurayyi. He will
rule over the assembly of the souls. Prayers and praise will rise up to

'u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 4lh Glorification

A Message for the Nasurayyi

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

rom the dwellings of the Almighty, the call came to me,

educated me and commanded me, and said, “Call forth with
the voice of Hayyi and put splendor within the House. Sow the seed of
the Almighty, and bring the Yardniinto it.

“Irrigate it with living water. Transplant the blessed shitli

transplants. Teach them wisdom, glorification, and supplications.

“I shall come to them with a pure voice that makes them stand,
and be reformed with gleaming splendor. I shall make them attest to
the greatness of Hayyi, to awaken the sleepers.

“They will take a path, and set signs upon the borders. Only
through knowledge can they ascend. Only with the knowledge that
came from the House of Life will they ascend, awaken the sleepers,
and set the exalted luminaries in their places.

“They will teach souls to long for the perfect abode; the faithful
Nasurayyi and believers will ascend to the Place of Light. They will not
tarry for long in this world, and they will not be interrogated on the
great Day of Judgment. They will never be punished or condemned,
nor will they be drowned in the great Suf Sea. As for the NaSurayyi
who do not long for the House of Life, they will remain in need and
want. When they reach the door of Abathur, they will be prevented
from entering. They will not see the Place of Light. They will not learn
the knowledge that comes from the abode of Hayyi. Their Ginzi will
be taken from them, and they will descend to the place of darkness.

GR, Book Seventeen 4,h Glorification

Their secret supplications that they have been taught will be taken
from them, together with their secret invocations. The armed ships
will be taken from them. The Masiqtha and the MaSbuta Baptism will
be taken from them and rise back to the place where they came from.

The Ginza will be taken from them, and it will be entrusted to the
esteemed Ganzibra Yura. The light will be stripped from them, and
cast into the raging fire and blazing braziers. They will die two times,
rather than just one.
The just and righteous elect will not be deprived of their place.
They will be united in a pure Laufa union, and clothed with pure
garments of light, and crowned with shining turbans. They will wear a
Himiana girdle of water, and they will be neither cold nor hot in them.
A wreath of ether will braided for each of them. When he departs from
his body, the savior will come to meet him and will ascend with him to
the splendid house, the house of the Almighty who resides in His

' u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 5,h Glorification

Instructions for Yawar

"Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

y the power of splendor and the sindirka palm, Yawar was

summoned and given dominion.

They taught him boundless knowledge; they entrusted him to rule

over the exalted mountain and the resplendent ether. They bestowed
majesty upon him, to be blessed and supreme over the splendor
manifest within him. They bestowed hidden words upon him, radiant
and sublime with a splendid appearance, strange to all the worlds.
They taught him about the most supreme luminary Yura, and about
his highest form. They taught him about esteemed ’NSab, and about
his dwelling places. They taught him about Zarzeil Ziwa and about
Yusmir the Uthra, and about the Uthri znA their dwelling places. They
taught about the calm and dependable Mana.

Hibil Ziwa talked. He praised the Great Mana who had made him
a place to dwell. Mana made his house, brightened it and taught him
the concealed secrets, and taught him about the living baptism. He
taught him about the pure oil and about the NaSurayyi.

Mana said, “Go to the NaSurayyi remaining in the world. Say to

them, ‘When you depart from your bodies, you will ascend with the
oil.’ It is the oil that has come from the House of Hayyi. He who does
not ascend with it will stay at the abode of ’Ptahil, or will ascend with
sixty one letters of intercession. After that he will be settled in the
World of Light.

GR, Book Seventeen 5th Glorification

“Then he will see Taureil reading in the pure Yardna of Taruan.

He will see the flowering trees, inhabiting in the Yardna of the Lord of
Greatness, Mara’d Rabutha. He will see ’Rwaz Gufna, from whom the
blessing of Ha}yi emerged. He will meet Yusmir in the habitation of
Sam Ziwa. He will see Shurhabil in the abode of Hibil Ziwa. He will
see the seven pavilions of splendid radiance that are located above the
exalted vine. He will see them all, and see the two pure mountains
located on its sphere.

“He will see Yawar, the great splendor of life, the first vine which
emerged in the land of the great First Life. He will see Shar Gufna
dwelling in the land of the First Life. He will see the great vine from
which the souls of sucklings drink and grow. They will grow and settle
in the World of Light.

He will see the great Yura, and see Adathan and Yadathan, the two
angels standing at the door of the House of Life, and see Shilmai and
Nidbai, in the principal hidden cloud of theirs, in which they reside
and command all YardnL

“Then he will see the pure Yushamin and the dividing waters
below him. He will see the four men who are the Children of Peace.
They will be assistants to the NaSurayyi, supporting them when they
ascend from the place of darkness to the Place of Light.”

'u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 6"' Glorification

The Sublime
'Dmutha Counterpart

"Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

am talking to my ‘Dmutha counterpart: “Come, we shall both

pray; praise me and I shall praise you. Help me and I shall help
you, so that you will lift me up and I shall lift you up. The Uthri shall
associate with us, and many Uthrishall praise us.”

Everyone is looking for a sublime companion. I called a

companion to my right side and a companion to my left side. I called
the messenger of Hayyi to preserve me in secret.

The counterpart of the exalted teacher said, “When you summon

forth a generation, its deficiencies and evil will spread. The
deficiencies and evil will spread throughout the world from your seed;
it will become a chaotic, destructive world.”

I said to my sublime counterpart, “That is sufficient for us now.

The seeds which we are going to sow will produce needs and
deficiencies. It will produce anxiety and chaos; then the world will be

I knelt before my counterpart, and bowed down to him. I took

Kushta from him, and we entered the vine and hid for a long time. He
agreed to be counterpart.

When the First Life came into existence, He thought of the Second

GR, Book Seventeen 6,h Glorification

When the Second Life came into existence, he thought of the Third

When the Third Life came into existence, he thought of the Fourth

From the fourth ones, needs and deficiencies came into being, and
from them chaos prevailed everywhere.

The counterpart said to the exalted teacher, “I sincerely advised

you not to sow another seed bringing destruction, worry, and disorder
with it.”

The exalted teacher said to his sublime noble counterpart, “We

have summoned the world into being and built it for a great purpose.
The Bhiri Zidqa, the Righteous Elect, will multiply within it, and they
will spread the voice of Hayyi within it. Some of them will ascend to
the Place of Light, but the others who can not save themselves will
remain in darkness.

“We will call upon the messenger that you have sown. We want
him to be the savior of the world. We will send him there to save
whoever can be saved and elevated to this place. He will ensure that
the quiet and the honest teacher will remain solemn and pious in the
Place of Light.”

He called me. The Almighty summoned me. He called and ordered

me. He bestowed some of his wisdom upon me. He reared with love.
He filled me with quietness and compassion with which I talk to those
who love me, my followers. With those who love me, I talk, and I shall
preserve them from destruction. I shall save them from mistakes that
they have made. The Almighty encourages me and bestows His light
upon me. He orders me as a father orders his sons. He embraces me
and kisses me like a father, to inspire me, to warn me and to protect

GR, Book Seventeen 6th Glorification

He said to me, “I sent you Ganzibra, so come with the messenger

who came to you. Come quickly with him, and bring the seed of Hayyi
with you. Why do you want to stay on the earth? Why do you look like
the perished ones? Why do you abandon your pure garments and
wear the clothes of disobedience? Why do you relinquish your quiet
secrets, and enter the world of deficiencies? How can you give up your
loving companions and turn to the companions of destruction? How
can you abandon the company of Hayyi, and love the company of
destruction? When Hayyi talked to me, I the soul, with these words,
my heart split in two halves, and my eyes were filled with tears. How
and where did I commit this mistake?

I knelt down submissively, bowing down to the Most Great, and

prayed, weeping abundantly while returning to that house.

Why? How did that happen? Is it possible for those who live in the
safe abode to love the destructive lifestyle? Is there a human being who
strips off his pure garments and puts on the raiment of evildoers? Is it
possible for those who enjoy the companionship of love to prefer the
companionship of the oppressors?

We educated you and warned you. Yushamin, the Second Life,

became old, so need and deficiencies came from him. Destruction
began with him, and anxiety and chaos prevailed in the world.

The voice came, “Manda ’d Hayyi, the voice has come to you.
Come quickly to protect your sons, and give them your blessings.
Cover them with your splendor.

My father came to me. He bestowed his splendor upon me. I knelt

down to his compassion, bowing down to his touch, and returned to
the first world. I bowed down to Hayyi, and walked to the houses of
the righteous Uthri. They bowed submissively when they saw me, and
they praised me greatly. They glorified the great Uthra who laid the
foundation for the universe.

GR. Book Seventeen 6,h Glorification

The Great Hayyi said, “Where are you walking, son of light?” I
answered, “To the darkness, to the depths of filth and disease, to the
world corrupted by the hidden ones.”

He said, “Go with the power of Hayyi. The light will accompany
you, and splendor will be with you. Kushta will be with you. The
righteous ones will be your faithful companions while you are going to
the world of destruction.”

When the evildoers saw me, they became dark, and fell on their
faces, drowning in the great Suf Sea.

“Where did you get this light? Where did you get this fragrance?”
Hibil Ziwa said, “Hayyi sent me to raise the generation of life from the
darkness, and to return with them to the Place of Light.”

' u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 7,h Glorification

The Creation of the World

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

am ’Ptahil, I came from the great light of my father. My father

summoned me from the source of splendor. He clothed me in
splendor and a garment of light. He bestowed upon me a magnificent
crown, by which the entire universe is illuminated. He said to me,
“Arise, my son, to start your dangerous trip. Go to the earth, Arqa ’d
Tibil, and make it solid from the murky water. Raise the sky over it.
Let fountains of water burst within it. Let it have Yardni, springs, and
streams. Prepare the body of Adam. The chosen people will come
from Adam. They will ascend to the Place of Light.

Call forth with three sounds. With the first sound, the earth will
become solid and the sky will stretch forth.

The waters will flow and become fresh with the second sound.

With the third voice, the trees will sprout, the birds will fly, and
the fish will dive into the seas. The earth will become full of plants and
animals of different kinds.

Here I am, walking to the edge of the earth. Murky waters can be
seen as far as the eye can see; my eyes can see the murky waters.

I shouted, but the waters did not become solid. I waded into the
water up to my knees, but the waters did not become solid. I sank into
the waters as far as my mouth, but they did not become solid. I spoke
the name of Manda’d Hayyi upon them, but the waters did not

GR, Book Seventeen 7"' Glorification

become solid. I threw my seven garments in it, but the waters did not
become solid. The waters were disturbed and were consuming one
another. Whenever I called them, the waters obstinately refused.

Was I mistaken? Father, what have I done to be sent here to this

catastrophe, to these devouring waters? They do not recognize the
name of Hayyi, whenever I called them, the waters merely echoed my
voice back to me.

I ascended from the stinking waters, and stood before Abathur, my

father. He asked, “What did you accomplish? Why do you look weak?
I said, “Father, you sent me to a chaotic world, with no glimpse of light
within it, a world of boiling waters that consume one another. I called
them, but they did not respond. I spoke the name of the Great Hayyi
upon them, but they did not respond. I sank into them as far as my
mouth, but they never solidified. I threw all my clothing into it, but
they did not become solid. Now, I return to you, asking for your help.”

Abathur bowed down and prayed to Hayyi, pleading with Him

about what he must do. Suddenly, Hibil Ziwa appeared. He gave the
secret to Abathur, my father. My father wrapped it inside a pure
garment of light, and carried it to me. He gave it to me and said, “Go,
my obedient son, make the murky waters solid, to become earth and
stretch forth the patches!”

I went back to the waters that were devouring one another. I threw
the secret in it, so it would turn solid and became earth. It stood at a
depth of twelve thousand leagues. It appeared horrified and trembled,
and then it turned solid. Its clouds were like white ether, rising up as a
wing flying around the world. It was called Mshuni Kushta, the world
of Truth, to which the Righteous Elect are elevated. They will grow
and multiply, and then they will ascend to the Place of Light. That was
the first formation.

Then another two thousand leagues became the second formation.

GR, Book Seventeen 7th Glorification

It was an earth covered with dust, and named Tibil, the

constructed world.

That was my first sound, the first call, through which the earth was
formed and the heavens were raised.

With the second call, the seas stretched forth, and the waters
flowed into brooks and rivers.

With the third call, the fish dived, the birds of different kinds and
colors flew, and the animals spread throughout the forests and the
deserts. They will provide food and amusement for Adam and his

With the fourth call trees, herbs, and seeds sprouted. Each is
different from the other.

With the fifth call, worms, reptiles, and animals crawled and
walked across the ground.

I called the sixth call, and the creatures of darkness came forth.

With my seventh call, Ruha and her seven sons stood before me.

I was terrified upon seeing them. Who called them? Who brought
them forth? I said to them, “You are not from the house of my father,
who has summoned you here? Why do you appear panic-stricken?”

They were shrinking, and entering each other’s skins. They came
to me, bowing down and welcomed me, and said, “We came here to
become your devoted slaves, to be your obedient servants and
followers. If you finish building your kingdom, we shall be your
supporters. We will add dignity to your power, and serve your throne
and rule. ’Ptahil said to them, “Then improve upon your words, and
execute your deeds with perfection. If you satisfy me, then you will
become my children in this world.”

The moment ’Ptahil said that, the House was taken from him.

GR. Book Seventeen 7,h Glorification

’Ptahil, why were you disobedient? Why did you listen to these evil
creatures? Why did you relinquish the desire and the path of your

’Ptahil was bound with a great chain. A wall arose between him
and his father Abathur. They could hear one another, but they could
not see one another. Hibil Ziwa was sent to finish what remained of
the world, guard Adam and Eve, and be kind to them. The chosen
people will come from them, along with the Righteous Elect, who pray
and worship, and praise the name of the Great Hayyi; then they will
ascend to the Place of Light.

u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 8th Glorification

The Call of Hayyi

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

t is His voice calling.

It is the voice of Hayyi.

Those who have ears should hear it, beware and be submissive.

Everyone must watch himself.

Blessed are those who know righteousness and pursue it. Blessed
are those who know themselves, and who care for their lives.

Blessed be the fair; they will ascend to the Place of Light.

Woe to those who advise other people, but who do not take their
own advice.

Woe to those who can learn, but do not attempt to do so.

Woe to the insatiable eyes and the insatiable body.

Woe to those who prepare paths for others, but never prepare a
path for themselves.

Woe to the wise who do not give anyone the benefit of their

Woe to ignorant who insist upon remaining ignorant.

Woe to those who recognize the path of justice, but avoid it and
take the dishonest one.

Woe to the ruler whose people do not feel secure

GR, Book Seventeen 8th Glorification

Woe to the heart filled with evil; its owner will never see the Place
of Light.

Blessed are those who are given boons and bestows some of them
upon others; they will receive a reward.

Your good deeds will precede you on the Day of Judgment, and
will serve as your sustenance on your way to the World of Light.

’ u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Seventeen 9lb Glorification

The Origin of the Soul

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

u rom the Place of Light, I have come.

From you, the perfect place, I have come.

An Uthra from the House of Hayyi accompanied me: an Uthra

with a Margna staff of living water in his hand. The Margna staff
abounded with splendid leaves; he gave me some, so I felt greatly
glorified. He gave some of them to me again; I was healed, and felt
secure and at peace. He gave some of them to me for a third time, and
I felt stable without any anxiety. I saw my Father, and recognized Him.
I asked him three questions:

I asked Him for peace, security, and for a rest without disturbance;

I asked him for a soul, fit for both the old and young;

I asked him for a smooth path to the Place of Light.

’ u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Eighteen 1st Glorification

The Believer’s love for Hayyi

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Ha}yi

J have loved justice ever since I loved You. I have loved

truthfulness ever since I loved You.

Once I recognized You, I realized that the material world is false and
that all of its delights will vanish.

You are much more beloved to me than my father and mother.

You are much beloved to me than my sisters and brothers, more
beloved than my sons and wife.

Neither wealth nor palaces are of any importance to me.

Neither clothes nor fragrances are of any importance to me.

Neither positions of power nor kingdoms will ever be satisfying to me.
I have found myself. I have nothing to do with the universe. I saw
Kushta with three insignia in his hand.

I took the first, and my eyes were filled with splendor.

