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Register Number


(Form of Application for MCA Examination Registration)
Master of Computer Applications - 1st / 2nd /3rd Year end Examinations – March, 2022
Examination Centre: School of Distance Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam only
N.B: Candidates should read all instructions (over leaf) before filling up application.
SDE Regd. No. (Identity Card No.) Latest pass port
_______________________________________________________________________ size (Bust) Photo
1. Full Name in English :
(including Surname)
of the candidate
. . should be affixed
2.Age & Date of Birth: here
3.Address for Communication:

4. Particulars of Qualifying Degree Examination :
already passed i.e B.A/B.Com./B.Sc. etc.,
5*. Examination for which the Candidate is appearing Subject(s) (Mark√ for the whole Examination or
Subject(s) appearing now)
1st Year Whole Exam MCA1.1 MCA1.2 MCA1.3MCA1.4 MCA1.5 MCA1.6MCA1.7 MCA1.8 MCA1.9 MCA1.0 MCA1.11 MCA1.12 MCA1.13 MCA1.14
Put Mark
Put Mark
2nd Year Whole Exam MCA2.1 MCA2.2 MCA2.3MCA2.4 MCA2.5 MCA2.6MCA2.7 MCA2.8 MCA2.9 MCA2.0 MCA2.11 MCA2.12 MCA2.13 MCA2.14
Put Mark
IE& Assignment
Put Mark
3rd Year Whole Exam MCA3.1 MCA3.2 MCA3.3MCA3.4 MCA3.5 MCA3.6MCA3.7 MCA3.8
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Put Mark
IE& Assignment
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Put Mark
6*. Particulars of Previous pass/Appearance if any in the table given below (a) All the candidates should furnish Year of Pass and
Regd. Nos. with which they have appeared/passed. If absent in Previous attempt put absent. (b) Candidates appearing for
improvement of class should furnish the Regd. Nos. of the Papers in appearance(s) which they wish to have clubbing with that of
the present appearance.
1st Year Whole Exam MCA1.1 MCA1.2 MCA1.3MCA1.4 MCA1.5 MCA1.6MCA1.7 MCA1.8 MCA1.9 MCA1.0 MCA1.11 MCA1.12 MCA1.13 MCA1.14
Year & Main Exam
Regd.No. IE& Assignment
2nd Year Whole Exam MCA2.1 MCA2.2 MCA2.3MCA2.4 MCA2.5 MCA2.6MCA2.7 MCA2.8 MCA2.9 MCA2.0 MCA2.11 MCA2.12 MCA2.13 MCA2.14
Year & Main Exam
Regd.No. IE& Assignment
3rd Year Whole Exam MCA3.1 MCA3.2 MCA3.3MCA3.4 MCA3.5 MCA3.6MCA3.7 MCA3.8 -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Year & Main Exam -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Regd.No. IE& Assignment -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------

7. Fee Particulars: Transaction Id No…………………………….. Ref. No…………………….……………………

Amount Rs. :………………………… Date of Payment :………………………………
Rupees ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Station: Signature of the Candidate

School of Distance Education
NOTE: Instructions to the Candidates:
1. Candidates should read all the instructions (over leaf) before filling up the application.
2. Lateral Entry students into 2nd Year MCA should rewrite the subjects unless they secure 50% marks in the exempted subjects.
3. Candidates should enclose Three Self-address covers, Xerox copy of all Marks Lists appeared Previously and the Identity Card.
4. Candidates who put up 75% attendance in PCP are only eligible to write the Examinations.
5.* This column need not be filled in the case of candidates appearing for the first time.
6.*Appearing Examination in specific Subject includes Main Examination, Internals and Assignments.
7. Enquiries from candidates as to the receipt of their application in the office of the Director, School of Distance Education, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam, will not receive attention. Candidates are therefore advised to send their applications by Regd. Post
with acknowledgment due so that they may have a ready means for knowing that their applications have reached the office.
8. Examination Application along with Online fee receipt should submit to the Director, School of Distance Education,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Not later than the notified date and must be accompanied by the receipt for the fee paid.
Phone No.0891-2844164, 7702257813


No.SDE/MCA/Examination/2022. Date: 21-02-2022.

Dear Learner,

Please find herewith Examination Application Form of M.C.A. of the School of Distance Education to be held in
March, 2022. The last date for submission of examination application, date of commencement of examinations are given

Examination Last date for Submission of Date of Commencement of

Examination Application Examination
M.C.A. (First Year) 11-03-2022 23-03-2022
M.C.A. (Second Year) 11-03-2022 23-03-2022
M.C.A. (Third Year) 11-03-2022 11-04-2022

For 1 Subject Rs.400/- per year

2 Subject Rs.800/- per year
above 3 Subjects Rs.1,000/- upto 7 Subjects per year
More than 7 Subjects per year Rs.2,000/-

However, applications will also be received with penal fee as detailed below:
Rs.500/- upto 12-03-2022 to 16-03-2022

The applications received in this office after 16-03-2022 will not be accepted.

