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Some Issues Regarding The People of Innovation

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Some issues regarding the people of

bida’ according to the understanding
of the salaf

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful.

All success on the Day of Judgment is dependent upon the slave’s fulfilment of the two
testimonies: Lā ilāha illa Allāh, Muhammadu Rasūlullāh. Therefore it is extremely important to
study the meaning of these two and what they necessitate and demand from the slave in
order for him not to be negligent in these.

As we have learned from the rights and conditions of Lā ilāha illa Allāh is that the slave must
leave the major shirk by not worshipping tāghūt, he must hate shirk, declare takfīr upon
whoever worships tāghūt and hate and disassociate himself from these people.

Likewise from the rights and conditions of Muhammadu Rasūlullāh is that the slave must
leave any form of bida’ (innovation in religion) by following the Messenger of Allah
(sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) in everything that he came with, he must hate bida’, declare tabdī’1
upon whoever adopts a bid’ah and hate and disassociate himself from these people.

The reason for this is that the person who adopts a bid’ah is a person who has not found
sufficiency in the Messenger of Allah (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) and he has deviated from
his (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) teachings and his manhaj. The salaf would regard as a major
thing if a person turns away from the words of the Messenger (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam)
for the words of someone else among the Sahābah (radiAllāhu ‘anhum), then how about the
one who turns away from his (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) words for intellect, philosophy,
lust and desires?!

Imam Ahmad – rahimahullāh – narrated from Ibn ’Abbās (radiAllāhu ’anhu) that he said:

َ‫ََنىََبوَبك ٍرَوعمر؟‬:‫َوي قول‬،‫َِّبَصلَّىَهللاَعليهَوسلَّم‬

ُّ ‫َقالَالن‬:‫َراهمَسي هلكونََقول‬

“I see that they will be destroyed. I say: ‘The Prophet (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) said (it is
allowed)’, and he says: ‘Abū Bakr and ‘Umar forbade it.’” (Musnad Imām Ahmad)

So by the permission of Allah we seek to clarify how the salaf would perform the rights and
conditions of the testimony of Muhammadu Rasūlullāh, by not giving anything priority over
the Sunnah, and completing the barā’ah (disassociation) from the people of bida’, hating them
and warning against them, all as a protection of the Sunnah and out of love and respect for
the religion and its Divine sources; Al-Qurān and As-Sunnah.

1 Tabdī’: Declare a person to be a mubtadi’ (innovator).

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

Who are the people of bida’?

The people of bida’ are those who adopt a belief which is not based upon Qurān and Sunnah
according to the understanding of the salaf. Rather the people of bida’ believe in what
contradicts this in one or more aspects. Examples of these people could be Al-Jahmiyyah,
Al-Qadariyyah, Al-Khawārij, Al-Mu’tazilah, Al-Murjiah etc. And if we look at who the salaf
has described as the people of bida’ we find that some of them were people who had a lot
worship, dhikr and fear of Allah. But these things would not save them from being declared
among the people of bida’ due to them having beliefs that contradicted the ‘aqīdah of Ahlu
Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah. So whoever adopted a belief that contradicted the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allah (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam) then the salaf would declare him as being
among the people of bida’ and treat him as such. And some examples of these are:

 ‘Abdur-Rahmān ibn Muljim (died 40 after hijrah) who was from the Khawārij and he
was the killer of ‘Alī ibn Abū Tālib (radiAllahu ‘anhu).

Ibn Kathīr – rahimahullāh – narrated:

ََّ‫َُث‬،َ‫َوهو َمع َذلك َي قرَ َسورةَ َاق رَ َِبسمَ َربكَ َالَّذي َخلقََإَل َآخرها‬،َ ‫َاَّلل َبن َجعف ٍَر َقطع َيديه َورجليه َوكحلت َعي ناه‬
َّ ‫ َإ ََّنَعبد‬:َ‫وقد َقيل‬
ََّ ‫َو‬.ٍَ‫َُثََّق َ لوهَُثَََّرقوهَفَق وصَّرة‬،َ‫َُثََّقطَعواَلسانه‬.َ‫َاَّللَفيها‬
َ‫اَّلل‬ َّ ‫َإّنََخشىََنََتَّرَعل َّيَساعةٌََلََذكر‬:َ‫َوقال‬،َ‫جاءواَلي قطعواَلسانهَفجزع‬
. َ‫َعلم‬

“And it was verily said: Verily ‘Abdullāh ibn Ja’far cut off his two hands and two feet, and kuhl was
applied to his eyes. And he along with this recited the sūrah: ‘Read in the Name of your Lord who
created’, until its ending. Then they came to cut out his tongue so he became afraid and said: ‘I am
scared that an hour will pass me by in which I do not mention Allah’. Then they cut off his tongue.
Then they killed him and burned him in a pediment. And Allah knows best.” (Al-Bidāyah wan-
Nihāyah vol. 7)

 Al-Hasan ibn Sālih ibn Haī (died 169 after hijrah) who was among the tābi’īn known
for great fear of Allāh, worship and narration of hadīth. He fell in the bid’ah of the
Khawārij and he would not pray the Jumu’ah (i.e. the Friday prayer) behind the
oppressive ruler.