I took the second, and I glowed like a crystal.

I took the third, and I ascended to the Place of Light.

All praise to You, King of Mercy!

All praise to You, King of Light!

' u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Eighteen 2nd Glorification

An Admonition of
One of the Uthri

"Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

he Uthra knelt down at the door of the House of Hayyi and sat
down to preach. He said, “I was the most senior of the
teachers. I was the head of the clerks and the writers. I was the
chief of the wisest scholars, and the enlightened intellectuals. Who has
made me ignorant?

How did darkness block my mind, so I placed the soul into the

When will the years come to an end? When will these troubles end
in relief?

When will the guardian angel arrive and rescue the liberated soul
from this trauma?

The material world has misled us through its comforts, and

deceived us through its godliness. When will we be rid of the trap of
the clay body? When will be delivered from Satan’s evil?

Glory to You, my Lord! You do not oppress Your sincere


"u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Eighteen 3rd Glorification

Kushta, You are My Guide

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

fl/~ushta! Like anyone who is seeking knowledge, I depend upon

V, your guidance.
You are the link between Hayyi and me.

My eyes look forward to you.

Tell my heart to be still, tell my consciousness to be tranquil, and
tell my anxieties to be resolved.
Tell the ferryman in the river to ferry me between the two banks.
Tell the guardian of the seas to protect my means for crossing the
Tell those who bestowed greatness upon the mountains to forge a
path through their boulders.

Kushta, tell the people who make the images and pictures, and
those who beautify themselves with jewelry, “Make haste, you will not
live long, and you will soon depart from your bodies.
“The world is false, and its deeds will vanish; neither gold nor
silver will last, and neither tears nor smiles will remain.

“The king will relinquish his crown; the nobles will abandon their

“All humanity will disappear.

“The righteous believers will ascend to the Place of Light, while the
evildoers will remain in darkness.”

'u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Eighteen 4"’ Glorification

Manda’d Hayyi is Calling

’Bshumayhon V Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Jj/ // e stands beyond the limits of the cosmos.

He calls from beyond furthest reaches of the universe.

Chosen believers, listen: Manda’d Hayyi is calling you.

There are witnesses to bear witness to you.

Manda’d Hayyi said, “Hayyi knows that I have called. I have called
you, humanity of the earth.

“I called them to worship Hayyi, but they occupied themselves with

the material world.

“I called them to care for their souls, but they were preoccupied by
their bodies.

“I called them to redemption, but they fell victim to Satan’s wiles.

“I called them to give charity, but they preferred to do wrong.

“Hayyi knew that I have called them. I said to them, ‘Do what your
Lord has commanded you to do, so that you will be happy.’

“Praised be your lord; pray, bow down, and praise Him, and you
may yet ascend.”

’ u Hayyi zaken

GR, Book Nineteen

The Deluge

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

A / oah was summoned to build an Ark, because the flood is


In the Ark, there should be a pair of every kind of creature, both male
and female.

Cedar wood was brought from Lebanon, and ebony was brought from

The Ark was built to perfection.

The laborers toiled for three hundred years. The Ark was three
hundred cubits in length, and fifty cubits in width, and thirty cubits in

Noah collected a pair of each creature, male and female alike, and
put them all within the Ark.

Geysers erupted for forty two days and forty-two nights. Fountains
of water poured down from the sky. Water flowed from other
fountains deep within the earth.

The sand disappeared beneath the water. Mountains and hills

became inundated with water. Then the entire world was covered with

The Ark floated over the water for eleven months, between storms
and hurricanes. Then the strong winds subsided, the water became
calm, and the Ark drifted near a huge rock—the top of Mount

GR, Book Nineteen

Noah felt at peace. The flood had ended, and safety prevailed. But
where is he now?
In which place is he? Where is the edge of this water? Where is the
Noah released a crow and left him fly over the water. He said to the
crow, “If you find land, then come back bearing the good news, and do
not be late.”

The crow set out, flapping its wings over the water. Noah waited,
but the crow did not return, because he forgot his mission.

Noah took out a dove and said, “May you bring me a sign!”

The dove flew up with all due speed and dedication. She saw the
crow on top of Mount Qardun, eating the flesh of a corpse.

She saw an olive tree in the open air, its branches dangling upon
the water. She took a branch and returned to Noah.

Noah cursed the crow and blessed the pigeon from that very day
until the Day of Judgment.

The material world was preserved for Sam, son of Noah, and his
wife Nuraitha, from whom the world was repopulated.

'u Hayyi zaken


Abathur The third of three emanations from the Great
Hayyi. His place is between the purgatories
and the World of Light. He is responsible to
weigh the souls in his scale. There is a
Mandaean scripture in his name, i.e. Diwan
Adakas Ziwa The hidden Adam in the Place of Light. He is
the metaphysical Adam, the wholly spiritual
humanity. He is the macrocosm conceived not
only as an Idea but as an Ideal.
Adathan & The two spirits of light who sit at the Gate of
Yadathan Life praying for the spirits and the souls in the
Place of Light. They are also the Uthri who
were set over the first river and guard the
heaven water.
Adonay A Name given to the sun and the God of
Jews; another name for Shamish.
Aiar Ether, brilliant, dazzling, vigilant.
Aiar baraia The external ether.
Aiar Ziwa The radiant ether.
Ail rabba Another name of Mara 'd Rabutha.
Anathan An infernal being, husband of Qin, the queen
of darkness.
Andiruna A ritual hut built for marriage rites and
consecration of priest.
Anush An outstanding Uthra; one of the triad of
spirits Hibil, Shitil, and Anush.
Arhum The Guard of a purgatory.
’Bhaq Ziwa The Name of a light spirit means the
illuminate light. It is also a name given to


’Bhiri Zidqa The truthful believers.

Bit Manda The cult house of the Mandaeans.
Borsippa An old Sumearian city, about 17 km to the
south of Babilon city.
Bshumaihun’d The Mandaean opening phrase which means
Hayyi Rabbi “In the Name of the Great Living One”.
’Dmutha Likness, Counterpart, Image; usually refers to
the spiritual or ideal counterpart or double of
everything and everyone in the material world.
Dananukht The name of a Mandaean sacred person and
refers to the prophet Enoch.
Din Mlikh The name of an Uthra.
DiSai The name of a personified document in the
story of Dananukht.
Drabsha (pl. The banner used in ritual and represents a
Drabshi) light symbol. It is made from a cross-piece of
wood, a white silk to be thrown in a special
way on the peak (one end is fringed), a myrtle
wreath is slipped over the peak. During
baptism, it has to be erected on the bank of
the river. The common one is Drabsha ’d
Yahia; the banner of John the Baptist.
Eur The Son of Ruha, and the lord of darkness.
Ewath An Epithet for Ruha.
Gabriel An Uthra and a messenger of the Great Hayyi.
Gaf & Gafan Two great beings of the world of darkness.
Ganzibra (pl. The ecclesiastical rank above that of
Ganzibri) Tarmitha.
Ginza The Treasure.
Giuo A being of the world of darkness.
GL. Ginza Rabba, the left part.
GR. Ginza Rabba, the right part.
Hagh & Magh A pair of rulers of the world of darkness.
Ham Ziwa & Two beings of light.


Nhur Ziwa
Hauraran A heavenly land, a brilliant white.
Hawa Eve; the wife of Adam.
Hayyi The Living One. The mandaic term for the
supreme and primal deity, who caused the
creation. In other contexts, the word refers to
the “Life”.
Hayyi zaken The mandaic closing phrase which means
“Hayyi is victorious”.
Hibil A being of light, one of the triad of spirits
Hibil, Shitil and Anush.
Hibil Ziwa Son of Manda'd Hayyi, a great Uthra of light,
the first messenger, the saviour, the brave and
well equipped Uthra who conquered the world
of darkness.
Himyana The sacred girdle; it is tubular and woven from
the wool of a white male womb; 60 threads are
used. The one end is ringlike which refers to
the spring of water and the other end is fringed
which symbolises the streams.
Hitfon A great river in the world of darkness which
the soul has to cross it during its ascending to
the world of light.
Hiwath A name given to Ruha.
’Kbar Ziwa A being of light, a name given to higher
Kana Receptacle, vessel, place of assembly, stem,
branch, home, place of origin.
Klila A wreath, a garland of myrtle, the word used
also as a gnostic term to mean “crown of
Krun An underworld demon, the ruler of one of the
levels of darkness.
Kushta Truth, sincerity, promise, ritual handgrip,


good faith, faithfulness, the hand of honour.

Laufa Union, unity, connection.
Laufani The act of eating a communal sacramental
meal in commemoration of deceased persons.
'Mshuni Kushta An ideal world, one removed from this
world : it is a world of true being, a supra
mundane world of ideas, in which is found
the ’Dmutha, the counterpart, of every­
thing in the material world.
Malka (pl. Malki) A term for “angel”.
Mambugha The spring of water, water drunk
Mana A vessel, garment, intelligence, heart, spirit,
Manda'd Hayyi The Gnosis of Life, a very outstanding Uthra
and the saviour-spirit. He is according to the
mandaic religion the father of Uthri.
Mandaia (pl. A person full with the knowledge of God.
Mara’d Rabutha The Lord of Greatness, the Teacher of
Margna The ritual olivewood staff carried by a
priest, a symbol of priesthood and refers
to the power of the living water.
MaSbuta Mandaean rite of baptisim/submission in the
running water.
Masiqtha Ascent, a commemorative sacrament for
The benefit of the dead performed by
priests only. It is performed within the
Matratha (pl. Purgatory, place of detention; there are seven
Matrathi) of them in the otherworld, and the soul has to
pass all of them to reach the World of Light.
’Nbat A spirit of light, the first great Radiance, and


there is a purgatory in his name.

’NSab A being of light, called also NSab Rabba and
NSab Ziwa.
NaSirutha The true faith. The deep knowledge of the
Mandaean religion. A NaSurayia is the
one who is thoroughly versed in the faith
and doctrine of Mandaism.
Nbaz Haila A being of light, and there is a purgatory in his
Nishimtha (pl. The immortal and pre-existent soul of Man.
Nitufta A drop, sperm, origin, nature.
’Ptahil Son of Abathur, the Mandaean demiurge.
There is a purgatory in his name.
Pihtha The sacramental wafer of unleavened bread.
Piriawis Yardna The name of a heavenly stream, a personified
vine, and a being of light.
Qin The name of the queen of darkness. She is the
mother of Ruha, and the grandmother of Eur.
Rabba Qadmaya The First Great One, the Creator.
Ram & Rud The only remaining pair of the first human
generation who helped repopulate the world
after destruction with sword and the epidemic.
Ruaz Gufna A being of light. A great secret vine which
looses milky juices.
Ruha Personified as the daughter of Qin. She gave
birth to Eur and married him and begot of him
the seven planets and the twelve zodiacs. She is
the mother of darkness. The term also refers to
the human spirit. It is the indication of the
trends, desires and tendencies.
Rushma The sacramental sign and a name of the daily
ritual ablution.
’Shdum A spirit of darkness. One of the rulers of the


’Shkinta Dwelling, celestial dwelling, name given to the
Sam Smir Ziwa A being of light, one of the twelve names
invoked at auspicious rituals.
Sam Ziwa An Uthra and a son of Yushamin.
Saureil A being of light.
Sea of Suf A great sea that the soul has to pass in the first
steps of ascending. The limit of wordly desire.
Second/ Second This word refers to Yushamin. See Yushamin
Shamish The sun.
Shar Gufna A being of light.
Shar Ziwa A heavenly being referring to the great vine,
and an agnomen given to Hibil Ziwa.
Shihlun An Uthra.
Shilmai & Nidbai Two spirits of light who guard the running
Shitil One of the triad of spirits Hibil, Shitil, and
Anush. He is the son of Adam (Seth). Abathur
weighs the souls of the dead against the pure
soul of Shitil.
Shurbai & Ancestors of the human race. Shurbai and his
Shurhabil wife Shurhabil were the only survived pair
after the world being destroyed by fire. They
are the head of the third human generation.
Shurhabil is also an Uthra.
Sin A name for the moon.
Siniawis The underworld, abode of darkness, the lower
Smir Ziwa A being of light, and the pure first Radiance.
Sumqaq A place in the world of darkness, a name given
to Qin.
Tabutha Goodness, kindness, ritual food.


Tarmithi (sg. A religious grade in the mandaic priesthood. It

Tarmitha) means: student or disciples.
Tarwan The name of a heavenly region.
A heavenly being paired with Tar.
Taureil A name of an Uthra.
Tibil, Arqa 'd The world, the earth. A mandaic term for the
Tibil earthly world.
Uthra (pl. Uthri) A spirit of light. Uthri are invariably pure and
Yardna running water, a stream or river where the
water is perpetually flowing.
Yasana A heavenly place, a name for a heavenly gate.
Yathrun A being of light, the father of Shilmai.
Yawar Helper, an outstanding being.
Yawar Ziwa Dazzling Radiance, a great uthra, husband of
Simat Hayyi, called also Yawar Kasia or Yawar
Yufin & Yufafin An important Uthri, a pair of heavenly beings
who bless humankind.
Yuhana John the Baptist, called also Yahia Yuhana.
Yukhabr An important Uthra, a heavenly being.
Yukhashr An important uthra, source of Radiance.
Yur A guard of purgatory.
Yura Jewel, a being of light.
Yurba An important being of light, also called the
fighter. There is a purgatory in his name.
Yushamin An important Uthra, the second life, a
mediator between good and evil.
Yusmir An important Uthra.
Yuzataq A name given to Manda’d Hayyi.


Zahreil The daughter of Ruha and the spouse of Hibil

Ziwa in the realm of darkness, and an
outstanding female demon.
Zan Hazazban A heavenly being, a guard of purgatory.
Zartai & Zartanai A pair of underworld beings.
Zarzeil Ziwa An Uthra.
Zidqa Righteousness, charity.
Zidqa Brikha A name given to the ritual meal celebrated by
priests for the dead, marriage, and a
supplement after the Masiqtha.