1. Candidates can be download the Examination Application Form from our website: and Examination Fee also will be paid through Online from the above website.
Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor be adjusted for subsequent examinations under any

2. The candidate has to carefully go through the instructions given in the Application form before filling the
application. The candidates should note that the application form contains the Hall-ticket in duplicate also, the
signature of the candidate is necessary both on the Hall-ticket and examination application form.
3. Examination Application along with Online fee receipt should submit to the Director, School of Distance Education,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.

The candidates are informed that the defaulters of tuition fee to the School will not be permitted to take the
examination and those who have not already paid, should pay the necessary tuition fee through Online from our
website:, without any further delay.

Hall-ticket: The candidate has to collect the Hall-ticket from the Chief Superintendent of the respective Examination
Centre within three days before the Commencement of the Examination. No further intimation will be sent to the
candidates in this regard.

* Candidates will be supplied 32 pages of Anwer Sheets Booklet in the Examination Hall. They will not be
supplied any other examination additional Answer Sheets.

Instructions to Candidates appearing for Examinations
Candidates for University Examination are required to observe the following instructions very carefully.
1. Silence should be maintained in the Examination Hall.
2. Candidates should take their places in the Examination Hall at least five minutes before the time fixed for distributing
the papers. Candidates presenting themselves more than half an hour after the appointed time will not be admitted to the
Examination Hall. Candidates who are undoubtedly suffering from infectious diseases of any kind will not be admitted.
3. Candidates should bring their Hall-Tickets with them to the Examination Hall each day of the examination for
inspection by the Chief Superintendent.
4. Candidates are prohibited from writing upon their Hall-Tickets or Question Papers. Candidates are also prohibited
from writing their names or any other name connected with the answers on any part of the answer books. The Register
Number should be written very distinctly on the title page of the Main Answer Book. Failure to write their Register
Number may involve the rejection of answer papers. They should fill in the subject year on the outer cover of the main
answer book.
5. No candidates will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the expiry of at least an hour and a half after the
question paper was given out, and no candidate who leaves the hall during the period allotted for a paper will be allowed
to return within the period.
6. Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind during the examination. They are further forbidden to
communicate with the examiners, should they do so, their answer papers will not be valued and their conduct will be
reported to the executive council for disciplinary action.
7. Candidates are not allowed the use of books of any kind (except as provided as rule 8). They are also prohibited from
introducing into the Examination Hall any book, slate, blotting pad, card board, manuscript, type script or paper of any
description and from making use of any of these whether introduced into the hall by themselves or by any one else, from
communicating with or copying from each other and from communicating with any person outside the Examination
Hall. Any candidate detected on the violation of these rules will be summarily sent out of the Hall forthwith and his
conduct will be reported to the Director, School of Distance Education, A.U. Such candidates stands the risk of having
all his answer papers for the Examination for which he has appeared rejected by the E.C. and of being debarred from
sitting for the University Examination for such period as the E.C. may decide.
8. Clerk’s mathematical and physical tables will be supplied to candidates in Mathematics. Candidates should not bring
in to the Examination Hall their own copies. Scientific calculators (non -programmable) are allowed.
9. Candidates are required to provide themselves with their own pens. Candidates may bring into the Examination Hall
their own ink bottles. They must however use only black/blue while answering the question papers.
10. Particular attention is requested to the instructions regarding rough working and loose sheet paper, printed on the
answer books. Answers should not be written on the reverse on the title page of the main answer book. Answers should
be written on both sides of the remaining pages of the answer book. All rough work must be done on the right hand side
of the problem itself leaving the margin for that purpose with the heading 'rough work' underlined. The number of each
question as given in the question paper should be noted both on the margin and in the center of the page of the answer
book just above the respective answer. No separate books for rough working will be supplied to candidates. Papers
should not be detached from the answer books.
11. When candidates have finished writing their answers and wish to give up their answer books, or at the end of the
period prescribed for each particular part of examination, each should stand up in his place and remain standing until
one of the Superintendents has gone up to him and has received his answer books, from whom.
12. Candidates sitting for the Examination at the different centers should apply the Superintendent of the respective
centre for their Hall-Tickets three days before the commencement of the respective Examinations. Any particulars noted
in the Hall-Tickets differing from those given in the application for the examination, should be immediately reported to
the Chief Superintendent by the concerned candidate.
13. Candidates appearing at the centers where they are not known must be prepared to satisfy the chief Superintendents
of such centers as to their identity. They shall also be required to sign on the identification certificates produced by them
before the Chief Superintendents of the respective centres, the Identification Certificates may be obtained either from
the Principal of an Affiliated College of the University or from any Gazetted Officer in Government Service not lower
in rank than a Sub-Magistrate in Andhra Pradesh.
14. Candidates are not allowed to make use of Cell Phones / Mobiles in the Examination Hall.
I.D Number School of Distance Education Andhra University For office use only
MCA Examination in March, 2022 Register Number