In his description in “Siyar Al-A’lām An-Nubalā” by Adh-Dhahabī it was mentioned:

ٍَ ‫َكنَّاَعندََوك‬:َ‫َسعتَََِبَمعم ٍَر َي قول‬: َ‫َاَّللَبنََْحدَبنََن ب ٍَل‬

َ.َ‫َف لمَنكَب‬،َ‫َفكانَإذاََدَّثَعنَََسنَبنَصالحٍَََمسكناََيدي نا‬،َ‫يع‬ َّ ‫عبد‬
.َ‫يع‬ َّ ‫ي عِنََنَّهَكانَي ر‬-َ‫َماَلكمََلَتكَ بونََديثََس ٍنَ؟َف قالَلهََخيَبيدهَهكذا‬:َ‫ف قال‬
ٌَ ‫َفسكتََوك‬-َ‫ىَالسيف‬

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

”’Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal (said): I heard Abū Ma’mar say: ’We were with Wakī’, and
when he narrated hadīth from Hasan ibn Sālih we would withhold our hands and not write. So he
said: ‘What is it with you that you do not write the hadith of Hasan?’ So my brother said to him with
his hand like this – i.e. that he would consider the sword (allowed against Muslims) – so Wakī’ became
quiet.” (As-Siyar)


َ‫َماَرَي َه‬،ًَ‫َجالسَهَعشرينَسنة‬،ََ‫ىَالسيف‬
َّ ‫َوي ر‬،َ‫لوََلَيولدَ َاْلسنَبنَصالحٍََكانَخ ًَياَلهَ;َيْتكَاْلمعة‬: َ‫وقالَََْحدَبنَيونسَالَيبوع َُّي‬
. ‫َوَلَذكرَالدُّن يا‬،َ‫َالسماء‬
َّ ‫رفعَرَسهَإَل‬

”And Ahmad ibn Yūnus Al-Barbū’ī said: ’If Al-Hasan ibn Sālih was not born it would be better for
him. He leaves the Jumu’ah and he considers the sword. I have sat with him for twenty years and I
have never seen him raise his head to the heaven (i.e. complaint) nor would he mention dunyā.” (As-


َ‫يَي وم‬ َُّ ‫قالََالمز‬: ََ‫َعنَََْحد َبن َُم َّم ٍد َالب غدادي‬،َ‫َالساج َُّي‬
َُّ ‫َدخلََالثَّور‬:َ ‫َسعتَََِب َن عي ٍَم َي قول‬: ََ‫َظنُّهَََِب َبك ٍر َاْلث رم‬-َ‫ي شيخنا‬ َّ ‫وقالََزكرََّّي‬
. ‫َف َح َّولَإَلَساري ٍةََخرى‬،َ‫ََوَخذَن عليه‬.َ‫َن عوذَِب ََّّللَمنَخشوعَالنفاق‬:َ‫َف قال‬،َ‫َفإذاَاْلسنَبنَصالحٍََيصلي‬،َ‫اْلمعةَمنَالبابَالقبلي‬

”And Zakariyyā As-Sājī said, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Baghdādī (who said): Our Shaykh
Al-Mizzī – I think it is Abū Bakr Al-Athram – said: I heard Abū Nu’aym say: ‘Ath-Thawrī entered
on the day of Jumu’ah from the door of Al-Qiblī, when Al-Hasan ibn Sālih was there praying. So he
said: ‘We seek refuge with Allāh from the hypocritical khushu’.’ Then he took his two sandals and he
went to sit at another pole.” (As-Siyar)

 Al-Hārith Al-Muhāsabī (died 243 after hijrah) who had many books regarding zuhd
and even books in which he answered to the Mu’tazilah and the Rāfidah. But he
spoke some words of philosophy so the salaf left him and it is narrated that only 4
people attended his funeral.

In his description in “Siyar Al-A’lām An-Nubalā” by Adh-Dhahabī it was mentioned:

َ‫َهذهَكَبَبد ٍعَوضَلَل ٍت‬،ََ‫َإ ََّّيكَوهذهَالكَب‬:َ‫َف قال‬،َ‫َوسئلَعنََالمحاسِبَ َوكَبه‬،َ‫ي‬ َّ ‫شهدتَََِبَزرعة‬: َ‫قالََسعيدَبنَعم ٍروَالَبذع َُّي‬
ََّ ‫َالراز‬
! . َ‫اوسَ؟َماََسرعَالنَّاسَإَلَالبدع‬ ََّ ‫َهلَب لغكمََ ََّن َمال ًكا َوالثَّور‬،ًَ‫َعليكَِبْلثرََتدَغن ية‬.
َ ‫يَواْلوزاع ََّيَصنَّفواَفَاْلطراتَوالوس‬

“Sa’īd ibn ‘Amr Al-Bardha’ī said: I witnesses Abu Zar’ah Ar-Rāzī when he was asked about Al-
Muhāsabī and his books. So he said: ‘Beware against these books. These are the books of bida’ and

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

misguidances. Stick to the athar and you will find it sufficient. Has it ever reached you that Mālik,
Ath-Thawrī and Al-Awzā’ī wrote books about al-khatarat2 and al-wasawis3? How fast are people to
fall in bida’.” (As-Siyar)

Speaking bad about the people of bida’

The salaf would point out the mistakes of the people of bida’ and inform other people about
them in order for their mistakes to be known so other people would not adopt them. They
would furthermore speak derogatory and disrespectful to them and about them, based
upon their hate to them for the damage they cause and the people they misguide. This is
not backbiting nor slander, rather it is a protection of the religion, its principles and its
sources. And the person who has ghīrah (protective jealousy) for the religion will find unease
in himself when he does not warn people about the people of bida’ and their mistakes out of
fear for that they also will fall in that.