Abathur 47, 80, 104, 107, 117, Ark 18,203

133, 134, 150, 153, 165, 166, Banner seeDrabsha
167, 174, 175, 179, 182, 183, Baptism 99, 100,101,102, 105,
184, 193, 195,206,210,211. 185, seeMaSbuta
23,38, 39,71,97, 104 BhaqZiwa 41,53,172,206
Adakas 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 129, Bhiri Zidqa 84,86,87,180,
133, 135, 206 189,207
Adam XI, XII, XVII, 7, 8, 16, Call XVIII, 9, 26, 128,174,
18, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 82, 184, 192, 196.2
125, 133, 134, 135, 136, 140, Dananukht XVII, 113,114,
141, 145, 150, 153, 166, 167, 115,116,117,118, 119,120,
192, 194, 195, 206, 208,211. 207
8, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Darkness XVII, 42,43, 116. 8,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 58,70,79
20,21,22,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Day of Judgment 9,12,13, 25,
28,29, 30,31,32,33, 34, 35, 139,140,184,197, 204. 20,
36,37, 38,39, 40,41,42,43, 89
44, 45, 54, 70,71,72, 74, 83, DiSai 113,114,115,207
84, 115 Dmutha XIV, XVIII, 70,71,
Adathan and Yadathan 66, 72,73, 75,76, 131, 188, 207,
171, 172, 187 209, 32
Adonay 16,206 Drabsha I, II, 167,178, 207. 2
Alms 128 Ether 27,36,206
Anathan 72, 74, 206 Euphrates 26, 3,12,66
Anush XVII, XVIII, 19, 59, 66, Eur 76,77,78,79,81,95,96,
68, 69, 76, 134, 136, 144, 145, 207,210,211
147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, Eve see Hawa
153, 165, 166, 167, 174, 175, Evil 45,86,124,126,182
206, 208,211, 1,23,71 Ewath 115,116,207
Arhum 93, 206 Fast 10,11


Fire 7,8,9, 11,17, 18,24,29, 109, 110, 111, 112, 116, 117,
31,33, 35, 40, 43, 45, 46, 50, 119, 120, 129, 131, 132, 133,
53, 58, 95, 108, 109, 111, 113, 135, 136, 137, 141, 142, 144,
118, 119, 124, 137,143, 145, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152,
146,147,148, 149,152, 162, 153, 156, 157, 159, 174, 177,
163,180,185- 19, 29,48, 58, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 194,
90,91, 117,118,131 198, 200. 8, 10, 15, 16, 22,27,
Gabriel 7,47,54,166,207 32, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45,
Gaf and Gafan 72,74,75 46, 47, 49, 53, 57, 58, 60, 61,
Ganzibra VIII, IX, X, XIV, 70, 68, 69, 70, 75, 77, 88, 90, 94,
185,190, 207 95, 105, 107, 112, 115, 116,
Ganzibri 156, 207, 56 125, 128, 131, 132, 133
Giuo 73, 74, 207 Jerusalem 19,87,124
God V, XI, XII, XIX, 1,9,15, Jews 19, 206
16, 19,20,21,22, 87,126, John the Baptist see Yuhana
149, 167, 206, 209. 6, 89 Kbar Ziwa 28, 38, 49, 50, 208
Goodness 40,212, 78 King XIX, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Hagh and Magh 72 11, 12, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26, 35,
Hawa XII, 125,166,208,8, 11, 36, 49, 65, 95, 99, 116, 164,
15, 18, 20,21,22, 23, 24, 25 199, 5. 20, 49
Hibil XVII, XVIII, 7, 59, 65, Kingdom 135, 154
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, Klila 208, 75, 133
76, 78, 80,81,82, 83, 112, Krun 73,74,209
125, 133, 134, 141, 142,144, Kushta XVIII, 4, 12, 13, 15, 19,
145, 152, 159, 165, 166, 167, 24, 29, 30, 50,51,87, 102,
177,178,180,183,186,187, 104, 106, 113, 114, 115, 118,
191, 193, 195, 206, 208,211, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 144,
213. 1,20,21,22,25, 70,88 152, 155, 161, 165, 166, 167,
Himyana 208, 53 171, 175, 178, 179, 181, 182,
Hitfon 208,90, 91 188, 191, 193, 199, 201, 209.
Hiwath 33,35,40,208 9, 8, 9, 60,61,63, 64, 69,71,
House 30, 31, 32, 34, 38,50, 72, 81, 87, 94, 104, 105, 109,
51,59,60,79,106,107,108, 112, 135, 137


Light X, XI, XVII, XIX, 2, 3, 4, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 165,
17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 166, 167, 178, 180, 190, 192,
33, 35, 36, 45, 47, 65, 68, 73, 202,213. 24, 25, 26, 28, 46,
77, 78, 79, 84, 92, 95, 99, 102, 49, 60, 64, 72,81,92, 100,
103, 104, 105, 112, 118, 120, 101, 108, 109, 112, 113, 127,
126, 128, 129, 135, 136, 138, 131
148, 152, 153, 155, 157, 159, Mandaean I, II, VII, VIII, IX,
160, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, XI, XII, XIV, XVII, 18, 19,
169, 173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 165, 209,210,2
180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 189, Mara’d Rabutha 19,66,67,
191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 128, 179,187, 209
198, 199, 201,206,210. 1,5, Margna 17,44,47,66, 100,
6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 23, 27, 167, 198, 209, 75, 133
28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 44, 45, 46, MaSbuta 99,100,101, 102,
53, 57, 58,61,64, 68, 70,71, 105, 185, 209, 87
72, 83, 84, 90,91,93, 97, 101, Masiqtha 13,71,76,105,120,
102, 112, 114, 127, 128, 131, 185,209,213, 89
134 Matratha 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
Mambugha 12,209,87 96,97,103,104,116,117,
Mana 27, 28, 29, 30, 59, 60, 62, 210.8
63,66, 70,71,72, 73, 75, 76, Matrathi XVII, 89, 97, 98, 210,
80, 82, 128, 129, 130, 133, 23, 39,44,67, 70
135, 137, 156, 168, 178, 186, Messenger XVII, 7, 24, 54, 166
209. 8,27, 28, 29, 30,31,32, Moon 82,108,166
33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 52, 62, Mystery 61,66,71,72,73,74,
88,97, 115 75, 76, 79,106
Manda M Hayyi XVII, XVIII, NaSirutha 17,210,47
19, 25, 29, 30,31,35, 37,51, NaSurayyi XVIII, 16,92,120,
60,61,65, 66, 67, 70,71,73, 121,126,129,139, 152,157,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 99, 174,180,182,183,184, 186,
101, 102, 103, 104, 120, 125, 187. 1,72
126, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, Nbat XVII, 28,168,170,210


Noah 18,19,147,203,204 Savior XVII, 70, 15

North 93 Sea of Suf 12, 25,29,211
Place of Light 8, 12, 13, 17, 19, Seven 61,82, 108, 109, 116,
23, 26, 33, 45, 47, 68, 92, 99, 125
102, 103, 104, 105, 120, 126, Shdum 73,74,211
129, 136, 138, 152,153, 155, Shilmai XVII, 66, 69, 106, 107,
157, 159, 160, 163, 175, 176, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 127,
179, 180, 181, 184, 187, 189, 158, 165, 166, 181, 182, 187,
191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 211,212,8
198, 199, 201,206. 8, 9, 10, Shilmai and Nidbai 69, 127,
27, 28, 30, 35, 46, 53,61,64, 158, 165, 166, 181, 182, 187
70,71,72, 83, 84, 90,91,93, Shitil 66, 76, 134, 136, 144,
97, 101, 102, 114, 127, 128, 145, 152, 153, 165, 166, 167,
131, 134 206, 208,211.8, 1,5, 6, 7, 8,
Ptahil 7, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 9, 26
59, 60,61,63, 80,81,82,103, Shkinta 211,24, 50
104, 107, 117, 132, 133, 134, Shurbai and Shurhabil 18,145
149, 150, 151, 173, 179, 180, Siniawis 33,56,70,212
182, 183, 186, 192, 194, 195, Soul XI, XVII, XVIII, 89, 198.
210. 37, 38, 39,71,97 8, 9, 45, 48, 49, 50, 56, 58, 59,
Qin 72,74,206,210,211,212 68, 73, 80,81,84, 85, 86, 90,
Radiance 13,49,159,210,212, 91,92, 110, 119, 125, 131,
213, 8, 45, 80 132
Ram and Rud 18, 145 Sun 82, 107, 166
River see Yardna Sunday XIV, 165, 166, 9,81,
Ruha 41,61,71,75,76,79,81, 100
82, 84, 92, 97, 106,115, 116, Tarmithi 100,106,111,118,
125, 126, 142, 143, 145, 150, 119, 126, 152, 166, 167,212.
151, 194, 207, 208,210,211, 58
213. 70,71,94,106,114 Tibil 192, 194,212. 9, 11,90
Satan 8,9,10,11, 14,15,68, Tigris 12, 66
109, 123, 135, 140, 141, 144, Treasure I, II, XI, XV, 52, 207.
175, 181,200, 202. 24 2,41


Twelve 149, 154 35,45,46, 50,51,55,61,67,

Uthra 7, 19,28,29,31,35,37, 72, 73, 80, 83,95, 134
38, 39, 42, 50,51,53, 54, 63, Water XVIII, 42,79,99,181,
64, 65,66, 68, 70, 72, 104, 203
115, 117, 118, 119, 133, 134, Wedding XVII, 26
136, 151, 167, 182, 186, 190, Wreath 9,115
198, 200, 206, 207, 208, 209, Yardna 27,28,31,32,36,40,
211,212,213.71,74, 90 48,49, 66, 67, 75, 85,100,
Uthri XVIII, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 13, 101,102,106,126,127,128,
17, 19, 28, 29, 30,31,32, 36, 131,140,165,166,167, 169,
37,38, 39, 40,41,44, 48, 49, 171,172,176,177,178,182,
50,51,52,53, 54, 59, 65, 66, 183,187,210,212. 3, 20, 38,
67, 68, 70, 73, 76, 78, 79, 82, 62, 63, 87, 111
104, 106, 112, 118, 119, 126, Yuhana XVII, 99,100,101,
128, 129, 136, 137, 138, 140, 102,103,104,105,121,124,
141, 142, 157, 162, 163, 164, 213
168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, Yushamin 80,132,165,166,
177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 167,168,170,171,172,178,
186, 188, 190, 200, 206, 209, 179,183,187,190,212,213.
212. 7, 8, 9, 15,18, 20,24,28, 71
Zahreil 74,213

Ginza Rabba
The Great Treasure

An equivalent translation of the Mandaean Holy Book

Translated by

Qais Mughashghash Al-Saadi Hamed Mughashghash Al-Saadi

Second Edition
Germany 2019

Ginza Rabba
The Great Treasure
An equivalent translation of the Mandaean Holy Book

Translated by
Prof. Dr. Qais Mughashghash Al-Saadi
Hamed Mughashghash Al-Saadi


Mandaic fonts and arts by: Qais Al-Saadi

© All rights reserved to Qais Al-Saadi & Fouad Chasib Muhyi

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the authors.
nza Rabba

Left Volume
The first circle (from inside) contains the short term of the Mandaean testimony of faith:
“Hayyi exists, my Lord exists, Manda 'd Haii exists”. The following inner cricle contains a
Mandaean prayer (see p. XXI). The next circle contains the opening phrase of the right Ginza
(see p.l). The 28 outer circles contain the phrase “Ginza Rabba” in Mandaic calligraphy.
Contents of the Left Volume

The return of Shitil, son of Adam to the World of Light 1

The return of Adam to the Place of Light............................. 10
Hawa after the ascension of Adam........................................ 21
I am the Mana, the scion of Hayyi......................................... 27
I am the Mana, the pure and pious........................................ 29
I am the Mana, of perfect splendor........................................ 31
I am the Mana, residing in my Father’s grace...................... 33
I am the Mana, a scion of the Place of Light........................ 35
I am the Mana, who set forth from the house of life.......... 37
I am the Mana, who was concealed in the treasury............. 40
I am the Mana, who came from the House of Life 42
Free soul, daughter of radiance.............................................. 45
Hail to you, soul....................................................................... 50
Go in peace, o chosen one....................................................... 52
The road which Adam attained............................................. 54
The day on which the soul departs........................................ 56
Between darkness and light..................................................... 58
I am the head of the believers................................................. 62
Blessed is he who redeemed me............................................. 65
You who said that relief is coming......................................... 67
When the darkness intensified around Adam...................... 70
The soul emerged from the fruits of Hayyi.......................... 73
I came naked to this world...................................................... 75
I am still a suckling baby......................................................... 77
I am standing on high............................................................. 78
Between the hidden and the radiant...................................... 83
Her years have come to an end............................................. 85
A voice called from on high.................................................. 88
The soul is on Tibil................................................................ 90
Whose soul is this?................................................................ 92
The letter of Kushta............................................................... 94
Hayyi has sent me my destiny............................................... 95
I passed the door of the garden............................................. 98
The splendor of Sunday......................................................... 1Q0
When will my years come to an end?................................... 102
They put me into the life....................................................... 1 Q3
A voice and a voice in response............................................ 1 Qg
Kushta is good to the good.................................................... 1Q8
I heard the voice of the soul crying....................................... no
My measure has become full................................................. 111
Although I am still a small child............................................ 113
I am a crystal wreath............................................................. 115
I am a righteous child of the greatness................................. 117
The soul within me yearns for Hayyi................................... 119
For whom are you guarding the road?................................. j 26
I passed through the door of the captives............................. 127
Birds of the wastelands........................................................... 128
Wasted world, you are dazed and confused!........................ 129
Woe is me! What have I done?............................................. 130
I heard a voice of a soul......................................................... j 32
I am a daughter of the faithful righteous.............................. 13 5
Ginza Rabba
Left Volume

Praised be my Lord, master ofall the worlds, with a pure heart!

Nothing that did not come from Him has ever existed, and nothing
that does not come from Him ever will
GL, Book One I'1 Glorification

The Return of Shitil, son of Adam to the

World of Light

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

- - e is Hayyi, the king of the World of Light,

the almighty, the rich, and the ever-forgiving.

He is the flowing water that has never changed,

and the mountains that have never moved.

They are our brothers Hibil, Shitil, and Anush.

They are the righteous, truthful NaSurayyi.

They perfected and illuminated the deserted earth,

and were neither afraid nor requested help.

Hayyi, sitting upon His throne, said,

“Let there be death for human beings in the material world.

Adam has lived one thousand years.

Let him depart from his body before aging,

before becoming feeble from illness,

and before becoming despised by his children.”

The order of Hayyi was accomplished.

Gl. Book One 1st Glorification

We call it “Truth” while you call it “Death” .

Those who deny it will find sixty six obstacles before them.

Hayyi is the decider.

He is the One who issue the orders,

and Saureil must obey.

He supports the command of Hayyi,

helping the soul depart from the body

and ascending along with it to the Creator.

Neither intercession nor sacrifice is accepted by Hayyi.

No human being can be substituted by another one.

“Saureil, descend to the world of evil and imperfection.

Call upon Adam, and teach him wisdom and benevolence.

“Say to him,

‘You were dumb; we made you able to speak.

You were deaf; we made you able to hear.

You were ignorant; we made you knowledgeable.

You were lonely; we made you sociable.’

Say to him,

“You have lived one thousand years.

GL, Book One T' Glorification

It is time for you to leave the land of evil and sin,

and return to the land of brightness and peace.

Come, Adam, before you become incapable and decrepit,

before your children grow up and make a fool of you.”

Adam became angry and was full of sadness.

He wept and wailed and his eyes were filled with tears.

He fell upon the ground, flailed his arms,

beat his chest with his hands, and said,

“O voice, that calls me;

o wisdom, that talks to my mind and my heart!

In the world in which I live,

the palm spathes and fresh dates are eaten before dry dates.

Seeds are eaten before thorns.

Fresh vegetables are eaten before dried food.”

Adam spoke to Saureil,

“Let us go to the source of Frash Ziwa the Euphrates,

to the bank of the great Yardna of Life,

and to the great building,

looking for dry vegetables to be eaten.

I have lived only one thousand years in this world,

1st Glorification
GL Book One

and I wish I could live another thousand years.”

Saureil ascended and brought this to Hayyi’s attention. He said,

“My Lord, you who know about all things,

Adam wishes to stay in the underworld.

He begs his Creator to prolong his stay there.”

Hayyi said,

“Arise, Saureil, and descend to that world,

the world of obstacles and evildoers.

“Say to Adam:

‘You are a wise human being,

but your Lord knows all.

He does not want you to become senile or disabled

so that your children make a fool of you.

Come, die as if you were never created.

Come, die before you become weak and humiliated.

Let your soul return to the house,

the house of her Father, her lord and creator.’”

GL, Book One 1“ Glorification

Adam said,

“My son Shitil wants to go to that habitation.

He is younger than I am, and gentler than I am.

He is eighty years old;

He is not clinging to a woman,

and has no many offspring.

Go to him instead of me!

Take him instead of me!

He is the one who used to go to that place.”

Hayyi asked Saureil to go to Shitil, son of Adam,

to call him, talk to him, and teach him wisdom,

and to say to him,

“Shitil, son of Adam:

Come, die as if you were never created.

Your soul yearns to return to the great home, from which she came,

the world of her Father, the King of Light.”

Saureil informed Shitil.

Shitil, son of Adam, said,

“O voice, that calls me,

You, who revealed to me to release my soul.

GL Book One 1st Glorification

I am only eighty years old! I had never been clung to a woman,

and have never had many offspring.

Will you go to my Father Adam?

He has lived a thousand years in this world.

Will you go to him and ask him to submit to the order of Hayyi?”

Saureil said,

“Shitil, son of Adam, we have summoned your father Adam;

We summoned him before we summoned you,

but he sent us to you.”

Shitil, son of Adam, said,

“Shall I disobey the order of my Lord who has created me,

and refuse to depart from this body?”

Then he arose and removed the body of flesh and blood,

and put on the body of brightness and light.

He put on the luminous, splendid clothes,

covered his head with the pure turban,

and ascended to the World of Light,

surrounded by Uthri and angels.

GL, Book One Is* Glorification

He ascended, to be seated upon a cloud of light.

He prayed abundantly, made abundant praise, and said,

“Praise be to You, my Lord!

As you removed the mist from my heart,

so too remove it from the heart of Adam my father,

so that he can see the world to which I go.”

The mist was removed

and fell from Adam’s eyes.

The blockage fell from his ears

as well as the delusion from his mind.

