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Templatte AstroIslamica Indonesia

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Volume 1 No.

2 Desember 2022
E-ISSN: 2963-0290 Journal of Islamic Astronomy

A Title Must Be Central, Bold, Font 14

First Author 1, Second Author 2, Third Author 3* (10 pt)
email First Author 2email Second Author 3email Third Author
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe (9 pt)
University of Malaya, Malaysia (9 pt)
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera (9 pt)


Article history: A well-prepared abstract allows the reader to
quickly and accurately identify the basic content of
the document, to determine its relevance to their
interests, and thus to decide whether to read the
document in its entirety. The abstract should be
Keywords: informative and clear enough, provide a clear
statement of the proposed problem, approach or
First keyword solution, and show key findings and conclusions.
Second keyword The abstract should be 100 to 250 words. Abstracts
Third keyword must be written in the past tense. Standard
Fourth keyword nomenclature should be used and abbreviations
Fifth keyword should be avoided. There is no literature to be cited.
Keyword lists provide an opportunity to add
keywords, which are used by indexing and abstract
services, in addition to those already in the title.
The judicious use of keywords can increase the ease
for interested parties to find articles. No references
are allowed in this section.


The overall length of the article is between 4000-7000
words or about 10-25 pages. Accepted articles are written in
Indonesian or English. The introduction contains the
background, rational, and/or urgency of the research.
References (libraries or relevant research of a journal), need to
be included in this section, related to the justification of
research urgency, the emergence of research problems,
alternative solutions, and selected solutions. Preliminary
arguments are reinforced from sources-

ASTROISLAMICA: Journal of Islamic Astronomy | 1

primary sources relevant to the proportion of 10 years.
Problems and objectives, as well as the usefulness of the
research written in the narrative in paragraphs, should not be
given specific subtitles. Likewise, the operational definition, if
deemed necessary, then using a written narrative. All writings
in this article use Book Antiqua Paper Custome Size, Width 17
cm, Height 25 cm.

2. METHOD (12 PT)

Contains the type of research, time and place of research,
targets / targets, research subjects, procedures, instruments and
data analysis techniques and other things related to the way of
research. targets/ targets, research subjects, procedures, data
and instruments, and data collection techniques, as well as data
analysis techniques and other things related to the way of
Target/subject research (for qualitative research) or
sample-population (for quantitative research) need to be clearly
outlined in this section. It is also necessary to write the
technique of obtaining the subject (qualitative research) and or
sampling techniques (quantitative research). Procedures need
to be elaborated according to the type of research. How
research is conducted and data will be obtained, it is necessary
to be outlined in this section.


Research results are presented in graphic, table, or
descriptive form. Analysis and interpretation of these results is
necessary before discussion. The table is written in the middle
or at the end of each text description of the research
results/acquisitions. If the width of the table is not written
enough in half a page, it can be written a full page. Table titles
are written from the left of the middle flat, all words begin in
uppercase letters, except conjunctions. If more than one line is
written in a single space. For example, you can see Table 1.

Table 1. Styles and Functions

2 | ASTROISLAMICA: Journal of Islamic Astronomy

Not. Style Name Function
1. JK_Title Heading
2. JK_Author Writer
3. JK_AbstractBody Abstract
4. JK_AbstractTitle Abstract Title
5. JK_AbstractKeyword Keywords


Conclusions can be generalizations of important findings
in research. Researchers can recommend follow-up research.


Every time citing an opinion, the author must provide a
footnote 17th Edition Chicago Manual of Style Format,
mandatory Mendeley manager reference App. Footnote
Writing Example:
Footnote Number1
Footnote Number 2
Footnote Number 3
Footnote Number 4

The bibliography is arranged alphabetically and written
1 space by giving the second line tab and so on. Please use the
Mendeley reference manager application to reduce the risk of
errors. An example of a bibliography is as follows:

Fajri M Kasim dan Abidin Nurdin, “Study of Sociological Law on
Conflict Resolution Through Adat in Aceh Community According to Islamic
Law,” Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam 4, no. 2 (2020), p.
Rz. Ricky Satria Wiranata, “Konsep Pendidikan Agama Islam
Berbasis Islam Terpadu Analisis Terhadap Isi Kurikulum SDIT BIAS
Indonesia Tahun 2018,” Abdau 2, no. 1 (2019), p. 24-30.
Mursyid Djawas, “Implementasi Pengelolaan Zakat di Aceh,”
Mazahib 15, no. 1 (2016), p. 90–103.
Khairuddin Hasballah, “The Milk Al-Yamin Concept as a Validity of
Sexual Relationship in a Modern Context: an Analysis of Muhammad
Syahrur’s Thoughts,” Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam 4, no.
2 (2020), p. 337–59.

3 | ASTROISLAMICA: Journal of Islamic Astronomy

‘Abd al-Bāqy, Muhammad Fuād, Al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras
li al-Fādh al-Qur’ān al-Karīm, Ed. I; Mesir: Dār al Hadīth, 1996.
Buttner, Amy. terjemahan, Aktivitas, Permainan, dan
Strategi Penilaian untuk Kelas Bahasa Asing. Jakarta: Indeks, 2007.
Sukmaditana, Nana Syaodih, Metode Penelitian
Pendidikan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2011.
Wiranata, Rz. Ricky Satria, Konsep Pendidikan Agama
Islam Berbasis Islam Terpadu Analisis Terhadap Isi Kurikulum
SDIT BIAS Indonesia Tahun 2018, Jurnal Abdau 2, no. 1 (2020).

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