‘Āsim Al-Ahwal – rahimahullāh – said:

ٍ ‫ََّيََِبَاْلطَّابَإّنَََرىَالعلماءَي قعَب عُهمَفَب ع‬:َ‫َف قلتَله‬،َ‫َوَنلَمنه‬،َ‫جلستَإَلَق َادةَفذكرَعمروَبنَعب ي ٍدَف وقعَفيه‬

َ:َ‫َف قال‬،َ‫ض‬
َّ ‫َََلَت رىََ َّن‬،َ‫َّيَََيول‬
.َ‫َالرجلَإذاَاب َدعَبدعةًَف ي ن بغيََلاََنَتذكرََ ََّّتََتذر‬

”I sat with Qatādah when ’Amr ibn ’Ubayd4 was mentioned, so he spoke ill of him, and discredited
him. So I said to him: ‘O Abū Al-Khattāb, I verily see that the scholars they speak ill of each other.’
So he said: ‘O Ahwal, do you not see that a man if he becomes invents an innovation, then it should
be mentioned, so people can take heed.’”(Al-Kamil fi Du’afā Ar-Rijāl)

’Abdullāh ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal – rahimahumallāh – said:

َ‫َعرفوا‬:َ‫َف قَال‬،َ‫إ َّنَهذاَي َكلَّمَفَالقدرََعِنَإب راهيمَبنََبََيَي‬: ََ‫َق لتََلسفيانَبنَعي ي نة‬:َ‫َقال‬،ََ‫َث ناََبوَجعف ٍرَاْل َّذاء‬:َ‫َسعتَََبَ َي قول‬

”I heard my father say: From Abū Ja’far Al-Hadhdhā who said: I said to Sufyān ibn ‘Uyaynah: ‘Verily
this man speaks about Al-Qadr, I mean Ibrāhīm ibn Abū Yahyā.’ So he said: ‘Make the people aware
of his bid’ah, and ask your Lord for good health.”(Al-’Ilal wa Marifah Ar-Rijāl)

2 The sudden thoughts that crosses a person’s mind or heart.

3 Over concern, anxiety, suspicion.
4 A caller to the belief of Al-Qadariyyah.

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

And ‘Abdullāh also said:

ٍ ‫َف قالََبوَت ر‬،ٌَ‫َفَل ٌنَثقة‬،َ‫يف‬

َ‫َفالَ فتََب‬،َ‫ََّيَشيخَََلَت غَبَالعلماء‬:َ‫اب‬ ٌ ‫َفَل ٌنَضع‬:َ‫َفجعلََبَيَقول‬،َ‫ِبَإَلََب‬ ٍ ‫جاءَ ََبوَت ر‬
َُّ ‫ابَالنَّخش‬
َ‫َليسَهذاَغيب ًة‬،ٌَ‫َهذاَنصيحة‬،َ‫َف قالَلهَ"َوَيك‬،َ‫إليه‬

”Abū Turāb An-Nakhshabī came to my father, so my father began to say: ’Fulān is da’īf, fulān is
trustworthy.’ So Abū Turāb said: ’O Shaykh, do not backbite the scholars.’ So he (i.e. Ahmad) turned
to him and said to him: ’Woe to you, this is nasīhah, this is not backbiting.’”(Tabaqāt Al-Hanābilah)

And Abū ’Īsā At-Tirmidhī – rahimahullāh – said:

َ‫َوتكلَّمَسعيد‬،َ‫َتكلَّماَفَمعب ٍدَاْلهِن‬،َ‫س‬ ُّ ‫وقدَوجدَنَغَيَواَ ٍدَمنَاْلئ َّمةَمنَالََّابعنيَقدَتكلَّمواَفَالرجالَمن همَاْلسنَالبَصر‬