Then Adam saw the world for which his son Shitil was departing,

and so he repented his decision to stay in the underworld.

He said, “My son, do not go before your father!

Come back, and I shall go there!”

Shitil said, “You naive old man!

Have you ever seen a newborn return to its mother’s womb?

The fetus in its mother’s womb looks like yolk of an egg.

Just as I have departed this world prematurely,

fetuses who are like egg yolks will come,

infants who their mouths are still full of milk will come,

GL Book One 1st Glorification

virgins who are still virgins like the sealed letters will come,

brides with oil still not flowing from their wreaths will come, those
who met their fate by roads accidents will come.

In this world you are asking about, the master may desire death,

but death does not come to him.

Those who say, ‘this child will stay, and that old man has to depart,

will be interrogated and judged in the Place of Judgment” .

Shitil, son of Adam, was seized by winds and ascended to the heights

until he arrived at the Ma\ratha of Shilmai, trustee of the treasure.

He is responsible for the gate of the illumination,

and he has the key of Kushta.

They opened the door of the house,

and Shitil resided in a great celestial dwelling.

He was treated generously and respectfully.

They put him into the grapevine from which he had been formed;

It is full of brilliance.

They took him to the tree,

from which his vine was taken.

The trunk of its tree is water,

and it branches are luminous Uthri,

and its leaves glow with light.

There is a great vessel of seeds in it

GL, Book One 1'* Glorification

and a great vessel of souls.

Their food is not perishable

and their drink is not wine.

They braid wreaths for their heads

under the blessing of the almighty Lord ,

who fills their lives with happiness.

“This is my path and the ascension, through which I ascended,

together with the fair believers and the righteous ones,

when they depart from their bodies.”

This is what Shitil, son of Adam said.

The Great Hayyi stretched the hand of Kushta to him,

encircled him with Uthri, the angels of light,

and established him in the Place of Light.

’u Hayyi zaken

GI Book One 2nd Glorification

The Return of Adam

to the Place of Light

Bsbuniayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

y : hen the order was issued from the House of Hayyi,

the savior descended to Adam and said,

“Adam, I was ordered to release your soul from your body,

and take you out of this world.

I shall release you from this prison of flesh,
and from the chains of bones and blood.

I shall ascend with you to the house of your Father,

the house of light and peace,

where neither hatred nor darkness exists.”

The soul of Adam said,

“Raise up your body, Adam, rise up!

Provide yourself with the blessings

with which you will meet your Father.

You are going there,

and He will be pleased to see you.”

GL, Book One 2nd Glorification

Adam remained asleep in his bed.

“Adam, the savior is on his way to you.

Arise, remove this clay garment that you wear!

Obey the order of Hayyi.

You will continue to live after leaving this dead body.”

Adam remained asleep in his bed.

The savior of Hayyi came and stood beside Adam, and said,

“Adam, arise, remove this clay garment in which you lived,

and toss it back to those who made it!

Your years have come to an end,

and you have to leave this world.

Adam, the Great Hayyi sent me to you to ascend with me

to the place of eternal Life, wherein your Father resides.”

Adam waited and wept. He cried, complained, and said to the savior:

“My father, if I came with you,

then who would manage this world,

and be a guardian in this wide Tibil7

Who would be a companion to my wife Hawa?

Who would guard the plants that I have planted?

2nd Glorification
GL. Rook One

Who would help them and support them?

Who would live in this house that I built?

Who would sow the seeds of blessings?

Who would carry the water from the Tigris and the Euphrates

to irrigate the plants and trees?

Who would help women when they give birth?

Who would take care of orphans and welcome guests?”

The savior said,

“Adam, arise and return to the place from which you came,

the house of your Fathers, the good dwelling.

It is the house in which you were first created.

It is the place where the light is endless.

Wear the garment of brightness,

braid the wreath of victory which illuminates the cosmos,

Wrap around you the girdle Himiana of living water,

that saves you from pain and suffering.

You will sit upon your shining throne,

the throne that was prepared for you by Hayyi.

Adam, forget about this house in which you live,

where you have suffered and were persecuted.

Be not sad and regretful for this place.

The world in which you live is a world of destruction and


GL, Book One 2nd Glorification

It is a world of deceit and falsehood.

Its houses are like a cemetery.

Its roads are full of obstacles, and its land is barren.

It is full of evil and rage.

In the world in which you live,

sons and the daughters disobey their parents,

sons and the daughters deny their parents,

and brothers kill one another.

Men abandon their wives,

and women abandon their husbands.

In order not to let the evil increase in this world,

no orphans, widowers and captives,

arise, Adam, and leave this world and your stinking body.”

Adam was on the verge of saying,

“Father, since you knew that the world would be taken like this,

why did you trick me, and why did you garb me in this stinking

When I abandon my body,

who will be his guardian during the day?

Who will wake him from his sleep?

Who will feed him and give him water?

Who will be friendly to him?

Gl • Book One 2nd Glorification

Who will protect him from thunder?

Who will find a shelter and build a house,

to save him from thunder and lightning?

Who will provide him with a shelter,

and protect him from the heat of the sunlight?

Who will prevent the strong wind from approaching him?

Who will prevent the sand from filling his eyes?

If the birds build their nests, then who will prevent them

from feeding their youngsters with my flesh?

Father, if you want me to obey and come with you,

then let my body accompany me.

Make my body accompany me, as my companion,

so that I shall not feel loneliness along the way.

I have neither father nor mother to accompany me.

I have neither gold nor silver as my stock.

So let my body be my companion!”

Then the savior said,

“How sorry you appear, Adam!

How sad you are!

Are you in grief for a body of mud?

Adam, the body will not ascend on high!”

GL, Book One 2nd Glorification

Adam said,

“Father, allow my wife, Hawa, to accompany me,

to be a companion for me.

Allow my sons and daughters to accompany me,

to be companions for me along my way.”

Hawa heard what Adam said. She wailed and wept, and said,

“Adam, I shall come with you,

I shall be a companion to you along the way.”

The Savior said,

“Nobody will ascend to the House of Life.

Nor will any father, mother, brother, sister, son, or daughter.

Gold and silver will provide no shelter in the House of Life.

Your shelter is the good deeds and charity you gave to the needy.

Your shelter is the baptism and the sign,

about which you will be asked when you abandon your body.

None will answer for you, apart from you yourself.

“Adam, the faithful Uthrishall be your brothers,

they will pray a mighty prayer for your sake.

You need neither silver nor gold.

Gl. Book One 2nd Glorification

They hold no value to you on your journey.

The way by which you will go is very long,

hard, and obstructed by limitless questions.

Nothing will ease it for you, apart from your righteous actions.”

Adam wept copiously, and many tears flowed,

then he abandoned his body, which he left behind him.

When he came far away from his body, he turned and trembled,

and then set out upon the ether like a flying bird.

He was lonely but did not turn back, as if he had no family and shelter;

his wings grew as he went deeper into the cosmos.

“Woe to me, if my brothers deny me, and reject or expel me.

Were they not the ones who put me in the body?

Did they not coat me with mud,

and toss me into the evil world?

Did I not lose it, abandon it,

and ascend to the House of Life, wrapped in brightness?

“But, how beautiful that body was!

It had a bright head, and soft flowing hair.

How much they reworked it and made it straight!

How much time they spent to shape it and to make it perfect!

It had been given a mind to understand,

and to learn wisdom.

GL, Book One 2nd Glorification

They gave it two eyes to see in the day and at night.

They gave it a mouth to praise Hayyi every day.

They made two hands for it to work,

and two feet to walk from the east to the west.

It was a beautiful body, but it withered; it was upright, but it slouched.

It will return to mud, just as it originally was.

The eyes were removed.

The two ears to hear the teachings of Hayyi became shut.

The mouth that praised Hayyi became closed.

The two hands that used to work day and night became stiff.

This is my body, with neither sense nor feeling, solid, and immobile.

“Birds and reptiles do not fear it.

Will I carry it and walk?

How could we both walk while I carry it?

Its shoulders slumped, and its feet slumped.

I left it to the earth, to turn to clay once more.

“Brothers cannot redeem one other at the cemetery gates;

if they could, then no corpse would be brought into a cemetery.

If a father could redeem his son,

no mother would weep.

If sons could redeem their fathers,

there would be no orphans.

2nd Glorification
GI. Book One

If a husband could redeem his wife,

no widow would ever be found. “

The savior said to Adam:

“Adam, how sorry are you for that body of mud?

Raise your eyes and look at the cloud of light approaching!

Four sons of light are coming towards you, hurrying to meet you.

They carry garments of light, brilliant turbans, and wreaths like


The Uthri asked Adam, “Why are you weeping?”

He answered, “I am a slave with no master.”

They said to him, “No, you are a slave to Hayyi.

He chose you and made you pure without sin.

Come and ascend to the World of Light,

where you can meet your Father, your Lord.”

Adam said, “Give me a chance to ask my wife Hawa to accompany


“Adam, keep silent; be quiet, Adam!

You are going to your place; your wife and descendants will follow.

All the generations will vanish, and all creatures will become extinct.

The wells, rivers, and the seas will dry.

GL, Book One 2nd Glorification

The stones, hills, and the mountains will be destroyed.

Babylon and Borsippa will vanish.

Rome and Persia will become rubble, as if they had never existed.

India and Sindh will attack each other.

Wars between the nations will kill many human beings.

Those who shed the blood of human beings,

and who deform the faces will be judged.

Criminals, adulterers, thieves, hypocrites, magicians, and astrologers,

all will be thrown into a blazing fire.

On that day, there will be no borders on the earth.

There will be no stars in the heavens.

The sun and the moon will disappear forever,

and the wind will return to its source.

All the infidels will be cast into the depths of darkness.

“Blessings upon you Adam,

because you were chosen to ascend to the World of Light,

so do not be sad to leave this world.

“Adam, after you, small children, teenagers, brides and bridegrooms,

all those who were secure will leave their beds to dust and oblivion.

They will leave this world empty-handed.

The married will abandon the houses that they built.

The old who were willing to die, but to whom death did not draw near,

2nd Glorification
GL, Book One

they, too, will be forced to renounce this world.

The king will forsake his crown,

the rich will disown their wealth,

The women will relinquish their beauty and allure,

and go to the grave barefooted.

“Adam, arise! If you have questions disturbing you,

ascend to the King of Light, to the Almighty, the Forgiving;

Stand before Him and submit your question. Ask Him, if you dare,

‘Why should I die? Why should all these houses be destroyed?

Why should my offspring be separated from their source,

since Hibil Ziwa built it and the Yardna watered it?

Why should the world be destroyed and everything disappear?’”

The voice came:

“Adam, be silent, and may the gentleness of the righteous cover you.

Hibil Ziwa is here, and your brothers the Uthri are here.

The first Yardna is here, so that you have to dwell here.

Your wife Hawa will come, and all your offspring will ascend after
Adam, this is the house that We built for you and your wife Hawa,

in which you will dwell with Us, until the Day of Judgment.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book One 3rd Glorification

Hawa After the Ascension

of Adam

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

'7 ’/ hen Adam ascended, leaving his body in the material world,

Hawa wept and wailed, cried and lamented.

The evil spirits gathered around her,

and she was preoccupied by their thoughts.

They said to her, “Hawa, you have every right to weep and to wail,

you have every right to pound your chest with your fists!

You are all alone in this world, after the death of Adam.”

Hayyi said to Hibil Ziwa,

“It is you who spread the dynasty and offspring of Adam.

You were the one who brought him into the wedding chamber

and carefully matched him with Hawa.

So, go to Hawa, be with her, and lighten her sorrow.

Say to her, ‘Brighten the face of Adam and make him happy.

Do not weep for him, lest he be tortured.

He sits now with his Father.’

Say to Hawa, ‘Hayyi will order the souls to ascend to Him,

3rd Glorification
G1, Book One

and stand before Him, which none can stop?

Tell her to wash the tears from her face,

and remove the sadness from her heart.

Tell her to calm herself, and release herself from confinement.

Tell her to lift the veil from her head.

Thus she will walk upon the path of Hayyi;

and along the path of the Children of Peace.”

Hibil Ziwa went to meet Hawa, and sat beside her.

He was so kind to her.

She said between sobs,

“Have you noticed the greatness of my loss,

and how Adam has abandoned me to be alone?”

He said, “0 wife of Adam,

each and every soul must depart from this world.

The soul that has left you will be established in exalted splendor,

her face illuminated by light, disturbed by no sadness or darkness.

Hawa, by dwelling upon your sadness and misery,

you are committing a grave mistake.”

She said, “What about my troubled heart?

Does it not have a right to wail and to be sad?”

Then she started discussing Adam with a troubled soul.

Hibil Ziwa talked to her; he talked to her about the House of Life,

about the happiness awaiting her, and about her obligations.

GL, Book One 3rd Glorification

He wiped the tears from her eyes, and said,

“The hypocrites misled you, so you sinned as they do.

But your fathers will forgive your mistakes,

because they know you are sincere.

So arise, Hawa, with exalted splendor, to praise the soul,

which ascended from this house to the World of Light.

I myself was the savior of this chosen one.

I helped him to cross the Matrathi.

We passed ’Ptahil who made Adam’s body,

according to the command of his Lord.

I showed him the habitation of Abathur

who extended his hand out to him.

Then I helped him arrive at the Second Life,

who showered him in his brightness.

We crossed the dividing waters,

and I showed him the shining honorable ones

who were fixed in their Shkinatha.

Then I set him up in the Andirunioi the newly built houses.

I built a habitation of light for him and came back to you.”

She said, “Why did not Anush help me?

He saw me troubled, but he was neither surprised nor suspicious.

Was I his enemy, or was Adam his enemy?”

GL, Book One 3rd Glorification

He said, “Hawa, you are not his enemy, and neither was Adam.

His enemies are the followers of Satan, so never weep again.”

Hawa stopped weeping, and praised her fathers,

so her gestures became light.

She said, “You who sowed the Uthri, enlighten me.

You have wiped the tears from my eyes,

You have removed sadness from my heart,

you saved me from being lost.

It is you whom I praise and supplicate.”

I left Hawa, and ascended to my father,

who asked me, “What did you do?

I answered, “I wiped the tears from the eyes of Hawa,

relieved her, left her praising dawn and dusk, and asking,

“When will the one who sowed me come to release me,

and guard me along the path of the Children of Peace?

When will he whom I await come to take me with him

to the Shkinta of Manda’d Hayyi?

When will he come to take me to the newly selected dwelling,

and to the An diruni wherein he resides?”

The evil spirits began to follow Hawa

and tried to provoke her with trouble,

GL, Book One 3rd Glorification

but she got rid of the pain, and began to praise and supplicate

Manda’d Hayyi, day and night,

to save her and take her away from the house of evil,

the house of the corrupt and the wicked.

“Manda’d Hayyi, they are around me, killers and brigands.

They plot and conspire about my garments.”

Manda’d Hayyi shot down like a bolt of lightning,

and held Hawa before she succumbed to the sword.

He said, “Hawa’s soul, be silent;

you will ascend to your heaven, to the treasure of your fathers.”

Then Hibil Ziwa descended,

removed her from her body, and brought her back on high.

“Children of Adam, the guardians have left you,

and you will be threatened by all kinds of evil.

Let each of you encourage and cling to the other.

I shall go to help Hawa, to take up her dwelling and make her


I shall return to you, to save you and to protect you

until the time when I shall take you back.

I shall take you back to the abode of your Creator,

GI.Book One 3rd Glorification

I shall erect dwelling places for you, near your father.”

I returned to the world to save young Shitil

and protected him from danger.

I braided a wreath of brightness for him,

and then established him in the dwellings of light.

I saved the Children of Peace, and helped them ascend

to the perfect house.

This is what happened to Adam

and what Manda’d Hayyi taught Adam’s descendants:

Be not sad when your soul departs, but rejoice in it.

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Two 1“ Glorification

I Am The Mana,
The Scion Of Hayyi

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I; am the Mana

I am the Mana Adam, the scion of Hayyi.

I reside at the House of Life.

Who placed me within this body of mud,

into this form, and cast me onto the earth?

I was flying throughout the universe,

then I was put in a body that does not know how to walk.

My mouth was full of radiance,

then it became an orifice for lying and deceit.

My eyes that were open in the Place of Light

became tools for the body of mud.

