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PV-09052A Alternate Piping Data Form - 11-23

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Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form

345 Carlingview Drive

Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Technical Standards and Safety Act Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

Partial Data Report

NOTE: This report shall be completed and signed by the person responsible, in whole or in part, for the fabrication, installation,
testing and inspection of the piping system leaving a copy with the owner of the installation and forwarding the original
to the TSSA Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program.

Owner of Facility:
(Name and Street Address)

Location of Installation:
(Street Address)

(Street Address)

Description of Piping TSSA Work

System(s) or Identification Order Number
Design Code: Piping Registration Number: Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:
B31.1 B31.3 Cat ______
B31.5 Z7396.1 ______________ psi kPa
Design Temperature: Welding/Brazing Procedure Registration No(s): Total Length of Piping:

________________ ⁰F ⁰C ____________ ft cm

Pipe Type of NDE

Pipe Material Specification
Length Connection (If yes, include PWHT
Line # and/or Dwg # Diameter Schedule or (including grade & type
(ft/cm) (Welded, type, RT, MT, (Yes or No)
(NPS/DN) Thickness as applicable)
Brazed, Mech.) etc.)

Appendix A Attached (for extra lines)

Welder(s)/Brazer(s) Used: ( N/A ):

Name of Welder/Brazer: Stamp/ID No.: Employer: Expiry Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) Process:

(Alternatively, the Contractor’s list of welders/brazers may be attached) Appendix B Attached (for extra lines) Welding/brazing to be completed by others

Certificate Holder Qualified Person Initials,

TSSA Representative Initial & Date:
Date, and Unique Identification Number:

PV 09052A (11/23) page 1 of 2

Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Technical Standards and Safety Act Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

TSSA Work Order Number:

Final Check of Clamps, Supports, and Flexible Hoses:

Description: Print Name: Signature:

All supports, anchors, guides, and flexible hose

assemblies, including all clamping bolts and nuts, have
been checked for tightness and final installation.

Final check to be completed by others

Description of Pressure Test(s):

Medium & Final Test
Line # or Description: Duration Remarks Witnessed By Date
Temperature (⁰F/⁰C) Pressure (psi/kPa)

Appendix C Attached (for extra lines) Pressure test(s) by others


(Certificate Holder Qualified Person)
I, the undersigned, declare that the described pressure piping system approved under design registration number P#________________
complies in all respects with the regulations for construction, installation, testing, and inspection as required by Ontario´s Technical
Standards and Safety Act, Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation, CSA B51 and/or B52 and the applicable Pressure Piping Code of
Construction. All piping and fittings in this installation have been visually inspected to ensure that they comply with Code requirements
for identification. All fittings have been duly registered, are of correct schedule and/or ANSI service rating and compatible with the
required service condition.
Certificate of Authorization # ______________________ Expiry Date: ___________________

Print Name: Signature:

Qualified Person – Unique Identification Number: Date:

(Jurisdictional Review)
I, the undersigned, employed by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority of Ontario have reviewed the above piping system and
state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the contractor/installer has constructed the piping system in accordance with the
Provincial registration P#_______________ and the requirements of standards CSA B51 and/or B52. By signing this certificate, neither
the TSSA Representative nor his/her employer makes any warranty expressed or implied, concerning the piping described in this data
report. Furthermore, neither the TSSA Representative nor his/her employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or
property damage, or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this review. This report is deemed to meet the requirements of
‘Certificate of Inspection’ under sec 9(4) of Regulations 220/01.
TSSA Representative:

PV 09052A (11/23) page 2 of 2

Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Appendix A – Additional Line Information Technical Standards and Safety Act
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

Owner of Facility:
(Name and Street Address)

Location of Installation:
(Street Address)

(Street Address)

Description of Piping TSSA Work

System(s) or Identification Order Number
Total Length of
Piping Registration Number: _________ ft cm

Pipe Type of NDE

Pipe Material Specification
Length Connection (If yes, include PWHT
Line # and/or Dwg # Diameter Schedule or (Including grade & type
(ft/cm) (Welded, type, RT, MT, (Yes or No)
(NPS/DN) Thickness as applicable)
Brazed, Mech.) etc.)

Certificate Holder Qualified Person Initials,

TSSA Representative Initial & Date:
Date, and Unique Identification Number:

PV 09052A (11/23) Appendix A

Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Appendix B – Additional Welder/Brazer Information Technical Standards and Safety Act
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

Owner of Facility:
(Name and Street Address)

Location of Installation:
(Street Address)

(Street Address)

Description of Piping TSSA Work

System(s) or Identification Order Number
Total Length of
Piping Registration Number: _________ ft cm

Welder(s)/Brazer(s) Used:
Name of Welder/Brazer: Stamp/ID No.: Employer: Expiry Date: (mm/dd/yyyy) Process:

Certificate Holder Qualified Person Initials,

TSSA Representative Initial & Date:
Date, and Unique Identification Number:

PV 09052A (11/23) Appendix B

Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Appendix C – Additional Pressure Test Information Technical Standards and Safety Act
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

Owner of Facility:
(Name and Street Address)

Location of Installation:
(Street Address)

(Street Address)

Description of Piping TSSA Work

System(s) or Identification Order Number
Total Length of
Piping Registration Number: _________ ft cm

Description of Pressure Test(s):

Medium & Final Test
Line # or Description: Duration Remarks Witnessed By Date
Temperature (⁰F/⁰C) Pressure (psi/kPa)