ٌ ‫َوطَاو‬،َ‫ي‬
َّ ‫َوعبد‬،َ‫َالسخَياّن‬
َّ ‫َوهكَذاَرويَعنََيُّوب‬،َ‫َفَاْلارثَاْلعور‬،َ ‫ِب‬ ٍ ‫بنَجب ٍَيَفَطلقَبنََب‬
ُّ ‫َوعامٌرَالشَّع‬،َ‫َوتكلَّمَإب راهيمَالنَّخع ُّي‬،َ‫يب‬
ٍ ‫َوَيَيَبنَسع‬،َ‫َوعبدَا ََّّللَبنَالمبارك‬،َ‫َواْلوزاعي‬،َ‫س‬
َ‫يد‬ ٍ ‫َومالكَبنََن‬،َ‫َوسفيانَالثَّوري‬،َ‫َوشعبةَبنَاْل َّجَاج‬،َ‫َوسليمانَالََّيمي‬،َ‫بنَعو ٍن‬
َ‫َوإََّّناَْحلهمَعلىَذلكَعندَن‬,َ‫َََ ََّنمَتكلَّمواَفََالرجالَوضعَّفوا‬،َ‫َوغَيهمَمنََهلَالعلم‬،َ‫َالرْحنَبنَمهد ٍي‬
َّ ‫َوعبد‬،َ‫َووكيعَبنَاْلَّراح‬،َ‫القطَّان‬
َ‫َْل َّن‬،َ‫َإََّّناَََرادواَعندَنََنََي ب ينواَضعفَهؤَلءَلكيَي عرفوا‬،َ‫اَّللََعلمَالنَّصيحةَللمسلمنيََلَيظ ُّنَِبمََ ََّنمََرادواَالطعنَعلىَالنَّاسََوَالغيبَة‬
َّ ‫و‬
َ‫َفأرادَهؤَلءَاْلئ َّمة‬،ٍَ‫َوب عُهمَكانواََصحَابَغفل ٍةَوكث رةَخطإ‬,َ‫َوب عُهمَكانَمََّه ًماَفَاْلديث‬,َ‫ب عضَالَّذينَضعفواَكانَصاَبَبدع ٍة‬
.َ‫َنَي ب ينواَََواَلمَشفقةًَعلىَالدينَوت ثبيًَاَْل َّنَالشَّهادةَفَالدينَََ ُّقََنَي َ ث بَّتَفيهَاَمنَالشَّهادةَفَاْلقوقَواْلموال‬

”And we have verily found more than one among the leaders from the tābi’īn who verily spoke (ill)
about men, among them are: Al-Hasan Al-Basrī and Tāwūs who both spoke about Ma’bad Al-Juhanī.
And Sa’īd ibn Jubayr spoke regarding Talq ibn Habīb. And Ibrāhīm An-Nakh’ī and ‘Āmir Ash-Sha’nī
spoke regarding Al-Hārith Al-A’war. And likewise was it narrated from Ayyūb As-Sikhtiyānī,
‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Awn, Sulaymān At-Taymī, Shu’bah ibn Al-Hajjāj, Sufyān Ath-Thawrī, Mālik ibn
Anas, Al-Awza’ī, ‘Abdullāh ibn Al-Mubārak, Yahyā ibn Sa’īd Al-Qattān, Wakī’ ibn Al-Jarrāh,
Abdur-Rahmān ibn Mahdī and others than them from the people of knowledge, that they spoke about
men and discredited (them). And verily what made them to do this in our opinion – and Allāh knows
best – is the well-wishing for the Muslims. It is not thought regarding them that they wanted to
defame people or discredit them. In our opinion what they wanted was to clarify the weakness in these
people in order for them to be known. Because some of those whom they described as weak (in
narration) were people of innovation, and some of them were accused in hadīth (of lying) and some of
them were people of ghaflah and much mistakes. So these leaders wanted to clarify their situations
out of fear for the religion, and as an affirmation. Because the testimony in religion is more deserving
of being established than the testimony regarding the rights and the wealth.”(Kitāb Al-’Ilal)

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

The disassociation from the people of bida’

Whoever reads the coming quotes will find that the salaf would not take lightly upon the
issue of disassociating from bida’ and the people of bida’. Rather they would take the issue
very serious, encourage others to do the same and the salaf would even accuse the person in
his religion if he would sit with the people of bida’ and gather with them. And let the reader
know that for every quote which is mentioned here, then there are hundreds if not
thousands of similar quotes with the same meaning from the salaf.

Ibn ’Umar (radiAllahu ’anhu) said regarding the people who did not believe in al-Qadar
(Divine Decree):

َ‫إذاَلقيتََولئكَفأخَبهمََّنَبريءٌَمن همَوَ ََّنمَب رآءَمِن‬

“If you met those people then inform them that I am free from them and they are free from me.” (Sahīh

This bara’ah (disassociation, being free from) is interpreted with the meanings found in the
following quotes:

1. Not sitting with the people of bida'.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad –rahimahullāh – said:

َّ ‫وقال ََبوَقَلبة َوكان ََدرك َغَي َواَ ٍد َمن ََصحاب َرسول‬

َ‫ََو َقال َ«َصحاب‬،»َ‫َ«َل ََتَالسَواََصحاب َاْلهواء‬:‫َاَّلل َصلَّىَهللا َعليه َوسلَّم‬
،»َ‫اْلصومات؛َفإّنََلَآمنََنَي غمسوكمَفَضَللَهمََوَي لبسواَعليكمَب عضَماَت عرفون‬

“And Abū Qilābah said – and he met more than one of the companions of the Messenger of Allāh
(sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam): ‘Do not sit with the people of hawā5.’ Or he said: ‘(Do not sit with) the
people of disputes, because I verily don’t feel secure from them submerging you in their misguidance
or that they will make some of that which you already know doubtful for you.’ (As-Sunnah by

2. Not listening to the arguments of the people of bida’.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

5Hawā: Lust, desire, mishuidance. The people of hawā are those who believe in something that contradicts the
guidance of the Messenger (sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam), from the innovations, opinions, misguidances etc.