My heart that used to beat for Hayyi,

pulses weakly in this humiliated body.

My mind that was bright in the kingdom of my Lord,

became as dim as my heart in this body.

How can I hear the voice of my Father,

while I am imprisoned in this dirt and mud?

How can I ascend up to His kingdom on high?

G1. Book Two 1st Glorification

The voice of Adam rose to the Place of Light;

Manda’d Hayyi heard him, and sent a savior for him.

He asked the savior to be kind to the Mana and support him.

The savior stood before the Mana and said to him:

the Mana Adam, be happy and receive enlightenment,

for I have come to you!

Manda’d Hayyi ordered me to come to you, and impart his greetings.

Then I shall return you to your original abode, under his care.

Arise, ascend to your safe abode,

to your original home among your brothers, the Uthri.

You will be illuminated with light.

You will sit among your clan and people,

and your wreath will be set upon your head.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Two 2nd Glorification

I Am The Mana,
The Pure And Pious

"Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

am the Mana.

I am the Mana Adam, the pure and pious.

I am a son of the World of Light.

Who has cast me into this mortal world?

Who put me in this darkness, and made me live with the wicked,

betwixt murky water and fire?

Shall I stay with them, among the living and the dead,

to be deformed like them, and to be deprived of the sounds of my


Adam, you are neither from evil nor conflict,

you are not a part of darkness.

You are not from the muddy water,

nor are you from the fire.

You are from the World of Light,

where there is neither darkness nor conflict.

Adam, you are illuminated by yourself, delighted with your offspring,

complete, fully ripe in both heart and mind.

Gl, Book Two 2nd Glorification

Have patience in the world and establish your offspring.

Celebrate and bless your land and streams until I call you.

When I call, my messenger will come to you.

Adam, do not be concerned. We shall be merciful to you.

We shall aid you and return your treasure.

Adam felt secure. He rejoiced and began to think

and considered that his destiny is decided.

He neither disobeyed, nor denied,

but he began to build and establish.

He sowed and reaped fruits and lived long.

When I, Mana, grew old,

I became attracted to my origins.

The helper came to me, held me with his right hand,

and ascended with me to the Place of Light.

When I saw the Place of Light,

I forgot about the material world and all the evil within it.

I became enlightened and sat blessed in the World of Light.

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Two 3rd Glorification

I Am The Mana,

Of Perfect Splendor

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

am the Mana.

I am the Mana Adam, of perfect splendor, of absolute


I am a son of the great radiance.

How did they remove me from my light, to be planted into this


The body has become my prison.

Until when shall I watch it, take care of it, and suffer within it?

Adam, you will not stay forever in this body that annoys and troubles

You will be for just a time, and then you will return to the house
you love.

Adam, let your faith enlighten you, and never let your sadness trouble

The one who planted you will follow you soon.

We shall shorten the months and ages

to raise you quickly to the House of Light.

Gl. Book Two 3rd Glorification

You are part of me, and to me you will return.

You are from my 'Dmutha, and I shall lift you and preserve you in
my garments.

I am the Mana,

I am the Mana Adam.

I shall throw the garment in which I was clothed upon its makers.

I shall throw it upon their heads.

It will decay and disappear, just as its makers will.

Adam will return to be embraced by his Father.

He will be established in the house of his fathers.

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Two 4,h Glorification

I Am The Mana,

Residing In My Father’s Grace

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I am the Mana Adam, residing in my Father’s grace,

glowing with His radiance.

When did they bring me to the earth?

How did they imprison me in this way?

How did they take me from my place?

Who summoned me to this world,

and took me away from the house of my Father?

Who was my jailer?

Cursed be all the devils!

Cursed be this darkness and mud!

Cursed be everything!

I shall return to the light of my Father, in which I was raised.

I shall return to Him and place my treasure before Him.

Adam, do you really wish to return to your Father’s grace?

Gl, Book Two 4,h Glorification

Do you want to bring your treasure to His house?

Do you really want to acquire wisdom, Adam?

Then, remain in this world. Be patient and bear its darkness and pain,

until your predestined age has come to an end.

You are guarded by your savior.

I shall bring you supreme radiance, and gorgeous light,

I shall come with a valuable perfume,

so you will not feel disturbed.

I was patient, minding my affairs up to the end of my age.

Then those who planted me here came.

They freed me from my imprisonment and lifted my soul,

and established me among the Righteous Elect.

Here I am, enjoying the light that they bestowed upon me.

I am enjoying the treasure that they had promised me.

My heart, my mind, and my eyes are illuminated with His wisdom.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Two 5th Glorification

I Am The Mana,
A Scion Of The Place Of Light

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

/ am the Mana.

I am the Mana Adam, the pious and exalted,

a scion of the Place of Light.

I am pure like the Uthri, even if I am in a muddy garment,

in which I remained faithful, feeling neither lack nor want.

I maintained my origins, faithful to the teachings of my Father,

enlightened by the light of those who made me descend

and put me in this body.

No one can say that Adam was sent away,

and his Father is absent from him,

so he forgot what He had taught him.

My Father hears, sees, and knows

that I did placed no obstacles before me,

and I committed no wrongs.

He sent me His faithful messenger to take me

from the wicked and the false hearted.

He set me among my brothers, the Uthri.

I am in the House of Life now,

Gl. Book Two 5th Glorification

full of praise among the Yardni and the light.

Blessed and glorified are you, Adam.

You preserved your reverence for your Father,

and you are satisfied with His thoughts about you.

Live in respect among your folk and relatives.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Two 6,h Glorification

Am The Mana, Who Set Forth

From The House Of Life

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

J am the Mana.

I am the Mana Adam, who set forth from the House of Life

as a messenger to this world

I came to live in this devastated wilderness,

and to fix this destruction.

Devils encircled me, darkness’s evils surrounded me,

and I shivered because the one who sowed me was not with me;

Who will protect me?

Adam, what has frightened you? Who made you shiver?

Those who conspire against you will be chained.

Those who brought darkness against you will be punished by their


Adam said, “O voice, that calls me to calm me;

Why did ’Ptahil do that to me?

Why did he create this evil world?

Why did he plant bad seeds?

GL, Book Two
6th Glorification

How audacious was he to do that!”

Calm down Adam, be calm,

you are the head of the generation.

Do not curse ’Ptahil.

do not blame ’Ptahil because his throne was toppled.

He is the son of Abathur,

everything was made and multiplied by him.

Be advised, Adam, that ’Ptahil made this world

by the command of Hayyi.

His Lord is fully aware of him,

so He did not condemn him to the darkness.

Adam, when this world disappears, and the sky crumbles,

when all angels, jinn, and human beings fall,

when neither sun nor moon will be,

and the meteors fall,

when the stars burn out,

and all the world is destroyed;

At that time ’Ptahil will be garbed in his garment.

They will bring him and will baptize him in the Yardna.

They will compensate him for the tortures he endured.

At that time both of you will sit together and share a shadow.

He will be your king.

GL, Book Two 6th Glorification

Adam looked down impressed, and then praised and begged


He accepted from ’Ptahil what he had first denied.

He begged the one who planted him to come to him,

and to guide him along the path of his brothers.

The one who planted him heard, came to him, and lifted him up.

He held him by his right hand, and crossed the Matrathiwith him.

He passed him by the scales of Abathur and the dividing waters,

and they reached the Children of Peace.

Then he ascended to the House of Life,

where he had a house and home.

'u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book 1 wo 7,h Glorification

I Am The Mana, Who Was Concealed

In The Treasury

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

. am the Mana.
I am the Mana Adam, who was concealed in the Treasury,
together with the exalted preserver of the treasures.
I had not seen the treasure, until they showed it to me.
I had never seen it until they revealed it.

Then they removed Adam from it and sent him to this world.

What a beautiful scene I saw!

And what ugliness I see now!
I saw a splendid reverence,
but now I see darkness.
When shall I escape this gloom?
When shall I return to that light?
When shall I leave those evildoers and return to that house?

The voice of Adam ascended to the House of Life,

along with his praising, supplication, and his submission to Him.

Adam, think of what surrounds you, and what is happening to you;

We shall think of you.
Pray there, We shall pray for your sake because We see you.

GL, Book Two 7,h Glorification

You saw the light and you heard the voice;

never think of death, Adam, and never love death.
Maintain your light, preserve your appearance,
and do not forget the treasure of your radiance.
Never forget the splendid and exalted treasure
that you desired to see, but you could not.

When Adam heard the call, concern and worry were removed from
and replaced with forgiveness and peace.
He praised His Creator and bowed down to Him,
and renounced the material world.

The messenger said to Adam,

Here is the Treasure you desired to see, but could not,

so leave the house of troubles,
and ascend along with fulfilment and forgiveness.
If the Second Life has hurt you,
the First Life will never forget you.

The blouse of Adam was opened to him,

so he ascended to it.

He found his throne and sat upon it.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book Two 8'h Glorification

I Am The Mana, Who Came From

The House Of Life

'Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I am the Mana Adam, who came from the House of Life.

I left that house and came to the flawed house.

O, false eyes!

At what are you looking?

O, stinging tongue!

What evils do you utter?

O, empty spirit!

What are you learning?

What fills you up?

I did not come for your sake,

but because Hayyi summoned me.

I did not come for your sake,

but for the sake of the Second Life.

GL, Book Two 8th Glorification

Hayyi sent me and recommended me for His sake.

The right hand of the Second is pure,

His habitation is splendid,

but his descendants did not perform his actions perfectly;

So my Lord sent me to make it perfect without any flaw.

When the angels heard what Adam had said,

they received him, drew him near them,

and cooperated with him.

Some of them ordered water for him,

some of them ordered air for him,

and others became as friendly as brothers to him.

Even so, they still bothered him from time to time.

He dispelled his fear with prayer,

and evaded panic with praise and conversation.

The voice came to Adam,

“Adam, do not worry.

Reside with them for the remainder of your life,

and then you will ascend to us.”

Adam ascended from his troubled world, and saw the whole light.

He was surrounded by brightness.

Gl. Book Two 8,h Glorification

He saw the pure perfection from which he came.

My good assistant!

Help me, help me, my good assistant!

For your sake, I resided in the distant world.

Through your brightness and kindness,

the trouble was removed from me.

The savior held Adam with his right hand to raise him

while his wreath was shining on his forehead.

He set him up in the residence of his Father

and placed him in the World of Light.

u Hayyi zaken


O, Mana, the good

O, Mana, the neat and wise.

Do not panic, your assistants will accompany you.

You will be safe until you are weighed in the balance ofthe Matrathi.

GL, Book Three I'* Glorification

Free Soul, Daughter

Of Radiance

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Exalted be the Sublime Light.

The earth was stretched forth, and heaven was raised,

the light of the sun spread, the moon was revealed,

The seven planets took place along with the twelve signs of the Zodiac,

and the angels were commanded to form the body of Adam.

Adam was formed.

He is lying here, a body without a soul.

From the House of Life, the soul came forth,

together with three Uthri.

Three Uthricarried her, and set out the body for her.

Then they tried to get her into it.

The soul was afraid, startled, she wept and wailed.

She refused to enter the body.

O, Uthri, you three righteous Uthri,

GL Book Three 1st Glorification

give me an hour of time.

Help me! Give me just one hour

to raise my oppressed voice to the Place of Light.

I shall ask my brothers, the Uthri,

What was my sin?

What wrong have I done to confound me,

and expel me from my home?

Why did you cast me down,

and expel me from the house of my Father?

I shall implore Manda’d Hayyi to send one of the pious

to destroy this humiliating body,

to remove me from this cursed world,

and to return me to the House of Life.

My origin is there, and my roots are there,

in the place where my Father resides.

Why did you bring me to this disgusting place?

Is it to be blinded by the wicked, and tempted by sinners and


Do you want me to hear the charms and magic of the infidels?

Now the wrong-doers will control me,

they will teach me according to their knowledge.

They will talk to me the same as they are talking,

GL, Book Three 1“ Glorification

to make me forget who I am.

They will make me descend with them into the depths,

from which they will never rise again.

Free soul, daughter of radiance,

once again, we say to you,

Keep the dragon and the lion away, and enter this body,

but still you weep, and wail, and disobey.

The soul said,

O radiant and sublimely righteous one!

O messenger of light!

If you want me to enter into this body,

give me a weapon to protect my self against this calamity,

because enemies will multiply all around me.

Free soul,

which weapon do you want?

Which weapon is sharper than what you already have?

NaSirutha is your weapon!

The sincere living words that you received from the House of Life

are your sharpest weapon.

Innocent soul, the heavens were raised for your sake,

G1. Book Three 1st Glorification

and filled with these bright stars.

For you sake, the earth was made solid,

and filled with bright fruits.

For your sake, the Great Hayyi ordered,

and so the sun rose and the moon shined.

For your sake, the seven planets

and the twelve signs of the Zodiac were established.

For your sake, the four winds were created,

fragrance spread, ether blew, and water flowed.

Free Soul,

the wisdom to praise your Lord has been poured into your heart.

You will remember your Lord and praise Him,

and so you will be secure and at peace.

Time will pass and come again.

The years are like the passing of a shadow.

The months will pass by quickly,

and all will go to their destiny.

Pleasure will vanish, and singing will come to an end.

Gold will become worthless.

The wealthy will lose their wealth,

and the tyrants will lose their kingdoms and property.

They will leave all their treasures to their sons

and go to the fire to be burned.

The poor and the oppressed will escape,

GL, Book Three Is' Glorification

and be rid of the suffering of this world.

The earth will be eliminated and you, o sad oppressed soul,

will return to your original House.

The soul said,

I went and entered the body,

with the powers and abilities of Hayyi,

I went and entered the body,

with the name of Manda’d Hayyi and his promise.

I became a spouse to the body,

in order to watch him and to take care of him.

The hypocrites, the wicked, and the corrupt surrounded me.

They tried to tempt and seduce me.

But Manda d’ Hayyi was watching me;

he strengthened me, blessed me, and clothed me in his light.

Free Soul,

you come from the House of the King and Master.

Be careful of what you say,

and be wary of your actions.

Thus you will escape, uncontaminated by this house of destruction.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 2nd Glorification

Hail To You, Soul

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

ail to you, hail to you,

soul that has departed from the world.

You have left the house, the house of corruption

and the stinking body in which you have been.

It is abode of the wicked,

a place in which all sin.

It is the world of darkness,

a world of rancor, jealousy, and dissension.

It is an abode of pain and defects,

which bring forth the tribulation.

Rise up, rise up soul!

Ascend to your first homeland,

the place from which you were transplanted!

Rise to the dwelling of the righteous, the dwelling of the UthrA

Wear the garment of glory and crown yourself with the living

Ascend and occupy the ’Shkinta,

GL, Book Three 2nd Glorification

alongside your brothers, the Uthri.

As you were taught, praise the first Home;

and curse this place, the house that fostered you.

It is full of evil and devils who are eager to persecute you.

’u Hayyi zaken

GI. Book Three 3rd Glorification

Go In Peace, O Chosen One

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

o in peace, o chosen, pure, and innocent one;

you are without impurities.

Your place was upon this earth,

but your destiny ascended from its struggles.

You said, “I am a seer, a diviner;” then you passed the ages,

and passed the worlds of darkness, so go forth in peace.

The people will be assembled for judgment,

and judgment will be pronounced upon them,

those who did not discharge the obligations of the upright


But you alone, chosen and pure one,

fair Mana, who is burnished so bright.

You will not go to the judgment hall

and upon you no judgment will be pronounced.

You did discharge the obligations of the upright man.

Wear the garment of glory and crown yourself with the living

Kneel down, worship, bow down,

GL, Book Three 3n

and praise the Great Hayyi.

Praise the Place of Life, to which your fathers went.

You are the chosen one, who is not of this earth,

and your seed is from the Place of Life.

Your home is the Everlasting Abode,

in which there is no heat or wrath,

and where you will have a throne to rest upon.

They kept for you a Himyana girdle,

in which there is no problem or defect.

Righteous one, ascend to the House of Life,

and go to the Everlasting Abode!

You will hang a lamp amidst lamps of light,

and they will shine at the time, and at the moment.

Arise! Behold the Place of Light!

u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book Three 4‘h Glorification

The Road Which

Adam Attained

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

; liss and peace will be upon the road,

the road which Adam attained.

