Wireless Communication: Medium Access Control
Wireless Communication: Medium Access Control
Wireless Communication: Medium Access Control
• Can we apply media access methods from fixed
• Example CSMA/CD
– Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
– send as soon as the medium is free, listen into the medium if
a collision occurs (legacy method in IEEE 802.3)
• Problems in wireless networks
– signal strength decreases proportional to the square of the
– the sender would apply CS and CD, but the collisions
happen at the receiver
– it might be the case that a sender cannot “hear” the collision,
i.e., CD does not work
– furthermore, CS might not work if, e.g., a terminal is “hidden”
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Hidden and exposed terminals
• Hidden terminals
– A sends to B, C cannot receive A
– C wants to send to B, C senses a “free” medium (CS fails)
– collision at B, A cannot receive the collision (CD fails)
– A is “hidden” for C
• Exposed terminals A B C
– B sends to A, C wants to send to another terminal (not A or
– C has to wait, CS signals a medium in use
– but A is outside the radio range of C, therefore waiting is not
– C is “exposed” to B
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Near and far terminals
• Terminals A and B send, C receives
– signal strength decreases proportional to the square of the distance
– the signal of terminal B therefore drowns out A’s signal
– C cannot receive A
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Basic algorithms
• Fixed assignment
• Dynamic assignment
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Fixed Access methods
• SDMA (Space Division Multiple Access)
– segment space into sectors, use directed antennas
– cell structure
• FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access)
– assign a certain frequency to a transmission channel
between a sender and a receiver
– permanent (e.g., radio broadcast), slow hopping (e.g., GSM),
fast hopping (FHSS, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)
• TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
– assign the fixed sending frequency to a transmission
channel between a sender and a receiver for a certain
amount of time
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• CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
– all terminals send on the same frequency probably at the
same time and can use the whole bandwidth of the
transmission channel
• Disadvantages:
– higher complexity of a receiver (receiver cannot just listen
into the medium and start receiving if there is a signal)
– all signals should have the same strength at a receiver
• Advantages:
– all terminals can use the same frequency, no planning
– huge code space (e.g. 232) compared to frequency space
– interferences (e.g. white noise) is not coded
– forward error correction and encryption can be easily
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Idea segment space into segment sending segment the spread the spectrum
cells/sectors time into disjoint frequency band into using orthogonal codes
time-slots, demand disjoint sub-bands
driven or fixed
Terminals only one terminal can all terminals are every terminal has its all terminals can be active
be active in one active for short own frequency, at the same place at the
cell/one sector periods of time on uninterrupted same moment,
the same frequency uninterrupted
Signal cell structure, directed synchronization in filtering in the code plus special
separation antennas the time domain frequency domain receivers
Advantages very simple, increases established, fully simple, established, flexible, less frequency
capacity per km² digital, flexible robust planning needed, soft
Dis- inflexible, antennas guard space inflexible, complex receivers, needs
advantages typically fixed needed (multipath frequencies are a more complicated power
propagation), scarce resource control for senders
Comment only in combination standard in fixed typically combined still faces some problems,
with TDMA, FDMA or networks, together with TDMA higher complexity,
CDMA useful with FDMA/SDMA (frequency hopping lowered expectations; will
used in many patterns) and SDMA be integrated with
mobile networks (frequency reuse) TDMA/FDMA
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Dynamic access
• Bandwidth utilization when demand is low
• No coordination required
• Overhead at high demand
• More difficult to ensure fairness
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Classes of strategies
• Dynamic channel access
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Aloha/slotted aloha
• Mechanism
– random, distributed (no central arbiter), time-multiplex
– Slotted Aloha additionally uses time-slots, sending must
always start at slot boundaries
• Aloha
sender A
sender B
sender C
sender A
sender B
sender C
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Polling mechanisms
• If one terminal can be heard by all others, this
“central” terminal (a.k.a. base station) can poll all
other terminals according to a certain scheme
– now all schemes known from fixed networks can be used
(typical mainframe - terminal scenario)
• Example: Randomly Addressed Polling
– base station signals readiness to all mobile terminals
– terminals ready to send can now transmit a random number
without collision with the help of CDMA or FDMA (the
random number can be seen as dynamic address)
– the base station now chooses one address for polling from
the list of all random numbers (collision if two terminals
choose the same address)
– the base station acknowledges correct packets and
continues polling the next terminal
– this cycle starts again after polling all terminals of the list
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DAMA - Demand Assigned Multiple
• Channel efficiency only 18% for Aloha, 36% for Slotted
Aloha (assuming Poisson distribution for packet arrival
and packet length)
Aloha reserved Aloha reserved Aloha reserved Aloha
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Access method DAMA: PRMA
• Implicit reservation (PRMA - Packet Reservation MA):
– a certain number of slots form a frame, frames are repeated
– stations compete for empty slots according to the slotted
aloha principle
– once a station reserves a slot successfully, this slot is
automatically assigned to this station in all following frames as
long as the station has data to send
– competition for this slots starts again as soon as the slot was
empty in the last frame
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time-slot
ACDABA-F frame1 A C D A B A F
ACDABA-F frame2 A C A B A
AC-ABAF- frame3 A B A F collision at
A---BAFD frame4 A B A F D attempts
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DAMA: Reservation-TDMA
• Reservation Time Division Multiple Access
– every frame consists of N mini-slots and x data-slots
– every station has its own mini-slot and can reserve up to k data-
slots using this mini-slot (i.e. x = N * k).
– other stations can send data in unused data-slots according to a
round-robin sending scheme (best-effort traffic)
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MACA - collision avoidance
• MACA (Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)
uses short signaling packets for collision avoidance
– RTS (request to send): a sender request the right to send
from a receiver with a short RTS packet before it sends a
data packet
– CTS (clear to send): the receiver grants the right to send as
soon as it is ready to receive
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MACA variant: DFWMAC in
sender receiver
idle idle
packet ready to send; RTS
RxBusy time-out;
wait for the RTS RTS;
time-out CTS
ACK right to send data;
RTS CTS; data
wait for
wait for ACK data
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ISMA (Inhibit Sense Multiple
• Current state of the medium is signaled via a “busy
– the base station signals on the downlink (base station to
terminals) if the medium is free or not
– terminals must not send if the medium is busy
– terminals can access the medium as soon as the busy tone
– the base station signals collisions and successful
transmissions via the busy tone and acknowledgements,
respectively (media access is not coordinated within this
– mechanism used, e.g.,
for CDPD
(USA, integrated
into AMPS)
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Thank you
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