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

َ‫َاَّلل‬ ٍ ‫ََّيََِبَبك ٍرَُندثكَِبد‬:‫ودخلَرجَلنََمنََصحابَاْلهواءَعلىَُم َّمدَبنَسَيينَف قاَل‬

َّ ‫َف ن قرَ َعليكَآيةًَمنَكَاب‬:َ‫َقاَل‬،‫ََل‬:‫يثَقال‬
ََ‫ََّيََِبَبك ٍرَمَاَكانَعليكََنَي قرََآي ًةَمن‬:‫َف قالَب عضَالقوم‬،‫الرجَلنَفخرجا‬
َّ ََ‫َف قام‬:‫َقال‬،»‫َلَ قومانَعِنََوَْلقوم ََّن‬،‫َ«َل‬:‫َقال‬،‫عَّزَوج َّل‬
»َ‫َ«إّنَخشيتََنَي قرَاَآيةًَعل َّيَف يحرفاَناَف يقُّرَذلكََفََق لِب‬:‫َف قالَُم َّمدَبنَسَيين‬،‫َاَّللَعَّزَوج َّل‬
َّ ‫كَاب‬

“And two men from the people of hawā entered upon Muhammad ibn Sīrīn and said: ’O Abū Bakr,
we will narrate a hadith to you.’ He said: ‘No’. They said: ‘Then we will recite a verse from the Book
of Allāh – the Mighty and Majestic – for you.’ He said: ‘No. Either you will get up away from me, or
I will get up (away from you).’ He said: So the two men got up and went out. So some of the people
said: ‘O Abū Bakr, what would it harm you if they recited a verse from the Book of Allāh the Mighty
and Majestic.’ So Muhammad ibn Sīrīn said: ‘I verily fear that they would recite a verse for me, and
they would distort it and that would be established in my heart.’” (As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

،»‫ََّيََِبَبك ٍرََسألكَعنَكلم ٍةَف وََّلَوهوَيَقولَبَيدهَ«َل ََوَلَنصفَكلم ٍَة‬:‫َالسخَياّن‬

َّ ‫وقالَرج ٌلَمنََهلَالبدعَْليُّوب‬

“And a man from the people of bida' (innovation) said to Ayyūb As-Sakhtiyānī: ‘O Abū Bakr, I want
to ask you about a word.’ So he turned away while he said with his hand: ‘No, and not even half of a
word.’” (As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

3. Encouraging others not to listen to the arguments of the people of bida’.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

،»َ‫َ«اشددَاشدد‬:‫َُثََّقال‬،»َ‫َّتََلََتسمعَماَي قول‬ َّ ‫َ«َّيَب‬:‫وقالَابنَطاو ٍسََلب ٍنَلهَوتكلَّمَرج ٌلَمنََهلَالبدع‬

ََّ ََ‫ِنََدخلََصب عيكَفََذن يك‬

“And Ibn Tāwūs said to one of his sons while a man from the people of bida' was speaking: ‘O my
son. Put your two fingers in your ears so you cannot hear what he is saying.’ Then he said: ’Squeeze,
squeeze.’” (As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

4. Not answering their greetings.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

َ‫َشكىَذرَسعيدَبنَجب ٍَيَإَلََب‬:‫َقال‬،‫َعنَََبَالمخََار‬،‫َالزََّّيت‬ َّ ‫َعنَْحزة‬،‫َََنَجعفرَبنَزَّي ٍدَي عِنَاْلْحر‬،‫ََنََسودَبن َعام ٍر‬،‫َدَّثِنََب‬

ََ‫َ«إ َّنَهذاَُيددَك َّلَي وٍمَدينًاََل‬:‫َف قالََبوَالبخْتيَلسعَيدَبنَجب ٍَيَف قالَسعي ٌد‬،‫َمررتَفسلَّمتَعليهَف لمَي ردََّعل َّي‬:‫البخْتيَالطَّائيَف قال‬
»‫اَّللََلََكلمهََب ًدا‬
َّ ‫و‬

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

“My father narrated to me from ‘Aswad ibn ‘Āmir, from Ja’far ibn Ziyād, i.e. Al-Ahmar, from
Hamzah Az-Zayyāt, from Abū Al-Mukhtār who said: ’Dhar6 complained over Sa’īd ibn Jubayr to
Abū Al-Baktarī At-Ta’i and said: ’I passed him by and greeted him, but he did not return my
greeting.’ So Abū Al-Baktarī mentioned this to Sa’īd ibn Jubayr, so Sa’īd said: ’Verily this man
follows a new religion every day. No by Allāh, I will never speak to him.” (As-Sunnah by

5. Warning against the people of bida’ with their names.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

َ‫َ«َلَََتالسَطل ًقاَي عِنََنَّهَكَانَي رىَرَيَالمرجئة‬:‫َقالَسعيدَبنَجب ٍَيَغَيَسائلهَوَلَذاكًراَذاكَلَه‬:‫َقال‬،‫َعنََيُّوب‬،‫ََنَإَساعيل‬،‫َدَّثِنََب‬

”My father narrated to me, from Ismā’īl, from Ayyūb who said: Sa’īd ibn Jubayr said without anyone
asking him or anyone mentioning it to him: ’Do not sit with Talq’, i.e. because he has the opinion of
Al-Murjiah.” (As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

6. Criticizing whoever would sit with them or defends them and even accusing the one
who does for having the same religion as them:

‘Uqbah ibn ‘Alqamah – rahimahullāh – said:


“I was with Artaah ibn Al-Mundhir when some people from the gathering said: ‘What do you say
about a man who sits with the people of Sunnah and mixes with them, but when the people of bida’
are mentioned he says: ‘Leave us from mentioning them, do not mention them’?’ So Artaah said: ‘He
is from them (i.e. the people of bida’), do not be confused regarding him.’ He said: ‘So I disliked this
from the words of Artaah. Then I came to Al-Awzā’ī, and he was a pathfinder for these things if they
reached him. So he said: ‘Artaah has spoken the truth. And the (correct) opinion is what he said. That
person forbids to mention them. Then when will they be warned if he doesn’t speak out mentioning
them?’ And Al-Awzā’ī – rahimahullāh – said: ‘If you see him walking with an innovator and he

6 A leader of the Murjiah.

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

swears that he does not hold the same opinions as him, then do not believe him.’” (Tārikh Dimashq
by Ibn ’Asākir)

7. Not letting anything soften them up towards the people of bida’.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

َ‫َكنتَعند‬:‫َقال‬،‫يب‬ ٍ ‫َعنََب‬،‫َعنََاْلعمش‬،‫َعنَمنصورَبنََبَاْلسود‬،‫وِل‬ َّ َ‫ََنَإسحاقَبنَمنصوٍرَي عِن‬،‫َدَّثِنََبوَبكرَبنََبَشي بة‬

َّ ‫السل‬
َّ ‫ََّيََِبَعبد‬:‫َف قلت‬،‫سعيدَبنَجب ٍَيَفَمسج ٍدَف َذاكرَنَذ ًّراَفََديثناَف نالَمنه‬
ََ‫َََلَت راهَض ًّاَل‬:‫َف قال‬،‫َاَّللَإََنَّهَلوادَلكَِبَسنَالثَّناءَإذاَذكرك‬
"َ‫ك َّلَي وٍمَيطلبَدينه‬

”Abū Bakr ibn Abū Shaybah narrated to me, from Ishāq ibn Mansūr As-Salūlī, from Mansūr ibn
Abū Al-Aswad, from Al-’Amash, from Habīb who said: ’I was with Sa’īd ibn Jubayr in a masjid when
we mentioned Dhar in our conversation, so he spoke ill of him. So I said: ’O Abū ’Abdullāh. Verily
he only speaks good words about you when he mentions you.’ So he said: ‘Do you not see that he is
misguided renewing his religion every day.’” (As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

And this is truly the sign of ikhlās (sincerity) in this issue and that it is exclusively done for
the sake of Allah the Exalted.

8. Becoming insulted if anyone associated them with the people of bida’.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

َ‫ََّي َمعشر‬:‫َاَّلل َبن َالمبارك‬ ٍَ ‫ََسعت َعل َّي َبن َاْلسن َبن َشق‬،‫َوُم َّمد َبن َعبد َالعزيز َبن ََب َرزمة‬،‫َدَّثِن ََبوَعمر‬
َّ ‫َقال َرج ٌل َلعبد‬:‫َيَقول‬،‫يق‬
»َ‫َ«رمي َِنَِب ًوىَمنَاْلهواء‬:‫َقال‬،‫المرجئَة‬

”Abū ‘Umar narrated to me, from Muhamad ibn Abdul-’Azīz ibn Abū Rimzah who said that he
heard ‘Alī ibn Al-Hasan ibn Shaqīq say: ’A man said to ‘Abdullāh ibn Al-Mubārak: ’O people of
Murjiah.’ So he said: ’Are you accusing me of a misguidance among the misguidances?’” (As-
Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

9. Generally hating bida’ in its entirety.

‘Abdullāh ibn Imām Ahmad – rahimahullāh – said:

ٍ ‫ََدَّثِنَُم َّمدَبنََر‬،‫َدَّثِنَسوي ٌد‬

َ:‫ََنَّهَكانَي قول‬،‫َعَنََبَإدريسَاْلوَلّن‬،‫َعنَيزيدَبنَشري ٍح‬،‫َعنََبَبك ٍرَي عِنَابنََبَمرَي‬،‫بَاْلب رش‬
»‫ِلَمنََنََرىَبدعةًََلَت غ َََّي‬
َّ ‫بَإ‬
ُّ َََ‫«ْلنََرىَفََنَيةَالمسجدََن ًراَتُطرم‬

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

”Suwayd narrated to me, from Muhammad ibn Harb Al-Abrash, from Abū Bakr ibn Abū Maryam,
from Yazīd ibn Shurayh, from Abū Idrīs Al-Khawlānī that he used to say: ’That I see a fire in the
corner of the masjid spreading is more beloved to me than seeing a bid’ah which is not changed.’”
(As-Sunnah by ‘Abdullāh)

The tawbah of the mubtadi’ (innovator)

The tawbah of the mubtadi’ is different from the tawbah of the Jew or the Christian or the
atheist. Because a person who does not ascribe to Islām, then Allāh has made his entering
into Islām the testimony of Lā ilāha illa Allāh Muhammadu Rasūlullāh and performing the
outwardly obligatory deeds of Islām. But as for the mubtadi’ then he already performs these
things along with bida’ and therefore more is required from him in order for his tawbah to
be accepted. The salaf would not accept the tawbah of the mubtadi’ except by the following:

1. That he acknowledges his mistake.

Allah – the Exalted – said:

ٌ َ‫ور ََّر‬ َّ ‫ىَاَّللََنَي َوبَعليَهمََۚإ َّن‬
ٌ ‫َاَّللَغف‬ َّ ‫وآخرونَاعْتفواَبذنوِبمَخلطواَعم ًَلَصاْلًاَوآخرَسيئًاَعس‬
“And other who acknowledged their mistakes. They mixed some good deeds with other
bad deeds. Perhaps Allah will forgive them. Verily Allah is Forgiving and Most Merciful.”
(At-Tawbah 9:102)

Abū Bakr Al-Khallāl – rahimahullāh – narrates:

َ،َ‫َوقالَمَّرًةَاْلزد ُّي‬،َ‫َعنََبَإدريس‬،َ‫ََدَّث ناَإَسَاعيلَبنََس ٍاَل‬:َ‫َقال‬،َ‫ََدَّث ناَهشي ٌم‬:َ‫َقال‬،َ‫ََدَّثِنََب‬:َ‫َقال‬،َ‫َاَّللَبنََْحد‬

َّ ‫َخَبَنَعبد‬
َّ ‫ََِتَعليَِبَن ٍسَمن‬:َ‫قال‬
َ‫َقال‬.َ‫َوَلَيسََب هم‬،َ‫َف قَ لهم‬:َ‫َقال‬،َ‫َوقامتَعليَهمَالب ينَةَالعدول‬،َ‫َفسأَلمَفجحدوا‬،َ‫َالزَندقةَارت ُّدواَعنَاْلسَلم‬
َ‫َوَل‬،َ‫َكيفَيسََيبَهذا‬:َ‫َفقيلَله‬.َ‫َفسألهَفأق َّرَِباَكانَمنهَفاسَ َابهَفَْتكه‬:َ‫َقال‬،َ‫َُثََّرجعَعنَاْلسَلم‬،َ‫َوَِتَبرج ٍلَكانََنصرانيًّاَفأسلم‬:
.َ‫َوجحدواََ ََّّتَقامتَعليهمَالب ينةََ؛َفلذلكََلَيسََب هم‬،َ‫َوإ َّنََولئكََلَيقُّروا‬،َ‫َإ َّنَهذاََق َّرَِباَكانَمنه‬:َ‫يسََبََولئكَ؟َقال‬

“’Abdullāh ibn Ahmad narrated to us and said: My father narrated to me and said: Hushaym
narrated to us and said: Ismā’īl ibn Sālim narrated to us, from Abū Idrīs – and one time he said Al-
Azdī – who said: ‘Some people among the zanādiqah who apostatized from Islām was brought to ‘Alī
(ibn Abū Tālib). Then he asked them (regarding their kufr) but they rejected (having performed it),
and the evidences of righteous people (i.e. witnesses) was established against them.’ He said: ‘So he
killed them and did not ask them to repent.’ He said: ‘And a man who used to be Christian and then

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

embraces Islām, and then again left Islām was brought to him.’ He said: ‘So he asked him (regarding
his kufr) and he acknowledged what he had done. Then he asked him to repent and he left him.’ So it
was said to him: ‘Why did he ask him to repent when he did not ask those (zanādiqah) to repent?’ He
said: ‘This man acknowledged what he had done, but these did not acknowledge even when the
evidences was established against them. So due to this he did not ask them to repent.’” (Ahl Al-Milal
war-Riddah by Al-Khallāl hadīth no. 135)

And it is mentioned in “Ādāb Ash-Shar’iyyah” vol. 1 page 109:

. ََ‫َّوبةَلمنَاعْت‬ َّ ٌ‫الرجلَيشهدَعليهَِبلبدعةَف يجحدَ َليستَلهَت وبة‬

َ َ‫َإَّناَال‬ َّ ََ‫قالَََْحدََفَروايةََالمُّروذيََف‬

“And Ahmad said in the narration of Al-Marrūdhī regarding a man against whom it is witnessed
that he has a bid’ah and then he rejects this that he does not have a tawbah. Verily the tawbah is for
the one who acknowledges.”

2. Rectifying what he has caused of damage and clarifying this for the people by showing
his tawbah and previous bida’.

Allah – the Exalted – said:

َّ ‫إََّلَالَّذينََتبواَوَصلحواَوب يَّ نواَفأ َٰولئكََتوبَعليهمََۚوََنَالَ ََّّواب‬

“Except those who repent and correct themselves and clarify. These, I will accept their
repentance. And I am the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.”
(Al-Baqarah 2:160)

Abū Hātim Muhammad ibn Idrīs – rahimahullāh – said:

َ‫ََلَيقبلَهللاَذلكَمنهَََّتَيظهرَالَوبة‬:‫َفقال‬،‫َوَنهََتبَمنَزلَه‬،‫َكانتَلهَزلة‬،‫كرَْلبَعبدَهللاََْحدَبنََنبلَرجل َمنََهلَالعلم‬
ٌ ‫ذ‬
]53/1َ‫َ[ذيلَطبقاتَاْلنابلة‬.)}‫تَلََبوَعبدَاَّللَ{إَلََّاَالذينََتبواَوَصلحواَوب يَّ نوا‬

“A man from the people of knowledge who had a mistake was mentioned to Abū ‘Abdullāh Ahmad
ibn Hanbal, and that the man had repented from his mistake. So he said: ‘Allah will not accept that
from him until he openly declares his repentance and that he has taken back what he used to say. And
it must verily be known that he said such and such saying (i.e. the mistake) and that he has repented
from that to Allāh from his saying and taken it back. Then if this becomes clear from him then it is
accepted.’ Then Abū ‘Abdullāh recited: “Except those who repent and correct themselves and
clarify. (Al-Baqarah 2:160)” (Dhayl Tabaqāt Al-Hanābilah 1/53)

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

3. That his effort in showing his tawbah is equal to the effort he put in his bida’, and if
he had more than one bida’ to show the tawbah for each one.