Bliss and peace will be upon the road,

the road which the soul traversed.

The soul had loosened her chains and broken her bonds.

She had taken off her earthly garment.

She turned around and saw it,

she saw it and became revolted.

The providers called the soul,

they provided her and called her,

“Come in peace, o illuminator,

who has illumined the falling house!

Come in peace, fragrant one,

who imparted her fragrance to the stinking body!

Come in peace, flawless pearl,

who was transported from the Treasuries of Life!

Come in peace, daughter of the free,

whom in the house of evil ones they called handmaiden.

GL, Book Three 4lh Glorification

O soul,

“Dust yourself off! Put on your garment,

and crown yourself with the living wreath!

Gird on your Himiana, in which there are

no infirmities or blemishes!

Arise, come to dwell in the Shkintha,

the place where your brethren, the Uthri abide;

Hayyi is glorius and victorious, and victorious are the ones who went

’u Hayyi zaken

GL Book Three 5th Glorification

The Day On Which The

Soul Departs

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

fJ he day on which the soul departs,

the day on which the perfect ascends from this world of


there will be trouble and sorrow within it.

The Ganzibri of this world will gather,

wondering and asking one another:

“Who took the coral from her home?

She was illuminating it, but now it grows dark.

She was restoring it,

but now it is becoming dilapidated.

Its walls have collapsed, its lights went out,

its pillars have crumbled, and its doors and windows are shut.

The eyes can not see any more, the ears can not hear any more,

and the feet can not walk any more.

Naked they brought me into this world,

and naked they have taken me out of it.

GL, Book Three 5,h Glorification

Naked, like a bird flying alone.

The good deeds I have done precede me,

the charity I gave is behind me.

While I ascend to the House of Perfection,

waves of living water are at my hands.

The wicked saw the soul going away from them,

they intercepted her path and placed her

on route to an isolated place.

They took her to the house of correction

where they imprisoned and tortured her.

They asked her, “What power helped you to depart?

What was the name pronounced over you?”

The soul answered, “I depart by the power of Hayyi,

His name was pronounced over me,

and waves of living water were in my hands.

I shall rise up to the house of perfection,

to the World of Light.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 6,h Glorification

Between Darkness And Light

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

' etween darkness and light, between clarity and obscurity,

stand those who know about the House of Life.

They ask the soul departing from the underworld,

“Soul, where do the righteous go?

Where will the righteous go?

Where will their light be? “

The soul emerging from the distress and disaster says to them,

“The Righteous Elect will not remain in the world of deceit.

The poor and the Tarmithi shall not remain in the world of deceit.

Their sons will not remain in the world of deceit.

The lords and the wealthy will leave it in sorrow,

and they will be burned in the blazing fire,

they will leave their property to their children.”

Soul, when you go to your Lord, your path will be long,

and there are neither signs, nor guides to lead you along it.

There will be different purgatories,

GL, Book Three 6,h Glorification

with many guardians and collectors.

So, how have you prepared yourself for this path,

and with what you will prevent the obstruction?

Soul, look how you were yesterday,

and what you have become today?

The soul said, “I was like a wonderful and tall building,

but today it has fallen down and collapsed.”

Soul, how did you appear yesterday,

and what do you look like today?

She said, “Yesterday, I had a trunk

that could eat and drink, and work until exhaustion.

I used to wash it, to comb its hair, and take care of it.

I was like a rose on its branch.

Today, it has become arid and desiccated in its place.”

Soul, if you regret the loss of this garment,

and if you feel sorry for it, you can return to it.

The Great Hayyi has summoned you forth in a good mood,

so if you miss the body in which you were, you can return and
enter it.

G1 . Book Three 6‘h Glorification

No, my brothers, no!

How could a soul return to a dragon with seven heads?

How can you think of bringing the innocent soul

to this trunk of dirt and garbage?

She said, “They released me,

and closed the doors and windows behind me.

They closed my two ears through which

I used to hear the teachings of Hayyi.

They closed my two eyes that glimmered

day and night by the order of Hayyi.

They closed the mouth that praised Hayyi, and broken were my two

which gave alms and charity, and stretched forth to give Kushta.

The two pillars fell down, so the whole structure collapsed.

The body deceived its owner, and the house was filled of darkness.

The soul set forth flying alone through the ether.

The rulers stopped the soul and asked her:

“By which power did you depart,

and whose name was pronounced upon you?

She said, “I departed by the power of Life,

the name of Manda’d Hayyi was pronounced upon me,

and I am going to the House of Life.”

GL, Book Three 6"’ Glorification

They said, “Forgive us, and mention us before Hayyi.”

She said, “When I rise up to the House of Hayyi,

and when Hayyi asks me,

when those who bear witness in Kushta.

come from everywhere to tell the truth,

What shall I say about you, the wrongdoers?

I shall say the truth sincerely.

Your eyes will never see the light,

and your feet will never stand on solid ground.

I and my brothers the Uthri shall ascend to the Place of Light,

whose sun is never extinguished, and whose light will never


All my pious brothers, you will be summoned,

and you will be lifted up for the Final Day.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book Three 7th Glorification

I Am The Head Of The


"Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

O, Mana,

most compassionate Mana,

o, Mana, most neat, and most wise,

your assistants will accompany you and stand beside you,

up until the time when the souls will be weighted in the balance of

am the head of the believers,

I am the head of the chosen and wise.

I have been marked with the sign from the beginning.

I went to the bank of Yardna.

The demons were watching me everywhere.

They said to me, “Man, give us your head before you depart.

Perhaps you will come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my head.

It has been marked with an enduring sign.

They said to me, “Man, give us your eyes before you depart,

GL, Book Three 7th Glorification

perhaps you will come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my eyes.

They are filled with light.

I have been marked with the sign from the beginning.

I walked to the bank of Yardna.

The devils were watching me everywhere.

They said to me, “Man, give us your ears before you depart,

perhaps you will come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my ears.

My ears are listening to the name of Hayyi.

They said to me, “Man, give us your mouth before you depart,

perhaps you will come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my mouth.

My mouth is filled with Kushta.

They said to me, “Man, give us your hands before you depart,

perhaps you will come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my hands.

GI. Book Three 7th Glorification

My hands are stretched forth in charity and Kushta.

They said to me, “Man, give us your heart before you depart,

perhaps you will come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my heart.

My heart is filled with knowledge and faith.

They said to me, “Man, give us your knees before you depart,

perhaps you will come back to us again.

No, I shall not give you my knees.

My knees are bent down to the Great Hayyi.

They said to me, “Man, give us your feet before you depart,

perhaps you come back to us again.”

No, I shall not give you my feet.

My feet are for walking on the path of Kushta

from the place of darkness to the Place of Light.

You will ascend to the Place of Light,

and walk on the path of Kushta and faith.

You have achieved victory, Manda’d Hayyi,

and you will help your lovers who believe in Hayyi.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 8th Glorification

Blessed Is He Who
Redeemed Me

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

lessed is he who redeemed me,

he who got me out of the world of bondage and lack,

and clothed me in a garment of radiance.

It is the garment that the chosen ones wear,

the same as the just and the faithful.

I opened my eyes, so they filled with radiance.

I placed my head into it, and felt the abundance of the world.

I swung my wings in it, and they became wings of radiance.

I sang hymns while going to the souls.

When the souls saw me, they all came to welcome me.

They received and greeted me, and said,

“Son of the pious, ask your father,

When will the prisoners be released?

When will the true promise arrive,

so that the troubled will be relieved?”

Gl. Rook Three 8,h Glorification

I shall tell you before my father,

The wicked will remain here bound with shackles,

until the Euphrates dries up from its source,

and the stream of the Tigris flows out.

until all the seas are dried up, just as

the rivers, springs, fountains, and wells will be.

Then all who were tightly bound in the depths

will be released and ascend.

The souls that reside in this house will be relieved,

the children of free men will be relieved,

and so too will the widows troubled by the wicked.

They will be rescued from the wicked,

who will remain in their wickedness.

Relief certainly will come to the troubled people.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 9’h Glorification

You Who Said That Relief

Is Coming

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I wish I could go with the two Uthri who came to me,

but I am afraid.

I am afraid so much that I feel my breath stop,

lam afraid ofthe guardians ofthe Ma\rathi.

O, soul, why are you afraid? You are accompanied by the Uthri.

/7 ou who said that relief is coming,

and that you are finally leaving:

How good is what you say!

You who said that relief is coming,

and that you are finally setting out:

How good is what you say!

I sent for my brothers among you.

I asked them to pray for me and to come to me,

but my good brothers came to me by their own will.

Gl. Book Three 9,h Glorification

Good brothers, if my presence is difficult to behold, then do not come.

He who is heavy with good deeds,

will ascend with ease,

while those who are heavy with sin

will have difficulty ascending and will be isolated.

I rise easily because my good deeds precede me,

and I lean upon them to support me.

Soul, why are you sorrowful?

Is it because you depart from this house?

The house will collapse.

All the demons’ houses will collapse and crumble.

All of them will vanish.

All their deeds will be undone.

I am flying freely to the World of Light.

I reached the gate of the universe.

The demons, the wicked, and the oppressors

are muttering and watching.

Oppressors, I am not one of you, so why you are muttering?

I am flying and arrive at the House of Life.

GL, Book Three Glorification

Hayyi welcomed me;

He clothed me in radiance, and covered me with light.

The righteous put me between them.

I start to prepare the Pihtha loaf,

and gave praise to Hayyi.

They said to me, “If you see the pious, approach them,

and if you see the wicked, do not approach them.

You were established and settled through the Kushta

that will come to all the righteous and believers.

You are a faithful believer, and you will ascend to the House of Life.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book Three 10th Glorification

When The Darkness Intensified

Around Adam

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

|/|7 hen the darkness intensified around Adam,

he abandoned his body behind him.

His soul was enveloped in radiance and light,
while the heart of Ruha was filled with hatred.

She said,

“Woe is me! Neither have I discovered her treasure nor obtained her
Now she will ascend to the House of Light.
I have to block her and shut the doors of darkness,
to imprison her in the Matrathifor a long time.
I shall torture her and prevent her
from feeling tranquillity and living in peace.

The soul of Adam begged help from Hayyi.

Hayyi asked Hibil Ziwa to descend and save Adam
from darkness and painful torture,
and to raise him on high.
I am Hibil Ziwa. I descended from the Place of Light,
and removed Adam from the world of evil and sins.

GL, Book Three 10th Glorification

I made him pass the darkness, and destroyed all the stations;
I came back with him to the first house, to the Place of Light.
We left Ruha weeping and mourning,
for the soul of Adam, departed from his body.
She knew neither how, nor what were her secrets.

After a long trip, we arrived at the house of’Ptahil.

When ’Ptahil saw our light, he arose, knelt down, and prayed to
He extended the hand of Kushta to the soul, and said,
“You received help to leave the world of the wicked.”
She said to him, “Sit down, you naive Uthra\
you have no idea about the earth and what is going on in it!”

We left ’Ptahil and arrived at the house of Abathur.

When Abathur saw our light, he arose, knelt down, and prayed to
He extended the hand of Kushta to the soul.

Then we arrived at Yushamin;

he also arose from his throne, knelt down, and prayed to Hayyi,
and extended the hand of Kushta to the soul.
We arrived at the place of Anush Uthra;
when Anush Uthra saw the soul,
he arose from his throne, knelt down, and prayed to Hayyi,
and extended the hand of Kushta to the soul.

Gl. Book Three 10th Glorification

When we arrived at the place of the Children of Peace,

they arose from their throne, knelt down, and prayed to Hayyi,
and extended the hand of Kushta to soul.

Then we entered the light of Hayyi,

and were surrounded by the Uthri of light.
They welcomed us, blessed us and praised Hayyi.
They said, “Blessed are you, O soul,
and blessed is the one who planted you,
then released you and raised you to the Place of Light!”

Adam sat on the throne that was established for him

by the command of his Lord, surrounded by light and radiance.
The soul was so inspired by the light
that she got down from her throne,
bowed down and prayed to Hayyi,
and exalted Manda’d Hayyi.

Adam said, “The fair NaSurayyi, the righteous elect, men and women,
when they depart from their bodies,
they will ascend upon the same path by which I arose,
with secured hearts and eyes.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three ll‘h Glorification

The Soul Emerged From The

Fruits Of Hayyi

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

P he soul emerged from the fruits of Hayyi,

blooming and fruitful.

The Uthri came and asked her, “O Soul,

when you were on the earth in the house of decadence,

what did the wicked do to you?”

The soul answered,

They considered me a slave, a maidservant,

They mocked and despised me.

They said to me, “You are like a dammed river without any passage;

the plants on it cannot thrive and will die of thirst.”

They called me the orphaned child of a slave,

without father, guardian, or descendants.

I looked upward to the one who implanted me,

willing his rescue and awaiting his release.

When can I escape this destruction, this pain and torture?

GL. Book Three 1 l'h Glorification

While I was waiting in my place, I heard a voice,

the voice of the compassionate Uthra calling and calming me.

When he appeared, I knew that he came to support me,

so I rejoiced with pride over all the worlds.

The Uthra said, “I am the father, the guardian of this Adam,

about whose father you have asked;

both of us believe in the Almighty.”

The wicked were angry; they murmured, muttered, and said,

“Who is his master? Who supported him against us?

Who will undo what he has bound?”

I said, “I shall do that; I am the servant of the Stranger,

who encourages and supports his believers.

He will help him overcome you.”

He is the Stranger, to whom none can compare.

He is the one who can save his offspring.

}u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 12,h Glorification

I Came Nacked To This World

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

came naked to this world, and they withheld me from it,

empty and seeking, like a lost bird.

The soul is wailing, weeping and saying,

“What can I do for you, my body?

If you were a garment of radiance, I would wear you,

to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were Himiana girdle of radiance, I would wear you

around me, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were a Klila wreath of radiance, I would put you

on my head, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were a Margna staff of radiance, I would hold you

in my hand, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were a sandal of radiance, I would put you

on my feet, to ascend with me to the House of Life.”

The soul spoke to the body,

but the body did not hear her.

Gl. Book Three 12,h Glorification

I can hear the voice of the messenger of Hayyi calling me,

“O brilliant soul, come along;

You who provided sweet-scented perfume,

you who made the stinking body fragrant with perfume.

Come along, noble one who was called a slave

in the house of the wicked! Come along!”

The soul said, “What can I do for you, my body?

I wish if you were not from clay!

You were formed from clay,

and to clay you will soon again return.

All who tortured you in this world will be judged guilty.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 13,h Glorification

I am still a Suckling Baby

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

J am still a suckling baby.

I am still a suckling baby but my years have come to an end.

I am still a suckling baby, but I have to leave this world.

The demons are on the way, but I have to leave

because my measure has become full.
How foolish are those who are sitting in sorrow for me?
They are sitting in sorrow for me.
Some are sleeping on the mats,
some arc abstaining from food,
others are giving luxurious funeral banquets
Some tear their clothes, shed tears, and cut their hair.
All who tear their garments for me commit a sin.
All who spill tears for me will face seas and rivers blocking him.
All who cut their hair for me will be cast into the mountain of

My measure has become full,

the savior came to lift me up,
and I am going to the House of Life.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book Three 14th Glorification

I am Standing On High

'Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

On the path,

the soul is standing

looking upon her Creator.

Lord ofGoodness, my eyes look up to You!

i am standing on high,

my eyes looking down upon the earth.

I see the soul weeping, wailing, and entrapped, her eyes full of tears;

she is cleaning the roads and the markets with her hair.

She is digging the earth with her nails, and moistening it with her

She is holding mud in her hands to build.

She constructed, fixed, polished, and then mounted

the castle, and looked upward.

She took off her rose gown, and marvelled at how beautiful it was.

She shed her beautiful body, and was astonished by its perfection.

She said, “You poor beautiful body,

you do not deserve to be eaten by worms or by birds!”

The soul sat waiting for a human companion,

GL, Book Three 14,h Glorification

who might come accompany her along her path.

While she saw waiting, she saw ghosts coming,

but they are not shining, and are not illuminating.

Darkness precedes them and darkness follows them.

They are surrounded with evil spirits, full of sin.

From a distance of about a league and a half,

she heard their quarreling, and smelt their evil and disgrace.

When they saw her, they stopped close to her,

and called for her to come with them on their path.