Certificate Holder Qualified Person Initials,

TSSA Representative Initial & Date:
Date, and Unique Identification Number:

PV 09052A (11/23) Appendix C

Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Guideline Technical Standards and Safety Act
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

PV 09052A (11/23) Guideline

Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Guideline Technical Standards and Safety Act
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation

Guideline for Completing the Alternate Process Piping Form

Description Example
A signed partial data report is required
for all shop fabricated piping and shall
1 Check only if this is a partial data report. be shipped with and included with the
final data report of the piping system at
the installation site.
2 Provide the name and address of the facility owner.
3 Provide the facility address if different from Item 2.
Provide the name and address of the piping system fabricator/ installer
as listed on the Certificate of Authorization.
5 Brief description of the piping system being installed. Compressed air line; refrigeration, etc.
Provide the TSSA Work Order Number provided by TSSA Inspection
6 8765432
ASME B31.3 Categories: NFS (Normal
Design Code listed on the registered drawing. If Code listed is ASME
7 Fluid Service; HPF (High Pressure
B31.3, provide the category the piping system is designed to.
Fluid), etc.
Piping Registration Number provided by TSSA, identified in the
8 P12345.5; ACCEPT1234, etc.
registered documentation.
Provide the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure as identified in the
9 150 psi, etc.
registered documentation. Identify the unit of measurement.
Provide the Design Temperature as identified in the registered
10 70ᵒF, etc.
documentation. Identify the unit of measurement.
Provide the Welding and/or Brazing Procedure Registration Number
11 WP-T1234.5
identified on the registered Procedure Qualification Record.
Total measured value of the piping calculated in Item 17 (Include totals
12 100 feet, etc.
from Appendix A if used). Identify the unit of measurement.
Line number as identified on the registered drawing, line list, drawing
number, or other means to identify line(s) being tested.
Pipe diameter for the specific line number (create a new line for each
14 2” OD; 1-3/8” OD, 60.3mm OD, etc.
diameter used). Identify the unit of measurement.
15 Pipe schedule/thickness for the specific line number. Sch. 40, Type L, etc.
16 Material specification of the piping used SA-106 Grade B, B280, etc.
Length of piping installed in the specific line number. Identify the unit of
17 13 feet, 600mm, etc.
18 Type of connection for joining the pipe. Welded, brazed, screwed, etc.
Non-Destructive Examination completed on the line number. Include the
19 RT – 5%, PT – 100%, Visual, etc.
percentage of NDE completed. If none, state “N/A”.
Post Weld Heat Treatment completed on the line number. If yes,
20 1200⁰F/2 hours
Include the ⁰C or ⁰F per hour (if applicable). If none, state “No”.
21 Select box if more lines are required and attach Appendix A.
For welded and/or brazed connections, list the name of the welder
and/or brazer.
Include the welder and/or brazer symbol to identify connections made by
This symbol is determined at the time
the individual. This is found on the upper right-hand side of the
23 of the welder/brazer certification,
Welder/Welding Operator Certificate or Brazer/Brazing Operator
typically created by the employer.
24 Employer of the welder/brazer.
If maintaining a Welder and/or Brazer
Expiry Date of the Welder/Welding Operator Certificate or Log as allowed by ASME, CSA or the
Brazer/Brazing Operator Certificate. TSSA Code Adoption Document, state
“Per ASME Section IX”.
26 List all processes used. GTAW, SMAW, GTAW, etc.
When completed by others, “Partial
Select box if more lines are required and attach Appendix B. Select box
27 Data Report” should be selected in
if welding/brazing is to be completed by others.
Item 1.
Technical Standards and Safety Authority Alternate Piping Data Form
345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 6N9 Guideline Technical Standards and Safety Act
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation
To be initialed and dated by the Certificate Holder Qualified Person and
the Jurisdictional Representative.
Print name of the individual responsible for the final check of clamps,
29 supports and flexible hoses before the application of the pressure test.
To be signed and dated by the individual responsible.
When completed by others, “Partial
Select box if the final check of clamps, supports, and flexible hoses are
30 Data Report” should be selected in
to be completed by others.
Item 1.
This may state “All lines”, or specific to
what lines are being tested. If more
31 List all line numbers from Item 13 that are being pressure tested.
room is needed, Item 39 may be used
to record other lines or information.
Nitrogen at Ambient Temperature,
32 Include the test medium and temperature of the pressure test.
Water at 70⁰F, etc.
33 Record the final test pressure and identify the unit of measurement. 150 psi, etc.
34 Record the total time the pressure test was held for. 1 hour, etc.
35 Remarks to include results of the pressure test. Acceptable, No leaks, etc.
Record the name of the individual who witnessed the pressure test. This
individual must be a qualified person.
37 Record the date the pressure test took place.
When completed by others, “Partial
Select box if more lines are required and attach Appendix C. Select box
38 Data Report” should be selected in
if the final pressure test is to be completed by others.
Item 1.
This space may be used as additional
39 Include any remarks pertinent to the piping system.
space for Items such as 11.
Record the QA Number issued on the Alternate Piping Process
Certificate of Authorization.
41 Record the expiration date listed on the Certificate of Authorization.
Print the name and title of the Certificate Holder Qualified Person and
42 their unique identification number. To be signed and dated by the
Certificate Holder Qualified Person.
43 To be completed by a representative of the Jurisdiction.

PV 09052A (11/23) Guideline

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