Al-Hasan ibn Shaqīq – rahimahullāh – said:


”We were with Ibn Al-Mubārak when a man came to him. So he said to him: ‘Are you that Jahmī?’
He said: ‘Yes’. So he said: ‘When you leave me, then do not come back to me.’ So the man said: ‘But
I am repenting.’ He said: ’No. Not until you show from your tawbah what you have shown from your
bid’ah.’” (Al-Ibānah Al-Kubrā 1/147-148)

If he was a mubtadi’ not speaking publicly about his bida’ then there is no need for him to
publicly declare this. But if he was outspoken in his bida’ then he must speak the truth and
clarify in the same places where he has spoken falsehood and called to it.

And Adh-Dhahabī mentioned:

َ،َ َ‫يَِب َّكة‬ َّ ‫إنَلقيتَََِبَعبد‬: ٍََ‫َف قالَِلََاْلسنََبنَصالح‬،َ‫َردتَاْل َّج‬: ََ‫َعنََزافرَبنَسليمان‬،َ‫وقالََالعَلءَبنَعم ٍروَاْلنف َُّي‬
ََّ ‫َاَّللَسفيانَالثَّور‬
َّ ‫َإ َّن ََخاكََاْلسن َبن َصالحٍََي قرَ َعَليك‬:َ ‫َف قلت‬،َ َ‫َف لقيتََسفيانََف َالطَّوا‬.َ ‫َََن َعلىَاْلمر َاْل َّول‬:َ ‫َوقل‬،َ ‫َالسَلم‬
َ،َ ‫َالسَلم‬ َّ ‫فأقره َمِن‬
َ‫َفماَِبلَاْلمعةَ؟‬:َ‫ قال‬. َ‫َََنَعلىَاْلمرَاْل َّول‬:َ‫وي قول‬

َ‫َف قال‬،ََ‫َجاءّنََسفَيان‬:َ ‫َقال‬،ََ‫َعنََخ ََّلد َبن َيزيد‬،ََ‫ عب يد َبن َيعيش‬. َ‫َبزعمه‬،َ ‫َوَل َي راهاَخلف ََئ َّمة َاْلور‬،َ ‫َكان َيْتك َاْلمعة‬:َ ‫ق لت‬
. َ‫َُثََّقامَفذهب‬.َ‫َيْتكَاْلمعة‬،َ‫اْلسنَبنَصالحٍََمعَماََسعَمنَالعلمَوف قه‬:

“’Alā ibn ‘Amr Al-Hanafī said, from Zāfir ibn Sulaymān (who said): ‘I wanted to perform hajj, so
Al-Hasan ibn Sālih7 said to me: If you meet Abū ‘Abdullāh Sufyān Ath-Thawrī in Makkah then give
him my greetings, and say that I am one the first issue (i.e. I changed my opinion regarding the
sword).’ So I met Sufyān in Tawāf and said: ‘Verily your brother Al-Hasan ibn Sālih is giving you
his greetings and he says: I am on the first issue.’ So he said: ‘And what about (the issue of) al-

I said: He used to leave the Jumu’ah, and would not consider it to be prayed behind the oppressive
rulers, according to his claim. ‘Ubayd ibn Ya’īsh (narrated) from Khallād ibn Yazīd who said: ‘Sufyān

7The man from the tābi’īn which have been mentioned earlier in this text. He was a man of knowledge but he
fell in the bid’ah of allowing the sword against the Muslims and not prayer the Jumu’ah behind a sinning Imām.

Some issues regarding the people of bida’

came to me and said: ‘Al-Hasan ibn Sālih along with everything that he has heard of the knowledge
and what he has understood leaves (praying) the Jumu’ah.’ Then he got up and left.”

4. That he disassociates from the people of bida’ which he previously agreed with.

See what has been mentioned in the previous section.

Note: The mubtadi’ thinks that he is upon haqq while he is adopting some or more aspects in
his religion which contradict the Qurān and the Sunnah according to the understanding of
the salaf. It is therefore necessary that he acknowledges that he was mistaken, clarify his
mistake and openly shows his tawbah in order to prove that he now knows that he was not
upon haqq before and that his previous opinions were unacceptable according to the Shar’
(Islamic Law). This serves as a rectifier of himself along with the people he has infected with
his bida’ and as a protection of the religion. The people today who ascribe to Islām and
commit shirk at the same time and openly show their shirk are required to go through the
same steps as the innovator due to the similarity between their situations. These mushrikūn
ascribing themselves to Islām also think that their misguidance is a part of Islām and
perhaps they invite towards it, and therefore they must acknowledge that they have been
mushrikūn, openly declare their tawbah, disassociate from the people of shirk and invite
towards Tawhīd where they have invited towards shirk.

May the peace and abundant blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and
companions, and whoever follows them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.

Abū Hājar


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