Dull faces, what have you done,

that your stock is so bad?

They replied, “We settled in this world.

We deceived, cheated, and swindled the others.

Our eyes spied, our ears eavesdropped,

and our hands stole and killed.

Our hearts were offenders, our body engaged in lewdness,

our knees knelt before demons,

and our feet walked barefoot towards evil.

The soul said to them, “Since these are your features,

your works, and your stock,

GL, Book Three 14<h P1

keep yourselves away from me.

I shall not accompany you on your path.”

The soul sat waiting for a human companion,

who might come accompany her along her path.

While she was waiting, she saw luminous,

gorgeous faces appearing to her.

Radiance went before them and light followed them.

There were accompanied by Uthri and angels.

From a distance of about a mile and a half,

they were shining and spreading perfume.

The soul spoke to them and said,

“O, my pious brothers, take me with you if you wish.

I would like to live with the good, and accompany the believers.”

They said,

“Soul, what were your deeds in your material world,

so that we can take you with us on our path?”

GL, Book Three

She said,

“My father distributed bread to hungry people,

and my mother bestowed alms to the needy.

My brothers chant hymns,

and my sisters extended the hand of Kushta”

“Soul, your father gave bread for his own sake.

Your mother bestowed alms for her own sake.

Your brothers who chant hymns will rise up on the way of Kushta.

Your sisters who extended the hand of Kushta, Manda’d Hayyi

will be their helper.

Speak about yourself.

What good deeds have you done, so that we take you with us on
our way?”

She said,

“Fair believers, my brothers handed me to the wicked, who were

without pity.

They gave neither wages nor alms. Hence they are chained in

I loved Hayyi, and I loved Manda d’ Hayyi.

They occupied my heart and my thought.

Every Sunday I took alms and bread, unbeknownst to all,

and walked to the Bit Manda to give them to orphans and widows.

Gl, Book Three 14"' Glorification

Hayyi knows how many hungry people I fed,

how many of the thirsty I replenished, and the naked I clothed.

Hayyi knows how many captives I released,

and brought them to their homeland with stock for their way.

Hayyi knows everything.”

When soul finished her speech, the pious stood before her.

They sat her upon a throne, and dressed her in light.

They clothed her with brightness,

and made for her a great crown.

They braided a resplendent wreath for her head,

and bound her with a brilliant Himiana girdle.

Then, theyr made a crossing for her to cross the seas and the rivers.

They took her hand and led her through dividing waters.

Hayyi sustained the life, and the life found its existence.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 15,h Glorification

Between The Hidden And

The Radiant

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Why should I come?

Why should I inhabit this miserable body!

Why should I stay in it for months and years?

It will not ascend with me to the Place ofLight.

etween the hidden and the radiant, between light and the Uthri,

stands those who question soul the soul,

Saying to her, “Speak! Tell us, soul,

Who constructed you? Who built you?

Who was your builder, and who was your creator?”

The soul said,

“My Father, is the one who built me, and the one who constructed me”

One was the being who transplanted me;

One of the Children of Peace took me in his goodness,

enveloped me in a wrapping of radiance, then gave me over to


GI. Book Three 15th Glorification

Adam, in his simplicity, took me and cast me into the physical body;
the body that is full of sourness and bitterness.”

The soul will remain and wait in the body that she has to take care of
until her measure is complete.

At that time, the deliverer will come, release her, and bear her away.

Soul, you are now free, so you can run!

Run soul, the one who captured you will not know his way!

The soul and the deliverer are on their way to the Place of Light.

To the place where the sun does not set,

nor do its lamps of light grow dim.

"a Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 16'h GIorifiCation

Her Years Have Come

To An End

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Wings from antiquity

the Creator ofheaven and earth

has prepared for the soul.

She set out and sat upon a cloud ofbrightness.

Her eyes are filled with releasing,

and her heart is full of weeping.

They released the soul and placed her before the Judge,

who asked her,

“Soul, you were in the world of falsehood and deceit,

so what did you do in that world?

And what was your stock along the way?”

She answered, “As you are my witness, Judge,

I was not an evildoer.

GI. Book Three 16"' Glorification

I neither killed nor committed adultery.

I did not steal.

I never performed magic or put my faith in magicians.

I neither tortured a soul in its body,

nor testified falsely against anyone.

I neither changed the borders

nor moved their signs out of their place.

My eyes never insinuated,

nor did my mouth utter false testimonies.

No enchanter enchanted me,

and no fortune teller foretold my future.

I did not bow down before two lords,

and I did not hesitate to give charity.

I guided the blind, and I gave alms.

I fed the hungry and helped the widows.

I clothed the naked, freed the captives

and sent them back to their homeland with aid.

I nursed the sick, and I prepared a grave for the dead.”

“Soul; If you had done these deeds,

then where are the witnesses to testify on your behalf?”

While soul was standing before the Judge,

the witnesses rapidly surrounded her.

GL, Book Three 16th Glorification

The Yardna with his two banks testified on her behalf.

The MaSbuta baptism testified on her behalf.

The Pihtha. Kushta, and Mambugha testified on her behalf.

They held her by her right palm,

and raised her up to the house of perfection to be settled,

in which there is no doubt, and the sun never sets.

’u Hayyi Zaken

Gl. Book Three 17"’ Glorification

A Voice Called From

On High

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

Quiet Mana,

feelpleasure and be happy!

Hibil Ziwa will come to you from the House ofHayyi!

' ;L voice called from on high;

from on high, a voice called and said,

The captives must be released. I went to see them.

When I reached them, the guard came to meet me.

I asked him, “What are they eating and drinking?”

He answered, “They eat bitter apples and drink black and fetid

I said him, “Take the keys and open the door of the prison.

Release all the captives; do not leave a prisoner inside.”

He opened all the doors, and the prisoners departed in large groups.

The thieves and those who committed adultery were separated,

and pushed to the gates of hell.

The magicians and the conjurers were separated,

and pushed to the gates of hell.

GL, Book Three ^,h Glorification

The diviners and soothsayers were separated,

and pushed to the gates of hell.

Those who changed boundaries and displaced landmarks

were separated, and pushed to the gates of hell.

I said to the guardian of the prison:

“You are responsible for these good souls

while they are in prison until the Day of Judgment.”

The captives who received the Masiqtha became happy and chant

while the prisoners who were left behind wept.

They wailed because they will remain in their chains.

They said, “We heard how good you are,

and that you do not abandon people on the lonely peak.”

He said, “My sons, there is no lonely mountain,

and no good person, who will be cursed by his God;

rather, it is the fault of your lineage.

They are the ones who cursed you, when they did not instruct you,

and occupied themselves with this deceitful world.

They did not read Masiqtha for you, and did not recite hymns,

nor did they give charity and alms in your names.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 18”’Glorification

The Soul Is On Tibil

'Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

When the chosen come to Tibil,

they will be embraced by mygrape- vines.

Then they will rise up and see the Place ofLight.

f he soul is on Tibil. She is lying lifeless.

An Uthra came and stood by her pillow, and awakened her


“Wake up, soul, and look out upon the House of Life.

Get up and look upon the House of Life,

raise your face upwards to the Place of Light.

Look at the whole world!

Everything that looks like nothing

includes nothing, so what is its benefit?

Look at the big sea which can not be waded.

Look at the River Hitfon, which cannot be crossed.

Look at the guardian stations where the evil spirits stand.

Look at the blazing fire, rising up to the sky.

Look at the trenches and the gaps on the road.

Look at the high mountain that can not be climbed.

GL, Book Three 18,h Glorification

Look at the heavy iron wall that surrounds the world,

and girds it, so there is no way in or out.

Soul, if you hear what I am saying, if you do according to my will,

and if you obey me, then you will rise up.

I shall place a crossing for you to pass the sea.

I shall make a bridge across the River Hitfon for you.

I shall cross the stations with you on which the evil spirits stand.

I shall lead you across the blazing fire.

I shall lead you out of trenches and over the gaps on the road.

I shall split this high mountain to make a way for you.

I shall make an opening for you in the heavy iron wall.

I shall hold you with all my power and extend you to be with me.

I shall hold you with all my power and rise you on high,

to the Place of Light.’’

’u Hayyi zaken

GL Book Three 19lh Glorification

Whose Soul Is This ?

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

|hose soul is this, which has been so well built?

Whose soul is this, which has been so well formed?

She is fair and faithful, she is faithful and fair;

she is well prepared, very courageous, and well-armed.

She neither worries nor does she feel frightened.

She is afraid of neither judges nor demons.

A wreath of ether was braided on her head to raise her on high.

She flies, arriving at the house of judges.

When the chief of the judges saw her, he asked her:

“By whose power did you depart,

and whose name was pronounced upon you?”

The soul said,

“I departed by the power of Hayyi;

the name of Manda’d Hayyi was pronounced upon me.”

GL, Book Three *9'h Glorification

He said to her:

“How can I describe you, and with what can I compare you?

You are like the sun, and like the moon.

You are like a breeze coming from the North,

and you are the soft waves pushed softly by gentle air.”

The soul is more radiant than the sun,

and more glamorous than the moon.

She is gentler than the breeze coming from the North,

and softer than the waves of the water.

The chief of the judges bowed to her, and said,

“Depart, soul, and set out for the heights,

to the Place of Light.”

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 20th Glorification

The Letter Of Kushta

’Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

■ ■ he letter that left the world was written in Kushta,

and sealed with signet of the almighty Hayyi.

The righteous wrote it,

and the faithful tied it on.

They wrote it, prepared it, and suspended it around the neck of soul.

They dispatched it to the gate of the House of Life.

Ruha and her demons saw her bearing a letter. They said,

“Who has written this letter,

the secret of which is unknown to us?

Who wrote the letter that was written in Kushta

and sealed with the signet of the mighty Hayyi?

Who hung it around the neck of the soul

and dispatched her to the gate of the House of Life?”

The righteous wrote it,

and the faithful tied it on.

They wrote it, prepared it, and suspended it around the neck of soul.

GL, Book Three 20"’ Glorification

They dispatched it to the gate of the House of Life.

The wise soul covered the letter with her radiance,

wrapped it and veiled it in her light.

The demons abased their heads to her.

The soul passed and ascended.

A resplendent wreath of ether was placed on her head.

The soul flew and went until she reached the dividing waters.

There she came forth towards a great beam of the radiance of Hayyi.

He grasped her with the palm of His right hand

and brought her over the dividing waters.

They established her in her safe house,

in which the Uthrisit.

Hayyi sustains the life, and the life has found its own.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 21st Glorification

Hayyi Has Sent Me

My Destiny

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

/' y years have come to an end.

Hayyi has sent me my destiny.

He has bestowed salvation upon me.

I have become free.

My scions, I am leaving you.

What will you do after my absence?

I have taught you how to do good deeds,

and I advised you to perform great actions,

so what are you asking about?

I sat under the shadow of my grape-vines,

and my brightness shone upon them.

They asked me, “You, who have left us:

you were provided with limitless living knowledge,

tell us about it so that we shall not doubt it.

Inform us about the mysteries, before you leave us.”

GL, Book Three 21st Glorification

I shall tell you about the constructed Mana.

When he leaves here, the demons will be his opponents

until he reaches the house of’Ptahil.

He will pass them and reach the dwelling of Abathur,

who will receive him with his brilliant light.

Mana will have a great brilliance,

so that the Second Life will be frightened.

The Second Life will get down off his throne

and give praise to Hayyi, saying:

“Praised and glorified is my Lord,

You who have sent me this aid.”

My scions beat their heads, wept and wailed for their own sake.

They said, “You left us, so when will we see you again?

He said, “I am going there, with a secure heart,

because my Lord desired me to be there.

The Almighty joined me to the perfectly hidden ones

in their Place of Light.

To whom have you left your scions?

Who will support them, and who will teach them?”

The Lord of all worlds will be their preserver and their supporter.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 22nd Glorification

I Passed The Door Of

The Garden

"Bshumayhon "dHayyirabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I passed the door of the garden,

and heard the gardener weeping,

and calling upon the orchard trees to mourn.

O gardener, why do you weep,

and why do you call upon the orchard trees to mourn?

Have you lost your spade?

Has the water stopped running in your channels?

He said, “No, I have not lost my spade,

and the water in my channels has not stopped.

The water in my channels has not changed its way,

but one of my cedar trees has been uprooted.

Last night, a cedar tree was uprooted in my orchard.

I am weeping for I lost her companionship.

She has left me all alone.

What I shall do with the scions she has left to me?”

O gardener, the one who planted your cedar tree

has uprooted her from your orchard.

GL, Book Three 22nd Glorification

She will stand established here among us,

and the good scions that she has left with you

will grow, bloom, and be fruitful.

’u Hayyi zaken

GI. Book Three 23rd Glorification

The Splendor Of Sunday

'Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

I am going to meet my counterpart,

and my counterpart is going to meet me.

He is filled with happiness and delight,

As ifI ha ve returned from captivity to him.

/ he splendor of Sunday crossed the gates of the prison.

Through the gates of the prison, the splendor of Sunday

and the gate became full of light.

When the souls saw the radiance and the light of Manda’d Hayyi,

they rejoiced, even though they are bound with chains.

The guard of the prison who is living with them said,

“What is this day that you are rejoicing,

even though you are bound with chains?”

They said, “It is our best day; it is Sunday, the day of splendor.”

The splendor of Sunday has crossed over to us,

and the gates of the prison have become full with light.

GL, Book Three 23rd Glorification

When we saw the radiance and the light of Manda’d Hayyi,

we rejoiced, even though we are bound with chains.”

Guardian of the prison, release the souls and give them to me!

Give me the souls that deserve of the Place of Light!

Deliver everyone who was signed with the sign of Hayyi
and baptized in the living water.

The guardian of the prison said,

“Good Sir, the souls are so numerous!”

He said, “Search your memory and choose from among them,

speak with them loftily with noble voice, and put them on the right

I searched in my memory

and I chose those who are worthy of the Place of Light.

I chose everyone who was signed with the sign of Hayyi

and baptized in the living water.

The guardian of the prison asked, “Good Sir,

Who will relieve those you have chosen from their chains?”

I replied, “In the place where these souls will live,

they will be free from their chains, and live in bliss.”

’u Hayyi zaken

G1. Book Three 24"' C1

When Will My Years Come

To An End ?

Bsbumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name of the Great Hayyi

|/|/ hen will my years come to an end?

When will this humiliating torture come to an end?

When shall I get out of the robe of the body?

When I shall leave for the house of my Father,

and not return to this world?

My back has become bent, and my time here has been long,

so when shall I be raised to the Place of Light?

Hayyi answered me from the place of fruits,

and the radiance from the heavens replied.

I looked at the far place and I saw my Father,

and recognized Him in that wide and distant dwelling.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 25th Glorification

They Put Me Into The Life

"Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

he soul sa^’ “They put me into the life,

into its system of torture.

With a good heart, I called upon Hayyi;

with a good heart, I called upon the Almighty.

He removed the robe of darkness from me,

and clothed me in a garment of radiance,

a garment of light, which is endless and limitless.

I grew within it, until I became the size of the universe.

I extended my wings and ascended to heaven.

I opened my eyes, and they were filled with light.

I am departing with my garment of radiance,

the garment in which Hayyi has clothed me.

I flew and arrived at the houses of the demons.

I heard them whispering about me.

GL Book Three 25"’Glorification

Why you are whispering? I am not one of you.

I do not belong to you and you do not belong to me.

I passed them, and kept going until I arrived to the dwelling of


I said, “May Kushta be upon you, o righteous elect,

grant me Kushta from what you have!”

I am departing with my garment of radiance,

the garment in which Hayyi has clothed me.

I flew and arrived at the Children of Peace.

I said, “May Kushta be upon you, o righteous elect,

grant me Kushta from what you have!”

I am departing with my garment of radiance,

the garment in which Hayyi has clothed me.

I flew and arrived at the dividing waters.

When I reached the dividing waters,

a great beam of radiance grasped me by the palm of my right hand,

and brought me out of the dividing waters.

GL, Book Three 25,h Glorification

I said, “May Kushta be upon you, o righteous elect,

grant me Kushta from what you have!”

I am departing with my garment of radiance,

the garment in which Hayyi has clothed me.

I flew and arrived at the House of Life.

When I reached there, the righteous came out to meet me.

They brought radiance and clothed me, and covered me in light.