This is to Certify that……………………………………………………………………………………………

Son / Daughter of …………………………………………………………is a Candidate for the Examination
in ……MCA 1st / 2nd /3rd Year-end Examination to be held at A.U. Campus, Visakhapatnam.
He/She desires to appear for the following Papers.( Put √ mark in the appropriate box)*
MCA 1stYear Examination MCA 2ndYear Examination MCA 3rdYear Examination
Whole Examination Whole Examination Whole Examination
MCA 1.1 Discrete Mathematical Structures MCA2.1 Theory of Computation MCA3.1 Information Systems Control & Audit
MCA 1.2 Computer Organization MCA2.2 Computer Graphics MCA 3.2 Network Security
MCA 1.3 Problem Solving & Programming using ‘C’MCA2.3 File Structures MCA 3.3 Object Oriented Software Engineering
MCA 1.4 Probability, Statistics & Queuing Theory MCA2.4 Design & Analysis of Algorithms MCA 3.4 Embedded Systems
MCA 1.5 Management Accountancy MCA2.5 Operating Systems MCA 3.5 Data Ware-housing & Data Mining
MCA 1.6 Systems Programming MCA2.6 Data Communications & Networks MCA 3.6 OOSE Laboratory
MCA 1.7 Data Structures MCA2.7 Data Base Management Systems MCA 3.7 Data Communic. & Networking Lab
MCA 1.8 Principles of Programming Languages MCA2.8 Operations Research MCA 3.8 Project and Viva-Voce
MCA 1.9 Object Oriented Programming MCA2.9 Artificial Intelligence
MCA 1.10 Information Systems & Org. Behaviour MCA2.10 Image Processing
MCA 1.11 Computer Organization Laboratory MCA2.11 Operating Systems Laboratory
MCA 1.12 ‘C’ Programming Laboratory MCA2.12 File Structures Laboratory
MCA 1.13 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory MCA2.13 Visual Programming Laboratory
MCA 1.14 Data Structures Laboratory MCA2.14 DBMS Laboratory
*Appearing Examination in specific Subject includes both Main Examination, Internals and Assignments.
Date: Director
Visakhapatnam School of Distance Education


I.D Number School of Distance Education Andhra University For office use only
MCA Examination in March, 2022 Register Number

This is to Certify that……………………………………………………………………………………………

Son / Daughter of …………………………………………………………is a Candidate for the Examination
in ……MCA 1st / 2nd /3rd Year-end Examination to be held at A.U. Campus, Visakhapatnam.
He/She desires to appear for the following Papers.( Put √ mark in the appropriate box)*
MCA 1st Year Examination MCA 2nd Year Examination MCA 3rd Year Examination
Whole Examination Whole Examination Whole Examination
MCA 1.1 Discrete Mathematical Structures MCA2.1 Theory of Computation MCA3.1 Information Systems Control & Audit
MCA 1.2 Computer Organization MCA2.2 Computer Graphics MCA 3.2 Network Security
MCA 1.3 Problem Solving & Programming using ‘C’ MCA2.3 File Structures MCA 3.3 Object Oriented Software Engineering
MCA 1.4 Probability, Statistics & Queuing Theory MCA2.4 Design & Analysis of Algorithms MCA 3.4 Embedded Systems
MCA 1.5 Management Accountancy MCA2.5 Operating Systems MCA 3.5 Data Ware-housing & Data Mining
MCA 1.6 Systems Programming MCA2.6 Data Communications & Networks MCA 3.6 OOSE Laboratory
MCA 1.7 Data Structures MCA2.7 Data Base Management Systems MCA 3.7 Data Communic. & Networking Lab
MCA 1.8 Principles of Programming Languages MCA2.8 Operations Research MCA 3.8 Project & Viva Voce
MCA 1.9 Object Oriented Programming MCA2.9 Artificial Intelligence
MCA 1.10 Information Systems & Org. Behaviour MCA2.10 Image Processing
MCA 1.11 Computer Organization Laboratory MCA2.11 Operating Systems Laboratory
MCA 1.12 C Programming Laboratory MCA2.12 File Structures Laboratory
MCA 1.13 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory MCA2.13 Visual Programming Laboratory
MCA 1.14 Data Structures Laboratory MCA2.14 DBMS Laboratory
*Appearing Examination in specific Subject includes both Main Examination, Internals and Assignments.

Date: Director
Visakhapatnam School of Distance Education

Signature of the Candidate……………………………………………………………………………………

This is to certify that………………………………………………………………………………………….

Son/Daughter of ……………………..………………and his/her signature was taken in my presence and


bears the following identification marks:

Latest Passport 1.
Size (Bust)
Photo of the 2.
candidate should
be affixed here

Station: Signature of the attesting officer Director

Date: Not below the Rank of Gazatted Officer School of Distance Education



Signature of the Candidate……………………………………………………………………………………

This is to certify that………………………………………………………………………………………….

Son/Daughter of ……………………………..………and his/her signature was taken in my presence and


bears the following identification marks:

Latest Passport 1.
Size (Bust)
Photo of the 2.
candidate should
be affixed here

Station: Signature of the attesting officer Director

Date: Not below the Rank of Gazatted Officer School of Distance Education

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