I said, “May Kushta be upon you, o righteous elect,

grant me Kushta from what you have!”

The righteous admitted me to their circle.

I sat among them and prayed to Hayyi.

’u Hayyi zaken

Gl. Book Three 26,h Glorification

A Voice And A Voice

In Response

"Bshumayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

He ascended and helped me ascend along with him.

He did not abandon me to the false world.

voice and a voice in response;

I heard the sound of two voices.

Two voices sitting together and wondering.

They are the voices of Ruha the spirit, and Nishimtha the soul,

sitting together and conversing.

The spirit says to the soul,

to the soul the spirit is saying,

“Swear by your life, my sister,

take me with you when you set out!”

The soul replied: “How can I take you with me to where I go,

when you are a deceitful spirit?”

Sister, how can you want me to take you with me and yet lie;

GL, Book Three 26th Glorification

you say what you have not seen with your own eyes!

How can I help you to cross to where there is a man,

who stands and weighs the deeds and its wages?

He is weighing the deeds and the wages,

and puts the spirit with the soul together.

He lets the righteous ascend and stops the wicked judging them;

so how can I help you cross his gate? “

The spirit said, “Take me with you, to where the judgment scales are

and then my good and my bad actions will be declared,

and whether I can go with you or remain in torture.”

How good you are my sister, soul;

you will take me with you on high,

where they will weigh me.

They put me in the balance and weighed me.

They found me acceptable.

They accepted me with the soul, who was happy

to accompany me and to be in union with me.

Together we shall ascend to the House of Life.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book I hree 27,h Glorification

Kushta Is Good To The Good

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

ushta is good to the good,

and Manda’d Hayyi will help the Children of Peace,

who are dwelling within their bodies,

and cling to the name of Hayyi and his teachings.

When will it be dark? When will it be bright?

When will the measure of the world be full?

When will good come from evil?

When will sweetness come from bitterness?

When will life come from death,

and ascend before his father?

When will this bitter life come to an end,

darkness become brightness,

and the soul rescue this world?

Whichever part is dark and whichever part is light,

the measure of the body will be completed.

GL, Book Three 27,h Glorification

When Kushta comes to the good ones,

and Manda’d Hayyi comes to the Children of Peace,

then light will depart darkness,

sweetness will depart bitterness,

life will depart death and ascend before its father.

The soul will depart this world, helped to rise up,

and will be fixed in the place where the righteous reside.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book 1 hree 28th Glorification

I Heard The Voice Of

The Soul Crying

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

' heard the voice of the soul crying from within:

Who will remove me from my body?
Who will extract me from my innards?
Who will take me out of this world?
It is a world full of darkness, and full of intrigue.
It is bound with unlimited knots and sealed with countless seals.

The man who can loosen your knots,

remove the seals from you,
and release you is the one who can testify for himself,
who can count the stars in the sky,
who can encompass the great seas,
who sees the moon to be faint and weak
when he looks upon it,
and who can see the great gate through which he took the universe.

Once you have asked, you will have found,

and you will find once you ask again.

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 29’h Glorification

My Measure Has Become Full

Bsh umayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

y measure has become full,

and my years have come to their end,

so I am departing.

The spirit asked the soul,

“Since you are departing, why do you feel sorry;

if you feel regret, why are you leaving the body?”

The soul said,

“If I leave, demons will harass me,

and I cannot return, since my measure has become full.”

Where is Hayyi, whom I loved?

Where is Hayyi, who loved me?

Where is Manda d Hayyi, whose name I accompanied

when I went down to the Yardna?

With his pure name I was branded.

Where is the Yardna of living water, who was my supporter?

GL, Book Three 29”’ Glorification

Where are the righteous elect, in whose name I gave charity?

Where is the path, upon which I walked?

Where are my two sandals, which became worn,

from walking with my friends?

Master of Kushta, where are you going?

Do not leave me, the wicked surround my body.

Manda’d Hayyi is far from me, so be close to me.

Manda’d Hayyi established Kushta in its place,

so justice grew and spread throughout the world.

Then he said to me,

“How have you come to this mess?”

Manda’d Hayyi, did Hayyi send you to me,

or have you come to me on your own?

Manda’d Hayyi said, “Hayyi sent me to you to take you

from the world of darkness, the world of hatred, jealousy, and


I shall lift you from the world of darkness to the House of Light.

Manda’d Hayyi, you were victorious

and you have given victory to all who love you!

h Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 30lh Glorification

Although I am Still
A Small Child

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

Ithough I am still a small child,

my measure has nonetheless become full.

Death has come to me while I am still a small child.

Whom shall I call, who will give me a hand,

and who will take care of me?

I shall call the voice of Hayyi,

the great candle that is full of light.

I shall call the righteous elect,

I shall sincerely give charity.

Manda’d Hayyi heard my call, he replied and said,

“Come along, o righteous elect!

Come along, o kind and compassionate,

who gave charity sincerely and faithfully.

Come along, child of Hayyi.”

Gl. Book Three 30"' Glorification

I shall help you to pass the stations;

I shall help you to pass Ruha and the demons.

I shall raise you, and purify you.

I shall show you the grape vine beyond the universe.

Beyond all the worlds, he stands calling the perfect.

The voice of Hayyi calls.

We shall see Him in the Place of Light.

Praise be to Hayyi!

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 31'* Glorification

I Am A Crystal Wreath

’Bshuinayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

Ii he Mana speaks, saying,

“I am a crystal wreath, a wreath of crystal am I.

I am a golden belt, a crystal wreath set upon the heads of the great.

The Mana weeps throughout the ages.

The good Mana is weeping,

until heaven trembles for the sake of his pain,

and the earth shakes for the sake of his tears.

The master of the earth is weeping,

and the garment of Adam is weeping.

The elect feel pain, and the birds seek refuge in the mountains.

The Mana speaks across the ages, saying,

“I am a crystal wreath, a wreath of crystal am I.

Who has brought me from the House of Life

and cast me into the house of the wicked?

Who has brought me from the place of brilliance

and dumped me in the house of sinners?

GI„ Book Three 3r‘ Glorification

The evildoers tried to take me captive.

They tried to torture me and confine me;

but, by the power of my father,

and the light from the House of Life, they could not.

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 32nd Glorification

I Am A Righteous Child Of
The Greatness

’Bsh umayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

am a righteous child of the Greatness.

I am the one who resided in the garment of tears,

between the devouring fire and the darkness.

I dwelled in the house of the wicked,

who threatened me every day.

I resided in the garments of darkness,

and became part of the darkness.

I endured and suffered much,

while I resided in that vain garment.

I am a righteous son of the Greatness,

who confined me with the ghosts in this evil world

which does not brighten when I share my brightness with it.

They say to one another,

“We shall cut him off and keep him with us”.

GL. Book Three 32nd Glorification

But then the Stranger came to me.

He helped me and took me away from them.

He took me out of the devouring fire.

He dressed me in the garment of the Great.

He prepared a path for me from this world

to the world of perfection.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three ’^Notification

The Soul Whithin Me Yearns

For Hayyi

’Bsh umayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

he soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.

I am flying, advancing until I reach the first guardian.

The servants of the first guardian came to meet me.

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked me, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

GL Book Three 33ul Glorification

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the second guardian.

The servants of the second guardian came to meet me.

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked him, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

GL, Book Three 33rd Glorification

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the third guardian.

The servants of the third guardian came to meet me.

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked him, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the fourth guardian.

The servants of the fourth guardian came to meet me.

GI. Book Three 33rd Glorification

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked him, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the fifth guardian.

The servants of the fifth guardian came to meet me.

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked him, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

33rd Glorification
GL, Book Three

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the sixth guardian.

The servants of the sixth guardian came to meet me.

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked him, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you g0?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

GI. Book Three 33rd Glorification

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the seventh guardian.

The servants of the seventh guardian came to meet me.

They said, “Let us take this man with us as our captive.

He might serve as a companion to us.”

They asked him, “Hail, companion;

Where did you come from? Where do you go?”

I came from the earth, I am going to Hayyi,

and my path is to the Place of Life.

They said, “This is the Place of Life;

here it is, so where are you going now?”

I said to myself, “I am not one of them.

If I stayed with them, I would endure every torment.

GL, Book Three 33rd Glorification

This is not what my soul desires and wants.

The soul within me yearns for Hayyi.

The soul within me demands Hayyi.

My goal is to reach the Place of Life.”

I am flying, advancing until I reach the House of Life.

The righteous came forward to meet me.

In thanks, I bow down and praise Hayyi.

They clothed me in radiance, covered me with light,

and numbered me among the righteous.

Soul, you must raise your lamps

to shine among the lamps of light.

The word of truth has come to you.

It came to the faithful and the righteous.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL> Book 1 hree 34th Glorification

For Whom Are You Guarding

The Road ?

’Bsh umayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

; ; / hy have you been standing here for so long a time?

For whom are you guarding the road?

I am guarding the road of the one who will remain in the world.

Where did he come from, and what shape does he take?

He is wearing a garment of radiance,

and the light shines over his shoulders.

He came through the worlds.

He split the sky and revealed himself.

The scales are fixed before him,

and he weighs both the deed and its reward.

He examines both the spirit and the soul.

The one who is righteous and full of good will ascend,

and the one who is imperfect and lacking in goodness

will remain in the underworld.

We praise You, our Lord, so that You might forgive our sins and our

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 35,h Glorification

I Passed Through The Door

Of The Captives

’Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

[I passed through the door of the captives.

I passed the tortures of this world.

I heard the sound of weeping souls

coming from the house of the captives.

They were crying, “Woe to us,

we were tempted and deceived by this world.

Who will tell our sons, whom we left behind,

not to do as we did, so that they will not be bound here?

Who will tell them not to give up the great Healer,

not to abandon the great Lamp,

and not to seek a substitute for Manda d’ Hayyi?

Who will be their sincere supporter,

and the supporter of the righteous,

from the place of darkness to the Place of Light?

Manda’d Hayyi, you are victorious,

and you give support to those who follow you!

’u Hayyi zaken

GL. Book Three 36th Glorification

Birds Of The Wastelands

'Bshuinayhond Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

irds of the wastelands, who sit around its lamps,

What are you eating, and what do you drink?
What can you eat from the wastes?
What can you drink from the lamps?
When the day of departure comes,
what stock will you have for your way?

Birds of the wastes,

neither silver nor gold will be your stock along the way,
and not even the money or coral.
All people will gather and come to the gate of the House of Hayyi.

Tell us, child of Hayyi,

at the time when we depart,
what will be our stock along our way?

Alms and charity given by your hands,

and sincere faithful shall fill your hearts.
These will be your stock,
on your way to reach the Place of Light.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three

Wasted World, You Are

Dazed And Confused

Bsh umayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

bove all others, at the very top of the dome,

the Great Hayyi stands and preaches.
He preaches and counts the sins of this world.

Wasted world, you are dazed and confused!

Ignoramus, whom do you trust? In whom do you believe?
I shall remove the glimmer from the light that was bestowed on you.
I shall remove it from you, so that you will fall.

Brutish world, which does not recognize the right hand from the left!

You will not receive any benefit from demons,

because they will not serve you.
You ought to wake up, and beat your breast with your hands!
You ought to say, “Woe is me, for what I have done in this world!”
They have called me to the path of Hayyi,
but I did not listen to their call,
and strayed far away from the signs along the road.

’u Hayyi Zaken

GI, Book Three 38,h Glorification

Woe Is Me! What Have

I Done ?

'Bshumayhon’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

can hear the sound of one of the souls,

crying from the depths of the darkness.

She is crying from the house of evil and sins, and says:

“Woe is me! What have I done to help myself after my death?”

I was busyr accumulating gold and silver.

My' gold and my silver were of no benefit!

They were the cause of my being cast into hell and the darkness.

I had jewels and corals, but what benefit did I get from them?

My money' and my precious property

were the source of my destruction.

My' desires blocked my way,

and my instincts were like chains and bonds to me.

The wicked and the sinful seduced me, and misled me,

so I succumbed to the corruption of the life.

GL, Book Three 38,h Glorification

My heart was attracted to evil, and my tongue lied,

until Manda d’ Hayyi, the messenger of light, said to me,

“Soul, I called you, but you did not respond.

Here you are calling, but who will respond and help you?

You were tempted by gold and silver,

they were the cause of your being cast into the blazing fire.

You have done much evil during your life,

and so you must go to the burning furnace.

If you stop your bad acts, and cease to sin,

then you will ascend along the path of the righteous.

If you continue to do bad acts,

and you do not change your sins to good deeds,

then you soul will die another death.

You will neither see the light nor arrive at the Place of Light.”

Blessed be Hayyi, blessed be the House of Life,

and blessed be Manda’d Hayyi.

’u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 39,h Glorification

I Heard A Voice Of A Soul

’Bshumayhon d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

heard a voice of a soul

as she was departing from a body.

From a deprived body,

she leaves and departs from this world.

I heard her saying, “Naked I came into this world,

and they took me empty-handed, like a solitary bird.”

The soul turned to the body from which she had departed, and said,

“What shall I do with you my body which is left in this world?

What shall I do for you, my beautiful body,

that will be food for the worms?

What shall I do for you, my robe of roses,

that will be devoured on the ground by birds?

If you were a garment of radiance, I would wear you,

to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were Himiana girdle of radiance, I would wear you

around me, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were a turban of radiance, I would wear you,

to ascend with me to the House of Life.

GL, Book Three 39th Glorification

If you were a Klila wreath of radiance, I would put you

on my head, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were a Margna staff of radiance, I would hold you

in my hand, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

If you were a sandal of radiance, I would put you

on my feet, to ascend with me to the House of Life.

What can I do for you, my body,

when you were made from clay?

You were shaped from a lump of clay,

and you endured the persecution of all the wicked!”

While the soul was talking to her body,

the messengers of Hayyi came to her.

Those are the ones who do not accept bribes.

They talked to her kindly.

“Come along, flawless pearl,

transported from the Treasuries of Life!

Come in peace, fragrant one,

who lent her fragrance to the stinking body!

Come in peace, radiant one,

who gave light to her dark house!

Come in peace, daughter of the free,

who was called a servant in the house of the wicked!

Come in peace, and take off your dress of clay,

Gl, Book Three 39th Glorification

the dress of flesh and blood, and put on the robes of radiance and

Put on the robe of perfume and the sparkling wreath,

and ascend to reside among the Uthri.

Blessed be Hawi, and blessed be the Place of Light!

u Hayyi zaken

GL, Book Three 40,h Glorification

I am a Daughter Of The
Faithful Righteous

’Bshumayhon ’d Hayyi rabbi

In the name ofthe Great Hayyi

n W ne of the children of Kushta was weeping

in the abode of darkness.

She said, “I am a daughter of pious men,

a daughter of the true believers.

I am a daughter of the faithful righteous.

Who has brought me to the house of darkness?

A reply came to her:

“Your basket was filled with bread,

but you did not feed the hungry people.

Your jar overflowed with water,

but you did not give any to the thirsty.

Your pitcher was filled with ghee,

but you withheld it from the needy.

Your cupboard was filled with clothes,

but you did not clothe the poor and naked.

Your mattress was full and comfortable,

GL Book Three 40,h Glorification

but you forbade the tired from resting upon it.

Your way was wide and paved,

but you closed it before all who passed.

So, just as you have deprived all of them,

you too will be deprived.”

She said, “If I knew that I would die,

if I knew that I would stumble,

then I would have fed the hungry with my bread,

replenish the thirsty with my water,

shared with the needy some of my ghee,

clothed the wretched with the clothes in my cupboard,

offered rest to the tired on my mattress,

and let all travelers pass through my way.

Now I am deprived, just as I deprived the others in this world.”

Then she begged, saying, “But we have heard that you are pious

and you do not abandon anyone to this deserted place!

I know that I have sinned and pushed others to be sinners,

but I know that Hayyi is the merciful and the forgiving!

Forgive me for the sake of my father,

who gave bread and fed the hungry,

and for the sake of my mother,

who gave charity to the poor.”

GL, Book Three 40,h Glorification

He said, “Your father gave bread to the poor for his own sake.

Your mother gave charity for her own sake.

But the Forgiver will forgive the sins of the souls,

thanks to the righteous men and those who believe in Kushta.”

’u Hayyi zaken


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